#it's always bothered me when couples fall into this pattern of ONE person doing the bulk of the supporting and caring and accommodating
keepthetension · 6 months
still thinking about grief and recovery and support on this show because oh boy did the shows airing this weekend put me in my dead parent feelings i said before i was concerned about how porjai is dealing with her own grief, and this episode we saw her easily talking about rung, and even casually yelling to rung that she misses her! maybe this is me projecting, because i can't do that, but this seems like a pretty healthy place to be, especially contrasted with mhok's relative silence, and i'm glad!
and mhok's silence doesn't come from anger or resentment (which are valid ofc, but i did wonder if imprisonment gave him time to work through this to some degree) but out of protectiveness. i fucking loved this, because it felt so realistic and lived-in. i lost a parent to intimate partner violence, and i NEVER open up about it; people sure have Opinions, and it makes me insane
but day finding out about rung offscreen wasn't on my bingo card, tbh. because we've been with mhok through everything he's found out about day
it doesn't bother me, exactly, but it feels slightly unbalanced, and i suppose what i'm thinking is: knowing what happened to someone doesn't actually tell you how they feel about it, or how it affects them, or how you can support them
mhok found out from that lady sharing personal medical info she had no business sharing about day losing his eyesight in the accident, but he put in the work to understand what it actually meant for day. and in most cases, we've seen day telling mhok about what troubles him in his own words (his crush on auggy, why he was avoiding his friends, etc)
bereavement is probably statistically more common, so i suppose it may not need to be spelled out for an audience? but i am wary, because there have been so many shows where characters are visibly — to me! — struggling with grief and everything else matryoshka-ed in it, but audience reaction simply doesn't factor this in
i'm also thinking about how often mhok tells day a story about himself with the intent of making him smile ("i bought two bracelets just because i had money to spend" "i found this rooftop when i needed to sober up" "my sister called this false rice". i'm certain there are more!). because this is what a caretaker does, or because this is what mhok does, or both?
because this always made me wonder what it would take for mhok to talk about something that wouldn't make day smile, or because he wanted to share. in the former case, it'd have to be something pretty bad!
of course, talking isn't the only way to recovery or intimacy. and mhok going from "i'm breaking up with my devoted gf because i don't want to drag her down with me" to "i'm going to ask you to be my bf" is pretty significant!
but as they navigate the journey from being caretaker and client to being boyfies, the balance has to shift around a bit to them supporting each other, consciously choosing to be there for each other
in this episode what we got was: you only want money to buy that car. and i'm not even mad about this, because this kind of comment is very in line with day's character. but wow. day, i know you're feeling big feelings, but throwing one of the few things you know about mhok's life in his face is. not it!
#last twilight the series#i know this is a “trustworthy” director. and i will happily eat my words! but#it's always bothered me when couples fall into this pattern of ONE person doing the bulk of the supporting and caring and accommodating#and i am HOPING WISHING PRAYING this show doesn't do the same you know?#also like the imbalance makes sense if they're only caretaker and client of course! i'm just SO curious how this will be addressed#thinking a lot lately about characters society puts into a certain box because social status or because they're Manly or Tough or some shit#and there isn't a space for them to be soft and goofy and playful and tender. and people assume they don't need to be cared for#ten from cooking crush and babe from pit babe and top from only friends. for example.#and “there's zero tenderness in you” mhok#and i desperately want to see these characters get to be more than they're “allowed” to be#patriarchy is a curse#oh also i suspect mhok's “healing journey” will come to a head once he buys the car or whatever ends up happening there#ALSO GOD how many people would move the fuck out of that house afterward IF THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO DO SO#and maybe it doesn't feel like this for mhok and porjai but living in the same place afterward can be intensely suffocating#but they can't just move and start over like moneyed individuals might be able to!#recovery and healing simply looks different for the rich#anyway next ep will probably foreground mhok caring for day. and there are not many eps left!! i am wary but still fairly optimistic
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disney-imagines · 2 years
May I please request a Rourke x Fem!Reader songfic with the song Mr. Wrong by Mary J. Blige ft. Drake? 😊
Sorry for the delay going through some personal stuff the past couple weeks but here it is!
You can listen to the song here!
Don't it seem like, like I'm always there when it matters
But missing most of the other time, a terrible pattern
The rewards I see from working made me an addict
There's way more people that want it than people that have it
I don't get it, I would hate to think I tricked 'em
Dating your superior was never an ideal situation, that situation made all the worse when your superior was Lyle Rourke. He was greedy, ruthless, and just plain mean when it came down to it. But you loved him regardless. It was tough trying to make it work, it always seemed he cared more about his job, about his next payday, but when he was there for you all of his attention was on you. Making you feel like you were the only other person in the world, he was charming and a romantic, but only when the time was right for him.
They fall victim to my system, guess I sure know how to pick 'em
And I'm always her regret, yeah, I'm always her regret
And I always make it harder on whoever's coming next
It goes up and down, it's just up and down
She's crying now but she'll laugh again
Cause we on the rise and she here with us
But right now was a time where he was totally focused on his job, and you were right there with him. But you might as well have been invisible as far as you were concerned. He was totally zeroed in on completing this mission, the lost city of Atlantis, you were surprised he agreed to this if you were being honest. It was never like him to believe in ancient myths and legends, but here you were in a giant hunk of metal at the bottom of the ocean. You were in your quarters trying to calm down to face the rest of the crew after a spat with Lyle, your frustration with being stuck here with your boyfriend who barely acknowledged you finally boiling over.
She loves it, she stares at me like who does this
And we hold hands while I pray that she's not the type to hold grudges, I'm wrong
Bad boys ain't no good
Good boys ain't no fun
Lord knows that I should
Run off with the right one
Me and Mr. Wrong get along so good (so good)
As you finished up splashing some water on your face to calm down you heard a light knock. Hoping it wasnt just Milo here to brief you on some new inane information about the culture of Atlantis you opened it and yo your surprise you saw it was Lyle. He stood in the doorway taking up a majority of it and holding some food that seemed a little too nice to have come from the kitchens here. “Mind if I come in?”
Even though he breaks my heart so bad (so bad)
We got a special thing going on
Me and Mr. Wrong (mister wrong)
Even if I try, no, I never could
Give him up cause his loves like that
Ain't no way that I'm moving on
I love my Mr. Wrong
Hung up off your good
You calling, I run
You take a second to comprehend before letting him in through the door. He enters into the small living quarters and setting down what he brought on a small table. You were in disbelief as you watched him sit down and start eating what he brought with him. Not a shred of remorse on his smug and currently extremely punchable face. “That’s it?” You finally say. He shrugs and continues eating. “You are unbelievable. I don’t know why I bother with this I should just break up with you get it over with”
My fam' is screaming at me don't do it
Don't do it baby
I guess they never had none
Me and Mr. Wrong get along so good (so good)
Even though he breaks my heart so bad (so bad)
We got a special thing going on
Me and Mr. Wrong (mister wrong)
Even if I try, no, I never could
Give him up cause his loves like that
Ain't no way that I'm moving on
I love my Mr. Wrong
After a few more moments or tense silence he stand once again and walks over to you “come on you don’t really mean that do you?“ he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a gentle hug. “You know when we’re on a mission I can’t get caught playing favorites right?” You nod into his chest and he pulls away and smiles, this time genuinely not like his previous smirk. “Listen I promise once this is over we’re gonna have more money then we know what to do with and we can go away travel the world just me and you”
When he put that loving on me
I can't think of nothing
That'll make me walk out
I'm holding on
I love my Mr. Wrong
He be kissing and touching on me
I can't help but love him
I must be outta my mind
For going so strong
I love my Mr. Wrong
“That’d be nice” you respond and he gently takes your hands in his and leans in and kisses you. You can feel butterflies in your stomach as you remember why you put up with him in the first place. He Leads you back to the table and you both sit down and begin to eat. You lean into his shoulder and once again feel like you’re the only too people on the planet.
Me and Mr. Wrong get along so good
Even though he breaks my heart so bad
We got a special thing going on
Me and Mr. Wrong, (mister wrong)
Even if I try, no, I never could
Give him up cause his loves like that
Ain't no way that I'm moving on
I love my Mr. Wrong, Mr. Wrong, turn the lights off
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sanoism · 2 years
Draken was glad that he and Mikey happened to be alone in the bike shop right now while Inui was out getting lunch for himself, it made it a lot easier to do this without his friend and business partner telling him 'it's about damn time' or something similar. Almost on week of waiting and keeping silent had been enough, Draken knew Inui was right and he needed to do this.
Fingers were still gently running through Mikey's hair and Mikey had the content look on his face that was so familiar to Draken, seeing that soft smile that he loved seeing on Mikey. Just seeing Mikey happy made Draken himself happy. Fingers trailing down along to Mikey's cheek, Draken held it for a long moment to just watch Mikey's reaction to being held somewhere first.
This could go horribly wrong. Go horribly wrong in multiple ways and all end in a variety of negative outcomes, all of which Draken wanted to avoid because the last thing he wanted was to see his friendship with Mikey be affected in a negative way either.
But what if it went right? That was the other side of things, the other figurative being on his other shoulder telling him to just do what he had wanted to do for awhile now. It felt like so much longer had passed while Draken's thoughts conflicted, but in reality only a few seconds had passed of his thumb gently stroking Mikey's cheek. Draken just now had to pray to some higher power that he didn't regret the decision he was about to make.
"You gave me a couple kisses the other day, thought I'd return them."
One deep breath was all he took before Draken leaned down and pressed his lips to Mikey's. It wasn't the quick and hasty kisses they had exchanged last week, this one continued and Draken's left hand lifted to mirror the other to cup Mikey's other cheek. Lips just barely moved against the others to move them into a second kiss, but also let Mikey know that this was absolutely intentional and there was no mistaking that Draken wanted to kiss him in that moment. And one moment later Draken finally pulled away and rested his forehead against Mikey's; he had to let go at some point but at the same time Draken didn't want to pull back.
"If that wasn't okay, feel free to punch me for it."
It's easy to fall into old habits. A comfortable silence , sunlight cascading patterns across the floor , and this: Draken's hands combing through his hair and putting Mikey back right ( like he always does. ) Truth be told , he's getting a little sleepy with his cheek pressed into Draken's hand. Blinking tiredly , he offers him a little smile , happy to rest his head.
It looks like Draken is staring , but Mikey doesn’t mind , not when he can stare back and trace his eyes over the slope of his nose , and the ridges of his lips , and back up to those eyes he knows better than his own. At long last Mikey lets out a little huff , the growing smiley betraying his faux annoyance — “ What are you looking at ? ”
— Ah , the kisses ? Is that what’s bothering him ? It certainly caused a great deal of stares in their youth when he slobbered all over his friends. Mikey hadn’t grown out of it , planting all manners of pecks and wet kisses on cheeks and foreheads. He gave them as casually as throwing an arm around his friends’ shoulders. — Was it upsetting now that they were older ? Inupi wasn’t his favorite person , but if Draken was serious about chasing him , then Mikey would relent and give his permission ( but he’d whine the entire time ).
There’s a certain pride in knowing his friends better than the stars who witness their existence. He knows their dreams, their aspirations, their souls , and yet he knows when it comes to himself , he’s blind unable to find the shape of his own self , not even in the blinding light of day. Perhaps this is why he misjudged Draken’s heart as their lips crash together , not in the way Mikey does to joke , but in the way that says love , love , love. I love you when the sun rises , and I love you more when it sets.
His chest seizes up , breathless and tight , and the Invincible Mikey falls. It’s like he’s plunging from fifty stories above , like he’s drowning beneath the waves of the beach , like he’s burning up in the rays of the sun. “ Huh ? ” he finally blurts , “ You’re not in love with Inupi ? ” He feels more embarrassed after saying that , red faced as he stares in disbelief. 
What if he ruins everything ? What if he hurts Draken ? Now , he kind of wants to punch Draken , though not for the reason he’s implied. Mikey had settled himself with being the friend for the rest of his life , and had found comfort in his steady presence , but his entire world was spinning now. Mikey doesn’t know what love is. What does it look like ? Does it have a taste ? Will he know its texture , its presence ? His parents could not teach him , and in his older age , Mikey had begun to suspect that Shinichiro didn’t know what it was either. 
He cannot help but to cover his face , red traveling to his ears and down his neck. Carefully he shifts his fingers so he can peek at his friend from between the gaps. Taking one quick look at Draken , Mikey covers his face again , unable to stop the hammering in his chest. “ You’re really , really sure ? Really , really ? ” and he doesn’t know what he will do if Draken snorts and just says I’m kidding or it didn’t mean anything.
Though he cannot look at Draken right now , he walks his hand over to lace their fingers together. If he were to try to describe love , his heart would sing of a dragon tattoo , kind hands , and the boy who followed him everywhere , righting his path when it went astray. 
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papirouge · 1 year
Me, seeing a cute trad post on living a life of growing your own food and raising animals :)
Me, clicks to see who else liked it and checks out their profile :)
It’s another “pro white” /“diversity is white genocide” profile 😒
Idk why I even bother with cottagecore aesthetics.
The "diversity is white genocide" thing will always confuse me because they act like....non White races weren't deluding themselves by mixing with non Whites 💀
People falling in love isn't "anti" anything - those people are just such losers they feel personally attacked whenever people from their own race see beauty elsewhere. That's why insecure White incel have a weird obsession with Black men and act like Black × White was the biggest race mixing threat, when stastically speaking, the White man × Asian woman is the most widespread interracial couple pattern.
It's just that those White incels never call out this brand of race mixing because they 1)themselves have a fetish for Asian women 2) feel threatened by non White MEN stealing 'their' women 3) consider Asian race mixing as a lesser issue bc in their bio essentialist eugenicist mind, Asian gene represent an actual gain in the genetic pool (unlike the low IS inferior negro one)
I guess that's also one the bitter end of the one drop rule deluding half white people into fully identify themselves as their non White part, so race mixing is a net 'loss' in the capita of White people (when objectively speaking half White biracials are a whole category of their own removed from their non White side as well)
And to get back on the tradfem => White supremacist pipeline, it definitely exists unfortunately. Many Westerners feel their civilization influence waning so they cope with their declining world jumping on the retvrn to tradition bandwagon.
That being said, while I think all White supremacist do tend to be drawn towards trad, assuming every trad is a White supremacist (like it's often said) is silly. I already made a post saying that every civilizations had tradcore, and uplifting traditional gender roles, cultivating a garden and living off the grid wasn't a 'White people' thing.
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ppoison-heartt · 1 year
midnight sky's, vape clouds, and Hokkaido milk tea with pudding. Times like these I miss my best friend. The friend that saw through me when no one else could and understood me through anything. My heart breaks knowing you are not there anymore. I know it's me, but it has to be this way. I can't allow my feelings to be uncared for anymore. I may seem like I can't be bothered with you and angry, but can you blame me ? I deserve better. Please just be better. Show me you care. Show me you want this. Show me you want me to be in your life. I can't keep being the one. Like we always used to say. Why do I always have to be the bigger person in these hard situations. It's so tiring to be this way. I am always the one chasing after relationships. I don't want to anymore.. when is it my turn to be chased after because my value in a friendship is just too precious to lose?
All I do now is just sit at home and craft. Watch the rain fall with my cat. Read cards and hope you will talk to me again. I won't fall back into the pattern of constantly chasing you. I just can't do it anymore.
Seeing you that day was weird. I didn't feel the need to want to come forward to you. It was so weird. I walked past you like we were strangers.
Every weird couple of days I get these feelings that you will come talk to me or message me. That's exactly the feeling I felt when I saw you. I just had this feeling that I was going to see you and it happened. Idk.
Believe me I don't mind speaking to you again and talking everything out. We have all the time in the world. You just have to understand were I'm coming from.
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Looking Like U Got Me
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Request: "Prompt no. 56 and 55 for Gojo \(^o^)/"
55. "You look like my husband/wife"
56. "Keep doing that and I'll marry you faster"
↠ Pairing: Gojou Satoru x Reader
↠ Warning: none! Simply fluff
↬ Word Count: 1.7k
↠ a/n: i accidentally mixed up prompts 55 and 57 ;-; but still hoping this turns out good!!
↳ from Go! Go! Gogatsu Event!
