#jackson wang reaction
sweetestofchaos · 10 months
Got7's Reaction to...Getting Caught In The Rain With You
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Backstory: While out and about you get caught in a sun shower with him.
Warnings: SFW, nothing but cute fluff.
Pairings: Got7 x Reader
a/n: this new tumblr shit sucks, so there are no gifs with this. sorry 😪
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He is mildly annoyed but the moment he hears your laughter he is pulling you farther into the rain and swinging you around. It turns into a wet tee shirt contest where you both win. He pulls you by his side and hurries to the car where he knows for a fact there is a jacket for himself and you to throw on. He doesn’t care that his seats are getting soaked, the smile on your face is worth it and he makes sure to drive with the heat on, so that you don’t end up sick.
“Well that was unexpected…I still think I won.”
He feels dumb for not remembering that it was supposed to rain, but he’s having a good laugh as the two of you run hand in hand, trying to find somewhere to wait it out. One store offers you both some towels and he helps dry your hair and face while you do the same to him. He’s smiling like an idiot and draping the towel around your shoulders to keep warm.
“Let’s get your dry first, yeah?”
A little rain isn’t going to hurt either of you. He would wait in the store with you and the moment the rain let up, he would peck your lips and say that he would be right back. He would run out in the rain and hurry to the car before he jumped in and drove up to the store front. Before you could even think of stepping out in the rain, Jackson would be out of the car with his jacket held high over his head. He would walk you to the car, protect your hair from getting wet and open the car door for you as well.
“Your chariot awaits!”
He might be an actor but Jinyoung will never be caught in the rain, willingly. He came prepared, a simple umbrella tucked away in the pocket of his coat, so the moment it starts to pour, he is pulling you under the awning of a store. He pulls the umbrella from his pocket, shakes it out and wraps his arm around your waist with a smile on his face.
“Let’s get home before it gets worse.”
He wouldn’t be upset just really, really surprised. How did he miss the warning for rain? Did he not double check the weather? Like a true gentleman, he would quickly take off his jacket and hold it over both of your heads as you ran across the parking lot to get into the car. The two of you would be shouting and laughing the whole way as you end up running in puddles and still getting a little wet.
“Yah! Are you okay? Did your shoes get ruined?!”
The pure disrespect he would feel towards Mother Nature. How dare she cry all over his Balenciaga sneakers! They are brand new! Fresh out the box! Best believe, he is grumbling the whole time the two of you run to take shelter in the closest store which just happens to be a café. You tell him to find a seat while you ask for towels and place an order for drinks and some light food. When you return to his side, Bam is pouting and you can’t help but tease him. He sucks his teeth and takes the towel you offer as you sit across from him.
“Man, this isn’t funny! We’re soaked!”
It is what it is. He takes it in stride and somehow the day turns into a music video. He’s dancing in the rain, pushing his hair out of his face and moon walking in puddles. You are recording the whole thing, your laughter caught in 4k as he comes running at you, only to peck your lips and pull you in close before he starts to sway side to side.
“Put the camera down and dance with me!”
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bambikisss · 2 years
XOX, Cupid { PART 1 }
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-> In which you and Jackson decide to show expose your relationship during a duet performance in head in the clouds with Jackson.
A/N: This will be a two-part imagine, your stage name is Cupid btw
SMUT WARNINGS: Unprotected sexy time, slight spit play, ass slapping (heh)
"Headling our Head In the Cloud's concert is Cupid!"
Social media buzzed when the 88 Rising's Twitter news came out. You had been on a slight hiatus due to an injury but you had just gotten the green light to perform again.
What better stage than this one?
You laid back on your bed as the positive comments flooded your screen as you scrolled, a smile coming onto your face. Your fans were always so loving and sometimes when you felt sad you would go on Instagram live just to talk to them.
Before you could click on a video posted by a fan of their reaction to the announcement, Jackson called to facetime you, making you jump and almost drop the phone.
He always seemed to scare you when he called you.
You accepted his facetime call, placing your hand on your heart as you yelled at him for scaring you, your boyfriend of 4 years laughing from the other side. "I'm sorry baby. Should I text you a warning everytime before I call you?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he watched you pout, rolling your eyes before smiling back at him. "I heard about you headlining Head in the Clouds. Congratulations baby." You placed the phone down onto the nightstand as you fell back against the bed again, sighing against the cold sheets. "I'm actually a bit nervous. I just want to perform well, you know? This is the first time I'll be seen performing since my injury." Even though you had only rolled your ankle, it seemed like everyone in the world thought that you had died. To make matters worst, you had then caught covid so your return was pushed back. You often wondered if the fans would still be as loud as when you had your last concert, or if they would be as happy to see you as you were to see them. It was all you could think about when you rehearsed or even just laid in your bed. Jackson would sometimes help, though, even though he was often someone far away from you. He'd facetime call you frequently and watch your dance rehearsals, providing pointers and feedback as if he was an audience member. You trusted him to tell you when your performance looked sloppy. He was your right-hand man- your lover.
Speaking of your lover, he was silent making you sit up, laughing softly as he had his eyes trained on your legs that were in perfect view of the camera. He had always had a thing for your legs, especially your thighs as you had a small pink heart tattoo on both of them that he loved to kiss and bite while he teased you. He thought you were a goddess that came down to earth just to drive him crazy. You cleared your throat, flipping yourself so you were facing him, your head resting on your hands as you raised an eyebrow to your man, who rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks heating up from being caught checking your legs out. "I was listening I swear," he promised, holding his hands up in defense. You laughed, telling him it was alright and that you loved it when he only looked at you. He mirrored you on his hotel bed, a smile on his lips as he admired you, the two of you just staring at one another in silence before you broke the comfortable silence as you remembered something. "My stylist sent over one of my performance outfits and I have to try it on. Do you wanna see?" His eyes lit up, ushering for you to go and quickly change into it. He was excited to not only see more of your beautiful body but to see you get excited when you put it on.
You ripped open the package marked with the number one, gasping as the soft pink outfit fell from the bag. You placed it onto the bed, forgetting Jackson was still on the phone with you as you stripped down to nothing but your underwear, giggling when you heard Jackson sigh dreamily from staring at your backside. You put the dress on, turning to face Jackson as you looked up into the mirror you had on your dresser near the bed, your eyes widening as you jumped up and down, giggling happily. When you asked for Jackson's input, he smiled before looking you up and down carefully again, making your cheeks feel hot under his gaze. "I love it but I'd wear some safety shorts with it if you have choreography in your first set." You nodded, shaking your hips as you watched the skirt move, understanding what he meant. "I mean, or you can just leave the dress for when I see you during the festival and we can put it to good use later that night." You raised an eyebrow as you met Jackson's gaze, his eyes trained on your legs. You knew there was no point in redirecting his eyes, your hands teasingly pulling up the sides of the skirt, Jackson's breath hitching as he watched more skin slowly get more exposed before his manager knocked on his bedroom door, halting you from moving up anymore making him groan. "I'll let you go deal with that, baby" you smiled, leaning down to blow a kiss to your boyfriend, making him roll his eyes before blowing a kiss back, waving as he said goodbye before ending the call.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You sighed as you retied your shoes, sighing as the hot California sun beat down on you and your dancer. You had been through all three sets and even had gone through all of the outfit changes but your performance manager thought it didn't look good enough. Besides Jackson's opinions, you trusted his as well. You stood up, sighing as you fixed your mic pack before walking back with your dancers to the performance starting point, breathing heavily. "Wait!" You turned to see Jackson running with a water bottle in his hand to you, making you smile. Your performance manager sighed as he called a water break, letting your dancers walk off to grab their own waters as you kissed Jackson's cheek as a thank you for saving you from dancing for the tenth time. He kept his arm around you as you drank, walking with you around the stage as he critiqued your past performances in the rehearsal, nodding along. "I do have one more critic about the outfits though," you turned to face him, Jackson's hands moving to your waist as he pulled you close, his lips moving to hover over your ear as he spoke. "That first pink looks too good for a performance." You raised an eyebrow, your hands resting on his shoulders as you asked what he meant, being met with a dark chuckle. "I wanna fuck you in that dress, baby." Your eyes widened as you stepped back to hit his chest, Jackson winking as he laughed, walking back with you to the main stage to meet with your dancers, his eyes staring at your body as you walked up to meet them. You handed him the water bottle, ushering him off the stage as your introduction music started back up, showing that rehearsals were back on.
