#yandere shenhe x reader
dymttz · 8 months
Pinterest: *Shows image of any female character with breasts*
Me seconds later: *Open Google* Character x reader *Search*
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pinkworldone · 8 months
When you like girls/boys that are short
Yandere(?) Genshin Impact x reader
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characters from:
part 1:
Mondstadt: Rosaria, Amber, Kaeya, Albedo
Liyue:, Shenhe, Xiangling, Zhongli, Xiao
part 2 will contain:
Inazuma: Ayato, Thoma, Gorou, Kazuha, Raiden Ei, Kuki Shinobu, Yae Miko
part 3
Sumeru: Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham, Dehya, Candace, Wanderer, Nilou, Kaveh
NOTES!!.: I still exploring Fontaine and the characters, so for now, I’m not writing for any Fontaine characters! Have a good day/afternoon or night, hope you like it! This is my first time writing in English.
Thank you, @nervousdelusionballoon, for letting me use the idea!!
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Rosaria was liking you for a very long time, she always watch you, saying that it’s for your protection, but she knows very well that isn’t for just protection.
Rosaria is a really quiet woman and many may consider her difficult to deal with, so your approach to her took a while, but it happened. You would go to Church almost every day to thank Barbatos and she would stay by your side or just watch you from afar, Rosaria don't believe in the Archons, however, if it meant staying close to you, having the slightest touches of your skin, she could accept that a bit,  always spelling the Archon' name wrong, which you complained about at first, but now you just accepted it and is happy with the company of your dear friend.
As a nun, Rosaria cannot get involved in certain personal relationships, even so, she seeks at least something more than friendship, just let her protect you, but don't have a relationship with anyone, okay? Rosaria has this kind of thinking, she doesn't stay with anyone and neither do you, they would just be friends... So, when you say you like someone, she just listens in silence, thinking about how to end that person. And if you said you like shorter men and women, she'll be freaking out inside, you said you found Albedo attractive! 
Rosaria felt strange, because she didn't trust him and also didn't want to see you with anyone. You also started to praise Amber quite often, which made her angry and hurt, was it because Amber believed in Barbatoes?! Was because of this? Did you want a devout person to the Archon?!
No, no, no! She will look for the deepest secrets and if she doesn't find anything compromising enough, she will stay by your side and invite you to the Church, after all, she needs to participate in certain activities and when she can't escape them, she always calls you to keep an eye on her. in you. Albedo and Amber have already realized how much Rosaria is by their side, especially, silently judging them and they feel that any wrong step or word would lead them to a not very good end.
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Kaeya is quite attentive when it comes to his sweetheart (but you still don't know that you are destined for him), always winning over and trying to flirt with you, giving you hints that he liked you and only you! Those nights at the bar weren't enough for you to realize?! Kaeya knew you were weak to drink and so he could take advantage of that. 
What shocked him was hearing that you thought Aether (or Lumine) and Albedo were cute just because they were shorter, he stopped drinking for a few seconds, listening to you ramble about how cute they were. This makes him angry, so all those days, months of flirting were useless because you liked shorter people!? 
Kaeya tried to smile for you, support you through it all, but it was difficult, he didn't want to share it and  he won't. Slowly moving you away from the "cute" or short guys, flirting in public so they know they don't have a chance, the smile getting bigger when they mention you two as a couple. 
“a cute couple” they say, making his smile bigger and you flustered, even Albedo and Amber noticed that…
everything is going according to plan.
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Shenhe wasn't a person fond of "humans", after all, she barely knew the concept of humanity and people didn't consider her as one either. So, being treated like a human and with so much affection, care and patience was a good experience. So good that she didn't want it to end. Hearing you say that you liked Xiangling for being shorter left her genuinely confused, she was conflicted as she didn't know how to react. Did she let you go or did she fight for that good feeling of kindness? Ant the bad thoughts began to fill her mind, did you like Xiangling because she was more human?
humanity is weird for her, so, the way she acts towards you is weird too.
Shenhe is strange towards any loving or more human sensation, so when the source of her jealousy appears, she wants to get rid of this evil so that she can become calmer and return to her normal, stoic state. But the moment you said you liked short people, she just didn't know what to do. Even if she got rid of them, there would always be someone else who caught her attention, and Shenhe can't change her own height. leaving her conflicted. In any case, Shenhe will remain by your side, she knows that she can be scary and that many may be afraid of her, so why not take advantage? So maybe you can see that height is not that important....
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His passion for you was so gentle and obvious by the unintentional touches, the way he always called you and stayed by your side, but you were oblivious to all of that. Maybe he was just a good friend and since you received some advice from Zhongli, you thought about saying your preference for a love interest.
He was interested, maybe he was your type? Maybe you liked him and that was an excuse to say you loved him? so cute! So, he heard that you liked Xiao, he just looked at you in silence, which might scare you at first. Zhongli was in shock, as long as you are happy, he repeated to himself several times. Zhongli started to ask what made you interested in Xiao, and when he heard that it was time, he realized that there was no way to get your heart that easily. Those hours, days, months of courting you weren't useful?!
No, no, no! He wanted to stay in that idea “as long as you’re happy”, but you can’t be happy without him! You can’t see it? He will make you see that he is perfect for you, Zhongli first told you that Xiao probably wasn't interested in anything romantic and when that doesn't work, he'll talk to Xiao about you, asking him not to accept you. Zhongli had made you more and more dependent on him. Acting more and more like a "charming prince", even if he is eliminating the rivals.
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yanderehsr · 9 months
Yan!Shenhe maybe? 🥺 thank you!!
Hope you'll enjoy🙂
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Shenhe is so awkward about it, she doesn't know what the feeling is, Cloud Retainer would have to explain to her. She never thought she would fall in love, hell she didn't even think she could.
When Shenhe pursues you she acts on instinct, she does what feels right. When she gets jealous the only thing she knows about it is that she doesn't like the feeling so she decides to kill of the source of her jealousy, simple as that. Would never kill you though, Shenhe actually likes the feeling of love
She probably will not ask to be your girlfriend, she doesn't see the point of all that, you are hers, is that title not enough. Shenhe will kidnap you sooner rather than later, that way she doesn't have to feel jealous anymore and you can spend all day together, she doesn't understand why you are struggeling tho.
Shenhe will leave bite marks on you, she likes having marks that shows that you are hers.
"Why are you struggeling, aren't you supposed to be happy, we can now spend the rest of our lives together"
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Clarity of Heart.
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Yan Shenhe x F Reader. Commissioned piece.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships and manipulation. Word count: 3k.
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To Shenhe, you’re an enigma.
She tries to unravel you, and with every impatient tug of her fingers, ends up forming a tighter knot. Why she even wants to understand you is a mystery in itself. Hers is a life of quiet solitude — a fact that’s never troubled her before. One must have companionship to understand loneliness in its absence. Her master imparted this wisdom to her, further complicating matters.
She supposes there’s no sense in agonizing over the unknowable. Ruminating on why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west would similarly be a waste of time. What she does understand, what’s so tangible that she can almost grasp it with her hands, is that she likes when you’re present and dislikes when you aren’t.
You’re strange, she thinks, not that she has much of a touchstone to make comparisons.
You make a yearly pilgrimage to Mt. Aocang to train, yet whenever Shenhe happens by, you stop everything to greet her in kind. You offer to share your limited supply of provisions, giving her the bigger piece when she insists on splitting things in half. It simply doesn’t make sense. If someone interrupted her training, she’d find them irritating; if someone asked to share her food, she’d refuse.
Though she never felt the need to track time before — the concept you referred to as a ‘calendar’ is not in her lexicon — she finds herself in an agreeable mood when the leaves show signs of turning. The cooling of scorching air and shortening of days proceeds your arrival. Without realizing it, she’ll frequent the base of the mountain, eyes scanning the treeline for your familiar figure.
There are days she spends just like that. Noting the changing phases of the moon, wondering if you’ll arrive when it's waxing or waning.
Sometimes she guesses correctly, sometimes she does not. It’s of no consequence. When you appear, everything else is condemned to be forgotten in a veil of fog.
Every year, she comes to associate new mysteries with you.
However, there’s something about this one that she urges her to investigate further.
“Why did you not use your Vision?”
You suddenly grow an interest in the contents of her mortar and pestle. The herbs release a faintly bitter aroma, lingering in the air where your voice normally flourishes. She finishes grinding it into a paste while you look everywhere but her eyes. Without asking for your permission, she lathers the ointment onto your now bruised bicep. You fight back a flinch, a fruitless endeavor, for she notices anyway.
“It isn’t—” you inhale sharply when she brushes over a particularly sensitive spot, your face contorting as you continue, “A particularly fitting campfire story.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ah, well, it’s popular for people to gather around the campfire and exchange stories. Sometimes they’re scary, but it’s all in good fun. The answer to your question… I can’t say this story’s very fun. Hence why I said it’s not fitting.”
As always, you teach her much about the bizarre customs of those who inhabit the world. She glances to the nearby campfire, to you, then back again.
“Shall I put it out, then?”
You smile, lines forming beneath your eyes while you do so. The fire makes her feel warm, but you make her feel hot.
“It’s okay, there’s no need for that. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you. It has to do with these training trips, actually.”
The pause that follows your words urges Shenhe to respond.
“I’d like to know.”
You gaze up at the stars, your eyes reflecting the brilliant expanse. “A few years ago, I’d been working odd jobs to make ends meet. One of these was a waitressing gig at a fine establishment. At that time, I’d only had my Pyro Vision for a few months… maybe less than that. Since I rarely left Liyue, I hadn’t used it much.”
You hug your knees to your chest.
“There was this drunk customer. He’d been acting flirtatious all evening, but I was just trying to do my job. When it was strictly verbal, I could handle it. I’d dealt with his type before. But… eventually, he reached out and… touched me. I honestly don’t remember much of what happened next. It was warm. I smelled something awful, heard a scream that was even worse.”
The red ropes binding Shenhe’s soul grow taut.
“It was… an event. Turns out the man was a rather important merchant. With a wife and a newborn kid, to make matters worse. The flames had scorched the skin on his hand to the point it was unusable. Had it not been for a friend of mine, Yanfei, I could’ve landed in a lot of trouble. She got him to drop the charges. Still, rumors spread, and people believed what they wanted to believe. It was during that time I met Madame Ping. She offered to tutor me — teach me how to use my Vision, rather than be scared of it.”
Your fingers caress the scarlet gemstone. “That’s why I hesitated earlier. I still have lots of room to improve. Coming out here helps me focus better, though. I don’t know how to explain it. When I see those tall mountains that seemingly go on forever, and am able to reach out and touch the clouds… everything feels right.”
“If you like it here so much, then why do you go back?” Shenhe asks. This question feels important to her, somehow. A riddle that must be solved.
“Liyue Harbor is my home,” you reply without missing a beat. “My master helped me think of it like this: for every painful memory, there’s a memory I cherish to match. I have to go back and remind myself of that. Or else the hurt is all I’ll remember.”
Your posture eases after you finish speaking. Shenhe can tell this philosophy is paramount to you — perhaps even similar to the red ropes that keep her grounded. Everyone arrives at a way to continue forward and this is yours. She glances down at your arm, where a Mitachurl had unexpectedly charged forward and slammed into you.
You had the means to dispatch it, and still, you hesitated. She did not. She hoped your explanation would dispel her confusion, but as is typical with you, she’s left feeling further perplexed. If this is a place that does you good, you should stay. Is returning to Liyue Harbor a type of training for you?
“Thank you again for patching me up. And helping me out earlier,” you give your shoulder an experimental roll. “The way you fight with your polearm is almost magical. I don’t know how you can move like that.”
The praise makes her stomach feel strange, yet it’s far from unpleasant. “I’m glad I was nearby.”
She always is when you’re on Mt. Aocang, but she keeps this detail to herself.
“So am I.”
