#it's intimate! it's sexual!
werecreature-addicted · 4 months
people are always like "Oh a vampire wouldn't get horny while drinking someone's blood, that's like getting horny while eating a sandwich" and like man have you never had a really good fucking sandwich?
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femmesandhoney · 2 months
"i just want a beautiful girlfriend and to live my life with another lesbian not everything is about sex and vaginas" well i want to eat my future wife out every day we are living very different realities
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pigidin · 2 months
OKAY. Am I the only one fascinated by how much Alastor in s1 has interacted with other demons and built a potential for considerable amount of different, broad and unique relationships? With All of them being non-romantic/sexual?
I really don't wanna dive into the discourse of shipping coz honestly, I do think that erasing Al's aroaceness is not cool at all. Personally, I don't see him wishing any romance/sex at all, and well. Considering how platonic he actually is throughout the season, it kinda seems like people forget that friendship (or basically anything non rom-sex) exists in the first place.
Coz, like, let's see what we got::
Vox -- probably one-sided (psychosexual) crush from Vox with possible past friendship between them, them hating on each other yet having (used to have) some respect as well. The ANGST, the drama (for both of sides). Insert aroace troubles (possible aphobia from Vox? Or not? He may be biggest ally as well!) and Vox's petty feelings that are insanely interesting to explore (and laugh at).
Lucifer -- immediate hate that (with a course of events) can turn into forced bonding. The potential of queerplatonic parenting of Charlie is HUGE here. Insecurities from Al? Forced care? Banters? SHENANIGANS? Luci patching up Al after battle, prolly discovering his deal and them slowly bonding on shared interests? Hey.
Rosie -- literal established queerplatonic partners, married for tax benefits, spending their evenings gossiping, hating on Susan and Al rolling his eyes on another romance-rel drama Rosie was trying to help sb with. Rosie can have insane influence on him whether it is understanding modern things or just being with him when he needs it. It also gives off mom/son to me.
Husk -- fucked up master-pet not-friendship with probable care rooted since they were closer in past. Is it toxic? Yes. Is it giving off some problematic dynamic? Sure. Yet it's fucking complex on its core considering pilot, bits and pieces of their interaction and how easily Husk used to insult Al until he overstepped. Them two are quite similar if you think about it and if Al got over his ego it could benefit him a lot.
Niffty -- daugther/father dynamic with them sharing one sadistic-psycho braincell and genuinely enjoying each other's quirks. Protective Al? I just need more Niff and them two being partners in the most outrageous crimes.
Mimzy -- friendship going since they were humans, with them having an amazing (potential) backstory of sharing evenings on two. Al enjoying her company as well as being protective and helpful to her with nothing in return.
Charlie -- manipulated into trusting you as a dad figure? Don't tell me there is nothing below Al's creepy plans or that he wouldn't grow to care for her. He already is proud of her and finds amusement in her inspiration-skills (also, performance is his thing for a reason)
Angel -- I was honestly kinda upset we didn't see any interactions between them except one sex joke, coz my past era of Hunicasts was a fuel to their duo. Them bonding over how different they are is the best description of their dynamic. Also banters and body-puns.
You can't just erase Alastor from interacting with people, but putting him inside boxes of allonormative relationships while he has such a fucking huge potential for everything beyond just that - is quite.. disappointing. People turning a blind eye to a wide variety of relationships he can have (potential to which is set in canon) for the sake of just romance/sex is low key sad.
It's AWESOME to see ppl actually understanding it and.. damn THANKS to everyone who explores Al's relationship with others without it involving final wish to stick tongues into places. Dynamics can be interesting and exciting without it.
I really don't wanna project my romance-aversion onto Al, but when romance and sex is one thing you see everywhere.. it's hard to just let it slip.
You are allowed to do whatever you want, exploring physical intimacy is fun as well, and having Al, well, there are bunch of ways to show it with respecting his orientation and the fact that IT AFFECTS RELATIONSHIPS/ATTRACTIONS but please just don't make it the center of your attention, the one thing relationship revolves around, coz sadly it's just exactly how it looks like from some folks.
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notchainedtotrauma · 2 years
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eebie · 3 months
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randik-86 · 2 months
Nobody knows me as well as you do,
Indulging my every pleasure,
Knowing every trace of my body,
Every mark, every scar,
Taking your time to find my weaknesses,
Filling me with light feathered kisses,
Undressing me, oh, so slowly,
Allowing me to enjoy every second of this moment,
Accepting my every dark hidden desire,
Playing with your hands on every inch of my curves,
Full exposure of all that you want to see,
Licking your dry lips from the thirst,
You feel for wanting me desperately so...
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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this really does drive me crazy because where are all the people saying dennis doesn't care about mac and is selfish now? he's constantly throughout the episode making sure mac's safe, he's *checking his pulse* while he sleeps to be sure he's okay
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he's looking out for mac the most when mac's not looking. this cannot be explained away in any other way if not that it was an act of love.
