#jasprose my beloved
superxstarzz · 19 days
guys I love the sprites sm I wish they were used more
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4lph4kidz · 1 year
How about Davepeta?
Sexuality Headcanon: bi?? like whatever the troll norm is plus dave already being bi. i think they're bi+
Gender Headcanon: nyanbinary B33
A ship I have with said character: jade/davepeta my beloved!!! i forgot to say it last time but thats probably the jade ship im most partial to fdhghgdfhgd
A BROTP I have with said character: i bet they'd get on great with roxy.
A NOTP I have with said character: uhhh the stuff with jasprose was. bad. like it was on purpose but still. aughh
A random headcanon: they've mostly lost their bird instincts after prototyping but they do still like to make cosy nests of stuff
General Opinion over said character: i love them. they're a very fun character who was just..... fuckin' TERRIBLY implemented. the comic is aware of that i think. but yeah dave/nepeta nonbinary bird fusion hyperfurry super sprite is just a lot of fun so i'm not too sour about it
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dyke-stuck · 9 months
hey. hey. that sprite piece you posted a while ago. i loved it so much. im going to lavish praise upon u Sorry
the nanna. i am such a transmasc nanna/crocker fan ESPECIALLY as a transmasc lesbian jane kin who wears sweater vests all the time. beautiful wonderful joy on earth
THE DAVESPRITE!!!!! her short hair. HIS DRESS!!! i love davesprites of any gender its so fun to see a character who feels like crows identity is tied to this "other" version of crowself exploring her gender. also ear wings >>>>>>>>
jadesprite my beautiful princessdreamgirl ... the pose u chose for star so gorgeous and beautiful and i love the streaks of white in pups hair... also the pronoun choice so true, real, and beloved
ok the gcatavros listen. i am not really someone who has considered girltavs before. but. i have started now, bc shes so cute? fae looks so sweet and kind and lovely? im in love w her? her skirt and faer hair.........
fefetasprite xenohoarder SO REALLLLLLL i love glubs stubble so much and meowr coat is >>>>>. a slay moment even i'd say
oh tavrisprite your awesome transfeminine swag... love and peace and realness. well i say love and peace but its tavrisprite. however. the fit is so real ? futch moment?
i will fully disclose that jasprose's outfit is so. I don't even have words. That jasprose. Is. Everything on earth. christ jesus? i love it so much?
DAVEPETA AND ARQUIUS REAL MOIRAILS FOREVER AND EVER OK. davepeta's outfit is so true and real i love the fishnet top and the patches i truly believe in this in my heart and soul. and arquius boobs forever and ever ok?
erisolsprite my beloved.... shes soooo cute i love the lipstick for him so much it's an Inspired choice. and i like the little fringe of their hair also it's so cute ahhhhh
Thank You For The Art It Is So Lovely
anon im in love with you i hope you have the best day in the history of ever & that your life is forever turned uphill. THANK YOU SO MUCHHH<3???
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-09-15
This caught me laaaate at night gosh I’m tired but I’m gonna get it outta the way so it won’t stick in my craw!  Already saw the first page, so it’s time for:
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> CHAPTER 13. The Funeral
Church with chess symbols at the peaks and a Prospit/Derse or Hope/Rage split color theme on the stained glass windows.
JANE: Dearly beloved...
> (==>)
Trolls, humans, and papparazzi.  Oh, hm, this church is RATHER carapacian isn’t it?  Between the chess and the continuing Prospit-Derse themes, like how this corresponds to how they align in the incipisphere top-left to bottom-right if I recall:
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(Minus the outlying orbs to the left and right for symmetry.)
That twisted pattern is interesting, and not quite a spirograph.  Is that gonna be important later?  If we’re going to get some sort of class chart later in the comic, it’d be easy for them to hint at the chart’s graphical structure subtly by dropping it places like here.
JANE: Ladies... JANE: Gentlemen... JANE: News outlets... JANE: And other valued members of the Human Nation State.
Technically true, but still odd to hear--  ...oh right, I forgot this was asshole dictator-wannabe Jane, too.
I read an interesting twitter thread recently about the intense psychological distinction between wanting to BE the best, and wanting to be TREATED like you’re the best.  Epilogues/HS^2 Jane is kind of written as a case study on the pitfalls of leaning on the latter instead of the former.
