#it's the tegg of course
daily-grian · 2 years
Can Mod Owl please draw Grian sitting on an egg like a mama bird 🥺
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big egg! big egg!!!
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mochiwrites · 18 days
thoughts on secret husbands!grian in s8 being the first to defeat the ender dragon for tegg?was he only doing it for the egg or did he want to try doing it to get over the fear? did he bring scar with him?
oh that’s a good question ;w;
it was a mix of both wanting the egg and wanting to get over the fear. throughout season seven he and scar went to the end a lot together so that grian could get used to being there and not worrying about the watchers. and it helps somewhat, that exposure with someone who’s his safe place
when season eight rolls around, grian attempts the end alone. scar is nowhere near prepared for it yet, and grian doesn’t want his accident prone husband dying by mistake. so he goes alone! and he’s actually okay. he beats the dragon and his hands are a bit shaky but? he gets the egg. and he goes home
when he realizes that he really did it, by himself to boot, he’s rushing right over to where scar is set up. flies right into him in his happiness, which of course sends the two of them right to the ground. scar ends up on the floor with an arm and lap full of happy husband, and when grian tells him that he did it, scar gives him this impossibly bright and sweet smile, brimming with pride <3
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dailygrumbot · 1 year
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Day 55: Family Tree Part 2 (with Part 1)
Part 1 was posted along with another post, so it could have been missed, hence why it is here. More parts will come, but that's when it gets complicated (as all the Hermits count as family). Rambling More info below!
(And reminder I made a discord to talk about the bots)
Remember this is about the characters and not the actual people since, y'know, the bots aren't really real (no matter how much that would be nice). But some of the actual people are on tumblr, and if there is some design element that makes them uncomfortable, please do say something!
I couldn't fit as many words as I would like, and some details got a little lost summarizing, so here's some of that extra context.
I know one common fact that's gone around is that Mumbo joined season 2 when he was still 17 or so. Character wise, Mumbo's bio family is out of the picture and joining as a minor of sorts needed some parental or guardian permission, so Xisuma essentially legally adopted Mumbo to make it easier.
Evil Xisuma would technically be a Great Uncle, but he insists on just being referred to as an Uncle, at least by Tegg. [Insert: I've only had [character] for 5 minutes meme].
I made Pearl's eyes pearlescent! And gave little star freckles! But otherwise Grian and Pearl being siblings is more found family than actually being related, but they call each other siblings.
Speaking of... Jimmy! Grian's lovingly bullying of Jimmy has major sibling vibes. I like to jokingly say they're soulmates, but not in the 'oh we are meant to be together, the universe says so' but more 'No matter what the situation is, even if technically the two shouldn't know each other, they do, and it's to annoy one another.' Soulsiblings if you will. Just, look at the entire interaction when the Hermits went to Empires and Grian found Jimmy.
NPG!!! He cameoed in the previous art piece. A pre-hermitcraft classic! He's in hels now with Evil Xisuma and the hels hermits. Grum isn't 100% sure if NPG and EX are friends, or if it's a low key hostage situation. In which case EX would be the hostage. NPG is sort of violently friendly.
Finally Grumbot Prime and Emperor Grumbot. Grumbot Prime is of course the alternate universe Grumbot that came from the rift. Grum worries about the fact that he wasn't successful getting Mumbo to be mayor while this alternate did. Meanwhile Emperor Grumbot wasn't exploded. Well he was, but got better and now just lives in Empires. (I mean this whole thing is sort of an au since Grum and Jrum aren't in s9, and tegg never hatched, etc etc, so empires is a lil changed as well.) Oh also Jrum doesn't just 'want' the crown, he just tries stealing it when he can. It is shiny. He want. Gib.
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prismadog · 2 years
you guys wanna see Grian with the dragon egg?
of course you do! and don't try to say different because who wouldn't want to see Grian with his Tegg? nobody, that's who.
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here he is! Grian with the Tegg, or more specifically Dragon Mom Grian :)
details about the design plus close-ups below the line!
design details:
Grian's wings are dark in color because since getting the Tegg, his Watcher magic transformed his wings to be more Void-like. most people draw him with dragon wings [which is totally cool!] but I decided to stick with feathered wings because I like his fluffy feathers more.
Grian has the classic dark eyes, though I chose to make them more purple instead of black to match the wings. his eyes also have speckles in them to better reflect the Void.
his hair also has speckles in it for no reason other than I like giving characters hair speckles. his hair is a little different from how I normally draw it because I was trying to play with gravity [idk how well that worked] he also doesn't have the braid that Watcher!Grian does [I kinda really like the braid but I left it out because this is Dragon Mom Grian, not Watcher!Grian]
I tried a couple new brushes to give his sweater and his jeans a bit of detail - the sweater I used a "cloud" brush set at a darker red to try to give it a slightly old/worn look; and I used a "gauze" brush set to a dark grey to give his jeans that classic denim look.
I didn't really know what to do for his shoes so I went with converse. I've seen a lot of people draw him with converse, but mostly just bird feet [wonderful design choice to make him more bird-like, but I didn't feel like struggling to draw bird feet so I gave him shoes instead]. I chose a pair of multi-colored high-tops because I like colors and I like high-tops.
the Tegg has both purple splotches and colorful speckles - I wanted the Dragon Egg to reflect the Void, just like it does in-game. the Tegg is actually the inspiration for Grian's wing colorization.
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1) the Tegg: here you can get a nice lovely close-up of the speckles and the splotches that make up the surface of the Tegg. it took quite awhile to figure out how to get it to look like the Void, but I got there eventually. I absolutely love the speckles! I used purple/pink since the egg has purple spots, then I added blue/green to make it more space-y/Void-y. 2.1) Grian's Hair: I went through several iterations before deciding on the tone of the hair speckles - I didn't want them too over-powering so I went with a base of warm colors and then added just a sprinkle of pink/purple to match the rest of the design. 2.2) as for his eyes, I debated on whether or not to add the speckles and in the end, I added them because 1) why not? and b) speckles are awesome. also, the speckles kind of give him a not-completely-human kinda vibe [though that could just be me thinking that] 3) the shoes: the colors for these are actually a nod to my Watcher Grian design, or more specifically, the Watchers Gren and Lue. there's not much reason for the choice other than I was too lazy to choose other colors. Dragon Mom Grian and Watcher Grian are from different aus and are two separate entities so there's no correlation other than a lazy artist. 4) the Void wings: speckles! speckles galore! he has not only purple splotches but also dark speckles, the same purple/pink speckles that his eyes and the Tegg has, but also blue/green speckles to not only add contrast but to also match the Tegg.
