#it's so annoying likeeeeee
buffysummers · 5 months
when will the emmys do a buffy cast reunion like bitch I am in your walls!
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around-your-throat · 3 months
the thing that sucks the most is that you will finish the introduction and get half-way through the literature review before realizing the thing you're advocating for is actually just like. a bunch of baseless bullshit
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yioh · 1 year
genshin player’s switch up on sumeru characters will haunt me forever honestly i’ve never seen such a large amnt of people act so utterly fake in such a small period of time😭
#everyone really pretended they cared abt the colourism and racism HNDBDJXBXXJ#sumeru as a whole still makes me feel so uncomfy to this day with the weird ass storyline and colourism and whitening of several characters#but now everyone is just fawning over how sexy al haitham and kaveh are or how cute nahida is like#😭 idk man i can’t stand it#it annoys me soooooooooooo much#even worse how sumeru characters are plastered all over my social media everywhere#the switch up of how big of a deal everyone made the sumeru design reveal to be at the start only for their banners and character popularity#to be some of the highest ones#like . likeeeeee …………..#feels so gross#anyways rant over i’m gonna stay in my lil mondstadt liyue bubble forever lol#not that those nations are perfect either but at least it isn’t tinged with the feeling of disgust towards fans 😭#also the amount of racism and colourism i saw people blatantly show with the release of sumeru was so crazy it makes my skin crawl#anyways i rly hate like 99% of sumeru ships and i don’t get how everyone can just brainlessly enjoy this region’s characters at all#esp when they are all SO white it bugs me to no end in hate it i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#still so disappointed with kaveh’s design especially i think he was my last straw#i was hoping so bad he wouldn’t be some basic white bitch but he came out looking like btec howl PLEASE 🤨#and the way everyone loves him just makes me hate him more lmfaooo#the most basic and boring design in the whole world it makes me feel Nothing at all
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nolavault · 2 years
I will be redoing my blog sometime by next week. Whether I have an Amy Rose layout or a Mozart doatk layout is up to the autism worm inside my mind to figure out.
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shinylights · 1 year
madonna’s speech about people hating on you means you must be doing something right just hits differently hearing how people are shitting on harry after last night…
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campbyler · 10 days
the ppl that complain abt updates are actually so bewildering to me bc im literally 2k words into my fic and it has taken SO LONG 😞 not to mention the fact that no matter how long i wait for your updates, i truly never get bored because i js come on your tumblr everyday to see what you guys have been posting on here and it 100% makes up for the long awaited updates (not that you have anything to make up for anyway) you guys are truly SO incredible for what you do bc i could NEVER 😭 i literally talked to my friend abt ur fic and how the waits are usually long (wasn’t complaining abt it) and she was like “oh my god i could never wait that long for a fic” and i immediately came to your defense and was like “yeah but it’s okay bc the long ass chapters always make up for it and the fact that they post on tumblr almost daily”
prefacing my accidental ramble by saying that if we ever seem disproportionately annoyed at something someone said then it’s definitely because it is not disproportionate to Us!! little comments and things like that add up over time, so it’s rarely about just that one thing someone says and absolutely more of an overarching pattern that gets tiring really fast. and not to dredge everything back up again bc it’s rare that we get someone being super weird and rude outright about longer or delayed update times but we get soooo so many asks or comments etc like the one thea answered earlier which just include little remarks that come off as just passive aggressive and just kind of kill the vibe of getting a really nice message?? very much like “oh i miss when we only had to wait a couple weeks for updates but your fic is so good!” or “this was so good but don’t know how im going to wait months for the next chapter :(“ and just stuff like that which gets pretty frustrating over time, especially when they’re coming from people who blew through a 30k update in like 45 minutes lol. we see so much of this over on twt especially, maybe because we’re not as active there and people are not saying it To Us so they think we don’t see it but there’s also a lot of likeeeeee “i want to start acswy but im Traumatized by authors abandoning their fics so im just waiting until they’re done” or “i want to catch up but the update intervals are so long😭” and that sort of thing which is also just kind of frustrating to see come up over and over again, esp bc sometimes people have actually said that to us? like in our inbox??? for some entirely unknown reason??? like why are you telling us on this blog that you don’t want to read our fic until it’s done. good luck getting through 500k in one sitting then idk what to tell you 🤷🏽‍♀️
anyways all that to say thank you so much for your message of support it’s very much appreciated! sometimes the demands (even if they’re said as a joke) and little side comments that are slipped into really nice messages can def make us feel like our readers see as us people who are putting out a product and not people who are just trying to share a passion project with our little corner of the internet, but we also know that most of you are not like that and especially the people who regularly interact w this blog and send in asks and comments are so lovely! thank you for coming to our defense 🫡
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florsial · 3 months
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did u have any fun thoughts today??
