#it seems the only male friends I'm able to keep are the ones who are already taken
readychilledwine · 3 days
✨️ACOTAR Booty Headcanons✨️
💕Peep the thigh headcanons here💕
Warnings - Butts. Fanart of butts. Nakey butts. Bubble butts. Lady butts. Man butts.
Up next? ✨️ Hands ✨️
✨️Body Headcanons Masterlist✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
Edited to add - short plus size Elain sneak peak
A/N - for @lady-of-tearshed, I hope this meets all your dreams, my love.
A message from Mother - You, my sweet dear reader, are gorgeous as you are. You are real, touchable, and made with imperfections that enhance your beauty and uniqueness. You are a treasure. Do not compare yourself to a single body on this list.
I like to start off strong..
Rhysand has a very bite-able booty.
He is slightly leaner than Azriel and Cassian, but he still has a firm butt.
Rhysand loves to wear tight slacks, just to watch your pretty little brain go blank when you see his ass.
He sleeps naked and it's hard for you not to just.. touch the booty.
To be fair, he loves to keep his hand (and hand print) on your butt, too.
Art by Amai actually just posted Rhysand butt fanart. Enjoy it below
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John Cena has been described as having a military grade ass with an inhuman body.
Cassian also has an inhuman body, so it makes sense that my guy has a military grade ass.
Cassian has butt muscles in places you didn't even know you could have butt muscles.
It is intimidating. Very intimidating.
But you LOVE watching this man walk. Especially when he's walking to the bathroom to grab towels for aftercare.
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Azriel's ass surprised you in the best way.
Azriel is lean compared to Cassian, so his bubble butt shocked you.
Much firm. Still jiggle.
You were ready for this jelly.
Azriel gets super shy when you tell him how good his butt looks, but he's like that one friend who secretly loves it and makes sure to wear the same pants/skirt/shorts the next time they see you so you are in love with their deliciousness again.
Sometimes, you just sneak up on Azriel and accidentally squeeze. In front of his family. But don't worry. He squeezes yours back.
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I'm disappointed I can't find this gif when I need it.
We can all hate on Tamlin as much as we want, but SJM herself says the man is muscular.
I imagine Tamlin was worried about his arms and chest being thicker than his legs, so he started hitting legs and glutes hard.
Then, the next thing he knows, he has a damn shelf.
He hates when you touch his butt though. He'd prefer you touch him other places.
But you bet your ass he is touching yours
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I stand by Lucien having Chris Hemsworth's body type.
Lucien had the perfect, truly bite-able ass.
You constantly have your hand in his back pocket.
You constantly are giving it a little smack so it jiggles.
You always walk behind him.
Lucien loves the way you worship his body. He's insecure about his scars, so you loving every inch of him helps.
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Daddy 🫠🫠
Eris has the captain America Dorito proportions build, and I hope all of you know *exactly* what I am talking about.
I imagine Eris as slim muscular, and when I decided to do these, I needed him to have Chris Evans's ass
I mean look at it
Imagine that ass in Eris's finely tailored clothing.
Imagine that ass getting off a horse.
You're touching him. Constantly. And he loves it.
He loves that you seem to think he's some sort of God.
And he really loves it when you touch his butt because you begged him to treat you as his equal, meaning that ass of yours is in his hands quickly.
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You know when a guys thighs are so thick they become one with his dump truck? Helion.
He actually requires a CDL for his ass.
You can't really tell until he's naked and turns around due to the thickness of his thighs, but this male has ass for days.
And his ass is FIRM. There is not an ounce of fat on him.
He considers his ass a trophy of sorts, so touching it is only for those privileged to.
Luckily you have that privilege.
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Oh, look.. I included the Archeron sisters
Don't accuse me of doing our girl dirty, but I picture Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit when I think of Feyre's body.
The reason you can't accuse me of doing her dirty is because the things I'd do if Halle Berry told me to do them are extreme.
I picture Feyre as very lean, very cut, and she had the cutest baby bubble butt.
She's definitely the friend who thinks she has no booty until you help her find the right outfit for the booty.
She also blushes whenever you touch it.
She wishes it was bigger sometimes, but a few spanks in, and she's telling you she's perfect as she is.
I wish I could find a better picture of this 🫠
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Nesta I also picture as tight and lean.
For some reason when I read her, I picture Adriana Lima, but with blonde hair.
Maybe it's because I think Nesta has sultry vibes?
Nesta tries to keep herself small. It's ingrained deeply into her head because of her mother and grandmother that she has to be small.
She's also constantly training, so it keeps her tight.
She may not have the biggest ass, but that thing is the best apple you've bit
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If you don't know by now, you're about to: elain at minimum is slim thick.
I personally see truly happy glowing elain as mid to plus size, and I'm hoping for mid to plus size elain once this stupid shipwar is over.
Right now, though, elain is slimthick.
She's still recovering from her spicy sadness days, and her recovery has her doing squats in the garden
Ass. For. Days.
It's why she actually doesn't wear pants. She tried once and every almost had a collective mass failure heart attack.
So now, her booty is reserved for you and you alone.
You love it when she wears cheeky things in the bedroom.
I imagine elain is super into impact play because she loves the way you compliment her recoil.
I think she's secretly proud of her booty. She just doesn't want anyone else to know. So sssshhhh.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp
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annalyticall · 1 year
Kinda getting tired of the men I have crushes on only seeing me as a friend and the men I only see as a friend having crushes on me lol
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞♡𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 🔞
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Who said every omega needs an alpha?
Tags/Warnings: Omega!Jungkook, Omega!Reader, Omega!Jimin, Mentioned Alpha!Yoongi, Stereotypes, Friends to lovers, Major Fluff, Romance, Slight angst, injury, brief hospital visit, smut, oral (f. Receiving), smut, Dom!Jungkook, protected sex, knotting, biting
Length: ~5k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: Boo.
-> Masterlist
Jeon Jungkook.
He's a good looking guy, above average in almost everything he does, and easy to like. Conversations flow easily around him and friendships blossom left and right- almost everyone knows and likes him. It's hard not to, really; as an Omega, he's naturally passionate and caring, a gentle guy that enjoys making others happy.
You met him at a friend's birthday party, the young wf having noticed you standing mostly all by yourself without really conversing with anyone. He'd been kind enough to introduce himself, stay with you, and keep you there for much longer than you usually stay at gatherings like these.
And right now, he's standing in front of you, smile still on his lips and hands tucked away in his jacket pockets while he sways front and back on his heels after having told you he's interested in you.
"There's a.. You said you collect those stuffed animals, squishmallows, right? There's a new store that sells the really huge ones. We could stop by that store tomorrow, if you'd like." he offers, curious eyes watching you with a glimmer that's just.. Jungkook.
Jungkook is new. Different. He's nothing you'd expect, always doing something you'd never be able to guess- and ut makes spending time with him hoth exciting and a little stressful at times.
His eyes always seem to sparkle when he smiles. It's honestly unfair, how they always put you under their spell with their boba-pearl charm. How can you say no?
How can anyone ever tell him no?
"I.. Okay wait. You.. And me?" you wonder, and he nods, smile turning into a grin that makes his lower eyelids raise. "But I'm not, uh… Are you sure?" you wonder, and he becomes surprised at that it seems.
"I am. I wouldn't have asked you out like this if I wasn't." he says, still swaying a little.
He's always been like this. Never staying still. Always up to something. Constantly moving. Like his body is constantly generating excess energy he can't seem to burn. Like the energizer bunny.
"what makes you think I'm joking?" he asks, and you look down, rather watching the tips of his shoes than his gaze any longer.
You can't stand his gaze. You're gonna melt into a puddle if you look at him any longer.
"I'm just.. Me. And you're you. Shouldn't you want someone more.. Opposite of you, rather than the same?" you ask carefully and it seems that it clicks for him in that moment.
It's technically common sense- alphas get with omegas, omegas with alphas. That's how it goes- or so one might think.
But Jungkook isn't any wolf. He's not ordinary in anything he does- so it's unsurprising that his sub-gender also isn't what one might expect.
"Ah~." he hums mostly to himself, before shaking his hair out of his eyes after the wind had blown it over his face, fingers pulling the strands from his piercings decorating his bottom lip. "Stereotypes. You're talking about me being an omega and all that, right?" he wonders, and you nod.
"Sorry." you instinctively say. The regret of your words already starting to make you uneasy. Did you insult him now?
Male omegas tend to be very sensitive when it comes to this. Or maybe that's Stereotypes too?
"No problem, lots of people think that way." he shakes it off, taking a step towards you. "But, rather than explaining to you what is and isn't true about the stuff people say-" he starts, feigning innocence before he grins at you, holding your hands in his now, playfully, just by the tips of your fingers. "-how about I show you?" he asks, and you look back at him.
"huh?" you can only answer, and he sways again, tilting his head to the side a little, swinging your hands a bit.
"Go out with me." he bluntly suggests, grinning brightly. "And I'll show you."
Wolf's sub-genders have been the topic of Novels and movies for a long time now.
The most popular trope being the alpha that falls in love with their omega, to live happily ever after. Some of your own favourite media actually includes this stereotype as well- and for a long time, in your head and in many others, this was the most ideal couple amongst wolves.
However, reality is more complex than that, and you're roughly reminded of that with the way Jungkook behaves.
While he does offer a lot of the general traits associated with being an omega, such as his big round eyes and constant need for physical contact, he also doesn't fit others at all. He's muscly, masculine body dressed comfortably in clothes made of soft materials, and his behavior, while gentle and soft in the way he acts, feels oddly confident and almost dominant to you.
He's sure in his walk. He knows his worth.
There's a hand on your back leading you without any force through the store, like a remote control, no need for actual strength.
There's that glimmer in his eyes every time you struggle and ask him for help with something, as if he's amused by the fact that he makes you nervous.
There's that look of victory in his face whenever you seem flustered by any of his words, Luke it's a game he keeps winning.
He's making your head spin.
You're both sitting on a blanket in a calm park- when he lays down, patting the spot next to you in an inviting manner. "Come here." he smiles, and you do so- easily cuddling up to him, surprising yourself even, considering you're not one that's this easy with physical contact like that. But Jungkook? He runs the inside of his wrist over your neck, bashful smile on his lips as he watches you, caring nature of his sub-gender showing in his actions.
"What're you doing?" you wonder, and he grins sheepishly, caught red handed.
"Scenting you." he says. "I- we technically do it differently as wolves but, I don't wanna seem pushy." he admits, and you nod. You know how it usually goes.
You remember your last alpha doing it, licking your neck instead, or biting. It made you anxious. Every bite could've been made to last, after all.
"…Thank you." you tell him due to that, the way he makes sure he's never too forceful making you feel at ease- and slightly guilty. "And sorry." You apologize because of this.
"for what?" Jungkook wonders. "I had a nice day, even better than I could've imagined. I'm feeling really happy right now." the young man explains, and it makes you a little jealous how easy it seems for him to voice out his emotions.
You're not that good at it. Maybe he can teach you?
"For judging." you explain, but he just scrunches up his nose before softly flicking a finger under your chin, teasing you.
"Don't worry. It's normal." he shrugs, before rolling onto his back, your head on his tattooed arm as you watch the clouds as well next to him. "Do you think.. We could try?" he wonders, and after a moment of thinking, you nod.
You know what he means by that. And you want to try as well.
And he swears, if he had a tail, it would be wagging like an excited puppy.
Your first kiss happens rather Spontaneously.
It's unprepared, a little clumsy, happening in the kitchen after you'd placed a small bandaid over the cut Jungkook had accidentally given himself while helping you cook. Seeing you tend to such a minor wound so carefully just set something off inside him- and he couldn't help himself.
And after the initial shock of it all, kisses seem to be a constant around Jungkook.
As soon as you meet up, there's a quick peck as a greeting, lips barely properly touching, but enough to make the gesture of affection count.
Small kisses on your cheek whenever he's close enough, just to see you turn red, shyness of you just too precious to look away from.
And most importantly? The way he scents you changed.
While pretty tame at first, the entire act of scenting you has become somewhat heated these days- just like now, as he runs his lips over the crook of your neck, back and forth, hands almost sensually running over your body, clothes suddenly feeling itchy.
He never crosses boundaries, never bites where you don't want to, never pushes himself past your limits just because it's easy to do. He's gentle, caring, offers you just what you need in the right amount, easing you into the waters that's his love.
And it makes you brave. It makes you want more.
Your own limbs seem to want him closer as well, your mind slowly becoming more and more trusting towards him, as he builds up the affection every time you spend time with one another.
It started just with cuddling on the couch while watching a movie. Then, the kisses got added to the mix- shy at first, his confidence with you slowly building up towards the point of where you are today; Heated, bodies warm and needy as his hand travels underneath your soft fleece shirt, fingertips carefully meeting the underline of your chest. "Still okay?" He asks, lowly so as if worried he might pop the little bubble you're both in and wake you up from the trance of emotions, but you simply nod, smiling, happy.
And as an omega, he feeds off of your emotions; he thrives in the fact that you're giving yourself into his arms so freely and comfortable, no worries in your scent whatsoever in his presence.
He shamelessly purrs at the way you kiss his collarbone, lips pressing over a tiny little beauty mark he has in that area, making him shiver in pleasure. You've not talked about going all the way yet- and right now, he's not trying to get into your pants at all. You're so attentive to him, offering such kind affection, that its enough for now. He can't deny however that your scent is driving him crazy- making him hungry for even more intimacy than he's receiving already.
He's needy. Craving.
"Can I eat you out?" He asks breathlessly so, and your eyes widen before your cheeks grow a bit red. "You don't have to say yes." He adds at the sight of your shyness, but you just shrug in response.
"I don't know what it feels like.." You start, before you look up at him, and he feels himself feeling upset. How come you've never experienced that? You're so sweet, you should've been able to explore your most carnal desires with someone you trust. "..but I trust you." You say, and his body erupts into happiness.
You trust him.
You trust him.
It washes over him like the hot stream of water in the shower after a long day, making him nod eagerly as he kisses you first and foremost. Jungkook is pretty orally focused, you've noticed; playfully nipping your skin here and there, kissing you randomly, or just running his sensitive lips over the soft skin of the back of your hand, feeling your skin with his mouth and hot breath. So it's not a surprise when he doesn't mind kissing you a bit more chaotically, open mouthed and tongue exploring your mouth with confidence.
He loves you, after all- and he can see, feel, that you're falling for him too.
He makes it all feel so natural that you can't help but giggle at the feeling of his kisses down your bare stomach; dress pushed up by his hands, a grin showing when he notices your reaction to his antics. He feels as if he's high- never having had the opportunity to be in a situation as easy and simple as this; both of you just existing, no words needing to be shared, no roles defined, no goal in mind other than making the other just as happy as yourself.
It's an odd feeling at first, but simply the sight of him so immersed in the act makes it feel ten times more erotic to you than you thought it might. Your breathing is deep, occasional sighs escaping you, soft voice chanting out his name like a mantra to keep you sane; and he starts to feel drunk off of it, teasing licks turning into more determined motions, tongue flat on your most sensitive area, the feeling odd but not unpleasant. All that fills your head is simply your approaching high, not in the slightest feeling like anything you could've done to yourself.
How will it be when you're both in heat?
You've known each other for months now, after all. Your cycle has synced up by now, you've noticed last time he'd taken time away to himself.
Your back arches as you roll your hips closer to him, lost in the ecstasy while his hands hold a firm grip on your thighs, fingers digging into the flesh while you ride out your orgasm on his tongue, before he let's go of you, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before crawling back up to lay down next to you with an impish smile on his red lips. "Hey." He jokingly greets you after you've opened your eyes again, noticing how he's moved your dress back down again as to not have you get cold.
Jungkook lays there with a smile, and you feel funny in his presence like this. You've never had anybody talk to you or treat you like he does ever before- you're used to either being told exactly what to do, or to be scolded for what you're doing or have done- so him talking to you like you're something special makes you a little confused on how to act.
And it makes you scared, because up until now, you've ruined everything good.
"So have you, you know? Repaid the favor?" Jimin asks, eating his sandwich in front of you while you suddenly turn pale. "Oh." He just humms, while you let your face fall into your hands.
"Oh god, I'm such a nasty bitch, really.." You groan, eyes stinging already at the thought of Jungkook having expected you to get him off as well, just to get nothing in return but a stupid cuddle. The shame washes over you like waves on a stormy day, clashing against your bones with anger that swells up in your chest. You're upset at yourself now, appetite having vanished, and now you're even madder at yourself because Jimin had literally paid for that little piece of cake you'd chosen to eat here, and now you can't even enjoy it anymore.
Hormones are a gorrible thing, especially for omegas. And the stress you have these days just really fucked you over, causing you to drop into a new mental low.
"Hey, no-" Jimin says, wiping his mouth with a napkin before a hand reaches out to touch your arm. "-I'm sure he would've said something if he'd expected anything." He says, making you look at him with glossy eyes.
"Great, so you're saying he doesn't want me like that, thanks." You say roughly, and Jimin sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Oh god I'm sorry, now I'm all moody and-"
"Everything alright?" Jungkook's voice rings out next to you, as he stands close to your chair now, having spotted you in the small cafe with Jimin while passing by on his way home from work. "Hey, what happened?" He coos worriedly, bending down a little to get a better look at you who's hiding your face in your hands, humiliated about crying in a public setting like this, while Jungkook tries to assess the problem- your scent making him anxious too, but in a different way.
You're his partner. And his instincts tell him to offer you comfort, make you feel better.
You've always been overly emotional like this, but its worse now than ever. Jimin said that it's probably from being raised so roughly by your more than strict parents- after all, he remembers the times he had to make up stories just so you would be allowed to stay over at his family home, or for you to attend school trips. He's put himself into the line of fire constantly just to hang out as a friend with you- your mother hating him growing up for being a 'bad influence', and your father even threatening him with violence after Jimin had cut your hair for you, having grown tired of you being unable to express yourself even in the slightest at the age of 15. You remember how Jimin had grinned to you the next day, after everyone at school genuinely complimented you for your new appearance.
However, years after and now both of you working adults, you still have the habit of breaking down crying at the sight of the slightest thing going south in your life. But Jimin simply smiles watching Jungkook squatting next to your seat, carefully wiping your cheeks and eyes concentrated as he listens in on your hiccups interrupting your words to him, none of it very coherent.
