#inazuma men and women>>>>
decayedgloria · 10 months
sundress szn pt. 3
ft. Ayato, Thoma, Itto
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Summer is creeping up on the city, so you decide to wear a garment fit for the occasion…
Tags:  nsfw under cut, i was lacking in the inazuma department therefore i wrote this, i love my bbgs tho, public/semi-public, established relationships, afab!reader, reader is a tease in some of them thoma’s lol, submissive themes, I popped off on Itto’s LMFAO
Word Count: ~1.2k words, not proofread
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Inazuma’s summers were getting increasingly hotter as its borders opened following the arrival of the Traveller. Whether it was the Shogun’s doing or not didn’t matter, all you knew was that you definitely needed some new dresses. 
As you stood in the Kamisato Estate’s courtyard fanning yourself, patiently waiting for your husband to arrive home, you began growing annoyed as the wind kept picking up the bottom of your dress. It was short, and makeshift in a sense, as it was an older dress you had hastily cut up in the name of fashion (and the weather). You were starting to regret it- you really did not want the estate’s staff see the… questionable marks your husband left on your behind the night before.
A blush began to creep up on your face as you recount how his nimble hands worked on your body, causing you to fan yourself faster. As if Barbatos himself saw your predicament, a strong gust of wind suddenly swept through the courtyard, ultimately lifting your dress up to reveal an indecent view. Being so lost in thought your hands tried to rush to pull it down once more, but your clumsy fingers end up dropping your fan in the process.
“Shit…” You cursed quietly, bending your knees so you could pick up the fan without compromising your dignity. As you quickly rise, you eyes caught a glimpse of your husband’s familiar white suit at the gate, filling you with happiness and relief. Making your way towards him, you gave him a welcoming smile and quickly pecked him on his cheek.
“Welcome home, my love.” Your greeting was met with Ayato’s silent gaze, surprising you. Usually, he’d shower you in kisses and affections as soon as he returned, however this time his eyes seemed to scour your entire being, taking in exactly what you were wearing. You find yourself blushing again, realizing that he was indeed checking you out.
“Darling…” His voice was just as low as it was last night, sending shivers down your spine despite the heat. “This dress that you have on is quite small.” He raises a gloved hand to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he leans in and whispers, “Shall we take it off and find a better garment?”
You knew exactly what his words entailed. Despite the growing heat inside and outside of you, you relented; following him as he leads you back into the mansion, hands all but gripping your waist tightly.
Thoma’s off days were far and few in between, so today was somewhat of a special occasion. As it had been a while, he wanted to treat you to a date in the city, and who were you to refuse your boyfriend? Especially considering how hardworking he was. You had decided to sweeten the day a little bit by donning the dress you had forgotten about in your closet; it was considerably tighter, and a little short, but nonetheless perfect for the hot Inazuman summer.
As you walked with Thoma through the city, you couldn’t help but notice how flustered he suddenly became. His eyes were constantly darting around the streets, avoiding looking at you, but his hands found themselves barely touching above your ass- he was holding himself back, you knew then. 
Smirking, you usher Thoma to the back of an alleyway and before he could object, pushed him against the wall. Both of you were out of sight, which gave you the perfect opportunity to watch as his green eyes widened when your hands made their way to cup the growing bulge in his pants.
“Ah… are you sure?” He asks apprehensively, though the mischievous glint in your eyes told him everything he knew. Soft whimpers escaped his lips as you kept up your minstrations, his hands positioning themselves under your dress to squeeze your plump cheeks.
“Look at you, already so hard.” You teased, kissing his jaw as he tried to silence himself for fear of getting found out. “Was it my dress, baby? Do you like it that much?” With a feeble nod, he shudders as he feels you undoing his pants and freeing his hardened cock, stroking it with your fingers. 
Sinking to your knees, you grinned up at your pretty boyfriend, who shivers under your touch. If Thoma liked your dress so much, maybe you should consider wearing similar ones more often, especially if it gets your boyfriend as flustered and turned on as this.
What was it, the third time in the last two weeks? You sigh as you trudged through the city jail, following a guard as you make your way to the cell that currently housed your reckless boyfriend. The oni had gotten himself into trouble with Kujou Sara again, and for what you didn’t want to know; hearing that he was thrown in there for the upteenth time on the day you both agreed to hang out was enough to irritate you beyond belief.
As you neared his cell, you began to hear his boisterous voice carry through the hallway, growing louder and louder accompanied by metal shaking. The guard threw a glance at you, probably feeling a little bad that you somehow ended up as Itto’s girlfriend. Rounding the corner, you’re met with the man himself banging on the cell bars, shouting to his heart's content, stopping only when you came into his line of sight.
“Hey! I told you guys I’m not guilty- hey, babe!” Smiling like an idiot and giving you a big wave, which in spite of your annoyance, you actually found quite cute. Disregarding the fact that he was behind bars. You toss a bag of mora to the guard for the trouble as you drag Itto out of the jail, scolding him repeatedly.
“I told you to stop getting arrested, and where do you end up on the day that we planned to go on a date? Jail!” 
“I told you it wasn’t my fault, babe! I’m sorry- ow!” You continue to chastise him, pulling his ear as you both make your way through the streets, earning a few glances. Once you had him in a secluded alley, you turned towards him and glared, crossing your arms in a huff. Unbeknownst to you, you were highlighting what might’ve been Itto’s favorite part of you by doing so- your chest.
The oni’s mouth was watering as your complaints went into one ear and out the other, preoccupied by your assets- actually, your entire body seemed to entice him this particular day. Surely, it had nothing to do with the cute dress that barely covered your ass, right?
In the midst of your rant, Itto suddenly backs you up against the wall, caging you in his strong arms as he leans down to your height. “Whoa there, sweetcheeks. There’s no need to get so worked up now.” His breath was warm against your face as you stared at him in confusion, unsure of the reason for his mood change. Before you could retort, the oni hoists one of your legs up against his side, leaving your clothed pussy right in the open. 
His fingers get to work right away, rubbing against your slickening folds as he kisses you passionately. Your mind goes blank from the sudden pleasure, only being able to moan into his lips as he toys with your pussy. When he finally pulled away, you had been reduced to a writhing mess underneath him, panting and moaning like a little whore.
“Let me make it up to ya, ‘kay?”
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There was supposed to be one more character but I couldn't write anything else so here you guys go lol
also sorry thoma enjoyers i made his criminally short :(((
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amethiosspouse · 1 month
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(gonna update this post when i find more blue men)
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wyvernne · 1 year
highkey sad the fontaine designs didn’t go heavier on steampunk/baroque smh
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godslittlesadge · 7 months
honestly designing genshin characters with their fugly ass models is a losing game from the start and its getting clearer the more characters are made and the more the model develops like cant make the guy more buff cause that makes the body look artificially attached to their weird smooth bald anime head cant add details to their face cause it will just make him uglier you literally Can't Win
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sarahsartistportfolio · 5 months
SAGAU: A Rumor Spreads
Forewarns: Female reader, real self indulgent shit, not cult au or imposter au, reader is a virgin, reader is soft and feminine, ok honestly this is straight up virginity kink I'm going call it what it is lol, Kazuha having a bittt of a corruption kink, Wanderer's section turned out really romantic? lol, this bit isn't 18+ but future chapters might be, Cyno on his knees for us👀, Xiao yearning hard,
Kazuha - Cyno - Xiao - Heizou - Zhongli - Childe - Wanderer - Maybeeee Lyney and Albedo
“Ei I’m thinking of planning a girls only getaway at an Inazuma hot springs? Would you and Yae Miko like to help me out?” 
The two are immediately beaming and receptive to the idea. Any chance for you to spend more time in Inazuma is quickly snatched up. As you sit with the two lovely ladies, planning out who to invite, where to host the outing, you explain to them that you’d rather keep this event private. If word got around(especially to the other nations) that you were holding an exclusive get together in Inazuma(at an hot springs no less) you’re afraid some nosy guests might try to peep in on the conversation. The two swear to you they’ll keep their lips shut but as your invites go out rumors just tend to spread. Now every woman in the nation of eternity would love to attend this private get away, just to get an opportunity to speak to you their goddess one on one. And of course there are those with a little more devious intentions of seeing their beloved goddess in such an exposed state. 
Oh and of course once the word gets around to the boys, the absolute disappointment on their faces plus the swirling curiosity. A trip with just the girls? What will you speak about that you don't want any male ears to hear? Is it about them? Are you going to speak about them in private?
(Heizou not so subtly asking Sara what was said on this trip. Thoma sneakily listens in to conversations any of the women have on the estate that even mention your name. Itto loudly and desperately begging Shinobu to tell him where you are holding this outing so he can just, you know, not subtly spy on your conversations.) 
Despite the rumors still floating around, you follow through with this little getaway plan. With extra reassurance from Yae Miko that if she catches any peeping toms she'll be sure to zap them. 
