#it's either 'hello' or 'father I hunger for the souls of the damned'
ghcstcd · 1 year
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@crimsonclergy From before Omega's updated design, and featuring Alpha's design that's currently being reworked.
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5lazarus · 3 years
This is gonna be fun because I know so little about Dragon Age, but here goes: A priest gets ex-communicated from his order due to a series of increasingly unlikely events which make the priest appear to be doing something sacrilegious when in fact he was trying to overcorrect for the previous appearance of sacrilege.
finally got this done! this was a lot of fun. Alistair the Accidental Heretic, crossposted to AO3 here.
Alistair gets bored during morning prayer and starts changing the words of the Chant as he sings. Mother Prudence and Knight-Commander Greagoir are less than pleased, and soon he finds himself tripping up over accidental heresy even within the kitchens of Kinloch Hold. It's not easy, being a half-elf templar with a conscience, because even having a sense of humor is heresy.
They’ve caught him snoring through Lauds three times this week, so Alistair really wants to stay awake through this time. He thinks active thoughts: fireballs to the face, Isolde screeching when he broke her favorite bottle of perfume, nug-racing with the kitchen staff. Still he finds himself drifting. Mother Prudence’s voice has this wonderful soporific quality. She gurgles the Chant like raindrops in a drainpipe.
He drifts off, eyes alighting on the stained glass window above the altar. Andraste stands silent, wreathed in flames, while Shartan without the ears fires arrows as Hessarian pulls out his sword. It’s all very Chantry, all very templar-y, which of course is to be expected because he is in a chantry and surrounded by templars and these robes are really quite itchy, they really need to try something finer spun, because what if he breaks out into a rash? Alistair is amused. If he scratches himself enough he can raise enough bumps to make it look like he has a rash, that he’s allergic to the templar uniform, and then they’ll have to let him home. They’ll have to. He’d rather go back to waiting on Arl Eamon’s squires than sing the Chant. “Maker have mercy, it never ends,” Alistair mutters to himself. He leans back in the pew. Sure, the shuffling is annoying, but at least he’s making it obvious he’s not falling asleep. He yawns. The guy next to him shoots him a glare. Alistair rolls his eyes.
Mother Prudence continues to sing, and boy is she getting old. She warbles and Alistair thinks this must be why the Maker turned away in the first place, because the singing’s so bad. If everyone singing at all ends of the earth in harmony would bring Him back, would He be mad if they’re off key? He snickers to himself. The guy next to him, some landholder’s brat from Honnleath, shoots him a furious stare. “What?” Alistair says. “You’re being disrespectful,” he says. “Oh come on,” Alistair says. The liturgy stops and the hall falls silent, but Alistair can’t help himself, he keeps going on. “At least I’m awake. Listen, singing that bad is the reason the Maker turned away in the first place.” Mother Prudence gasps. Alistair looks around at the shocked templar faces around him and mutters, “Damn. Tough crowd.” They wash his mouth out first for the swear and second for the heresy. Unfortunately he was not heretical enough to be thrown out of the templars--but they do flog him, and like a child. Alistair is left sniffling and resentful, avoiding the others’ jeers as he walks gingerly into the mess hall. He eyes the hard bench warily, and rubs his backside. He kneels at his seat instead of sitting. “What are you doing?” the Honnleath recruit asks. “Praying,” Alistair snaps back. He groans as Mother Prudence enters the hall for the evening prayer before dinner. Achingly he maneuvers back onto his feet. Mother Prudence warbles, “Blessed are THEEEEY who STAAAAAAND beFOOOORE the corrUUUPT,” she sings it like she’s hiding a burp, “and the WIIIIIICked and do not FAAAALter.” Alistair looks around questioningly. “She’s off-rhythm today,” he remarks. “This is worse than usual.” The templars, recruits and all, bellow back, “BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS, THE CHAMPIONS OF THE JUUUUUST!” Alistair winces and rubs his ears, massaging the tapered points. He knows his mother must have been an elf, because he’s got the eyes and the hearing. For a second he envies the servants, who get to avoid evening prayer as they clean up the kitchen. He knows he should be grateful that Arl Eamonn elevated him to his human father’s status, but he’d rather be a cheesemonger than this. A Chantry sister rings a bell. Mother Prudence grandly announces to the hall, “Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.” The templars reply, “Foul and corrupt are they who have taken His gift and turned it against His children.” Alistair mutters instead, “Fowl and carrots are they who have taken His grits and turned it against his chitterlings.” The Honnleath guy elbows him. “What?” Alistair says, annoyed. “I’m hungry. Doesn’t ‘maleficar’ sound like a type of fancy Orlesian cheese?” He gapes at him, and Alistair shrugs. “Am I really the only one in this order who has a sense of humor? Is this what lyrium does to you?” A heavy hand comes down hard on his shoulder. Alistair giggles nervously to himself, and slowly cranes his neck up. “Ah, Knight-Commander Greagoir. Fancy seeing you here. Anything I can do to help?” “Alistair,” the Knight-Commander says wearily. “You know the drill. Out. No supper.” “Not even fancy cheese? We’ve been singing about it all day--” Greagoir gives him a gentle shove, and Alistair stops talking before he can dig himself deeper and make a joke about being a maleficarum, which would probably lose him the benefit of the doubt and get him killed. He hates the templars, but he likes living more.  He paces around the dormitory to stave off hunger, because now he’s gotten himself anxious. He’s never met a blood mage and doubts he will, some of the older recruits will talk knowingly about Harrowings gone wrong, but from what he can tell, most of them go exactly right, it’s all about having the right mentality, and isn’t that the whole point of the Fade? It reflects what it’s given. So if he goes into the Fade with a mage and starts singing about chitterlings, there won’t be demons, just a feast. Alistair giggles in the silent room. Then his stomach growls, first going low, then rising an octave, warbling for a bit, and then settling to a moan. He clutches his gut. He’s a growing boy: he needs food, or else his thoughts will wander, and he’ll end up accidentally coming up with heresy again. He is particularly proud of that thought. Feed him or else he’ll become a heretic. Alistair grins and says, “Well, that’s sorted. Guess I’ll go to the kitchens then.” No one answers back, because he is in an empty room, but the Knight-Commander never actually told him to stay put, so he roves out in search of food, and maybe even companionship. The servants don’t like the templars or the mages much, though some of the other mixed-blood children give him the occasional curious look. Everyone is always trying to figure out whose son he is. Alistair would like to know, too. Arl Eamon told him his father is of noble blood, though not of Eamon’s own line--a nice way of telling him he isn’t his bastard, and Alistair can tell from his own face that his mother must have been an elf. He only hopes she hadn’t been coerced in some way, that she had been happy to have a baby, that it wasn’t ruination and damnation and shame, because the elves don’t like it when their people step out with humans either, but those thoughts are hungry thoughts, laced with despair, and when Alistair reaches the kitchen door frame, he silences them. The kitchen is empty but for the head cook, sitting at the head of a long flour-dusted table. He is studying a menu, squinting angrily. Alistair almost hesitates. He doesn’t want to interrupt. But the head cook catches his eye, and waves him in. The head cook has ears like him and the same eyebrows and chin. Maybe he’s a cousin. Everyone is related somehow, he hopes. He’d like to have relatives, and anyway, he’s nice to him sometimes, and has let him sneak leftovers before, so Alistair has high hopes for at least a snack tonight. “Hello!” Alistair sings out. “Was wondering if there’s any leftover cheese I can nibble on.” The cook stares at him. He says, “What are you, a mouse?” Alistair says hopefully, “Squeak, squeak.” He fixes his best innocent look onto his face. “They sent me to bed without supper again. But the Knight-Commander said nothing about a snack!” The cook scoffs. “What’d you do? Isn’t this the third time this week?” Alistair grins sheepishly. “I might’ve said ‘maleficarum’ sounds like a type of Orlesian cheese.” “Sweet Shartan,” the cook says, then corrects himself. “Maker’s breath.” He looks at Alistair significantly, and Alistair knows he is supposed to pretend he didn’t hear the elvhen prophet’s name. “Whoever’s bastard you must be, he’s a powerful man. Did they whip you?” “Eh,” Alistair rubs the back of his head. “Earlier, for something else.” The cook boggles. “What’d you do? Sing the Canticle of Shartan? How they haven’t burned you, I don’t know.” “Aw, they wouldn’t do that. They don’t burn people anymore,” Alistair says. The cook shakes his head. Alistair blinks. “They don’t, do they? They don’t even burn blood mages! It’s just a Smite or the noose nowadays. The Chantry wouldn’t do that!” The elf says, “They did that in the Dales. They did that to Andraste. What makes you special?” “Woah,” Alistair says. “You’re the one who brought up Shartan. I don’t even know the canticle.” He hesitates. “Well, the whole canticle.” He has heard some of the mages whispering it to each other, in corners of the library, where they don’t realize it’s enchanted to echo. “Do you?” The cook says sharply, “I don’t talk religion with templars. You might have the ears of the People, boy, but you don’t have the soul.” He folds the piece of paper and slips it into his apron, and Alistair understands suddenly that perhaps the week’s menu is not written on that piece of paper, but something infinitely more interesting. He thinks to himself, blessed are the chitterlings, the champagne of the just. “Hey,” Alistair says. “Hey! I didn’t ask for this. I won’t--I’m not a templar! I don’t want to be. What’s your problem? I’m just here for the cheese.” The cook sighs. “You need to get out of here,” he informs him. “Not just my kitchen. The Circle. Because with your sense of humor, and your ears, not even noble blood will protect you. And you’ll drag anyone seen talking to you down with you.” Alistair snaps back, “‘A dog might slink back to the hand it has bitten and be forgiven, but a slave never. If you would live, and live without fear, you must fight.’” He rears back, grinning proudly. He has always had an excellent memory for recitation. “Don’t I know it.” “Get out,” the cook says flatly. “Out. Don’t even look at me, kid. Get the fuck out, heretic. And for the sake of your mother, I’ll give you a piece of cheese.” Alistair leaves abruptly, gnawing on a piece of cheese, and takes a lesson from it. He keeps his mouth shut during lessons and prayers. The servants don’t even look at him when he passes them in the halls, and he doesn’t dare go to the kitchen when he’s hungry anymore. He speaks when spoken to, looks up only when addressed, and when the Grey Warden arrives, looking for volunteers, he throws himself at him, because he didn’t mean to be a heretic, but it seems like the only way to be.
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kutemouse · 4 years
Caught (Part One)
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Disclaimers: All “Save Me” webtoon and BTS MV/highlight reel/film references and plots belong to BTS and BigHit. All pictures of Kim Taehyung belong to BTS and BigHit, I just edited them for my header. The picture of BTS came from Vogue Japan, I just edited it for my header.
A Note from Kutemouse: I know, I know, this has been a long time coming, and I’m so sorry it took so long for me to post this!! I’ve actually had it written for a while, but today was the first day I was able to get up and do some stuff. Pregnancy is rough! Oh, that’s right, if you haven’t seen it yet, I made a Big Announcement earlier today that explains why I’ve been so inactive lately, and also explains my plans for the future.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (this is NOT one for youngsters, kuties, and is MOST DEFINITELY NSFW)
Genre: Mafia!AU w/ BTS, Jailbird!AU w/ Taehyung, Yandere!BTS
Warnings: Not many warnings for this part, kuties. Swears, I guess. Unsupportive SO? Kidnapping. Use of chloroform.
Word Count: About 3k
Summary: Kim Taehyung was the absolute love of your life… until he became a murderer. With him serving a life sentence in prison, you were finally free to live out the rest of your life however you wanted. Just when you thought you were at the top of your game, ready to take on the world, Taehyung reappears like a monster not even your worst nightmares could dream up. He gives you a year to fall in love with him, but now the question is, can monsters even be loved?
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Tag List: @chocolatewolfuniversitytrash​ @btssmutheaven​ @taemaknae​ @rebeccawoodrow​ @sassysaxsolo​ @iconicgguk​
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Caught (Taehyung Series, Yandere, Smut, Angst) Part One
We were skipping class in the school greenhouse, enjoying the humid warmth and the earthy smell wafting from the plants. We were talking, I forget about what. What I remember most is fiddling with his large, rough hands, intertwining my fingers between his over and over again. I remember his deep laugh that seemed to rumble through the recesses of my soul. I remember glee blooming in my chest whenever he grinned at me. 
His tone was teasing, mine was indignant yet flirtatious. Again, I forget what we said to each other, but I clearly remember those two words. “Kiss me.”
I gaped at him. “What?”
“Kiss me,” he repeated.
I hesitated. “Here? Now?”
Taehyung leaned down, tilting his head, until his lips hovered over mine. I felt each of his exhales on my skin, practically heard my heartbeat speed up.
“Kiss. Me.” It was barely a whisper, yet it resonated through my body, down my spine and throughout my limbs.
Without another word, I pressed my lips to his, melding them to fit his, a thrill running through me at his appreciative groan.
He pulled back, his inky eyes somehow growing darker. “I love you, baby girl.”
I sat up, gasping. Blood rushed to my head, making me see stars. With a groan, I covered my face with my hands.
My fiancé, Lee Chanwook, rolled over and peered at me. “You okay?” he asked, his voice husky from lack of use.
“Yeah. Fine. Just had a dream, go back to sleep.”
“You sure?”
I nodded. He rolled over, his breath growing deep and even as he fell back into the reaches of slumber. If I could be so lucky. I hadn’t thought about Kim Taehyung in… well, it had to be almost a year now. Or two. I wasn’t sure.
Either way, my life moved on without him after shit completely hit the fan. My aunt and I agreed I shouldn’t transfer schools, since I only had a month or so left til graduation. I graduated alongside Chaeyoung, who seemed to be my only friend after Taehyung got arrested. She held my hand tightly the entire ceremony, only letting go when I was called to accept my diploma.
As soon as I graduated, Aunt Sunhee and I moved into her place in Busan. It was a tidal wave of change. Compared to my mom’s cramped, two-bedroom apartment, my aunt’s large house was a mansion. She recently obtained a position as COO of a large company and applied for custody of me immediately after.
Before we moved, I found my aunt’s letters my mom had hidden from me. My aunt had tried to call me multiple times but was never able to reach me. She even flew out to see me a couple of times, but all it took was my mother calling me at school and telling me I needed to stay at a friend’s house for me to stay away. I guess my mom was scared she would lose me.
Yet that’s exactly what happened in the end. My aunt paid for my mom to go to a rehabilitation center, but after only a few weeks, the center called my aunt letting her know my mother had disappeared. Aunt Sunhee called the police and even hired a private investigator, but my mom was nowhere to be found. I succumbed to the realization that she was probably dead. I didn’t get out of bed for weeks afterward.
A year and a massive amount of therapy sessions later, I decided I wanted to do something with my life. I was already attending university to obtain a business degree, but I hungered for more. My aunt got me an internship within her company, and I learned a lot just by working under her. Four years later, with a bachelor’s degree in hand, my aunt hired me as her executive assistant, and I took a year off before going to graduate school to both work and plan my wedding.
I was introduced to Chanwook at a company get-together. He was the son of one of my aunt’s business associates, and he caught my eye almost immediately. Mostly it was the way he was the exact opposite of the boy I hadn’t been able to get my mind off of. He was a stickler for the rules, had a great relationship with his parents, and never, ever did anything that would cross the line or damage his flawless reputation. He was kind and funny, but there was no wild or daring side to him. At the time, he was exactly what I needed.
He helped me forget about Taehyung. In the years before then, whenever I had a spare moment for my mind to drift, Taehyung’s wide, boxy grin and deep voice would float into my thoughts. I spent days wondering what went wrong. When had he become a murderer? At what point did he crack? Why hadn’t I noticed sooner?
Chaeyoung and I kept in touch, and I heard some details of Taehyung’s trial from her. I heard he was sentenced to life in prison without parole, due to the one count of murder against him. It would have been two, but Taehyung’s dad’s body was never found. No one was even sure he was dead.
I spent many nights staring at the ceiling, thinking back to the night when Namjoon got that frantic phone call from Taehyung. When Jungkook wouldn’t let me see him. When he completely disappeared for that entire week.
I had no doubt he killed his father. I don’t think he did it maliciously or intentionally. I think he found the strength inside of himself to fight back, and it ended in a death. It didn’t make the murderous act any less horrifying, but it did make me wonder just how deep the darkness inside Taehyung ran. Was he really the monster the media made him out to be?
Aunt Sunhee caught me one night poring over article after article covering Taehyung’s trial. “Y/n, you can’t keep doing this,” she said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You need to move on with your life.”
It took a long time, but eventually, I stopped surfing the internet for mentions of Taehyung’s story. My conversations with Chaeyoung grew few and far between until they stopped completely. Memories of Tae’s smile, his voice, his laugh, his lips, faded away. I even changed my last name to “Park” both so I’d be recognized as my aunt’s relative, and so no one from my past could find me. Four long years later, I was finally free of Kim Taehyung.
Or so I thought.
Apparently, my damn subconscious didn’t want to let him go. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to wipe away the image of his smiling face. I never imagined that, years later, he would still be haunting me.
I got out of bed, wrapping a robe around my body before stepping out onto our apartment’s deck. The cool, four-in-the-morning air roused my senses even further awake. I stayed like that until the sun began to peek over the edge of the horizon, thinking of Kim Taehyung and our shared past.
“Hey,” Chanwook said, coming up from behind to wrap his arms around me. “Have you been out here all night?”
“Not all night,” I replied. “Just since I woke up from that dream.”
“Mmmm,” he hummed sleepily in response. “Was it a good dream?”
I bit my lip, mulling his question over. “No,” I finally said. “It was more like a nightmare.”
That afternoon, I yawned as I re-read the same sentence for the umpteenth time, willing my brain to focus. “You look like you need a cup of coffee,” my coworker, Lisa, said.
“That would be nice,” I murmured in response, still trying to focus.
She stood and grabbed her purse. “I’ll get yours with an extra shot of espresso,” she said.
“Just so you know, I absolutely adore you.”
She blew me a kiss accompanied by a cheeky wink. “I know. Be back in fifteen.”
With the promise of caffeine on the way, I sat back in my chair and rubbed my temples, telling myself I’d get back to that report later. My cell phone began to buzz, and I picked it up, frowning at the unknown number.
“Miss Park?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Hello, my name is Choi Yeonjun. I’m a representative of the company Bangtan Enterprises.”
“Never heard of it.”
A chuckle came through from the other end. “That’s because we’re a small start-up just breaking into Seoul’s business world.”
“And what does that have to do with me?”
“Miss Park, we’ve been made aware of your extraordinary skills and experience. Your aunt is COO of her company, correct? And you’ve been working under her for how long?”
“Well, if you’re including my internship, about five years now.”
“Mr. Choi, what is this about?” I asked as politely as I could.
“As a start-up company, we’re in need of experienced people to help run it,” he explained. “We’re prepared to offer you the COO position here at Bangtan, which comes with your own office, and we’ll double your salary.”
My mouth dropped open. “Double?”
I shook my head in an attempt to pull myself together. This opportunity was huge. I’d been accused of exploiting nepotism in order to get where I was today, but this could be my chance to prove all my naysayers wrong. I could show them I was entirely capable of forging my own path.
Still, I wasn’t going to just jump at this. I pulled my keyboard towards me and searched Bangtan Enterprises. Only a few results came up, but they confirmed my hopes into reality. Bangtan Enterprises was indeed a start-up, but it was based on a very profitable idea and, from the looks of it, had already lined up some high-end clients.
“And you said you’re based in Seoul?” I asked.
“That’s correct.”
So I’d either have to move there or split my time between Busan and there. I chewed my lip, wondering what Chanwook would think. “Your offer is very generous, Mr. Choi. May I have some time to think about it?”
He chuckled once more. “Unfortunately for you, you are not our only candidate. You’re our first choice, but there are others who are willing to start as soon as tomorrow.”
I clenched my phone. “No! I mean, that’s fine. I’ll take it.”
I knew I might regret it later, but this was a hell of an opportunity. Besides, it wasn’t like I signed a contract. I still had time to back out.
“Excellent. We’ll send you an official offer via email. When is the earliest you can start?”
“Don’t tease me, Mr. Choi,” I said playfully. “I thought you said my competition could start tomorrow.”
“That may be true, but—”
“Well, anything they can do, I can do better. I’ll send you my plane’s arrival time.”
“We’ll have a car waiting.”
I swiped off the call, anticipation flooding through me, causing a burst of excited energy to run through my veins.
“You what?” Chanwook gaped at me.
“I said yes,” I replied nervously. I just told my fiancé about the new job, and he seemed to think it was great up until I said I accepted.
“Sweetie,” he groaned, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Are you serious?”
I frowned. “Yes, of course I am. I wouldn’t joke about something like this, Chan.”
“Well, you’ll just have to tell them you can’t take it anymore.”
I scoffed. “And why not?”
“Because we have a great life here. You make plenty, I make more than plenty. Why do you need another job?”
“Maybe I don’t need it,” I retorted. “Maybe I want it.”
“Want to move away from here? Miles away from your friends, your family?”
I scowled at him in response.
He sighed. “Y/n… answer me honestly. Is this about your mom?”
I snorted in disgust. “Seriously, Chan?!”
“It’s a valid question! Are you sure you don’t only want to go to Seoul to see if you could find her?”
“No, that’s not the reason I want to go to Seoul!”
“Then why?”
“Because! This is something that I earned, that I did on my fucking own. In fact, this will be the first and only thing that’s mine alone.”
“That’s not true.”
“Isn’t it? My job? Came from my aunt. My business degree? My aunt’s money. This apartment?” I said, gesturing around the room. “Your money.”
“So what?”
“So I want something for myself. We don’t have to move to Seoul, you know. I know your job is here, and I’d be willing to make the commute. You know, stay four days there, three days here, or something.”
Chanwook scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself?!” he shouted. “We are getting married! Planning on starting a life, here, in Busan! If you want a job based on your own merit and not because your aunt took pity on you, then find one here.”
I was rendered entirely speechless for a good few moments before I was able to gather myself back together. “I cannot believe how unsupportive you’re being,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’m taking that job. It’s your choice whether you’ll let that affect our relationship or not.”
I turned and grabbed my suitcase before stomping out the door, intent on going straight to my aunt’s. If Chanwook was going to be a total ass, I didn’t want to be around him. Thankfully, Aunt Sunhee wasn’t there to ask prying questions when I entered the house with my spare key. I walked up to my old room and hopped on my computer to search for flights from Busan to Seoul. This was my dream. And nothing, nothing at all, was going to stop me from achieving it.
I walked briskly toward my destination, my heels clicking on the airport floor. As promised, a car was waiting for me, along with another passenger in the backseat. “Miss Park,” he said, extending his hand towards me as soon as I buckled up.
His voice sounded familiar. “Mr. Choi?”
“You can call me Yeonjun,” he said, his blonde hair falling over his left eye.
“And you can continue calling me Miss Park.”
He tossed me a smirk. “So, the boss would like to speak with you,” he said easily. “Nothing to be nervous for, he just wants to get to know you. However, he has an important meeting to attend over on the other side of town for which he’s requested your presence.”
“So this car is going straight there?”
“No, you’ll switch to his car once we get to the office. That way, you’ll have time to get reacquainted.”
I frowned. “Reacquainted?”
Yeonjun chuckled. “I meant acquainted. Slip of the tongue.”
“If you say so.”
We spent the rest of the ride in silence, something I was surprised over. I thought he would want to go over my contract or something, but I supposed that would all come later. The driver pulled the car into a parking structure, causing the interior to instantly darken.
“There it is,” Yeonjun said, pointing. A sleek, black SUV sat in the middle of the road, effectively blocking our way. “Go on. Mr. Kim is waiting for you.”
A shiver ran down my spine at the mention of my new boss’s name. Thoughts of Taehyung rushed through my mind, but I shoved them away. Kim was a common enough last name. I stepped out of the car, pulling my suitcase from the trunk before walking towards the SUV. Yeonjun did not follow. After stowing my luggage in the trunk, I opened the side door and hopped in.
A figure sat on the bench across from me, his face covered in shadow. “Mr. Kim? Hi, I’m Park Y/n,” I said, extending my hand. He did not take it.
“I know who you are,” he said, his voice an eerily familiar deep tone.
“Oh, of course you do. Yeonjun said you wanted to get to know me… What would you like to know?”
“I know everything about you already, baby girl.”
I narrowed my eyes, trying to see through the darkness that covered his face. “S-Sorry?”
“I said,” he replied, leaning forward. The light caught onto his inky eyes, causing me to gasp. “I know everything about you already, Y/n.”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Kim Taehyung was leaning towards me, a smirk dancing around the corners of his mouth. Sure, he looked slightly different. Older. More mature. He had definitely filled out, and his hair was now a complimentary jet-black falling attractively into his dark eyes.
“Hey baby girl,” he said, his smirk widening. “You lost?”
My body suddenly jumped into full-blown panic, and I grabbed at the car door’s handle, shrieking once I realized it wouldn’t open. Taehyung forcefully wrapped his arms around me, pinning me hard to his chest, clamping a hand tightly over my mouth. “None of that now,” he hissed.
I bit him, causing him to yelp, and continued trying to escape, fumbling at the lock that stood between him and my freedom. Taehyung pulled a handkerchief and a bottle from his jacket pocket, putting a dab of whatever liquid was inside on the cloth before clamping it over my mouth. His chuckle came out as more of a wheeze as he held me to his chest. “Damn, baby girl,” he said. “I hoped I wouldn’t have to resort to this, but here we are.”
With each one of his words, my field of vision grew smaller and smaller until my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I felt myself falling into a state of unconsciousness not even the fear of death itself could fight off.