> (==>)
They brought Yiffy WITH them-!?  --Oh right.  The hostage exchange was supposed to happen here wasn’t it.
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Yiffy definitely looks like a Harley-Lalonde daughter in this shot.
JANE: Gamzee Makara, High Court Jester, exalted saint of the purple veil, has left us to traverse that grand, gay carnival in the sky, where, I am told by various members of the clownly cloth, he will spend the rest of history, honking in grand tribute to the Mirthful Messiah.
Weird.  Is it because Alt!Callie “won” here?
Or is Jane just forgetting because she’s culturally used to monotheism (ironically) and is insensitive.
JANE: And my first memory of our Purple Prince, was his robust codpiece--
> (==>)
JANE: --As he offered me his friendly support, along with the sacred blood of his brethren, the holy sacrament--
He STILL killed trolls??! (EDIT: No, a friend points out that she's talking about when she met him first in Act 6 and he tried selling bottles of troll blood to her. EDIT2: -which may be another inconsistency, since Vriska supposedly overwrote that post-retcon.)
> (==>)
It takes Jake a few seconds of puzzled eye contact before he catches exactly what it is Yiffany is tossing down. In his defense, he is distracted by his wife’s speech, which is doing the emotional equivalent of wringing him out like a wet towel, before using that towel to slap the sweaty buttocks of a large, odorous man. Even if he knows everything she’s saying is a load of horsefeathers, it does nothing for his composure to hear her heap praise on that smelly, homewrecking clown.
Bad things about Gamzee deserve to be said here, yes.
Jake wonders what she’ll say about him, at his own funeral.
Now those are some uncomfortable thoughts.
He narrows his eyes in Yiffany’s direction. She’s a lovely girl, really. He wishes he could have gotten to know her under better circumstances. He’d known she existed, of course--Jane had complained about her often enough--but they’d never had much chance to get acquainted. He rather believes her and Tavvy would have been fast friends.
Then again, perhaps it’s better that she never had much of a chance to get to know his family.
He lets go of the leash.
Yep, there’s a plan to set in motion that he’s probably already discussed with her privately.  Gotta unite this four-kid team after all.
> (==>)
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Wait, are you ATTACKING?!?  --Of course you’re attacking.  You would even if the plan was something different, wouldn’t you.
JANE: And I know that at times like these it is easy to want to give in. JANE: To throw in the towel, and turn our faces away from the light of democracy and moral fortitude that we, the citizens of the human kingdom, are blessed with from birth. JANE: God knows I’ve had my own faith tested in the last few weeks.
Jesus Christ, what has she turned the place into, a fucking theocracy?
She sounds like the leader of some screwed-up, fundamentalist country!  Like the United States!
JANE: As many of you know, I did not grow up with the same privileges that all of you enjoy.
JANE: I was born on proto-Earth, that half-finished dystopia mangled by the ravages of foolish leadership and endless war.
Jesus, she really IS a self-evident takedown of hypocritical entitled political figures.  With the bonuses having Jasprose explicitly ADDRESS said entitlement to make things even clearer cut.
JANE: And as for Gamzee, well, his upbringing was even worse. JANE: He was born to a violent and uncaring home, a lonely child with few natural gifts.
...Some natural gifts and status.
> (==>)
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She’s just, shaking with fury here isn’t she?  And about to perform an impressive corpse-lob.
JANE: It would be simple to let this disgusting, vile, SHAMEFUL act of spiteful revenge turn us away from the blinding light of the sword of justice that hangs over us all--
This sentence seems suspicious so I’m quoting it to refer to later if I need to, but is probably just platitudes.
> (==>)
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JANE: Poised
> (==>)
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JANE: Trembling
Okay maybe the sword’s a dick, but what exactly is Yiffany doing??  I’m finding it difficult as usual to tell between some of these image transitions.
> (==>)
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JANE: Ready to burst forth--
Bad PR to shock-collar a kid mid press junket.  (Very dicks description.)
> (==>)
Click.  (Did they swap the shock function with Jane’s necklace somehow, that’d be fun.)
JANE: I want to give up, at times. I understand your pain.
While shocking a kid?  GREAT PR.
> (==>)
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JANE: I sympathize with your pain.
