#jealous han
Eddie: I hate him. Chimney: Who? Eddie: Tommy. Hen: I thought he was your new second-best Bestie after Buck? (Eddie watches behind Hen and Chim as Buck greets Tommy with a kiss when he drops by the firehouse) Eddie:...Nope. Changed my mind. Hate him. Hate him with a passion.
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incorrect911argoship · 2 months
Buck: Due to personal reasons, I will be sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large iron box.
Chim: Eddie said “He was busy” when you asked him to hang out, and then you saw him at the park with Tommy, didn’t you?
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milkistay · 1 year
STRAY KIDS and jealousy
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pairing. skz x gn!reader
format. headcanons
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- on one hand, he’s so used to being level-headed and being the one to alleviate rough situations - he’s a leader after all - but on the other hand, he can’t help but get irrationally jealous sometimes - and he beats himself up over it because he knows he’s better than this - he has a possessive quality about him, especially when it’s you - but what he also has is the fantastic ability to recognize his feelings and know how to properly process them - so when he gets jealous, he takes time to himself to calm down and think more rationally - when he reenters the situation, he feels more himself and is reminded how much he loves and trusts you - you two talk it out a bit and swap reassurances of love and it works out <3
- will take it seriously if you betray his trust - even if he gets jealous on his own accord, he’s not the most amicable - maybe he jumps to conclusions a bit fast and ends up shutting you out to try and protect himself and his feelings - can tend to get uncommunicative which makes it difficult to reach him - his intentions aren’t malicious, he just immediately goes into self-preservation mode - it often takes him talking to one of the other members for them to make him realize he’s overreacting - then he talks to you and you work it out - his jealousy can become a point of contention in your relationship but it’s nothing you can’t work out and make less serious as time goes on - at the end of the day you love each other
- feels the need to overcompensate :(( - turns up his comedy to try and make you laugh more than the person he’s jealous of - just tries to remind you why he’s better by showing off his charm - after a while, he starts to feel a bit silly - when you two are finally alone, then he’ll be transparent with how he’s feeling and try to work his emotions out with you - you’re always willing to have the conversations he needs to have - and you both leave feeling closer and more confident in your relationship - changbin king of communication!
- doesn’t tend to get jealous because he is such a romantic and loves with his WHOLE heart so if he’s getting into a relationship, he’s making sure there is SO much love between him and his partner - so if he gets in a relationship with you, you best believe he trusts you fully - so when he does get jealous, it’s not that he’s worried something will happen - he more so just gets a bit sad because he’s missing you - he doesn’t expect to be at the center of your attention 24/7 but it just saddens him a bit when you’re spending more time with someone else - he just misses you! - but then he sees you again and you go out and everything’s okay again
- he turns his jealousy inwards on himself rather than you or the person he’s jealous of - it sort of just heightens his insecurities - makes him spiral into why he’s not good enough for you - even though that’s not the case at all - also blames himself for feeling that way because it makes him feel foolish - just lets himself take all of the punches from his jealousy - doesn’t want to be stupid and get you involved - but it doesn’t take much to pull him out of that spiral - just a little bit of assurance that you love him and he’s all smiles again
- felix has a big heart and cares a lot about the health of your relationship - if he gets jealous or feels insecure as a partner, he wants to do everything he can to fix it - usually this will be talking it out with you - but he rarely takes the lead in these conversations - instead, he shares all of his feelings and thoughts and looks to you for advice - sometimes he’ll ask his others members for advice as to not burden you with his issues - he just wants to find a solution that works for the both of you, whether that’s spending more time together, giving one another more assurance, etc. - he’s not one to shut you out or take time to himself, he’s more one to jump into a back-and-forth with you to figure out how to keep jealousy at bay
- doesn’t really get jealous  - hates the feeling cause he’s just making discomfort for himself - trusts you and respects your decisions to spend time with whoever you want - as long as you come home to him at the end of the day and you fall asleep in his arms, who’s he to complain? - if he DOES somehow get jealous, he just gets upset at himself - takes some time away from the situation to put it in perspective and figure his emotions out - ends up just ignoring it until it goes away
- he may have a jealous instinct - but he has more of a communication instinct - so when he gets jealous, he channels his natural fervor into confronting you directly to talk it out - he’s very honest and blunt with how he’s feeling and expect you to be the same - doesn’t appreciate it if you dance around the issue - so be transparent with him and the issue gets solved just like that - his other method is removing himself from the situation and sitting with himself or with another member to work out his feelings independently - he’s a mature one, very good at working out relationship issues
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y4z1 · 10 months
bf!Hyun who'd.....
