#jiang mingyang
nomacam · 1 month
Guardian: A Tale of Immortal Bonds
Guardian, also known as "Zhen Hun," is a Chinese drama that has captured the hearts of audiences around the world with its captivating storyline, brilliant acting, and stunning visuals. The drama is based on the novel "Zhen Hun" by Priest and follows the story of Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan as they unravel mysteries and fight against evil forces threatening the human world and the underworld.
One of the most striking aspects of Guardian is its unique blend of genres. The drama seamlessly combines elements of fantasy, mystery, and romance, creating a rich and immersive world that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The supernatural elements, such as the powers possessed by the characters and the existence of the underworld, add an exciting and otherworldly dimension to the story.
Central to Guardian's appeal is the complex and compelling relationship between Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan. Shen Wei, played by Bai Yu, is a mysterious professor with a dark past and hidden powers, while Zhao Yunlan, played by Zhu Yilong, is a charismatic detective with a strong sense of justice. Their partnership and evolving relationship form the emotional core of the drama, and the chemistry between the two actors is palpable, drawing viewers into their world and making them root for their success.
In addition to the central characters, Guardian features a diverse and memorable cast of supporting characters, each with their own unique personalities and story arcs. From the loyal and brave members of the Guardian team to the enigmatic and powerful figures of the underworld, every character adds depth and complexity to the narrative, making the world of Guardian feel alive and vibrant.
Another standout aspect of Guardian is its stunning visual effects and cinematography. The drama is beautifully shot, with sweeping landscapes, intricate set designs, and breathtaking special effects that bring the supernatural elements of the story to life. The attention to detail in every frame is evident, creating a visually stunning and immersive viewing experience.
Beyond its entertainment value, Guardian also explores deeper themes such as loyalty, sacrifice, and the nature of good and evil. Through its characters and their struggles, the drama raises thought-provoking questions about morality and the human condition, adding a layer of depth and complexity to the story that resonates with viewers long after the final episode.
In conclusion, Guardian is a masterpiece of Chinese television, blending fantasy, mystery, and romance into a compelling and unforgettable drama. With its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and stunning visuals, Guardian is a must-watch for anyone looking for a captivating and immersive viewing experience.
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greighish · 2 years
Shen Wei... Shen Wei... ... Kill me! Kill me!
10,000 years could pass and I will still have not recovered from this scene. I mean, he's saying I don't want to live in a world where he isn't... I want to go wherever he's gone to, so kill me.
This only works in fiction, for me, but, damn if it doesn't work.
Forty episodes of Guardian complete. It continued to be engaging until the very end, which is not an easy feat. That said, I am not sure I understand the ending. I get it, but I think they left some important things on the cutting room floor.
I never did get around to liking Guo Changcheng. But can I say that the scene with him having tea with the women doesn't make sense and it feels like the adaptation team felt the need to include a specific scene from the novel but they needed to pass censorship and that's what they came up with. I could be very wrong as I haven't read the novel, but Chu Shuzhi waiting impatiently to drag his friend/teammate away from a matchmaking scene doesn't make nearly as much sense as him waiting to drag his boyfriend away from the scene. And even before that, why was he there in the first place? No matter their relationship, why is he just (not) chillin' in the background?
Zhu Hong annoyed me for a bit wondering why Zhao Yunlan didn't return her feelings. And this is possibly a cultural divide, but as far as I could see, she never explicitly made her feelings known--until the dream. And even knowing how perceptive her chief was, I think it's unfair to leave it to the other person to interpret your actions to your liking. If you want someone to pick up what you're putting down, you're better off just handing it to them. That aside, I liked her. Other than what I see as a lack of communication, I never questioned her actions; everything she did as a character made sense for her, even when she when she was lamenting about Zhao Yunlan, though not quite fair, it made sense from her perspective. Moreover, her future path is the only one I understand.
I don't have a precise understanding of what anyone else on the team is doing with their life post-split. And if it was trying to be one of those "leave it to the audience to decide" endings, it failed spectacularly by being simultaneously too vague and too specific.
Shen Wei and Ye Zun... I have complicated feelings about what I don't know. Family bonds are weird, so I can't say that their fate doesn't make sense, but I also don't think whatever it is is gonna be healthy.
Lin Jing and Da Qing in Zhao Yunlan's apartment?
