#im the struggler right now
pumpkster · 8 months
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piggiebonez · 5 months
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favorite cartoon doob
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ranticore · 4 months
as my main art blog draws scarily closer to hitting 40k do you think it would be appropriate to do a series of FMK polls about the holy beasts
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
just remembered "we've still got our brightest light in the game :)" crying throwing up etc etc
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fogclan-clangen · 8 months
sorry for mini haitus i am currently The Struggler. wkould you guys hurt me if i did another clangen thing.
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sillymann · 1 year
4th grade me would actually be so fucking pissed that all the people who said it gets better were right. like, who cares if it isnt perfect. hell, it may never be, but at least im still here
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abyssvi-blog · 6 months
Real and blunt VENTING POST. honest feelings about my void journey: TRIGGER WARNING. Extreme negativity, mentions of abuse and sexual assault.
I haven’t gotten into the void state still. I’m feeling incredibly overwhelmed and disappointed in myself right now. I’m so sick of my life and I want to enter by the end of December. I’m still determined to get there though.
I can’t stand my abusive father. I just want to grab everything I own into a bag and run away again.
People ask me in DMs what my reason is and it’s due to previous sexual assaults, family issues and my reputation being damaged by previous friends in real life.
I am in my mid 20s. I do not have a job because I could not graduate college. I clean up after my father all day because of his dementia and abusive behavior because my own mother is too old and busy. I literally have to fucking WIPE HIS ASS cause he’s too fat and lazy to do it himself. I cook, clean up after him all the time and he never appreciates it. Instead I get hit or called a nasty name. I shit you not.
All my friends in real life has left me and I legit only have $500 in my bank account right now which is pathetic. Why you ask? I had to use my money for my dad’s bills.
I am applying for as many jobs as possible to get money to at least move out. I’m doing my best to help my mom but business is bad right now. We take turns taking care of my father but we both don’t want to do it. My own parents have once kicked me out before due to an argument. But I didn’t have anywhere else to go in the end so I came crawling back like a dumb puppy.
I have been on tumblr for a few years now. I’ve known about the void state for a long long time as you all can see. Im more than aware that the void is a part of us.
I was:
- listening to subliminals all day, reading the comments and feeling upset at how fast people entered.
- reading success stories and feeling happy for them but still jealous deep down.
- trying every binaural beat, meditation known to man.
- getting upset over drama in Tumblr with fake void state bloggers and some even charging $300 for affirmation tapes
- lying in bed all day to enter the void state then getting upset that nothing happens so I turn around to sleep
Before anyone tells me that I’m not trying “hard enough” and that “I’m not trying in the slightest to stay positive,” that I should try this and that…
Dude. I’m legit at my limit. Don’t you all think that I know people have done it before in horrible circumstances? Don’t you all think that I haven’t tried?
I’m doing my best to stay positive but it’s definitely now toxic positivity and I seriously need to vent. I’m fucking sorry for the extreme negativity. I see posts about how the void state is so easy and we all enter it but I just cry. Like if it’s easy, then why is it taking me this long? Just who the fuck did I piss off
I have never been incredibly disappointed in myself. I’m writing this because I can deeply relate to all of you. As a struggler, it’s insanely discouraging.
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Eh..eeee...eeh..You really inspire me so much.Like, I like the fragments of how you design a finished drawing, like these details and backgrounds.
(It is quite possible that it is written bad because I am using a translator)
And a quick question: how often do you write requests?
Ohhh :) Thank you …!! I feel so happy whenever people notice the small little details… Its like little surprises …! Also i take requests Whenevr ; Its just i finish them Sporaticslly or May Not Do Them.. Not might not be the best time (Im a Struggler Right Now) BUT I WILL BE FREE SOON :) muahahah
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sowthetide · 3 months
heyyyyyyyyy im back (this is TeaInABowl). this is a bit late i guess but i havent been online in a few days (✨family crisis✨) snd just got caught up in reading the other asks. i wish you luck with your own family issues, little brothers are just Like That sometimes (i would know).
