#jeon parks jeonparking
whysojiminimnida · 2 years
I'm Still On That Rolling Stone Shoot
Because sometimes, closets suck no matter how golden they are.
I loved @kanmom51 's post about this shoot last night and reposted it here but I COULD NOT STOP THINKING SO HERE WE ARE.
The photoshoot, in case you're a baby ARMY or missed it, was for BTS' Rolling Stone cover last year and the actual shot they were working on was from this set:
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And we got the right side of the above video first. Cute lil jikook just jikooking, no big deal. I could be wrong, but I think the video above was taken between shots that were meant to be more than the single pic on the couch above - and WE DON'T HAVE OTHER STILLS THAT I CAN FIND from this part of the shoot. If you have other published ones, hit me with 'em. I want the full set. Because now Memories 2021 has been released online and arrived at a mailbox or two and Peaches got to work (wisely not translating a damn thing this year, GOOD FOR HER) and THIS HAPPENED
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Kids, this is not a gay-panicky little Koo like we have seen in years past. This man has been warned to move his tattooed, ring-finger-bared hand, out of frame or at least out of view. AND HE IS PISSED OFF.
And I took screen shots. Hi, Hobi in the blue shirt! Hey, Taehyung totally off camera on the couch!
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Everything was fine until that second, when someone - maybe Jimin, but possibly off-camera - told Koo to change position, I think. He was literally JUST TALKING and ...
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"...oh here we go with the homophobic bullshit AGAIN..." he seems to be thinking.
Say what you want about Jeon Jungkook but he usually does what Jeon Jungkook wants, goddammit, unless or until his job or his man puts on the brakes.
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He cannot believe the audacity. Tell a grown ass free human to unhand his own spouse, what kind of heinous fuckery is this? He no longer wants to even LIVE IN THIS UNFAIR WORLD /yoongi AND HE IS DISPLEASED. Not scared. Not "oopsie". This is Rage Against The Homophobia Machine Koo and we have seen it before, albeit usually a bit more defiant and less "oh FML I hate my job today".
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So he moves his hand. As directed. But he is NOT happy about it and he does not care who knows. Now, remember, this is a very short clip. Five seconds. So what I am doing here is essentially expression and movement analysis and what you want to do, as soon as you can, is WATCH ORIGINAL CONTENT FOR TRUTH AND CONTEXT. Got it? We do that in this house because we are not insane shippers who have to make up things. As soon as the code hits my mailbox I will publish the entire segment so we can all see it together. Until then, this is what we have.
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Now, Jimin is also annoyed, make no mistake. But he has two advantages here that JeiKei does not. One is camera angle - Jimin has a 90-degree angle to play with and it turns into a near 140 away from the camera. I think he went that way because of 2) his facial control. Which even he was losing. Normally Jimin's face never changes. Major reactions during actual posed shoots are unusual for him, but look at their posture. AND LOOK AT JEIKEI'S FACE.
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Jiminie's gotta be feeling the tension from Jungkook. He is not unaware that his man is MAD. I mean, it's fast, but I promise you, whoever is behind those cameras is well aware. We got the pout. We have a full on side eye. We have malicious compliance.
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And we have the gayest eye roll I have seen in a minute, as he flips that hand SO WE STILL SEE THE TATTOOS.
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Jimin obliges by adjusting, but Jungkook is a professional model as well as a professional everything else. Nobody in BTS is ignorant of light, angle or pose in a shoot. They all know exactly what to do to get the shot they want. But they are also human. Not robots, not objects, not pretty chess pieces on a board. They're men. And two of those men have had just about enough of being told how much they can show. One of them in particular, in this moment, is OVER THIS CLOSETED SHIT. Praise Jesus for a Hobi knee, the man needs a headrest.
I don't know when, or if, they'll ever be able to come out, entirely. But this is one time when the closet walls appear to be feeling just a little too tight.
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spankpjm · 2 years
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
The Torture Continues
I will never understand the need for anyone, ever, to cut Park Jimin's hair. JUST LET IT GROW DAMN. Me: over here pricing keratin tip extensions Jimin: just growing it out of his head like that, all thick and shiny and flopping his pretty, pretty face I LOVE HIM AND HATE HIM AT THE SAME TIME this must be what BTS feels every day
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Oh, lookie who's here. Fanservice, you say? Only for the cameras, you say? Check the eyeballs on that Jeon.