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All he wanted was to wake up in bed, next to you— who would cuddle deeper in his arms even in slumber so he'd smother you with his kisses and tighten his hold around you and drift back to sleep longer, finally free of responsibilities for once and enjoy quality time with his only favorite person. But instead he wakes up with a groan passing through his lips, supporting his back side with his hand while shuffling to his side in a different position as the light sun rays shun through the window blinds, softly fanning his eye and forehead.
Gojo chuckles a bit before wincing. His lower back so tensed that he feels himself get older by the day. Pouting at the empty space next to him, he palms the cold sheet in wonder of where you are. Up so early in the morning when you could've just stayed in for him. How annoying. His eyes shut for moment when the scent coming from outside the room intruded his senses. Ah, you must be cooking breakfast. How sweet of you.
Thank goodness it wasn't another batch of dried crackers or cup of noodles that'll enter his mouth. He was never one to cook meals when he was on solo or when you weren't around. The very thought of not only the meal was awaiting for him outside, but also you excites him that it made him feel tingly inside. Call it dramatic, yeah, but it's not every day someone gets to wake up and immediately feel this full of love in the morning. You were the only and last love he's ever wanted to have in this world. It was so surreal even to him.
Sighing before pushing himself up, Gojo yawns out the remains of drowsiness in his system and stands. He didn't bother wearing a shirt since last night, claiming that he misses how his body rubs off yours in both comforting and suggestive ways. Plus it was just you and him home, he'd rather walk naked than wear the usual long sleeved uniform on a warm day.
The scent of coffee got stronger as he closes in his journey towards the kitchen. There was faint sizzling coming from the pan as you stood there in attendance. Stuck in your own little world, swaying to the sound of the radio playing, U got Me by Yung Heazy. It was one of the few songs that reminded you of Gojo back when you were both high schoolers. The exact song you remembered playing when you both hung out on a small cafe in Tokyo. Where he was so flustered, attempted to hide his blushes with his round glasses. The little things that reminded you of that memory never fails to make your heart race.
Of course Gojo knows this one as well. Because it was on that date as well he had call you, "his" after masking his embarrassment and from obviously checking you out every minute. How could he contain himself? He was a young man who was having trouble in the arts of love. Nevertheless he was glad to have grown up from those years. If his younger self could see him now, he'd be gagging at the sight of a softer version of his older self.
Snaking his arms around your torso carefully to avoid surprising you, he places his chin above your shoulder. Salivating at the sight of thick bacon in deep frying, shamelessly letting you know he was hungry from the sound of his stomach growling. "This is a nice way to greet me." you smile at the man behind you, who had his eyes closed in delight while rubbing his cheek against yours like a cat in need of attention. "Good morning to you as well, sweet cheeks." he says after  pressing a kiss on your skin.
"You got up early." whining softly, his hair and nose tickling the side of your neck and shoulder, "I was hoping to stay longer y'know?" trailing his hands underneath the his shirt you were wearing, mapping out on all the skin he could squish and hold with his large palms. Noticeably pressing himself closer to your body, the much needed space gone but you weren't complaining. After all, this was Gojo, a man who knows no boundaries.
"I wanted to make breakfast for you. We haven't had one together since we're both busy." you say as you grabbed the nearby plate, turning off the stove as the now cooked meal sizzles softly from the pan before sliding down to the porcelain surface. In attempt to lick his lips at the now prepared food, his tongue grazes upon your skin, sending you to jolt a bit, hearing the joyous laughter from him as he places a kiss on the spot as an apology.
"W-why don't you go sit down, there's rice bowls and cooked eggs prepared already." stammering, you quickly excused yourself away from his embrace to clean out the mess from the counter. Gojo sighs out the adoration but obliges to your command. Not long after you had finally settled down in front of him. Seeing him in all smiles as he scarfs down on his food made you smile as well. Thank goodness his blindfold was off, they looked adorable twinkling in happiness.
This felt nice. To have an opportunity to be a normal couple once again. So many times you could only daydream of scenarios like this. He could say the same as now that you were present on the usual spot he'd come home to empty. Often dozing off during meetings thinking of where you were or how you were, the multiple times Megumi has fed up with his whining about how he never gets to see or have more time with you. Nobara even pointed out a fact saying, "You act as if you're both married." and Yuuji, being the happy child of the three had said something that always ponder in his mind, "Why don't you marry each other yet, sensei?"
It was a statement he's been considering for a long time. Marriage. Of course Gojo wanted to marry you after years of torment love. To have his precious students say that you both already looked as if you were married got him all heart racing, and very very happy. He's had vivid images of a life with you. Not far from what it is today, but imagine. Unlimited happiness after so long of fearing it. Perhaps maybe even tiny legs running around, giving him such big love as his grows for the family he's craved, watching you smile beside the doorway and calling them in for a meal.
If marrying you means he can have that every day, then the hell with it.
"You look like my wife."
The spoon drop echoes. Slowly his face erupted into a faint blush while staring back at your widened eyes and opened mouth. "What?" gulping down the stuck food in your throat, Gojo bites his lips watching you maintain your composure. So cute. "Y-you know you say funny stuff when you're out of it. Maybe some daifuku would help? Yeah! Wait a sec." quickly getting up from your seat and rummaging in your fridge, you breathed out the heavy puff of air from your lungs.
He did not just say that so directly towards you. Maybe you were dreaming? You wouldn't be if your heart wasn't practically being forced out. Gojo is always fun and games, right? He doesn't mean that.
Sad to think of it that way.
"Ow!" thumping your head above the fridge as you grabbed some of the take outs of Daifuku you got yesterday, closing the fridge back before returning shortly to Gojo, who seemed as out of it as you were. "You did say your brain functions best when you eat sweets. Luckily for you I bought these yesterday. That's why I cooked earlier now because I wanted to try it out with you!"
Gojo can't tell if he wants to be offended at the fact that you think he was joking or just now, cover his half of his face to hide his laughter and igniting squeals. God he wished he had his phone right now, the moment was just so priceless and precious as you were.
Muffles from behind his hand was heard. Tilting your head to the side, trying to process what he said but no avail. "What was that?" you moved a little closer next to him, tapping his hand away almost eagerly. When he does, you spot that knowing smile present on his lips and the uncharacteristic blush still painted on his cheeks.
"Keep doing that and I'll marry you faster, honey."
You've gotten more shy when his hand held yours in the most loving way while drawing patterns. Searching through his eyes if he was playing around, but you were met with ones you know of when they were full of sincerity. "I-i. You know, they were so cheap anyways and I figured you'd want them." he snorts before leaning his head on your arm and laughs hysterically. It was painfully obvious that you were in state of shock that you couldn't even process his words.
Up until now the effect he has on you was still there like before.
"Sweetie." he turns his body away from the table to face you, pulling you so that you were standing in between his legs looking down shyly on the floor. "I'm serious." his fingers reached for your chin to pull your head up to meet his features. His other hand still holding your smaller one; index finger tracing your ring finger in circular motions as if he was creating a make believe ring.
He should thank himself for falling in love and be trusting once again.
Because now, staring back at your eyes filled with the same amount of emotions as his. Reciprocating the exact thing he was feeling. Waking up just to start the day already wanting him to be there. Knowing all the littlest things he's shared. Hearing the erratic sound of both of your heart beats.
He knew he's made the right choice.
"You really do look like my wife. My future."
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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dememetor · 3 years
I love your writing, can I please get jealous hcs for anyone? Please include suna thi he's my latest brainrot hAHA
hi, thanks for the request! and suna brainrot?? bitch me too the fuck. anyways, hope you enjoy~
(also sorry this is kinda late, i've rewritten iwaizumi and bokuto ones a million times)
Haikyuu boys when they're jealous
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characters suna rintarou, kuroo tetsurou, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto koutarou, kenma kozume
warnings none but i'm probably gonna say fuck at some point
Suna Rintarou
he tries to be chill about it, he does
it hurts his ego to be this clingy but god
he can't help but to feel that sour sting of jealousy when he sees another guy approaching you
at first will only take a quick glance from afar, just to check if the guy is bothering you, and then promises himself to stay out of your business
well he doesn't
once he decides the guy has lost talking-to-y/n-alone privilege, he will nonchalantly make his way towards you, one hand in his pocket, other sneaking its way to your shoulder, resting his elbow and giving the poor boy a menacing look
he can be pretty intimidating too with that eyeliner and all
(but that look only works on people that don't know him well, he tried it on atsumu once and the latter just laughed in his face)
not the type to be openly jealous but when he sees someone blatantly flirting with you he will start to give you the Glance
blinks slowly (you know, like that one blonde haired guy gif) and looks at you through raised eyebrows as if to say hey babe, i love you and i trust you. what the fuck tho
and when the guy starts being borderline creepy he'll appear between you - and i mean literally will inject himself between you two and strike a conversation with you as if nothing weird happened
they usually get the hint, but this one guy tried to go around him, still rambling about whatever and suna literally turned on his heel and said "come again?" with such unrivaled coldness, his eyes exuding just sheer fucking spite
but like i said, unless the other guy is asking for it, he's not the type to start a direct confrontation
will take you by the hand and leave without much thought because he simply doesn't have the time for that shit
he might seem grumpy afterwards but a couple of soft kisses usually do the trick
soft kisses which are followed by a breathless make out session with you on his kitchen counter because he still wants you to know you're only his
Kuroo Tetsurou
this little bitch
never gets jealous
and i mean never
once pretended he was jealous just to make you feel better (??? his logic? unparalleled) but once you found out you beat his ass
loves it when you get jealous though (he thinks it's cute)
sometimes he does get insecure, but he shows it in an unusual way
like if you've been talking to someone, smiling at your phone for a while he'll just get up and randomly do a couple puhs-ups, start flexing his muscles and shit
all while you're looking at him like,,
"babe, what are you doing"
"oh i didn't think you'd notice me there. since you're on your damn phone all day"
"...are you my mom?"
nah he'll be fine (will steal your phone though)
also it's the funniest thing when he sees someone trying to flirt with you
he will literally walk over there, introduce himself (not mentioning he's your boyfriend) and act really interested in the conversation
he plays this game where he tries to see how long will it take the guy to realise you two are together (longest time: 24 minutes, record holder: yahaba shigeru)
whenever the guy asks you something he will interrupt you and answer for himself as if the guy were flirting with him
"so, like what do you do in your free time?"
"not mu-"
"oh i love taking long walks on the beach, especially during sunsets. i really think it is healthy for the mind and the soul, not to mention quite romantic too. don't you too love sunsets, kevin?"
at one point kevin will have had enough of it
"i was talking to y/n alone here"
"aw don't worry, you're not bothering me"
he is such a pain in the ass
why can't he just be normal
Iwaizumi Hajime
rational, mature, i love him
seriously, he is the bestest boy and he will treat you so well because he trusts you and respects your friendship with other guys as well
but on those rare occasions when he does get jealous,, oh boy
first of all, the PDA skyrockets, he has to have his arm around you at all times - around your shoulder? on your waist? in your backpocket? his hand's been there done that
not in any way possesive but will be really annoying unless you give him your full undivided attention that day
he lets himself be selfish a bit, after all he is your boyfriend he can have you all to himself for a day, right?
jealous sex with him? better prepare a wheelchair cause you want be able to walk straight tomorrow
sees a boy trying to flirt with you? tries not to make a scene but absolutely will throw the first punch if he needs to
one day he was having a particularly rough time at practice and all he wanted to do was lose himself in your arms and fall asleep to the feeling your fingertips tangled in his hair
and then he saw this?? guy? (the audacity!) laughing with you after telling some dumb joke and let me tell you - iwaizumi wasn't having any of it
he came up to you from behind, wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a small kiss on the crook of your neck
"when are we going home, love?"
and he gives him the calmest yet most fear inducing stare from behind you
and suddenly the pattern on poor boy's pants starts to look awful lot like piss stain
it is actually kinda hot how one single look from him can cause such a reaction
"he was just asking about english homework babe"
"yeah that's what they all say"
Bokuto Koutarou
gets jealous so so easily
it is actually fascinating
will get mad at otome games
"what does jumin han have that i don't???"
god forbid you pay attention to your pet more than him (btw you have a golden retriever and his name is bean)
you're sitting on the couch cuddling with your dog, scratching his ears, ruffling his fur and all that, and there he is, your clingy boyfriend, snuggling right next to you, demanding you play with his hair too
so dramatic
"you smiled at him... the way you used to smile at me..."
"bokuto, he's a dog"
the only guy he trusts 100% to be around you is akaashi, even kuroo is on thin ice
but him and akaashi are something else, one time you three had a sleepover and you felt like you were the third wheel
will act like a tough serious boyfriend in front of others, especially your other guy friends but in reality will look for affection immediately after
oh while we're at it - jealous bokuto kisses? are the best kisses
will also force you to wear one of his shirts for the rest of the day
my poor man is so touch starved so when he feels insecure or jealous he will look for comfort in things like holding your hand, nuzzling your neck or giving forehead kisses
but later that day, when you two are sitting on the couch cuddling he will quietly ask you something along the lines of "you still think i'm pretty, right?"
you can feel him all over you - his hands are creeping down your waist, he's pulling you in, deepening the kiss until all you can see, think and feel is him
he wants to show you exactly how much he wants you and what you were missing out on while you weren't paying attention to him
and it shocks you for a moment because you didn't realise just how much that one short moment of jealousy actually stayed with him
you have to reassure him he's the most beautiful boy you have ever met, and not only that, but also the funniest and the most caring person as well, and that you would never leave his side no matter what happened
and as much as he loves getting praised he always gets embarrassed, so he just smiles in return, but he is also happy to know you're there for him and you don't think he is too much
Kenma Kozume
it depends on his mood honestly
sometimes he doesn't mind it even if the other guy is flirting with you and sometimes will get pissy if you smile at the cashier
but when this boy gets really jealous oh my GOD
he is just like bokuto if not worse; he just hides it so well
one time you went grocery shopping with him and spent the entire time texting your friend who had just told you she was visiting your city
and he got so offended
you didn't even notice it until later that day when you came home and he suddenly refused to cuddle with you
silent treatment
lifts his nose and ignores you, only giving you dirty side glances from under the eye
such a massive sense of pride in those 170 cm even oikawa would be impressed
in my country there's a saying "it's in the smallest bottle that the poison lies" and honestly? yeah
at some point you realise why he's acting like that and you start teasing him
"i am not jealous i am just mildly irritated" is the only thing he deems necessary to say before going back to being unnecessarily pissed
he reminds you of an angry cat
it's kind of amusing seeing him like this but you were also getting real tired of his shit
don't even try bribing him (you tried buying him over with a ps5 but he just looked at you unimpressed, disgusted that you think so low of him)
the only thing he will accept is a sincere apology
if it's sincere or not is up to him to decide, obviously
which can lead to quite some bickering
will try to get you to beg but please have dignity, if you do it once he will make you do it every time
yeah generally a lttle shit but his kisses after making up are just as eager as yours so
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Fanlore: You Must Be This Academic To Ride This Ride
I’ve always loved the idea of Fanlore. I used to edit Wikipedia, and an active wiki with a healthy body of editors is so much fun to work on. But from the first, Fanlore was plagued by administration who clearly knew not one single thing about wikis. (Witness the title case policy that makes it harder to do internal wiki links. That would never happen on a normal wiki run by people familiar with wiki architecture. It has always been an instant red flag to wiki types, but it’s just the most obvious symbol of a problem that pervades Fanlore and its policies.)
Fanworks fandom seems to be pretty scared of wikis in general anyway, but this lack of clueful leadership didn’t help, and Fanlore failed to attract enough editors to have an actual healthy community. To this day, a tiny handful of people toil away, trying to at least sort out their few topics, but it’s demoralizing to do it all alone. It’s even more demoralizing if you care about Asian fandoms or any of the other areas Fanlore barely covers.
More recently, I have been horrified to find that Fanlore has descended into that same problem that plagues Wikipedia: people snapping at new editors. This is a common growth pattern of wikis in general, and you have to work hard to keep them from falling into this old guard vs. new editors thing. You have to nurture new members if you want to have any, and Fanlore’s culture has clearly headed in the other direction with pages becoming people’s personal fiefdoms.
Now, I hear there’s even more rank stupidity on the horizon. This whole policy discussion post and other conversations I’m not linking to are rife with “But if we just held Fanlore to academic standards” garbage and calling editors names.
