#its 2 am again 😃
yusukenui · 2 years
how the fuck do you take off eyelash glue
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porcelainvino · 2 months
currently listening to a strange thing to say 🫡🫡🫡 it is very good so far i barely started but do not worry. i used to be big into csh (mostly i’d put it on my sad playlists because in the 14 minutes the songs would take i’d have stopped crying bc i’d be so bewildered by how long they were LMAOOO) and other long-song bands SO I ENJOY IT… and this song is so good oh wow the use of instruments is so pleasing (<- band kid in me i’m sorry)
i’ll def give those others a listen too :3 and i LOOVE dark songs so that sounds really intriguing actually!!!! very very relatable wow. sopor’s music and lyrics are so detailed and ummm how do i say this Eloquent i guess? but like for music? like specifically music. whatever ITS GOOD your taste is so good 😭🩷 feel free 2 explain more of sopor’s songs to me if u want btw i love listening
also i have to add that love(?) songs that are dark (not really sure if a strange thing to say is a love song or not but considering the killing part i mean it could be depending on the way you perceive it whatever it could be anything i could be so far off esp considering the lyrics aren’t on spotify so i don’t have them on hand rn But. whatever im rambling bye) are sooooo good. been looping suki suki daisuki by jun togawa recently which isn’t incredibly dark but it’s a very intense love song and it is so real 2 me (<- Horror Sufferer and Issues-Haver). another example of instruments in songs that i think are fascinating and also very cool. the vocal mixing etc etc is very pleasing to me in that song SO! anyway. just felt like sharing that idk LMAOAOAO
anyway: thank u for introducing me 😄😄😄 this is so fun . never apologize for rambling it’s welcome
I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT 😭🙏🙏🙏 i remember the 1st time i listened to sopor i had it in a queue while i was going to take a nap and like the first few notes of in der palastra started playing and i like i had to PHYSICALLY sit up because i have never heard anything like her before
she’s so unique and i love her so muchhhh and it brings me so much joy that someone else is listening to her music too so THANK YOUUU!!!!
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irn-bru · 2 years
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men will literally be part of a colony leaving the Republic for a better life just to reinvent sexism 😒
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maraczeks · 4 months
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
the possible future of the hatchetfield series: hatchetfield halloween party livestream full rundown
again apologies if someone has already done something like this, but I’m procrastinating doing my coursework and just want to talk about hatchetfield I want everyone to be aware of this exciting stuff that was announced in the stream so here you go:
the next starkid musical to be released will not be in the hatchetfield universe.
the guy who didn’t like musicals will soon be ready to license.
nightmare time 3 was originally planned to be released in the same year as nightmare time 2 and will wrap up the overarching nightmare time stories (which seem to be miss holloway and the foster sisters respectively).
if they did a fourth hatchetfield musical, it would be about miss holloway and her backstory. it is already written. I am very very extremely normal about this fact 😃
there is a possibility of a hatchetfield movie, and workin’ boys was sort of a test for this concept. it would be a slasher murder mystery centering around the hatchetfield community players (zoey chambers and the cast of workin’ girls, possibly also with ruth, hidgens, alice and any other theatre-oriented characters but that part’s just my speculation). the transcription of the teaser description can be found below the nmt descriptions.
ok so here are the transcriptions of the nmt3 episode descriptions:
Story #1: Bottle Imps
Bill Woodward has been chosen to test CCRP’s latest and greatest product; Bottle Imps. These reality-bending buddies will bring their owner the one thing they desire most. When his new imp, Lovely, leads him to his soulmate, Bill decides to use his magical companion to play matchmaker. But to help Charlotte find the man of her dreams, Bill will have to bend the Imp’s rules. Rules he’s been warned, must never be broken…
Story #2: Frankenruth
Desperate to see a naked body, Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipschitz volunteer at the morgue of St. Damien’s Hospital. Their terrible plan becomes exponentially more terrible, when they become unwitting subjects in the experiments of the body-snatching madman, Doctor Laszlo, who claims to have conquered death itself. If Hatchetfield thought Ruth was bad before, then they will cower before the unspeakable horror of… Frankenruth!
Story #3: Becky Barnes Climbed a Tree
Becky Barnes is on top of the world! Not in a literal sense, of course. She’s deathly afraid of heights. After years of struggle, Becky’s life is finally everything she dreamed it would be. She’s engaged to her high school sweetheart, Tom Houston, and the two have a surprise baby on the way! But, as the couple prepare for the arrival of baby Marie, a shadow from Becky’s past returns to haunt them.
Story #4: Devil’s Night
Tim Houston has a crush. Unfortunately, it’s on his older, mature and totally cool babysitter, Grace Chasity, who he fears will never see him as anything but a snot-nosed little kid. But when a devilish maniac with murderous designs on Grace attacks Hatchetfield the night before Halloween, Tim must protect his beloved, or join the killer’s growing body count. It’s another slashing adventure on the night HE came home… Devil’s Night.
Story #5: (long special episode) Miss Holloween
It’s Halloween in Hatchetfield once again, and Miss Holloway is celebrating the same way she’s done for decades, staving off the horrors that go bump in the night. But when Duke gives her an invitation to his wedding, the dejected Miss Holloway begins to chafe under the terms of a contract forged many years ago. She strikes a new bargain, but unfortunately her creditors are known for their tricks, not treats. Just as Miss Holloway gives up her powers in exchange for a mortal life, a monstrous new threat rears its ugly head. As All Hallows Eve descends, and all Hell breaks loose, Miss Holloway must save the town or die trying… for real this time.
Story #6: (long special episode / season finale) Orb Weaver
Lex Foster had a life once. A home. A boyfriend. Now there is only the road, and her sister, and the fear of the men who are hunting them. As Hannah Foster watched Lex sink deeper into despair, she is certain of only three things: Webby is gone. She cannot help them. They are alone. Elsewhere, an old soldier awakens from a catatonic state. Returned from some unimaginable Hell with a mission. He knows that somewhere, two magical girls require immediate evac… then maybe some coffee.
hatchetfield movie: Cast Party Massacre
The Hatchetfield Community Players. You will never find a cattier troupe of two-faced thespians. But when the blood begins to flow at their latest show’s cast party, they must consider: is there a secret murderer in their midst? And more importantly, who amongst them is a good enough actor to pull off such a performance? Can they set aside their petty squabbles and tangled romances, or is it curtains for this ensemble? Who will survive… the Cast Party Massacre!
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[Waiting For A Lifetime IV] Part 1 2 3 4 ?
Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Aegon Targaryen x Reader + Aemond Targaryen x Reader + others (;
Summary: Ghosts will ride on to haunt you. Ghosts will come from your past, carrying a holy axe. Ghosts will taunt you you. Ghosts will come from your your memories, intent on burning the bridges at last.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, Modern AU, smut (biting, hair pulling, but its honestly its vanilla, crying [they get pretty emotional], vaginal penetration, cream pie, cock warming), surface level knowledge on asoiaf lore, internet translated high valyrian, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: welcome my meowmeows today we die- i i mean dine 😃 i say MDNI but its at the very end so once you reach that part, you can always choose not to read it. please keep in mind that I have little knowledge about any asoiaf lore so if you would like to correct me, have at me Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony @pearlstiare @llovinjoonie @sabrina6272827 @ayamenimthiriel @comicsol1999 @fictionalcomforts @mirandastuckinthe80s @mooniesyubi @cookielovesbook-akie @panagiasikelia @mlwriting5 @bibli0thecary @ateliefloresdaprimavera @margaglitterdeath @fan-goddess @bibli0thecary @iamlost @queenofshinigamis @thebullship @slavyanskiyahui
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"What are you doing?"
I look out the balcony. A wind blows across my body. My frilly lingerie flows in the wind.
"Come back inside, it's cold."
I lean on the fence. I look down at the view of Dorne as far as the eye could see. I release a breath.
I hear my name get spoken. It was no alias. No made up identity. It was my name. He calls out my name.
"I'm not cold," I mutter, mostly to myself.
A hand comes around my waist. I sigh as I am pulled in against a warm body. He hisses and presses his lips on my head, "you're ice cold, baby."
I shake my head, refusing to lean against him, "the sun hasn't shone yet. What do you expect the whether to be at this time?
He pushes my hair back and leans in to kiss my neck. His stubble scratches my skin. His deep voice utters, "I'll make you tea and breakfast..." both hands come to my stomach as he pulls me closer, "then toast, or waffles, or pancakes, or bac-"
He flinches and tightens his hold on me when there is a loud crash from the street below. He pulls away from me to check what happen. I don't look, instead I go inside.
"Fucking car crash," he calls out as I walk over to his bedroom, the bedroom that I had been staying in for far too long.
When I get there, I begin to pack my things and dress up. I catch my face in the mirror as I put on my pants. I freeze because of it. I trace the scars on my chest, from a dagger, I look at the marks at the curve of my jaw, from a sword, then I look at my hands, calloused centuries of memories. I feel hollow... hollower. I am reminded of my loneliness. I was devoid of purpose.
I look over my shoulder when I hear him call my name again. I hastily put the rest of my clothes on.
My purpose was not with him.
I shove clothes in my bag and zip it close.
He could not give me purpose.
I exit the bedroom before he can enter, and I head for the door. He catches my arm and stops me before I can walk any father. He says my name. I ignore him. He tugs my arm desperately, just how he repeats my name. I look at him, stoic, "I have to go."
His thick brows furrow. His jaw clenches. He shakes his head. He tightens his grip on my arm and steps forward, "I'm going to make you your fav-"
"I can't do this anymore, Bobby," I mutter sharply under my breath.
He freezes. I pull my arm away from him. I clutch my bag and face him fully, "our time is up."