Fun Fact #1: the Tegg is the reason why Grian's wings changed colors, and also why he has speckles in his eyes. somehow, someway, it has something to do with his Watcher magic/abilities, idk how...yet.
[not-so-fun?] Fun Fact #2: Grian hated that his wings changed to match the Tegg. the colors remind him of his time with the Watchers and any reminder of that is bad - very very bad.
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whatwh · 2 years
Watcher!Grian Story Start
It's been a long day. Grian thought as he picked up the remains of last life. The season officially ended after today's session, he should be good for a little while. They should stay off his back. It's the most entertaining he can be while still making sure it's consensual. He changed the memories of those who agreed, he made sure they knew it was a game, gave them the innate feeling that it wasn't the end. The majority of them said they had fun after. Those who didn't were mostly just upset over their final deaths. He even was a player. He was hiden of course, but he wanted to make sure that if it got bad enough he would know to end it. You would think that after he left he would simply be free. But no. He knows better than that. He needs to keep the Watchers occupied, so they don't start hunting for their own entertainment. He Knows that he's better than most of them at memory altering, something that he had to put a lot of practice into. So he is able to safely put everyone in their servers with minimal admin interference. Then he goes home.
His main build still isn't finished yet, but the starter home is still quite comfortable. He can't sleep though. He's going over every last detail to make sure the hermits don't know and that the watchers can't find him. The sheep are bleating from the wool farm though. He hears hermits in the distance, Impulse working on the Boatem hole. He hears the swish of his hammock, on the outer ring of his Nest bed. Plus he is pretty exhausted, he doesn't have to do full wipes often, let alone for so many people. He can close his eyes for a bit. 
Grian woke up to a banging on his door. As he climbs out he grabs a blanket and drapes it over his wings, half to hide their puffiness and half because the blanket is soft. As he opens the door he is met by Mumbo. 
“Where have you been! You were meant to meet me this morning!”
“Sorry, I must have slept in. Can we talk now?”
“How long did you sleep? It's almost 7!”
“Sorry, Sorry. Wanna walk and talk?”
“All right, so what was this idea of yours?”
“To put it simply, a gigabase. You're the first person I'm talking to though so don't get your hopes up.”
The duo walked around bottom as they talked, gaining a third and a fourth as they considered the idea. As they wander through, so does the topic of conversation. From the blanket around Grian’s shoulders, to The Teggs placement, the topic makes its way to the upcoming MCC.
As Grian speaks, he can't help but get a bit uncomfortable. Everyone knows the stories of the Dream SMP, some of the best PVP players and A Hardcore Legend would be enoung to cause son=me comments, but its the stories about that place that cause the real problems. Wars with child soldiers, Manipulators in a constant fight for power, and XD. One of the most well known, high ranking, and powerful watchers who has taken the Server as their Domain. Grian Doesn't like thinking about XD, Drista, or his “Distant Family.” He has yet to tell anyone, mostly because he fears XDs reaction. Grian has done all he can for those children. He can't be blamed if it's not well received. Last time he tried to convince them to go to Hermitcraft, just for a little while, they almost called Dream on him. The disciple of XD would have identified him easily, things would have gotten even worse for Tommy. And him.
“-ian? Grian!” Mumbo waved a hand in front of Grian’s face.
“Huh? Sorry I got a bit in my head.”
“Fair, It is super late. I was just saying Goodnight, Though I dont youll be getting sleep anytime soon, considering you just woke up.”
“Alright, Goodnight! Talk more next week?”
Boatem agreed and, with a short flight, grian was back in his hammock, Weighted blanket on his stomach and pillows surrounding him. It took very little time to fall asleep.
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barlekhait · 1 year
Cheshire East education and culture
Cheshire East is a unitary authority located in the North West of England. It encompasses a diverse range of towns and villages, and when it comes to education and culture, Cheshire East offers a variety of opportunities and institutions.
Cheshire East has a strong education system with a range of educational institutions catering to students of all ages. Some notable educational institutions in the area include:
1. Cheshire College - South & West: Cheshire College is a further education college with campuses in Crewe, Ellesmere Port, and Chester. It offers a wide range of vocational courses, apprenticeships, and professional training programs. The college provides opportunities for both school leavers and adult learners to develop skills and pursue further education.
2. Universities in the Vicinity: While Cheshire East does not have its own universities, it is well-connected to nearby institutions. The University of Chester and Staffordshire University have campuses within reasonable commuting distance, offering a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines.
3. Primary and Secondary Schools: Cheshire East has a network of primary and secondary schools that provide education to children and teenagers. These schools follow the national curriculum and work closely with the local education authority to ensure high standards of education and support for students.
Cheshire East boasts a rich cultural heritage and offers a range of cultural and recreational activities. Some highlights include:
1. Historic Landmarks: Cheshire East is home to several historic landmarks and stately homes. Examples include Tatton Park, a grand country estate with beautiful gardens and a mansion, and Lyme Park, known for its Elizabethan mansion and extensive parkland. These sites provide opportunities for visitors to explore history, architecture, and natural beauty.
2. Cultural Events and Festivals: Cheshire East hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year. The Nantwich Jazz, Blues & Music Festival and the Royal Cheshire County Show are popular annual events that showcase music, arts, and local traditions. The region also hosts food and drink festivals, agricultural shows, and community celebrations.
3. Performing Arts: Cheshire East has several theaters and performance venues. The Crewe Lyceum Theatre, The Victoria Theatre in Stoke-on-Trent (near the Cheshire East border), and the New Vic Theatre are known for hosting a range of performances, including plays, musicals, and live music events.