You did make sure the last run-through to apply Jackson's comments, being met with a hug and kiss from him as soon as you got off of the stage, his hand dangerously close to your ass as he kissed your cheek, leading you back to your dressing room, which was down the hall from his. As you reached for your door to change, he stopped you. He would usually push you into the as soon as you clicked the door open to watch you change and maybe eat you out, but he had to do his own rehearsal so he held back. He held up a black card, handing it to you as he smiled at you, winking before he walked off with his dancers, leaving you not only confused but slightly horny as you were looking forward to being eaten due to the looks he gave you when he watched you perform and the way his voice had deepened. You looked down at the card, noticing it was a keycard holder with a small note on it. "I've taken the pleasure of booking our hotel room for us. The minute I come in that room, we're eating dinner, then I'm eating you out baby. Have fun while I'm gone and relax~"
You smiled as you gathered your things and went to the hotel, taking a shower and then changed into a robe. You had just sat down to do your makeup when he arrived. He smiled as he leaned down to kiss your cheek, groaning at the scent of the body wash you used. His hands moved up and down your arms as his lips moved down your cheek to your neck, his gaze moving to the mirror as he watched you throw your head back as he sucked and kissed on your sweet spot, his gaze darkening as he gripped your arms, your soft groan becoming music to his ears as he kissed back to your cheek, pulling himself away as he walked to grab his suit and underwear, winking at you as he made his way into the bathroom. You giggled softly, enjoying the lingering scent that Jackson left on the robe as you finished your hair and makeup, then changed into Jackson's favorite black dress, smiling as you put your robe back on. You finished putting the finishing touches on your look when Jackson emerged from the bathroom, his black suit making you want to rip it off of him and just let him have his way with you all night, but you held back. Jackson walked over to help the room service men bring in the dinner he ordered, tipping them extra to place a "do not disturb" sign on the door before closing the door. You stood up to go through the food items he ordered, turning when Jackson cleared his throat. He had connected his phone to the room's speaker and played some romantic music as he dimmed the lights slightly, his gaze moving over your body. You mirrored his smile, your eyes filled with love as he made his way over to you, his hand moving to cup your cheek, kissing you with so much love. No matter how much lust was in the room, he always made sure to show you how much he loved you. He would have you dress up at your shared home to just eat dinner with you or take you out to restaurants, reserving a private room so it would just be you two and shower you with gifts and roses. He would do little things too, like writing songs just for you, singing them to you whenever you felt sad, or just making breakfast for you before he left for the studio. It was his main goal to show you how much he loved you and in return, you gave him all of you.
"So, are you really going to enjoy our dinner in a bathrobe?" Jackson asked, kissing the bridge of your nose as you giggled, pushing him back slightly so he could watch you slowly remove the robe to show the dress. His eyes widened as he stared at the dress he had bought you and deemed it his favorite dress for you to wear, which you both only reserved for special nights.
"For my magic man," you smiled softly, Jackson holding your hand as he pulled you close, kissing you softly as his hands moved down your body slowly, his forehead moving to rest against yours. "For my Cupid."He whispered, his lips moving to kiss yours again as his hands made contact with your ass, moving to squeeze it in his hands as the kiss turned sloppy, Jackson and you obviously forgetting about the dinner that was hot and ready for the two of you. His lips moved down to kiss and bite along your neck as he picked you up, taking you over to the large bed, your back hitting the sheets as he left marks moving along your neck. You arched up to meet his chest, your hands moving into his hair as you licked your lips, gasping as he bit down on your neck, his name escaping your lips breathlessly. "Yes baby, say my name just like that." he groaned, biting down again as you breathlessly said his name, closing your eyes as he quickly pressed his lips against yours again, your tongues moving together. You both reached for each other's clothes, craving to touch one another as you both carelessly ripped off the clothing, tossing it to land on the floor as you both continued to moan and groan into each other's mouths. He bit your bottom lip, ushering you to move up to the headboard as he followed behind you. As your upper back rested against the headboard, Jackson's lips pounced back onto yours, much slower and loving this time as one of his hands moved to carefully separate your legs apart, his finger moving up and down your wet slit making Jackson groan and you sigh into the kiss. "Love my baby so much. Let's me do whatever I want to her because I love her." it sounded like he wasn't speaking to you, kissing down your body as his finger gathered your wetness. He was so drunk off of you, only having one thing on his mind in the moment. "Gonna make my baby cum so hard for me. Gonna make her feel so loved because I love her. Because she's my cupid. My baby," he groaned against your thigh, kissing your pink heart tattoo before bitting and licking slowly as he moved down your leg, placing your legs onto his shoulders as he laid down on his stomach, his tongue immediately diving into you. He groaned at your taste as he licked and sucked, your back arching as you moaned loudly, your hands moving to grab his hair, your hips trying to move against his tongue but his hand pressed you down, your lover moving faster as the lewd sounds of him licking your pussy filled the room. He looked up at you to meet your eyes, his free hand moving to gently grip your jaw to make you look down at him as he began to fuck you with his tongue, his grip on your cheek getting tighter if you tried to look away. He loved having you watch him when he did anything to your body, rutting his hips into the sheets as he watched every eye roll, every groan, every curse word leave your beautiful body.
"Fuck baby. Hold on," Jackson moved to switch the two of you, having you get onto his face as his hands gripped your hips to have you immediately ride and move against his tongue. You gripped the headboard as you moved with his instruction, tossing your head back and then forward as you met his eyes again. "Fuck baby, don't stop, please, so fuking close" you moaned incoherently, babbling as you felt yourself approach your much-wanted organism, Jackson moving faster as he told you to cum on him, his hands moving to slap and grip your ass, ushering you to cum all over his lips and bottom half of his face. You were glad your hotel room wasn't around anyone else as you screamed his name, your hips and legs shaking around his head as you came, your hands gripping his hair to keep him against you as you rode out your organism, whining as he picked you up, carefully laying you down against the pillows as he kissed around your body, waiting for you to calm down. You felt like you could fall asleep happy and satisfied until you saw Jackson rest both of his hands on the headboard above you, watching as your chest rose and fell, your eyes training to look first at the wet lower half of his face, then trailed down to look at his hard cock, which was covered in precum. Noticing that you've calmed down, he leaned down to connect your lips with his, letting you taste yourself on his lips and tongue, one hand moving to pump himself a few times before he angled himself to push into you, using your wetness to wet his dick.
