#jackson want
chocolvte · 2 years
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GOT7 REACTION — what the members would be like as older brothers
REQUEST — Hi, so if it's cool with you could you do a headcanon about what got7 would be like as older brothers?
LISTEN TO — don quixote by seventeen
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facetimes you like once every three months but always answers you when you call him
seems like the type to text you “how do i do xyz” and it’s like the simplest shit ever but he’s simply a boomer and gets confused aww (KIDDING)
gets super pissed when you tell him about any friend drama
and he’s always on your side, no matter what
honestly very sweet to you. medium forgets you exist for a little while but he treats you very well otherwise LOL
「 jaebeom 」
why do i have the feeling y’all had beef when you were younger??
like he’d definitely have bullied you as kids
pulling the ‘i’m older so you have to do what i say!!!’ card all the time
but as you both got older and wiser things got way better between you and now you’re his little bestie
he takes you everywhere with him and you have the same sense of humor so you have lots of inside jokes. you’re even friends with lots of his friends. everyone jokes that they like you more
「 jinyoung 」
the most PROTECTIVE older brother ever
feels the need to vet everyone around you for whatever reason. and it’s always something stupid too like after driving y’all somewhere he’d be like: nah they didn’t pass the vibe check. they didn’t know that one song i played 😒😒
and if you wanted to start dating???
he’d treat everyone you brought over as if they were the sketchiest person ever. acts way tougher than he is and definitely would be passive aggressive until they won him over
but also he always pays for your dinner and he always wants to know what’s going on with you
「 jackson 」
jackson has the chillest older brother energy in my humble opinion
like i think he would definitely be protective of you and your energy. he never wants to hear that anyone has done you dirty
that’s when he’d get aggressive but if not then he thinks your life is your business
but also he wants to know EVERYTHING. like mf is NOSY bahaha but he wants to seem like he doesn’t care too much
「 youngjae 」
jae definitely has that shows up in your room, touches three things, then walks out and leaves the door open brother energy
never communicates his feelings directly
but he’d peel your perilla leaves for you, cut your food into bite size pieces, tie your shoes for you if your hands are full, take off your makeup if you come home too drunk to do your skincare
basically acts of service is his love language
he never wants to say that he loves you because he thinks that’s weird but he still thinks you’re the cutest younger sibling ever
「 bambam 」
the type to sit with you while you’re getting ready and just play different songs and gossip with you. then proceeds to say that he helped LMAO
always takes your pictures for you. and he’s so well trained. he always knows the right angles
probably would try to date one of your friends but he’d give it a rest if you really get angry and yell at him about it
but also all of your friends would like him because he’s so easy to hang out with and somehow he’s just always around
also it’s giving: don’t worry kiddo. this one’s on me.
but only after he pretends not to have his wallet on him or something 💀
「 yugyeom 」
like a silent little bodyguard
he’d be the type to unknowingly be a really scary older brother to everyone else, but to you he’s just this little softy
as kids he always read you bedtime stories and got you ready for school in the morning
low key gets emotional that you’re growing up
i think you guys would just be super close and have that relationship that everyone wishes they had with their sibling
but when you fight you FIGHT. like you rarely argue over stupid things so if y’all are beefing it’s definitely over something major
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
just saw the most heartbreaking annabeth take from ep 3
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eurydicees · 6 months
i spent THIRTEEN YEARS waiting for an age accurate casting of percy jackson but now that it's here and i am no longer a child looking at heroes my age, i'm just plain HORRIFIED on behalf of these children.
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millificent · 5 months
Every Nico Di Angelo fan focusing more on the background of the episode than the actual plot
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springmagpies · 4 months
No, actually I will never be over Annabeth throwing her knife into the ocean hoping Percy will notice and come help only to have Percy, king among boyfriends, make the most dramatic ass entrance, knocking out attackers with a giant wave, ocean waves cascading behind him as he casually walks up onto the beach to Annabeth, hands her her knife and says “I think you dropped this.” Fucking legend.