Newsflash: Fanlore sucks because you guys are elitist pricks!
You will never get enough editors to actually work on all those pages with their work in progress ‘needs expansion’ notices because you have never once actually bothered to foster community.
What “plural point of view” actually looks like is letting members of the community decide what matters and whose embarrassing social media foibles of years past are worthy of documentation. I get that a few of your old friends got their panties in a bunch about how their ill-conceived LJ posts “are not history”, but that is not the nature of history. The readers decide. I don’t harass people about what they put on Fanlore that’s about me, and neither should you.
Fanlore is trying to be like Worldcon and its ilk: always whining about how The Youth never want to join up yet shitting on new people when they do turn up.
For anyone who has been in a real wiki community, we know that they’re made up principally of lurker types who fix a typo here and there and do a lot of the gruntwork. Then, there are the people who make a few top-level pages on big subjects they know. Each editor only has a few of those they’re really competent to do. And every once in a while, you get a rockstar who does a ton of research to fill out whole missing categories. Fanlore only has a couple of those, and I can see the desire to harass specifically them dripping off of every syllable of the disingenuous gripefests about Fanlore.
“One of Fanlore's intended purposes is to serve as an archive for future fans doing social science research about the past and present of fandom subculture(s).”
Don’t make me laugh. If that is what Fanlore is for, then what is being asked for here is for a bunch of non-academics to do an unconscionable amount of legwork while being yelled at for being fans instead of academics.
Fuck all of you.
I will help any academic who comes to me. But it’s not cute to see elitism and a desire for ass-covering masquerading as a fear of doxxing.
Yes, fix your real people image policy by consulting with your legal department.
But don’t think any actual wiki editor can’t see at a glance how much you hate and despise the entire concept of a community wiki. All of the tertiary whining about other content policies on Fanlore should never have come up in the first place, and it certainly should not be piggybacking off of the very specific and important issue of photos of real people.
OTW, this is pathetic.
Admit you hate Fanlore and delete it, or shape up and learn how wikis work. Put some actual wiki fans with experience in charge. Crack down on harassment of editors. Tell whiners going “I’m not history” to shut the fuck up.
We are all history, including when we fuck up or people dislike us.
Learn to deal.
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Battle of attrition. Yandere!Zhongli x gn!reader
Wordcount: 1417
CW: Sexual harassment, insomnia and yandere.
Adeptis can walk through dreams.
You see a mythical beast, a gorgeous yet terrifying mix of Qilin and Dragon before you. They’re a creature of a stark contrast between darkening brown scales and golden fur. You want to pray and worship them upon the sight, yet stop, holding onto your dignity.
They speak and their voice rattles you to the very core, urging you to kneel and cower. They speak and there’s nothing but lies and deceit in their speech. They speak and you shout in return, angered by the sacrilege coming out of their maw.
The serpentine body comes to life, coiling around you, like a snake around the mouse. Golden claws rip through your clothes, leaving you naked and shivering and vulnerable. They continue to confess their love to you, sullying your God’s name and it frustrates you so much: you scream and kick and bite at them, your fury doing nothing but evoking a deep rumbling laugh out of their throat.
Vibrations produced by it travel through your body, disturbing you further, and soon you can do nothing but shiver: there are claws and fur and scales travelling on your skin and you sense how they ignite a shameful fire in you, cheeks burning hot and eyes watering. A long tongue forces it’s way past your lips.
You wake up.
It's a twelfth time you emerge from the same nightmare tired and terrified, exhaustion and anxiety slowly eating away at your sanity. With a heartbeat booming and echoing in head and nightgown sticking to your body from all of the sweat, you finally make a decision - there’s no other way for your nightmares to stop.
After hurriedly dressing up and hoping that your appearance doesn’t betray the fact that you haven't had a decent sleep in over a month, you make your way to the familiar house located in the Feiyun Slope.
The trail feels both endlessly long and instantaneously short, the courtesy of your fatigued brain warping the reality around you. You are pretty sure you almost fell on your face a couple of times, but you can't be sure since your body is zoning out in a desperate attempt to rest.
Standing in front of the door, you reach out your hand, still hesitating to knock - an animalistic and primitive part of you wants to sleep, yet another, the one that remembers politeness and societal norms, screams against disturbing it’s owner in the middle of the night. You continue to stay like that for a while, unsure should you wake up the consultant or wait until the morning comes.
A door suddenly opens, solving your inner dilemma, the man in front you looking absolutely unsurprised to see you there: with a hastily put on outfit, deep eyebags and almost mad eyes surrounded by them you must be a sight to behold, like a Jiangshi who just arose after being denied a proper burial. The consultant, on the other hand, is as elegant and refined as ever, with his intricate outfit and no signs of drowsiness on his face, you suspect that his head didn’t touch the pillow at all.
"Ah, [First], I had an inkling you might come today" he says, a small smile appearing on his face and gestures for you to come in, before you even have the chance to apologize for possibly waking him “You shouldn’t worry about it" he adds, seemingly sensing a mild guilt you experience, "Funeral parlour business usually forces me to stay a bit later than most and I am always delighted to be in your company”
You still thank him for hospitality, taking a step into his abode. Despite the house being on the smaller size, it still steals a breath from you - it’s a masterfully decorated place, with high quality dark wood furniture embossed by subtle golden patterns and further embellished by various pieces of art, each produced in the style of different Liyue eras.
He heads for the kitchen, having to prepare a kettle of his special herbal tea, talking about the various plants used in it. You sit down on the offered armchair, it’s softness and the calming scent of incense making it harder to focus on Zhongli's speech. You think you zoned out again, as the consultant reappears in the room in one moment, carefully setting down the kettle and tea set on the table near you.
He still talks as he pours the boiling liquid into the cup and gives it to you, his hand accidentally brushing your fingers for a second. You find yourself unable to concentrate on his words, preferring to just look at Zhongli and nod in time.
You sense a bloom of something warm and fuzzy as you look at him - Zhongli is so handsome, intelligent and caring, and you catch yourself wondering how a man can be so perfect. You heard about him, prior to your acquaintance - he was adept at virtually every field there is, having an extensive knowledge even in the most obscure area, and your first meeting just proved it again, as he effortlessly found a cure for your insomnia, something that even Baizhu couldn’t do.
You asked for the tea’s recipe, not wanting to bother the man further, but no matter what you did it always failed - herbs were hard to come by and even harder to properly treat, you had to order them again and again, spending ridiculous amounts of Mora for a chance of decent sleep. Defeated, you asked Zhongli for help once more. You remember as he was making another dose of miraculous sleeping tea back then you wondered out loud how a man can be so talented at everything, at which he just laughed with his tranquil and pleasant voice and deflected your praise. Truly, there is not a single man or a woman in the entirety of Liyue as reliable as a humble consultant of Wangsheng parlour.
“[First]?”, he lightly touches your shoulder, stopping your incessant staring as you stutter out an apology for not listening, head hung low from embarrassment.
“No need to apologize, one of the effects of insomnia are issues with concentration. I suppose it’s hard for you to focus on the conversation in your condition, so you should probably drink it”. He nudges a cup in your hands to your lips, as you realize you haven’t even touched it, just nursing the cup the whole time.
Further ashamed by the previous realization you drink one big gulp, tea's effects rapidly appear, as you feel the improvement in the mental clarity and cognition. Seeing that you’re better now, Zhongli chats with you for a while, as you finish the rest.
“It may seem invasive, but can I ask what your nightmares are about?” He asks when there’s almost no tea left. You hum, contemplating what to say, bits of your nightmares flashing in your mind:
“I watched over you the moment you were born, I saw you bloom from a precocious and innocent child into competent and mature adult you are today, I heard your prayers full of grievances and wishes, there are no person who knows you better than me” the creature exclaims, it’s thunder-like voice both scaring and enraging you.
“Stop, my prayers weren’t for you” you squirm in it’s hold, trying to break free: “There’s no way Rex Lapis would do this. He is a fair, just god and you are anything but”. The creature laughs, vibrations shaking and rocking your frame. When they stop, they intently look at you with their piercing eyes: “It doesn’t matter whether you believe me or not, as I will always win in the battle of attrition. You will come into my arms willingly, no matter how stubborn you are right now, and then we shall unite our fates with an eternal contract”.
You hate them more than anything.
“I am afraid I can’t”, you drink the last of his tea and stand up, intent on finally sleeping, as a wave of drowsiness hits you with a renewed strength. Your vision goes dark for a second and your knees buckle, but Zhongli catches you in time, saving you from a nasty fall.
“You should sleep there, you are too tired to go back to your house” he sounds genuinely worried, a detail that makes your heart skip a beat, as he helps you to go to the guest’s bedroom and prepares a bed for you.
How can a person be so kind, you think later as you fall asleep in his house, I think I am falling for him.
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potter-imagines · 3 years
A Worm? - Fred Weasley
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader 
Prompt: It’s three in the morning and Fred can’t sleep. Luckily for him, his girlfriend has to most random questions on her mind. 
Notes: I've seen this on tiktok as trend to text your boyfriend so I made it into a write, hope you enjoy (: 
Warnings: None (:        (making out if that counts ???)
Word Count: 3.9k
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You know that feeling of finally retreating to your room and crashing down on your bed after a strenuous day? Getting to snuggle into the warmth of the soft mattress and engulf your body in massive heaps of blankets, it was one of the greatest feelings in the world to Fred Weasley. Although what made it absolute perfection was the nights when his girlfriend, Y/n Y/l/n, would join him. Sleepovers were no rarity for the couple- nor for their roommates who had begrudgingly accepted the constant giggling and whispering throughout the night. Weekend sleepovers were his favorite as it meant neither of them were scrambling to get out of bed for class in the morning and he could lay with her for as long as they wanted.
Tonight was no different. Nearly every living soul occupying the lands of Hogwarts was fast asleep, lulled into a galaxy of dreams. Fred wondered if he was the only one awake at such an hour. The darkness from the nighttime sky poured into the room through the glass windows. The light casted shadows around the room making it difficult to make out the different shapes. Fred could barely make out the sleeping frame of his twin brother, George, who was tucked in his bed feet away. Similar was Lee, however his thunderous snores echoed off the walls giving confirmation that was in a deep sleep.
On Fred’s half of the room the silence was deafening. Lee’s snores had become second nature for Fred to block out and in all honesty, didn’t bother him much. Growing up in a home with eight other people, he had that keen ability to muffle out the noise around him. He had to in order to keep a piece of his sanity intact. No one in their sane mind could sit and listen to Ron and Ginny bicker for longer than five minutes before wanting to rip their hair out of their skull. In the same way, noise was comforting to Fred. Yeah, he ignored it for the most part, but it was a familiar feeling to be surrounded by loudness. It was discomforting in a way how still the world felt. Few and far between were the moments when Fred had time to himself. Now that he did, he didn’t want it.
Stealing a glance down to his chest Fred smiled at the sight. Y/n’s head was pressed against his sweatshirt covered chest and her hand was clenched around the material. Her body was cuddled close to him with a blanket draped over them. Fred watched as her stomach lightly rose and fell with every breath. He had lost track of time, not entirely sure how long he had been holding her. Seconds meshed into minutes which grew to hours. He was sure he’d been staring at the ceiling for almost three hours. His attention flipped back and forth, like the pages of a magazine. From the angle he laid, Fred wasn’t able to see if Y/n was awake like him or passed out like his roommates. In a cruel way he wanted to wake her on purpose just for the selfish purpose to hear her voice. He resisted the urge to ‘accidentally’ break her slumber.
Fred’s hand traced patterns on her back absentmindedly as his thoughts drifted like a sailboat floating along the ocean waves. The Quidditch match had taken a large toll on his muscles and all he wanted was to rest. Playing Slytherin was a sure guarantee someone would walk away with an injury- or be carried away. Although Fred knew he wasn’t injured, his arms ached with every slight move from the force he had exhilarated during the match. As much as he desired to switch positions and lay on his side, he couldn’t bring himself to disturb the girl resting in his arms. From her steady breathing he figured she had fallen asleep, that was until her head suddenly popped up from his chest causing the warmth of her head to flee his body. Her quick movement took Fred by surprise as his hand halted and his eyes fixed on the girl.  The feeling of sleepiness was fading as her large doe eyes glanced back up at him. Oddly enough, she appeared to be wide awake.
Arching a brow at her Fred looked utterly confused. If her alertness hadn’t startled him enough, her next actions would leave him mind boggled. Y/n perched herself up to a sitting position and wiggled over to place her legs over either side of Fred’s body so she sat in his lap as he laid. A childlike smile graced her lips at the small gasp of surprise from Fred. Tiredness vanished in her eyes as she tilted her head.
“Hey, Freddie?”
“Yes, angel?” He asked cautiously.
His hands reset to her waist to keep her steady as she sat. The stained glass window to the side of his bed allowed a glimpse of moonlight to create a beautiful gradient across her face. The moonlight, a glowing yellowy white, projected an ethereal glow around her. He swore he could see millions of tiny stars sprinkled along her skin, gleaming pin pricks of sparkles gleaming in her e/c eyes.
Y/n leaned forward to wrap her arms around Fred’s neck causing him to mimic her and sit up so his back was pressed to the bed frame. He grabbed the heavy cotton blanket from behind her and draped it over her shoulders. She smiled bashfully in gratitude. Peeking up to Fred, whose face was only a handful of inches from hers, she whispered,
“If I were a worm, would you still love me?”
Fred’s features scrunched in an instant at her question as he pulled back slightly. Half expecting for her to start giggling and the other half completely flabbergasted, Fred gaped at her in confusion. Yet Y/n’s face remained stoic in seriousness as she awaited his reply. He gave her a funny look, as if she’d grown an extra eye. Repeatedly his mouth fell open, then closed again as he failed to formulate a proper thought.
“I’m sorry- if you were a what?”
“A worm.” She repeated once again.
Fred forced himself to bite his tongue to hold his laughter in. As much as he wanted to chuckle at her randomness, she seemed so invested in his answer he didn’t know what to do. Fred averted his gaze to the window in search of an answer. His brain was stuck frozen, like the tracks in his mind were broken. Turning his attention once more to Y/n, Fred squinted his chocolate brown eyes as if examining her peculiarly.
“And why would you be a worm?”
Clearly annoyed by his constant string of questions Y/n let out a breathy huff as she rolled her eyes. Her hands waved up briefly, shooing his inquiry away without second thought. Shaking her head she pressed further. “Because I just am, now answer the question.”
Stillness entered the room while Fred pondered to himself. This time he didn’t hold back the teasing grin that spilled on his face.
“Well, am I worm too?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows to her suggestively. Y/n shoved his shoulder back playfully as she giggled softly. Fred always knew how to make her smile, even if the situation didn’t call for it. Even if it was three in the morning and the two of them should be flying through a dreamland of sleep.
Fred’s back leaned into the wood of the frame as he allowed his head to touch against it. Locks of ginger hair brushed against his face. Instinctively Y/n moved her hand out to skim them away from his eyes so she could see them. Fred fought a mental war against the shiver that threatened to escape his body from her gentle stroke. Shaking her head, Y/n shot down his interrogation. “No, you’re just a regular person.”
“So I would be a Muggle in love with a worm?” Fred chuckled at the bizarreness to her rules for her imaginary prompt. Although he hadn't a clue where this was heading, it was entertaining and he had every intention of paying into it, including teasing the girl a tad. There was something so adorable about the flashes of anger and frustration that snapped across her face at his procrastination to answer. Fred found it irresistible. The way her cute face knotted into uncomfortable glares and frowns while he continued to toy with her. He loved it.
Y/n sighed to herself, certainly growing exhausted then reiterated,
“No, no, you’re still you, I’m just a worm.”
“A magic worm?” His eyes widened in feign excitement while her’s narrowed. As much as she loved the childlike nature that was weaved into her boyfriend’s soul, it made it impossible at times to have a serious conversation- not that she truly considered this to be a serious conversation.
A deadpan mien was planted on her face. She turned for a moment to make sure George and Lee were still passed out. Then, she moved her head back to Fred before raising her voice a notch to ensure the message was received loud and clear.
“A worm, Fred.”
