#inspired by FRIENDS
wanna-be-bold · 1 year
Grey when Tim comes back from meeting with Lucy: what the hell took you so long? I've been waiting for a status update
Tim: I was doing laundry with Lucy, keeping up the cover
Angela mysteriously from somewhere: laundry? Is that your code word for sex
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lcdrarry · 1 year
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11 May | LCDrarry Fic
Peep Show
Prompt: "Friends", 1994, TV Series Prompted by: @lettersbyelise Author: Anonymous Length: 10,120 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Notes: Thank you to the LCDrarry mods for all their hard work. You deserve a billion kudos for putting on such a fantastic fest. Thanks to lettersbyelise for the delicious prompt! I knew it was meant to be the moment I saw it. And finally, thanks to my incredible betas, S and L! I could't have gotten it across the finish line without you.
Summary: Auror trainees Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are maybe-possibly-sort-of friends. When Harry moves into the building next to Draco's, they become neighbours, too. Actually, Harry can see directly into Draco's flat from his window. And as it turns out, Draco gets up to some interesting things at night.
View it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June.
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morgansunflower · 2 years
How the Batfamily found out Damian is dating Dick and Barbara's adopted daughter.
Warnings: suggestive content..
Arthur's notes: heavily inspired by Friends! Third, P. O. V
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How it happened..
The door opened "I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY WHOO!!!" Garfield yelled
Damian threatens him "get out before I throw my knife at you!"
Gar quickly shuts the door. Damian sits with his back against the wall with the blanket rested from his waist down.
"do you think he noticed me?" Y/N asked peeping her head covering her bare chest with the blanket.
"no, he's far too into oblivion"
"good... so... Never done that with you.."
"you were.. Outstanding"
He holds her beautiful face in his hands with a soft smile on his lips. He finally had all he wanted. His best friend who he fell in love with was finally with him. They formed a beautiful bond that intertwined them. She never expected Damian to fall in love with her. She had her true love within her grasp. She was scared to wake up and realized it was all a blissful dream. He was kind, gentle but rugged. Her Dad is going to kill them. He still forgets how much they've grown. Damian gently rubbed his thumb against her face. Three words seemed perfect for the moment but they refused to come forth.
How Alfred found out...
Alfred has known since the phone call he received from the hotel that a eyelash curler was left in his room and then his granddaughter asked Stephanie if she could borrow hers. The poor old man nearly had a heart attack.
how Stephanie & Jason found out the other knows
"hey uh Jason, do remember that big thing I was gonna tell you about?" Stephanie asked Jason looking down at, him as he sat on the chair.
His eyes went completely wide and his face angered "no! No! No! No! I cannot deal with anymore fucking secrets!"
Stephanie slaps his hand "oh stop it! I'm not going to tell but if you found out on your own... That would be OK and then we could talk about it, right?"
Jason stammered ".. well then it wouldn't be a secret so that would be OK yeah yeah..." he nodded in agreement.
Stephanie tries to be smooth "yeah.. it'd be great if I go ask Y/N to go out on girls night.
Jason scoffed "tonight? Don't you girls hang out all the time?
.. Heavy awkward silence..
Jason looks up to Steph "do you know something?"
"do you know something?" she asked him
Jason looked at her, hoping "I might know something"
Stephanie looked down at him "I might know something"
"what's the thing you know?" he asked, surely she doesn't know Damian would die if she did know.
Stephanie shakes her head "oh I can't tell you and you tell me what you know"
Jason rolls his eyes "well I can't tell you what I know"
Stephanie sighs "well then I can't tell you what know"
Jason scoffs dramatically "ok fine"
She sits on the chair.....Silence....
Jason looks at her. Absolutely not "you don't know.."
Stephanie as officially had enough raised to her feet to storm off while saying "I am gonna go walk into Damian's room and I will see the thing that I think I know!
Jason jumps out of his chair gasping "Holy SHIT!! YOU KNOW!!!!"
Stephanie gasps "and you know!! Y/N and Damian!!"
Jason grabs her arms "holy shit Steph I've been waiting for this to come out for weeks!"
Stephanie imitated a explosion "this is SO unbelievable!"
Jason takes a deep breath "Dick is going to flip his shit when he knows... Wait do they know that you know?"
How Bruce found out from his beloved.
"have you noticed our son's behavior differing over the last few passing weeks?" Bruce asked his beloved placing her hands on his shoulders.
"you truly don't know?" Talia asked taken aback
"know what Talia?! Is he alright?" Bruce demanded with his voice greatly worried.
Talia's lips formed a smile in much amusement, that turned into a soft laughter "he's in love with Y/N. He hasn't told me, though a mother, knows her son"
How Barbara aka Y/N's adopted mother found out.
She discovered a change in her daughter's mood. She had known her for many years and had she had been under the Grayson name for 6 years. So when she came home from Garfield and Rachel's wedding.. She knew her little girl was in love. She was happy for her but then greatly shocked when Damian had been.. Smiling more.
How Cassandra found out...
Beforehand she was utterly annoyed with the denial of feelings between Damian and Y/N. Though when they came back. She could sense the pheromones radiating from them. She wanted to congratulate and hug them. Her favorite ship was finally together.
How Duke and Tim found out
"what are you doing?" Duke asked Tim who was looking out the window at Y/N
He takes a deep swig of coffee "investigating"
Duke looks out the window at Y/N waving goodbye with a, rose in her, hand. He sees her blow a kiss. Tim silently cursed.
"uhh who was that for and where did she get the rose...." Duke looks out the window down to the outer walkway to see his little brother with a smirk. He finally connected the dots "AHHHH!! Nooooo! My EYES"
"I'm spiking my coffee" Tim said defeated
How Dick aka Y/N's adopted Dad found out.