honestly the quen-verse is real. and its fucking with my mind. but i also have been having brainworms abt how much the story would shift with genderbending other characters. i dont want this ask to get too long and i know this is a sideblog for your quen fic but oh gids can i talk abt it pleaseeee
also you must have put some sort of spell on this story, i think. bc (here it comes) i dont ship throbb. and i dont like genderbent aus. yet… here i stand (???) i dont even remember how u found this fic, but it has me rooting for a ship that i found annoying on a good day???? ok maybe i should clarify, i dont like genderbent aus in modern settings, but asoiaf is such a gendered world tgat theyre actually interesting if done right (as you have!!!) and i dont HATE throbb i just. wasnt very fond of it. but one thing i DO love is whatever sort of gender fuckery theon has going on, so when i saw your story i thought “screw it, who cares abt the pairing, hell be at war snyway lmao i wanna see how many more problems squidboy can have” but now i want him back???? come home???? wheres the boy?????? our boy???
as for song recs, i have too many, and probably need to compile them in a more cohesive ask. in the meantime, its not quen related but i dare you to listen to “house of gold” by twenty one pilots while thinking of catelyn and robb. i fucking dare you.
"I should have known better. Asha knew how it went with little brothers... A little brother may live to be a hundred, but he will always be a little brother." Sigh. Truer words have never been written. I hope your family issues work out too! We are Fellow Strugglers in that.
The Quenverse is so real!!!!!! It's something goddcoward and I have discussed at length, including (but not limited to) full genderbend Throbb (with Quenlyn & Robyn) and the Ironborn-Tully "Let's Fuck Nasty" Initiative (with increasingly unhinged pairing up of Greyjoys/Harlaws and Tullys. This includes Alannys/Catelyn, Rod the Reader/Brynden the Blackfish, Gwynesse/Lysa, Aeron/Edmure, etc.) goddcoward also has a bunch incredibly fun AUs, including what has been affectionately dubbed "sigil furries", where the Greyjoys are actual humanoid cephalopods and the Starks are werewolf-maxing. Not to mention goddcoward's AU take on Quobb with arranged marriage, which they're still working on... ;-)
PLEASE talk to me about your vision!!!! Also PLEASE send any song recs you've got!!!!
I'm so incredibly flattered that this fic got you to like Throbb, even just for the purposes of this story. Also, confession: I didn't really like genderbends either- that is, until I started writing this story lol. I think it's just because I didn't feel like genderbends were often well-handled in ASOIAF fics, even for a world as Gendered as Westeros? (Not to say they all suck, I've just run into a few that I thought were... Ungood.)
Theon's experience with gender is so incredibly fascinating, and the prospect of him being born female raises so many interesting questions about who he would even be (and thus this fic was born lol). See vivacissimx's theon's gender was always broken, which is prob the #1 Theon Gender primer.
I'm also glad you came around to Robb, haha. You're sounding like Quen in my inbox: "now i want him back???? come home???? wheres the boy?????? our boy???" For a long time, I was mostly interested in Robb as a compliment to Theon and Catelyn's characters, but I've really come to appreciate him in his own right. I can't wait for all the tender Quen-Robb moments in the endgame of this fic 🥲
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yuellii · 9 months
THE WAY IM LITERALLY SHAKING IN MY BOOTS RIGHT NOW WAITING IN ANTICIPATION FOR UR NEW FIC??????? user yuellii the person that u Are. i will literally give you 10 million dollars in cash.
WHAT !!!1!
soon soon i am finishing up wriothesley and then i’ll proofread 🥹 his is Not Good compared to the rest but writing is a struggle and i am a struggler. anon the Person That U Are… hehehe i’ll post it soon!!
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skeletonxxboy · 11 months
July 27 - 3:20 PM - So far today ✨
Worked on some note making for a financial literacy group I'm in since I couldn't go yesterday due to workout injury. I feel weird right now, it's definitely my ADHD running around, I always feel this way as my medication wears off, Im supposed to be making an appointment to get the dosage raised but I'm very bad at making calls, I rather BE called.
Watching documentaries on people's lives is what I do alot. 7 days sober by the way as of today. I can definitely feel the improvement mentally and physically. It's so worth getting sober and I'm determined to keep going. I suggest AA meetings (you can do zoom meetings for free as an option) , finding a sponsor and surrounding yourself with people that can respect your problem and keep triggers to a minimum while offering words of love and encouragement.