His fingers fiddled with the loose strings on her shorts as he pretended to debate his answer. Lips pursed into a thin line, Fred brought his pointer finger up to his chin and hummed.
“I mean… sure?”
Y/n’s grip around his neck loosened immediately at his answer. Her mouth skimmed the ground as genuine displeasure entered her veins. She pulled her arms back to cross them tightly against her chest. Fred’s hands found their previous position on her waist in order to keep her from falling off. She pouted over to Fred with her bottom lip poking out. She tried her absolute best to put everything she had into the over dramatic sad puppy look she had mastered. Fred only cooed at her and pinched the skin of her cheeks between his fingers lightly. Y/n grabbed his hand, pulling it away from her face with a scowl. Despite her glowering appearance, Fred felt a smug grin sneaking up.
“That isn't reassuring at all.” She said with a pointed tone.
Fingers pressed to the bridge of his nose, Fred groaned dramatically as he ran his calloused hand against his skin. Peering up to Y/n he brought his hand up to occupy the warm skin on the back of her neck. He drew his hand closer, pulling her towards him, causing their foreheads connected in a tender touch. The bottom hem of his old tee that she now used as a nighttime shirt tickled his arm as she happily leaned in. With their faces barely an inch apart, Fred lifted his hips to place a sweet, chaste kiss to her lips.
“But angel, you’re not a worm.”  
“Just pretend!” She grumbled. Although Fred smirked right at her and, in a very snarky manner, said ‘no’. Y/n clenched her jaw in annoyance at his stubbornness and just as she went to tell him again to play along, a light bulb of an idea sparked in her head.
Stealing a glance over either shoulder, Y/n checked to assure both George and Lee were still snoozing. George was practically laying off his bed in a sideways fashion while Lee was spreading starfish across the whole mattress. She swore she could see the drool dripping from his chin from across the room. Her focus swerved to Fred as she felt him adjust under her. Providing him with absolutely no leeway to her plan at all, Y/n locked her arms around Fred’s chest and shoved him down so he was forced to lay on the bed. His breath hitched as his head smacked into the fluffy pillow. The darkness obscured his view leaving him lost at the turn of events until he felt the pressure of her knees pinning his arms to his side. Just like a war attack, she ambushed him. Y/n danced her fingers at lightning speed across his chest and under his arms. Fred broke out into a booming fit of laughter at the abrupt tickle war imposed on him as he desperately fought to get her body off of his. His feet kicked wildly as he tried to free himself but she had too strong of a hold. Fred tried to hold his laughter back but it was all too much for his bdy to handle and the uncontrollable giggles wouldn’t stop.
Y/n laughed at him as she continued to tickle every inch of his upper body that he wasn’t successfully covering. His frantic squirms made it difficult for her to torture him to the best of her ability, however she put up a considerable fight until Fred managed to slip his hand out from between his waist and her knee. Once he did, Fred clamped his hand to her side and flipped the pair around so he was the one sitting on top of her. Both of their chests heaved rapidly as they attempted to catch their breath, both grinning like fools. Fred moved his body to sit in front of her as Y/n took over his previous spot. His hand still remained clenched around her side to keep her from attacking once more. Struggling to regain his composure, Fred gave the girl a teasing glare.
“Fine! Yes, I would still love you very much, even if you were a slimy little worm.”
A satisfied gleam adorned her face as she gave a small cheer. Her arms extended as a welcoming for him to enter. He bent towards her to allow her arms to be thrown around his shoulders. The hug encapsulated his body in a blanket of comfort and love from the feeling of her skin. Fred pressed his lips to her neck and just as he did, her voice broke the air.
“And you’d still give me kisses and cuddles?”
His loud sigh was audible to everyone in the room as his head fell to her chest.
“How in the bloody hell am I supposed to cuddle a freaking worm-” Before he could finish his sentence, Fred saw the look of sadness clouding over his lover’s features and stopped himself. That famous, moody pout had crept its way up and Fred fell victim like always. He reached his hand out to pick hers up from her lap and laced their fingers. Lifting her hand, his lips kissed each of her knuckles then set her hand down on his leg.
“You’re unbelievable… but yes, I would still give you kisses and cuddles. Just not in front of people-” Y/n snatched her hand away from his and threw it across her chest with an animated scoff.
“So you’d be ashamed of me?”
“I hate you so much right now, why the hell are you even asking me?”
The jokingness of the situation breezed out from the room as Y/n tensed. Fred watched her eyes flicker from over his shoulder, then up to his eyes. It was impossible to read the rambunctious ideas bouncing off the walls of her mind and Fred knew better than to speculate but rather give her the time to process. He always said that her mind ran faster than the Hogwarts Express. There was a small smile on her lips, though one he couldn’t read. The spark of glee still flashed through her yet at the same time she seemed uncertain. Her hand pushed loose strands of her hair away from her view, a nervous habit of her’s Fred had picked up on early in the relationship.
Swallowing her nerves, Y/n let her body sink into the plushness of Fred’s bed as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Just wanna make sure you’d love me no matter what.” She mumbled hushly.
Fred furrowed his eyebrows as he studied her in bewilderment. As silly as the conversation was, he could feel a tang of guilt budding in his gut from teasing her. The two had discussed some of the most random, weird topics out there and it was usually just that, a random discussion. Fred was a bit stunned there was a bubble floating around in her thoughts that there might be a time where he stops loving her, because for Fred, the idea of not loving her was simply implausible. Besides, he had fancied her since they met their first year and there was no chance Fred was willing to lose her.
“Okay, well,” Fred crawled to sit next to Y/n’s side as he went on, “I’ll entertain the thought. If you were a worm I would still love you more than any other living creature on this planet. I’d also protect you from all the birds who want to eat you for dinner.” Fred finished by placing a gentle peck to her nose. There was no sense in hiding the contagious grin
“So sweet, Freddie.” The scent of peppermint from her chapstick wafted to Fred’s nose drawing him closer in. Y/n snaked her hand to his cheek and dragged his face towards hers. Right before their lips connected, she paused for a moment. Her e/c orbs flickered to his plump lips, then in one swift motion, she closed the gap with a pucker of her lips and a collision with his. Fred had expected the kiss but was taken aback by the fire she brought to it. The sheer force of her lips caused Fred to sit up and take notice.
Y/n nudged at his side, a silent signal for him to get on top. Fred didn’t need her to ask him twice. He was quick to kick the blankets covering his legs and repositioned himself between hers. Fred leaned forward to spark the flint once again. His hands attached to her face immediately as he pulled her in tightly. This embrace nearly knocked Y/n right off the bed. She parted her lips and felt him washing over like a tsunami of passion, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of him impaired her. Her whole body tingled, the pressure of his fram leaning on hers as his arms wrapped around her felt like an array of fireworks during the finale of a grand show. Her lips parted against his and the abrupt swipe of his tongue inside her cheeks sent a rush of shivers through her body. The intensity was overwhelming as she struggled to keep hold of his shoulders.
Y/n came to at the need for air and pulled away from Fred. A sharp breath filled her lungs as her hands pressed against his chest keeping him in place. However, Fred was growing impatient by the second and the need to be as close to her as possible was too strong of an urge for him to ignore.
Fred pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her arms gave in and she was using his body to support herself. She was nearly slipping from the bed from the pure force of his kiss. Fred kept his free hand steady on the back of her neck to ensure she wouldn’t fall but in the moment, she really couldn’t care. Wasn’t like they hadn’t had a makeout session on the floor- come to think of it, George had walked in on them just last week.  
Their hands roamed over each other as if it was their first time touching another. His fingertips grazed the side of her neck earning a muffled moan from the girl. She tugged at his red hair, which was a guarantee to keep his adrenaline pumping. A vibration buzzed in her mouth as Fred groaned into her from the lustful pain. His body was ever moving as his hips grinded into her. This was a familiar position yet the passion was what made the kiss so electrifying. His elbows were placed on either side of her head to hold himself up as he moved his lips against hers and continued to work his tongue with hers. Y/n trailed her hand down from his fiery locks to his sharp chin where she pressed his lips as deeply into hers as she could manage.
Softly as possible, Y/n slowly pulled herself away from Fred. His eyes cracked open at the lost of warmth against his skin and he glanced down at her. Both smiled at each other until Fred rolled over and slid under the covers. He fixed the blankets around until he felt satisfied then opened his arms, as if inviting Y/n to enter. She obeyed without question and coozied herself into his arms. He wrapped her in a loving cuddle as he pressed a quick kiss to her temple.
Y/n leaned into his body, resting her head against his arm that was linked under her. There was a comforting silence that replaced the steaming air. The clock on Fred’s night stand shone bright with the time, ‘4:08am’, meaning morning had practically arrived and Fred had yet to catch a wink of sleep.
Just as Fred was preparing himself to welcome his slumber, a notion came. Propping himself up on his elbow, Fred reached out to shake the girl’s shoulder.
“Hey, Y/n?”
Y/n gleaned over to him in curiosity. Twisting her body she set her gaze directly on Fred, as if to show him she was intune and listening.
“If I were a worm, would you still love me?” Fred asked in a whisper. Y/n leered up at him in a disgusted fashion. It looked as if she had been force fed a full can of lima beans and sardines. Those sleepy eyes were replaced by saucer like eyes of revulsion. Poking her tongue out she pretended to gag as her eyes twisted shut.
“Ew, no, why would I be in love with a worm? You can’t even talk and if I kissed you, I might accidentally kiss your butt, gross!” Y/n covered her mouth to mask her fit of laughter that shook through her chest. Fred’s mouth dropped in shock at her words as she unwrapped herself from his hold to shift to her side. He stared at her in astonishment as she threw her legs over the side of his bed. His hand reached out to yank her back but she was already up on her feet smirking to him.
“Are you kidding me? Get back here!”
“I need to use the bathroom- I’ll be back in a flash, wormie.” She blew him a taunting kiss and a wave, then quietly shut the door as she journeyed down the hall to the restrooms. Fred still heard her unruly laughter from behind the large wooden door. As her footsteps grew shallower, Fred tossed his head into the pillow and rolled his eyes. Just like earlier, silence overtook the room and this time, Fred was overjoyed because it meant he no longer had to hear about worms. That was at least until she got back, then he’d surely be having a discussion.
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Loose Lips Sink Ships (Soran X Swift!Reader)
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Request: The Next Instalment of the Swift!Reader Universe where everyone finds out that the reader is dating Emily and Lindsey. Basically, 5000 words of the reader getting caught in compromising positions, having deep conversations with her sister and teasing some too invasive fans. 
Other Parts of the Swift!Reader Universe
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Taylor considered herself a very perceptive person, especially when it came to you. From the time you were little, she could read you like a book. She knew to look for the tilt of your head when you were curious, or how you scratched the back of your neck when you were nervous.
But this, she had never seen before. Your thumbs twiddled on your thighs, patting out an erratic pattern that didn’t match any of your favorite songs, and your feet were tapping out a completely different beat. You also kept tucking your chin, completely refusing to make eye contact with her. 
It wasn’t just tonight either. It was for the entire week you had been staying with her in her Manhattan apartment. She didn’t know if she could take another three weeks of you sneaking off to the terrace to make phone calls at midnight. 
She sighed, turning away from the stove to lean over the island, taking a long drag from her wine glass and eyeing you carefully. 
“Alright, what��s going on with you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You blinked up at her with owlish eyes. 
“You’re acting weird,” she added with a shrug, turning to whatever she was making on the stove. 
You took a large gulp of your drink and swallowed hard. You didn’t think you had been that obvious, but then again Taylor knew you better than anyone (well, there were two people who probably knew you as well as she did). Soon enough they would be just as good at getting information out of you as Taylor was. 
“I’m just tired. Pre-season and national team duty are kinda kicking my ass,” You mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, praying to god that she would take this excuse. 
She nodded, tapping the spatula on the side of the pot before turning back to you and picking up her glass again. “I’m sure the media pressure isn’t helping that,” 
You shrugged.“Everyone just expects me to be you, and it’s a lot sometimes,” You mumbled, absentmindedly circling your fingers over the rim of your glass. 
Taylor’s eyebrows furrowed. She could tell you weren’t telling her everything, but if this was the route you wanted to take, then she wouldn’t miss a chance to reaffirm you. 
“I know, and I’m sorry for that,” She said softly, reaching across the island to gently grab your hand. 
You finally looked up at your sister, echoing her sad smile, and noting the worried crinkle by her eyes. “It’s not really your fault,” 
She nodded. “I know, but all I can do is tell you how amazing you are as many times as I can,” 
You held her gaze for a few more seconds, her seriousness giving you no reason to doubt her sincerity. 
It didn’t matter what the media, or your family, said about your career. Taylor maintained that you were just as good, simply because you were you. She was your greatest champion and most trusted confidant. 
You nodded, and she squeezed your hand before turning back to the stove. She knew pushing you to talk about what was really bothering you wouldn’t help. You would come to her when you were ready. 
You watched her thoughtfully as she put the final touches on dinner, checking on a tray in the oven and stirring the things on the stove. 
You were comforted by the familiarity of it, but the little voice in the back of your head reminded you that you also enjoyed this position when it was a different blond cooking for you (and the way Lindsey teased her while she cooked). 
The three of you had been together for nearly eight months, and recently you had all decided that maybe it was time to stop hiding. The first step was telling Taylor, but you weren’t really sure how. 
Your heart thumped in your chest at the thought of your two favorite women. Your girlfriends, you reminded yourself. They made you feel so many amazing, and terrifying things you had never felt before. Taylor always sang about those emotions, and you wondered if this was what she was talking about. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You asked softly, and Taylor paused her stirring on the stove. That was always the cue you used when you wanted to have a serious conversation. When you were nervous about whatever the answer would be. The last time you had asked that you wanted to know if she would be upset if you skipped college in favor of going pro.
Her opinion mattered to you more than anyone else’s. 
“You know you always can,” She said, avoiding looking over her shoulder (towards where she knew you were worrying your lip between your teeth). 
“How did you know you were in love?”  
Taylor paused, a pan halfway out of the oven, at the completely unexpected question. She should have seen this coming, she had seen the way those two looked at you. 
She cleared her throat, straightening and setting the hot pan on some oven mitts on the counter, before turning her full attention to you. She took in how you seemed so hunched in on yourself, your eyes still glued to your glass. 
“Well, She made me feel warm and bubbly like there was a hot spring in my chest. When anything happened, she was the first person I wanted to tell,” 
You blinked up at her, your eyebrows furrowing. “Like you were addicted to her? Like when she smiled, it finally felt like you could breathe?” You rushed out and Taylor let you, giving you to work through your emotions, before she pulled you into a tight hug.
You had a very bad habit of bottling everything up and pretending that you were fine (something she was sure her career choice - and your mother- didn’t necessarily help). 
“Did you feel scared of how much she made you feel?” You leaned into her touch, sighing when she ran her fingers through your hair. 
“In the beginning it did, but then it was freeing when I realized that she would be there to catch me,” Taylor said, kissing the crown of your head. 
You closed your eyes. You didn’t doubt that they would catch you, but the feeling of falling was terrifying. You were in deep and keeping it from your sister was difficult. 
“Dinner looks amazing and I’m starving,” You mumbled, and you felt Taylor sigh. She had gotten a little out of you, but definitely not enough to curve her curiosity. All in good time. 
“Let’s eat,” she said, kissing your hair and standing to make you two plates. She still had 2 weeks to get the rest of the story out of you.
You were in absolute heaven. Trapped in between the two warm bodies of your girlfriends, one set of lips moving with your own and another trailing kisses lightly down your neck.
Emily and Lindsey had spent one of their free days (between Adidas and other sponsor commitments) hanging out with you, and you couldn’t be happier. You spent the day exploring the city and checking off a massive list of stereotypical couple things the city had to offer. It had ended in a very romantic dinner at a little pub on the lower east side, and now some amazing kisses in your room at your sister’s apartment. 
Lindsey’s hands slipped under the front of your shirt, her nail scratching lightly up your tummy and ribs as she pressed herself further into your back. You sighed into Emily’s mouth, tilting your head to both give her a better angle on your mouth and give Lindsey more room in your neck. 
“Hm, we’ve gotta stop. Tay will be back soon,” You mumbled when Emily pulled back and turned you so Lindsey got her turn too. 