And despite some of the girls being more nervous to be so up close and personal with you, others are just jumping at the chance to see you so laid back and vulnerable. And the steam from the hot springs just seems to melt away your walls, as the night goes on you find the conversation drifting to…romance. You tell Yae Miko how you love to write sappy cheesy romance novels and she’s more than happy to give some of your rough drafts a read. You playfully start to run your hands through Kirara’s damp hair just to hear her purr and now suddenly Yoimiya is asking “Me next! Me next!”
It isn't until you sheepishly say “Ah well despite writing about romance a lot I’ve never actually been in love or slept with anybody.” that an audible pause washes over the group. The deer scare making a loud echoing “clink”.
Now they all begin to coo and question you. 
“There’s no way no one hasn’t fallen head over heels for your Grace yet?! You must be like thousands of years old, surely you’ve stolen someone’s heart” Yomiya loudly proclaims.
“Aww so you’re saving yourself for your one true love, how cute.” Yae Miko insinuated.
“When you say it out loud its embarrassing-”
“Has anyone caught your eye yet your Grace?” Sara asks a bit too calmly as she and Ei eye you down with anticipation. 
The girls continue to grill you with nosy questions “What’s your ideal type?” “Do you prefer men or women more?” 
And you answer them with giddiness, happy to spill your life long dreams of getting married and having a family of your own one day.
“Ah, so you desire to get married and become a mother?...” Yae Miko vocalized aloud, wondering what this would mean for the whole of Tayvet. 
“I know it's a silly little dream of mine…”
“It's not silly at all, your Grace!” Yomiya cheerfully chimes in. “If you have your heart set on someone let me know and maybe I can set up a huge fireworks display that spells out I love you.” She giggles and Kirara nods in agreement.
Thanks but I don't really want anyone to play matchmaker…
The rest of the night goes on with laughter and drinks. The women feeling blessed to see this vulnerable side of you. You assume the conversations you had with the ladies will remain private but…it seems like someone has loose lips.
Soon days after the trip, rumors start to pop up.
“Ah didn't you hear our dear goddess is still a virgin, as pure as a lily kissing the sun’s rays for the first time.” “I aspire to have the same chastity as her.” “I heard she’s specifically looking for a husband because she wants to have kids.” “Surely if she chooses a man from our nation that means she’ll permanently reside here right?”
When you meet up with Venti again he’s a little more gleeful than usual. And when you part to say goodbye he leans in, eyes close but you abruptly stop him with a hand covering his mouth.
“What are you doing?”
“I wanted to kiss you before anyone else does.” He says with disappointed eyes, voice still muffled by your hand. When you allow him to speak more it's then that you know. Somebody in at that hot springs squealed. 
And there’s no stopping these nosy rumors once they start going. What happens when they reach the ear of...?
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sea-lanterns · 1 year
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synopsis: party hookups with the inazuma girls
featuring: miko, sara, ei, shinobu, ayaka, yoimiya, kokomi
rating: 18+ n.s.f.w (men and minors dni)
warning(s): sub! afab fem reader (miko, sara, ei, shinobu), dom! afab fem reader (ayaka, yoimiya, kokomi), alcohol, slightly drunk s.ex, semi-public s.ex, swearing, vibrators, cunnilingus, fingering, marking, hickies, thigh riding, skinny dipping, may be ooc.
art credits: bai lijin among mortals
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“They’re drunk, they won’t notice we’re gone…”
Miko’s tongue dragged over your lips as she kept lustfully kissing you in the watery heat of the party’s hot tub, hands gripping at your sides to keep you situated firmly on her lap, almost as if she wanted to keep you from squirming away. Right now, Miko was supposed to be out mingling with guests as she was the host leading this party. However, things have changed, as Miko couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over the sculpture of your figure. Tongue itching for a taste, as she practically dragged you over to the hot tub for what she so desperately desired. 
“Miko, they’re looking for you…” you gasped breathlessly, hands roaming down the arch of your back and squeezing your ass when she finally came down to it. 
“And…?” Miko purred out lustfully, teeth nipping at your lips to get a better taste of your body. “Why would I pay attention to a bunch of drunkards when I have you right here…”
She was right, you know. A hot girl in your lap in a hot tub, who wouldn’t want to just stay there forever? Miko understood, as her strong grip kept you sitting against her with her tongue diving in to taste yours. The cute whimpers that left your throat enough for the hostess to groan with pleasure, wanting, craving for more more more…
“You’re so sweet…” Miko whispers, fingers trailing down to the strings of your swimsuit. “May I? I’ll be quick…”
You laughed softly at her curious beg for consent, the party girl staring up at you with big, lustful puppy-like eyes. “You’re very cute, for someone so flirty…” you whispered, allowing her to slide a finger up into your bottoms and slot themselves in between your lower lips. 
“Likewise, pretty girl…” she murmurs against your upper ones, swallowing up the small moans you let out while she slowly starts to push her fingers in…
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“Don’t worry, Miko won’t know we’re in here…”
Sara pushed you up against the wall and started grunting into your neck the further she pressed into you, teeth grazing your skin as firm arms caged you in with no means of escape. What started off as a few drinks with the jock of your women’s basketball team led to a few slips of a tongue as you found yourself making out with the infamous Kujou Sara at Yae Miko’s annual party. Something neither you or Sara herself would ever imagine doing.
She held you up in her arms and kept your legs wrapped around her waist. Large, calloused hands cupping your ass as she ground your clothed cunt against hers. “Wait…not too loud— mmh…” Sara didn’t listen, sucking dark hickies on your neck as she continued grinding you hard against the wall.
“It’s okay, Miko’s my friend. She wouldn’t mind…” Sara sighs and squeezes your ass, “If anything, she’s probably fucking a girl too…”
You feel her fingers dip into the waistband of your shorts, toying with the upper skin of your folds before slowly trailing down. “Just…don’t tell Miko we’re doing this in her room, okay?”
While you’re sure the party hostess wouldn’t mind given how close she and Sara were, you still held a tinge of worry in your eyes as Sara hoisted you up with your strength until she was eye level with your unzipped shorts. Fabric already darkened from your arousal as she used her teeth to pull the zipper.
“So wet already…” she groans, leaning in to press her tongue against your panties and taste you through the cotton. “So good…”
Sara was strong in every way, but her tongue, oh her tongue. It was brutal as it pushed its way through the cotton layer and managed to make you feel just how thick it was. The warm muscle sliding up to the waistband of your panties as her teeth threatened to pull the fabric down, leaving you bare and naked to the all-seeing eye of the jock of the basketball team…
“I bet you’re just dripping for me under there…” Sara whispers hotly as her teeth latch on and yank your underwear for her to see. Eyes glazing over with lust as your twitching, pretty pussy lay on display for her mouth to devour…
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“Hush, I can’t concentrate…”
Hidden away in the basement of Miko’s mansion, Ei was playing on the Switch Miko had, with you seated on her lap and trying not to tremble at the vibrator she taped to your clit. It was fortunate that you were the only two in the basement, as the party was happening upstairs. But literally anyone could walk down and see you like this; trembling, whimpering, and creaming all over Ei’s lap while she absentmindedly clicked through another level of her video game.
“Ei…is this the last level?” You asked shakily, the vibrating sensations edging you for release. It wasn’t enough, you needed more. Where did Ei even get this thing anyway? You assumed she must’ve borrowed it from Miko…
“Just one more darling, I promise…” Ei kisses your ear and reaches over to grab the remote of the vibrator, switching it up to a higher setting. 
“Oh!” Damn! That felt good…
“Is that better?” Ei hums, toying around with the controller as she quickly glances at your face. Oh, the sight was beautiful. Your pretty eyes all teary and close to crying, cheeks blemished in a way that had her gripping you closely. You were the definition of a good time at this party…
“Alright, fine. You win…” Ei sighs softly, pausing her game and scooping you up in her lap, setting you down on the couch before pulling out the vibrator. 
As the toy’s wire slid out from between your folds, you gasped and whimpered at the loss of stimuli. “Ei…” you groaned, trying to glare at her angrily for depleting you of pleasure entirely. “You better make up for this…”
“I will, I will…” the usually quiet girl reaches down and pulls your shorts completely off, throwing it somewhere on the floor of the basement. “Just don’t be so whiny, there’s people upstairs…”
Plunging her fingers into your slick, she slid them in with ease and kissed the skin of your stomach, pushing your shirt up to expose more of your torso while feeling you clench and squeeze all over her.
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“You’re very good at riding me, you know…”
Shinobu smiles as you ground your hips down against her thigh, slick folds sliding up and down the toned muscle while she flexes every so often to keep you lurching for more. An angry knock at the bathroom door signifies that you’ve been in there for too long, but do you and Shinobu care? Hell no.
“There’s other bathrooms…” Shinobu grins, hands gripping your waist as she maneuvers you back and forth in her thigh, “It’s Miko’s house after all…”
You groaned and clung onto Shinobu’s shoulders for support, rocking your hips against the girl’s toned legs while she sucked your nipples with her tongue. Tweaking it with the tip and leaving dark bruising marks on your skin from her teeth. 
