#jihoo trainee A
iyunjin · 2 years
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blue-orangeade · 10 months
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the trainees rn like “…..they are?”
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
Boys Planet Episode 6, Part 1 Recap
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Alright, let’s cover Episode 6 with my usual mix of commentary, thoughts, analysis, reminders, screen caps, and silliness. 
By the way, I’m trying to keep my page a safe place to visit (or follow) even if you’re way behind-- I’ll make sure there are no spoilers above the “read more”. 
If you want to jump to my take on one of the songs click below:
Gang and Zoom
Home and Love Killa
Law and Man in Love
Rush Hour
Feel Special
Not Spring
We start at 45 seconds in with a partial ranking, including votes so far (no distinction is made between K and G votes, or if these have already been blended using MNET math). Since 28 is the new cut off, this range may be of interest to us Star Creators. Here’s what they tell us, and I threw in their mission song and their rank as of the elimination in the previous episode:
24 Lee Seung Hwan Danger 507,3381   (20)
25 Cai Jin Xin Hot Sauce 419,853  (50) 
26 Ollie Hot Sauce 405,996  (28)
27 Hiroto Very Nice 389,175  (21)
28 Ma Jing Xiang Very Nice 366,570 (32)
29 Lee Jeong Hyeon LMR 349,008 (39)
30 Mun Jung Hyun Very Nice 336,421 (23)
31 Anthonny LMR 285,564  (19)
32 Jung Min Gyu Very Nice 266,096 (27)
None of the top 18 from the previous ranking has fallen into this range (though for all we know they could have fallen further, though it seems unlikely). Most of them are roughly where they were before, though the biggest story is definitely Cai Jin Xin, who was 50th at the first elimination and has jumped to 25th. It’s also worth noting that Anthonny has fallen from 19th to 31st -- kind of a big fall in context. 
Next, we can skip past the intro and recap to 1:39. The trainees are gathering to talk about their feelings… sort of. Because really this is a prank, and the staff has this woman made up to look like a scary ghost appear in front of them, and then when they run backward, a man in an obvious mask rush at them from behind. I don’t really love pranks, so I’ll focus on stuff I do enjoy: 
I like how the boys seem to be sitting in sort of random groups, not all K or all G, and they seem comfortable with each other. I hate the K-G competition stuff, and I’m so glad they do too. Like, I worry about the world and how we’re getting along with each other as a planet and stuff like this makes me feel a little better, that the basic spirit of empathy and friendship prevails even when MNET tries to drive a wedge between them.
Haruto is wearing a tiara. 
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3. The mask the monster is wearing looks like it cost $3.99 at Family Dollar and I’m kind of here for it
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4. Park JiHoo barely reacting to it, saying, “I told you, they totally would do this! They had to do scary stuff!” Ok, Park JiHoo, you just won me over. 
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5:02 in, the episode actually starts! 
The boys all come in, and now they’re all wearing simple long sleeved white t-shirts that either say K or G, along with name tags that have their rank and name on them. I’m going to reproduce their current name and ranks here, so if at any time you are feeling like “who is that?” you can consult the list. They’re all wearing name tags with their numbers on them, so it’ll be easy enough, I hope! 
The white shirts don’t look good on any of them. Also, they all look tired. They’ve been instructed by the producers to wonder aloud about who the new star master will be (I assume). Kim Tae Rae is hoping it’ll be Hyolyn (from Sistar), and I mean, yes? That’d be great. 
But it’s Huta (Lee Minhyuk) from BTOB! A lot of the trainees seem really overwhelmed, especially Cha Woongki, who is freaking out, Kermit-meme style. For the record,  BToB debuted in 2012, and Huta was born in 1990. I liked his song “Ya” a few years back. He also has a song called “Boom” that I’d never heard but it’s got a great pre-chorus. He likes to go shirtless sometimes, and it seems like the people like it, judging by the “most played” sections of his videos. Side note: BTOB is signed under Cube, which is the same agency that Hui and his group Pentagon are from, so Huta is probably a sunbae/hyung to Hui. They don't seem to greet each other, though, so who knows.