Wow, those horrified audience members.  She REALLY can’t even see herself anymore can she?  Not even hear herself.  And they’re making sure this is pointed out to EVERYONE watching.  They described this as in large part a PR campaign to defeat her, didn’t they?
> (==>)
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Great furious businesswoman-villain look, that art.
JANE: But when that pain! Becomes too hard! To endure! JANE: Remember poor, lifeless Gamzee! Who suffered pain far worse than any of us could ever fathom! JANE: THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL!
Click click click.  This is a fun sequence.
> (==>)
DIRK: Dude, didn’t you lower the voltage on that shock collar? DIRK: Little Red isn’t looking so hot. JAKE: Yes of course i did but the damn doohickys got the kick of a donkey! JAKE: I couldnt remove it completely shed know i was the one who did it! DIRK: Well, if that supervillain cuntwaffle doesn’t stop, she’s going to kill her. Not really the best at hostage management, is she.
Decent plan.  (And of course Dirk would pull out the word cunt.)  When’s the cavalry coming?
> (==>)
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JANE: But we cannot allow his memory to be in vain! JANE: For Gamzee Makara taught us that even the most loathsome degenerate can take their place in society. JANE: All they need is the right redemption arc - !
Trying to hammer home some of the Epilogue’s trolly-critical themes a little less bleakly, I take it.
I kind of like the violent vibration in ALL of these gifs in a row.  It makes the scene seem small, slow, teeth-clenching but still full of steady action, emphasizing the importance of the relatively small events from panel to panel while giving them the sense with the animation of them being [i]drawn out[/i] and tortuous instead of just “occurring”.  It feels that way to me, anyway.
> (==>)
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If he got up alive here, that’d be hilarious.  (Presumably he’s been treated and done-up like a normal funeral body, not “dormant” and undecaying like a dead god-tier.)
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That face is just.  I love that face.
> (==>)
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JANE: Young lady, I am just about at the end of my rope with you. JANE: Throw all the dog bowls you want at the walls of my warship. JANE: But don’t you dare act up in front of a JANE: Live JANE: Fucking JANE: Newsfeed! YIFFY: Grrrrrr
What did you expect to happen?  Do you expect to shout her down from this, Jane?
JANE: After everything I’ve done for you--paying for your education, helping your parents cover up your existence from the world! JANE: Just imagine what Rose and Jade would say if they could see you now, even dissidents can have a little decorum! JANE: Get down from there at once! YIFFY: Grrrrrr
But this is GAMZEE.  --I guess it’s seriously disrespectful to his followers, though.  Still.  If you wanted civility from her, a shock collar, leash, and food bowl wasn’t the way to go about it.
JANE: Don’t you threaten me, young lady. Not today! YIFFY: GRRRRRRRRR
What is your PLAN even, Jane?  You’ve completely disregarded her.
JANE: There’s nowhere for you to go. My agents are swarming this church. Be reasonable, Yiffany. JANE: Ugh. JANE: Disgusting name. JANE: But that’s hardly your fault. You were always just a footnote. Your parents’ little prank. JANE: Honestly, that’s why I helped them all those years ago! I do love a good jape. JANE: But let’s be serious. JANE: You don’t matter. If you did, they would have come for you already.
Can all the press hear her being such an asshole?
Okay, stereotypically, their arrival should be the next couple panels:
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Jake, do something useful like hoping harder.
> (==>)
And she knocks the remote away.  Excellent.
And she does. Seemingly at the end of her tolerance for insults toward her name, social status, and heritage, Yiffy performs an impressive backflip off the podium and down onto the church floor. One that, if it hadn’t been happening amidst a sea of other newsworthy events, would surely have ended up on someone’s instagram story within thirty seconds. She gives Gamzee’s corpse one last parting kick: a hard, proper kick that proves those cleats aren’t just for fashion. Although they are certainly also for fashion.
Good, good.
He vanishes into the seething crowd, and we are confident that we will never have to deal with this asshole ever again.
God damnit.
> (==>)
Jake watches this from a safe distance, poised on the edge of intervening to pull Yiffy out of there. But in the end he doesn’t have to. Instead he watches in admiration as she tears the place to utter shreds. An echoing sympathy swells inside of him as she rends apart the funeral flowers and punts Gamzee into the shrieking congregation. Here is a girl who felt the cold, indecent hand of fate wrapping around her, and instead of submitting to it and slowly sublimating down into morasse of boiled doormat, she slapped it away from her with a lively oh, no thank you.
