#it's fun to imagine the swaps
deconstructthesoup · 29 days
Thinking about a Nerdy Prudes Must Die swap AU
Steph---the mayor's kid who was put under a lot of academic pressure growing up, resulting in her getting lumped in with the nerds despite her struggling in school. She has to try twice as hard as everyone else, which gets seen as her being a buzzkill who does nothing but study, which makes teachers expect more from her... and, yeah, she's infinitely stressed. So stressed and burnt out, in fact, that when a pop quiz gets thrown at her out of nowhere, she finally breaks and asks to cheat off of...
Pete---one of the few popular kids who's popular not because he can play football or soccer or whatever, but because he's genuinely nice. He's taken Ted's advice just enough so he can seem cool without actively being a sleazeball, and he's even managed to be class president. Of course, he's still got a lot of nerdy interests he keeps under the rug, and he's also a lot smarter than he passes himself off as---so he never in a million years would've suspected that the mayor's cute nerdy daughter would want his help on a test, but he's prepared. Until, of course, they get caught by...
Max---the pastor's son who's well known throughout the school to be a judgmental and self-righteous asshole, holding himself and others to ridiculously high standards. He's still an untouchable menace, but instead of it being because he's a football star, it's because every single teacher and authority figure is swayed by his Good Christian Boy attitude, despite the fact that he has a C average (hey, you don't need to worry about grades if you're just going to take over running the church when you grow up). By all accounts, he's pretty much perfect---except for the fact that he has a secret thing for...
Grace---the head cheerleader who still grew up in a very Christian family, but she's embraced her crazy and has successfully talked her parents into letting her do more stereotypical high school stuff like, well, cheerleading ("it looks good on my college transcript, and it's a way for me to get steady exercise and keep myself in shape") and the occasional party ("it's just a fun thing between friends, and if any of them do anything reckless, I want to be there to help"). In reality, of course, she's the most unhinged popular girl in the history of ever, and nobody fucks with her because she's the type of girl who will bite you if you give her shit.
Brenda and Kyle are Steph's fellow struggling nerdy friends---Brenda got lumped in with the nerds because she's in the fandom zone, despite the fact that her head's usually in the clouds and she can barely pass classes, and Kyle's the awkward theater guy who's a total romantic but can't even properly talk to people he likes. By contrast, Richie and Ruth are Pete's friends, and while they aren't exactly cool, everyone knows Richie as the weirdly funny school mascot, and Ruth is Pete's incredibly cocky vice president. So, social clout.
And, uh... yeah
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
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Sssshhhh the stars are eepy
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bizarreandjarring · 1 year
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thinking about swap au kim. honestly the ratty braid is just so so important to me
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vynnyal · 16 days
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Turns out Sunlit Trail isn't quite done just yet, so after all that they just send you to a dead end 😂
#rain world#comic#rw chasing wind#sunlit Trail#Hunter#Art#Chasing wind spoilers#I can't imagine anyone filters that tag but just in case sksksks#ANYWAYS turns out mod is way better than I expected and it's super well made.#So far made the trip as hunter (first time) then riv and now working on arti.#For arti I realized that howling rifts led to sub and sub led to dar shore so I was like sweet! A shortcut!#Now imagine for a sec trying to get through a parkcore + miros bird gauntlet with a corpse and a worm within 5 cycles#before the scav ran out of karma and you were stuck inside forever. Yeah#Besides that tho I've been messing around and been very tenderly modding the game.#Turns out you can have a bit of fun with most sprites without too much effort by simply cloning the MSC mod in your files#Then changing the copy's mod info so it doesn't clash and simply swapping images out for whatever you want#As long as you have the sprite name you can do this. You can also change region names and decals and music all sorts of stuff.#In short I've been brewing a custom mod for a friend to make her suffer as much as possible <3#Thanks to a buddy on the rw server for showing me that trick btw lol. The best cesspool I've ever participated in#Oh before I forget- the symbol on CW's head is completely made up. They just looked so... Bald.#Tbh I wasn't expecting their personality to be so... bright? Most interpretations make them kinda solemn and gloomy#But nah this CW is what NSH should've been 100%. I like them. Not gonna spoil too much but their situation is somehow so... chill.#Still bad tho!#Other fun news! There's a scammer going around on discord that's basically like ''bad news I reported you for fraud''#And they're getting a lot of people. My buddy that owned my home server got hit and we lost everything. It's all OK tho nobody was hurt#I keep trying to ask them questions on my alts but they're ignoring me... I kinda wanna bait them into doing the scam with me#to see how far I get before they catch on 😜#Wasting a scammer's time is never a waste of time#Ah I had more to say but I reached my tag max. Till next time- hopefully my animation project will be done by then!