The wind blows softly through your camp, rustling tree branches and encouraging the fire to crackle. Shenhe’s experienced many nights like this. While she could always appreciate the serene atmosphere, having you present makes it different somehow. It goes from being just another pretty place on the mountain to a slice of paradise. You take the ordinary and turn it into something special, something worthwhile.
“That man… is he currently alive?”
You shake your head. “He isn’t. As it turns out, he was making shady deals with this group called the Fatui. They aren’t people you want to mess with. No one knows the specifics, but his death was unusual. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume they did away with him after he no longer held any value.”
“That’s certainly a shame.”
You blink. “It is?”
“Yes,” she shifts her empty stare in the Harbor’s direction. “I would’ve liked to end him myself.”
Shenhe might be dense when it comes to most social courtesies, but even she knows this topic is taboo. Her entire life up until this point has consisted of training to subdue her homicidal urges. From this diligence on her master’s behalf, she came to glean that killing is an act that’s generally discouraged.
For this reason, she almost regrets her lack of tact if not for the sole possibility it could drive you away.
That’s why her eyes widen slightly when you press your hand over hers.
“It’s okay. I get it,” your tone makes it sound like it too. “If I’m being entirely honest, I thought about it before. I used to get angry when my master said I shouldn't throw away my future due to the past. In retrospect, I couldn’t be more grateful for her patience. She wasn’t protecting him, she was protecting me.”
The smile that Shenhe finds more dazzling than starlight works its way onto your face.
“Besides… if I had gone down that path, then who knows, maybe I wouldn’t have met you? That alone makes me confident I made the right decision.”
As far as you’re concerned, Shenhe is nowhere near as enigmatic as the rumors made her out to be.
She has her quirks, that much is undeniable, yet she’s simple at heart. She doesn’t leave you guessing. Mincing words isn’t her style, although it’s not born from malicious intent. To her, it doesn’t make sense why you’d say one thing while thinking another, an element you find refreshing.
You can only recall a single instance where you felt distance from her, despite being physically close.
That instance would be last night.
Judging by the sun’s position in the sky, it should be around noon. Normally, you would’ve seen Shenhe by this point. She prefers to drop by in the morning and then again at night so you can focus on your training. You suppose this ritual was never set in stone, it isn’t like she has to do it. Still, worry gnaws away at your rationality like vermin.
There’s plenty to do to keep your overactive mind occupied. Today marks the last day of this year’s annual Mt. Aocang trip. You pack your belongings up with care, not wanting to desecrate the land that served as your home for the past few weeks. The adepti are generous enough to grant you usage of what’s essentially their abode. The least you can do is ensure everything is returned to how it was.
Wiping the sweat from your brow, you survey your work. You’re running out of menial tasks to justify prolonging your stay. Deep down, you know you’re waiting to spot those silvery strands of hair. It occurs to you then that you’ve never been the one to seek Shenhe out. Where would you begin to search and find her? Traversing higher up feels like a violation, that’s where Cloud Retainer lives.
It wouldn’t be right to depart for an entire year without bidding Shenhe farewell. This predicament leaves you with a limited set of options. You could wait, hoping that she might happen by, or you could leave a note. The latter has an impersonal air to it which doesn’t sit well with you. Especially when you have the distinct impression something about last night changed the dynamic of your relationship.
You’re about to sigh for the umpteenth time that day when your ears pick up on distant footsteps. Relief washes over you in waves, you practically trip over yourself to approach the source of the sound. You know it must be Shenhe before you see her. No one else comes up here, it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
Shenhe doesn’t acknowledge your enthusiastic wave, opting to inspect where your camp once was instead. It could be your imagination, but you swear she’s frowning.
She speaks up before you have a chance to greet her, an unusual edge in her voice. “You’re leaving?”
“I’m sorry for not mentioning it sooner. I sorta lost track of the days,” you rub the back of your neck. “But yes, I plan on starting the trip back to Liyue Harbor today. I have commitments to attend to. Otherwise, I would love to stay longer.”
You don’t know why you feel compelled to explain yourself. It isn’t as if you’ve been caught doing something you shouldn’t be, yet for whatever reason, that’s what it feels like. The way she fixates on your packed belongings isn’t lost on you. The intent behind her stare is, though. Your closest guess is mild displeasure.
“Then stay,” Shenhe’s response makes it seem so simple. “I’ll help you unpack.”
Without waiting to hear your answer, she makes for the bag that holds your tent, until you block her path. You were aware she could be stubborn when the situation called for it. However, this doesn’t seem like the time or place to charge ahead without paying you any mind.
“Hey, is everything alright? Did I say something that upset you? If I did, please tell me. I don’t want to part on bad terms.”
“We won’t,” she promises. The reassurance does little to make you feel better. “I’m not upset. In fact, I’m quite pleased. The intricacies of understanding others is an art that’s often lost on me. It wasn’t until our discussion last night that things made themselves clear.”
You shift your weight from foot to foot. “And just what became clear to you, exactly?”
“You don’t want to leave, so you don’t have to.”
Your lips part and then close in rapid succession. Did you accidentally drink liquor instead of water this morning? Why is she talking like this is the most obvious revelation in the world? Pursing your lips, you comb the recesses of your mind for any possible statement or action that’d lead her to this conclusion. Misunderstandings always have a starting point. No matter what angle you scrutinize your last interaction from, you can’t fathom how she came to believe what she currently does.
Then again, her thought process differs drastically from yours. You’ve never needed to try
“I’ve learned that people are needlessly confusing,” she approaches you with slow, languid steps. “They’ll want one thing then convince themselves to pursue another. You say you like it here, then offer an excuse when given the opportunity to stay.”
A kindling of frustration flickers to life inside your chest. “That isn’t— I’m not giving excuses.”
She tilts her head. “Then why would you want to return to a place that unfairly condemned you, when you were guilty of nothing?”
No one has ever put it that way — so blunt, so raw — the words are knives that know the perfect place to cut. You swallow thickly. A lump forms in your constricting throat that you thought you’d moved past. She’s in front of you now, looking down at you through snowy eyelashes. She smells faintly of morning dew and herbs. Even in the midst of this bizarre, almost dreamlike experience, there’s a certain serenity to be found. You’re situated in the eye of the storm.
Lithe limbs bring you into an embrace with the utmost gentleness, she takes care not to apply pressure to your healing arm. She treats you as if you were made of porcelain.
“I’ve been told this act provides comfort,” she runs a hand up and down your back, leaving goosebumps behind in her wake. You shiver. “Do you feel comforted, [First]?”
“I… I don’t know.”
Her grip tightens, causing your breath to hitch. “How about now?”
The genuine nature of her inquiry leaves you at a loss. Had it been coming from anyone else, you might think they were mocking you, but this is Shenhe. Her actions are always in good faith, regardless of the quality of their execution. You don’t reciprocate the hug or make an attempt to push her away. For some reason, the idea of shrugging her off instills guilt in you.
An unwelcome little voice whispers you wouldn’t be able to, even if you tried. Her strength is far superior to yours.
You beg the voice to not say anything else.
Shenhe nuzzles her nose into your hair, seemingly forgetting that you have yet to reply. “If a place is full of bitter memories, it’s better to leave it behind, rather than force it to taste sweet.”
“I won’t know until I try,” is your weak rebuttal. It sounded better in your head.
“If you try, you can get hurt again,” Shenhe’s fingers are impossibly cold against your sweltering skin. “So don’t try. Stay. My master has given permission for you to live here with us.”
She parts from you with some reluctance. You watch silently as she rummages through your equipment, putting everything back where it once was. She must’ve memorized how you preferred to set up camp. There’s concentration on her features, she’s intent on ensuring each item is in its proper place. After a few minutes of standing as still as a statue, you lend her a hand.
Your movements are far more sluggish than usual, it’s like there’s an invisible weight crushing you from above.
You test various arguments on your tongue and find them all unsatisfactory. How can you go about convincing Shenhe when you’re not even convinced yourself? For as long as you can remember, you’ve clung to the possibility of righting the wrong, struggling in swimming upstream against rushing currents. Could she be offering you a hand that’d pull you free from dangerous waters?
Or is she dragging you into another uphill battle under the guise of rescue?
From this position, high up in the sky, it’s easy to forget the complexities that inevitably come with regular life. There are no such difficulties here. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to stay a while longer. No one here looks down on you, whispers when you enter a room, or avoids you on the street. Underhanded comments never reach your ears. You had forgotten how much each of these unfair transgressions stings.
Shenhe reopened the wound — perhaps she has a better way to close it.
Until then, you’ll learn to endure the hurt all over again.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 9 months
Hiya! Since you also do female characters, would you mind writing about Shenhe?
Shenhe is such an underrated character! I wish I saw more people playing her :[
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including kidnapping, intentionally causing harm to you, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Shenhe doesn’t understand the human emotions she feels. Despite being a human, she was raised like an adepti and thus cannot comprehend what she’s feeling. All she knows is she must have you, and she’ll stop at nothing to make you hers. At first, when she takes you back to Jueyun Karst, she expects you to fight back a little, and you do, but with a little show of her power she quickly asserts her dominance in the situation. She does not back down to any challenge. So you can imagine her surprise when even after a month of living with her, you still feel the need to try and escape. The first time she catches you, she simply reprimands you, locking you inside the small house she built for the both of you for a few hours while she ran out to do a few things. The next time she catches you, she doesn’t take it as lightly anymore. She uses her cryo abilities to apply iceburns to the bottom of your feet, leaving you incapable of walking on them for some time while it heals. If you should try and escape a third time after that, she’ll take it a step further. Using her cryo ability to freeze your feet so intensely that frostbite sets in, rendering them entirely unusable. You can’t run with no feet can you? But that’s alright, she doesn’t mind carrying you around, she’s plenty strong so you feel like nothing to her! She’s just doing what is best for you, keeping you in your shared home with her.
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whispereons · 2 months
Oracle!Reader Part 24
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 23
Warning! My AU is yandere and can involve gore. Sensitive topics appear in this series. This chapter is a bit bloody but not that bad.
In all honesty, you never expected to be the one to say ‘no’ to a proposal. Love wasn't something you frequently chased, and being a heartbreaker was even farther from your mind.
Maybe that's why you laughed so merrily at Zhongli’s face when you rejected him.
Then again, he wasn't proposing his heart, nor his love. Morax, Rex Lapis, or rather  Zhongli was offering an alliance of mutual benefit.
“What's your reasoning for rejecting my proposal? I may not marry you as the Geo Archon, but I'm not undesirable as I am now.”
He takes a moment to think as his fingers taps on his chin. The way the diamond of his iris shrinks and the slight grimace on his face raises a red flag in your mind. 
“You aren’t rejecting me solely due to the fact that I’m not operating as this country’s Archon are you?”
The smile on your face becomes tight as your hand shakes with the unmeasurable amount of effort to not flip him off right there. Just what did you do that could have caused such a stupid reasoning to come from his usually smart mouth?
“What the fuck made you think that I even gave a shit about you being an Archon?” Well maybe you couldn’t hold your tongue, but granted you didn’t really need to either.
The man bristles, but ultimately doesn’t answer your question, choosing to instead repeat the first question. “Why are you rejecting my proposal, then?”
“Because you don’t love me.”
“I could learn to love you.”
“But that goes against the terms and conditions of what a marriage is supposed to consist of.”
This brings Zhongli to a halt as he stews on your answer. With a smaller voice, he continues, “The legalities of our marriage would be decided on what vows we utter during the ceremony.”
“Not according to the Creator.” It’s like saying ‘no you’ in an argument, especially with how Zhongli’s face contorts into clear annoyance. 
“With what proof do you claim that as the truth? Nothing in any scriptures on Teyvat says that.” He seems to realize what answer you’ll give him even before you open your mouth by sighing.
“Because I’m the Oracle.” The self-satisfied smirk on your face is clear as you step closer to poke his chest. “Unless you’re suddenly going to claim that I’m wrong? Should we cut off another limb? Maybe your pitiful rat-tail as an ornament to decorate it.”