“Hey! You’ve been in here for ten minutes!” A voice called out from outside the door. The punkette groaning and gripping your hips tighter, still rocking you brutally as she leans back against the toilet lid.
“Use the other ones! I’m busy!” Shinobu swallowed up the moan you let out when she flexed her muscle against your clit. Tongue delving deep into your mouth as she prodded and pressed her tongue against yours. One hand reaching up to grope your left breast and massage it as you rode.
Although you were worried about taking up one of the bathrooms with Shinobu, you had to admit that it was one of the best things you ever did as your eyes rolled back in pleasure from the way she drove you back. “Fuck— ‘nobu…” you could feel yourself creaming over her thighs as sticky squelches and smacks could be heard throughout the room. Shinobu’s purple eyes glazing with lust as she leaned in to kiss you.
“You’re so fucking hot…” She murmurs, pink tongue licking over her teeth as she contemplates what else to do with you. “Can you bend over against the sink? I have some more ideas.”
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“More please…Ah…”
Innocent girl Ayaka who had one too many drinks and ended up head over heels for you. Spotting you from across the pool and core absolutely throbbing the moment she saw you…
She wanted you, she needed you. You were so hot and she wondered how many ways you’d make her cum with Miko’s party music blasting in the distance. Ohhh she needed you so bad, evident with how her thighs squished together as heat pulsed through her core. You noticed, of course you did. And instead of trying to sober her up like the kind hearted girl you were, you ended up stumbling into one of Miko’s guest rooms with Ayaka below you, peppering sweet kisses against her neck with her legs wrapped around your waist. 
“Mmh…!” Ayaka was so adorably whiny, bare legs in the air as her shiny cunt took your fingers so well. She was so wet, she must’ve been soaked while talking to you by the poolside, precum globbing inside her underwear as just hearing your voice made the woman want to cry. 
“You’re so wet…” You groaned, smelling the alcohol from innocent Ayaka’s body, “Were you like this when you were staring at me…?” 
You wanted to laugh at how pathetically guilty she looked as she nodded. Too tipsy to realize how honest she was being as she swallowed more of your fingers in. “You’re so cute…”
God! Why did you have to praise her!? 
You felt Ayaka’s walls spasm the moment you called her cute and she squirted all over the palm of your hand. Your eyes widened at the sight, Ayaka even more so as she blushed and covered her mouth in shame. Fuck, that was so hot…
“I’m sor—” Ayaka gasped when you sped up the pace, not quite done with her yet as she gripped onto your shoulders to ride her orgasm. “Oh…oh…mm!”
“That was so hot…” you whispered out breathlessly, squeezing the woman tighter against you as her walls clenched and tightened around you. “Guess you’re not as innocent as it seems…”
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“Yikes! That’s cold…”
As the liquor trickled down Yoimiya’s neck and down her breasts, you found yourself licking your lips at the sight and moving in to taste the trail. Yoimiya squeaks at the warm sensation from your tongue and quietly groans in pleasure, looking down at you with a heavy blush on her cheeks.
“H-Hey…that’s not fair…” she giggles, taking another shot of liquor and tipping it towards you to drink. “You have to drink too, I can’t be the only one getting tipsy…”
You chuckled and let her feed you through the glass, liquid burning down your throat as it slid down your gullet with ease. Yoimiya was a tricky one however, as she purposely spilled a little bit past your lips and smirked when she saw you squirm. 
Oh, she shouldn’t have done that…
Tongue immediately on her lips, you French kissed her into submission and pulled her body flush against yours, cocktail dresses all drenched in the mess as you dove your tongue in to meet hers. Yoimiya was flustered, heavily so as the mix of alcohol and you on her tongue had her thighs pressing together to keep the wetness from spreading. She was so turned on…
“Hah…why don’t we…go somewhere more secluded…?” Yoimiya giggles nervously, staring up at you with the cutest awkward look you’ve ever seen on a girl. She presses a small kiss to the edge of your mouth and shyly tugs your wrist forward. “We can continue in one of Miko’s guest rooms. Come on…”
Her words were simple. Just head to one of the guest rooms and continue there, right? Wrong. If only you two were able to keep your hands to yourselves, hands grabbing at Yoimiya’s breasts as she finally caves and lets you pin her to the wall of some distant hallway. Deciding to just ‘fuck it’ and pray no one wanders down this way.
“Ah…dammit.” Yoimiya whines as your tongue trails over a nipple, sucking on it with ease. She grips onto the scalp of your hair and tugs you down to go lower. “Too much…’s too much..”
Too much she says? You chuckle and kneel down to be eye level with her dress, flipping it up to give her the best cunnilingus she’d ever receive…
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“It’s not that cold I promise…”
Kokomi smiles up at you as she stands there naked in the water behind Miko’s beach house. Out of everyone attending the party, you didn’t expect Kokomi of all people to suggest skinny dipping in the dark. Her clothes all scattered on the sandy beach shore while she beckons for you to come closer. 
“I swear it’s not that cold…”
Yeah, right. You roll your eyes playfully and begin stripping off your underwear to get in, Kokomi’s eyes locked on your figure as she runs over the sculpt of your ass in awe. Damn, you’re hot…
Perhaps Kokomi wasn’t as innocent as she seemed to be, as the moment you dove into the water she quickly swam up to you and pressed her naked body against yours, pushing you alongside the stone wall as you felt her pussy bump into yours. “Kokomi…!” You laughed in genuine surprise, her breasts rubbing up against yours as she leans in for a kiss under the moonlight. 
“I think you’re drunk.” You say with a smirk, blocking her lips from reaching yours. 
“I think you’re wrong.” Kokomi rebuttals, a playful smile joining her face as she leans forward to whisper in your ear. “I haven’t had a drink all night. I just wanted to do this with you…”
Okay, this wasn’t the quiet girl Kokomi you knew, but wow was it hot. Perhaps you’ve awakened something in her during her stay at this particular party. After all, it seems that everyone has found a hookup one way or another tonight. It might just be something in the air…
‘Ah fuck it.’ You only live once and decided to lean in and scoop Kokomi up in your arms. Squeals emitting from her perfect lips as you kissed and molded her body against yours. The way she hooked her legs around your waist was everything, and as you pinned her back to the wall and began grinding at her cunt, all you could think was…
‘Thank god it’s Friday…’
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idkfitememate · 6 months
Fox!Creator in inazuma at the temple, it could start with just meeting yae, she's being her usual sassy fox self, and then we could meet Raiden who's visiting yae? Or maybe we go with yae to mess with gorou, and in the process meet kokomi? Ooh or we go with her to a meeting and meet the kamisato siblings! Or perhaps kujou Sara went with Raiden? Kirara delivers a package to narukami shrine? Maybe we go with her to yae publishing house and run into itto and shinobu and the arataki gang, in the street beetle fighting? Or they're going with itto to buy the lastest miss hina advice book! Idk just some ideas that sprang to mind as soon as I saw that creator could be fox lol, hope you like at least one of them :D
Welcome to the crew Fox!Creator! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
Today there was supposed to be another ‘execution’. (Vision taking)
Instead, there was a small fox sleeping on the Raiden Shogun’s platform, blocking her path.
That fox, was you.
Honestly? People thought she’d kick poor you, but instead she gently pushed you with her foot. (‘Still technically a kick.’ Some people in the crowd thought)
But the small fox with a strikingly large tail didn’t budge. In fact, you swatted at her shoe, turning over and… lying. On her shoe.
She glanced at her guards - who shrugged- before nudging you again. This time, however, you made a noise of disagreement, and swatted at her leg.
With your claws.
Effectively ripping the fabric.
…Uh oh.
Her eyes narrowed, and forced you off with a little more force, forcing you to awake. Naturally, you were just a little pissy that you nap was rudely interrupted by some prissy bitch with ass shorts, so you did the only logical thing a god in fox form would do.
Summon ancient yōkai, no duh.
Large oni with red and blue skin emerged from the bushes, their bodies imbedded with the power of geo, causing rampant chaos. Kitsune appeared from the shadows, luring men and women alike away for… let’s just say mischief. Kappa stole children away into the water, forcing them to swim home, laughing at their misery.
What? You didn’t actually want to kill people! Killing causes death, man! That shit kills you!
Glancing back up at the Shogun, you shook your body and licked at your fur, looking for someone.
“HEY!!! LITTLE FOX!!! OVER HERE!!!!” There he was.
Sticking your tail up at the Shogun, you jumped off the platform, and moved onto the Main Street, weaving through the crowd running from oni, and finally making it to your friend.
Arataki Itto. Your numero uno.
Holding a palm out, you quickly scale his body, laying down around his shoulders, resting your head on his. Felling your tail getting scratched, you noted that Shinobu was also here. Neat.
Normally you would’ve taken offense… if you weren’t already asleep again.
And with that, the Itto gang ran off, leaving a now extremely pissed off Shogun. Though a chuckle sounded behind her.