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ladynightlark · 21 days
(Slight Season 4 Episode 2 Spoiler)
So, I've seen a few bits and pieces of the new episode of Season 4, and let me tell you, watching Tanjiro shadowing Giyu the entire episode with his sunshine energy had me laughing the entire time lol.
And you know what?
I can’t wait to write Nezuko and Kaigaku’s version of this in CFLDF!!!
Like, there are so many ways Nezuko can react to Kaigaku’s avoidant behavior to get him to listen to her and join in the training.
But consider this:
Canon Tanjiro: (patiently waiting outside Giyu's estate) Excuse me! Hello! Tomioka! It's me, Tanjiro Kamado! Are you inside?
CFLDF Nezuko: (pounding on Kaigaku's estate's door) Hey! Kaigaku! I know you're in there! It's me! It's Nezuko! Let me in! I know you can hear me! Don't ignore me!
And then...
Canon Tanjiro: (politely lets himself in with the cutest bean face and smile on the face of the Earth) Giyu!
Canon Giyu: (shocked pikachu face)
CFLDF Nezuko: (proceeds to kick down his door and appears with all the fury of the gods and gremlin energy, ready to knock sense into this man) KAIGAKU INADAMA GET YOUR *SS OUT HERE NOW BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT MYSELF!!!!
CFLDF Kaigaku: (shocked pikachu face with a vague look of annoyance and horror)
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mrsaltieri-real · 11 months
Freaky (Bodyswapped!Mickey Altieri)
Word count: 1k
After trying (and failing) to kill you with a mysterious knife he bought off a stranger, Mickey wakes up and discovers that he’s somehow ended up in your body
So I just finished watching Freaky after it was so kindly recommended for me and I loved the concept so much. So fucking cool. So I wrote a quick tiny little thing with Mickey as Ghostface stabbing the reader and his body swapping with hers. It’s a really small little thing that just sprang to mind but I feel like I could write a whole ass series on something like this.
Warning/s: body swap, language, attempted murder, injury, blood, Mickey’s a lil sadistic, he looks and touches your breasts, etc
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“It’s like you fucking want to die.” Ghostface laughed as you stumbled and fell to the ground, a gasp escaping you as you scraped your hands on the hard concrete below. You felt his gloved hand grab your upper arm and throw you onto your back, smiling as he moved over you, pressing his knee to your stomach forcefully and knocking the air out of your lungs, one hand gripping your throat and squeezing tight. The glint of the strange looking blade gleamed in the street lights as he raised it, his other hand sliding from your throat to press harshly on your chest, pinning you there.
“No, don't, please don’t!” You screamed as the blade began to come down toward your chest. You instinctively jerked your knee into his stomach, causing him to let out a grunt and fall a little, the blade piercing into the flesh of your left shoulder.
“Agh! What the fuck?” He jolted sharply away from you, falling back as his hand clutched at his own left shoulder, pulling it back and looking in shock at his gloved hand covered in blood.
As soon as he was off of you you grasped your own shoulder, noticing the blood pooling out of yours too.
The masked man tilted his head at you a little in evident confusion before slowly getting to his feet and pointing the blade at you.
“I’ll be back for you, bitch.” He muttered before spinning on his heel and running into the darkness.
You limped through the door of your dorm room when the hospital and police finally let you go home, the bottle of painkillers clutched between your fingers. You didn’t tell them what really happened, how could they believe you? That when Ghostface stabbed you it somehow injured him too? They’d think you were insane.
Maybe you were. Maybe the adrenaline had made you crazy, made you see things that didn’t really happen.
Dropping your keys in the small glass bowl by the door you decided to take a quick shower and wash the blood and dirt out of your hair. You were exhausted, in a lot of pain and felt like you really had gone fucking insane.