He pushes you away by your head, the material of your mask is cool under his fingers as you let him push you back with a laugh. He tsks at your antics and smoothly replies.
“Have you finished laughing? There’s no need to pick at my appearance when I wouldn’t do the same to you, whenever you would have shown me your face once we wed.”
Light laughter calms down into a brief hum as you take in his words. It’s all just a well-timed cover-up for the internal panic that you had at realizing that marrying him would mean being forced to reveal yourself one way or another.
“Fair point. Do you really want a serious answer from me anyway?” The swift conversation turn doesn’t go unnoticed by Zhongli, but he concedes by answering.
“Yes. Your reasoning may bring me more information on the Creator’s personal beliefs, or even aspects of humanity that I failed to learn firsthand yet.”
“Like rejection?” The smart-ass reply is met with an unimpressed stare as he comments. “Humorous, but not incorrect.”
“I wasn’t completely joking when I said that it’s mostly due to the Creator. Marriage in Liyue at least is mostly decided by the parents.” Your chapped lips become a bit more manageable to speak with as you lick them. “I don’t remember mine, and the closest thing you have to a parent is the Creator themselves, or maybe Teyvat?” Which was a weird thought, but you couldn’t really be sure how to view it.
“Therefore your marriage, or at the very least, my marriage, considering that I was personally sent on a mission by them, should be under the Creator’s control and only theirs. My opinion on it shouldn’t matter.” This was how you remembered China’s history worked, so Liyue hypothetically should have a similar system.
Zhongli’s frown deepens at your answer as you shrug your shoulders. As if you didn’t just make this whole answer up so that you can avoid marrying the ticking time bomb that wouldn’t hesitate to murder you in a split second.
Sure, there was increasing evidence that your acolytes gained this weirdly strong attachment to you, but you weren’t betting your entire life on it. The moment the mask was gone, your life was going to follow it.
“Then it seems I can do nothing but accept your teaching. Thank you for enlightening me on a topic that I was unaware about. Can I chalk this up to something you learned about from the scriptures written in Cloud Ret-”
He cuts himself off as he looks down at the bustling streets below the balcony. “Xianyun’s old abode? The one’s written in indecipherable language?”
Damn, you really forgot about Cloud Retainer’s humansona. Just thinking about accidentally running into her during your visit to Madam Ping makes you irritated in advance.
“No, there are other scriptures that the Creator led me to when I was exploring.” You didn’t want Zhongli trying to trace it back to Cloud Retainers introvert cave. In fact, it was more entertaining to visualize Zhongli searching every nook and cranny of Liyue’s vast lands for said ‘scriptures’.
The sun hits your eyes directly from its position as you try to guess the time. It had to be at least 3:30 at this point, right? Just how much time did you have to see Madam Ping before the dinner with Ningguang?
Who were you even kidding, you didn’t know how to tell the time by the sun. You’ll have to ask someone once you finish rejecting Zhongli.
Noticing your far off gaze and attention no longer on him, Zhongli let the petty, unexplainable indignation at the action simmer as he forcefully turned your body to face the door.
“I believe I’ve taken up more than enough of your time. You’d best be on your way to whatever task may be next on your schedule today.”
Now you feel pretty bad about spacing out like that. “Sorry Zhongli, I was just trying to figure out the time-” Your words seemed to go ignored as he pushed you out the doorway.
“Don’t bother worrying.” Is his brief response. The touch and pressure of his hands is firm and reliable in a way you can’t fully describe, before they’re removed swiftly as if he was burned. “Instead, you can focus on relaying your gratitude the next time we meet.”
Before you can question the strange sentence, the door is already slammed shut in your face. The whiplash of his actions settles as you stare at the wood in bewilderment. Instinctive, your feet lead you back down the stairs as you toss Zhongli’s sudden attitude and words in your mind.
Surely you weren’t that rude? You’ve done and said much worse things to him after all. Replaying your conversation yielded no new revelations, so with a sense of unease, you decide to take his push for your departure as his weird version of sulking.
What he expected you to thank him for wasn’t something you were going to worry about now. The sun shines on you, making the mask a bit warmer against your skin as you exit the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. 
If he didn’t bother explaining what you should be thanking him for, then it must be something either very big or very noticeable. Walking past where the balcony was, you look up and can only spot the empty chairs and simple table.
Time will tell, you suppose.
You aren’t completely sure how you expected your meeting with Madam Ping to go, but being stuck inside the temple with your neck being examined carefully by the older woman wasn’t a possibility you had in mind.
“Um, Madam Ping, I’m quite sure Xianyun’s claw marks aren’t there anymore. They’ve long healed at this point.”
“Child, you shouldn’t brush off injuries left by the Adepti so easily. Many can leave varying, strange and frankly annoying effects that can permanently alter your body if not taken care of.”
Sighing, you use your right arm to sip the tea Ping generously made for you, as your left arm was also being examined for any amber fragments from Mountain Shaper.
“You really don’t have to worry. Dr. Baizhu was the one who healed me up, so there’s nothing off about my body.” Ping relents and lets you fix your clothing as she steps away.
It was honestly surprising when she first spotted you and immediately apologized for her Adepti companion's actions. Yaoyao and Shuyu, Xianyun’s youngest disciple, were quick to be corralled away as Madam Ping brought you to one of the smaller rooms for examination.
“It must be an illuminated bird quality to be somewhat violent toward me. Maybe when I meet Xiao, I’ll get an injury from him too.” The joke slips out easily, but when Ping sighs and shakes her head in disapproval, you’re quick to shut your mouth.
“That would be even worse, as the karmic debt can be accidentally seeped into your wound that way.” Each sentence Ping says is clear worry, so you can’t be too annoyed at the slight nagging.
“Even still, I hope you have it in your heart to pray that the Creator forgive my headstrong and stubborn companions.” And here’s the catch. “I’m afraid it hasn’t been long since any of them have been trying this hard to understand humans on a personal level, so they tend to revert into their more proud egos when faced with the unexpected.”
There it was, all the excuses. You were really hoping Ping wouldn’t be the kind enabler that asks the victim to forgive the assaulter under the guise of some excuse. You’ve dealt with more than enough back on earth when bullies actually had abuse and other fucked up shit going on at home. 
Likewise, you weren’t about to put up with it from some ‘illuminated beings’ that had more than enough years to learn how not to be judgmental sad sacks of shi-
“I’ll still properly scold them for you, but it’s the Creator’s opinion that I’m truly concerned about.” Would you get in trouble for punching her? Probably. Yanfei is close with her and the best lawyer in existence.
It wasn’t worth it, you told yourself. It wasn’t worth it to argue with Ping about whether it was okay for the Adepti to hurt you or anyone else, solely depending on how connected they were to the Creator. It absolutely wasn’t worth it to point out how the Adepti’s lack of control over their emotions and harsh judgements couldn’t just be scolded away. And that they definitely weren’t allowed to get away with unneeded violence simply because they’re stubborn.
The building tension as Ping continued to ramble and your death grip on your pants was broken by Yanfei walking in while looking off to the side.
“Granny, I heard you came - Oh. Hello there!”  Yanfei’s casual greeting had you melting back into the oracle position as you smile calmly at Yanfei. 
“Hey, nice to meet you. I was just talking with-” You’re cut off by Ping moving to stand in front of Yanfei and begin to explain and introduce you. Including the fact that the other Adepti attacked you and that you were the oracle.
Well, it’s better than you retelling the story. It’s better to let others lie for you, especially considering the close relations. It’s not like Ping’s way of speaking was fast or overwhelming, it just felt like you would be wrong for whatever reason if you tried interfering.
Doesn’t stop the surge of annoyance, though.
Deciding to just leave as soon as possible and not get into a fist fight with a hidden Adeptus, you move off the bed and walk closer to the duo. Without much trouble, you’re able to slip past them until a hand tugs your wrist quickly before releasing it.
“Sorry, but I just wanted to introduce myself to you before you leave. My name is Yanfei. I'm the top legal advisor in Liyue.” A business card is handed to you as she speaks.
Accepting it, you examine the card to not be rude before stuffing it into your bag. While you’ll probably forget about it, it’s not bad to have it in case you visit Fontaine. Or if things with Ninggnuang get into legal territory.
What actually got your attention was how Yanfei went through the trouble of cutting off Ping to speak personally to you. Could this be the first Adepti related character to treat you with respect as a normal person?
The fact that you’re amazed by basic human decency is pretty fucking sad. The difference in treatment between her and Ganyu despite both of them being half-adeptus is staggering.
“Thank you. Just as Madam Ping explained, my name is Y/N, and I’m an Oracle for the Creator.” At least the old woman didn’t butt in yet. “Yaoyao visited me yesterday to meet her. I just didn’t expect to meet you here as well.”
“You suit your position rather well.” Her head tilts slightly to the side, making the Mora decorations jingle. “Although I haven’t met you before, just by your appearance alone I can guess that you’re either-” A finger is raised. “A - you’re not from here. Or B - you don’t have a traditional job.” The second finger joins the first as she takes in your appearance in completion.
“I would put inhuman beings or vision holders on the list, but your aura is completely that of a human, but also not one of a vision holder. In a way, you remind me of the traveler.”
“It does make sense.” You reply with a noncommittal shrug. “The traveler was the first Acolyte, and I’m the first Oracle, so there’s bound to be some uncanny similarities between us.” 
Madam Ping wistfully sighs at the mention of the traveler. “Ah yes, the Hero of Liyue. I was able to gift them that teapot, but what a shame that I don’t have another one to spare for you, esteemed Oracle.”
And here comes the half-praise, half-demeaning words that’s meant to belittle you into feeling worthless while giving meager praise to make her sound generous. 
“There would be no need to, since I intend on enjoying our God’s creations rather than hiding away from it in an Adeptal piece of machinery.” A wide grin adorns your face with canines clear to see, but your voice is as excited as a child’s with innocence clear.
Those that hear you would assume nothing but ignorance at fault, but the ones that can see how your eyes dimly gleam with mockery would think otherwise.
Isn’t it so good that Yanfei is by your side while Ping is in front of you?
The words clearly hit a nerve, as Ping’s smile drops into a horribly wrinkled frown. Yanfei’s teal eyes look between you two with a smile that dissolves into a confused furrow of her brows.
“My apologies, child, I was unaware that you were so deprived of empathy for others that you can reduce the hard work of the Creator’s chosen protectors of this land into a symbol of defilement.” The last few words are scathing as her face contorts into a gruesome mess of sagging skin.
“Granny, I understand why you’re mad but-” Yanfei takes a step forward, but is cut off by Ping raising her hand while stepping closer to you.
“I can now understand why Shenhe, that poor pitiful child, was so conflicted about her emotions toward you. I may not understand why the Creator chose a human of your breed to have that holy position, but I can only pray that this journey teaches you a lesson concerning those that you have wronged in this way.”
“Granny!” Yanfei yells in shock as she moves between you two, “How could you say something like that to them? You’re not only insulting them, you’re also insulting the Creator!” 
She turns around to face you as she shots a grimace behind her at the fuming hag. “I am so sorry about this, you should probably go now.” 
Nodding with a sad expression, you speak in a confused tone. “I-I understand. It was nice meeting you and Madam Ping. I hope we can talk again sometime.” Twisting open the doorknob and pushing it open, you sneak one last peek into the room.
Yanfei has her back to you as she yells on a whisper level. Ping doesn’t look all that pleased until her eyes stray to yours. The smugness practically rolls off you in waves as she scorns at you with disgust. 
It was official.
You were lost.
Looking at the doors and people walking around you, you tried to remember what path you took with Ping. But each door looked the same, with different people rushing in and out.
None of them even had time to talk to you as they wheeled out screaming and bleeding people from room to room. You got glimpses of dressings pressed haphazardly on wounds as you continued walking.
Surely you still had enough time until Ningguang’s dinner?
Trying not to freak out over the time, you continue marching throughout the seemingly endless hallways and avoid bumping into the doctors, nurses and more that rush around you. Eventually you arrive at an area of the building that looks a bit calmer.