ALSO i got a pair of hightop sneakers(first pair everrr ive been asking for literal years :b) and i need help decorating them like all the cool people do lollll........do you, as a cool person wanna help🥺 plssssss
IM ALL GOOODDDD JUST WAITING FIR MY DAD (so it might take me a bit to respond) TO PICK ME UPPPP HOW ABOIT U????
WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (guys Dee is talking to me!!!!!!)
The only thing I’m actually thinking about it just Headcannons and marauders thoughts (I missed my math lecture for it lollllll)
I am not the person to be asking for decor on shoes pls I’m sorry baobei 😭😭😭 I literally just slap stars and constellations on them
But likeeeeee if u want stars and constellations thennnnn I suggest Cassiopeia or the Northern Crown since they are pretty easily and Cassiopeia is the Queen so like ✨✨✨✨ u can prob sew them one, Ive thought about doing that to my shoes haven’t tried though
My minds a lil mushed rn so I’m not too much of help sorryyy!!!! 😅😅
Hope ur having a lovely dayyyy <333333333
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something something about the fact that at the very beginning before the test started lucie hateddddd emmy (emi? how do u spell her name. the kid) and like. we had that whole scene about the water and she was so annoyed by her etc etc . and then lucie fucking dies protecting her. im SO UPSET. also jeffrey is STILL only at 1hp im so afraid for him
LIKEEEEEE I'M SO DISTRAUGHT. I AM UPSET. BAGHERA REALLY MADE HER CHARACTER HATE EMI AND THEN GO THROUGH THIS WHOLE ARC AND IN THE END LUCIE DIED FOR EMI TO LIVE. SHE WAS INSANE FOR THAT. Benito too, have you seen how he keeps holding Emi's hand now??? and just doesn't let go??? they started off as "big stupid" and "little stupid" and now Benito is going to keep her safe so Lucie doesn't die in vain. can you hear me
ohh jeffery bacon my shining star <3 one hp and a dream babey!!!! have you gotten to the gay ass moment where he's bandaging diego's wounds and calls diego his little puppy. have you gotten there. it's so silly. they are witnessing the horrors but the sillies persist <3
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nhularin · 10 months
what are the blogs you are most closest to?
my number ones!
flo @neighborhae i love her sm shes so cute and makes me happy :(( we only know each other for literally less than a week but our connection is insane! my sugar free blueberry muffin!
rim @luvistqrzzz we used to talk a lot more but i SUCK at replying and keeping conversations going but! rim makes my day 120492010x better with her msgs and i appreciate our friendship so much
kei @misokei kei is the ying to my yang ok!!! i always admired her (dont ask why) and the moment we talked i just went 😵‍💫❤️🔥 love u pookie wookie schnoopie
deni @cha3w0n-hearts OMG DENIIIIIIII shes like a little annoying (lovingly) sister to me likeeeeee shes so funny (i love roleplaying with U sm)
coco @enluv COCO I MISS UUUUU 😭 her fics are amazing and shes the nicest and best!!!