All at once, Jake feels immense affection for his granddaughter. He hopes the two of them can make up for lost time.
Lessons belatedly learned, but learned nonetheless.
> (==>)
JANE: Enough of this. JANE: Seize her!
Kind of Red Queen of you.  (Are those stained glass windows in back of the frame about to burst?)
> (==>)
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The stained glass window shatters inward, obliterated to stardust. The war is knocking.
Even attacking a disgusting faith’s church is pretty bad form, though.
Tired and busy, seeya next upd8.  <3
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seftravels · 7 years
Listen I don’t fuckin care if i misspelled it or whatever Im on a deadline
Day 6 of @stridercest--week
Ship: Dave/Davesprite, Dave/Davepeta (good luck trying to tag that guys)
Also Davepeta is referred as a he bcs Dave doesn’t know so if that bothers you
You explore the land, looking for memories you might share. You’ve been doing that since that damn black hole sucked you in. Fucking black holes.
Well, you are looking for a certain person in particular.
Yo repeat his name under your breath, afraid to forget the only person you ever really loved. God, remembering his fluffy neck feathers, his tail wrapping around you, his lips on yours…
You stop in your tracks as you catch a glimpse of orange Ben Stiller shades from the corner of your eye. When you turn around, however, it’s gone.
You won’t stand by this. So you followed where you thought you saw those shades. Fuck, you missed him. You can’t let him go, not again, please not again…
You end up in an opening. A round table seems set up for tea time. Five little stools stand around it. On one sat ARquiusprite. You’d never know his deal. On another there was Nepeta. Then Feferi, some kind of merge between Jaspersprite and Rose who somehow has legs, and…
Your breath caught in your throat. It was the shades from earlier. Except the wearer isn’t him. Or maybe he is, but not at the same time. He seemed to have merged with Nepeta. He also has legs. He’s so different, yet… You know this is him. So you call out to him.
He turned around and fuck, you want to cry. He’s not wearing any shades, and his eyes alternate between lime green and orange. He has Nepeta’s mouth, but you recognized his nose and freckles. He gasped.
His voice changed, and as much as you think it’s cute, you miss the old him. The real him, not this… not this version that looks like someone threw your Davesprite (your Davesprite) and Nepeta and mixed it all like the alphabet soup. And somehow the universe managed to give out a being that was so close to your beloved, but not quite there.
“Oh!” Feferi gasped and you just want the earth to swallow you whole, oh yeah earth was fucking obliterated, it can’t, “you must be pre-retcon Dave, aren’t you?”
“Seems so,” Jasper Rose muses, “he seems to be our Dave.” Our Dave. It sounds like they own you, and you feel fucking sick. You only want one person to own you, ever, and now he’s a fucking abomination. You turn around to leave.
“Wait, Dave!” Not-Davesprite calls at you, “you don’t want to have tea?”
“No,” you grit out. You don’t want to hang out with them. With people who don’t care about you. With someone who you used to love so much but has changed.
Must be what Davesprite thought, you thought to yourself.
You can still hear them, calling after you, shouting, inviting, but you use up all your willpower not to crumble. Then you heard Not-Davesprite fucking pleading, and you just. Break.
“You’re not him!” You scream, and damn it feels so good getting it out. So long image, no one gives a fuck. “You’re not fucking him, and you prefer new company, and you’ve changed, Davesprite, and I don’t want to fuckin face you because I’ll fucking break down, and I thought we had something but I can’t continue, not with you now. Fuck, I don’t want you trying to convince me that you’re him, that you’re still the same because right now, you’re - not - him!”
You can hear Nepeta gasp in shock, but you no longer give a fuck. You turn your back on them and stomp away.
Later on, Jasper Rose found you overlooking a cliff near Tavros’s home, crying. Jasprose (that’s what she said her name is) sits down beside you, and in no time the two of you were chatting like lost long friends.
“I just miss him,” you admit, your head on her lap.
“I know it’s hard, but can’t you just give him a chance?” she asks.