He shakes his head. He places his hands on his hips. He calms his breathing. He speaks lowly, "stay for breakfast."
I press my lips into a soft smile, "you have been nothing but-"
"-kind, and sweet, and caring-"
"No. Please. No!"
"-and you are reason why I have gotten the closest I have to feeling love like this after such a long time-"
Bobby mutters my name and walks over to me. He clutches my bag and urges me toward him, "and I can show you more. Please, please just-"
I press my fingers on his lips. I shake my head and look at his glassy eyes. I brush back the short dark hairs by his forehead as I continue to disagree, "you deserve better than this."
"No I-"
"You deserve someone who's going to love you back."
"I don't want someone to love me back!" He grabs my shoulders, "I just want you."
I mutter his name but he does not hear it as he talks over me with a million offers, a million solutions, a million things he could and would do, so long as he could keep me.
I release my bag and clutch his shirt. I clench my jaw as tears leave my eyes at the sight of the ones streaming down his face. I release a sigh and lean into him. I silence him by claiming his mouth with my own. It is sad, it is desperate, it is salted with tears.
He pulls me against his chest. He does it with much vigor, intent on trapping me against his chest. He rubs my back and chases my mouth like it was his lifeline. He pushes me back. I let him push me back. He seals me against the wall and his arms, but then he dig his fingers into my waist band.
"Bobby-" I catch his wrists.
"Please," he mutters, kissing me again, "I'm good at his. I'm good at this... can make you feel good. Please."
I push him away before he can undo the button.
He whimpers. His voice cracks, "please- please, I can make you love me."
I shake my head. I ghost my fingertips on his temple, "not in this lifetime," I touch my lips on his cheek for the final time, "goodbye, Bobby."
I snap to my side, reeling out of my thoughts when I hear someone cough. I am back in reality, evidence was the sight of King Viserys' raised brows. I shrug and turn back to the artifact hung on the wall, "Dornish art to me is..." I brush away the memory that flooded my brain as I offered a smile to the man beside me, "heart ache and heat."
Viserys chuckles as he glances at the display, "that doesn't sound very enthusiastic. Are you not a fan of the Dornes?"
I release a breath, "I speak this with nothing but honesty," I raise my hands, "but I am biased to the aesthetics of the Targaryen dynasty."
The king laughs, "spoken like a true poet."
I press my lips into a soft smile, "well, I am a lover of many arts, my king." I motion to the exit of the exhibit, "perhaps, I think, you would enjoy this area of the museum much more, your majesty."
I lead the king (and his bodyguards) to the next section of the place. Immediately, the king reacts to the sight of the massive dragon skull in the middle of the room. He laughs as he nears the thing. I smile at the sight of his excited face.
"Balerion," the king says.
I tail after him as he moves to the inscription for the object, "indeed. The Black Dread, mount of King Aegon the first, King Maegor the first, Princess Aerea, and King Viserys the first."
The king chuckles under his breath as he shakes his head, "skoros iā ossȳngnon ziry would emagon issare."
What a terror he would have been.
I nod my head and look at the skull, "a fearsome and terrorizing beauty indeed."
Viserys turns to me just as I motion to the walls and begin to ramble about the history of it all, particularly nerding out over the massive painting depicting dragons, Targaryen princes, and civil war.
"You need not remind me of the history of my ancestors, pet," he says, walking up beside me, with his hands behind his back, "what I am more interested in is the rest of your tale with the prince."
I turn to Viserys and give him a smile and shrug, "as I said your grace, I have recounted all the memories I've had with your brother, prince Daemon the eighth."
The king makes a face, "huh," he raises a brow and narrows his eyes, "I don't suppose you have memories with prince Daemon the seventh then?"
I chuckle, "no," I shake my head, turning back to the painting, "only with Daemon the first."
The king laughs under his breath and turns to the painting as well.
"Oh yes I do hope you're enjoying yourself, brother."
Before I could react to the words that were spoken, I am pulled back and kissed on the neck. I turn from the painting, one of the many that visualized the Dance of the Dragons, then over my shoulder about the same time Viserys does.
"Daemon-" the king barks, eyes looking out to room, warry of everyone around. He does not continue when he hears the prince pipe up to me, "did he do anything unsavory to you, my love?"
This time, both Viserys and I speak his name, albeit starkly contrasting.
"Daemon," I mutter, as I try to push him away, "please, we are out in public. Some-"
"I don't give a fuck," Daemon cuts me off, ripping me back into him, "answer the question."
"Daemon," Viserys grumbles, stepping close, "unhand her."
"No!" Daemon snaps, shooting a look of daggers to his brother.
I gasp as I press my fingers to his lips. I slowly move away from him. "My love please," I whine, "the king has been nothing but kind to me and all he is asking for you to conduct you-"
"I will not have anyone, even the king, separate me from my bride," he yanks me close to him, arm coming around my shoulders.
My hands clutch his arms.
At that moment, because of how it reflected the light, Viserys spots the silver ring on his brother's bride. His eyes twitches as he rethinks the story of the personal vows. He scoffs, eyes darting back up to Daemon, "you do realize doing this makes her life more difficult."
Daemon turns to his brother, lips curling into a smile, although he was not amused by the thought even a fraction, "well then let me take her to Dragonston-"
"Keep your voice down," Viserys hisses, stepping closer.
Daemon pushes me behind him and moves towards the king, "lo ao sagon olvie gaomagon lēda aōha urnēptre hen kustikāne naejot ñuha ābrazȳrys, ao sȳrje sagon jāre sir."
If you're quite done with your show of strength to my wife, you best be going now.
"Daemon," I call out
Viserys makes a face as he scoffs. He shakes his head, "I'm doing this to protect you, Daemon."
"Well I don't want your protection," he mutters, "I can protect myself. I can protect her," he quips, "what I need is your-"
"My what?" Viserys cuts, "my blind obedience to your wishes?" He lets out another scoff, "perhaps you should have been born first and become king."
Daemon holds his tongue. This is why Viserys will never know that the word his baby brother meant to say was blessing.
Viserys pulls away from Daemon and masks his expression rather quickly when he hears one of the bodyguards tell off some people from trying to enter this part of the exhibit and for attempting to take pictures.
I watch as the lines on Daemon's face tighten. I watch as he presses his lips together in tension where Viserys loosens his jaw and takes a breath.
The king turns around, clapping his hands together, putting on a grin, "well, if I must leave, then I should have my photo be taken with the staff of the museum." He turns to me, "would you be a dear and invite your colleagues over for a photo?"
Daemon turns to me as Viserys points, "I should like one with Balerion."
I smile and nod, "of course, your grace."
When I move off to round up the museum personnel, Daemon grabs my arm and knits his brows. He presses his lips into a pleading frown and makes up for the space between us.
I sigh and shake my head, "calm down," I mutter in High Valyrian. I reach out for his cheek and brush his skin, "nothing will happen with me. I will be back soon."
Viserys knits his brows as he watches Daemon mutter pleas in their mother tongue not to be left alone. He feels a sting in his heart at the desperation of his brother. He is deeply disturbed by everything.
He then thinks about the admission he heard earlier, about when Daemon wandered off drunk and arrived at his 'wife's' home, nothing but actual sleeping happened. He wonders if Daemon will lose interest once they share a bed.
I sigh when Daemon steals a kiss from my lips. I brush his hair back and give him a smile before I walk off to do my business. Daemon refuses to release my hand until the very last moment. He leaves his arm hanging in the air as he watches me walk away.
Viserys watches Daemon watches me.
"Brother," Viserys says, "I am genuinely concerned for you."
Daemon turns to him, all the softness in his expression fading. He pettily ignores the king and turns to the painting on the wall. He crosses his arms and stares blankly.
The elder of the two sighs and beholds the same painting before him. Viserys thinks about the artistry but only for a moment because he beholds the fury of the dragons, the fury of the princes, the fire and the blood. He looks upon the legacy of his house, the strife of his kin, the romanticization of it all. Then he looks upon his brother. He looks at how his violet eyes glistened with the light from the room, and yet the light in his eyes was not there.
And he looked again when their picture was taken, how he smiled softly at the camera as he stood next to whom he was so adamant to be around. Viserys saw the change.
Daemon places his arm over both me and one other employee. I turn to Bertha as she grins and says, "the prince has his arm on our shoulders."
I grin back at her as Daemon smiles at me, "well, I must constantly be surrounded have a beautiful woman in my arm," he turns to Bertha, "now I have two."
Bertha giggles as I shake my head.
I turn to Aemond to my right. He is rigid beside me, and so pull him close and offer a smile. He mumbles under his breath, "I can do something if you're not uncomfortable with having your photo taken."
I give him a quick smile and shake my head, "it'll be fine."
Aemond clenches his jaw. He turns away just before Daemon shoots him a look.
"Alright everyone," the photographer says, "big smile in 3, 2, 1."
The photo ends up on the news, on the TV, on the radio, on the internet, on the magazines, on the newspaper.
King Viserys and Prince Daemon honor Museum of Ice and Fire with a visit in line with upcoming Cultural Arts Celebration
The Blonde Brothers reunite with a visit to Museum of Ice and Fire in honor of incoming Cultural Arts Celebration to be held next week.
Targaryens storm the Museum of Ice and Fire, leaving everyone swooning and saluting
Prince Daemon flirts with local museum curator during a visit to Museum of Ice and Fire
Upon reading seeing the photos attached to one of the many headlines tied to that day, Bobby drops his mug and misses the table, causing it to crash and break and spill all over the floor. He hisses as the hot coffee splashes on his leg and yet he pays no more than a second's thought on it as he leans into his computer and clicks the link on the screen.
He stares at the photograph of the prince with his arm over two women, one of which he knew for she was his ghost, his love, his heartbreak and heat.