If you don't have anyone to talk to, message me ! I'm always here for my fellow strugglers.
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tparker48 · 3 years
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Request for 0Vorenation0
"Come on 26, you can make it!"
"Make it to home and we win this!"
The little guy would put his all his sprint as the plate was just a couple of feet away. He was just about to touch the plate until sudden a large shadow casted over. A force sent him tumbling to the ground as he rolled closer to the base. He reached out to touch it as his body ached from the fall. But a large cleat would touch the base before him as another player stood over him."aww, so close. They don't don't make players like they used anymore don't they? They should know not to bring littles into the underground baseball. Looks like you're out little man"
"That was a foul move and you know it. The rules say that you can't hit a player except with the ball"
"There are no rules here. But best keep your mouth shut, but you play with the big boys"
"Like hell I will" number 26 said dusting off his uniform. The other player didn't like this as he balled up his fist. But soon loosened as he say the other team's players coming to help the little guy.
"Spirited runt, let's see where that gets you" the player trailed off the field as the bell rang for the half time. The players were free to rome around for til the second bell rang for the next half.
During this time, the little player decided to head to the bathroom as he went to tend to business. Standing near one of the custom stall for his size, he noticed a shadow peer over head as two black cleats rested along both his sides.
"Hey squirt" the voice soothed above. He was barely able to turn around before his vision was covered by a gloved hand. Its gripped kept from slipping out as the sound of rubber rang all around. The area was dim as he looked at the light that peeped through the wedges. But would began to darken as the large thumb moved out the way. It was the player that he caught him on the field.
"Yeah, me" he said slowly "you know for someone so fiesty, you sure are looking pretty small up close"
"Put me down. When the coach hears about this he'll-"
"He's bot gonna gonna know what's gonna happen. None them of will once til I teach a good old lesson of the pecking order"
"Wha-what are you talking about"
"Think its time for your sit the game out. You know runts with spunk aren't really good at playing on the field with the big boys. But rather... he unfastened the tie around hus pants as he leaned closer to the stall. Pulling out his shaft as his tilted it upward "they make good strugglers to get the juice going"
"Wai-mph!" The gloved thumb would cover back over him as it pressed firmly on his helmet.
"Can't have you spoiling the opportunity, same that voice for when you're inside" the player lowered his hand down to his shaft as he wrapped his palp around the tip. Tightening his grip to narrow the space between, he pressed his thumb down as he felt their legs penetrate into surface of his slit. The inner tube welcome their embrace with soft squelches as the rest of them was worked in. "That's it, ease in there nice and easy"
"The heck ya doing in there" one of the team player yelled from the door "the games about to start up again. Save your jack off session til after the game" the door soon closed up again as the silence returned. The player still against the stall as he held position.
"Kill joy. If he was the size you are, i'd probably send him down with you too. But you'll do for now" feeling his thumb reach touch the head, he lifted it up as he saw the little player nuzzled up against the slit. His helmet being the only thing above sticking out of it their face mushed along the inner tubes muscles. "Aaw, look at the wittle guy" rocking a finger across their helmet "lookin' like a wittle bobble head"
"Get me.." He mumbles as the slits lips closed in "out!"
"Fat chance, im rather liking this view. Gotcha right where I want you. Shame I have this little conversation short runt, but I gotta make sure your team takes this loss" rocking over his helmet one more time, he placed both arms along the stall's walls as he gazed at the head between his slit "and with you stuck in there, heh, i consider that a bonus" he thrust his hips forward as the lips enveloped around the little player. Their helmet being knocked off in the process as it fell to the ground. As their muffled voice traveled down the fleshed tube, they disappeared into his pants as they picked up their helmet between his finger "I'll be keeping this as a souvenir" he placed into hus pocket as he returned to the field for the second half of the game. Enjoying the crowded space in his crotch as his balls carried his captive. With each sway he could feel press along the orbs as he did his best to act casual.
