#is he still in bloodborne I dunno
sapphire-mage · 1 year
Digimon is funny, cause it gets a lot of generalizations. But one of my favorite out of context things is Agumon.
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This is Agumon. He is the poster child of the series, and thus, the Pikachu equivalent. He’s still very popular and beloved.
And you’re like, “Okay. What’s the big deal?” Well…
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This is BlackAgumon. Where Agumon evolves to dinosaur and dragon focused being with Fire based powers, BlackAgumon evolves to similar ones who utilize darkness. Hence, he’s an evil equivalent of Agumon.
Easy enough, right. Not too crazy. Next up, we got…
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SnowAgumon! I’m sure you’re thinking ‘Okay. Same as BlackAgumon but ice, right?’
Nope! IceGreymon does not exist. Instead, this little buddy will turn into stray ice Digimon (like a snowman or an ice golem) or aquatic Digimon (like a sea serpent).
So yeah. A little weird. But not a big deal.
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…Yes. This is a real Digimon. This Lego dude is a legitimate Digimon that has existed almost as long as Digimon has existed.
This is ToyAgumon, and often evolves into various toy-like Digimon, mechanical Digimon, or heroic beast Digimon.
This funny little dude brings us to our next one.
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This is ClearAgumon. Why would an Agumon exist to be represented by the concept of ‘being see-through’ and being made of Legos?
I have no idea.
This one tends to share properties with ToyAgumon, but occasionally has the strange ability to turn into angelic Digimon in some games.
You could make a ‘it’s a ghost toy’ argument, but Digimon is filled with ghosts and ‘haunted house’ scenarios… where ClearAgumon is never used!
But then it gets weirder.
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This is BlackToyAgumon. The name of this Digimon has changed from time to time. Also, you can see that he is clear like ClearAgumon. That feature comes and goes for this Digimon, yet it is always some form of ‘ToyAgumon’.
This Digimon is used for… all sorts of evolutions. Honestly, this is just a Digimon that exists.
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This is Agumon Expert, or Agumon Hakase, which I prefer for Nichijou reasons.
I wish I could say he is used for game tutorials or something, but… I have no idea. But I love him.
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This is Nise Agumon Hakase. … I dunno. He teaches about eugenics or runs the academy from Bloodborne. Whatever. Not as good.
There are more, and I find it funny how any other series would be like, “STOP WITH THE AGUMONS!! Yet the fandom seems largely cool with most of these dudes showing up in a singular game, whether they are playable or not.
Anyway, I wish Agumon got in Smash and got to use some of these alts.
Yeah, that was what this was leading to.
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katyspersonal · 8 months
Do you have any thoughts about Agatha, Oedon chapel dweller? Why does he look like that? Why is he SO good and pure?
Very underrated character! He looks much like Masters of Rutals and Yahar'gul Kidnapper, something between, but he is also blind...
If you have time for this, I would be glad to know your opinion!
Well... I am pretty sure that he looks like this because bro is literally a Pthumerian...
sdhfhgdfds okay okay serious answer xd We've already figured by now that Agatha is not a legit name that appeared anywhere in official resources, but it used to be a placeholder name before official title of the character was revealed! As for the appearance:
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These screenshots and other ones like these are from model viewing video from Sinclair Lore ( x ), and they're showing that he has really long legs underneath xd Extra tall height in Bloodborne is usually a Pthumerian thing. I can't speak for Gehrman or Gascoigne very much; Gehrman could have some Pthumerian blood mixed in, especially if he is a local to Yharnam, and Gascoigne simply could have had gigantism (real affliction!). 🤔 You brought up Labyrinth Ritekeepers and I am glad, because I also think he is the same type:
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Very long arms, too! As for the blindness: his dialogue has a slight implication that he could not notice us coming since insense masked our scent! Let's also see which Pthumerians have white eyes:
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Whereas Church Giant and Chapel Dweller do have completely white eyes, Loran Cleric has more obviously 'blinded' look... and Bell-Ringing woman seems to have it in "reverse", where her pupils are brighter than the whites o_o"
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Ancient Bastard (Lost Child of Antiquity) is found in Pthumeru Ihyll dungeons and in Cainhurst (that descends from Pthumeru Ihyll as you remember), so I think their white eyes can count as Pthumerian moment too! Then we can see that hunters who often rely on blood can blind eyes while also exhausting them of any color, making them "white" (Ludwig and huntsmen have their right eye 'white', Djura has white eyes (with right one actually missing), Church Hunter of Despair and Church Doctor in Research Hall also have pure white eyes). I dunno what happened with Rotted Corpses, but since they have legs problems (not unlike beast Laurence) and fear fire, maybe they also were falling for beasthood but killed prematurely? 🤔
What I am thinking is, Loran Clerics might have had the blindness for the similar case of blood and beasthood, given the context! Some Pthumerians have 'normal' eyes, with white... whites (lol) and colored pupils:
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While others have pitch black eyes, and Church Servants have unique dark blue eyes! And it looks like Ritekeepers have dark grey eyes, but not quote me on this one, maybe it is a lighting...
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Thank you very much @val-of-the-north for having all these screenshots somehow @_@" I could never compile THIS many without your help
Basically, pure white eyes of some Pthumerians might be simply a variant of what could happen with their eyes, rather than blindness! If Loran Clerics, Church Servant, Bell-Ringing Woman, Nightmare Apostles and Snatchers are of any indication, Pthumerians do have pupils!Their eyes becoming pitch black, like stereotypical alien ones 👽 seem to be a quirk of the explicitly 'undead' Pthumerians, all of which are in Labyrinths! Nightmare Apostles seem to be not restricted by a single location (Patches can move between Nightmare and 'reality' and they also inhabit Micolash's Nightmare), and Snatches are most definitely still 'alive' and also wander in search for victims!
I'll say though that a gigantic Pthumerian and Ancient Bastard are both unusual for their kind! One is halfway-bat, another is... well, gigantic. (not counting Undead Giant, obviously). But a bat-like creature is likely to have poor eyesight, and giants seem to not notice the player much unless attacked! ...but also Ancient Bastards typically don't have a trouble noticing and ambushing us, and maybe Church Giants are simply slow because they're so massive. xd The only true clue towards Chapel Dweller being blind is just his dialogue about not having smelled how we appeared, yet with darn Pthumerians indicating visually whether they're blind or not is near impossible :') This can be just his eye color!
