#jenni fir
miragecounseling · 5 months
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jenni fir and her father, douglas fir
˜”*°•. (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ family photo 🎀 ♥ .•°*”˜
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
TG loves to criticize Aegon's prophecy, because they say that it only feeds that Targaryens think they have a divine right to rule, if I remember it was GRRM who put this in the series, so if the author put it it's because he must be saying yes… They have some divine right to rule
*EDITED POST* (5/8/24 -- included list of non Andal-considered incest and how the Doctrine was for Jaehaerys & Alysanne to marry/the dynasty to follow a Valyrian custom, not for blood purity, since blood purity rules you cannot marry to "muddy" the lineage)
I don't think it's "divine right to rule" so much as they were necessary for all humans to survive this magical catastrophe. "Divine right" means that the gods allowed or created you to rule either in their stead or to uphold the "land's" values so no one but a royal (sometimes not even then, just the monarch) can legitimately argue or seriously question them. that they can't be held accountable by any "earthly" authority: peasants, aristocrats, the Pope sometimes, etc. It's an argument many absolute rulers like the French kings of the 17th-18th century, Henry VIII, James I/VI, etc. used to justify why they should rule. An argument that they developed from the already present belief that God afforded "earthly" power to kings and spiritual power to the Pope/Church.
The Targs are humans with strong ties to magic (thematically AND physically) and the ability to ride dragons, but having magic and being religious are not always mutually inclusive. Jaehaerys uses the cultural element of the Faith, the extant Andal aristocratic idea of a ruler's divinity to justify his family's rule/his marriage to Alysanne and make enemies of the state anyone who opposes him/the marriage/the dynasty because the Targs were still seen as just as subject to the Andal- descendants' interpretations of divinity, incest, etc. And he made sure that dragonriding was the indicator of divinity or that the gods sought to make the Targs "worthy" to lead through them being "bestowed" these powerful beasts. It tries to legitimize dragon riding through a different interpretation of an already present religious/institutional principle/arguing religion and the gods' allowing them to rule AND justifies his marriage to Alysanne (love and personal aspect), secures the Targs' continuing to follow their own Valyrian customs just as Northmen do theirs and Andals do theirs--those customs, that like Andal/FM customs, allow incest for power consolidation (politics), as all aristocratic marriage customs have done in both fiction and real life.
The Doctrine never forbade the "mixing" of blood (which is actually blood purist), Targs marrying/having sex with those outside of their own family, etc. The Targs often did marry "out", or those who didn't marry a sibling/uncle-aunt:
Rhaena and Androw Farman (m)/Elissa Farman (s/l/i)
Aenys and Alyssa Velaryon
Maegor and 5 of his wives, the first being a Hightower
Aemon the Prince and Jocelyn Baratheon
Daella and Rodrick Arryn
Viserra and Theomore Manderly (engaged to be)
Viserys I and Aemma Arryn
Rhaneyra and Laenor
Rhaenyra and Harwin (s/l/i)
Daemon and Rhea Royce
Daemon and Laena Velaryon
Baela and Alyn Velaryon
Rhaena and Corbray/that Hightower
Maekar I and Dyanna Dayne
Rhaegar and Elia/Lyanna
Aerys I and Aelinor Penrose
Daemon Blackfyre and Rohanne of Tyroseh
Aegon III and Jaehaera
Aegon III and Daenaera Velaryon
Aegon IV and his various mistresses (s/l/i)
Elaena and all her 3 husbands (m); plus her affair with Alyn Velaryon (s/l/i)
Daeron II and Mariah Martell
Daenerys [II] and Maron Martell
Aegon V and Betha Blackwood
Rhaelle and Ormund Baratheon
Duncan and Jenny of Oldstones
Duncan and Kiera of Tyrosh
Valarr and Kiera of Tyrosh
Rhaegal and Alys Arryn
Magic and religious ties to it or priests (esp for the god R'hollor) using magic is the done-deal fact in the ASoIaF universe, but there is a skepticism of religion generated from several events in both the main series, and the accompanying works (Fire and Blood and Egg-Dunk's series) where people go through or witness atrocities and they look kinda askance at their gods. Or they doubt their ability to rise to whatever occasion that they think or were told to do in the name of /supported by whatever god(s). We the readers are meant to realize and be skeptical of religion's influence, not believe the Targs morally or ethically deserve the throne IN GENERAL, or to lead just because they had dragons.
In other words, let's be careful about how we characterize the Targs' rule. Yes, people who say they were colonizers or imperialists in Westeros are dumb. Yes, those who argue that the Targs are worse than other Westerosi nobles/former kingdoms/are in some sort of class struggle with literally every lord in Westeros in various periods are not working with a full basket of white matter. Yes, most green stans are totally in denial and refuse to learn how to read. However, the large point behind our criticizing these arguments is to show how ubiquitous power-seeking is for aristocrats of any and all lineages/backgrounds.
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
2nd to 5th of April 2023
🌸🪷🪸how did le sserafim’s chaewon feel about being one of the rigged members of izone?
↳ 10oW, AoC, KoW
she was happy for the opportunity but she felt a huge burden to prove herself knowing she wasn’t actually liked as much as the other girls - i think this pressure did also come from someone in her company or someone managing her, reminding her she needed to really prove herself now and not waste what she was given. she was embarrassed when people found out but only a little.
🍠🥨🥞are blackpink’s rosé and nct’s jaehyun aware of the ship edits?
↳ moon, 5oS rx
no, they don’t know about it or they at least don’t think it’s more than the normal amount of shipping stuff that’s made by fans. i don’t think they’ve come across it much though.
🌻🪴🌼 how does twice feel about their decline in popularity (as in "hit songs")?
↳ 7oW, fir club moss, devil
so it seems that they’ve all more or less accepted that they’re past their peak. none of them “don’t care” but some of them are pretty relaxed about it you could say, even enjoying the quietness of it or trying to - almost as if for the first time in years they can think about the other goals in their life. for others, they’re really upset and embarrassed about it. they’re upset about already feeling old and tossed out and they secretly hope for another hit song to take off.
🥓🧇🍳how does jinni feel about not being in nmixx?
↳ plantain, PoS, justice
she thought the decision was mostly fair and if she plays her cards right she will have more opportunities in the future. she isn’t happy about it by any means and in some ways she feels she was taken advantage of but this is really giving the energy of, “you can’t stop me, i will always rise again”. she has justified what happened as meant to be and she feels confident about the future. she hopes to show more of herself.
🍉🍇🍊are selena gomez and zayn malik actually a thing right now?
↳ 6oW, 5oS
yes, maybe for not long though.
🍕🥨🥞are ive’s wonyoung and rei close?
↳ burdock rx, 4oP, 9oW
no, they’re both sort of closed off to one another. they’ve also had some problems which prevents them from getting closer but it doesn’t have to be forever.
🧸💌🎏current blackpink’s rosé energy check up?
↳ QoP, AoS, poppy
she’s feeling quite good at the moment! better than she was even just recently. she has money on her mind and feels motivated working towards her goals.
🍿🍫🍯how does red velvet’s irene think about her treatment of staff scandal now?