Mickey woke up the next morning to the sound of his phone buzzing loudly next to him. Did he change his ring tone or something? Weird.
Letting out a small groan he opened his eyes. He decided to let the phone ring out, lifting his hand to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He suddenly paused, blinking a couple of times till his vision stopped blurring before staring at his hand in confusion, not seeing his own large calloused ones but ones that were rather petite and dainty, with large gashes cut into the palms.
“Huh?” He muttered, jumping at the sound of his voice. Well, not his voice.
“What the fuck?” He said loudly, jumping at the pitch and tone of his- that sound coming out of him.
Raising his hand again, he touched his face and felt features that definitely didn’t belong to him. He looked down at his body, seeing the soft curves and breasts of what very evidently was not his own long, toned physique. He glanced around him, seeing a mirror on the bedside table and snatching it into his hands, shakily lifting it so he could stare into it.
“What the fuck?!” He shouted louder as he saw your horrified reflection staring back at him. He jumped out of the bed, dropping the mirror to the ground so it smashed loudly onto the hardwood floor, staring around the room, completely bewildered. This wasn’t his dorm, he wasn’t himself and he was freaking the fuck out. He was you, the girl he tried to kill last night.
His- your eyes caught the floor length mirror in the corner of the room and he walked over slowly, eyeing up the reflection peering curiously back at him. He lifted his hand to touch the soft hair, pulling a strand to his face to sniff it tentatively.
Huh. He thought to himself, dropping the strand back into place. His eyes roamed your body, tilting his head a little. Wow, he never really noticed before what with him trying to kill you but you were hot. He lifted his hands to the hem of your shirt, lifting it up and let out a small laugh.
“Ha, nice.” He chuckled as he looked at your breasts curiously and palmed one with his hand, smiling as he felt the satisfying soft flesh and still flinching a little when he heard your voice.
“Never should’ve bought a weird ass knife off of someone on the Internet.” He mumbled, dropping the shirt again and turning around.
What did this mean? If he was you�� did that mean you were him? He felt your body stiffen with realisation of what this meant. If you were in his body it wouldn’t take you long to figure out that he was Ghostface. But did you even know who he was? He’d been watching you for days, tracking you and stalking you to learn your routine to make killing you a little more fun for him. But you ran in completely different circles, who knows if you’d ever even noticed him?
“Fucking shit!” He shouted angrily and he grabbed the phone off of your bedside table, flipping it open as his eyes scanned through your contacts trying to look for a familiar name of someone you could both have in common.
He relaxed just a little, dropping the phone on the bed and sitting down, running his hand over your face. How was any of this even possible? What the hell was he supposed to do now? Even though it didn’t seem like you had any friends in common, his dorm was full of pictures, videos and that goddamn fucking Ghostface costume, as well as the knife he’d bought only the other day specially to kill you.
He racked his brain for a couple of seconds, thinking. And then it struck him. Nobody would ever suspect you. You were a sweet little thing, incapable of doing what he did to CiCi Cooper a few nights ago. You were kind, popular and sociable. The perfect disguise. In that moment, making your lips turn up into a depraved smile he knew what he had to do.
He had to kill you, then he had to become you.
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cloudyskiiees · 1 day
tdi world tour swap au, but it swaps everybody! :)
(i had this idea a few months ago so im posting it here for the giggles!)
the swaps!
chris and chef
noah and alejandro
heather and sierra
owen and izzy
zeke and dj
bridgette and harold
gwen and cody
lindsay and tyler
duncan and courtney
lashawna is swapped with justin (he is still not in the season!)
i wanna see lashawna and noah hatred. i wanna see lashawna angry that another competitor who uses their looks to sway others appears. give it to me. lashawna who wins all the boys over with her flirty charm, and impresses all the girls with her witty banter and leadership skills.
give me brooding alejandro who is best friends with resident goofball izzy. alejandro desperately wants to hate her, she’s so loud and clingy, but she’s also so genuine it’s hard not to like her! he’s been stuck with her since she helped drag him through the first few challenges in season one!
also noah absolutely despising izzy is rlly funny to me. she constantly calls him “nono” and he wants to strangle her everytime! (he secretly likes her bc he’s still noah, but that also means he’s much more vocal about his annoyances with everyone)
owen is. batshit insane. that’s about all to be said about him. gives constant stories about growing up in a lab and that’s how he can eat almost anything, claims the government is after him. most people believe him.
give me harold whose still incredibly nerdy and smart, but with incredible aura. everyone loves hearing about all the different camps he’s been to, it explains how cool he is! give me weird off putting bridgette that’s constantly infodumping about the ocean and animals. i love her.