"You taste that, princess? Guess who made this mess on my fucking face with her good fucking pussy?" he asked, not waiting for an answer as he pushed the tip in, smirking as you wiggled around, begging for him to move in you, only for him to press you down, keeping you still. "Guess who's going to make another mess on my fat dick? You are." He shook his head as he moved both hands back up to the headboard, looking down at you as he motioned for you to open your mouth, Jackson gathering spit in his mouth before spitting down into your mouth and then telling you to close your mouth. "Naughty girl."
He pushed in before you could say anything else, your back arching as he fully sheathed himself in you, groaning as you tightened around him. You dug your nails into his back as he moved his hips pounding into you, groaning as you moaned loudly, opening your legs more so he could move in deeper. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your nails digging down his back as the sound of your moans and the sound of him pounding into you filled the room. Jackson watched you as he rolled his hips, grabbing your breasts as he watched you become breathless, leaning down to lick and suck on the neglected nipple, switching to the other one as you moaned, one hand moving to his hair as he pulled out, flipping you over to have you move to your hands and knees. He came closer, his hand moving to put your hair into a ponytail, Jackson rubbing his dick up and down your slit before pushing back in roughly, Jackson throwing his head back as he groaned, kissing along your back as you moved your ass backward to meet his hips, your hands moving to grip the sheets as he looked down to watch, spitting onto your ass cheek before she slapped it. "There we go, baby. Ride my dick for my cum. Throw it back, baby." His hands gripped harder on your hair, your moans becoming louder as you leaned your body down so your ass was up, your eyes meeting Jackson's as you turned your head back to make eye contact with him, your face contouring as you felt your end rushing closer, Jackson reading your face as he pulled you up with your hair so your back met his chest, his hand moving to your throat as he licked and kissed your neck. "Cum, princess, cum all over my fat fucking dick so I can fill you up with mine,"he groaned into your ear, one of his hands sneaking down to play with your clit as you came, your nails digging into his lower back as you toss your head back, his lips moving to bite and suck on your more exposed neck. He held your limp body as he moved faster, letting your body fall forward to rest against the pillows as his hips moved faster, his eyes trained on your ass as he began mumbling to himself, obviously near his own organism as he groaned. "Gonna fill up my baby so good. Let me fill you up and show you how much I love you," he licked his lips, his hips studdering as he came, his hands coming into contact to smack and grip your ass.
He rest his hands on your ass, catching his breath as he looked down at you, kissing along your shoulders and down your back, massaging you as he ran his hands up and down your body, kissing your cheek. You rolled over as he pulled out, your arms wrapping around his neck as you brought him down for a kiss, running your hands through his hair as he calmed down, laying his body down next to yours. "How you feeling, baby?" you asked him, gigging as you flipped over to kiss his cheek repeatedly, Jackson smiling as his fingers moved up and down your spine. "Amazing. I missed that baby." he whispered, kissing you softly before he got out of the bed, moving to go grab a towel to clean you up, then handed you one of his shirts to put on as he put on his underwear. He held out his hand to her, leading you to the table as he uncovered the food, which thankfully wasn't too cold. He handed you the sushi as he went to heat up the rest of the food, you eating happily. He joined you soon after, holding your hand as he ate, smiling softly. "I'm excited to see you perform tomorrow. You actually go on after me, so I'll make sure to stand on standby to watch my cupid tear up the stage." You winked at him, Jackson moving his chair closer to yours as he took one of the sushi off your plate. "I just hope everything goes well tomorrow. This is my first time performing again." you felt some worry fill you up again as he rubbed your arm, offering some kind words. "I know it's scary but think about everyone who is ready to see you. Think of all of those fans who waited so long to see you perform and now they can," He kissed your hand as he pulled you close to his body, letting you rest on his shoulder. "If anything, think about me. I'll be cheering you on," he chuckled, kissing your forehead. You nodded as you relished in his body warmth, feeling all of the anxiety fade away.
"We have a major problem!"
You turned around with your dancer, anxiety shooting through your body as your manager rushed over to you, Jackson following.
"Your duet partner that was supposed to sing with you during the third and final set isn't coming."
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mykoreanlove · 3 months
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things that made him run to you // coming back to you // .starved // I wanna know everything, all about you
on being real // 🥃 realizations // on Kinjaz // daddy fever // acts of intimacy // nightmares // backseat love. // conversations with love // AM hours // you're sick
can I see you tonight?
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thatonedonut · 2 years
Can you possibly do a scenario of this?
You and GOT7 Jackson are filming a roommate kind of reality show but with his members and yours, and one night he shyly confesses to you and you tell him you like him too off camera
If that's possible, thank you in advance ☺️
Jackson Wang x reader
Genre: fluff
It had been several weeks since you had started staying in the group house with GOT7. This being your first reality show since your group's debut, you quickly gained popularity among the viewers, particularly for your brewing friendship with Jackson Wang.
Despite your anxiety and the pressure to be well-liked among your fans and avoid hate from Ahgase, you quickly bonded with him over the other boys. In the beginning, he often engaged you during group discussions and games, looking in your direction for approval. Each morning, he would offer to make breakfast for you and himself once you entered the kitchen. Then, you were forced to share a room with him due to uneven and inconvenient rooming arrangements. The last few nights, you talked for hours upon end out of camera view, laughing, having occasional pillow fights following bickering, and waking up to see him sleeping soundly under the comforters in his bed. Among the chaos, you were admittedly having a great time during your minor escape from the busy life of an idol.
Tonight, you began putting your hair up to begin your nightly routine per usual, before Jackson stuck his head in the door, softly knocking.
"How much longer are you going to take? Are you removing your entire face?"
You giggled, throwing a cloth at the door, "beauty takes time Mr. Wang"
He rolled his eyes, turning around and flopping on his bed. 15 minutes later, you exited the bathroom, makeup-free and fresh from the shower. Your wet hair soaked the back of your oversized t-shirt, causing a wet spot to form.
Jackson sat up from his position, "Why didn't you dry your hair? Come over here," he grabbed a towel from the end of his bed.
Before you could protest, he grabbed your wrist, dragging you to sit between his legs. He gently pushed your hair out of your face before he began patting the sides of your head.
"You're so pretty," he began to focus on the strands of your hair wrapping around his fingers, "I'm not sure if I've told you that."
Your face flushed at the intimate contact, "No, you haven't told me"
He smiled slightly, still stroking your head with the towel, "I should've. I think it all the time."
You stayed silent, partially not knowing how to respond, but also trying to read what he was thinking as you leaned back into his chest.
"You know," he breathed, "if we weren't in this situation, I wouldn't mind living like this."
You shifted your head to the side, making eye contact. "With roommates?"
He paused his movements, "no, with you."
You hesitate, listening to the rhythm of your breaths, "I'm not sure what you mean-"
"Yes, you do," he interrupts. "If we weren't on this show, if you felt the same way, if I could do this for real, I would do it with you. Everything: making breakfast for you, brushing our teeth together, going to sleep with you next to me, and hearing your voice when I wake up."