He lets out a shaky breath then pushes himself off his desk chair. He grabs his phone and calls a contact, biting his fingernails as he did so.
"Martell," he says, which is enough of a formality you could ever get out of him at this point, "I need you to pull out some old files and redo some research for me."
Alternatively, Aegon was hammering his head over and over again on his table as he wasted the little time he had on break by obsessing over the articles he saw on the internet.
He wasn't hungry anyway.
No, that was a lie. He was starving, but he already finished his snack after stuffing the fish and chips he had in his mouth far too quickly for anyone's good. He hadn't even realized he finished it, nor that he was eating, really, upon until he looked to his empty plate with shock washing over.
Now he had just made himself miserable and didn't feel any fuller than he was before eating.
He looks at the time and laughs bitterly to himself. This was supposed to be the time his saving grace came, but he knew no one was coming today.
He messages his brother again. Scrolling up from the first message he sent today down to the last.
DUDE WTF THE ROYAL FAMILY IS AT YOUR JOB? BRUH BRUH brush bruh AEMOND THE HELL IS HAPPENING oh is it the king wtf is the king doing there THE BLOND BITHCES ARE THERE aemond are you dead?????????? AEMOND WAHT THE FUCK Link attached WHAT THE FUCK YOU SITTING THERE NEXT TO HER Link attached Link attached Link attached AEMOND YOU IDIOT BITCH ASS CUNT RESPOND TO ME i hope youre miserable i hope you see them make out again can you ask her if shes coming ............ i know she wont but do it anyway fuck you bitch Image Attatched
"Quit flippin' on ya phone and get back to work boy," Aegon's boss calls as he enters the storage room, "breaks over."
Aegon stands and nods, "yeah, boss."
Aemond sorely ignored his phone as it blew up. It was bad enough that his head was plagued with the images of a doting couple sneaking glances and touches of each other, he did the right thing by putting his phone on silent.
He was currently on chapter 15 of the book he found entitled Blood Magic, Soul Ties, & Rebirth. In truth, it was nothing like he expected it to be. It was written more like a diary rather than a document like he had expected. It was all written in the perspective of the author, much like the tomes of the old history of Westeros, but, in his opinion, not at all academic in nature. Upon seeing there were parts that spilled into fantastical accounts Aemond understood why this book was still very much under review in the museum, and not somewhere in the national library. What exactly was it?
The chapters would start with personal ire:
Eman suffered rōvēgrī va se [account] hen [magic] se [ash]. Nyke ilimagho se [loss] hen mirre whom nyke jorrāelagon. Nyke [scorn] nykēla syt se [mercy] [exchanged] syt ñuha [soul], skore nyke ojūdan. Gaoman daor jaelagon naejot glaesagon, yn nyke glaesagon syt zirȳla.
I have suffered greatly on the [account] of [magic] and [ash]. I mourn the [loss] of all whom I love. I [scorn] myself for the [mercy] [exchanged] for my [soul], which I lost. I do not wish to live, but I live for him.
And then would go about to explain the process of a certain spell or incantation, all of which involve the spilling of blood, be it animal or human.
Se [spell] syt ease hen riña sikagon. Issa [recommended] bona gaomā bisy [month] iā [less] gō se sikagon hen aōha riña. Kesā jorrāelagon ānogar hen iā [elk], iā molry hen iā [elk], lanta [hooves] hen iā [elk], ānogar hen iā atroksia, ampa [feathers] hen iā atroksia. Istia perform se [following] [incantation] rȳ se zōbrie bantio.
The [spell] for ease of child birth. It is [recommended] that you do this one [month] or [less] before the birth of your child. You will need blood of an [elk], a horn of an [elk], two [hooves] of an [elk], blood of an owl, ten [feathers] of an owl. You must perform the [following] [incantation] at the dark of night.
Finally ending with ominous warnings that tread the line between a word of caution and a threat.
Sagon [warned] bona se [cost] hen ānogar [magic] ēza zȳha [weight] isse ānogar. Daor [amount] hen āeksion kessa [save] ao hen se [consequences] hen skore ao jaelagon naejot [reap]. Sagon [warned] bona ao daor undo līr iksis gaomagon Se ao daor [exact] līr kessa sagon se [payment] syt aōha actions.
Be [warned] that the [cost] of the blood [magic] has its [weight] in blood. No [amount] of gold will [save] you from the [consequences] of which you wish to [reap.] Be [warned] that you cannot undo that which is done and you cannot [exact] that which will be the [payment] for your actions.
Aemond narrows his brows and cocks his head at a particularly random hark.
Eman issare maghatan arlī naejot ābrar ondoso se dārilaros se oh skorkydoso nyke jaelagon [instead] naejot emagon rhēdan zirȳla rȳ se remȳti hen mēre hen [heavens] iā sesīr rȳ mēre hen [hells]. Oh valzȳrys [would] ao [loathe] nyke syt [reaping] nykēla hen qrimbrōstan irudy ao teptan nyke?
I have been brought back to life by the prince and oh how I wish [instead] to have met him at the gates of one of the [heavens] or even at one of the [hells]. Oh husband [would] you [loathe] me for [reaping] myself of the cursed gift you gave me?
He straightens in his seat when someone comes in and announces he's done for the day and that Aemond should probably get going too. He nods his head in regard and puts the largish book down, debating whether or not anyone would look for it if he took it home with him.
He checks the time on his phone, swiping away his million notifications from his brother, then raises a brow at the email notification he got from his cousin, Alicent.
All the while the king and queen were discussing Daemon over dinner.
Aemma grins, "so you've given him your blessing!"
"Lovie, it's like you've not heard a word I said," Viserys says as he licks the side of his knife, which was covered in sauce.
"Visy, I heard you loud and clear, and I'm glad that you've opened up your heart for this," she smiles as she cuts up her meat.
The king rolls his eyes, "I gave him an ultimatum."
"Exactly," the queen shakes her head and repeats her husband's words, "1 week, 1 month, 3 months, half a year until a years passed. If he still feels the same as he does now, then I shall be attending a wedding at Dragonstone by this time next year and my Rhaenyra can expect cousins most swiftly!"
He sighs and drops his cutlery, "my dear," he licks his lips, "I don't want you to get your hope up over something that could well not last."
Aemma eyes him darkly, "well you ought to not jinx it with you sourness."
"Viserys," she places her own silverware down, "you told me yourself that you saw how his eyes lit up at the sight of her."
He rolls his jaw and leans back on his chair.
"You and your brother have may act like you're constantly at separate ends of pole, but I know that each time you snarl and snap at each other with fire at the back of your throat, neither of you care any less about the other."
Aemma presses her lips together as Viserys looks at her face. He sighs. He reaches out for her cheek, stroking her fair brows, memorizing the curve of her lips before leaning in to kiss her. He would be lost without his light, his Aemma. He wonders if, truly, that was how Daemon felt about this woman.
Well, Daemon let his actions speak louder than his words that night.
The moment we arrived to my home, after Daemon begrudgingly waited out my shift in one of the royal guard's car, I was immediately swarmed by him, him and his hands, his lips, his voice, his breath. Daemon caught me against him and refused to concede, to yield, or even to loosen he grip.
He barely even let me lock my front door on our way inside. I was glad I managed through his tender and eager, open mouthed attacks.
"Kesā daor henujagon nyke arlī, ābrazȳrys," Daemon mutters as he pulls me into him not even a second after letting me go to close the door. He shoves my hair off to the side and attacks my nape with kisses, leading me backward as he blindly navigated my home in the dark.
I hiss then chastise him with giggles when he runs into my lamp, "Daemon please."
"It's so fucking dark."
I pull away from him and take his hands that were clutching my torso, leading him off to my bedroom.
The moment I open the door, he charges at me with more kisses, this time, the light from the street lamps and the moon made it easier for him to navigate to the bed.
I release a sigh when he pushes me back on the mattress, chest pressed against mine, hands caressing and massaging every part of my body. He breathily repeats his words from earlier in between kisses, "kesā daor henujagon nyke arlī, ābrazȳrys," he begins to rip at my clothing, "iksā ñuhon," he heaves, "mirre ñuhon," he presses his forehead on mine, "ñuhon, ñuhon, ñuhon, ñuhon -"
You will not leave me again, wife. You are mine. All mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine.
I shift on my spot and sit up as I help Daemon undress me before he sequentially helps me undress himself.
I whimper as he pushes me back down and grabs my thighs. I squeak out a moan, catching his face in my hands, as he hovers over me.
I cry his name out when I feel him brush his hardened and pulsing length against me. He hisses as he looks down. His hands leave my thighs, one landing by my side, propping him up, the other coming to my wetness, stroking me there sweetly, "such a pretty girl, my love... so ready for me."
I whine as he amuses himself by fondling with my slick. He touches me as light as a ghost and teases my weeping entrance like a devious little boy, hellbent on making chaos of everything.
"Shhhh," he leans in and licks my lips, "ivestragī nyke emagon ñuha kirimves." Let me have my fun.
I chase after his mouth but he pulls away too quickly, continuing to make a mess of me.
I bring my fingers to his nape, nails digging into his scalp, firmly tugging at his blonde locks. I plead, "Daemon."
He pacifies me with a kiss but does not cease his teasing ministrations. I moan when I feel his two digits barely sink into me. He laughs against our kiss and has to pull away from me all together, both hands sinking into the cushion by my sides, to calm himself down.
I huff in frustration and impatience at his deep chuckles. I decide to take matters into my own hands, literally, and shift beneath him, grabbing his thick member, easing him into me.
His amusement curdles into a moan at my touch. We both audibly react when he slowly sinks into me. He cusses where I call out his name. He breathes hotly against my neck as I wrap my arms around him and seal my legs around his waist.