4. Museums and Galleries: Cheshire East is home to various museums and galleries that showcase local history, art, and culture. Examples include the Nantwich Museum, the Brindley Water Mill in Congleton, and the Warrington Museum & Art Gallery (near the Cheshire East border). These institutions provide insights into the region's heritage and artistic achievements.
5. Natural Beauty: Cheshire East is blessed with picturesque countryside, including parts of the Peak District National Park and the Cheshire Plain. The area offers opportunities for outdoor activities, such as walking, cycling, and exploring nature reserves like Delamere Forest and Tegg's Nose Country Park.
Cheshire East's education institutions and cultural attractions contribute to its cultural fabric, offering opportunities for learning, artistic expression, and community engagement. The combination of historical landmarks, cultural events, and natural beauty make Cheshire East an appealing destination for residents and visitors alike.
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loud-whistling-yes · 2 years
... So, turns out I did end up writing a part 2 to the oneshot after all, considering im pretty sure red techno anon has now birthed a new au. hooray...?
@wildcardjoey good morning! this thing is 2400 words long. god help me.
(tagging people last i knew wanted a part 2: @parchmentengineer @dragongobrr @carbonated-roses @sunny-is-in-the-void @offcameras @cc3204 ​)
Edit: now available on Ao3! 
“The fuck are you people doing down there?” Tommy hollered, voice echoing down the canyon. The group — five people, he counted, all looked up to him.
“Watch your language!” One of them shouted back, and Tommy snorted, a grin creeping up his face.
“Dick!” He cupped his hands and yelled down at them. “Ass! Fuck! Shit! Bitch! Cock! Dick, dick, dick, dick-”
The one with the red helmet and a stupid backpack stomped their foot. He burst out laughing. Oh well, things were getting a little boring around his house anyways, he could use some entertainment.
“How did you get here? Pretty sure this server is private or some shit. Y’all just gonna-”
“Why won’t he stop swearing.” Grian complained through gritted teeth. Pearl laughed. 
“You’ve challenged him into a battle. I don’t think you’re gonna win anytime soon.” She grinned, studying the funny boy up the canyon. He had blond hair, tied into a short and messy ponytail behind him, and was that a butterfly clip in his hair? Around his neck was a faded green bandana over a white t-shirt with sleeves as red and loud as his voice was.
The boy squinted. At least, Pearl was pretty sure he was squinting — it’s hard to tell from the distance. 
“You guys need a rope to get out? No one dug a staircase down yet.” He hollered at them. 
“We’ll be fine, thanks!” Grian replied, pulling off his dummy suit. The rest did the same. Pearl stretched her wings. Hers were nowhere as bulky as Grian’s or Impulse’s bird and demon wings, but moth wings are unfortunately a lot less foldable than theirs. The hard backpack Scar made for her might’ve saved her wings from tearing, but wow was her back sore.
Impulse raised an eyebrow, eyeing Grian’s head. “Grian, buddy... looks like your horns got bigger...”
Grian looked over to him, hands reaching up to touch the side of his head, before humming in amusement. Ever since he first got the Tegg at the start of Season 8 (wow, that felt like ages ago) little horns had poked out from the top of his head. They grew horrendously slowly throughout the season. In fact, Pearl was pretty sure his horns barely grew over an inch over the course of six months? Now though, his horns curved up from his hair, much more similar to Impulse’s than before. It must’ve grown at least an inch- no, two inches since their escape.
How long had they been in the void?
“Your wings are changing too,” Mumbo pointed out, gesturing at his molting wings. Grian’s red-yellow-blue feathers of a parrots’ scattered in a mess on the ground, his wings currently in awkward patches of black and the old colours. He unfolded one of the limbs, revealing that the wing was almost completely covered in black scales, turning purple at the tips. Small clumps of parrot feathers clung stubbornly onto the leathery skin, refusing to come off no matter how hard he shook. 
It was silent for a moment. Even Grian himself stared in shock.
“Holy shit, you people have wings?! Where the fu-”
“Grian, when did you have dragon wings?!”
“I mean-” Grian squeaked, everyone electing to ignore the screaming teen above them- “They were molting a bit on the last week before the moon big thing happened, but I thought it’d take forever for them to change completely, not-” He turned his backpack upside down, an impressive amount of brightly-coloured feathers were dumped onto the floor- “this!”
“Well, we did spend like a week’s time floating through the void.” Scar scratched his head. “Maybe that kicked off your dragon puberty?”
“Scar, I love you, but never put those two words together like that ever-”
“Are you guys gonna come up or what?”
“Coming!” Impulse replied for the rest, stretching his own wings. “Grian, you take Mumbo and I take Scar?”
“Sure,” Grian shrugged, trying one last futile attempt at patting off the last of his feathers before grabbing onto Mumbo by the armpits, Impulse did the same with Scar. Elytras were banned on the ship to save space in the suits. Unfortunately, that meant that both Mumbo and Scar will probably have to rely on Grian and Impulse for the foreseeable future. Pearl wished she could help, but alas, having wings as thin as paper was not suitable for carrying the weight of more than one person (she tried it with Gem once; it took her respawning to fix that nasty tear through the back). 
Grian flapped his wings. Once, twice, and the two of them lifted up into the air. Then Grian titled to his side with an awkward turn and before they knew it there was a sharp yelp and Mumbo was back on the ground with Grian collapsed onto him. 
“You guys sure that you don’t need help?”
“I’m fine,” Grian grumbled, pulling himself and Mumbo up. Pearl turned to the blond boy up the crater and gave him a thumbs up, laughing awkwardly. 
“I think the feathers are throwing me off-balance..” Grian dusted himself off, yanking at one of his feathers before hissing in pain when it stayed on the leathery skin. He massaged the area he pulled at, probably regretting his decision. 
He flapped his wings again, testing his flight abilities. Once, twice, thrice, he was well over their heads by now, the wind sending the feathers he dumped on the ground flying as well — then he took a sudden swerve right. Pearl ducked as he crashed onto the floor yet again, feathers fluttering back onto the ground and over him. 
“I could’ve braided the goddamned rope needed to get you guys out by now with the time you’re taking to fly.”