You tilt your head up, leaving your lips inches away from his, "but this isn't real."
A smile creeps onto his face before he leans over your shoulder, pressing his lips against yours.
He pulls away, leaving a lingering taste, "No, but that was."
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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hwangyeonjun · 2 years
got7 reaction when you call him daddy in public
warnings: none i guess? daddy kink kinda?
requested? yes.
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he’d get sooo embarrassed. would probably try to hide somewhere (or even run away) and would definitely pretend like he doesn’t know you.
quite neutral. he would go “oh shit” in smol and eyes widening before laughing it off immediately so you won’t get embarrassed or shy.
this bitch would get so cocky. he would say something like “yeaaah, they call me daddy, what u gon’ do about it?” with the biggest smirk on his face and wouldn’t stop teasing you about it.
would get so confused. he’d even probably look around in case your father is somewhere and when it finally downs to him that you’re talking to him, he would give you a “the fuck” look.
another one who would get embarrassed. maybe more shy than embarrassed. would make sure no one heard, and if someone did hear, he would immediately walk away, avoiding eye-contact. (+ plus his awkward and flustered laugh).
he would literally burst out in laughter. would probably even crouch down from laughing so hard and after a while he would remember it and start laughing again.
sooo shy and flustered. would totally blush and stutter “w-what?”. thinks you’re serious which makes him even panic a little. i wouldn’t be surprised if he would go this far to think that you’re pregnant and this is your way of announcing it.
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
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His reaction when you are teasing him in public/in front of members.
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Mark Tuan
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You loved training with Mark. What could be sexy, you thought as your eyes run over your boyfriend's hot body. But even more, you enjoyed teasing him while he taught you the martial arts. You kept casually stroking his ass or thigh, almost reaching his crotch as he taught you a new move. He gave you a warning look every time you kept teasing him. But it turned you on even more. You couldn't concentrate while he explained the new hold to you. You watched as a drop of sweat from his hair flowed down his neck to his chest, which was bare due to the kimono being too open. You chuckled as you walked around him from behind, following his instructions. You wrapped your arms around him, but instead of clasping your hands into a lock on his chest, you slipped your hand into his kimono. You ran your nails across his chest, brushing against his nipple. Mark practically growled at your actions. He grabbed the collar of your kimono, throwing you over it. He stopped you in the air before your back touched the floor. "Baby, don't you think you're in bad position to tease me like that?" he growled, making you chuckle as his eyes darkened with excitement. He let go of you, letting you plop down on the floor as you giggled contentedly at the reaction you received.
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Lim Jaebeom
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You teased him all evening at the family dinner. To say that Jaebeom was overexcited is an understatement. The way he tried his best to calm down only made you want to tease him even more. That's why you smiled widely when you were in the elevator right in front of him, due to the crowd. You move your hand behind your back and squeezed his hard cock with your fingers. He groaned softly as he squeezed your wrist. "Don't you think you've got carried in your game, baby?" he whispered in your ear, squeezing your hand tighter You just giggled softly, continuing to run your fingers along its length. You took your hands off his cock and, making sure no one was looking at you, lifted the hem of your short dress from behind, teasing him with your ass. You heard a low growl that sent goosebumps to your skin. Jaebeom gripped your shoulder tightly, pulling you towards him. His fingers dug into your skin, hurting you as you rubbed your ass against his cock. “Congratulations my kitty, you just hit the jackpot. And don't even think that your safe word can help you tonight!" he said in a low voice, and a chill went down your spine as you realized it wasn't a joke.
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Jacksom Wang
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You sat in a restaurant and had dinner with all the members. You continued to fiddle with the pendant, drawing the eyes of Jackson, who was sitting opposite, to your deep neckline. You practically snorted in frustration as he continued talking to the guys. You smiled as you took your glass of wine. You didn't look away from Jackson, running your glass over your bottom lip. "Daddy" you said wordlessly with just your lips before taking a sip. You chuckled as it made Jackson freeze for a second before he returned to the conversation. You took a slice of the cake, deliberately leaving cream on your lips. You said wordlessly "Daddy" running your tongue over your lips. You bit your lip slightly as Jackson gulped looking at your lips. Perfect, you thought, realizing that your little game was working. You took off your shoe, running your foot along Jackson's ankle. "Daddy," you said again as he looked sharply at you. His jaw tightened as you ran your foot across his crotch. "Daddy" you chuckled, making him squeeze the glass in his hand. You sharply returned your foot back on floor as he slammed hard his palm down on the table. “Are you really could handle it if I turn into your daddy right now?!” he growled glaring at you, causing the guys to stare at Jackson with their mouths open. You smiled broadly as you returned to your cake, getting exactly the reaction you were hoping for.
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Park Jinyoung
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You rested your elbows on the table as Mark and Jaebeom prepared dinner. You turned around and smiled when you saw Jinyoung staring at your ass in short shorts that were barely visible from oversize T-shirt. You turned your head to make sure BamBam and Yugeom were totally into playing on PS. You spread your legs slightly and leaned forward, arching your back just enough for Jinyoung to see your ass and crotch completely. You pulled your shorts up, letting them dig between your folds. You couldn't help but laugh when Jinyoung cleared his throat. You turned slightly towards Jinyoung, meeting his glare. You saw how white his fingers were when he squeezed his phone, tapping his leg nervously. Jinyoung closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. Perfect, you thought as you watched Jinyoung try to keep his arousal under control. You ran your hand down your ass, lightly grabbing the hem of your shorts, completely exposing your buttocks for Jinyoung's gaze. “Baby,” he warned you in a stern voice. "You talking to me?" chuckling asked Mark turning towards Jinyoung before returning to cooking. You were glad that because of the kitchen island you leaned on, Mark couldn't see your little show you put on for Jinyoung. You heard a low growl behind you as you ran your fingers along your crotch. You chuckled when you heard Jinyoung's chair creak as he stood up. “One more move like that and I’ll show the guys how much you love being punished!” Jinyoung growled leaving a hard slap on your half-naked ass before lowering your shorts down, leaving all the guys staring at you practically with their mouths open. “Nerd” you snorted as Jinyoung left the kitchen heading for the restroom, causing Mark and Jaebeom to laugh out loud.
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Choi Youngjae
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You chuckled as Youngjae sat on the floor instead of joining everyone at the table. You knew that he could see your legs under the table, unlike the others. You spread your legs wide, pulling your skirt up your thighs. You noticed how Youngjae's jaw tightened as his eyes caught your movements under the table. You ran your fingers over your crotch and almost laughed as Youngjae's jaw dropped. He turned his gaze to you, completely blushing from your actions under the table. You almost moaned when you saw the pleading in his eyes to stop teasing him. You bit your lower lip, causing him to swallow loudly. "Are you okay?" asked Jaebeom "No!" Youngjae practically groaned. You giggled contentedly as Youngjae fell to the floor, turning his back to the table, trying to hide his boner.