You felt Emily sit up behind you to get a good look at the clock. “You said we had till 12, it’s only 11:15,” you could hear the smirk in her voice, even as she kissed your ear and made her way down to the patch of skin on your neck she knew drove you wild. 
You bit your lip. It was one thing to ask your sister for relationship advice, and a complete other for her to walk in on it. 
Lindsey gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Do you wanna stop?”
Emily paused as they both waited for your answer. It was sweet and comforting how they always made sure you felt safe and that you were enthusiastically consenting to whatever you were doing. 
You shook your head and pouted. “No,” 
Lindsey sent you a very indulgent smile, her thumb gently rubbing over your cheeks. “Then less talking, more kissing,” 
You giggled into the kiss, a shiver running down your spine when Emily continued her ministrations in your neck. 
You hummed into the kiss, very much enjoying how their bodies felt pressed into yours. God, it was like you just couldn’t get enough. It was so easy to lose track of time with them. It wasn’t until a loud slam of the door and your sister calling “Y/n, you here?” That you finally pulled away from the women. 
“Shit! You two have to hide,” You squeaked, practically leaping from the bed. You threw Emily’s pants and Lindsey’s shirt towards the women on the bed, who were moving way too slow for your liking. 
“Where?” Emily asked, tripping as she tried to hastily shove her legs inside her pants, while simultaneously glancing around your room in search of a suitable hiding space. 
“I don’t know! Figure it out,” You said over your shoulder, taking a deep breath to hide your panic before you exited the room. 
You carefully closed the door behind you, she would have zero chance of getting any information out of you). 
“Hey kid, how was your day?” Taylor asked from the couch, looking over her wine glass at you. She opened her arms, and you immediately went to burrow into her.
“The best. I went out exploring,” Your entire face brightened (Taylor wondered if it was because you got to experience the city, or from the person, she was sure you experienced it with - ie the person(s?) who had left the hickey’s all down your neck). 
“Where’d you get that shirt?” She asked after a few minutes, pinching the grey sweatshirt (which conveniently had a number 9 and the USWNT logo on it). 
You blinked down at your outfit, your eyes widening, at your outfit, a pair of Emily’s Thorns shorts and Lindsey’s sweater.
“Oh, Umm,” you stuttered, racing to come up with a response when a bang echoed from your room. 
Taylor’s head snapped in the direction of the sound “What was that?”
“Nothing Tay,” You winced at another loud thump followed by several giggles. 
She raised an eyebrow at you and stood to go investigate for herself. She didn’t mind you bringing a significant other home (especially if they made you this happy) but she didn’t want them hiding from her. 
“Are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to go find them for myself?” 
You crossed your arms like a petulant child and pouted. “I also spent the day with Emily and Lindsey,” 
“And?” Taylor asked, slightly confused. She liked the women and she thought you knew she would approve. Hell, she had practically given them the shovel talk already.
You sighed, hunching your shoulders. “They’re hiding in my closet because we were making out when you came home,” 
Taylor giggled at how absolutely pitiful you sounded. She patted your shoulder “Well, I think the closet is a terrible place to hide. How about you get them out here,” 
You nodded and stood to go retrieve the girls, slightly afraid of what Taylor was going to say to them. 
“And y/n,” she said just as you got to your door. 
You paused and turned towards her “Yeah?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
“I’m happy that you’re so happy to be dating them,” 
You smiled so wide that your cheeks started to hurt. It felt like a weight was lifted off your chest. No matter what happened going forward, Taylor supported you (even if you were sure she was about to give them one hell of a shovel talk and set up some serious boundaries). 
You nodded and entered your room. Perhaps it was about time that you all came out of the closet. 
You weren’t quite sure how you always got yourself into these situations. Maybe it was that you, Em, and Linds barely got to see each other outside of camp during the season, or maybe it was because the three of you were so sickeningly in love that you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself. 
Whatever it was, you, Emily, and Lindsey couldn’t seem to keep your hands to yourself (especially after you came out to your sister). 
Even now, with the no girlfriends rule at camp, you found yourself pinned to the elevator wall by Lindsey’s hips, thoroughly enjoying the way Emily’s tongue was exploring your mouth (shivering slightly when Lindsey hit the sensitive spots on her neck) (with no idea how they thought this position was comfortable for them). 
You were so engrossed in your kissing that you didn’t hear the ding of the elevator, or the doors beginning to slide open. 
“Holy shit guys, at least let the girl breathe,” Kelley’s cackling caused all three of you to jump, and Lindsey to inadvertently knock heads with you. 
“Fuck,” Emily hissed, working her way out from between Lindsey’s arms and your chest. 
“Ow,” You mumbled, rubbing your forehead l, as Lindsey used a thumb to lift your chin so she could look at it. “You alright babe,” She asked softly. 
Kelley laughed louder at the mess that was the three of you trying to untangle yourselves from each other, ignoring Alex’s glare (teasing someone while their cheeks were as red as yours were wasn’t something she felt comfortable with). 
“Shut up Kelley,” Emily grumbled, pulling you off the wall so she could hug you from behind. You leaned back into the woman, taking whatever comfort you could. The three of you knew it was time to tell the team, but you hadn’t expected it to happen like this. 
“How long has this been going on?” Alex asked softly after a few minutes. There was no way the three of you could be so comfortable around each other if this was a new thing. 
“Almost a year,” You said, shyly looking up at Lindsey, who placed a very sweet kiss on your cheek while Emily placed the same on your other. 
“Does Taylor know?” Alex asked at the same time Kelley said “I’m gonna need an exact date,”. 
Alex slapped the back of Kelley’s head. “Not the time Kel,”
“Yeah, Taylor knows and is super cool with it,” Lindsey said softly, squeezing your hand. 
Alex tilted her head, looking to you for confirmation. You nodded. 
“Good, because I didn’t want to have to try and keep it from her,” The forward smirked, and you felt more heat in your cheeks. You all promised you would never mention that incident again. 
“She was terrifying last time we saw her mad,” Kelley grumble, rubbing the back of her head. 
“That was because you let Y/n surf in giant waves on her first time out,” Emily snorted, nuzzling her nose into the space behind your ear. Alex smiled softly at the sight of you so relaxed. 
“Are you three going to tell the team?” She asked. 
“You might have to if you are going to continue playing tonsil tennis in the hallways,” Kelley added, only for Alex to slap the back of her head again. 
“We hadn’t really talked about it yet…” You mumbled. Both of your girlfriends squeezed you (Lindsey getting your gains, while Emily tightened the arms she had wrapped around your middle). 
“Well, could you wait like 3 days? I have 20 bucks on you three taking until the middle of camp to come out,” Kelley asked, scratching the back of her neck. You rolled your eyes. Of course, they would have bets on you, but you weren’t about to bend over backward for it. 
“You knew?” Emily screeched. Kelley cackled nodding wildly. 
“You’re not exactly subtle,” Alex laughed. Anyone with eyes could see that you were head over heels for the women and that they were falling just as hard as you were. 
The internet fucking sucked. You knew that and found it relatively easy to ignore the mass chatter of the online world, but then again you had never been a part of such a disgusting report by some shady internet reporter. 
All you had done was gone to lunch with Shawn Mendes, and someone had snapped a picture. The two of you had become good friends after spending so much time together on the 1989 tour. Now some random reporter was commenting on how you had confirmed your new relationship. It wouldn’t have mattered if you were anyone else, but Taylor’s fandom had blown up the small town reporter’s article. 
Now they wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone. 
“We’re not going to respond to it,” You huffed, crossing your arms adamantly in front of your chest, effectively pushing your plate of pancakes away. You squinted at the vets sitting across from you, completely baffled why they thought you would take any other route. 
Lindsey’s arm around your shoulder righted, while Emily leaned in, almost conspiratorially. “Of course not, but wouldn’t it be fun to send the fans on a little goose chase anyway?” 
Your ears perked at that. Taylor’s fans were always so fun to mess with. They made it so easy, particularly because your sister had trained them to always look for clues (that most of the time exist). 
“And we have been talking about wanting to come out,” Lindsey added softly. 
Your expression soured. You didn’t want to do this as a reaction. You wanted it to happen naturally. 
“I don’t wanna do that in response to some asshole who doesn’t understand boundaries,” You pouted. 
“But what if we did it our way?” Lindsey and Emily both asked at the same time. It was scary how in sync they were most of the time. 
“Like get the team involved, tease the fans. At least show them that you don’t play for Mr. Mendes’ team,” Emily shrugged, trying to act like she didn’t care, but you knew she did. 
You couldn’t help but smirk. You did love to mess with the fans. 
“If you do wanna mess with the fans, I have the perfect picture” Tobin chimed in, giving you that little push you needed. 
Emily raised her eyebrows at the woman, ignoring the glares the rest of the vets were sending her way. “Didn’t see you as a prankster Toby,” 
“It’s artsier than anything else…” Tobin grumbled, flipping her phone to show you the photo she was talking about. 
It was of you, Emily and Lindsey during a morning hike the team had taken. You were laughing, while both of their heads were tucked into your neck. You were the only one clearly identifiable, but it was clear you were smitten with whoever you were with. 
“Ooo, I like that one,” You said, suddenly feeling excited. It was bound to send the fans into a frenzy because you couldn’t see who was making you smile so wide. 
Tobin nodded and began typing out the post, before flipping it for you to read and ok. You giggled at the tag line “only those two knuckleheads could get you to smile this wide before your morning coffee”. 
“Good?” Tobin asked, and you nodded enthusiastically. It was perfect, and coming out this way- with the help of your team- felt amazing. 
“I have one too. You guys are too photogenic,” Christen said, pulling up her phone and begging to scroll through her photos (much like the rest of the team began to do). Were you guys really that obvious? No wonder they had bets going. 
Your teammates were having way too much fun. You shouldn’t have been surprised considering how private the women normally were, it must have been nice to get some time sending the fans on a wild goose chase. You were also surprised at how many photos your teammates had taken of you and your girlfriends. And just how many of those photos were perfect for the little game you were playing with the fans. 
You could identify yourself on all of them, but Emily and Lindsey weren’t clear at all. But it was plain to see that you were very in love with whoever was sitting next to you. 
“Did you see Alex’s picture? It's amazing!” You said, wiggling excitedly between your girlfriends. The three of you had taken a break from the team and decided to cuddle while you watched the fans go insane. (It was honestly one of your favorite places to be). 
“Pshhh, no Pinos is totally the best,” Emily snorted. 
You pouted. She nudged your side and placed a very sweet kiss on your pouty lips. 
Alex’s photo of Emily and Lindsey throwing you into the ocean was totally better than the one of you shoving and chasing your girlfriends with birthday cake-covered hands. 
“No, Kelley’s is totally the top picture in the bunch,” Lindsey smirked, nudging your chin with her nose from your other side. 
You blinked up at her and looked at the photo of one of your favorite goal celebrations. You had literally leaped into Emily and Lindsey’s arms, but you were at least 3 feet higher than Lindsey’s head in that picture. 
You bit your lip. It was a very good picture, one of your favorites actually, but there was one that topped them all for you. “They’re all pretty good, but I think I’ve got the best one,” You said softly, pulling out your phone. 
It didn’t take you long to find the picture in question (it also happened to be your lock screen). You were smiling brightly at the camera, the reputation tour stage (lit for the song Dress) clearly behind you, trapped between Emily and Lindsey kissing each of your cheeks. Your girlfriends looked over your shoulders to catch a glimpse of your phone. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Lindsey asked softly. There was no hiding or pretending in that photo. It was open and honest (and a great picture of a fantastic night). 
“Yeah, it’s like speak now or forever hold your peace,” Emily added, and you could practically hear her eyebrow raising. 
“No, but I don’t wanna hide you two,” You shrugged. It was the balance you sister had worked her entire career to achieve. Hiding away meant that there was no commentary about your relationship from people you had never met (loose lips sank ships after all), but it also meant avoiding the little things that you longed to do in public. 
You weren’t sure if you would ever be ready to face the media, but your desire to be with your girlfriends the way you wanted was just so powerful. 
“You know we’ll wait as long as you need us to,” Lindsey said, using her thumb to tilt your chin and look you in the eyes. 
you nodded, your eyes never leaving her concerned blue ones. “I know but, like-. I wanna be able to hold your hand or kiss you and not have to worry who's watching. I want to be able to take you on dates, and not care about if a camera can see us cuddling. I want to be able to post about how great you looked in a game, or for your birthday. I don’t want to hide,” 
During your rant, Emily had wrapped herself around you from behind, resting her chin on your shoulder and rubbing her hands flat on your belly (which never failed to calm you down). 
“We know darling, but once this is done, it can’t be undone,” She said softly. 
You threaded your fingers through hers, glancing down to avoid Lindsey’s appraising stare (you never could get anything past them). “I didn’t think you were a Shakespeare fan,” You mumbled. 
“I’m full of surprises,” Emily said, kissing her favorite spot just behind your ear. Lindsey cracked a smile too “we both are”. 
“I know,” You nodded suddenly serious, as you carefully extracted yourself from your girlfriends and began to type up the Instagram post. 
You passed them the phone when you were done, idly twiddling your fingers now that you didn’t have anything in your hands. “I’m gonna do it if you two are alright with it,” 
“We’re fine with whatever you choose, we love you and just want you to be comfortable,” Lindsey and Emily both said, rubbing your back and arm respectively in a comforting motion. 
“I know, and I love you too. Let’s do it,” you said clicking the button and closing your phone. You didn’t need to watch the comments roll in.
It wouldn’t be until the next morning that you would see your sister had also decided to chime in. And you couldn’t keep the smile off your face at her simple caption- love my sister and her girlies. For sure the best squad ever. 
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retrievablememories · 3 years
gravity | taemin (m)
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title: gravity pairing: taemin x gn reader genre: angst, smut, fwb request: Hi! Slipping another request for your growing request list 😅. If you're down to write it -- can we have a Taemin fic about someone he can't help being drawn back to every time he's in their city. Idk if you know the song 'Gravity' by Brent Faiyaz but, 100% that kind of vibe. 100% down for it to be smutty word count: 3.4k warnings: long-distance angstiness, oral sex (including face fucking), mirror sex, dirty talk, unprotected sex (do not 🙅🏿‍♀️🙅🏿‍♀️), creampie, hand on the throat but no choking, fuckboy taemin? a/n: Taemin’s gone off to the service and left me with an infant to raise by myself so here’s a fic i guess 😢😢😢😢😢😢 i made the reader gender neutral because the requester used “their” pronouns/didn’t specify gender, but anon if you want something different you can let me know recommended songs: gravity + brent faiyaz | strings + taemin | everytime + ariana grande
i’d get you what you want, but you want me alone
His name and picture appear on your phone one evening without forewarning, and despite yourself, it makes your breath catch. You count the beats in your head before allowing yourself to pick up the call, not wanting to seem more eager than necessary. You would’ve picked it up halfway before the first ring finished, if you were a little less shameless.
It feels like every nerve in your body has come online from a deep sleep when he speaks your name.
“How have you been doing?” he asks, his voice a casual lilt.
“I’m fine. Life is...life. I’m doing okay. What about you?”
“Busy,” he says, which you expected. He always is. “There’s never not something to do.” There’s hesitation in Taemin’s voice when he speaks again—maybe something akin to longing—and the syllables of his words drag out longer than they need to. “You know, I’m back in town. Just on some business, but...”
You pause, and even though you’ve physically hesitated, your heart begins leaping like it’s trying to escape your chest. “You are?”
“Yes, I won’t be here for very long, but…” His voice trails off like there’s a silent part within that he expects you to fill in. Indeed, you’ve both been doing this long enough to know how that sentence ends.
“But you want to see me,” you finish for him. You smirk at that, knowing him probably better than he knows himself. A surge of discontent stirs in your chest, though, which you are unable to fully tune out.
Taemin makes a noise like he’s stretching out, and you imagine him lying back on his bed. He’s likely already been put up in a hotel, the same one he always stays at when he comes to your city. “Good guess.” He laughs sneakily, like you’ve just spilled something no one was supposed to know, and you snort. “Did you miss me? We haven’t met in so long.”
You sigh, feeling like you’re walking into a trap. Taemin’s need for affection, especially fully vocalized affection, has always seemed a bit like a setup, even if he wasn’t entirely aware of it. A way to expose your growing feelings for him without you even realizing what you’d done. “I think you know the answer to that one. Clearly, I don’t need to ask if you’ve missed me.”