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As for his nails, it seems like it is also a Pthumerian thing to have them very black. It could even be natural and not just their fashion! But in either case, notice that his are trimmed, and not long and sharp like others!
As for his red clothing? I think it parallels the thing where Bell-Ringing Women wear red instead of dark grey as they announce birth of The One Reborn, which travels into Cainhurst trend where there is burgundy variant of their trademark grey noble dress for pregnant women (that's why Arianna's stretches so well when she gets pregnant). I think he had something to do with birth! Maybe he used to be a maternity nurse? 🤔 At the same time, red fabric is a thing in Chalice Dungeons that is put in reverence under a skull of some presumably important people:
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Maybe Chapel Dweller was a saint of their own order, or is a descendant of one! Maybe the skulls Pthumerian Ritekeepers are using belonged to these guys, so our Chapel Dweller could've been just one of these and they're a food chain. We just don't know! But notice that these altars have small replicas of statues we find all over Cainhurst. It makes me think about Ancient Bastards again... Maybe Chapel Dweller is just another unfortunate guy that was supposed to be very important if not straight up noble, but lost his roots.
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^ I am not sure why he is so nice and sweet other than 'some people haven't lost their dignity and compassion even in all this chaos', but it is interesting how Arianna is the only one who actually talked to him! It is a bit lost in translation, though; according to the original script, it is more obvious that others look down on him:
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( x ) (Aruki Mania has their own retranslation project, straight up doing translators work all alone FOR them, on Youtube.. Unfortunately, it is far not entire script, hence why I am using LP's more often, but Aruki Mania is also a professional and can be trusted with nuances!)
Regardless of Pthumerian ancestry playing role or Arianna simply being nicer than average Yharnamite, something sure is wrong! I doubt that Pthumerians are not very respected in Yharnam despite doing the same jobs as humans (Snatchers are doing the same thing as Yahar'gul Hunters and Church Servants patrol the streets same as the Church hunters). Not to mention fuckin' Logarius who 99.99% was a Pthumerian being Church's revered figure! I think it is the rumours:
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Already discussed it here ( x ), to put it simply, Healing Church tried their best to ward off any positive attention from Oedon Chapel to cover up the formerly prospering Hunters business, as well as the entrance to Upper Cathedral! It is not his species, it is his occupation. So, sure average Yharnos think that Chapel Dweller is some crazy dude xd Except for Arianna, who is a Vileblood and doesn't get along with the Church anyhow. ....or she is JUST nice! But, Chapel Dweller's dialogue contains a LOT of self-deprecation, and he even blames himself if he gets attacked. Nothing about him is suspicious or unsettling, so whatever rumours are being spread, he clearly let them get to him..
Okay, thank you for the ask! I hope I gave you enough ideas! Sometimes I myself don't know which headcanon to settle with and all I can really do is offer what I've noticed so YOU pick the interpretation :')
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fantomette22 · 2 years
One shot: Return from the hunting lesson 
Alright ! I have written a lil something ! It's actually based on one of the first little funny Bloodborne sketches I've drawn.
I decided to draw it properly as well (A little comic in 4 cases). But it will come a bit later I need to draw it properly x)
It's also supposed to be a part of a bigger story. If I ever managed to really write it down. So I guess it's some kind of preview/beta for you and training for me (I'm sorry I dunno how to write dialogue efficiently or smoothly help). It's a draft so things might change of course (so don't be afraid of the 3 smileys I put XD they will disappear in due time). Apologies for the lack of context as well but it's supposed to be in the middle of a bigger chapter. In the middle of the first fic. But it can work independently too and I've wanted to put it on paper since a while. I still hope you will enjoyed.
Return from the hunting lesson :
Campus of Byrgenwerth, years before the official founding of the Healing Church.
Laurence was pensive. If he couldn’t find them himself, he will just go ask everyone he could came cross. Someone had to know something about it!
After spending sometimes running and asking around the few persons he could find, with no succeed, he noticed two young men walking towards him. Micolash seems to be in the middle of an explanation and Ludwig was listening attentively.
He interpellated them, “Micolash, Ludwig! Would you have a minute?”
 “Oh Hello Laurence :D !” said an overjoyed Ludwig. 
Then Micolash replied more calmly, “Of course, what do you need Laurence?”
“I wanted to ask if any of you have seen Maria or Gehrman recently?”
Micolash thought a few seconds before answering: “Not since a few days, I think, why?”
Laurence sighed “I fear you would say that…”
Ludwig questioned him : “What do you mean? Is everything alright?”
“Well, the Cainhurst nobles have arrived, so their presence is required. But most importantly, I’m a bit worried because no one seem to have seen any of them since a few days…”
“But aren’t they training in the woods the entire week?” replied a confused Ludwig.
“Yes, they are. They usually go at the first hours of the morning and come back before night. But they didn’t come back yesterday evening and they were supposed to come back today at least. You could think they might have went camping and spend the night in the forest. I wouldn’t be surprised but no one saw them before yesterday as well. Nothing since two days ! A student even claimed to have seen a creature in the forest as well…”
Micolash was left puzzled “Hm… this is concerning. Something would have happened to them? Or to one of them?"
“Oh, I hope they’re ok!” exclaimed a very worried Ludwig.
While they were talking, a figure passed through the bushes with difficulty. They fell silents, looked in its direction and were left completely astonished.
It was Maria. 
She seems a bit lost, carrying a big sac and a smaller messenger bag over her shoulder, but it was her appearance that was rather unusual. With leaves in her hair, her clothes were covered in dirt and…could that be blood as well?
“MARIA ?!”
She turned her head toward them a bit confused before answering : “Oh hello! How are you all doing?”
The three came right in front of her, Laurence was the first to questioned her “Maria are you alright? What happened?” 
“Yes, I’m alright and what do you mean? We were hunting like you’re aware of”
“We had no news of you both for days! We grew worried… Where’s Gehrman ?!”