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BamBam didn't react at all to your attempts to seduce him while you were hanging out together with members. But you had a secret weapon that always worked. You selected one of your underwear photos and sent it to BamBam, quickly slipping your phone into your pocket. BamBam gasped loudly making all the members look at him. You barely kept a smile, making the most surprised look, while BamBam drilled you with a look. "Are you okay?" asked Jackson, clapping BamBam on the shoulder. “Yes,” BamBam cleared his throat, slowly blushing without taking his eyes off you. “You seem to blush. Are you sure you're okay?" You asked innocently looking at him. You ran your fingers along the stem of the glass, forcing BamBam to follow your every move. Now whatever you do it will tease him even more. "Yeah, I'm fine," BamBam practically growled looking into your eyes. "Got a notification that I wanted to watch the movie 'Love and Leashes' tonight!" answered BamBam. You bit your lower lip and BamBam unconsciously leaned towards you but quickly stopped when he remembered that you weren't alone. You laughed softly at his angry looks as you continued your little torture to seduce your boyfriend.
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Kim Yugeom
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You couldn't help but laugh as Yugeom watched open-mouthed at you while you sucked on the lollipop. He tried to keep the conversation going with the other members, but his words were constantly confused, making the others laugh at him. “I'd be scared of him if I were you,” Jinyoung said while pushing Yugeom in the shoulder. “He looks at you like he's a maniac... ouff” You laughed at Jinyoung's comment that made Yugeom resent his hyung. “How can I even look at her differently when she does something like this!” Yugeom growled as he snatched the lollipop from your hand. “From now on, lollipops are forbidden for you,” Yugeom snorted as he tossed your lollipop into the bin. You couldn't hide the amusement that your boyfriend's cute reaction caused.
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That ass…
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Got7 as Newly Weds
Hello, everyone. Post two of today. I got a two part post so I decided to just upload both pieces today. It turned out really cute and I hope you all like it. As always, if there's anything you want to see, let me know! Send me whatever requests you might have!
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Request: what's it like being newlyweds?
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Mark would be cute and fluffy. He’s so excited to have you all to himself once the wedding is over. He’s the type to constantly call you his wife while you’re alone, just because he’s excited that it’s a reality. Your honeymoon would be all kinds of fun activities for you to do together. Anything from amusement parks to snorkeling and other fun adventures.
2. Jay B
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Being married makes Jay B more confident. I’m honestly not sure if you guys will be leaving the bedroom much on your first few days of your honeymoon. Your outings would be cute and calm outings, aquariums, art museums, and zoos. Things that are experiences.
3. Jackson
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Jackson is the most excited possible. He would be all over you and wherever you went for your honeymoon, neither of you is driving. You’re the pair that is making the driver uncomfortable because you’re making out in the backseat. The carefree couple that could disappear at the drop of a hat if you have no obligations the next day and no schedule.
4. Jinyoung
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Jinyoung would seem exactly the same as usual in public, but he would be so soft for you when it’s just the two of you. Your honeymoon would be a long affair. You’re the ones disappearing for three months and no one knows where you went but you came back and some point and acted like nothing happened. You experience a ton of new experiences and moments.
5. Youngjae
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Youngjae is the one who probably cried at the wedding so he’s the most happy possible about your new marriage. Your honeymoon isn’t really planned, you decide everything you want to do at the spur of a moment. You just get on the first available plane and go somewhere and live out a new adventure.
6. BamBam
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BamBam is the one who planned your wedding. You thought you would plan it but party planner BamBam took over and he has made the most extravagant wedding possible. The honeymoon is just the same, simply because you won’t be leaving your hotel room so it better be the best.
7. Yugyeom
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Yugyeom is so blushy and almost in shock. He would have a list of everything you need to do for your honeymoon but it’s a long enough list that it really becomes more of a bucket list that you live the rest of your lives by. You would be going places neither of you have ever been. He wants everything you do together to be new and exciting.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Send me any requests you might have!
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nichoswag · 2 years
Hey there I have some got7 scenarios/reactions that I'd love to see you do... How would they approach someone they are interested in at a house party?
hey anon! i decided to use the term crush in place of 'someone they're interested in,' i hope that's okay. i actually like this scenario a lot but i wasn't completely sure what to write, so here's my attempt 👀 also sorry for the wait, i was stumped so it did take me a bit to be creative and complete the request :3 enjoy!
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how got7 would approach their crush at a party
warnings: cursing, fighting (in jayb's), flirting, terrible pickup lines (jackson 👀), not proofread bcs i'm tired af
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jaebeom probably wouldn't even approach you - he'd be subtly watching bcs he just adores you sm. subtle until he notices a guy getting too close and you seeming uncomfortable. he makes his way to you and pulls the whole "babe, is this guy bothering you?" and you play along until the guy grows frustrated and calls you names, which is when jb throws hands (fists). after he defends you and leaves the guy slumped on the ground, you're actually the one who asks for his number.
mark would probably be really straight forward. sumn like "hey, you're cute, could i get your number?" but in the least creepy way possible. you can't help but say yes - he's so fcking cute omg and he texts you as soon as he gets home from the party to make sure you get home safely
jackson would be so extra ong. he'd slide in with the horribly tacky pickup lines but it still gives you butterflies. something like "hey, what's your name?" "y/n, why?" "oh, i could've sworn it was mine." so cheesy but so fcking cute bcs its jackson anywhores y'all exchange numbers after flirting a bit and that's how it goes down :D
jinyoung would definitely be the most smooth - you couldn't even tell if he's nervous (he is). he approaches you with a slight smile to appear friendly (rbf fr) and sits next to you and your friend on the sofa. he attempts to make small talk and by the end of the night, you both share a few drinks and exchange numbers.
youngjae seems like a pretty shy person irl esp around people he doesn't really know so he'd have to be comfortable with you to approach you - and you have to be alone bcs he's afraid of messing up around you, much less your friends or other strangers 🥺 he'd probably ask for your number so you could plan a hangout at some point (not a date, he wouldn't be that straightforward)
i take back what i said about jinyoung - bam is def the most smooth with all that flirting he does, and that's definitely what he does with you. mans waltzes right up to you and starts flirting (so extra pls) he'd def ask for your number and plan out a date on the spot 😩
bb would prob try to act so confident but be vv nervous :3 mans does not have enough experience with dating despite his constant flirting smh... probably stutters a bit but ultimately plays it cool. you end up giving him your number bcs he's just so cute!!
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got7paradisejust4u · 2 years
GOT7 Scenario - Here, Right Now! ~ Jackson Wang
Post Date: 23rd June 2022 Content: Smut - Jackson x Reader WC: 1.7K TW?: Exhibitionism/ Profanitities/ Subtle Grinding/ Brat!Y/N/ Dom!Jackson/ Public Sex/ Throat grabbing/ Penetration/ Swallowing/ Hickeys
Masterlists: Reactions / Scenarios / As If you like my stuff and wanna tip, just buy me a coffee!
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Hey! Thanks for the request and I hope you like it! <3 ______________________________________________________________
The sun shines brightly over the town, as a heatwave tries to take the population out, but it was just a perfect opportunity for people to get out, go to the beach, chill in the park, and spend every moment of the day out and about to take advantage of the great weather. 
It took a lot of convincing, but you managed to get all seven boys to agree on going out to the park for the day, with a transportable BBQ, some nice food to cook on it and some sweet treats. You weren’t surprised you managed to convince them, god you had them all wrapped around your little finger, especially Jackson. Once you say something, that’s law in his eyes and would convince his members to follow suit for you, and you couldn’t help but take advantage of this when you desperately needed them to agree with you, but you felt guilty, knowing Jackson would do anything and everything for you. 