He suddenly finds it in him to laugh again. He does so with much excitement.
And though I whimper at the feel of him jolting within me, I cannot help but feel a sense of contentment wave upon me. I rub my cheek against his head and scratch his scalp gently. We stay like this for a long while. I do not mind it, not really, I like him like this. But with every second that passed, it felt like my pulse was banging harder and harder.
I whine "ñuha jorrāelagon, kostilus dīnagon, nyke jorrāelagon ao sir" My love, please move, I need you right now.
Daemon chuckles and kisses my jaw, hands squeezing my thigh firmly as he slowly lifts his head up, "so impatient."
I rock my hips beneath him as I nod, "need you so bad."
Daemon obliges and begins to slowly thrust into me. He kisses my lips and makes a sound that is a laugh mixed with a moan, "I know, baby," he digs his nails into my flesh, "I know," he repeats more solemnly, "I need you too-- need you so badly."
My breath hitches when he picks up his pace. He quickens just a little bit, so subtly, and it grinds at my brain. Each time he moves, he exits wholly and enters fully, he stretches me out so nicely and fills me up so good.
I pant against his shoulder and sink my teeth into his muscle, licking and sucking at the area.
He moans at the feeling. He then shifts me in my spot, pushing me up, allowing himself more leverage from above me, making me cry out when he hits a part in me that touches seemingly every nerve of my body.
I screw my eyes shut and feel my eyes water at the sensation. I throw my head back and rip at his shoulder blades.
He huffs against me and continues in his pace, andante, taking his time to move from tip to hilt, savoring each moment, each stroke, each huff, each sigh, each whimper.
He continues like this. He is steady like this. He is beautiful like this.
My fingers and toes curl at the feel of him. My belly flutters. My breath strains. My mind fogs. All because of him, because of how I take in his scent, how I taste his skin, how I wrap around him.
"Dārilaros," I mutter against his ear, "ao ȳdra daor gīmigon skorkydoso olvie nyke bōsa naejot gaomagon ao hae bisa."
My prince, you don't know how much I long to keep you like this.
Daemon thrusts particularly deeply.
Tears pool at the corner of my eyes. Air catches in my throat. I choke on a sob as emotion floods through me. I am hit with this epiphany so very suddenly. I was, next moment, cathartic over the fact he was real, he was here, and he was mine. After all these years, after the dredging, after the lamenting, after the hurting, here he was, a sky above me, a sanctuary around me, a hearth inside me.
He loves on my face, peppering my skin with with kisses, "pār gaomagon nyke va ao," he presses his hands on my waist, knocking into me with forte, "umbagon lēda nyke," he moans against my lips, "sagon ñuha lenton,"
Then keep me on you, stay with me, be my home.
When my hands dart to his cheeks. Only then do I realize that he, too, was teary eyed as my thumbs find the dampness on his face. I open my eyes to look at him but shut close again when his mouth finds mine.
Daemon eases into his accelerando, gently and caringly thrusting faster and faster, staying deeper and deeper until he barely pulls out and he's just trapped into me.
He nips at my lip as I my hands dart to his hips, ripping at the skin there. He continues in his tight movements until he ultimately hooks his hands at the back of my knees and pushes my legs up, breaking into me vigorously until I couldn't think and I could only feel and scream out his name.
And as I climbed up to my high, I called out to him. And as he eased up into his, he called out to me.
And then it all comes crashing down. And then I can't breathe or move, I just tighten and whine and break against him.
And then I feel him follow suit. And then he looses his mind and his tempo, he just pounds and melts and falls into me.
And I feel my whole body burn, I feel my nerves rip into a symphony of pleasure. I feel his heat spill into me. I fill him fill me up until he's completely spent and even after that. I feel my body flinch around him. I feel him bottom out and run over in me. And I missed it. I missed this so much. I missed him so much. I missed him.
His erratic movements lull into slow tender one again, yet he doesn't cease his rocking until I'm shaking and wailing and dripping all over. I feel myself overflow with him, in both literal and metaphorical. I feel my whole body burn while he heaves atop me as he delicately touches down. He rests his entire weight on me; he's an invited and longed for blanket, a heaviness that I have dreamt of having pressed against me for so long.
I feel his heart hammering in his ribcage as mine beneath him did the same. His strangled breath echoes mine. My name spills out of his lips like a prayer. He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck. His hands rub my legs that were wrapped around him. He was fastens them around his hips, as if my limbs were not tight enough, as if it was possible for him to move closer into me than he already was.
I cradle his head in my hands and adjust my face beside his.
"Avy jorrāelan," I speak softly against his ear, "eman jorrāelatan jeme ñuha ābrar se kessa jorrāelagon ao sesīr tolī."
I love you. I have loved you all my life and will love you even after.
Daemon responds with a kiss, with a rub of his nose, then with his words, "ñuha gevie lenton," he lifts his head up, sighing as he reached out to my cheek, "ñuha vok dārilaros."
Im that moment, I see a vague outline of his face even with through the darkness of my bedroom, but more than that, I hear the affection in his words. The sincerity locked in his voice, "syt ao ossēninna tolvie zaldrīzes, geron tolvie rizmun, iderēbagon tolvie rūklon, se jiōragon se olvie jelevre isse ñuha irosh sepār naejot sagon able naejot ūndegon aōha laehurlion."
My breath hitches, "Dae-"
"Avy jorrāelan."
My beautiful home, my perfect princess, for you I will kill every dragon, walk every desert, pick every flower, and offer the very breath in my throat just to be able to see your face. I love you.
I feel tears rush down my face when I lean up and kiss him.
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master-of-stupidity · 2 months
Fuck it gonna put all my Tangled rants into a single thread that I'll just continue on if needed-
Oldest to newest btww (also spoilers most of these r about Eugene btw ik ik I'm a lil autistic spare me 💀)
That one part of Bruno is Orange but Eugene coded-
"Did you hear about that Father
Sent his own infant son away
And said "It's to *dangerous* for
you to stay so, I had to *save* you" "
I may be cringe but I am FREE
Yo omg ok so my brother is singin a Into the Woods song while I look at Tangled stuff n it made me remember a scene from the play where Gothel yells at the Prince "Rapunzel can think for herself!" n like- dude Cass said the same thing in Cassandra's Revenge to Eugene! Ooo girlll-
The way I would kill so many ppl if it meant getting a series about Lance n Eugene as kids like broooo imagineee-
Its crazy how like I'll be enjoying my day than suddenly I'll see a post of a mf going "Hey what if Eugene thought he was a yr younger cuz he was like a rlly scrawny kid?" Yeah ok sure n what if I hit u with a *metal pole*
My tangled ocs r so random its hilarious- like it goes from a bodyguard,a greedy businessman,a ringleader,n than that one serial killer who turns ppl into meat pies like how did we get here???? 😭🙏
I just remembered like just a few days ago my brother randomly said "vase" while playing Fortnite n my ass just said "vAHse" just to fck w/ him n like that kinda reminded me of that one scene of Eugene n Cass like damn they were sibling coded frrr lmao I miss em
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Wdym there was a scrapped Eugene n Lance childhood episode??🧍And WDYM it's literally everything I ever wished for and more???????? 😃
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Would love to see Eugene n Martin Kratt interact solely to see Martin be appalled n slowly lose his mind over how Eugene knows jackshit about animals 💀🙏
I think the Eugene genderbends look so weird to me because none of them kept the infamous goatee like cmon man don't be a coward give that girl some facial hair 🗣🗣
I should not be relating Heather's music to scenes from Tangled the Series yet here we r 😭
Omggg thinking about how Eugene proposing to Rapunzel in tts came from his abandonment issues n him literally not being able to see a life without Rapunzel omgg shut upppp leave me ALONEEE
Literally despise with every fiber of my being how the writers of the shitty Wreck it Ralph 2 movie had fcking RAPUNZEL of all ppl say "Do ppl assume all ur problems were solved just because a big strong man showed up?" They fcking HATEE the movie Tangled *so much* bro istggg
The way I wanna be bold n talk more about the "Over the Corona Walls" ep- esp about Staylan n Eugene n all the icky implications of that but I'm also so scared too cuz I fear ppl won't take me seriously or think I'm overanalyzing too much 😭🙏
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Lowkey not over the fact Eugene was willing to trap himself back in an abusive relationship, "leaving" the one person he HAS died for n would die for again, all to save his best friend like bro don't TALK TO MEEEE
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As u can tell I am totally normal n not at all ill about Eugene or this show 😁
What if I gave Eugene like- slight wedding trauma after the whole "Beyond the Corona Walls" incident??? I think it'd be kinda cool n in character ngll 🤭🤭
No but that prompt for the unaired Lance n Eugene episode STILL makes me so fcking ill bro stg can't STAND those mfss bro 😭😭
"And if I gave up on being *pretty* I wouldn't know how to be ALIVE" is SO Eugene coded idc idc idccccc
You think if I put Eugene Fitzherbert in The Amazing Digital Circus he'd be a walking dumpster fire considering he needs an identity to function n in TADC u like- quite literally don't have one??? 💀
Was listening to an audio last night n now I kinda wish we knew like- what Eugene's mom was actually *like* in a way considering I don't think her character was ever explored :((
Why is this plushie literally Eugene Fitzherbert omgg I want it nowwww
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To the ppl who only see others as their pfps lowkey rlly hope y'all just see me as jester Eugene Fitzherbert cuz that'd be rlly funny n I'd love that 💀🙏 like yes I truly am just Eugene in a jester fit yappin my ass off on twitter dot com LMFAOOO (btw follow me @/theratbatjester)
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Thank you, Breeders and goodbye
So, this is it. Breeders aired its last episode. And I am torn between wanting more and being really happy about how it ended.