“Well… we spend last night in the woods and before yesterday at the village...But we did get back at night to get a few things, and Gehrman-” She looked around. “Didn’t arrived yet…” She then turned toward the forest to shout “Over here!” 
A moments later he emerged between the dense leaves and branches. He was too carrying an imposing sac and was covered in a bloody dirt as well. He had a rifle on his back. “Hello everyone.” 
Laurence chuckle in relief.
“So…  did this hunting lesson worked out?” asked Ludwig.
A big grin appeared on Gehrman’s face. “It did!” He put the sac on the ground and began to open it. At the same time Maria handed a small sac she gets from her bag. “Here Micolash. If I recalled, you and Rom wanted to examine a venomous maggot? Well, we found this dead one”
He took it “Oh thank you very much Maria! That is correct you remember well! I’m sure our dear friend will be very happy.”
From his own, Gehrman pulled out the head of an imposing boar. “Tada!”
The trio was taken aback once again. 
“That’s huge! Hold on… there’s things like that in the woods ?!” Ludwig said like he was scared.
“Oh just a few.”
“So, you two hunts down a boar?” questioned Laurence. 
“Mostly yes. But it’s not the only thing…” Maria answered. The teacher’s eyes look down at the close sac beside her. 
Gehrman cough to get their attention “Well she killed a boar.” 
“Yeah i…I killed a boar...”
“That’s quite impressive! All by yourself?”
“Well Gehrman helped me-“
“Oh, I just help to distracted it. You deserve the entire praise on this one.” A big smile appears on the face of the younger hunter.
“Where is the rest of it too?” asked Micolash.
“We couldn’t take all of it with us, so we left the rest to the villagers and the snakes I guess” answered the other hunter.
The student continued : “You two are covered in so much mud! Better jump right now into the sea to wash up x) !
“Thanks, but I think we’re fine. We got time to clean up after all.”
“Well… actually Cainhurst had already arrived.” Laurence informed them.
“What. Oh”  Oh no no no ! I’m so screwed I can’t show up like this !
Gehrman noticed her distressed. “Don’t worry- Hm… just go! I got it!”
“Really? Oh, thank you!” She then starts running extremely fast across the campus in direction of her dorm.
“Well, I think we should all get going as well” proposed Laurence. 
They began to walk, after saying goodbye, Micolash and Ludwig went in their own direction.
“So, what’s in this one?” Laurence asked, pointing at the smaller sac Maria was caring earlier.
“Something I need to show master Willem…and you.” Laurence looks at him with an interrogating look. “Do you remember the dog lost by the prospectors in the labyrinth a few weeks ago?”
“Hm yes? Oh ! Let me guess… you find his remains at the surface didn’t you?”
“It’s more him who find us...” 
“Laurence. That thing… whatever it was, it wasn’t the dog we knew. The way he attacked us… We just put an end to his suffering.” He sighed “I will explain more later. Not here...”
“Alright I understand… Do you plan to do that right now?” 
“I was thinking of showing the boar head to our noble visitors before. I believe they will appreciate it. As well as to be made aware of the progress of their future knight.’’
“Certainly, let’s get going then.”
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phantomuss · 1 year
hey! I love your executor posts, and it's actually gotten me tin-foiling about the 4th anni event (yet to be announced) maybe having lappland alter, arturia and executor alter as the welfare (it's a stretch but big if true)
Now hear me out: The anniversary events currently seem to trend in 1 theme over two periods (Under tides and sultifera navis) so it makes sense for lappland, who's gotten a lot of focus in Il siracusano, to get an alter, just like specter getting focus and later an alter in SN.
But! there's another meta reason because there's been discussion in CN circles about the possibility of Arturia and executor alter, and due to leaks we pretty much know that arturia is going to be playable somewhere down the line. but i personally think, as much as i want a second laterano event for the anniversary, that it's pretty unlikely.
Your post about lappland's and executor's skin description also plays heavily into it, because she's using her skin as the main sprite in IS, i don't know if that specific scenario about the laterano apostolic knights has already played out in irl siracusano but if it hasn't it would make a lot of sense for the context to be related to executor's skin, which also mentions him looking for arturia.
So instead of siracusa event or laterano event, it would just be wild if it was both, combined. again, i'm tinfoiling, but it was be so cool i think
Tin foiling is the way to go buddy I still haven't given up on my 6* brawler guard fallen sankta Executor alt yet- plus with Arthuria's files being datamined and the fact they seem to really like holding off on the boomstick sniper modules makes me believe there's a good chance that Executor plays a large role and GOD HELP ME HE BETTER BE THE WELFARE ALT.
Also 1 theme over 2 periods (i.e Under tides-> Stultifera Navis) is very exclusive to the one year annis rather than .5 annis. If they were going to cover Laterano I was anticipating on the 4.5 anniversary instead, unless Laterano gets a huge emphasis for whatever reason, because it feels like they like to expand on one offs on .5 annis and given the way they've addressed Laterano it feels like it'd fit the bill for a one-shot anniversary spotlight.
I could be wrong though because if I see the sea again I'll eat Haimao's documents I don't care how much he loves bloodborne enough corrode is enough @_@ PLEASE let me be wrong- plus I'm completely blind on Il Siracusano so depending on the ending of that event my opinion can, of course, change but I dunno if it'll come out before 4th anni announcement
It will be WILD if any of my ramblings hold water though so honestly I'm gonna sit back and hope they surprise me- but its nice that someone likes my ramblings on Executor he's my skrunkly after all :^)
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year
I watched a super-long series that was analyzing Bloodborne through like… 18th and 19th century medical practice* and now I wanna play Bloodborne again. But do like a super light Dex/Arc build—I’ve never started with the Threaded Cane and I should. But 1) I should replay Sekiro before I replay Bloodborne, 2) I’m still playing Triangle Strategy** and 3) I have at least 5 other new video games that need playing also,*** and like maybe a few hours a week in which to do all this. So here we are.
*By a YouTuber (about whom I know nothing) called charredthermos. It’s presented in a way that makes me wanna go “okay dude, calm down,” but he makes some fascinating connections nonetheless.
