#its like. nightmarish
nomaishuttle · 1 year
see i wanna talk to u guys more and be fr friends but ihave no clue how to go abr it. 1 on 1 talk terrifies me and i feel like just dming ppl wouldbe weird and even if it wasnt id still be rly scared 2 do it. but i also cant just post like Everybody tlk to me bc wheni see posts like that im like They mean everybody except for me. which is nonsense it says everybody yk... but i get worried nd i feel like others do too. i have a discord server But it scares me so i never talk in there.. this is the devil speaking but i wish still went to school and was just forced to be around ppl thatd be so much easier
#i hope once i get my job Even tho it wont be a social job. hopefully ill get mlre used to being around ppl again..#bc i just. idk. i get viscerally uncomfortable if im in a room with someone yk. bc i start thinking sbt every movement i make#and it makes me feel too big and like im taking up too much space even if im like. on the complete opposite side of the room#im like Oh im annoying them im in their space and it makes me nervous and then i bumble and i bump into things and i knock things over and#its like. nightmarish#thats also what a lot of my nightmares r abt its abt ppl just observing me doing something#but i keep knocking things over and bumping into things and stumbling#and like. i turn to quickly an things fall behind me and then i hsve to turn to see what fell (humiliating)#it feels like when i do my walking on the balls of my feet except that thats a fun autism activity for me#but like. the strain and the stress of all my muscles. it feels like that#where everything is judt stressing and light touching and then i get rly scared Basically#and online i just get terrified of being likee. idk#i hate hate hate being misinterpreted and i need to get over it bc likee. yr gonna be misinterpreted sometimes#sometimes ppl r gonna misunderstand and theyll either ask for clarification or just go sith their beliefs and both of those r FINE#but it like. idk it makes me feel sick knowing that people have an idea of me in their heads that i cant control#like. forreal sick. i hate knowing that i could exist in peoples heads outside of when theyre in mine yk#like if im not actively talking to or thinking abt someone knowing that they could be thinking abt me. nauseous#which is stupid and controlling. i exist and ppl perceive me and thats FINE im allowed to exist snd theyre allowed to think about me#but also it scares me bc idk what theyre thinking and they could be thinking anything. ym#ok anyways irs bedtime sryyy. potatos tmrw#meme imsge DOES ANYONE KNOW IF WE HAVE POTATOS TOMORROW? the answer? yes
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astral-schools · 6 months
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I don't know what I will become. No one does. But for now, I am me.
happy one month of wallaru being out. i finished this like two days after the spoiler wall dropped on test realm and have just been sitting on it ever since.
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vigilskeep · 6 months
i’m always seeing zevrans in the tag that are like. well i guess you did colour his skin right but i know you used a white man as a reference for his actual features so i really dont think you deserve the credit
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robotbirdhead · 2 days
there's a lot of really good reasons to mourn Terry Pratchett's passing so young but the one I've landed on today while rereading Reaper Man is that I desperately want to know how the Wizards or Moist and Vetinari would have handled something like Amazon.
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cowchickenbeefpork · 2 months
my most insane belief is that the isabella arc could have worked if gotham treated it like old testament levels of karma for edward's actions against kristen and old testament levels of karma for oswald's gluttony of power and riches
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mugentakeda · 8 months
i just saw a pic of live action zuko and im kinda frothing at the mouth because zukos scar in the original show is so big the shell of his ear is almost gone. His skin is melted and folding around the eye socket. the eyeball itself looks dead. the burn is in the shape of a grown mans big ass hand. its horrible looking because the nature of it is horrible and grotesque and tragic and thats the whole POINT because zuko was and is a kid and netflix is making it look like a slightly nasty black eye for aesthetic purposes or to make zukos appearance "easier to digest" for viewers or some other stupid shit im so so mad im SO mad dude
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cappucosmico · 4 days
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guys my spider looks weird. she looks a bit gay. do you guys think she will moult out of this or will she turn even gayer ?
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beevean · 4 months
"[NFCV] is the greatest adaptation of all time because games bad. huh" Yeah, sure feels like Everyone Knows Games Have No Story And Video Games Adaptions Are Bad, so let's completely drop any standards we have for adaptions or even just original stories.
