#it was my cousin’s shoe
soilem · 2 months
why must i be so afraid of insects??? so many of life’s joys are now full of fear :(
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hydrategea · 11 months
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the dead moms club
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jackshiccup · 9 months
can u just imagine the number of times snotlout has been on the receiving end of hiccup’s exasperated look
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twerkyvulture · 1 month
we know that the King of All Cosmos looked just like a Little Guy in his youth, just like The Prince does now, so i pose the following to you: has anyone drawn a design for what The Prince (or any of the other cousins/little guys!) would look like as colossal chad-ified version of themselves
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maddy-ferguson · 6 months
i wish people understood this
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welcometohighwater · 2 months
writing is such a wild thing because you spend f o r e v e r agonizing over the words in a scene and they still won't be right, but then you go into some thing you've given much less thought to and put the words into it with a kind of carelessness, and then you go back however many daysweeksmonthsyears later and reread and find these unexpected beautiful things
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ratgingi · 1 year
i hope everyone is having a very epic and good day i lov u all :-] /p
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transtuvok · 7 days
you're doing alright kid ❤️ love ya ❤️
I'm not sure how long this has been in my inbox but thanks for checking in. Today has been much harder than many because I really do miss my dog. I'll actually attach a couple of pictures of the old man for you.
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I trained him to grab a sword toy from me and it was so cute. He always loved learning new games and playing. I think my cat learned to play fetch by watching us play together.
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And this was a walk from this year. We went on daily walks until he started to decline in early April. Our last long walk we did was about an hour and a half and that was on March 31st. He used to be able to go on much longer walks but I made sure I didn't put too much of a strain on him as he got older. I taught him last year to "get hype" for a walk and he'd get so excited.
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Here's another picture of him in a sweater because it was just so adorable on him. He would've been 14 on the 25th.
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everymanpdf · 8 days
boyfriend showed me pictures of him as a kid and i started fully crying <- well adjusted
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flourescencia · 11 months
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do any fashionable people who follow me care to advise me on what to pair this blouse with please ! the length of it reaches down to where I have my hand placed on the last picture :-P
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rosecolouredheart · 29 days
Reflecting on the celebs staring at another's boobs post and thinking about how my cousin (who is by current roommate) and I are such opposites it's basically cartoonish.
She wears light colours and I wear darks. She's thin and small chest and I'm chubby and got a hell of a rack if I do say so myself. She's studying to be a yogi and I'm several years post grad and unemployed in my field.
If we were any more opposite I'd be a fucking lawyer instead of an artist and yet we still order burgers and watch anime together every other week if not more frequently.
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ghostnamedmem · 1 month
I have got so much punk rn so so much
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zaggyzoo · 2 months
i have to round up all the shoes that don't fit me anymore to see if my cousins or their kid want them but it's like. all my shoes except two pairs
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blanketmoss · 6 months
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This was supposed to be a doodle but it’s turning out pretty good I might clean it up more later
I need to make his eyes wetter and sadder
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quirkle2 · 2 years
Okay! Actual ranch au question time - until the ranch is expanded, who is sleeping where? Because that seems like absolute chaos. Also like. Which of them struggle the most adjusting and in what ways? Not just the why, but the little things they do that make it obvious. I guess maybe even what little things all of them carry over from their befores? (Sorry just... rambling whatever things that came to mind)
just like when they were adventuring, they pretty much settle wherever ! most of the time that involves a big cuddle pile in the living room <3 it's basically turned into a glorified guest bedroom for a while until time can get to planning the expansions and getting help from all of them to build them. the boys r used to sleeping like that anyway, so they don't mind it at all—they missed each other after being separated, so cuddling is always nice
it Is chaos though. a living room is smaller than an entire clearing they might've set up camp in during their journey. their bags and shoes take up like an entire fourth of the kitchen where the front door is, and u better believe the kitchen is very crowded during meal time GVIEAGYV they basically have to remodel the Entire house—they're accommodating for 8 extra people after all! plus,, time and malon only have one bathroom when the boys first start living there . winces in sympathy
all of them struggle to adjust a little, some more than others. legend is So very not used to just,,,, lounging around. he's not used to staying in one place, and he's Definitely not used to not spending all of a precious break preparing for the next day of traveling. he struggles to sit still and get into that mindset of just,, relaxing and living. he seems rly tense and unwilling to let his guard down for a while before he's able to truly let himself lounge around