There was something about Jackson that made you feel something for him, and you weren’t sure what you felt, or why you felt the way you did about him but when trying not to choose a favourite person out of the seven of them, it always leant towards Jackson. You were best friends with them all but him, just him, it was completely different. 
“Noona, why have you got to make us go out on the hottest day everrrrrrrr?” Bam whined, Yugyeom agreeing with his little nod, wailing his arms, “Because it’s going to be nice to actually get out and spend time with all of us on your days off, now go set up the picnic blanket and the stuff for us to sit down and enjoy it,” you grinned, twirling around, your skirt lifting and moving with the breeze, enjoying the sun. “Don’t forget to put sunscreen on guys,” Jaebum calls from behind with Jinyoung, slowly catching up to the rest of you ahead, finding the perfect spot under a massive tree, enough shade to keep you cool, but an opportunity to sit in the sun just millimetres away from them. “Yes sir!” Jackson calls out in response, standing there like a soldier, hand up to his head at his leader.
The youngest’s bitching turned into laughter and enjoyment once you all get settled down, talking and anything and everything that could be thought of, playing music to chill to and digging into some delicious food, and you find yourself situated between Jackson and Jaebum, who start bickering around you over the last piece of food on the BBQ. You roll your eyes, pretending to be irritated by their petty argument, trying to get up onto your feet but stumbling, falling back into Jackson’s lap, giving up and just staying there. “Do you mind?” he exclaims, trying to eat his food as you jokingly wiggle your butt into his lap as a way to show that you do mind, and you weren’t going to budge but that was a huge mistake to make.
Jackson freezes underneath you, looking at you wide-eyed when you turn to see what his issue was, biting his lip in frustration. “You okay?” you whisper to him, receiving a little nod from him, shoving the last bit of food into his mouth as you re-adjust yourself on his lap, finally feeling something hard poking into your butt. Perfect, you’ve unintentionally made him hard, but for some reason, you were pleased with yourself, moving your hips slightly on him, trying to make it subtle so the other members don’t see as Jackson tries to hold back moans. 
Trying not to lose his collective shit, he gently lifts you up off him and drops you to the side where you were originally sitting, covering the fact he had a bulge, getting up to his feet as he thinks of an excuse to get away for just 5 minutes to get five minutes to calm down. “I’m going to go to the shop around the corner, do you guys want anything?” he wiggles in his spot, as they all shake their heads but you wanna test how much you can push him, “I’ll come with, I don’t know what I want until I see it~” you sing as you rush to join him, doing a little dance and sweetly waving to the members who don’t suspect a thing at this point. Jackson can’t help but audibly growl under his breath when you link arms with him, walking up the path towards the exit of the park, “Why?”, you dramatically gasp at this, clutching your chest, “Because I want to go to the shop, Jackie~” you sing, taking hold of his hand, swinging it. It was evident he was slowly losing his patience with you. 
“Aw, what’s wrong Jackie? Something hard?” you tease, biting your lip and making sure he catches you doing so, throwing his head back and coming to a stop, slowly turning around to face you. “Will you quit it?!” he bites, only to hear you giggle, taking a step closer to him, looking up at him innocently. “Quit what?”. You swear you saw his veins pop up violently as he takes a deep breath before backing up a little, but you kept getting loser, running your fingers up his torso, circling them on a peck, biting your lip again and your other hand brushing over his crotch, not caring if anyone sees, “I asked, quit what?” you whisper, challenging him. 
His tongue presses hard against the inside of his cheek, scoffing at the audacity you hard, trying to fight back pinning you up against the next tree he sees but you made it hard for him to keep that under control, “Again, what’s wrong, Jackie? Someone a little fustrasted?” you cooed, making his eyes roll as he takes your hand, pulling you into the nearest bushed area that he saw that gave you enough privacy, then pins you up against a tree. 
“What do you think you’re playing at?” Jackson growls, face extremely close to your own, angry with lust. A smirk curls up on your lips, driving him insane with how much you’re enjoying this, putting a hand around your throat gently, brushing his lip against yours to test the waters as you lick it lightly. This was it to make him break, lips crashing against yours, tongues twisting around each other and his hand moving down your body slowly, reaching around to grab your ass firmly. You lift your leg up to wrap around him, letting his body get the closest it could to yours, his boner through his joggers poking your crotch.
It didn’t take long for your heated makeout session to turn into him pulling his cock out of his joggers, pushing your underwear aside as he pushes it into your cunt without mercy, bucking his hips harshly, making you gasp for air, trying to hold back from crying in pleasure. Your hands make their way up into his hair, locking your fingers, pulling it lightly as your use your palms to push his face close to yours to make out with him again to muffle your moans. But his trusts make you weak in the knees, his cock filling you up to the brim, the friction causing you to become unable to control your moans and whines. His hand flies up to your mouth, covering it to shut you up, “Be quiet, slut,” he orders through grunts, holding you up so he could get in deeper. Your body starts to uncontrollably shake, as the pressure builds up in the pit of your stomach, holding onto him tight as you try to keep yourself steady, muffled whimpering through his hand. 
Coming up to your high, you dig your nails into his shoulders, the mouth being uncovered to whimper to him how close you were, biting his bottom lip then leaving hickeys down his neck as you ride through your high, using his neck to muffle any moans and screams that the whole park could’ve heard. Staying in you whilst you ride through your high, Jackson grunts as he realises he’s not far from cumming himself. Slowly pulling out, he lets you down, pointing to the floor for you to get on your knees, holding your chin with his cock in his other hand. “Open wide, and swallow baby girl,” he growls, raising an eyebrow as you follow what he’s ordered for you to do, trying to catch your breath from being fucked out. 
He smirks at the sight of you on your knees in front of him, subconsciously putting your hands behind your back, looking up at him with wide eyes, tongue out as he pumps himself, twitching and lowly moaning he cums. Watch it drip down the back of your tongue. You lick the tip as he finishes and swallows, looking all innocent when he reacts with wide eyes, surprised at how you are with this, how dirty you could be. 
With confidence, you stand right under him, smiling as you go in for another kiss, but brush your lips before pulling away and walking off, “Don’t you dare do that!” he whines, catching up to you, putting an arm around your shoulders, completely forgetting about the shop trip as you make your way back to the gang. 
“Where have you guys be-,” Jinyoung asks, coming speechless when he notices the dark bruises on Jackson’s neck, shaking his head, trying to avoid what he’s just seen, “I’m guessing you couldn’t find what you wanted in the shop?” he asks instead, the both of you replying with little shakes of the head, trying to act unsuspicious but it was clear to all the boys what’s just happened, and Jackson was in for a treat when he goes back to the house with the boys, with all the jokes and teasing to come, especially of the younger ones. 
The both of you look at each other after taking a seat, whispering into his ear, “So, what does this mean for us?” you smile, as he couldn’t help but return the same expression, blushing on the cheeks before shrugging, “Maybe just friends who fill each other’s needs, for now, or you could be my girlfriend?” he whispers back, you put up two fingers to indicate the 2nd option as he giggles to himself, all excited. 