Pearl giggled, watching as Mumbo pulled Grian off the floor, dusting off his feathers in the process. She cupped her hands, yelling at the general direction above her. “We’re stuck, could you go get the rope?”
The boy sprinted off, presumably to get the aforementioned rope. 
“If dragon wings are anything like demon wings,” Impulse chuckled, folding his own wings back down, poking at Grian’s scales. “Then you’ll have to wait till all those feathers drop before you can fly again. They’re really fussy about balance.”
Grian groaned, wings folding out and raised fully like they do when he gets distressed. Back when his wings were feathered they would’ve puffed up as well just to get the point across. Now though the remaining strands of feathers stood up awkwardly amongst the unfazed dragon scales — it was quite a pathetic sight to be honest. 
“The horns took forever to grow out,” Grian complained, head in his two hands. “How long is shedding a few damned feathers gonna take?”
“Oi!” The voice Pearl had begun to grow accustomed to echoed down the crater, interrupting their current conversation. The boy from earlier returned, hand full of a large bundle of rope. Beside him was another person, dragging a hammock behind him.
The person- what were they, actually? They looked almost translucent, as if light went through them without any acknowledgement from their part. They wore black-and-white all over, cloak floating and fluttering in odd ways unlike the wind would do. Even their skin was black-and-white, split down the middle, and they were tall, taller than the other boy by a head, if Pearl had to hazard a guess. 
They turned to the boy, nodding as he seemed to give them some instructions, before he turned away and disappeared from the ledge with one end of the rope with him. The person sat down, taking the rope with one hand and the other holding- were they tying it to the hammock?
They got up after a while, both hands full of the now stringed-up hammock, peering over the ledge and looking over at the group. Pearl was pretty sure they had green and red eyes.
“Oh, hello!” They— oh wait, it’s a he— he greeted, head tilting as he studied the group. 
“Hello!” Scar broke into his characteristic smile, waving at him.
“Tommy’s tying the rope to the fence over there,” The person— ghost?— pointed his chin at the general direction of where the boy had gone. “He said you guys can’t fly? I don’t really know why he said that, considering the only two-”
“Boo!” The boy — Tommy, Pearl now knew him as, hollered from somewhere she couldn’t see. The ghost turned to look behind him. “Yeah?”
Soon enough, Tommy came back in sight, hands now lacking the rope he was holding onto from earlier. He muttered a few words to the ghost— was his name Boo? That’s a cute name— before being handed over the hammock. 
He threw the hammock down towards them, the fabric landing on top of Grian, much to his annoyance. A shriek-like laughter rang from above.
“Very funny.” Grian muttered, pulling the green hammock off him. The rest bit back their own laughter.
“Who’s the lightest of you bunch down there?” Tommy tugged at the rope, causing the hammock to jump up-and-down. There was no hesitation; they all pointed at Grian.
“Get in there, we don’t have all day!” He ordered. 
Grian crawled into the hammock, grumbling all the way. “This kid is gonna be the death of me.”
“Oh come on, he’s helping!” Mumbo laughed, patting him on the back. The hammock suddenly shot up, and Grian yelped, almost falling off. He swung side-to-side like an out-of-control swing.
“Don’t fucking move!” Tommy’s voice rang down again. “Boo, pull harder- You’re really fucking heavy, you know that?”
Grian gritted his teeth, probably resisting the urge to inform Tommy that if even Mumbo could toss him over the shoulder with one hand it probably meant that Tommy had the physical strength of an endermite soaking with a weakness potion if he found him of all people heavy. Then the hammock suddenly dropped and Grian screeched, before catching his heart halfway up his throat when the falling stopped. 
“You guys need help up there?” Impulse asked, hands cupped together and looking up.
“I thought you people- oh my god this was a fucking mistake- coudn’t fly?”
As if on cue, both Pearl and Impulse opened up their wings. Impulse tilted his head at the others. “Are you guys gonna be okay down here?”
Mambo nodded, before continuing his concerned spectation of Grian being dangled up the canyon walls. Scar gave them a thumbs up. “We’ll be fine, I’ll make sure Grian doesn’t go splat on the ground!”
Impulse shook his head, hiding his smile, and the two of them were off. Pearl landed first, earning a startled yelp from Tommy and an amused “Hello!” from Boo, followed by an extremely distressed Grian screaming as Tommy loosened his grip on the rope. The line went taut suddenly, and the screaming stopped. 
Pearl turned behind her; Impulse was gripping onto the rope, chuckling awkwardly. “Hey guys…”
“You’re telling me only that guy can’t fly even with wings?” Tommy blinked, before looking over the cliffside to stare at Grian.
“I heard that!” Grian yelled from somewhere below. 
The rest of the process went a lot more smoothly afterwards, Grian back on solid ground after several quick tugs with Impulse on the team, followed by Mumbo, and Scar was picked up by Impulse while the rest focused on getting Mumbo up, just to speed things up a little. 
“So,” Mumbo started, after everyone had managed to pull him up the cliffside. “Asking on the behalf of everyone else here, who are you guys, and where exactly are we?”
Just as the same time Tommy mutters “Shouldn’t I be the first to ask?” under his breath, Boo answers cheerfully. “Oh, I’m Boo — Ghostboo is my full name, this is Tommy, and you’re on the Dream SMP!”
“I’m sorry, we’re in the what-” Grian cutted himself off, head spinning towards the sky above the canyon, eyes snapping into full attention. “Our stuff!” 
The entire group stared at the sky, Boatem searching wildly for whatever Grian picked up, Tommy and Boo squinted at the sky, puzzled at the reactions. A flash of dark colours appeared in the sky, from afar it looked like random objects on parachutes. Pearl focused harder at the spots, a cow, a horse… Nugget!
“Is that a fucking horse in a parachute.” Tommy deadpanned, watching as the demon and the moth hybrid sped through the air to catch the slow-falling animals mid-flight. At the other side of the L’Manhole the other three people yelled from the ground. The guy in the red sweater in particular — was his name Grian?— danced around like a headless chicken, staring up into the sky and screeching whenever a weird black object swayed in the wind.