He laughs. For a moment you wish you were on FaceTime instead, so you could see the smile stretching itself out on his pretty, plush lips.
“I always end up missing you...everything about you, like the faces you make when I’m between your thighs, or how you always get so tight around me…” His voice is lower now, more breathy, a promise and a tease all at the same time.
You swallow nervously at those words, blood already rushing to your lower body. “Tae…”
Taemin moans softly in answer to you calling his name, and it makes you die a little on the inside. “I can’t wait to come inside you, mark you as mine again.” Before you can think to respond to that, he says, “...But we should save all that for when we see each other, hm?” And he giggles again. If you were not so infatuated with him, you might reach through the phone to strangle him.
“God, Taemin...you wear me out.”
“Don’t I always?”
Later that week, Taemin shows up at your place with his overnight bag in tow, just as you’d expected. And food.
“Oh, you brought sustenance,” you say, raising your eyebrows at the bag of food in his hands.
“Yes, duh. Although you like to claim otherwise, I’m not such a pervert that I don’t know how to wine and dine you before getting what I want.” You roll your eyes at that, letting him come past the threshold.
“Okay, Tae. Whatever you say.” You pinch a strand of his black-and-white hair, and it slips from your fingers as he walks past you. “Nice weave. Whose idea was it this time?”
Taemin cuts his eyes at you. “You should be thanking me for giving you something to pull on.”
You cover your mouth to hide your laughter, shaking your head. “Ah, Lee Taemin. Such a gracious lover.”
Before you can even think about getting to the main event, you both spend a few hours just catching up on things, eating the food he’d brought, and acting way too much like a couple for your sanity. You wonder if he feels the same way about this behavior deep down, but you aren’t going to venture down that road by asking him. Not yet.
After you are done eating, it doesn’t take long to fall into bed and into the same pattern you’ve established with each other. Taemin has pulled his hair back into a small ponytail at the back of his head, because he thinks you’ll find it hotter—always such a glutton for your attention—and you are exasperated because he’s right. Taemin reads the sudden interest in your gaze, and his lips curve in a knowing and devious smile before pulling you into his grasp.
“I was wanting this for so damn long,” he says to you with his lips against your neck. He corners you in the hallway, his body pressing against your own as he plants one hand on your lower back and brings your hips close enough that even a single breath couldn’t get between you.
“You say that every time,” you sigh, tilting your head and allowing him more space to brush his lips over your skin.
“Because it’s true.” You don’t know how you eventually get to your bedroom, because Taemin seems intent on peeling all your clothes off in the middle of the hallway. Your shirt is missing and your pants are already unbuttoned by the time you reach the bed, and Taemin’s own shirt is lying in the doorway of your room. The peony tattoo on his hip is almost fully displayed now, blooming darkly against his skin and disappearing partway beneath the waistband of his skinny jeans.
Taemin climbs onto the bed to join you and kisses you deeply, your chests pressed together and his hips rocking fluidly against your own, his growing erection pressing deliciously into you and making you arch your hips into him. You spend so long simply kissing that you feel like an overexcited college student making out with your crush for the first time again, and you distantly wonder why he’s spending more time on this than he usually would.
Eventually, he parts from your lips and makes it his personal mission to kiss every inch of your body he can, making his way from your neck to the top of your jeans.
He kisses you through your underwear before sliding it off you, taking his time with this movement, and puts his silky wet mouth on you. You tremble underneath him as his tongue sweeps over you, and you dip your hands down into that hair—which is admittedly just as fun to pull on as he’d predicted. 
The strands become fully unleashed from their former neat little ponytail by the time Taemin has you coming and spilling over his tongue and fingers. When he finishes, he pulls back from you—licking his lips all the while—and runs a hand through the loose hair, pretending to sigh in annoyance and casting a look to the abandoned hair tie on the floor.
“Ah, babe...you never appreciate my hard work.”
“Taemin...shut up.”
Despite his complaint, he doesn’t bother with tying it back up again. After he’s peeled his pants and underwear off with your help, he gets onto the bed and kneels above you, legs balanced on either side of your shoulders. You put your tongue out for him to slide his length across, but he only teases you for a few moments by tapping the tip against your tongue. Nothing but a sticky trail of precum is left between his tip and your tongue; you try to beg him for more with your eyes alone. Taemin meets your pleading gaze with his own wicked eyes, but he only smiles vaguely and keeps up his teasing game, rubbing the head of his dick across your lips and smearing his precum over your mouth like gloss.
Finally, he decides he’s done with denying you and feeds his dick to you inch by inch. He gives a rough moan when he pulls out and pushes back in, savoring the way your mouth tightens around him. 
Taemin places his hands on the bed and slowly thrusts his hips, fucking your mouth like he often likes to do, his thighs flexing with the motions. He does this until sweat beads on his forehead, sliding his member between your lips and reveling in the dirty wet sounds it creates, and he laughs when he sees your hand clumsily slide further down between your legs. 
“Does having your throat fucked turn you on this much?” he murmurs. “Can’t even help yourself ‘cause you’re in love with my dick. Shameless.” You cannot respond to his mocking, but his words make you even more aroused than before. Despite Taemin’s teasing of you, his own face and neck are flushing with heat, and his cock throbs as the familiar sensation of nearing the edge creeps up on him. With much reluctance, he pulls himself out of your mouth, leaving strings of your spit clinging to his shaft. 
“Thank you for getting me nice and wet, baby.” He shuffles himself further down your body, kissing you on the lips once before settling himself between your legs and pulling your thighs around his slim hips. His cock nudges wet and hard against your inner thigh, and you gasp when he pushes into you, the stretch pleasant after so long of being empty of him.
Taemin wastes no time with rocking into you, setting a smooth rhythm that both of you are intimately familiar with. Taemin keeps one hand on your hip while the other holds your face, his thumb edging into your mouth. You curve your lips around this thumb, scraping your teeth against it and lapping your tongue across it just like you do on his dick. You take great pleasure in the way he twitches inside you, his grip on your waist tightening and his thrusts coming a bit faster.
He looks at you with burning eyes as he circles his hips into you. Pieces of his hair stick to his neck from the sweat, and his plump lips part with the marvel of having you spread out beneath him. He replaces his thumb with his lips yet again, dipping his tongue into your mouth and biting your bottom lip until it threatens to bleed.
Liquid heat radiates through your lower body as Taemin’s shaft keeps dragging in and out of you, and your legs weaken around his waist as you get closer to reaching your end. Before you can be pushed to the top of that shining zenith of pleasure, though, Taemin abruptly pulls out of you.
“No,” you whine breathlessly. That is the only sound your vocal chords can currently push out, though you’d like to throw a slew of curse words at him. He only smiles at your soft complaint and lowers his head for a second to kiss your kneebone, a fleeting but tender touch.
Without forewarning, Taemin shifts you over on the bed so you’re both positioned in front of the full-length mirror leaning against your wall. Pulling your head back, he brings your face up so you can see the both of you reflected in the mirror—Taemin’s hand coaxingly pressing your back into an arch, his hair hanging damp over his shoulders. Then he pushes back into you, sliding to the hilt in one easy motion, and you almost bite your lip before realizing it’s still hurting from Taemin’s insistent biting.
To your own eyes you already look exhausted, all fucked out and simply taking Taemin’s thrusts as he gives them. Taemin’s had the right idea, though, because you can’t take your eyes away from the vision of him behind you. You watch as all his muscles flex while he pushes into you, his eyes hotly meeting yours in the mirror, and his lips twitch up into a grin.
“What a beautiful sight,” he sighs, and he’s barely even breathless even with all the sweat decorating his skin. Exactly what fucking a professional dancer will get you—nothing but stamina and hips.
You grip the sheets as you stare back at Taemin as he fucks you, feeling a little exposed but ultimately captivated by it. The hand that was in your hair slides lower and around to your collarbone, coming to rest at the base of your throat. Taemin keeps his hand there to feel your throat jump underneath his fingers as you swallow harshly and gasp in response to his thrusts.
Taemin gives a shuddering groan when you tighten more around him, and he pushes forward a little deeper, the tip of his cock hitting your spot just right. Your head drops momentarily as you cry out, and you think your knees might turn to jelly beneath you. “Oh, yes. There? There.” Taemin murmurs this all in quick succession as he adjusts himself to find that perfect angle again and keeps rutting into it, one hand tight on your hip and the other still at your throat—now coming up to cup your chin and pull your face back up towards the mirror.
“Min,” escapes from your lips, though it’s a choppy sound. If you wanted to say anything else, you wouldn’t even be able to.
“Poor baby, you can’t even form words. Is it that fucking good? Tell me.” Taemin entices you to meet his gaze in the mirror again, squeezing his hand on your jaw and pressing his thumb against your lips like he’ll slip it back in once more. It takes you a moment of heavy breaths and clumsy not-quite-coherent sounds to respond.
“G-good,” you mutter against his hand. “Fuck me, oh my God—”
You come around Taemin with a small shout. He gives you a bit of reprieve and lets you hang your head back down—because right now your whole body feels like it wants to collapse with the muscle-weakening wave of pleasure that’s overtaken you. More little clipped sounds and pleas leap from your throat as Taemin fucks you through it, dangerously close to losing himself, too.
He keels over you with a gasping moan when he comes, his dick throbbing inside you while he spills so much cum that some of it drips back out. His heated breaths spread across your skin as he leans over you, bracing his arms on either side of your body and thrusting his hips just a little more to ride out the last of his climax.
Finally, you allow your body to slump forward, and Taemin slides out of you as you do, causing another messy trail of his cum to drip from you. His hand glides over your back, and he makes a noise that you could only describe as fully satisfied. “My favorite view.”
You and Taemin lie next to each other, your right arm nudging his left, his fingers playing over the back of your hand and making it tickle from the gentle touches. When the pillowtalk starts fading, you decide to bring up the one thing that’s been wearing on your mind since Taemin first called.
“Taemin...are we going to do this every time you pop into the city for a few days? A week?” You ask this quietly while Taemin traces long, winding lines over your forearm.
The motion of his fingers stop, and he looks carefully at the side of your face as you lie next to him. “Do you not like our little meetings anymore?” His tone is joking, but there’s an air of sadness to it not far behind.
“I didn’t say all that, but…” You pause. “We only ever get a few moments together. A day or two. Stealing hours to spend together, working on borrowed time...it’s not my idea of the perfect...arrangement.” You hesitate before saying arrangement, unsure how to describe this odd, magnetic connection you both have without making it deeper than it really is. A stiff silence hangs in the air, waiting to be broken by either of you.
Because you’re not sure—no, you definitely know that what you and Taemin have can’t really be called a relationship. What do you have?
“You’re always gone because of your work, and...that’s fine, I know how hard you work and you like always having something to do, but…” You want to say something like, I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to be away from you all the damn time. Those words have too much weight of responsibility behind them, however. They have the power to change things in a way you aren’t sure you want them to change—or that you’re still too afraid of.
“...And you miss me? More than just the sex, I mean.” Taemin’s voice is still a touch playful, though that quality is quickly dwindling away. His eyes fill with some emotion that’s more thoughtful and more saddened than just a few minutes ago. He is not quite ready for this conversation to turn to a depressing note, but he figures there’s no avoiding it this time.
“You always ask questions you already have answers to, Taemin.”
Taemin sighs. “I know it must be unfair to you...but I can’t stay away from you.” He hesitates, and the space between his eyebrows creases. “I think about you a lot more than I maybe should. I like your conversation and your company...even all the ridiculous jokes you make. But...”
You grit your teeth, clenching your fingers together and listening to Taemin’s words. “‘But…’? What are you trying to say?”
“I don’t want to keep you waiting around for me,” he answers softly. “If we were together, you’d always just be waiting for the next time to see me.”
“I already do that,” you grumble, feeling irritated and misunderstood.
“But—if we...it would be different—”
“You’d feel worse about leaving your partner behind rather than someone you just fuck, I guess?”
Taemin lets out a heavy breath and closes his eyes. “Don’t make me sound like such an asshole.”
“I haven’t made you sound like anything, or made you do anything,” you say bitterly, keeping your eyes on the ceiling as you speak. “It’s you, after all, who always feels the need to tell me when you’re back in town. I don’t ask after you, Taemin.” Because I would only ever ask for something you can’t seem to give me.
“So I’ll ask again. Do you not want to do this anymore?”
This man is possibly too dense for your nerves to withstand. And even though it would probably be better for you to say yes, to end this for your own good—and his own, even if he doesn’t realize it just yet—you don’t want this to stop. Being needed by him, even for something as simple as sex and as complicated as emotions that neither of you quite know how to confront, is something you don’t want to give up. Even if it gives you very little in return.
“That’s the wrong question to ask.” You sit up, letting the sheets pool around your waist. Taemin follows you, pressing his chest to your back as he slides his arms around your stomach, and you lower your head, wishing you weren’t so vulnerable to his advances. Taemin presses his mouth to your shoulder in an apologetic touch, and the feel of his lips makes something fall apart inside you.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. Sorry I can’t be there for you like you want me to be, maybe. You don’t know what he’s apologizing for, and you don’t care to ask at the moment.
You turn to face him. “Just stop. I don’t want to think about it anymore.” Then you push him back onto the bed, straddling him with both legs on either side of his waist. “Just. Stop. Talking.”
And so Taemin wordlessly lets you reignite the flame, working yourselves up into a mishmash of hands and mouths and bodies again, leaving so many words unsaid between the two of you.
with breathless lips, you paint my name with sorrow countless times this night
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Ship game!! What about Nico and Will?? It’s pretty popular, but I don’t think I’ve seen you write much of it…
That's an interesting one in that I have vocalized my reasons for disliking it way back when it first became popular but instead of just linking that, it has been years so I think it's time for an updated version.
Firstly: This post is gonna be properly tagged and not crosstagged so if any shipper comes across it and feels the need to bitch about it, just don't; your lack of curating your own tumblr experience is not my problem! ;D
Now, there are three key factors that play into my dislike of this ship: How it was written, what it represents, how the fandom around it acts.
1. It’s rushed and uncomfortable
In BoO, it was incredibly rushed. They had literally five sentences of interactions before they walked into the literal sunset together. Five. It was just entirely born from Riordan's Noah's Ark Complex, where he just can't let people be single. The series was ending and he needed Nico to have an endgame so he rushed into some random romance with zero build-up.
The way their interactions went down was also severely uncomfortable for me. Will was acting so offended by Nico not wanting to go to camp and be friends in an entitled way that he had no right to be, he downright guilt-tripped Nico about how he had wanted to be friends. Nico has been just so severely traumatized at such a young age and his coping mechanism, as unhealthy as it was, was to run away and hide. Will acted like Nico not wanting to form attachments to people who could potentially leave him again was somehow just an Edgy Emo Decision and not a direct reaction to his trauma. His entire approach to Nico was basically all these hippie posts of "Don't have depression!! Just go out into the sun and stop being depressed!", which is already a bad take with non-medical people but he's supposed to be a doctor (and let's not get into the shadiness of him technically being Nico's doctor).
There is also an inherent "I can fix him" angle to this ship and to me, only few ship dynamics are more uncomfortable than that. If you want to fundamentally change a person's behavior and personality, you... don't actually want to be with this person.
Now, here's where my points overlap, because the following parts of their writing that bothers me also stand for what this ship fundamentally represents.
2. Solangelo is a queer ship written by and for straights
I'm a queer woman and as a queer woman, I want queer wish-fulfillment, not what straights want out of queerness. I'm kind of tired of that, I've been sitting through it for enough decades now. That's, of course, not to say that no straight writer can give proper queer representation, but far too often do straight writers - even the most well-meaning ones - project straight desires of queerness into their queer representation.
Let me explain that closer through this ship.
Nico's been in love with Percy for years and I'm going to do my best to not hijack this post with some Percico agenda; that's not what this his about, this isn't some "my ship is better than your ship" ship-war nonsense. It's simply a canonical fact that Nico has had romantic feelings for another character for years.
A character who, in this medium, is heterosexual. And if you're queer, you've been there. In love with your straight best friend. It's a cliche, but it's a cliche for a reason.
We have also all been well-meaningly rejected by said straight friend.