Stephanie hears the entrance door to Damian apartment open. She runs up to the door to see, her little brother.
"Dami!!" her voice relieved. Steph hits him hardly on the chest "where the hell have you been?!"
"tt I was out..... "
Dick scoffs "oh out I can't believe we didn't think to look there!"
Damian glared to them "you all realize you're all intruding in my apartment"
Jason rolled his eyes "where the hell were you?"
Cassandra already knows just where he was but no one knows what the others know at, least most of them.
"why does me enjoying my time out affect all of you? I'm 23 not 12"
Dick folded his arms with his dad glare on his face "uh when you won't answer your phone. You were out where"
Damian's temper begins to boil "dammit will all of you leave me alone.. I just went to the bar and then walked here!"
Duke gasped smiling snapping his fingers with a, wide smile. He was going to dig him a hole "you hooked up with someone!"
Damian grunted precisely like his father "I did not!!"
Stephanie joyfully says "YOU TOTALLY DID!! Aww I'm so proud!" he made Y/N so happy.
The door opens to see Dick's adopted daughter for six years..
"hey Dami you forgot your jacket--" Y/N blushing hardly and panicking inside "hi guys.. Hey dad"
Dick was utterly offended his little girl was in back in town and didn't tell him "since when have you been back in town missy?!!"
Dick then passes out figuring out where she were and who she was with. Dick came to sitting on the couch, when he hears his voice being called. He opens his eyes to Y/N sitting beside him.
Dick takes a deep breath preparing his lecture "this is not going on any longer!! This friends with benefits shit is over!!!" he demanded
"Dad I'm an adult. I'm not going to stop seeing him" she yelled to him greatly angered at his orders.
"yes you are" he touches her shoulders he didn't want her to get hurt or to hurt her "Y/N you're my daughter and Damian.. He is my best friend.. I don't want to see you two get hurt. I can't. You have to stop seeing each other!"
Everyone could somewhat agree expect for Damian and Y/N. She couldn't lose him when she finally had him. He couldn't let go of her.
"I cannot Grayson.." Damian spoke up warming Y/N's heart.
"Damian I'm not having this conversation with you!" Dick ordered
"she is not a trollop to satisfy my needs! I am in love with her!" Damian shouted out admitting his deep feelings.
Y/N thought she was going to pass out. She looks to Damian ignoring Stephanie's gasp in astonishment, Cassandra's genuine smile, Jason having a half smile and her, Dad's shocked expression. She raises to her feet and walks to Damian. She feels her throat shaking as she was about to cry. He loved her.
"I love you too Damian"
They both kiss as her arm's snake around his neck. Damian wrapped his arms around her. Damian looks seeing Grayson with a soft expression. He didn't want him to find out this way. He really was his best friend. Grayson takes a deep breath. They were in love, and they were happy. He couldn't end that. Not when he cared about both of them so much.
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milkqndrem · 2 years
Camilla: Senpai, you have to let it go. You don’t need to be able to cook everything. Just one dish that’s not poisonous is enough to feed your family
Yor: Okay…
Yor: But what if Loid and Anya get tired of my stew?? I mean, to be a good wife and mother, I should at least be able to make 14 different dishes! But unlike Yuri who ate the dishes I tried making as a kid, I feel like Loid and Anya wants variety…
Camilla, thinking: I have a new respect for Yuri
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Ok Sunny I finally decided from all these fantastic prompts
Hugs 27 for Bagginshield
Touches 33 for Haddotin
(I may send again I'm just warning)
Okay so I've been in a bit of a Friends mood lately so we can blame that for my inspiration for the first request. Otherwise, cute summer vibes for Haddock and Tintin! I hope you enjoy ex-husband. 😁
27. Piggy back hugs- Bagginshield
Bilbo’s head was killing him. More so than the cotton mouth feeling and the turmoil in his stomach. He gave a low groan as he mentally cursed the amount of alcohol he had consumed last night. Even if it had been fun getting together with everyone again. The only consolation was Bilbo knew his roommate had to be in a similar state or worse. 
His head popped off the pillow causing him to moan as he glared at the door. Thorin was up? Just what happened last night to put him in such a good mood. And more to the point, not hungover. Bilbo reached over for his phone, checking the time only to see a missed text from Thorin. That was odd. Rubbing at his eyes and giving a long stretch, he opened the text only for his entire body to freeze at the four simple words.
I love U 2
Bilbo put a hand over his mouth to hold in the scream that wanted to come pouring out. What did he SAY last night?! How could he have done this? How could he actually have told Thorin… 
It suddenly dawned on Bilbo. Too. I love you too. He felt the same way. All the pain and nausea seemed to fall by the wayside as Bilbo flung himself out of bed, and into the flat’s kitchen. Thorin had his back to him, humming something under his breath as he flipped some pancakes onto a plate. Looking utterly divine in nothing but a tank and some boxers with his hair pulled up into a bun, Bilbo almost couldn’t believe that this gorgeous man actually wanted him too. As Thorin turned to put the plate on the table, he looked up only to smile at Bilbo.
“Hey! How are you feeling today?”
Something warm and fluttery settled in his chest as a grin split his face. Suddenly, he was running for Thorin whose eyes seemed to widen to saucers as Bilbo used the couch as a springboard to launch himself at the taller man. Thorin quickly turned his back to Bilbo, who wrapped himself around his neck and his legs around his waist. Thorin took a few steps before steadying himself on the counter.
“Bilbo! What on earth…?”
Bilbo buried his nose in Thorin’s neck causing him to tense.
“You love me too.” Bilbo sighed.
“W-What?” Thorin breathed out shakily.