Guo Changcheng being the only remaining team member walking through HQ and that mini-me Chu Shuzhi?
But the one I'm most confused about is... the real Chief Zhao?
I feel like I might rupture my cerebral cortex if I don't stop there. I want to scream, but I'm also pretty certain that if I just wait for the novel, my questions will be answered. But is it fair to ask a viewer to fill in the blanks from the original work? Be it a loose or faithful adaptation, it should be able to stand on it's own. And for the most part it did; however, it failed to at the most crucial moments.
That said, on the whole I enjoyed the story and while I won't watch it again, I am looking forward to reading the novel(s). I could take or leave most of the performances, but Zhu Yilong, Bai Yu, and Jiang Mingyang really did it for me.
Finally, I have to say something that is really unbelievable coming from me because I usually do not comprehend people's faces as being attractive or otherwise, and the times when I do acknowledge it, it's usually fleeting; however Zhu Yilong is unbelievably beautiful. I cannot stop thinking about his face and his subtle and brief expressions. I just don't understand what's happening with the symmetry and general arrangement of his features, but I am honestly and utterly captivated. This might be a problem.
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feyrshin · 2 years
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Chu Shuzhi as a birthday present for my friend ♥
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avaantares · 5 months
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Emotion-wrecking scenes? In my Guardian?
(It's more likely than you may think!)
When it comes to scenes that gut us, I feel like we (the fandom, collectively) tend to fixate on the tragedy of Weilan -- and, I mean, fair -- but in terms of sheer emotional impact, this scene, in which Chu Shuzhi learns that Guo Changcheng did not return to Haixing with him, is one of the most brutal in the entire series. Possibly because it's part of a bait-and-switch that spans multiple episodes and is engineered to pull the rug out from under you. Maybe because it involves characters who have been largely treated as one-dimensional and/or comic relief for most of the series, so it's an unexpected turn. Or perhaps it's so powerful simply because it's a completely terrestrial bit of drama -- there's no CGI, no greenscreening, no fake blood, no suspension of disbelief required. And it's something we've all experienced, at some level: Coming out of a situation where you think everything is okay, only to be blindsided with the worst news possible. We all know what that feels like, to some degree. Many of us know firsthand how devastating it is to wake from a dream in which a loved one is still alive, only to remember seconds later that they aren't.
Of course the characters and their history are a significant part of it, too. Not only do we see the heretofore unbreakable Chu Shuzhi be absolutely destroyed in real time by the realization that he has effectively caused the death of another younger brother (a relationship that Chu Shuzhi only let himself admit during the riverside conversation in his dream), but Zhao Yunlan is the one who has to break the news to him -- Zhao Yunlan, who is already stressed and suffering over Shen Wei's imprisonment and torture and the betrayal of Haixing Inspectorate and everything else that's gone wrong in the past 24 hours, who is no stranger to loss himself, and who can't bring himself to even mention the mistakes Lao Chu made that led to this situation. Despite the fact that he dragged Lao Chu into his office and literally shouted at him the previous day over sending the puppet into Zhu Hong's dream, he knows there is nothing he can say now that will even register as a reprimand. Chu Shuzhi has failed not only Hei Pao Shi, but the SID as well, and lost the person closest to him. Zhao Yunlan doesn't say anything to assuage Lao Chu's guilt, but also can't say anything to make it worse, and defends his silence to Da Qing in the following scene. (And at some level, he's probably thinking about how Xiao Guo is also his responsibility, and he's worried that Shen Wei will be the next to fall on his watch. Layers upon layers.)
But most of that is just background for the scene itself. What really sells the sequence is the phenomenal acting: Jiang Mingyang's emotionally raw breakdown, and a more understated but no less effective performance by Bai Yu.
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Just more proof that this cast was too good for this show.*
* I say this while holding deep affection for the drama, but also acknowledging that I've acted in literal class projects that had better production values. Also one Asylum film, which almost certainly had a lower budget than Guardian and still managed to have better special effects -- which is saying something, coming from the studio whose most successful commercial venture was Sharknado.
(This wasn't at all what I originally had planned for the "Revelations" square on my @guardianbingo card, but I was skimming through the episode looking for a reference for a different prompt, and the power of this bit struck me afresh, so I decided to focus on the unpleasant revelation in this scene instead.)