↳ chariot, 3oW, KnoS, guardian rx
interestingly, this seems almost as if this was the prefect time to ask this question because it seems only now is she (almost) fully over it. she feels this affected her for a long time and she worried people would never view her with positivity again and for a while she felt extra nervous around people she didn’t know. she feels more confident in the public eye again and working in teams and with other people again. as awkward as she was feeling, i think it did teach her how to get along better with people and loosen up on some control, which she has carried on mostly now too. she moves more carefully than she used to and isn’t rushed.
🎐☁️✨are blackpink’s jennie and red velvet’s irene still close friends?
↳ strength
no, they’re not close friends. there’s something they both know that’s left unsaid where it’s understood they wouldn’t work well being super close.
🍸💌🏮how does future see gunna?
↳ PoC, 10oC, moon, juniper rx
future sees gunna as someone predominantly ruled by emotions and can sometimes be a bit of a suck up. he thinks gunna has trouble valuing what is really important but also understands him. future thinks gunna has trouble thinking before acting and acting before thinking etc. and has trouble focusing on long term plans.
🥮🥠🍨how do blackpink feel about their busy schedule this year?
↳ sun, empress, 6oS, flax rx
they’re mostly positive about it. seems the thing they all have in common though is being sad about being away from people and in a different timezone to their loved ones. also regarding touring specifically, they feel a lot more prepared than last tour, as in knowing what to bring and what to do to make life as comfortable as possible while travelling. lots of small things they just didn’t consider and could only learn from experience.
🌭🧋🥪did sm pay or make some sort of deal to get aespa’s tokyo dome booking?
↳ fox, 2oC
yes but sm thought aespa’s popularity in japan could handle it. it was more so a deal that might still be ongoing rather than an outright payment.
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Ch 3- Ram's investigation
bandook meri layla
Ram rocked left and right on his chair, staring at the gun in front of him. In today’s conference, the officials gave him a case- confidential and probably a suicide mission. And to his bliss, he was specially assigned the infamous Art Expo case. Find out why Gangarao died and who killed the two partners. Name, identity, everything about the murderer. 
Babai sat on the edge of his bed, going through magazines and newspapers that might hold information on the organization in the art expo. 
On his personal note, Ram already knew many things. Like a woman is involved in all this, the guarded painting probably had the bomb, there was no “buying” party, and a huge organization will be in spotlight because of this. It could be a terrorist attack, a riot, anything.  
Ram closely dismantled the gun. Nothing out of ordinary, the same metal and hinges. But what caught his site was the ink print on the inside of the frame. A RC was printed in tall fonts with a circle around it.
 “Babai!” Ram called out and Babai scrambled to stand up, hurrying towards Ram. “The gun has RC printed on it.” Ram announced. 
“But, wasn’t the RC name of the organization the art expo was all about?” Babai asked, recollecting the information given to him. 
“And Jenny has been following them for so long- it’s not possible that they were a con, building a fake identity so soon.” Ram muttered, standing up. He crossed the room, a hand on his waist.
“That only means that whatever RC organization had been operating under covers for so long, nobody had a clue how big of a threat they are.” Ram said. “The way they beat you up to protect their secret from being exposed, I am sure it is a big threat,” Babai said, looking at Ram’s scar on his forehead. 
“But shouldn’t they be having tougher security? If the country’s most powerful people are meeting, how could they conduct it at a place where civilians were asked to come?” Babai asked and Ram looked up. 
“Because the plan was something else, the explosion was a casualty.” Ram connected the dots. 
Ram got to know a man who might help them with finding out about the print on the gun. 
Across the roads of Delhi, Ram made his way to the crowded streets of Chandni Chowk. The hustle and colors of this market resonates with him- the million stories in every store blurring his own, the crowd making his identity disappear. For a while, he feels out of body, he feels good. Ram feels as if the boulder on his chest melts by the chattering. 
    He feels like that with Akhtar too. The innocent, doe- eyed man has made a home in Ram’s stone heart. Akhtar’s chatter and understanding of the world, his hunger for knowledge and Ram's stories and experiences, Ram smiled thinking about him. As if a fictional cue, he heard the familiar voice of his friend in the crowd. 
“Anna!” Akhtar spotted Ram, running towards him. Ram’s eyes followed the voice, to find the bearded man making his way. “What are you doing here?” Akhtar asked. “I was just here for some work” Ram nodded and Akhtar stared at him. ”Are you going somewhere?” Akhtar asked and Ram nodded. “Can I come with you?” The excited punctuation of Akhtar’s question stopped Ram in tracks. “It’s work related” Ram said and Akhtar’s smile fell. “So what? I won’t bother” Akhtar muttered, and Ram smiled, swinging his arm around Akhtar’s shoulder. “Chalo fir”. 
They went through broken building blocks and empty, shady spaces. Under the bridges and over the stepping stones, the boys entered a grim looking store. Ram knocked on the door, and a man in his 50s appeared out of a room. He was balding from the top, white gray beard making its way till his neck. Ram nodded and leaned on the counter, with the man sitting down on his chair. Ram took the frame out of his pocket and placed the part on wood. The man raised his eyebrow, looking out of the window. Ram stood up, alerted. “You will die, you know” the man said and Ram smiled. “Is it really that bad?” the man chuckled. “Of course it’s bad- it's a woman. They always bring bad news” Ram didn’t have time for all this bullshit.
 “What else do you know?” The man gulped, standing up. “Nothing else” he said, picking up the part. “How do you know that it’s a woman?” Ram asked nonchalantly. “Inside news” the man said, stepping back. “And who gave you the news?” Ram made eye contact with the man, before the said man sprinted towards the front door, pushing Akhtar out who was outside in the process. Akhtar, startled, looked at Ram and followed the man. Ram made his way through the back door and followed the parallel path to reach the man. Before Ram could get his hands on the man, he was already trapped in Akhtar’s strong grasp. Ram smiled, snatching the man’s collar. 
After some beating, Ram took the part of the handle back and the crying man held up his joined hands. “I don’t know anything” he cried, and it only angered Ram more. “Fine” he said, and took the dirty brick lying nearby. “Wait!” the man yelled, already in a defense position. “Near the market of Qutub Minar, there is a shop. It’s on the inside, behind pillar 15. They might know something” 
Ram left the collar of the whimpering man, swiping his bloody knuckles on his trouser. “If someone asks you, or saw us, tell them we are your debtors” The man nodded vigorously, and they left the place with new information on hand.  
About three hours later, Ram stared at the RC sign on the frame, rolling on his chair. If there was an arms deal happening in the expo, no one from both the buying and selling party should know about the outcome- then why was the bomb set? And even if it was decided that the bomb will explode at failing of the deal, as he heard through the walls, it was life threatening for members of RC too. What was the point of the explosion? 