Bilbo’s brow furrowed as he turned his head only to see Thorin’s panic-stricken eyes and the blush creeping across his face. His grip slipped slightly.
“You texted me this morning. You said ‘I love you too’.”
“I said I love U2!” Thorin clarified. “The band? Don’t you remember?”
Something slimy came back to slither in Bilbo’s gut as he slid completely down from Thorin’s back wishing he could just go ahead and melt through the floor as well. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no.
“You were drunk and that song played. The one that you said was a ‘rainy day classic’?”
Bilbo covered his mouth and stomach with his hands knowing he may actually throw up as he tried to make a beeline back for his room. What had he done? This was awful! He could never face Thorin again. Speaking of whom, seemed bound and determined to pound his point straight into Bilbo’s splitting skull.
“I said ‘oh I love this one’. And you said ‘you don’t even know the band’. And then I texted you ‘I love U2’ so you couldn’t pretend you didn’t hear. Like that other time we got drunk and you conveniently didn’t hear me say ‘get me a couple slices of pizza too’?. But…you thought I love you? You thought I love you too? Do you love me?”
Bilbo was never drinking again. This was a nightmare. An absolute nightmare. He had nearly made it all the way back to his room when Thorin grabbed hold of his arm, stopping him in his tracks. 
He wanted to run, he wanted to cry, he wanted to throw up. He did not want to have this conversation and make everything awkward and force Thorin to move out and not want to be his friend anymore. Eight months. For eight months, he had managed to keep his secret in spite of his friends meddling and teasing. Even last night when Bofur made a crack about Bilbo’s type being ‘tall, dark, and handsome with a voice smoother than any 90s ballad…’ 
Ah. Well that explained how U2 got brought up then. Hell of a time to remember that unfortunate detail. He could have broken away. Retreat to his room for a few hours, and then make a plan for how best to play it off. Let everything go back to normal. That’s when he made the mistake of looking up into his roommate’s shining eyes round with an emotion that Bilbo dared not name as hope. Thorin’s hand slid down to Bilbo’s wrist, and he followed the movement if anything to distract himself from having to have the most awkward conversation in the world. Bilbo heaved a huge sigh.
“Lately, I suppose, I’ve come to…have certain…feelings for you. More than friendly-type feelings.”
Thorin sucked in a breath, and Bilbo broke away from his grip, tears stinging his eyes.
“But it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter! I can…not have them. It’s okay. I’m just…having the world’s worst hangover apparently so if you can just…forget I said anything, that would be…”
Bilbo had the door open when a pair of arms snaked their way around his middle, and Thorin was pressing himself fully against Bilbo’s back nearly causing him to bend in two. 
“Get off me, you tree!” Bilbo complained.
“I love you too.” Thorin admitted as he rested his cheek on top of Bilbo’s head.
Bilbo paused. Hoping he wasn’t misinterpreting. Not this time.
“And…to be clear you’re not talking about the band this time?”
“No.” Thorin laughed. “I love you, Bilbo Baggins. I have for a while. I just didn’t want to ruin things.”
Bilbo’s knees nearly buckled, taking them both to the ground, he was so relieved. He tried to turn so he could embrace Thorin back, but he was trapped in place by the man’s weight.
“Can you let go so I can hug you probably then?”
“Yes, you would think that would be the appropriate response, wouldn’t you? Not just fling yourself onto the person’s back.”
Thorin finally loosened his grip just enough for Bilbo to be able to face him, but still remain close to him. Bilbo put his hands around Thorin’s neck as the man looked down on him with his playful smirk that probably was mostly responsible for Bilbo’s infatuation in the first place. 
“I love you.” Bilbo whispered.
Thorin rewarded him with a small kiss. Bilbo couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
“I love you too.”
Thorin started to chuckle at this which had Bilbo snickering right along with him. Leaning his head against Thorin’s chest, he hummed contently. This wasn’t such a bad place to be. Then his stomach really did revolt.
“Thorin, you’re going to have to let go now.”
“Why?” Thorin questioned.
“Because I have to throw up.”
It wasn’t the best beginning to a new relationship, but Bilbo confessed his love all over again when he showed up in his bathroom with a glass of water and a couple of pain pills.
“Probably a good thing you don’t remember what all you promised to do to me if I cooked up breakfast this morning.” Thorin hummed in disappointment.
Bilbo coughed as water entered the wrong pipe. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Why do you think I got up so early?” Thorin asked with his arms crossed before giving the most infuriating eyebrow raise and smirk ever.
“Thorin! WHAT?!”
33. Tasting their smile- Haddotin
It had been a gorgeous day to take a stroll through the many acres that made up Marlinspike. While the sea breeze and the rocking motion of the ship had been his environment for years, Haddock was really gaining an appreciation for the filtered light through the trees and the calls of the birds. However, the heat was something he could do without entirely.
“You ready to head back?” He asked, pulling at his collar. “I could do with some of Nestor’s refreshments.”
“We can do that. We have been walking for a while.” Tintin hummed before calling out for Snowy.
The little terrier was only a few paces ahead, and was quick to return to his master’s side. While a polite gesture, Haddock couldn’t help noticing his companion was neither winded nor sweating. To be young and fit. It was enough to send him grumbling if he didn’t reach for his pipe instead. Unfortunately, he forgot to bring a light so he could only chew on the mouthpiece or hold the bowl in his hand. If Tintin found his habit to be ridiculous, he refrained from saying anything. 
It was something that bothered Haddock from time to time. He could never get a good read on Tintin. Always maintaining a distance verbally or physically, the only times Haddock had ever really seen the depths of his heart was when he or Snowy was in mortal danger or Haddock had done something to make him laugh. He had to confess to enjoying the latter more than the former for obvious reasons and not just because he thought Tintin’s laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world. 