Part Two is Here! 😉
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macdvnald · 5 years
[ CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ] • [ SHE/HER ] | is that [ MARY MACDONALD ] , the [ NINETEEN ] year/s old [ GRYFFINDOR ] alumnus , walking down diagon alley ? I heard that the last time they had their fortune read, they drew the [ HIEROPHANT REVERSED ] , which seems [ UNLUCKY ] . hopefully they won’t come to any harm, considering their recent choice to ally themselves with [ THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX ] . they’ll probably be fine - I know they’re [ PERSISTENT ] , though apparently they can also be [ RUTHLESS ] . what’s the worst that could happen ? | 
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LINKS: stats, pinboard, playlist PARALLELS: johanna mason ( the hunger games ), jessica jones ( jessica jones ), raven reyes ( the 100 ), ellie ( the last of us ), rosa diaz ( brooklyn 99 ), nancy wheeler ( stranger things ), kat edison ( the bold type ), sarah manning ( orphan black ) HELLO and welcome to the mess that is this intro!! on the bottom are some plot ideas & besides that its a big old mess! but we love disorganisation! hit this up with a like if u want me to hit u up for plots and i sure as hell will <333
mary had a little lamb? WRONG. mary had a little calf. because she was born on a dairy farm in the highlands of scotland ( laugh at my joke pls i worked hard on it ). she was born third to two muggles – a scottish father and a mexican mother, who loved each other deeply – and would eventually become their middle child. she could have become overlooked, but mary never felt discounted at home: while her parents were very often busy with the cows, their love ran deep.
her youth consisted of this: running through fields of grass, attending a muggle elementary where people sang songs at her ( old macdonald had a farm and mary had a little lamb ), playing with the animals, building tree houses with her brothers and sister and playing football every spare moment she got. it was good and simple and wholesome.
of course, strange things happened, as they tend to with muggleborns: she’d explode her brother’s toy when she got angry, or let things fly around the room when she was laughing. when she found out she was a witch at age eleven, things fell in its place. and the macdonalds, while traditional catholics, accepted mary, which is the most important thing of it all. her parents were shocked, yes, but they squeezed her shoulder and promised to discover this all together.
which?? very much influenced mary greatly? because it went against a lot of things they – and she, too – believed in? this has allowed her to have a faith in people, and while she may be cynical and bitter at times, that faith is still there.
hogwarts was as chaotic as home, and mary settled in quite nicely. sorted into gryffindor ( she guessed it was for her rambunctious nature, but who knew ), she found herself a second home and loved it. as it turned out, she was rather good with a wand as well – she didn’t do so good at essays, though – and genuinely liked learning ( except for history of magic. fuck that. ).
being a muggleborn had its downsides, of course, but mary never really allowed herself to feel discouraged. hurt? yes, definitely, but never discouraged. she wasn’t going to let it get to her, she told herself, but it did, especially when the harsh words turned into something more. it was during her confrontation with mulciber that mary felt true, harsh fear for the first time. she felt shut down, paralysed, depressed —– but then, after a while, she got up and took some important steps. she reported mulciber, which led to nothing, which caused her to feel angry, which in turn caused her to feel determination. if the system wasn’t going to be on her side, she’d just have to fucking change it, right? mary started throwing herself in her schoolwork, determined to join the dmle – hopefully as an auror, but any position would do. she suppressed her fear and the trauma that was there, and kept her chin up.
the entire mulciber situation is up for change, should we get a mulciber, or if it doesn’t correspondent with the plot/rp canon! 
graduation rolled around and mary got the five required NEWTs to even apply. it was a nervewracking process, but once she got into auror training, she cried. like. for a year. she was so proud of herself and she felt so determined and !! man. it was such a good, defining moment. around the same time, mary joined the order; she knew the ministry was corrupt, and that it’d not allow her to do everything she wanted to, when the order DID. mary had too much anger, too much determination to fight this bullshit to just stick with the ministry, and so the order seemed like the right place.
right now, she’s fighting. she’s gritting her teeth and keeping her goals in the back in her mind and is focusing. and she does not always feel brave or confident or self assured, but that does not matter: mary macdonald always gets the fuck back up, and that’s what she will keep doing until she’s completely knocked down.
personality & tidbits
mary is a human espresso. she’s so. damn. bitter?? despite the fact that she keeps on going and that she’s fighting her ass off, she’s tired and angry that things don’t seem to be moving in the right direction, she’s feeling bitter about the fact that this kind of discrimination is happening right in front of her eyes and that she does not have enough power to stop it. she feels powerless, which makes her feel bitter, which makes her cynical.
still! mary is not necessarily a debbie downer to be around. she keeps her bitterness ( and hopelessness, even ) carefully hidden in boxes in her mind. on the outside, she’s filled with quips and smiles and quick comments! just a sociable bean, but just a bitter one.
is a dog person and will fight anyone who prefers cats. has a cairn terrier called bowie. she loves him more than anyone.
obsessed with tea, tbh. her ma always said that ‘there’s nothing a cuppa can’t fix’ and mary definitely agrees with this statement.
though is also a ‘whiskey in a teacup’ kinda gal
can be spotted wearing either a rly nice ass blazer or a jean jacket, no inbetween. either office-fancy or farmer-chique
fucking loves muggle culture and loves fellow muggleborns and !!!!!! she loves it!!!
very much in a take-no-prisoners mindset at this point re: death eaters. it kind of scares her, tbh, but mary is very much capable of murdering a death eater, even if she could stun them — she’s just done. she’s very. done. with them. and this whole shbang? will only feed into this.
mary is ruthless, that’s what it boils down to. she’s a lot more than that, of course, but i chose that trait for her app because she is --- in small things ( football matches & boardgames ) but also in bigger ones, and of course the war is the main way it shows. mary is so angry. she’s so angry and scared and tired of feeling that way and tired of being scared to lose people and herself and of death and she’s so angry that people really are this way and that they really do these things --- she wants it to stop. she wants the world to be right. and sometimes she thinks the ends do justify the means. 
this is why she’s chaotic neutral and not chaotic good.
like ive had her turned to dark arts before just bc she’s so desperate to. fucking win.
and she’s also like --- mary doesnt care if she ruins herself? if she becomes a bad person who’s unable to live with the shit she’s done? as long as the world is better for it, as long as kids can go to hogwarts and feel safe and the world is a safe place for everyone. what does her soul matter in the grand scheme of things? she’d burn in hell forever if it meant the rest of the world changed for the better.
emotionally driven mess of a being
is catholic but struggles a lot with religion and feeling faithful, but she does still identify is a catholic, it’s just? complicated. it’s rly complicated and she hates it.
is a bit flighty when it comes to romance, def has a lot of one night stands/fwb situations though??? she’s just like??? i dont have time for romance its a WAR
has been trying to stop smoking for five years, but alas
mary also works part time at quality quidditch supplies because the girl loves quidditch ---- though not as much as she loves football.
a proud scot. probably lives in scotland, but i’m ... going to keep her living situaiton open and segue into Wanted Plots!
plot ideas
roomies ----- so mary is not Earning A Whole Lot Right Now but does not want to live at home any more because 1. its in the middle of nowhere and 2. most importantly, she’s afraid of endangering her family. she needs roomies! i’d love for her to live in glasgow/edinburgh/london/idk a city!!!
hook ups/fwb’s/etc ----- mary is what the old ppl call promiscuous and she sleeps around. so ! let’s talk! former hook ups! booty calls! friends with benefits! etc etc etc! 
party pals ---- mary likes going to pubs and clubs in the muggle part of town bc it is a LIT way to escape the reality of the wizarding world and also, muggle clubs have better music. come party w her!!!!
in the dragon’s den together ---- fellow ministry employees who side eye the ministry and whom mary can sip tea and judge their colleagues with
mudbloods club ---- mary loves her fellow muggleborns and i would love some muggleborn friends that she can be buds with. ranting about dumb pureblood names and traditions and the fact that wizards dont have movies
general friendship ideas ---- im just going to a bunch of ideas here: hogwarts friends, ride or dies, order pals, friendly exes, fellow tea drinkers that she can go on coffee/tea dates with, friends who are growing apart bc of the war (my fave), etc.
etc ---- some other ideas i want to spitball: purists who h8 on mary’s life, fellow diagon alley employees, fellow order members, Annoyances, there is solidarity in being scottish, ministry connections, etc etc etc HIT ME UP
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Pairing: Redeemed!Erik/Dormant Killmonger x Black OC
Word Count: 1,300
Chapter 1
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Though she’d done it over 3,000 times, the process always felt like the very first time. She’d chosen her wrist this time, after all he was special to her, why not keep him close? To make the moment even more special, she used the hunting knife he’d gifted her. She made the incision carefully, making sure to avoid the delicate veins in her tiny wrists. She sat in a trancelike state as the blood trickled down her arm unto the floor. She winced lightly as she packed the wound with clay and tea tree oil. Just as she was cleaning the wound, her bedroom door flew open.
“Ayo Shy, have you seen -”
His voice trailed off when he crossed the threshold.
“Shit!” she cursed under her breath, mentally chastising herself for not locking her door like she usually does. Until last week, she’d been successful in keeping this side of herself hidden from her housemate, simply because she didn’t want to revisit the events that had made her this way. But now, judging by the look on his face, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide any longer.
He’d always known something was different about her. Though Cambridge could be a bit breezy, he never understood why she would always wear long sleeves until now. She looked guilty, like a child that had gotten caught with her hands in the cookie jar. She was more beautiful to him now than she’d ever been in their five-year friendship. She moved to grab her flannel shirt, but he put his hand up, stopping her in her tracks.
“Don’t hide from me, Princess,” he cooed.
He stepped closer, tentatively assessing the markings on her skin. His fingers lightly traced the intricate scars from her shoulder down her bicep, finally landing on her forearm.
“How long?” he asked in a hushed voice.
“As long as I can remember. It started off as a coping mechanism, I was never a fan of traditional cutting. As my depression and anxiety grew, it grew into something...darker.”
Her voice dropped to mimic his as the memories from her childhood began to resurface. He took note of how some of the scars looked deeper, as though she were trying to bury all of her pain into each scar.
“When was your first kill?” He asked, now tracing the scars that littered her back.
“When I was 14. One of my foster fathers was a pedophile and I walked in on him molesting Kali and I lost it. From then on I vowed to protect her; I got most of these protecting her, protecting us. After that, I noticed a change in me. I started to like killing, like really like it. Most of the time, it didn’t even feel like me that was doing it. When I was 16, I was able to put a name to it; Dissociative Identity Disorder. Knives were my weapon of choice, so I named the persona Kitana.”
The tears stung her eyes as the memories began to resurface.
“I bet you think I’m crazy now, huh?” she asked, looking down at the floor.
He remained quiet, but never took his eyes off of her.
“How many?”
“Including this one 3,500,” she stated matter of factly. She looked up into his eyes attempting to gauge his reaction, but it was stoic. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before he made a move.
Her eyes widened as he removed his shirt, revealing the same intricate scarring she had.
“You’re a little more advanced than me, but you don’t have to be ashamed, Princess. I told you a long time ago that we were more alike than you think, guess neither of us could’ve guessed it would be this deep, huh?”
“I’m not sure what it is, but that damn doctor rubs me the wrong way,” Agent Spade spat to no one in particular. She and her colleagues were seated in the breakroom of the Pentagon with Hennessy’s file open on the desk.
“This is strange,” Agent Watson remarked, looking closer at the folder in front of him.
“She’s been in foster care since she was 12 years old. Around age 14, her moves became more and more frequent, all resulting in the foster father coming up missing; one was found stabbed to death. At age 16 she was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, her second persona going by the name ‘Kitana’. Upon further investigation of the death of the last foster father, the stab wounds matched the knife that she carried around. She was never tried because the mother refused to press charges. Didn’t want to see her life ruined over something she didn’t think she was capable of. ”
Agent Spade sat on the edge of her seat listening as Watson continued pouring over the information.
“Everything after her arrival at MIT is spotless, though. Not even a damn traffic violation!”
“Maybe you’re making something out of nothing Asa,” Agent Baxter chimed.
“She’s a knife-wielding maniac that goes by the name Kitana and she was the last person to see my nephew alive! He looked as though Jack the Ripper had gotten ahold of him. She did it, I know she did! I just wish I had some damn proof!”
“I may be able to help with that,” a young woman spoke from the back of the room.
“Speak up, Greer,” Agent Baxter replied.
“Well, I mess around with her roommate, Erik. He told me that she’d once developed this strain of cannabis so strong that it made anyone that ingested it in any way tell the truth.”
“You mean like that Hunger Games bullshit?” Agent Baxter asked with a scoff.
“Precisely. If we can get our hands on it and Spade brings her in for questioning -”
“Dammit Greer, you’re a genius!” Agent Spade exclaimed.
In the days following Agent Spade’s visit, Hennessy found herself more paranoid of the world around her. She’d never felt the slightest bit of guilt for anything that she’d done, but then again, she’d never been close to getting caught either. Erik was off on another business trip with T’Challa, diplomatic affairs he had called them, therefore she was alone. Agent Spade seemed to take notice because her visits had become more frequent. Just yesterday, she had asked her to come down to the Pentagon for more questioning regarding Ares’ murder. She had informed her that she was busy and rescheduled the meeting to later on in the week, when Erik would be back in town. Though she was more than capable of handling herself, something about Erik’s presence made her feel safer. He was truly her guardian angel on earth.
“Hello, I’m looking for Dr. Chiron,” the young woman spoke.
“Take a left down this hallway and her office is on the right hand side,” the young man instructed.
Hennessy was in the middle of a conference call with T’Challa and the rest of the Council about opening a few dispensaries in Wakanda. The soil would be perfect for new plants.
“Although you’re an American, we trust you, Dr. Chiron,” one of the Council members said. “Prince N’Jadaka speaks highly of you and your research, so we will give you a shot.”
“Thank you so much, Abasi. I promise I won’t let you down,” Hennessy called back.
A swift knock at her door prompted her to end the call.
“Come in,” she said.
She looked up to see a young woman, no taller than maybe 5’5 with curly brown hair. She was dressed in a navy polo button down with a black pencil skirt and navy heels.
“Good morning, Dr. Chiron,” the young woman spoke. “My name is Jaelyn Greer. I’m your new intern.”
The young woman looked a bit old to be an intern, but Hennessy decided not to dwell on the thought.
“Nice to meet you, Jaelyn. Come with me and I’ll show you the greenhouse.”
TAG LIST: @hearteyes-for-killmonger @eriknutinthispoosy @blackpantherismyish @amethyst1993 @thehomierobbstark @panthergoddessbast @thickoreo @thiccdaddy-mbaku @muse-of-mbaku @yaachtynoboat711 @dameshaemonique @readmywrites @forbeautyandlife @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @killmongersgurl @bidibidibombaclaat @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @imagine-mbaku @wawakanda-btch @wakanda-inspired @awkwardlyabstract @vibranium-soul
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brutality-legacy · 6 years
100+ Lyric Prompts
Here’s a list of lyrics that can be used as prompts or inspiration for stories.
Feel free to add on to this list, send some of these in if you want to see them written or reblog it for yourself. Whatever inspires you!
I will be updating this periodically and will reblog the updated version!
Caught up in this madness too blind to see / woke animal feelings in me / took over my sense and I lost control / I'll taste your blood tonight
A murderer walks your street tonight
And now when I speak, I speak to kill
Stalked in the forest too close to hide / I'll be upon you by the moonlight side 
If you want survival kneel on my arrival
I am a scavenger / a vulture if you will / and if the price is right / I’m not averse to kill
Wish that you could but you ain't gonna own me / Do anything you can to control me 
I'm the queen of pain / I can make it thunder and rain / I can turn the clouds black in the sky / I can put all those tears in your eyes 
So death is coming to purge this town / I know your name / And I'm gonna hunt you down 
I don't bring forgiveness / I don't bring peace / I've come to slay you / Come to kill the beast 
So gather ye demons / It seems it's your day / I’ve sinned but I’ve paid more than 10,000 graves
The devil's gonna come when the sun go down. 
Till my final breath / There'll be dust and death 
Before I die / I'll take every soul I can into the night
He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left / We all fall down like toy soldiers / Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win / But the battle wages on for toy soldiers
Victims, aren’t we all?
This night will hurt you like never before
Awake at night you focus on everyone who’s hurt you / Then write a list of targets / Your violent lack of virtue
I admit I was wrong to let you in 
When I wake up to the sound of demons / they're always telling me that I'm no good 
What have I got to lose / when I’ve already lost it all?
Have you ever been abused by someone so brutal that it chills your soul / have you ever been afraid of your own ghost?
I'm just a creature of a broken past 
I'm doing what I can to fight this anger / I'm just a product of a living hell 
To save your life I would race to my grave 
There’s no pain I wouldn’t go through / Even if I have to die for you
Oh, dear mother, I love you / I'm sorry, I wasn't good enough / Dear father, forgive me / 'Cause in your eyes, I just never added up
Oh, dear brother, just don't hate me / for never standing by you or being by your side / Dear sister, please don't blame me / I only did what I thought was truly right 
In my heart I know I failed you 
It's a long and lonely road / When you know you walk alone 
If I could hold back the rain / Would you numb the pain / Cause I remember everything 
We build cathedrals to our pain / Monuments to attain / Freedom from all of the scars and the sin / lest we drown in the darkness within
You don't have the guts to love me like you wish you could 
I must leave you cause I know your kind / You'd wake me up just to say goodbye
And I know that's not a tear in your eye / Cause boys don't cry and neither do I 
At least I gave it a try but you had bourbon in your eyes 
I've betrayed you and it should be a sin 
One day you will understand / Why I pushed you away as I ran 
  I ain’t never been a keeper / Despicable / Love her then I leave her / And if I were you I wouldn’t love me neither 
Take my life / Just not today
Will you swear on your life / That no one will cry / At my funeral
I'm a dead man walking / Hell's at my door / I'm a shadow of the man I was before 
And I admit I am emotionally scared to let anyone inside
We are not alone / It's darkest before the hope / You and I, we're not alone
Hope is a fire to keep us warm 
I smile up to the sky / I know I'll be all right 
There is no storm we can not weather 
When you’re lost and need to be found / I will look forever 
Never knew a time / When you weren't by my side / The one thing I could always count on 
Just open your eyes / and see that life is beautiful
Just keep me close / There is no storm we can not weather 
While my roots hid deeper inside / And my leaves stay bundled up tight / I felt my faith get bigger than life / Not only did I survive / I learned to blossom
When it all comes down / when it starts to fall like an avalanche / I will be your wall / I will hold you up / Go against them all
I'll set you free when you're locked in a cell / I’ll find you heaven when you're lost in hell 
I had a dream the other night / about how we only get one life / woke me up right after two / I stayed away and stared at you so I wouldn’t lose my mind
And if we only live once I wanna live with you 
With broken words I tried to say / ‘Honey don’t you be afraid, if we’ve got nothing we’ve got us.’
I’m so into you / I can barely breath
Let’s get inside your car / just you, me, and the stars
I tried to be chill but you're so hot I melted 
Our time is short / This is our fate / I'm yours 
You asked me how long I'd stay by your side / So I answered with only just one reply / Till the casket drops
And it turns out s/he's got everything I want / but all rolled into one 
You make me smile / please, stay for a while now 
Gaze into my eyes, when the fire starts / And fan the flame so hot, it melt our hearts 
Once I'm in I own your heart 
Welcome to my cage, little lover / Attempt to rearrange with you, baby / Still don’t know your name, Miss Honey / Let’s go up in flames, pretty lady 
You’re rich and I'm wishin', um / You could be my mister, yum 
You taste like the fourth of July / Malt liquor on your breath, my, my / I love you but I don’t know why 
He had a cigarette with his number on it / He gave it over to me, “Do you want it?” / I knew it was wrong but I palmed it / I saved it, I waited, I called it 
I can't believe it / When did I start to fall for you? 
I think... oh, well, what am I to do? / I didn't know that I would fall in love with you 
I just bite my tongue / And when I want to say I love you I'll say ‘Boop’
She got blood cold as ice / And a heart made of stone / But she keeps me alive / She's the beast in my bones / She gets everything she wants / When she gets me alone 
I don't judge you love / I never have before / We make mistakes / We leave them by the door
I found love / Where it wasn’t supposed to be
Hold my arms above my head and push my face into the bed /  Cause I'm a screamer baby / Make me a mute 
Wanna wrestle with me baby? / Here's a sneak little peak / You can dominate the game cause I'm tough 
Every caress is a medicine / Bringing me to my knees 
The more we drank the less that we had on
Take the pain / Take the pleasure / I’m the master of both
Imma hold ya down until you're amazed / Give it to ya 'til you're screaming my name 
I wanna fuck you like an animal / I wanna feel you from the inside
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear / But much more for the touch of your whips, dear / You can raise welts like nobody else / As we dance to the masochism tango 
I'ma give it to you stronger / Hands up / We can go a little longer 
I'm dominant by definition / I'm turned on by your submission 
Latex, chains and whips make me hard and excite me / Come on, throw your hands up and pretend you wanna fight me
Take a last look around while you're alive / I'm an Indestructible Master of War
I know that blood will be spilled / and if you won’t then I will / My grave will never be filled / it’s either kill or be killed 
Sleep for today, but tomorrow we fight 
I am one man but I'll stand like an army of soldiers 
To bring you peace I'll go into war / Ain't afraid of the rain I trained in a storm 
The war was on its way / And we were waiting 
We'll crush our enemies / Bring them to their knees 
Wake the white wolf at the dawn of war / the end of the age is coming now
My heart it glows as you decompose
And I wonder can you hear me laughing / Cause I'm dancing on your grave 
But I want you to know / I always hated you / Hated you from hello 
Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? / I don't give a damn if you say you disapprove
I straddle the line in discord and rhyme
Sitting here at my grave side I've never been so alive
I'm your Guardian angel and a part of you's tangled 
When everyone wears a mask who's the real villain?
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention 
It’s like a dead masquerade / so come and dance with me
I bet you thought that I was soft and sweet / You thought an angel swept you off your feet 
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea 
I'm neon phosphorescent / Open like a Christmas present
And then you say I'm as cold as November 
Every chatelaine / Wants to share her reign / So come and join me in my castle 
Your blood’s gone bad / I knew it would 
I was born under a bad sign / With a blue moon in my eyes
The boy who fell into the sky / Had no one there to watch him cry / He looked at you with his empty eyes / And said, “I’m doing you a favor”
Let me know / Where I can go to save my soul
Don’t threaten me with a good time
Don't you ever tame your demons / But always keep 'em on a leash 
But my peace has always depended / On all the ashes in my wake 
Days of rust / Nights of rain  / Kingdom comes with a ball and chain 
It's strange what desire makes foolish people do 
I could be the hero / I could be the villain / It doesn’t really matter / I have the power 
I was sent to warn you / The devil's in the next room 
Keen to the scent / The hunt is my muse 
You’ll fall like a guillotine / And kneel before the queen
Am I the only one I know / Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat 
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind 
Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost 
Took an oath by the blood of my hand / Won't break it 
Do you feel the hunger / Does it howl inside / Does it terrify you / Or do you feel alive
To capture a predator / You can’t remain the prey / You have to become an equal in every way
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Grimm Hellmaw’s Adventure Logs - Grimm’s Backstory
Hello friend,
    My name is Grimm Hellmaw, and after recent experiences, a friend I hold dear to me suggested I document my experiences in case... well... I don’t get up from the next beating I take.  I take a lot of risks when fighting alongside my friends, and let’s just say that my recklessness has my girl worried about me not coming back to her.  That story will come, of course, but I figure I should start from the beginning so y’all can get to know me more, and I get to reflect on some of the highlights of my recklessness for posterity’s sake.
    I don’t have a lot of memories from my early days.  My mother was the streets of Glimmer’s Grove, and my father was the constant hunger I had to fight day in and day out.  There aren’t any specific memories that stick out, but there’s this general feeling of despair that comes up when I try to think back on my childhood.  People were awful.  Whether it was me being a dreg of society, me being a half-orc, or me being a sore sight for the eyes of the bourgeois of the city, I never had any favorable interactions with the townsfolk of Glimmer’s Grove.  It’s alright, though.  Even if these people didn’t think I would amount to much, I wanted to prove them wrong with selflessness and my earnest smile.  I wanted to be able to protect and win over the very people that wouldn’t think twice about a useless street urchin such as me.  The people of Glimmer’s Grove may not deserve me, but I want to be THE example of that old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.”
    In my young adult days, I ran into a man that changed my life.  Tibalt Grey would normally be looked upon as an unassuming man, but if you got a good look at him, you would see this wild, yet contained look in his eyes.  This offputting observance aside, he was one of the kindest souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life.  He saw me in my tattered clothing, but was one of the first people to approach me and treat me like something more than the dirt beneath his boots.  I don’t know what made him so comfortable with me, but he started talking to me about how he’s the last living member of the Grey Syndicate, a crime family that I had only heard stories of in the deepest, darkest alleyways of Glimmer’s Grove.  I would see some of the toughest, battle-worn men cower at the mention of this group, and I would see some of the seediest, nastiest criminals speak of them fondly.  While public reactions varied, there was a consensus that they would land on: the Grey Syndicate is not what it used to be.  Talking with Grey, it couldn’t be any more obvious.  He was a warm, gentle heart that was willing to talk openly with a social pariah such as myself, and take genuine interest in me.  
He asked me about life, what my dreams are, and he also enjoyed interjecting with an odd fact or two about ghosts.  I’m normally a guarded person, so while I tried to resist as well as I could, he ended up prying out of me my dream of protecting the people that would sooner spit at my existence than treat me as the living being that I am.  Upon hearing that, he started to talk about how he wanted to right the wrongs his family committed during the height of the Grey Syndicate’s rule on the shadows of Glimmer’s Grove, and since he could see a similar light and fervor in me, he wanted to take me in and provide me with room and board at the cost of going through some special training to assist him in his path of redemption.
I have to be completely honest, I didn’t even think about what that training would entail.  After living on the streets for all my life, I would have given up everything for a roof over my head, and regular meals.  Little did I know at the time, Grey’s well-intentioned training would send me through literal hell.
Old man Grey’s fascination with ghosts stems from the training that he has been through.  His family, while a successful crime syndicate, was also a long line of Blood Hunters that specialized in all things ghosts.  You wouldn’t believe how he spent his free time.  He’d take me to the sick wards of Glimmer’s Grove, help tend to the people there, offering up all kinds of money, goods and relief that he could to the healthier people, and observe the soon to be extinguished lives of the sick and elderly.  I’ve been numb to death since I would see it on the streets regularly, but the kind of death you see in these wards is different.  Lives being claimed early by disease, elderly people that say they’ve experienced all that life has to give, but have that dread and and a look of yearning in their eyes, it’s sick, really.  Death on the streets equates to either falling down on your luck, or crossing paths with the wrong person.  The people in these sick wards, for one reason or another, are dying too soon, and have no control over when and how they die.
Alongside the regular trips to the sick wards, Grey taught me a lot of what I needed to know to become a Blood Hunter.  He taught me how to fight, and about all the different kinds of Blood Hunters that walk the earth.  I’ve always been a quick and adaptable learner, since I’ve needed to think on my feet to survive.  He was pleasantly surprised with my progress, and I quickly became established enough to start to figure out what direction I would take in my path of the Hunter.  I abhorred the trips to the sick ward, and while I was pretty decent with my alchemic studies, I figured if I wanted to truly deal with the evils I will face, I needed to become what I hate the most.
I spent days on end researching the fiends of the world.  Grey, knowing I will not be following the same path he and his family have been following for generations, let me stay home on his trips to the sick wards, letting me have free reign of his library.  I tore through those books, trying to find a worthy source for my new powers, and upon reading one of the last untouched books in his library, I came across one of the Lords of Hell, Belial.  It’s amazing, really.  One of the Lords of Hell, whose name stems from the word “worthlessness”, came to me in one of the last books I haven’t read.  The Lord of Pain, causing me pain by taking so damn long to even reveal himself to me.  It was a match made in, I want to say heaven, but really, hell.  