You spot a woman wearing a dress looking similar to a work uniform and decide to ask her for directions leading out of the temple. You’re about to call out to her when she opens a door and enters it while cheerfully calling out.
“Thank you so much for all the help despite your busy schedule!” She continues to walk in, giving a half-hearted push to close it. 
Sneakily, you plant your foot right at the hinge of it, making it stop before it actually closes. A sense of déjà vu nags you as you stand outside the room with your head resting against the wall. You close your eyes to listen to the conversation.
“It’s no trouble at all, Daiyu. I always enjoy volunteering to help those who offer sacrifices to the Creator here.” There’s a light tilt to the voice while remaining sturdy, a good indicator that the speaker is who you think it is.
“Even so, as the Yuheng of Liyue, you still have many duties. Much more than you did when you first began to help out all those years ago…” The anxious woman is met with a brief chuckle.
“As I’ve said before, Daiyu, you can call me Keqing during these times. I’m not here as the Yuheng, but as a servant of our God to learn more.” The faint click of heels can be heard as drawers of what you assume are bandages are opened.
“Well, have you finally come to a conclusion? You know about whether self-mutilation is an ‘overdone’ and an ‘inferior’ way of worshiping the Creator?” The question is met with brief silence before Keqing responds.
“I’ve already made up my mind around the same time as Rex Lapis’s death. Self-mutilation isn’t exactly wrong per se, but it should not be our main way of worship. Our bodies were painstakingly crafted by the Creator’s hands and should not be abused. It’s why I’ve strived to keep myself in perfect shape.”
A sigh can be heard with an almost bitter note.
“But humans can not regrow lost limbs. Thus, I do not believe self-mutilation is the best way for humanity to worship the gods. Blood offerings and even human offerings of other criminals can be done, but I believe that self-mutilation should be left for extreme sins and for the Adepti to present.”
With eyes trained to the blood-stained floorboards beneath your feet, you push yourself off the wall. It seemed you weren’t going to gain any useful information from here. 
“The public won’t accept that kind of view that goes against what we’ve been taught for thousands of years. Then again, that never stopped you before - Aw, damn it! There’s barely any medical supplies here, too.”
The tapping of your feet walking away is concealed by the clicking of heels.
“There’s nothing left? Ugh, probably Ningguang again. She’s always doing this stuff.”
But perhaps you should have stayed just a bit longer. 
“The Tianquan?! Oh, please don’t let her know what I said! I quite like my job!”
“Relax, Daiyu, she wouldn’t care about your complaints even if she did hear them.”
“Then why are you frowning like that?”
You never know what you might hear.
“It’s just a bit strange to me. Not long ago she was doing all sorts of planning with an annoyed expression, but this morning she was pleased. She must have either taken care of whatever was bothering her or hatched the perfect, foolproof plan for it.”
Thankfully, you did manage to find your way back to the first floor. (When did you even walk up the stairs?) Most of the people there were rather calm, with incense and prayer rooms decorating this floor. 
The smell was of cinnamon and something with a strong woody scent. The one’s in the prayer rooms had healed scars exposed, either doing a full floor bow or at least on their knees.
If they had them, at least.
It was a gruesome sight if you were to be honest. Some had skin raw red from what looked like boil scars, others with self-inflicted writing carved into their skin. Words like; ‘Holy One’, ‘Savior’, and the most popular one of all: ‘Beloved Creator’ were in some way permanently branding their skin.
The wind blew from a certain hallway, as if Teyvat was trying to finally lend you a hand in leaving this temple of smoke and blood. Taking long strides past the rooms that muttered and screamed at varying levels and intervals, you see a set of wide doors.
The whir of a sliding door before it slams into the doorway is all you hear before a hand is wrapped firmly around your wrist and pulling you into the dark room. Your breath is knocked out of you as the soles of your shoes search for purchase.
Your hands reach up to where you were grabbed to dig into the scalp of your assailant before you both fall to the ground from the struggle. 
“Let go of me!” You grit out as the slender fingers continue trying to pin you down. A feminine grunt of pain is heard as you finally manage to push her away, making your assaulter hit the wall.
Like hell! You weren’t just going to leave after being attacked for no fucking reason. Rushing forward, you pin the person against the wall as your eyes adjust to the dark room. Silvery hair can be seen in a tangle between your fingertips as you hold her wrists against the wall.
“Shenhe, what the fuck were you thinking? Are you still pissed at me? I thought we cleared it all up.” With a mix of anger, disbelief and pure confusion, you stare at her face as her features slowly become more defined.
“I just wanted to see you again…” The kicked puppy look is not suiting the bloody bandages wrapped around her left eye. Or what used to be her eye. “I didn’t hurt you this time.”
“Dragging an unsuspecting person into a dark room isn't not hostile either, Shenhe.” She simply stares at you in silence, as if she’s incompetent enough to not understand your words. “We almost fought to our deaths last time we met. How am I not supposed to assume that you’re trying to hurt me?”
Shenhe’s head drops a little bit as her mouth opens and closes repeatedly with no success. After giving her a moment, you sigh with a hint of annoyance and let go of her. “I have to get going, Shenhe. I'm not going to sit and wait forever.”
“I’m sorry.” You glance back down at Shenhe as she sits on her knees with her hands clenched tightly on her thighs. “I’m sorry for hunting you down so insistently while framing you as someone who wronged me on a personal level.”
Could you really accept this apology when you did stab her first for killing those Hilichurls you were friends with? Then again, they did give you liquor while Shenhe convinced herself that you were an evil entity. “Thanks for the apology, but that still doesn’t change much. I spent days in Bubu Pharmacy trying not to die from all the shit you and Yelan put me through.”
“I already heard about it and saw the vivid details of your healing progress while I waited outside your window that day.” Those words alone had you whipping your head around to her as your jaw dropped.
“Shenhe, what the hell!?” She staggers back to her feet with a worrying sway before taking mute steps towards your shocked form.
“A good partner is one who is attentive and keeps detailed track of their lover's affairs and health, correct?” Trying to wrap your head around the twisted logic she presents you with, you bury your face in your hands.
“Yes, but not in the context of our relationship.” You stress as your arm automatically reaches out to stop her from swaying to the ground. With your hand firmly on her arm, you continue to speak. “I know that you don’t really use that word often considering Xianyun’s teachings, but it’s pretty fucking important.”
A sole iridescent blinks lazily at you before her whole body weight is pressing down on you. It’s less of a hug and more like a ‘glomp’. Deciding to hold her by her waist to prevent being crushed by the pure muscle mass that made up her body, her forehead rests on your shoulder.
It’s burning. Definitely unusual for a Cryo vision holder.
“Shenhe? Shenhe can you hear me?” You ask as her glazed over eye stares into yours with no recognition seen in them. Swinging your head around, you finally spot a blood stained coat off to the side.
“C’mon, Shenhe, just work with me a bit to get you back to bed.” You spit out as you carry more of her weight to avoid dragging her on the floor. Thankfully, she helps out by wrapping her legs around your body and despite the slight constriction, you still manage to carry her back to bed.
Dropping her on the bed, you carefully fix her up. Brushing her hair out of her face, pulling the covers back over body, and adjusting the surrounding bandages around her injured eye to fit snugly. 
She did apologize after all, it would be cruel of you to leave a person with a fever and probably an infection a mess on a bed. 
That didn’t mean you were going to stay and nurse her back to health. Ningguang was probably at the restaurant at this point, and you weren’t going to be late for it.
Turning around, you take a quiet step toward the exit until a hand wraps frantically around your wrist.
“You forgive me, right?” Heavy breathing fills the room as her sweaty skin clings to the little contact she has with you. “I apologized sincerely, I’ll do it again if I must.” A trembling eye stares into your soul as her voice breaks. “Please…”
You stare down at the disciple with an unreadable expression until a smile breaks out onto your face. Shenhe’s grip loosens as hope begins to light up. Your other hand gently removes her fingers from your wrist before you whisper.
“Why don’t you sleep on it, Shenhe?”
Her eyes slide shut from pure exhaustion as you walk away and exit the room. After taking note of the room number, you resume your short walk to the exit. A nurse is nearby and just as you pull one of the wide doors open, you lean in to whisper a brief message.
The door closes shut behind you as the nurse rushes away. With careful footsteps, you walk leisurely toward the Xinyue Kiosk. The burning stares of civilians and soldiers alike are rolled off you in waves.
It was pointless to fight with the puppets when the puppet master invited you to meet her.
A feel like this part took forever. It's just the beginning of my spring break before I have another quiz and exam. So my break is just more studying, wonderful. My editor didn't need to do much considering the small size but I also feel like this wasn't the best of my work. I did write piece by piece every few nights when I got back home dead tired. I really can't wait for this semester to end…. But I'm also really excited to get started on the dinner with Ningguang! Taglist is always open!
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername
@zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @starsofabundance, @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus, @silverstarred, @iamapotatoe, @ghosthii, @beloveddroplet, @uchihaeirin, @ibelieveinsleep, @idk098, @thefirstonetoeverlikemeback, @toramune, @haaaaaades, @horologiumwise, @melovaaaa, @alittletiredcry, @aphxdea, @atsukawolfcat, @desirabletravel, @pinkpainc, @eccedentesiast-sapphic, @yuyuzi-ling, @hyperfixationwhore
@juuuuuj101010, @avalordream, @kurayamioterasu, @tottybear, @koiikuno, @lynx-of-skies, @quacking-simp, @synthe4u, @kascar-chronicle, @hug4helios, @hug4helios, @silverstarred, @koiikuno, @ithoughtthinks, @remiivx, @lemonade7255, @melpomenelurks, @average-yandere-enjoyer, @mnhao, @fuji-sen, @altumsomnum
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eroslove88 · 1 year
Ok I've never done this before so I hope it'll go well :)
But uh could you please do something with mommy kink Raiden Shogun, Ganyu and Shenhe forcibly breastfeeding their bratty sub? I really like your writing style so I look forward to it but if you're only able to do one please do Ganyu thanks again and good day/night 🙏
Lactation Kink + Bratty Sub. (Gn reader!)
Warnings: Noncon, lactation kink, mommy kink, power dynamics, slight yandere, small use of electricity and implied kidnapping
Note: I LOVE DOMINANT WOMEN!!! They have my heart and soul. Cocogoat Ganyu headcannon.
Shenhe *¨*• Cold *¨*•
You're shorter than her and much warmer than her. She's cold- not she really is. Her cold hands forcibly grab your jaw and her other arm snakes around your waist cradling you in a position where your mouth is being shoved onto her nipple.
It's already leaking due to the forced stimulation of your tongue, she never liked noisy people and she never took you as the talkative type. She hated people who complained when things were going fine, she didn't see the need in you cussing her out. So if you wanted to do something with your mouth she gave you something much more important to do. You recoiled when her nipples started leaking beads of milk, in disgust you tried pulling away but that's when her nails dug into your jaw shoving forcing your lips to wrap around her leaky bud.
Your protests were muffled by her breast, "M-Mommy, swop" your words slurred by the fat in your mouth, she only shushed your meaningless words by shoving you deeper into her chest. Her heart was beating you fast from the thrill of your squirming body. Shenhe is not as vocal as you are, she let's out small noises. "That's right, be good for mommy" she whispered between heavy breaths.
Ganyu ♡ Delusional ♡
Ganyu is typically patient and she doesn't understand why you're throwing tantrums and being rude to her. She's just trying to take care of you. Ganyu is soft and she's not trying to hurt you, "It's ok, mommy's going to take good care of you" just like a child she thinks you're hungry after barely stimulating her chest she looks for you, "What the hell are you doi-" her hands gently squish your cheeks together, "Shhh, it's going to be ok. Mommy's here" the next thing you knew you were trying to fight off the adeptus while one of her hands squishes her tit.