He had been rather worried about how his offer for Tintin to take advantage of the extra rooms at Marlinspike would be received, expecting to get shot down. However, Tintin and Snowy moved in almost immediately, citing the spikes in rent as reason to leave a flat he hardly used anyways. If the reporter had any complaints, he hid them well from Haddock And he had to admit, it was rather nice not just having him around more, but being available more readily for the moments where Tintin had latched on to a new case he wasn’t about to let go of. More bloodhound PI in him than journalist, Haddock couldn’t help but notice. Still, even though he wasn’t as young as he used to be, and had come to prefer the quieter lifestyle than the older one, there wasn’t enough money in the world to keep him away from the young man who managed to steal his weathered, battered, old heart.
Managing the few steps without starting to breath heavily was considered a success as they passed through the dining room and into the sunlit breakfast nook. Well, at least what counted for a breakfast nook in this house as the table was still large enough to seat eight. However, it was more than enough for their little family of sorts and where they tended to take most of their meals. As Haddock suspected, Nestor was pouring them each a glass of mixed berry lemonade and dolling out a scoop of what looked to be some sort of trifle dessert. 
Haddock and Tintin were quick to take their seats as Haddock put his pipe away in favor of drinking down as much of the drink as he could before allowing Nestor to refill it. It wasn’t bad. Would be better with some whiskey, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“Master Haddock, Master Tintin, how was your walk?” Nestor asked.
“Wonderful.” Tintin answered with a smile. “Perfect for working up an appetite for this lovely spread.”
“You’re too kind, Sir.” Nestor smiled, giving a short bow.
“You can say that again.” Haddock grumbled.
“Come again?” Tintin questioned, pausing with his fork halfway to his mouth.
Haddock waved away his concern. “It’s nothing, just a thought I had early.”
Of course, this wasn’t remotely good enough for the younger man who needed to know every little aspect of Haddock’s thought process without returning the favor. Something he had grown used to with Tintin, but never really accepted.
“Do you not think I should be kind?” Tintin asked with a brow raised.
“Thundering typhoons.” He swore. “Who would possibly think such a thing? Of course, I don’t have a problem with you being kind.”
“So then it’s that I’m too kind.” Tintin huffed. “Do you worry people take advantage of me? Because I’m quite capable of taking care of myself, Captain.”
At this point, Nestor had beat a quick exit to the kitchen, and Haddock rather wished he was with him to be perfectly honest. He may not know what was going on with his friend most of the time, but he did know that slight furrow between his brows meant trouble. Which was unfortunate since it was aimed at him this time. Haddock stabbed at the strawberry jam in his slice of trifle a few times as he struggled to gather his thoughts.
“You’re putting words in my mouth now.” He grumbled. “You’re just a little hard to read sometimes. Because…you know. You use your…politeness as a mask.”
The silence that settled was enough to unnerve Haddock as he quickly began to shove jam and custard into his mouth as fast as possible. 
“I suppose, I didn’t realize it was obvious that I did that.” Tintin remarked, staring at his plate with a smile that was best described as empty.
Haddock had to choke down his dessert fast as he quickly tried to dissuade his younger friend.
“Not obvious!” He finally barked. “At least not to everyone.”
“But it is to you.” Tintin accused, his dark eyes sharp as they latched onto Haddock’s.
The former sea captain didn’t like it. He felt exposed, and he knew unlike himself, Tintin could probably see every little emotion he wore. It was still hot. He thought being inside would fix that, and he immediately reached over to down another glass of the delicious lemonade.
“It bothers you. That I’m not more…expressive?” Tintin questioned, tilting his head to the side in an attempt to look even younger than he already appeared.
Haddock felt his grip tighten on the pitcher as he poured himself more lemonade.
“I never said…”
“But it does.” Tintin noted. “Do you not trust me?”
“Blistering barnacles! Of course I trust you!”
“So you just don’t understand me…”
“I don’t understand why we’re having this conversation…”
“Ah! You find it disadvantageous. You think I’m going to find something in you, and then you won’t be able to find it in me in return. But what are you looking for that I haven’t…oh.”
The table shook and silverware clinked after Haddock’s fists crashed down. It had been a  mistake. He knew better than to antagonize that mind of his. He could only hope that Tintin hadn’t found what he worked so hard to keep hidden from him. Didn’t know the true depths of his feelings for his overly bright companion. 
“I pressed a little too far. My apologies, Captain. I didn’t mean to upset you.” 
Haddock sighed as the polite mask fit perfectly back into place. 
“It’s neither here nor there. Water under the bridge. Let’s be done with it and…move on.”
Haddock scraped his plate clean and finished the last of the lemonade. Patting his belly, he figured he could go up to the study and finally have a little smoke. It might be good to give Tintin some space after this.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to thank you for letting Snowy and I move in with you.” Tintin remarked, his cheeks pink and eyes earnest. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like the place I was living was a true home.”
Haddock knew what he was doing, but even so the unexpected confession had a smile splitting his face. He was just about to tell Tintin how glad that made him when he felt a pair of lips brush against his own. Haddock’s eyes had to have grown three sizes as he could only gape at the suddenly coy man as he licked his lips, quite pleased with himself.
“I especially love having fresh berries at our disposal. Delicious! Please pass the message along to Nestor, I think Snowy and I are going to go upstairs to our room now. Enjoy the afternoon, Captain. I’ll see you later for dinner.”
Even as he threw a glance over his shoulder at Haddock, the old sea dog felt frozen to his seat. Did that really just happen? And was he just teasing Haddock about his own feelings or did he feel the same way? He groaned while pinching the bridge of his nose. He really couldn’t get a read on Tintin.