To create this pact with Belial, I needed Grey’s help.  When I approached him with this, he was reluctant at first, but knowing I wouldn’t be able to realize my full potential, he assisted me with reaching out to Belial.  He led me to a void of space, where I called out to Belial.  It was a surreal experience, communicating with one of the Lords of Hell.  He was amused in finding a surly half-orc, looking nothing like others that seek pacts with him, commanding his attention.  Off of amusement with this, and a rather graphic comment on my… erm… appearance, he wanted to hear what I had to say.  Knowing that he is the Lord of pain and suffering, I spun a tale about how I come from nothing, knowing nothing but the pain and suffering of the streets I raised myself on, and I mixed in a lie about how I wanted to cause this same kind of suffering to the people that ignored the streets.  Upon hearing that lie, Belial went from being amused to upset in a blink of an eye.  He saw through that lie and chastised me for my arrogance.  That aside, he decided that he didn’t care what I would use his powers for.  He agreed to the pact, but there was an additional cost that came with it.  He gave me an insatiable lust, and demanded that I feel the pain that I cause, condemning me to only use blunt weaponry as my rites for calling his powers.  With my pact complete, Grey and I went back to the mansion to continue my training.
Grey went into uncharted territory as he helped me train with my newfound abilities.  He’s known a couple Blood Hunters that cross into Warlock territory, but he didn’t really know what to do with me.  He did the best he could with the resources he had, but I had to do a lot of self study to catch myself up to speed on this whole Warlock business.  Grey’s library had a few books on the subject, but I had to take to the streets again to find some local clerics of Belial to help me understand what I’m capable of.  They were a lot easier to convince than Belial, of course, so they helped me hone my newfound abilities, and… well… quench a certain thirst that has started to eat at my conscience.
Once I had a better handle on my abilities, and my newfound drive to bump uglies with just about anyone I came across, Grey started getting me in contact with various groups around Glimmer’s Grove to start hunting some of the local evils.  I’m not one to brag, but my adaptability and desire to learn helped me excel with these groups, leading to even taking down a manticore with Elena, an Aasimar that’s not only kickass with a blade, but someone I’m still adventuring with today.  There will be more on that coming up, but there’s still a bit more I need to wrap up here before I get this journal caught up to the present day.
One night, after coming home from another successful hunt, I came home to the Grey estate, noticing that something felt off.  Old man Grey normally greets me on my return, but I walked in to a quiet mansion.  I immediately ripped through the mansion, trying to find Grey.  Outside of the difference in my welcome home, he’s not normally a quiet guy.  He likes to read aloud, and he’s got a rather noisy way of existence that wasn’t present that night.  After looking for an hour, I found him collapsed in the library, clutching at his chest.  I’ve seen and now caused a lot of death in my life, so I knew he was knocking on death’s door, but a mass genocide of the world as I know it wouldn’t have prepared me for what I was about to experience. 
I immediately elevated his upper body and tried to get him talking and normalized, but there wasn’t anything I could do for him.  I tried to talk to him about my hunt that night, and keep the conversation light, but I think Grey could tell that I was starting to get frantic and shushed me.  He told me that he didn’t have much time left, and was upset that he wasn’t able to see me through my full training, but that he had an old friend at the Adventurer’s Academy that would be able to help me continue my training.  With that being said, he said that he was thankful that I was in his life, and passed in my arms. 
I was absolutely torn up with Grey’s passing.  I thought I’ve had to deal with a lot of pain and suffering in my life, but having one of the only people I care about passing in my arms tore me apart.  I swear I could feel Belial smiling at the misfortune I experienced that night.  I’ll spare you the details on my grieving, since it was an ugly experience all around, but I’ll tell you that I did promise on his dead body that I would uphold his life’s work, and go tell his friend at the Academy about his passing.
There’s really not much to say about what happened after that.  I donated the Grey estate to the sick wards of Glimmer’s Grove with no intention of coming back to his mansion.  The memories of my life in the estate are painful, even to this day.  When your source of happiness and fulfillment in life is gone, and that’s all you have to remember it by, there’s no reason to keep it around.  I needed to keep myself moving forward, especially since I need to continue Grey’s work, and find his old friend at the Academy.  With no reason to stay in Glimmer’s Grove, I made my way to the Adventurer’s Academy, where I’ve caught myself in a whole, new mess.
I’m getting tired, so I think I’m going to keep it at this, for now.  Stephanie is knocking at my door now, and I would like to spend some time with her after getting my ass handed to me today.  Oh yeah, I guess I should clarify: Stephanie Nitro is the girl, and the friend I mentioned previously.  I don’t know who the hell is going to stumble across these logs, and even though I know who she is, if these logs end up in someone’s hands, they should at least know what’s going on.  I could write about her for days, honestly, but I’ll save my gushing for a later entry in this journal.  Also, about that whole “insatiable lust” thing I mentioned earlier, let’s just say that my self control has improved greatly from those days.  Things are sweet with her right now, and even though my loins are feeling something fierce, I want to keep it sweet.  She’s a good girl, and she deserves as much, especially after what my… uh… friends I quess?  After what my friends and I ended up doing to her family.
Once again, more on that later, but for now, I’m going to enjoy a nice evening with my girl.
0 notes
Falling Like Flying | Castiel & Dean
Pulling my thread with maryswaywardson over here from the archived blog~ My next response will be reblogged directly from your blog to the new one!
Dean was internally in a complete panic as he sat silently next to his unconscious baby brother. The only noise in the dingy hospital room was the beeping of the monitors they had hooked up every which way on the younger Winchester. Dean nervously bounced his leg as he flipped his cell phone around in his fingers. Call him a pessimist, but at this rate he may as well have let Sammy close the gates of hell.
The longer he stared at his little brother, lying there unconscious– the more angry he got at the world around him. He would kill Abadon if it was the last damn thing he did. In God’s hands now… that fucking prick told Dean. The man was a god damn doctor and he was telling Dean (of all people) that his brother’s life was in God’s hands now. “Let me tell you something buddy, God ain’t here. And he sure as hell don’t give a damn enough, to leave his Bahama vacation to come do jack shit about this.” He mumbled out loud as he thought about how friggin’ ridiculous it was to hold an absent Father responsible for your patient’s outcome, when you have a friggin’ doctorate.
Dean straightened his posture as he abruptly had an epiphany. God may not be around but he did have an angel on hand who could do something about this. He considered praying for half a second before he thought that was stupid. He had given Cas a cell phone, why not use it? He fidgeted with his own phone, finding his angel pal in his recent contacts. He had wondered where he was, anyway. Cas normally was always up Dean’s ass in situations like this and typically here at the drop of a pin. This time–he still hadn’t heard so much as a wing beat from the guy and he was admittedly beginning to worry. He inhaled a nervous breath and clicked the call button. “Come on, Cas. Pick up the damn phone.” He grumbled as he quickly grew impatient at the ringing.
It was a miracle, really, that Castiel hadn’t wound up in a hospital himself.  With his Grace forcefully extracted by Metatron, he didn’t even truly expect to survive the fall from Heaven.  He was trapped within a mortal – truly mortal – vessel now, and he wondered if dropping him from some height he could feasibly live through was another of Metatron’s cruel jokes.  As though taking his very soul didn’t amuse him enough.
He watched them fall.  All his brothers and sisters, falling from the sky like so many shooting stars, each one of them suddenly booted from a home they’d held for tens of thousands of years and forced to find some anchor into this unforgiving corporeal world.  And it was all his fault.  He had to wonder if human beings felt emotions far less intensely than he’d originally thought – because he felt very numb.
He didn’t know when he had found himself sitting on a park bench – he somehow often found himself in such a place when he felt lost – but he was tired and hungry in ways he never had been before when his cell phone buzzed in his pocket.  It startled him; with Angel Radio gone, everything was so quiet that he felt entirely cut off from sentience.  He should know better.  That the world didn’t stop for his problems.  It never had, even when his problems were literally the problems of all reality.
Realizing he had forgotten about Sam’s nearly suicidal attempt to close the gates of Hell made his stomach turn very unpleasantly.
Swiping to answer without checking the name, he held the earpiece up.  “Hello, Dean,” he said, and he heard that his own voice was raspier than usual.  It occurred to him that he hadn’t had anything to drink either, and a whole new set of vessel maintenance issues seemed like all he had to look forward to.  He cleared his throat, which only really irritated the problem.  “How is Sam?” he asked, his voice sounding a little stronger regardless.
Dean was relieved to hear the angel’s voice. There was a tiny twinge of hope left for Sam and Cas was it. Though it struck him for concern when Cas sounded so roughover the phone, he thought, more than he usually did. But he didn’t think much of it. “Cas!” He managed to squeeze in, before the angel prompted him with a question he didn’t have the best answer for. “Not good, man. I could really use your help.” His voice was low and pleading. He was running out of options and Cas was just about his last one. “How soon can you get here?”
Castiel frowned, though he should have expected the plea.  He wasn’t so selfish as to hope that Dean would ask after him, not with Sam in such a condition.  But his gut twisted with the knowledge that he couldn’t help them, no matter how badly he wanted to.  And he also didn’t know the answer to Dean’s question.
“I don’t know,” he answered.  It was a start, at least.  His eyes swept around the small park – carefully manicured grass, a walking path with regularly passing citizens, a small lake with a collection of ducks – but no indication whatsoever of where he was exactly.  He could at least guess, by the season, that it was the Northern hemisphere.  “I’m not sure where I’ve landed.”
Castiel’s mouth tightened as he wracked his brain for some way to help them faster than this conversation would arrive at any course of action.  Even if he got there, he had no Grace to heal Sam with.  But there were no other Angels who would help them, and praying would be a huge mistake.  “Dean, we need to find a way to help Sam without an Angel.  Call Garth, or check the journal – whatever you can find, just don’t pray.”
Dean stood impatiently from the chair he’d been living out of for the last metric-fuck-ton of hours. Reaching over his Sam’s unconscious face, laced with the innocent little brother Dean was used to taking care of, he pushed back the waves of hair falling over his cheek. He turned sharply to the window, looking up at the sky through the blinds, processing the nonsensical information Cas was spewing into his ear.
“ Cas, what the shit is going on?” His voice turned in harsh worry. If Cas wasn’t here by now, something was very wrong. He hated that he felt a twinge of aggravation that the angel seemed out of commission. But his concern for his best friend outweighed the momentary inconvenience. “What the hell do you mean, ‘don’t pray’? Cas , are you okay??”
Castiel’s frown deepened at the question.  Another one he didn’t know the answer to, aside from no.  He hurt, in a lot of ways and places he couldn’t ever remember hurting before.  He had tried to walk, had managed to get to this bench from the treeline several yards away after he found himself in the small wood, but the pain in his back and his leg and his arms only seemed to get worse.  He was covered in bruises that he could see, and probably more that he couldn’t.  He didn’t dare disrobe to confirm that suspicion.  And all that was nevermind the hunger, the thirst.  Those he knew in concept, but had never felt them quite so acutely.
“I’m fine,” he told Dean.  After a moment, he sighed, trying to find a way to tell his best friend of his great failure.  He hadn’t really let himself process it all yet, not in its entirety.  Perhaps the weight of it would overwhelm his newly human form.  “Metatron tricked me,” he finally said.  “I should’ve listened to you.  Heaven is…”  What was the word?  Closed?  Forbidden, sealed, gone?  “The Angels have fallen.”  There was a crack in his voice.
Dean inhaled deeply, counting to five before he spoke. A useless tactic to calm himself down. He was still beyond pissed before he opened his mouth. Not at Cas, but at the entirety of the situation. At himself for not being there for his friend. Even if there was nothing he could’ve done. “Son of a bitch.” He mumbled harshly through gritted teeth, tightening his fingers around his phone to resist the urge to punch the wall.
“Fine my happy ass, Cas. You sure as hell don’t sound fine! So,what? Disney World is closed due to new ownership and you–you lost your angel mojo??Where are you??” He demanded, if he had to leave Sam for a moment to go get his feathery ass, he would. No way in hell would he leave him stranded, not again. He should’ve been there. He should’ve checked on him sooner. He looked over his shoulder, analyzing the vital signs beeping on the monitor, looking over his brother with heavy concern. “I’ll come get you, just tell me where you are.” He repeated, much softer this time, as he exhaled a stressed breath. Rubbing his neck with a sigh, like that would even help the amount of anxiety coursing through his veins.
Castiel tried not to flinch at the sharp curse, but no one was around to see when he did anyway.  He knew that Dean would be angry with him – he had every right to be, everyone should be angry with him, he had failed every friend and sibling he had – but the confirmation of it still made the new mortal’s throat swell and his eyes burn.  He didn’t know why, and that only heightened his frustration.
“He cut out my Grace,” he said miserably, and if he focused through the pain that seemed to envelop him entirely, he could feel the cut on his throat.  It was still sharply aching, probably festering with neglect.  He glanced around when Dean asked about his location, but there was nothing identifiable in the park.  He would have to stand, to make his way to a landmark.  “I’m… sitting by a lake.”
When Dean offered to come get him, though, the former Angel’s eyes widened.  “No, Dean, you have to stay with Sam!”  Panic was spiking in his chest because he sincerely didn’t want his friend to leave his brother’s side, not when the situation was so dire – but underneath that, he also felt something warm.  Something like relief, that maybe Dean would forgive him…  Something like hope.
Dean was never one to act rationally. He often did things without thinking through the consequence, spoke his mind without hesitation. Though as well as it had paid off in the past, it didn’t always quite work out as planned. He felt completely stuck in one of those moments, as he listened to his friend’s voice crumbling on the other end of the phone. “Wha- a lake?” His brow furrowed with frustration, his frown twisting even more so with agitation, as Cas started making demands he was in no position to give.
“First off, thanks Mom. Sam is a big boy, and not exactly being hunted by Heaven’s douche bag of the universe. What I friggin’ need, is for you to stop acting like you’re not part of the family- and to stop flying solo.” His attempt at calming himself down was failing miserably. His concern channeling through anger, as it usually did. He felt for his keys in his pocket. Squeezing Sam’s arm as his eyes shown a ‘good bye’ and a mental ‘stay safe’, even if his brother wasn’t aware of it. He slipped the key ring over his finger as he meandered down the hospital hallway., curling his fingers around them tightly. “I’m going to need more specific coordinates than ‘by a lake’, Captain.” Who the hell did he think he was? No way, he’d leave him stranded after all the times the angel had saved his dumbass.
While Castiel acknowledged that Dean’s stubbornness was often an asset, it was also often a frustration. Especially when it seemed to override reason. The former angel couldn’t help but sigh with exasperation at his friend’s insistent tone.
“Dean,” he exhaled, trying to make his voice sound stern despite his own exhaustion. “Sam is in a much more dire predicament than I am. He needs to be protected.” A light flickered on over the jogging path, but he still couldn’t see any passersby that he might ask for their location. When Dean called him “family,” though, it earned all his attention, and that unfamiliar swelling of his throat returned. “I’m not flying anywhere,” he choked, his voice wet with restrained sobs.
His breath was shaky when he inhaled deeply, but it came out more even. He felt calmer. Nodding at the prompt for more specific details about his location, he set his jaw as he prepared to stand. He had known it would hurt, but the sharp pain in his hip still drew a strange sound from his throat. His head spun, and his breath came in short puffs, but he tried to start walking down the path, towards a road he could see.
He had only made it a few yards, to the next bench, when he fell onto it for some relief. “It hurts – haa – to walk,” he panted into the phone.  Swallowing gulps of air, he tried to reposition himself in some way that wouldn’t hurt with little success. Finally, footsteps.
A jogger’s pace slowed as they neared, then sped up until a man’s face came into focus. “Hey, man, are you okay?” the stranger asked.
“Please,” Castiel rasped. “Where are we?”
The man’s gave him a strange look. “Uh, we’re at Cedar Park.”
Something seemed to alight on the man’s face. “Oh, is that the paramedics on the phone? We’re at Cedar Park, in Huntsville.”
Then the stranger was looking at him like he was worse off than he appeared. “We’re in Indiana, man. Stay on the phone, they should be able to track you.”
Castiel’s eyelids were fluttering, but he nodded to the jogger. That made his head spin again. “Did you hear that, Dean?”
The hunter sighed when his sarcasm was, oh so familiarly, taken literally. “Cas- you know what I meant. Sam isn’t going anywhere.” He reminded his angel friend. “He’s out cold. Those trials did a number on him. He won’t even notice I’m gone. 48 hours, tops.” As much as he hated to leave his baby brother. Getting and keeping them both safe was the elder Winchester’s priority.
He slipped into the driver’s seat of the Impala, parked snugly on the side of the road. Waiting for their next adventure. Dean had only wished it was under better circumstances. “Yea, I got it.” Pulling his phone away from his ear briefly, to text himself a note of Cas’ location. Wary to get off the phone with the state he sounded like he was in. He’d never heard him sound so weak in the entire time they’d known each other. It made his stomach turn uneasily.
He twisted the key in the ignition. Turning the radio down before it blared over the speakers. Cas’ was low enough as it was, he needed to listen for anymore signs of distress. “Stay on the phone with me as long as you can, ok?” His own voice pleading, his heart beating with an erratic amount of anxiety. His first stop, coffee. New York to Indiana was going to be a long ass drive. “And try and get somewhere safe.”
As much as he wanted Dean to stay with Sam, there was some selfish part of him that was relieved that his friend was coming. Dean’s voice on the other end of the phone was the only source of hope Castiel had that everything was going to be okay. He hurt in ways he’d never felt before, in a place he’d never been, with no idea where to go or what to do, but Dean was coming, and everything would be okay.
The former angel didn’t realize that he’d lost consciousness.
Everything was white when Castiel opened his eyes again. Sunlight was bright in large windows, illuminating the hospital room as he became aware that the bed he lay on was much softer than the bench he remembered. His brow was furrowed as he slowly took in his surroundings. Why was he in a hospital? He needed to talk to Dean.
The cell phone Castiel recognized was sitting on a cart nearby, but not in arm’s reach. He started to get up, but winced and inhaled sharply at pain in his hip and abdomen.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” came a voice from the door, and a nurse dropped her clipboard on a table and hurried over to him. “Easy there, fella, you’re not getting up quite that easy for a while,” she told him as she guided him back onto the bed with firm hands.
Castiel frowned at her. “What’s wrong with me?”
She looked a little surprised by the question. “Well, we were hoping you could tell us what happened. A jogger called 9-1-1, but he didn’t know who you were or how in the world you could’ve gotten so beaten up.”
Castiel knew better than to answer that question. “Why can’t I walk?”
With a raised eyebrow, the nurse chose to ignore that he dodged the question. “You’ve got a stress fracture on you pelvic bone, right near your hip, and two of your ribs are broken. Not to mention the stitches.”
“We had to rush you to the O.R. as soon as you came in. One of your broken ribs punctured your liver, and you were bleeding internally. We had to patch you up inside before we could patch you up outside.”
Castiel’s eyes slowly fell to his lap. “Thank you.”
He felt a hand on his shoulder. “You should make a full recovery. But I need to know your name and insurance information, and it would really help if you could tell us what happened so that we know what else to look for.”
Castiel didn’t look up. “My name is Castiel.” He hesitated on the surname before he added, “Winchester.”
When he didn’t answer her other question, she squeezed his shoulder. “Just think about the rest, okay?” Then she dropped her hand. “Is there anyone we can call in the meantime?”
Castiel looked back up at his phone. “I need to call Dean.” The nurse followed his gaze and reached over to get his phone for him. “Thank you.”
“My name is Kelly, and just page me if you need anything, okay? I’ll get some forms for you to fill out, and see what I can do about getting some food in here.” It didn’t occur to Castiel until she was walking away that hunger probably explained the painful gnawing in his stomach.
He was surprised that the cell phone still had charge – though just 17%. The number of missed calls from Dean made a lump swell in his throat, and he pressed the button to return the last one. The ringer against his ear made his heart race with anticipation.
If there was any right time to let the panic fully sink in, it would be about the time Castiel’s voice faded on the other line. Dean had continued to keep calling religiously, the entire twelve hour drive. (Which probably should’ve taken about fourteen, if Dean hadn’t been speeding the entire trip.) He didn’t have time to waste obeying the law. Not that he typically did, as it was.
He’d sat in stiff silence nearly the whole drive and he hadn’t even noticed. Cas’ voicemail the only thing consistently breaking the quiet rumble of the Imapala’s engine. Dean, I don’t understand why it wants me to say my na-BEEP. “Cas, it’s me. Again. Please tell me you’re alright. I’ll be there soon.” He checked to ensure the volume was turned up completely before he clicked his phone to it’s lock screen. Setting it on the seat next to him, he sighed of distress.
There was another bout of heavy anxiety that set in as he finally arrived in the town, pulling over at a coffee shop just long enough to grab an espresso and track his angel’s cell phone. Hospital. Well, that WAS somewhere safe…and would explain the lack of picking up. Only, the newfound location made the hunter’s stomach twist even tighter.
It wasn’t the best parking job he’d ever done, but getting to Castiel was his top priority at the given moment. He just about ran inside, his shoulder brushing the automatic door as he pushed through the small opening, too impatient to wait for it to open all the way. Slamming his hands unnecessarily hard on the receptionists desk, the only thing rambling out of his mouth was the angel’s name. “Cas? Castiel? You have a patient here-”
He was cut off by the nurse behind the counter, eyes wide at the sudden intrusion. The guy half looked like he should be submitted himself, at least for a check up. “Yes, sir. Give me one moment.”
Dean rolled his eyes, his hands falling to his side as he stepped back from the counter. “I need to know if he’s here. Now.” Admittedly she probably didn’t deserve his irritated tone. But he’d been driving for half a day, on the bridge of a panic attack. Patience was his last virtue.
“Winchester? Castiel Winchester. Yes, you must be-” her eyes glanced over the patient’s emergency contact before meeting Dean’s harsh gaze. “His husband? Dean?” She assumed, by how frazzled the man was and what was written in the file. “I’ll need your ID to administer a visitor pass.”
Dean went from restless to confused in less than three seconds flat, not having much time to react. He could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks, but if he wanted to ensure he got to his friend…Husband? What in the-“Uh, wha-n-” he stopped himself, mid sentence, fearing if he said no that they wouldn’t let him back. He shook his head, burying all the feelings he didn’t have time to deal with as deep as he could, before reaching into his coat for his wallet. “Yea, I’m Dean.” He muttered, looking around nervously like someone was going to catch him mid-lie. Or worse, flustering over Castiel making up a lie of that manner.
He acquired his pass and directions, tugging the lapels of his jacket, to straighten out his looks after applying the sticker to the chest pockets. A nervous smile and a thanks parted him from the receptionist and he continued down the hall to the ICU. His heart beat erratically the closer he got to the room. Concern for his friend overweighing the mishap at the front desk (for now). He knocked lightly, opening the door without an invitation.
“Cas..” he breathed with relief, a frown tugging down at his lips to see him like this. The angel who’d always shown so bright, fought by the hunter’s side- reduced to a tacky hospital gown that washed out the the true blue of his eyes and tubes of IV keeping him sedated. There was still a glint of hope (happiness) that touched the human’s eyes when he was finally reconnected with his best friend.
He joined his side, reaching for his hand to squeeze lightly. Silently letting him know he was here for him. He pulled his hand back, folding his arms over his chest as he stood back to look over the entire damage done to the angel. “Husband, huh? Castiel Winchester.” His eyes rolled to the side, a hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his lip. He tried not to laugh at the most inappropriate time. Though, Dean never really had great timing as far as that was concerned.
Castiel was crestfallen when the call went to voicemail. And a little confused; it was uncharacteristic for Dean not to answer his calls, especially when his friend needed to know where he was. “Dean. I’m in the hospital. Call me back.” His brow was furrowed with concern and focus when he lowered the phone from his ear to redial the number.
He hadn’t noticed another nurse enter his room. She was smaller, with different colored scrubs, and she rolled in a cart of food. That was what Castiel noticed first. Hunger was a new sensation to him, one he hadn’t recognized before now, but it was easy to identify once there was food presented to him.
“You’re Castiel, aren’t you?” she asked as she pushed the cart up next to his bed. He could see a sandwich waiting for him, along with some small styrofoam containers and a carton of milk.
“Yes. Thank you,” he said when the second call went to voicemail, and he ended it without leaving one. The woman offered a small smile, but… if Castiel was more familiar with the ways that humans normally communicated, he would think that there was something wrong with the way she looked at him. It made him uncomfortable, and he focused on the food instead. The nurse hadn’t left the cart quite close enough, so he reached for it, but he inhaled sharply at the pain in his whole left side.
“Um, could you–” he started to ask, looking around for the nurse, but he stopped when he saw her looking closely at a syringe in her hand. “What are you doing?” he asked as she gingerly took a plastic tube near his arm in her fingers. He followed the lines of plastic with his eyes until he realized that the one she was pressing the needle into led directly to the vein in his arm. “What is that?” he demanded, alarm raising his voice.
She didn’t answer for a moment, only turned that same unnerving smile back to him. Menacing. That’s how it felt., he realized. Like a predator observing her prey. “This vessel is quite well-studied in the pharmacy, despite her lower station on the staff,” the nurse finally said.
Realization hit Castiel too late for him to do anything more than widen his eyes. He tried to will his arm to move, to pull the clear tube away from his arm, to move at all. But his body didn’t respond. His eyes darted between the nurse and the IV, his heart raced wildly, his breathing was shorter and faster, but he couldn’t move.
The Angel withdrew a long silver dagger from a pocket in her scrubs, and Castiel swallowed. “This one is called succinylcholine. It’s a paralytic.” Her smile was growing wider as her fingers traced the angel blade. Castiel tried to call out, to reason with her, to speak at all, but only strangled noises emerged from his throat. “It means you’ll be awake, conscious, fully aware of what’s about to happen and the pain you’re about to feel, but unable to move to stop me.”
When her grip finally tightened on the hilt of the dagger, her smile dropped, replaced by a cold fury that didn’t seem natural on a human face. “Castiel. You… You are the reason I’m stuck here!” She drove the blade deep into Castiel’s chest, and his scream was reduced to a pathetic whimper. “You are the reason I can’t go home!” she screeched as she withdrew the knife and drove it in again with each accusation. “You are the reason none of us can go home!”
“What are you doing?!” came a scream from the doorway, and Castiel couldn’t turn his head to see Kelly. “SECURITY!” He felt the blade dive into him once more before it was ripped out again and there was a scuffle, a cacophany of noise, somewhere beyond Castiel’s ability to comprehend it. His vision was blurring, tunneling, and he was cold.
There were lights in his face, and he winced. Blurring forms around him in mint-green masks. Beeping, loud and steady. The people exchanged numbers around him and put something on his nose. He was moving fast down a hall, on a flat table. He didn’t know if it was all happening at once, or if he was only remembering snippets here and there.
But the first thing that really seemed real after he lost consciousness was the sound of Dean saying his name. Not “Castiel,” like all the people in the hospital called him. Dean called him “Cas,” and the former Angel opened his eyes, as much as he could.