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aworldforastage · 1 year
entertainment industry melodrama, x2
Since I'm not an entertainment/culture news reporter, I do get a bit embarrassed at times when I somehow end up too knowledgeable about celebrity gossip. And it's an entirely different level of awkward when that becomes true for a fictional universe.
But in my defense, I saw a lot of it twice, since 冰块儿/Bing Kuai'er has two stories in the celebrities/entertainment industry genre with overlapping timeline, cast, and plot events:
专属深爱/Exclusive Love
黎明之后/After Dawn
The main love interest in Exclusive Love and the protagonist of After Dawn are best friends dating back to childhood and make cameos in the other CP's story.
Even though these two stories are closely related, they are in very different genres. Exclusive Love is a mostly "sweet" entertainment industry story, and the major plot elements are centered around the main characters' artistic careers. After Dawn is a bittersweet (dog blood) reconciliation story, and is really centered around the family/business rivalry that caused the initial break up; the main characters just happen to work in the industry.
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(Audiodrama cover art for Exclusive Love, After Dawn. They even made audiodramas with the same cast for the main characters! Unfortunately it is not on Mao'er and the reception, especially for Season 2, hasn't been great.)
Synopsis [Spoiler-free]:
专属深爱/Exclusive Love -- Idol singer Xia Xi'ai is an orphan from a humble background, and despite having accumulated a massive fanbase within a year of his debut, is still a relatively powerless newcomer in the entertainment industry. He meets award-winning actor Jiang Liushen, who comes from an elite family in the industry and has been famous since childhood. Xia Xi'ai wins over Jiang Liushen with his talent, kindness, and tenacity, and Jiang Liushen helps free Xi'ai from his exploitive management agency and realize his full potential as a musician.
黎明之后/After Dawn -- Star actor Li Luo's management agency is acquired by his ex Duan Mingyang, with whom he parted on very unpleasant terms. However, now they agree to work together to take on a common enemy in Duan Mingyang's half-brother, who is both Mingyang's competitor in the family business and the business rival who framed Li Luo's father for serious crimes. During their collaboration, new information forces them to re-evaluate their perception of each other and their understanding of what happened during their relationship five years ago.
[Minor Spoilers]
专属深爱/Exclusive Love is really a "sugar pie", fairly straightforward story in which unlucky but resilient idol find his true love in the confident and powerful star actor. Xia Xi'ai has endured some of the harshest hands dealt by fate, but remains determined, optimistic, and grateful. However, losing all the important people in his life at a young age has left him with deep insecurities about attachment and abandonment. Jiang Liushen comes into his life with the kind of confidence and kindness that can only come from someone who grew up extremely talented, loved, and supported. With Jiang Liushen's help, Xi'ai works through several major setbacks in his musical career, and stops needing to brave every storm all by himself. Meanwhile, Xi'ai's experiences and resilience inspire Jiang Liushen to work through some recent personal and professional struggles.
In contrast, 黎明之后/After Dawn is just a waterfall of "dog blood". These two people nearly destroyed each other with heartbreak and betrayal, but they refuse to move on even after five years of having no contact, to the point where it's irrational and unhealthy how attached both of them still are. They talk about their bitter separation multiple times because they are not over it, but their choice of a few crucial words always make the misunderstanding worse. This novel is one of my favorite guilty pleasures: all the evidence points to them making bad decisions out of stubbornness and desperate hopes to rekindle a dead romance, but eventually the plot vindicates their choices and gives them a happy ending. [Warning: This story has made some people very mad. It's the kind of story for wanting to be taken on an emotional roller coaster on "head empty, just and love and feels" kind of mode, not for when you want to think critically about relationships and personal growth whatnot.]
In the end, I just want to laugh a bit at Jiang Liushen. Since Exclusive Love is written first, Jiang Liushen plays a more extensive role in After Dawn than the other other way around. He is a movie star and romantic hero is his own sweet romance novel, but in his BFF's story, he is providing Li Luo with friendly brotherly support, drawing Duan Mingyang's ire as an imaginary romantic rival, and also very active in foiling financial crimes -- who would have thought being s a supporting character would take more work?
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maikhiwi00 · 3 years
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Xiao Guo. Xiao Guo!
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Shen Wei Serving Lewks Part 8
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Shen Wei wears a lot of cosplay looks in Guardian! Ostensibly some of them are actually different characters but...whatever. 