Milk fills your mouth and you almost gag at the warm liquid. "It's just like goat milk don't worry" she reassures, "Swallow it baby" she purrs as your tongue tastes her sweet milk and your lips latch onto her dripping bud.
She whimpers at the sensation of your warm lips. Her hand moves down to coerce yours to milk her full breast causing warm milk to gush into your mouth and down your throat. Your watery eyes look up at her weary face when she releases her fluid.
"It's ok sweetie drink as much as you need" her breaths labored. When you gargle a groan, "Swallow baby, you're going to choke" her hands still squishing your cheeks making some of her milk drip from the corners of your mouth.
Raiden Shogun ☆ Cruel ☆
Ei knows what she is, but she doesn't like to be reminded of it constantly. Besides, she's your god. You're supposed to do as your told and not talk back to her with such a horrendous attitude.
Rough hands wrap around hair, she shoves her breast deeper into your mouth as you sob against her. "You've been so bad to your mommy" she growls her free shocking your sensitive nipples. She's dissatisfied with you performance so your tongue swirls around her nipple, small drops of milk drop into your mouth as you desperately suck at the enlarged nub. "That's it make mommy feel good, suck it dry sweetie" she demands.
Your tongue pitifully laps at the dropping pearls, "Don't drop any" you don't, it's not like you can; your mouth is practically full with a quarter of her boob. Shocks make you cry out into her bust and you frightfully slurp at her core saliva dripping down your chin in an attempt to satisfy her.
451 notes · View notes
Mother figure
Platonic! Yandere Xianyun x Child! Reader x Platonic! Yandere Shenhe and Ganyu. Signora and Arlecchino mentioned.
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You've been in Liyue for a decent number of months now and, frankly, you already want to get away from here. Your superior was the Signora. This woman was a bit arrogant and narcissistic, but... She's never done anything bad, at least not to you. Moreover, she was the one who took you away from the House of the Hearth. Perhaps the reason for this was your quick adaptation to her and the environment in general, or maybe it was her personal reasons.
Anyway, she took you with Liyue to show you the world outside the orphanage and it was just amazing. A variety of food, clothes, plants, stones. This was all new to you a few months ago. Now, unexpectedly for yourself, you missed Signora. She didn't take you to Inazuma and said that she didn't need you there. And now you're just waiting for her in Liyue...
"... And that's how Shenhe came down the mountain for the first time in secret from me..."
You were sitting at the same table with the adepts and drinking tea. Absurd. Ganyu was sitting on your right. She was a little red from the previous story of the Cloud Retainer. Shenhe was sitting on your left.
"Y/n, is everything okay?"
You were startled by Xianyun's voice and by Ganyu's hand on your wrist.
"Yes, I was just thinking. I'm sorry I didn't delve into your story."
You looked at the lady with glasses when Shenhe assured you that you didn't miss anything. Xianyun only turned away from her for a second on this remark. However, her gaze quickly returned to you.
"Y/n, you look pale, is something wrong?"
"No, it's fine. Really."
You lied well for your age. The reason for this was 'Father'. You couldn't lie to her at all, but thanks to your attempts and training, if you can even call it that, you succeeded.
However, ladies around you were far from the most ordinary people and you didn't take this into account.
"Nonsense! You're pale and sluggish."
Shenhe's cool hand is on your forehead.
"Your forehead is hot."
One phrase, but it had a huge effect on everyone present.
"Hot? Then we should finish our little meeting as soon as possible."
Xianyun was the first to get up from the table, and Ganyu immediately followed her.
"Master, don't worry, Shenhe and I will escort her home."
"But I can walk on my own."
“No. Of course you can't. Shenhe, Ganyu, could you please bring Y/n to my house. I still have that medicine left. It put Shuyu on her feet the very next day."
Even before you could react, you were lifted up by Shenhe. It was a bit rude and unexpected. It reminded you of the 'Father' and made you freeze on a subconscious level.
"Shenhe, please be a little more careful. It scared Y/n."
"My apologies."
You're like a rag in her hands, practically not moving. Finally, you come to the house, from which Shuyu runs out joyfully.
"Master, you are back. And, Y/n, are you okay?"
The girl watches as Shenhe enters the house under the guidance of master and puts you in Xianyun's bed.
"Shuyu, don't worry, Y/n will be fine. One will use a special medicine on her and she will be the healthiest of all. However, she will have to spend the night with us, don't you mind?"
"Of course not, Y/n is my friend!"
"Then it's all settled. One will get the medicine right away. Ganyu, Shenhe, why don't you check on Y/n tomorrow when Y/n gets better? She needs peace now."
"All right, Master."
By the time they said goodbye, your temperature had risen more and, while falling asleep, it was difficult for you to determine who exactly said this Shenhe or Ganyu. All the sounds began to recede, and the body began to weaken. You saw the Signora in your dream...
At the same time, in another corner of the Teyvat, Arlecchino received the news of the death of the Signora. What a pity. It looks like you're going back to the House of the Hearth.
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My team is just all of my mains; Kazuha, Alhaitham, Shenhe, Zhongli. They’re all spoiled and have 5 star weapons, Zhongli is extra spoiled and is c4. (Kazuha has Ayato’s signature, Alhaitham has his signature, Shenhe has Calamity Queller, Zhongli has Staff of Homa)
Hope that’s enough! <3
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♥ Your team is proud to be your main and is thankful that you work so hard for them to be this strong. All four of them work tirelessly to become stronger and hit numbers that are sure to impress you. But with that being said there is an unsaid competition going around your group. With them being so spoiled, they should've been satisfied. Sadly, most of them are greedy for your attention.
♥ Al-Haitham is one of the characters who want your attention. It's nothing too much, he prefers to just be in your presence and read a book with you. No words need to be said between the two of you. Sadly, with the screen between both of your worlds, some things cannot happen. So he'll stick to you listening to his voice lines. He's indifferent to his teammates, he doesn't talk to them much but he's willing to lend them a hand if needed. But since they are stacked and all of them are skilled fighters, he doesn't see the need to assist them.
♥ Shenhe is just as, if not, more uncaring of her teammates than Al-Haitham. In her head, they are only tools for you to use to progress more in the game that is their world, there is no need to make connections with them. She is a good team player though, but it's only for your sake, not theirs. If something happened to them off-screen she wouldn't help them. She's probably the most violent out of all four of them, her red strings have gotten a little lost ever since she got self-aware, so the moment one of her teammates does something she thinks is going to inconvenience you she will point the Calamity Queller on their neck.
♥ Zhongli is the pillar of the team and is probably the most envied team member out of all four. Knowing he came home to you 5 times can bring a tinge of jealousy to any character's heart. It brings him so much joy that you work so hard on all of them....especially him. You can't blame him for being a little bit smug, you paid so much attention to him and it gets on his head for a bit. But he's professional, so he doesn't actively point out to his team that he's probably the favorite. Though it doesn't need to be pointed out since everyone can tell.
♥ Kazuha is very well aware of how dysfunctional his team is, the wind told him itself. But he doesn't focus on them, he focuses on the fact that you chose him of all the other Anemo users to be your main. It pulls on his heartstrings, and he becomes more enamored by you. But...he does question why you decided to main the others as well. The wind knows a lot of things, and he is lucky enough to be able to understand them. It tells him to be cautious of the Wangsheng funeral worker, to be alert when around the Adepti's disciple, and keep his distance when around Sumeru's acting grand sage. While he is willing to work along side them, he doesn't trust them. Not one bit.
♥ Your team works relatively well together since most understand that it is necessary if they want to remain as your main team. But you can't deny the thick tension that is around them. Nobody trusts one another and always has their guard up. But this is one of the better teams, at least they aren't actively trying to murder each other. Zhongli mentors the team from time to time and it interests Al-Haitham to ask for his advice. Kazuha teaches Shenhe about basic human emotions since her own seem to be everywhere. She wants to manage her own emotions so that one day if she does meet you she will not scare you away.
♥ But the moment one of them crosses an invisible line, somebody is going to get stabbed in the jugular.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ evil, i've come to tell you that she's evil.
most definitely. evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely.
yandere! various! genshin impact women. (Because I don't give them enough love <33)
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People whispered about a strange but striking adepti that suddenly appeared to roam the streets of Liyue Harbor, always dining on the most expensive and luxurious food but never finishing them, opting only to have but a single bite and leave the restaurant entirely, much to the chagrin to the people around her. Feeling brave you decided to approach the random stranger one day and without much of a hastle you accepted her with open arms and a happy smile, something that she found quite strange.
The beginning of the friendship was bumpy, and that was an understatement. Shenhe as you came to know her, had quite the temperament and thought that you were someone who was out to harm her at first. She threatened you but you managed to convince her that you were indeed harmless and that your intentions were pure.
To your surprise Shenhe was not an adeptus but a human. With her monstrous strength and cool attitude no one could be blamed for mistaking her for one but that made her more charming in your eyes. You'd praise her beauty and she would stare at you in confusion, wondering why you were saying such nonsense... Not that she minded though, she never once asked you to truly stop. You would meet her somewhere deep in the mountains, hidden far away from any prying eyes with warm food in your little wooden basket as Shenhe would wait for you beneath the moonlight, the forest leaves that hung on the tall trees being her only real cover. Hours would pass and the two of you would talk even if it was mostly you though. And then, you would leave, the crack of dawn signaling that it was time to head back to the city. You had duties and obligations to perform and you'd give your new friend a quick kiss on the cheek, a not so subtle attempt to get her used to the touch of other human beings.
Night would fall once more and she would stare into her reflection upon a nearby pond, the fond memory of your sweet kiss still happily replaying in her mind. Her heart was positively pounding at the mere thought of simply seeing you, let alone being able to spend with you. Shenhe however learned that if you love someone you must keep them close unless other people start getting funny ideas. She did read a few love stories in her free time and decided the best course of action would be to bring you with her. She could make you happy, she knew she could.
It was going to be just the two of you and she wouldn't want it any other way.
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Golden embroidery and fine silk covered your body head to toe as you remained still in your place, the lingering touch of Ningguang's warm hand gently guiding you how to properly put on the incredibly expensive brooch as she carefully examined you, her heavy gaze never once leaving your body.
It was strange how someone like Ningguang would spend her precious time on someone as plain and unimpressive as yourself. There were times when Lady Ningguang would humbly request that you accompany her to some obscure destination, be it the nearby market or a hidden passage where only Teyvat's finest would meet to discuss about business and mora. You were often left dazed and confused, what were you supposed to be even doing at these events anyway? You'd always blush at the rumors about you being Ningguang's lover and she would simply laugh it off, never once actually even trying to stop the claims, as you oh so carefully noticed.
"Be by my side, that's all the support I need." she would say, he voice soft as silk, sweet like honey. The golden jewelry she wore would lightly prick your skin as she retracted her hand, her head turned to the opposite direction but her body still too close for comfort.
Everyone did always say that Lady Ningguang did have a keen eye for the finest things in life but you were often left trembling of the possibility that she might just take you as her own personal treasure instead.
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"She gives me the creeps... AH!"
Thoma suddenly shouted in your ear as he let go of your hand with Yae Miko standing right behind him, a devious smirk on her pink lips as she did her best to contain her amused laughter.
The Kamisato housekeeper invited you to join him for a walk and a meal on this fine afternoon and since you had nothing better to do you accepted his gracious request. Thoma seemed to be on edge the entire time though, always looking behind his shoulder and never telling you why he was doing so. At first you ignored him, simply assuming that he was expecting someone to prank him or something similar of that nature but as the day went by your uneasiness grew and grew because the Thoma you knew was never this jumpy. With a stern glare from you Thoma decided to throw subtlety out the window and went straight to the point - he was highly uncomfortable with how much time you were spending with Yae Miko and just how possessive the head shrine maiden was with you.
She would monopolize all of your time, never allowing you contact with other human beings which was not healthy. Thoma saw how badly you wanted to be with other people but with Miko always hovering over you there was little to be done. He begged and pleaded, please put some distance between the two of you, at least for an hour. The shrine maiden caught onto the housekeeper's plans and decided to put them to rest as soon as possible.