But he manages to understand.
"Baby, it's totally fine, I don't hate you." He chuckles, pulling a chair from an empty table close by to sit next to you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you both, by the way." Jungkook laughs, reaching out to shake Jimin's hand. "Jungkook, nice to meet you."
"Jimin. She's been talking non-stop about you." He teases, making you pout while drying your eyes with a napkin, earning a snort from Jungkook who just can't help but find your glare cute.
At the end of the day, you're happy to see your best friend and boyfriend get along so well- both making sure you know you didn't do anything wrong- and that it's totally fine to cry.
Jimin making sure to underline that no one even noticed at all.
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone with her at all." Jungkook says, and it's all a face-off you never hoped you'd have to witness.
Your father had arrived unannounced to apparently bring something over your mother had sent- but you know he just does it to tell you how 'messy' your apartment is, and how you don't have your life under control. You don't know why exactly he does it- any parent would be happy to see their child earn a living from a job they genuinely enjoy; your art selling for high prices, well known celebrities decorating their homes with your works. Jimin had always said that your father is simply jealous- but you can't help but feel small under your parent's strong gaze and harsh words, Alpha father too intimidating to resist bowing to.
And now? Right now your father had told Jungkook to leave, and to yours (and probably your father's too) surprise, Jungkook had declined.
An omega, refusing an alpha's command.
"I'm sorry too, dog, but It's not up to you to decide that." Your father responds, and you worriedly look between the two men, when Jungkook speaks up yet again.
"You're right, it's up to her." Jungkook says. "It's her apartment after all." He says, turning a bit to look at you. You quietly nod, giving him the sign that yes, you want this man out, but you can't bring yourself to say it. It makes Jungkook feel protective of you in this situation, no mate able to stay calm at the prospect of their partner feeling in danger of anything in their presence. "Please leave, or I will call police." Jungkook says, and your father scoffs.
"I'll give you a nice black eye before they get here then, how about it?" He threatens, and while you step in front of Jungkook in a moment of thoughtlessness and reckless protection, you end up receiving the punch right into the side of your head, knocking you to the ground.
"No!" Jungkook barks out, rushing down to your level to check up on you- before spotting your father looking down at the scene with horror.
"I didn't mean to-" He almost whispers, before he takes a shuddering breath, leaving the apartment and you two alone.
You feel dizzy, headache already starting while your hearing sounds like cotton wool had been stuffed into it. It's distant, almost non-existent, and you can only hear Jungkook with your unaffected side. "What's wrong, baby, talk to me.!" he urges, and you sit up a bit straighter, noticing an odd feeling in your ear that makes you run your finger over the opening of your ear canal. When you move it away to reveal red spots of blood, the omega wolf immediately rushes to get his car keys, rushing to the emergency room with you next to him.
An overnight stay, and thorough examination later, you're free to go again, Jungkook making sure to cover all the formalities for your release, while you wait in your room.
"I can't believe he fucking punched you. Oh my baby peanut.." Jimin jokes dramatically, though you know there's genuine anger directed at your father in his words. He's currently keeping you company, his job as a nurse coming in quite handy in times like this, before the door opens to reveal a smiling Jungkook.
"Alright, I've been given your antibiotics and papers, so we're good to go now." He informs you, making you nod, albeit a bit hesitant after being told not to move your head too violently.
"You're lucky there wasn't anything more serious." Jimin sighs.
"Her hearing will be back soon right?" Jungkook asks, and Jimin nods.
"A month or two, typically. The bruising will be down even quicker I imagine."
And Jungkook nods, keeping in mind to never let you get hurt again.
True to his words, a few months later, there's no trace of your past injury any longer.
Now on a spontaneous camping trip Jungkook had surprised you with to help you get over your artists-block and give you some inspiration, you're both entangled inside the van he had rented out, the rain pattering harshly onto the roof of it. You're both unconcerned with the little thunderstorm outside however, rather occupied with each other as he finally uncovers all of your body for himself.
You'd thought it would all feel much weirder than it actually does, but it's Jungkook- every move he makes feels natural at his point, even if the territory you're both walking on right now is absolutely new to you.
The condom over his length makes it a bit easier for him to push himself inside you, your warmth welcoming him eagerly and making him struggle to compose himself. You're just so pretty in the dim orange light that shines inside the van from the front that he can't help himself, his instincts to breed you full of his cum pushing itself into the front of his mind. You'd look so good covered in his release- and you'd smell even better, he knows it already.
Maybe next time. Or next round? How long can you take it?
Right now he's gasping for air, your little whimpers making him feel more sensitive than he's ever felt before. Not even his own heat compares to this burning need he feels growing inside him, your hips rolling up into him, and he's a goner. A growl leaves his throat before he bites around your neck, movements becoming more frantic now in the heat of the moment, needing to claim you as his. "I love you." He hums into your neck, and you respond with your own confession, before his hand angles your leg a little better, his thrusts a lot more desperate at this point. The van is probably visibly shaking from the outside, force of his hips hard enough to fill the small interior of the sleeping area with the wet sound of skin against skin, and your sensual breaths.
You're whining for more, but for what exactly you're not sure of. But again, as if he can read your mind, he knows- hand reaching between you both to press and roll your clit between his fingers, making your core clench and thighs shake with your sudden orgasm, his hips never ceasing to move as you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer, kiss him feverishly.
It gives him the final push to cum as well- though he's a bit disappointed it has to be inside the condom, and not you.
But, Again; maybe next time.
You're overly sensitive, noticing something odd happening, but he reassures you with licks and kisses to the bruised spot he'd bitten over and over on your neck while his arms hold you close. "Did you forget yet baby?" He chuckles amused, making you a bit shy considering the position you're now in.
Completely connected, his knot keeping him inside you at all costs.
"Kook?" You wonder when you notice the muscles in his thighs still trembling occasionally, hips pushing as close as he can get, breaths studdering, gasping. He's moaning quietly every time you involuntarily clench around his length still inside or move too much, and it's in that moment that you realize he's probably still in the midst of his orgasm.
Talk about drawn out.
It doesn't take long for him however to notice your rather impish acts, the way you seem to be very aware and in control of your actions- and much to your surprise, the moment he's able to slip out and discard the filled condom, he's back between your legs, thrown over his shoulders with a grin on his lips that spells trouble in bold.
"You didn't think I was done yet, did you?"
"I'm a little worried though." Jimin says, sighing next to you while you reach into the bag of chips he's holding, TV show playing on the screen while you both spend a day together alone. "Yoongi is an alpha- what if I get on his nerves or something? Alphas are said to be quite moody.." He mumbles.
You giggle, adjusting the strap of your tank top that rests right over the permanent scar of Jungkook's forever bite.
"Don't worry Jiminie." You simply reassure him.
"That's all just stereotypes."
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azrielbrainrot · 3 months
I Laugh Like Me Again... She Laughs Like You - Part 4
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Description: Azriel would give anything to hold you one more time.
Warnings: Angst (not that bad)
Word Count: 6680
Notes: This chapter was actually trying to fight me. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Hope you enjoy!
Part 3 ○ Part 5
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The days were blurring together the longer you stayed in this room. You've long since memorized the golden stripes and swirls beautifully decorating the navy walls, counted the teardrop-like glittering stones hanging from the small chandelier. You've gone through every closet and box in this room as well. Unsurprisingly, the room was almost empty, but you weren't looking through it to find any information anyway, you'd really done it out of boredom, and admittedly some curiosity.
You knew you couldn't complain about your treatment in this house, you'd never heard of a prisoner being treated to home cooked meals and expensive clothes. The House had even brought you books and journals in case you wanted to read or write, and Azriel brought you little treats from the bakeries in town - things you suspect he already knew you liked. He also kept you company every chance he got, even if it meant simply sitting together in silence. You didn't go a day without seeing him. But it was hard to focus on romance novels, chocolate cupcakes or even the captivating hazel eyed male when your entire reality was shattering around you.
The day after you met the High Lord and Lady, Azriel had found you snooping through the few clothes left behind by Feyre, and that same night he dropped off what he called some of your old belongings - some clothes and jewelry so you didn't have to borrow anything else from the High Lady. Everything was neatly folded and carefully arranged, it seems Azriel was extremely meticulous about how to store his late wife's belongings. He told you he's barely allowed himself to touch them in fear of ruining anything.
The clothes had since lost your scent, even if put away in a closed box it would be impossible for it to linger after a century. Still, you knew these were your things, somehow you could feel it deep inside you. You hadn't told Azriel about this, scared of getting his hopes up.
There was nothing personal in the box, Azriel was probably reluctant in letting you see them in case it overwhelmed you and triggered any more painful reactions, but there was enough for you to get a sense of who you were before.
It was clear she lived a happier and much more fulfilled life than yours. The clothes were all beautiful, if a little outdated. They came in all sorts of colors and fabrics, but even if you still liked them now, you know you'd never buy something like this for yourself.
Working at the guild, you had to prioritize functionality. You didn't have many personal belongings, you traveled a lot for missions and had to keep hidden, never staying in the same place for longer than a couple of months at a time. Your clothes reflected this, you prefered to wear pants or even your armor since you never knew when you'd be called for a mission or attacked.
You always had to be ready to drop everything at any moment so there was no use getting attached to anything or anyone. Even your favorite dagger was simply the model you've found works best for you, and you can get it anytime from different blacksmiths. The small hoops currently in your ears are the only jewelry you actually own and it's more of a way to keep the holes open for when you have to do undercover missions in which you might need to dress up.
There was no time or place for getting pretty clothes that made you feel good or buying a nice pair of earrings for the sake of it. Even less for making friends. You were living an empty life, something you always had a hard time coming to terms with, but that seems impossible to accept now that you know what you could have had, what you used to have and was taken from you.
Not being able to even trust your own memories affected you more than you'd ever admit, knowing things you considered unquestionable facts before that night were all made up. You've had to rely on what Azriel tells you and your own intuition to try and fill in the gaps. Your body seemed to be giving you clues, nudging you in the right directions but it only left you beyond frustrated that you could feel like all the answers were on the tip of your tongue but not being able to put your finger on it.
From what you've gathered, the night you disappeared from the Night Court corresponds with the mission in which you almost died, meaning someone in the guild - your handler, if your suspicions are correct - must have found you and brought you in. It's safe to say that, aside from a few lies and omissions here and there, your memories since that night can be trusted. But everything before that was all a lie, over a century of your life was nothing more than a made up story.
A burning feeling behind your eyelids has you forcefully shaking out your thoughts. You can't let yourself get consumed before you even find out what exactly happened, before you can get your revenge. And you refuse to cry in this room where anyone, especially Azriel, could walk in at any moment and see you in such a state. If you had to pick one helpful thing the guild taught you, it was how to handle your emotions.
You knew the High Lord was making good on his promise, knew that Azriel was working to help you as well. He'd only ever left your side to look into any information you could give him about the guild, though your knowledge was limited. You weren't a high ranking member and they were more than careful. You didn't know anything about the other members, as much as they didn't know anything about you.
Still, you weren't used to waiting around while everyone else did all the work and it took them over a week to schedule a new meeting with you, where you hopefully will learn more about this whole situation and what they intend to do with you. It feels like they're keeping you in the dark, something you knew you'd also do in their place, but that has left you feeling nothing but frustrated and worthless.
That meeting was happening in less than an hour and anticipation was eating away at you. Azriel promised he was going to take you to the office, letting you use him as a safety line as you've done so often these days.
Aside from the welcome information and decisions you hope would be talked through, you were also just excited to leave this room for a few hours at least. Only being able to feel the wind through an open window was getting old, and the city below this house felt like it was almost calling to you at this point, but you were too scared of seeming too interested since you didn't know if they'd find it suspicious. Just because the High Lord left the room on a friendlier note doesn't mean he'll trust you completely after what you've done.
You were technically allowed out of the room, free to walk around the House, with Azriel's supervision of course, but after your first attempt you decided it wasn't worth the trouble.
It had been mostly a miscalculation on your part. You were so consumed with your problems and with finding some sort of distraction that you almost forgot Azriel wasn't the only one you knew before, didn't stop to think what reaction they all would have to you.
Azriel asked you to join him for breakfast downstairs as he usually did, trying to get you to move around and talk with the other residents of the House. You accepted, tired of being in the stuffy room and curious to meet the General and his mate, who you've sometimes felt around the House and heard so much about from Azriel.
The atmosphere turned painfully awkward as soon as you entered the dining room with the shadowsinger at your side, making the other residents of the house look up to meet your eyes, surprised you had left the room. It wasn't long before Cassian stormed out, barely making an excuse on his way out after getting a good look at you, his mate following right behind him.
You ended up eating breakfast alone with Azriel, the same way you would have if you'd stayed in your room like you always did instead. Except now you couldn't take the general's haunted expression out of your mind. It truly had looked like he'd seen a ghost. Maybe he did.
Azriel apologized to you on his behalf, even though it wasn't his or Cassian's fault, and you're almost positive there was some sort of fight between them, though you hope not too severe. You'd hate for Azriel to get into arguments with his family over you. He didn't invite you downstairs again after that, simply joining you in your room whenever he could. The reminder of how caring the shadowsinger has been with you almost brings a smile to your lips.
“I'll make you fall for me again.”
Those words haven't left your mind since that night. You've never had anyone look at you with so much love in their eyes, and tell you something so bold with such conviction.
You're not sure you deserve it, and you're terrified you'll never remember him because you know this version of you can't ever be compared to the one in his memories. Even if you end up regaining your memories, it's impossible for things to truly go back to how they were. It's been too long and you've changed too much. The both of you know this.
You haven't actually talked about his or your feelings since that night, but it's clear that he still loves you, well he loves the female he once knew anyway, you're not so sure you're even that similar to her aside from your appearance. It doesn't feel fair to let him dote on you, knowing he's in love with a version of you that will never come back, knowing that, even with the fluttering of your heart, your feelings for him don't come close to his.
It makes you feel like you're taking advantage of him, how he's so dedicated to taking care of you and to restoring your memories, even trying to find the people who hurt you, while to you he's a stranger. Even if an extremely handsome stranger whose company you enjoy a lot, who makes you smile and even laugh despite the precarious circumstances you've found yourself in, who makes you believe you can get through this.
You can't deny you have a reaction to him either, every soft touch feels like lightning running through your veins, and every whisper of your name has goosebumps spreading all over your skin. Your body obviously still remembers how it feels to love him and to be loved by him in return, but the butterflies in your stomach don't even come close to the depth of his feelings for you. It's glaringly obvious that Azriel would do anything for you, even going as far as letting you stab him the very first night you met and brushing it off when you tried to apologize during this week.
Truthfully, falling for Azriel sounds like the easiest thing in the world, but you don't think you'd ever feel like you deserve him.
The shadows in the room start shifting ever so slightly as if reading your thoughts - something Azriel has assured you they can't do - a sign that their singer is approaching.
You put down the book you never even started and hop down from the window sill you had been sitting on for most of the afternoon, waiting for him to knock softly at the door like he always did, letting you prepare for his arrival or deny his company if you so wished. Anticipation was buzzing at your skin the longer you waited so you opened the door for him as soon as his knuckles met the dark wood, catching him off guard with his hand raised.
You can't help but smile at his wide eyes. Surprising the feared Spymaster of the Night Court has to be a hard feat to accomplish and the fact that you just did it so effortlessly makes you revel in his expression for a moment. He offers you a small smile of his own but you can immediately tell something is holding him back.
He hasn't really given you any information about their research or the guild, simply letting you know that they were working as hard as they could on it. You knew the High Lord still had his reservations about your presence in his court so it only made sense for them to keep their cards close to their chest until they knew more about the situation. You suppose he also wanted to see if any of the leads you gave Azriel on the guild actually turned out to be helpful, a last test to see if you were being truthful.
So you wouldn't be surprised that the Inner Circle had a meeting among themselves before bringing you in, one it seems like Azriel just came from, but his expression is making your anticipation steadily turn into nerves.
“Are you ready?”
Even with the lump that has lodged itself in your throat, you nod and try to give him a pleasant smile. You've been waiting for answers and you're finally going to get them, even if it feels like your heart is threatening to give out.
You quickly turn back into the room to slip on your shoes, before looping your arm around the one he offers, ever the gentlemale. He guides you through the painting covered hallways, most of which you haven't walked through before.
As you approach the room your nerves get the best of you. There are a lot more people in the office than you thought there'd be, you can hear their mismatched heartbeats from here, feel their suffocating presences. One you can distinctively recognize is the General's, it reminds you of his reaction in the dining room, how it seemed to hurt him just looking at you.
You didn't think the entire Inner Circle would be in attendance, figured that it would only be the ancient one, the High Lord and Lady aside from you and Azriel. You'll likely have to reveal more about yourself than you'd be comfortable with in any other situation, including things you're not proud of, things you know they'll judge you for, they'll judge the female they once knew for.
Azriel noticed your body tensing, your steps getting slower and the apprehension rolling off you in waves as your thoughts soured. He stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder, meeting your unfocused eyes.
Seeing the worried look on his face makes you take a deeper breath, willing your mind to focus on what's important right now and let your fears stay locked inside you. Thinking of it as another mission the guild sent you on, you've put your life on the line numerous times, you can get through a simple meeting.
You feel a familiar mask of indifference fall onto your face, the mask of a killer the guild made sure you wore almost every day of your life, but before you can rid your mind of emotion, Azriel grabs onto your hand, intertwining your fingers together, and bringing it up to his lips. He leaves a soft kiss on your skin, one that sends chills down your spine, though it's the look in his eyes that makes you stop.
You're not alone. For the first time in your life, at least in the life you remember, you're not alone. He's going to be next to you for every step of the way. You don't need to resort to assassin tactics. The blank mask was something you didn't have a choice but to use, to protect yourself from the things you'd seen, from the things you feel. But here you're allowed to delve into your emotions, to stay true to them.
Azriel gives you a small smile and lowers your hand away from his lips, proud of whatever determination showed on your face. He lets go of you, making you feel the absence of his warmth immediately, fingers twitching as if trying to reach out to his comfort on their own.