Huta checks in with international sweetheart, Sung Hanbin, about how he feels about being ranked first place (“It made me think I should work harder from now on!”) and then checks in with Jeong I-chan, ranked 52nd, about how he feels barely having made it (“I’ll work harder from now on!”). Huta tells them all, basically, to never give up, or something, and they’re all touched. Now that everyone has decided to work harder, let’s give them a challenge!
Side note: Jeong I-chan seems to be in a better headspace now than he was at the elimination ceremony, so that’s good. 
Huta reveals the challenge: A Dual Position Battle. 
For the “Vocal & Rap” performances, they have to rearrange a song and write new raps.
For the “Vocal & Dance” performances, they have to rearrange the song and come up with their own choreography.  
For the “Rap & Dance” performances, they have to write a new rap and come up with new choreography. 
Considering that very few of these performers are likely to know how to do any of these skills, this is going to be a challenge. It’s especially cruel to expect non-native speakers of Korean to write a rap in Korean -- I wonder if they’re allowed to write a rap in English, if they speak that? Enough raps in K-pop songs are 50%+ in English that it wouldn't be unrealistic for them to write in English. I mean, risky risky wiggy wiggy this is an emergency, you know? 
Huta says, “the dual position battle will also be a battle between K and G,” and they’re all like SELMA???? (REALLLY??????) Huta doesn’t even have the heart (or cue-card reading skills) to drag out the joke, and almost immediately tells them that no, he was just kidding -- they can completely ignore the K/G divide from now on. They are all super happy to hear that. I’m happy, too!
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The songs are:
Vocal & rap:
Tomboy, originally by G-Idle; Limousine originally by BE’O, which I admit I wasn't familiar with; Man in Love originally by Infinite, which came out in 2013 and I’m not familiar with; and Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms, originally by High4 and IU. 
They’re all super excited for Tomboy, which was a massive hit. The older trainees remember Man in Love, but the younger ones have never even heard of it.  
Vocal & Dance
Butterfly, originally by BTS; Feel Special originally by Twice; Love Killer originally by Monsta X; Home by Seventeen
At the announcement of the Twice song, Cha Woongki starts doing the choreo, and Seo Won says, “are you ready for the group of queens?” which is important foreshadowing. You guys, I am not going to speculate on anyone’s sexuality, especially since in Korea, being gay is still considered a mental illness by many, but I will say that a lot of guys on this show are surprisingly comfortable with their feminine side, and I’m here for it! Zhang Shai Bo is losing it, since Feel Special is his favorite song of all time, and I mean, same. 
Love Killer is also my favorite song of all time. It was my ring tone for a long time until my fella got sick of my phone saying “Oh, I’m sorry, did I make you anxious?” every time someone tried to reach me about my car's extended warranty. 
Side note: Krystian seems to have redone his hair a bit, dying it a bit darker and dying his eyebrows brown again, and it looks miles better. I’m glad to see it. 
Rap & Dance
Law by Yoon Mi Rae and Bibi; Rush Hour by Crush; Zoom by Jessi; and Gang by H1ghr music. 
The trainees are overwhelmed at the idea of trying to improve on a song by Bibi, which is the correct way to feel, since Bibi is a goddess who walks amongst us. Rush Hour was already sung by Jay and Kamden in the Star Level Test, and no one wants to compete with Jay’s vocals. 
At the reveal of Zoom, Takuto says, IN KOREAN, to Haruto, “I like this song so much I set it as my morning alarm.” Two things: Takuto, you learned a lot of Korean! His pronunciation sounds good to me, not that I’m the best judge, but yeah. He could be speaking Japanese to Japanese-speaking Haruto, but he’s choosing Korean -- that’s big. Also, Takuto likes Jessi? That’s a relief, because I can’t take someone who is all aegyo all the time. 
My little cousin Kum Jung Hyeon says he’ll never do Gang, never-never-cherlte-cherlte, so you know he’ll end up doing it. 
At 15:10 in, Huta begins to explain how song selection will work, and basically, it’s this -- the lowest ranked people go first, and choose a song, but if someone higher ranked wants to push them out, they can. If you get pushed out, you have to go to a song that has room in it. Unlike in previous seasons, the arrival of a newer person doesn’t automatically kick out the lowest ranked person, though. Instead, the new person chooses the person they want to kick out. So this will be extra awkward. 