Haddock looked up to see Nestor had miraculously returned only to stare at him pointedly before looking off in the direction Tintin just left. Haddock threw his hands up in the air before jumping up.
“I’m going! Happy?” He demanded as he stomped after the younger man.
He just barely caught Nestor’s rather amused response. “Never been happier.”
Haddock resisted the urge to scowl. So there was a chance it wasn’t Tintin. Maybe Haddock was just bad at reading people in general. No matter, he was going to get a straight answer from him this time. And he rather hoped it was one that worked out well for him to get a taste of Tintin this time.
Request some touch drabbles from Sunny.
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chasingmypen · 10 months
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a spot of fanart/tribute portrait for one of my favorite living poets, Jay Hulme, who I've also been lucky enough to call an online friend.
India ink pens and markers.
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writer-and-artist27 · 2 years
Tumblr Short Story: "Unholy" Kisses
Summary: This is a day that never dawned, a night that never came to be. A time where a Master spoke up beyond her mortification, saying things that inevitably led to more earlier down the line.
Note: This is probably the most “thirsty” story I’ve written in a hot minute (and that says something when I’m the ace and look at most thirst-related FGO artwork with a One Punch Man “okay” face), and I’m affectionately blaming Sebas/@exmeowstic for this due to his encouraging it. And also inspiring me with his recent commission artwork for Passing Days. Thankie, beloved friend.
Note that the following does have spoilers for the manga adaptation of Salem, as well as consist of an AU/alternate universe of Passing Days proper. Kinda like a “what if” scenario after the ending of Day 45, where specific things could’ve played out differently. With a lot more yearning and kissing mixed in. So. You’ve been forewarned. 
For a song to listen to, I recommend Kyle Landry’s 2021 piano cover of Dearly Beloved from Kingdom Hearts.
Please enjoy!
“From what I’m aware of,” Sanson said with a face, giving Robin a look over Vy’s head, “your injuries aren’t serious enough to prevent you coming back into the troupe full-time. But I did have to apply stitches to your wounds, so at the moment, bedrest is a must, Archer.” 
“Of course,” Robin deadpanned, unable to keep the grimace off his face in spite of Vy continuing to cling to him with her arms around his neck as he patted the top of her head. “How’s Circe?”
“Working,” Sanson replied, turning back to the nightstand to start packing up his first-aid supplies. “Last I checked, there were still a few things she wanted to adjust within her workshop, so I imagine she wants to be left alone for now.” As a bottle of antiseptic went back into his duffel bag, Robin could hear the soft clink clink of the glass bumping something inside. “She was the one to bring you back here, after all.” 
No wonder the little sparrow was so worried. Robin glanced down at the brunette still hugging him with an internal sigh before returning Sanson’s gaze with a wry smile. “That explains things.” To Vy, he couldn’t help but raise his other arm to start rubbing comforting circles into her back, unable to ignore the growing wetness on his shoulder as she trembled against him. “Little sparrow,” he whispered, “I’m not going anywhere. You can let go now.”
To both his and Sanson’s surprise, Vy furiously shook her head, merely tightening her grip in the hug as she buried her face into his neck. “D-Don’t wanna,” is the mumbled response, sounding almost like a petulant child as she continued to have a bad case of the sniffles. “You w-worried me, you absolute dork…” 
“Which I understand your feelings, Master, all too well in fact,” Sanson put in, softer this time as he reached out to rest a hand against Vy’s shoulder, “but your clinging to him may make it harder for his stitches to stay in place. Is it alright if you could let him go now?”
By that point, Robin’s not sure whether to glare at Sanson or not as a soft “Ugu” tickles his neck, but Vy still loosens her grip on him as she pulls back from the hug. It didn’t stop him from feeling a nugget of guilt start to weigh down his stomach once he takes in the look on her face, and Sanson seems to notice it too, because he withdraws his hand in half the time it takes for Vy to sit back in her chair at Robin’s bedside, long brown hair shading her eyes. Tears still tellingly glisten from her cheeks and at Robin’s shoulder where she was crying, and the little sparrow proceeds to shakily reach into one of her pockets on her Standard Chaldean uniform. With another sniffle (not muffled this time), she pulls out a microfiber cloth, taking off her glasses to start wiping at the lenses with the small thing. “‘M… ‘m sorry,” comes out in a shaky wisp of a voice, hints of another sob climbing up her throat as she swallows thickly. “I… I…” 
“Vy,” Robin said softly, giving Sanson his own look before the Assassin could open his goddamn mouth again, “it’s okay.” 
Mid-wipe of her glasses, a few droplets fall onto the lenses past her fingers as Vy’s shoulders shake. “N-No, no, Robin, it’s not… it’s not…” A noise caught between a sob and a high-pitched wail then leaves her mouth, echoing in the room enough to make Sanson freeze in place as she shook her head. “It’s not okay, it’s just not…” 
Oh no, Robin thinks.
“I’ll…” Sanson gulps, looking more and more uncomfortable by the second as he zipped up his duffel bag, slowly backing away to grab his coat as he inched closer towards the door. “I’ll take my leave now. I… I can see I have intruded on what appears to be a private moment, so you two can hash things out, Archer,” he then adds hastily, his hand finding some kind of purchasing grip on the doorknob before throwing open the door. “Don’t push yourself, Master,” is all he leaves Vy in passing as the door closes behind him, locking in place with a very solid click, and by then, Robin is left alone with his little sparrow.
His crying, very upset little sparrow. 
Normally, Robin would’ve been pissed at Sanson leaving him to handle the work. But in this case, he couldn’t be bothered to even feel angry. 
Not with Vy still crying in front of him.