As soon as you walk into the room all eyes turn to you. You had been right to assume everyone was here. You let your eyes wander around the room briefly, noting the familiar and new faces, before settling back on Rhysand's, the reminder of the excruciating pain you've felt the last time you saw him an obvious weight on your mind.
You'd seen them all before except for the blonde sitting on the sofa by the window, her brown eyes were wide, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. You know that was Morrigan, the High Lord's cousin, and from what Azriel has told you, one of your once closest friends. Apparently she'd tried to come talk to you but it so happened to be on the day after you went down for breakfast and you denied it without a second thought when Azriel brough the option up. You wonder if that had been too harsh but you weren't sure you could handle a repeat of the Cassian situation.
Feyre and Morrigan are the only ones who attempt to throw a greeting smile your way but you can't bring yourself to respond, acutely aware of the tension in the air, eyes never straying from the High Lord's. Choosing to focus on the elephant in the room.
“I trust your stay has been enjoyable,” Rhysand muses as he points to the chair across from his desk, urging you to sit as if this were a simple business meeting. As ridiculous as the idea sounds, it does something to loosen your muscles and the snort that escapes Cassian lifts some of the tension.
“Yes, the House has been making sure of it,” you sit on the chair across from his desk, not daring to look away from him and the High Lady. He releases a simple hum at the answer, but you're too anxious for small talk. “Have you found a way to get my memories back?”
“In a way,” he offers, leaving you with more questions.
Thankfully, Amren fills up the silence in his place. “The spell suppressing your memories is the work of witches. Daemati can enter anyone's mind and make them forget certain memories but if someone had simply rewritten your memories then Rhys would have been able to fix them.”
“Witches?” The thought was enough to send shivers down your spine.
“Witches use tools to strengthen their powers, to access magic they aren't privy to,” she continues, “It seems someone used a witch's tool to feign daemati powers and rewrite your memories, effectively warding them as well.”
“That's why you had such a strong reaction when I entered your mind.”
You were positive this had to be the work of a daemati. It had never crossed your mind that there could be something else at play.
“You can't undo the spell,” you conclude for them.
Witches have a completely different approach to magic than faeries. While your kind was gifted their magic by the Mother, witches have to resort to the kind of tools Amren mentioned. The resulting magic isn't organic and as such it comes with rules and drawbacks you don't experience as fae.
“We'll need to find the person responsible for it. They're the only one who can tell us exactly how to undo it,” Feyre says.
You bite your lip, your mind reeling with the information. You only have one suspect and the thought of not only finding him but also making him talk sounds beyond ridiculous. He also hasn't shown any hint that he could use witch magic. As far as you know he's as much high fae as you are, but you can never be too certain when it comes to one the best assassins in the world.
“Azriel says you can only identify one member of the guild,” the High Lord continues, barely giving you any time to process.
You nod. “I had direct contact with a few other assassins when I was called for backup but never knew their names or even what some of them look like without disguises.”
“Our only option is finding your handler, but Azriel hasn't been able to find any tracks even with the information you've given him,” Feyre stands closer to the desk now, her hand leaning on the dark wood.
“I'm not surprised. Norris is one of the most prominent members of the guild, I'm not sure how old he is exactly but I suspect he's been working there for close to a millenia.”
“Azriel is extremely good at his job,” Rhysand tilts his head slightly, as if offended for his Spymaster.
“I know.” From the briefings he's given you, he has spies all over the world aside from his shadows, who can listen and see things fae could never begin to imagine. Even with your hints, he's come closer to the guild in a week than entire countries have in decades, perhaps even centuries. “But we've been trained to kill and hide from people like him, like you. And Norris has been doing that successfully for a very long time.”
“We…” He taps his nails on the table, the sound echoing across the room. “So you're an assassin then,” the distaste clear on the High Lord's face.
You hadn't said the words out loud but everyone had probably guessed it the moment you walked back into their lives. The guild has made a name for themselves, and as much as some of your work consisted of spying or retrieving objects, most people came to the guild for mercenary jobs.
“Yes,” you confirm, forcing yourself to keep up the eye contact.
“An interesting career choice,” he muses, as if you had the pleasure of just choosing to become this monster.
The several pairs of eyes watching you intently were making you feel defensive, your temper rising up with it. It's easy to judge someone looking in from the outside. You'd been an assassin or training to become one ever since you could remember, which in reality wasn't your whole life like you thought before. Still, whether it was because you'd been taken in by the guild as a child or had your memories rewritten, you were thrown into it against your will and had since been stuck with no chance of an escape. Everyone has done things they're not proud of and you know fae in such important positions as these and as old as they are can definitely relate to this sentiment.
You weren't proud of it, far from it, but you didn't have a choice. And it's not your fault the female they knew before wouldn't do these things. It's not your fault that innocence and chance at being better she had were ripped away from you.
“Not everyone has the luxury of getting a court handed to them,” the venom drips out of your tongue, every word meant as a weapon.
You know this is a low blow, being aware of the circumstances in which Rhysand became High Lord, how he lost his whole family in one night. But if he wants cruelty, the assassin he keeps judging, you can certainly give it to them. Your bravado lessens when you feel the sharp intake of breaths around the room, most notably from the Illyrian by your side, where he still stands despite how tense his posture has become.
Rhysand's wings tighten against his body and his eyes narrow, finally letting go of the faux relaxed look he's presented you with. He takes a moment to answer you, likely leveling his temper or receiving soothing words from his mate.
“There was a time you wouldn't even dare to hurt an innocent.” This statement lacks the same bite as before, it gives way to disappointment, and it feels like a bucket of ice poured over molting lava. It cuts deeper than any amount of judgment he could have presented you with.
You straighten yourself in the chair, trying to not let it show how much this whole conversation is affecting you. “Well,” you lick your lip, now realizing how dry your mouth felt, “The only thing left from before is my body.”
His violet gaze finally becomes too much for you to bear, allowing yourself the respite of looking down at your hands. There are too many emotions swirling in his alluring eyes, even more felt around the room, the tension has become so thick you could barely breathe, couldn't even risk a look at Azriel in fear of what you'd find written on his face, terrified that the same disappointment lingered there as well.
“It's not,” the change in tone has you looking back up at him, meeting his gaze once more to find understanding reflected on it. And I can only imagine how you've been surviving through it all.
His echoing words make you pause, not being able to look away from him. It's only when wetness gathers in your eyes that you look back down, praying the room of perceptive fae don't notice how close you are to tears. You don't even remember the last time you cried, the last time someone extended you the kindness Rhysand just did, even after all the judgment.
Shadows start crawling up your legs, tentatively moving towards you as if asking permission to comfort you. You bite back a smile, keeping your tears at bay as you wonder if they moved of their own accord or if Azriel sent them to you. You relax your body, allowing them to twist and turn over your legs, mildly surprised that you can actually feel a ghost of a touch. You didn't think you could feel shadows.
You risk a glance at the shadowsinger in question, almost regretting it as you see the fondness reflected in his beautiful eyes as he watches his own shadows move across your skin. This must have been a regular occurrence before. You look away as soon as your gazes meet, not being able to bear the intensity in them in this room full of onlookers.
Unfortunately, your escape brings you back to facing the High Lord and Lady, who seem more than amused at your interaction with Azriel. The change in atmosphere from just a few moments ago almost gives you whiplash.
“You haven't told me what you plan on doing about the guild,” you try to keep your tone leveled, but looking at their reactions you're failing miserably.
“Finding your handler seems to be our best bet,” the smile on Feyre's face only falters a bit, the tension from before has almost dissipated. “Since he's the one who sent you here he might know who hired the guild and their motives for wanting the book.”
“You said he was the one who introduced you into the guild.” You nod at Rhysand. “It's possible he's the one responsible for your… accident.”
“I think so too,” you agreed, your hand moving up to touch the scar on your neck, “I've always been told this scar was the result of a failed mission, and that Norris had been the one to find me and take me to a healer.”
“We found the attackers not long after your death,” the general finally speaks up, cringing softly at the choice of word. His mate was quick to narrow her eyes at him, as if reprimanding him for mentioning it.
“He might not have actually cut my throat,” you shrug, trying not to linger in unpleasant thoughts. “He likely saw me after the attack and decided I'd make a good addition to the guild if I survived. I'm basically a ghost, that's perfect for an agent. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd done similar things before.”
“Either way, we need to find him.”
“Even if we do, I'm not sure he'll actually tell you anything.” Norris was one of the most respected members of the guild. His abilities far surpassed yours, he'd been the one to teach you most things after all. You've never been able to even sneak up on him so finding and capturing him alive already seemed hard enough, but making him cooperate and answer any of your questions was next to impossible. The Mother only knows how many fae have tried it and failed.
“He will,” Azriel stated. When you look into his eyes you can only see pure fury and determination written in them, leaving no space for any doubts. He stares into your eyes before adding, promising, “l'll make sure of it.”
Some of that confidence rubs off on you it seems, because your hesitation starts evaporating the longer you stare into his eyes. You've always been on your own, and as such you've only ever considered how you'd fare against your handler without backup. Between the famed Shadowsinger, the strongest High Lord in history, the Made Sisters, and everyone else in this room, your chances were exponentially higher. Escaping the guild doesn't feel like a pipe dream anymore.
“How do you want to find him?”
The High Lord rewards your determination with a smirk. “The only way to find someone like him is by making him search for us instead.”
“You want to use me as bait,”
“You can refuse,” Azriel assured. This explains his sour mood. You didn't think he'd agreed with this solution with the way he's been treating you so carefully, almost as if you're made of glass. You can't exactly fault him for it either, but the truth is you can't refuse. You don't know if you could ever find Norris with traditional tactics, or if the guild wouldn't send more assassins to the city, if they hadn't already.
“And keep living like this? Hiding without even knowing who I am?”
He searches your eyes, fear and vulnerability swimming in the hazel, but nods all the same. He told you he's dreamed of getting you back for a century, and thought it was something that would never come true, so it makes sense that he'd be hesitant on letting you put yourself in such a risky position. You know he understands why you need this though.
The meeting runs for a while longer, and by the time Rhysand was calling it a day the sun was already setting on the horizon, making way for the night to take over in all its glory, one that could only be fully appreciated in the Night Court.
As much as everyone seems to be warming up to you, letting go of the conflicted feelings towards having you back in these circumstances, you were extremely overwhelmed by the end. Talking to someone who knows you so intimately even though you don't have any recollection of it is a confusing experience. You could almost hear your mind screaming at you, begging for some peace and quiet.
The contrast between the Inner Circle and Azriel becomes clear in your mind. Your relationships were very different before but it's interesting to see that even when you don't have your memories, you feel so much calmer with him. That nagging feeling of being faced with something you've lost keeps rising up when they speak to you, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the myriad of emotions Azriel evokes simply by looking at you. And even if those emotions are more intense, you have a much bigger tolerance for them, as if your body would gladly accept any turmoil as long as you stayed in his company.
Just as you were about to leave the room, Rhysand invites you to join them for dinner. Everyone turns to you with expectant eyes before the words fully leave his mouth. They clearly planned it out together. This habit they have of speaking through each other's minds is one it might take a while getting used to.
You bite your lip, as you think of what to say. Cassian and Morrigan look particularly keen on the idea, it makes you feel a little relieved that the general isn't looking at you like a nightmare came true anymore, but you really don't think you can handle any more questions today, or to have them reminisce about your former relationships. You're not used to spending time with a lot of people in general, you'd go months without any sort of fae contact sometimes. You just want to go somewhere quiet, and you can only think of one person whose company would allow you to relax.
Making up your mind, you decline the invitation politely, trying to ignore the disappointment in their eyes as they bid you goodnight. This still feels like a huge improvement from where you stood with them just at the beginning of the meeting, that they'd want to keep you company when it felt like they were avoiding you this whole week. You might have gained some of their trust, and, to your immense shock, you trust them as well. It feels like a breath of fresh air after a century of not even trusting your shadow.
Maybe it's that feeling, or the immediate quiet that settles over you as soon as you walk into the empty hallway, maybe even the fact that you finally got some answers and even a plan, a chance at leaving the guild, something you never even dared to dream about, but it has you feeling a little indulgent. Your steps are noticeably lighter, and all the tension from before is now only a faint ache in your muscles.
“Azriel?” You look up at him with a smile, feeling it widen when he looks at you in answer. “Since I'm out of the room, can we go somewhere to watch the stars?”
The smile that takes over his face is blinding, it feels like it could rival the moon. It's fascinating how his beauty can still catch you off guard like this, even if you've been spending most of your time with him for an entire week.
“Of course,” he moves closer to you and takes your hand, pulling you into him, his eyes never straying from yours. It takes you longer than it should have to realize he was covering you both in shadows, too lost in his eyes to pay attention to your surroundings, how they've turned to black. He told you before that's how he winnows, though it can't be called that since he moves through shadows instead.
The light almost blinds you as his shadows disperse, giving way to a view you can't believe is real. The sky wasn't completely dark yet, stuck in the brief moments of twilight where you could still see the last rays of the sun illuminating the dark blue sky. And yet the stars were already twinkling in the sky, surrounding the full moon.
You can't help but gasp, forgetting about Azriel and moving to the edge of the roof, admiring the unforgettable view. Your eyes don't stray from it as you lean against the railing, long enough that the sun completely sets, and the streets become illuminated by faelights.
You had thought there was some sort of celebration when you first came here, but have since learned that every night is enjoyed to its fullest in the city of dreamers.
As some of your awe settles, you turn to look at Azriel as he too admires the city. His shadows had left him uncovered, choosing to scatter around what you now recognize as a training ground. You almost regret staring up at the sky for so long when you could have been reveling in his beauty this whole time.
His tan skin was glowing with the pale moonlight, eyes as bright as the stars when he looks down at you. You move closer to him almost unconsciously, as if you've been bewitched.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you sound breathless even to your ears. “The view is a lot more beautiful from up here.” Your bedroom window could never do this justice. If you looked up, it almost felt like you were walking on air, among the stars.
He turns to you fully, ignoring the captivating sight in favor of watching you. His face relaxes further as he takes you in, the smile on his lips growing and the air around you changing. He raises his scarred palm up to cup your face, whispering softly, “It can't ever compare to you.”
“That's cheesy,” you stutter, clearly taken aback by the sudden flirtatious tone.
He grins down at you, a mischievous look in his eyes, rubbing his thumb over the increasingly warmer skin of your cheek. “You're blushing.”
Azriel has been open with his feelings for you all week, making it clear that they haven't changed over the years, even with your absence from his life, but he has never been this brazen. None of the interactions you've had can be considered anything else than platonic, and even with sweet compliments and bashful admissions, he has never looked at you like this, like he truly believed just one second of looking at you was worth more than this unbelievable view.
“You know,” you start hesitantly, “We haven't actually tried everything.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to catch up to your train of thought. You can feel when he does because he tenses against you, and would have let go of your face if you hadn't placed your hand around his wrist, keeping him there.
“I think I've read it in a story before,” you lick your lips, feeling like lava is pumping through your veins when his eyes follow the movement, “Sometimes a kiss can be stronger than any magic spell.”
He leans closer to you slowly, looking into your eyes to search for any sign of discomfort. You can't be entirely sure what he finds in them, you can't feel much else but desire in this moment, but it has him clearing the rest of the way, both of your eyes closing as his lips finally touch yours softly.
A sigh escapes him when you press into him harder, needing to find out what he tastes like, what he feels like. His other hand comes up to cup your other cheek, holding you against him. You can feel him losing his restraint bit by bit, hands moving from your face to hold your neck, your waist, grip getting tighter with every stroke of his tongue against yours, a century of longing and raw passion melting into the kiss. Your own arms find their way around his neck, pulling him down, finally feeling the softness of his hair around your fingers. His chest is pressed against yours, close enough that you can feel his heart beating.
When you finally pull away from each other, you're both breathless. He leans his forehead against yours, eyes closed. You wonder how many times he's dreamed of this moment, of being able to taste you again after so long.
“Any memories resurfacing?” His voice is rough, deeper than you've ever heard it. It almost makes you hold back a moan.
“No,” you lick your lips, reveling in his taste, “but we can give it another try.”
His lips find yours as soon as the last words leave your mouth, more than happy to deliver. You might chastise yourself for giving in to temptation tomorrow, but in this moment nothing else matters. Not the guild, not your lost memories, not your mistakes. Right now there's only him, you and the stars as your witnesses.
taglist: @thisblogisaboutabook @chessebookgirl @going-through-shit @starcrossedsan @macimads @janebirkln @dr4g0ngirl @harrystyles2686 @tothestarsandwhateverend @queensl1234 @lisanna2000 @starryhiraeth @shadowsaz @sakurafrost3-blog @evergreenlark @sisterjuliennes @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @historygeekqueen @writingcroissant @abysshaven @pablopascal @that-girl-reading @naturakaashi @tenshis-cake @sharknutz @isa1b2h3 @thehighlordishere @tarathia @sfhsgrad-blog @acourtofbatboydreams @starsandnightmares @cuethedepession @emryb @mybestfriendmademe @fxckmiup @adharanotfound @b0xerdancer @ervotica @aria-chikage @serendipityx150 @fanboyluvr @rogersbarnesxx @that-one-little-soybean @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @saltedcoffeescotch @astarlitsoul @bwormie @just-a-social-casualty-1 @sundayysunshine
(for some reason I couldn't tag some of you. check your settings because you might have tags disabled.)
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authorhjk1 · 7 months
Interlude: Above the sky
IU X Minatozaki Sana X Male Reader
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You sigh as you sit in one of the chairs at the airport.
It has been a while, since you last flew with a commercial airplane. You are headed to Italy. There is an urgent meeting, involving everyone, who is important at the Diesel company. You can proudly say that you are one of them. Unfortunately though, your jet is currently being repaired and refurbished.
Waiting for the call to board the plane, you occasionally glance at the incoming passengers, while working on your laptop.
When you suddenly hear the sounds of cameras flashing and cheers, you turn around in your seat. Two women, who are being swarmed by reporters walk towards your gate.
Great. More noise. You sigh as you realize you won't be able to keep working. Luckily, boarding time starts soon.
As the women slowly get closer, you see that one of them is wearing a fancy looking suit outfit and one is wearing a simple black dress. The large bow in the second woman's hair makes her look cute. And smaller than she actually is. Because in that moment, you realize who is walking in your direction.