“Well then, a new fox.~ Whatever shall we do?~”
“Not now, Yae.”
All that matters to you was that your little group was safe, and that you could sleep in peace.
Itto Gang normally: 🎉🥳🎈🎁🎁🪅🪩👯‍♂️👯‍♀️👯🍾🎊🎈🎁🎈🍾🥳🍾👯🎊🎊🍾🎁🎁👯‍♂️🍾👯‍♀️🍾🎁🪅🪅🪩🪩🎁🎊🥳
Fox!Creator: 😴
Itto Gang after seeing them asleep: 🎉🥳🎈🎁🎁🪅🪩👯‍♂️👯‍♀️👯🍾🎊🎈🎁🎈🍾🥳🍾👯🎊🎊🍾🎁🎁👯‍♂️🍾👯‍♀️🍾🎁🪅🪅🪩🪩🎁🎊🥳
Hehe. Chaos Boar, pampered Otter, parental Tiger, eepy Fox! All that’s left is Liyue! Let’s see who gets here first!~ ໒꒰ྀི ܸ. .ܸ ꒱ྀི১ !!
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yuellii · 10 months
aurora borealis green
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feat. miko, kazuha, ningguang, thoma, lisa ( separate )
𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 they are so obviously in love with you
( or, in which i tie them to a taylor song i’ve been crazing over, but you don’t have to listen or know the songs to read / understand )
note. reader’s gender unspecified, implication of sexual intimacy ( for miko, the others do not have this )
> part one ( more characters ) / part two
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YAE MIKO. false god
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Her affections stemmed from a sort of sightless faith.
When she leans back downwards, pink strands all messily cascading down her shoulders, she plants the lightest of kisses on the bare stomach of your laying form. But you could tell such a small act was still the most holy of worships, almost as if she was kissing the ground of a path to an alter.
“You were so divine,” she whispers, lips plump against your skin. And it feels like sin, almost, to have the Yae Guuji speak to you as if communion was melting on her tongue. “I wonder what God I pleased to ever deserve you…” It a mumble that’s so casually said, one that is only spoken between divinity and its loyal follower.
And said loyalty was etched into her name, truly, coursing through the way her fingers traced along your hips. They were gentle, almost akin to worship.
You were no God. And yet, there was a blind faith in her eyes that swore to the Heavens about the things she would do for you—to wait centuries, to topple down Celestia, to defy the Gods themselves, all for you. But was faith really blind, when the taste of religion danced upon the lines of her lips?
You may be no God, but you were her only diety. Oh, how the real Gods of this world were probably glaring down on you now—to see the Grand Narukami shrine maiden laying atop your body in a manner of worship that was only meant for sanctity. A manner so sacred, one that she should only show to the reigning Celestia and never to you.
But when she loves you more than the Gods, you might just get away with it.
⎯ ✧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
KAEDEHARA KAZUHA. cornelia street
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He met you at sea, a Liyuen shipmate on the carefree Crux.
Carefree: He’d say that word was a great way to describe you. You were like the ocean, so unbelievably unpredictable and characteristically carefree. He swore he saw the serenity of the sea in your spirits—and when he introduced himself with a mere ‘Hello, I’m Kazuha,’ your smile in return may have haunted him for an eternity that the God of Electro could not even dare to recreate.
Kazuha grows to love the sea at the same time he grows to love you. Wishing waters practically spell out your name, and he thinks of you in a way that harmonizes to the nature of this world.
Such harmony proved to be naive, however, on one trip where Beidou sadly proclaimed you were not on this journey, and he felt sick to his stomach. It was the first time he got seasick. It was the first time ever since he step foot out of Inazuma that he felt so drearily dizzy, and it was when you were not there.
The ocean felt lonesome, he felt incomplete. And being surrounded by its ferocious vastness felt so scarily suffocating that even the sounds of waves would haunt him in his sleep.
Then it was quite telling, truly, when the moment he docked onshore, the light of your eyes greeting him with the crinkling scent of the sea came to cure his feverish feelings. He was well again, suddenly the waves felt so kind—and perhaps that was when he realized that harmony was a silly ideal; you are the ocean itself to him. Love so powerful, so beautiful, and yet so calming: his love for both was a bind he could never break.
And if he ever lost you, he’d never set sail again.
⎯ ✧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
NINGGUANG. paper rings
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Kiss her once and take her to an high-end dinner, kiss her twice with a diamond ring, three times if you book the most expensive wedding in Teyvat.
That’s what she expected from the thoughtless men and cheap women of this world. Because she liked shiny things, and diamonds were a girl’s best friend. Only price tags for a woman so bejeweled—only luxury for the leading lady of a nation. But when it was you… Oh, when it was you…
In plastic gifts, in picture frames, in paper rings, you were still the one she wanted. Several times, she’s been offered the most dazzling a of rings by businessmen and high class women for a life of luxury. And yet, the one time you jokingly folded her a little paper origami ring that was too big for her finger, she felt her heart flutter in ways that could only be described in poetry written by hopeless romantics.
She wore it for the day, even taping it down to be tighter on her wedding finger. She was even sad when the paper eventually ripped, as if this ring held more value than any other ring she was ever offered. Rings that cost millions, rings that were dug up from the deepest and most dangerous mining sites of Teyvat—still beat by a ring made from thin paper.
The entirety of riches and the entirety of the elite, all forever beat by her simple lover who gave simple gifts.
But she didn’t mind. If you got down on one knee now and proposed to her with another paper ring and the most modest of smiles on your face, she would say yes even quicker than a heartbeat. Her heart would flutter, her mind would blank, her body would break down into the happiest of sobs until she’s sinking into your arms.
If another person proposed to her now with promises much more expensive than yours—promises that would fulfill the dreams of wealth from her childhood—she knows she would say no, it was more than obvious to her now.
She wants all of you. All your companionship, your complications, your confessions; Because in her values, they were all priceless.
⎯ ✧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
THOMA. gold rush
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What must it be like to grow up consciously carefree?
What must it be like to grow up so beautiful, that you could have all of Inazuma trailing your footsteps for just a glance? To have both Kamisatos eyeing you, to be so carelessly happy even under the scrutinizing eyes of the elites—as if not even threats of losing your nobility could stop you from being such a fun-loving person. And even if you had pressure like that, you were still rolling as life went on, still with a smile that he so adored—
Thoma just slapped himself back into the real world.
Adoration? For someone so beautiful and so out of his reach? Really? He grumbled some scoldings to himself as he held the broomstick in one hand and his stinging cheek in the other.
He had such a stupid mind for daydreaming of such things; in fact, these thoughts weren’t even the worse of his colorful collection. Sometimes he’d think about what it would be like to actually be in love with you.
But they were such nice thoughts, really. Just the idea that he would get to see someone so gorgeous every day. He could imagine himself cooking up meals with all his love, taking care of your things just for you to return to him after your busy meetings to his adoring arms. And he’d do it all, really, anything to allow you to continue being so happy and so healthy while still remaining an Inazuman noble.
He just slapped himself again.
Who was he kidding? He didn’t have even the slightest of chances, not when everyone loved you, not when everyone wanted to be with you, and certainly not when everyone who admired you was at a better standing of nobility than he was.
You’re so easy to love… But he’s so easy to forget.
⎯ ✧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
LISA MINCI. tolerate it
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If your life was one of the books in this Favonius library, then perhaps she would only be a footnote on some random page in the middle.
Perhaps she should be glad at how aware she is, but the sense of awareness only made her more frustrated than before. Because awareness meant that she knew her place in your life ( or, the lack thereof ), and knowing her place meant that she willingly ignored all the signs that pointed her to turn away.
Your friendly smiles, your distracted looks, your mild toleration: they should have been enough to tell her you weren’t interested. You only smile at her as a friend, you look distracted when she speaks to you, and your toleration was probably the worse of all.
Toleration meant you’d continue to overlook her; Toleration meant that all these advances she made were fruitless. It would mean that every favor she did for you like a little library servant was just a waste of her time.
And yet, she still did them. She still delivered all the books you requested right to your study table in the library, plus even more books related to your topic. She still told you all the information she knew on details you requested, even if they took hours to explain. Worse, she still adored you enough to pipe up every time you called her name, just happy to hear it.
But maybe you were like Jean, and maybe you were like the rest of them—you just thought she was lazy. Maybe all these acts of services were just seen to you as a part of her job instead of sleeping during her hours all day. Perhaps it isn’t as big of a deal to you like it is to her.
Because when all you give her is a little friendly smile after she exerts her love and time to you, she feels defeated even more.
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slickfordain · 1 year
𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐔, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐊𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐢'𝐚𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝. 💀💀
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Male!reader, cult AU, done with everything reader, Unknown God is called Asmoday— Yandere themed, Khaenri’ah lore theory from diff people implied in by yours truly ✨me/Fyu✨. I made male!reader because fuck I lost all my ask inboxes 😭
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Nothing could be more terrifying, than the creator himself finding out about the destruction of Khaenri’ah that had the Archons immediately down on their knees. They were horrified, because, most likely the Archons never wanted to destroy it in the first place— it was Celestia! Surely you’d understand!