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bf!Hyun who'd sing you poems every night
bf!Hyun who'd write songs about you
bf!Hyun who'd dance with you in the rain
bf!Hyun who'd get you roses after schedule
bf!Hyun who'd draw you in his free time
bf!Hyun who'd clip on your bra for you
bf!Hyun who'd book you fights to Paris with him every time he had to go.
bf!Hyun who'd take you on expensive dates in fancy restaurants
bf!Hyun who'd watch you do your whole makeup and skincare routine
bf!Hyun who'd flirt with you 24/7
bf!Hyun who'd bring his camera with him everytime you went out together to take pictures of you
bf!Hyun who'd keep a photo of you in his phone case
bf!Hyun who'd give you his card even if you didn't ask
bf!Hyun who'd carry you bridal style to your bed when you accidentally fall asleep on the couch
bf!Hyun who'd buy you pads when your on your period
bf!Hyun who'd cook for you when your tired
bf!Hyun who'd braid your hair for you before you go to sleep
bf!Hyun who'd keep a list of your favorite restaurants
bf!Hyun who'd take you on dates to art museums
bf!Hyun who'd give you body massages
bf!Hyun who'd give you his jacket when you're cold even if you didn't ask for it
bf!Hyun who'd talk to you when your asleep even though you can't hear
bf!Hyun who'd admire your beauty when your talking and not hear a single word
bf!Hyun who'd wash your back for you
bf!Hyun who'd buy you expensive perfume's
bf!Hyun who'd buy random stuff on tour cause they remind him of you.
bf!Hyun who'd send random selcas when he misses you
bf!Hyun who'd strap on your heels for you
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Hera: children you have not found the love of your life if you didn’t find them in the trash!
*Sabine and Ezra both look at Kanan*
Kanan: why do you assume that I was in the trash?!
Leia: no she’s got a point
Ezra: does this mean I can space Kallus cuz Zeb didn’t find him in the trash!
Kallus: Bridger I swear
Zeb: kid….Kallus was the trash
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sunbathingfox7 · 3 months
From the way Yoohyun responds every time someone asks him why his brother is so close to the Seseong Guild Leader, embarrassed, averting his eyes and at a loss of words, I am convinced he thinks there is something sus and completely non-platonic going on between Sung Hyunjae and Han Yoojin
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chowonsang · 30 days
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skzwife-02 · 10 months
“Y/n do you want to talk to him?”
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~ You’re just so pretty. ~
[Han Jisung x Fem!Reader]
scene: everyone seems to be attracted to jisung, shamelessly throwing themselves at him despite the fact that you two are a couple
genre: angst with comfort😔🫶🏼💪🏼
warning: swearing, jealous reader, mentions of body insecurities, two day ghosting
note: (non!idol au, university au) so I think this is so scattered because my thoughts are all over the place but I will get to editing it later tonight. go through contacts are basically the people in your contacts who can bypass the ‘do not disturb’ and have notifs of their chats despite dnd being on.
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They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore, they love your boyfriend. And your boyfriend couldn’t care less.
The girl is practically throwing herself at him, her finger twirling her blonde hair while the other squeezes his biceps. She’s so close to him she might as well be the air he breathes.
Jisung on the other hand, doesn’t do anything. He laughs at her attempt to flatter him, compliments about his muscles, his face, his whole fucking being. He is beyond amused at how these girls try to be his.
He smiles at the sight of you, ignoring the murderous look you have for the scene in front of you. “Baby! You’re back, finally.” He beams excitedly, like a squirrel with an acorn.
You smile back, glancing at the girl who still has her hand on your boyfriend. She rolls her eyes, trotting back to her friends. You finally feel the air become light again.
“Hi sweetheart, what were you doing?” You ask, sitting on his lap.
His hands instinctively hold you close, one wraps around you waist the other on your thigh. “Was gonna study but these girls kind of pushed their friend on me, I’m so glad you’re here now.” Your boyfriend explains, before kissing you on the cheek. “Are you ready for finals?” He queries, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
The finals are a day away and you can’t rest, overwhelmed by the thought of your boyfriend cheating on you. You don’t think he would do that, you trust him. But, he’s just so pretty. Girls naturally flock around him like birds to bread.