“Vy,” Robin tries softly, sitting up and scooting out of the bed some to extend an arm in her direction. “It’s not your fault I got hurt.”
“B-But I was the one who ordered you to go out there with Circe to investigate the Whateleys, Robin…” Vy shockingly clams up in response to his touch, folding her glasses in her palm to squeeze with the microfiber cloth like a gosh darn stress ball as she brings her knees up to her face. “I was the one to ask you to go out there, and you…” This time, there is a sob as she shrinks further into her own little ball. “You could’ve d-died.” 
And that’s the crux of the issue, isn’t it? Robin already knew Vy never liked seeing the people around her hurt. Heck, he knew things Sanson and the others didn’t thanks to their bond, from how she tried her best at everything, how she worked harder than anyone else just for the people she loved, even if it meant making a false image of being happy for her parents when they worried — forcing a smile for that aunt of hers who was still in the hospital for a cancer she wasn’t sure about when on a call before this whole mess of a Singularity. It didn’t make him feel any less guilty at knowing his calculated risk of a plan with Circe to face off against that fake-Lavinia ended up hurting her. Again, after what happened in SE.RA.PH too. And here he thought he was doing better at making it up to her. 
“‘M sorry,” Vy sobs before Robin could open his mouth, wiping at her eyes fiercely with her sleeve while refusing to move from her new burrow of her knees, even if it meant her tears were starting to darken part of her stockings. “‘M sorry I wasn’t… I wasn’t there for you… I—” 
“Hey.” Robin could feel his voice crack as he reached over, his hand finally finding some purchase in resting on top of her hair. “Hey, Vy. Don’t say that. That’s not it at all.” I could never blame you for a plan that went wrong. “I was the one who agreed to the plan. Besides, you did what you could, little sparrow, and it’s okay, really. Don’t clam up on me and just look at me, will you?”
Vy sniffled, but after a few more coaxing rubs of her head, she slowly peeked out past her wet stockings to meet his eye, and Robin couldn’t help the smile growing on his face as he reached over with his other arm to pull on her chair. Once the bottom half of the chair hit the mattress with a quiet thump noise, he reached out to her on instinct, ignoring his abdomen screaming at him from the bandages as his arms encircled her trembling form to pull her into him. Something small yet sharp was poking his waist, probably Vy’s glasses, but he couldn’t care less. Not right now.
“I’m still here, little sparrow,” he whispered, stroking her hair once her nose softly bumped his other, less wet shoulder. “I’m not dead yet. Just a bit mana-drained and hurt, that’s all. It’s not something we both can’t fix. So you don’t have to cry.”
Shaky hands reached up to press against his chest, a few more telling sniffles echoing into his neck as Vy slowly nodded. Then, to Robin’s surprise, she whispered, “S-So… if you got mana, you wouldn’t be as hurt right now?”
Robin blinked, pulling back some to let Vy wipe at her eyes with her sleeve as his muscles in his arms tensed. “I mean… yes?” Where are you going with this? 
Vy ducked her head, extending one arm to drop her glasses and microfiber cleaning cloth onto the nightstand where Sanson’s duffel bag once was in time with her taking a deep breath. In and out. From their closeness, Robin could feel her chest heave from the effort. “Th-Then…” her ears turned pink from what he could see past her hair as she scrubbed at her face with her other sleeve. Were her cheeks turning pink too? “What if… what if I kissed you?”
“…Uh.” It took Robin a moment too long to realize he choked on his own saliva. “What?”
Vy inhaled sharply. “I-I said… what if I kissed you?” She then raised her head to meet his gaze, and Robin knew he wasn’t mistaking the bright rosy hue of her cheeks as the color spread to her nose. Embarrassment and familiar hardy determination shined in her red-rimmed eyes, all the more clear without her glasses as she stared at him. “I-I heard from Da Vinci a while back how mages could transfer mana through the… the exchange of fluids,” she stammered, shaking her head but still scooting closer to him, her fingers bumping his. “A-And said fluids could be anything from blood to saliva to…”  Robin could then do nothing but watch as Vy covered her reddening face with both hands, shaking her head vigorously as she bit out, “Sexual fluids, and, and I thought saliva would be the safer option!” 
…She went there. She really went there. 
“Little sparrow,” left Robin in a voice he briefly couldn’t recognize as his own, “you don’t have to do that. Assassin stitched me up and bedrest is already on my agenda.”
“B-But!” Vy peeked at him through the cracks in her fingers, her brown eyes pleading now. Ack. “You’re still hurt, Robin…!” 
“That doesn’t make it permanent, little sparrow,” he says, and goddammit, now he’s blushing too. “You don’t have to push yourself for me.”
“But it’s you!” Vy blurts out next, making any protests on his tongue crumble away once her hands fall to her lap and make fistfuls of her skirt. “I-I know, I know kissing without consent is considered sexual harassment, but it’s still you, you’re still hurt, and…” Vy shuts her eyes tight, enough for a stray tear to form in one corner (from her previous crying, no doubt) and slowly trickle down her red cheeks as he watches. “I don’t want to lose you, Big Robin. Even if I… I’ve never kissed someone ever, I’d rather kiss you if it meant not losing you. If it meant letting you live.” 
Now what could he possibly say to that? To his little sparrow, with her shaking shoulders and fidgeting hands, basically offering herself to him on a metaphorical silver platter?
Robin exhaled a breath he didn’t need, feeling sweat start to form on the back of his neck as he considered. Da Vinci, Arturia, Achilles, and some of the other Servants back home definitely would have his head in the end if things went wrong (and really, what could be more wrong than what was going on now?), but, at a time like this— 
“Okay,” he relented weakly. “Let’s do it.” 