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Laser focus, kids. And except for a split .01 second, we wouldn't have known he was there. Moments like these are everywhere. We joke about Satellite Jeon, but sometimes jokes happen because they're true. The thing that upsets people about the Jeon-Parks is that they're REAL. And that's what scares the kids. There is a reason that the demographic for hateful shippers trends either very young or very culturally right-wing or both, and that reason is homophobia. Whether they mean to be homophobic or not, they have learned and internalized that message - that gay is fine if it's between two pretty men you have a crush on and who rarely interact in an intimate way. Let it be too obvious or too real or too much IN LOVE and not just sexy, and it becomes a problem that must be eradicated. I don't think I'm overstating this. There are tons of examples in the Memories we already have. More in both official and unofficial content. And even when cameras aren't focused on both of them, Jimin and Jungkook are within eyesight of each other. Usually within a body length. They are, simply put, together. As close and as often as they can possibly be. No other members of BTS spend this much time just... near each other. Looking at each other. Talking softly, quietly, gently to each other. Playing together. Teasing each other. Touching each other. It's not just hickeys and earlobes, for these guys. It's the intimacy of a long term loving, sexual yes but also romantic partnership that frightens them.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
My Jeon-Park Heart Is FULL
My skin is clearer than my conscience, my taxes are paid, my spirit is at rest and all is right in the world:
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Oh so holding hands, that's cute. I THOUGHT THE JIKOOKERY WAS OVER. I went to get coffee. I decided to watch the last three minutes of the video I LITERALLY JUST BLOGGED
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But you wouldn't know because philately was taking place in the hotel room that other members thought was Jungkook's, is that what you're trying to tell us, gentlemen?
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WE KNOW THIS ABOUT YOU JEON JUNGKOOK HUSH (granted this had nothing to do with perilla leaves just go with me, I'm a little giddy here)
Seriously just tell us you cohabit on tour dates, it's fine.
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LIKE ALWAYS JeiKei WE SEE YOU. Not "my scenes" or "his scenes" or "the scenes" but "OUR scenes" because couples talk like couples ANYWAY
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Look if Jeon Jungkook says they're the most beautiful moment in life then HYYH me, they are. Also he may have been under the influence of stamps and no sleep but either way I BELIEVE HIM
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Because Jimin was (a) not fully awake yet or (2) watching Jungkook instead of the monitors. Gosh, GCF, does he ever do that?
" I dunno," said every camera that got ignored ever, "looks like we just get in the way." ANYWAY let the mutual admiration continue.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Loving the Samsung Behind Pics
I mean what's not to love:
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And I'm gonna find a use for this one at some point probably
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thanks, Samsung!
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
People still losing their shit over this
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and with good reason I might add, I have spoken on it already *coughbetweenroundscough* but the naysayers are saying NAY very horsily, more like "neigh loud enough and it won't be true" which: points for the coping mechanism, denial is a powerful tool, use it as needed but REALLY? At some point it's gotta be sinking in.
No shit, Sherlock. Y'all act like he wasn't there for Jimin's Live and a train can't get to Busan in four hours. Trust and believe that it can. It's 2:15 on the high speed rail that is usually closed at that time of night unless you're BTS. But even if he went earlier...
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... you can be assured that the jeonparkery was going, is going, will go and already done went DOWN.
It went down so hard that the hyung of all hyungs had to address it:
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I love Korean and its lack of reasoned pronouns. He meant "everyone will think we're on bad terms but none of us are because we're all cool. So cool."
MEETINGS HAVE BEEN HELD. This has been a Topic Of Meetings. ARMY opinions, "anti-shipper" and TKK opinions are considered Valuable Factors for marketing because of their dollar signs, and it was addressed as recently as yesterday. Totally unrelated, traveling separately is a great way to deflect suspicion and enhance security, not that anyone would think otherwise. ANYWAY.