In the middle of Ram’s brainstorm, Babai bursted through the doors in panic. Ram sat up, worried. “You went to that store right? Where the dons get their guns mended?” Ram nodded, and Babai sat down on his bed. “Someone burned him and his store.”  
tagging- @dumdaradumdaradum @voidsteffy @infusedchaos @nerdreader @thewinchestergirl1208 @bishh-kanya @yehsahihai @nyotamalfoy
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iwillruletheuniverse · 4 months
I vacuumed today. Lots of fir needles from the christmas tree all over the carpets and things. It was very painful because of my ribs and took a very long time. When I was finally done, I went to the kitchen to leave the vacuum on its place. The radio began to play a song, the tunes and words caused panic within but I didn't knew why until the chorus. It was 'Jennie, Jennie' by Lars Berghagen. Competed for Sweden in Melodifestivalen and Eurovision Song Contest 1975. Never have I ever heard it on the radio, at least I don't think so. The reminders shatters me to pieces every single time.
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jentledaisies · 2 years
What would the yanderes reactions be to their SO being needy for them? 👀
p.s I literally love your writing you’re so talented ♥️
🥺🥺 my baby 🥺🥺 kiss on the forehead for u <3
ok ok so all the yandere s are super needy themselves!! Jennie and alisa are pretty upfront about it, at times straight up demanding affection from you. Jisoo is more reserved and shy with PDA, so she never actually asks for it, it’s just sorta understood by now when she does certain things that you go and give her love. Rosé, she’s a middle ground of the two, cuz she’s actually become really good at voicing out when she needs some love and attention, although she will absolutely always want to have you with here in some form, just sometimes she won’t say it.
so, short answer: ✨yes✨
(that is all your honour)
so !!! if their S/O is the one whose needy!
(i’m doing this for a like ‘needy for affection’ but lemme know if you want a ‘needy fir sex’)
ok so Jisoo will absolutely melt!!!! again, she doesn’t know how to actually ask for love, you just sorta get used to certain things she’ll do that signals she wants it. but if you just give her love anyway? oh she’ll be so happy you have no idea. (also also, this would probably help her get to a point where she is comfy with asking for that love and affection)
Jennie, again, loooovvves attention and affection and is honestly showering you with so much if it that if you were also needy for affection she wouldn’t notice it at first. the only way she would, is if you do it infringes of other people (i.e the other gang members) which is the only time where she isn’t clinging onto you. she doesn’t like the gang seeing her that way, so at first she��ll be annoyed but still let you cling onto her but eventually she’ll become super shameless with it, (i.e sitting you on her lap during meetings, kissing your neck whenever you are, making out with you in the halls, etc)
Rosie Posie!! Oh, she will absolutely love it!! again, she’s really improved on her personal growth and by the time she had you, she’s able to verbalize her emotions, particularly her need for love and affection. (sometimes ofc) but of course there are times when she can’t or she feels ridiculous (bby was ridiculed for it growing up ok!!) so you just….loving her, no questions asked?? that just makes her love you even more (if that’s even possible,,,more so she becomes so much more obsessed with you)
For Lisa, she’s honestly more flustered than anything lol. you’d think she’d be the more normal one, taking the love and running with it, but no!! she’s actually gotten so used to being the one person in the gang whose truly able to convey and give affection/attention, that she’s grown used to not receiving it back. she knows her sisters love her, and she’s gotten used to receiving it from them in their own way, but to have you outright loving her with no hesitation?? it’s flusters her. even her exes didn’t do that. but that is why you’re the one she chose isn’t it? (eventually after she gets used to it yall turn into that couple, who never take y’all hands off each other)
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ladydarkey · 1 year
This was a Challenge. I hope you like it.
Read it on AO3
Gift 2/2
Title: In love with a tribesman
Creator: me
Giftee: @carminavulcana
Prompt: Jenny's thoughts and actions in the immediate aftermath of Komuram Bheemudo
Relationships: Bheem/Jenny
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings/Tags:  Angst, whip scene, blood mentioned
@celebrrration Holiday Swap 2022
In love with a tribesman
Five minutes ago.
It was just five minutes ago as Jenny was standing on the balcony above a furious crowd.
The air was filled with noise. 
Shouting men, weeping women, cries of pain, thumping of lathi on bodies. 
It smelled like blood.
Sand thrown up by the movements of the crowd mingled with the tears that flowed down Jenny's face.
Her gaze was fixed on a body lying on a pedestal in the middle of the crowd. 
Suddenly her body was moved without her doing. She wasn't able to fight back as
an officer dragged her into her room. It was an order of her uncle Scott Buxton.
Now she was all by herself. 
In her room there was absolute silence. No sound came in from outside. 
Everything seemed surreal now. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, the floor seemed to move. 
She has lived in these premises for two years, so she knew her room inside out.
That's the only reason her legs found their way to her couch. Before her eyes, Jenny saw only the motionless and bloodstained body of Akthar.
No, not Akthar. Bheem. 
She let herself fall onto the sofa. Her right hand clenched the armrest . The fingernails of her left hand dug into the tender flesh of her breast, right where the heart sits.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she started to scream.
If it were possible to rip her own heart out of her body, then she would do it now. Hoping the pain of the broken heart would go away.
Was he dead? Could anyone survive such torture? There was no answer. 
She feels helpless and alone. 
She was alone in this cruel, cold world.
Fifteen minutes.
She still couldn't comprehend what had happened in the last fifteen minutes.
Only this morning at breakfast, did she hear that Bheem would be punished in public at noon. From then on she was unable to do anything until the time of punishment came.
As she entered the balcony, Bheem was already flogged.
A crowd was gathered around the dais. 
Jenny estimated the number of people who came to watch at around two hundred or even more.
Just below the balcony were sixty British soldiers,some of them on horses, stationed in front of the broken gate that Bheem and his entourage broke through in a truck just two days ago.
At each corner of the pedestal stood a soldier in khaki and one special officer, recognizable by his red uniform.
The special officer explained to the crowd that the suspected criminal would either fall to his knees, confess his crimes and beg for mercy or he would be punished severely.
In the moment, as the man in the red uniform looked up to Jenny’s uncle Scott, she was shocked that it was the face of Bheem’s best friend Ram. 
Back when she met him for the first time, she didn't think much about it, didn't even really notice it and now it hit her like a blow. Now she understood why she was able to converse with him in her native language. He was an Indian man in the British Army. A traitor to his own country and his best friend.
Uncle Scott nodded to him. 
There was a tense silence. Nobody dared to make a noise. Even the birds didn't sing. The boots made a dull sound on the dais boards as the punisher stepped behind the tied man.
Another seconds of silence passed.
Suddenly the silence was broken by a loud, lashing noise. The whip hitted the broad back of Bheem. A slight groan left his mouth and the crowd gasped. 
A second whiplash penetrated Bheem’s body. A third one followed immediately. 
Jenny had to close her eyes and turn her head away. She couldn’t bear to see her beloved get hurt. The fact that the whip was led by the hand of his best friend made it even worse. 
She hadn't told anyone how she felt about Bheem. It wasn't love at first sight, but when they were together at the market, she felt more secure in his presence than ever. When the guards came to take her home, her heart told her that she must see him again, no matter what. So she spontaneously invited him to the Valentine's party. From then on, her love for Bheem grew day by day.
And now she was on the balcony watching the public punishment of the man she fell in love with.
In fact, Jenny was sent to India by her parents, hoping the adventurous daughter would be tamed and find a man for life. A British man, of course, and not a native of a foreign country. And yet that is exactly what happened. Jenny fell in love with one of the strongest, most soulful and kindest Indian man, she has had the privilege of knowing.