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Got7′s Reaction to...Your Time of the Month
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Backstory: You cancel date night because your period is kicking your ass
Mark’s been through this before, thanks to his sisters. He even has an app to keep track of everything himself. He planned date night with the possibility of your period coming into play. Mark is at your door with flowers and a new stuffy that also acts as a heating pad since you like to cuddle so much. He brings dinner to you from that restaurant that you wanted to try and later orders dessert to be delivered right to your door. The two of you are on the couch, your head reading on Mark’s lap while he massages your temples and pecks your nose playfully.
“Babe? Surprise! I hope you’re up for cuddles and chocolate!”
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This man is hands on. He is rubbing your back, using that super expensive body creme that you love so much. He remembered that you were running low and thought this was the best time to gift you with more...yes you did cry. Jaebeom’s fingers works their magic while you scroll through his phone trying to decide what you want to eat for dinner. You want something spicy and sweet. Keeping you in his arms, Jaebeom digs his fingers into your lower back and lets you absorb his body heat.
“Feeling better, babe? No? Just take a nap. I’m not going anywhere.”
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The moment he receives your text message, he’s already driving to the store with a mental checklist. He’s buying your favorite candy, tea and ramen. He even makes it a point to stop at that little bakery you love so much and gets your favorite cake. When Jackson shows up to your place, he is bundling you up in a warm blanket and hand feeding you which ever food you want first while giving you endless cuddles.
“Want more candy? Drink? Does it still hurt? Want me to kiss it better?”
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Canceling date night is a strong no. Jinyoung comes over to your place all dressed up and when he sees you on the couch stuffing your face with treats he sighs. Jinyoung settles beside you and pulls your feet into his lap, rubbing your feet and calves while you put on a movie. He’s okay with a date night in, no worries.
*sighs* “You’re really feeling it tonight huh? Did you need me to grab anything before you pass out?”
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Youngjae is worried, very worried. He knows that your period isn’t fun at all, hell the last time it landed you in the hospital. He brings out the big guns and asks his eomma for her famous beef stir-fry recipe and gets to work. He even stops by her house to steal some homemade kimchi. At your place, Youngjae won’t let you move a finger. He is at your beck and call, treating you like the royalty that you are. The candy and little kisses to your forehead while you snuggle Coco is a wonderful bonus.
“Awe, my baby...I-I got eomma’s beef stir-fry recipe! Just wait a little and we can eat, kay? Get some rest, my lovely. Coco, your on watch until I’m done!”
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Can you say extra? This man is at your door with half the pharmacy and the ice cream aisle in his arms. Bambam makes sure to settle you in bed, making a fortress of pillows and the new heated blanket he got you. It’s nothing but sweet kisses and soothing words as he pulls out a handheld massager and starts working on your lower back and shoulders.
*struggling to turn on the massager* “Get comfy while I figure this thing out...oh! Nevermind, I got it!”
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Your pain is Yugyeom’s pain. The poor guy is doing the best he can at keeping you comfy, all nice and tucked away in your bed. He flew to your house with nothing but his love and Dalkyum. Thankfully you have everything you need to help ease the pain. Yugyeom orders food and he runs to the corner store to get treats, Facetiming you to make sure he gets everything that you would want along with some extra pain medicine.
“Okay, now what do you want, babe? Chocolate? Which one?”
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bambikisss · 2 years
Suits [teaser]
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-> Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both?
Smut warnings: Spit, bitting, slight bondage, slight breeding kink, marking, etc. Rough to Passionate.
"You joined a dating site to not match with anyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his champagne as he listened to you try to explain why you joined, cutting you off as he leaned closer to you, his mint breath gracing your cheek as he made his way to your ear. "So, you don't want me then, Y/N?"
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Disobeying royal orders.
Post Date: 6th October 2022 Content: Fluff/Angst - GOT7 Jackson x Reader  WC: 2K TW?: Royalty!Au/ Forbidden love/ Arranged marriage Request?: Yes
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 4 - “You love me, don’t you?” 39 - “I can’t live without you” 50 - “For them, I’ll do anything”
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“I refuse to marry a person I have no love for!” Jackson protests his parents, the king and queen. 
It had been on the cards for months that he’d marry someone of their choice, another princess of another kingdom but there was no way Jackson was going to fall into the expectations and the royal rules that you have to marry someone of royal descent. 
The royals look at each other with disgust at their son’s refusal to follow their orders, “Son, she’s a beautiful and young princess that’ll you share love with and have children with, who’ll take the throne after you,” the King sighs, keeping a stern tone of voice.
Jackson refuses to listen to them, attempting to march away from the dinner table, unable to look at their choice of bride for him that sat next to him and ignoring their attempts to call him back to the table.
Before completely leaving the room, Jackson grits his teeth together, looking back at the family who refuse to let him explore his happiness in someone else, “She is beautiful, but she will not be the mother of my children, she will not be my queen”. Then the huge doors slam hard behind him as he makes his way to his quarters. 
The king and queen apologise to their fellow royals, to the princess who almost fell sorry for Jackson, understanding it all too well herself to not want to marry someone purely for their status.
However, instead of going to his quarters, Jackson makes his way through the grounds, heading into the town that follows right outside their gold gates, which stand tall over the city, the castle towering over that even more. 
It didn’t take long for his mind and feet to get him right outside the shop that encased his real love, a commoner in the town who worked night and day for her parents. 
“My name’s Y/N,” you shyly announced, unable to comprehend how to act in front of the royal son standing right in front of you, leaning on the counter of your shop. 
The second he laid his eyes on you, he couldn’t picture anyone else in his life. And for what? He was a royal and you were a commoner, a nobody according to his parents who forbid him to fall in love with a village girl. 
“Y/N? Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman,” Jackson smiled, taking your hand into his to place a small kiss on the back of it and butterflies were set off in your stomach.
It was like love at first sight, though it felt wrong with your status differences. Neither of you could go about the day without thinking of the other.
“What brings a royal like you to come into a shop like this?” you asked with the utmost respectful tone on your face, though playfully with your facial expressions, your emotions of love for the royal taking over.
“I came in here to buy something, but now there’s something else I want instead,” he replied with a smirk, taking your hand once again but retracting at an extreme pace when his parents barge into the shop.
The royal’s faces turned into distaste at the sight of their son looking absolutely smitten by you, then turned to you with grimaces on their faces, “Prince Jackson, we have someone we’d like you to meet. Let’s leave this peasant to do her work like a good girl,” they scowled neat the end of their sentence, obviously being pathetic to emphasise his status compared to yours.
There you were, admiring the flower beds that cover the grounds outside the castle, and his heart stops for a brief moment. It was like you get prettier every time he sees you.
Kneeling down next to you, he picks a flower from a selection in the bed and places it in your hair which makes you jump at the initial contact, turning to see him smiling sweetly at you. 
At instinct, you get to your feet, bowing to the royal in front of you, rushed to stand up straight when he holds onto your shoulder, “There’s no need to do that, Y/N”.
Pink flushes your cheeks when your name rolls off his tongue too casually, apologising to him as you meet his gaze once more, unable to piece together words.
Jackson giggles at your reaction to his wanting of you to be casual towards him, absolutely despising the fact he’s a royal, to begin with.
Teasing slightly, he points to your cheeks and then to the flower in your hair, “Your cheeks match the colour of the flower, so pretty”.
You thought you were going to pass out on the spot, the prince was complimenting you? You?