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IU. The woman you and Miyeon had.... fun with. You wonder if she still remembers you. Not being able to identify the other woman, you are glad you are now able to board the plane.
You don't think IU saw you as you walk towards the door.
At the door the captain and the crew welcome you. Being the owner of the airline you are flying with is somewhat beneficial. Although you tried to hide it as much as possible. You usually don't like too much attention, especially when you are busy or on your way to a meeting.
Sitting down in first class, you enjoy the comfort of the chair. The blue interior matches the plane's exterior as you look around. This is somewhat your airplane after all.
It takes only a couple of minutes, before you aren't the only one in first class anymore. People start to take their seats, while you take the laptop out of your bag.
Sitting in the middle seat, you don't believe your eyes, when you see the two women sit down on your right. IU on the left, the other on the right. You could've sworn you saw her somewhere before. Guessing from the way she looks, she must be an idol as well. You see her smile. It's probably one of the cutest things you have ever seen.
Wanting to tease the older woman, you lean through the small aisle towards her.
"Can I get an autograph?"
You can't hide a teasing grin as she turns around. Her eyes widen when she seems to recognize you.
She stops, her mouth open.
"Is he a friend?"
The girl's voice sounds as cute as she looks.
"Kind of. Nice to meet you, (y/n)."
You reach around IU to shake her hand.
"Minatozaki Sana. It's a pleasure."
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You watch IU looking at Sana's hand in yours, before you pull away. Not without your hand grazing against her chest. No one would notice except her. You see her look down, biting her lip.
You remember how needy she was last time, although it partially might have been the alcohol.
"How do the two of you know each other?"
IU's eyes grow wide as she hears Sana's question. For an actress, she isn't very good at hiding her surprise.
"Well.... We..."
"She was attending the opening of my restaurant."
"Oh really? Which one?"
"It's in Paris. I doubt you know it."
Sana seems to be thinking hard.
"Ah. The one Lisa went to?"
You nod.
"Exactly. I'm happy that you seem to know it."
"Of course I do. I heard the food is very delicious there."
While she gives you an adorable smile, you realize that IU is still not talking. Although her hand is resting on her naked knee, playing with the hem of her dress.
"If you are ever in Paris, I hope you will stop by."
"I will give you an awesome review."
Sana gives you a thumbs up.
"What did you eat there, unnie?"
"Hmmm? What?"
IU looks like she got caught. You expected her to be more cool about this, but it looks like she is unable to clear her mind of the things you did.
"I don't remember."
She now looks at you. Her dark eyes locked onto yours.
"But I know it was delicious."
That switch of attitude makes you silently raise an eye brow at her. How did she just got from shy and scared to hot and suggestive?
A sly smirk plays around her lips. Maybe she is a better actress than you thought.
Once the plane is in the air, you get rid of your seatbelt. The tight fabric made the situation in your pants slightly worse. IU keeps glancing at you. Sometimes a naughty smile on her face, sometimes her fingers lift up her dress. Her full thighs distract you from working.
You are glad that barely any people seem to be sitting in first class. Except for you three, there is only one man two rows ahead and an older couple maybe three rows behind you. Is it always that empty in first class?
You really do try your best to keep working, but as soon as Ji-eun stands up, you throw all caution out the window. The dress she is wearing seemed quite long. That's why you are surprised, when she reaches up to take something out of her luggage.
The black fabric rides up her body, until her lower half is almost completely exposed. Standing on her tip toes, Ji-eun shows off her ass to you. Her black thong leaves her cheeks exposed, only barely covering her pussy. You catch glimps of her lips. Remembering the last time you saw her naked pussy, you have to hold back to not just reach for it.
When she is about to sit down, Sana stands up too.
"I need to use the bathroom real quick."
She steps past the older woman, before walking down the small aisle.
Ji-eun watches her leave. You already expected something once the two of you would be alone, but not this. As soon as IU is sure no one is looking, she straddles your lap.
"I can't help it. Your cock felt so good."
Her breathless words still linger in your ear as she latches her lips onto your neck. While showering your skin with kisses, IU slowly grinds on top of you.
"Darn it. Do you know how often I got myself off thinking about that night?"
Her hands move towards your belt.
"What are you doing?"
You are finally able to talk, a little overwhelmed from the older woman's attack.
"What do you mean? You don't wanna fuck?"
You shush her, afraid someone heard her.
"Here? Are you crazy?"
She just shrugs her shoulders.
"As long as you fill me with cock, I don't care where."
Her lips reattach themselves to your neck. Her hair slightly tickles, while her cute bow is right in front of your face.
You try your best. You really do. But suddenly, you find your hands underneath IU's dress. Feeling the smooth skin on her full thighs, you lean your head back, while she fumbles for your zipper. Her grinding increases as you start to feel her wetness on your leg. Only the thin fabric of your pants and her thong are between the two of you.
IU suddenly stops, looking above your head behind you.
You suspect it's Sana. Expecting, IU to leave, you let go of her thighs. Instead she just drops to her knees. She reaches for the blanket next to you, covering herself and your lap. You feel her warm breath against your clothed crotch as you hear Sana coming from behind.
"Excuse me. Do you know where IU unnie went?"
"I think she left right after you. In the same direction."
"Really? I didn't see her."
Sana flashes you another smile.
"Thank you."
She turns around to look at the direction she came from, before sitting back down in her seat.
You suddenly hear the zipper of your pants being opened. Which is odd, since both of IU's hands are resting on your thighs. Is she doing this with her teeth?
You feel her pull down the zipper, until finally one hand leaves your leg. Her hand undoes the button of your boxers.
If you weren't hard before, you are now as IU fishes out your cock. Her warm hand strokes your length once or twice, before you feel her wet lips wrap around your tip. You have to suppress a groan as her tongue swirls around it. IU starts to take you deeper inside her mouth. Her wet slurps barely louder than a whisper.
You place your hands on the blanket over her head, trying to hide the bulge her head is creating. Ji-eun humms around your cock in response as she keeps sucking you off.
You can't believe this is happening. Your legs start to become jelly as the woman on her knees let's her lips glide to the base of your cock. Her tongue follows, grazing the underside of your shaft.
You glance at Sana, hoping she doesn't see anything. But after looking at her once or twice, it becomes hard to look away. Since Ji-eun swallows your cock underneath the blanket, you somewhat miss the visual stimuli. Luckily, Sana is more than enough.
Since her shorts are barely covering her center, her full thighs are on display. You try to imagine them around your head, squeezing you as you eat her out. It's hard though. It's hard to focus on anything when IU is silently giving you head. You have to lean your head against your chair, trying to compensate the pleasure you are feeling. How is she so good at this?
Glancing at Sana again, you see her lean over her phone. She was typing something on it a couple of moments ago. Now it seems like she is watching a video or something. Her eyes are wide, the screen very close to her face.
When you feel yourself hitting the back of IU's throat, you press her head down. It's a subconscious action as you try to appear normal. You hear her slightly gagging when she is unable to move. Closing your eyes, you feel yourself getting closer to the end.
Ji-eun starts to become louder. You hope no one hears her as you open your eyes again. You are unable to see straight as you look around. Your eyes lock onto Sana's. The woman's head is turned towards you, her lips slightly parted. Her hand with her phone is resting on her lap, while the other tuggs a couple of strands behind her ear. Did she catch you?
Instinctively you press Ji-eun's face further into your lap, hoping Sana didn't see her head bobbing. You hear IU slightly gagging as she tries to breath through her nose while her throat is stuffed with your cock.
Sana gives you a coy smile, before she turns away again. You did catch her stealing a glance at your crotch. Fuck.
That nervous feeling doesn't last long as IU keeps working your shaft. You suddenly come to a realization. What are you going to do next? What happens after Ji-eun is done with you? How is she going to get out of there? There is no way she planing to stay on her knees until the end of her flight. Is she?
You dig your fingers into your armrests. IU keeps slobbering over your dick in almost complete silence, while her hands glide over your pants. In a normal situation you would've started to fuck her face by now. But this isn't normal. This is public. It doesn't get much riskier than that. Getting head as you sit in your seat in your airplane.
The situation worsens when you get a call. You neither have the composure, nor the current mental stability to wonder who it might be. Without even looking at the screen, you pick up.
"Hi, daddy."
You almost groan in disbelief as you recognize her voice. Checking your screen confirms your suspicion.
"Princess #1"
Wonyoung is number two, which means...
"Hi, Miyeon. What is it?"
You try to sound nonchalant, although it is almost impossible. Hearing Miyeon snicker on the other side of the call makes you blush for some reason.
"Who is it?"
You half whisper half moan. No reason to lie.
"Well, that's great, but I'm calling because of her fellow traveller."
You look to your right at Sana, catching her look away from you.
"She knows who you are."
"I might have told her a thing or two about us."
You sigh.
"Just go the bathroom in a couple of minutes. She is too shy to ask."
"I hope IU sumbenim is taking great care of you. Her asshole was so tight when I fucked her. Just saying."
You are stunned when you realize that Miyeon hung up on you. Who does she think she is? Talking about you with Sana and then telling you to follow her friend to the bathroom? You don't need to be bright to figure out why.
You turn your head as you see Sana standing up. As she walks past you, she let's her hand glide along your arm. You look after her as she walks back towards the bathroom. She took off her jacket earlier. Her tight shorts hugg her cheeks perfectly as she walks down the aisle.
"Fuck.Ji-eun, stop."
You get the blanket off her.
IU looks up at you. Her black bow is a little tilted, her chin covered in her spit.
She let's your cock fall out of her mouth, before stroking it slowly.
"Sana is gone and-"
She gets up and straddles your lap once more.
You hold her by her waist, before she is able to keep moving.
"Miyeon just called. She wanted me to follow Sana into the bathroom."
Ji-eun is visibly disappointed.
"I'm gonna go now."
She shakes her head.
"We need to finish what we started. I haven't had sex since the night in Paris. Please."
"Get off me. We will continue this after we land."
IU glares at you.
"Why? Just because she is younger than me?"
"Fine. Go."
She gets off you, sitting down in her own seat. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest. Her lips forming a cute pout.
She looks up at you. Her stare shuts you up.
"I will be in Venice for four days. I expect you to make it up to me during every single second I don't have a schedule."
You nod before following after Sana. Your meeting is today, after you land. Afterwards you should have enough time for IU.
Reaching the restroom, you look around, but no one seems to care about your presence. Seeing it being unlocked, you slip inside.
As soon as you close the door behind you, you feel Sana crashing into you. Her lips attack yours, while she grinds her body against you.
"Sana, what..."
She takes a step back.
"If you are only half as good as Miyeon said...."
She trails off, before reaching for you once again. This time, you hold her waist, holding her close, while Sana invades your mouth.
And Miyeon said she was shy?
The Japanese girl, you guessed because of her name, sneaks her arms around you while she deepens the kiss. Your hands start to explore her body. You notice how slim her waist is. How smooth the skin under her shirt and how full her thighs are. Reaching behind her, you place your palms on her cheeks.
"God yes."
She sighs as you squeeze them respectively.
"I need you."
Her lips find your neck, just like IU's earlier.
"Mina played with me without making me cum."
Her breathless words make you feel goosebumps as she whispers against your neck. Who is Mina? Her bandmate?
"She started it minutes before I had to leave."
Sana kisses down your neck, slowly reaching your collarbone.
"Do you know what that does to a girl? Almost cuming and then having to wait for hours?"
You feel the Japanese girl's hands leave your neck as she reaches for your pants.
"I don't even care how you fuck me by now. Just do it. I need to cum."
While still having questions about Mina and still not sure how you got here exactly, you spring into action. If there is something, besides doing business, you are good at than it's sex. At least that's what you think. Why would you sleep with so many idols otherwise?
You hold Sana's cheeks more firmly, before lifting her off the ground. She is just as light as the others. She has gotten rid of your zipper by now and is working on the button of your boxers, which you just closed barely a minute ago.
"Take me. Take me how you want. I just need something in me."
Her breathless whisper makes you step forward, sitting her down on the edge of the sink. While you capture her lips with yours, you unbuckle her belt.
Sana moans into your mouth as you pull her shorts off her. Her pink panties already damp with arousal.
Wanting to make this quick, you just slide them aside, revealing Sana's snatch. It's a mouthwatering sight. For some reason it looks smaller than you expected.
You let you hands dance along her lower lips as it's now your turn to kiss her neck. Sana let's her head fall back, moaning in delight at your touch. For a second you wonder if you should finger her to orgasm first, but you decide against it. You want to make this quick. And you would rather have Sana cum on your cock than your fingers.
"Put it in, please."
As if on cue, Sana starts to whine.
"I'm already soaked thinking about you. Just give me that cock Miyeon always talks about."
You pull out your cock through the holes in your pants and boxers.
"That's huge."
Sana looks down in shock.
"But why is it wet?"
You don't answer. Instead you align it with her pussy. Pushing past her lips makes Sana almost fall backwards into the sink. You have to hold her firmly as her back arches. You are almost afraid she is gonna break it.
"That's fucking big."
She hisses as if she is in pain.
"I'm used to smaller toys."
You wait for her, letting her take a couple of deep breaths.
Once Sana finally adjusted to the feeling of her hole being stretched like never before, she sits back up, locking her hands behind your neck.
"Carry me. Impale me on your dick."
It's a combination of command and plea as Sana's eyes seem darker than before. Although that could be due to the dim light.
You slowly pick her up and lift her off the sink. Gravity doing it's work, slowly makes Sana glide down to your base. You see her eyes roll to the back of her head. She holds harder onto your neck with every inch she is taking.
"Oh god."
Sana sighs once you finally bottom out inside of her. It took a couple of moments, but you are more than glad it took this long. Sana's pussy is tight. Her walls grip onto you, clearly not wanting you to ever leave. For some reason, Sana's pussy feels a little similar to Rei's. Is that a coincidence? Or because they are both Japanese? You almost laugh at that thought. That's impossible.
Either way, you start to lift up Sana until only your tip is inside of her. You make her glide down along your length. Up and down. Up and down.
Before you know it, you are already truly fucking Sana inside the restroom. Her moans are muffled by your shirt, which she is biting into. Or rather your shoulder. The pain is small enough to blend out. Her moans increase in volume and numbers. They become higher and more needy.
With a strong grip on her ass cheeks, you keep moving Sana. Her body barely moving on its own, her pussy only a fleshlight for your cock.
"More. More please."
Sana let's go of your shoulder for just a moment. You keep fucking her, hoping that no one can hear her moan. Her walls start to tighten around you even further.
"Gonna cum!"
She let's out a mewl into your shoulder as she clings to you like a panda. You keep moving her up and down. Relentlessly impaling her on your cock.
"Oh god!"
Sana finally cums on your dick. Her walls squeeze you, trying to make you cum as well. Her body shakes a little, making you hold her a little tighter. The pink panties she is wearing are now soaking wet. Her hair is a mess.
"That was so good."
She is still breathing heavily, but finally stopped biting you.
"Let's go."
You start to put Sana down.
It's a difficult decision to pull out of the Japanese's snug pussy, but you could get caught any second.
"You can do that in our seats."
"What about IU?"
"Why do you think my cock was already wet?"
Sana's mouth opens in a wide O in realization.
"That slut."
Sana giggles as she slowly starts to get her pants on. You close your zipper and open the door.
Only a couple of seconds later, you are back in your seat. But not alone. You are glad that the space in first class is so big.
"You taste so good, Sana."
IU complements her as she swallows your cock. It took no convincing at all to make IU drop to her knees in front of your seat. Sana is kneeling next to her, admiring her work.
IU's bow is bobbing up and down in rhythm with her head. One of her hands is wrapped around your base, while the other rests on your left thigh. Sana occupies your other as she leans on it, watching the older woman.
With a cute, naughty smile she shifts her gaze from IU to you.
"I hope we can do this for the rest of our stay in Venice."
Ji-eun looks up at you, her lips still wrapped around your cock. She is reminding you of the deal you two made, before you left to fuck Sana.
Without a warning, Ji-eun starts to deep throat you once again. You suddenly hit the back of her throat. This time, she doesn't silence herself. The gagging noises are probably loud enough for the other three passengers to hear.
She holds her head in place for what feel like forever. You hold onto your armrests, hoping to hold out just a little longer.
"Unnie, I want to make him cum."
Sana watches your spit covered cock fall out of Ji-eun's mouth. Her hand still holding your base, the older woman slightly points your cock in Sana's direction.
The Japanese girl sticks her tongue out. She slowly swirls it around the tip of your cock, not breaking eye contact. Her dark eyes look deeper than ever before.
She adds a hand as well. Her right is joining IU's, both of their hands cover around two thirds of your cock. Sana wraps her lips around your tip, hollowing her cheeks. Her tongue keeps swirling , while she slowly sucks you off.
It is completely different from most of the girls so far. While the others usually do this quickly with desperate need for you to finish, Sana takes her time. As if she is convincing your cock to cum on its own.
You groan as you feel the effects first hand. Shifting around in your seat, you know it's only a matter of seconds.
"Look at him. Struggling to hold it in."
IU chuckles before licking her lips.
"I can't wait to make him cum for four whole days."
Sana's mouth, both of their hands, IU's eyes, her words. It all proves too much. With one last groan, you feel yourself twitching against Sana's tongue.
A second before you explode, she pulls away. You are barely able to watch as you cum all over both of their hands. I leaks down in small streams. It coats their fingers and their wrists.
As soon as you come back down, Sana dives in for her first taste. With her daring tongue, she starts with IU's hand, slowly pulling her tongue across the older girl's fingers.
She licks her lips, before turning towards IU. Since Sana must have scooped up a good amount of cum, you are in awe as you watch the two exchanging a messy kiss. You see a small string, a mix of saliva and your cum, hang from both of their chins as they keep making out.
This is gonna be a long four day trip.
And quite possibly a long flight.
Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this one.
Tomorrow the December special polls will be posted. If you don't know what that is, you don't know how to vote, or you want to find out what chapters you can vote for, it's all here.