THEY READ US. BTS READS US. They do. I cannot tell you how many times I've been told "Yeah so Hobah says ARMY's on their bullshit again", like.... Y'ALL. I HEAR THIS WEEKLY. And in case the bajillion posts didn't clue you in, Hoseok hangs with Jimin almost daily. They are close in a way that, I hate to even say it, Taehyung and Jimin are not. Not anymore.
He did post though.
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I mean he didn't say "bro" or anything so it isn't romantic but... don't get any crazy ideas, they're fine. They're just fine, fine, fine. Sing it with me, they're fiiiine... kinda. I'm actually addressing the maknae line in a series that may have to take a back seat to Busan this week. The lines at Magnate are OUT THE DOOR (photo stolen from twt user pjmdata who is there, unlike me but very like Kev and X)
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And naturally some elements just have to go and step on normal human boundaries and insert themselves into every situation:
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It's not as big a deal as it looks. Kev saw it and says it's actually one of those oversized poster-type digital ads in a station, people sneeze as they walk past it and don't even look because the rest of Busan is rightfully INSANE, lining up at the Jeon Park Tribute Wall and everything. I'm told it's an entire Jiminfest over there right now. That's gotta be chapping some asses.
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So, listen. The Jeon-Parks are doing well. Happy, as much as any closeted gay couple in a massive media frenzy can be. It's not easy spending years of your twenties dodging the press and the cameras and the fans you love so you don't get outed. Jungkook in particular, never a lie-down-and-take-it kind of guy (ahem, as far as we know), is having a rough time with the Golden Closet. Films or no films. Maybe personal films, I'm not judging.
It's a beautiful sunny day in FloriDUH and I'm off to see my only daughter for the first time in a solid year so cut me a break, willya, I'll update as I have the inclination but yeah. I think we may have a coming out before I expected it. We'll see. I LOVE YOU GUYS, LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOUUUUUU /rosebowl /fireworks
I'm out. Carry on.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Flying Yoga OR No, We're Not Breathing, Thank You
My merciful heavens.
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Flexibility is key to any successful endeavor or SOMETHING HELL IDK IDK I JUST SHOW UP AND BLOG OKAY
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Stretching your eyes, Jungkookie?
Can't blame him really, blame the placement assignments have you even seen Park Jimin's ass? It has its own weather system, it is worth appreciating.
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Don't do that, sir.
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Just.... stop. It's NOT FAIR.
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One day I will do a whole post on how Jungkook has a three-year habit of placing his JM tattoo for maximum visibility at any angle near a camera but today is not that day because he is very distracting and really please do not be mad at me for just objectifying the hell out of this man I'll deal with it in another blog post but come ON I feel like he is a little bit aware of his assets, don't you agree?
The Jeon-Parks reduce me to incoherent run-on rambles, is all I'm actually saying.
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I'm sorry too, Jimin. Really, sort of, a little bit. Maybe.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Every Year Y'all, EVERY YEAR
You cannot put the Jeon-Park men in a room with The Fact Music Awards. I mean you CAN but you are gonna, inevitably, get this:
It's so "come on, baby" of Jimin. So "no you're the prettiest man, YOU go first" of Kook. I honestly don't think they NOTICE what they're doing anymore. This is not boyfriends, kids. This is husbands behavior. This is long term, we gay we fucking we married we are each other's person and sole priority behavior. Cue the click-clack and the clomp-clomp of matchy matchy couple shit. Also: MY GOD ALL THAT HAIR. Also also: HANDS ON WAISTS Also also also: we STAN a Yoongi, The Unbothered King. You know Namjoon was gonna talk and so backstage went like "Look. I always get stuck in the middle but this is an untenable situation. Someone else is gonna - NOT YOU SEOKJIN - someone else is gonna have to - um, Hobi, no, need you to reign in the heterosexuals - um, shit, Yoongi, it's your turn."
And so Yoongi got in the Amazing Hair Line and went "what? I look fantastic, let my dongsaengs live" and so it went. I'm awake now.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Just Jeon-Parks Jeonparking the TMAs, NBD
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I'd tell you that it's time to play Spot the Couple but I think we're all a little bit past that, aren't we? Grown ass adults and all?
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That's... not the lineup order, gentlemen. Yoongi in the middle, as agreed....