And here's the straight desires for you: The queer person who was in love with a straight person just immediately stops having those feelings and will then as quickly as possible fall in love with the next queer person they meet to be happy and no longer uncomfortably in love with a straight person, because that thought makes the straights uncomfortable.
Queer wish-fulfillment would be for Percy to return those feelings, for the queer character to get his first love, to not be rejected. That thing queer teens always dreamed about for themselves.
Aside from the wish-fulfillment angle, the pacing is another problem. Let me repeat, Nico was in love for years. But a five sentence conversation with Will once causes a crush on Will and we see him physically turn away from Percy and toward Will just immediately to rebound and actually fall out of love with Percy and in love with Will. Anyone who's ever been unlucky in love will attest to just how unrealistic and ridiculous the pacing here is.
It's also straight queerness in another respect; Nico has been the first ever queer character we meet in that world. He loves a straight guy - and to get over that, we introduce the second queer character. Because heaven forbid there are multiple queers to pick from. No, in straight-written queer romances, there is always that one main queer and then they introduce a second one and the two just immediately hit it off and develop a romance like all a queer person needs to form attraction to someone is the confirmation that the other person shares your sexuality.
Also the notable gay guy on gay guy ship here, whereas the more queer-wish-fulfillment option would have also included more nuance to the queer experience, because Percy doesn't have to be heterosexual just because he has only been with girls so far. It's a very old-fashioned - think 90s and early 2000s - kind of straight-written queerness that there are only exactly two homosexuals and that those two homosexuals then pair up.
And, listen, I'm not immune to these outdated straight-written queers entirely, I have many such ships that I grew up with that I am still fond of because they were groundbreaking at that time and they weren't outdated yet back when they happened in said 90s and early 2000s. I am however a grown woman now and just like I have grown, so has queer rep so I am not as easily baited into falling onto my knees in gratitude for canon rep. You have to go with the times. And this ship, by all that is given to us, is just entirely outdated straight-written rep.
Which, I mention earlier that even straight-written rep can be good. If the author tries. Riordan doesn't really try though; he does the bare minimum when he writes any of his rep - and there have been many, many more qualified voices being very vocal about his depiction of people of color and, as a woman, I've been vocal about his depiction of women. I don't want to derail this post with all of that, but I do think that it bears mentioning that Riordan doing rep but only doing a bare minimum and not putting in the necessary work to deepen the representation he wants to give is a repeating pattern that has been pointed out many times by now.
(I’d also like to point out that no, it is not just the ship and not just the listed instances that make it straight-written rep for straights. It’s Nico’s entire queer arc, starting with his forced coming out. A severely traumatizing event that is completely brushed over because the straight author doesn’t understand the impact this has on queer people. Not to mention the framework; Nico’s coming out isn’t Nico’s story, it happens in Jason’s POV, it is given to us through the POV of the straight bystander who gets to be Best Ally by assuring Nico that being gay is okay. This kind of coming out is not a queer wish-fulfillment, it’s a straight wish-fulfillment of getting to be the straight savior, the ally to show the gay the light of acceptance. And, additional to the ridiculous pacing of how fast Nico gets over his love for Percy, Nico also gets over years of internalized homophobia just because of, I don’t know, Jason’s few encouraging words and the fact that Will paid attention to him? For a gay kid who was in the closet all his life, the nonchalant way in which he publicly confessed his crush to Percy at the end made absolutely no sense and was written as basically a joke, finished off with Nico literally high-fiving Percy’s girlfriend despite those two never having seen eye to eye before but this is straight wish-fulfillment so all straights are Super Allies, because that’s the way straights want to see themselves, even though Annabeth has shown before just how jealous she can be and she most definitely wouldn’t go around high-fiving people who confess to her boyfriend. Nothing about Nico’s queer arc in HoO felt natural or queer or satisfying.)
Sure, Solangelo on a surface level is big because it's a canon queer couple in a YA book-series and kudos for that and yay for the kids who get to grow up seeing queers in YA books, but I actually do think that kids growing up with books written in the 2010s shouldn't grow up with 1990s levels of representation, because the 2010s overall are actually at a far more nuanced and better level of representation when it comes to queerness. And I do reserve the right to quit on too straight-written and too outdated queer rep in a landscape where I can get more satisfying representation elsewhere; we don’t live in times anymore where you necessarily have to love every bit of rep because it’s the only one you get.
Now that we've gone through my first two gripes, let's wrap this up with the final point, because it also directly ties into this.
3. The new wave of antis hiding behind this ship
A huge part of the fandom is so busy kissing Riordan's ass solely for giving them queer rep at all they think that both the author and the ship are beyond flawless and that kind of attitude is not good. Just because an author includes rep doesn't make either perfect. Absolutely no one is beyond critique - especially not when said critique comes from the very people the author is representing. And even beyond any "valid" critique on the ship, quite frankly, someone should also be allowed to just not like it, without any reasons given at all.
But there is a certain... protective obsessiveness about this ship that doesn't allow a not liking. Very similar to how PJO bore this mindset around Perc/abeth already. It's okay to have OTPs, even OTPs that you have a blindspot for and just don't want to see any flaws in. It is however not okay to then go around attacking people who don't like the thing and mind their own business.
Solangelo's bred a new generation of antis in this fandom. And, particularly with the fact that this post too receives an "anti" tag, I feel like there needs to be a clarification (because tumblr likes to forget what actually makes an anti). Not liking something doesn't make you an anti, venting in properly tagged posts doesn't either; it's the people who harass others, who seek out the content they dislike to then complain that it even exists and who actively try to make others stop creating for it - those are antis.
And with Solangelo's popularity, there was a high rise in Percico antis, who sought it out, were unnecessarily nasty about it, harrassed creators and tried to enforce some kind of "Solangelo supremacy" that won't allow other ships for the characters.
I've been in fandom long enough to be perfectly aware that not all Solangelo shippers count into this category and that there are completely normal and nice Solangelo shippers, but this is a Venn diagram where the overlap between Solangelo shippers and antis is too large to not widely associate the nasty people with the ship itself. (I've been there myself, shipping the very ship behind which a fandom's antis all hid. The second-hand embarrassment of having these people give the ship a bad name is horrendous and I do feel bad for all the normal Solangelo shippers.)
The more often I encountered these people, who made Percico bad (sometimes in wildly ridiculous manners that bent and deliberately misinterpreted canon) and who in the same breath praised Solangelo high, the more tired I grew of that ship. It's a simple game of association, really. You see that linked to the gross and nasty behavior and you start associating the ship itself with that gross and nasty behavior - and with all the things I said before that already weighed into my dislike of the ship, this just was the final tipping point, really.
And that's it. That sums up why I dislike Solangelo. It was hastily rushed, uncomfortable in its execution, it is outdated rep that very much feels as straight-written as it factually is and it does not feel aimed at me as a queer person but rather at the straight audience and it has gathered a cult following of quite uncomfortable people who on their own would be reason enough to avoid it so you can avoid them.
Send me a ship and I will explain why I do or don't ship it
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1111jenx · 3 years
Hii, love I hope you are doing extremely fine and sorry for the bother ✨✨
Would you mind providing insight on what happens when someone's North node is in your 8 house and yours in their 12 house.
His Pluto, chiron and lilith also falls in my 12 house.
One of the most scary synastry of my life honestly 😂😂😂
I really love your blog and the way you go deep into the subject. Waiting very eagerly for the reply💕💕
First of all thank you so so soooo much for your kind words this is so sweet and wholesome!!!
And yes ofcourse, I'd be more than happy to answer this question:)
Its funny how I was just talking abt how scary 8H and 12H synastry actually is just now anddddd today as i go through my asks i saw this😂
I'll focus on y'all North Node today for some changes hehe
NN 8th house synastry:
Obsessive tendencies from both sides, but more apparent on the 8H's side.
Soul-deep relationship, can linger in one another's life for quite some time.
NN acknowledge and take pride in how much power they have over the 8H person but they dont realize that as they go deeper into the relationships, they are getting more and more invested.
NN person see the 8H person for what they can become. They see potentials and hidden power within 8H grasp.
NN changed 8H life significantly in some way. (romantically, sexually, financially). If well aspected (venus aspects, harmonious 8H) i'd even say that NN got involve w 8H finance and help them a lot, 8H=other people's money.
A lot of time for romantic context, NN often end up introducing the 8H person to deeper themes of intimacy and sexual experiences. Think that girl from 50 shades of gray entering the red room
Will be extremely hard to forget one another. Will always have some kind of entanglement or cross path later on in life.
Both parties consider the other person as one of their "soul family".
Twin flame placement in my opinion. Astrologers believe this can even go as far as a marriage placement.
8H person subconsciously can rely on the NN person a lot.
In a nonromantic context, this indicates a supportive friendship but also a transformative one with loads of ups and downs. Fights often but are very loyal to one another.
NN 12th house synastry:
NN person will see the 12H at their worst, literally. Will see through their facade most of the time and understand that there are a deeper and more spiritual side to the 12H person.
12H person sometimes can seem a lil spacey, but this should be encouraged as it is healthy for the relationship.
NN will support 12H's needs for depth while helping them slowly build their self esteem. Can seem like NN really knows 12H's struggles and pain despite not knowing them beforehand.
12H may rebel though. As in sometimes they might lash out at NN person for some petty reasons and have a harder time effectively communicate if they're in a bad mood. They refuse to listen to the NN person since they feel extremely exposed. NN may feel very left out sometimes.
A need to keep their relationship as private as possible.
12H may feel that in a way, NN "saved" them from some kind of addictive or toxic patterns that kept reoccurring in the past.
Painful attachment. There will be a lot of tears involved.
In romantic context I observe that couples with this are very involved in one another's lives and tend to know almost everything about each other, even the hidden secrets. I think that depends on the 2 people's charts, if there are too much chaotic energy like Pluto and Mars or a lot of squares in prominent placement can cause them to go crazy on each other and will hurt the other person for fun. will try to "get back" at the other person for wronging them if things go wrong.
An entanglement. Both parties can be clueless as to what they are. Hard to put a label on things.
This is a very very shallow summary as to what the NN synastry dynamic will play out between you and your partner😋 As per usual, pls be careful love and trust me, 12H synastry and 8H synastry going to literally shift how you see things in life. This indicate that you both are extremely significant in one anothers lives in some way.
saint jenx🕊
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
38. Set it up, break it up
For everyone who's been supportive of these| fluff |making out |harry set draco up with someone Only to realise he liked draco all along |
" when was your first time ?" Seamus smugly asked Draco as he drank his butter beer from across the room sprawled over the bean bag
" I will prefer not to answer the question. It is highly confidential and that information shall only be revealed to Someone I'm with. So dear Seamus you can enjoy asking this question to other, while I would refuse to answer " Draco sophisticatedly replied, tilting his head to put on more emphasis upon his words.
" Merlin, you could've just said I'm not answering that. No need to go all Shakespearian " Ron rolled his eyes at Draco.
Harry chuckled as he joined Draco over the couch, putting his legs over Draco's laps, not that either of them ever minded that physical touch " that's Draco for you. He'll never give a direct answer. I can bet, if he were in an English Muggle class, he'd top "
" I topped nonetheless " Draco rolled his eyes, his hands automatically falling into a pattern of softly stroke the bottom of Harry's leg, a habit he's grown attached to.
" really? From what I remember I got 7 owls while you got only 6. It's just as if I was infact better than you " Harry smirked
" whatever Harry. I was the headboy " Draco rolled his eyes at harry, yet again but then again he liked these small bickerings with him. Blaise eyed them from the corner of the room, enjoying it himself, not Daring to say anything.
" and I was given the opportunity, I just denied "
" as if "
" whatever helps you sleep at night darling" Harry teased as he pinched Draco's cheeks softly
" don't " Draco growled as he swatted Harry's hand away
" one angry kitten aren't you " Harry chuckled, picking up his can of butter beer and drinking it.
" don't call me that " Draco sneered, not in a furious way, just slightly threatening way.
" anywaysss " Seamus echoed, breaking off their not so private conversation " when was your first time harry ?"
" Ron, you might wanna cover your ears for this one " Harry chuckled. Ron gave him a look but refused to do so " it was after war, when I got back with Ginny, in the time we were going out for a short time "
" what about in 6th year ?" Dean asked snuggling closer to Seamus on the bean bag
" we couldn't really ever get to it. I mean for one neither of us were ready, and we were just kids. Although when we did it after we got back together, we realised almost instantly it wasn't something we enjoyed, not that part, just with opposite sex kind of thing. Well mostly her, no offense. Or it could've been we weren't just attracted to each other that way " Harry explained
" really ? I always thought you guys would work out you know " Dean said. Harry looked at Dean amused but didn't say anything.
" I never thought you guys would end up together really. Never seemed as if so " Seamus added
" interest me in why ?" Harry asked
" it just, I always knew you were sort of bi even before you started going with Ginny. It was Evident really sometimes. And with Ginny herself, she didn't seem like a person to be with a guy. I mean coming from I figured my sexuality really early on, I just sometimes knew it.. besides after the first time you guys broke up, it seemed almost impossible for it work later on " Seamus explained. Everyone including Draco thought about what he had said and nobody could even deny that it was a lie.
" what's your dating track anyway right now Harry ?" Blaise asked standing over the chair behind Ron.
" oh it's not that bad. I do go out on a few dates. I went on a date last week infact and believe me that guy was really good, dashing, almost ced- well Cedric diggory Kinda hot but right in the middle of the date, I feel something going up my leg. I almost choked on my Tuna fish and he goes, do you like it ? I was more shocked than anything else. It was weird if anything "
" so what next ?"
" I didn't call him back. I think somewhere along the date, he might've said he had feet fetish.. he would much rather make love to my feets than me and it was just plainly weird "
" people have all different sorts of fetishes " Ron frowned
" yeah, I respect them but feet fetishes just creeps me out " Harry almost shivered at the thought of it.
And everyone soon fell into talking about weirdest kinks and fetishes, something they all were rather amused to be in conversation about, except, Harry.
Draco stopped stroking Harry's leg for a moment to softly clutch on them to seek his attention.
" it's alright Harry.. you can't change anything.. besides I think he lived a good life" Draco softly said.
" I still can't forget though. It's almost as if I can still see it happening in front of my eyes " Harry Whispered back.
" I know. He was a brave guy though. You can't do anything anymore. I'm sure- he'd want you to get over it too " Draco whispered. Harry bit his lip softly before nodding. To provide comfort, Draco again started stroking Harry's legs.
" feels nice" Harry smiled at Draco, who simply smiled back.
" talking off that, what say about going on a date with someone ?" Harry asked Draco but had inevitably grabbed attention from a few others in the room.
Draco raised his eyebrows in strange surprise " really ?"
" I met some guy at the animal shop across the street. He seemed like someone you could date " Harry replied
" why me, why not you ?" Draco defensively asked
" well, he's not my type but he's yours and he did seem to notice you with me a couple of days ago, so I thought maybe you could talk to him and see if you'd like to go out with him " Harry suggested.
Draco frowned at harry before clearing his throat " I'll pay that animal shop a visit then "
" great " Harry grinned
" I'm gonna use the loo " Draco sighed and got up abruptly
" unbelievable " Blaise announced. Harry looked around the room to receive strange looks " what are you all staring at me for ?" Harry asked confused
But nobody responded except that most of them groaned, leaving Harry more confused. Draco returned a few minutes, chatted a bit and then left claiming he had to feed his cat.
As a few weeks goes on by, Harry discovered that draco did started going with the guy he had told him about and was infact in a happy place to be with him. And it was all fun and games until Harry was offended that Draco no longer gave him that much time anymore or the fact that he kept cancelling on him over and over or that he longer was interested in watching movies with harry but sure had fun plans with his so called boyfriend or the guy he's dating, he cared no less. By which he meant, he did cared. To say his friends were tired of Harry ranting on about Draco cancelling on him that one time Ron even put up muffalito charm on him. It was splendid how things were going, in a sarcastic way of course until Draco decided it was time for him to make everyone meet his boyfriend, and harry wanted to burn himself on flames.
" I frankly don't understand why the expensive dinner, I mean, couldn't he had just invited us to his place or his so called boyfriend's place " Harry vented air quoting boyfriend
" Harry you were the one who set him up in the first place, stop being mad at him and jealous not to mention " Hermione rolled her eyes eating the chips off the packet
" jealous, I'm not jealous " Harry defensively said
" sure " Ron rolled his eyes.