An hour had past in the second as the player stood there in the field as he pretended to fumble at his glove. Rocking his leg into his as he rocked it against his balls. He felt the round form jostle as he managed to pick up the fainted kicks inside. "That's it squirt, keep my balls nice and filled. We're just about at match point. Not long now til your team loses the game. Heh, i can almost see them rage from here. And the coach, phew, never seen a man look so heated before" he felt the struggles inside turn into a flury as his balls bounce from side to side "well, at least til you met my balls that is" he shifted his position as he grinded his foot into the sand. Nudging his let deep into his inner thigh as he huffed in ecstasy. But he soon turned towards the batter on plate as he heard the sound of the balls.
The inside was cramped as number 26 shifted inside the fleshy chamber. Feeling around for the tube that deposited him inside, but his hands only squished into its clammed folds as the cum inside rocked like waves. "Hey! Let me out of this thing you bastard. When I'm out of here your through! You hear me" he yelled into the walls. But only the sounds of the announcers muffled voice would be the only thing that responded back. Out of anger he tackled inside the side of the walls as he pressed into deeply. His face began to become covered from the oozed substance along the walls before he felt the contracted. As it thickened, the muscle clenched back in place as he catapulted him backwards. Sending him to the other side as he tumbled into the musky puddle below. "Ugh, some of that hot my mouth" he say as he spat to the salty after tastes off his tongue. But the sudden shift of the chamber would catch his attention as the announcers voice muffled louder.
"And that's game folks. The winners of this game were the Rockets. What an intense game that was"
"It's over already?!"
"Good game you guys" a muffled players voice muffled above.
"No no! Guys, you have to help me! Im in here! Get me out of this players balls!"
The player he was inside would be walking in the line as he high fived each of the players from the other team. With all commotion goin in his pants, it seemed that he knew that number 26 recognized what was happening, but pretended not to notice as he looked forward. High fiving the coach last, left the line as he went to collect his gear from the lockers. Smirking to himself as he did as he rubbed over his crotch. Heading to the bathroom, he stopped at a stoll as he closed the door behind him. He unfastened his pants as he took out his shaft. Pulling out his balls along with them as they swelled out from the pouch. "Phew! Man you really made my balls nice and plump squirt. Im impressed you even managed to pull that off" he jostled his sac in hus hands as he filled the inner fluid swirl around. With how full they felt, he could almost imagine that he was practically swimming in his balls.
"You had your fun alright! Now let me out!"
"Yeah about that, I don't think that's happening. See, your team's already left squirt. Your coach wasn't too keen on losing that match. Let alone losing a player that, what was it again, abandoned the game"
"What?! I didn't abandon them!"
"Well your coach certainly believes that. So he told ours that if we find him, be sure to return him to us with his gear. And with that, he simply left"
"Bastard, you caused this! When I get out of this im goi-" the player let his sac go as they swung back between, fluid submerged his speech as he as he moved towards the surface.
"That ain't gonna be happening for a while squirt. But don't worry, my balls will be taking great care of you til we see your team. Could be a week, could be a month, who knows. But i do know one thing.." Scooping up hus balls towards the pouch "you're stuck with me now" as number 26 muffled in rage, the player pushed his balls back into his pants before he place shaft over it. Caressing over its length as it flexed. Fastening his pants back up, he made his way back to his team as they waited for the bus. Smiling towards them as he greeted them. But keeping a smug look on his face as he left the little guy to struggle inside him.
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vampirebiter · 3 years
i know everyones making posts like this rn but im thinking things and i wanna get them out. honestly i never realized until right now the actual like. emotional impact berserk had on me and the personal importance it has to me. putting it under a read more because like. i doubt anyone cares aklsdfnjs.
i got into it at the absolute worst time in my life. i was 17, i had just dropped out of school around a year and a half before, i was severely depressed, i was in constant extreme pain and hardly able to walk because of it as well as unable to go to the doctor about it, i was completely isolated besides the internet, my parents were at the peak of their neglect and emotional abuse, i was the sole person taking care of 11 dogs and 2 cats as well as having to be the one to take care of my brother while my parents were at work, i was living in a house that was falling apart around me with no air conditioning in the hot georgia summer and no warm water in the winter full of roaches and shit and walls crumbling from water damage.
i read berserk and the idea of being “the struggler” really resonated with me for probably pretty obvious reasons. seeing how guts was able to keep going even through everything he went through and in all the terrible places he was in gave me. i guess hope? that sounds really cheesy and dumb to say about a manga character but like. i cant think of a better way to phrase it. even now, theres been multiple times where i’m falling apart and wanting to give up and i’ll think of the “struggle, fight, contend” line and that’ll help push me forward again.
i know i complained a lot about current berserk because i didn’t like how the tone shifted, and i still stand by that to an extent, but i do actually think that seeing a character like guts go through so much and keep going forward and opening himself up to people again and trying to heal and recover was honestly a good thing for me to see. i do still love when it was a bit darker and even much darker, but now looking back i can appreciate guts’s trying to recover a bit more.
i still have my problems with the series but it really hit me just how formative it was to me when i was 17 and how important it still is to me now.