There was no room for protest as Yae latched her hand to your own, telling you something how Thoma was just being silly and why were you out here anyway, don't you know that you didn't finish your duties yet?
Perhaps at least listening to him couldn't be so bad...
... right?
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
You know Shenhe considers you family.
Which, in her defense, isn't exactly wrong. Any child dear to Cloud Retainer is a child dear to you, and if the other adepti were to ever be so upfront, you're sure they would agree. She may not share your blood or your immortality or your allegiances, she trained as one of your own might, and she was raised among the same mountaintops, brought up with all the same legends and myths and lessons. In a way, you consider her family, too. As any adepti would consider another kin.
She considers you family. You don't mind that. In all honesty, you find it a little endearing.
The only problem is that Shenhe, despite her many talents, never really learned how to treat family.
She tries. Archons, how she tries. You know it's difficult for her, that the red ropes around her heart make even the simplest emotions a burdensome task that she'd rather not put on display, but she does her best. They're little gestures, for the most part - a flower dried in the sun and sealed in amber, a few jeweled trinkets wrapped in colored paper brought from the harbor to the mountaintops with you in mind - but it's what she's capable of, and you really do appreciate what she tries to do for you. She's reclusive by nature, but you know that she's trying to come out of her hidden abode, for you.
She tries to show her fondness physically, too. As bizarre as it might seem to illuminated creatures who spend the major of their millennia restricted by wings and hooves and claws, you know how important skinship is among mortals, and you know better than to chastise her when she, say, wraps a hand around your wrist as the two of you walk together, or asks you to brush her hair out when she could just as easily take care of it herself, or insists that you spend the night in her bed, at her side, your head resting on her chest and her arms wrapped around you just tightly enough to ensure your compliance.
You're willing to admit that some of her mannerisms are strange, that you don't completely understand the way her voice falters, sometimes, or the strange, creeping redness that seems to come over her pale features when the two of you are alone. It can be a little off-putting when her necklaces veer closer to collars, when her flowers are swapped out for the carcasses of creatures she hunted down with her own hands, and you've had to ask her to try to be more delicate when she embraces you. She's trying, though. You know she's trying, even if you've never heard her say it, even if you don't recall the word 'family' ever slipping past her lips.
You know she thinks of you as family, because if she doesn't, what else would you be to her?
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kirozai · 2 years
Hello, I was wondering if you would consider doing a fluffy SAGAU with a soft yandere cult reacting to the reader who arrives in Teyvat being a traumatized and scared mess because of something they saw in our world. They are skeletal thin and leap at the slightest sound, they duck behind things to avoid being seen by others when they can and stammer and stutter over their words. Characters would be Jean, Ei, and Shenhe. If you are not comfortable writing this I understand, and am sorry.
this was so long ago im so sorry
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-you make me sick.
synopsis: fear is something that is almost unfeasible. today’s agenda? Jean, Ei, and Shenhe assist with it.
content warning: yandere themes, cult au, sagau, sensitive topics. [not proofread]
type of reader: gn!reader god!reader, darling!reader.
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“fear is something we all must overcome. but who will be there to help?”
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“put all of your worries on me.”
our overworked knight is no stranger to fear. she would have never expected someone who would want to hurt you
there’s not much she can do now in all honesty, although jean will do her best to work for the smaller things. as many of us know, the small tasks can rack up quickly.
it breaks her heart to say you shudder in fear, hearing a mantra of “please” for all the wrong reasons. her patience is outmatched, so do not worry dear. you are safe.
it is the dead of night. a blanket of stars wraps monstadt. here by your side is jean. the world of teyvet is filled with numerous things, it’s quiet.
“everything alright your grace?” it’s soft, a calming voice, belonging to no other but jean. you never understood how all of this happened, although you’re glad it did.
“better than ever, thank you” a reply, something you weren’t allowed to do back in your world. this is wear you wanted to be, the world you loved and now lived in.
“you have brought me up for an eternity, it’s the time for me to return the deed.”
i have no doubt that not even you will be able to resist the treats of inazuma. from the moment she saw you, she went completely guard dog.
a bad habit of hers is overwhelming questions. forgive her for the first impression, she worries, that is all.
no body will speak when you are speaking. your voice is loved, adored, by everyone. she refuses to let someone insignificant interrupt you.
she isn’t the best at comfort, yet, she tries ei tries her best. she’ll spoon feed you to get you more comfortable with food.
the plane of euthymia is calming, it has a sort of… white noise. who would have thought that someone like you would be adored by so many important people? it almost makes you laugh.
“and this is tricolored dango. you may have it back in your world, but i assure you ours is much better.” she’s sticking the dango right in front of your face. it started off odd but you’ve gotten used to it quickly.
you were about to speak but ei shushed you to just eat the dessert made for you.
“eat.” it’s not a command, but like a humorous motivation
“i know not much of the incidents that had happened before, but i’m here to listen whenever necessary.”
no doubt, as a child shenhe had her fair share of fear and loneliness. she will never push you on why, but it will always be open for you to discuss.
with the information you know of her from before, it’s obvious what she says is true to heart. it’s a kind change.
shenhe is very strong with her words. she is one of the people who helps you on your journey of recovery, don’t judge her by rumors, after-all, all she really wants is to love you.
for once, the atmosphere is light. the mountains of liyue reach far. it’s a sight to behold one may say.
breathing, something people do so easily yet it’s easily one of the hardest things to do. for the first time in your life, sitting next to you is shenhe, her eyes are closed, but you know she’s aware. your able to breathe knowing your safe.
the monsters in teyvet do your every request, and althought it tales time to get used to, you finally feel like your getting somewhere.
it’s the things like these that let people heal.
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new format… what do you guys think?
kirozai out. <3
if you enjoy my works, consider donating to my kofi!
please reblog!!! <3
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Which corrupted characters would immeadiately go yes murder?
I'm thinking maybe shenhe, perhaps your corruption overpowers her ropes and she goes full murder mode
Oh absolutely, Shenhe is already borderline three steps and a bad day from killing people, corruption would absolutely make her ruthless in order to get your attention. Her irritation is already at an all time high the moment you even insinuate not wanting her around, and that irritation will be taken out on the first person who crosses her path. It's all for you, to show you what she's capable of, how much she needs you to guide her and morph her into what you wish her to be, how ready she is to be thoroughly controlled by the divine and perfect you.
Now obviously Childe, and I'm gonna say everyone in the fatui too, cause duh, but Childe thinks of it just like a game. Surreee he's holding people hostage and threatening/acting on mass genocide, but it's all in your name, see how far he's willing to go to worship you? See how dedicated he is, how much resolve he has? You'll look at him some more won't you? If you still won't then maybe he's just not showcasing his resolve properly. Killing indiscriminately and offering up body parts on your alter shows how he's not phased by that stuff, how he's just the perfect tool for you to use however you please, he'll do it all for you so please just ask him to.
Now this might be a little out of left field but I'd say Albedo. He'd try to win your favor through scientific breakthroughs, futuristic inventions that maybe mimic things in your own world that you miss. Sadly, testing these things ethically just takes so much more time, he needs your attention now, so he might as well kill two birds with one stone and maybe make use of the waste of human life that are your nonbelievers. You'll look past it right? Is not as if he's actually hurting people, those who don't bend to your will are less than human.
Of course I've gotta hit all the angsty characters and say Xiao. His entire existence was proving his worth through slaughter, it's what he knows. If corrupted he'd choose to prove his worth to you by showing how well he can protect you, from monster and human alike. If he sees you have a problem with another human then he'll solve it for you, you'll appreciate him for doing that won't you? He's doing it for you, he'd do anything for you, simply say the word. You rejecting him like this must mean he simply hasn't proven himself enough, he'll do better, anything that moves around you will be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly. A threat can come from anywhere of course, so you'll say his name right? Just once more, he needs to hear it one more time.
I gotta put Ei on this list too, she's simply not known for having the strongest moral compass. Ei would start wars in your name, if only to get you back, as if you were nothing more than simply a trophy, from whoever holds your attention. She has the power of people willing to kill in both her and your name, it would take little more than a sharp look and a few choice words to cause a completely different kind of war, one she will certainly not lose, not with something so precious on the line. She's giving herself up so freely, she's yours, why won't you take her? And Ei is completely prepared to make any sacrifice in your name, so what must she do in order to prove it? Spilling so much blood needlessly is such a waste after all, but it will be done, and it will continue to be done until you grace her with your gaze once again.
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ithinkinggenshin · 2 years
How She Takes You Away
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Shenhe
Pairings: Shenhe x GN!Reader
Warnings: Yandere, Possessive behavior, blood, vague description of homicide, improper grammar/punctuation
Word count: 265
Synopsis: Shenhe is possessive. Prove me wrong.
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I think shenhe would like it when you start depending on her.
at first you're both awkward and you aren't sure how to talk to her. but each instance she experiences where you need her help, saving you from monsters or treasure hoarders. glaring at shop keepers till they give you a discount. and one day, when you cling to her arm as you wade through practically a stampeding crowd. it gives her a thrill she never thought possible. her red ropes hold her back from feeling intense emotion.
if this feeling of... what she thinks is love. if it's so prominent even with them on, then surely they're even more so off.
but there is the jealous part of her. that whispers that she doesn't want anyone else touching you. this feeling of envy and hatred towards those around you, even if they make you happy, they burn and bubble inside of her. those will come out in full force too.
Shenhe takes her ropes off to sleep. but finds no rest. she's wide awake as she climbs down the mountain.
Liyue is a blood bath after she visits it. adepti protect liyue. shenhe is not an adepti. she isn't bound by a contract. she was taught to be strong and to protect those she cares about. and she decided that she cares about you.
it'll be okay though. life on the mountain with her isn't terrible. she'll care and provide for you. you don't even have to talk. just mediate with her. hold her hand. love her. that's all you need to do.
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whispereons · 7 months
Oracle!Reader Part 20
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 19, Part 21
1K special
Warning! This is yandere, sagau imposter au so expect lots of gore in the series. This chapter is tame in comparison to the others.
The moon glimmers in the starlit sky as a hand brushes against your newly scarred skin. Eyelashes fluttering, your vision begins to focus on the plain ceiling above you. 
A coarse groan leaves your cracked lips as you flinch from the sudden pressure on your stomach. The hand quickly retreats as a pale green blob comes into view.
"...are…eeling?" The voice is barely picked up as your ears ring. Squinting your eyes, you swallow the dried saliva tasting faintly of blood.
"W-Who?" The word is coughed out as your throat struggles to form the words. Before you can ask for water, a cup is brought to your lips. The cold water brings sweet relief to your parched body.
Your senses begin to sharpen and clarity is brought back to your vision. Baizhu stands next to your bed helping you drink from the cup, though Changsheng isn't wrapped around his neck like she normally would be.
The water runs out and he draws the cup away. "How are you feeling? Your body is technically healed of its major injuries but it's still trying to adjust. The pain will continue to persist for a long while."
"I feel better than before." The reply is automatic as your hand twitches in an effort to move your muscles. The recollection of what had even brought you to Baizhu's care is a slow trickle as you process his words.
Shenhe, Yelan, the treasure hoarders, the fall and Qiqi are slotted into your memory like perfect puzzle pieces. The small pitter-patter of footsteps coming closer to you and the sound of metal being set down goes unheard by you as you focus on sitting up.
Soreness and exhaustion are impossibly heavy weights as you struggle to lift your body a few inches away from the mattress. Gentle hands support your body, along with much smaller ones on your other side. 
"Thank you…" Your words are choked out between your bitten lips as a dull ache plagues your body. Clenching the blanket in your fists, you sigh in relief as a cold compress is applied to your bare back.
Wait, your bare back?
The strangeness is not lost on you as you look down at yourself. A thin hospital-like gown is all that you seem to be wearing with the blanket pooled around your waist. It takes a second for you to properly process what this means for you before you’re frantically reaching up to your face.