“Dean,” he breathed, and he was relieved that he could speak, even though his voice was weak and strained. He wanted to move, to sit up and see his friend, to hug him because he was so glad to see a familiar face. But his muscles felt like they were made of lead, and he couldn’t lift them. “You found me.”
Even in his sedated and terrible shape, Castiel’s heart still leapt when he felt strong, calloused fingers in his hand. He managed to squeeze a little, and he concentrated all the strength he had in not relaxing that grip. He didn’t want Dean to let go. He desperately needed him to stay real.
The newly minted mortal lifted his eyes back up to his friend’s at the question, his brow gathering a little at the word. “Hus…?” When Dean said the name, though, Castiel frowned and turned his eyes away awkwardly. “Sorry. Didn’t know… what to tell them.”
“Excuse me?” came a small voice from the doorway, and Castiel was glad to recognize Kelly’s voice again before he could turn his head toward her. “Oh, hey there, Mr. Survivor!” she said with a fond smile as she withdrew a miniature flashlight from her pocket. “It’s good to see you waking up.” She shone the light in his eyes and held Castiel’s chin so he couldn’t turn away. He blinked hard when his eyes watered, and she turned it off. “Sorry about that, but I’m glad to see you’re responsive.”
Kelly straightened and faced Dean, her smile fading to something more like a troubled expression. “You’re Dean, right? Are you Castiel’s husband? We really need some identification and insurance information before we talk to you about what’s going on, and he seems to have lost his wallet.”
Dean smiled fondly at his friend, his trance broke, when a high pitched voice entered the room. He stepped back out of her way, letting her do her thing. Watching closely out of curiousity. He’d never seen Cas in such a weakened state and felt strange…ominous even. Like something wasn’t right in the world. That much was damn sure. There was a hell of a mess to clean up out there but all he could focus on was each beep of the heart monitor ensuring Cas’ vital signs were steady.
The lost look in the eyes he’d fell so fond of, was worse than looking at a kicked puppy. The hunter’s hand falling to his friends shoulder, squeezing lightly as a reminder that he was right here with him. The nurse’s words finally registering a century later, his head perked up and his lips pursed in confusion. He ignored that WORD, as it was said again. Skipping to the more interesting part of her words. “Wait- survivor? What exactly happened? I was just on the phone with him no less than twelve hours ago?” Reluctantly conforming to her second request. He pulled out his wallet, fumbling for his actual ID, he’d shoved back in a hurry when he’d arrived.
He handed her his liscence and some sort of crappy health insurance card Bobby had fabricated well enough that it was linked to something. For instances exactly like this, where one of them was put out of commission. Only, Dean never expected to be the one standing by the bedside out of the pair of them. “I can have my-er-our,” he didn’t want to blow their cover. As ridiculous as it was. “-uncle, fax over a copy of his ID…after you tell me what’s going on.” He knew he probably didn’t have to interrogate her like she was the enemy. But right now he needed someone to target his concern and she was the only one in the room.
Kelly peered at each card as they were passed to her, but she didn’t look entirely satisfied. She was unfazed by Dean’s aggressive tone and seemed uninterested in his attempt at an ultimatum. But as her eyes reached her patient again, guilt flooded them. Clipping the cards to the chart in her hand, she then lowered it and looked at Castiel even as she answered his “husband’s” questions.
“Castiel was originally transported to our emergency room after he was found unconscious by a passing jogger at Cedar Park. He has not disclosed the cause of his injuries” – she shot them both a hard look – “but we treated him for a fractured pelvic bone, two broken ribs, a punctured liver, and a concussion. Emergency surgery was required to stop the internal bleeding and mend his liver, and we were successful. He awoke in the recovery wing on a long road back to perfect health.”
The nurse paused and licked her lips, averting her eyes for a moment before she continued. “While in the recovery wing, food was brought to Castiel by one of our interns. Doctor Stevens.”
Kelly’s demeanor finally cracked, guilt and something like a desperate confusion broke her cool exterior, and it was high and thick in her voice. “I don’t know what came over her.” She looked like she wanted to step closer, to reach for her patient as though proximity would emphasize her sincerity, but her feet remained planted. “None of the things she’s saying make any sense, but please believe me, Castiel, if I had had any idea, I–”
“You saved my life,” Castiel interrupted her. Despite his weakened state, his voice was firm and sure. Kelly stopped and smiled. She still looked heavy and troubled, but it was obvious that the simple statement had given her some relief. With a glance at Dean, she continued.
“Doctor Stevens administered an unauthorized tranquilizer, one that paralyzed your husband temporarily while keeping him conscious. It is still unclear how she got a weapon into the building, but she proceeded to stab Mr. Winchester multiple times in the chest and abdomen with a dagger of some kind. I heard some of the commotion and, after seeing what was happening, called security to help me get her away from him. Castiel was immediately rushed back into surgery, where we repaired lacerations to his organs and other damaged tissue and stopped the bleeding. The procedure went well, but we do intend to transfer him back to the recovery wing and keep him under observation until we can run some more tests.”
Kelly turned back to her patient and patted his leg. “I’m gonna contact your insurance company and check in with the doctor, see if it’s safe for you to have something solid to eat. When you’re ready, the police would like to talk to you about Doctor Stevens’ charges.”
Castiel frowned. “I don’t want to press charges.”
The nurse’s hand paused, and she stared at the man recovering from a nearly fatal attack, attached to an IV drip and several monitors. Then she looked at Dean.
“Apparently, he still has the concussion.”
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
things are sure lively for the dokeshi house, eh?
Black Star: *passing out breakfast orders* liz: yum! Patty: "So hungry--" *bites into her breakfast burrito* "Mmm~" takeru: *enjoying his hashbrowns* Izuku: *having yogurt with fruit and a bagel* -on the road again- Patty: "But Roswell would be so much fun to go to--" Kid, Black Star, Izuku: "NO!" -back home in death city- Yumi: *holding Shiori* shiori: mama! lord death: *phone rings* oh! we got a video chat from kid! Kid: *on video* "Hello? Father?" lord death: hey kiddo~ shiori: kid! kid! *bouncing with excitement* Kid: *waves* "Shiori! Hello!" Yumi: *smiles* shiori: hehe! kirika:........ Kid: *waves* "Hello, Mother, Kirika." kirika: 7-7; how's the trip, nerd? Kid: *small friendly smirk* "Alright. Heading back and trying to figure out whether there are any stops we want to make along the way." lord death: ah...*he nods* Kid: "Were there any souvenirs you wanted while we were on our way back? We should be back in Dallas soon." -elsewhere- Photographer: "Hibana, turn this way! Who's that with you?" Hibana: "My assistant, Gabriella!" gabriella: *waves* hello. Photographer: "Those are wonderful dresses, ladies! So, why bring your assistant and not a date, Hibana?" Hibana: *smirks* "A smart woman keeps her best colleague by her side, dear~" gabriella: >////////< -at the 8th- Arthur: *trying to fix his hair* shinra: you look fine man. Arthur: "...What if she doesn't like it?" shinra: well...... shinra: she didnt have any problem with your hair before, did she? Arthur: "Not that I remember...Maybe she just didn't want to say..." shinra: *multi slap-pap attack* get a damn hold of yourself! Arthur: "Ahh! Okay, okay! I'm calmed! I'm relaxed! I'm--" tamaki: hey! Arthur: o\\\\\o "...Hey." tamaki: sooooo, you ready? Arthur: -\\\\- ("So cute...") *nods* "Yep! Ready!" tamaki: neat. -and so- Arthur: *walking with her to the restaurant* "You haven't eaten here before, have you?" tamaki: no, not really. *looking at the sign that says 'Ippudo ramen'* Arthur: "It's really good ramen--not too expensive, either." tamaki: neat. Arthur: *pushes the curtain back to let Tamaki enter* tamaki: *sniff* wow. smells nice. Arthur: "Tastes even better." *points to two seats* -elsewhere- Yohei: "How's work treating you two?" mono:....alright. kepuri: just great! Yohei: "That's good, Kepuri." *glances at Mono* "Something wrong at work?" mono: i'm doing fine, shut up! stupid yohei! *goes to her room* Yohei: "...Well, my confidence in my parenting skills just got bruised." chie:...*pats his back* Yohei: *nods to Chie* -elsewhere- Spirit: "How are you and Christa holding up?" marie: doing well. *she smiles* christa: *playing with blocks* Spirit: *nods* "We were lucky Kami was here..." marie: yeah.... Spirit: "And I wanted to thank you for taking Sachiko out--it meant a lot to her." marie: of course. it was nice to get out and enjoy our time together. *she smiles* Spirit: *smiles, looks at Christa* "So, is Christa spelling complicated words yet?" -the blocks spell 'meow'- Spirit: "Hee hee...What animal goes 'meow,' Christa?" christa: kiddy! Spirit: "Kitty! 'Meow, meow'?" *pretends to paw like a cat* christa: hehehe! Spirit: *sighs happily* ("...Maka...") marie: *smiles* Spirit: *wipes his face a bit* christa:....?? Spirit: *wiping away a few tears* -elsewhere- Hibana: *wiping tears from her eyes while watching the film* gabriella: QwQ Hibana: *pulls tissues out from her purse, passes one to Gabriella* gabriella: my emotiooooons.... Hibana: "Yeah...This film..." *holds Gabriella's hand* gabriella: *blush* Hibana: *sniffs, still wiping tears, clutching Gabriella's hand for some security* -elsewhere- Tuhl: *asleep, with Io still awake in his arms* io: buu? Tuhl: *snore* io:............zzzzzzzzz Tuhl: *in his sleep, instinctively holds Io carefully as he is lying in his bed* saki:.......*she smiles* Shotaro: *hands Saki her smartphone* saki: *takes a pic* thank you. Shotaro: *nods* -elsewhere- grunt: *knocks on the door* lord emine? i heard a noise, is everything ok? Emine: "ROAR!" grunt: o-o;;;;; -blood seeps from under the door- grunt: O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Emine: *wail of pain* -a brutally mangled body of....some grunt...lay splattered on the ground- Emine: *huffing, grunting* grunt: s....sir? Emine: *inhuman growl* "Hunger...souls..." grunt: *gulps and dials* Emine: *shudders, clutching himself, pulling at his clothes* lin: *over the phone* emine?! are you alright?! Emine: "Lin...Help..." Emine: "Hunger...Fear...Souls...Cold..." *rips at his clothes, tearing them off himself* lin: *tearing up* lin:....*humming a soft melody* Emine: "..." *starts crying* lin: *still humming* Emine: *collapsing, sobbing...slowly falls asleep* lin:........ Emine: *deep breathing in his sleep* lin:.....rest well..... Emine: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Dallas just isn't as interesting the second time, but at least the hotel should be good." liz: yeah. Kid: "This hotel should be enjoyable: pool, spa, arcade..." stocking: *looks around* Izuku: "Anyone up for the arcade?" soul: sure. mina: heck yeah! Black Star: "Beat all ya all at those games!" Patty: *tugging on Liz's hand* "Spa! Spa!" tsuyu: yeah, i could use a nice soak. Ochako: "Sounds fun!" -elsewhere- NoFix: "Hey, Death City is only a few miles away!" mimeca: *claps* NoFix: "Yeah, now to ditch this vehicle and get new wheels. This car's kind of hippie-ish now." mimeca: *nods* Sunflower: x_____x NoFix: "Man...Whoever gets this car next is going to need a ton of those pine tree air fresheners to clean the dead hippie smell out." mimeca: Xp NoFix: *points to a parking lot* "We'll pull in here and trade cars..." mimeca: *nods* *In the parking lot* NoFix: "I think we need something big..." mimeca: *points to one* NoFix: *shiny eyes* "Yeeeeeeeeees..." mimeca: *griiiins* NoFix: *spins along the door to open it* "Now, just to hotwire with some powers of spin, and we are back on the road!" mimeca: ^o^ *Engine starts up* NoFix: "Woot! We are going!" *peels out of the parking lot* -elsewhere- Hibana: *at the after-party, hands a drink to Gabriella* "That was sadder than I was expecting..." gabriella: at least the food is yummy.... q-q Hibana: *sniff* "Yes. Very rich food." *smiles lightly* "It was a good film, and at least the couple had a happy ending." gabriella: i knoooow qwq Hibana: "Man, when they finally kissed--phew! That was cathartic!" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Hmm...That was satisfying." tamaki: *she smiles* Arthur: "Don't suppose you wanted dessert here or elsewhere?" tamaki:....sure. Arthur: *pulls out the menu* "Hmm..." *shiny eyes, shows her a photo of the menu* "Check this out--cat eclairs!" *Someone enters the restaurant* tamaki: o///.///o Arthur: 'Want the cat eclairs? I think they look cute~" tamaki: well- ???: *waves at Tamaki, but he is right behind Arthur* Arthur: "???" tamaki: O.O;;;;;;; Aoyama: "Bon jour, chaton!~" Arthur: >-< "No..." tamaki: um....hi.... *meek wave* Aoyama: "Hello yourself. Is this seat taken?" *sits down beside Arthur* "Oh, hello! You are the boy who was standing with no pants outside the hospital, oui?" Arthur: "...My name is Arthur. I have a name." tamaki: hi...aoyama....*sweats* Aoyama: "Fancy meeting you here, mon cheri. How have you been?" *leans across the table and stares intently at her* Arthur: ⊙·⊙ tamaki: doing good.....you? Aoyama: "Quite well! Have you not read my social media page?" *holds his phone up to her* Arthur: *small growl* tamaki: wow..... Aoyama: "Yes! I managed to get one million notes in one hour! Most of them positive!" *flips through multiple photographs of him posing around town, including shots of him in swim trunks at the pool* Arthur: ಠ益ಠ tamaki: ^^;;;; Aoyama: "Have you finished your meal, Tamaki? I was just here to get take-out--" Arthur: *DEATH GLARE* Aoyama: "--and I could dine with you." *reaches out and holds her hand* tamaki: um....*sweating* Arthur: "We already had dinner, thank you." Aoyama: "Oh...Who are you again?" Arthur: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I JUST INTRODUCED MYSELF--AGAIN! THE BOY WHO WAS STANDING WITH NO PANTS OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL!" tamaki: he's arthur boyle....one of my brigade members at the 8th. Arthur: *nods vigorously* Aoyama: "Ah...Tell me, Tamaki, is he your boyfriend?" tamaki: e-eh?! O/////O Arthur: .\\\\\\. "We-we-we--" tamaki: *cat ears* >////////< Aoyama: " 'Oui'? Oh, my...I did not realize I was dating someone who was already dating another man." *places his hands to his cheeks, blushes, squirms* "How scandalous!" tamaki:.....wat? Aoyama: "If I had known that, I would have asked differently when going out with you. I'm sorry--I should have been more upfront. So, is this an open relationship?" Arthur: *muttering into his hands* "I just wanted to have dinner with her..." tamaki:...................................................what? Aoyama: "An open relationship. You know, where two people agree that they are allowed to date other individuals." *looks up and down at Arthur* tamaki:............excuse me for a second. *goes outside to scream for a whole 5 minutes* Arthur: D: Aoyama: "She is quite the screamer~" Arthur: *puts money down on the table, exits* "Tamaki! I'm so sorry about--" Aoyama: *pops up in between him and Tamaki, holding a saucer of tea* "Here, this will help ease your throat." tamaki:.....um.....is there anything in this?! Arthur: "Yes. Is there?" *cracking his knuckles* Aoyama: *giggles* "Just lemon and honey, the way to help a throat after loud screaming." tamaki:.......... -later- tamaki: .//////////////////.;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Iris: ._____. "Wow." shinra: tamaki, you ok- -STOMACH PUNCH- shinra: *collapses* whyyyyy???!! Iris: D: Iris: "Tamaki! That was incredibly cruel!" *helps Shinra up* nozomi: m-miss tamaki..... tamaki: im going to take a shower. NO ONE. FOLLOW ME. Iris: "..." *looks at Nozomi* "Maybe, you know, go talk with her? I'll tend to Shinra's abdominal pain." nozomi: i-i could try..... -elsewhere- Hibana: *rubbing her feet while sitting on a bed in her hotel room* "Jeez, Gab, I did not know you could dance like that." gabriella: i didnt even think that kind of dancing was allowed at fancy parties..... Hibana: *smile* "You'd be surprised what happens at fancy parties...I had a lot of fun, though! You are really good." gabriella: thank you. Hibana: "Now I know to bring you more often when I go clubbing." *stretches* "The photoshoot is tomorrow, yes?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "Huh. New high score--" Black Star: "This machine is fixed! The buttons were stuck! I demand a rematch!" Izuku: -_-; "We've played 20 rounds..." -winner!- mina: great job ochako! Ochako: "Yay! Thanks!" tsuyu: *claps* Black Star: "HOW DARE YOU DO BETTER AT ME IN A DIFFERENT GAME! FIGHT ME!" tsubaki: easy now. Ochako: "...Okay! Air hockey?" Black Star: "YOU'RE ON!" Ochako: *devious smirk* Izuku: "!!!" *jots notes in his notebook* stocking: *watching* *ROUND 1* Black Star: "Ha!" *slams the puck* Ochako: *effortlessly blocks, knocking the puck at the right angle to sail directly into Black Star's goal* Black Star: o_o Ochako: "I know angles and gravity, Black Star..." Black Star: "...I'm gonna lose badly, aren't I?" soul:........yuuuuup stocking: i recommend padding. that way your ego isnt _too_ bruised. Black Star: *growls* *Ochako beats him 4 to 0* tsubaki: *back pats* Black Star: T_T "Damn it..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "...What does one do to be a good big brother?" eibon: hmm? well, i cant really say for sure...i didnt really have any siblings of my own. Gopher: "...She got really hurt by N--...That monster." eibon:......the best we can do is look after her and make her feel welcome and safe. Gopher: *nods* "I also think it is important to introduce her to other people--gradually." eibon:...*he nods* perhaps enrolling her into the academy might work? Gopher: "I think so..." -elsewhere- Giriko: "How was the doctor's appointment?" arachne: it went well. *she smiles* Giriko: "Good." *sets some papers aside on the dining table* "I'll start dinner." *hugs her* -elsewhere- Iris: "How is she?" nozomi: she seems rather flustered....but i think she'll be ok Iris: *nods* "I don't envy her. As awful as Arthur's experiences are, it's not fair to Tamaki to put her under that pressure. And...that Aoyama guy is rather forward." nozomi: y-yeah.....*awkward blushing* Iris: "Nozomi, maybe we can do something for Tamaki? Like a girls' night? Some movies, snacks..." nozomi: that sounds- nayumi: that sounds great! Iris: *smiles* "Great!" sayu: yay! Iris: "Maki, how does that sound?" maki: *she nods* Iris: "I'll put together the shopping list and assign who picks up what." -elsewhere- Patty: *satisfied sigh* "That spa is so good!" liz: yeah. *streeetch* stocking: *nods* Patty: "Can't wait to lie down and sleep on clean sheets in a comfy bed~" tsubaki: yeah. Patty: *looks around, whispers* "I made sure Stein would be distracted, so the room arrangements should please everyone~" stocking:....*grins* liz:...oh. tsubaki: o////o Patty: "Heh heh heh..." *Knock knock* liz: hmm? Ochako: *opens the door* "S'up!" *holds up basket* "We got food!" stocking: neat! Ochako: "Fancy cheeses, chocolates, drinks--" Patty: *opens bottle of fancy soda* "Neat!" -elsewhere- soul: *listening to his MP3 player* Stein: *asleep in bed* soul:........*dozes off* ???: "Soul?" soul: *he smiles* hey maka *hug* Maka: *hug* "It's good to see you." *pulls back, but still holding his hands* "How are you holding up?" soul: pretty well....we're heading back from our trip to new orleans. -he tells her about all that had happened since last time they spoke- Maka: "Wow...That's a lot happening...Kid and Stocking are okay?" soul: yeah. alright and closer than ever... Maka: "..." *brushes hair over her ear* soul:........*hug* its not fair maka....... Maka: *holds Soul, bringing his head down to rest in her lap, strokes his head* "We can't change the past...But..." soul: you should have been able to have those experiences too.... Maka: "Soul..." *continues stroking his head* "Do you remember when we kissed here?" soul: *blush* y-yeah, of course i- Maka: *she lifts him up to her eye level* "..." *brushes her lips along his cheeks, then pulls back* soul: o///////o Maka: *blushing* "If I had lived...would you...would you have..." soul:....?? Maka: "Would you have wanted someone like me as your girlfriend...to..." soul:....um.... .//////. Maka: *small pout, blushing* "Yeah, I thought so." soul:....*leans in and hugs her* Maka: "!!! ..." *returns the hug* "I wish I was with you. Not just here..." -morning- Stein: "Get up." soul: mmmmn..... Stein: "Soul?" *pulls blanket off of him* "Get up." soul: *muttering* Stein: *leans down, whispers in his ear* "Stop touching yourself and get in the shower." soul: GAAAH!!! Stein: "Good, you're awake. Now get showered and dressed--breakfast is in 20 minutes." soul:....*shudders* -back on the road- soul: .__________________.;;; Stein: "We're driving all day with stops to Roswell, then to...'Truth or Consequences'? What?" Kid: "Oh? Truth or Consequences is known for its hot springs and spas." stocking: neat. Patty: "Yay! Hot springs, hot springs!" Stein: "Fine. We stop at Roswell tonight, arrive at Truth or Consequences the next day." Black Star: "With a stop for food, though!" -elsewhere- Photographer: "Smile!" Hibana: -_-; "I am not feeling this outfit." -elsewhere- mono:.............*walking home* *Someone running towards her from the other end of the street* ???: "Got to get back! Have to hurry!" mono: ??? Ashi: "I forgot I had to--" *spots Mono, runs by her--then trips* mono: *wince* oooh.... Ashi: *springs back up, upright* "Hello! I was running and fell!" mono:......at least your glasses didnt break. Ashi: *blushes, smiles, scratches the back of his head* "Well, these A-Plus Glasses are durable! Can handle anything! In fact, when Zuno would hit me, he--" *stops...looks sad* mono:....?? Ashi: "Um...An old friend." mono:...................... Ashi: "...He got hurt. Badly." mono:................ Ashi: *shakes his fist* "It's why...I don't want those Fear Factory bastards to hurt anyone else." mono:.....................even dokeshi hunt? Ashi: "??? Dokeshi Hunt?" *shakes his head* "I've seen Dokeshi Hunt hurt Dokeshi, and Fear Factory hurt humans. I don't want to see anyone hurt, human, Dokeshi, or otherwise." mono:........... -screams could be heard- Ashi: "?!!! What's that?!" mono: *arms herself and goes to check it out*......... !!!!!!! *she is frozen in place* ....... Ashi: *doesn't get there until quite a bit after her, struggling to catch his breath* "Wh-What is--What is--?" mono:.......*trembling* .....y......you...... *wide eyes, shrunkin pupils....tearing up* -several random people lay dead and bloodied around two figures- Ashi: D: "Oh my God..." *fumbles for his phone* mimeca: ~?? NoFix: "...Dude, why are your socks all different and a-symmetry or something?" mono: ........... *she screams and charges at him with her knife* NoFix: *lets her stab him* mono: ......*her eyes are shut tightly* NoFix: "Ah, that tickles!" *pulls the knife out--and jabs it into his head* mono: *horrified* ........ -her fearful expression.....it almost looks familiar....- NoFix: *looks down at her* "Hey...Is it the brain damage talking, or didn't I kill someone who looks just like you? Or two people who kind of looked like you?" mono: ..... *trying to fight back* i-i'll kill you!....i-i wont ever forgive you! y-you.....you murderer! NoFix: *pulls out knife, tosses it back to her* "I've killed a lot of people, so you're going to have to be more specific." *glances at Ashi* Ashi: "!!!" *scuttles to the side, trying to get out of view...* mono: you....you killed my parents, you monster!! NoFix: "...Do you realize how many people that could apply to? Mimeca, what's my kill count up to?" mimeca: ........*shrug* Ashi: *on phone* "Hello?! We got a problem! It's him! NoFix!" mono: i wont.....i wont let you hurt anyone else! even though i joined dokeshi hunt.....the only dokeshi truly wanted dead....the one i want to kill is you! NoFix: "..." *smirks, holds out his arms* "Ah, you sound just like Ho-Yay Yohei! Come at me, bro! I'll give you a fighting chance..." mono: *picks her knife back up and charges again* NoFix: *doesn't move* Ashi: (on phone) "Please! Hurry!" mono: just go down!! mimeca: *kicks her into the wall* >Xp NoFix: "..." *giggling* "Nice one, Mimeca!" Ashi: *watching Mono, whispering* "Get back! NoFix is a madman!" NoFix: *ear twitch* mono: *struggling to get up* mimeca: *takes the form of yohei and pins her to the wall by the neck with a gun to her head* >:) NoFix: "I'm getting bored with this. Mimeca, make it painful for her." Ashi: "N-No!" *runs at NoFix, punches--and it does nothing* NoFix: *unimpressed* "Nice glasses, ass." Ashi: " 'Ash--'" *PUNCH* NoFix: *seizes Ashi's glasses, having just punched him so hard he broke his nose and knocked him to the floor* mono: stop it! Ashi: *screaming, clutching his face* mimeca: *pistol-whips her across the face and grins* NoFix: *smirks, as he marches to Ashi--and stomps on his chest* Ashi: *crying loudly* NoFix: "I should cut your fucking balls off, you waste of a boy! In fact, I think I'll do that..." mono: !!!!! Ashi: *crying* NoFix: *hand moves down to Ashi's testicles, and--" *FLASH* mono: ?! NoFix: *his arm is sliced off* mimeca: ?? *wind passes by Mono, as a fist repeatedly slams into Mimeca's torso, legs, and head* mimeca: X3X *Momo is picked up in someone's arms* NoFix: "...You fuckers..." Tuhl: *still near NoFix, blade to his neck* Shotaro: *holding Mono* mono: eh....p-put me down! stupid dokeshi! mana: 7-7; Shotaro: *furious frown at NoFix* "Mana, get ready to run..." NoFix: "..." *sneer, as his arm is growing back--* mana: *preparing stance* Tuhl: *slices off NoFix's head* "Run now!" Shotaro: *tosses Mono to Mana* mana: kepuri! kepuri: on it! *grabs mono and exits* NoFix: *headless, swings fists at Tuhl, connecting* Tuhl: "Ah!" Shotaro: "Mana! Go for chest, I'll get the legs!" mana: *she charges in* Yohei: *on a nearby rooftop* "Saki, percentage of the projectile's charge?" saki: *she nods* Yohei: "Okay...Hold it steady..." *looks through the scope at NoFix's headless body swinging at Tuhl, Shotaro, and Mana* Shotaro: *goomba stomp on NoFix* NoFix's body: grabs Mana's ankle* mana: *kicks with the other foot* Yohei: *on radio to the trio* "Get away from him, now!" Shotaro: "Bone of the Mantis!" *bites down on a mantis' claw, causing him to grow a claw that slices off NoFix's hand, then he grabs Mana* Tuhl: *leaps back, wraps chain around Shotaro, and pulls him and Mana back* NoFix's headless body: "?!!!" Yohei: "Now, Saki! Fire!" saki: sayonara motherfucker. *FIRES HER LAZER* Yohei: *fires the gun* NoFix's body: *tenses, sweatdrops--* *KA-BOOM!