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suenitos · 6 months
i was thinking about that. if i had to see me and my admitted soulmate's sexualities be a topic of discussion because people cannot mind their business and felt entitled to knowing every single thing about us, actively using homphobic rhetoric because they refuse to use their eyes
i'd be telling people to cut it off too
like no one jump me for this but can i just say maybeeee some people on twt were moving a little like antis in a way for feeling entitled to knowing about peoples very personal and real relationships with their own sexualities and other people. georgenotfound of all people will never make an hour long coming out video detailing all his trauma and every homophobic experience hes ever had in his life because hes never been the type of person to do that AND HE DOESNT OWE ANYONE THAT INFORMATION! not even dream owes the world anything about personal journey with his sexuality and he has literally discussed it with us multiple times. obviously people will assume and speculate regardless but theres no reason to gossip about it in a space where they can see it in my opinion and in a way that implies they should be forced out of the closet which like. no. no one deserves that type of public pressure just because the genre of coming out youtube video has set the standard for being a publicly out queer content creator or famous person in general
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poppy-metal · 7 months
it truly speaks to their character because in fem!form jordan is so brash and cocksure and you know its because it has to be that way, or they'd get trampled over, so they have to show more teeth that way - n when they're in their masc!form they can be more open about their feelings, especially towards marie, and i figure people they've liked beforehand hand, (that are women) because its just easier that way. to be honest about what they feel and to make a move as a girl, they'd be putting themselves in a position of vulnerability, and that scares them.
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hxnnibxi · 3 months
born to be asexual, forced to be horny all the goddamn time
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sgkjd · 3 months
it bothers me that I cant just say "im gay" or something short and my preferences are clear. no, i have to be like "i do love sex in a recreational way and also rather than romantically, i still do tend to get platonically attached. moreover, i also like to perform behaviors usually associated with romantic attraction but extremely casually, without giving them any special meaning. i look at each relationship in individual light, seek out where mine and another person's needs meet, then seek to fulfill those needs for each other." do u see my problem here. what's the short version of this. or maybe the question i should be asking is how do i introduce relationship anarchy to ppl in a quick and casual-friendly way without getting too philosophical or political.....
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proffbon · 9 months
You fuckers are lucky I don't have Zevran's romance dialogue screenshots in English or I would be here comparing that shit to Astarion's romance dialogue line by line.
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flowersarefreetherapy · 2 months
“I don’t belong to you! I have a master and they’re gonna be really mad if you touch me!”
- sara / @justplainwhump
CW: Noncon touch, noncon kiss, sexually degrading language, begging, pet whump, creepy/intimate whumper
“I don’t belong to, to, to you! I have a master and he’s gonna be, be really mad if you, you, you touch me!” 
The man laughs. Star can’t breathe, the hallway twisting around him. Where is Daniel? Where is his master? Why did he think he could go step out of the party alone? That was stupid, so stupid, of course it was stupid, he’s nothing but a stupid whore, he knows that. 
“Don’t play dumb with me,” the man mutters, his fingers tracing down Star’s face. “Look at you. You’re a good fuck, aren’t you. I know how they train you little sluts. Will do anything I say, right?”
“No,” Star breathes. “No. No! You can’t, my, my, my master won’t allow you.”
The man’s hand slams into the wall next to his head. Star flinches, cowering back against the wall, the wainscoting digging into his back. Hot breath ghosts across his cheek and he swallows back a sob. Pull on the mask, smile like he’s been trained to, behave the way he does for Theodore. The man is right. He is trained to behave for everyone. This is what he’s supposed to do. 
“You smell good,” the man breathes. Star whimpers as he licks his neck, tongue tracing the edge of his jaw. “And you taste even better.”
“Please,” Star whispers. “Please, sir …..”
“Oh, I like that. Say that again, whore.”
Star tries to hold onto his original anger, but it slips between his fingers like grains of sand. Tears burn his eyes. He’s going to cry. What would Daniel do? 
He would fight them. He would be annoying. He doesn’t follow the training. 
. . . But he isn’t loved. If you obey, then you’ll be loved. 
“Please, sir,” he whispers. 
“Good slut.” The man grabs his jaw. “I don’t care what your master thinks. You’re too cute to let go.”
He kisses him, pushing him back against the wall. Star whimpers and brings his hand up to push the man away. If Theodore finds them, he’ll be so unhappy and there’s that specific look he’ll give Star and his heart breaks just at the thought of his master being disappointed. 
“Don’t try that,” the man growls. “Don’t fight back, whore. I know you want this. Now, on your knees.”
Star nods, dropping to his knees with practiced ease. Tears roll down his eyes and his hands shake. He pretends he’s back in his small bedroom, with carpet under his knees, not the hard wood of the hallway. It’s Daniel’s fingers in his hair, playing softly with his curls instead of pulling. It’s Daniel’s soft voice praising him instead of the man’s sharp words. It’s everything he could have if he was stronger, if he had fought back, if he was a fighter like Daniel. 
I’m not a fighter. This is what I was designed for. This is what I’m good for. 
For a moment, the words are enough to calm his racing heart. The mantra is familiar and calming. After all, it’s what everyone has always told him. 
Why would they ever be wrong? 
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rozecrest · 2 months
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taking this as double transgender confirmation
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Oh no! my hand slipped💅
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Chuuyas corruption scars and Dazais s h scars😭
Scroll down for the slightly fuller version
Also let’s ignore that I got lazy and didn’t finish shading🫤
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