But all you were doing, was chugging down your cola/Pepsi down your throat, your eyebags being visible;; which was easy enough for you to make a bitch resting face. ❝That was my favorite nation… Took me four years, now it’s ruined…❞ You sounded oh-so Godly upsetting, it’s tearing the Archons’ souls at this. ❝Your grace no! We didn’t mean it, I swear!❞ Barbatos was clinging onto your waist, Beelzebul was clinging onto your arm;; and Morax clung onto the other arm, gently trying to make sure you’re not choking from the drink by now.
❝Your grace we promise it wasn’t our doing…!❞
❝Yes!! Listen to the Shogun! It’s Celestia’s doing! That filthy palace, right?! Asmoday deserves a punishment too!❞ Barbatos agreed with the electro Archon’s words, for the first time, as you gave out a huff at their antics. You’re too tired, too exhausted. ❝Jesus… What’s the point in living if my four years creation is already ruined…❞
Just by hearing that made everyone in Teyvat absolutely mortified. Yes, mind you that not only can the Archons hear this;; but everyone around Teyvat. Since you exist, your voice is simply in everyone’s ears;; especially the unknown God’s.
❝And why the fuck is everyone killing the monsters- my babies used to be humans, everything was so normal— what happened when I died??? 💔💔❞
The Archons couldn’t take it anymore, and bursted into … A waterfall. Their eyes were crying out I tell ya.
❝Pardon me? I believe the drunken bard was the one who demolished every single men and women who tried running away, and don’t get me started on the Raiden.❞
❝You dare accusing my sister?! Your grace! I’ve always been loyal to eternity and kept my promise! Do not trust these fools, they’re lying about my sister Makoto!❞
Even their crying was spread throughout Teyvat. And never in anyone’s life in Inazuma, had they thought the Raiden Shogun would be so… Whiny and, well, emotional. Especially in Liyue who has never seen Rex Lapis’ Archon form being this emotional as well. Childe was at the brink of choking and almost dying. /real
Snezhnaya was so close to victory if you took their side as well. The more the Archons fought one another for you, this means you’d love them more. And the more you love them— the more you could destroy Celestia with Tsaritsa!! Hold on I think Tsaritsa is going love love crazy with a huge blush—
But in all honesty, this makes Dainsleif so fucking angry. They DARED casually talking and whining to you as if they can order you around to punish someone! As much as he hates Celestia’s guts, your appearance came first. Filthy Archons… He knew he should’ve tried killing them the day Asmoday’s attack went feral over Khaenri’ah…
And as for Kaeya and Albedo, those two were definitely going to grab Venti and attack him like feral men who’d do anything for their divine. You.
Everyone was so unsure of how to feel about the Archons. Killing a nation because of what? Their nature? If Celestia truly did send them off to kill the innocents… Then that meant… They’ve been killing humans this entire time.
Xiangling and other children are definitely going to throw up from the thought of it, as they have to be comforted by other people who gave them a light pat on the back. Even for Xiao, who has been more traumatized for realizing that the robots were also made from Khaenri’ah to not destroy nations, but to destroy the heavenly principles and Celestia. All this time… They’ve tried attacking innocents who didn’t even try bothering them, they bothered them first.
Yeah. Horrified nations is definitely set upon the place. And I think, Aether is going to take his frustration out on the Archons once they get back. Not only did they not help him to find his sister, Aether has been completely lied to!
But no worries… Aether will be helped by you right? You must be so… Soooooo tired of them… He will do anything in your hands, he will obey, if it meant he could be helped by you. He’d be so blessed if that were to be the case.
If his sister leaves him for the Abyss one more fucking time, he wouldn’t blame her— but would give up at this very point seeing that Lumine wouldn’t choose him over Abyss. Nahida was right. She belonged to this world, and he was just a traveller through different dimensions.
But then… Who was he truly, if Lumine was never from his own world from the beginning? Who was he to you?
He has heard about your story, your tales… How you always wore a cloak with designed hood over your head;; how you died by such brutal creatures who tried taking over Teyvat. You were a pretty boy, that he wasn’t going to lie about. You were strong, a bit too strong. You’re too overpowered that you didn’t even need to lift a finger, just say in your head that you wanna delete someone and boom. Deleted. Completely erased.
(And you don’t even fight, 💀 lucky bastard)
No matter… That was not the time to think about, right?
The nations aren’t even sure anymore if they should forgive the Archons. For they have sinned and destroyed your favorite creations, Khaenri’ah and it’s people. There was no way they’d ever get your forgiveness.
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Which is a lie because you would forgive them but you will be so frustrated trying to remake Khaenri’ah ahahaha— oh yeah while also beating Celestia up by deleting it.
Also ew I’m stuck in a restaurant
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zweetpea · 25 days
Interlude: Between storm and forest
“I’m sorry what?” You ask but it’s muffled. Scaramouche ungags you. “I’m sorry what?”
He kisses you and you kiss him back. “Yes! Finally someone who wants to be with me! I’ve been waiting for someone to actually want me! I guess Baizhu and Dvalin do, but I was promised debauchery! Three people interested does not a harem make. I guess Ayaka may count. But I’ve never seen a harem anime with four people.”
“You’re not going to have a harem. I am going to be your husband and with your power I’m going to overthrow the Archons.”
“Yeah! Let’s go! Venti shot me! That bitch has this coming. Zhongli may be hot and he may or may not have two cocks but he still nearly let his people die so he could drink tea. And your mom may have giant tits… actually your mom’s coming around on me. Like she’s a bitch for abandoning you but she is trying to be a better leader.”
“Ugh, you’re loud.” He starts to leave.
“Wait! Don’t you want to ravish me as my husband to be?”
He looks back at you, face as red as a tomato. “What are you saying!?”
“Are you self conscious? I can take top if it would be easier for you.”
“Just shut up!!” He screamed and left.
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It was about a month since Scaramouche had taken you away from Inazuma. He’s barely touched you in that time. Gave you a few kisses but it never went farther than that and a few cuddles at night. Like sure you guys are traveling but still!
“Scara.” You say one night. Climbing on top of him. “Please.”
His face goes up in flames. “Stop.”
“I have been promised debauchery. I can feel that you want this. Your dick is sprung against my ass. So what is the problem?
we don’t have to do anything tonight but I’d like to know what is going on. A normal thing married couples do is this. Just tell me what’s wrong, I promise I won’t judge.”
“…I… I’ve never… done this before.”
“Do you want to wait?”
“No. It would be harder then because I’ve put it off so much. Doesn’t that bother you though?”
“Do you think that I came out of the womb a non virgin? I had my first time like everyone else. We’ll take it as slow as you want.”
“In that case.” He flips you both over on the bed. “I hope you’re ready to not be able to walk tomorrow. I may have never done this but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.” He kisses down your neck.
“Okay this is certainly something I didn’t expect. I never knew I needed Dom Virgin Scara in my life.”
“I won’t be a virgin for long darling.”
You squeak. Now it’s your turn to blush like a virgin.
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The next morning you can’t feel your legs, your ass is sore, your throat hurts and your mouth tastes salty.
“Can you fuck me like your a virgin every night?” You say when he wakes up.
“I’m spent. Next time I’m binding these grabby hands of yours with my Obi.”
“What does a Star Wars character have to do with how hard you fucked me?”
“What’s Star Wars?”
“Nerd movies. The first three made were decent. The prequels and sequels suck!”
“What’s this?” A voice from the doorway called. You two looked back and saw dottore.
“What a pretty specimen.” He said walking closer to you.
“Stay away!” Scara warns wrapping his arms around you.
Dottore lunges and Scara quickly grabs the electro gnosis and uses it to blast you away.
You clung to the blanket for dear life. And when you awoke, you were surrounded by sand and tan buff men and women.
“Pansexual panic!”