PATHETIC DOWN BAD GWEN vs angsty punk cody. oh lord i want pathetic gwen and punk cody. gwen is a silly music prep and cody is an alt heartthrob. help me.
JOCK LINDSAYYYY <3 give me lindsay who is incredible at softball. give me tyler who’s an incredible fashionista. fashion boy x jock girl and they’re both idiots MMM YES
duncan and courtney is a relatively common one but i love them nonetheless!!! delinquent courtney… purple streaks in her choppy hair, constantly breaking the rules of the game. strict class president duncan, who constantly has to keep court from attacking everyone!!!!
i love the concept of zeke being more of a gentle character who adores animals and has terrible anxiety, it feels fitting! give me freak dj. allow the boy to go feral. i wanna see him be a little nuts he deserves it!
give me super tdi obsessed heather, who barely cares about winning. give me bitch sierra, who still knows everything about everyone, but plays a perfect villain because of it. her and noah would actually want to murder each other the whole season!
and chris and chef ofc… give me snarky and witty chef, who takes delight in everyone’s torture. give me chris who reluctantly cooks for the bratty kids, constantly yelling at them and grumbling about being too good for his job. they’re obviously in love.
anyways the possibilities with such a huge swap for everyone so so ehienwjwbejeb i just adore different tdi aus <3
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abouttofillhisshoes · 18 days
Do u think mpind Matty would ever go for a more introverted girl/what would that be like
I feel like it'd be super different but still amazing in its own special way!!
Introverted girlie might not feel all that great at parties, clinging to corners and spending most of the time there watching matty in his element, animatedly chatting to people before noticing the absence of his girl next to him.
Immediately he'd ask if you want to leave/go somewhere else, knowing how stressful large groups of people can be for you. But he is still human after all, and there have been a few fights where he had wanted to stay at the event, but you wanted to go home. You're no stranger to the odd domestic, and it usually ends on a compromise (e.g, you leave in an hour// you go to a different club/party/whatever)
Even if you are a bit more on the introverted/shy side, its still incredibly amusing watching Matty do outrageous things in public, drawing attention to himself and by proximity, you. You eventually do get used to it, but matty notices when you get uncomfortable and cuts it out most of the time, latching on to your side and dragging you away.
There'd be a lot more one on one time, especially at home. Lazy days spent in the sitting room, lounging around for hours kissing, cuddling, fucking. Those are your favourite, bottles of liquor and packets of cigarettes littering the coffee table, ignored by both of you.
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manofthepipis · 8 months
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if another Addison somehow went down the spamton route and become a puppet. Like Clicks or something. The pink one witnesses the horrors.
you know i think about that too however i'm cautious about "role swaps" in fandom cuz i'm so used to like the personalities of characters being swapped rather than the roles that were intended
cuz like spamton is the best target for what happened to him. He's beyond desperate, he's the black sheep, he's smaller and isn't successful, whereas the rest of the addisons are the opposite of those things. If the roles were swapped and another addison got picked, I think they wouldn't fall for what they'd think is a "too good to be true" scam, seeing as they're cons themselves. They may doubt it when they see what happened to spamton, but truly they wouldn't be swayed.
OR in the event of one of the addisons ACTUALLY getting to "big shot"dom, top of the mansion, untold riches, etc, they'd fall back when the irons get too hot (like they wouldn't pursue more knowledge, spiraling into religious insanity, but would just focus on sales and their profit/reputation). That, and if their benefactor left, they'd be able to hold their ground (or at least somewhat) while spamton is destined to crash and burn because he just is a really obvious con and his businesses fail regardless.
like, spamton lost the idea of the value of money, instead favoring the things that can make him [[Big]] like the Soul. As soon as he had everything in the world, he wanted more, and I believe this hubris is unique to him because of how much he stands out. He's never satisfied, and will continue to be unsatisfied until everything that was meaningful to him has lost meaning in the pursuit of something grander.
