#jask answers
jaskwritesthings · 5 months
I gotta know about gods special princess war criminal 👀
welcome to ludinus' plots fuck up essek's atheism! this little wip is inspired by recent events in campaign 3, essek goes down on the solstice and gets tapped as the luxon's champion with a special mission! i'm loving this one so much!
“Am I to be punished now?” Essek whispered, aware he was weeping openly and unable to stop. The Luxon sagged, their thumb rubbing gently against his cheek, catching each tear. “No, no, my son, besides there is nothing I could do to you that is worse than what you do to yourself,” they said softly and Essek's chest heaved with a sob full of the weight of everything he'd done, all the guilt, all the pain that had become as ever present as the ache of his old childhood injury. “I hurt so many,” Essek wept quietly. The Luxon shushed him with the kindness of a mother gentling their crying child, “My error, so impatient was I to see you to fruition, that I forgot to temper that curiosity.” “Why? Why me?”
and a little bonus in regards to the nein
“They’ve been good for you.” Essek gave the Luxon a look, “Your doing?” The Luxon laughed uproariously, full-bodied and full of joy, “Do you truly believe any god could control the Nein?”
wip ask game
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mollymauktealeef · 1 year
First of all, 💜💜💜💜 for your friend, I hope you feel better soon!
Second! Many scenes for you!
from edge of the blade, Caleb leaving his and Essek’s room after the dunamancy reveal at the peace gala and Tasithar swooping in to take Essek away immediately. Brock my damn heart, you did.
from the hallmark AU, the dancing & kiss scene at the B&B. So soft, so quiet. Holds it in my heart.
and also from the hallmark AU, the last scene, Essek finally finding the Brenattos bodega, Caleb seeing him, “are we running?”, the wizards embrace. Just. So good, friend 💜💜💜💜
firstly thank you, hopefully my body stops being a dick soon 💜💜
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so! many! scenes! i'm spoiled!!! AAAAA thank you my friend you!! that scene from the edge of the blade was honestly my fave to write so that it had such a big impact on you as well, i'm DELIGHTED!!!! if i was physically able to i would be cartwheeling around in pure joy!!! the hallmark au was such a fun go for me and my heart is so full that you loved it so!!! "are we running?" idiot wizards in love always 💜
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astro-nautics · 1 year
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reckless-glitch · 11 months
(different anon) stop daring messy afabs? idk good luck
lmfao thank you i need it, obviously
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cherrycreamsicle · 1 year
why is paul mccartney your eternal enemy. pls that’s so funny
The short answer is because it's funny.
The long answer is that when I was living on Guam and working as a barista, our company told us that starting at the beginning of November we had to play Christmas music. It was around this time that I was moved from our bigger shop to the smaller shop outside the general store nearby, which had a much smaller pool of employees. I want to say maybe...5 of us?
Anyway, my coworkers were cuckoo for cocopuffs about Christmas and Christmas music which is totally fine until you realize that they all are adult women in their 30s and all enjoy the same type of Christmas music. Namely, all the old shit you would've heard in the 80s and 90s.
And thus began my torture. For nearly two straight months I had to listen to Wham's Last Christmas, I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause, and of course, Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmas time.
Do I think Paul McCartney is a bad guy? No not really (according to my mother he is an angel on earth so jury's still out on that one). But I cannot overstate the psychological damage I took every week five to six days a week from November first to December twenty fourth.
His high little reedy voice. The weird fucking. Autotuning or whatever the fuck they had back in the day. They way he had to caterwaul "Simply! Having! A wonderful Christmas Time!". God even now I can hear it. My coworkers seemed immune to the screech of his voice, too blinded by the candy cane tint of his horrid siren song.
So I don't like Paul McCartney. Mostly as a joke but also partly because a piece of me was lost that Christmas season. A piece I don't think I'll ever truly get back.
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babyloniastreasure · 1 year
is there anything worse in life than not being able to go see your favorite bands perform locally
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quinn-of-aebradore · 2 years
no chill, i see the word aeor and i am rabid so 1. Aeor fic that needs a name pretty please with a cherry on top
Hurt/comfort set during their 2nd solo trip to Aeor! A fight with a Nullifier gets messy and they're low on healing potions, so Caleb has to stitch Essek up :3
“Hold still, schatz, please. I’ve got you, you’re alright.” he offered a shaky smile and set the empty potion bottle aside before starting to reach for another.