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
How I feel like when I see new pjo fans calling percabeth by the name annacy
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mo-mode · 5 months
Totally my own opinion but I’m like 65% certain Ares knew the shield was trapped in that chair machine thing (or something equally dastardly made by Hephaestus) so when he sent Percy and Annabeth off to retrieve it, he was assuming there’d be only one returning, so imagine his complete horror when both of the 12yo annoyances returned with no scratches and slammed the shield on the table. No wonder he was pissed when he sent them off
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I’m completely normal about this show
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freitag1607 · 5 months
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1.05 / Battle of the Labyrinth
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lilislegacy · 3 months
zeus: ok, you broke the pact. what’s done is done. just tell me which abilities you gave him, so at least i know what we’re dealing with
poseidon: ...all of them
zeus: ok but from which of your roles? sea god, stormbringer, or earthshaker?
poseidon: ...all of them
zeus: you’re not serisouly telling me he has domain over air and land and the sea?
poseidon: er, actually, it’s not just the sea. any water, really. lakes, rivers, ice, plumbing,...potentially bodily fluids...
zeus: you- WHY DID- WHAT WERE YOU-
zeus: *takes a deep breath*
zeus: anything else?
poseidon: *looks at list*
poseidon: er, yes. he immediately heals when he touches water.
zeus: what?
poseidon: well, you know, i figured with all the danger he’ll face, potential child of the prophecy and all, he should be able to automatically regenerate
zeus: that- that’s not even a thing!
poseidon: well...it is now!
poseidon: he can also speak to horses
zeus: *throws lightning bolt at the wall*
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eternallovers65 · 5 months
Ngl if I had a child with Poseidon, the God of the Seas, and had to pay swimming lessons for my son because he was scared of water, I'd be cursing Poseidon forever like you don't show up, don't pay child support and now you can't even help your actual ocean spawn to swin????
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ronanlynchbf · 9 months
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percyjackson-post · 2 months
With the casting of season two of PJO coming up, I keep seeing people talk about who they want for certain roles like Tyson, Thalia, Silena, etc., but I think we’re forgetting about the most obvious and important casting decision. By that, I mean I will never be truly happy until Jack Black is cast as Blackjack. I genuinely couldn't care less about the casting; I trust the casting director with my life, but if I don’t get to hear the voice of Jack Black call Walker Scobell "boss,” I don’t think I’ll ever be truly satisfied. If Lin Manuel Miranda can be Hermes, I fully believe we can get Jack Black
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People talk about how “overpowered” and freaky some of the physical feats in PJO and HOO are but I think people forget that all demigods inherently have enhanced, speed, agility, and strength. So at lot of these physical feats actually make a lot of sense in their “power scaling.”
And I know a lot of people like talk about the Lois Arc jump because that is insane but there are a lot of other feats that show off the enhanced attributes some of the other demigods have.
Like, Hazel ran after a Arion, the fastest horse alive for a WHOLE day. Hours upon hours on end. And even if Arion WASN’T the fastest horse he’s still. A horse. That Hazel was able to keep up with. And then run all the way home.
Reyna EASILY knocks away giant werewolves with a knife and used her javelin like a pole vault. Annabeth managed to fight Kronos, a whole ass Titan, to a standstill. And she’s been shown to perform moves only professional acrobatic and gymnast can do. Piper threw a fifty pound shield at Medea and was described to move fast as a viper.
Jason had dodged arrows that have appeared out of no where, no warning, and Percy has side stepped bullets. BULLETS.
Not to mention that with the Lycaon and werewolves they were all out running and keeping up with WOLVES.
So, yeah, demigods have freaky physical feats.
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the-tired-ish-rat · 5 months
Okay, Tumblr.
In the light of the recent Percy Jackson show (and ignoring the fact that I have to read Goethe's Faust for school), I am challenging you all and especially you reading this.
14k notes by the 1st of April and I will read all of the Percy Jackson series' books that my sibling owns.
I think they go up to the Apollo series? So, like. ~20 books.
1. Sadly, my sibling doesn't have all of the books. They have pjo, hoo and toa. Having counted them, I will admit that there are only 15 books. Sorry for the confusion, guys, my bad. But if they are as good as everyone is telling me, I might order the rest anyways.
2. I'll extend the deadline to May 25th because I have exams and school is seriously kicking my ass. Either way, I would probably start reading around then anyways.
3. The original post said 14k notes. There was an update post, which said 20k and I'll live blog me reading it as well. Twas' me, being stupid. Or sleep deprived. Probably both. Y'all get to 10k and I'll live blog it during summer.
The Riordanverse (?) (is that what you call yourselves?) sounds like a lot of fun :D thank you for actually reading this and introducing me to a new world to explore. Drink some water, get a snack, and good scrolling to the further lands of Tumblr!
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sketchtheinfinity · 1 month
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fish want him, women want him, the law wants him...
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