* mimeca: D8 Yohei: "Okay...We got him..." NoFix's head: "Oh, fuck no!" Yohei: o____o NoFix's head: "Mimeca! Throw me at them! I'm going to bite their kneecaps off!" mimeca: *toss!* Yohei: "Aw, craaaaaaap--" NoFix's head: *collides into Yohei's face--and his tongue whips along his face* Yohei: D: D: D: saki: *picks up the head and stares it in the eyes, completely poker faced* NoFix: "...Oh! Sweet cheeks! How ya doin'?" Yohei: *pouring hand sanitizer all over his face* saki: *punch....punch....punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch* NoFix: "Aw! Fuck! Shit! Bitch! Cunt! Cock! Crap! Pussy fuck asshole motherfucker shit stop that! I'll fuck--Ow! Fuck! Fuck! Stop--Ow! Ow! Ow!" Yohei: "..." *sits back* *One of NoFix's teeth flies and lands by Yohei, who calmly crushes it and then lights it on fire to kill the skin cells* saki: *poker face* whats wrong, i thought you liked it rough~? ^^# NoFix: "...Ha! That is a good one! How 'bout you slip me into your pants, and I can go d--" -PUNCH- saki: *poker faced* NoFix: *spits out his teeth* "So...How's our baby?" saki: *punching resumes* dont. you. DARE. mention my child... NoFix: "_Our_ child--" saki: *punching intensifies* NoFix: "Shit! She's for real! Yohei! Save me!" Yohei: "..." NoFix: "Yohei?!!!" Yohei: "I'm thinking. I thought about it. And no. Go die." NoFix: o_O "Fuuuuuuuck..." saki: *gun arm in nofix' mouth* ..... Yohei: "..." *smirks* NoFix: *sweating* ("This would be so hot right now if I didn't think she could actually kill me before I can finish regenerating...") saki: *gattling gun mode* -RATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA- NoFix: *blood splurting, chunks of flesh flying off* "AAAAAAH!!!" Tuhl: *holding down Mimeca, notices Saki's gunfire* "Jeez, no kill like overkill..." saki: i can give you some thanks for giving me these robotic implementations....and thank _you_ yohei for giving me the upgrades ^^ Yohei: *salute* NoFix: "I LOVED YOU BOTH, AND THIS IS HOW YOU FUCKERS REPAY ME?!" Yohei: *snaps* "LOVE?! YOU CALL WHAT YOU DID 'LOVE'?! Saki! Fucking kill him!" -something dark emerges and grabs the head- Yohei: "?!" -the dark arm slams nofix's head into the floor.....at rapid pace- Yohei: o__O -the watch beeps- chie: *on the watch screen* can i watch? no pun intended. *she's holding baby io in a baby carrier* Yohei: o____o *turns watch to face the action* NoFix: *sees Io on screen* "B-Baby?" io:....... NoFix: "..." *growls--and bites through the dark arm* "NO!" io: .........Q-Q *she starts crying* chie: *slams hims into the ground with the dark arm* NoFix: "NO! YOU FUCKS JUST DON'T GET IT! My kid! My offspring! MY PROPERTY! And now I got a new mission: KILL ALL YA FUCKS AND TAKE MY CHILD FOR MY OWN!" chie: *punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch* saki: *shooting* NoFix: "EEEEEENOUGH!" *spontaneous blast of cells--forming some weird cancerous looking octopus monster* chie: !!!! saki: !!!! NoFix: *slams down Saki with the quivering cells* "You...You finally pushed me to the edge of my regeneration abilities...Thank you..." *sharpens cells into a blade* "Now die, bitch." Yohei: "!!!" *fires weapon again at NoFix--* *KABOOM* saki: *flinch* NoFix: *half his cancerous body is blown apart, quivering* "I will devour you..." Yohei: "Oh, just die already..." *tosses a grenade to Saki* Tuhl: *on the roof, ready to slice Saki away from NoFix* saki: *shoves the grenade in nofix's mouth* chie: *casts dark shield around yohei* Tuhl: *slices through NoFix, grabbing Saki and running back* NoFix: *gulps* "Shi--" *KABOOM KABOOM KABOOM!!!* mimeca: !!! *SPLAT* *Bits of NoFix litter everywhere* Yohei: *panting* "God..." mana: is....is he dead? Yohei: *taps his watch, getting a read* "No...the cells are still living. I already alerted DWMA clean-up team. Hopefully they contain him..." Shotaro: *administering first-aid to Mono and Ashi* Ashi: *sobbing* mono:........ *DWMA Officials arrive, clean up the remains of NoFix for quarantine, and take the injured to the hospital* -later, elsewhere- Yumi: "How bad is the damage?" official: only a few civilian deaths, but most of the deceased were crossbone gang members. Yumi: "Where in the neighborhood did it take place?" -the official points to a more...less than pleasant part of the city- Yumi: *deep sigh* "This is not good. Who is the murderer?" -the official explains the situation- Yumi: "I want to speak with the injured." official: of course ma'am! Yumi: *follows* mono:......................................... Yumi: "Hello, ma'am. I am Yumi Azusa with the DWMA." mono:.................. Yumi: "I wanted to see how you were and to ask a few questions." mono:......... Yumi: "..." *sits by her* "How are you feeling?" mono:...... Yumi: "...May I get you anything? Water? Food? Is the staff treating you well?" mono:......*staring out the window*............... Yumi: "...Okay." *removes a business card, leaves it on her chair as she stands up* "If you want to talk, I'm available to listen. Call any time..." mono:......................(thinking:........mom............dad...............) Yumi: *exits--and spots Chie and Saki* chie: how is she? Yumi: "I was hoping you could tell me: she won't say anything to me." chie:....i dont know her that well personally, but...*she looks at yohei* Yohei: "She lost her parents to that monster your team just scooped up--thanks for that, by the way. Mono...is going to need some time. And family with her." Yumi: " 'Family'?" Yohei: *arms crossed* "That's going to be us." chie:....it wont be easy... Yohei: *shakes his head* "But we got time." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: "Maybe we should talk with her now..." mono:.....what do _you_ want? Yohei: "Make sure you are okay." mono:........ *looking away, teary eyed* Yohei: "...I'm sorry." mono:..... chie: do you need a moment? Yohei: "Mono..." mono:......... Yohei: "...I know we can't replace your parents...but can we...can we help you? Be a home for you right now?" mono:..............how can i know you wont just run away again? Yohei: *small smile* "Ask these goofballs I got with me: I haven't been able to shake them off for years. Now I'm married with a kid on the way. I'm not going anywhere without them--or you." mono:.......*whimpering* Yohei: "Hey, it's okay..." mono:.....the others.........hina......kevin.....nick.....akira..... Yohei: *nods* "I still...I still have nightmares." mono:......................... Yohei: "...We have to watch out for each other, you know..." mono:....................*sniff* Yohei: "Can I have you watching my back out there, and will you let me watch your back?" mono:.....*she cries* Yohei: "Mono..." *hands her a tissue* mono: *trembling* chie:...... Yohei: "..." *moves a hand closer* -later- chie:.....*hugs him* Yohei: *holding her* "I was so scared." chie:.......*she kisses him softly* Yohei: *returns the kiss* "It's over...I hope for good." chie:.....*rubs her stomach* its going to be ok, sweetie.... Yohei: *nods, speaks to her stomach* "We're going to be here, and we can't wait to see you healthy and with us." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: *holds his wife* chie: U//////U~<3 chie: yohei? i think now might be as good a time as any to tell our families about our little bun in the oven. Yohei: *nods* "How do you think they'll react?" chie: .... -and so- papa kagehime: SAY WHAAAAAAAA?! mama kagehime: YOU BETTER NOT HAVE DONE ANYTHING TO MY BABY! Yohei: *hiding behind Chie* chie: it's alright mom. it was our decision to have a child, and besides, we're married now, right? mama kagehime: hmmm.... papa kagehime: she does have a point... Yohei: *peeks over Chie* mama kagehime:...............yohei! you take care of my daughter and grandchild, ok~? Yohei: "Yes, ma'am! Always!" -later, when calling the nanami family- mama nanami: how wonderful! Yohei: "I'm glad to hear that, Mom." mama nanami: we're gonna be grandparents~ isnt that wonderful, hideyoshi? Yohei: ^^; Papa Nanami: "Congrats, son! You're going to do great!" Yohei: "Dad..." -\\\\- -in another room- io: *crawling* Shotaro: "...He was so creepy..." io: guuu....da.....da.... mana: hmm? io: *points to tuhl* dad! Tuhl: ^^; "...Fine, whatever, sure..." *picks up Io* "How you holding up, kiddo?" io: dad! dad! ^o^ saki: hehe~ Tuhl: "Yeah, yeah..." *bounces Io a bit* io: ^o^ Tuhl: "..." *smiles at Io* "Aren't you just so happy..." mana: *smiles* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." *flexes his arm* "Man...That was some fight..." -wind blows outside, and something sticks to the window- Shotaro: "???" -it appears to be a letter addressed to tuhl- Shotaro: *picks up the letter, hands it to Tuhl* Tuhl: "?!!! Wh-What..." *hands Io to Saki, opens the letter* -the letter reads; tuhl, i hope this letter has gotten to you safely. the winds can be unpredictable at times, at least, thats what hakuo says anyway, haha! anyway, i heard about your friend's mission to find someone important to him, and i think i know someone who could help. she's a dokeshi who can tell the exact location of a living person, but she has to see a picture of them within a year or it wont work. she should be arriving in death city sometime in the month, so keep an eye out. also, kaoli says hello. keep in touch, minato. (or in your case, mom)- Shotaro: "What's it say, Tuhl?" Tuhl: *shaking* Q_Q mana: ??? *peeeek* Tuhl: "Shotaro...Do you have a photo of Emine?" Shotaro: "...What are you...?" mana: ????? Tuhl: "You may be able to find him..." *shakes the letter* "Someone may be able to help..." Shotaro: "..." *collapses into his seat* mana: wait, what?! Tuhl: "Someone I know has written about a Dokeshi who can trace someone by photos! This could be the lead Shotaro needs!" Shotaro: "..." *shaking, covering his face* mana: for real?! Tuhl: "That's great news, right?!" Shotaro: "No..." Tuhl: "???" mana: what? Shotaro: *shakes his head* "No." *stands up, runs up to his room, slams the door shut* Tuhl: "...Okay, that's just a tease!" mana: ah-......hmmm.... -outside- kepuri: *on her laptop, making blue prints* *Yohei exits* Yohei: "What you up to?" kepuri: still working on my pet-project. Yohei: "...It's not going to kill people, is it?" kepuri: no! its more of a 'companion' bot this time...im thinking the name 'Kabumaru' Yohei: "Hmm...The design looks do-able but intricate...Good work." kepuri: thanks. it reminds me of kabuto-ranger! *shiny eyes* Yohei: *wide-eye* "You watch Kabuto Ranger?" kepuri: *blush* a-as a kid yeah. my sister kokona always preferred 'Magical Ribbon, Pinky Heart', but eh. Yohei: *awkward blush* "Do you...remember the theme song?" kepuri: *looks around and plays the song on her laptop* Yohei: *goofy childlike grin as he starts singing along* kepuri: blue beetle punch!! XD Yohei: "Red Beetle Kick!" kepuri: green beetle tornado spin attack! chie:....... kepuri: o-o;;; chie:....*breaks into a chuckle fit* yohei you are such a cutie. Yohei: o\\\\\\o "W-We're just being nostalgic..." chie: i think its cute. kepuri:...*blush* w-whatever, i have to work now......hmm? *she spots showtaro walking away*.....excuse me a moment. Yohei: "???" *watches Kepuri following Shotaro* "Um...Okay." Shotaro: *sees Kepuri following...looks downcast* -later, outside, it begins to rain- Shotaro: "..." *shaking* ???: there you are..........kyokotsu... Shotaro: "!!!" *turns around, looking* "Wh-What?!" akaderu: .........*eating a red apple* Shotaro: *backs away* ("I'm getting a bad feeling going through my bones looking at this guy...") akaderu: so you can gain animal abilities by biting bones, eh? well kid..........i've got a bone to pick with _you_. Shotaro: "..." *frowns, fighting pose* akaderu: *smirk* jeez, whats biting you, kiddo? get up on the wrong side of the bed or something?...... Shotaro: "Who are you?! Why do you look all evil and like you're wanting to fight me?!!" akaderu: you should know why.....you say you do good deeds, right kid?......you know murder isnt a good deed, right? Shotaro: "??!! What do you mean?" akaderu: *dry chuckle* listen kid....in any other circumstance, i wouldnt even waste my time with a brat like you.....but the thing is....you killed someone important to me.....i cant forgive that....i want you to suffer....like you made _her_ suffer..... Shotaro: "B-But I never killed any 'her'!" akaderu: ha...ha.....i know what i saw........back then at the death city robo tournament.....you goddamn monster..... Shotaro: "The Robo...Tournament..." *flashbacks to Kepuri...he starts shaking from the memories* "N-No! I didn't! I was trying to--" akaderu:...........*throws his apple to the side* enough bullshit....we're ending this. now. *pulls out a knife* Shotaro: *backs up, frowns, pulls bones from his satchel* "You're making a mistake! I didn't kill Kepuri! In fact, she's--" akaderu: *charges* do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA what she meant to me?! she was the only thing keeping me going! before i met her, i was hated and neglected. my own family only thought of me as a lazy bum, and when i became a dokeshi? they started taking all their anger and stress out on me. they reduced me to nothing more than a walking punching bag! Shotaro: *dodges* "Like I don't know what it's like to be a Dokeshi! But Kepuri is ali--" Kepuri: "?!!! Akaderu?!" akaderu: *he freezes* ......!!...*he turns* ............!!! Kepuri: "...Back away from Shotaro." akaderu:...ke....puri? -he drops the knife- Kepuri: "Yeah! And why are you trying to attack Shotaro?!" akaderu:.....but....i thought you....y-you were- Kepuri: "???" akaderu: i thought he killed you......but.... Kepuri: "Well, he didn't, as is apparent! In fact, Shotaro was trying to save me, but I..." *looks down* akaderu:....but what? *slowly walking over to her* Kepuri: "...He was trying to get me not to give up on my...my life." akaderu:........like....you did for me.....? Kepuri: "..." *nods* akaderu:........*he hugs her* im sorry......i....its my goddamn fault...........its my fault you got turned into....that thing......*he begins to cry* Kepuri: "..." *hugs* Shotaro: "...I'm so lost." \kyoukotsu; still, you brought these two back together, so....indirect good deed complete! \ Shotaro: *pout* /Yeah, I guess.../ Kepuri: *pats Akaderu's back* \kyokotsu:.....will you be ok?\ Shotaro: /I don't know...I feel weird about all this./ -later- Kepuri: "Where have you been all this time?" akaderu: around mostly....hell if i'd know.... *eating another red apple* Kepuri: *pouts* "A bit vague there...Were you just around Death City?" akaderu: yeah....i always made time to visit you........ Kepuri: o\\\\o "When I was in a coma...?" akaderu: yeah. not to be a creep or anything, just to talk to you.... Kepuri: "O-Oh! Right...The hospital let you in?" akaderu:...yeah. said i was close to you.....or _are_ close to you? Kepuri: -\\\\\- "Akaderu..." akaderu: 7///////7;;;;; Kepuri: "..." *pushes herself into his arms* akaderu: *blush* ah- Kepuri: "Just shut up..." *wraps her arms around him* "I...I want to be held for a bit." akaderu: .....*hug* sorry....im not an expert at romantic stuff....but this is nice. Kepuri: -\\\\\\- "Y-Yeah..." akaderu: .....*small smile* Kepuri: *strokes his arm* "Akaderu...Being a Dokeshi..." akaderu: hmm? Kepuri: *small smile* "There is hope...Being a Dokeshi is not so bad, when you are around people you care about...even around humans." akaderu:......heh.... Kepuri: *looks up at him, smiles* akaderu: *blush* Kepuri: *closes her eyes, leans closer to him* akaderu: *leans in, blushing* Kepuri: *brushes her lips along his* mana: awwww. akaderu: O////////////////////O Kepuri: O_O "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!" -morning, on the road- Ochako: "At least Roswell didn't have any more aliens--" Izuku: *violently shaking* Ochako: "And we get to go to hot springs today!" Izuku: *MORE VIOLENT SHAKING* tsuyu: midoriya? are you feeling alright? Izuku: "NO MORE ALIENS!" *slaps himself in the face* "I AM CALM! HOT SPRINGS WILL BE RELAXING! I AM NOT IMAGINING O--" Black Star: *covers Izuku's mouth* "He's fine. Just had trouble sleeping." soul: *yaaawn* Patty: "Still tired, Soul?" soul: im good. Kid: *holding Stocking's hand, smiles* -elsewhere- Hibana: *reviewing a map of San Francisco* -elsewhere- Tomura: "Update on our target's location?" ???: seems a training session will take place later in this week...what do you think, kurogiri? Kurogiri: "I could get you to that location. It'll be up to you to complete the task." ???: and the others? Kurogiri: "They will provide support, and a distraction..." sachi: and us? Tomura: "Have you had any progress locating that New Orleans witch?" sachi: currently, nothing came up. Tomura: *scraaaaatch* "Disappointing, but not surprising. In this case, maybe you should join the rest and attack the students..." sachi: sounds good. hopefully i generate some good quirks while there... Tomura: "...Game on..." -elsewhere- Meme: *pouring glasses of ice water for everyone* mio: *drinks* phwaaaaah.... =w= so refeshing.... tsugumi: i cant believe that autumn is just around the corner.... ao: and that means autumn enrollments will take place.... Anya: "Which means the pumpkins will be ready..." *shiny eyes* "...Wait, what about autumn enrollments?" mio: you mean like new students arriving? ao: *she nods* Meme: "Then we get to mentor them! Yay!" tsugumi: *shiny eyes* (imaginary student: tsugumi-senpaaai~!) *drooling* Anya: -_-; "Wipe your mouth, Tsugumi..." tsugumi: *does so* Anya: "In any case, let us hope these students are not obnoxious and need to have their hands held..." *secretly imagining mentoring students in the ways of commoners' life* mio: yeah..... *imagining playing video games* -w- *All the girls are reduced to reveries about mentoring new students...drooling* kim:.............*sigh* i'll get the mop. -_-; Kana: *waves hand across their faces...then steals Anya's wallet from her purse* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Kirika, I need some help with Shiori's diaper." kirika: do i have to? Yumi: "That depends: do you want to smell baby poopies all afternoon?" kirika:...alright give me a sec.... *puts on a kitty plague mask* Yumi: -_-; "Oh, sure, that's not going to terrify Shiori in the least..." -after that- Yumi: *holding Shiori* "Don't you feel all better now that Mommy and your sister Kirika gave you a fresh new diaper?" shiori: ^o^ *looks at kirika* ............. *poker face* Yumi: "...Where do you even get a mask like that?" kirika:.....found it at a pawn shop. Yumi: "...Huh. You were at a pawn shop?" kirika: yeah. Yumi: "Hmm...Please tell me you aren't pawning anything yourself..." kirika: nah. Yumi: *nods* "Did you find any good bargains there?" -elsewhere- Spirit: *looking through checklist* "Okay, that takes care of a lot of the back-to-school shopping...Izumi, do you need a new backpack?" izumi: yeah, the one i have now is kinda getting old. Spirit: *looks at ones in the department store* "You want something kind of plain, or something with a character on it?" *holds up an All Might backpack* izumi: *looking around* Spirit: "???" -elsewhere- -a blue haired woman is looking through the shelves of a bookshop- Cashier: *spots blue-haired woman, approaches* "Hello! May I help you find anything?" woman: i-im fine..... child: look at this. they actually made a teary blue lunchbox! child 2: seriously? she's kinda lame compared to other heroes, and she doesnt even do that much. woman:........... q.q Cashier: "Well, let me know if you need anything..." Cashier: "...Are you okay, ma'am?" woman: im.....o-ok..... Cashier: "..." *spots the children* "You know, I've thought Teary Blue is pretty courageous..." woman: -she already left- haha..... Cashier: T_T child: OW! MY EYES! namiko: .....q-q i got scared again.... Cashier: *sobbing* person: MY EYES FEEL LIKE THEY ARE LITERALLY ON FIRE RIGHT NOW!! Security Guard: *into walkie-talkie* T__T "I need medical help, now!" -namiko ended up hiding in an alley way- namiko: i screwed up again..... ???: "It happened again, huh?" namiko: *she turns around*....hi aizawa.....got any spare blow? Aizawa: *sighs, sits down next to her* "Haven't you had enough?" namiko: i just had a rough morning.....i got evicted from my apartment again. Aizawa: "Neighbors complaining about burning pain to their eyes?" namiko:.......yeah.....i'll just have to live in the spare dumpster behind the school for a little while. Aizawa: "That's stupid..." *sighs* "Look, my couch pulls out into a bed...but I'm not going to clean the apartment..." namiko: ....thanks. Aizawa: *nods* "...I got some pot." namiko:....i could use some right now.... Aizawa: *opens baggie, pulls out pipe* -elsewhere- Kid: "So warm..." soul: *streeeetch* Black Star: *splashes Takeru and Izuku* takeru: eep! Izuku: "Ah! That's really hot! Stop that!" Stein: *annoyed grunt* soul: ........ Kid: "Soul? You okay?" soul: yeah....just relaxing.... Kid: *smiles* "These springs are rejuvenating. The mineral water is good for the skin, and of course that has benefits for the body, the mind, and the soul..." soul:....was that a damn pun? Kid: *nervous laugh* Black Star: *looking down at Izuku and Takeru* soul:.........hey....whats this? Stein: "???" soul: I AQUIRED KID'S TOWEL! >:D Kid: o\\\\\o "Hey!" *standing, trying to get his towel back* "Give that back!" soul: haha! Black Star: "Ha ha ha!" *rips Takeru's towel loose* Izuku: "G-Guys! Stop! You're being kind of loud--" takeru: EEK! >/////< Stein: "..." *slumps lower into the water* Kid: "How dare you!" *rips Soul's towel off--and snaps it at him* takeru: waaah!! *BOOOOM* -the wall got knocked down- -awkward silence- Izuku: *towel on fire* "Ah!" *throws it away...then sees the wall is gone* stocking: ............ tsuyu: ribbit? tsubaki: eh? Patty: "..." *thumbs up* liz: o-o;;;;;; soul: *covering himself up* Ochako: o\\\\o *covering her face* ("That's the second time I've seen Kid's...thingie") Kid: D: mina: dang. Izuku: o\\\\\\o -SCREAMING- -on the road, no one said a single thing- Stein: *driving* Black Star: "..." *glancing at the girls...* stocking: *snuggling kid* Kid: T_T *holding her* Ochako: *glancing at Soul and Izuku..." o\\\\o soul: q-q (thinking: maka forgive me for i have sinned.....) Izuku: Q_Q Patty: "...So, I see you boys sure are long and in charge!" mina: its official, no one hears of this and we take this to our graves. Patty: "But I was just about to tweet this--" liz: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NONONONONONONONO!!! Izuku: *smashes Patty's phone* Patty: "..." *glare* Izuku: Q_____Q "I'll buy you a new one!" -elsewhere- Mineta: "I feel like I just missed out on something incredible..." -SLAM DUNK INTO THE GARBAGE- Mineta: *head first into banana peels and expired dog food* "AAAH!" Iida: "...Well, trash does belong in the garbage can." kyouka: *snerk* Iida: "In any case, we need to prepare for the new mentor-mentee program. Volunteers for mentors to the new students?" Mineta: *muffled* "I'll take the hot ladies--" eijiro: im in! momo: i'll take part. Bakugo: "I'll transform those tiny maggots into actual fighters!" hagakure: what about you, todoroki? Shouto: "I promise to try not to burn or freeze any of the newbies." denki: *playing on his game* Iida: "Kaminari! We will need everyone to pick up the pace on mentoring the new students!" denki: hmm? oh, right right. Bakugo: *looks over Denki's shoulder* "Are you doing multiplayer or something?" denki: yep. AGH! are you kidding?! this 'scorpion bitch' is such a damn griefer i swear! Iida: *gasp* "Such language to use in a user's name!" Bakugo: "BWA HA HA! Don't get your panties in a wad! Losing that badly, Kaminari?" denki: Q-Q why meeeee? Bakugo: " 'Cause you are the minorest of minor characters!" -elsewhere- Ponera: "We need to consider another option...another target for affecting Death's awful organization...Did we acquire anything useful from New Orleans?" milia: shaula got some of these. *she puts out some potion ingredients* grunt: isnt this stuff usually for n-n-ne-necromancy?!?! Ponera: "And what can be made with these?" shaula: it can bring back dead bodies for starters. Ponera: *leans in closer* "Ooooooo...That would be useful~" Medusa: *eyeroll* shaula: ^^ -elsewhere- Stein: "We'll be stopping at Tonto National Forest for the night, then we'll be back in Death City tomorrow afternoon." mina: neato! Stein: "We'll be staying near the Lost Dutchman's Mine, at Superstition Mountains." Ochako: *tapping a finger on her chin* "Tonto...Tonto...What does that word mean?" stocking: depends on what language your speaking in, i guess. *shrug* Ochako: "Why? Which languages can you find the word?" liz: *texting* [liz: hey wes! we'll be back by tomorrow hopefully ^^] [wes: great! miss u. how did yesterday go?] [liz: pretty well] liz:........ [wes: how is soul doing?] [liz: he's going pretty good. also did u see the vid i posted on GB?] [wes: i was so proud of him] liz: *she smiles* [liz: BB soon. <3 u~] [wes: love u too] -elsewhere- Hibana: *slides a map to Gabriella* "I want you to find decent locations here in San Francisco for me and another person." gabriella: um....ok? *she looks* Hibana: "And make sure they are good places. I want to impress this person." gabriella:...yes princess... *sad smile* Hibana: *holds up her fan...covering a small smirk* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "..." lady: thank you for helping with my bags. *she smiles* Shotaro: "Huh? Oh..." *forced smile* "Happy to do a good deed, ma'am." lady: *she nods and exits* Shotaro: *frowns* ("Kepuri...Emine...") -at the house- chie: *looking through movies* hmmm.... Yohei: "Anything good?" chie: well.... -there is a mecha movie, a sci fi, a western, a cartoon about a caveman, a kung-fu movie, a street fighter esque film, and a movie about ninjas- Yohei: "Hmm...Caveman cartoon? What the heck...? Um, what do you want? They all have quite a bit of action..." chie: im not sure.. mana: kung-fu movie! Tuhl: "Yeah, kung-fu sounds good." -knock knock- Tuhl: "???" *walks to the door, looks through peephole* -a woman is there- ???: excuse me, does a kappa named 'Tuhl' live here? Tuhl: "?!" *opens the door* "Is that...?" Tuhl: "Um, I'm Tuhl." ???: may i come in? Tuhl: *stands aside, gesturing for her to come inside* "Of course." -she sits down on a chair- Tuhl: "You're who she said would be coming to see us...to see Shotaro..." ???: *she tenses* *she looks at him* (thinking: im sure its just a coincidence...the name is very common...) Tuhl: "You're who Minato said would be coming?" ???: yes. you can call me 'Setsuna'. Tuhl: *nods* "This is Mana, Chie, and Yohei. Shotaro is out right now..." setsuna:.... chie: *she nods* its good to meet you, miss setsuna. Yohei: "I'm sure Shotaro will be grateful for your assistance: it's really important to him." mana:..... *Door heard opening* mono: we're back... Yohei: "???" Shotaro: *quiet as he enters...looks around the room* "Um..." setsuna: ............... mono: who the heck is she? Yohei: *death glare at Mono* Tuhl: "Shotaro, this is the woman I told you about, the one who can find Emine..." Shotaro: "..." setsuna:....showtaro..... *she is tearing up* Shotaro: "???" Tuhl: *glances at the two...* "That scarf...and Shotaro's...!!!" Yohei: "...!!!" Tuhl and Yohei: ("Holy shit.") mono: ???? setsuna:....you've really grown... Shotaro: "??? Um...I've only been standing here for a few seconds." *looks at Mono, compares his height* "Did I grow that much more, Mono?" mono:...... uuuhhhh..... setsuna: *she just hugs him* Shotaro: "!!! Um..." Tuhl and Yohei: T_T mono: im confused. mana: now that i think of it, she and showtaro....they look a lot alike, huh? Yohei: *sniff* "Um, Chie, I think we need to put some food away..." chie: ah! right! Tuhl: "Saki, I think Io needs a changing...Come along, Mono..." mono: h-hey! mana:....miss setsuna....you.......you're showtaro's mom, arent you? Shotaro: "..." setsuna:.....*she nods* Shotaro: "..." *sobbing* setsuna:...showtaro...i understand if you hate me.....it was unfair of me to abandon you.....i was.... *sigh* i didnt want to burden you with having a dokeshi for a mother... chie:........................................ Shotaro: "J-Just..." *hugs Setsuna tightly* "You're here..." setsuna: ......*she hugs him tightly* my baby... Shotaro: *crying, laughing--with a bear hug on his mom* Yohei: "..." *hugs Chie* -later- Shotaro: *bouncing in his seat* "Where did you get that awesome scarf?!" setsuna: i've had it for a while. actually, i cut it in half and gave the other half to you. Shotaro: "...Woooooooow...That's so cool!" mana: where have you been this whole time? setsuna: just wandering. helping people from time to time. Shotaro: *squeeing at Mana* "You heard that? 'Helping people'!" mana: yep, just like you. chie: i guess the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree. Shotaro: *blushes, chuckles* "Mom, I have so much to ask!" *pulls out a list from his pocket--which unfurls down and along the entire floor, into the hallway, and the kitchen* setsuna: oh... o.o; Shotaro: "First off, how old was I when you left me? Second, what's my middle name? Third, why is the sky blue--Oh, wait...Sorry, I've kind of been writing this for years, so there are some dumb questions in here. Let me cross out the middle name one--" setsuna: well, for the first one, you were just a baby. Shotaro: "...Oh. That young?" setsuna:....*she nods* Shotaro: "...Mom? Did people try to hurt you for being a Dokeshi?" setsuna:.................................. Shotaro: "..." *holds out his hands* "They've tried to hurt me, too." setsuna: ......*she hugs him* Shotaro: "Mom..." *hugs her* setsuna:...... chie: *tearing up* Yohei: *holds her hand* io: ?? Tuhl: "..." *holds Io, passes them to Saki* saki: hey sweetie... *snuffles* Shotaro: "Mom...I know we have a lot to talk about with finding my friend...but maybe we can talk about it in the morning?" setsuna: *she nods* Shotaro: *nods* "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- mina: zzzzzzzz........ Ochako: *tossing a bit, hands covered with gloves* Izuku: *clutching his notebook in his sleep* tsuyu: *by the lake, getting a quick swim in* Kid: *kisses Stocking on the cheek* stocking: mmmm.... *snoozing while she sits in his lap* Kid: ("She's incredible...") stocking: zzzzz...... Black Star and Patty: *shoveling near the Lost Dutchman's Mine* Patty: "Gold has to be here somewhere in Tonto!" Black Star: *holds up something* "I FOUND IT!" *holds up gold...fool's gold* tsubaki: *learning to work the grill* Stein: "Got the grill going yet?" tsubaki: i think so...ah! there we go! Stein: "Good...Glad you're doing this and not someone fire-crazy like that weird grenade kid." tsubaki: ^^; takeru: *shudders* Stein: "...Takeru, why don't you help me set up one more tent while Tsubaki and Soul start cooking?" takeru: o-ok. Stein: "Hold the posts, I'll hammer them in..." Kid: *nodding off* -later- Ochako: "Yummy fish, Tsubaki!" Black Star: *pouting, because Stein told him the gold was fake* tsubaki: thanks. ^^; Izuku: "Just another day and we'll all be back home..." liz: yeah... Kid: "Back in our own beds, then back to classes...with some new students entering, I'm sure." soul: *he nods* -ochako's phone rings- Ochako: *looks* "Amazed I get a signal out here..." Ochako: *answers* "Hello?" Ochako: "Hey, Yuu! How are you?" liz: ?? Ochako: "Really?! Great! Do you know where you're living yet?" Izuku: "..." *looks at Tsuyu* " 'Cousin'?" tsuyu: *shrug* Ochako: "Uh huh...Okay! Great! I'll see you then! Say hi to the family for me!" liz: relatives? Ochako: "Love you! ... Okay, bye!" *hangs up* "Hey, my cousin is coming to Death City!" liz: awesome! Izuku: "Y-Yeah! That's...great!" Ochako: "I know, right?! She's so hardworking all the time! You'll love her! I mean, not love-love love her--that would be weird!" tsuyu: do you need some water? Ochako: "Sure!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *studying the map and lists of suggestions* "Gabriella, are these the best locations in San Francisco that you would recommend for me and my guest?" gabriella: *she nods* Hibana: *looking sincere* "I'm not sure this is the best you could offer." *leans forward* "I want you to tell me: if it was you instead of me going out around San Francisco, what would be the places _you_ would want to visit? What would be the perfect day in San Francisco for Gabriella?" gabriella: well....*she checks the map and points to a few places, like a library, a few coffee places and shops, etc* Hibana: *smiles* "Just what I wanted to hear: thank you. Oh, that reminds me: Gabriella, I can't do this on my own, so my guest and I will require your services during our outing tomorrow. Be sure to dress comfortably and stylish to accompany us--I can always have my tailor help with that~" gabriella: oh, um....ok. Hibana: *smiles* "Well, I'm going to have a bath before ordering in something to eat." *points on the map at a coffee shop* "I'll see you right here tomorrow morning at 8 AM." gabriella: right! -elsewhere- Spirit: *asleep on a couch* "Zzzz..." sachiko:....*puts a blanket over him* Spirit: *smiles in his sleep as the blanket lies over him* -elsewhere- -BANGING ON THE DOOR- yuuji: OI! SHITRAG! TURN YOUR F*CKING MUSIC DOWN YOU STITCHED FUCK! Dabi: "...I _like_ it this loud." yuuji: well its keeping sachi and me awake, so shut the fuck up! Dabi: "...Nah, I don't think I will. If it keeps you awake, too bad. And since you can't sleep, why don't you two do something else?" -something is heard inside- yuuji:....what the hell was that? do you have a hooker in there _again_? Dabi: "...If I do, what would be your reaction?" yuuji:......there's a hooker in there, isnt there? -_-; Dabi: "...Want in?" yuuji: no! D:< Dabi: "Then do kindly go back to your room, and fuck Sachi--or yourself. Because I don't care." yuuji: *flips him of and exits* asshole. Dabi: *shuts the door* "Now, where were we?~" yuuji: -_-; Kurogiri: "Dabi is quite the difficult one..." yuuji: no shit. Kurogiri: "Let him be--you don't want to get on his bad side." *offers earplugs* yuuji:...thaaanks. Kurogiri: "Could always drink yourself to sleep--" *THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP* yuuji:....yes. yes please. all the drinks. all of them. Kurogiri: -_-; "I'm on it..." sachi: T_T Kurogiri: *passes a drink to Sachi* sachi: thanks kurogiri. Kurogiri: *nods* -elsewhere in the building- Tomura: *tossing* "N-No..." -noises are heard in the room above- Tomura: "..." *grabs a random broomstick and pokes it up at the ceiling* "Please...quiet..." -moans- Tomura: "..." *scraaaaaatch* "Do I have to make a point to you up there?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzzz....... Izuku: *outside the tent, looking at the stars* tsuyu: cant sleep? Izuku: *shakes his head* tsuyu: want to talk about it? Izuku: "..." *nods* "Just thinking about this trip..." *looks at his fist, then up at the stars* "How to go further..." tsuyu: ah. Izuku: *puts his hands together* "It helps to know there are other people trying to do the same..." *looks at the sky* "But it still can feel isolating." tsuyu: perhaps. but just remember we're all here if you need us, ok? Izuku: "..." *smiles at her* ("One for all...") "Thanks..." tsuyu: its not a problem. Izuku: "How about you? Trouble sleeping?" tsuyu: not really, just seeing if anyone else was up. Izuku: "Hmm...Want to look at the stars for a bit?" tsuyu: sure. Izuku: *quiet, looking up...smiles, rest his hands to his sides* tsuyu: it's peaceful out here. Izuku: *nods* "Have you gotten to see much of the forest and park?" tsuyu: yeah, the lake is really clear. *she smiles* Izuku: "Oh, that's good. Wish I had walked to it." tsuyu: there's always tomorrow morning. Izuku: "You're right. I'm sure my mom would love a photo of it." tsuyu: sounds like a plan then. Izuku: *smiles at her, then yawns* "Thanks, Tsuyu--Tsu." -elsewhere- Meme: *snoring* Anya: *struggling to sleep* ("Ugh...That noise...") mio: *asleep at her laptop* Anya: *sits up, glares at Meme...puts on her coat and exits to the kitchen* Meme: *tosses a bit...then stands up in her sleep* mio: zzzz...... ao: .......*follows* Meme: *follows Anya in her sleep to the kitchen* Anya: "What on eart--?" Meme: *lifts Anya in her arms and cradles her like a baby* Anya: o\\\\\\\o ao:....*taking something out of the drawer* Meme: *muttering a lullaby* ao: *she takes out a kitchen knife* Anya: *whispering* "Put me down, Meme! You are sleepwalking! Sleep-lullabying! Sleep-annoying-me!" ao: *smiles* Anya: *spots Ao* "?!!!" ao: *raises it up* Anya: "AO! WHAT ARE YOU DO--?!" ao: *slices into some bread* good evening. i'm just making late night snack. do you want any? Anya: "...FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" Meme: *wakes up to the smell of bread* "Oh, that would be lovely!" *looks at Anya* "Why are you in my arms?" Anya: "I'D LIKE TO KNOW AS WELL!" -morning- Hibana: *waiting at a table at the San Francisco cafe* gabriella: i'm here. Hibana: "Oh!" *looks up, smiles* "Happy you arrived." *gestures to the other empty chair at the table* "You look lovely this morning." gabriella: um... thank you. *blush* Hibana: "Ready to start this day? I'm so happy that my special guest has arrived~" gabriella: *she looks around* ???? Hibana: *rests a hand lightly over Gabriella's* "You." gabriella: ah.... O//////////////////////////////////////////////////////O Hibana: *smiles* "I think that someone who works as hard as you do for me deserves a day. Whatever you want today, it's yours." gabriella: *she blushes and smiles* Hibana: "So, you take the lead today...What would you like to order?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *holding up his camera, motioning to classmates* "Get a bit closer--I want to get more of the lake in the photo." tsuyu: *nods* soul: everything ready? Izuku: "Yep! Three...two..." *SNAP* "Got it!" stocking: great. Izuku: *shows it to classmates* "That water really is beautiful." soul: *he nods, noticing something along his head* Ochako: *small smirk* "Admiring yourself in the picture, Soul?" soul: ?! j-just looking.... (thinking: maka....) *Small bit of wind passes by Soul's ear* Ochako: "???" Izuku: *notices something in the distance* (ﺧ益ﺨ) stocking: ?? Izuku: "I know now why this park is called 'Tonto'..." *points to the distance, where there is a set of mountains that looks familiar* *Loud Echo*: "FOOL!" -on the road- Stein: *driving, sipping coffee* Patty: "Just a few hours, and we're home!" liz: O-O;;; Black Star: "What's with you, Liz?" liz: *shakes her head* i-its nothing.... Kid: "???" Izuku: *emailing photos to his mom, then checking social media...* [boom-boom-bass; neat. cant w8 2 C U guys soon.] [deku: same! hope you all are doing well] [countexplode18: WHEN R U GETTIN BACK HERE U NERD?! I'M GONNA KILL U!] Izuku: "Kyouka sent a nice message, and Kacchan...um...he's doing okay." [shroomyshroom; dude, thats rad] [deku: ^^; Thanks!] [yuuraka; So. You're the 'Deku' my cousin told me about? I look forwards to working with you and the others.] [deku: oh, ochako's cousin?] [yuuraka: Yes. I shall introduce myself proper during the autumnal entrance ceremony.] [deku: okay. well, look forward to meeting you then!] Izuku: "Hey, Ochako! Your cousin--" liz: ah, looks like we're here. Ochako: "???" Kid: *looks out the window* "Nice to be back..." mina: neato! Black Star: "YOUR GOD IS BACK, DEATH CITY!" tsubaki: ^^; Stein: "Good. Sooner we get in and find a place to park, the sooner you all can leave." Patty: "Awwww, we love you too, teach!" *cheek pinch* Stein: -_- tsuyu: actually, you can just drop me off at my house. Stein: "...I'm going to have to do that for all of you, aren't I?" *All hands go up* Stein: *grumble* "Tsuyu, give me directions..." -after tsuyu, mina, and ochako are dropped off at their residences- Izuku: *staring at his phone still...* soul: *looking out the window* Patty: "Hey, Sis, you okay?" liz: yeah. Patty: "You sure? You seemed surprised about something earlier." liz: nothing..... (excalibur's voice: foooooool!) *cringe* Patty: "???" Kid: *hugging Stocking* stocking: cant wait to get home. takeru:...ah! -they have arrived to the 2nd brigade base- yasunoki: *salutes* Patty: "Bye, Takeru!" *hug* takeru: s-see you in school patti!.....*salutes to the commander* Patty: *waves* "Later, cutie!" Honda: "??? You have a girlfriend, Juggernaut?" takeru: uh...ummm.. >//////////////< yasunoki: *sweatdrop* c-commander... -_-; Honda: "It's a fair question! I bet Juggernaut is a real lady killer! Am I right?" yasunoki: commander, we should probably help private noto unpack -_-; Honda: "Very well..." *winks at Takeru and proceeds to help unpack* takeru: ./////. -later- stocking: we're back! Yumi: "Welcome home!" *hugs Stocking and Kid* Patty: "Julie!" julie: *hug* lord death: *hugs kid* hey kiddo! heather: good to see you're all safe. Patty: *smiles at Heather* Kid: *hugs Lord Death* "I missed you..." *looks for Kirika* kirika: yo. Kid: *waves* "Hi. How have things been?" lord death: good. shiori missed you. Kid: *smiles at Shiori, waves* shiori: *her eyes light up* kid! kid! Kid: *reaches out to Shiori to hold her* "Missed me?" shiori: *hug* Kid: "Hee hee..." shiori: ^o^ Kid: "We brought souvenirs!" shiori: ?? Kid: *leans down, picks up a small skull-head plush doll for Shiori* "Who does this look like?" shiori: ....dad? Kid: *laughs* "Yes! And you can say 'dad' so well!" shiori: *huuug* dad! hehe! Kid: *smiles at Death* Yumi: *small smirk at Death* "Looks like a plushie is stealing your thunder..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *flexing his arm* tamaki: *timing* Arthur: *loud grunt* "How was that?" tamaki: better than last time. nozomi: nice job, arthur. *claps* Arthur: "Th-Thanks." *smiles at Nozomi* "I'm back to about full strength." miwa: not bad kiddo. Arthur: *blush* "So, I guess I'll have to ask the Commander when I go out on patrol." tamaki: speaking of....where even is he? Arthur: "The Commander had said something about a new shipment of weights that he--" Akitaru: "Yo." *Akitaru is on a unicycle, lifting weights* nozomi: O-O;;;;;;;;; Arthur: -_-; Akitaru: "Working on balance today. And it tones the core muscles." tamaki: that seems....dangerous. Akitaru: "Like our usual days at work aren't? Besides, how hard can this be?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "This was a good choice, Gabriella! How did you hear about this place?" gabriella: i did a bit of web browsing and reading reviews. Hibana: "Always so thorough." *takes a lick of her ice cream cone* "How is your flavor?" gabriella: delicious~! Hibana: "Mind if I have a taste of yours?" gabriella: um...i-if you want... Hibana: *leans over, licks her cone, picking up a dollop of the ice cream before licking her lips* "Delicious indeed~ Feel free to have a taste of mine." gabriella: um.... ./////. Hibana: *holds her own cone in between them as she takes another lick of it* "What did you want to do after this?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: *hands his mother a photo from a newspaper clipping* "This is him..." setsuna: hmmm....there's a church building. on Japonshima. mana: so back where we started then.... Shotaro: "..." *curling his knees up to his chest on the couch* setsuna: hmm? showtaro? is everything ok? Shotaro: "...I don't know that I can do this." mana: hmm? setsuna: what do you mean? Shotaro: "Emine...He's not the same person I knew...When I last saw him, he..." *buries his head in his knees* setsuna:..... Shotaro: "...He killed Charisma Justice." setsuna: ?? Shotaro: "We tried to stop the Masked Assembly, these bad Dokeshi...and we were doing fine--until Emine...He had some mask with three eyes...and I couldn't move. I just froze. Justice threw me out of the building--just as Emine stabbed him through the head. ...When I could move again...I just ran away." setsuna:....showtaro..... Shotaro: "I couldn't save him, Mom. I couldn't save him..." setsuna:.....*she hugs him* Shotaro: *holds onto her, sobbing* setsuna: *humming softly* Shotaro: *cries himself until almost sleeping* setsuna:....*rubs his back* Shotaro: "Zzz..." setsuna:...... Shotaro: *stays asleep* mana:.... Yohei: *small knock on the door* "Setsuna? I can take him off your hands for a bit..." setsuna: its fine... Yohei: *nods* "Want me to bring you anything?" setsuna: i'm alright for now. Yohei: "Okay..." *looks down the hall* chie: ..... *concerned* Yohei: "..." *walks up to her...hugs her* chie:....*she hugs back* Yohei: *strokes her back* -in their room- chie: *she snuggles up to him* mmmm..... Yohei: *kisses her cheek* "I love you." chie: i love you too, babe. *leans into his chest* Yohei: *holds her, sliding his hand along her lower back* "You are amazing...incredible...and loving..." chie: *blush* i could say the same for you....i can tell you're going to be a great dad... *looks down at her stomach* Yohei: *holds hand gently over her stomach...leans down, kisses lightly* chie: hmhm~ ^^ Yohei: *hugs at her waist, resting his cheek against her stomach* "...You feel warm." chie: *she smiles and ruffles his hair* Yohei: "I love you, Chie." *kisses lightly up her stomach* chie: i love you too, yohei. Yohei: *reaches her neck, a light kiss there* chie: ahhh.... u///u Yohei: *kisses where her neck reaches her cheek* "You're blushing." chie: mmmm.... Yohei: *lets a hand slide under her pajama shirt, resting on her hip* chie: mmmmm Yohei: *massages her hip before moving up her side...* chie: *nuzzles* Yohei: *lets his hands rest along her skin, as he holds her, feeling her breathe as her chest rises and falls chie: mmmmm.... Yohei: *moves a finger along one button of her pajamas* -elsewhere- Hibana: *wiping away tears, at the San Francisco LGBTQ Museum* gabriella: ......*faint smile* Hibana: "So much history I didn't know...Thank you for recommending this...Gabriella?" gabriella: hmm? i just, wanted to pay respects and everything. *faint blush* Hibana: *nods* "...Can I tell you something?" gabriella: hmm? .////. Hibana: *wrings her hands* "When I was at the church...even when I was a little girl, it was pretty obvious to me that I wasn't just attracted to boys..." *blushes* gabriella: .... O//////////O *steam coming off her head* Hibana: "??? Do you think less of me for being bi?" gabriella: no, of course not. i dont feel anyone should be judged for who they are attracted to. (thinking: if i did, it would just make me a hypocrite...) Hibana: *crying* "Thank you..." gabriella:...*hug* Hibana: *returns the hug, letting out a small laugh* "It's silly...I must have been so obvious to people..." -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down in bed* "Aaah..." stocking: *lays next to him* so good to be back. Kid: "Agreed..." *holds her hand* "This trip...It was fun, exciting...embarrassing...and I was so worried..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "If you had been hurt...or worse..." *hugs her* stocking:....*rubs his back and head* Kid: *stays in her arms, mewing lightly* stocking:...i love you kid. Kid: "I love you, too." *kisses her wrist* stocking:..... Kid: *closes his eyes, inhales* "Please don't leave..." stocking:.....i wont, kid.... Kid: *smiles lightly...his breathing slows down as he starts to fall asleep* stocking:.....*holding him close* Kid: "Zzz..." *rests in her arms* stocking:.....zzzzzz *They fall asleep...and dream* -morning- Kid: *yawn, opening his eyes to see Stocking with him...smiles* stocking: zzzzz Kid: *watches her sleep, getting comfortable in bed* stocking: .....*hugs* Kid: *hugs her back, kisses her forehead* stocking: ......... Kid: *smiles* "Sleep okay?" stocking: zzzzzz Kid: "..." ("She must be really exhausted.") -later- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: yeah. *streeeetch* nice to be back home after so long. Kid: *looks at Stocking's summer packing* "Agreed." *hugs her as she stretches* "A bit more privacy." stocking: *she nods* i think that should be everything now... maid: your autumn wardrobe. *she hands stocking a luggage container and takes the other before vanishing* Kid: o__o "She's fast." stocking: well, when your dad is called 'the king of time and space'.....*shrug* Kid: "True..." *smiles* "I always love your autumn attire." stocking: *she rolls her eyes* you say that about all my clothes, you little dork. Kid: "It's true! You look great in anything~" stocking: hehe. *she smooches him on the nose* Kid: *blushes, smiles* "May I help with unpacking?" stocking: sure. -later at school- mina: we got gifts for everyone~! -at lunch- Iida: *bows* "I look forward to your gift from your road trip on my birthday!" Bakugo: -_-; "Stop yelling...My head is killing me..." hanta: *flustered over an earlier incident* .//////. Mashirao: *looking at Hanta* "You okay?" hanta: YES! FINE THANKS! Mashirao: *backs up* hagakure: ?? Iida: "You seemed troubled, Sero. What's that paper in your hand?" Bakugo: *glancing over Hanta's shoulder* hanta: *he eats it* O-O kyouka: O_O sero what the shit? Iida: "If you need fiber, the cafeteria provides much better dining options..." -at another table- Jacqueline: "It sounds like you had an eventful roadtrip." Patty: "You have no idea." kim: yeah, but im pretty jealous. Black Star: "How so? 'Cause you were stuck at work?" kim: yeah. Black Star: "At least you made some money--and work has to be more normal than the kind of people we were traveling with." Patty: *smirks* "Some aren't that normal. Kind of below-average." *holds up a pinkie finger* Black Star: o\\\\o kim: ???? Patty: "So, Kim, make any new friends at work?" *ignoring Black Star* -elsewhere- Hibana: "All bags are packed, we're out of the hotel room...When is the limo arriving to take us to the airport, Gabriella?" gabriella: should be here within fifteen minutes. Hibana: *smiles* "That's good. You're always so organized...Hey, listen...If you're not busy this Friday, could you free up some time for me...and for you? There's a restaurant I've been meaning to dine at, and I'd like for you to join me. Not for work--just for...us." gabriella: oh. um...o-ok. sounds nice. .////. Hibana: *nods* "The restaurant is called La flamme bleu. Don't let the name fool you--it's not that fancy." *smiles* "I look forward to having dinner with you." -elsewhere- Ponera: "Progress report on the potions?" shaula: test subject 1 is being prepped as we speak. Ponera: *happy clap* "Yay!" *looks at Test Subject #1* shaula: *she watches* lets see how this turns out... Ponera: "Um...Why the glass?" shaula:...safety precaution. Ponera: "...Very well. Begin the experiment." -elsewhere- Spirit: *on phone with Sachiko* "Okay, so I pick up Izumi at 3...Any errands to run?" sachiko: that should be everything. Spirit: "Great. Hang in there tonight--I'll have dinner ready when you get home." sachiko: thanks. *she smiles* Spirit: *smiles* "Okay, I'll let you get back to work. Love you." sachiko: *tiny blush* love you too. Spirit: "Bye." -elsewhere- *There is a cylinder containing...a mass of cells...It lets out a noise, like that of a thud, before what sounds like someone's name..."Yohei"...* guard: ?? Cells: "Yohei...Hi..." guard: ?! Cells: "Yo...Hi...Where?" -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* "That was quite a day...Where would you like to go?" stocking: *streeetch* yeah. good to be back.....how about deathbucks? Kid: *nods* "I could use a bit of coffee to wake up. And I do wonder whether they have added new desserts to their menu since we departed~" stocking:........ =/////= *drools* Kid: *pats her mouth with a tissue* "Even your drool is symmetrical~" stocking: >////< liz: yeaaaah, thats _totally_ not a creepy thing to say to a girl... Kid: -_-; "I'm just--I just...I mean, if Stocking has put up with me after all of my...Let's just move on." stocking: *pats his back* Kid: *small smile* stocking: dont worry kiddo, i still love you~ Kid: "I love you, too." -later- Kid: *they are seated at the table* "Hmm...What to drink...?" stocking: i think i might have some of the rose tea. Kid: *nods* "I want something a little stronger, so I'll have a small coffee." lin: coming right up~ Akua: *leaning against the counter* mono: ....... 7-7 Akua: "What's your problem, tiny?" mono: that guy....he annoys me. Akua: "??? Why's that? Seems like the usual annoying customer." mono: i know him from school, he has this weird symmetry fetish. its so irritating! people like that are the 7th worst kind of person there is. Kid: *laughing at something Stocking says--then spots Mono...and frowns* mono: *glaaaares* stocking:...? Kid: "You..." mono:...hmph! *turns to another customer* Kid: *grumbles* "Evil asymmetry..." stocking:........