" look Harry, you're clearly jealous that he isn't spending as much as time with you and its bothering you, so just talk to him about it " Hermione suggested shrugging her shoulder
" look, I don't know what's cooking in both of your brains but I'm-not-jealous " harry slammed the cloth over the counter and went inside his bedroom
" I miss the time when he wasn't such a dramatic ass " Ron taunted
" I can hear you " Harry yelled from inside the room, hearing faint whispers from Ron and Hermione in the living room..
And the truth infact was that Harry was jealous, which he Only discovered over the dinner when Draco was practically almost all over him that harry wanted to tell him to just sit in his lap, didn't of course. And to make it worse, he was jealous of how good they actually looked, which resulted in harry losing his appetite and almost groaning every five minutes. Hermione had to kick him under the table to behave a couple of times.
Spending the night in his thoughts, Harry came across things he wished he had known earlier or things he never felt but whatever it was, he felt frustrated in himself to set Draco up and he had no idea what to do next, so he decided to take advice from the only man he knew the best was at.
" Harry ? What a pleasant surprise. Ron's not at home though " Blaise said as he opened the door for him
" I actually came here to talk to you " Harry sighed as he went in. Blaise frowned in surprise before walking behind Harry himself
" well what can I interest you in, a joke, a mimickery,-"
" an advice actually " Harry groaned as he slumped down on the couch.
" oh- Ron's better at that-"
" he isn't, he told me to talk to you " Harry replied. Blaise walked into the kitchen, opening the window to the living room to converse through the kitchen.
" did he ? What can I help you with then ?" Blaise asked as he poured water for Harry and walking in to give it to him.
" I think, that I might have feelings for Draco" Harry replied
" you are officially the last person to know that " Blaise chuckled as he walked back into the kitchen and fetched something to eat.
" what ? You guys knew that ?" Harry sat uptight
" of course " Blaise scrunched his eyebrows as an obvious face
" why didn't you guys tell me ?" Harry asked agitated with his friends
" because these are the things we're not supposed to tell you, you're the one supposed to tell us, you dimwit " Blaise rolled his eyes, throwing his hands in the air.
" well you could've at least warned me " Harry groaned
" how could you not have known !! When did you even figure It out anyways?" Blaise asked as he shut the cabinet for the last time, bringing a packet of cookies and chips with him and slumping down in front of Harry.
" I think I've known for a bit since he started going out, but last night i was pretty confirmed that I was jealous " Harry Told him
" well I'd like to say you are that ruined your chances but guessing you came for advice, you came here to know how to fix it and I'll tell you, I do not have even the slightest idea how to fix your shit soup "
" what ?" Harry emphasised
" Harry, you yourself set him up with someone almost exactly like you. If Draco even Liked you at some point, now he knows that you don't like him and he's probably moved on and supposedly happy in his newfound relationship "
" Blaise, If I wanted to listen to how I fucked it up I wouldn't had come to you. I need to know how can I fix this " harry sarcastically responded raising his eyebrows
" look the easiest way is to simply confess or move on. I can't help you harry even if I wanted to. Draco seems happy " Blaise told him emphatically.
Harry was disappointed but knew Blaise was right, there was possibly nothing he could've done to make it right, at least not something that would sabotage their relationship.
It took harry a couple more days to become normal with the fact that draco was dating and finally paving his way to move on, which was definitely hard. And harry could've assumed he was doing good until Draco invited him for a picnic, claiming they haven't gotten out individually in a while. Normally harry would've been very ecstatic about it but considering the phase he was going through it was hard but didn't deny his sweet offer.
" took you a bit long- and your boyfriend's here too " harry pressed his lips in a thin line when he saw them coming together.
"it was just us but his plans got cancelled last moment so he tagged alone.. i hope you don't mind " Draco plead guilty
Harry sighed before giving him a firm smile and nodding " it's going to be one hell of a day "
Halfway through the picnic, harry Would've assumed he would be the thrid wheel but it was infact quite opposite, his boyfriend, jake was infact the third wheel who basically had no idea about draco's life which surprised harry a little more than it should have.
" you- jake, you alright ?" Harry asked looking over draco's shoulder at his boyfriend who looked puzzled
" what? I'm fine, just thinking " he gave them a firm smile.. draco leaned a bit into jake as if to give him the feeling he was still here but jake rejected it, much to draco's surprise.
" what you thinking about ?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows.
" what exactly I'm doing here?-"
" shit- I'm sorry for making you feel as if I'm intruding-"
" no, it's not that. It's just so clear that you both are so meant to be together, yet here I am on a picnic with two people who are supposed to be together but are not because of me-"
" that's not true " draco interjected
" is it not ? " Jake asked more firmly than before, not forgetting to give a smile so as to not sound harsh.
Draco opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.
" even if it is true for me, I don't think Draco feels that way . Besides you guys are dating, I don't want to be the reason for your break up" harry replied sympathetically
" you're not harry. I just- I can see it, maybe you two are blind but I'm not.. Enjoy yourselves " jake said as he abruptly stood up
" jake don't be like that " draco too stood up
Jake sighed taking draco's hands in his own " I'll stay if you admit you don't have any feelings for him, if you've never wanted to be with him, if you've felt anything closer to what you feel for him about Me. Admit it freely and I'll stay"
But draco couldn't say anything..
" thought so. I'd be fine by the way. I don't think I've seen two people belonging to each more than you two " and jake departed.
Draco stood there a few minutes watching him walk away, his shoulder slouched as if not believing that he'd just been dumped.
" draco-"
" you're a jerk " draco turned around
" what ?" Harry asked confused
" you're an insolent jerk " draco picked up from dry leaves from the ground and hitting harry with that.
" what the fuck did I do ?" Harry shielded himself as draco threw more and more leaves and grasses
" you fucking moron, you were Flirting with me " draco huffed stopping for a moment
" I wasn't flirting " harry whined. Draco gave him a look before picking up more leaves and throwing it at him
" okay, okay. I was but hey it's your fault to go along with it " harry stumbled back over the ground
" well it's not my fault if you're bloody good at it "
" is it my fault that you enjoyed and I'm not the only victim here, you were flirting too " harry looked up at Draco from the ground
" I wasn't flirting " draco narrowed his eyes. Harry hooked his leg around that of draco, making him trip over and fall over harry, who he instantly rolled over, pinning draco to ground.
" were you not ?" Harry breathed
" it doesn't matter-"
" you were flirting back" harry commanded
" okay, fine I was but you had no right- hmph" draco moaned softly as harry kissed him over the lips, kissing until the need for oxygen finally had made sense again.
" now tell me, how long have you wanted this?" Harry huffed.
Draco rolled his eyes, still pink from all the kissing " I haven't wanted this "
" okay " harry frowned as he leaned down, his lips lightly brushing over that of draco's " you sure ?" Harry asked not moving an inch closer or further
Draco's breath choked down, desperately wanting to lean forward to kiss him again but didn't to avoid giving harry the satisfaction of having the upper hand.
" you don't want me to kiss you again then? That's right yeah " harry whispered as he bit Draco's lower lip, earning a soft moan and his body involuntarily pressed against harry's
" seems otherwise " harry whispered.
" merlin " draco moaned. Smirking harry pulled away looking at Draco from a distance.
Sucking his cheeks, draco immediately pulled harry to him and kissed him again, this time in more desperation and rush.
" guess who's got the upper hand now " draco moaned as he freed his hands and put them in his hair.
" you" harry chuckled, Thoroughly enjoying kissing draco himself.
" jerk " draco chuckled
" you're the jerk " harry chuckled
" and you broke his heart " harry whispered against his lips smiling
" eh, he always knew it anyways " draco shrugged
" you really are a jerk then " harry smiled as he pulled away a bit, admiring draco.
" and you're the jerk who just broke my relationship and has basically manipulated me into kissing you " draco raised an eyebrow amusingly
" I don't regret it " harry regret
" me either " draco smiled and leaned in again.
Requests open
Day 37- you're my home, draco | Day 39- cuddle me in
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Buri-senpai~ it’s me again! It seems like the Kamado family was respected in town. How do you think the townsfolk would’ve reacted once they realized that Tanjirou hadn’t been visiting with charcoal, only to check up on the family where they see the wreckage. Perhaps Tanjirou had left a rushed note, noting how his family was attacked, how only he and Nezuko were alive, and how they won’t be able to visit for a very long time. If that’s the case, I don’t think Tanjirou will explain the cause 1/3
2/3 of the attack, but there’s a chance that Saburo would’ve eventually realized that a demon had attacked them. Also, side notes: if Kaigaku was still a demon slayer during the events of the red light district, do you think he would've heard about Zenitsu's contributions to the defeat of upper 6? I had read your amazing Ukogi fic and enjoyed the characterization of Kaigaku's crow embellishing his achievements as a slayer. I also enjoyed Matsuemon's fondness of Nezuko and it seems like
3/3 he was ‘conspiring’ (for lack of a better word) with Oyakata-sama behind the scenes, with how the events at Asakusa with Tamayo played out. I'm sure Tamayo's existence was pardoned by the Oyakata-sama of Yoriichi's time. Also, sorry for the length! I enjoy your input on everything!
Going to reply to this in a couple parts, but allow me to first borrow one of my LINE stickers to express:
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I'll reply to the fic stuff under the cut, but I'm really honored by your close reading and consideration of one of my favorite fics, "The Legend of Ukogi." But first for your question about Tanjiro!
Honestly, I was surprised by the village's upkeep of their home, including nice new tatami and shelves which Nezuko noticed in the extended epilogue included the Volume 23 version of Chapter 204. I would had assumed they'd have a mess of a home to come back to (and wrote my canon diverent/continuation fic that way, for the first draft was written after Chapter 204's magazine publication but before Volume 23's publication). At least nowadays in Japan, uninhabited homes are often left as-is and fall to shambles, even in cities, causing problems for the neighbors as they become home to pests. Upkeep is an issue, and it seems unlikely the townspeople would had gone out of their way to keep the site of a tragedy so nice.
However, Gotouge seems to stress that the Kamado family, simply for being good people, were often humbled by being on the receiving end of such kindnesses. Even Sumiyoshi and Suyako were on the receiving end of this, as mentioned in a Taisho Secret in Volume 22, for having helped a local lord's wife and son while they were in peril without knowing who they were. Even though they tried to refuse reward, they made sure they had a nicely fixed up house anyway (side note, they moved in to Yoriichi's and Uta's abandoned house).
A sturdy house as returns for their kindness seems to be as much of a running theme in Kamado history as is Hinokami Kagura and making charcoal. We do see that Tanjiro is pretty popular among the townspeople and everyone knows they can rely on him, and if Tanjiro's highly biased word is to be trusted, Nezuko had a reputation as a local beauty. In good whether the little kids must had gone into town a bunch, and Tanjiro (and Inosuke's) continued charcoal business (despite the increasing reliance on electricity) in the Fanbook #2 extended epilogue shows that the Kamado family has always had a reputation for high quality charcoal. Certainly, they've been well-loved long enough that their tragedy would not go unnoticed.
As further evidence of this, in the Giyuu Gaiden, a hunter even notices that on a different mountain nearby there was a family of charcoal farmers slaughtered and a suspicious person in a half-and-half haori was seen around there. Clearly, the villagers were quick to notice the incident and start looking around for the man who might had done it!
But we're still left with the question of how quickly they'd have noticed the absence, how word got around, and just how much they knew. My initial thought in response to your Ask was "there's no way Tanjiro had time for that, he had bury his family and get Nezuko dressed and hurry and go!" but then again, this is Tanjiro we're talking about. Tanjiro who faithfully keeps a diary for Nezuko no matter how tired he is, and who faithfully keeps in touch with all his penpals even with all his demon slaying work to keep him busy. If anyone would had written a letter, it would had been him.
It's possible that his reasoning would had been for Nezuko's sake. Should word get around about the incident, and about Nezuko being a demon, people might suspect she was the one who did it. Even Tanjiro had to consider that possibility when he was first shocked by her transformation, though he had the evidence to clearly determine that she was innocent. So maybe if he did leave something, it might simply had been to inform people that Nezuko still needs help, and he's left to take care of her.
To the townspeople, Tanjiro's word is trustworthy. As soon as someone discovered the incident (and perhaps a letter), word would probably get around pretty fast, and if Tanjiro had circumstances that forced him to leave for Nezuko's sake, that implies that they might make a return once she was alright. That might be what inspired the townspeople, who cared for generations about their local charcoal farmers, to have their hearts wrenched with sympathy for the tragedy these two surviving children have been through, and to try to do what they can by taking care of the house while they're gone.
As for knowing if it was demons or not, it's possible only Saburo knew that. There's so much we don't know about Saburo, but my personal headcanon is that he lost his family to demons and was rescued by the Demon Slayers. While others might have been quick to blame the suspicious man in the half-and-half haori, anything said by Saburo, a man perhaps known for keeping to himself with a sullen personality, was dismissed or taken for mere superstition. Saburo, having told Tanjiro to stay with him that night, might had already felt something was off, and when the feeling kept bothering him, he might had gone to check on the Kamado family and been the first one to discover the massacre. Letter or not, he'd have known Tanjiro survived, and might had gotten there soon enough to trace the footprints to deduce to that one of the other older children must had survived too.
Now because of fic spoilers, Bird Fic commentary below!
As I was doing my best to make that fic fit alongside canon, I tried to consider where the birds might and might not been able to influence the events of canon, and that made Denroku (Kaigaku's crow) one of my favorite small bits to work with. Even though he never makes an appearance in the story (only mentioned as a slightly antagonistic bird), he struck me as having the most potential for influencing events.
Since we see a general pattern of the birds being very invested in the Slayer they work with, I imagined that Denroku would pick up on Kaigaku's ambitions. When he got in trouble for embellishing Kaigaku's achievements, that's when he tries the reverse, taking assignments into his own talons and leading to Kaigaku fighting an enemy out of his league. While most of the Kasugai-garasu would had immediately reported Upper Moon 1 so that a Pillar could be summoned, Denroku's underhanded drive to see Kaigaku promoted is what leads to a situation the Corp would had preferred to avoid.
And that brings us back to Matsuemon, who does his best to promote his underlings' achievements to get Tanjiro recognized as a Pillar. He is protective of Nezuko, having picked up on that from Tanjiro, but honestly, I had not considered Matsuemon leading to Tanjiro's encounter with Tamayo. Letting Oyakata-sama know about it, though, that does seem in character for Matsuemon, which we'll get to!
As for why Tanjiro encountered Tamayo so early on, I posited in this Ask that Oyakata-sama probably was hoping Tanjiro would make a connection with her. Gotouge has stated that the demon Tanjiro was sent to investigate in Asakusa was Tamayo. Like you, I assume that Kagaya's forefathers must had chosen to pardon her existence out of Yoriichi's good word for her, and we know from his later mention of her to Tanjiro and efforts to reach out to her later that he's probably always been curious about a way to gain her trust.
What probably gave him the idea to use Tanjiro, a kid with a demon sister, was Urokodaki's letter. We didn't hear the full letter read allowed at the Pillar meeting, but my thought is that Urokodaki wrote highly enough of Tanjiro that Kagaya was like, "aha! This is it! This might be the person who helps me gain Tamayo's trust!" and that was why he sent Tanjiro to Asakusa on his second mission. As for whether Matsuemon knew that or not, I suspect not initially, but he might had gotten aware of it overtime and been in on the loop of birds who know this but help keep it on the downlow, as per Oyakata-sama's request. Matsuemon might had also been given special instructions to report details to the Kasugai-garasu who initiated the personal correspondence between Oyakata-sama and Tamayo. Knowing this egotistical bird he probably would had loved to brag about it, but he's smart enough and respects the Corp mission enough to know when to keep silent about his achievements.
EDIT: Ack! I forgot to respibd to your Kaigaku question. I do assume Kaigaku was still a Corp member at that time and he probably heard and that it ticked him the hell off. Even if he didn't know the details, the fact that Zenitsu would had been credited with fighting an Upper Moon would tick him off with jealousy. Not to worry, Kaigaku, Upper Moon 6 is only the bottom rung of the Upper Moons. ; P
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