Why did he choose you? When there are much prettier, skinnier, paler, taller girls than you.
The (toxic) girls around you can tell you’re nothing but garbage compared to them, they know it well, so well that they hit on Jisung even when you’re together. Shamelessly accidentally tripping and making him help them, and his kind heart actually leaving your side to help the fallen lady.
Just a few minutes ago, you were happily chatting with him when a girl about 5 inches taller than you, brunette, and more fit than you are approached him. You thought it would be like the others, he’d say thank you to the compliments and go back to you.
But instead, you have to witness him fawn over this woman you don’t even know. He doesn’t even bother introduce the two of you.
“So how have you been?” Her squeaky voice just annoying you, drilling into your head how everyone is so much more feminine than you.
And you will never be good enough for Jisung.
“I’ve been good!” He returns the same enthusiasm she has, not bothered by her finger tracing shit on his chest.
“Hold on, baby. I’m talking to someone.” He cuts you off, not even sparing you a glance. He just continues to flirt with this woman as if you aren’t there.
Well alright, you’ll just make it reality.
You pick up your things, placing it all in you bag then standing up to leave the cafeteria. The place is buzzing loudly in your ear, not helping the hate thoughts consuming you.
When you find a secluded place in the study hall, you settle down. Your bag dropping beside you.
You plug your earphones in, turning the volume up so it’s the only thing you can hear.
It’s been 2 days since the brunette incident and you’ve been trying your best to avoid Jisung. Not wanting to talk or hear his voice again. Even going to the extent of muting his texts and taking him off your ‘go through’ contacts.
Those two days have been the most peaceful ones since you got into a relationship 5 years ago. No noisy fangirls or fanboys, not a cellphone pinging with notifications. Just silence and rest.
You got through the finals, confident you would pass them with flying colors.
You admire the setting sun, the waves giving you wonderful white noise and it almost sounds like Jisung and his friend?
“You know I’m happy for you.” His friend exclaims, when he notices Jisung’s confused face he mentions you. “I never really liked Y/n, seemed controlling and shit. Besides, Chae-eun is hotter.” He chides, kicking a rock in the way.
You frown angrily, quietly standing up from your spot on the sand. You don’t want to hear Jisung’s reply, it’s not worth the heartbreak you haven’t prepared yourself for.
“Shit, bro is that Y/n?” He gulps, afraid you’ve heard him.
You start walking faster, almost running at that point. You’re so far that you don’t hear Jisung disapproving his friend’s remarks about you, quipping about how perfect you are.
*tuk tuk tuk*
The sound of knocking from your front door resonating to the kitchen where you’re cooking. “Minho? Did you lose your key?” You shout, rushing to the door not caring to peek in the peephole. “Minho-“
“Y/n, please let me explain.” Jisung pleads, visibly tired and worn out. The two days having the opposite effect on him than what it did to you.
He opens his mouth but is interrupted by Minho, your best friend’s hand on you boyfriend’s shoulder in a warning manner. “Y/n, do you want to talk to him?” Minho questions, giving you a comforting nod, as if to say I’ll kick his ass if you don’t want to.
“Yeah, I do. Thanks, Min. You can go inside.” You opened the door wider and he brushes past your boyfriend.
Jisung sighs in relief, and you walk with him to the park where he explains everything. Chae-eun being a childhood bestfriend from his hometown (but he’ll distance himself if you want him to), the boy who insulted you being scolded by Jisung, and him constantly reassuring you between his explanations that you are the only one for him.
“I promise, Y/n. You are the most perfect girl I’ve ever met. You are mine and I intend to keep it that way, you and only you.” He clarifies, tilting your head to look at him. “I’m sorry for pushing you away and making you jealous. I don’t do it on purpose.” He continues, giving you comforting squeezes to the hand.
You start to tear up, relived you’ve finally talked it out. “You’re just so pretty.” You murmur, “everyone who looks at you falls in love.” you blubber.
Despite all your insecurities he stays with you and reassures you with never ending patience.
After calming down you two walk back to your apartment where Minho is fast asleep like a cat on the couch, the table is full of food and your favorite show is paused on the tv.
You smile, waking him up and beckoning him to eat.
The night ending your two day long span of not talking to your beloved.