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Oh well just fuck a lineup order and have a conversation, then. Because it's not like you can't flirt discuss later, alone, at HOME....
Also all this long hair is KILLING ME and Namjoon was up in there talking about "we miss you we wanna see you, touch you, FEEL YOU" like... someone get that man a cue card. He knew what he was doing and I apologize for not grabbing a screenshot because he was very pretty indeed.
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I swear to all the gods of Biker Gays and Passenger Gays there was a line order for ten seconds and Yoongi was in fact in the middle. For ten seconds.
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It didn't hold up, though, as the couple saunters gaily off the stage. First award, I think, although I admit it was prior to 6 AM my time and I had tried to stay awake and kinda failed at times. I'll keep watching. For research and support reasons, despite the shenanigans and evil "oops they ain't coming to a red carpet, our bad" bullshit and the fact that my cat is literally trying to EAT JIMIN off my Weverse and making me edit badly. Ruining screenshots and everything. Tell him he's a pretty kitty, the cutest and most handsome next to his namesake so he'll GET OFF ME DAMN 666------------------++++++++
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Jimin Spills the Tea.... KINDA
I mean let's be honest Jungkook spilled it first.
But here comes Jimin just in case we didn't catch that while he was literally in the next room off that kitchen
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"Happy birthday to our/my dongsaeng" (not JUST your dongsaeng amirite but cool go on go on) AND HE IS BLOWING OUT CANDLES AND NOT WEARING HIS WEVERSE PJS
And oh also btw Hobi came by
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That is Gay Code for "I was there, I took pictures, you ain't got any because We Don't Do Things That Way In The Jeon-Park House but look, I am a nice person, I will show you THEIR NOSES" That's not actually code of any kind, is it? HE JUST DID THAT. While Koo over here closing stuff out with Magic Shop and Jimin-jimin-jimining and OH HEY G2G WHY ARE THERE EXTRA BOTTLES OF BOOZE ON THIS TABLE HUH NO IDEAAAA
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Seokjin was IN ON IT and also, that poor cake
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Bonus JeiKei is a lil bit gluten intolerant these days which might explain that whole "NO RAMEN FOR YOU" husbandry we saw outta Jimin on RUN but annnnyyyyway
Guess we know who he didn't see. ALSO
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That's just mean. Mine hasn't even shipped yet.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Jungkook Is Hungry.... Ramyeon #5813
I mean the man can eat but
I'm never sure that's what he means. Neither is Namjoon.
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What I wouldn't give for video of the Jeon-Parks having some ramyeon, I think I speak for all of us here I MEAN COME ON
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Oh okay then. And it looks all fine until you realize that it's right up there with meeting someone's cat
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See? "Wanna eat ramen" is Korean for "Netflix and chill?" AIN'T NOBODY JUST CHILLIN' IS WHAT I'M SAYING Meanwhile Jimin-ssi
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Just A Nice Waiter in Malta Thinking What We All Think...
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I still have damnable Google Translate on my Twitter because I'm not special but according to my bad Korean and Google's bad Korean and Papago's sometimes much better Korean what had happened was this:
The Twitter user @Lamer_sea went to D'Office Bistro in Malta, site of this:
And GOT THAT WAITER. So she hauls out her phone and shows him himself and the Jeon-Parks and asks does he remember, and he said he did. Probably because he gets this question once a week I'd bet. ANYWAY he said he THOUGHT THEY WERE A COUPLE. Like, together-bam-together. Not just entrees, with the cute Korean boys and their camerapeople, like TOGETHER together. And so they were then and remain so to this day and I fail to be surprised, but it was such a cute moment and I love it when the locals are like "what do you mean it's never been confirmed LET ME JUST CONFIRM THAT FOR YOU IMMEDIATELY" Suddenly I feel the need for some travel, soonish.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
It's... A SUN. Everyone Act Surprised. And—
JeiKei got his lil 7. With a crossbar. Like someone else's lil 7 with a crossbar. Funny how these things work out. I like the placement, too.
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BUT OH HEY ALSO we got these pics!! I knew it you knew it we all knew it THAT IS A SUN and it’s gorgeous.