The members of the team that wins within each category will get 100,000 points each, and the one who gets the most votes within that team will also get 150,000 extra points. Also, the three teams that win get to go on MNET and get special online promotion. 
Since MNET spent their whole budget on those matching pajamas that time, this is the best they can do for a set for the song selection process, which runs from about 17:00 to 31:00. 
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Is that duct tape forming the lanes? I love the chandeliers just sort of hanging there from the ceiling, just the perfect compliment for that elementary-school style indestructible gray carpet. 
I’m not going to recap the song selection beat for beat, but here are some things I enjoyed or thought were interesting:
Tomboy is the most popular and fought over song, followed closely by Love Killa.  
Krystian got a real evil edit for pushing someone out -- they were all pushing each other out like that, but only he looks "evil."
The Rap/dance songs filled up the most slowly.
I loved Ma Xing Jiang confirming that he’s in front of the correct song by doing a little of the choreo (since maybe reading English isn’t a specialty of his).
I think it’s a bummer that Yoon Jong Woo can’t do Love Killa, since I think he’d suit it really well. But I don’t know why he chose to do Home -- he said he wanted to do a performance with Seung Eun, but I still don’t understand. 
It was also a bit sad when Ricky got kicked out of Love Killa, party because I think he’d be great at it and partly because he really wanted to work with Mr. Sexy Kim Ji Woong.
I don’t think Matthew should have taken Tomboy. I think he would have done better with a lighter, sweeter concept song.
I loved it when my little cousin Kum Jeong Hyun just wanted to have General Gunwook on his own team and so was begging Sungbin to kick out Gunwook 
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I loved Lee SeungHwan just being like, "yeah, alright, I’ll rap and dance, heck yeah," when he got kicked out of his team. That’s the spirit, dude! I keep low-key forgetting who Lee SeungHwan is, so I double checked. He was on the Mirotic team for the Star Level test, and he was the put-upon and hard-working leader of Lee Da Eul’s very own personal song, Danger by BTS. Oh yeah! Him! He’s a peach. 🍑
We learn, via a subtitle that is hardly addressed, that our sweet Lee Hwanhee, the main vocalist from Kill This Love-K (who is also from the nugu group Up10tion), has left the show due to health issues. I hope he’s ok. He can still sing, at least!
We also find out that the Top 9 get these fairly ugly windbreaker jackets to wear, so that’s... good…? I guess...? Also, I wonder if these fine themed garments are available for purchase at a store near me at an unreasonable price, so I can show my love for the boys through consumerism.
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Team: Love Killa
Shirt color: Dark blue
Positions: Vocal and Dance
Leader: Seok Matthew
Time stamp: 30:49 Screen time: 4:28
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Seok Matthew (2) All I Wanna Do / KTL - G 20 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Kim Ji Woong (3) Mirotic / BD- K 24 ⭐⭐⭐ Kim Gyu Vin (6) Kick It / LMR - K 18 ⭐⭐⭐ Seo Won (18) Attention / Very Nice - K 22 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Seo Won feels bad as the only non-top 9 on the team -- he’s worried he will drag the team down. 
Matthew wants to be the leader to prove he’s not a baby who needs to be taken care of. I get the feeling that Kim Ji Woong doesn’t really like being the leader, and is only too happy to hand over the reins.  
When it comes time to pick someone for the killing part, English pronunciation becomes an issue, and Matthew correctly says that the feeling matters more than pronunciation since they can always work on pronunciation later. They give the part to Kim Ji Woong, which is really a good call, though I think Kim Gyuvin would do a great job at it too. 
Team: Feel Special
Shirt color: Light Blue
Positions: Vocal and Dance
Leader: Cai Jin Xin
Time stamp: 35:19 Screen time: 2:31
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Cha Woong Ki (25) Bloom Bloom / Very Nice - K 20 ⭐⭐ Zhang Shuai Bo (36) Reveal / BD - G 21 ⭐ Lee Dong Gun (48) Criminal (shoes) / Hot Sauce - K 17 ⭐⭐ Cai Jin Xin (50) Reveal / Hot Sauce - G 19 🚫
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Cai Jin Xin says, “I love our team,” in English, and (a) his English is really well pronounced and (b) me too!! Woongki says the team is well balanced, because they have two G and two K team members. Also, as Jin Xin points out, “only the pretty guys are here.” I will say that this seems to be the Team Full of Queens that Seo Won prophesied earlier, and again, I am totally here for it. 