Each crack of the whip penetrated her heart and made her wince as if it would hit her herself.
She realized that now she had to be strong for him. She wasn't allowed to look away now, that's the least she could do for him at that moment.
Under the continued blows of the whip, Bheem had collapsed and was kneeling.
For a brief moment, Jenny thought the horror had come to an end and she couldn't be more relieved.
He would probably spend the rest of his life in prison, but he would live.
She was startled to hear her Aunt Catherine's disappointment at what she perceived as little blood. Her aunt didn't seem happy with the outcome. 
Lady Buxton also was the one, who observed that the accused did not kneel.
The punishment wasn’t over.
Ram was about to strike again when Lady Buxton stopped him.
Suddenly she pulled out a whip fitted with nails. Why did a woman like her have one right at hand and where did the whip suddenly come from?
Jenny no longer recognized her own aunt. Catherine has always been a bit callous and strict. Still, the young lady never expected her aunt to enjoy seeing someone brutally mauled. Until they drown in their own blood. 
The weapon was first tried on a pillar. The wood flew in shreds as the whip was pulled back. The brutality made Jenny jump backwards.
Her mind and body screamed at her to run away. Her stomach writhed and she felt like she was going to throw up at any moment. Again she looked away.
The nail whip would kill him if he didn't get down on his knees. Lady Buxton seemed to like it though.
What should Jenny do? Surely she couldn't stand idly by. She had never felt so helpless as in this moment.
A calm voice full of strength and hope reached her ear. It seemed to be the song of a god. Jenny looked up to see Bheem straightening himself. It was he who sang. This time he didn't flinch when the nail whip hit him, he just kept singing. For a brief moment he looked at the balcony, sadly his eyes didn't find those of his admirer.
His blood squirted through the air and Jenny had to hold on to the railing so as not to faint.
She wondered how heartless a man must be to torture another human being.
The singing filled her not only with warmth and strength, but also with hatred towards the oppressors. At that moment, her hatred focused on whoever wielded the whip, Ram.
Was he ever Bheem's friend? Could a monster like him even feel anything like love? Or even have sympathy?
He always seemed very friendly, cheerful and above all familiar with Bheem. Was it all just acting? What good would that do him? Did he know who Akthar really was and was he just waiting for the moment to betray him?
A man who wanted to save a little girl who was wrongfully taken from her family. The girl, of all people, who had been living in the same house as Jenny for months.
Bheem's feet were bound and he was hung up while a hundredweight block pulled on his legs. Instead of singing, for a brief moment there was a scream. No human could have survived that. However, Bheem kept singing.
Even if she didn't understand a word of his song, she knew that he would never surrender to his oppressors. He would rather die than kneel.
It seemed like the only way out and as much as it hurt her, she accepted his decision. Even if she had a different opinion only seconds before.
His song came to an end. The soldiers untied him and dropped him.
Although his strength was visibly failing him, he still managed to tense his body so that he didn't fall to his knees.
With the last of his strength, just before he collapsed, he held out his hand toward the crowd. They seemed not only moved by the singing that had just ended, but also filled with anger.
Suddenly the crowd rushed forward and attacked the British.
Something in Jenny made her want to storm off the balcony.
With a sweeping movement, she turned around, forcing her eyes to look away from Bheem.
She ran, her legs controlled by her burning emotions. It was a mixture of hatred, anger and concern.
With an inexplicable force she pushed the soldiers aside who were just arriving as reinforcements.
After what seemed like forever, she arrived at the gate. Her eyes hastily sought her lover in the chaos.
When she finally found him, she turned to stone.
There he lay motionless and covered in blood in the arms of his punisher. The man in the red uniform clutched Bheem's body, his eyes filled with tears. Jenny could hardly believe what she saw. She just has to imagine the tears. Anything else wouldn't make sense. Why would he torture his friend and then cry for him? She startled herself as the thought crossed her mind that she would rather see Ram broken and covered in blood, preferably to the bitter end. Did she just turn into her heartless aunt?
Something was tugging at her and the scenery was getting farther and farther away.
Now she was back in her pink room. 
In the end she was just a small, delicate, naive girl in a foreign country who dared to interfere in matters that were none of her business.
Could she have prevented everything? 
Wouldn't this situation have happened if she hadn't met Akthar?
If only she had known earlier where Malli was really from, could she have helped Bheem?
She was told that Malli was an orphan. Lady and Lord Buxton would have found her alone in the woods and they were kind enough to take the little girl home. She was so gullible and believed in this fairy tale.
Her thoughts threatened to end in a spiral of self-pity. The tormented man's song sounded again in her head. New strength flowed through her body. From now on she wouldn't sit idly by. At that moment, she vowed to free Malli from her prison.
She still didn't know how exactly she should do that, she would still have to find a plan.
But first she had to make sure whether Bheem was still alive or not.
She wiped her tears from her face, gathered all her strength and walked out the door with resolute steps.
Her target was Edward. He would know if her lover is alive.
She also realized that she had to wrap him around her finger. Because Edward held all the plans in his hand, including the schedules of the guards. If she found out when the changing of the guard was, she'd have a good chance of smuggling Malli out of the building.
India has not tamed her, on the contrary. The country and the people made her even stronger and braver.
She would fight for this country, for her love.
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georgiapeach30513 · 9 months
Jenny I have to confess😫
You know when you post something new I get sooo excited I’m like yaayyyy 😆 let’s go one more masterpiece fir me to read. And it always so intriguing. You write tte most wonderful stuff, simply chefs kiss.
But then I’m like oh nooo😫 She’s going to get so focused on the new piece, and get so excited and have so many inspiration for this one that she’ll forget or put to the back burner the old fics😭
All in all it’s exciting and nerve wracking. Issa love hate relationship. Cause in tte end I get so focused and eat up whatever you give to us.
Please don’t take this in the wrong way
Luv you xx
I don’t take it the wrong way at all! Unfortunately my brain does get easily distracted, thanks ADHD, but I do try to hone it in. I also get excited by replies, and reblogs. It lets me know what people want to see more of, so I tend to stray towards that story. I do write for me, but when I see others’ guesses as to what’s to come it gets me in the mood to write.
This month has been very slow for two reasons. One is behind the scenes I am really prewriting for next month. There’s Kinktober, Down on Your Knees, and writing for one (possibly three) more characters. And number two is there’s a lot of stuff going on in the fandom, and it doesn’t really ignite inspiration.
I am glad you’re loving my fics. If you don’t want to reply or reblog, anonymous asks are okay, too. It lets me know what you’re mostly excited about. Your excitement makes me excited. Or if you have a question about a certain fic, that also ignites creativity.
Love you, too 😘
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miragecounseling · 8 months
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ive achieved perfection jenni fir the sylvari and jenni fur the charr
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havroth-traveler · 1 year
Pokemon: year 2-10
Phew my time here is finally over. When I started here 10 years ago I didn't think I wind up spending a huge chunk of time in jail. What? You didn't expect that, did you? Okay let me walk you through it.