**Which I’m enjoying for the most part. Sometimes I feel like I’m sitting there without doing anything for way too long and I wish it were a little more… I dunno better written? than it is, but I’m still on board. I’m playing blind; I have no idea what ending I’m gonna get, but that’s the fun part. I’ll do a Golden Route playthrough later. (I’m in Chapter… 13? 14? Retook Glenbrook and now Patriatte or whatever his little-bitch name is is trying his hand.)
***to wit: The Last of Us Part 2, Jedi: Fallen Order, Horizon: Forbidden West, Dragon Quest XI, and Tactics Ogre Reborn. Plus at some point I wanna finish Nioh 2 and Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So yeah. It never ends.
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raspberry-rampage · 2 years
tumblr 2022, huh
TOP 22: Glad to see so many things I recognise and like, like ST and TOH. Happy to see my boy Steve up there, though it’s probably thanks to him being shipped with a certain metalhead, but ships talk later. This was a weird year for me, got into many new fandoms (ER, TOH, ST among many), cooled down on old ones, but hey, still alive for more bullshit - and isn’t that the tumblr motto of life? More of my thoughts below.
anime and manga: So shocked (sarcasm) to see BNHA and SXF so high... Dunno, stopped caring about the first one so long ago and quickly got bored of the second one. Honestly, I'm not really in these fandoms anymore, I just don’t vibe with so many ongoing shows. Cheers to KNY being on the list though. And Witch Hat Atelier LET’S GOOOOOOO
anime and manga characters: Same as above, fell out of love with so many series... So funny to see Reigen up there. My boy Dabi is #10, fuck yeah, so much higher than his milquetoast little brother! Can’t believe Sasuke is top 15, that’s sound like a joke.
memes: I’m out of touch with memes, man. I only remember “live XYZ reaction”, the blorbo discourse, morbin’, and that fucking movie.
movies: I still haven’t seen No Way Home cause they’re not putting it on vod ugh. Glad to see Encanto on top, I think it deserves it (though I have mixed feelings about so much Disney on the list). LOTR being on the list made me so happy. And Do Revenge is #12! Very good, it’s a cool movie. And it’s fucking hilarious that American Psycho closes the fifty.
music: So happy to see The Amazing Devil on the list, their music is bomb. I also saw my beloved Florence on the list, as well as FOB, P!ATD and Zeppelin. nice :^)
ships: I don’t like By/ler, simply cause I don’t like Mike. Give Will a different boyfriend please. And ofc Ste/ddie and Ron/ance are there... Idk man, I prefer He/llche/er and Jan/ce. I know these are hetero and you may think I’m hom/opho/bic or some shit, but fuck you, I just don’t think those characters suit each other. Har/ringr/ove is still on the list, it’s such a nice minifandom so it fills my heart with joy. Honestly, the list has pretty much all the major ships of ST fandom. De/st/iel still going strong lol (have I mentioned I still haven’t watched this show?). Lumity FTW, ecstatic to see my girls so high. I’m not really big on Hu/nt/low, but maybe it’ll grow on me with S3. Surprised Ge/rask/ier is still so high, seeing as S2 was another fuck you to their relationship.
tv shows: No surprise that ST is top. Glad to see TOH and ATLA on the list. Surprising to see LOTR:ROP so low (or is it?). Another surprise was seeing She-ra on the list - don’t get me wrong, great show, but didn’t know the fandom was still alive, happy for them though.
video games: Colour me absolutely not surprised that I have no interest in the top 10 games that mainstream cares about. Good for Stray to be so high, need to watch a playthrough of it sometime. It’s so strange to see Skyrim on the list but no Elden Ring - they even used Ranni’s hat on the graphic. I think The Quarry is there mainly thanks to their big promos and stuff. It was a good game, not my cup of tea though. Ecstatic to see Bloodborne still going strong. A bit of a surprise to see RE8 still there, but maybe DLC livened up the fandom a bit. We’ll go crazy with RE4 remake in March, don’t worry.
video game characters: Oh yeah, let me see... Once again, disappointed with top 10. Didn’t know F/NA/F was so strong on tumblr. I can’t believe there’s so many Twis/ted Won/derl/and characters there. Not even Ranni or Malenia? Wtf??? I recognise almost nobody here, and like nobody at all. There’s only maybe 12 games between 50 characters, that is so weird. Wait, I just saw Sora made it, that’s fucking hilarious.
And about their ST post: I saw that cheeky dig at Billy, but can’t sense if it’s malicious or not. Also, they called Steve a dad. No, he’s a mum, get it right.
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psshaw · 6 years
This post (https://angels-tooth.tumblr.com/post/178419762977/warning-post-ghost-oakes-twistedteeth ) added a little log snippet I haven’t seen before, hey! I noticed I’m getting follows from younger people lately (get off my lawn) and it’s been awhile since I did an examination of malignant self-obsessed-type emotional fuckery.
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I don’t know who took these shots, but I have guesses. Anyway!
Obviously this looks unpleasant. But out of context, either person here could be in the wrong, right? 
Except for a few things that should never happen.
Full disclosure, I’m intimately familiar with Ghost-Oakes’s Jekyll-n’-Hyde method of going from overly-appeasing, happy-to-see-you-omg “I love everything you do let’s talk about whatever YOU want” lapdog to Your Deeply Disappointed Dad, and how dizzying it can be when there’s no transitionary gradient between the two. This is obviously the latter we’re seeing here, and here’s why.
1) Getting tired of waiting and asking for a refund (on art, I assume?) is hardly a problem. Looks like it caught his friend off-guard, though, and while he cites partially doing it for their sake, they seem clearly unhappy with his decision. He acts utterly callous to this, evidenced by:
2) phrasing just about all of it in the most passive-aggressive way possible. Ask yourself, would you say any of this like this? “Selfish ol’ me”? I know if I asked for a refund from a friend, I would be polite as hell and make sure they knew there were no hard feelings. This is needlessly, openly nasty. It feels nasty to read and I bet it felt nasty to get. It’s the equivalent of spitting on a cookie before you give it to someone, and then performing an upset when they don’t eat it with a smile. We know he knows better than this, because he holds everyone else to a much higher standard when he spreads rumors about them. In truth, he did not want them to feel less stressed at all. All this did was make them feel like they invonveniced him and thus owed him, after he was So Very Kind to leave them $30... while pouting and sighing the entire time.