It was a lovely farewell. Pretty much everyone was there (except for Carl, I wanted to see Carl one more time 😅).
I believe Paul did the right thing and giving Luke the chance to take a break from studying for 2 years. I also understand Ally and she is probably right that Luke will never go back to Manchester. If you have kids, you'll understand. Damn, why is this show ALWAYS so relatable.
Jackie getting worse wasn't as sad as I thought it would be... until she came back from her shopping trip with dog treats!! 😭😭😭
And I don't remember who said that Ava and Grace would become a thing- but you were RIGHT! 😃 It was becoming a bit more obvious that Holly and Ava wouldn't work out in the last 2 or so episodes, but you saw it much earlier.
And the best bit was of course Paul being a fantastic dad to Luke once again. Paul understood every single thing Luke was going through- because he had been there. And Luke finally saw why Paul was the way he was- because he is living it now. Talk about coming full circle. That's amazing storytelling. Kudos to the writing team.
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cryptiles · 2 years
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— details ; brothers x gn! reader ; head-cannon based ; 〘🐙〙 ; obey me m.list ; they/them/you/yours
— summary ; domestic texts between you and the brothers
— requests are open as of 7/9 , match-ups are closed.
— a/n ; since y’all liked the first part so much , i’m feeding y’all with another. this one was kinda unhinged , i kept wanting to use ‘ oh my god ‘ as a reaction but then i remembered theyre demons.
“ why does the class size have to be so big , i can’t remember everyones names. 😐 “
“ well , maybe if you stopped texting and instead focus on your work it won’t be that hard. “
“ jeez thanks for believing in me. “
“ anyways i need help , do you know this guy named Willya ? “
“ he’s supposed to hand up some overdue work today. “
“ Willya ? no , i have not. “
“ damn. “
“ 😭 “
“ 😭😭 “
“ 😭😭😭 “
“ are you okay ? and why are you crying in numerical order… “
“ i’m not okay mc 😭😭😭😭 “
“ the human world had a pre-order bundle for ‘ insert long anime title ‘ and i missed it because i slept in. “
“ how am i supposed to be okay after that ?! “
“ it had a pc and stuff in it too 😭😭😭😭😭 “
“ i see. “
“ well i’ll let you know that i bought 2 already , one for you and me. “
“ REALLY ? “
“ ?? “
“ ‘ insert cat pic ‘ “
“ MC ? “
“ FUCK. “
“ bye 15/50 for chemistry , again. “
“ finna kms fr. “
“ mc its alright , half the class did like shit anyways. “
“ yeah but ‘ disliked persons name ‘ beat me , you know how embarrassing that is ? “
“ damn , that is embarrassing. “
“ thanks a lot for the compliment 😐 “
“ wellll at least you didn’t fail chemistry like her , i mean who ever fails that subject has to be hella stupid 🤭 “
“ … “
“ WRONG INSULT IT WAS DIRECTED FOR ‘ disliked persons name ‘ “
“ have you tried mango sago ? “
“ that shits bussinnn “
“ mango sago ?? i never heard of that before , what is it ? “
“ its a chinese dessert ! i’ll make it for you one day 😼 “
“ that’ll be nice mc thank you. “
“ also could you help me open the door ? “
“ i’m carrying food from madam screams , i’m trying not to eat your favourite dessert so please hurry 😭 “
“ i love you beel , AND IM OTW “
“ ‘ tiktok edit ‘ “
“ broo they’re so fineee and for what 😩🙏”
“ whats that song ? its been on loop in my mind but im too lazy to search it up. “
“ i’ve heard it everywhere but idk the name. “
“ in that case… should i gatekeep 😻 “
“ i’ll kill you. “
“ again ? at least make it special “
“ mc please stop-“
© 2022 cryptiles. please do not repost / translate my work and post it to other social media websites without permission , thank you.
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verbal--diarrhea · 11 months
White Scars
A/N- 😃 i am back guys! Sorry it quite literally took 2 years for me to update this account but why is tumblr so difficult to navigate 😭 anywho, enjoy this next chapter and please be patient with me as I figure this out 🙇‍♀️ 
Chapter 2:
It’s been a week now. A week avoiding Bela Dimitrescu at all costs. You knew the routes she took around the castle, you knew when she left her room and when she went to eat. It’s almost pathetic how you basically memorized her routine when you were together, trying to “bump into her” whenever you were on duty. I mean, how often can someone encounter the exact same person in a hallway? The answer should be no less than one but you and Bela managed to raise it to nine on a good day. You became very very good at sneaking around, especially at avoiding fellow maids and the other two Dimitrescu sisters. Lady Dimitrescu was no problem too, she rarely entered the west wing of the castle and if she ever did, everyone knew as you could hear her loud footsteps from a distance. Safe to say you were pretty proficient in the art of evasion except there was one problem, Bela, the person you were trying to evade, also stayed in the west wing. It wasn’t healthy that you weren’t confronting her about what had occurred a few nights prior but you were still afraid and still hurt so the most logical solution is to never see her. Yes, completely logical.
The cut was healing well, the skin around it was a faint red, but the wound itself became a scab. Give it another week and it may be all healed. Hopefully, it won’t leave a scar...you don’t need a reminder of Bela on your face. You were done crying over it. No one really asked you about your injury, it was common for maids to bear bruises or cuts. Those who stayed in Bela’s side of the castle were lucky compared to those who stayed on Cassandra’s and Daniela’s side, those maids were lucky if they survived with all their limbs intact. 
Right now, you really were wishing you were in Cassandra’s or Daniela’s wing, the dread of meeting Bela was overwhelming at times. Yet in the quiet of the night, you would dream of her; her perfume engulfing your tiny room, her chilly embrace, the soft breaths as she slipped into slumber beside you, and having to drag her off in the morning to rush her back to her bedroom. Sleep didn’t come without nightmares though, images of Bela’s face contorted with anger, that scythe plunging down, you were treading a fine line between fear and love. Love- you scoffed, chances are Bela didn’t even love you, after all you were just some low-class peasant. What Bela probably felt would be the equivalent of a teenage relationship, give it a year before one got bored of the other and it’s over, but in your case, off to the basement to be drained of blood. 
The first few days were nerve-wracking, you didn’t know if Bela would search or confront you, though there was nothing to be confronted about as you believed she knew damn well why you were avoiding her. You had asked (more like begged) the head house maid, Simone, to switch you to the night shift, at least for a few weeks and she agreed. By the third day, you were sweeping the corridors in the late night trying to be as quiet as possible. Sleep hasn’t been good anyways, you weren’t used to sleeping alone again, so cleaning was the best way to clear the mind. 
Sweeping here and there, you were grateful for the dim lighting. Moonlight peeked in through the windows contrasting with the candle’s red hues. Though the floor was visible, you couldn’t distinguish any shapes that were swept up, part of you knew every once in a while a bone would be found in a dust pile, but you were here long enough to be unfazed by such things. Glancing up you noticed the candle melted about half its height, indicating it was around 3 AM. They would be replaced in the morning and lit later in the evening; with the hundreds of candles around the castle, it was a wonder how the Dimitrescu’s obtained that many in the first place. 
Ahead of you laid Bela’s bedroom door, a cursive B carved into the oak wood door. She should be asleep by now, bundled up and dreaming away. Yet instead of soft snoring you hear muffled sniffles through the door, curiosity got the better of you and you edged closer. It dawned on you- she was crying. Your heart clenched at the thought, Bela never cries, and in that moment you wished you could hold her to your chest. No, she hurt you Y/N, just walk away. Forcing your legs to move, you shuffled away from the door, a low ache in your heart at the thought of Bela sad. It wasn’t your place anymore to comfort her.
Bela was level-headed and mature, at least that’s what she told herself as she quickly dispersed into flies and zipped to her bedroom, praying to not bump into you. She too has been avoiding you the last week, and she was pretty sure you were too. At first she had a brilliant plan; she would walk right up to your door, knock on it, beg for your forgiveness and hopefully have hot makeup sex after. That failed after she realized she had no courage to face you. Perhaps it was because she did not want to see your heartbroken face, or did not wish too see the painful mark on your face, Bela herself struggled to understand why she was so afraid; she was Lady Bela, goddammit! Staying confined in her room for most of the day seemed to be the best option, it was hard enough to pretend to be perfectly fine in front of her family, that face crumbled whenever she was alone. Sleep wasn’t an escape either as it was plagued with you leaving her crying into her pillow. 
At meals, Bela would eat as quickly as possible, and slip away. Lady Dimitrescu noticed naturally but pushed it aside as she was busy with her experiments for Mother Miranda. Nothing left Cassandra’s and Daniela’s gaze though-- they had been studying their eldest sister for the past week, discussing ways to ask her exactly what happened. 
“Okay, the best way is to corner her and force her to tell us,” Daniela looked to Cassandra’s face for approval as she was the youngest in the family.
They were huddled in one of the many guests rooms of the castle, away from the prying ears of their mother and eldest sister. Bela was starting to annoy them with her grumpy mood, never going out to hunt anymore and always cooped up in her room. They had hoped whatever she was dwelling upon would fade in a day or two, but Bela remained somber. 
Cassandra swatted the back of Daniela’s head, “are you fucking stupid? That’s the worst way to ask her what’s wrong.”
“Well, she won’t tell us if we don’t force her.”
Frowning, Cassandra stroked her chin, “hmm, you make a good point.”
“And we definitely can’t trick her to tell us-” Daniela leaned back against the armchair, watching Cassandra stand from hers and pace, “Bela’s too smart for that.”
“I know! Hm...okay I have an idea.”
“Go on-”
“We have to be gentle, we approach her in her room later tonight,” Cassandra explained, “we will first try to ask her what’s wrong...”