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laurixs · 11 months
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GENSHIN MEN at the beach
diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao, tartaglia, thoma, itto
❕: masterlist
❗️: hickeys, scars (diluc’s part), kissing (kaeya’s part), throwing you in the water, pda (thoma’s part) PURE FLUFF
you were actually suprised when diluc said he never been at the beach, after that your number one priority was to take him to the beach. he’s a bit anxious at first cause he has a lot of scars on his back so you lay him down on his stomach and start leaving love bites nd hickeys everywhere on his back. after, you realized that made the situation worse cause now there were hickeys everywhere. diluc ended up wearing a tanktop, in your eyes he was the most handsome person. especially in a tanktop which showed his amazing toned muscles
when i tell you this man FORCED you to go to the beach with him only to get his perfect tan. he has a routine too! 15 minutes tanning front and 15 minutes back. then 20 minutes in the sea and he repeated the same routine over and over but you got bored so forced him to stay with you in the sea. you and kaeya are the cliché couple that kisses in the sea. you go far away from the little kids and you wrap your legs around his waist. his head stays on your neck sometimes leaving some pecks or kisses but nothing much. after some time he throws you over the sea and gets out to continue his tanning routine
zhongli is the typical person to get a chair and a book and stay at the shore. he loves seeing little kids playing around while he reads his book in peace but when he sees you, alone in the sea swimming by yourself, he leaves the book in the chair and joins you. you hop on his back holding his shoulders while you two swim away from the coast caressing his head and hair here and there. he’s really a good swimmer! when he’s helping you apply sunscream, he is most likely to give you a massage by doing it. he’s really gentle with you and your body. he makes sure you’re comfortable and then hops on his chair to continue his book.
xiao was very indifferent about going to the beach. he prepared everything, sunscream. especially sunscream. “come on xiao. please come with mee” you begged him. you wanted him to come with you in the sea but he keeps saying no, laying down on the soft sand with some sunglasses to protect his eyes. when you came back from a long swim he was literally burning. his skin was red. really really red. when you got closer you noticed he was sleeping. you touched him slightly and he left out a groan “ouch. that hurt” he said while he got up “am i sunburnt?” “yes. very much”
he chooses always the most expensive beaches where you have to pay for everything and never stays around you. he pays for the beach umbrella, the sunbathe bed, ice cream, your martini, etc.. but he always stays at the stupid bar of the beach. you had to beg him by going at him and looking at him: he already knew what you wanted so he said bye to his friends at the bar and went with you at the beach. when you got out from the bathroom you realized he went to the sea without you! and man you wish you never went with him at the sea cause he didn’t leave you alone for a second. always throwing you somewhere, putting pressure on your shoulders so you could go down and “drown”..
literally helps everyone at the beach. and the other girls love staring at him. actually he’s becoming one of the hottest boys in inazuma. everybody loves him, even the old women. that’s too bad, cause he loves you. some women even flirt with him at the beach but he refuses saying he’s non interested. “is my baby okay?” literally says it million times a day. when a girl is looking a bit too much you sit on his lap and start kissing his cheeks. he loves pda. he loved when you’re clingy in public touching and kissing him everywhere. but he stops you midway: “do you want some sunscream dear? we don’t want to get a sunburn do we?”
is literally a baby. literally. will run superfast when going to the sea cause the sand is burning while you’re hopping from an umbrella shadow to another yelling at him to wait for you but the oni is already at the coast. itto is the typical guy to literally start swimming after 2 seconds. he stays at the coast for a bit so his feet get familiar with the sea temperature and he jumps. literally jumps while you have to take things slower cause the water is too cold at first. he splashes you while you take things slowly telling you to dive into the water because it isn’t that cold. he gets inpatient and takes you by your waist and throws you deep. you grip his biceps and laugh almost want to throw a slap at him for doing that but you just kiss him.
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katskitoshi · 8 months
synopsis: just some soft, sweet moments with some of the inazumans.
characters: ayaka, kuki, gorou, yoimiya, thoma, ayato, kazuha, and tomo (mostly separate) x gn!reader
includes: poly! kazutomo (i love them so you will too), sweet moments with some inazuma men and women!! ♡
--just watching ayaka dance. time seems to stop, the air seeming to cool around the two of you. she giggles nervously before slowly stepping into the water. drawing her fan out, she begins her angelic movements with little snowflakes and ice shards trailing her. your eyes follow her as she moves, love glazing them over. ayaka, your girlfriend, your future wife, seems so perfect in these moments that when your eyes meet, you can't draw them away -- and neither can she.
her dancing stops, but the world doesn't resume nor does the air warm. never breaking eye contact, ayaka slowly approaches you, and she takes your hand in her own. her usual ice-cold fingers feel so warm in your embrace. she leans in, then to your lips. a kiss that resumes time itself, warms the air, and sparks love once again between you.
--kuki, who rarely gets free-time from playing the gang's brain, finally finds comfort and relaxation with you. you take her to a secluded part of an inazuman forrest, where only you and her can exist. a little picnic is set up, all her favorite dishes and desserts presented before her on a soft blanket. when you show her, she's speechless, almost as if she doesn't like. perhaps you did to much? was it not enough? maybe she didn't like-
all the thoughts of what could have made her silent suddenly come to a close when her lips meet yours in a gentle moment. you hadn't even notice she'd taken off her mask. but since she did, you can see the clear smile on her face. "thank you so much for this, love. i guess you can really tell when i need a break." kuki begins to walk to the blanket, lowering herself on it before she pats the area besides her. "aren't you going to join me?"
--it's almost as if gorou is always busy or free, but never when you need him. he loves you dearly and always tries to make time for you but all his soldiers and kokomi work him like a dog. which is totally unfair! but you understand and try to help him out when you can. whether it's with his work, or a nice massage and meal when works done. he loves what you do for him, but gorou can't but feel guilty. he felt like he was the one working you! so, he decided to treat you to a nice night in the city once a festival rolls around.
each stand that catches your eye, he'll let you wander and stare as long as you want. and don't even think about pulling out your mora! gorou is sponsoring the whole night. any food or item you wish for he'll buy and carry for you. once the night is over, he'll drag you outside your little cottage and lay you down on the soft grass. you two can watch the twinkling stars, in silence or in conversation, but at some point gorou just turns to you and stares. the admiration in your eyes as he stares at the stars and the admiration in his eyes as he stares at his star.
--yoimiya who obviously brings you on dates to make, test, and watch her fireworks -- but also loves telling you stories during the process. she'll always bring you your favorite foods with a smile on her face as she drags you to some far off area from the village before gushing on about anything any everything. oh, did you see that butterfly? let her tell you a story she heard the other day about one she saw that was almost as beautiful as you!
just as you reach the mountaintop, the stars start to glimmer especially bright. yoimiya takes your hand and drags you close to the edge where she takes a seat and waits for you to accompany her. she sets the fireworks, and you two relish in the few silent moments before the loud booms start. crackles of [favorite color], red, orange, and pinks all explode against the dark sky.
your eyes focus on the fireworks, but yoimiya's eyes focus on you. she couldn't look away if she wanted too. of course the fireworks are beautiful, but your beauty alone surpasses anything she could make. yoimiya kisses your cheek and smiles before pulling your head to rest on her shoulders. the night quiets around you, the crackles and booms of the fireworks make a lovely melody in the background to aid the picture perfect moment yoimiya and you have created.
--the life of a nobleman's retainer seems to never come to a halt, but thoma will always put work to a pause for you. one day, he'll bring you out to the komore teahouse. taroumaru will greet you with loving barks before he leads you to a secluded room of the teahouse, where thoma awaits you. a shy smile is etched on his lips, and the table before him is covered in an abundance of dishes that makes your mouth water. as you take your seat across him, thoma thanks you for coming and tells you to help yourself.
as the night advances, his initial nervousness melts away. he'll start a conversation on just about anything; the weird odd jobs he's been doing, disputes he's resolved, even little secrets he's never thought to tell anyone! when he's with you, he stops being a retainer or the fixer, he just becomes thoma: your boyfriend. and he loves not having the additional weight of everything else on his shoulders.
--ayato never has free time but he'll sure as hell make some for his lover. perhaps you can join him in his office while he works for a bit? he'll let you rest your head on his lap, and if one of his hands are free, he'll even rub little shapes into your arm, or back, or whatever part of your body you'll let him. if you're not fancy to laying his head in his lap, perhaps you can sit on him instead. he won't mind. and, if that's also not to your liking, he's free to offer you to sit by him and let him rest his hand on your thigh. t
hese moments are sweet in itself, but this is just a little warm up for what he has planned later. once he's done working, he'll pick you up, and use one of his delicate gloved hands to cover your eyes as he leads you somewhere. soon enough, you're off the estate grounds and in the nearby forrest. he removes his hands from over your eyes, and behold: a tea party is set up. some sweets imported from across teyvat lay on the small table with
the finest inazuman tea already steamily brewed. off to the side there's a record player, playing some nice music the set the scene. still holding you, ayato gently places you in the seat across from his own, but does not seat himself. he notices you about to go for a pastry and dabs your hand away.
"allow me, darling." he grabbed the pastry you were going for and tilted your chin up with his other hand. "say, 'ahh~'" and you do, he places it in your mouth and you take a bite. his hand holding the pastry places it on the plate infant of you but he never lets go of your chin.
"ayato..?" "you have something right..." his pointer finger flicks a crumb off her cheek. and then he leans in and licks your lips before kissing you. ayato doesn't stop until you're nearly breathless. he chuckles as a string of saliva connects you before promptly snapping. he lets go and sits on his side on the table. "..there."
--besides for their travels, tomo and kazuha aren't ever that busy. with them, every moment is a soft moment. each mini cooking competition as the two compete for which of their dishes is best. each cuddle session, that started as a stargazing date. each time kazuha would write you a poem or make you a love letter and make tomo jealous. each time tomo would make a meal that puts master chefs and kazuha to shame, or plants and gives you flowers, or grooming and taking care of his cat, mimi. every moment was worth it with these two. even as tomo might not always be there because of each odd job he picks up. or kazuha might just take a moment to run off on his own. but at the end of the day, you all are together, and thats what matters.