What would be REALLY messed up is that, if that happens and one of the other addisons is chosen, I still believe spamton would end up failing big time, since he was found at the end of his rope presumably (but this time he doesn't have Heaven as a motivator). Thinking of him being the little white addison in the streets nobody associates with, and he's still doing his whole "garbage living" thing except while relatively sane and still his ol addison self. He's bitter and down on his luck, going to shadier means of making a name for himself, and it's not great to see
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boardthatsinkingship · 2 months
A Warm Reunion:
Wolf and Winter in Sleeping Beauty
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Fairytale Swaps • 2 • 3 • 4 •
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
So This Was A Little More Angsty Than I Recalled...
We’re probably both going to be bruised black and blue by the time this is over, Ezra thinks, blocking a hard swing and throwing it right back. The sun was setting when they started, and it’s nearly dark now.
Sabine’s eyes glow too gold for comfort in the dusky night. Just like he has every day for the last month, he bites his tongue and holds back his questions.
Hera and Zeb won’t tell him about whatever happened to Sabine on Malachor, Kanan and Okadiah are as lost as Ezra is, and if Ahsoka knows anything, she’s not telling. When Ezra brought it up to Mom and Dad, they just told him to be there for Sabine.
He’s been trying.
Sabine has not been cooperating.
So after a month of being there with no success, Ezra gave up and decided that it was time for some non-optional friendship bonding time, but even his best efforts at finding a so-bad-it’s-good holofilm like they used to watch together, even after making some really good movie snacks, all for her, she sulked and complained the whole time, being so—so—infuriating that before he knew it, they were yelling in each others’ faces about tropes.
Ezra stopped yelling, stopped the film, took her by the arm, dragged her outside into the Atollon landscape, and said that they were going to beat the crap out of each other.
(For Mandalorians, sparring is training, recreation, and even courtship. He figured… maybe it would work as therapy, too?)
He doesn’t feel bad about throwing the first punch, because she hit back twice as hard. Ezra thinks his lip is split from a hard hit to the front of his helmet, and Sabine’s knuckles are scraped raw and bloody. They circle each other, slower now than when they started. Her hair has blown out of her braid and sticks to her face in the heat.
It’s a little bit pretty, but now definitely isn’t the right time to think about that.
Sabine rolls one shoulder—he thinks it’s where he landed a decent punch.
“Had enough, tin can?” she demands, but the tension has started to drain from her body and she sounds a little closer to playful than he thought she could ever be again.
“Not if you’ve still got that attitude, wizard girl.”
“You’re gonna regret that,” Sabine warns. She settles into a stance, rocking a little, coiled like a spring.
“Probably,” Ezra agrees.
She draws a breath, and Ezra must have blinked or something, because in the space of an instant, she’s flown at him. He can barely see her in the dark and even the night vision in his helmet doesn’t help.
But he has a split second of advantage. In pure chance, she overextends, and he slams into her, sending them both tumbling through the Atollon dust.
She’s up on her feet again right away—or at least she would be, but Ezra snags her wrist, and drags her back down, flipping over so she’s neatly pinned beneath him.
All he needs is a knife to hold to her throat and it would be a near-perfect replica of the scene in the holofilm that started their stupid fight in the first place.
Sabine doesn’t say anything. She just lies on her back in the dust, looking up at him with the eyes that always seemed to see through his mask, but now they don’t look like they’re seeing anything. He hopes she’s processing her emotions and not disassociating.
Ezra is about to move off of her when something catches his eye, and he brushes some of her hair away from her face. It clings—not with sweat, but with blood. There’s a cut on her cheek.
“Did I hurt you?” he breathes, not sure what he’s even saying, and he draws away.
Flying up, her hand seizes his wrist, gripping painfully tight, even as her sharpening gaze fixes right where his eyes would be.
Ezra swallows dryly. The look she gives him is making him feel a thousand things that he doesn’t really want to sort out, now or ever.
“Sabine?” he asks. “What…”
He trails off. Her thumb slides to the little space between his glove and his sleeve, pulling the cloth back. Never looking away from his face, she pulls his arm up and softly kisses the pulse of his wrist.
“You’re dangerous, Ezra,” she smiles, breath on his skin.
Then, like the Spectre she is, Sabine is gone.
