#it's 1am and I work tomorrow
literal-ghost · 10 months
am i really about to start plotting out a script for a video essay talking about labyrinth and its themes of overcoming childish selfishness and growing into a compassionate and responsible adult?
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astraladversity · 8 months
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satans-no1fann · 1 month
one of my last dumps for a bit, satan and levi pngs
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also, i just uploaded like ~35+ things to the wiki. do i get a candy now? im tired.
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spacer-case · 3 months
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a couple of marco and/or marace doodles 🔥🍍🔥🥰 slapped some colours on until my apple pencil ran out of battery rip
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dragon-spaghetti · 6 months
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(Please click for better quality!!)
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mimilllion · 8 months
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normal coworker relations
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
@nburkhardt ;)
It is technically not Valentine's day for me anymore but it's still Valentine's day in other places so I'm writing it anyways.
Eddie walked into Family Video, shaking the snow out of his hair because he refused to wear a hat, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw the decorations. Hearts, pink and red and white hearts. Hearts on the counter and hanging from the ceiling.
Valentine's Day was coming.
"Hey, Eddie." He managed to snap himself out of his stupor to look at Steve. God, Steve. It really is unfair how pretty he is, even in a polo and his stupid work vest. Grinning, Eddie walked up to the counter and leaned his elbows on it, immediately grabbing a heart and glaring at it before tossing it over his shoulder.
"Hey, Stevie. I see Hallmark has sunk its claws into Family Video." He watched Steve get the most adorable frown on his face, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.
"Hallmark, what-? Oh! The hearts, right?" Eddie grinned even wider, grabbing another heart and starting to rip little pieces off of it.
"Yeah, figures a movie store would buy into the capitalist propaganda though," Eddie groaned as he spoke, finally ripping the heart to pieces and scattering it on the counter. Steve was giving him a weird look that Eddie couldn't quite decipher but he was save from contemplating it by Robin stepping out from the back room.
"Oh joy, our most frequent and worst customer." Eddie stood up straight with a gasp, holding a hand over his heart.
"Birdie, you wound me. I am your best customer." She chucked a ball of paper at him, somehow managing to hit his chest with only a glance in his direction.
"You can't be our best customer when you barely buy anything and all you do is distract Steve from working." Eddie couldn't help but laugh when Steve yelled a noise of complaint. "What are you even doing here today, Eddie? Shouldn't you be out preparing a valentine for someone or something?"
"Ha! Me, participating it that sham of a holiday?" Eddie laughed, shaking his head. "Absolutely not, Bucks. Valentine's day is a corporate sham that preys on the lonely and not lonely alike. If you're in a relationship you get pressured into buying thoughtless gifts to show off how happy you are for a day. If you aren't in a relationship, then you just get crushed under all the pink and hearts and babies in diapers with arrows, and you get pushed into buying excessive amounts of booze and food so you feel a little less lonely for the day. I've never celebrated and I don't have any plans to any time soon." When he finished his speech he expected someone to say something, but it was completely silent. Robin had moved over to stand behind the counter with Steve and she was frowning at him (something he never liked because she only frowned at him when he was being really stupid and he usually couldn't figure out what he did). Steve was standing oddly still and he had that weird look on his face again. "You feeling okay, Stevie?"
"Oh, uh, yeah. Totally fine." They all lapsed into silence again before Robin cleared her throat.
"Well, I mean, it's not just about relationships it's also St-Ow!" Eddie turned fully to look at Robin who seemed to be leaning weirdly to one side.
"You good?" He watched as Robin and Steve had one of their silent conversations. He loved that they had each other but the silent talking did get annoying.
"...Yeah, slipped and stubbed my toe, that's all. But if you want to avoid Valentine's day you may want to run because we put out all the romcoms today so the crowds will be bad." Eddie wrinkled his nose in distate.
"Ugh, thanks for the warning, I'll see you guys around then?" He glanced between them, noticing that both of them were giving him a tight smile that didn't quite reach their eyes but he decided not to dwell on it. "I gotta catch up with Nance, someone does have a date and has asked her bestie to help her plan it. Any requests, Buckley?" Eddie was relieved when that did get Robin to blush, finally a normal reaction.
"Not really." Eddie just grinned, throwing up a two finger salute before heading back out into the snow to head to the Wheeler's.
"Nance, I promise you, Robin does not care how elaborate your date is, she will love it anyway because you planned it." Eddie was sprawled on Nancy's bed in her room, arms behind his head as Nancy paced in front of him.
