#ive screamed enough in my priv
pumpkster · 8 months
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aetherknit · 2 years
He literally said "I don't want people to take this any way"
He would "feel weird if people were talking directly to him or talking about him in a conversation.." (He trailed off but it's clearly like about other pronouns)
He said - and guys pay attention to this - "I feel like my pronouns are he/him". he did emphasize "my", and only said he/him in this sentence
Just because he doesn't feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it makes him comfortable!! Your pronouns are valid no need to force them on other people!!
This isn't directed at you ofc I just wanted to give some quotes from the stream when I saw you didn't watch this part haha
actually super appreciated anon thank u so so much for the direct quotes like i cannot brave the embarrassment of those donos ToT <3333 i wish desperately that ppl could read subtext.... im not trying to argue dream will scream and die if u call him a they/themmie but if it feels like he (for some reason) wont BLATANTLY say hes against they/them for himself there might be a reason beyond "omg hes trying to communicate to 70k ppl secretly that hes nonbinary and im the only one smart enough to pick up the vibes"
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no okay because smth that pissed me off sooo bad about ppl getting defensive about "omg dream is all pronouns he told me himself" is that i never said ANYTHING abt what ppl do in their own priv spaces like.... personally i find it a bit odd if its beyond jokes but if i went crazy over everything i found "a bit odd" in mcyttwt i would never stop. BUT ASKING DREAM DIRECTLY...... like IDDDCCC ur justification -- ITS WEIRD!!!! anyways in essence: i agree
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yeah thats the right term dont worry!! i agree.... ultimately it kind of sucks because i know a lot of these ppl come from a desire for validation and i empathize but its suchhh a terrible outlet for it </3
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^ grouped because i have nothing to add except i agree and u are all so smart.
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OMG no worries + i appreciate u supporting me....... to be honest i would do it if i was fighting on tumblr but those twitter ppl are bloodthirsty like ive seen what they can do (shivers) im not afraid to admit that i will lose to a mob of stans crying wolf(self)
but genuinely u bring up a great point about how equally dehumanizing it can be to project onto ur streamers like they arent real people with feelings. tbh i dont really understand why those ppl are in this fandom at all sometimes if they arent satisfied with who their CC actually is
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THATS WHAT HE PREFERS . USE THOSE. how hard is it :sob: its funny bc twitter stans are genuinely so afraid to speak out against this kind of thing too -- despite getting absolutely destroyed (100+ qrts in 30 minutes im honestly still in shock that my tweet could be SEEN by so many in such short time ?!?!?!?!) i ended up gaining ten followers...... like i was expecting to be on 50 blocklists but ppl who agreed just silently followed to avoid joining me in the depths of hellfire ifg
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callmearcturus · 2 years
(u can answer on priv if you want to) god, arc, do you have like a general writing server that you're in or, better, that you started, bc i do desperately want to start on this longfic ive been meaning to get to for a horrendously long time but it's daunting as fuck and i could use a sounding board of other writers who are struggling to write longfic. also if u have any tips u can point me towards not giving up on the fic after typing out 50 words of utter crap and closing the document that'd be swell bc no one i know rn is writing like you
Unfortunately, no, I only have my Whomstve server that I write in, not a general one. I started a general one at this point YEARS ago but it just never took off. It's sadly just easier to shoot the shit regarding fannish stuff than original work.
I could tell you how I do it, at least? In every server I run, I tend to create a "jam channel" which is for writing jams. They're the writer's equivalent to an artist livestream. I start working on a chapter and when I finish a good chunk, I put it in the channel, and people will hit me with encouraging emojis or scream a bit. It's a good way to get that instant dopamine hit of Reaction, and also to figure out what parts of the story are working and what ones are not. This lets me redirect and tweak things before the final posting.
For me, the way I manage to, uh, do this, is that... for one, my brain is fucking broken so I can just sit down and make words happen to such a degree I have literally injured myself in the past doing so. (Not fun!)
But also I approach my writing less like A Book and more like a serialized story. I share things very episodically and encourage the Water Cooler Talk, both by engaging with readers when they poke me and also just in the actual way the story is told. I try to ensure every chapter/part/segment has at least two or three things that are worth discussion, and I lean heavily on structuring my writing around the audience slowly uncovering a mystery of some kind.
This is probably why I write a lot of fantasy and weird alien stuff, it lets me gatekeep the knowledge the reader has and organically teach them bit by bit about the story's rules and world. And I have gotten a lot of feedback regarding that as an appealing part of my style.
So I guess my advice is to make a story something that is uncovered piece by piece by the reader and the reader's best proxy character. It's good when the character fucks up due to a piece of knowledge they lacked, it's good when they get questions answered and re-answered with evolving context. And make everything just soap opera-y enough that folks look forward to new updates like a new episode of a show they like. 8)
That all sounds vaguely calculating but to be clear: this is literally what I enjoy about writing. Crafting this kind of story and creating a dialogue between my story and the audience is fun to me. 8)
If you are not a "feedback will speed up my writing output" then, uh, idk! But this is what works for me!
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