“Hey.” Robin reached over to take one of Vy’s hands in his to squeeze, unable to hide the weak grin forming on his face as he met her eyes. “It’s not sexual harassment if I consent to it, right?”
“Um,” Vy blinks, her cheeks turning redder by the minute. “Yes? I-I mean, I think so?”
How did I fall in love with such a clumsy little sparrow like you? A traitorous part of him thinks. Outwardly, he chuckles, tugging on her hand so that she’s leaning into him now. Her hands are pressing against his chest as his other hand slowly cups her cheek. “Then let me take the lead this time,” leaves him in a huff of a breath, unable to hide the delight starting to bubble up in his throat at the sight of Vy’s eyes reflecting his image alone in time with her cheeks turning rosier with his slow closing of the distance. “You’re shaking too much, Vy.” 
“I-I’m sorry…” But Vy still leans into his palm, her cute pink lips parting some as her eyelashes fluttered at him. “I know I said what I said, but I-I really don’t have any experience with this…”
“Then close your eyes, little sparrow,” he whispers, his thumb rubbing at the corner of her eye where that one tear once was, wiping at it with all the care a ghost of a man like him could give. “I’ve got you.” An inch away from doing the deed, he finishes with a faint, “Stop me with a Command Seal if you ever feel uncomfortable.”
Vy still lets out a sound close to a whimper once his lips gently press against hers, but she doesn’t clam up like before. If anything, she tenses up just a bit, frozen as he moves his mouth against hers, but her hands aren’t pushing him away. To his surprise, they’re trembling against his chest, weakly clutching at some of his bandages and even the chain to his silver necklace around his neck for some kind of relief (or maybe to cling to him?) to match her timid demeanor. It’s a mild kiss, not nearly enough to exchange saliva like she probably intended to, especially considering it’s just a light press of mouths to begin with, but it’s soft and faintly sweet. In all honesty, Robin wanted the gesture to last for a single moment — not too long so that Vy could regain her composure, but when pulling back and looking at her red face, something inside him somehow snapped. 
So cute… 
A soft “Wah!” is then muffled between them as Robin leaned up to press his lips to Vy’s again, and this time, he swallows the noise in its entirety as he opens his mouth to trace her own with his tongue. She shivers even through the palm he has on her cheek, shyly opening her mouth after he rubs a coaxing line into her back with his other hand, and then her tongue carefully touches his. It’s just as shy when it comes to moving around, but Robin can’t help the smile he has going on mid-kiss because his taste buds finally get a taste of what he’s been dreaming about. 
Sweet. Just like maple syrup. Did Mata Hari make pancakes for Vy’s breakfast? 
Vy lets out another noise as he continues the kiss, something along the lines of a surprised “Ah!” this time. Her grip on his bandages and necklace weakens as she goes on to melt into his arms, the energy seemingly leaving her body as she leans into him. Her fingertips gently brush the skin along his collarbone a second later, making his heart jump when it didn’t need to, and so he can’t help the hand he has on her back moving to her waist to pull her down with him to the bed. Once his head hits the pillows behind him, he can feel her long brown hair tickle his cheeks as energy surged through his veins, the kiss barely stopping for breath because he finally got a taste and it’s not enough. 
My little sparrow… 
“B-Big Robin…” Vy squeaks (something along the lines of an embarrassed “Fwah—!”) once he pulls back and then his lips inevitably find hers again, interrupting her attempt at a sentence as the palm on her cheek moved, cupping the back of her head to keep her close for as long as he could savor it. Her weight doesn’t feel heavy against his abdomen as electricity tickles the back of his brain, his bandages for once not screaming at him as she leans against them, her chest pressing against his to the point he could feel how soft it was. Her tongue is pliant as he tugs at it with his own, the heat of her cheeks starting to warm his with the closeness as he tilted his head the other way. It’s not even a question of whether saliva is being exchanged anymore — every passing second has more mana running through his arteries and Vy is still kissing him back. 
It takes Vy letting out another whimper for a shred of Robin’s common sense to come back, but it doesn’t last long once he breaks the kiss (was it the third? Or the fourth?) to take in the shininess of her lips and the bright red rosiness of her cheeks. 
This little sparrow of mine… 
Robin doesn’t realize he’s hastily unbuttoning the collar of Vy’s Standard Chaldean uniform until Vy’s eyes are wide open and she’s squeaking again, but he doesn’t regret pushing her hair back and pressing his lips to the column of her exposed neck where he could feel her pulse, nipping there some with his teeth to encourage more noises out of her throat. A little “Nn” here, an embarrassed “Ah!” there. They made up such a unique little song, just for him. It all sounded so cute, so irresistible, he really couldn’t help it. Plus Sanson locked the door, so he could do that much.
Despite his True Name, Robin Hood was still a petty bowman who could fall to the charms of a lovely young lady. And the young lady in his arms, Vy — it was still his little sparrow. His and his alone. 
A small red mark lingers on Vy’s skin once Robin’s given her neck enough attention through so many trails of kisses, and looking up revealed Vy staring at him with wide and teary eyes past her curtain of brown hair. “Th… that wasn’t part of what Da Vinci told me,” she whispered, but the tiny smile and the little bit of embarrassed joy leaking through their bond reveals she’s not averse to it either. “But um… Robin?”
Robin grinned, moistening his lips with a swipe of his tongue. “Yeah?” 
“Uh.” Vy blushes, her hands still pressing against his bandaged chest and collarbone. “Could you… could you kiss me again? O-On the lips, I mean? You still look hurt…”
What an excuse. I can’t even feel the stitches anymore.