They are realizing that it might be a tough job, because they’re all comparatively low ranked, and also, the music is really high pitched. They are given a version of the song in a lower key, but I feel like they could lower it further, right? They are allowed to rearrange the song. Because it’s so high, no one wants the main vocal, or even a normal amount of stage time. Woongki, who seems to be taking on an actual leadership role in addition to the Killing Part, encourages the others to be confident, saying that this might be their last stage so they should take the chance to stand in the center one more time. He interviews later on that he’s never had to beg people to take parts before!  
Team: Home
Shirt color: Black
Positions: Vocal and Dance
Leader: Yoon Jong Woo
Time stamp: 37:50 Screen time: 4:02
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Jay (9) Rush Hour / LMR - G 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Yoo Seung Eon (17) Kick It / Very Nice - K 19 ⭐⭐⭐ Dang Hong Hai (33) View / LMR - G 19 ⭐⭐⭐ Yoon Jong Woo (38) Mirotic / BD - K 22 ⭐ Ji Yun Seo (47) Kick It / BD - K 18 ⭐⭐⭐
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They’re distributing the parts, which of course is tricky here since there are a lot of great vocalists on this team. Ji Hoon is still really really bummed to not get to work on Love Killa, but he’s consoled a bit by getting to work with a good team who seem to all respect and like him. 
The original choreo is a lot, and the chorus is really high. Naturally they give the main vocals to titanium voiced Yoo Seung Eon whose voice is like, Exo quality. I love Kim Tae Rae, but I have to admit that Seung Eon is the best vocalist on the show, better even than Hui. 
The team is trying to decide who will take which dance position, so they dance to “Na bina”, which is kind of funny.
Team: Butterfly
Shirt color: White
Positions: Vocal and Dance
Leader: Chen Kuan Jui
Time stamp: 41:52 Screen time: 3:45
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test /Challenge 1 age final star level
Chen Kuan Jui (26) Tiger Inside / KTL - G 22 ⭐⭐⭐ Lim Jun Seo (30) Replay/ Danger - K 17 ⭐ Cong (35) View / Very Nice - G 22 ⭐⭐⭐ Brian (41) Kick It - G / BD - G 20 ⭐
This team has a nice sense of camaraderie. 
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Lim Jun Seo is lacking in skills, and is open about that, which I have mixed feelings about. Honesty is good, but you need to have a positive attitude. The other boys on the team promise to help him -- Chen Kaun Jui offers to help him with his dancing, and Cong offers to help with his singing, saying, in Korean, “I too. Vocal.” Jun Seo replies by calling him “hyung,” which makes Cong smile. Cong’s Korean is obviously still a bit elementary; that’s not a criticism, just a note. I have all the sympathy in the world for the global trainees who don’t know Korean. 
Incidentally, we see in a flashback that Lee Da Eul volunteered both of them to go first on the first day, and he did that knowing that Jun Seo did NOT want to go first, and I’ll let all 2-3 of you reading this decide for yourself whether that’s a cool thing to do or not.
Anyway, they are trying to decide who gets the killing part based on freestyle dance, and Jun Seo is like, so we’ll learn the choreo quickly? And it’s like, no honey, no, you sweet child. Once he realizes what freestyle means, he’s out. I’m like, “Just give the killing part to CKJ already, because you know he deserves it,” and they do.
I hate that the story is mostly about Jun Seo, instead of being about the far more talented Chen Kuan Jui. I didn’t like CKJ much at first that much for whatever reason, but he’s grown on me a lot. I think he’s sweet, hard working, and an incredible dancer. I don’t think he’ll make it onto the final lineup, but I hope we keep seeing him around the kpop verse. 