This man is 26 years old. You shouldn’t tolerate this from a teenager.
3) Being more concerned about what they’re going to say about him than why they would say it. He could easily stop them from having a bad impression of him by just not being a manipulative— yes, Manipulative—prick. It’s amazing that he still can’t help himself. This is likely owed to his major recurring trait of self-victimization. http://outofthefog.website/top-100-trait-blog/2015/11/4/self-victimization
4) Note how he tells the friend he thinks they want “coddling”. It... doesn’t matter what he thinks they want, at all. He is not capable of mind-reading, and he is also famously paranoid (known for writing “I don’t trust any of you fuckers” on his blog and claiming people are “snakes” for trying to talk to him and learn the evil secrets he... also wants people to think he doesn’t have? I dunno). He should listen and not make them feel ashamed or attacked for speaking their mind. He instead put them on the defensive, so they functionally don’t feel safe telling him anything anymore unless it soothes his “I’m not mad” mad... being.
“I’m not mad. I’m just giving you all the experience of me being angry with you, without any of the honesty that would leave me culpable for recognizing or controlling my own feelings. This is a You problem.”
(Or, something he actually told me: “This is how I’ve always treated you.” Can’t fix something you can’t even agree is real!)
What he’s doing is finding a way to make them the bad guy. He’s successful at this time and time again because it’s coming from someone who acted very caring previously, so you have no reason to believe he’s trying to hurt you. It’s not a big deal, it’s just that you having needs that don’t get fixed instantly is so inconvenient for his fragile, beleaguered state of being. (S-E-L-F-V-I-C-T-I-M-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N, rah rah rah.)
He says what you’re “thinking” broadly and confidently, so you begin to wonder “woah, maybe I AM that bad! Maybe that does apply to me!” much the same way that you make yourself believe the daily horoscope in the newspaper. IN THIS SITUATION, the thing he won’t dignify is: everyone wants coddling. Everyone wants to be soothed and liked by their friends. That’s what friendship is for, most of the time. So basically what he did is he took a normal human feeling and carefully phrased it with a bad-sounding word so you would be ashamed of yourself forrrrr... being a person.
And that’s how he gets you to stop looking at him and start criticizing yourself instead. And you’re usually already vulnerable when he pulls this, so what this does is kick you while you’re down. It’s super effective!
I don’t think he feels sorry for this one bit. It’s saving his own skin, and therefore feels good to him. He will keep it up as long as you fight it. He is not your long-term friend.
And if someone pulls this weird shit on you, call them out on it. If they get mad instead of concerned, back outta there like the room is on fire and they’re holding the gas tank! No matter how good they made you feel at first. That version of them was bait, and the worse they are, the better they have to be at it. There are lots of nice people out there who don’t need to bait you, trust me!
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I finally made my first Hollow Knight oc <:).
This is the Soul Hunter! This character is inspired by Bloodborne (hence the very obvious reference in the dialogue and character's title), I couldn't help myself since It's my favorite game in the Soulsborne series.
But aaaanyway, um, here he is. The Soul Hunter travels from kingdom to kingdom, and he hunts the souls of any creature he finds. For many years he's been "harvesting" souls from innocent bugs. After so many years of collecting, he goes 'slightly' mad and becomes 'soul hungry', and begins collecting soul beyond his original reason to. What he hunted their souls for originally, I don't know yet! Maybe he needs them to stay alive, I dunno, I just created him like two days ago so uhh u know how it is...
He arrives in Hallownest long after it has fallen into ruin, knowing nothing of it's past.
As he travels and discovers a bit about Hallownests past, the soul hunter becomes very fascinated with the infected bugs, rather than seeing them as something to be avoided, and feared of. After all, he's never seen a thing quite like the infection, even after his several years of hollowing out thriving worlds of their souls. He begins to sympathize with those infected, and becomes obsessed with trying to figure out what the infection really is. Of course, he has no way of knowing exactly what it is, or where it came from, however he recognizes those infected as people, too. Due to this, he begins to develop rotten feelings towards those who are not infected, and those who refer to the plagued as beasts.
After murdering dozens of bugs himself, he starts to get infected. While slowly turning into another slave of the Radiance, he loses his absolute mind and starts question his entire morals and.. 'Lifestyle'. Based on his own conclusions, those plagued are just as human (- or- i guess, insect?) as those not. His over analyzing of the infection and where it came from put him in an extreme state of guilt and regret. Mourning for those he had slaughtered caused him to go in a frenzy, and thinking so hard about the infection's origins had gotten him infected himself. Once infected, he hunted primarily the uninfected, and at this point, he wasn't even murdering for their soul. He hunted others who seemed fit of the title "soul hunter". So I guess he ends up being a soul hunter hunter? I dunno. He just hates himself help
I would see the Soul Hunter as a boss who fights the knight while partly infected (like what we see with Myla), where he criticizes the knight for murdering so many innocent bugs, while ignoring the fact that he's gone on a genocidal frenzy for years. His morals clash and contradict eachother so uh, hmm. It's not a bad character if I'm self aware of it!!!! /sarcasm
Very edgy! Yeah, I know.
But if it takes inspiration from the Bloodborne lore then I guess theres no way to not make it edgy.
Personality wise, well. I have no idea yet! He's cold blooded for sure, an over analyzer, and that's really all I know. I assume he would be observant too, but I have to round it all out. While getting infected I think madness changes him quite a bit so I still got a lot to think about.
Course, I know more of his actual character than his design, so his appearance is a bit vague rn, but I will work on it whenever I get the motivation.
And he is still a major WIP so like, please please gimme feedback. I know soul kinda fucks up the average bug like we see with Soul Master so um, any suggestions on what I could add to make him more realistic in the world of Hollow Knight, like what the soul does to him exactly n stuff would be super helpful.. ty... And also I'd just love to hear. Ideas. Thanks.,,,!
Some extra data before I finallly actually post this...
His species is a Dinoponera Gigantea ant.
He weilds a scythe and axe, and uses both weapons well.
He is very swift moving, his combat style obviously simillar to that of Bloodborne combat.