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vex91 · 5 months
(G)I-DLE - Overprotective unnies
Pairing: (G)I-DLE x Female Reader (Platonic)
Fandom: (G)I-DLE
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: idk if ur still in the mood to write for g-idle n idk if you want smut but, what if you made any concept (smut, fluff , angst , etc) w/ the members n reader being 6th member 😻? -
(coming frm a person who knows nothing ab g-idle except queencard n yuqi , soon n minnie 😞)
Summary: It was obvious that you were (G)I-DLE's precious baby that they cared about a lot so it wasn't a surprise when they always had an eye on you, especially to keep you away from guys.
A/N: I wanted to write something platonic so I hope it's alright😄
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3rd's POV
The award shows were always an interesting experience for you. Not only you were able to watch your other fellow artists perform on stage, you had a chance to win some awards and thank your fans but also you could talk and make new friends there. The more stressful side of them were definitely stares from your older members, especially when you interacted with male idols.
In their eyes no one was deserving of you, every idol who approached you was always not good enough in their eyes and the fact that they thought you were too young to date didn't helped. You never understood that, being only one year younger that Shuhua you thought that you were old enough to make your own decisions about dating but not in your members eyes.
"Guys where is Y/N?" Soyeon looked around not being able to find you until Minnie pointed at in the direction of Stray Kids table that was close to theirs. Somehow you managed to sneak from them and to Stray Kids's table and now you were having fun singing with them. Soyeon also noticed how close Hyunjin seemed to be to you and she didn't liked that but unfortunately she couldn't do much from her position so she signaled to Yuqi to join you and the guys and keep an eye on you.
Yuqi did as she was told and soon she was next to you also singing to cover up the way she pulled you a little away from Hyunjin who seemed a little disappointed. After some time Hyunjin tried to hold your hand under the table but Yuqi did it before him causing you to give her a look that she pretended not to notice. You looked between her and your other members who kept glancing your way and it annoyed you. You loved them but it annoyed you how overprotective they were. You were an adult after all, you could handle yourself.
Soon your group won one of the main awards causing you to walk up to the stage to make a speech. When you were speaking camera showed Hyunjin watching you with a lovestruck expression on his face, noticing the camera he looked down embarrassed as his members laughed, patting his back. You smiled but from the corner of your eye you noticed the glares he got from your members.
After the show you made your members sit down as you glared at them "What was all that about?" You asked them, your voice clearly showing how serious you were. None of them looked you in the eye because no matter how much they denied it, you scared them sometimes. Taking initiative of talking for them Soyeon spoke up "We tried to save you from all the dating rumors but it's probably too late now" You looked at her with an expression that screamed that's a bullshit "We all know it wasn't that. You guys just wanted to prevent me from getting his number. Listen I love you guys but I'm an adult, I know what I'm doing. You need to trust me more when it came to dating" They all looked down as the guilt sank in, they knew you were right but they couldn't help it sometimes. You were always their baby and it was hard getting used to you being an adult.
With a smirk you turned around "Fortunately I did got his number" And with that sentence a hell broke loose as the members started groaning and complaining still not fond of the idea of you dating but they had no choice but to trust you.
Doesn't change the fact that if you get hurt, someone else will get hurt even more.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Could you do a concept of Alicent from House of the Dragon with a handmaid/lady-in-waiting darling?
Watching/reading ASOIAF related content and I'm getting ideas. Am I being self indulgent? Perhaps... but let me have this.
As usual with ASOIAF content, read Trigger Warnings carefully.
Yandere! Alicent Hightower with Handmaid! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, ASOIAF content, Obsession, Affairs, Girl/Girl, Manipulation, Medieval marriage practices and Medieval practices in general, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Intimacy mentioned (Touchy behavior, Bedding, etc) but nothing graphic, Unhealthy power dynamic, Targcest (Mentions of Aegon and Helaena's marriage in one line), Blood, Threats, Violence, Death, Restraints, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Alicent's story is a bit sad... but her actions feel vile at times.
Her father, Otto, made her marry King Viserys I to provide power to the Hightower family.
She didn't want such a role, such a role only ruined her freedoms.
She even lost Rhaenyra... the act of marrying her friend's father betraying the young princess.
Alicent was never happy in her marriage.
Her only purpose as queen was to supply male heirs for the throne.
She succeeded... having Aegon and Aemond... even a daughter, Helaena.
But all of this was out of duty.
Not love.
As a result I feel Alicent may confide in a loyal maid, you.
You're her personal maid, an outlet for her to vent to.
Alicent often calls her maid when she is not needed with the king.
You serve both her and Viserys I, but she calls you more often.
You showed the queen sympathy when she first brought up such issues.
She trusts you not to say a word as her handmaid, plus she can tell you pity her even if you don't understand the life of royalty.
Alicent's obsession starts as her speaking with you for comfort.
She wishes for her previous freedoms, she envies Rhaenyra for being able to do what she wishes...
Alicent wants to experience intimacy without just tolerating it.
As a result... Alicent ends up falling for the one person she trusts will care about her.
You are a comfort for her as her maid.
She knows she shouldn't have such feelings... you are a maid and Alicent is a queen married to a king.
Yet... when Alicent tests the waters with you after a few years... you seem so compliant.
You see the queen as what she is, a woman who has had her youth wasted.
You provide her friendship... support... someone to talk to.
Admittedly... when you noticed the queen get oddly touchy with you, it confused you.
When you spoke alone in her chambers, Alicent would sit beside you, a hand nearing your thigh as she leans closer.
The thought flusters you, but nothing's forced upon you.
Alicent grows fond of you when she speaks with you and watches you take care of her children.
You comfort Aegon when he's berated and correct him, you try to listen to Helaena's babbling about strange sayings, and you tend to Aemond's wounds after fights.
Alicent held no genuine love for Viserys... yet here she is infatuated with a maid.
I imagine eventually Alicent manages to convince you to join her in her bed when alone.
At first she says she just wishes to talk while you sit next to her...
But one thing leads to another...
Leaving the queen able to satiate herself.
Alicent keeps such an obsession hidden from everyone.
While Rhaenyra has rumors that her sons are Strongs (they are)... Alicent would rather have no rumors of her bedding her maid behind the king's back.
Alicent urges such an affair to stay quiet, she tells you not to say a word.
Yet this is only the start of Alicent's obsession.
Having been deprived of a partner of her choosing... she ends up soothing herself with her maid.
You are unsure how to feel about the queen being so attached to you.
She always has an arm or hand on you at all times, even at meals she keeps you close.
You feel uncomfortable under the gaze of Viserys and his children.
They have no idea how tightly Alicent holds your hand under the table... a reminder of the bond she has with you.
While you keep up appearances as the queen's handmaid, you know your duty when Alicent calls you to her chambers in private.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't like what the queen does for you.
You and the queen aid one another in many ways.
You are committing possibly illegal acts whenever the queen holds you close to her.
But guilt always manages to worm its way back into your mind.
Maybe you shouldn't enjoy it?
While Viserys is unaware... busy with his illness and children... you're here under Alicent's covers with her arms fully wrapped around you.
You are her escape... no matter the cost you have to pay.
As her obsession continues, Alicent continues to keep you close.
Many begin to whisper about the queen and her handmaid.
You two are very close... perhaps too close...
Yet such rumors are quickly snuffed out by Alicent whispering a silent order.
No one is allowed to touch you.
Even Aegon knows his place when he sees his mother hold you around the waist so tightly.
You're hers... even if you wished to change profession, she wouldn't let it go through.
You're her handmaid... her forbidden love... and she plans to be your one and only.
If others tried to court you, Alicent puts a stop to it.
A knight flirts with you? Alicent has his position moved.
Your family found someone for you? Alicent votes against it, saying she doesn't want her handmaid to devote herself to a partner yet.
Aegon touches you? Alicent will punish him herself.
Aemond already knows better and Helaena sees you in a platonic light.
Alicent worries Aegon will treat you like all the other maids... so you end up being unable to serve the prince for now.
Even when Viserys dies and Aegon II is set to be king... even when the war between the Blacks and Greens begins... Alicent has you by her side.
It's unknown if you are giving into her out of duty or genuine love by this point... but the queen has you on a tight lead.
With her husband gone, she is free to do with you as she wishes while Aegon II and Helaena act as the new king and queen.
Now her heart is fully dedicated to you.
She expects the same with you... any other partner being drained of their blood if they so much as touch you.
Ever since you gave in and provided comfort to the queen... you were hers.
Her mind deteriorates as tragic events begin to occur throughout the war.
Yet one thing is certain in her mind...
Her maid will always be by her side... even if it has to be by chains.
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thelov3lybookworm · 5 months
Weeping Heart (part 2)
Part 1
Summary: An unexpected visitor arrives.
A/n: here you go children, my lil shawarmas. have fun 😉
The cold wind bit at Y/n's cheeks, and she had to wonder whether even all of the world's warm clothes would be able to ward off the cold that had seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her bones.
"Woah, look at you. I thought it was some beast coming out of your tent."
Y/n rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore that remark from her second in command, Herb. She did agree with him though. She did look like a bear, with the thick blanket she had thrown around herself over her jacket, under which she wore her armour and her clothes.
She walked up to her mare, preparing her for their trip to a nearby small town. The small party that had left from the palace on this mission included about a dozen soldiers who were all too happy to follow Y/n into the freezing hell, and they were camped just a mile away from the border of the town that harboured their next target.
The rumours of rebellion Y/n had left to inspect had been just that. Rumours. But it had taken a whole month to make sure that no one got any ideas. And after that it had just been travelling to every village and city on the way back and spying on all the people and their families who had helped Madoc.
It had been a long time since Y/n had last seen her best friend, and a part of her was glad, even if her heart hated her for running away.
Before leaving, Y/n made sure to inform Jude to keep giving her such missions, to keep sending letters if there were more such quests to ensure she could stay away and keep whatever was left of her heart intact.
"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side-"
Y/n was glaring at the handsome male before he could finish his sentence. He lifted his hands in a I'm a harmless little man gesture, the grin on his face wide and carefree.
Y/n turned back to her mare- one she had named Toad one drunken night- and continued to stroke her mane with a brush.
Herb came to stand on her side, stroking Toad's nose as he began humming a tune. Y/n put away the brush in favour of smoothing her hand down Toad's body, lost in thought.
"Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. We received a letter this morning from the Queen."
Y/n stilled, then resumed stroking the mare. "Oh?"
She felt him nod. "It has not been opened, though the men are dying to know if we get to return."
Y/n hummed, turning away from Toad to begin her walk back to her tent to discard the extra layers she had put on. And then she would lead her best soldiers to the village and get into positions as planned before.
Easy and simple.
Later she would want to laugh at her assumptions.
Herb, of course, followed her, but thankfully he kept his big fat mouth shut until right before Y/n's tent came into view.
"Oh, and also, someone is here to meet you."
Y/n glanced back at the fae, his skin the lightest shade of green, so light it was barely noticeable. His beady, completely black eyes shone in the early morning light as she rose a brow at him.
"Are you sure you are not loosing your memories? You should see a healer." He shrugged, his smile unwavering. "Who is this someone?"
Y/n turned back to look forward, and she got the answer to the question before Herb could answer.
There, standing right outside the flaps to her tent, was... him.
"The high king."
Y/n stopped midstride, her eyes trained on the male who looked around, rubbing his hands together for warmth before his onyx eyes met hers. He smiled his signature, careless and cocky smile.
"Herb?" He hummed happily, and Y/n's eyes narrowed just a little, and she whispered her next words only loud enough for Herb to hear. "You better hide and pray that I don't skin you alive."
Y/n began walking again, an after a moment, she heard the unmistakable sound of feet running over crunching snow, fading gradually to signal that Herb was not dumb enough to ignore her warning.
Good for him.
If only he had been smart enough to give her vital information before disaster struck, he would have had a higher position in the army.
Y/n ignored the warm feeling spreading through her chest at the sight of the grinning male, and walked right past him, nodding her head towards the tent for him to follow.
She saw his smile drop from her peripherals, but knew he followed nonetheless.
Y/n sighed internally.
It's going to be a long day.
General taglist: @bubybubsters @cassie6392 @harrystylesfan2686
Cardan taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @123345566 @mp-littlebit
Taglist: @dreamsarenicer @kennedy-brooke @123345566
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thechaoticdruid · 5 months
[This Bites] (1)
Pairing: Astarion x F! Chubby! MC
Plot: Through some mysterious and very miraculous events, a young woman finds herself literally stuck with a character from her current video game obsession. You can guess it already. It's an isekai type fanfic. Except in this case Astarion is stuck in our modern world.  I was gonna call the MC Tav, but since the actual game character Tav is mentioned I just named her Winnie. 
Content Warnings: Death….sorta, An asshole of a stepdad, MC uses She/Her pronouns, eventual smut and sexual content in future parts. Characters may be Ooc, grammar/spelling mistakes are possible. MC has very low self esteem. Depressed MC.
Chapter One: You are here!
Chapter Two: Here!
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“Argh I knew something would go wrong with this game!” The female huffed, staring down at her computer. Her eyes scanned over the error message titled ‘Character not found.’ She gritted her teeth in frustration. “God forbid I try mods….” 
The young woman groaned, shutting her laptop and falling back onto the bed. Apparently after finally installing a cheat mod onto Baldur's Gate 3 the game decided to retaliate and locked her out of her save files. She couldn't even create a new character either! The same ‘Character not found’ message seemed to pop up no matter what she did. The girl’s name was Winnie, a college student in her early twenties who was still living at home. Not too long ago Winnie had gotten the game upon release. She'd played it several times since then and even yet was still able to find some hidden secrets she didn't notice the first time. Honestly this game had really helped with her current state. Life had just been dull and miserable. All her friends had moved on and had their own lives now and she really wasn't the best at making new ones. 
She had a dull boring job, did online writing classes and also had to put up with the asshole her mother married. This game had been a godsend for her these past few months. It gave her an escape. A way to be someone else, at least for a little while anyway. 
Not to mention live out her somewhat cringey teenage girl fantasy of dating a walking red flag of a vampire. In this game she felt important. Like she was some badass heroine who was ready to take on any foe.  Not the shy, scared, awkward woman who she saw in the mirror.
Her cat Maddie broke Winnie from her thoughts as she hopped up onto the bed and crawled onto the young woman's chest. Winnie ran her hand over the cat's thick fluffy black fur.  Maddie gave a small mew before purring noisily and gently kneading her claws into Winnie’s chest.
Winnie sighed, scratching the sides of Maddie's face as she was soothed by the feline’s pur. 
“WINNIE! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!” A gruff male voice shouted from the other room, causing Maddie to jump and scramble off of Winnie and hide under the bed. 
The brunette haired girl sighed and got up, walking out of the room and cautiously stepping down the hall. 
“Yes, Brian?” Winnie spoke up as she entered the kitchen.  She looked over to see her stepfather stumbling about. Brian was a rather large man with short dark hair and beard. He was well….very unpleasant.
“Where are the goddamn car keys?” He growled out. 
“Dunno, I don't drive.” Winnie said calmly as she leaned up against the wall, “mom probably put them somewhere. Check the coffee table by the recliner.” 
Brian stomped off, a tiny tan fluff of a dog following after him.  He grabbed the keys before walking back into the kitchen. 
“I'm going to the store. Keep that stupid cat of yours in your room! It keeps shitting all over the carpet!” 
“I've told you over and over. Maddie only goes in the litter box. It's your dog that keeps making a mess in the house because you don't take him outside when he needs to go.” Winnie rolled her eyes.
“Don't fucking talk back to me! You're lucky your mother lets you stay here, if it was up to me you'd have been kicked out of here a long time ago.”  Brain snapped, making Winnie flinch a little at his tone.  “Now make sure the trash is taken out before I get back.” He said before stomping out the front door and slamming it behind him.  Winnie flinched once again at the loud sound before letting out a sigh and pulling the trash out of the can despite the fact that she distinctly remembered her mother telling Brian to take it out this morning. 
Winnie took out the trash before coming back inside heading back to her room. Her eyes scanned over her laptop as Maddie crawled out from under the bed.  She walked back over and opened the device, logging herself on before attempting to open her game back up.
[Character not found.]
Winnie groaned before filling out a bug report and then putting her computer up. She needed to get ready and go to work anyway. 
A few days had passed and nothing seemed to work. Winnie had disabled and deleted all the mods, sent in about a dozen but reports and still nothing. The only thing left she could try now was uninstalling the game and then reinstalling it. 
Winnie sat on the bed waiting patiently for the game to download though she knew it would at least take an hour. She pulled out her cellphone, noticing a text from her mother. The message was informing Winnie that Brian and her mom wouldn't be home until late tonight. At least this meant she'd have plenty of peace and quiet in the meantime. The young woman spread out on her bed, stretching her limbs before slowly closing her eyes, resting lazily.
Time passed as she slowly dozed off…Eventually she was awoken by the sound of beeping? It was some strange noise that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She quickly looked over to her laptop and her eyes widened as she noticed it seemed to be going crazy. Blinking and beeping.
“What the fuck!?” She exclaimed, grasping her computer and frantically clicking the mousepad. 
Then the screen went black before seemingly returning to the home screen. However, everything on the computer was gone save for one shortcut. Baldur's Gate 3.
The game’s shortcut sat in the very center of the computer, practically screaming at Winnie to click on it. She clicked it and the game opened up. 
Everything seemed to go as normal up until the title screen.  Winnie’s eyes widened in shock as she noticed all of the menu options were gone aside from (New Game).  She raised an eyebrow before clicking on the only option available and waiting as the opening cinematic played. Everything continued as it usually did. Winnie created her Tav, a human druid with an urchin background, then proceeded to hop into the game. 
Winnie did a bit of a speed run, moving through the Nautiloid as quickly as she could. She recruited Us, Lae'zel and freed Shadowheart before reaching the helm and crashing the ship.
Upon reaching the ravaged beach was when things began to get strange. 
The game buffered and blinked a bit, skipping the scene where Tav would check themselves out followed by some voiced narration. Tav was kinda just there on the beach. 