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squuote · 1 year
I think the most I can say bout my swap stanley is that he’s definitely way more chill than the narrator. where the narrator would put in so much thought and care and detail into it, swap stanley just goes with the basic thing. like he would not care about appearance in the slightest. he just picked the first draft he made and called it a day.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
seonhee and sawashiro both being associated with purple's the most evil shit in the world now who the fuck am i supposed to put in my purple card holder
#snap chats#sorry guys im one of those girlies who are super into card holders now </3 esp the ones you can customize </3#highkey i got this cause i wanted to put my school id in it so i didnt have to take my wallet out every time i needed to get in my buildin#BUT ON THE LOWEST OF KEYS I GOT IT TO BE MENTALLY ILL TOO i was obsessed watchin people journal and make cute card holders#i dont get recc'd those vids anymore but i remember watchin em an bein like MAN i wanna do that.... thats so cute..#on the real i think card holder customizing's healthy for me. it helps me learn to use things i buy LMAO#CAUSE WITH STICKERS AND THE SORT I HOARD THEM AND NEVER USE EM#and i always get buyer's guilt even if it's something small so i just think. i have to learn letting go and things not being perfect is ok#YOU BOUGHT IT SO USE IT like those ishin colognes... like the scent'll fade anyway i should use them while i can...#as much fun and therapeutic I Think as this was tho i cant imagine having a need to get another card holder... tragedy..#regardless. this card holder's really cute </3 spoilers it's a kuromi one cause i needed more purple in my room i fuckin guess#the stickers were real cute.. also there was a lil baku... hi baku <3#which leads me back to my problem. '''''''problem''''''' yeah i dont even have a printer here but when i go back to my ma's i wanna be sick#walmart lets you get photos on that GLOSSY PAPER... tempted... anyway no listen to my non problems#cause in my heart i do associate kuromi with seonhee alright it just makes sense. PLUS baku and joon-gi#COUNTERPOINT. HOWEVER. there is no image funnier than slapping a depressed middle aged man who prob has a worryin body count#into a card holder decorated with hearts and sweets and bows with a big ass heart keychain danglin off it. like cmon#big brain move is to print out one pic each of em and just swap em out every other day LOOOL#i just want an excuse to show off the card holder.. i get why people have these now this was fun and cute....#ok bye i think ive been ill enough tonight#i thought i was gonna finish another comm but ☠️ ill just do them tomorrow morning they wont take long..
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battlevann · 4 months
uhmmmmm swap au mutuals how do we feel about drummer or bass player Zacharie
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bloodsoakeddoodles · 6 months
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Food group swap!
#Doodles#Pajama Sam#Florette#Luke Wigglebig#Flukette#'Sup it's been like a year and I'm comin' back atcha with a design swap lol#What if they were each other's type of food! What might that look like!#I think Florette would be cotton candy and Luke would be a radish lol#The only real change would be the nature of their insults lol - Luke is no longer a flathead and Florette no longer a shrub#They're still both delegates and both their same heights and limbs - although I guess now Luke has feet lol#And Florette has a wrapped paper body! Y'know like a cone - what's used for cotton candy at state fairs and the like lol#It's wider than average which also makes it looser - so she can wrap and unwrap herself to act as limbs in place of the jacket I gave her#Luke gets to keep his arms tho! How unfair!#I guess the General did have arms and he was a veggie so it's not like it's unheard of#And like the Ice Cream Cone guy from the S.S.A.M. didn't have arms so! There's precedent on both sides!#Mostly it was just a lot of fun seeing how much I could bring them out in their design while being completely different lol#They've still got the same catty attitude towards each other (and ship as far as I'm concerned cough) lol#But turning Luke's lapels into a leaf collar and giving him more leaves for hands ah! They're really fun to draw actually haha#And cotton candy is already an obvious favourite for me lol#Yes I was imagining her as a blue/pink combo lol I'm very predictable#I guess she could be green :0 Pastel green isn't exactly common but cotton candy can be any colour so#A radish for Luke felt obvious tho lol - pink veggies are a thing! Lean into it#They were both really fun to design and doodle bouncing off each other hehe ♪
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cherry-blossom-qf · 1 year
Me and and my skylander mutuals joined forces to make the best tier list we've made so far...
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Squeal to this post
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