I know hes a mess but I'm still figuring shit out! Tee hee
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devnaut · 2 years
the elden ring lore is so much more interesting to me than the lore for previous fromsoft games. maybe its because i’ve actually seen most everything the game has to offer? like, i only made it as far as just past the gaping dragon in ds1, the pirate cove in ds2, past pontiff sulyvahn in ds3, and i never beat gascoigne in bloodborne (ALTHOUGH to be fair i was playing ds3 and bloodborne on my friends ps4 and then he moved. and im NOT buying a ps4 just to play bloodborne no matter how much i really want to play it. soooo).
i dunno tho, elden ring being an open world makes the lore itself feel so much more alive. especially given that not every npc/character in general is past their prime/decaying/dying/already dead and that there are factions that seem to be doing relatively well. also the whole shattering (the literal shattering and the war itself) basically being a multigenerational insane family drama is very fun as well.
I appreciate that dark souls’ general theme is like, death and rebirth and everything that goes wrong in between and the world it creates is one where all that’s left is remnants of what once was, that’s fairly hard to pull off well in games but i think elden ring being more about errant, usually horrific transformation and bizarre metaphysical botany is generally more interesting to me. there’s still decay and rot in a similar way to previous games but its done in a way that makes it feel less like you’re fighting sad old people and more like fighting people whose lives have been drastically altered, by either the actions of other characters that you either get to meet or whose presence is more concretely felt, or their own actions
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katyspersonal · 11 months
I am trying to line my OTPs, which is a bit hard to do since I just love experimenting + Bloodborne timeline allows for several to have happened during the events even without any AUs since everyone gets broken up sdfhfdh
I think I did stop at Bradorence and Mariadeline, but now I dunno what to do with Gehrman, if anything.. The closest I have is Djura, whom I headcanon was the first Dreaming Hunter, also the first and the last Dreaming Hunter to be connected with the dream for more than just one night. Gehrman blames himself for not watching him attentively enough and letting the hunt break his heart and end up regretting what he did with Old Yharnam too... He is the second person Gehrman feels like he failed with this stuff, after Maria, but at least Djura gets to live and find new purpose..
But it is because of Djura Gehrman now goes easier on assisting hunters and only gives them one night. And Djura was his most reliable anchor about the news from outside world + it was helpful that he knew Laurence and some other guys. He really misses Djura now though; he used to be one of the most ruthless hunter ever (people change, huh), and he would invent weird weapons even in the Hunter's Dream. Gehrman also used to fix Djura's clothes all the time because he ruined them QUITE often xD Little did he know that the unique way in which Djura got his hat ruined became new trend later hahahah
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Though, honestly, Matias (my name for Blood Minister from the intro) is a good candidate too! Wheelchair dudes were Old Hunters too, and I could imagine them not only having known each other in the past, but also having mysterious connection in which Matias is aware of the Hunter's Dream and still tries to help and keeps hopes that Gehrman will eventually be freed, as long as they still not let Yharnam completely perish with them immortal-for-the-night hunters.
But yeah, for now I think this works. Bradorence, Mariadeline, Djurman (lol), Micoed... that's all. Honorable mention for Valtmura. 'Romebrietas or Yurom?' is still a question I will NEVER answer in a LIFETIME. ...although Julie has two hands....
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klysanderelias · 2 years
I've come back to Elden Ring (because I'm weak, partially) and I have to say, after coming to terms with the sad reality that Fromsoft peaked with Bloodborne, Elden Ring is... fine. 6.5/10.
I think partially my opinion on it improved because I ended up watching some lore videos and being impressed with some of the Act 3 reveals - I can't give them too much credit, because if I'm 70 hours into a game and quit because I'm sick of it, whatever comes at hour 100 doesn't matter. Still, I think it raises my estimation of the game.
I'm still salty as fuck about what in the hell a Tarnished actually is, and how the whole dark souls -esque system is supposed to operate here, but I've seen at least some explanation given, again something I had to watch lore videos to see, but assuming there's any basis given in the game and it's not just wild assumptions or external interviews/materials, it's... well, it's better than nothing.
I guess basically what I'm saying is, I lowered my expectations. I stopped trying to understand things and I just started going no thoughts head empty. I began worrying more about my build and my runes than I did about what was happening in the story. And that sucks? It's depressing, to a certain extent, because the whole things dark souls games are famous for is something I just can't afford to engage with, because this game is so fucking long and expansive that I can go ten hours without seeing anything important.
And I guess once again I'm gonna complain about Melina, because once again I'm looking at my in-game time and trying to think about how many conversations I've had with her, and/or how many times I've even seen her show up, and it's like... I'm twenty hours into this character. I think I've seen Melina five times? Not counting the cutscene in the starting area?
It doesn't matter, at the end of the day, I guess. I shouldn't get so worked up about it. It just bothers me because there's usually a comfort NPC who you genuinely feel affection for, whether that's someone like the Doll in Bloodborne or Siegward in DS3, or even Gavlan in DS2, and I just don't think there's anyone like that in Elden Ring. I found Fia to be underwhelming and suspicious (especially after I progressed her questline far enough mostly by accident), and too many of the others just don't show up enough or with enough fanfare to actually draw a reaction. Blaidd is maybe the closest? But even he isn't the kind of character to make me go 'oh fuck yes it's Blaidd', I'm just like 'oh hey.' I went to go look up the list of NPCs and I had completely forgotten about Iron Jar Alexander, who is a fucking bro but so far across three playthroughs, about 150 hours, I've found him in three places? And the one I've found him the most at is just where he stands at a door and goes 'oh man the radahn festival sounds cool'.
Anyway the point is, I'll die mad about Melina, partially because there's so many cool things they COULD have done with her character and they completely whiffed, but also because the Frenzied Flame stuff is possibly the most fascinating of all the Elden Ring lore to me, and Melina is tied into that ending, and it's all really underwhelming.
I dunno man, Dark Souls games have always had kind of lackluster endings, and there's a part of me that's really been warring between 'just because they don't provide easy answers doesn't mean that there isn't a whole host of interesting information to draw upon in the visuals and implications given' and 'sufficient good faith will excuse the holes in the worst writing, and at some point you need to draw a line of what you're willing to accept.'