All the while treat fans of the games as whiners who can't appreciate Art and should just be happy it got an adaption at all. Or they are fans who Knows Games Sucks, and other fans need to admit the same.
That explanation is the only reason I can understand why even Pro Critic™ who must have seen decent made media in their work, go on about a show which fail so much basic writing and treat it as a masterpiece. I can't imagine NFCV had been an original IP it would have gotten nearly as much praise it got.
Honestly not. Every single praise I've seen about NFCV hinges on the premise that the original games "didn't have much of a story" (of if they did, like CoD, it was bad). I see it in the way criticism like "it could have been more faithful to the source material" gets sneered on like "oh so you wanted Trevor to jump on platforms? You wanted a pixel style?". Like, the idea that maybe the series had lore is completely alien to these fans.
That's why I keep insisting on the genuine writing flaws of the show. Even as its own thing, it has tremendous pacing issues, characterization inconsistencies, blatant narrative favoritism, idiot plots, childish dialogue hidden under a veneer of pretentiousness, shallow themes, and disgusting implications. There's only so many times you can bleat to me that N!Isaac has the best character arc of all time (all while gleefully shitting on game Isaac ofc) before I feel like you deadass watched a different show than I did.
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socialtomcat · 27 days
haha capitalism is a fucking hellscape anyway time to distract myself with fictional scenarios : )
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The nations should be allowed to shapeshift into monstrous eldritch beings. And it should be a result of both the trauma they've faced and a reflection of how they've treated others. Because they can be beautiful things or horrid creatures. It's all a matter of how humanity, in essence, treats/sees them.
They are their people, as I've said before, and that includes their insecurities.
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charmac · 3 months
DUDEEEE pls more dennis pov ive seem posts of u saying its gonna be macs pov for a while but omfg i loved the chapters where its dennis’ so bad
It's not that I don't enjoy it, but that I think the audience being in Dennis' head too much is... a little dangerous. Sometimes I write stuff from Dennis' POV and then re-write it from Mac's (the beginning of Chapter 9, for example, was originally Dennis' POV).
So, it's unfortunately more of a narrative decision on my side to keep out of there. There's is always potential to go back, it's just trickier for me (and more spoiler-y for you) to give Dennis' perspective on things. How do you build angst if the reader is aware of both sides! I have yet to figure that one out, but the night is still young.
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apocalypsegay · 5 months
thinkin abt how Shocked my icu doctors were that i didnt mind going back to the icu for a visit just a few months after leaving bc apparently ppl end up so traumatized it takes them years to come back and like i definitely get that but 1. i frankly was asleep thru the worst part 2. my autistic detachment is crazy 3. i may have been so weak i couldnt even use the remote control but it was a time in my life where my family Didnt imply i was a jobless waste of space at any given moment and just told me to rest and take it easy so frankly being unable to even sit up did not seem that bad of a payoff
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coldvampire · 7 months
finally learning to use the sewing machine i was given almost 15 years ago,,, feeling powerful
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velvetineblue · 5 months
lynnie mentioned a "tseng family barbecue" and i'm so obsessed with the image of that akjhjkaj it's an incredible picture in my mind everyone is having a good time. tai's dad is grilling premium kobe beef steaks like 'who wants some MEAT', looking super sexy and dilf-like at the grill ... meanwhile tai is in the corner like
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i hate you i hate you i hate you, i'm crushing you with my MIND
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wjbs-aus · 11 months
No-one: Mark INFRA after reading two paragraphs about how the Stalburg Cabbage-Farmers' Coalition have been embezzling funds in order to buy napalm so they can put the other farmers out of business: "Intriguing..." *ethereal musical sting* but also, Mark INFRA after reading a single-sentence memo about how sanitation engineer Jorgen B. Denton forgot to order more beer so the valves haven't been fixed for a month: "Intriguing..." *marginally less-ethereal musical sting* and the immortal; Mark INFRA after taking a photograph of a really serious structural fault in the building that contains an important piece of infrastructure that the citizens of Stalburg need to have functioning in order to live: *literally nothing*
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monstriiss · 10 months
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