Team: Gang
Shirt color: Black
Positions: Rap and Dance
Leader: Lee Seung Hwan🍑
Time stamp: 45:32 Screen time: 2:08 
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Kum Jun Hyeon (14) Nunu Nana BD - K 19 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Lee Seung Hwan🍑 (20) Mirotic Danger - K 22 ⭐⭐⭐ Mun Jung Hyun (23) The Real Very Nice - K 17 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Lee Jeong Hyeon (39) The Real LMR - K 20 ⭐⭐⭐ Chen Jian Yu (45) Call Me Baby BD - G 24 ⭐
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This team consists of mostly people who got kicked out of the song they wanted. So, their spirits are kind of low. My little cousin and noted yeller Kum Jun Hyeon is bummed out -- he really wanted that bleepin’ Tomboy. And none of them have any experience making choreo. I do think that my little muffin Mun Jung Hyun knows something about rapping, and that maybe Lee Jeong Hyeon does too, so fingers crossed. 
Side note: Chen Jian Yu looks great with his current hair color. Miles better than the light blue and also better than the dark color he had in the Star Level Test. 
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No one steps forward to make the choreo, so my little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon finally steps up, saying, “Although I can’t guarantee the quality, if I didn’t do it, I didn’t think anyone else could do it.” I find that very charming. Fighting, little cuz!  
Team: Zoom
Shirt color: Dark blue
Positions: Rap and Dance
Leader: Keita
Time stamp: 47:40 Screen time: 2:37
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Keita (8) Conduct Zero /KTL - G 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Haruto (16) Glitch Mode/ LMR - G 18 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Ollie (28) Kick It - G /Hot Sauce - G 16 🚫 Wumuti (43) UN Village/ LMR - G 23 ⭐⭐ Park Hyunbeen (49) GBTB/ Hot Sauce - K 17 ⭐⭐⭐
Keita, who is really feeling himself, says that he likes the song and wanted to do it, and adds, “I thought things would go well if I came to lead this team, regardless of whoever came or was here already.” Like, he’s not wrong. 
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Naturally, they make him leader -- I knew that as soon as I saw that he was on the team. 
And they start practicing the Killing Part -- it’s that beginning part, “I see you looking at my P-I-C,” and they all want it. Hyunbeen says that they’re all wary and competitive with each other, and he’s especially desperate to win the extra points because of his low rank. He wins the killing part, though, so he’s over the moon. Oh god, are the judges going to tell his team to give the killing part to someone else?  
Team: Law
Shirt color: White
Positions: Rap and Dance
Leader: Park Hanbin
Time stamp: 50:17 Screen time: 2:06
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Han Yu Jin (4) Kick It BD - K 15 ⭐⭐⭐ Park Hanbin (22) The Real Hot Sauce - K 20 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Wang Zi Hao (29) Veil KTL - G 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Na Kamden (31) Rush Hour BD - G 21 ⭐⭐⭐ Lee Ye Dam (42) Gambler LMR - K 20 🌟🌟🌟🌟
This team is excited to be working together at first -- both Wang Zi Hao and Lee Yedam are among the very best dancers on the show. However, most of them are not really rappers -- they’re just vocalists. Park Hanbin says, “I rap like I’m reading a book.” Hey, we saw Lee Yedam rap in his Star Level test, and he was really good! But they’re worried anyway -- most of them don’t specialize in rapping and they don’t know how to write lyrics. Oh no! A lot of trainees I really like are on this team. Well, to be fair, I like almost all the trainees at this point, so I could say that about pretty much any of the teams. 
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It does seem that Na Kamden has some vague idea of how to write rap, at least. That’s really all you need -- one person who can write a rap and teach it to the others. Fighting, Kamden! Yujin steps up, too, saying, “I did learn a bit about rap.” Meanwhile, the other three can make the choreo. They’re going to get through it! 
Side note: Did they make Han Yujin at the same laboratory where they made Sung Hanbin? Do they also make purse sized dragons there? Little dragons that will love you and be loyal to you? Is that the kind of thing they also make at this laboratory? I hope I can visit there someday. 