“I think the girl is holding an egg.” Boo shielded his eyes from the sunlight, observing the scene like it was a drama spoken in a different language: you can kinda tell what the people are doing, but sure as hell ain’t gonna know what the fuck is going on in the bigger picture. “Oh wait, no, it’s a black cat- oh wait no it’s a black cat and a big black egg.”
“Why the fuck, in the two damned dimensions, would there be a big black egg.”
“Don’t look at me, I don’t know ei- oh! The demon guy is shoving the cow and the horse towards the water.”
Tommy looked down at the crater. Sure enough, there was the shadow of a horse and a cow slowly growing larger over a pool of water down below. “I think he also has a white cat with him,” Boo added, watching as the girl swooped back down to the ground near the three other people. The guy in the red sweater scooped up the gigantic egg, black wings wrapping around himself protectively like a goddamn mother hen sitting over her eggs. 
“Pretty sure the cat is yellow, Boo.” Tommy argued, studying the scene across the canyon. “Also, did the red guy lay that fucking egg or something? Why is he so… like that with it.”
“Incoming!- Oop, the horse is in the water now… and the cow. Do we have to pull them up with the hammock too?”
He sighed, watching the five new lunatics scramble around one of Eret’s towers, rescuing the random animals that fell from the sky. Again, they never told him how they got here?
“What the fuck…”
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hermitblurbs · 2 years
“Oh, beyond belief.”
Grian has to laugh at that, each one floating into the sky as puffs in the ice cold air. He sits next to his friend in the snow.
Scar certainly looks stressed, with red eyes and his vest unbuttoned, and his viola in his lap. He plucks an idle string or two, having unfolded it from under his chin with Grian’s arrival.
“What’ve you been working on?” He asks. A block flies by his face, vanishing into the sky above them. Neither of them react. They’re used to it.
“Something for the end of the world.”
And they’re used to that, too.
“Think you’ll have any regrets?”
“A few. You?”
Silence lapses between the two of them. Scar’s watching the world tear itself apart.
Grian’s watching Scar.
He watches as he tucks the viola back beneath his chin and brings his bow to the strings as easy he breathes.
As the first note plays, Grian finally looks at the moon. It looks larger than ever from the peak of Scar’s mountains, but he wasn’t lying when he said he had no regrets. Midnight alley was complete. Tegg had been won. The G-Train was as successful as ever. They had their fun. It’s been a good season.
He waits for Scar to finish the melody he’s on before asking;
“Run away with me?”
And maybe he should have asked mid-song, because for a few minutes, the only thing in his ears is silence and the distant rumble of earthquakes. He’s still staring at the moon, not willing to look Scar in the eye to find his answer.
“Where to?”
“Anywhere that’s not here,” he says, jumping on the absence of a straight denial. “Up. Down. Wherever. You build the ship, and we—we don’t have to die.”
Scar starts playing another song. Grian waits, watches.
Maybe does he has a few regrets. Or maybe he just wants his friends to live.
“Yeah, alright,” Scar says after what feels like an eternity. “I’ll still miss this place.”
“At least we’ll be safe.”
The viola fades in strips and pixels as Scar vanishes it to his inventory.
“I’ll get started on that rocket,” he says, standing. Grian takes his hand before he can get too far, standing with him. “You’ll keep us safe, right G? With your creepy eye powers?”
He presses a kiss to Scar’s forehead.
“Of course.”
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Locked Away in Midnight Alley
Oneshot Yandere!Grian x reader Contains: Yandere, Fluff, Angst, Being locked inside a house long-term ---------------------------------
It's funny to think back on how things started. The way things once were. How every second you spent together was cherished, how you'd yearn for more time together, for days to be longer, to see each other more. You had never been more in love. You both joined the Hermits in season 6, and it didn't take long for romance to bloom. You would spend a lot of time together, any excuse to get together was used. Despite the two of you being based in different districts, him in future and you in fantasy, you would always be finding ways to collaborate, helping each other with your builds.
By season 7 it was well known the two of you were together, but you still based differently. In fact you ended up on the complete opposite end of the map to him and the other jungle hermits. Even with it being quite the trek, especially before you both had an elytra (which he made sure you went together to retrieve), you made sure to visit each other often.
This season was different. The two of you had decided together that it was time for a change, that it was time to spend a season together. You made your own starter bases in Boatem. although both your houses were attached. You went with him to defeat the ender dragon on the first day. You plotted the game of Tegg together. He was around so much more, it was so nice to have him there. The two of you did so much more together. It was amazing.
Starter bases got completed, and an idea was proposed. A giga base, multiple mega bases attached. An agreement between Boatem. Of course you had agreed, who wouldn't? After the meeting Grian approached you. "So, I was thinking, since we're already technically going to be basing together, that you and I should really embrace it." It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. "I'd love to." You had responded. "Great!" His response was quick as he swept you up into his arms.
He carried you over to the, well it could only be described as a large hill at that point, placing you down on the ground but keeping one of his arms around you. He told you his vision, already having a skeleton formed for the entrance. "I'll build us a house first, somewhere hidden, we'll build around it. It will be perfect." And for a while it was. But then things changed. Slowly but surely things on the server began to get.. weird. You started to notice things, they were small things, sure, but they weren't normal. And it seemed you weren't the only one to notice. "Is.. is the moon big?" That was the question that changed everything. Now you're here in the house the two of you built. Your perfect house, you never thought of how much time you would be spending in it.. in fact you had never imagined you would have spent so much time inside.
But. then again you didn't lock yourself in. You didn't secretly build a door that would be the only way in and out of the house. You didn't give that door one key despite two people living there.
At this point you're not even sure how long you've been inside. Being hidden away in the alley the sky is always night, an illusion, so you can't tell how many days have passed. You can't even see the moon. "I'm going to a boatem meeting, Y/n." Grian smiles as he walks over, pulling on a handmade conductor hat, curtesy of Scar. "Can I come?" You ask, hopeful. He's in a good mood, maybe he'll let you go. "No." "I haven't been in so long though, I haven't seen anyone in a while." "You've seen me, am I not enough?" He asks, frowning.