“Oh God. The game is glitching….” Winnie whined. She sighed in annoyance before clicking on the ground where she wanted Tav to walk. Winnie REALLY did not feel like uninstalling the game and waiting another hour to try again so she decided she'd play for as long as the game would allow.  Winnie had Tav wander over towards where Shadowheart would normally be laying after crash, only to find an empty space where the half elf should be.  Winnie groaned assuming it was another glitch before continuing on along the beach. While most things were there like the dead bodies and the intellect devourer enemies, Winnie did not see any sign of Shadowheart at all. Not even near the ruins where she'd be if she wasn't rescued by the player.  Winnie decided to quickly go and look for the other characters, sneaking her way past the little brain creatures and moving down the path where Astarion, the elven rogue companion, would be waiting to ambush the player.  He was Winnie’s favorite. She had a soft spot for sassy morally grey characters with tragic backstories. And he was also secretly a vampire to boot which just added to the appeal.  Winnie had her Tav approach the area before she let out a sigh of relief seeing as the vampiric elf was in his starting area shouting for help like normal. At least the game wasn't completely broken.
“Hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered.” Astarion’s dialogue began as soon as Tav got close enough to interact with him.  “There in the grass, you can kill it can't you? Like you killed the others?” 
“Uh….I kinda actually didn't kill any of them…Heheh.” Winnie chuckled before dragging her mouse over the dialogue choices.
1. [Easily, stand back.]
2. Kill it yourself. You seem capable.
3. Leave
Winnie clicked on choice 1 before her Tav walked over to check the tall grass for the intellect devourer that was actually non-existent. 
Instead a wild boar leapt from the grass and made Tav jump in surprise, giving Astarion the perfect opportunity to strike. He pinned the druid to the ground, pressing a dagger to her neck.
“Shhh…Shhh….Not a sound…Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.” The vampire practically purred out.  Winnie blushed, a shiver going down her spine. There was a reason she always found herself choosing the elven vampire as her character’s love interest. Initially when she first got the game she felt he came off as a pompous prick (which he is) but damn he was so fucking seductive. It drove Winnie absolutely mad. Not to mention it helped given he had sweet delicious character development later on in his story and actually could be kind of a sweetheart… To the player at least.  
The romance in this game had to be Winnie’s favorite aspect of it. She was very romantically inexperienced to say the least and this just added to what made the game her perfect escape from reality. It made her feel like someone actually liked her. Winnie prepared to select the next dialogue choice when suddenly she noticed they had changed. 
1. [……….]
2. ………..
3. ……….
4. ……….
She looked up and saw a smirk form on Astarion's lips, his eyes appeared as if he was staring back at Winnie from through the screen. Before she could speak Astarion slit Tav's throat and let them drop onto the ground.
“What. The. Fuck.” The brunette haired female went pale as she stared at her computer screen. Astarion sighed in what sounded like relief?
“Finally, we've done that old song and dance so many times! The novelty has completely worn off.” He stretched out his arms, before wiping his dagger on the ground. “It feels so invigorating to try something new, wouldn't you agree?” 
“Uhh…..What's going on?” Winnie asked aloud. She was shaking a bit in both confusion and a little fear.  Her character was kinda just laying on the ground dead…and Astarion was talking….to her!?
“Oh dear, it seems I've gone and frightened you. Ahaha!” Astarion chuckled before appearing to move closer to the screen, even going so far to place his hand on it…
“Hello darling…”
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adventuringblind · 8 months
Stay With Me
Daniel Ricciardo x blind!Reader
Summary: Reader runs into Daniel at a race. He sticks around longer than she is expecting.
Warnings: Pretty major age gap
Notes: blindness is a spectrum!!! I'm basing this off my own vision. No perifreal for the win!
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Twenty-one. She's twenty fucking one years old. How had she managed to get herself into this situation and being blind majority of her life? No idea.
To say she is panicking would be an understatment. She's terrified. No idea where she is. Can't find her friend. And she hates her cane so she didn't bring it cause the ground is flat around here.
They'd gotten separated for a few seconds. Yet she still managed to get turned around.
She keeps bumping into people who shout at her to watch it. Her heart is in her throat as she attempts to find the wall. She wants to sit and cry and never move again.
A hand on her shoulder makes her jump. She braces for the shove out of the way. But it never comes.
"Are you alright?" Says an Australian accented male.
"Just lost..." She trails. The idea of explaining that she's blind isn't what she wants to do right now. She doesn't look blind which has made people call her a liar and overdramatic. Something she's not sure she could handle right now.
She tries to rapidly scan what she can of the males face. From what she can gather, he's Daniel Ricciardo. Typical. At least he's nice. Maybe he won't notice her internal and external panic.
"Can I help you get where your going?"
"I'm looking for my friend, actually. Just got turned around." Her nervous laugh makes an appearance.
"Any chance you can call them?"
She face palms herself mentally. She would've done so already if she could find a wall of any kind that people didn't shove her off.
"I was going to - but I can't seem to find a wall. I know I don't look it but I'm blind." She grimaces at herself. Her mind preparing for the inevitable-
"That's kinda cool!" Not the response she was expecting. "Are you comfortable taking my arm?"
She hesitantly says yes, still waiting for him to just drop her off somewhere ridiculous. As a cruel joke or something.
She's seen Daniel race. He's not doing it currently, but he's still a major part of the sport. Her brain logically knows that he's not going to do anything. Yet the all-consuming fear of being told off is eating away at her.
Daniel guides her hand to his bicep. Exactly like how someone who is trained to lead someone visually impaired would do. It's the first thing she truly notices about him.
The second is how warm his skin is.
The walk for about a minute. Daniel pulls her hand off him and sets it gently against the cold metal of what she's assuming to be, is a wall.
"Sorry if I startled you earlier. You seemed panicked." He apologizes. It's sincere. She can hear it in his voice.
"I just thought you might be another person trying to shove me out of the way." She laughs nervously again. She hates that stupid laugh. "Can I ask where you learned to do human guide?"
"Had a friend who was blind as a teenager. I guess I just retained some of what I learned."
She may not be able to see his smile, but she can hear it. It puts her at ease. Then, she pulls her phone out of her pocket to text her friend and drop her location.
"You don't have to wait for me if you don't want to. I really appreciate your help."
"I don't mind, really! You seem interesting and I like interesting people."
She prays her blush isn't noticeable. She can feel the heat in her cheeks rising, but maybe he won't notice.
"Maybe we can continue this over dinner?"
In all her years, she'd never been asked out. And now she's being asked to dinner by Daniel Ricciardo.
"You should know first that I'm twenty-one."
"As long as you don't care, then I'd love to go to dinner."
She'd assumed he'd be at some after party. But then again, it's only the second race of the season. Maybe they don't do after parties this early.
He'd picked her up from her hotel room. She went for a simple look since she didn't really have much else. A date was not on her agenda this weekend.
A date with Daniel fucking Ricciardo. It sounds straight out of a book. Or a romantic comedy of some sort.
The thing was, it wasn't comedic. Sure, Daniel made her laugh. But she never felt embarrassed.
He's caring and gentle. He told her weird jokes and funny stories. He listened to her when she said things.
Then he promised to call her.
Part of her is doubtful that he will reach out to her again. Yet that little hopeful voice in her brain says just maybe.
And that little voice was correct for once. Daniel messaged more than she expected.
He texted her daily and called her at night. He sent her pictures of anything and everything.
They just talked. For hours.
She really couldn't see why he would like her so much. It's not like she's the most interesting person. She's not rich. She feels very average aside from the lack of vision.
"I don't understand why you find me so interesting." She'd expressed over a phone call one night. "I feel rather boring compared to the girls you see most of the time."
"But those girls aren't you. You smile at the most mundane things that you find absolutely fascinating. You listen to me rant about life and never tell me to shut up. You give good advice and you're intelligent."
It sent butterflies into her stomach. A blush creeps over her cheeks, and she's glad he can't see her right now.
"But I feel like I can't compare. Like I'll never be able to live up to the expectations."
"Fuck 'em all, as I like to say. Stay with me and I'll show you ever reason I love you and why you should love yourself as much as I do."
And that's exactly what she did.
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pocketjoong · 7 months
❥𓂃𓏧Intertwined Destinies
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ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (SYNOPSIS) "There will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears, and love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears..." After The Storm, Mumford & Sons
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (PAIRING) idol!seonghwa x gn!reader
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (GENRE AND AU/TROPE): angst to fluff. soulmates.
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (WARNINGS) Angst. It ends in fluff though? Sad and frustrated Seonghwa. Sad you. Mentions of broken hearts. Lmk if I missed anything ksksks
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (WORD COUNT) 1.4k
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (A/N) @hwaightme my loveeeeeeee~ happy birthday! I love you as much as there are stars (hwas) in the night sky. thank you for being you and for being such a kind and warm person. wishing you lots of love from the bottom of my hwart. I hope this is not too angsty asdfghjkl, I was planning on fluff, but my brain didn't want to listen... :) Anyways, I hope you like this little rollercoaster of tears, and i'm sorry in advance!
Shoutout to @armysantiny for reading this beforehand!
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Seonghwa runs his fingers through his already tousled ebony hair, groaning as he pauses the track sent to him by the producers at KQ. In the dimly lit studio, the neon glow from the computer screen casts a dreamy glow around him. Seonghwa’s brows furrow as he stares down at the pages of his leather-bound notebook. Each scribbled lyric within its pages doesn’t seem to fit the melody given to him.
For Seonghwa, writing lyrics is a territory he’s still exploring and learning. But he wanted to challenge himself this time around, especially since he had received help from Hongjoong while writing lyrics for his rap verse in Bouncy. That experience ignited the desire to create something that will not only awe atinys but also the composers too. But till now, every word he has penned down seems like a discordant note in what he would consider a masterpiece.
With a deep, exasperated sigh, Seonghwa slumps back in his chair. The leather creaks in protest, adding another irritating voice to the cacophony of his own rapidly darkening thoughts. Seonghwa groans again, frustration etched across his features as he tugs at the roots of his hair as though trying to yank inspiration from the depths of his mind.
“You will rip out all your hair if you keep that up,” Hongjoong deadpans from the doorway, causing the elder male to slowly swivel in his chair, exhausted eyes meeting the former’s figure. “You need help?”
Seonghwa’s response is a weary shake of his head, his lips parting, about to reassure his friend, but Hongjoong interjects, his voice laced with concern.
“You need to take a break, Hwa,” Hongjoong implores. “You’ve been cooped up for so long in the studio. That’s my thing, not yours. We’re worried about you, especially since…” He trails off, his gaze shifting to Seonghwa’s forearm, which remains fully concealed by his full-sleeved shirt.
“Oh, it's fine, Hongjoong,” Seonghwa smiles, though anyone can see the fakeness of it. “I'm—”
“—If you say fine once more, I swear,” unable to bear his friend’s hollow reassurances any longer, Hongjoong cuts him off with a firm tone and sits on the vacant chair next to Seonghwa. “I've known you for years, Hwa. And even if I didn't, I would still be able to know that you are not fine.”
Seonghwa's weary sigh seems to echo in the dimly lit room as his gaze drifts up to the false ceiling as if searching for answers among the shadows. 
“I’m not…” he begins, words weighed down by the gravity of his emotions. “How can I be? I was supposed to get my soulmate tattoo on my birthday. And I didn’t.” The words spill from his lips like a lament, each syllable tinged with the bitterness of disappointment. His voice begins to quiver as he continues to speak, “Out of every single person in this world, why is it me who doesn't have a soulmate? Am I not worthy of one? I know I’m not perfect, but…” Seonghwa’s voice breaks, and he finally turns to look at Hongjoong with tear-filled eyes. “Out of everyone, why me?”
“Seonghwa…” Hongjoong begins, but the weight of Seonghwa’s words leaves him momentarily speechless.
Seonghwa lets out a bitter chuckle and shakes his head as if trying to shake off the sorrow that clings to him like a shroud. He rises from his seat, “You won't understand, Joong. You have an amazing soulmate; please take care of them.”
With that, Seonghwa leaves the room, leaving Hongjoong alone in the dimly lit studio. As the door closes behind the taller male, his eyes fall on the lyrics Seonghwa had penned.
Mournful thunder rips the skiesIt’s much too bright for me to hideAnd purples lie beneath my eyesAnother crash as clouds collide
“You're right,” Hongjoong whispers in the studio, his voice blending in with the shadows. I don't understand. But I wish from the bottom of my heart that the universe gives you your soulmate. If anyone deserves one, it’s you,” his words hand in the air, lingering like an unspoken prayer, even though he knows that Seonghwa can’t hear him.
As he speaks, a soft breeze gently rustles the curtains, casting patterns of light and shadow on the walls. The room itself seems to hold its breath as if in reverence for the longing that envelopes Seonghwa’s heart.
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The world has always worked in peculiar ways as it tries to unite each soulmate pair. On the day one turned 22, the universe would bestow an individual with soulmate marks. Each mark, in one way or another, had the power to help the bearer to contact their soulmate, either through dreams, thoughts, or writing. It is different for everyone but similar in that it all led to one destination: the union of souls.
You had always believed in the concept of soulmates, for it was a belief etched deep into your heart as you couldn’t help but be captivated by the concept. You loved to read about soulmates and heard stories from people about how they met their soulmates. Hearing all the stories from different people, you started fantasising about how you’d meet yours. And by the time you turned 22, there wasn’t a thing you didn't know about soulmates. You had read almost every book you could lay hands on and talked to whoever had met their soulmates. There were some cases where someone didn’t get their soulmate tattoo, but that was extremely rare, and in one generation, not more than one or two people didn’t get their tattoos. But since you had read everything and knew a lot, you thought you were ready for anything.
But nothing could have prepared you for the disaster that struck on the day of your 22nd birthday, a day that was meant for a celebration of destiny. You were happy as you saw the beautiful musical note that was engraved on the skin of your wrist that morning. There was a skip in your step that day until the evening. As you were returning from your classes at the university while listening to ATEEZ, a K-Pop group that you loved for their deep and meaningful music, you became aware of the stinging pain in your wrist. Like a nightmare, you saw the newly acquired music note fade, and the world was enveloped in darkness. When you awoke, you found yourself in the sterile confines of a hospital room, surrounded by your family, who bore expressions of sympathy and sorrow.
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A year has passed since that fateful day that shattered your dreams, leaving you grappling with the wreckage of your heart. In a bid to start life anew, you move to South Korea, taking on the role of a translator for a broadcasting network.
As you navigate your new life in a foreign land, the pain of your lost soulmate remains a constant companion, an indelible mark on your heart. The wound is far from healed, but a sense of contentment begins to seep into your life. South Korea, with its bustling cityscape, offers you solace and a chance to rebuild your life.
The rain pelts against the coffee shop’s misty windowpanes, creating a soothing melody of its own. Inside the warmth of the coffee shop, you sit perched upon a cushioned stool, your hand cradling a cup of warm hot chocolate in your hands. The cafe is quite crowded today due to individuals seeking shelter from the rain. The soft chatter of conversations swirls in the air, punctuated by the distant hum of espresso machines and the occasional clinking of cutlery.
As you gaze out at the deserted street, a tranquil feeling settles within you, the raindrops serving as a lullaby to your thoughts. It allows you a brief respite from the storm, both literal and metaphorical, that had rages within your soul.
The sound of the bell, which signals the door’s opening, shakes you out of your reverie. You look up, curiosity piqued by the arrival of a masked figure. The male surveys the room, eyes scanning the available seating options, and his gaze settles upon the only vacant spot next to you. 
With each step the mysterious figure takes to walk toward you, you can’t help but feel that you know them from somewhere. Your pulse quickens when realisation dawns upon you. It hits you like lightning that the mysterious figure is Park Seonghwa.
Your breath is caught in your throat as he approaches. His sultry, brown eyes meet yours, and something clicks inside you. As if controlled by an unseen force, he reaches a hand out for you, and as your fingers meet his, a beautiful star engraves itself on both your and his wrists, a symbol of your intertwined destinies.
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iamqueenpotato · 1 year
I Hate That I Love You - Part Seven
A/N-  Hi guys! Surprisingly I wrote this one way quicker than I thought. I hope you guys enjoy! It is also very late where I'm at so if there are some errors, I tried my best to proof read it but there may be some things I missed. I appreciate all the support you guys have given me! Love you!
Word Count: 2.6k 
Warnings: Angst(But like what's new lol) 
Part One Part Eight
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It had been three days.
Three days since Azriel spoke to you, three days since he finally told you how he felt, but even though your reaction was justified, it still hurt him. The disappointment on your face was burned into his mind, his shadows kept whispering your name, your moans a constant echo in his thoughts. 
He knew he made a mistake when he chose Elain, but a friend is all he thought you saw him as. He tried to move on with her. You never once showed any interest, but that day you admitted those feelings he saw how wrong he was. And by the time the truth came forward he was stuck in a place that he could not easily break free from. 
You were-are his best friend, even if you didn't think so, he still saw you as that. But who knew the two of you shared the same fears of ruining the relationship you had. He hated that he was so blind to your affections. 
Azriel should have noticed sooner, he should have taken that risk and told you long ago how he felt about you. But he was a fool and let his fears stand in the way of what could have been. And he made you feel unimportant, neglected. Something he could never forgive himself for, he should have paid more attention to you. 
The situation he currently was in was all his fault. When you had left the first time he was devastated, not only for the fact that he had lost his best friend, but that you had reciprocated those feelings Azriel thought to never had existed. He should have confessed then and there, he should of begged more to keep you from leaving, he should have never chose Elain over you, it wasn’t fair to either of you with the mistakes he had made. He should have tried harder to fight for what he wanted. 
And the more he thought about it, the more he realized Elain and him did not fit together. She was sweet and caring, and she meant well but he never felt as though he could tell her everything, as though he could never be transparent about the things he goes through. At the end of the day it only seemed she was a body to keep his bed warm, and he felt terrible to even think of her in such a way.
But with you it was different. Elain would always cower away and be visibly disturbed when he would explain the things he had done for his missions, Always claiming how maybe he shouldn’t do such things anymore, then perhaps it wouldn't be an issue. And maybe she was right, but it never made him feel better. He knew the things he had done were graphic, he knew the horrid things he’d put others through for information, and at the end of the day all he wanted was someone to talk to about it, Elain could never be that person. 
But you always have been.
He vividly remembers the first time coming to your room after a mission that had put more blood on his hands. It wasn’t the torture or killing that bothered him, it was the feeling afterwards that broke him, the hollowness he felt, the disappointment that he experienced that never went away. One night it swallowed him, he was in his room, washing away the blood of a few males he was instructed to interrogate when the feelings crept on him like a dark fog, he couldn’t breathe, only able to stare at his blood stained hands, he felt like a monster. He knew those men deserved it and he found their deaths to be satisfying. But maybe that made him more of a horror than he could ever imagine. 