The second year in Pokemon started with me on a boat back towards Jubilife City. Turns out you need to restart the gyms every year, and register with the pokemon league in jubilife city. The travel over there, and registration cost took a huge cut out of my savings.
There was a mandatory 1 week review of league rules and basics for every returning training, and a 2 month school for anyone under 14. I have no idea how my drop in worked last time but I wasn't about to question it.
The second go around I was much more focused. It took some effort but I stayed on task, and didn't go mess around at the beach for weeks at a time. I made it to the elite 4 this time. My team, Floatzel, Dustox, Bronzong, Toxicroak, Abomasnow, and Rhypherior made a good showing, but we just weren't ready for back to back to back challenges like that.
And challenging the elite 4 is expensive. There's a reason all those rich ace trainers are on victory road. They need all the money they can get.
Money was also what git me into trouble. While Eugene wasn't in Eterna City, we met up in Veilstone City. He mentioned that he new some guys who needed some muscle fir a few months, and that since I made it all the way to the elite 4 the year before, I'd be a great candidate for some cushy position after I made an impression as part of the hired muscle. I didn't want to go around again. It got more and more expensive each consecutive year you tried for the champion spot. Most of those Ace trainers I mentioned before we either still 17, or had jobs they did every other year.
Being a grunt of team rocket wasn't bad. Pay was great, and benefits were better. I worked a few months at a base that was up by Snowpoint City. When they were done they told me to reach out if I ever needed more work. I spent that winter practicing my cold weather camping. I know I could have easy rented a spot in town, but I love camping, especially with my pokemon. They were all great friends. When the thaw came round I gave Ponce, the Recruiting Guy for Team Rocket a call. I got lucky, they had heard rumors of rare colored grimers down under jubilife city, and Eugene was an excellent reference for my ability to explore and find pokemon.
I was good at catching those Shiney grimes. The rebreather I got made dealing with the stink of rot of sewers bearable, add to that a bronzong who didn't even need to breath and I had stumbled into a cash cow. The problem turned out to be that catching rare grimers and not reporting it was a crime. Office Jenny gave chase. I managed to stash my stuff in hidden corner of one of the ventilation system before getting arrested.
The trail was quick since I had the pokemon on my belt. No one from team rocket contacted me. No lawyers were given. I just got sentenced for 8 years. My pokemon released.
8 years for poaching, pokemon trafficking, evading arrest, possession of un reported rare pokemon, and battling with out a permit.
Well, I might have lost my stuff and my pokemon, but at least pokemon prisoners got food, and sun light, excersize.
At midnight, I felt reality twist, as the jump had ended. Time to see what > has next for me.
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321spongebolt · 2 years
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In a year from today, my OC, Ozzie Karate will be 20 years old. Here’s his bio down below. More images of him will be coming soon.
Ozzie Karate (奥兹空手道 - Ào zī kōngshǒudào)
Nickelodeon’s “My Life as a Teenage Robot”
Ozzie was born and raised in China where he learned the ways of Martial Arts, and through destiny was gifted with an ancient ring that would transform him into a half-human half-machine black belt. His heroic acts I assumed would’ve impressed the emperor around the time before Ozzie met Jenny. The emperor even made arrangements for Ozzie to marry her daughter, who was to become empress as soon as her father stepped down from the throne. But before the two could kiss, a terrorist attack happened on that same day as the wedding. And Ozzie was forced to leave China with the remaining survivors to North America in some kind of a giant ship.
The ship boarded at Tremorton City, and Ozzie was depressed. Not only was his home under attack, and likely destroyed, but he was really looking forward to marrying the princess. All that Ozzie could do was start life over now that he still had his ring. Some time after doing his heroic deeds for the folks living in Tremorton by fighting crime, Brad and Tuck would eventually befriend Ozzie. And Ozzie in turn could help train the two brothers one-on-one. Soon, the three meet Jenny “XJ9″ Wakeman for the firs time. With Ozzie seeing Jenny rescue Brad from falling out the window after her arm popped off, Ozzie’s impressed. Soon, Ozzie transforms into Ozzie Karate and he and Jenny fly off into space and they both destroy the asteroids. After saving Tremorton, Jenny is impressed with Ozzie, and Ozzie in turn is just as impressed with Jenny as earlier, hinting that their feelings could be more than just friendship.
Ozzie would also befriend Nora Wakeman, Jenny’s human mother, and the inventor of Jenny. Upon learning a bit of Ozzie’s origins, and how he feels about Jenny, Nora allows Ozzie to be her trainer, and gives him her blessing to be Jenny’s boyfriend. Later, Ozzie and Jenny would befriend Sheldon. Despite Sheldon being jealous of Ozzie getting Jenny, Ozzie would sometimes be selfless enough to let Sheldon date her, but Ozzie will still keep an eye on them for Jenny’s sake.
Karate-based attacks
Transform into his karate form with his ring
Transform back into normal Ozzie with his ring
Flight (With his jetpack)
Invisibility (Ozzie can say “Go go gadget cloaking device/stealth” to turn himself invisible, allowing him to sneak attack enemies without them noticing.)
Super Speed (Works while flying and running after saying “Go go gadget hyper speed”)
Popping weapons out of his body through voice command (”Go go gadget [insert gadget/weapon/mode]”)
Karate-based attacks
Supernatural Martial Arts-based attacks
Slow down time around him (Basically, the world slows down around him, and Ozzie can fight at normal speed while everything is in slow motion.)
Summon his ancestors (Ozzie’s ancestors are spiritual Chinese dragons based on various dragon elements like fire, ice, plant, lightning, and a bunch of others.)
Bullet Dodge (Paying tribute to “The Matrix”)
Quick Reflexes
Sword-based attacks (Pulls out his two swords from behind his jetpack)
Ozzie can be described as philosophical, honest, wise, caring, and protective for the ones he loves.
Whatever you do, do not give Jenny a hard time or abuse her, or Ozzie will strike as either himself or in his black belt form. Jenny would do the same for Ozzie.
Jenny enjoys fighting alongside Ozzie. Ozzie even helps Jenny learn new moves she didn’t even know she could do. Jenny and Ozzie will usually hold hands as implication of their love status. In fact, not once do Ozzie and Jenny ever get into a fight at all.
Some running gags include Jenny and Ozzie holding hands without noticing until they do, or Jenny and Ozzie about to kiss each other’s lips until something interrupts them or they stop and shy way. Other times, Jenny and Ozzie can be a little clumsy to each other, either bumping into each other’s heads or other things. This is so they can hide their love for each other when they’re in public. This can also imply that they’re shy to admit they love each other.
In 2016, I thought about the idea of perhaps Ozzie dying to give Jenny more motivation to work alone. I was thinking that a proper way Ozzie could die would be in “Escape from Cluster Prime”, where Ozzie would sacrifice himself during the final battle. Ozzie would die from the ship’s explosion. As soon as everyone got to hug Jenny, maybe Sheldon or someone else would point out Ozzie’s unconscious body. And in alarm, Jenny would rush to Ozzie to wake him up and tell him they won. However, Ozzie’s eyes slowly close, and Ozzie would be dead. Not only does this break Jenny’s heart and make her cry, it also breaks everyone else’s hearts.