“No need to fret, your mask was left untouched during the treatment.”
It seems to be the truth, as your fingertips are met with cool porcelain and flaking blood. Not to mention the casual way Baizhu is speaking to you and the lack of Millelith guards swarming you.
Licking your chapped lips, you eventually arrive at the question: where do you go now? Ningguang would surely kill you if she finds out you’re still alive. Zhongli is still expecting an answer, god knows what Yelan would do and Shenhe is a wild card-
The thoughts racing in your mind are abruptly cut off as a metal tray is plopped onto your lap. A warm bowl of soup and yogurt with a soft pastel color greeted you. The refilled cup of water placed on your bedside is ignored as your mouth waters at the sight of the meal.
“Clear chicken carrot soup and fruit-flavored yogurt.” A child-like, monotonous voice comments with a deeper melodic voice following up. “I would have had food suited to your taste, but you hadn’t awoken until now. Are you allergic to anything?”
“Nope.” You replied by popping the ‘p’ before pulling the tray closer and picking up the utensils. Allergies didn’t concern your ravenous mind, as your dormant stomach awakened painfully at the smell of food. Who knows, maybe your creator buff will also prevent any allergic reactions.
An upside to being the creator was something you desperately needed after the saga of pure bullshit you’ve been through.
Baizhu gently directs Qiqi out of the room after instructing her a message you couldn’t bother to hear as you gulp down the food. When he returns, he sits next to you as the moonlight shines down from the window.
“Let me explain your previous and current state while you eat. Qiqi brought you in with multiple minor injuries, a few stab wounds, head trauma, elemental damage, with fractured and broken bones. That’s not even mentioning the severe blood loss and infections beginning to manifest on your poorly healed past injuries.” Each description is like a stab to the heart, with the visualization of your passed out body arriving to Baizhu on death's doorstep crystal clear.
“Thankfully your body reacted well with my elemental healing so the life-threatening wounds were healed, without infections, and your critical condition was toned down. That doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet.”
The soup and yogurt is picked clean, leading you to gulp down the water next. Looking at him, you open your mouth to ask for more food when he cuts you off firmly. “Don’t bother asking for food, the arrows didn’t hit your lungs or heart, but your abdominal organs weren’t spared. You’ll be stuck with light meals until I’m positive it’s safe.”
Resisting a scoff, you ask him. “So what’s my current condition? Will I have to stay here overnight? Hold on, can I even afford that? How much did this treatment even cost?!”
“Please calm down, Y/N.” 
“How did you-”
“Your name was etched onto the bag that Qiqi brought along. As for payment, there’s no need to worry. You had a rather generous benefactor that has given us more then enough mora to cover your total cost in every possible scenario.”
That was suspicious beyond belief, but you didn’t have a reason not to believe Baizhu either. Baizhu would have healed you even without payment, but not being in debt was ideal. 
This benefactor either wants something from you, wants to kill you themselves, or knows you personally. 
A few people come to mind that could fit your suspicions but with so little knowledge you couldn’t confirm anything. Instead, you asked. “Isn’t doctor-patient confidentiality a thing? Did they leave any message for me?”
If Baizhu was surprised, then he hid it well. “She knew your name and appearance, though I never confirmed that you were here. She simply left the money and a verbal message asking you to have dinner with her tomorrow at 1800 in Xinyue Kiosk. But please be aware that I’m not forcing this, whether you would like me to refund the money so you can avoid interacting with her or not is completely up to you.”
Shaking your head, you declined it. “I’ll go. Since everything is paid for by her, does that also include any medicine I have to take for whatever current injuries I still have?”
“That’s right. I’m mostly prescribing supplements for the blood loss and fluid imbalance. Some are for the bones that broke, even repaired they might cause problems, so calcium intake is also important. A simple drug for your immune system, as your body's defenses are relatively low from the wounds. As well as per needed fever and pain medications.”
… You didn’t want to imagine the cost of those medications, let alone the treatment. A dinner in the most expensive restaurant in Liyue within the city with an unknown woman isn't that bad. 
You've met people in worst locations and survived this long.
Pushing back the lingering worry, you focused on Baizhu’s explanation over what condition your body is in, what time to take the medicine and any other problems that could arise. It was boring, but you weren’t looking to get sick from your own stupidity.
The conversation had gone as you expected for a while until he brought up a strange topic. Flipping through a few papers, Baizhu steered the topic onto your- “Scars. Many of what you suffered from will leave new scars on your body. It’s the old scars that were peculiar.”
Knowing your luck, your scars must also be known to them. But you weren’t going to bring it up if he didn’t.
“They are imbued and cultivated with a power that is strikingly familiar, yet foreign. It actually perfectly correlates with my researched point of interest. I wanted to ask your permission on getting a sample of it before your discharge.”
That was a risky request. Your face stayed neutral as you thought to yourself. The consequences could be minor, but what if it became another situation of an accidental connection to the Creator again?
Looking back at the smiling snaked eye man, you opened your mouth to respond when he suddenly gave the fakest gasp.
“I almost forgot to mention that your old scar formations are the exact locations of the Creator’s real scars! This along with everything else I’ve seen is almost enough for me to report this to the Mille-”
“For fuck's sake just take it.” You could be excused for not playing mind games this time, being nearly dead should be enough reason for a day off. 
“I want some form of compensation, though!” Being stupidly tired is a different matter then being just plain stupid.
“That’s not a problem. I’ll most likely take the sample sometime tomorrow before your discharge. So please, tell me what you have in mind by noon tomorrow so I can fetch it in time.”
In hindsight, it wasn’t surprising that Baizhu would ask this of you. Your body has clearly undergone some changes as you lived in Teyvat and Baizhu is dead set on finding a way to be immortal. 
There was a time you had wondered if you might be immortal due to being the creator, so maybe Baizhu can figure it out with your sample.
“The last thing I want to address before you rest is-” Baizhu is cut off by a knock on the door. He glances at you, asking permission to open the door with his eyes before you nod firmly. Qiqi walked in earlier without knocking, so maybe it’s a visitor? But considering how late it is, maybe you were wrong…
“Come in Qiqi and bring the visitor in too.” 
The door opens slowly as you watch Qiqi walk in stiffly with a yawning girl following her in at a similar height. Long light brown hair is loose as the girl rubs her eyes tiredly. 
“Hello Dr. Baizhu, I came back to check one last time if the oracle- Oh!” Caramel colored eyes widen at the sight of you sitting on the bed, and the girl hurriedly gives a polite bow. A yellow plush bunny is smooshed in her arms in the process.
“Hello, pardon my rudeness. My name is Yaoyao and I was sent by my master to check on you! It’s my honor to make your acquaintance, Y/N, or would you rather me call you by the oracle title?”
The ‘little adult’ looks different without the decorative bells she usually wears in her tied up hair, but the bunny was a dead give away. You smile at the nervous girl while wondering just who told her about you being an oracle.
Baizhu was giving you a look that basically screamed suspicion.
“You can just call me Y/N. By master, you mean Madame Ping, right?” Yaoyao beams at that as she steps closer.
“That’s correct, we learned about you from the other Adepti and Xiangling.” You should have known. “When we heard that you were here, I was sent on my Master's orders and Ganyu’s concern. Visitors weren’t allowed earlier, but I wanted to check one last time.”
Ganyu too? That basically guarantees Ningguang, Keqing, Zhongli and even more knowing that you’re here. But more importantly was the fact that Baizhu investigated anything connected to the Adepti for his immortality quest. 
You could only hope that Baizhu would be happy with a basic explanation and the sample of your scar tissue as promised.
“Visitors was the last topic I wanted to address.” Baizhu smoothly joins as he gets up from his seat and heads toward a desk on the far side of the room. A small pile of letters and a pile of gifts sit on the table next to your bag. How didn’t you notice it before?
“After a patient here noticed you before she was discharged, she and her guardian left you a letter with a present. I believe she may have been the one to spread it, but I ask you to kindly not hold anger against her. She’s rather young.”
So the little leaker was a child? It could be one of the kids you saved, but none of them could really afford to go to Baizhu. Not that he would have denied them but most children in that situation don’t go unless on the verge of death or pushed by an adult.
“It’s okay, I’ll look through the stuff in the morning.” As if on cue, Yaoyao fails to hide a yawn as she walks to stand next to your bed.
“Auntie Cloud Retainer and the rest of the Adepti told Master what happened on Mt. Aocang. Master really wants to meet you, so if you have any time to spare, please pay her a visit here at the Yujing Terrace near the Yiyan temple.”
Nodding absentmindedly, you make a mental note of that before asking Yaoyao a question in return. 
“Just how many people in general know that I’m here? I know quite a few people and Qiqi being here must have been quite a spectacle… But surely it must not have been too much considering that it was the middle of the night.”
The nervous expression on Yaoyao face dashes away any hopes you had. 
“Sorry Y/N but a lot of the city was speaking about you. Even nature and the animals kept mentioning you! Though they were a little more vague. If it helps, most people know you as a masked person rather than your name.”
Sighing, you don’t even bother hiding the distaste on your face. Changing masks wouldn’t do much and you sure as hell can’t remove it either, leaving you with the sole option of leaving. 
Leaving before anyone else can attack you in this fast-pace city filled with greed and ambition. If you stayed here any longer, you’ll surely be pulled into whatever new situation happens and only get more attention. 
The dinner you had first worried about is almost miniscule compared to the threat of Yelan and Shenhe knowing your location. More so, Yelan as she has an obligation to get rid of you due to her job rather than Shenhe’s emotional motive. 
Your mind replays the last bit of your fight where you had touched the waypoint and- Oh fuck. Groaning, you dumped your face into your hands as Yaoyao watched you worriedly. Her worried calls rolled off you like waves as you remember how the teleport waypoint glowed in front of everyone.
That’s a complete group of people, treasure hoarders nonetheless, that saw you activate it. Yelan could use that information and the witnesses in whatever stupidly clever way she wants!
Yaoyao looks back at Baizhu confused as he shakes his head silently. Qiqi picks up a glass of coconut milk and begins to walk towards you with it before Baizhu blocks her way.
Fingers digging into your scalp, you resist the urge to pull your hair as you bite your still slightly bruised lips. The realization of what kind of ammo you gave Yelan was killing you. 
Baizhu takes the glass from Qiqi and puts it back down before handing her a glass of water. Qiqi stares blankly at Baizhu before switching the glasses again. As the two continuously switch cups, Yaoyao rummages in her bag.
A sting of pain begins to grow as you get dangerously closer to the recently healed head wound. The smell of something sweet yet earthy snaps you out of your stress-fueled self depreciation as small hands pry your rough ones away.
“Please be careful Y/N, Dr. Baizhu is a great doctor but you shouldn’t hurt yourself like this. Have a candied date, it's golden honey flavored and works great to get rid of the bitter medicinal taste that he prescribes.”
It didn’t smell too bad, so you hesitantly took it from her hands and glanced back at Baizhu in case he tries to confiscate it. With his back safely turned, you pop the candied date into your mouth.
It’s a nice taste and it does work well as a distraction from your worries. “Thank you Yaoyao.” Your hand reaches out instinctively and pats her head. “The Creator views you fondly and one day your fate will intersect with the creator’s just like it did with the Adepti.”
The lie flows smoothly from your mouth as she smiles brightly up at you. Her eyes move down to the blanket as she responds. “I still don’t quite know what that means, but I’m sure I’ll be able to properly appreciate it once I’m older.”
Qiqi joins you both and hands you a glass of water that you take from her gratefully. Your hand leaves Yaoyao’s head to rest on the bed, making Qiqi look away with a pout. Before you can question the unexpected reaction, Baizhu redirects the conversation.
“I understand that you hold some valid concerns over your safety, Y/N. This situation isn’t one we deal with frequently, but we do have measures in place.”
The look you send him speaks a thousand words as he sighs and adds. “Free of charge, of course, as it counts as patient confidentiality.” 