With a chuckle, Robin sat up on the bed to take Vy into his lap, retracting the hand he had on her head to rest it against her chin, his thumb unable to help itself from tracing her bottom lip. It was a little swollen compared to before, but it was still so soft and pink and cute. “Be careful with those words, little sparrow. You’ll be eaten up by the big bad wolf at this rate…” 
“N-Not if it’s you, Big Robin…” she insists, but she still closes her eyes and leans into his touch as he ducks his head to kiss her again. “I-I think I’d only want you anyways…” 
Well, damn. Robin already knew if Abby walked in, the scene he’d be making with his Ringmaster would probably look “unholy.” But at this point, with Vy shivering in his arms and being oh so receptive to a former bandit taking her first kiss and then some, he couldn’t find himself caring much. The atmosphere was growing hotter, the air was getting stickier, and Vy was tasting sweeter. 
And hey. Even a bowman like him could take some pleasure in tangling his fingers up in his little sparrow’s brown hair to pull her closer for more breath. More of her taste, more of her tongue, more of her lips when he never got such a delight out of them before. It honestly made him wonder why he didn’t kiss her sooner, because nothing in his time alive really compared to this. His old policy of “no strings attached” be damned — it weighed nothing compared to feeling his own Maid Marian melt against him, making noises only he could hear thanks to his actions. 
“R-Robin…” Vy’s hands tug at his necklace this time. “Th-The others might come in later if we’re not careful…”
With another press of his lips to hers, Robin shrugged. “That’s what my cloak is for, isn’t it?”
“M-Muuu…” Her tongue still weakly reaches out to intertwine with his once he dives back in. “D-Dork…” 
“Love you too.” 
“Muu—ah!” And oh, Robin liked the sound of that one. He should nip at her neck more often.
In yet another kiss, Robin absently decided to bandage up Vy’s neck later so that no one would ask questions. Those marks were his and his alone, and no one else had to know. That was that.
Knowing his little sparrow, she wouldn’t mind talking it out. Probably. 
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razumdars · 2 months
"oh Astarion is SOOOO effeminate" wrong. You are judging Astarion by human genders. Astarion is first and foremost a high elf and by high elf standards he is actually INCREDIBLY masc. Other high elves look at him and he reminds them of that one annoying straight guy in their elf-economics (elfenomics if you will) class in elf-college who loved playing devil's advocate. And then they see him kiss a guy and they almost die of shock.
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daigah · 7 months
"Nice characters are boring" to YOU. I love characters who no matter what, will always have genuine love for humanity in their heart. Characters who dance and laugh and sing with sincerity. Characters who believe in others, and are willing to extend a helping hand to people when no one gave them the same luxury. Characters who have gone through so much but believe, no matter what, that humanity and life is something beautiful and worth protecting
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renthony · 1 year
Your personal triggers and squicks do not get to determine what kind of art other people make.
People make shit. It's what we do. We make shit to explore, to inspire, to explain, to understand, but also to cope, to process, to educate, to warn, to go, "hey, wouldn't that be fucked up? Wild, right?"
Yes, sure, there are things that should be handled with care if they are used at all. But plenty more things are subjective. Some things are just not going to be to your tastes. So go find something that is to your tastes and stop worrying so much about what other people are doing and trying to dictate universal moral precepts about art based on your personal triggers and squicks.
I find possession stories super fucking triggering if I encounter them without warning, especially if they function as a sexual abuse metaphor. I'm not over here campaigning for every horror artist to stop writing possession stories because they make me feel shaky and dissociated. I just check Does The Dog Die before watching certain genres, and I have my husband or roommate preview anything I think might upset me so they can give me more detail. And if I genuinely don't think I can't handle it, I don't watch it. It's that simple.
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spicybeefu · 4 months
What if Pokemon & Animal crossing had a crossover game?! #4 Made in Blender, design originally by lemoncreamsicle
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pen-of-roses · 7 months
Do y'all ever think about how cool it is that art inspires other art inspires other art inspires other art in an endless cycle
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canisalbus · 26 days
*carefully picks you up and peeks into your conch snail shell*
Ehm... Sorry to bother, but... Could we, maybe, possibly... see Vasco's wife and her lover pictured by your hand? Sorry again, thank you for listening. Take care.
*delicately lays you back into the water to prevent any stress or dehydration*
Unfortunately I don't have her lover figured out yet, but I think Ludovica looks something like this:
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bet-on-me-13 · 18 days
The Summoner
So! Danny is not the Ghost King.
But he still has a good relationship with a LOT of Powerful and not-so-powerful Ghosts in the Zone. So much so that they have given him their Summoning Circle's with a blanket permission to Summon them any time. Not like they have much else going on...
This all leads to a hilarious situation where Danny can't use his Powers for whatever reason and is forced to Summon his friends for help. In front of a group of Heroes.
He has to explain everything to them, but accidentally convinces them that he has Summoning Magic and the Ghosts are all on his Contract. He also mentions Saving people from Ghosts and the JLA realize that he is a child Hero.
They ask him if he wants to join Young Justice, and Danny hesitantly agrees.
Now Danny is on Young Justice and the entire team thinks that he is a Hero with Ghost Summoning Magic.
And his name isn't Daniel "Commit to the Bit" Fenton for no reason.
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rosekasa · 3 months
adrien is absolutely the kind of friend you can never jokingly ask to buy you stuff. alya will sarcastically say 'you should buy me this €80 shatterproof phone case' and a week later he's like 'here you go :D' marinette will say 'i wish someone would just send me to a fully paid for spa weekend' and she'd check her email at the end of the day and adrien has booked it all for her. everyone tries telling him to stop but he genuinely just loves giving stuff to his friends. but this also means everyone now AGGRESSIVELY reduces the things they joke about wanting. nino will say 'you know i think i want these very affordably priced headphones from ebay', marinette will say 'i could really do with a loving, friendly massage right now'
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