A funeral would be held for Ozzie, and his body would be buried. As soon as everyone sadly leaves, Jenny starts to follow along too, but a voice stops her, and she sees Ozzie’s spiritual form to reassure her that he'll always be there for her. Ozzie and Jenny would sing “If I Never Knew You”, and Jenny gets the encouragement she needed to continue being the hero she's always been, even without Ozzie. Jenny says she won’t let him down, and Ozzie nods while vanishing into the spirit realm.
Despite his death, Ozzie’s ring is still kept at the hands of Jenny, who can still use the ring to summon Ozzie’s spirit form to talk to him about stuff.
The inspiration for making this character came from the fact that in real life, I have a huge crush on Jenny, and it clearly shows if you’ve paid attention. It’s kinda like imagining myself with Jenny, and fighting alongside her. Even going as far as telling her my love for her. I based my character off of Inspector Gadget and Buzz Lightyear. Inspector Gadget because the live action movies were guilty pleasures to me, as was the basis for how I would use Ozzie in action. Like Inspector Gadget, Ozzie also says “Go go gadget”. For Buzz Lightyear, I based Ozzie’s personality off of Buzz as he was depicted in “Toy Story 1-2” and “Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins”.
Originally, the character was suppose to be from Egypt, but after deciding that my character is a Martial Artist, I changed his nationality to Chinese. Thus, the character’s origin began in China, and then later moved to Tremorton City.
Ozzie Karate © 321SPONGEBOLT (Me) for "My Life as a Teenage Robot"
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mochmint · 4 years
thinking of new horizons coming out really has me so nostalgic honestly. i remember getting my 3ds and acnl for my birthday and the first day i spent all day playing. i had made an acnl tumblr and met a girl and we went to the island and spent the whole night hanging out!! becky was the first to move into my town and i remember the excitement when i built the campsite! i’m just so excited to make new memories
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sophiaisthatgirl · 5 years
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footygirl114 · 2 years
Professional Athletes (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
So, after reading so many amazing stories on here from other amazing writers, I had this idea in my head that I could not get rid of. I have literally never written anything like this before but I found I really enjoyed it, go easy on me but let me know what y’all think :)
As a professional athlete in your own right,  you always thought you had a grasp on how crazy it can get, and how intrusive the fans could be. That was until you met Alexia Putellas. Once you were introduced to the Ballon D’or winner you realised how hard it was to have a private life and be a true professional athlete.
You met her prior to the 2021 season, where Barcelona won everything. Adidas hosted an event for some of their more prominent athletes and as a golfer on the Women’s LPGA tour you were included in the event. You travelled to London where the event was being held and you met her there.
Having a busy schedule travelling the world with the golf tour, meant that you did not have a lot of time to follow other sports, which meant you did not recognise her at first. As your adidas agent introduced the two of you, as you were the only female athletes at the event, you immediately hit it off. A long weekend spent together at this event in London and you were immediately hooked on the Spanish midfielder.
With both of you having busy schedules and needing to travel quite often it has very hard to maintain the relationship, but you both wanted to. Spending weekends off travelling to Spain became the norm for you, you could also practice and golf in Spain, when she being in a team environment meant it was harder for her to get away.
You became a regular fixture at the Stadium Johan Cruyff stadium, you made it to as many home games as possible. The constant travel meant that the fans were not aware of your relationship, it made it easier as there was no outside noise to compete with. You did find the time when you were apart to send Alexia memes and outrageous stories about her and Jenni. It was hard to read sometimes, as they were together often, but you never wavered in your belief of her until the Ballon D’or ceremony.
The night of the ceremony you were in the USA getting ready for one of the Major golf tournaments. You wished you could have attended as you knew that she was going to win, but life unfortunately got in the way. You were on the course when the ceremony happened completing the first round of the tournament, you had your caddy turn on the notifications so you would know right away if she won.
As soon as you were off the course you texted her your congratulations, then went online to see the highlights of the ceremony and watch her speech. You couldn’t ignore the new posts that had come online overnight after the ceremonies conclusion. The fans were going crazy over the looks between her and Jenni. It was the firs time in your relationship that you actually felt worried and did not know if she was as into it as you were.
Alexia did not know, but you were in the process of moving to Barcelona and use the local country club as your home course, it helped that your coach was Spanish and wanted to be based closer to home.
As you were clearly distracted with the comments online and that you had not heard from Alexia since before the ceremony your next two days of golf were terrible, probably the worst rounds you have played since becoming a professional.
It was during an interview after your third round where the truth would come out.
As you were walking off the course after finishing the day dropping 5 strokes, and were now out of the running for a top 10 finish, the press of course wanted to know what happened. Many were shouting questions but the one that stuck was from an international reporter “Y/N Is it true that you are moving your training to Barcelona to work with a new coach?”
You were shocked they even knew the plans, but decided to set the record straight “It is true I will be moving to Barcelona to train there, but my coach will be the same. It was in the best interest of my coach and I to move to Spain to be closer to our loved ones and to be able to train year round in the better climates.”
“You both have loved ones in Barcelona? You don’t talk about your personal life, and you don’t post on social media, I think we all want to know who it is you're moving for!” Another reporter shouted
It was then you realised you had messed up.
“Barcelona will be great for me to train in better weather year round” was the only comment you made before getting out of there as quick as possible.
As there was a time change between you and Alexia you hoped she didn’t see the interview, but either way you know you needed to focus on playing a better round regardless of your personal situation. You decided to turn your phone off and focus, figuring since you hadn’t heard from the Spaniard in 3 days that she didn’t want to talk to you anyway. The only thing running through your head was that she was probably better off without you dragging her down, and that she was better off with Jenni in the long run.
After a much better 4th round of golf, you left the tournament to head back to Barcelona and your new apartment to start training for the next tournament. It wasn’t until you landed when you saw you had multiple texts and missed calls from Alexia, you knew she must have saw the interview.
What you never expected was to show up at the training centre and have her waiting for you outside.
“Y/N! I have been trying to reach you for days!” was the first thing she said to you when you walked up to her, knowing you couldn’t ignore her.
“days? I have been trying to contact you for a week since you won the trophy, but you ignored me for days. Im surprised your girl let you come see me at all” you responded to her, frustrated with her and your self for believing someone like her could be with someone like you.
“My girl? what are you talking about?” she responded confused.
“Oh you think I didn’t see all the pictures and videos of you and Jenni getting cozy after the ceremony? I know I don’t post online but I still have accounts and can see everything” You responded.
“I don’t know what pictures you saw, but there is nothin going on between us. I broke my phone at the ceremony, and haven’t been able to get a new one since I was at camp.” she responded even more confused.
At this point you have been so deep in your head that you didn’t realise that you may have overreacted but you couldn’t help but think of the pictures you saw online. “Ale, I saw all the pictures of the two of you, I just don’t get why you have wasted your time with me when there is clearly someone better for you”
Alexia stepped closer to you, she put one hand on your check and wiped the tears you didn’t realise were following, and grasped your hand with the other. “I am not sure what you think you may have saw, but there is no one else. You are it for me and you are the one I want. Te amo. I love you, and only you”
You couldn’t wait anymore and you grabbed her hips and pulled her into you and you kissed her, with all the emotion you couldn’t quite get out yet. When you pulled back you told her “I love you too. I am moving to Barcelona because I am sick of only seeing you on weekends”
All she could do was smile and ask “When will you be moving in to my place then?”