Like, when we talk about Neon Genesis Evangelion, there's a lot of truly fascinating imagery and symbolism in the anime, especially drawing on Christian iconography and mythology, and the creators have explicitly said that they put it in because it looked cool. They didn't have a plan, they didn't have any intention to pay it off. That doesn't mean that there's no value in analysing and extrapolating based off that imagery! But it also means that you're allowed to dismiss it as stupid and incoherent as well!
And I guess where I've fallen is like, Elden Ring is a new IP with a whole new lore created for it and I'm probably going to spend years of my life thinking about it! But I'm not going to be thinking about it the way that I spent years of my life thinking about Dark Souls 2 or Bloodborne, where I could gush about how much I loved the things that they did and how excited I was to think about the questions and holes left in the storytelling.
I could spend a lot of time being negative about it, and I've written and deleted a lot of words doing just that. It was sixty bucks, and I've gotten 150 hours out of it, and will probably get another 50-100. It's a good value for your money. The gameplay is good and engaging. I think it's fine.
I just don't think it's anything special any more.
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foxingpeculiar · 3 years
Sekiro update:
Alright, so I made it up through Ashina Castle.
The miniboss general dude on the big staircase wasn't so bad. Stalked up the rooftops and came down to get one good deathblow on him, then zipped around and took out all the small guys so I could focus on him. Kept moving and he went down pretty easy.
I did a bunch of exploring around while I was here--found the Badger dude and the Serpent Shrine monkey gate and a merchant who was thankful to me for killing some dudes that were after him. There was another miniboss over by the tower from the beginning of the game--with some long pretentious name involving Seven Spears--that I couldn't manage so I figured fuck it and moved on. I'll come back to him.
The miniboss in the dojo was challenge. I'm still not entirely sure how I made it past him. A lot of lucky deflecting, I think. But that means I'm now at Genichiro, who is just fucking destroying me. I can't even break through his first phase and I know he has not one, but TWO more to deal with. So... yay.
I have really mixed feelings about this game and I think I've put my finger on why. The Souls games are action games, but they are also very much RPGs--you can play quick and nimble or slow and tanky, you can play ranged or melee, magic or fighter, so on and so forth. Some approaches might be easier than others, but the game adapts to how you want to play it as much as you have to adapt to it. That's true to a lesser extent in Bloodborne, but it's still there--you still have a lot of weapon choices and stats you can manipulate and you can approach combat in a way that works for you.
But this game doesn't have that. There are no weapons, there are no levels, there are no builds. Yeah, you learn skills and have prosthetic tools and stuff, but it's an action game straight up, not really an RPG at all. Which means, you have to learn to play it the way it wants to be played. And if that aggressive, extremely precise style isn't your thing (and it isn't mine), you're basically fucked until you figure it out. The combat has incredible flow and depth, but it's also INCREDIBLY unforgiving in a way that's way more frustrating than any of the other 4 games have been.
So... I dunno. I'm honestly impressed I've made it this far, but I'm not finding it as satisfying as I have the other games because, even however many hours in (a not insignificant amount), I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I want to be having fun, but I'm not totally sure I actually am.
I'm not quite ready to give up on it yet; I'll probably fuck with Genichiro some more tomorrow and if I get past him in a reasonable amount of time, I'll press on. Like I'll be pissed if I give up again. I want to at least get through it once. But I dunno, I might hit my limit with this one and play something a little more... I dunno, fun?
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mrslittletall · 4 years
Okay give me the SALT on the Ringed City on what makes you dislike it so much. Can you tell all the reasons you think it messes up the lore.
My main beef with Ringed City is Filianore. She just comes out of NOWHERE. Fili is never mentioned in the lore before, not in Dark Souls 1 or 2 or ANYWHERE in 3 before the Ringed City. She just feels like she was an afterthought, glued on, hooray, here we have Gwyn’s youngest daugther, even though Gwyndolin was established as Gwyn’s last born! These are reasons for me to headcanon Fili as adopted to be honest.  And then, even if we could argue that Gwyn used some kind of spell that made everyone forget about Fili, if he had something handy like this, why didn’t he use it to make everyone forget about NK? But no, he was purged out of the history books, so that history would slowly forget him and even then, the tales of the sunfirstborn are still there, being kept alive by the warriors of sunlight.  So yeah, that is the first thing that doesn’t make sense.  The second thing is Midir. So you tell me, that Gwyn, that hated dragons with such a passion that he genocided them, only gave dukedom to the traitor (who probably slept with him to get it anyway), had a dragon ready, that got raised with care and was supposed to EAT the dark of the Abyss? So.. if such a handy dragon existed, what was the point of sending Artorias into the Abyss and his tragedy happening? If such a handy abyss eating dragon was there, why did New Londo end up drowned?  Yeah, I thought so. Ringed City is an afterthought, that is a fact. None of this was even remotely planned when the first game came out. It is no secret that I actually like the lore of TWO more than three, because 2 does its own thing, while 3 tries to hard to cater to long time fans. Which is a shame, because I rather like their original stories, like Aldrich and Sulyvahn, that would have worked WITHOUT Gwyndolin in the mix, you know?  We all managed to get attached to characters in the first game without any connection whatsoever, so yeah.  Ok, so the thing is: I greatly dislike that Ringed City tries to end the story of Dark Souls 3 during DLC, even though we already had our end. Age of darkness, prolonged age of fire or Lord of Hollows.  You remember what the DLCs of the other games did? Dark Souls 1 - Let us explore the events around Artorias’ corruption, in the past. Dark Souls 2 - 3 DLCs, each and everyone of them focuses on one of the three fallen kingdoms that we visit in other form in the main game. Bloodborne - It’s all about the Old Hunters and what once has been Yharnam’s prime, now twisted horribly in the nightmare. So, Dark Souls 3, why did you think we needed a battle at the end of time with two nobodies against each other?  While I like the Gael fight, I would have liked to see something else. I dunno, the story of Irrithyll if you like. I would have liked to see more of the theme to stop dwelling into the past and go into an uncertain future, instead of seeing that the future literally is the end of time, you know?
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cerberus253 · 4 years
So, just minutes ago I watched this YouTube vid called Why Cosmic Horror is Hard to Make, and it got me thinking about what specific kind of horror I personally enjoy.