“And if that fails we force her?” 
“Exactly but for we do this all gently-”
“I know, I know,” Daniela rolled her eyes at her sister, “I’ll be gentle.”
“Don’t say anything unnecessary or stupid okay?” An accusatory glance was shot at the younger sister.
Daniela huffed, “I won’t.”
“Oh and also-” Cassandra opened the door of the room, leaving, “don’t say anything to mother.”
“Wouldn’t even dream of it.”
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Kanae x Beethoven My immortal beloved
this is a story based on the anime classicaloid enjoy (credits to art author )
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This takes place around 2-3 years when Kanae is finally 18 and Beethoven is let’s say 23 bc of his body and how he was made
-Mozart is skating around the house in his roller shoes
Schubert has been taken away by a kite again
liszt is out with Chopin
Bach is with Tchaikovsky and Badawerzsky
Starting now-
Kanae’s pov -
Guys I’m home with the groceries. “Spielen wir unsere musik!!!!!!!!!! NOT AGAINN. I ran into the kitchen where beeths was cooking gyoza of course. I asked what’s wrong and he told me Wolf knocked me over and he ruined my GYOZA - I held him back and in the midst of me pushing him he feel over and kissed me ! I’d never thought of him that way Ok fine maybe a couple of times and he seems like he would be a great partner!! It’s not the time -I blushed just thinking about it -😖🥴 MOTTES KUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! IF YOUR NOT OUT If my site when I count to three your getting kicked out. Beethoven pov/
WE KISSeD me and the young well not so young anymore kissed. She obviously is the best wife material BuT woaH. ITS fate!!! Im so shocked 😮 am I really just standing here? “Beeths” she tapped me and it appeared she was staring at my 💪. Brings me back to sumo wrestling day I got so Buff and wolf was fat 😂. With her tap I snapped back to reality and asked “are you ok sorry abt the you know ~ For whatever reason my body moved towards her without even a second of hesitation and kissed her again. She had actually started kissing me back. Before I knew it we were making out! Crazy I didn’t even ask to court and what about my 🥟 gyoza.
Third person-
Liszt and Chopin were home, so was sosuke and Schubert managed to make it back, even Mozart thought he was safe as like 30 mins passed. They all walked into the kitchen and saw Beethoven at kanae making out. Liszt said “IT LOVE ❤���“ TRUEEE LOVE” Chopin- I’m going to my room and he ran away. Mozart - IT was supposed to be me how dare you lud kun.🥹 hope you are happy together. Schubert- NanI Senpaiiii😭😭😭😭. Kanaes pov-we instantly stopped but that had felt 😃 GREAt!! I whispered to him I love you and He told me I love you back. Then i screamed All of you get out!!
a few hours later towards bed time, I asked Kanae for permission to court her officially. She said Of course!! ~a few months pass~
so I wanted to ask him if he wants to make our relationship intimate…. ugh it sounds weird but he won’t mind I think! Ik Bach and Akira are like legit adults but they already have a child!! (I’m gonna make a fic on that!!) I knocked on beeths door he said come in. It’s kinda messy in here but I love him regardless. So come to my room beeeethosssss🥺 “of course my immortal beloved” MY HEART MELTED. I sat him down and said so I wanted to ask we’ve been courting for 4 months and I wanted to know…. If your ready to be more intimate. Beethoven pov ~
I was blushing Intensly and said well my pass loved have been terrible but yes I am !with that she said Ok everyone will be out tomorrow so that’s when we can or at night when we do it after ok!” Hai. We started making out and I told her I loved her and gyoza she chuckled. IT IS DESTINY IT IS fate my heart said. She told me to get comfy so I took off my clothes and was left in my sleepwear of a t shirt and boxers like when I was sharing a room with wolf. She was left in a bra and 🩳 shorts. God she was beautiful as she was kind. Good night my immortal beloved.
The next morning~
Liszt- The festival is today and I look as sexy as always 💅🏻 CHOPIN Your coming with me and the gang. Mottes- Lud kun kanae!! He opened the door - are you coming wi— 😭 And shut it. He informed Liszt of how they are not coming and she smirked. Why senpaiii I should stay too!😭 she grabbed his ear and was wheeling Chopin with the skateboard. Off we gooo!! We will meet tool and bada and Tchaiko Chan there.
It was time -
We can start my girl said Beethoven- yes we can. May I? Kanae nodded. He unclipped her bra and pulled down her panties with his teeth. She also stripped him. The stood staring at each other and admired one another. He suddenly pushed her on the bed hovering over her . She gasped Ludwig~ said Kanae. Say my name again ok she replied Ludwig~ It sounds like music to my 👂 ears my beloved. Kanaes pov-
he started licking and kissing my throat and neck. I met a soft moan out when he kissed
my clavicle. I could feel his 😏 smirk. He sucker harder and harder leaving me with more moans in the end I had a hickey. I had just now looked down to admire his cock size and it was at Least 6-8 inches ! Like what you see? He smirked but then he started kissing me all over and made his way down where he started sucking my boobs they had actually grown in the past 3 years. He took them in and started sucking a lot he even played with the other one with his hand . I started moaning loudly! Mmm~ Ungh I screamed and I came a little.
Beethoven pov-
Your so beautiful and Kind and your doing great your virginity is mine and mine alone. All this time tho i had my music playing in the background for some real effect! After fondling her boobs, I made my way down to her vagina and started to lick up the cum. Her Moans were a symphony themselves. This could’ve been my tenth if I hadn’t died . Oh well 😆 After lapping up the cum, I licked her clit intensely and started to finger her. She screamed damn you really are good with your fingers. This went on and we both were enjoying it so I pulled out my fingers and said are you ready? Kanae view~ yes I replied. He slowly put it in soft Moans escaped my and his mouth. He started thrusting and told me your so tight. He said if I ever go deaf again I will never hear your beautiful voice. I said it’s ok my love we have each other and thats what matters. That made him tear up and hold my hand as he went faster and faster. Ungh~ Daddy beeths~ he gasped in surprise and I was so embarrassed. say it again girl.. daddy Lud kun. With that he came inside me and he said oh no I told him it’s all right when my mother came with dad and wa kin she put me on birth control damn her but still that’s ok! veeths pov-
Good . We sat there for a while and said round two and we both laughed and smirked. Just as we started loud moans escaped our mouths and the front door opened. We didn’t hear with the moaning and creaking of the bed.
third view -
where are you my kitty Chan and beetroot too said Liszt. Chopin ran to his room when he was free and Tchaikovsky and bada went to get the beer 🍺. Sosuke followed them. Then abruptly Chopin ran down and said to Liszt Yhey are doing things. NANI THEY ALL said and ran up there. They stood at the door and listened Liszt screaming it’s LOVE It’s love!! Schubert and Mozart cried and laughed. Chopin put on headphones and tchaiko and bada didn’t care. Kanae pov - OH NO They heard us we immediately stopped and then laughed and cuddled together while everyone settled while the coast was clear we both hopped in the shower.
Beeths pov -
girl do you need help cleaning your hair? Ummm sure bae !! I put shampoo and started then she gave me a shoulder rub. We got out the shower and got dressed and went downstairs. Wolf was crying and Schubert said do you adore Beethoven senpai as much as me to Kanae?!!?! Yes I do and I love him till death do us part. Then you have my respect. Liszt just smirked and everyone was playing cards so we started cooking 🥘
6 months later- We went to the beach on our anniversary and brought everyone. Wagner and her parents came to as they were home off a trip. On the beach I suddenly went into music mode. “Spielen wir Unsere Musikk!!! I turned the beach into an enormous ball and gave kanae the most extravagant dress. I had the most gorgeous suit. I got on one knee and said to my immortal beloved, would you make me the happiest man in all the universe and classicaloids and marry me! She cried and said yes. Our vows were poems I’d written
Be calm; for only by calmly considering our lives can we achieve our purpose to live together — be calm — love me — Today — yesterday — what tearful longing for you — for you — you — my life — my all — all good wishes to you — Oh, do continue to love me — never misjudge your lover’s most faithful heart.
every yours
every mine
ever ours
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motionjames · 4 months
Wake up girlies, it's time to return to the frontline!
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Guess who has insomniaaaa! 🤗💕💕
A month of cramps, nausea, increasingly worse insomnia (but a strangely good mood) has lead me down the path once again. I caught wind of some strange "gfl2" thing and after being struck with nostalgia, I grabbed bluestacks and fell into hell once more. I'd deleted gfl off my phone simply because it took too much space but now that it's on my computer, it's become DANGEROUS...! Github and clip studio up front with logistics running forever in the background. Yes, the ideal working experience.
Anyhow, everyone say hello to Contender.
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I've been making more progress in these past two days than I had in the entire two months I spent with my new account because I realized how to (partially) Not Be An Idiot. Turns out there's a thing called "anchored construction" and you can get some pretty nice units (eventually) if you realize it exists! Wow! I got the girly and now I'm working on grabbing Carcano because she is pretty but also insane skillz.
Also, there's a discounted gatcha running right now and that means I can finally get over my mental block and spend tokens... I was surprised at how easy it's been to acquire them, so I've just been shilling em out. My dorm was totally bare until now. I'm sorry, everynyan...