*holds his hands* Kid: *inhales* "Sorry...I was distracted." Akua: *small lightbulb* "Hey, Mono...Maybe you should give that guy a special something..." mono: like what? Akua: *whispers* "Make that guy's order asymmetrical..." mono: *smirks* -and so- Kid: *twitch twitch* "..." *twitch* "I have complaints about the food...and service." -mono was put on janitorial duty after that stunt- -later- Kid: "..." *inhale* "I wish I wasn't so fixated..." stocking:.....*hug* want to do something else? Kid: *nods* "Where to?" stocking:....maybe we could pay your mom a visit? Kid: *nods* "That sounds nice." -at the graveyard- Kid: "Hello, Mother. It's me, Kid. I'm here with Stocking." stocking: *she nods* Kid: "...Overall, I'm getting through life well." *holds Stocking's hand* "We have had some challenges, some scary moments...but we survived." stocking:.... Kid: "I know Father misses you, and he continues to be a great parent...He and...Yumi have tended so well to me and now Shiori and Kirika..." stocking:...... Kid: *rests hand along the tombstone* "I love you, Mother. Thank you for all that you have given me." stocking:.....*she puts a soft hand on his shoulder* Kid: *holds her hand, wiping away tears* stocking:....*hug* Kid: *hugs her, crying but smiling* "Thank you." -later- Kid: *walking with Stocking, holding hands* "That meant a lot to me. Thank you for being there with me." stocking: of course kid. *she smiles* Kid: "Did you want to return home?" stocking: sure.... Kid: *smiles at her* "Okay...Any craving for dinner?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *completes practice with his sword, slicing through all the targets effortlessly* nozomi: excellent timing, arthur. Arthur: .\\\\. "Th-Thanks...I was worried I was going to screw up." Takehisa: *resisting urge to criticize Arthur's form* ("He could have been a bit faster...") tamaki: you certainly are doing better now. Arthur: *blushes more* "That means a lot..." *avoids eye contact* tamaki:..... padma: *sigh* *she has confetti in her hair* Takehisa: "Hmm...That will be quite a mess to clean up after the birthday festivities..." padma: no kidding..... -_-; Takehisa: "At least it was kind of you to host a birthday for Misora so..." *awkward shoulder pat* "Good work." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "So, Gab, how did work out in LA and San Fran treat you?" gabriella: it was a wonderful trip. Kishiri: "That's good. Given how much the Commander works you, thought you'd be exhausted. But you've been smiling so much and seem so happy and shit." gabriella: yeah, but i'm happy as long as she's happy... Kishiri: "Yeah, and she seems _really_ happy. Whatever you did, keep it up--makes working around here easier!" -elsewhere- Ponera: o________o "Goddess help us...Shaula...What have you done?" shaula: ooook.....that didnt work as well as i hoped. hey, its just one, we can just gun it down and work on test subject 2. Ponera: " 'Gun it down'?" *facepalm* "This isn't one of your video games...*Sigh* I'll send Grimoire and others...What have you changed to make Test Subject #2 actually work well?" shaula: *shows her notes* lets see how this one works after we clean this mess. Ponera: "...Very well. I also will be increasing reinforcements. I don't want a repeat." ("At least I have one wild card...but I hope it doesn't come to that...") -elsewhere- Shotaro: *looking at photos* mana: *studying* Shotaro: *photos of Yohei, Chie, and him on the road; a few with Tool and Chie; then...a selfie with Charisma Justice* *frowns...turns off his phone, stands, starts pulling a suitcase out of the closet* mana: showtaro? Shotaro: "If we're going to find Emine, we'll need to pack..." mana: ?? Shotaro: "Who knows where he'll run to next if we don't stop him..." *looks at her* "...Are you going to be with me?" mana:....*she nods* yeah. i did promise to help you, didnt i? Shotaro: "..." *smiles* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Wes: "I saw the video Liz sent to me, Soul..." soul: oh...um.... .////.; Wes: *pat on the shoulder* "You were awesome! Great work!" soul:....mom and dad didnt see it......did they? Wes: "..." *pulls his hand back* "No..." ("Thank goodness for privacy settings...I hope...") soul:....... Wes: "...I did share it with some friends--" soul: ?! Wes: "They don't know Mom and Dad! And they are other musicians who--" soul: ....................... Wes: "Soul...You're really talented. And I think you should share that talent with others..." soul:....m-maybe.... 7///7; Wes: *smiles* "Okay..." *one arm hug* "Take your time." soul:............. Wes: "So, what else happened on the trip? Liz seemed a little reticent about some topics." -soul explains what all happened- Wes: o_o "...That was eventful...I'm just glad you, Liz, and everyone is safe..." *small laugh* "It also sounds like some embarrassing circumstances, too." soul: .////////.;;; Wes: "Kind of envy you: you guys sound like you are all so close." soul: yeah..... Wes: "...Maybe you and I could go with some of your friends and some of mine--just a night out." soul:...um...sure. Wes: *smiles* ("...Maybe he'll meet someone...or maybe he already has...He seems to be hiding something else.") soul:........ Wes: "Well, almost time for dinner! Hope you like the meal." soul: ok. -elsewhere- Kid: "Delicious meal." stocking: mmmm~ roxanne: we worked extra hard on this one. Kid: "We appreciate it--thank you!" Patty: *patting her belly* "Yum~" kirika: zzzzz...... *curled up on the couch like a cat* mocha: zzzz.... Yumi: *puts a blanket over Kirika* kirika:....... -w- Yumi: *smiles, kisses Kirika's forehead lightly* lord death: ....*picks her up and takes her to her room, tucking her in* pleasant dreams. Yumi: *smiles at Death* shiori: zzzzzz..... Yumi: *checks on Shiori, adjusting her blanket* "Sleep well, too, cutie." -morning- Kid: "Mmmm..." stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: "Morning, beautiful~" stocking: morning~<3 Kid: "Sleep okay?" *kisses her cheek* stocking: yeah...had some nice dreams. Kid: *nods* "I can't remember mine..." *takes her hand, kisses it lightly* "Was I in your nice dreams?" stocking: yeah.... Kid: "Glad to hear." *small smooch on her lips* "Anything in your dreams that you wanted to do today?" -at school- Iida: *stiffer than usual* mina: you alright, tenny? Iida: *squeaky voice* "Ye--" *clears his throat* "Y-Yes...Just get nervous..." mina: ok. *shrug* Iida: ("Please don't let this birthday be embarrassing for me...") *shouts* "I LOOK FORWARD TO THIS DAY OF CLASSES!" Izuku and Ochako: ._. -silence- Iida: "..." *runs out of the room and down the hall* momo:........... kyouka: well _that_ was weird. Bakugo: "Tch. Switch him to decaf already." Ochako: "...So, my cousin will be in classes soon!" momo: thats wonderful to hear. *she smiles* mina: she's going to start this september, right? Ochako: "Yep! It's going to be so cool to have family here!" denki: ^^..........todoroki? you alright? Shouto: "...No." denki:...wanna talk about it? Shouto: "...He has been trying to call me again. My father." denki: oh...um..... >->;;;; Shouto: "Yes...I will be changing my phone number. Again." denki:.... say, did you hear about the new movie showing later this week? Shouto: "No. Which film?" -at lunch- Kid: *presents a cupcake to Stocking* stocking: mmmmmm~<3 Kid: "I had asked the cafeteria to special order these before we left New Orleans..." stocking: awwww. *kiss* Kid: *kisses back gently, pulls back, licks his lips slightly* "I can taste the frosting." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *holds her hand* -elsewhere at lunch- Arthur: "Still sore, Shinra?" shinra: just a bit... Arthur: "At least you got in a lot of running--and your flame feet got you a long distance." shinra: yeah...i could use a bath when i get back... Arthur: "Yeah...Just wish the showers were in better repair. When the cold water kicks in--ugh." shinra:....maybe we should get part time jobs too? Arthur: *smiles widely* "HISTORICAL REENACTMENTS! AT THE RENAISSANCE FAIR!" shinra: ….loud q-q; Arthur: "And what of you, squire? Where will you seek employment?" shinra:....*shrugs* Arthur: "We'll pick up a list of jobs from the DWMA help center--I'm sure there will be something there for you." shinra: ok... Arthur: "Just think: we get money, hot water, better showers..." shinra: yeah, and then i wont have to use the girl's showers anymore! Jacqueline: *at a nearby table, hearing that shouting* "???" Arthur: "No more awkward events of people walking in on us showering!" shinra: shhhhh!!! tamaki: or vice versa..... ^^~ *she has a smile, but a dark aura around her* Arthur: o\\\\\o *inches back a bit from Tamaki* shinra: *hiding behind arthur* Arthur: "In all fairness, by this point, we've all seen each other naked so often that we can probably memorize every last inch of each other--" Jacqueline: *chokes on her drink* -SMACKED- tamaki: >//////< shinra: *wince* fang-hua: even _i_ felt that... Arthur: *knocked to the floor* Q____Q ("It's still true...") nozomi: 0-0;;;; Tsukiyo: *whispers to Fang-Hua* "Just what on earth goes _on_ at that Brigade?" fang-hua: i have no idea... Tsukiyo: *small smirk* "Then I'll just have to imagine~" fang-hua: -_-; Tsukiyo: *sneaks up to Tamaki, taps her shoulder* "So, which of those boys are you dating?" tamaki: NYAH!! -PUNCH- haaaa...... nozomi: o-o;;;;; shinra:............*exits* Tsukiyo: *sent flying towards Fang-Hua* Arthur: *still on the floor* "So much pain.." fang-hua: o-o; you ok? -later- Stein: "...Can I have one lunch break without numerous students coming in injured just from a meal gone badly?" nurse: its the DWMA, what do you expect? Stein: "Point taken." *looks at the patients* "Arthur, we'll give you another cold compress. Tsukiyo, your nose isn't broken, and--Kim?! How did you get injured?" kim: im a nurses aid today. Stein: "...Oh. Sorry. So many people coming in here, lost track. Kim, Madoka, tend to Arthur and Tsukiyo." madoka: yes sir. kim: on it. Arthur: "I just want day without getting injured..." Tsukiyo: "Hello, cuties~" *winks at Kim and Madoka* madoka: um... kim: yo. Arthur: "My head hurts." Tsukiyo: "Make me feel all better with your healing touch~" madoka: here.... *she gets him a compress* kim: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tsukiyo: *winks at Kim* "I'm not sure I've seen you around here. You a weapon?" kim: meister actually. Tsukiyo: "Oh, darn. I've never had a chance to wield a weapon before..." kim: maybe one day? *shrug* Tsukiyo: "I'll just have to ask around...There any cute weapons around here without meisters?" kim: hmmm.... -later- Black Star: "What answer did you get for #4, Soul?" soul: ....... Black Star: "Yo, Earth to Soul--you there, buddy?" soul: hmm? Yeah… Black Star: "I was asking about a worksheet question. Something bothering you?" soul: im doing fine. just thinking. Black Star: "...Something you want to talk about?" soul: nah. Black Star: *shrug* "Well, back to my question: what did you get for Number--" *SHOVE* Tsukiyo: "Hey, there!" soul: ?! what the heck? Tsukiyo: "I'm Tsukiyo Usada, with the Lucky Number 7 Brigade! And you're Soul Eater, right?" *Tsukiyo's foot is holding Black Star face down on the floor* soul: um....yeah? Tsukiyo: "Neat! And you're a weapon, huh? I've never wielded a weapon before! Mind if I try?" soul:....sorry, not interested. try asking someone else. Tsukiyo: "Oh, come on! It'll be fun! Don't you want some cute girl with her hands all over you, swinging you around the room?~" soul:......*writing something down* here, directions to the training room. go bother someone there. Tsukiyo: *pigtails droop* "Aw, that's mean." *playful smirk* "But I'm not about to give up." *waves* "Later, cutie~" soul:..... *siiiiiiiiigh* fuckin hell.... Black Star: *sits back up, his face flat* "What is it with crazy girls wanting to be your partner?" *rubs the back of his head* "Especially with painful heels..." soul: ........maka wasnt crazy..... Black Star: "...Well, yeah, obviously she wasn't. I meant all the weirdos after Maka." soul:........we should get to class now. Black Star: *nods* -in class- Spirit: "We'll be discussing combat options involving teams of two. I need a volunteer to--" ???: "I volunteer!" Black Star: "...?! Oh, shit...Soul, crazy stalker girl is back..." soul:.............fuuuuck. Spirit: "Um...Tsukiyo, you're not a meister--" Tsukiyo: "Temporary registration change! I'm a scythe meister now!" Spirit: "..." *glances at Soul* soul: i volunteer mizuki amano as my proxy. mizuki: WHAT?! D : < Tsukiyo: "..." *shrug* "A cute weapon is a cute weapon~ Come on, Mizuki!" Spirit: "Whatever. Kim, Jackie, come on down as well." kim: right. mizuki: ...... *glares at soul* you owe me for this sharky. bailey: go get 'em mizuki! Spirit: "Weapons, transform!" Jacqueline: *transforms into Kim's hands* mizuki: *changes into her scythe form* Tsukiyo: *SQUEE :3* *Mizuki is too heavy for Tsukiyo, who promptly collapses on the floor* Tsukiyo: *scythe staff over her throat* "GAK!" Spirit: -_- mizuki: -_-;;; Black Star: "FORCE YOUR SOUL WAVELENGTH INTO HER, STALKER RABBIT GIRL! That'll mean you can lift the scythe then!" bailey: tsukiyo do you want to switch places? Tsukiyo: *can't breathe, slapping her hand on the floor as if a wrestler asking to be tagged out of this fight* Jacqueline: -_-; "This is just sad." bailey: *she takes a hold of mizuki and spins her around* alright! mizuki: thanks bailey -_-; bailey: no probs! Tsukiyo: *gasps, flips over and rolls away* "Jeez! Scythes are heavy!" -after class- Jacqueline: *puts a bandage on Kim's arm* student: i thought bailey was a weapon too...? Student #2: *shrug* "Can be two things." student 3: weirder things have happened. Student #2: "Like flame beings, people with Quirks--" *holds up mineta* "Whatever the hell this thing is." student: ew put that away you dont know where thats been! -elsewhere- Kid: *tapping his finger* "I think you forgot to carry the 2." stocking: ah! right.... Kid: *smiles* stocking: *sigh* just when i think ive got it. Kid: "Hey, we all make mistakes--even people as perfect as you." stocking:....*blushes* Kid: "I'll check the answer...Yes! You got it!" stocking: yay! Kid: *small kiss on her cheek* -later after school- Kid: *removing and adding items to the locker* "I'll need this, this...Leave this..." stocking: *fixing up her own locker* ok, i'm ready now. Kid: "Likewise." *shuts his locker closed--and a note flies out* "???" stocking: ?? *The note is sealed with a kiss* Kid: "???" *opens it* "...*sigh* Another request to be my partner..." stocking: ......... *griiiiiins* Kid: "??? What?" stocking: nothing. *looks and frowns* oh. stocking: did you check your algebra book? Kid: "Check it?" *opens his locker again, removes algebra book, and finds--* "!!! What on..." *opens the note...smiles* "Ahh..." stocking: *grins* wellll~? Kid: *smiles...puts the book back in his locker, holds the note to his chest, leans forward, and kisses her* stocking: hehe~ [the note reads; sweets are delicious, but you're the sweetest one of all <3 stocking] Kid: *smiles* "I am happy to be the sweetest for you..." *holds her hand* "You make me sweeter." stocking: ^^ -later- Kid: *holds a strawberry to her lips* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: *lets her bite into it, before leaning down to kiss, licking the strawberry juice from her lips* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Ready to head out?" mana: yeah. Shotaro: *nods* saki: we'll keep everything in check here at the house. Shotaro: "..." *hugs Saki* Kepuri: "Don't die out there." *small punch to Mana's shoulder* mana: we wont. Tuhl: "Well, better get going--don't want to miss our ride." *awkward shuffle in front of Saki...hands Io to her* saki:.....*she hugs him* Tuhl: "!!! ..." *small pat on the back* "We'll be back." io: buu! *sad face* Tuhl: "Hey, don't look like that...We're coming back." *strokes hand over Io's head* setsuna:.... Tuhl: *hands Mana her bag and follows them* mana: maybe if we get a chance, we could go to kaoli's for lunch? Tuhl: *small smile* "Sounds good." -elsewhere- Arthur: "I finished my job applications. How about you?" shinra:...... qwq curse you tamaki.... Arthur: "??? What happened?" shinra: *he shows his application..........to a crossdresser cafe* Arthur: "..." *trying to hold back...* "BWA HA HA HA!" shinra: Q-Q (thinking: tamaki's terrible luck... yet _i_ always seem to lose the punishment game....) Arthur: "I didn't know you liked that kind of thing! At least you'll make a buck at it!" shinra: Q_________Q Arthur: "BWA HA HA HA! This just gets better and better! You got such a good job waiting for you, buddy! I so envy you!" Akitaru: *shiny eyes* "Well then..." Arthur: "???" Akitaru: "YOU TOO SHALL APPLY FOR THE CROSS-DRESSING CAFE!" Arthur: "...What?" shinra: TTwTT (thinking: at least i wont suffer alone...) Arthur: "!!! I was using sarcasm, sir!" Akitaru: "I was born without sarcasm." Arthur: "But sir--" Akitaru: *DEATH GLARE* Arthur: "..." *glares at Shinra* -elsewhere- Hibana: *on the phone* "Yes, that would be good. Thank you!" -a few days pass buy- Izuku: "..." tsuyu:... Izuku: "Are you okay, Tsuyu? After all that happened..." tsuyu: i was going to ask you the same thing. Izuku: *nods* "My legs still ache, and my arm will need another day to finish healing..." hagakure: i think we're getting a substitute teacher until aizawa recovers... Nedzu: "Hello! I am here!" hanta: um....is that mr nedzu? he's- mina + hagakure: SO CUUUUTE! Nedzu: "Yes, I am very cute! I make sure to keep a shine to my fur! But the first question for you students: which species am I?" -silence- tsuyu: a mouse? Izuku: "A ferret?" Iida: *hand raised high* "A weasel!" kyouka:.....a something. hagakure: sure lets go with that. hanta: totally something. Nedzu: "No, no, no, yes, yes, and yes! Next question: who is your new teacher?" -more silence- -a woman is in the hallway- Nedzu: "Come in! Your students are waiting to see you!" namiko:....*scoot scoot scoot* um....h-hello..... eijiro:...who is she? denki: beats me. Nedzu: "Say hello to your temporary instructor, Teary Blue!" Izuku: "!!! Oh my God, it's Teary Blue!" namiko:....um..... Q-Q *cowers* kyouka:...is she ok? Nedzu: "Just shy! Treat her as well as you would Professor Aizawa!" Ochako: "...Flee in terror at the next way he will torture us?" -silence- namiko: *hiding in the corner* i'll just be over here....not bothering anyone... Iida: "Um...Should we do group study, ma'am?" namiko: dont mind me at all. im probably just wasting everyone’s time... *tearing up and whimpering* kyouka:....well isnt _she_ a ball of sunshine? Shouto: "...Wow, she's emo." Bakugo: "Seriously, dude? Like you're one to talk." denki: hey teach its ok... *pats*...................*tears up* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OWOWOWOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWWW!!! MY EYES!!! Izuku: "!!! Um..." *muttering* "So for her condition, we'll need eyedrops, so someone who is fast should run to the infirmary--" *shouts* "Iida! Please run to--" Iida: TT_TT "MY EYES." Izuku: "..." *sniff* "Nevermind. I'll go..." -only three people were effected- -lunch- denki: my eyes still hurt..... Izuku: *hands him another bottle of drops* denki: thanks. Izuku: "Teary Blue is...interesting." -elsewhere- Ponera: "Yikes." shaula: not as big of a trainwreck as last time.... Ponera: "Does it even listen to commands?" shaula: i think so? it did the first time i checked. Ponera: "..." *speaks into the microphone* "You there!" creature: ?? *looks back* Ponera: "Stand up straight." -it does so and screams...but all that comes out is static noise- Ponera: *covers ears* "What the heck?!" shaula:....freaky. Ponera: "...Why is it making that noise? It can't speak? Is there anything useful about that noise?" -elsewhere- Kid: "All those injuries...Who were those villains?" liz: not sure.... Patty: "It's a good thing people got there in time...wish we had." liz:...hmm? Patty: "Maybe we could've helped." liz:....... Patty: *hugs Liz* liz:...*hug* Kid: "Right now, our classmates and teachers will need our support. And we can be working to find where these villains are hiding." liz: yeah. stocking: *she nods* Kid: "We'll be commencing with additional searches tomorrow. For now, let's focus on today." liz: right. Kid: *opens his book* "Shall we begin our assignment?" -and so- Kid: "Hmm...Harder than expected." -elsewhere- Yumi: "How is Aizawa?" nurse: he's recovering. but he needs to rest right now. Yumi: *nods* "All Might?" nurse: he's doing well. Yumi: *nods* "Please keep us updated." *turns--spots someone* "Sachiko!" sachiko: *she looks up and waves* Yumi: "How's work?" sachiko: busy as always. Yumi: "I can imagine. How is Izumi?" sachiko: she's doing well. she's getting ready for the new school year. Yumi: *smiles* "Same with Kid and Kirika...Won't be long before they're done with classes." sachiko: they graduate next year, right? Yumi: *nods* -elsewhere- Dabi: "What's that look for?" yuuji: ...... sachi: zzzzz...... *asleep at the bar* yuuji: you didnt even help us out back there, ass. sachi and i risked our asses out there and you didnt even show! Dabi: "I was busy. I think the real question is, why couldn't you handle yourselves better." yuuji: *tightens fist* sachi:..... yuuji:.....if you excuse me, i need to get sachi to a better place to sleep. Dabi: "Looks like what she really needs is a better boyfriend." yuuji: *GLARES* Dabi: "Maybe someone who can actually pleasure her." sachi: *eyes snap open as she gives him a death glare* Dabi: *winks* sachi: ^^ *flips him off* Dabi: "Hmph. You don't know what you're missing--both of you." yuuji:.................. sachi:................. Dabi: "...Well? You gonna stand there looking stupid, or go back to your room and look stupid?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *snooping in the hallway...heading to a certain room...* worker: *checking on the angel clones* Kishiri: *trying to sneak past the worker's clone lab* -elsewhere, in another lab- luka: *taking notes* luka: look at how much you've grown in such a short time.... Assistant: "Here are the additional instruments you requested." luka: thank you. Assistant: *studying the clone* "Growth seems to be coming along. Should not be too long before it may be removed from the chamber and put it on respiratory and nutritional systems." luka: good... and the learning bed? Assistant: "We ran a diagnostic with a...volunteer. After we make the adjustments, it will be ready." luka: excellent. Assistant: *smiles, studying the specimen's number* "He will need a name...What was that of the original Death Scythe?" luka: *she looks at the sample.* Justin Law. the holy executioner. Assistant: "Hmm..." luka:....*smirks* blood drives are wonderful things, arent they? Assistant: "Yes...Such a good young man..." luka: and that good hearted intent will be his downfall... Assistant: *small laugh* "Good is dumb, after all." luka: good? evil? it doesnt matter, i only do what i do for the sake of knowledge. Assistant: "And I admire that from you, ma'am." *lays a hand along the clone storage vessel* "Just upsets me how so-called do-gooders don't want to take knowledge to the logical conclusion." -elsewhere- Wes: "Right this way, Liz." liz: *she smiles and follows* Wes: *he has set out a meal of rich food, lit by candles* liz: wow. this looks great! Wes: "I don't know how good it'll be...I've been practicing but it still kind of isn't as good as other meals..." liz: its the thought that counts. Wes: *pulls chair out for Liz* liz: *sits down* Wes: *sits across from her, smiles* -elsewhere- Kid: "Father, could I ask a silly question?" lord death: hmm? what is it kiddo? Kid: "When you claimed you were 'making birdhouses' as a cover for visiting Eibon..._have you_ ever made birdhouses?" lord death:..... >w>;;;;;; Kid: "...If not..." *brings up a birdhouse kit* lord death:..................*cracks knuckles* lets do this sh*t Kid: "Fuck yeah!" -and so- Kid: *holding balance* "I think it's about right..." lord death: looks good. now to let it dry... Kid: *nods, stands proudly, looks at Lord Death, smiles* lord death: *smiles and pats his back* Kid: "Thanks." *small hug* lord death: *hug* Kid: "I love you, Father." lord death: i love you too, son. Kid: "...May I ask you something else?" lord death: hmm? what is it? Kid: *squirms a bit* "How...How does someone become a good parent?" lord death: what brought this up? Kid: "...Just thinking about the future, and what I can do now, long before I have a child--if Stocking and I were to have children." lord death: ah. well, i suppose taking care of them, letting them know they are loved, and just supporting them through their life. Eventually they will mature enough to find their own path in life. no matter what happens, always be happy for them... Kid: "..." *looks down* "Are you...happy for me?" lord death: of course i am, why wouldnt i be? Kid: "...I'm not perfect." lord death: no one really is kiddo. Kid: "...I think you are." lord death: ..........*small smile* thank you kiddo... Kid: "..." *sniff, wipes eyes* kirika:...............*looks down* Kid: *spots her* "K-Kirika?" kirika: !! *looks away* 7///7; lord death: kirika, you come join us in the hug too. Kid: "..." *pulls back from Lord Death, approaches...Hug* kirika: o-o;.............