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fruitys · 1 year
i think my friends should go to jail for moving to twitter and making me get on there too cus that is the most toxic and ugly platform to this day likeeeeee every single person on there is so extremely annoying
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
Hello it is too late for me to be up but I just rewatched Bambi and I am having thoughts about Steve and Bucky as children. Like! Steve being younger than Bucky! Bucky remembering meeting Steve when he could barely sit up. Bucky with his whole host of sisters, juuuust old enough to take being the oldest seriously. Helping Steve learn to walk, even if he only did it himself a few years ago. Helping to teach him how to talk! Hearing him speak Irish to his ma! Bucky’s whole host of sisters following him around town after school like ducklings, and he absolutely dotes on all of them (except when they’re annoying, he’s still a little boy too). Just them as kids being adorable and knowing that they know each other their whole lives! Bucky gets these memories back eventually! Memories even steve doesn’t have because steve was 2 and bucky was 4 and Bucky goes all soft realizing that he still knows his sunshine boy all his life. Everything is soft and cute and nothing hurts. That’s it this is consuming my mind
Cuz the fact that Steve is younger than Bucky is something that's strangely important to me. Especially when considering that they were a grade apart. LIKEEEEEE
-A third grade Bucky waiting outside the second grade classrooms for Steve after school
-Bucky looking up from his work to see blond hair peeking into the classroom door window and asking to go to the bathroom so he could see what Stevie needed and finding Steve in the hallway all teary eyed because some other kids were being mean and he just wanted Bucky
-A third grade Steve getting frustrated in class and acting out, then hiding because he's scared of the teacher and they end up needing to get Bucky from the fourth grade classrooms to coax him out
-Bucky helping Steve with his homework
Just,,, GOD idk it's oddly important to me. I think it's really sweet to consider. And I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF BUCKY HAVING MEMORIES THAT STEVE DOESN'T BECAUSE STEVE WAS TOO YOUNG TO REMEMBER THEM. Just them being attached at the hip.
But also as they grow older, Steve sometimes thinking that Bucky's definitely older, but he feels like he's grown up faster. Because his dad was mean and his ma got really sad sometimes, so Steve had to be sort of like an adult in the house and cook dinner and hug his ma when she was real sad and clean and stuff, and he doesn't wanna admit it, but sometimes he gets real jealous, because Bucky gets to be a kid at home and he wants to be a kid, too. And he never knows how to tell the adults in his life that when they call him an "old soul" it makes his stomach hurt, because he doesn't feel so old and wise. He just feels tired. So there's this odd dichotomy of Bucky being older, but Steve growing up faster. Idk all of it just consumes my mind. I feel you.
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gardenerian · 2 years
#i could write an entire essay on that 7th gif
What would your thesis statement be?
j/k, not assigning you hw based on some tags XD
(unless you do want to expand on the topic)
please always assign me homework based on my tags, it is a hobby of mine to do Too Much and be Very Annoying about it 😇
so like. okay. the basic thesis statement would be that this moment is a TRAGEDY, alongside 3x06, 3x12, and 5x10. it is a moment of lost opportunity for them and could have changed the trajectory of this episode. 
here is ian’s face when he says you’re not free. it’s a face we’ve seen pretty often this season. hardened, intense, rigid. so sure of his convictions and certain he’s doing the the Right Thing.
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but then..... mickey says the makes me free line heard around the world and we immediately get this face! unguarded, surprised, moved, and - afraid? this is a face we have not seen from ian so often this season. it almost mirrors the face when mickey pulls him out of the house after the kenyatta ordeal.... like he’s on the edge of understanding that something’s not right.
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then he has this series of expressions - where it’s like he’s about to say something? he’s searching mickey’s face and opening his mouth before shutting it again.... it’s so brief, but it’s like something is bubbling up there. he wants to say something and the shift in energy rolling off of him is SO STRONG.
instead of the constant move move move fight fight fight go go go energy... it just? he deflates a bit. he looks tired, he looks frightened. he looks like he wants mickey to take him home. i am not sure he’d admit HEY I THINK I’M BIPOLAR bc i don’t think he’s there yet.... but i feel like he could have been on the edge of saying that something’s going on. 
that mickey also makes him free from whatever is happening to him. that mickey makes him free after whatever did happen to him while he was away. that he’s so in love it scares him, that he’s afraid of losing mickey while he’s feeling so strange. that maybe he’s feeling out of control. or he doesn’t want mickey’s dad to take away what they have, especially now.