You shake your head. “I… I can’t, Rose. I… He’s… changed. And I can’t.”
Fuck, you miss him.
You are now Davepetasprite^2, and you do not understand what the fuck you did wrong.
One minute you were merely preparing a tea party for your friends (and moirail! Can’t forget ARquius!, and the next you hear someone familiar call out your name like a guy in a desert just found an oasis. Which is justified once you locked eyes with him after discarding your shades.
Your mind comes to a screeching halt, as does your perception of time. Hell, maybe time itself stopped. You never know which fucker does it. But right then, his name stumbles out of your lips and you could only focus on him, his blond hair and red threads and pale skin you wished you could claim and fuck his eyes are pure white-
Your train of thought stopped when he turned around with a scowl on his face. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. What did your friends say that he would turn away like that!?
“Wait, Dave!” you’ve called out to him. “You don’t want to have tea?”
You heard him, clear as day, even as he grits out his answer. “No.”
Everyone started calling him. Then inviting. Then, when that didn’t work either, shouting. But you could only stare at his back, slowly getting smaller and smaller, before something snaps inside you. Striders don’t beg, your subconscious berate yourself, but to hell with that. You don’t feel like a Strider, all of Bro’s rules are bullshit anyway, and you can’t stay in your boundaries when the only person a part of you has ever loved is walking away from you. So you take three steps before shouting, “Dave, please! Come back, I need you here!”
Then he turned around at you and started screaming at you about how you’re not ‘him’ and fucking hell, you just want to fall to the ground and cry. You didn’t of course.
When he went out of sight, everyone starts chattering about what just happened, but you can only hear buzzing, and you don’t want to think about it, and you just want them to-
“Shut. Up.”
Everybody silenced, clearly shocked by your sudden change of demeanor, and nothing can be heard for a while except your breathing, which you’re struggling to keep steady.
Jasprose speaks up first. “I think I’m going to chase after him, make sure he’s well and all.”Then there she goes, leaving you with three pairs of curious eyes.
“You never told me you dated him,” ARquius says.
You don’t notice, but you started shaking. Shit, this whole ordeal is doing things to your emotional baggage, and for the first time ever you feel your two components clashing. The Nepeta in you wants to apologize. The Davesprite in you wants to punch him in the face.
‘He could crush your spine if he wanted.’ Never mind. You’ll just be here, chilling. You still want to retain your spine, thanks.
You are Dave Strider, god tier alpha timeline pre-retcon version. And you just heard rustling from behind Tavros’ hive.
Yo turn around, then turn back when you realize it’s Not-Davesprite, again. Why the fuck would he go here?
He sat down next to you. There’s a stretch of silence before he quietly says, “I’ve been looking for you.”
“Who says I wanna see your sorry ass again.”
“Listen Dave, I-” he sees your attempt at interrupting, and quickly retorts, “Listen, Dave. Let me explain.”
You wait, motioning him to start.
He gets your cue. “You see, after-after you… Died, i wandered around the Furthest Ring. When I returned, there was Rose, and Nep, and… I guess Jake? So anyway, Jasprose invited me down, and we chatted a bit. Then she introduced me to Nep, and we shook hands. The usual, right? Except Nep’s only been prototyped once, I ended up as second prototyping, and… well I happened. Davepetasprite^2.” a chuckle. “Wasn’t the most normal thing, but when we merged, i felt some sort of… Clarity.  Like the knowledge of every Dave was stored inside me, and… You know, self-discovery shit.”
“So… You know about me and…”
“Oh. About… That.” You swear you see Davepeta blush. “Yeah. I know. And call me a creep, but when I found out that you returned my... feelings, the Davesprite in me felt… Happy.”
“And Nepeta?”
“Screaming in the back of my mind going ‘kiss the boy already’.”
You can’t help it. Imagining Nepeta pushing Davesprite off to confess was too hilarious. You laugh, and not the kind of cute giggles. You literally howl with laughter, and Davepetasprite follows a few seconds in.
By the time you stop, you’re out of breath. Davepeta smiles at you (sprites don’t need air, that fucker) as you regain your composure. “I know I may not be Davesprite anymore, but I still love you. So… maybe you wanna try again?”
Your heart swells. He may have changed, but he still has Davesprite’s old qualities. Qualities you loved. “Yes.”
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