"It's our first Valentine's day, I want it to be special." Eddie scoffed quietly. Nancy had already heard his anti-Valentine's day speech and while they didn't agree, they decided to just move past it. "Oh, right, I meant to ask. I know that you still refuse to ask Steve out, for reasons unknown-"
"They aren't unknown, Nance, we just don't know-"
"Hush. I know you won't ask him out, but are you at least planning something nice for his birthday? I don't know how much I'll be able to help you with since it's in two days-" Eddie suddenly sat up on the bed, staring at Nancy with wide eyes. She couldn't be saying what he thought she was saying.
"Nancy. I need you to not judge me right now when I ask you a question." He waited for her to nod at him, eyebrow already raised to judge him. "What day is Steve's birthday?"
"The fourteenth? Did he not tell you? Eddie? Why do you look so panicked?" He had collapsed back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling in horror. He had gone on and on about how much he hated Valentine's day and how he wasn't planning anything ever and... and he basically said that Steve's birthday was a day he hated. What kind of friend does that?
"I didn't know- Nance, I gave him the V-day speech-"
"Please tell me you are joking, Edward Munson, or so help me-"
"Nancy! Why would I joke about this! I just basically told the guy that I'm practically in love with that I hate his birthday! What do I do!" He was standing now, taking up Nancy's place and pacing the room until she grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to look at her.
"Eddie, listen to me. You helped me plan my date, now I'm going to help you. Because there is no way I am letting you fix this without telling Steve that you love him, and there will be no arguments. You fucked up, not it's time to not run away and fix it."
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eggy-the-boy · 29 days
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This has been on my mind for several days
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figofswords · 2 months
the post grad why did i get an art degree what am i even doing what do i want in life where am i going crisis has finally hit i want to. lie down in the dirt. or something
#WHAT AM I DOING!!!!#i get up i go to my stupid retail job i stick labels on bags they pay me fucking thirteen bucks an hour i come home i lie on the couch#too tired to draw in too much pain to go anywhere no energy to reach out to college friends to do anything fun#no idea where the even start with getting an industry job no clue what i even WANT at this point#trying to remember what i loved so much about comics i want it BACK i HATE this#WHAT IS THE POINT!!!! WHAT DO I WANT WHERE AM I GOING!!! WHAT COMES NEXT!!!!!!#there's no clear career trajectory i can't do freelance i need structure i can't work too much i need free time#my brain doesn't work every job requires me to move across the country the irs just took fucking three hundred stupid dollars from me#my friends live in different states i can't get a job without experience i can't get experience without a job#i can't work on my portfolio with no energy and no time and i dont have any money and everything is so expensive all the time#i can't get anywhere bc i dont drive and im too stressed to think about taking driving lessons again#and WHAT DO I WANT!#THE MOST INTERESTING THING I DO EVERY WEEK IS GO TO PHYSICAL THERAPY!#I AM EXCITED EVERY WEEK FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!#anyway WHATEVER i need to go to bed#delete later#i got into spx. today. so. had to have a crisis about how i felt when i attended spx (energized. excited. a part of something. ambitious)#versus how i feel now (tired. unmotivated. kind of apathetic about art. disconnected)#i dont miss the stress of school but i miss being around other artists. ppl who speak your language and who want the same things you want#ppl who are excited abut art and that makes YOU excited about art. ppl who get you#i miss that i want that back#whatever. its 1am i gotta go shower i have an 8.5 hour shift tomorrow. wahoo. $13.50/hr lets go
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themanlykittenkayden · 2 months
There now a lightness and joy in my heart, my hope has been restored, I feel like I can endure everything, I can rest easy now after that Missa stream
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other-peoples-coats · 10 months
hello it's past 1am and I am thinking about timeloops! as ever! surprising literally no one!
more specifically:
the war drags on. the Jedi are assigned battalions and legions and companies and so, so, so many clones, and they are good men, loyal men, and the war is awful and endless but they can't stand by (people will die, who are they to do nothing to help), and it drags on and on and on-
and the war drags on. the Jedi are assigned battalions (to replace the battalions who fracture) and legions (to replace the legions that are riddled with gaps) and companies (to replace the companies that are lost) and so, so, so many clones, who are still good men, loyal men, and the war is horrific and endless and it feels like only last month they were here liberating the same planet, but they must help, they have a duty to help, and it drags on and on and on -
and the war drags on. the Jedi are assigned ever more battalions (they are running out of identifiers) and legions (they are running out of colours to paint their armour) and companies (they are running out of names) and so, so, so many clones, who are still good men, loyal men, even if the resemblance to long dead comrades is an ache. the war is unending, a back and forth circuit of the galaxy in increasing bloodstained ruts, but they are Jedi and people are dying (people are always dying). and the war drags on and on and on
and the war drags on.
and on
and on
and on
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Drop everything the cats are napping together
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jerswayman · 29 days
saw we were playing at 00:30 tonight and my brain somehow convinced itself that this was significantly earlier than 1am. 30 minutes, my guy!! three zero!