Look 36: Black Robe Envoy
Black Robe Envoy is always a hit at the Dragon City DixCon. This robe is very nicely constructed, with gauzey curtain things on the back and a hood that keeps its shape well.
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The mask is...something he got in the paper-mache department at Michaels and painted with craft paints.  He seems proud of it.  
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The mask does actually make him look different, unlike, say, Wei Wuxian’s mask which anybody can recognize him under. This mask has those cheek parts that change the overall shape of his face.  
Look 37: Gold Mask Bro
Gold Mask bro is a look that is similarly hampered by the craft-store aesthetic, but gaudier. 
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Combined with the scenery-chewing villain thing, I’m always pretty eager to get this guy off of the screen. 
Look 38: Hot Bro
Once the gold mask comes off, on the other hand, Shen Wei as Ye Zun  is stunning with long grey hair.  I mean, goddamn.
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(More behind the cut!) 
OP understands why Da Qing makes ridiculous cat paw gestures while dreaming about Ye Zun because this look is a scorcher. 
OP makes ridiculous cat paw gestures
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The Princess Leia gown needs some help, though. This thing has a cowl neck so stiff you could bake a cake in it and there is a curtain sewn onto one half of the chest. It’s confusing.  The belt is nice, I guess. 
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Important question: Why did both Ye Zun and Shen Wei buy the same paper mache mask? I mean, they chose different craft paints but both masks clearly came out of the same mold.  Ye Zun started wearing his mask specifically to avoid looking like Shen Wei, back when Shen Wei had a different mask. 
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So did Shen Wei deliberately copy his brother’s mask just to fuck with him? Because that is some next-level sibling trolling right there.
Look 39: Downtown Ye Zun
Then there’s the time Ye Zun decided to cosplay as Shen Wei. It...doesn’t go well. This look fits so poorly that I refuse to post a full view of it, because Shen Wei would be embarrassed if he knew his brother was making him look like that.
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This entire outfit/disguise is terrible, and fits worse than Swamp Coat 1.0. Ye Zun even knows it’s terrible because he points it out to Zhao Yunlan and asks if it looks good, as if Shen Wei ever needed to ask a thing like that.
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He does his best to make up for it by serving memorable facial expressions.. Thank you, Ye Zun.
Look 40: P.I.M.P.
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This completely impractical getup, OTOH, fits like a dream. I am slightly obsessed with how good Shen Wei’s Ye Zun’s his feet and ankles look in this outfit, when I normally am grumpy about baggy ankles. But these trousers are so nicely fitted that the crumpled ankle looks like a statement instead of an accident. With the frock coat and the walking stick he looks long and leggy, and if Shen Wei isn’t covered in grass stains the second he takes off his terrible cosplay hair and mask, Zhao Yunlan isn’t the man I thought he was.
Hair Lewks
Other characters also get in on the cosplay, with Da Qing looking much less ridiculous than he does in his modern-day clothes and hair. Zhao Yunlan wins Most Beautiful Hair, with metal beads and those side-bangs that frame boys’ faces so nicely.  (His post-shacking-up hair also wins most beautiful hair in the modern era).
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Baby Envoy’s braids (see Look 41) make him a close second, and Hot Bro’s grey hair is a close third, but the weird locks that the Zhu Yilong brothers grow out of the sides of their faces are distracting. I get that they aren’t exactly human and that there are certain artistic conventions at play but...this is not how sideburns work.
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Other Cosplayers
Other cosplayers include Tea-Party Princess, Crow Bitch, and Snake Uncle who is Never a Snake.
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And here’s Old Chu cosplaying as..as...ok fine this isn’t cosplay, it’s just Old Chu flexing, sweating, and bleeding.   
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I like what I like, ok? 
Look 41: Baby Envoy
The last look in this post series is Young Black Robe Envoy from the time-traveling Kunlun bit. When the mask is off, this is one of my favorite Shen Wei looks, because he is so young and vulnerable, and the robe has a nice edge detail and stamped metal accents that aren’t part of his later look. 
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This would be a pretty good mage-in-light-armor getup in whichever RPG Shen Wei would play if he understood technology. He would play DA:Inquisition and he would be an elf and he would romance Dorian  OP always romances Cullen it’s a bit of a problem 
The mask is ugly craft-store nonsense, but makes a nice contrast to his sweet bare face when Zhao Yunlan yanks it off.  