“Wait,” Essek whispered, and the effort made his chest burn, “How many more do we have?”
“Then save it. These types of wounds don’t heal well anyways. I’ll be fine.”
“You need it, Essek.” Caleb insisted.
“If we want this trip to last any longer, we need those potions. Rest will help,” he hoped the look he gave Caleb was reassuring, “I’ll be okay, love.”
Caleb sighed but softened. “I’ll have to stitch them then.” the look on his face showed he was just as unenthused with the idea as Essek, who winced.
WIP Title Ask Game
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fawnnbinary · 2 years
hi it's hungry anon again. did u miss me
why is ur main title thing #3 Eskel Guy
why r u not #1 Eskel Guy
do u have to do battle with #1 and #2 Eskel Guys?? i bet u could win
Hi hungry anon! Welcome back!
My title is #3 Eskel guy because Eskel guys 1 and 2 are Geralt and Lambert gdhdjd could not win the battle sorry
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d4ndeli0ns · 5 months
' I promise to be patient ' from @wolfsbarbaren
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" thou shouldn't promise things you can't deliver, milday. " he replies, trying to laugh, " last person who offered to lend me their ear ended up punching me in the gut, kicking me while i was down and leaving me on the side of the road... "
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jaskwritesthings · 5 months
i'd like to hear more about exuc luxon!! 👀
aaa this one is my 'what if evandrin was the luxon?' combined with cleric/reluctant champion of the luxon!essek, yeah i have two wips that are essentially the adventures of the luxon and essek and i have no regrets
“Why now? Why me?” Essek groaned. You needed me as I need you. And something of Aeor allows me to reach through the veil, it is difficult outside of the old cities. “You lived during the calamity?” Essek guessed. Before it, The Luxon corrected, though my becoming was a part of it. Essek dropped his head into his hands and filed that away for later, the day was barely half done and already too much had happened and yet there was still more to discuss, namely the cost of Essek's new skills. “A life for a life you said, what does that mean if you have no intention of claiming mine? If you touch Caleb-” Peace, my boy, I will bring no harm to your heart. I merely wish to retrieve mine. “What?” My love, he…fell, during the beginnings of the Calamity. Essek paused. The way the Luxon said 'fell' reminded Essek of the way the Nein always downplayed things he himself would classify as complete and absolute disasters. That was concerning. “You…want me to resurrect him?” Essek asked, already suspecting the answer would be far beyond that simple. There was a long heavy silence…Not exactly.
wip ask game
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mollymauktealeef · 2 years
“The aftermath” for the title ask game 👀👀👀
this is the 'caleb dies' fic aka what happens to essek after caleb passes away from old age.
i was really inspired by a stargate atlantis mcshep fic 'Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose' by synecdochic, its been one of my absolute faves for years and years now and is such a beautiful and wonderfully written fic i highly rec it even if you're not in the sga fandom.
when the whole shadowgast lifespan angst came up this fic popped into my head, the idea of essek outliving the man he loves and figuring out what that means for him and i really wanted to explore essek's story after the mighty nein, the grief and the growth and how he's changed from the shadowhand of old and how he impacts the world around him. its not completely angst, i also want it to be hopeful and healing as well but we'll see how it goes
its still in the planning stages as i've yet to decide if its a chaptered fic or more of series of moments but here's a teeny tiny snippet from my notes:
essek stops and readies himself for the usual two step quick dance at doorway but there is no longer a partner to dance with and the hallway remains echoingly empty
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cherryjuicegf · 2 years
CHRYSA BELOVED I saw your tags on one of my rbs and... I sold you on yennskier w/ one of my fics??? 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖 this is us
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(Love, Hannah <3)
🥺🥺🥺 this is us indeed
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but yes literally it started with your prison buds posts and then i read the fic and was like oh i will think about them forever actually <3 so thank you
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reckless-glitch · 1 year
I give up what media are these people from? I can't find it
Scarlet, Harkness, and Flowers?
or like...people in general?