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hobbithoes · 26 days
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crafting new surana 😏
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convexicalcrow · 10 months
"The thing about possession by the Vex, Tango, is that you won't remember anything afterwards. You're just a body to obey Their will. And I don't think you've really understood that so far," Cub said.
"I mean, I do, I get it, I've seen what it does to you, but-" Tango sighed.
Cub offered him a Vex mask. "Put it on, Tango. This time, you're mine."
"Yes, yes, of course, I-"
The mask was on his face before he could finish speaking. It was a strange feeling, where his head felt suddenly empty and devoid of thought. He found himself laser focused on Cub, as if somehow he knew he was his master today.
"Very good. You know how to obey. This pleases the Vex," Cub said. "Now, come with me, Tango. I've got work for you to do."
"Yes, master," Tango said, trailing along behind him.
It was strange to be aware, but unable to remember. Well, he remembered things if Cub asked him to, but for the most part, he simply moved when Cub said, did whatever he said to do, was simply existing in his own body as it did Cub's bidding, both unable and unwilling to intervene.
The Vex were heavily present as a storm cloud in his mind. Along with the cooing voices when he seemed to please them, there was this sense of disassociation. Of the Vex simply puppeting his body. It felt very strange, but also very peaceful.
He didn't have to think. He had no pressing issues about Decked Out flooding his mind. Indeed, his mind was calm and quiet, stilled by the simple act of obedience. Perhaps he should do this more often. It wasn't often he was able to switch his brain off so completely.
They were sitting under Scar's tree when Tango was released. It was mid-afternoon, and the sun was out, shining in tangled waves through the leaves and reflecting across the water. The mask sat in his hands, lifeless, and he stared for a moment, coming back to his senses as his body was still and unwilling to move.
"Wiggle your fingers or toes, that'll get you back to right again," Cub said.
Tango focused on that. Wiggling his fingers. He could do that, right? Wiggle his toes? They were simple enough. He could do that, even though his brain felt like mud and he felt like Cub had asked him to dance a tango or something.
He felt Cub move a little closer to him and gently take his hands in his. "Just squeeze them gently. You can do it, Tango, come on."
Cub was squeezing his hands, as if showing him what to do. Having his hands move did seem to jolt something in his brain and he thought about squeezing his hands back.
"Yeah! Yeah, that's it! You're doing it, Tango!" Cub said.
Tango felt something of the fog lift, and he smiled a little. He sensed Cub shifting closer. A hand cupped his cheek, and he closed his eyes as Cub kissed him softly, nothing more than sweet sensation to wake him up. He turned his head to look at Cub after he'd pulled away, feeling a little better.
"Hey, there, Cubby," Tango said.
"Hey there, Tango," Cub said. "The Vex are very pleased by your obedience today. Well done."
"Thanks. I can't say it was all down to me if I was possessed, but I'll take it, sure," Tango said. "So will it be like that in the dungeon then? For what I have planned? They give me the hood, I become possessed, and obey their every word?"
"I'll need to tweak the spells a little, but yes, that's how it'll work. As a safeguard against you using knowledge the players shouldn't have access to, which is what you wanted, right?" Cub said.
"Yeah, yeah I did. It's not that I don't trust myself, but better safe than sorry, right? Takes the subjectivity out of it," Tango said.
"Of course, of course. Now, do you really want me to rig it for amnesia? Because if you're using this as your way of playing Decked Out without playing Decked Out, me wiping your memories seems counter-productive," Cub said.
"You think so? Well, I mean, mostly I asked for it to be sure I'm properly in the moment, you know? Totally focused on them and only using whatever knowledge they give me. I'm not meant to be anything more than a body they can feed to ravagers or whatever, you know? But if you think the amnesia's too much, don't include it, I don't really mind. You're the one making the hoods," Tango said.
"It's not that it's too much, I'm just not sure it's really worth it for you if you never get to remember any of your dungeon runs, you know? What if I ran the dungeon with you, and some absolutely amazing shit went down, and when I went to talk to you after, you didn't remember what happened? Like, that's not what you want at all, you get me?" Cub said.
"Ohhh, yeah, you're right, yeah, no, cut the amnesia. You make a good point there," Tango said.
"Alright, will do. Give me a couple of days and I'll have another one for you to test," Cub said.
"Sounds great. Now, have you got any food on you? I'm starving," Tango said.
Cub laughed and handed him some cake. "I brought only the best for you, Tango, here. Enjoy."
Tango smiled, feeling much more grounded into his body as he took a bite of the cake. Was this plan stupid? Sure. Was it going to result in him dying many, many times? Probably. Would it be worth it? Of course it would be.
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unanchored-ship · 28 days
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Urghh more I Must Betray You art... I spent like 3928392 hours shading the hair just for it to disappear under the final effects
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