“Bubu’s Pharmacy has tight security measures and Millelith frequent the area due to it being near the Yiyan Temple and the Welkin Temple.” You were 100% sure that the second temple did not exist before you came here. “Me and Qiqi both reside here and as experienced vision holders, you’ll be in safe hands.”
Nodding in understanding, you can’t deny that it felt safer knowing you weren’t going to be left alone. Your body was still exhausted and in the midst of healing so you didn’t have much energy to defend yourself with if Ningguang were to send another person after you.
“Qiqi doesn’t sleep much, so she’ll keep an eye out for anything amiss.” And you were right back to feeling anxious. Baizhu was relaxed as he tidied up the room, while Yaoyao spoke softly to Qiqi.
Glancing at the zombie child, you repeated the mantra to yourself that anyone could be a DPS in Genshin. You just needed to check her equipment before bed.
Yaoyao turns back to you with a sleepy smile. “I’ll be taking my leave now. I wish you a swift recovery, and I look forward to seeing you again with my Master.” With a casual wave, you let that be your only farewell as you drink the glass of water Qiqi handed you earlier.
Baizhu pats his clothing down as he calls out to Yaoyao right as she opens the door.
“Oh Yaoyao, since you’ll be relaying the message to Madam Ping and Ganyu, please have Ganyu tell Ningguang about Y/N’s acceptance to dinner for me as well.”
The water you were drinking goes down the wrong way at those words. 
Coughing, you yank the glass away as you look back up to the surprised Baizhu. “Did you say Ningguang? Was she the one who paid for everything and asked for the dinner?”
Baizhu smiles pleasantly with little regard for your shaky tone as he nods. There goes every flicker of hope you had that Ningguang wasn’t your benefactor.
Every drop of blood your body synthesized to restore you back to normal is drained as you pale at the confirmation. Just how the hell did you manage to meet Zhongli, Yelan, and Ningguang!? 
They are all people you wanted to avoid, and you definitely shouldn’t have met, considering the fact that people pay to even get an hour with Ningguang, let along a whole ass dinner invite!
Was there some stupid rule that goes along with being the creator making you meet nearly every acolyte that exists?
So busy cursing yourself and the entirety of Teyvat out, you don’t notice how Baizhu corrals Yaoyao out of the room before heading to you, as Qiqi watches from the sidelines.
“My, my you’ve gone pale at the news Y/N.” Baizhu’s glasses glint a little from the flickering lantern illuminating the room. He smiles down at you with half-lidded eyes that stare at you strangely.
“I didn’t realize that I forgot to tell you who it was. If you decide to, we can always cancel it and send a priority letter before discussing a payment plan.”
Squinting your eyes, you shake your head ‘no’ as you try to read the simultaneously shady yet reckless doctor. It didn’t seem like he had any malicious intentions, as he very much did mean to hide it. But you can’t be sure that he had any good intentions either.
“That’s a shame, I was looking forward to discussing alternate ways of paying that don’t require mora.” …Yeah, no matter what way you put it or how clean Baizhu keeps his reputation. One can not simply not be seen as shady while going around saying stuff like that.
So not only is Baizhu showing signs of that strange attachment in a matter of hours, but Ningguang decided to suddenly switch her tactics. From ‘investigate and kill if deemed a threat’ to ‘generous wealthy person that totally isn’t covering up a crime’.
Could you possibly get Yanfei to sue Ningguang if you aren’t poisoned at the dinner?
Maybe, but that’s all riding on the chance that you aren’t killed in some coincidental accident before then. Waving away the pessimistic and slightly comical thoughts, you look up at Baizhu as he dims the lantern. 
“The pharmacy opens at 0900 in the morning. Are you willing to take visitors from that point on till your discharge at 1300?” Briefly looking at the letters and gifts, you nod silently.
Baizhu’s smile doesn’t waver as he responds casually. “Many people will be happy to hear that Y/N, you seem quite popular.”
He opens the door before kneeling to Qiqi’s height. “The last order I have for you tonight is to keep watch over Y/N and protect them if need be. Understand?”
Qiqi tilts her head at that and blandly states. “Order received. Order cannot be processed. Original intended function still active and in place.”
Baizhu frowns at that as you look at Qiqi curiously. His expression quickly smooths back to a calm smile as he stands up. “As long as the ending is the same, then I don’t mind.”
He glances at you one last time as the door creaks open to show the dark hallway. Slitted eyes meet yours, full of curiosity and intrigue. They almost glow as he steps into the hallway with Qiqi in tow before the door closes softly.
Sighing in relief, you flop back onto the bed and roll in the covers for a position that won’t put pressure on your aching muscles. Baizhu’s increasingly strange behavior slithers back into your mind as you close your eyes.
Just why didn’t he ask you about being an oracle yet? Is he planning on getting the Millelith? No, he would have done so much earlier. Maybe he’s trying to gather some blackmail on you? 
The possibilities torment your exhausted mind as you finally settle on just explaining yourself tomorrow when you get the scar sample from you. When you open your eyes, the flame has already burned away, leaving your only light as the moon. 
Staring at it, you think back to the waypoints. Are they finally fixed? Can you use them again? You couldn’t test it out now, but you could do so when you leave after the dinner with Ningguang. 
Which region should you travel to next? There was no may you could stay or go back to Inazuma, so it’s either Mondstadt or Sumeru as they are the closest. 
Closing your eyes, you try to imagine what traveling through the terrain would be like to arrive in the city. Frowning, you continue by imagining what it would be like traveling in that region for the weekly commissions.
It’s a simple decision really as Sumeru had a wide range of animals and poisonous plants to fight past. While Mondstadt had that sweet peaceful greenery from being the starter city with the lowest amount of treasure hoarders thanks to a certain Cryo user.
Deciding that you’ve picked your brain enough on the topic, you shut your eyes for some actual rest.
A moment passes, and then another, as the wind rustles the leaves on the tree outside the window. The faint sound of a sweet croon reaches your ears as you stubbornly keep your eyes closed.
As your mind is slowly consumed by the heavy exhaustion and the dimness of the room, two thoughts come to mind.
One, you forgot to check Qiqi’s equipment. Two, just what made you be locked out from the teleport waypoints if it counts as a game mechanic from Genshin Impact itself?
“The moon is quite beautiful at this time of night.” A kind and knowing voice says as wrinkled hands pick out the bits of leaves from long white hair. The moonlight illuminates the silvery strands as it gradually is picked clean to its former glory.
“Child, just what has happened that you come to me out of all the Adepti for assistance?” A red rope is cut into perfect portions and tied to form the perfect braid. A Cryo vision sits innocently as the centerpiece, while a monochrome ornament adorns the top.
“I cannot advise you on the matter that troubles you if you do not speak, Shenhe.” Iridescent eyes finally move up from the ground to meet the elderly woman’s warm ones. Shenhe struggles to speak as her head dips forward.
“I… I hurt someone badly. But they hurt me too.” Shenhe holds her hands together in a prayer like motion as her eyes flutter close. “But at the end, they showed me something I couldn’t believe. No. That I refused to believe and even helped me.”
With a hunched back and patience learned over thousands of years, the old woman stays quiet. Giving the oh-so apathetic disciple time to put her thoughts into words.
“I don’t know what to do, and master isn’t the most adept when it comes to humans. But you, Streetward Rambler are, in more than one way. You constitute as a human more than me.”
Shenhe closes her eyes as she thinks back to her encounter with you. The truth you didn’t hesitate to spit in her face, the raw anger you expressed at her delusions and denial.
“I just want to understand these emotions. Are they a witch’s, an Adepti’s or a human’s emotions? Not even these ropes are stopping them!” Shenhe tugs at the newly bound rope in frustration but stops at the touch of light fingertips.
Madam Ping smiles warmly down at Shenhe. “None of those answers are correct child. They are simply your emotions. And I believe deep down, you already know what you feel. You just don’t know what to do with them.”
Shenhe looks at the ground with a mixture of guilt and self-loathing swarming inside her. It was true, wasn’t it? That day you spoke her feelings in the bluntest way possible, but here she was, still trying to deny it.
“Then what do I do? Is it really okay to love someone that hurt you? I don’t want a repeat of my childhood… I just want to treasure and use this new chance at connecting with my entire self that the Creator has graced me with.”
The hand that pats her head is familiar and warm. Childhood memories of her shedding those human emotions she once thought weak come to mind before Madam Ping’s voice brings her back.
“Trusting in the Creator and following the path they opened for you, no matter how scary or concerning, is always the right path. Follow me Shenhe.” 
Madam Ping is quick to walk away toward the two temples, as Shenhe follows her swiftly. The Yiyan Temple for the Geo Archon is laughably small in comparison to the huge Welkin Temple behind it.
They climb the stairs past the Yiyan Temple and enter the luxurious archway leading into the Welkin Temple. Decorations laced with jewels, paintings of the highest caliber, and statues of the rarest minerals are a common sight in it.
As Liyue Harbors sole temple, the city and its citizens spared no expanse in making sure it was top-notch. That included the deceased Geo Archon who left it in the care of the Liyue Qixing before his passing.
The pair walked through the halls as many people prayed and worshiped within the dead of the night without care for the passing onlookers.
Everyone gathered here at this time of night is here to do the same thing after all.
A couple of people amble past the determined Adeptus and disciple into the barren clinic as physicians begin to care for them. The blood, bone, and missing parts of skin are applauded before quickly being catered to. 
Madam Ping enters the hallway where many citizens wait outside the rooms for their turn. Yet instead of stopping like Shenhe expected, the old woman brings her to a hidden staircase around the corner.
The two climb up and up, till they reach the rooftop where an alter sits. Shenhe is well aware what she must do for the answers she desires. Kneeling before it, Shenhe gratefully takes the ceremonial spear handed to her by Madame Ping.
“You have matured enough to earn the privilege of giving a piece of yourself to the Holy One. I can only excitedly wait for the day my own disciples can have this honor.” With a calm yet cheery chuckle, Madame Ping moves away from the grave faced Shenhe.
“Oh Holy Creator, God of all that has lived, lives, and lives on. Listen to this acolytes prayer and grant me but a crumb of your wisdom. Though I am foolish and mortal, your mercy shines down on in the form of that person.” 
The spear is raised into the air as Shenhe stays kneeling and points the spear down.
“Please, Divine One, show this wretched girl just how I’m supposed to make it up to Y/N.”
The spear drives down and the crimson droplets stain the altar like a dazzling flourish of rose petals.
Well this took a long while. This time it wasn't school but just personal stuff. Between house hunting, family feud, car problems, and just trying to keep up with school. I haven't got much of a break. But things have finally calmed down somewhat so I used it to get this done. What also helped was making the outline for the 1k special. I think I should have it done for the next update instead of the regular chapter. But I did notice that a good chunk wanted regular chapters instead so I got a compromise. The special features Mondstadt (as most sagau start in Mond so I thought it would be fun) and it'll be a teaser to what Mondstadt has in store for you all. I'm not sure how many of you have noticed but each region has a certain theme when it comes to worship. Inazuma with sacrificing, Liyue with self mutilation, and Mondstadt will be hinted at in the special. My editor, @serpent-benediction, did this super late last night so props for once. But if there are claims to being anything more than an editor then don't listen. I keep basically everybody in the dark. Kinda feel like death so if you have any questions or comments I will answer them as soon as I can read again. Taglist: is open for anyone so just comment if you want to join <3
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus, @silverstarred, @iamapotatoe
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nekoranger99 · 2 years
imagining yan!shenhe with adeptus darling overworking so much it puts ganyu and keqing to shame and so not wanting her darling to keep doing this attempts to get cloud retainer to tell darling to ease up and relax since there's no war going on anymore and adeptus darling finally calms down but has even worse amount of karma then xiao so is a bit of a recluse and unable to interact with people but gets attached to shenhe and maybe even ends up not realizing it but darling depends on talks with shenhe and ends up letting themself be locked up in shenhe's house in the mountains
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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