"Oh Grian, you are more than enough. But I-" "It isn't safe." He doesn't let you finish. "It looks safe to me." You turn, leaning toward the window. You look out of the window, out at the alley, up at the illusion of the sky. "Because you are in here. In the alley, in this house it is safe." "Can I at least go out into the alley then?" You ask. Anything is better than nothing. "No." "Whatever is out there, Grian, I can look after myself. I can handle it. I'll get my netherite, my shield. I'll be safe, you know I'm capable." You argue.
His face hardens. It's clear his patience is coming to an end. "You. Are. Not. Leaving. This. House." "Grian-" "That's my final word. It isn't safe. I can't lose you." Something flashes in his eyes, on his face, it hurts you to see him pained. You sigh, sinking back into the chair.
His smile returns, "I won't be long, my darling, I promise. Don't miss me too much." He places a kiss on your forehead, walking towards the door. You watch as he unlocks it, having the only key. "I love you." He looks back at you, half out the door, but doesn't leave yet. He waits for your response. "I love you too." With that he closes the door, you hear the lock click. He's gone, for a short while at least. Leaving you completely alone. A feeling all too familiar. Even when he's here.
Something changed, something in him snapped, although you're not sure why. Something tells you he means the best, that he really does just want to keep you safe. He's just going about it in a slightly extreme way, right? Surely once things go back to normal so will Grian. You still love him dearly, even though he's not the man you fell in love with. You know that man is still in there. He has to be.
You want things to go back to the way they were. You want to go out, explore, do things together, meet up with friends. But until that day comes again you're stuck here. Locked away in Midnight Alley.
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(Noticed a trend, had to write something about it)
Cubfan's bases over the seasons have been increasingly alienating and hostile towards other hermits, as if the land itself warps to keep other people away...
Season 4 - His volcano biome is impressive to look at, but why is it spreading further and further? Why is the lava spluttering so much, and why does the volcano like to erupt whenever other hermits fly by, when Cub himself never seems to get singed? Luckily, his base is near the edge of the biome, so most people never have to pass through the black mass below.
Season 5 - It was a cheerfully colourful mushroom island, located far away enough that people won't pass through unless they're looking for something. It was also a completely safe and normal base (ignoring the Vex HQ), until Mumbo decided to visit while on a world tour to examine the details, staying for just a little too long - suddenly, a giant mycelium comet appears from the heavens, about to crash into the island. At that point, Cub had took off to the next season, and completely missed the collision.
Season 6 - When he chose a fairly ordinary plains biome and made plans to build an industrial park, the other hermits sighed in relief, assuming that after the narrow escape of S5, Cub's base would finally be Normal. They were wrong: Even before Demise was a thing and the traps could be blamed, mountains seem to pop up and surround the entire area, vindicators and crossbow-wielding pillagers set up watchtowers around the peaks, yet they show no interest in the villagers within the complex. Grian's attempt to get a elytra course set up through the back was met with a sudden abundance of bamboo growing far taller than they should, making elytra travel hazardous until Cub had to intervene with a lot of string. And the less is said about the underground maze-like passages, the better... there is a reason why Scar never lived in Concorp.
Season 7 - Everything goes to Xibalba, and it is too easy to get swallowed up by the Pyramid itself. Cub finds the structure very straightforward to navigate, but other Hermits seem to get stuck in rooms or secret tunnels that don't even exist. On the other hand, during the HCBBS, Doc could not make his way into the pyramid at all - walking through any of the entrances somehow leads him outside again, mining in through the outside gets him a faceful of lava, and he ultimately concludes that the Pyramid is cursed as hell. He ends up living with Ren for the rest of the season, as he was pretty sure Cub might have somehow cursed the GOAT château as well.
Season 8 - The thought process and consensus of the other hermits searching for the Tegg at Cub's base: "Does he know what he's doing? Surely he knows what he's doing." The dripstone speaks for itself, the area is a death trap with the amount of mob spawns at night, all the rooms are hidden, and there is a very concerning lichen-like substance slowly eating its way across the land. Pearl's mountain serves as a very strategic geographic barrier to keep it from reaching the rest of Boatem, but the canyon seems to be expanding faster and faster by the day, far beyond what Cub could feasibly do by himself...
Now, this is very interesting to me. Because here's the thing: it would be easy to write this off as the land protecting Cub somehow, but that's not what it's doing. His bases are most hostile when he isn't even there - in the case of the Mumbo incident, he wasn't even in the same world. So...Is Cub a thing to protect to his bases, or simply a thing to be tolerated?
What did he do, what did he give up, in order to become tolerable?
- Mod Shade
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Had an idea for a fic I’m never going to write. So Empires SMP has a bad ending for the rulers, and Gem and Pearl decide to move on without their memories and end up in Hermitcraft. They’re at peace but weighed down by something they don’t know. And then Gem sees Fwip. Maximum angst potential of either her remembering everything right then or remembering nothing and Fwip trying to convince her they know each other. “Do I know you?”’s are always heartbreaking
You did this to me. XD
Disclaimers: I don't know how to write fWhip yet, so he's prolly at least a little OCC. Also, we're gonna pretend that timelines are ours to do as we please with, and say that Empires has ended several months prior to MCC17. Just. Because. Wibbly-wobbly.
Anyway here, have some Whizbang sibs content. :D
Sometimes it was little things. Sometimes the little things didn’t feel so… little.
Like when Gem held the Tegg in her hands, the void-dark shell rough and cold under her fingers, and was unsettled by how… lifeless it felt. It would hatch if put in the right circumstances, she knew, the egg wasn’t dead. But something in her heart quickened with undefined panic at the idea that it might not hatch, and something else… mourned? That she couldn’t feel the life inside?
She shook her head and set the egg down with hands that only trembled a little.
She knew why these phantom feelings were chasing her heart, she just didn’t know what lay underneath that foggy surface of hidden memories.
And she didn’t want to.
They’d agreed.
So she hid the Tegg, and she laughed when it was found, and the idea that there ought to be anything more to a dragon’s egg slowly faded into the back of her mind, gathering dust on the shelves of other forgotten things.