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peonierose · 2 years
The Nanny Affair 2
Girl‘s Night
Chapter 4 - Epilogue
You & I
Book: The Nanny Affair 2
Characters involved: Emma Anderson (F!MC), Sofia Russo, Addison Dalton, Jenny, Sam Dalton (M!MC), Robin Flores, Carter
Rating: Fluff
Words: 2,000+
Author‘s Note: All of the characters belong to Pixelberry. I’m merely borrowing them for sake of this story.
Side note: Music inspo can be found here. Also I wanted to say thank you to everyone who takes time out of their buys life to take a moment and read something I wrote. I can’t express how happy that makes me.
Summary: A night of partying is over for the girls. But does that mean a new door opens for a certain other couple?
“I’ll take Addi home, if that’s okay with you,“ I say to Sam while I play with the set of my car keys.
Sam eyes me and comes to his own conclusions but doesn’t voice them aloud.
He nods
“Alright, fine by me. I’ll get everyone else home. It’s been a long night for all of us,“ he sighs and takes another long look at Addi.
Before he can start to walk towards the limousine I shout after him.
“Guess it’s going to be a longer one for you,“ he turns and gives me the finger.
I laugh and a tired smile slips onto Sams face.
As the limousine drives off I search for Addi. My gaze lands on her and I see her standing all by herself shivering. I curse for not thinking of how cold she must be.
I open the car door and gesture for her to get inside.
She hesitates for a second before climbing in. I close the door softly with a click, and go to the other side to get in myself.
I put my seatbelt on and make sure she puts hers on as well. Safety first.
Then I turn the key into the ignition and the car purrs to life.
As I back out of the parking lot of the police station, I try to figure out how to start the conversation when she beats me to the punch.
“Thank you for driving me home,“ she says in a small voice. Gone is the boisterous woman I used to know. Replaced by someone I have to get to know yet.
“Sure thing,“ I nod.
I keep my eyes on the road. There’s not much traffic at this time of day. Or should I say morning? I mean it’s after 6 am.
“Are you warm enough? I saw you shivering earlier. So I put the heat on full blast,“ I try to adjust it.
“Robin it’s fine really. You don’t have to walk around egg shells on me,“ she replies.
I take my eyes off the road for a second to really look at her.
Huh. She seems serious.
“What do you mean?“ I try to act casual.
“I know what you want to ask me,“ she sighs deeply. As if it’s inevitable.
I try to pretend as if I don’t know what she’s talking about.
“I’m giving you a lift home. You said yourself it’s okay. If you’d rather have gone with Sam and the others…“ I don’t finish the sentence.
She gives me a side long glance. I can feel it.
“You’re so full of it. It’s me you’re talking to Rob. I’m still the same Addi,“ she says to me.
“Who’s full of it now?“ I smile at her.
“Maybe you’re right,“ she laughs softly.
“I’m just trying to understand why you’re back,“ I ask the question I wanted to ask her ever since she came back, and knocked at my apartment door all those weeks ago.
She’s looking out the window at the passing streets. The city lights illuminating her beautiful face.
The silence stretches for too long and it becomes awkward.
“Can I ask you to table this conversation for another time? Please Robin…I can’t…I…“ she pleads and I can hear in her voice she means it. We’ll talk about it another day.
I take a deep breath and just nod.
“Not now or ever?“ I ask her.
“Not now. I’ll tell you. I promise,“ she replies in a sleepy voice. She turns on the radio, clearly done with the conversation. Roberta Flacks - the first time is playing on the radio soothing my soul while I keep on driving.
With directions from Addi we reach her place. It’s a little bit out of town, but with a gorgeous landscape, the scent of dew and fir trees reaching us.
I turn off the engine, park the car and get out. As we stand outside her next words stop me in my tracks.
“You want to come inside? For some coffee? I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep tonight, and I’d love it if you’d come inside…“
When I don’t reply instantly, she makes an attempt to get inside, but I put my hand gently on her arm.
“I’d love to come inside I just want to know what you expect,“ I ask in a serious tone.
“Oh my god. I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted some company that’s all, I didn’t want to be alone tonight…“ or ever hangs suspended in the air. She blushes and tries to turn herself away.
“Addi would you please look at me,“ I ask her and when she does her green eyes sparkle in the dim light from a nearby street light.
“I wasn’t expecting anything in return. I just wanted to make sure the next step we take. That you’re all in and not backing away at the last minute,“ is all I say.
“What’s all this we stuff?“ she asks.
“It’s long overdue don’t you think?“ I ask her playfully.
“I suppose,“ she says in a sassy tone.
We walk inside and up to the third floor. She unlocks the door and we get inside.
It’s a nice place.
It feels homey. I know sounds super cliche, but it’s true. The Daltons house never felt that way. It was more like a museum. One in which you couldn’t touch anything or play inside. You know the one where something could break and you’d get a lecture on how to be more careful. How it’s priceless.
“You’ve got a nice place Addi. It’s certainly different from the Daltons home,“ I remark.
“Their place always felt more like a museum rather than a home,“ she laughs, but it’s an empty laugh, mirroring my prior thoughts.
I nod and as I turn my head I notice for the first time what she’s actually wearing, because she took her coat off.
Damn. That dress it could bring a guy to his knees. As if it was made just for her. It’s a velvet green wrap dress.
She sees where my gaze traveled, and has a wicked glint in her eyes.
“See something you like?“ she asks knowing damn well what she’s doing to me.
“I see a lot of things I like, but I won’t get into that now,“ I say.
“That’s a shame,“ she winks at me.
I reply not looking directly at her.
“We shouldn’t start anything. At least not until you made amends with your family. You owe them that much. Starting something between us right now wouldn’t be fair to either of us,“ I say.
“Are you seriously saying no to free sex?“ she pouts
I drag my hands over my face, my scruff tickling my palm.
“I had feelings for you once Addi. I don’t want to get hurt again,“ is all I’m willing to say regarding that topic.
She has the decency to look ashamed at that.
“Also I would never use your inebriated state against you to sleep with you. When we do. I want you to be fully aware of what is happening. With no regrets in the morning,“ my voice thick with unspoken desire and she gulps audibly at my words.“
She walks over to me and cups my face gently in hers.
“I’m sorry if I ever hurt you. That was never my intention Rob,“ her eyes glisten with images tears.
“I know Addi,“ I sigh and continue taking her small hand in mine “It’s just hard to get over that, and now you’re back and it’s just…“ I trail off.
“Complicated?“ she smiles sadly.
“You could say that again,“ I nod slowly.
“Want to talk about it?“ she asks with understanding in her green eyes.
I’m about to reply when my gaze lands on her glass table with a copy of my tell-all interview with Serena Knight.
“Interesting reading material you’ve got there,“ I say in a conversational tone and tip my chin towards the table.
She turns her head and laughs.
“It is. Did you know you’re the first one to ever call me Addi?“
I look at her in surprise and then I realize what she’s trying to do.