He made it to your room in the midst of his panic attack, pounding on the door still in his leathers, blood all over him. And when you opened the door, you did not look at him with anger or disgust. He must’ve woken you that night, based on the tiredness in your eyes and the mess your hair was in, but you didn’t yell at him nor push him out. Instead you brought him in, he didn’t even have to say a word for you to understand what he needed. You brought him into your bathroom, wiping the blood off his hands, his face, out of his hair. You were so gentle when it came to him, it was something he never experienced before. You ran a bath for him, telling him to finish up and you would be waiting outside. And when he came out he found you sitting in front of the fire, two cups of tea in front of you, he sat on the opposite side of the couch tentatively grabbing the tea from your hands. And then he talked about everything. Every last gory detail of his kills, the pain he felt inside. You did not flinch, nor did you tell him to stop because you were disturbed, you sat and listened, holding his hand the entire time. The hands that brought so much death, but you held on to them so tightly that he wanted you to never let go. He could live in that moment, his fingers interlaced with yours if that meant you would never leave his side. You never once criticized his choices. He didn’t feel alone for the first time in his life. And he never felt alone knowing he had you. 
It was a memory that he had cherished. He had many fond memories of you, but that one always stood out to him. And now looking back, that was the start of his love for you.
Azriel didn’t realize he was crying as he watched the memory playback in his mind until he was brought back to reality as the clock in his room struck at the new hour. He didn’t bother wiping his tears away, he let them fall, he let his pain show.
He and Elain are to be wed in a little over an hour. But deep down he knew he couldn’t go through with it. He tried to end it, but between being sent on last minute missions and Elain celebrating with her friends and sisters, he never found the chance to speak to her about it. He needed more time, he needed a chance to sit alone with his thoughts, he did not want this wedding he knew that as much, but it wasn’t an easy thing to just end. 
You were a sensitive topic to bring up around Elain, he never knew why, since he had never once mentioned his feelings to anyone but each time he spoke his emotions about missing you, she would become aggravated and want to change the subject, or climb on top of him to distract him. How was he supposed to claim the reason he can’t be with her was because of you? He didn't want to hurt her either but to fix what he had broken it was a choice he would have to make. Because he has never loved someone as much as he loves you. 
He was sitting alone in front of the windows as his body shook with sobs. He felt so stupid, so naïve to have made such mistakes. He had something amazing in front of him the entire time, and he fucked it all up. 
There was a knock at the door, his shadows alerting him of his brother standing on the other side. “What do you want, Rhys?” Azriel called out, wiping away the tears from his cheeks. But Rhys let himself into his room, not saying a word until he sat down next to him. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your wedding?” Rhys asked, wiping away lint from his jacket. 
“I am not going through with it.” Azriel spoke silently. 
“Good.” Rhys stated, and Azriel looked at him confused, Rhys continued. “You know I will support you through it all Azriel, but your choices have been quite questionable lately. I know you mean well with Elain, but she is not the one for you brother. She never was.” 
“I know that now. I think I’ve always known. It just took some time to see the truth.” Azriel leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palm. 
“So what are you going to do about it then?” 
“I have to find Elain, tell her the truth. Then hopefully Y/N will have the heart to forgive me one day.” Azriel stared up at the ceiling, attempting to keep his tears at bay. His only goal was to gain your forgiveness. He couldn’t even begin to fathom the thought of you rejecting the bond. 
“Well it is quite the day to do so, quite dramatic if I may point out.” Rhys gave a lighthearted chuckle, before leaning forward on his legs. 
“I wanted to do it earlier but I hadn’t found the time.” 
Rhys nodded, a silence falling between them before he spoke again. "I won’t lie, I enjoyed seeing you feel only part of what Y/N has felt for the last couple years.” 
“Years? Fuck.” Azriel pondered the reality of it, years you had felt something for him when he had never noticed, he had made you feel such pain for so long, he didn’t deserve another chance with you, he didn’t deserve you at all. You were this light to him, and the darkness of his mistakes suffocated it. “Rhys, how do I take back what I have done? How do I make Y/N believe she is the one I want.” Even if it took years or even decades he would spend his entire life trying to make it up to you. 
“Well first I believe you need to end an engagement to my sister-in-law. After that, I believe that is a conversation you need to have with your mate. And pray she gives you another chance.”
Azriel knew those things, but there was still one question sitting on the tip of his tongue. “Where did you send her, Rhys?” Azriel fidgeted with the loose string of fabric on the arm rest. 
“Do you promise not to interfere?” Rhys questioned and Azriel nodded. “I sent her back to Windhaven.” 
Azriel shot out of his chair. “Windhaven!” He paced back and forth in his room, “With no escort? No protection?” 
“You of all people should know Y/N can handle herself brother.” Rhys did not look bothered, and Azriel knew the skills you possessed but if something went wrong and you got hurt, he would never forgive himself. He began walking to the door but Rhys’s voice stopped him. “Where are you headed?” 
Azriel didn’t bother to look back at his brother. “I will not interfere, I just need to make sure she is safe.” He opened the door but was immediately greeted by Elain and her sisters. “Elain. Hi.” Azriel forced out, his voice quiet and hoarse. 
“We are supposed to be getting married soon, what are you doing sulking around?” Elain bit out, her sister's eyes going wide at the sudden volume of her tone. Azriel sighed. “Is this because of that whore?” 
“What?” Azriel looked down at her, anger flashing in his eyes. “What did you just say?” 
“Y/N, is this because of her? You heard me correctly.” Elain crossed her arms in front of her chest, with no remorse for her words. 
“Elain.” Nesta snapped, but her sister ignored her. 
“Were you going to never share the fact that you kissed her or that you wanted to fuck her? Was that information supposed to be a secret?” Elain continued on, and the anger only grew within Azriel, how dare she speak of you in such a way. She had no right to call you such slurs. “We were better off when she wasn’t around. She put a damper on our relationship, we were much happier when she ran off the first time, she should have stayed away.” 
“Enough!” Azriel snapped, and Elain stumbled backwards, shocked to see him react in such a way. “You do not speak of her that way, Elain. Y/N did not do anything to impede on our relationship, I was the one that kissed her. Me. She was the one who thought it wasn’t right. Do not spread such lies about her. Now if you don’t mind I need to be on my way.” He pushed past Elain. Nesta and Feyre moved out of his way as he stepped into the hallway, moving further away from his room. 
“Do not take another step, Azriel, or the wedding is off.” Elain yelled down the hall. As if were a threat, as if he would continue his life with her after the things she had said. 
“Call it off Elain.” He knew what he wanted, and it wasn’t something that involved her anymore. And the one thing he thought would be hard to confront, fell off his tongue with such ease.
“How dare you? After all that we have been through? You would end that for her?” Elain stormed toward him down the hall, he did not move, he would stand his ground, for you and for himself. 
“Yes.” He eyed down Elain, shock and hurt across her features. “I have loved her for years Elain, and I thought I lost her when she left, that I would never have a chance to ask for forgiveness and I am sorry I led you on, I am sorry I let it get this far. But she is my purpose, she is the one that holds my heart. So throw your worst at me Elain, scream, curse, hit me for all I care but know nothing is stronger than the love I have for her, my soul yearns for her. Nothing will ever change that. I should have never hidden my feelings for her. I made a mistake and I am truly sorry that it has affected you so, but Y/N is my best friend, my other half and I should have never put her second.” It felt like such a relief to say those words out loud, to finally let the truth free. 
“I saw this coming. I knew you would choose her.” She spoke loudly, as if she had always doubted him from the start.
“Then why are you shocked?” He spoke coldly, not afraid of the consequences anymore.
“You bastard.” Elain cursed, raising her hand to slap Azriel across the face, and he stood there, ready to accept it, she could hit him all she would like, but he would not change his mind. 
Suddenly a sharp pain flowed throughout his body, like he was just thrown across the room, as if his body was being dragged along sharp rocks. Azriel collapsed onto his knees, bracing himself with his arms as the agony came and went like a gust of wind. 
He felt like someone was screaming in his mind, calling out for help, reaching for him, and that thread tugged within his chest, fear and pain rushing down the bond. “Y/N.” He choked out, panic lacing his voice. He was gasping for air, clutching his chest with one hand while the other kept him from collapsing. 
“Azriel what is going on, what just happened?” He felt Feyre’s hand on his shoulder. Noticing the small crowd that formed around him.
He looked up toward his high lady, his breathing still rapid. His shadows circled around him, whispering horrid things in his ear. Mate. Hurt. Panic. Injured. Trapped. “Something’s wrong, terribly wrong.” He pulled at the bond, but there was no response, just emptiness. “Y/N is in trouble.” His heart began racing, fear filling his thoughts. 
He didn’t wait for a response before disappearing into his shadows, heading directly for Windhaven.
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Taglist: @honestlywtfisgoingon @fanfictioniseverything @marina468 @positivewitch @maviee @blurredlamplight @bookslut420 @starswholistenedanddreamsanswered @elle10 @dragonstoneprincess @holywolfsstuff @reiincarnatiion @valeridarkness @feiwelinchen @sv0430 @kennedy-brooke @emturtles @nightcourtwritings @zephyg-06 @chantalleke91 @katherinereid @loulou0101 @shadowsingersmate24 @tcris2020 @shadowsinger-654 @nobody00sthings @lucyysthings @turkishgirlslife @rachelnicolee @mich0731 @tobifeemo @kristeristerin @sinnful-darling @hannzoaks @zoe2 @strangersunghoon @bangtanbecks @juneangel21 @hanatsuki-hime @acourtofmarvels @cmay25 @its-sam-allgood @a-frog-with-a-laptop​ @dream-alittlebiggerdarling​ @kazbrkker​ @sstanbarnes​ @j-pendragonx​ @yakoxshadow​ @whorefortim​ 
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐨 - 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝
pairing: pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader
series summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
word count: 2k
chapter summary: if you were wondering how Joel took his spicy picture for Asha, this is how.
warnings: male masturbation, use of a mirror, nipple play, spitting, very explicit, a tad bit of joel putting himself down, you're not there physically but you're definitely there in spirit, brief thoughts of rimming, lil bit of self ass play
a/n: this is a little gift for all of you guys who love SIB, and it's also an apology because it looks like I won't be able to get the new chapter out this week but believe me, I'm working on it 🧡 This takes place between chapters four and five, if you don't mind getting spoiled feel free to read. and yes those are pedro's hands in the moodboard jfc look at those veins
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“Do you like it?” 
Joel looks down, a bit shocked, but not unpleasantly. Between his fingers, he holds a photo of Asha, naked as the day she was born. Her lean hand covers her sex, leaving it to his imagination and her breasts were glistening—he presumes she used an ointment of some kind— and her nipples were hard, indicating that she played with herself before taking the picture. 
His cock twitches and he swallows thickly around the knot forming in his throat. 
“ ‘Course I do,” he groans, shifting on the bed. “And you want me to take one too?” 
“If you don’t mind.” 
“I don’t but I ain’t as pretty as you are.” 
With a grin, Asha traces a hand above the expense of his bare chest, the tips of her fingers dipping over his sternum. 
“You’re prettier than you think.” 
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Joel stares at the window, his jaw tight and fingers tense around the small shot glass that he holds. A breeze comes through the window and rustles the curtains. He can hear crickets. With a deep sigh, he throws back his head and swallows the amber fluid. It burns as it goes down. 
He closes the windows, then the curtains. He’s hoping the liquid courage would take its effect soon. The bottom of the glass hits the bedside table and he falls to the bed, staring begrudgingly at the camera. He decided to place the tripod right in front of the mirror, which now he realizes wasn’t a good idea. He’s not that thrilled in seeing himself being so unsure. He drags his palm down his face, eyes falling to the drawer where Asha’s picture lays. He’s still not sure why she asked for it—well, he knows why, he just doesn’t understand why him. 
Joel’s aware he’s not the worst looking out here, he’s definitely caught your gaze once or twice lingering on him whenever he’s out fixing the truck. And Asha surely seems to be infatuated with him. But that had only happened now. Not when he was young. Not when he was attending high school and working full shifts to take care of Tommy. And when people did approach him, it was mostly to get closer to The Tommy Miller—his younger brother was always the one with the charm and charisma. 
Suddenly Joel’s heart feels lighter, hints of joy warming his chest. Asha wants that picture. She wants to see him, wants to keep him close.
Licking his lips, he walks up to the camera and adjusts the timer. His mind wanders to the moment he shared with you at the bar. He’d acted impulsively, kissing your cheek like that. The only thing granting him relief was the fact that it seemed nothing more but a friendly gesture from the outside. 
It sure as hell hadn’t felt friendly from the inside. It felt more than that. 
Before pressing the shutter, he sits back down on the bed. The old furniture creaking with protest. He peels off his shirt, throws it to the floor. He thinks about what kind of pose to do, and about how naked he should be. He’s not that comfortable showing his dick. He’s not that comfortable showing his face either—so what the hell is he supposed to do? 
He cups his cock and rubs his palm through the denim. An immediate burst of heat rolls up his spine, his dick twitching with need. He breathes out a soft exhale and repeats the movement. Grinding his palm against his growing erection. 
Oh, that definitely feels nice. 
A smile tugs at his lips and his pulse quickens. Without much thought, he swipes his thumb over a nipple. A hiss elevates from the back of his throat, his hips stuttering into the air. With a sudden desperation, he unbuckles his belt and cheats his hand down his jeans. He’s rough with himself. Grabbing his cock and tugging at the head until he’s hard and dripping. Joel sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, the pain also adding to the heat growing between his legs. 
“This should be good,” he murmurs, walking back up to the camera. He clicks the shuffle and stumbles back, he tries to strike something similar to a pose. He stretches a bit, sucks in his stomach, and decides to leave his hand lingering down his pants. 
His chest heaves, but he’s excited when he hears the click. He’s genuinely surprised at how aroused he is, thick drops of precum heavy over his knuckles. 
Joel had never considered himself to be a kinky person. As far as he knew, he was into the same things as most guys his age. But maybe he had more going on in this thick noggin of his than he thought. 
Joel definitely doesn’t mind the camera now. 
The picture pops out and he yanks it away from the device. He wags it in the air a bit, a form of a body slowly appearing on glossy paper. He takes a good look at himself. Half of his face is out of frame, which pleases him. There’s a slight blur to the background that he kinda likes. Thanks to the way his hand is hidden underneath the front of his jeans, his forearm looks quite nice and strong. 
With a pleased smile, he places it between the pages of a magazine. Then he allows himself to fall back to the bed, his legs hanging off the side. Joel grunts as he kicks off his jeans, not wanting to feel restricted anymore. It’s not often he’s alone in the house. He plans on taking advantage of it. 
He pulls a pillow down to where his head is, getting comfortable, he glances at himself through the mirror. A flush darkens his cheeks. He never watched himself before. Never saw the faces he makes. Some part of him wants to ignore the sudden interest and just take care of his…situation, but the other part of him wants to experiment. It almost feels like someone is watching him. 
He remembers seeing a mirror in your house. Have you ever indulged in this way? Get naked in front of the mirror and fuck yourself with a toy that wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as his cock could be? 
I’m fucking losing it, he thinks. But he can’t stop thinking about it now. 
Joel's hand moves down to his cock, his fingertips brushing over the sensitive head. His breathing becomes shallow as he starts to stroke himself, the soft moans escaping his lips filling the quiet room. He closes his eyes and imagines you there with him, your fingers tracing along his body, your lips pressing against his skin. 
His fingers trail down his chest, gliding over the curves of his nipples, each touch sends a shiver, his tighs going taut and stiff. His eyes flicker to the mirror, he catches a glimpse of himself - naked, a flush of pink creeping up from his chest to his neck.
He hesitates, wondering what he's doing, and why he's doing it. But then he remembers you, the way you looked at him at the bar, the feeling of your skin under his fingertips, the way you leaned in close when you spoke. Your scent; a sharp inhale of blooming flowers mixed with the suffocating scent of the paint that you use. You’re a ghostly presence, something that’s always with him, but not in the way that he wants. 
Joel squeezes his cock and moves up his hand, swiping the head with the flat of his palm. He wants everything to be wet, messy, and tight. With a sudden impulse, he pushes his upper body off the bed and goes to spit on his cock. A soft tremor burrows in his stomach. A rather indulgent moan coming alive in the back of his throat. 
Pursing his lips, he spits again, the wetness instantly being spread out with his hand. He watches the way his cock glistens through the mirror. Joel wants to believe it’s your slick instead, making him warm and wet. You’d be so eager to take him, so needy for him to fuck you. His teeth sink into the inside of his cheek. He’d make you beg a bit for it first. Joel would want to hear your voice getting high and squeaky, but he wouldn’t let the game go on for too long. He doesn’t want you to think that he’s not appreciative of you and your perfect pussy. 
His strokes speed up, wet sounds getting louder. Joel allows his imagination to run wild. A string of sultry images flashes in his mind. 
You, on your knees, struggling to take his cock down your throat. 
You, bent over, asscheeks spread, begging him to fill you up. 
You, asking for him to fuck you harder, faster. 
And him, eager to follow every command. 
Fuck, and you’d look so good too. Moaning his name, soaking his cock and fingers. He licks his lips, imagining how you would taste like. Something sweet, he bets, sweet and maybe a bit bitter. Just like you. 
Jerking himself, a visceral whine crawls out of his throat. His eyes flutter shut for a brief moment and he swears he can feel you. Your weight, your heat—all of it crashing down on him and bringing him near the peak. He loosens his grip, traces the throbbing vein that curls around his cock with the blunt of his nail. With a shallow breath, he slips his fingers lower.
Joel’s mouth floods when he cups his balls, rolling them in his palm, he gives them a gentle tug. The coil in his stomach tightens, a tremble overwhelming him. With his tongue between his lips, his fingers brush the skin right underneath. His eyes snap wide open, liquid, molten, lava-like pleasure boils his veins—he gasps and his hips stutter into the air, his dick painfully hard, drips over his stomach. 