“I’m sorry, Prince Jackson. But may I ask why you’re out here?” you politely ask as you resist the urge to sway like a schoolgirl whose crush is giving her the light of day.
“Please, just call me Jackson...” he insists, looking around whilst scratching the back of his head, the crown on his head glistening in the sunlight, “I don’t know why I came out here, but I’m glad I did”.
Urges overtake Jackson’s rational thoughts, his heart acts before his mind, taking your hand, pulling you close to him, as he looks down at you right at his feet, whispering, “I can’t help but think about you everyday”.
At his sudden confession to a silly little town girl like you, you feel your heart beating out of your chest at a rapid pace, knowing you felt the exact same way, though you shouldn’t.
In his grasp, Jackson could feel the slight shake in your hands, worried that he may be making you uncomfortable, “Are you okay, Y/N?”.
Unable to put a string of words together, you nod whilst fighting back a giggle, it was just your nerves playing you as he holds you close to his body.
Again, he was listening to his heart other than his mind, looking deeply into your eyes, seeing a future in them with you as he whispers, “You love me, don’t you?” he asks with curiosity, hoping you’d feel the same as he feels for you.
It feels like you were going to shoot yourself in the foot if you replied honestly, but getting so lost in his eyes, those glistening dark brown eyes of his, you replied with the honest answer without hesitation.
With happiness thriving through every bone in his body at your reply, he goes to place a kiss on our lips but gets cut off by one of the guards ripping you out of his grasp, hearing you shout in protest at the force they used. 
“I demand you let her go now!” Jackson growls, reaching out for you, worried that they’d hurt you, but gets interrupted by his parents coming into sight. 
Anger replaces his happiness seeing them march towards him, face going red with rage as he attempts to pull you out of the guard’s grasp. 
“Make sure she gets back to her shop, make sure that they knows not to leave the town grounds past the start of the flower beds,” the king announces to the guard, gesturing him off with you as Jackson attempts to race after you but gets stopped by another guard holding him back. 
“Now’s not the time or place to act like a commoner, you are a royal, act like it!” his mother scolds him lightly, nodding to the guard to guide him back onto the castle grounds.
“I don’t care about being a royal! All i care about is Y/N!” Jackson screams back the minute they get through the huge doors to the castle entrance, fighting the guard off of him as he takes a stance in front of his parents.
The royals’ expressions drop in disgust at their son’s outburst, the king raising his hand to slap him but the queen stops him, turning their noses up at his “betrayal” of the family.
“You cannot marry a peasant! You’ll bring shame to the entire royal family name!” the king argues back, going head to head with his son as Jackson stands his ground still.
“If that is what it takes for me to be happy, to marry the love of my life, so be it. For her, I’ll do anything,” Jackson replies with a calmer tone, refusing to back down and obey their orders.
This disobedience towards his parents brings them to feel nothing but the shame of him, disgusted by his outbursts and refusal to listen to them.
“You’d really risk everything for that pathetic girl?” the queen snarls in his direction, his sharp tone of voice returns but he manages to keep his expression stern, worrying her. 
A nod in the direction her direction is followed by his struts towards her, his voice low and in anger, “She is not pathetic and yes, I’d risk everything for her. Whether you like it or not, she will be my queen whether I keep the royal title or not”.
For a moment, his mother notices how he wasn’t ever going to give up on you, feeling guilty for speaking such ways about someone her son, whom her two eyes love so dearly. Momentarily wants to apologise for acting out of order, knowing she wouldn’t like it if she was in his situation, but the look she receives from the king makes her straighten up.
“Fine. Go be with her, ruin the family title. Just remember who you are son, who your family is,” she says whilst looking at her husband, who turns his back for a moment from his son, feeling nothing but disgrace for him.
The moment where the king’s back is turned, his mother takes his hand, whispering, “Be happy, son. I’ll talk to your father”.
A brief mouthed, “thank you” forms on Jackson’s lips as he follows up the act, “If you can’t be happy for me, then I want nothing with you all,” he growls before storming out of the castle grounds once again.
His feet tap against the stone floor, racing fast towards your shop with a greeting from the guard who took you away from him, “Let me in,” he hisses, but the guard doesn’t budge. 
“Go speak to the king and queen, you have no buisness here anymore, guard,” and with that, the guard walks away, letting the door be free to access.
Jackson rushes into the shop, walking onto the sight of you sobbing into your hands behind the counter.
Nothing was going to stop him now, nothing. Ignoring everything else, he rushes to your feet, crouching down in front of you as he notices the flower in your lap, ripped to shreds.
“Hey beautiful,” he softly speaks, as you look at him through your hands, eyes tear-stained as you throw your arms around him, then retract quickly, worrying for your lives.
“It’s okay,” he reassures, “There’s nothing to stop us being together now, I can’t live without you”.
In hesitance, you wipe away the tears, looking at the man in front of you as you carefully try to think of what to say to him, wanting to apologise mainly but knowing Jackson, he wouldn’t accept it. 
“What do you mean there’s nothing stopping us?” you ask, coming off a little sarcastic unintentionally but Jackson forgives it, knowing you wouldn’t trust anything at the moment. 
Jackson takes a deep breath as he takes your hands into his, the other hand cupping your face, “I’ll always do anything for you, Y/N. There’s consequences I’ll have to take from my parents but I promise, they won’t get in our way”.
Your face expressed what you were thinking. He was risking his title for you? He was risking facing some pretty serious consequences for you? Just a little commoner you? It seemed ridiculous, but you couldn’t help but feel the happiness you felt before you got ripped away from him.
“I promise to protect you, Y/N. Always,” he continues, smiling when a small one creeps onto your face, eyes creasing at the edges with it, the smile that made him fall in love with you in the first place, “I love you”.
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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thatonedonut · 2 years
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Once again a year later, I'm still here loving you
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Got7 Reaction when the other members don’t like their girlfriend.
Jaebum: He’d try to shrug it off at first feeling like the others may need some time to get used to her and having her around, but when their oppinions don’t change he gets upset and annoyed, he knows he can’t force them to like her but he doesn’t want to leave her just because of them either.
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Mark: He’d get really defensive of his girlfriend, he wouldn’t understand why the others don’t like her and why they can’t see her in even a fraction of the way he does, to say he’d be annoyed is an understatement.
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Jackson: He’d argue about it with them at first getting even more defensive than Mark, he’d also go to the extent of giving them the cold shoulder for a while but when he realises it’s a lost cause he will just come to terms with the fact he has to live with it.
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Jinyoung: He’d first of all want to know why the others don’t like her, was it something she did or said that made them feel like this or was it just them making assumptions out of no where, his main reaction would mostly be based on how stupid he found their answer to be.
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Youngjae: He’d be so upset over this, his only question would be “why?” He loves his girlfriend and all he really wants is the rest of the group to welcome her and love her too.
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Bambam: Bam would do all he could to proove she wasn’t as bad as they think, he’d tell them stories he’s had with her and boast about all of her good qualities, he’d be the ultimate hype man. Even when it was evident that it was of no use he’d still carry on, he wasn’t going to give up on her and he knows the guys would warm up to her one day.
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Yugyeom: He’s another one who would give the cold shoulder for a while and it would take a lot to get him to come out of it, he wasn’t going down without a fight, only when the others say that they’d try all they can but with no promises is when he’d finally give up the silent treatment.
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