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Now I’m going to take a dive into into this scene, because we’ve run out of Shen Wei Lewks (*sob*), and this scene is lovely. And there really can’t be too many gifs of WeiLan eye-fucking each other Shen Wei sucking a lollipop.
In one conversation, Shen Wei falls permanently in love with Zhao Yunlan, and you can see that Zhao Yunlan really is as wonderful as Shen Wei thinks he is. He's kind and encouraging; he's confidently romantic, and he gives Shen Wei a name that has a LOT of thought behind it. 
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Being as hot as a fresh pancake doesn’t hurt, either.
The high point of this interaction is probably the most sexual moment of the show, In which Zhao Yunlan teaches his true love to suck on a lollipop. The moment’s sexual energy is only partly because it suggests other activities. 
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I mean...it’s definitely suggestive. 
But let’s look at what is literally, not metaphorically, happening in this moment. This is the beginning of their present-day sexual connection (within the bounds of Chinese TV, yes, yes. Het couples don’t bone on-camera in C-dramas either, so let’s assume off-camera boning when the story supports it. These two have been coded as lovers since the closing moments of Episode 14).
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Zhao Yunlan puts sweetness into the mouth of this young, stressed out, serious man. Then he unabashedly, delightedly, watches Shen Wei having this new sensory experience while he *explains it* to him. 
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Imagine the dopamine hit Shen Wei is experiencing here. He’s got a mouthful of sugar and he’s got Zhao Yunlan projecting waves of cheerful, undemanding lust at him while dropping bars about life and sensuality.
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With a single lollipop, Zhao Yunlan uses his short time with Young Shen Wei to teach him the concept of pleasure. And takes his heart in return. 
One Last Lewk
Ass Chain Congee is love.
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Thanks so much for joining me on this ride! Next I’m leaping off of the cliff of good sense into a full rewatch of The Untamed. If that sounds like fun to you, please come on along to my Episode 01 post, over here.
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vierran45 · 3 years
I have a strong suspicion that Chu Shuzhi’s real little brother is dead and that’s why in his grumpy way he has taken the junior of the team under his wing. Even when they are about to freeze to death and Guo Changcheng is thanking him for his kindness, CS is trying his best to keep Guo alive, even taking off his own coat and wrapping it around GC and hugging him to share body warmth.
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This is why I think Chu’s brother is dead, I think he’s about to say ’you’re still alive’ (unlike his brother).
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teyered · 4 years
Jiang Mingyang really decided that because he wasn't playing a character involved in the source material BL ship, he would go twice as hard with the physical affection and I respect him for that
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p-inkgangstaring · 3 years
It should be already midnight in China so HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY JIANG MINGYANG I hope he's having a great day as an Official Dilf™ and in general because he deserved all the love in this world pls man post something on Weibo we love you dearly
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szarrsarchive · 4 years
Folks : hah! ChuGuo doesn't exist!
Jiang MingYang (chu shuzhi's actor): in this essay I'll explain you the 101 reasons why Chu-Ge is in love with his baby ChangCheng AND how good his skin felt under my touch, oh also Chu-Ge wants to live with him and protect him, love him and grow with him for the rest of his life which is my favorite thing ever so thank you for shipping chuguo with me please keep up with the contents I'll do my best to remind you almost daily how much I love them and how much they went through, how much they deserve and how much I love their fanfictions so please share them with me I need more chuguo in my life thanks
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Catching up on some Ocean Jiang/ Jiang MingYang Weibo images... I am so behind in posting ANYTHING to this blog. I feel a little weird posting actor photos, kind of like crushing on real people. It’s not meant that way, just that I can’t get over how much they’ve changed since the drama...
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yinzhengs · 5 years
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“i’m thankful that in 2018, i’ve met the guardian girls (guardian cfandom name), giving me some of my best memories. for 2019, let me share a sentence from the famous chef anthony bourdain with you all: ‘i would much rather fail gloriously, than not venture, not try.’ we only have the one life to live, so let’s live it out brilliantly, uniquely — happy new year 🎉🎊🎈🍾️🎆 ​​​​“
(source: 江明洋)
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lazygeisha · 5 years
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Greyscale MOOD™
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bszzzz · 6 years
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Chu Shuzhi/Guo Changcheng. Need all kinds of AUs for these two.
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devil-changmin · 4 years
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I can now die happily...
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