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And you know he had to give the artist permission to post. Timing, kids, is everything.
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I really wanna shout out to @kkhluvsbts for snagging me these pics, thank you a million you're amazing!
SO you wanna know what I think? I think that, based on recent events and that very queer-coded interview of Jimin's, this focus on solo work is not a bad thing. It really might be coming two years late, but I think it was necessary now. That closet can't stay shut forever. I'm not saying this is a statement or anything but SHUT UP YES I AM LOOK AT THIS SUN AND MOON DUO
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And by the waaaaayyyy.... I don't think we've talked enough about that tattoo Jungkook covered up. The photo below was literally in a magazine article about how Jungkook's tattoo was "related to V". UM NO. If it ever was about Taehyung (it wasn't, it's a Korean symbol) it's long gone now. Which you'd think would make a dent in the delusion but it won't, you watch. I'll publish my mail about it maybe.
Of course these are the same people who don't think a touched-up JM means anything and are still screaming into the void about why JeiKei didn't out Jimin's tattoo on VLive (For the last time he did not forget. He just doesn't tell Jimin's stories for him, it's healthy. Try it.)
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I think that JeiKei took enough toadlickker crap about that tiger that he decided to LET PEOPLE KNOW ONCE AND FOR ALL. I think Jimin is in on it, DUH, but I also think it's helped to repair his and Tae's friendship. Tae's a good guy to have on your side, but it was never like that with these two. Wait'll you see how he acts with Wooga Squad.
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Honestly? I would not be surprised if the man has "Property of 박지민" on his ass.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Namjoon In The Middle Pt. 8513
And y'all wonder why the man needs a break:
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"A full decade is how long I've been dealing with this shit. That's how long. Literally over one-third of my life I've been standing right here in line order trying to keep at least one of them facing forward, but will they do it? No. No they will not." - Namjoon, probably
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"See? SEE THIS RIGHT HERE? This is why I have to go outside and quite seriously interact with nature. This is why I need to go stare at art and contemplate my future." - Also Namjoon probably
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"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT THERE THEY GO. The Jeon-Park Angle of Rotation Rule remains in effect and quite honestly, it's exhausting." - Namjoon, definitely
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"Yeah I'm gonna need the zapper thingy, did anyone bring the zapper thing? And while we're at it could someone bring Taehyung a shirt?" - okay maybe not that last part, but otherwise, totally Namjoon
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
I’m not saying A WORD I’m just NOTING
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I mean really I just showed up to discuss the JM ink again and also ring placement but
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Hey Jeon-Park house elves, how we doin’?
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Oh Hey, What Did I Miss OR: What's Tasty In Busan in Jimtober?
Just kidding. I kind of know what's been going on. Kind of.
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Okay wait. Here's what's happening as nearly as my admittedly dysfunctional brain can tell:
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In... October. Like the same October the rest of us are gonna get in a few months only THEY GET A 'GLOBAL CONCERT' which may very well mean a LIVESTREAM EVENT.
I kinda want a behind the scenes video, like Yoongi and the Jeon-Parks going here, although I mean as long as they're in town they could just take everybody. Namjoon should get a pass for all the years he's spent in the middle, there might be tooooo much Jeon-Park Appreciation in that city for his not-really-a-hiatus resting state.
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Or maybe they could grab 'em a Hobi (there's always a Hobi) and have another fansign event about dicks gaebul fish whatever it is that's tasty in Busan:
We KNOW, Park Jimin. WE KNOW.
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Good LORD y'all can you even imagine what happens if the Jeon-Parks get a whole new government administration in five years and they legalize the gay marriage and then the Way Open Jikookery commences and they decide to raise the kids in their hometown where Park 할아버지 has the family cafe' and there are murals of the Jeon-Parks just hanging out on buildings and THEN THE WORLD EXPO HAPPENS AND WE FINALLY FIND OUT WHAT THE DEAL IS WITH THAT RING FROM 2019 DAMN
... I'm just saying.
Okay. Probably most of those things are not happening but LET ME DREAM it's been a little intense over here lately. I think we could all use a bit of happy what-if-ness in our lives. What we do know is ain't nobody going to the Korean military before that concert, most likely, and that for me is good news, so.
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