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and it’s like mickey thinks something might be about to change as well? ian takes a big breath and mickey puts his hand on his shoulder. a bracing little rub because he sees this shift in ian. he knows that ian needs something solid and comforting. like he wants ian to know that despite all this hiding, he’s here for him!!! he sees him and will hear him!!! and then iMMEDIATELY the door busts open and ian’s angry again.  
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everyone has seen the change in ian this season - we get some insight that ian might sense it too, but ian hasn’t said anything about it. other than “tons of energy”/”i quite smoking” etc... like he hasn’t come outright and said that he feels WRONG. i think the last few episodes of the season see ian starting lose the “fun” of mania and start to get a little scared. i wonder if it was like that with the helicopter situation. 
anyways. i really feel like this tiny moment was tragic because i think it could have changed things - maybe not drastically, but i feel like ian was on the verge of expressing something. fear or pain or need. he might have been more willing to go home and wait for mickey had they had just a few more moments of conversation. we don’t even hear him admit something’s wrong until the end of the next season. after this TINY moment of vulnerability, it’s bottled back up. and it makes me INSANE! 
ultimately i think mickey was destined to come out - that this moment, like those other moments, was probably always going to be ripped away from them. but DAMN if cam’s tiny little facial expression’s don’t make me want to scream into a pillow 😭
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1eos · 1 year
ik victims of europe's conquest are pit against each other purposefully to prevent banding together against our collective enemy so i try to not get heated over it but it is still annoying 😭 likeeeeee last i checked it was not black spainards conquistadoring it up. kinda hard to oppress and pick cotton at the same time like how my ppl conquered yours when we weren't allowed off the plantation 🤨
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borathae · 1 year
hi, it's the anon who said they were going to binge read SA.
oc was annoying like if they've locked him up, deal with it. like you've known him for what? 5 months? and she thinks she knows him better than Sanguis LIKEEEEEE ain't no way.
btw im starting mv now, lowkey scared.
Istfg she is so loyal to the people she loves 🥺 she really said "imma fight for you because nobody else does" and I love her for that 🥺😔
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mish-tique · 9 months
Martian anon back here 😅 okay so, I don't know if I can still prompt some ships for the kinktober but I have a little list. Feel free to either ignore me or just take one of them. So here's my list 😅 :
- Day 3 Hate sex, 3344 set during the 2021 season and they have this whole hate sex thing going on. Not really hate sex but close enough. Until Abu Dhabi where really it is hate sex and if Lewis at first tries to get back at Max for the victory and the title that got robbed from him, he ends up fuck by Max as a comfort sex moment. (I don't know if I'm clear but you can ask me if I'm not.)
- Day 8 Breeding for Charlos. Charles has breeding kink and he wants to fill Carlos, watch him take every last drop of him. Mark him as his.
- Day 6 dub con with Charlos again 😅 kinda self explanatory here I think. But maybe if you need a specific context, something along the lines of Charles being angry so angry with Carlos about Silverstone 2022 and thus prompting this dub con? Or maybe consensual dub con as a kind of roleplay/R*pe fantasy.(censoring the word because it can be triggering but in no way its a way to shame people who indulge in this fantasy. It's more common than people think).
- Day 2 role play with Nortrell? Maybe them role-playing as pirates or kings or something?
And I think it's all. I hope it's not too much 🧡🥰
HIIIIIIIIIII omg martian anon at this point i was feeling bad because i had to reject you ( or well. deny you ) this many times already and even now some. but. ok. let me tell you that i have to skip day 3 (hate sex filled with lestappen) and day 8 (filled twice, actually, because i know no limits) BUUUUUUUUUT. I can finally tell you yes some more.