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pinkworldone · 8 months
When you like girls/boys that are short
Yandere(?) Genshin Impact x reader
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characters from:
part 1:
Mondstadt: Rosaria, Amber, Kaeya, Albedo
Liyue:, Shenhe, Xiangling, Zhongli, Xiao
part 2 will contain:
Inazuma: Ayato, Thoma, Gorou, Kazuha, Raiden Ei, Kuki Shinobu, Yae Miko
part 3
Sumeru: Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham, Dehya, Candace, Wanderer, Nilou, Kaveh
NOTES!!.: I still exploring Fontaine and the characters, so for now, I’m not writing for any Fontaine characters! Have a good day/afternoon or night, hope you like it! This is my first time writing in English.
Thank you, @nervousdelusionballoon, for letting me use the idea!!
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Rosaria was liking you for a very long time, she always watch you, saying that it’s for your protection, but she knows very well that isn’t for just protection.
Rosaria is a really quiet woman and many may consider her difficult to deal with, so your approach to her took a while, but it happened. You would go to Church almost every day to thank Barbatos and she would stay by your side or just watch you from afar, Rosaria don't believe in the Archons, however, if it meant staying close to you, having the slightest touches of your skin, she could accept that a bit,  always spelling the Archon' name wrong, which you complained about at first, but now you just accepted it and is happy with the company of your dear friend.
As a nun, Rosaria cannot get involved in certain personal relationships, even so, she seeks at least something more than friendship, just let her protect you, but don't have a relationship with anyone, okay? Rosaria has this kind of thinking, she doesn't stay with anyone and neither do you, they would just be friends... So, when you say you like someone, she just listens in silence, thinking about how to end that person. And if you said you like shorter men and women, she'll be freaking out inside, you said you found Albedo attractive! 
Rosaria felt strange, because she didn't trust him and also didn't want to see you with anyone. You also started to praise Amber quite often, which made her angry and hurt, was it because Amber believed in Barbatoes?! Was because of this? Did you want a devout person to the Archon?!
No, no, no! She will look for the deepest secrets and if she doesn't find anything compromising enough, she will stay by your side and invite you to the Church, after all, she needs to participate in certain activities and when she can't escape them, she always calls you to keep an eye on her. in you. Albedo and Amber have already realized how much Rosaria is by their side, especially, silently judging them and they feel that any wrong step or word would lead them to a not very good end.
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Kaeya is quite attentive when it comes to his sweetheart (but you still don't know that you are destined for him), always winning over and trying to flirt with you, giving you hints that he liked you and only you! Those nights at the bar weren't enough for you to realize?! Kaeya knew you were weak to drink and so he could take advantage of that. 
What shocked him was hearing that you thought Aether (or Lumine) and Albedo were cute just because they were shorter, he stopped drinking for a few seconds, listening to you ramble about how cute they were. This makes him angry, so all those days, months of flirting were useless because you liked shorter people!? 
Kaeya tried to smile for you, support you through it all, but it was difficult, he didn't want to share it and  he won't. Slowly moving you away from the "cute" or short guys, flirting in public so they know they don't have a chance, the smile getting bigger when they mention you two as a couple. 
“a cute couple” they say, making his smile bigger and you flustered, even Albedo and Amber noticed that…
everything is going according to plan.
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Shenhe wasn't a person fond of "humans", after all, she barely knew the concept of humanity and people didn't consider her as one either. So, being treated like a human and with so much affection, care and patience was a good experience. So good that she didn't want it to end. Hearing you say that you liked Xiangling for being shorter left her genuinely confused, she was conflicted as she didn't know how to react. Did she let you go or did she fight for that good feeling of kindness? Ant the bad thoughts began to fill her mind, did you like Xiangling because she was more human?
humanity is weird for her, so, the way she acts towards you is weird too.
Shenhe is strange towards any loving or more human sensation, so when the source of her jealousy appears, she wants to get rid of this evil so that she can become calmer and return to her normal, stoic state. But the moment you said you liked short people, she just didn't know what to do. Even if she got rid of them, there would always be someone else who caught her attention, and Shenhe can't change her own height. leaving her conflicted. In any case, Shenhe will remain by your side, she knows that she can be scary and that many may be afraid of her, so why not take advantage? So maybe you can see that height is not that important....
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His passion for you was so gentle and obvious by the unintentional touches, the way he always called you and stayed by your side, but you were oblivious to all of that. Maybe he was just a good friend and since you received some advice from Zhongli, you thought about saying your preference for a love interest.
He was interested, maybe he was your type? Maybe you liked him and that was an excuse to say you loved him? so cute! So, he heard that you liked Xiao, he just looked at you in silence, which might scare you at first. Zhongli was in shock, as long as you are happy, he repeated to himself several times. Zhongli started to ask what made you interested in Xiao, and when he heard that it was time, he realized that there was no way to get your heart that easily. Those hours, days, months of courting you weren't useful?!
No, no, no! He wanted to stay in that idea “as long as you’re happy”, but you can’t be happy without him! You can’t see it? He will make you see that he is perfect for you, Zhongli first told you that Xiao probably wasn't interested in anything romantic and when that doesn't work, he'll talk to Xiao about you, asking him not to accept you. Zhongli had made you more and more dependent on him. Acting more and more like a "charming prince", even if he is eliminating the rivals.
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liliewrites · 9 days
a/n : helloooo thereee lovely readers of minee:)) here's the pt 2 of my worship series featuring raiden ei!! also, to the ppl who submitted asks, i think i'll be uploading them laterrr or tomorroww:)) i've been kind'of busy for the past few days due to school stuff, but i promise they'll be uploaded real soon!! thanks to Haddy my editor for proofreading & editing
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-warning/s ; somewhat religious motifs(?), NSFW, cunnilingus (r!receiving), biting. -pairings/s ; raiden ei x fem!reader - where in; these three women worship you, their lover, when hundreds and thousands, even millions of followers would drop on their knees to ask for blessings, for mercy, for prayers - and yet for you, at your beck and call, they would do anything you ask as they kneel for you at the same time , as proof of their devotion to you.
(men and minors please dni utc!)
The Archon whispers against your skin, hands trailing down your back and untying the obi of your yukata with one delicate motion. The way she holds you, the way she calls your name so softly, is in stark contrast to how the Archon usually is when in front of her followers. Stoic and apathetic when faced, heartless and without mercy when angered. 
”My beloved wife..”
She whispers once more, tugging on the sleeves of your yukata, revealing your bare shoulders. Acting on feral instinct, Ei immediately bites down on your shoulder, causing you to whimper as you grip on the god’s skin. If it were anyone else who dares to inflict even the tiniest little scratch on her skin, they will be stricken with Inazuma’s unforgiving lightning, followed by a clap of loud thunder, a clear sign that they had just committed a grave sin for even touching the shogun. 
But right now, in this moment, only loud groans that have erupted from the Archon’s lips can be heard when your nails buried themselves into her skin. Ei pulls away, and you are looking at eyes filled with devotion, as if you are the god here and not her, she stares at you lovingly as she gives you a few minutes of respite. She smiles a little at you, before leaning in to kiss your shoulder, akin to an apology for biting down on your shoulder. “My beautiful wife..” she murmured, for a while, you thought that she has return to handling you with a more benign manner, yet to your surprise, strong, firm arms wrapped themselves around your shoulder, lifting you up from the futon and onto the shogun’s lap.
It is now that you realize you have make a mistake. The momentary gentleness she has shown you is never an apology for biting you, but a prelude to what she has in mind for tonight. Ei pushes you down onto the futon once more, causing you to let out a yelp and starts to nip at your skin. Small, little bites before has change into her teeth sinking into your flesh. It is the shogun’s trademark to mark things that belongs to her, especially evident in the beings that she has created where they bear the shogun’s symbol on their neck. But in this case, it is a mutual relationship with you belonging to her and her to you. So as she bites and marks the flesh of your neck and chest, you in return scratch and sinks your nails into her back, marking her back. Moans freely come out of you with groans coming out of her. It is a symphony of mixed, pleasured cries and noises to both you and Ei’s ears. The sounds that you both emit are the most beautiful you have both heard. More so than any prayer or song offered to Ei by her followers. 
Her lips meets your wet folds and with one delicate motion, she lifts your hips up pulling you in towards her. Her tongue starts flicking against your clit, as if she is whispering a sweet prayer to it, before moving on to lap up your juices as if she is starved for water. After all, the sweet juices that drips from you is Inazuma’s best delicacy that can only be offered by her beloved wife. To her, she is more than blessed to be able to taste this delicacy provided by you
To show you her gratitude for granting her such an opportunity is her utmost priority with the beautiful sounds you have been letting out proving that she is inching closer and closer to her goal.
”E-Ei! why.. did you..”