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primalrxxts · 6 years
psa (read this to answer some questions since you so badly want to friggen know )
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look, I ain't going to always be on, I aint always going to reply to your reply in just a week, sometimes it takes me a literal month because I have shit to do, I can’t just be on Tumblr all willy nilly like some people. 
It’s also because I might not be interested? i can loose interest but trust me i’ll try to think a reply, its not entirely forgotten just placed aside right now, I have a family to tend to, I have a goddamn job and Its risky, i have a few health problems for someone my age. I see a therapist for ptsd and such, I’m a struggler
I’m more concerned about myself and trying to make sure that im mentally, physically okay, im not putting some fucking roleplay first, nor a ship, don’t like that? then get out, unfollow, don’t bitch to me about the fact I’m not replying and you people KNOW who you are, i come on to 12 messages from five people nagging to me about the thread, I will GET to it, maybe not immediately but it will be done, I don’t pressure you, don’t pressure me.
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dwarvenxvows · 5 years
you need to apologize to noishe for calling him a dog lloyd, thats so rude you're being so unsupportive and critical right now i cant believe youre calling your partner a dog having dog paws thats so discriminatory im telling all your friends your a big bully to your partners who only want to love you im getting my dog to come beat you up you two sword struggler
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“Get your dog to come beat me up, I’ll fight him back! Two swords mean double the strength!” none of his friends would believe he was a bully, right? If anything this guy was a bully for picking on him. 
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crazy-kudi · 5 years
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#POEM © There are times when I feel very low Something inside me is dying real slow I am broken and still judge,why? Should sharing be something to be shy!? "I'll be by your side,forever!" They said it loud But,then they left me alone among a cruel crowd Some also titled me as a 'Drama Queen' Maybe,scratches in my smiles were never seen Even once I was convinced,being mentally unfit is bad Oh!i blamed myself for nothing, that is sad But 'her' songs made me think "If I'll stopped swimming,doesnt means I'll get sink" What people think was the only thing I used to care 'They gonna judge me' was my biggest nightmare But IN THE DEATH OF MY REPUTATION, I FELT TRULY ALIVE So what If I can't swim? I can dive! I LOVED EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE LOVED ME now I DONT TRUST NOBODY AND NOBODY TRUST ME Go,spread all those rumors,I dont care Now your judgments doesnt makes me scare Being depressed does not means that Im mad If you think so,Darling your bad I didnt got Anxiety from a local shop and you arent allowed to make it something I feel shamed of Having anxiety doesnt means you're rude You just cant help it when youre not in a good mood Being suicidal was never my choice So stop treating me like a noise I say Im breaking But It doesnt makes me'attention seeking' I want to Thank @taylorswift she made me understand That Im more than what "I can" and what "I can't" First I was a struggler then a fighter And look at me now,Im a lover & a writer All thanks to Mumm and my friends whose love for me never seem to end I remember pushing them away from my life But they never left me alone,they stayed by my side Yes,depression makes me feel isolated Yes,I was once separated Yes,there was a time I hated on everything Yes,there was a time I was feeling nothing But the numbness couldnt survive love so long Now I BELIEVE PAIN MAKES YOU STRONG Im recovering not recovered I know my scars are still uncovered But when I know everything right I aint gonna loose this fight Spreading awareness is call of the time That we not only say,also feel fine I promise myself,I'll smile bright. I'll spread the light I was taught ALL LOVE EVER DOES IS BREAK AND BURN AND END but now I CAN WATCH IT BEGIN AGAIN https://www.instagram.com/p/BsLMJNkB-5I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eudx00y4rctb
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