“I see what you did there. Nice try,“ I tease her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,“ she shrugs her shoulders in innocence.
“Right…“ I said slowly.
“Fine, I didn’t want you to think I read it. I wanted you to tell me what happened in your own words,“ she huffs out a breath of air.
I walk towards the sofa and sit down. She follows with a bottle of water and two glasses in her hands. She places both on the glass table and holds one out to me. I grab it and our fingers accidentally touch.
We both spring apart at the same time, each of us blushing and looking away like two teenagers in love for the first time.
She sits next to me and tucks her legs underneath her, and her dress rides up a little.
“So what happened?“ she takes a slow sip, and looks at me over the rim of her glass.
I blow a raspberry and say “It all started with this stupid competition,“ thinking back it was the worst thing dad could’ve done. Honestly.
“That sounds straight out of Mason Seniors handbook,“ she retorts.
“No kidding,“ I laugh bitterly and we both share a knowing look.
“You know what’s sad? We both could never live up to the Dalton’s name,“ she says thoughtfully.
I hesitate but don’t think twice about asking the next question.
“Is that the reason you and Sam were fighting so much?“
She looks into her glass, as if ti holds all the answers to her questions. But then she looks up.
“It’s one of them. At the beginning things were great with Sam, but then Mickey and Mason came along and…“
“And?“ I ask.
“I was sick and tired of the constant media frenzy that we were experiencing on a daily basis. I hated the fact that the twins were so exposed to that life. Sam insisted on hiring Naya, our publicist. We had a fight about that,“ she smacks her lips together.
She just looks at me, and her look silently says are-you-really-this-stupid?
“I wasn’t exactly thrilled that he hired Naya, because I didn’t want to hire a publicist to navigate our personal life. I’m not trying to discredit her work. From a professional standpoint she’s great, but I didn’t like that someone was meddling in our lives and telling me what to do you know?“
“He even hired the same publicist when he and Emma started making their relationship official. If you want to call it that,“ I say.
She closes her eyes and sighs “Really? He hired Naya to help him with Emma? God, Sam is such an idiot sometimes,“ she says.
I almost spill my gulp of water onto the table. After I recover I continue.
“Well things took a different turn, when Emma took a job at Dalton Enterprises working at the lab. I mean she has a degree in chemistry after all, so it came in handy, but Naya and Sam weren’t thrilled that she took the job. Last I heard Naya had lined up some charity work for Emma,“ I say.
Addi winces at my words “Wow, I can’t imagine that conversation between Sam and Emma went over well,“ she acknowledges.
“She was furious about it, but they made up eventually,“ I say.
She nods at that.
“You know Emma broke it off. She stormed away from Sam, telling him she was tired of being treated like a booty call, and that he‘s scared of going public,“ I say.
Addi raises her eyebrows “Good for her. She showed she has a backbone and won’t tolerate his bullshit. I knew I liked her from the start,“ she smiles to herself.
“I pushed him to not let her go. He finally grew a pair and told her what he felt instead of hiding it,“ I take another sip, craving something stronger than water, but since I have to drive back home alcohol is not a good idea. I don’t want to be pulled to the side by the cops for driving under the influence.
She smiles broadly at me, so wide that I give her a side-ways look.
“What? Why are you smiling like that?“ I ask her.
“You’re such a teddy bear. Deep down you’re such a good guy, the woman who snags you away will be so lucky,“ her gaze wistful.
I snort and she nudges me with her shoulder playfully and accidentally spills water on my jeans.
I jump back from the sofa.
“Oh no I’m sorry. God I’m such a klutz,“ she says and gets a towel from the kitchen to dab away the water, but I take it from her and try to do it myself.
She tries holding back her laughter.
“You look like you peed yourself,“ she says between laughs.
“Look at you, being all funny,“ I retort.
“You should see your face right now,“ she laughs even harder.
I roll my eyes, but when she stops laughing realizes how close we are standing to each other. We stare into each others eyes, a hair breath apart. Her mouth opened and form an o, and she stares at my lips, but then she takes a step step back. Not willing to go any further. I understand it, but still I would’ve loved it if we shared at least one kiss, but I won’t push her. I know firsthand that if you push someone, you make them bolt into the other direction.
I hand her back her kitchen towel, and she takes it from me.
“I should probably go, it’s late and….“ Trying to walk out of her apartment, but finding myself unwilling to go just yet.
She grips my arm
“Or you could stay? I have a spare bedroom you can use,“ she offers.
I’m feeling torn between staying and going.
Going home would be the sensible thing to do, but when have I been sensible when it comes to Addi? Never actually.
She still stares unabashedly at me.
I gnaw on the inside of my cheek.
“If it’s not too much trouble I’d like to take you up on the offer,“ I ask.
She smiles brightly.
“I wouldn’t have offered otherwise Rob,“ she begins walking to the spare bedroom and I follow quietly behind her.
She opens the door and it reveals a room, painted in a soft blue shade. White curtains, a soft light blue carpet swallowing my footsteps.
The dark iron of the bed sticking out, covered by a dark blue duvet.
It looks so inviting. I’d just like to lay in it and watch Netflix and eat pizza.
“You look like you’re going to ask the bed to marry you,“ she snickers.
“You’re actually not far off,“ I reply.
She walks to the cupboard painted in white and gets out an old shirt of mine. It was from a concert. The picture of the band almost faded from too many times of being washed.
She hands it to me, almost shyly.
I take it, but before she lets go I take her hand.
“You had it? All this time?“ I ask her wonderment laced in my tone.
She nods.
“I slept in it. It comforted me,“ she admits and stares at it.
“You should keep it,“ I cover her hand around the shirt and she just stares at me.
“But what will you wear to sleep? It’s cold, I don’t want you to freeze,“ she walks back to the cupboard and rummages inside, coming up empty-handed.
“It’s fine Addi. I’ve slept without a shirt before,“ I say as I take off my shirt to prove I don’t feel cold, but my skin betrays me by breaking out in goosebumps.
“You might want to tell that to your skin,“ she gestures to my exposed upper body.
“Nothing escapes your gaze does it?“ I chuckle.
She shakes her head, while looking me up and down.
“Trust me I’m drinking all this in,“ she says.
With that she bids me goodnight, and closes the door.
I can hear her soft feet padding to the other bedroom until she closes the door.
I get into bed and it smells like vanilla. Kind of like her, which makes it even harder to find sleep, but soon my eyelids droop and I fall asleep, wishing for Addi to lie next to me.
After some time I feel soft hair in my face. Trying to get it out of my face I hear a soft sigh, and realize Addi snuck inside and is covering me almost with her whole body. Wearing nothing but my old shirt. I smile and tuck her closer into me.
Never have I ever felt better than right here, right now.
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alwaysablossom · 3 years
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TK makes Carlos Coffee in Bed made for @laelipoo, who suggested “TK making Carlos his coffee the rare time he gets up first” featuring their adopted pup.
Part of my  My Tarlos Headcanons Series
Happy Mother’s Day, @laelipoo! You are the best! Your enthusiasm for my art is one of the main reasons I do this! I love you and Thank you, Mom (Jenny)!! 
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