Sometimes it was the big things. Things that shouldn’t have seemed so inconsequential.
Like when she fell while mining and died with her items scattered across the bottom of a ravine, and she woke with a gasp in her own bed.
And when it happened again, on a day when she missed seeing a creeper until too late. And again, falling from the top of her build. And death just… didn’t matter much. Or enough. Or at all. It felt like it should matter, somehow — she knew it didn’t, she knew respawn was waiting, she knew there were no real consequences in this world for death.
And yet on some level each respawn felt like a failure. Her bones ached with the sense that she’d missed something, some detail that would have saved them all—
But they didn’t need saving. The hermits were fine. It was fine. This wasn’t a defeat, or a loss, or a reason for an ally to potentially lose something as well, or for an enemy to claim victory over you. There were no enemies here. No allies, either, really. They were all friends.
It was fine.
And with each respawn, it hurt a little less, and felt a little bit more like freedom.
The MCC lobby was brilliantly-colored and smelled of junk food, hot concrete, and salty wind from the sea that swirled somewhere miles below them. fWhip took in a deep breath and his face split into a grin — a grin that had been a little… lacking, recently. He’d done a lot to distance himself from the darkness they’d fled, but…
Well. A day playing insane games with friends and strangers alike would be just the thing. A much-needed break.
He paced back and forth just inside the main gates, watching the other competitors bounce around and shout back and forth — insults, greetings, questions, challenges — it was a cacophony of noise and color, and its sandpaper-rough edges of chaos smoothed away another layer of the angry burrs in his mind.
He caught a glimpse of something bright green through the crowd, and stood on tiptoe to see — yes! Another one of his teammates, finally heading over to their agreed meeting point. He lost them in the crowd for a moment, but then saw the ginger hair (so much like his own) and a smiling face beneath small, dainty antlers.
He didn’t expect the dagger of pain that went through him at the sight of her face, nor that the way her eyes lit up when she spotted him would sooth away some of that same pain.
“Gem!” he shouted. “Hey — over here!”
She waved, and dodged a gaggle of cyan- and red-clad players shoving each other goodnaturedly across the courtyard.
“Hey, fWhip!” she called as she neared him. She looked… happy, he thought. He didn’t see the shadows under her eyes that he’d expected, and she was freckled and tanned instead of the pale, cloaked figure he remembered.
“Hermitcraft’s been good to you,” he said, grabbing her in a one-armed shoulder hug.
To his surprise, she tensed a little — as if surprised — before returning the hug.
“Yeah, yeah,” she agreed. “The hermits are great.” Then, stepping back, she tilted her head at him. “So — long time, no see. What’ve you been up to?”
He shrugged, leaning back against the bright-red concrete wall. “Oh. You know. Lots of building, some exploring… been thinkin’ about checking out one of those new snapshots people are talking about.” He examined her. “You, ah… heard from any of the others lately?”
Something like a shadow chased across her face, but Gem gave him a slightly confused smile. “The others?”
“Scott, or Sausage, or Katherine…” There was no comprehension in her expression, and fWhip’s heart constricted. “I mean, you haven’t even messaged me in months.”
“I… I didn’t realize I should have…?” Gem crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing at her upper arm as if she’d gotten a chill. “I mean, we haven’t chatted much since XLife — I was glad to see a familiar face for my first MCC, but it’s not like we’re… ya know. Besties or anything — no offense, of course.”
If she’d tossed him off the edge of the lobby island into the void, it might have shocked him less.
“Gem, I—” he shook his head. “You were my… I was your brother? I know that’s not the same as ‘besties’ but… that kinda hurts, I won’t lie.”
Now she did go pale. And still.
“I…” she stopped, her voice dying away amidst the chaos. “fWhip, I don’t… know what you’re talking about.”
fWhip froze. “You what?” He stepped forward and gripped her by the shoulders. “Gem, are you okay? Did they — did the hermits do something to you?”
“What? No — don’t be ridiculous.” She tugged out of his grasp but didn’t move away. “The hermits are amazing and would never do anything to hurt me. Not like—” Gem’s eyes snapped up to lock on his, and she frowned, distressed. “fWhip… what’s going on?”
She’d forgotten. He didn’t know how — repressing the trauma? Magic? Knowing Gem, it was probably the latter… because of the former.
“We — Empires,” he said, fumbling for words. “You and I were allies. Siblings, even. And there was a demon, and the dragon egg—”
Gem grabbed his arm. “The egg!” she exclaimed. “I knew there was something—”
He could see the moment she remembered. And then the moment she chose not to.
“There’s something sad there,” she said, her voice nearly lost in the noise of the crowd. Her gaze flicked back and forth between his eyes, pleading. “Something… lost. And I don’t want to be lost, fWhip.”
He started to argue with her, and then paused.
What good did remembering do any of them? What good had it done him? What was the point of the sleepless nights, wondering what he could have done differently? The nightmares where he relived every mistake and had to watch their failures and defeat over and over again? The fact that he still shied away from shadows, and that the MCC world was the safest he’d felt in months?
“No,” he said slowly, even though it felt like he was letting a piece of himself slip away. He’d missed having a sister. But what were brothers for, if not for things like this? “No, you don’t need to be lost, Gem. If you ever want to come back, I’ll be here but… it’s okay if it’s not today. Or—” he swallowed, but pushed the words out anyway. “Or ever.”
A glint of something that could have been gratitude or could have been a tear glittered in her gaze for just a moment — and then there were other voices, and the boisterous greeting of Jimmy and Quig, and they stepped apart, each plastering a grin on their faces to welcome their teammates.
fWhip couldn’t help but glance at Gem as she greeted Jimmy, but there was no recognition of the Codfather on her face, and Jimmy, he knew, was content to let the past lie. It didn’t take away the sting of loss — or the slight bitterness that tanged in the back of his throat, that Gem could forget and move on, and he… he couldn’t. Not yet.
But she seemed happy. Wasn’t that enough?
It could be. For now. For today.
A voice over the PA system urged them to head into the starting area, and fWhip followed his team up the path, merging with the other players. He almost didn’t notice Gem slipping her hand into his, until she squeezed it gently.