it's a bit jarring for wars to not have Anything pressing to do as well. he's,,, Always doing smth, whether that be tending to his troops back "home," finishing up paperwork, going to meetings, makin sure the chain is alright,,, u name it. he's a rly busy guy. so now that he's just....... sitting here ..............................doing fuck all, it's very odd for him. he's almost Forgotten how to relax
wars sticks himself to odd jobs around the ranch; old projects time had that never got done, touching up the house, Cleaning the house, helping w the horses. time Knows what he's doing (the fear of being thrown out is still fresh in wars' mind,,, time hates that that's been drilled into him so ruthlessly growing up). and he Knows that wars will lose his marbles if he has nothing to do, so time ends up givin him,, Simple jobs . jobs that won't utterly destroy his still-young bones, but will still occupy him
after a Long while—many reassurances and the chain being ever so patient— wars manages to,, unlearn that lesson, at least a little bit. he stops being paranoid abt abandonment when he takes a day to just relax, and even though it's not a straight shot to recovery and wars definitely has days where he buries himself in work and acts like they'll instantly kick him out if he doesn't do the dishes, he's getting there. he takes up reading a lot again :) and even starts writin that book he'd always wanted to
sky has to adjust to living On Ground . he walks outside and surprisingly isn't in vague danger from falling off an island and to his death, and that's . an adjustment GVIYEAGV he misses touching the clouds. his favorite spot to hang out is on top of the roof where he can feel the wind a bit better. he naps there
wind misses the sea and his family, but rly he takes the change quite well. he's finally back to Being a Kid and,, sliding down the hall on socked feet and stealing cookies from malon's trays and annoying (/aff) his brothers relentlessly <3 a chunk of his childhood was kinda stolen away right along w his sister, but maybe bein here will allow him to make up for at least some of it
another who takes the change in stride is twi :) living on a ranch is definitely in his comfort zone and he loves staying there—absolutely adores giving a helping hand and tending to the animals. i think the strangest part for him is Living With Time . he's past the shell-shock of it by now, of course, but he's still aware it's so so strange . if Future Twi had come to Past Him during his journey and pointed to the Hero's Shade and said "that'll be ur father figure and you'll live on a nice lil ranch together w all ur homies" twi would have thought the weird fog permeating the realm he'd been put in was eating away at his braincells.
can't think of anything else for the other boys atm, but i do know that it's an adjustment for All of them to see time so,, peaceful and happy. once he has everybody together and settled down, no more dangers threatening the lives of his kids, he'sSo fucking relieved. the first morning after everybody is there is such a surreal experience. it's their first breakfast in a home that may just be permanent for once, and hearin all the chaos of 10 people in a small kitchen and his family playfully shoving each other to get to the ketchup, he just Smiles . it's the noisiest breakfast him and malon have ever experienced and yet they Cherish the sound
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crown-ov-horns · 2 months
I recently found out people ship Cassandra with Apollo.
My initial reaction was...
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Just tan their hides. You know what happened to her because the the bastard, don't you?..
Then, I was overwhelmed by morbid curiosity, and checked AO3. People are writing rape fics about them. ...Why?..
Could I ever see Cassandra x Apollo?.. I don't know, maybe. But, definitely not the nonsense I mentioned. Dubcon at most. I guess, he might somehow coerce her into sleeping with him, and later rescue her from the fall of Troy, because she's pregnant with his child, or something (Zeus would be pissed, I'm fine with that).
Sounds like an intriguing story, with a lot of morally questionable elements. I can imagine Apollo confiding in Artemis, wondering why his wife is so upset. She'd just go "are you serious rn?.. -_-".
...What, you're surprised I'm among those I wish to hide with a broom? Don't be. It happens quite often, actually.
#greek mythology#greek myth fandom#apollo#cassandra#apollo x cassandra#diary pages#thoughts#greek gods#this is such a fucked up pairing#in the iliad you like apollo then remember what he did cassandra#i don't blame her for rejecting his advances he's an entitled fboy with nine girlfriends and she wanted to remain chaste#the way he responded is very cruel honestly cassandra's story breaks my heart#of course i'm discussinv them as characters not religious figures#apollo can be such a creep#greek myth fanfic#fanfiction ideas#what the hell i have a hundred epics in my wips already including one with apollo#but i SHOULD put this aside the “Apollo coerces Cassandra then saves her because she's pregnant”#it's dark but also very intriguing to explore... it isn't supposed to be hot really well maybe later#dionysus married ariadne why can't apollo marry cassandra#she wouldn't want to marry him but what other choice would she have#their further relationship just seems so fascinating#yeah apollo would be confused why she's upset - he'd get her being upset about the fall of troy but not why she's upset with him#but as gods do he'd imagine she should be happy about getting rescued by him#why am i doing this to myself (and cassandra)#i suppose... i just want a better ending for cassandra (back to the fic idea) which this would be even though she'd have to deal with apollo#side note imagine the “pairing” in disney's hercules it would be hilarious#cassandra confronting hercules about his creepy older cousin trying to hit on her#or icarus trying to ask apollo if she'll go out with him and apollo replying “if you have my luck she'll just throw a shoe at your face”#she should take out a restraining order also
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