His hand dips further down his legs. Very gently, Joel circles the puckered hole with the pad of his middle finger but doesn’t dare to go further. He never has. This is as far as he’s gone, discovering that the little tease was enough to get him riled up at a young age. He imagines your tongue teasing over the hole instead of his finger. 
His own voice sounds estranged to him. It sounds so deep, and raspy. Like he’s been sick for days. A shudder overwhelms him when he wraps his calloused fingers around his cock once more. He’s so fucking close. His breathing comes in short, shallow pants, the head of his cock a dark red. He fuck himself into his fist harder, faster, tightens the gap, thinking that it’s you. 
His eyes move back to the mirror, his other hand teasing at his nipples, pulling and twisting them until he moans out loud. The sight of himself, of his own arousal, is a heady aphrodisiac. He’s wrecked. It never felt this good before. There’s a buzz in his veins, an itch that can’t be scratched. His cock is drooling all over himself. His breath catches in his throat—He’s about to—shitshitshit—
Joel fixes his gaze on his reflection; he looks so out of it, lips swollen and parted, hair a mess and eyes glazed over. Fuck, he’s starting to understand now what Asha meant by calling him pretty. 
A long whine leaves his lips as the first string of pearly white cum splashes over his stomach. It’s followed by another one, and then another. His eyes roll back into his skull. He feels it on his chest, stomach, knuckles….a growl rattles in his chest. Pleasure rakes his body from his toes to his head. He strokes himself harder, loosening and tightening his grip around his cock to mimic the feel of your fluttering cunt might be. Joel’s eyes flutter closed, heavy pants leaving his lips. He feels dizzy, disoriented. 
When he opens his eyes again, he smooths his hand over his stomach, spreading the stickiness all over his sweaty skin. He cheats another glance at the mirror. 
God, he wishes you were here to clean him up.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this little interlude ♡ I do realize that some parts of this might be a bit out of character for Joel but I just love thinking of him as someone who always wanted to experiment more but just never had a chance to do so, a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. He's just looking for that person he can trust to have some fun with 🤭 I also think of him being a bit self coincidence which we will be seeing more of in the future.
Wishing everyone an amazing weekend, new chapter will be coming soon!
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
A marriage of peace & political (2)
Zuko x water tribe reader x male mai + others
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Many years had gone by since you left your home and become a wife, it had been so long since you had seen your family and everyone else. No words or visit had taken place between them with you, at first it had broken your heart but you soon came to terms with everything. There was some distance between yourself and southern water tribe, that had grown over the years since the last time they saw you. Over the years you had changed into the person you had become now these days. 
Y/n " ........" you are the on the dock of the fire nation ship moving on the ocean, you were looking out on the landscape surrounding you. 
Fire nation solder " my lady y/n we are not that far from the South Pole"
Y/n " thank you for the report please make sure everything will be ready to be unloaded"
Fire nation soldier " yes my lady" it had been so long but you were finally going home, not for a home coming but for help. As some tension had risen and issue had risen for water and earth kingdom, Among themselves and some tension with the fire nation as well.
????? " mom" you soon had a smile show up on your face, as you looked to see your four sons standing there. 
Y/n " hello my sons" you soon walked toward your children, all of your dressed for the cold climate. 
Y/n " Muko, Izo, and Uze, Zoja I thought you boys will be inside with everyone else"
Muko " we were going to stay inside but we came to see how you were doing"
Y/n " I'm doing well it has been so long since I been here"
Izo " that good to hear mother"
Y/n " I'm guessing your fathers had asked you all to come on the trip with me to make sure I'm okay"
Uze " yes as it seems like they don't like your family and their friends that much, and one of them the avatar ... so sad on how he failed to keep his oath"
Zoja " even after this marriage it seems like chief hakoda has failed to keep his rule in line, as well so has his children the only one who has been successful if you mother" 
Muko " mother we don't wish to be rude we have here for two reasons to keep our family safe and to see your home and all the culture you talked about"
Izo " yes it going to be a good trip"
Y/n " I'm happy to hear that boys" Muko and Izo are fire-benders like zuko and have his personality and inherit his looks as well. While Uze and zojia didn't have any bending abilities but picked up their father Mao talent for daggers and looked and act ike him. 
Y/n " I know you kids will be able to find some fun in this place and one we are done here we can go see the rest of our family on ember inland" 
The boys " yes mother" The children had become your pride and joy over the years, the boys and their fathers always found ways to make you happy. 
Uze " mother" Uze was Ponting at something and you soon saw it the South Pole it has been so long since you been home, even due it had changed it was still your home a bright smile grows on your face. 
Y/n " welcome to the South Pole my children" The fire nation ship soon stopped the ship at the dock the walk way had bene dropped, as you and had gotten off with your children. To see water nation soldiers waiting there as well it seems like they were apart of the escort to the palace and into the village. 
Water nation solder " hello lady y/n we have been order by your father and brother to escort you to the palace and inside the village" 
Y/n " thank you I will also be bring my guards as well under the commands of my husbands" 
Water nation soldier " yes that can happen we all take you and your party right now if you wish" 
Y/n " yes please" the Group soon left the docks the suppiles will follow later on as you soon walked inside the village, you had been greeted by cheers and music. It seems like everyone had come to see the arrival from you water and earth kingdom civilians and soldiers are here. The were people waving to you and you waved or smiled back, after a while you soon reached the palace. 
Muko " well we are here it time to show them what you can do" 
Y/n " thank you my child" 
Water nation guard " up these steps everyone else is in there my lady and it good to have you home" 
Y/n" thank you and it good to be home" you and eveyrone soon walked up the steps as the door opened and soon more cheering and music had been heard from behind you and in front of you. 
Squire " I announced the arrival of lady y/n the princess of the fire nation and lady of the southern water tribe daughter of hakoda and kay, and sister to sokka and katara " you soon made you way towards the front where all the important people are standing you soon saw your father and siblings, along with everyone else. 
Y/n " chief hakoda hello it good to see you again and everyone else it has been go long" hakoda had smiled and soon made his way towards you. 
Hakoda " welcome home my daughter I have missed you it been to long but it good to have you home" 
Y/n " yes it" 
Sokka " welcome back sister" 
Y/n " hello sokka" 
Katara " y/n I'm happy to have my sister home" 
Y/n " hello katara ... hello to you as well aang and top it good to see you all are doing well" 
Toph " hello snow princess I have missed you" 
Aang " hello y/n I have heard about the great things you have done I and nomads ow you thank for helping us restore the air temples" 
Y/n " you are welcome" 
Hakoda " I hope your remember all our old friends as well they have come here for the meeting" 
Y/n " hello everyone" 
Toph " are zuko and Mao coming along with iroh"
Y/n " they will be coming later on I and my company came first" 
Bato " speaking of your company who are these four young man with you today they seem young warriors in the making" 
Muko " we are the children of princess y/n of the fire nation and lady y/n of southern water tribe the sons of her husband and future heir of the fire nation" The room had fallen silent after muko had said that and bowed soon his three brother had followed suit. 
Sokka " okay I must not be hearing right or the music got to me but did he say he your son" 
Y/n " yes he my son all four of them are my sons" 
Sokka " wow I can't believe I have nephews" 
Katara " it so wonderful to meet you four" 
Izo " it good to meet you as well" 
Hakoda " I can't believe I'm a grandfather why haven't I been told ahead of time" 
Y/n " I have sent word but it seems like letter were never received or read" 
Hakoda " well we can find a solution later I'm happy you are home and my grandsons are here as well" 
Sokka " family hug" 
Uze " I don't do hugs" 
Toph " hey I like this one" 
Uze " your toph I heard great stuff about you from my mother and great uncle respect" 
Toph " thank you" 
Y/n " we can talk later and have time to get to know each other or caught up, we should get to the meeting I'm right to sokka time line" 
Sokka " you still know me well sister" you had nodded your head as the meeting will be starting soon but you know during their time here it was going to challenges for you, as now you will be dealing with your family and the others. As life was not the same anymore, you were going to do you best while you were here and not let the last control that much.
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gab-tao · 1 year
Chuuya smut let’s gooooooo!!!!!
Beware of my bad grammar cause I didn’t proofread it…
❥ Smut ➯ Fluff
❥ Male reader
❥ If you aren't comfortable with this then skip this chapter.
☆ (I didn't know how to start this or transition to the smut good lol)
☆This for my friend, I know your reading this, you whore...
As a member of the ADA you weren't supposed to be communicating with the 'enemy' but here you are, dating a Port Mafia member. Not just any Port Mafia member, it was an executive of the Port Mafia: Chuuya Nakahara. You of course tried to keep your relationship away from the ADA but of course Ranpo found out about it. You ended up getting Ranpo snacks daily with the promise of him keeping this secret quite.
You and Dazai were assigned to a mission together to defuse a threat, you weren't one of the agents that went out on missions a lot so you where kinda rusty. You where just finishing up with the clean up and Dazai decided to ask you out for a drink, you happily said yes not expecting Chuuya to be home anytime soon like usual.
You where a bit tipsy but you where able to get Dazai home and made it home yourself. As you entered your shared apartment it was dark, as usual he wasn't home. The lights soon flicked on blinding you for a couple of seconds from the sudden change in the environment. Then you felt a pair of arms grabbing both your wrists and pinning you to the front door. "Your late." He was clearly angry from your tardiness. He was clearly trying to come home early as a surprise for you. "I'm sorry Chuuya, it just some of my colleagues wanted to celebrate a successful mission toda-."
"Let me guess, you where with him weren't you?" These words confused you, what did he mean by him?
"Don't look at me like you don't know who I'm talking about." He was clearly jealousy of someone close to you but the only person you could think about was Dazai, could he be jealous of him? "Are you talking about Dazai? Chuuya, you don't have to worry about him, no one can ever take your place." This seemed to make him more pissed then he already was, then an idea came into mind making him smile. "I'll make sure no one does." He let go of one of your wrist and harshly grabbed the other one dragging you to the bedroom and pushing you on the bed, placing his hat somewhere and pinned you under him. "Do I have your consent?"
"Consent for what?" The alcoholic must have made you really stupid this time. "How much did you drink to get this stupid? Whatever, do I have your consent to do it with you?" Now you where more confused 'do it with you?' What did he mean by... oh, oh! Was he trying to- this made your face change into a bright red make Chuuya smile. "You finally understand, you idiot. So is it a yes or no?" You didn't know what to say, you have never had sex with anyone, you barely even jerked off.
You started to ponder his question making him get more pissed off then he was before. You slowly nodded your head yes making him less angry with you. "But darling, I need a actual yes." You where literally about to do anything for this man. "Ok Chuuya. You have my consent." You don't even know how many ideas popped into your lovers head once you said that.
He took off his gloves and began to work on taking off your tie unbuttoning your shirt. You didn't know what to do with yourself besides laying there. His cool hands soon touched your bare chest making you shudder at the touch. "Your hands are cold!" He seemed unaffected by your response, you where about to speak until he pushed his lips on to yours. He was intoxicating, he licked your bottom lip asking for access to slip his tongue in but you didn't let him. He became inpatient and bit your bottom lip making you gasp, he took this chance to slip his tongue in. You both parted, as you began gasping for breath he stared working on your neck. Planting kisses and hickey's all over your neck and jaw making you slightly moan. He worked his way down leaving a trail of kisses, all the way down to your pants.
The amount of butterfly's in your stomach. You couldn't even think about anything other then him, you where frozen in place. He slowly began to pull your pants down, pulling you from your trance. "Chuuya! Let's reconsider this! I mean, I have work tomorrow and all! And- um..." You began to try and find any excuse for him not to continue. You had work tomorrow and you didn't want to show up with bruises and bite on your neck. "You can just say your sick." You knew he wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied with you.
He pounded at your rear like an animal. He had a fist full of your hair, pulling your head up in order to hear you pleads and cry's for him to stop. His other hand was on your wrist pulling your arm to make sure you can't claw away from him. He had you bend over the bed, moaning as he fucked you mindless. He started saying things under his breath. You could barely make out what he was saying but the stuff you did hear was along the lines of "Shitty Dazai" "Your mine" and "I won't let him keep you away from me that long ever again." You could tell he got really possessive over you just because you spent most of your day with Dazai.
You where moaning your heart out as he pounded your prostrate without mercy then suddenly he went down on you and bit you on the shoulder drawing blood. Tears treated to spill from your eyes from how much pain and pleasure you where feeling at this moment. Then Chuuya suddenly pulled out of you, leaving your insides to feel empty and unsatisfied. He then flipped you onto your back, he took you by your hands and intertwined his fingers with you. He leaned down to your ear and started to whisper something into your ear "I'm going to fuck you so hard the you'll be seeing stars, my little doll." You knew instantly that you wouldn't be able to work tomorrow. Chuuya then stood up straight once more and slammed his cock into you and began to pound away at you like an animal once more.
You didn't know how many rounds you both did or how many times you came. Maybe 7? 5? 9? 11? 6? You couldn't tell anymore. Chuuya was underneath you with his hands on your waist making you ride him. All you could hear was his small grunts, your loud moans, and the sound of skin slapping. You soon felt your climax coming. Chuuya noticed this and started to move you faster and jerked you off with one of his other hands. He sat up from the bed with you still on his cock and pulled you close again and whispered in your ear "Cum for me doll..." He didn't have to say that twice, you instantly came once asked. You that had a feeling that Chuuya was planning something now. He stopped moving you, just leaving his cock in your hole waiting for something. You waited a while and started to believe he was done with you until he lifted you up and slammed you back down on his cock. He repeated this process until he came hard inside you once again.
Your body started to twitch and shudder from the feeling of being filled to the brim once again. He pulled out his soften dick out of you and gave you a kiss. "You did so well [Name]." Chuuya mumbled in between his kisses, after he pampered you with kisses he laid you down on the bed and when to the bathroom. You heard the water run for awhile then it stopped and Chuuya came back, using his ability to lift you to the bathroom and set you down in the now filled tub. He placed a kiss on your forehead and spoke "I'm sorry... I was a bit rough with you, doll." You gave him a smile full of sympathy and then spoke "It's fine Chuuya, but I still don't know how you top me when you are the size of a child." You mocked him but he didn't seem to care at the moment, he only cared about how you felt right now.
You both where now cleaned up and ready for bed, even though the sun was starting to rise you both where going to sleep anyways. You especially needed it, "Chuuya... How are you so short yet so dominant went it comes to sex?" You mocked him, you watched as he visibly got angry and then smirk. You where in for it now, he gave you a hug which you thought was innocent enough until he bit your shoulder making you wince in pain. He left you standing there stunned as he walked into bed and clawed under the covers.
You joined him in bed and he started to cuddle you. "Remember this doll, if you ever hand out with Dazai that much ever again. I'll make sure to fuck you mindless." He smirked at his statement, he didn't have to tell you twice about that. You promised yourself you wouldn't hang out with Dazai that long ever again, you didn't want to get fucked like that ever again. 
Chuuya was pampering your face with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your hair lulling you to sleep.
➤ 5/29/23
➤ Words: 1654
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little-bumblebeeee · 8 months
Hey ! Can I requestJason Dean x reader (she/her) where the reader is getting a lot of male attention and Jason get jealous, but reader calm him down and assure him that she love him ect...
Hey!! Sorry it took so long, I'm back in school and it's taking up quite a bit of my time, but I do try to put in a little bit each day when I do have time :) I realize you probably meant that JD and reader (most likely you ;P) were already together, but I went the friends to lovers route :>
JD watches as Kurt and Ram stand on either side of you, leaning next to your locker with sly smiles on their faces. He doesn't care what they're saying, he doesn't care what you're saying. He wants them out of his sight and away from you, he wants them gone. You quickly notice his gaze, dipping between Kurt and Ram grateful to get away from those two as you rush over to your best friend
"Hey, I was wondering where you were!" You say as he keeps his gaze off of you, a sour expression on his face as he closes his locker a little too hard, making some freshman next to him flinch like a gunshot just went off before scrambling away. You know something is wrong immediately as he doesn't act like this often. "Hey, what's going on?" You ask him, leaning back against the locker next to him, leaning so your face comes into his vision. JD takes a deep breath through his nose, trying not to lash out at you, as he knows you did nothing wrong. But he can't stop the fire burning within him, up his back and chest and into his brain, making his whole intentions fuzzy with pure anger. He shouldn't be this jealous over his best- and only- friend, you should be able to flirt with people, be flirted with, go on dates with anyone you want without him hating them with a burning passion that rivals even the hottest flames of hell.
"JD, come on. Are you alright?" You ask him. You have no idea what gets him like this, you just hope it's not something you did. He takes a couple deep breaths, scrunching his eyes shut. His chest feels like it's caving in, just breathe, in and out, in and out, in and- fuck it. "No, why would I be? All the time, I have to watch guys flock to you like you're some sort of goddess, I can't stand it!" He says, hitting his locker by accident. Well, you think it's an accident. "What? You're not my boyfriend, you have no right to be jealous of guys that I don't even like." You say, crossing your arms. It pains you to say it, but it was a knee-jerk reaction. One that you wish you could've thought about, because now you kinda seem like a jerk to the boy you like who also just happens to be your best friend. He sighs, rolling his eyes and running his hands through his hair. "But I want to be. That's the whole damn point, I don't want to watch these guys crowd around you all the time, call me selfish but I want it to just be me." He says.
You're stunned, you can feel your face go both cold and hot at the same time, you don't even know what to do. "What?" You finally manage to say. "Yes!" He says in an exasperated tone of voice. The bell rings and he walks away, only for you to follow him. "JD, come on, don't just walk away!" You say, and you can't help the smile tugging at the corners of your lips. When you finally catch up to him, he looks even more annoyed than before, and this time it is kind of at you. "Why the hell are you smiling? This is funny to you?" He spits, and you smile only wider."Im tired of them too, but that's not the point." You say. JD looks kind of pissed, but he's going to listen to what you say, because you're the only person he'd ever trust, and he doesn't want to change that now. "The point is, that I love you, Jason." You tell him. His whole face becomes one of shock and just.. awe. "What." He says, it doesn't even sound like a question.
"I said I love you. And only you. So-" You start, but the bell rings again. The halls are empty and the school security guard starts to do that slow waddle/walk thing towards you both, so you both bolt in separate directions and try to get to class before you're caught without hall passes. You might have gotten to class late, and your teacher is totally pissed, but you could really care less.
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