Starting with the topic of the vid, yeah, I do like cosmic horror and such, but not entirely. I love the weirdness and difficulty of understanding a creature’s existence, but it loses my interest when you never actually see it. Not being able to see the creature is the best way a movie can mimic written cosmic horror, I agree, but I like to see what it is because when I don’t see the thing, I personally don’t find it as scary and interesting. It might be because of the knowledge of just crew members and not monsters doing all the spooky stuff, but even when a book doesn’t describe the thing aside from, “It’s so terrifying I can’t even fathom nor talk about it,“ it just feels like a cop out; like they didn’t have a design in mind, so just describe nothing. More often than not that’s not the case, because fearing the unknown is what gets to us all, and not being able to understand something that is beyond our human comprehension is the most terrifying of them all. But anyways, for me, I like to see the creature a little bit, but not just some rando tentacle that pops out of nowhere.
Like, a flash of a blurry photo would be good enough for me. I’ve never seen Birdbox, but the fact you never see the creature made me lose all interest in wanting to see it. The pictures that were drawn by psych patients were really good, but those are just drawings. However, when the developers released a picture of what the monster looked like, yeah it looked simple, but I rather have that thing show up in a quick flash or something than not at all.
Then my thought process went to what horror visuals I like. Gore, body horror, and I guess psychological horror (like, the human psyche being represented as creatures) is my preference. Added with the “not understanding what you’re looking at,” you’d think a slime ball of flesh and organs would be perfect, right? WRONG. Seeing some formless pile is uninteresting. Yeah, cool, gore, but it’s just a sphericalish thing. Going back to the video, there were scenes from The Thing (which I have never seen), with some being the glob of flesh, and some being general figures that look kind of familiar but is all screwed up. THAT led me to remember a post on Tumblr I came across and reblogged about some horror where the subject is very recognizable to what we usually see, but something is just off about them, especially if you were to come face to face with it. THAT’s the kind of horror, specifically body horror, I like! It’s something we know, but it’s just wrong instead of it being just comprehensible all the way through. If I was looking at something that made no sense to me, I don’t know if I’d be scared; I’d be more confused than anything. My curiosity might overpower my fear (and get me killed) and I’m just like, “Oh, hey.“ If I was faced with something that I recognize, but something about it is off, then yeah, shivers will go up my spine. This thing should be this way, but it’s not. It’s just NOT.
As much as I adore BloodBorne, the whole cosmic stuff isn’t really interesting. It’s great and all, but eh. I like all the body horror, but not stuff like The One Reborn where it’s all mangled flesh or Ebrietes who is a winged slug with tentacles (tentacles are overdone, just like zombies). I like the stuff like Bloodstarved, The Orphan of Kos, the Garden of Eyes, etc. I even like Ludwig’s design more than Reborn’s because you can make out familiar subjects entwined with Ludwig. Yeah, there is a human body with some bones making up Reborn, but with Ludwig, you know what he is made up of is human and horse that looks like it was stitched together with little to no blending of features; like some morbid doll you see in Toy Story.
So, to me, being able to not comprehend something at all isn’t as scary as something that I do recognize but something is wrong with it.
Legitimately it reminded me of this quote from Animal Crossing:
“Hmm... does it still count as bravery if you have no understanding of what you’re doing?” - Blathers from Animal Crossing: New Horizons, when donated the acanthostega fossil. I don’t know what the writers were thinking with this line, but it’s honestly pretty profound. Being brave is facing your fear, making it clear that you are aware that what you are confronting is making you afraid. However, if you have no idea what you are confronting, how do you know to be afraid (and does that make you brave for facing it?).
i dunno. Rambles because I’m bored and too tired to do anything, so I watched YouTube vids and this happened.
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littlegoldfinchh · 3 years
not on anon butt 1. if u had to choose ONE. ONE of ur vidya game men. who would it be. 2. what are some games u would recommend to me 👀 3. whos ur favourite lil baby :D
1. How could I choose between them?? They're all my hubbies😭
But tbh I would probably choose Arthur Morgan since his character had the biggest impact on me. I was so deeply invested in his story, and I bought that game during a very stressful period of my life and I know he doesn't exist but still, I think he helped a lot coping with irl stuff. But then he was dying and I was literally mourning him for a month lmao. I never finished the game again, I always stop playing at chapter 3 before everything goes to shit because I don't think I could watch him die again lol.
2. What games would I recommend?
Hmm I dunno what type of games you're into but rdr2 was a pretty random decision for me and I ended up falling in love with it lmao.
If you like fps games then I can recommend Far Cry 4 & 5! AC Syndicate and Origins were pretty good, also any Dragon Age game lmao, I love them so much. I've never played the first one but 2 and Inquisition are among my favorite games.
If you're up for a challenge then I can recommend Dark Souls and Bloodborne, they have an amazing story if you like games with deep lore lmao. Also armors and big swords!!! They're so cool!! And they're not that hard at all, you just have to get used to the play style, so don't be scared to give them a try💖
I can also recommend the South Park games and The Wolf Among Us!! SP games are pretty fun and the other has a pretty cool story 🥺 I could go on for hours lmao, but I can only think of these games rn
3. You!! You're my favorite lil baby 🥺💖💖
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amygdalae · 5 years
hi ☀ i have a question related to bloodborne lore and i thought maybe u could help me out? 🤓 im not sure if anyone pointed this out yet but here's the thing.. the suspicious beggar can turn into an abhorrent beast and still remain sane bc he is able to talk.. so after the dlc came out the player can use the beast's embrace rune and basically our character's face looks like the abhorrent beast's one? so I was thinking.. maybe the beggar killed Laurence in the real world? that's how he can turn?
This is a hella cool and interesting theory, but idk I feel like it would be made a little more obvious if it was the case. 
I mean it’s incredibly easy to never meet the beggar in an unguided playthrough. There are incredibly interesting implications to how lucid he is, but if he was connected to laurence I feel like that mighta been made more clear. I dunno though, I’m actually a pretty terrible lore theorist myself despite how much I throw myself into Bloodborne 
If anyone has insights (pun intended) I’d love to hear ‘em!
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