He looked down at her, and she offered him a smile.
“We’ll talk later, maybe?” she said.
It was a start.
“Sure,” he said. “But first, we gotta win this thing. Grab you a win for your first MCC, right?”
Gem laughed. “Sure, wFhip,” she said. “Sure.”
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
turns out we DO know who won, so, here it is! the one where cub turns into a dragon because he won tegg.
in grian’s defense, he could have had no way to know that his arbitrary time length for protecting the dragon egg actually meant anything.
cub had won tegg, talked things through with false and gem and grian, gone to get his diamonds, and nearly collapsed. grian, cheerful but worried, suggested that he should go back to his base and... take a nap. cub agrees. he’ll feel less strange in the morning. his skin feels strangely stretched, and his bones hurt. his head hurts, and his back burns, but it’s not a big deal. he needs a nap, desperately. he’ll figure it out later.
he then does not wake up for two weeks.
during this time, cub changes. during this time he also panics scar, who worried when cub never actually set up a time to move those charged creepers, gone to check in on cub, and found a cave saturated with magic and his best friend passed out cold and clearly undergoing some kind of transformation, what the heck? this then, of course, meant most of boatem panicked with scar, because scar was genuinely spooked and had not been quiet about it. which then meant that the rest of cub’s friends heard about it to worry too, and then sure, the rest of the server. which then meant that they set up shifts to take care of him and his base while he was incapacitated, and then -
- when cub wakes up two weeks later, he realizes several things in short succession. first, his cave used to feel a LOT bigger. second, there are other hermits here for some reason. third, ow, hitting his head on a dripstone ceiling hurts.
...fourth. wow. okay. dang. he did not used to be this tall at all. or have claws. or have a sense of smell this good. or the wings and tail. or just, generally, be a dragon at all. huh. this is new. this is new indeed. he lifts a heavy claw up and puts it down. a few of the hermits jump.
“well,” grian says loudly, “i guess we now know how dragons make new dragons." everyone, including cub, turns to look at him. grian’s absent self-preservation skills take that moment to kick back in, mostly because staring a new dragon in the eyes is enough to make most people feel fear for the first time in their lives. “...whoops?”
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slimesidian · 3 years
Pspsps ender- give me grian and dragon egg propaganda >:]
pspsps aj i will give you propaganda I feel like dragon egg! Grian has a little dragon tail and it wags sometimes when he gets excited (Of course this would only be for season 8) The tips of his wings are a pastel purple to fit the dragon egg too, they glow slightly in the dark. I have a headcanon that, after Tegg, he keeps it secure under his bed in a glass case that he only takes out for special occasions. And, for my au The keeper of The Egg, However I have a doc for that! Feel free to read it if you're interested!! - Mod Ender
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prismadog · 2 years
need some help here, hermitblr. what item would you most connect to each hermit / in season 8?
I mostly just need help with these few because I'm not sure what would be the best option. if you have better suggestions, lemme know please.
Gem [her shoes?]
Xisuma [pink armor?]
Keralis [???]
Tango [big eye sunglasses? grey vest thingy?]
Stress [flower crown? pink sweater?]
False [goggles? red striped shirt?]
Hypno [bandana?]
xB [jacket?]
Jevin [white sweatshirt?]
of course the ones that I have so far [listed below] can be up for debate as well. reason I'm asking is because there's a part of the Dragon Mom Grian au where Grian makes a nest for the Tegg with one item/article of clothing from each Hermit (without their knowledge).
here's what I got so far:
Grian: red sweater
Mumbo: suit jacket or Hawaiian shirt
Scar: Swaggon top hat
Impulse: classic i-shirt
Pearl: sweatshirt
Ren: blue sunglasses
Doc: torn lab coat
Cub: lab coat
TFC: classic tfc-shirt
Bdubs: moss cloak
Etho: headband
Iskall: classic green shirt
Joe: classic @ -shirt [or poetry book?]
Cleo: armor stand [or orange leg warmers?]
Beef: apron
Welsknight: helmet
Zedaph: lab safety goggles
Evil X: evil helmet or red armor
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quaranmine · 2 years
(anon on reddit/blr) YEAH its funny the third life smp reddit (which also covered last life and now 100hrs) has to have a “no rules lawyering” rule that gets comments deleted bc people go so annoying about it. Started in 3rd life about what were fair kills etc. I could see the impact on how Grian introduced tegg in s8
honestly grian deserves financial compensation for how reddit treats him, he honestly gets the worst of it in my experience. this comes with him being a more popular hermit, of course--more eyes on you generally also brings more criticism. but that doesn't mean anyone deserves that even if it the way things tend to go on the internet. the worst post i EVER saw on the hermitcraft subreddit was "criticism" (read: cruel hate) that was directed toward grian :((((
I think if you watch all of Grian's stuff chronologically you just see him get more and more precise about how he introduces stuff. It started in S6 probably with people getting too into things and sending hate--I seem to remember him addressing his youtube comments and telling them to stop saying mean things on other hermit's videos. and then ever since each time he creates a game he gets more and more explicit about the rules and what the audience is allowed to say. You're right, he really went off on tegg you could tell he's getting tired of that slfjskfljs
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years
as the resident Gem image collector do you have any HC Gem clips you really like? Or any HC clips really, need it for a thing
aha! i knew my notes would come in handy one of these days! /hj
in ep 1 when they’re all killing each other- gem kills bdubs and she’s immediately killed by jevin and they just respawn right next to each other lol. and in the same ep of course there’s the original “gem is great” moment- as well as iskall and etho’s reaction to it.
ep 2’s bit where she and pearl go putting signs everywhere and ep 3 when she’s building the giant “keralis is great” sign and bdubs shows up
ep 8 where she and pearl team up for the tegg, ep 11 where she, pearl, doc, and ren do that whole hermatrix thing
bdubs showing up in ep 13 to “buy the rights” to her moon lamp design + him saying he knows about her “secret” vault
all of the swamp gal shenanigans, especially ep 14
selling grian in a bottle in ep 15
& when ren comes by in ep 18 (100 days) and she says goose eats his enemies
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