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As for actual gameplay, I finally made it past 2-6. It might seem like a simple thing to most but I was yet again, being an idiot. I was under the impression that I HAD to have dupes of the girls to dummy link them when I actually was swimming in dummy cores 🤦🏽‍♂️ What's wrong with me... Well, I jumped over that hurdle, blasted through the emergency missions, and am finishing chapter 3. The first parts arent so bad when you learn how to read! 😃😃😃
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First eschalon is good, it's the standard one that everyone seems to use to clear the early game. This second one is a WIP mess that I'm readying for night missions. You see, I'm really hurting for half-decent SMGs and rifles, the second one there is kinda lacking in defense/fire power... I wanna create a decent second eschalon and night mission groupie but I gotta figure out what units to invest in. I hope for Carcano soon. She is cute. Also, feel free to berate me for my bad decisions and suggest decent compositions. I am so lacking in SMGs that dont immediately explode (mpk you are so cute but so stupid). I'm currently looking at friend's compositions to figure out what formations work...
In completely different news and only further proving how dense I am, I only recently learned that Girl of the Bakehouse was related to GFL. I've had my eye on Reverse Collapse for a while now since it's a remake (of a remake?! I didnt play the previous one) of a visual novel I played in 2012 or so. The original vn was made in 2009 in like Kirikiri script and I was a young lad very fixated on all things with girls and guns (Gunslinger Girl was and still is a favorite of mine, I would've read it one summer at my Uncle's out on the front porch). There's an english patch now, but back then it was only in Chinese so I had to use text extracting and image translators, looking up the characters as I went. I got a cup of coco and opened up a patched version last night for old times sake. It's clearly a doujin work with those rough edges but it's so damn confident in its presentation you can't not get swept up in the presentation. The sound work make it very immersive. I highly reccomend reading it if you want a solid, emotional war story. Looking at the sepia soaked sketches, down-to-earth narrative, dense wordbuilding and general war otaku sentimentality... It really predicted a lot of my tastes, huh... 😅
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Behold, teh wolfguy...
Back to work. Logistics still running. I can and WILL continue being stupid. The nostalgia is really strong, I'm tempted to draw fanart despite the sour memories of the past. Again, please berate me and tell me of your team compositions. I think my ID is 772030 but I promise you, I won't be any good on teh battlefield 😇 this machine runs off hopes and dreams, not realities!
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1: what are the ages of MC siblings ? I know Mc is the oldest but the age gap between MC and the twins 5 years ?
2: is the dashingdon demo different than the Patreon one ? I just finished the dashingdon demo and I am wondering if I need to buy The patreon membership to access the whole game ...
3: also if MC eventually grow can we choose their heights 😃? I am playing as a male MC and I think MC is quite tall like his father but still I think it would be cool if we choose Mc heights
Sorry for bothering you with these questions I think I have became obsessed with the story 😅 and thank you !!
Sup! Thank you for asking and reading!!!
For your first question:
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2) My patreons will get the update first for a time, then ill release to the public soon after. After that ill be working on a mini update for the patreons that'll stay like that for a while lol, it's what I've done for the last couple updates and its worked!
3) yes, you'll be able to choose a height of either 6'3 ft or 5'3 ft. No in between because i deal in extremes! (Because id rather write how the MC is tall asf or short asf, i think its funner that way!)
Also you are not bothering me, thank you again for reading!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Okay I'm here after reading all the hwa ffs in less than a month (talent ladies). So, I'm going to review it. Although, ik everyone already knows how perfect those ffs are but hey.
1. Bodygaurd
Accidentally tumbled upon this and I'm glad I did. I mean it's been so much time I've spent on Tumblr and then this shows like a miracle. So, OHMYGOD PARK SEONGHWA IN A SUIT AND GLASSES , READY TO SHOOT SOMEONE WHO COMES NEAR ME?!?! Perfect. The story was so well-planned and i like how even though y/n had grown up through so many hurdles she still was so cheerful and bubbly and not all emo and depressed. Ok i get if some fic writers do it in a few of their fic i get it, sometimes the mc has to have some issues BUT I'm tired of it. Really. I'm trying to escape this reality to somewhere where I can be someone i very much aspire to be and not to be depressed which I practically I am irl so ...yeah 😃. Oh and tears. I did tell u i cried and i was not joking.
2. Just friends
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You knew ... you knew what you were doing when you wrote that and how much of an impact it would have on us. I can literally hear that one tiktok sound that goes "the hOe$ gonna love this..." AND I BET THATS WHAT WENT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. But let be real tho, this fic was everything. When the fashion world gets involved with love and Seonghwa?!?! Masterpiece. Shakespeare could never. Plus the clothes inspo?!? This was one of the fic i could actually visualise yk?
3. Rewrite the stars
These types of tropes are basically what I live for. Its like you know you have limited time, you can't fall in love, you mustn't but...oh well look at how the sun shines on his face as he gives his million dollar smile. I think it'd be fine to fall in love. Even if it's just for a few days. Maybe just for tonight.
*kickin the air and rolling in my bed* OH AND BUDAPEST??? 🫠🫠
4. The Duke and his general
Its a classic.
I thought.
But oh boy was i wrong. First of all the simplicity of the fic..and the classic trope but then you get to the plot and then boom! Its like i kind of have gotten used to the whole meet -> fall in love -> get heart broken -> finally together.
And honestly I'm glad I saw the fic after they'd already been written completely because lord knows what I would've done with the whole amount of curiosity after every part.
5. Mr and Mrs Park
Holy oompa loompas THIS!!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL 'INSPIRATION'!! Ykw...i don't even have words. The last scene at the beach tho. Chills literal ✨chills✨. And the whole loop that starts from the 'A. You messed up' and it ended on the same line but obviously now it had a diff. Meaning. And ong I can never look at a person named 'nayoung' the same.
6. Khronos
No words.Just tears and trauma.
7. The trouble with hating you
Again, the trope was simple. And oh we have seen it in so many movies and dramas about this. BUT yet again you sprinkled it with your own touch. Idk how you do it but when I read your fic i actually transform into yn. I am the real yn when I'm so into reading those lines and talking to air that my family becomes concerned but do i care?...no. and that's what we need in a story! I really hated hwa here tho. HOW COULD YOU?? But hey, yn's got charms 😏
8. Lets not fall in love, again
This was so hurtful. Because, i did not know people getting divorced felt like that. See? That's how you elucidate the feelings. When you're single asf but you still feel the pain of getting seperated from a man who has no idea you exist. Yes. I also recently realised that you have kind of a lot going on. Which again! Intersting.
At first, i was so mad at hwa at the start of the fic i was like wth did I even do. Turns out....he just did it out of love 😭. So pure.
Basically you have the best ffs I have read so far. 🙌🙌
o my god i am actually screaming
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1. bodyguard : Accidentally tumbled upon this and I'm glad I did. I mean it's been so much time I've spent on Tumblr and then this shows like a miracle. So, OHMYGOD PARK SEONGHWA IN A SUIT AND GLASSES, READY TO SHOOT SOMEONE WHO COMES NEAR ME?!?! Perfect. The story was so well-planned and i like how even though y/n had grown up through so many hurdles she still was so cheerful and bubbly and not all emo and depressed. Ok i get if some fic writers do it in a few of their fic i get it, sometimes the mc has to have some issues BUT I'm tired of it. Really. I'm trying to escape this reality to somewhere where I can be someone i very much aspire to be and not to be depressed which I practically I am irl so ..yeah g. On and tears. I did tell u i cried and i was not joking.
DBWNDJWKDHWKHEKW IM CRYING UR SO SWEET FOR THIS REVIEW IM ACTUALLY GONNA SOB BFMWDH no bc ur so right on that part like why do all the yn’s gotta be depressed, let’s make the guy depressed 🤚🏻 u are so right on that last part 100% !!!
2. just friends : You knew ... you knew what you were doing when you wrote that and how much of an impact it would have on us. I can literally hear that one tiktok sound that goes "the hOe$ gonna love this... AND I BET THATS WHAT WENT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. But let be real tho, this fic was everything. When the fashion world gets involved with love and Seonghwa?!?! Masterpiece. Shakespeare could never. Plus the clothes inspo?!? This was one of the fic i could actually visualise yk?
THE WAY I FUCKING GASPED AT THE MEME JFBWKCJSKD I KNEW THIS WAS COMING 😭😭😭😭😭 o i did EXACTLY THAT 🥰🥰 i knew how nasty this fic would be and what the reaction will be, two top models and enemies??? sign me up! this fic was my fashion résumé actually <3 RIGHT I LOVED WRITING THE PHYSICAL PHOTOSHOOT ITSELF
3. rewrite the stars : These types of tropes are basically what I live for. Its like you know you have limited time, you can't fall in love, you mustn't but…oh well look at how the sun shines on his face as he gives his million dollar smile. I think it'd be fine to fall in love. Even if it's just for a few days. Maybe just for tonight. *kickin the air and rolling in my bed* OH AND BUDAPEST??? 🫠🫠
no ur so right, these travelling romances are the >>>> top tier of any tier,, the thrill of romance & the separation 😮‍💨😮‍💨 OH MY GOD IM GONNA STEAL THAT PARAGRAPH MISS CHAERSSSS !!!!! U MAD EMT MIND GO BRRR WITH THAT & yes budapest <3 im absolutely in love w that city, was debating on italy but miss budapest got me
4. the uke and his general : Its a classic. I thought. But oh boy was i wrong. First of all the simplicity of the fic..and the classic trope but then you get to the plot and then boom! Its like i kind of have gotten used to the whole meet - fall in love - get heart broken -> finally together. And honestly I'm glad I saw the fic after they'd already been written completely because lord knows what I would've done with the whole amount of curiosity after every part.
FBWKDHSK U FOUND MY FORMULA AND I WILL USE EVERY BIT OF IT! ahhh ur right, a simple fic turned out to be so big it amazes me! it really was a craze the curiosity and excitement when i first released it, the anons attacking hwa during that time in the fic amazing ✊🏻
5. mr and mrs park : Holy oompa loompas THIS!!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL 'INSPIRATION'!! Ykw... don't even have words. The last scene at the beach tho. Chills literal ✨ chills. ✨ And the whole loop that starts from the 'A. You messed up' and it ended on the same line but obviously now it had a diff. Meaning. And ong I can never look at a person named 'nayoung' the same.