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Find all my works under #skzwife-02
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bitomas · 8 months
Some of the Earthrealm crew at Madam Bo's
Bi-Han glaring over at Tomas and Syzoth: "I grow tired of seeing that Zaterran everywhere we go"
An amused Kuai Liang stays quiet as he smiles into a sip of his drink.
Bi-han shifts against the railing, scowling as he watches the pair share a laugh.
*Meanwhile across the restaurant*
Syzoth smiles as an intoxicated Tomas leans against his shoulder. His cup stops halfway to his mouth as he frowns. He looks around, scanning the area.
Tomas, frowning as he lazily swirls his cup: "....and he looked so handsome in his new uniform! I got scolded for not paying attention when he caught me looking though"
Syzoth smirks as he locks eyes with said cryomancer. He doesn't hesitate to throw his arm over Tomas: "You should tell him how you feel then, my friend"
Tomas scoffs, chuckling as he leans further into syzoth: "do you wish me an early death? Don't be ridiculous Sy'" he trails off as the alcohol makes him drowsy.
Syzoth hums in reply, his tongue flicked out instinctively as he never broke eye contact with Bi-han. He began idly running his fingers against Tomas' arm. Taking a drink in triumph when it got the expected reaction.
*Back at a now very cold corner of Madam Bo's Restaurant*
Kuai Liang looking nervously at a large accumulation of ice growing up the walls and floorboards: "Brother, control yourself. Madam Bo will kick us out if we scare her customers"
Bi-han only grunts in anger, his cold grip splintering the railing: "damned, reptile"
*Kuai Liang winces as a passing group of customers slip, hitting the ground hard. Groans of pain bringing attention to their section. He sighs, setting down his cup to help them up*
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rachelfoleyisntdead · 8 months
Ashrah, Syzoth and Raiden being concerned about the horrible influence Johnny and Kung Lao will be on Sareena when they really should be worried about the horrible influence Sareena, Johnny and Kung Lao will be on Tomas.
Kenshi remains unhelpful bc it's funny when it's not his problem. Kuai Liang blames Johnny and Kung Lao.
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I can't wait for the scene where Eddie's pacing around behind Chimney and Hen, clearly having been talking their ears off for a while now, which will be evident by the 'Kill Me Now' expressions on their faces
and Eddie'll just be like "...And why the hell does he call him EVAN? I mean, yeah, it's technically his name, but he prefers to be called BUCK. You'd think a good boyfriend would know that..."
And Hen and Chimney will just start thumping their heads against the table, wishing for a swift death...
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incorrect911argoship · 2 months
Bobby: Where's Eddie?
Hen: He was supposed to ride with Buck.
Chim: Did you forget to pick him up?
Buck: Of course not. He told me he got a ride already, so I assumed he was with one of you.
*Eddie running up the stairs*
Eddie: Sorry cap, Tommy had to do a last minute stop that took longer than we thought.
Buck: Tommy? Pilot Tommy, who we just met 1 week ago?
Eddie: Yeah, he was near my place and told me I could ride with him-
Buck: How can you ride him when you barely know the guy?
Eddie: Wait, I didn't-
Buck: I thought you were MY passenger princess. I guess you ride any guy that offers.
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skylessnights · 7 months
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When you caught your boyfriend cheating and he actually admits to it 😳
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magicalnerdsworld · 1 year
Chim: How much you wanna bet Buck got a Lap dance from Ravi?
Hen: If that happened, Eddie can drink free tonight.
Eddie: As much as I love the thought of having free drinks I don't like the idea of Buck receiving a Lap dance from someone other than me.
Chim: Hey Ravi, did you give Buck a lap dance?
Ravi: So what if I did?
Chim, to Hen: I guess Eddie is drinking free tonight.
Eddie: Be right back, I'm gonna go cry-
Buck, entering the room: What the f-
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ineffectualdemon · 8 months
Shen Qingqiu and Kim Dokja need a joint intervention but I think Shang Qinghua and Han Sooyoung should be drinking/murder buddies
Like no. I really want them to get drunk and have a long discussion about writing and selling out and their relationship with gender
They can also kill some people
As a treat
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tisdae · 2 months
*buck watching eddie on the phone all smiley and giddy, ravi tries to help him since he def needs a spotter while working out but he kindly declines, then gets a package with a freaking basketball, trying to get eddie’s attention but he just ignores him and continues talking on the phone, but then howard shows up and buck asks what he’s doing on thursday* BRING IT ON
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