dub con with charlos (and kind of dark? for the new ones, dark romance automatically comes with the warning that it romantizes the shit out of not okay things, the actual fic would come with a whole addendum of trigger warnings); okay so. i was thinking. carlos and Charles are out somewhere, for whatever reason, even though they're annoyed with each other. charles is actually mad at carlos, because carlos sr has been an ass and the season isn't going how it should be going and how the fuck is carlos that bad at accepting a place as second driver because it should be an amazing thing to accept in ferrari. well. they kind of end up tipsy. like very tipsy. and that's how Charles discovers that carlos can be even more touchy than he normally his. and well. if he falls into it with open arms, and maybe ends up being a tiny bit rougher than he normally is, well he can blame it on the alcohol, no?
also. nortrell and roleplaying; im so for it!! howEVERRRR. we are gonna need something more. do we want one of them to be spoiled and treated right and thus the king roleplay. do we want one of them to feel wanted and thus a pirate roleplay where one is a pirate and the other is the searched for treasure? likeeeeee
thank you so much for sticking with me even though i had to tell you no so many times dksghdsg
link to how the kinktober prompt list has been filled so far!!
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jinkicake · 1 year
I think the mean men are taking rotations in my head,,,, bc now it’s Lucifer turn😞😞 I heard this dude on Tiktok do like a seep voice thirst trap and I literally was weak in the knees!! Like I was imagining Lucifer behind me and I folded like origami 😭 like pls I was pulling for scara today🙂 but it was something like “ surely you don’t think your own fingers can bring you as much pleasure as I can? Imagine how deep inside you they could reach; you seem distracted should I assist?” And I was on the floor gasping for air bc he does have nice hands😩like honestly the 5”5 men have been dragging me so I forgot I had a size kink so this tall asf man letting me sit in his lap and I can lean I to him like a beanbag 😔💦 like he would talk directly into my eardrums and it would be over for me like if he really wanted mc to behave he could have just seduced me ngl Belphegor can stay up there🥰🥰 but also seeing that my beloved wanderer is not as easily aggravated as he was before is SO great bc I can be the one to agitate him🤭 like he’s trying to start his redemption arc snd not beat people up; but there’s me to annoy him every step of the way. 100 would steal the gnosis to give it back to him bc ik there not gunna give it to Ei and wtf is that little napkin flavor baby gunna do?? Shes on house arrest!! He’s bit evil so give it back!! Behaving like a menace for dick>>>> like if him or Lucifer aren’t under my tree wtf was Christmas for??
omgggggg.... i've been waiting for this for so long. I knew lucifer would make an appearance, I just had to be patient!
you need to forget those anemo clowns and get a real demon! not a 5'0 puppet!!!!! (heheh just kidding xiao, you're not a clown!) speaking of puppet, have you pulled scaramouche yet? how many wishes have you spent T T I LOVE his playstyle like WHy did they give him the ability to fly because he's now the best character like he's so damn fun
no literally like if lucifer showed me an ounce, a mere pinch, of affection then Belphie would have stayed up in the attic until I died likeeeeee i'll be lucifer's little snitch for my whole life! his good human! if that is what it takes for some lucifer cawk!
also yeah i dont hate his redemption arc (i cant believe im saying that) omg i saw a video of scara in someone's teapot and he's SO sweet, so kind. he is not helping my delusional yandere scara addiction likeeeee yes i want him to be nice and kind to me while still being a complete psycho to others </3 you can hide me away forever! you know what's best, scaramouche!
no bc i'll literally kick nahida's ass like send that little archon flying across the room so i can give the genosis back to scara... i don't want to see him cryingggg HSDIUFHADSIJ SHE IS A NAPKIN FLAVORED BABYYYYYFSDF LITERALLY
yeah i would act completely fucking dumb for lucifer cawk if that pleases him.... if that is what it will take to get him under my tree.... i want scara in my stocking!
[O.M.G. also... why have we NOT as a society (society being you and me LOL) talked about how good dilucs jpn va is. LIKE i was playing w him today bc i wanted to hear giorno and his va went to work like i kick my feet and giggle every time i do his burst andddd KAEYA TOOOOO like today i played JUST w kaeya and diluc to hear their vas...... it had my heart racing! their voices make them ten times hotter like omggg hottest characters in the game (itto and ayato-gaara look the other way]
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