The former is from my pathfinder game and the latter is from outside
Scarlet (Nightsmith) is my character, (Alexander) Harkness and (Robert) Flowers are npcs
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cherrycreamsicle · 3 months
42, 57, and 58 for the fanfiction writing asks 🎤
42. What's your favorite title that you've come up with?
Because I never post anything I literally never give titles. But I guess...I like "Angie 2.0 but make it angry this time". It's a rewrite of a previous fic that didn't have enough rage in it
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fic?
Only when it counts. I'll stick symbolism in there when I'm writing something serious, but most of it is crazy bullshit I couldn't hold in my brain anymore so it's not exactly high literature, if you know what I mean.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you've written?
Can't say I do unfortunately. I have recently written the line "He looked vaguely like a mad, blond hedgehog" though. That's about as flowery as my language usage gets
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babyloniastreasure · 1 year
magni dezmond mentioned hammurabi’s code on stream tonight and i lost my marbles
vtubers AND mesopotamia?! what else is there in life to enjoy!!
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tielmamon · 4 months
Geralt meets up with Jaskier at the marketplace only to find him unusually flustered by some merchant he's talking to. Strange, usually its the other way around. Rolling his eyes at another possible angry spouse situation, Geralt stalks his way towards them.
He couldn't really tell you why exactly he's more irritated now- when Jaskier is the one stuttering and blushing under the charms of this fucking nobody- and so he pointedly ignores the little twinge he feels in his chest .
The merchant stands to casually roll the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows and smiling wider when Jaskier knocks his lutecase against the stall, thoroughly distracted.
With a low growl he didn't realize he was doing, Geralt lays a hand on Jaskier's shoulder once he's close enough. The bard squeaks, turning to Geralt and flushes a deeper shade of red.
"G-Geralt! I didn't hear you, my friend." The bard smiles, but his eyes are slightly frantic.
"Is everything alright?" He asks and before his bard could answer-
"Everything just fine, my good witcher! Was just asking Master Jaskier here to tell me a few stories of his travels." Geralt turns, eye twitching slightly at the interruption. He finally gets a good look at the fucker who seems to have his bard in a blushing mess. Dark wavy hair, strong build, piercing blue eyes, strong jaw and dimples as he smiles.
Nothing they hasn't seen before. Daresay, Geralt might even guess that this man- no, this boy was downright boring to look at, compared to all the other colorful people Jaskier surrounds himself with. Still, the child continues.
"I was just wondering if he had the time to tell me a few over dinner-"
"He's busy."
"Oh, well maybe at breakfas-"
"We leave at dawn."
A tense silence settles between the three. Jaskier's eyes widen upon reading Geralt's attitude. His witcher was thoroughly annoyed. Why? He's not so sure yet but with the snarl on his face and the clenching fists, Jaskier figures it's probably best if they leave now.
"Okay I think it's about time we settle back at the inn, wouldn't you say, Geralt? Right." He doesn't wait for a response, instead snaking his hand around Geralt's arm and tugging hard.
"Henry! Wonderful meeting you, of course. Thank you for your lovely company this afternoon but I'm afraid we have a contract bright and early tomorrow so we really must go. Goodbye!" Jaskier watches the young man startle from his frozen state to a disappointed look as they walk away. Jaskier is reminded of a kicked puppy.
Once they were a safe distance away, the bard turns to ask what the hell was all that about when he realizes that Geralt was straining his neck looking back at the man, eyes narrowed with one of those scowls Jaskier sees him use on people who think its a good idea to touch Roach, or one of his bags, or apparently now Jaskier himself.
"Will you stop that??" The bard all but smacks Geralt's face forward to stop him. The witcher, ever stubborn resists and only relents when he feels a palm cup his cheek to face him.
"What the fuck had you so enamored with him?" Geralt grumbles, like a grump. Jask stops them and shoots him a confused look.
"You don't see it?" He cryptically says, which only confuses Geralt as well.
"See what?" A beat of silence before Jaskier huffs an amused laugh and drags them into the inn, arms linked.
"Nevermind." Jaskier smiles.
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