*awkward hug* Kid: *awkward hug* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *looking out the window* mana: i think we're here now. Shotaro: *nods* "I'll be glad to get out of this flight attendant uniform..." -upon landing- intercom; now landing in tokyo airport. mana: all we need to do now is drive down to the coast, hop a boat to japonshima and we're good to go. Tuhl: "Been a while..." setsuna:....showtaro... Shotaro: "Hmm?" setsuna:..we'll find him. *she smiles and puts a soft hand on his shoulder* Shotaro: *sad smile, nods* "Right." -elsewhere- nea: we're baaaack~ Shinoda: T_T *panting huffing* nea: shinoda, i thought you could handle this much heavy lifting? Shinoda: "You are not a normal shopper..." nea: UpU Emine: "..." grunt: lord emine? Emine: "What?" grunt: are you ok? Emine: "I'm fine. Stop asking." grunt: sheesh.... *squeltch* -the grunt falls to the ground- Emine: "Clean this up." grunt 2:....ok. Shinoda: "Hmph. We cannot keep all of these grunts around if you keep killing them." Emine: "It's not like we pay them that much..." nea: do we even pay them at all? Grunt #3: o____O ("I've been stealing the change from the 'take a penny' tray...") -elsewhere- lin: *worried* Akua: "You keep pacing like that you're going to put a hole in the floor." lin: what if emine needs me right now? is he ok? Akua: *tosses phone to her* "Call him. Maybe it'll stop your fretting." lin: *dialing him up* Emine: "...Lin?" lin: how are you holding up? Emine: "...I hate the help here. They are stupid." lin: i really wish i could be there with you....i really miss you. Emine: "...You're the one I tolerate here." lin: *she smiles* Emine: "...Get back soon. I don't know how long I can tolerate these idiots." lin: i'll try. Emine: "Good. Do so." lin: and the mission? Emine: "Hurry and find what we need as soon as you can...I'll try to wait..." lin: ok. -elsewhere- Wes: "Was it okay?" liz: it was great. *she smiles* Wes: *smiles* "Thanks. I wanted to make something good...I want to do whatever I can for you." Wes: *holds Liz's hand* liz: *she kisses his cheek* Wes: *blushes* "I love you." liz: i love you too, cutie. Wes: *small squeeze of her hand* "You're cuter." -elsewhere- Iris: o____o shinra: *blushing* tamaki: ...... maki: (thinking: his moe level just dangerously spiked up!) Arthur: *struggling to pull down his skirt* "Too short..." nozomi: you look nice. Arthur: -\\\\- "This is not attire befitting a knight like me..." Iris: "...I think you look nice in that, Shinra." shinra: um...thanks. Iris: "At least the wages should be good, yes?" shinra: i guess. Arthur: "Let's just work long enough to earn the money for fixing up the bathroom, then we can quit." shinra: ....... Iris: "Do your best, you two. We're happy that you are trying to earn us more money!" nozomi: we'll work hard too! Arthur: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Kid: *lying in bed, reading* stocking: *already asleep* Kid: *writes a note about the book, puts in a bookmark, closes and sets aside the book, turns off the light, lies down and holds Stocking gently so not to wake her* stocking:...*small smile* Kid: *yawns, smiles* ("I love you...") -morning- Kid: *turns in bed* stocking: zzzzz..... Kid: *as he turns, his hands instinctively wrap lightly along her* stocking: mmmm.... Kid: *holds her closely, yawns...kisses her shoulder* stocking: *she opens her eyes and smiles* Kid: *smiles* "You know what is good in the morning?" stocking: what~? Kid: *gentle stroke of her cheek* "Waking up next to someone you love...so much." stocking: *she smiles and kisses him softly* Kid: *kisses back softly, hugs her* -at school- Stein: *his eyes are red* soul: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Stein: "Our new teacher here is...interesting." nygus: fortunately, she's kept the damage to a minimum. Stein: "I don't consider my eyes 'minimum'..." *hands Soul a slip of paper* "You have a new assignment." soul: hmm? *he examines the paper* Stein: "You'll be mentoring first-year weapons and meisters who have not yet been assigned partners." soul: ...alright then. Stein: "You'll have to plan out days for them, activities, who to introduce them to...who to avoid." soul: right. ???: "Maybe Soul could use some help, Dr. Stein?" Stein: "???" soul: ?? Tsukiyo: *waves* soul:..........*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighs* Stein: "...Don't kill each other. I don't need any more sample cadavers." soul: TMI DOC! Tsukiyo: "Oh, I won't kill Sugar Shark!" soul: i make no promises. Tsukiyo: "Watch that teasing, cutie--" *produces a small flame along her finger* "You can look, but don't get burnt~" soul: .......................................................................................................... -_- *Stein's note lists names of meisters and weapons entering the school* soul: *looking over* Tsukiyo: "I think those students need to see all the school offers. How about an orientation party?" soul: that doesnt sound like a bad idea. Tsukiyo: "I heard about this cute cabaret where we could hold it! This cat girl told me--" soul: OH GOD NO! Tsukiyo: "Huh?~" soul: i need to take care of something. excuse me. Tsukiyo: "Looking forward to working with you, Soul!" *waves* -at lunch- Izuku: *looking through a recent history book* kyouka: *writing* -in class- cementoss: good afternoon everyone. Izuku: "Kyouka, what do you know about this guy--" *picture of Charisma Justice* kyouka: .....he's a cartoon character? Izuku: "I thought so...Just wasn't so sure." *looks at Cementoss to listen* mina: where did miss teary go? cementoss: miss oribe asked for a pardon from the class, due to feeling her quirk may be disruptive. so i have been chosen as her proxy. Bakugo: "At least we'll stop crying--except all y'all at how you are all such losers compared to me." -cement pillar'd to the ceiling in slo-mo as 'brave song' plays in the background- Izuku: D: Bakugo: *ACK!* rikido: wow that had to hurt. Ochako: "Wow...Katsuki usually doesn't get that high except...well, nevermind." kyouka: yikes. Mineta: Q_Q ("So glad it wasn't me...") -elsewhere- Ponera: "Such a weird creation...but powerful." shaula: lets see how this one reacts... Ponera: "Proceed." -in another room- neian: zzzz.... Medusa: *small smile* ("At least she is largely healthy...") neian: *yawn* mama... Medusa: o____o "H-Hi..." neian: ^^ Medusa: "..." *picks her up, kisses her forehead* neian: hehe! Medusa: "You are...such a happy child." neian: ^.^ \chrona: mother...\ Medusa: "...Am I going to fail you, too?" neian:....? Medusa: "Will I give you up...to make you just another experiment?" neian:.....zzzzzz Medusa: "..." *sniffs, cries* -elsewhere- Hibana: *opens the door for Gabriella into the restaurant* "After you." gabriella: thank you. *Their waiter greets them...* Rin: "Hey, I'm Rin! You have a reservation--" *covers his mouth* "Holy crap, you're Hibana." Hibana: *smirks* "I see my reputation precedes me. Yes, we have a reservation." *holds Gabriella's hand lightly* gabriella: h-hello. Rin: "Cool! Well, I'll bring you to your table...Right this way!" Hibana: *small whisper to Gabriella as they follow* "It'll have a great view of the city." -elsewhere- Knight: "I fear the 8th is getting too close." sister: ...........*she ponders and opens her eyes* lord sho... Sho: "What is it?" dahlia: it will soon be time... Sho: "...All preparations have been made?" dahlia: soon. in due time. Sho: "This will be the point when our light shines--and extinguishes all others." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *staring at the night sky* miwa: nice night out. Akitaru: *nods* "Quiet out." miwa:....and a lot colder. Akitaru: *small laugh* "Yeah...Need a jacket?" miwa: i'm good. *she smiles* reminds me of when i was younger, my family and i would roast sweet potatoes over a campfire. Akitaru: "We actually did a camping trip a while ago. Good times." miwa: sounds like fun. did you make popcorn too? i always burnt mine a little, but something about it just made it taste better, you know? Akitaru: "Heh...Yeah, that happened...Still happens. Now I'm hungry." miwa: hinawa still awake? Akitaru: "Probably?" -morning- Arthur: *yawns, dragging his feet to the bathroom* shinra:........*he's only in a towel* Arthur: "Hey." *waves to Shinra* "Heading in or coming out?" shinra: i just got out of the shower -_-; Arthur: "Hope you didn't use up all the hot water--" shinra: i didnt! Arthur: *pulling off his own shirt* "You better not. Cold showers suck." *makes his way into the bathroom* shinra: ...... -at school- Ochako: "I'm starting to get worried for my cousin...What if something like this happens again, another attack?" eijiro: .....im sure she'll be ok. she has a levitation quirk, right? Ochako: *nods* "She's just...I mean, she's not used to this like we are. I mean, we're still newbies, too, but we're the kind of newbies who have still seen some serious shit!" Izuku: ._. "That's...a blunt way of putting it." eijiro: yeah.... Bakugo: "Uraraka, stop over-thinking this: wait for your cousin to get here and then you can worry." Ochako: "??? Um...You still have a slab of cement up your nose." Bakugo: "I KNOW!" hagakure: do you need to go to the nurse? Bakugo: *grumbles* "Tch. No, _Mom_, I don't need to go to the nurse." -in another class- misono:....... Patty: *slowly rises behind him...her fingers are nearing his spike of hair ever so slowly...* misono: dont. Patty: o_O "How did you know I was--?" misono: i can smell your awful breath from here. Patty: *frowns* "Your hair is awful." misono: it's just fine. now leave me alone, you're bothering me. Patty: "No! I was here first. You leave me alone!" *tries to shove him* teacher: settle down you two! Patty: *frowns, glares at Misono* "This isn't over..." *slowly slides down out of view* misono:...hmph.... Patty: *slides back up next to Liz* "What's that guy's deal?" liz: i dunno. Patty: *crosses her arms, pouts* "Stupid guy, not letting me touch his hair. You know how many people let me touch their hair without having to ask?!" liz:........... Patty: *opens book, starts reading* -after school- Kid: "Any plans for this afternoon?" stocking: how about we check out the mall? Kid: *nods* "I would like that. Liz?" liz: yeah, lets do that! Patty: "Yay!" -and so- Kid: *looking at teapots* stocking: *trying some of the drinks* mmm... Kid: "Maybe this one would be good for Father...How is the flavor?" stocking: it tastes nice. Kid: *takes a sip from another cup* "Mmm~ I think this would be good." stocking: ^^ Kid: "Let's buy this for Mother and Father...Which one would your parents like?" stocking: i think i might go with this one. Kid: *nods* "I hope Liz and Patty are having good luck with their shopping--" -click- Kid: "???" girl: oh, dont mind me. i was taking pictures of the tea sets for my photography blog. Kid: "Oh, okay. Let me get out of the way--" -click click- stocking:....? girl: thank you. *she smiles and leaves*............ Kid: *watches Stocking* stocking: *shrugs* -outside, the girl gets a phonecall- girl: yes? ???: "Found them?" girl: no, but i did find something interesting...the girl isnt quite human. ???: "What do you think she is?" girl: let me ask you something. do you believe in angels? ???: "...I don't believe anything that I don't see with my own eyes." girl: ....i'm heading back now. ???: "Okay. Keep an eye open." girl: right. ???: "Over and out." -elsewhere- Joker: (smoking) "Bloody hell." ivy: whats our next move? Joker: "..." (Slams his piece forward) scarlet: hmmmm.... *moves her rook forwards 3 spaces* Joker: (moves bishop to take rook) scarlet: hmmm.....*smirks and moves the knight to take the bishop* Joker: "Shit..." (Moves a pawn toward the bishop) scarlet: *grins and moves her own bishop in position* you've left your king right open. Check. Joker: (grumbles, moves his pawn to take her bishop) scarlet: hmmmm.... *observing the board* Joker: (puffing in annoyance) "You know we got to make a move soon..." scarlet: hmmm... i heard haijima hired some new interns... Joker: "..." (sneers) "Would anyone miss them?" scarlet: doubt it. Joker: "Then let's go over and say hi." -elsewhere- Hibana: (lying in bed, groaning) gabriella: i brought you some ginger ale if it helps at all. Hibana: "Thanks..." (Whines) gabriella: ...*pats her back* Hibana: (weak smile to her) -elsewhere- mana: *looking out the bus window* Tuhl: *texting* Shotaro: (frowning) [chie: any progress?] Tuhl: [should be at last known location soon] [chie: you guys be safe ok?] Tuhl: [we will. Take care of saki and io. Maybe yohei] [chie: can and will do.] Shotaro: "Mom? You okay?" setsuna: *she nods* ......we'll be there soon.... Shotaro: *hug* setsuna:....you're afraid. arent you? Shotaro: *nods* setsuna:...im afraid too. but even though its scary, i have to find the courage inside me to keep going. Shotaro: *bites lip, nods* intercom; now arriving at grave hill pass. now arriving at grave hill pass. Shotaro: *gulps, holds Setsuna's hand* setsuna: *she smiles warmly* Shotaro: "...I'm ready." mana: we're right behind you guys. Tuhl: *nods* -the bus has made its stop- Shotaro: "Onward to our destination..." -elsewhere- Kid: "I hope you enjoy the tea, Mother, Father." lord death: it's quite delicious~! ^^ Yumi: "Quite." stocking: ^^ Kid: "We're glad." (Holds Stocking's hand) stocking: *she smiles* Yumi: "Oh, Kid, Stocking: could you babysit Shiori this weekend?" stocking: of course, we wouldnt mind at all. Kid: "Agreed." Yumi: (smiles) "Thank you." shiori: ^o^ Kid: (laughs, kicks up Shiori) "Ready for fun time with us, Sister?" shiori: kid! kid! stocking: hehe! Kid: "Shiori! Shiori!" shiori: hehe! ^o^ lord death: he's a real natural... Yumi: "Indeed." Kid: o\\\o lord death: its true though. Kid: "...You don't know how much it means to hear that, from you both." -elsewhere- Arthur: "I hate this skirt...The color is just awful." shinra: *blushing* i feel like everyone is staring at me. Arthur: "Oh, that's not true. After all, I'm sure I get way better tips than you." shinra: -.- some of the customers have been hitting on me. Arthur: "...Still more flirting than people usually do with you." shinra: s-shut up! >/////< Arthur: "Just roll with it. Maybe you'll get a boyfriend out of it." shinra: T-T *A teenage boy enters the cafe and spots Arthur and Shinra* shinra: *smiling* hi, may we- Izuku: "Shinra?!" Kishiri: "..." shinra: O.O *screaming on the inside* Kishiri: *looks Shinra up and down* "Nice skirt." Izuku: "You work here, too?!" Arthur: ("Was he asking me? Then why is he still staring at Shinra?") shinra: O///O; erm..... its a long story. really long. you wouldnt believe me even if i told you. Izuku: "I-I've heard crazier stories about working here. Not personally, though. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha..." Kishiri: "Well, you gonna seat us, cuties?" Arthur: -_- shinra:....right this way. Kishiri: *follows* Izuku: *looking around...* ("Please don't let anyone here recognize me...") shinra: here you go. and here _you_ go. Kishiri: "???" shinra: *smiles awkwardly* (thinking: i feel like someone is watching me...) Izuku: *looks around...spots someone looking at them* ???: "Eep!" *buries his face back into his menu* shinra: ......?? do you need anything sir? ???: "N-No?" *his glass of water is empty* shinra: can i get you more water? ???: "S-Sure? That would help. Thank you." -later- ???: (places money and tip with receipt) "Th-Thank you." shinra: have a nice day sir. ???: "Y-You too..." *small smiles and blush* -after work lets off- Arthur: *changing in the locker room* "Glad this day is over..." shinra: *still surprised by the large tip* Arthur: "Jeez, why did that guy give you such a big tip?" shinra: not sure. Arthur: *light bulb* "Oh my God...He likes you." shinra: w-what?! Arthur: "Why else would he give you that tip? I give much better service, so it can only be that he's attracted." shinra: how should i know? Arthur: "See how he acts the next time he arrives--since I bet he's coming again." shinra: well, we should head home now. Arthur: "Yeah." *shuts his locker* "Look forward to getting some sleep." -on the path home, shinra still felt uneasy....like someone was following them- *It sounds like someone knocks into a garbage can--then curses himself* ???: "Damn it!" shinra: ?!?! ???: "Eep!" *tries to disappear--and runs into and falls into the garbage can* shinra: *walking faster* ???: "W-Wait! I'm sorry for stalking--er, following you..." Arthur: "...I'll just stab him now..." shinra: arthur! D:< ???: "Don't kill me, please! I just--I mean, I--I just wanted to see where Shinra lives! I mean, in which brigade he--BOTH OF YOU-- are in!" shinra: wait, how do you know my name? *uneasy* ???: "Um...It was on your nametag?" shinra:.....*looks at arthur*........ excuse us a moment.... *whispers* what do we do? he seems decent enough, but im still kind of on edge... Arthur: "Well, since stabbing is out of the question--" *looks at him* "Right?" shinra: T_T Arthur: "Just lie about which brigade we're in." shinra: *whispering* you do it! Arthur: "We are most certainly not in the 8th Brigade! We are in the 12th Brigade!" ???: "...There is no 12th Brigade." shinra: *glares at arthur* Arthur: "That's what people _want_ you to think! That's how important we are! We have to pretend we're nobodies to the world!" ???: "Um..." -BONK!- Arthur: "I-I meant the 3rd! We're in the 3rd!" shinra: yeah! now if you excuse is, commander giovanni is waiting for us. Arthur: o_O "BUT HE SCARES ME, SHINRA!" shinra: come on! *drags him along* ???: "Oh...Um...See you around! I hope..." -later- shinra:.... i feel kind of bad for him. Arthur: "Why? He had creep written all over him." shinra: yeah, i didnt really know him, and him following us was really creepy...but he didnt seem _too_ bad, unlike some other people. Arthur: "People who are so clingy are the worst." *pauses* "I'm going to go see what Tamaki is up to." shinra:........................................*facepalm* -arthur would recieve a shoe to the face. why this is is open to interpretation- Arthur: *voice muffled from foot to the face* tamaki: -_-;;; Arthur: *voice still muffled* "I said I was sorry..." shinra: yikes. -elsewhere- mana:..... Shotaro: *looking around* "Kind of feels...dreary around here." mana: no kidding..... Tuhl: *looks at an overturn garbage can* "Yeah. All letting off a low morose noise...Setsuna, you notice anything?" setsuna: *she is looking at the picture* we arent far now... Tuhl: *nods* "If the trash here is this depressed, it's going to get worse moving forward." *holds a hand to his head* setsuna: ....... Shotaro: *sees a baby bird fallen out of its nest, unable to fly up to it* "..." *scoops up the bird, leaps into the tree, returns it to its nest* setsuna:...*she smiles* Shotaro: *climbs back down* "Its parent should be back soon..." *smiles at Setsuna* setsuna: ..... -a slight fog covers the ground- Shotaro: "???" mana: *she looks ahead* -a large chapel building looms in the distance- Shotaro: *inhales* "Okay..." Tuhl: "Really beat up looking." setsuna: you can feel that... cant you? mana: hmm? setsuna: deep in the darkness, theres a feeling of loneliness... Tuhl: "Yeah..." Shotaro: "Emine?" setsuna:....yes. Shotaro: "...I never thought this would happen again..." mana: perhaps....things will go differently this time. Shotaro: *nods* "Yeah...It will." -inside- Tuhl: *holds his scythe, whispers to others* "Walls are crying..." Shotaro: (Bone of the Tiger) *sniffs the air* mana:....!!!! *she spots a grunt* grunt: e...mine.....he.....he's gone on a rampage......*dies* Shotaro: "..." *sniffs...takes off and runs in that direction* Tuhl: "Shotaro, wait!" mana: *runs after him* Shotaro: *rounds a corner, finding blood along the walls* "No..." *growls* "Not now. Not again..." setsuna:....*she puts a hand on showtaro's shoulder.* -in another room- nea: *trying to hold emine back with a chain* im not about to let you hurt him! Shinoda: *struggling to stand up, his arm slashed* "If I did not have my daily apple, he would have taken the whole arm off..." nea: emine, snap out of it you idiot! Emine: *growling* "I must be fed! Give me your fear! All of it!" nea: (thinking: this isnt good....) -the chain is beginning to break- Shinoda: *glaring at Emine* "You brat..." Enime: *roars, leaping forward* nea: shinoda!! Shinoda: *glares at Enime, too injured to move* *WHOOSH* nea: ?? *Shotaro has swooshed by Tool, attached to his chain scythe, and kicks Emine in the face* Shotaro: "Bone of Flying Squirrel! Bone of Kangaroo!" nea: w-wha? mana: hey! mind helping me out? *she is helping shinoda up* nea: !! *she runs over and helps him up as well* Emine: *knocked to the floor, pulling himself up* "Who dares strikes--?!" *sees him* "...Shotaro?" showtaro: hey emine, its going to be ok buddy. *smiles* Emine: *shudders* "No...Get away from me!" *slashes at him* showtaro: -shell of the crab- *blocks with a claw* i know last time we met....it didnt end well, but its ok buddy. i forgive you. Emine: "Shut up! Go away! We can't be near each other...We can't, you...you hero!" setsuna: ....you must be emine, right? Emine: "I am the Bai Ze!" showtaro: yeah mom, thats him. setsuna: ah, i see. Emine: "DON'T INTERRUPT ME, SHOTARO!" setsuna: showtaro's told me quite a bit about you emine. you've been through quite a lot, havent you? Emine: "..." *stands upright, less bestial and speaks more calmly* "I survived." setsuna: from what showtaro told me....your mother....she wasnt very kind to you, was she? Emine: *shaking* "I have no mother..." setsuna:....*small smile* maybe we could change that? Emine: "You can't change anything..." setsuna: its ok emine. i understand you're scared of what you are...what you can do...is that why you shut others out? Emine: "I eliminate all that gets in the path of progress..." *flashes his claws* "I see one obstacle before me..." showtaro: !!! mom! setsuna: ..... Emine: "Now back away, or else." setsuna:............*she says nothing...and hugs him* showtaro:....*small smile and joins in on the hug* Emine: *struggling to loosen himself, but he is not attacking* "Unhand me!" setsuna: its ok... showtaro: even though you have to do one bad deed a day, that doesnt make you a bad person. Emine: "I am! And if you don't let me go--if you don't let me leave--I will lose everything!" setsuna: and what would 'everything' be? Emine: "..." *wails* "Shotaro!" showtaro: but emine, i'm right here, and im still your friend, right? *he smiles* Emine: "You know we can't...a person who does only bad deeds...only good deeds...We cancel each other..." setsuna: emine. you arent defined by your actions. Emine: "I am! I do bad deeds! That is what a Bai Ze does!" showtaro: .......you only have to do a bad deed at least _once_ per day, right emine? Emine: "...Yes." showtaro: then maybe the bad deed can be really small, like punching someone, stealing someones food, or even worse.... _spilling food on the floor!_ Emine: "..." *pulls back his fist, aiming for Shotaro's face...holds his fist back...he's shaking* setsuna: ....we can help you emine. we can be your family. Emine: "...What family do I need? I have been fine on my own..." *sadistic grin* "I am making a world where Dokeshi thrive." setsuna:........... setsuna: and how do you intend to do that, hurting more people and making people more fearful of dokeshi, or opening up to people and live with humans as equals? Emine: " 'Equals'...Why would they ever do that? When would they ever do that?" showtaro: i have an idea! come with us to death city! they can help you fit in! mana: well, death city is considered a city of second chances... Emine: *glares* "You'd have to drag me before I budget an inch..." showtaro:......... -leg of the big ant- *lifts emine over his head* lets go home. Emine: "Unhand me! I will not be moved! I am the Bai Ze! I am formidable! I am--" showtaro: *cradles him like a baby and puts a finger to his lips* shhhhhh, its ok mr crankypants. Emine: >\\\\\< "If I wasn't so injured, I would rip off your arms and beat you with them!" *glares at Setsuna* "Who the hell are you, anyway?" setsuna: i'm showtaro's mother. Emine: *frowning at Shotaro* "You forgive this bitch who abandoned you?" showtaro: she's here now, isnt she? setsuna:............ Emine: "And she'll abandon you like any human--" showtaro: but mom isnt a human, she's a dokeshi like us! Emine: *sneers* "You debase yourself, associating with humans? Gross." setsuna: true, there are some cruel humans in this world, but a lot of them arent that terrible. showtaro: yeah, mana and yohei are really awesome! saki's really cool too! Emine: "...Yohei Nanami...of the Dokeshi Hunt?" showtaro: he isnt in dokeshi hunt anymore, neither is mono. actually, yohei's actually _married_ to a dokeshi. her name is chie and she's really really cool! she's gonna be a mom soon too! Emine: "..." *squick face* "They are breeding." mana: what showtaro is trying to say is that people can change for the better. Emine: "...Aren't you that small girl who smashed Dr. Agei's robot?" mana: Mana Hinoki, nice to meet you. and this here is Tuhl. Emine: "...The kappa." Tuhl: -_- "The asshole." nea: .....emine, what about lin's mission? mana: lin? Emine: *looks away* "Can't we leave her out of this...? Sh-She doesn't have to be taken in by these weirdos..." (*small sneers in his mind* "Perhaps she and Akua can still complete my second objective...") nea: if your being taken to death city, she should at least know about this. she really cares about you, you know... showtaro:..... :3 *grins at emine* nea: i mean, if shinoda got captured, i would want to know too...i worry about him. Shinoda: -\\\\\- "So you could torture me?" Emine: "..." -\\\\\- nea: shinoda, as much as i cant stand you, we still had something you dummy. -_- mana:.........(thinking: best not to ask) Emine: *glares at Shotaro* "Your smile is laughable." showtaro: hehe....hey mom, when we get back, could you adopt emine? Emine: "WHAT?! I don't need a parent!" setsuna:...*she smiles* i think i can do that. showtaro: emine, i know your old mom wasnt very nice to you, but mom is really nice. Emine: "Like any mother, she will hurt you, again." setsuna:..... *she hugs emine* Emine: *grumbling* "Stop that...I am not to be hugged! The only person who is allowed to hug me is--" Shinoda: "..." *smirks* nea: ....... >:3 mana: ???? showtaro: 8D Emine: *steam coming off his head* "All of you stop talking!" -and so- Emine: "..." nea: do you want to talk to her? *hands the phone to emine* Emine: "..." *snatches the phone, dials* lin: yes, this is lin-kimpur speaking~ Emine: "Lin...Hi." lin: is everything ok? Emine: "...I have been taken into a family of silly people." lin:....eh? o.o Emine: "I think I am being adopted by the mother of my long lost friend Shotaro." *whispers* "Help." lin: WHERE ARE THEY TAKING YOU IM GOING TO SAVE YOU! Emine: "..." *looks at Shotaro* "Where do you live, anyway?" mana: death city. Emine: "Death City." lin: !!! WHEN THEY GET BACK HERE I'LL RESCUE YOU! Emine: -\\\\\- "I am sure of that." Shotaro: *Bone of the Bat to get ears to eavesdrop* lin: if they do anything to hurt you, i wont forgive them! i....i dont want them to hurt you. *blush* Emine: "...Thank you." *whispers* "Find me when I get there..." lin: of course i will! dont forget to do your daily bad deed either, ok? Emine: "..." *looks at Mana* mana: .....?? Emine: *takes her water bottle and spills it over her head* mana: h-hey! Emine: (to Lin on the phone) "Bad deed complete." mana: TnT; Emine: *smirks at Mana* mana:..... (thinking: just grin and bear it mana.) -elsewhere- shinra: 32.....33......34......35....- hmm? Arthur: "???" maki: mail call! Iris: "Anything for me?" maki: you got some free samples on perfume. Iris: "Hmm...I wonder whether these will work..." Arthur: *looking at mail* ("Wait...What's that letter?") shinra:...*he sees a note* hmm? no return address? weird.
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