And yet, she drops you for a moment, goes onto her knees and lowers her face close to your soaked pussy. She breathes in your musky scent, gripping onto your thighs as she forcefully spreads it open. “Forgive me, my love, but I wish to savor your taste for much longer..” she mumbles, her warm breath brushing against your clit. She then presses light kisses across the sensitive area, making you mewl and whine at your increasing need for even more stimulation. Feeling your need rising higher and higher, you grip on Ei’s hair making it clear to the archon that you want more, making her feel impatient as well. Feeling annoyed at you for not letting her savor you in peace, she immediately dives right back into you without warning, making you let out a loud whiny moan that sounds so fucking pleasurable to Ei’s ears. It is loud and she hates loud noises, but the sounds you let out is like an aphrodisiac stimulating her ever further, sounding so much more better than the thunders that come from Inazuma’s skies. Licking you, tasting you, driving her tongue in places that makes you shiver and tremble, she holds you down with a firm hand as you squirm in her hold. 
The night is far too young, and the god has intentions to keep worshiping you with her tongue until the sun rises for the next day. So hold out a bit more longer for her, will you?
a/n : hallooo!!:)) ”あなた..” means "anata" which is an endearment japanese couples use, kind'of like saying "my/mine" hihi
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yinlikesbooksandtea · 8 months
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-" My heart desires only you. "
Kamisato Ayato. The eldest son of the Kamisato clan that serves the Inazuma Shogunate. Not only was he a politician, Kamisato Ayato was the most powerful warlord in Inazuma. Even though he was a powerful warlord and politician even he had some battles which he could not win. And that is love. Even the cunning Kamisato Ayato would fall in love. Even the warlord was a human. In fact he fell for a mere peasant girl that lived in a farming village .
Nakamura Y/n was the woman of his dreams . He had met her on a faithful morning at Narukami shrine. The local beauty of her village. Kamisato Ayato was never the type to believe in love at first sight. Yet he fell at first sight and he fell hard. Even if it was just a glance, he would always remember the way she looked.
-" Beautiful . "
The words he mumbled to himself . The sun was setting into the horizon, her skin glowed gently from the setting sun. Her cheeks flushed into the same shade as sakura petals. Her hair fluttering gently in the wind and the scent of sakura blossoms surrounded her wherever she went. All he could think was how beautiful she was. His love was no where as pure as he thought. After all obsession stems from possession. A man that is greedy will always go after his desires. Ayato was the living epitome of the phrase. He knew what he wanted.
As soon as he got home that day, he cleared his schedule and pulled out ink and paper, drawing her features before it slipped his mind. Even in his dreams, he dreamt of her being his. The way her skin would feel in his hands, her soft lips against his, the sound of her sweet voice. Craving and obsessing over her, wanting her all to himself . Even as he works all he can think about his her , would she squirm after being teased or would she be flustered and burry her face behind her hands . No matter the reaction he would still be amused .
Any task his spies had would be pushed aside to find this dream girl of his. After three days they manage to dig up every information of the poor girl. From how old her parents were, till what type of food she liked, her type in men and anything he could get his greedy hands on. The warlord spent hours reading the information he had obtained. Obsessing and romanticizing about her like a delusional man. Ayato spent no time writing letters for her hand in marriage promising wealth , power, land and anything she could want. The problem was no matter how many letters he sent, she would never reply. The young lord was stunned. He a noble, politician, powerful warlord and eligible bachelor. What else could she want ? It would seem foolish not to marry a man as prestigious as Ayato. He was heart broken the first time the spies had came back shaking their heads. His sorrow evolving into rage from the sheer frustration he felt. The boiling rage and confusion that was brimming in his heart. Furthering into his obsession with this dream girl of his.
- " What do you mean she didn't reply ? "
Annoyance and irritation laced in his tone. The air in the room fell quiet. Ayato set down the stack of documents calmly, almost too calm before he interrogated the poor spy .
-"Miss Nakamura said that she had nothing to say. My Lord, there are many other women Inazuma that are far better then Miss N-"
- "Don't try to hide that you failed at persuading her."
Kamisato's eyebrows were knit together as his eyes narrowed at the spy in front of him. Ayato's fingers curling around the papers creasing them. A streak of maroon, appeared on the poor spy's cheek cutting cleanly through his mask. The poor Shinobi stood frozen processing what had just happened. The crimson liquid slowly dripping out from his wound, fingers shakily touching his cheek registering a dagger had grazed passed him in a mere second. Silence filling the room, as Ayato stood up from his seat. The spy glanced at his lord horrified seeing him holding a dagger in his right hand. A punishment would be given. In that moment, that wasn't Ayato anymore it was the warlord that had killed thousands on the battlefield. The warlord Kamisato Ayato. Suddenly a knock came from his door. Ayato had no choice but go dismiss the spy. Sighing he waved his hands signaling the man to get out of his office .
-"Come in."
In came Kamisato Ayaka, with a tray of milk tea and an assortment of deserts. She smiled at her brother before gently placing down the refreshments. Annoyed with her sudden appearance, Ayaka must have something she wanted if she came to him during his office hours. He coughed, trying to compose himself.
-"What do you need, Ayaka?"
-"Nothing much brother, I just thought you might need some refreshments."
- "Set them on the table and please leave I have unfinished business to attend too."
She did as she was told. A mischievous grin on her face as she left. Whilst closing the door the young girl whispered, purposely loud enough for her brother to hear.
- "Love is a battlefield where even the most powerful warlord cannot win, brother."
Ayato was not one to give up easily. He's never lost on the battlefield and he surely would not lose in this one. If love is a battlefield that Ayato could not win. He would simply take her, after all a warlord by nature is being a conqueror.
Hello hello everyone! I know it's definitely been a while since I've posted anything on here! This has been in the drafts for a while and I've finally gotten to rewriting it :) I'll try to post more often^^
Have a nice day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)—⁠☆
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razorblade180 · 7 months
Aether headcanon because why not?
Actually enjoys fishing
Has a mean competitive streak after several losses in TCG
Paimon braids his hair in the morning if he’s too sleepy to do so
Kinda introverted but was forced to be more outgoing after losing Lumine
Likes quietness in the daytime, but not a fan of it at night.
Enjoys quality with close ones. Even if it’s sitting in a room doing nothing
An actual menace to society when around his sister or someone he’s very comfortable
Likes the feeling of being sore
The right corner of his lip bleeds when he’s hyper focused in a fight because he’s biting the inside. He’s trying to stop
Enjoys light rain.
Favorite Teyvat meal is Kaeya’s specialty and Noelle’s specialty.
Sneaks off sometimes to fight abyss mages as a way of “blowing off steam”
His personality changes ever so slightly depending on alignment. No one is certain if it’s to reflect the archons or if it’s a deeper meaning
Anemo Aether is pretty casual and curious. Easily the most extroverted demeanor.
Geo Aether can be a bit more blunt (heh) as well as focused. Tends to be a little more imposing.
Electro Aether takes the least amount of bullshit and less forgiving temperament. Not the biggest fan of being looked down on and ready to put someone in their place.
Dendro Aether holds the most outward joy. Someone might mistake him for some kind of fairy or spirit when he’s playing with Aranara. Pretty reckless yet adept.
Hyrdo Aether is calm and pretty resilient. Kinda emotional but fairly good at keeping it in check. Fairly easy to agitate in comparison to the rest aside from Electro. Empathetic from all the emotional people and it kinda stinks.
Is awake more than he sleeps but also known for having many napping spots.
Questionable choice in men some would say.
Amazing choice in women, others might say.
Bisexual and polygamy enthusiasts
Gave Paimon her own house in the teapot
Not a big climbing fan.
Has a low energy day like every two weeks. Sometimes less. Very much relates with Kokomi.
Slight fear of lighting after fighting Raiden.
Thinks often about Jeht and the adventurer from The Chasm.
Claims the world changes or grows bigger than he remembers. Paimon never believes him outright.
Can’t get enough of Albedo’s company.
A little envious of Diluc’s high ponytail
Would actually commit atrocities if someone hurt Paimon.
The automatic big brother to every child and the feisty lion cub to Dehya and Jean.
Has accidentally called Ningguang “mom.” Will not talk about. She actually found it quite endearing.
Will die, fight, and live for Collei in any given situation. She is cherished at all times.
Tends to usually drink around Beidou, Venti, Eula, and Rosaria. Its a swell time.
Everyone claims he clearly has a slight accent that gives away he’s not really from here. Aether doesn’t hear it at all.
Will occasionally do something dramatic enough like scream in a secluded forest or attempt to cut his hair just to get Lumine to show up for like five minutes. She won’t tell him anything but that’s no excuse to not hug him.
Enjoys quality time with Lynette.
Makes two separate birthday cakes for Ei and Makoto.
60% a cat person. 40% dog person.
Knows a little archery thanks to Amber
May or may not own an Inazuma wanted poster of himself because it looked cool.
Actually has standard Favonious armor, Watasumi military garb, and a suit with shades after helping Navia.
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