FBWKDHWK THE SCENE WHERE “come to daddy” *beats the shit out him* “who’s your daddy now” IM FJWKHD 🤲🏻🤲🏻 nayoung will make a return in this blog again in that yunho fic <3
6. khronos : No words. Just tears and trauma.
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7. the trouble with hating you : Again, the trope was simple. And oh we have seen it in so many movies and dramas about this. BUT yet again you sprinkled it with your own touch. Idk how you do it but when I read your fic i actually transform into yn. I am the real yn when I'm so into reading those lines and talking to air that my family becomes concerned but do i care?...no. and that's what we need in a story! I really hated hwa here tho. HOW COULD YOU?? But hey, yn's got charms
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8. lets not fall in love, again : This was so hurtful. Because, i did not know people getting divorced felt like that. See? That's how you elucidate the feelings. When you're single asf but you still feel the pain of getting seperated from a man who has no idea you exist. Yes. I also recently realised that you have kind of a lot going on. Which again! Intersting. At first, i was so mad at hwa at the start of the fic i was like wth did I even do. Turns out....he just did it out of love 😭. So pure. Basically you have the best ffs I have read so far.
this is the best description of that fic, he did out of love 😭😭😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! ALL OF THIS HAS MADE MY ENTIRE YEAR IM GONNA BE SAVING THIS WHEN I NEED TO SMILE STOP IT THIS IS SO NICE FBNWDJKW 😭😭😭😭
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stay-midnight · 1 year
hello hello again hehe
seungmin ficc ! ! (and just the title sounds hot omg -) our resident sir/master that gets people on their knees with a stare
ahhh snowswept tails 🤧 predator and prey + some fox magic...question is what kind of magic though like something that would make the reader hypersensitive to jeongin's touches, some consensual hypnotizing, or something that makes the reader feel some type of heat to emulate an omega for jeongin like 🤐🤐🤐 (maybe even the kind of fox magic that could make another jeongin, an illusion with mass kind of thing or idk but getting spitroasted by 2 jeongins is-)
i feel like brat taming could also work in divine amusement...the servant of the god of order wouldn't submit to the god of mischief easy...dirty talk too, imo the reader gives the vibe of being proud of serving under the god of order so jisung would just absolutely ruin him, aftercare could involve jisung not pulling out and just running his mouth on how the reader serves him now while taking care of him.
i also imagine that what seals the deal is jisung going over to lord bang with servant reader on a leash (consesually hehe), inviting over seungmin the devil, (cause ofc, the devil and the god of mischief would be friends) and having a foursome that includes humiliating both of those that represent order (chan and reader)
seungmin making the lord of order submit to him while jisung shows off his new servant that once served under order, heck both the devil and the god of mischief taking turns with the reader on their knees in front of lord bang is 😃🤐 (plus points if they make lord bang fuck his own servant for even more humiliation, then fuck chan after, cause switch chan and seungchan>>>>>)
In heart to heart, i'd like to ask on what's the general plot in mind for it? Since it was intended as a valentines special, i'm assuming its King Felix taking an interest in royal gardener reader cause he has never once really interacted with reader which causes interest or is feeling lust towards the reader. If it's the latter then would it involve changing King Felix into a better person due to the reader's influence and or the reader making sure Felix makes up for being a terrible king. And i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the lust one cause smut wouldn't happen between them i think- at least at the start (reader dislikes king felix and if felix were to ask reader to have sex with him immediately, it would put reader in a position wherein they couldn't say no for fear of execution so that would lean into dubcon/noncon that are nopes for your riles which is understandable !) Alos King Felix in an Alice in Wonderland theme is mwah mwah for originality cause its such a good concept 🤯
also sorry if these asks come off as annoying or something-you did say that you enjoy fic talk but i don't want to seem like i'm constantly pushing ideas/hc's in your face 😔💞
hi mystery annonie! fic talk again w/ at 2:33 am this is like the ending to my day 🎉🌱!
seungmin fic yeah! puppy best boy! If you're talking bout the title in my upcoming works list i actually changed it 😭 cuz like,,, i started it from scratch so the draft with that title is still on my drafts but i prolly wont continue it or release it as my unreleased draft series cuz 😭 i mean its cuz im already remaking it! i agree 🤧 seungmin is the most sir out of all of em and idk why he even gives that vibe 😭
snowswept tails really out here making me want to complete both for the smut and the world building! hmmmm as a mythical creature his magic should be able to make reader hypersensitive, horny as fuck (viagra/aphrosidiac in a snap of a finger), oh defo the omega emulation (i feel like ive read that in a fic before its like really familiar), consensual hypnotizing yes! though ill be so confused on how to write it, the illusion thing i can also see it happening omg like imagine going braindead with 2 jeongins cuz i would defo 🤧! Some other thoughts for the smut would be like sex by the fireplace, angry sex with jeongin, ooh what if like reader houses another skz member that got lost and like jeongin gets jealous cuz the reader's attention is on them! 😭
Defo, Jisung would literally make reader submit, and jisung with blowjobs and literally shoving his yk down their throats like while mocking the reader and reader just cant help but gurgle! Dirty talk and degradation is a must with ji, ji fic are barely complete without it, and yes omg, Ji would definitely say something like "If only your Lord Bang could see you now, kneeling for one of the gods he despises the most." no cuz aftercare with Jisung would just consists of him annoying and running his mouth against reader about how he should just stay in this city.
Leash play with God Jisung 😍! But yes, though it is the most tiring to write a foursome (ehem bloody birthday, ily but god you were a bitch to write still the 1.3k notes still shocks me to this very day) its hot like Jisung and Seungmin the deadly duo making the order scums submit HSBSNXNXNSSN LIKE?! i just feel like Chan would be the most embarrassed and since leash play is mentioned blindfolds cant be forgotten cuz those go hand in hand! Seungmin would literally wreck Chan in front of reader in the most humiliating way possible as to set an example that order isn't a solution to everything 🤐 Reader would watch as even his god doesnt have perfect order (blasphemy against lord bang 🤧) And yes, Chan would be questioning what he stands for as he watches as his servant gets wrecked (a special someone is also watching from far away on their own city, during acts like this we cant forget the god of lust and desires 🐱🫢 he was suppose to actually make an appearance in the fic)
Heart to Heart was supposed to have King Felix first stare down at a trembling in fear reader while he knelt at feet of the throne. King Felix would like be a bit suspicious of reader and goes far to even ask if he was an accomplice of Alister (Alice in the fic) ofc reader would say no etc but the general idea is like after the confrontation, King Felix would find himself roaming the royal gardens more cuz the reader really caught his eye both in suspicion and like interest. SOMETHING LIKE THAT ?!?! it isnt fully thought out yet but thats the general idea, smut wouldn't consist of like dc or nc but rather it would be a romantic burn style, King Felix would still be notorious for being a terrible king but towards reader he is soft and slowly correct his decisions.. Like that! Chains are a must in this smut, sex in a maze hedge in the garden 🤔
Nah I love asks like this! It keeps my brain running but i feel like its gonna get so long soon 😭
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etes-secrecy-post · 6 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Aace's Softest Red Bed, Pillow, and Pajamas
Hello! Once again, no #OnThisDay throwback post, but since we're in the eve of Christmas I'm bring out two artworks, per posts. 🎄🎅😊
If you haven't seen my previous one, then please → [CLICK ME!]. 😉
• This is Aace's second time going solo with this snuggle and warm artwork! 🥰🤗 His new friend Ryongtokki send Aace a multiple spare of his clothes as a token of their new friendship. Yeah, its unofficial but I hope this relation will happened, someday. Nonetheless, Aace tries to wear his new clothes and it doesn't seem fit because of his large stature. Not to worry for him, though, because he bring out his winning detergent formula, the “Fabric Softener w/ Expand Formula” 🌸🧴👕 to make it expand the size with its duplicate thread and secure the softness, while at the same time it smells wonderful. However, he went overboard by oversizing his new clothes.
Aace 🐶🐺⭐ [wearing his new clothes from Ryongtokki]: Don't wowwy (worry), I have another idea! 💡😃 Why not I stuffed my new cwothes (clothes) using ultra size pillows into the most softest mattwess (mattress) for my bedwoom (bedroom), while the other one will be stuffed by a normal large pillows to make it extwa (extra) snuggle?! 🥰🤗 While the last one, I'll sewve (serve) it as my comfy night attire! I'd just loved his clothes, though, and so as my other fwiends (friends)! 😊 I saw Vanilla had that one, too. She's wocking (rocking) it, and so am I. 😄 No wonder, that Ryongtokki was such a good fwiend. 🥰🤗 Also, did you know, that I created my fiwst (first) liquid detergent after an accident? Yup, that's my “Fabwic Softener w/ Expand Formula” 🌸🧴👕 Well, I'll spare the details, very soon. 😉
IMPORTANT NOTE: The creator himself changed his OC's named from "Miru" to now "Ryongtokki" (Korean text: "룡토끼"). Roughly translates to "Dragon Rabbit", henced the name. Very unique! 🐲🐰🥰
BTW: #1 - As Aace mentioned about Vanilla 🐰🎀, please → [CLICK ME!]. #2 - Like before it, my friend Paektu appreciated my artwork. 🥰🤗 (and) #3 - If you want more about "Aace Speedster" 🐶🐺⭐, then please → [CLICK ME!].
Aace Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME! Ryongtokki's clothes (formerly named Miru) - owned by Paektu (dA) [CLICK ME!] | tumblr [CLICK ME!] | Twitter X [CLICK ME!]
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