Team: Rush Hour
Shirt color: Light Blue
Positions: Rap and Dance
Leader: Oh Sungmin
Time stamp: 52:23 Screen time: 2:57
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Ricky (12) Kick It - G /BD - G 18 ⭐⭐ Takuto (15) Instead Of... /Danger - G 15 ⭐ Hiroto (21) Conduct Zero /Very Nice - G 20 ⭐⭐ Ma Jing Xiang (32) Reveal /Very Nice - G 19 🚫 Oh Sung Min (34) Bloom Bloom /LMR - K 21 ⭐⭐⭐
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By the time we visit them, they’re already dancing. We can see from their sign thing in the background that Ricky has the Killing Part, and is both main dancer and main rapper; and we watch as Oh Sungmin is unanimously voted the leader. He’s the oldest, he used to be in a debuted group (TOO/T01) and he’s also the only 3 star (and there aren’t any 4 stars). So, that makes sense. But it does seem odd to me to be starting the choreography when they haven’t written their raps yet…?
Naturally, it’s hard to teach Takuto. You can see that he’s doing the steps more like they’re the steps from “Na Bina.” Sungmin is trying -- he even says “Daijobou?” to Takuto, which is Japanese for “Ok?” -- but he’s going too fast for someone like Takuto, and he’s going to need to break it down a LOT more. 
Meanwhile, Ma Jing Xiang is trying to move ahead, and there’s an interview from Hiroto about how MJX is just “thinking about himself,” how he did the same thing in Very Nice, trying to learn the choreo from the K-team who were so far ahead. Ricky apparently is studying the choreography video, and again, we’re told that this is bad, but why? Ricky speaks a few languages and is a kind soul, and I bet he’s trying to learn the choreo at least in part to be able to help his teammates. But the show makes this looks selfish, and Oh Sungmin interviews, “We need to work on our teamwork first.” 
I don’t understand this take. Why does the word “teamwork” seem to mean “We have to get Takuto step-perfect on each dance phrase before the team can go to the next phrase”? Couldn’t teamwork mean, “We work on different things to get the whole job done”? Doesn’t it only benefit the team to have more people who know the choreo and music in general? While Takuto does the same 10 steps over and over, why should the whole team do that? Especially considering that Takuto is in the safety zone, rank wise, while MJX is definitely not and needs to do everything in his power to put on a good show. Takuto can go ahead and screw this up and he’ll still probably make it through the next elimination round. And that’s a bummer, but that’s how these shows are. 
Ok, let me out myself. I’m a teacher. WHAT? Yeah. I am. I don’t work at a school -- I teach adults, who sometimes are older than me, as well as teenagers and little kids. It’s a weird job and I’m not YOUR teacher so don’t worry about it, ok? Alright. So we go that out of the way. And the thing about being a good teacher is that you have a responsibility to the students who are ahead just as much as to the students who are behind, and a lot of teachers don’t know how to fulfill that obligation.
And it’s not really Oh Sungmin’s fault that he doesn’t know how to be a really great teacher, but I think that if I were there, I’d advise him to not worry right now about Takuto getting the choreo perfect. It’s going to take a lot of work before that happens, and it’s not going to be today. They should be going for the big picture, and making sure that everyone has a chance to get the basics of their routine down so that it becomes possible for people to do individual practice later. It’s like putting together the frame of the jigsaw puzzle first, and then putting together the pieces in the middle. The frame helps you get started and know where to put the other pieces.
Ok that was probably more than you cared to read but anyway. That’s how I feel. This is dumb and irritating. 
On to the next team! 
Team: Man in Love
Shirt color: Dark blue
Positions: Vocal and Rap
Leader: Lee Dong Yeol
Time stamp: 55:20
Screen time: 3:10
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Kim Tae Rae (11) The Real BD - K 20 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Jung Min Gyu (27) My House (Red) Very Nice - K 23 🚫 Lee Dong Yeol (40) Who Very Nice - K 24 ⭐ Choi Woo Jin (51) Nunu Nana Hot Sauce - K 18 ⭐
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They’ve elected Dongyeol, who is a member of the group Up10tion, their leader, and that makes sense. 
The team is sitting around listening to the song, and Mingyu is saying it’s nostalgic for him, and WAIT is that a hickey on TaeRae’s neck?
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I mean it’s not. Is it? It’s not. It can’t be. But also, whoever makes out with TaeRae, please be gentle to his neck, ok? That’s where he keeps his singing parts. He needs those. For singing. 
Anyway, the team is talking about how much they like the song. Mingyu and Dongyeol, age 23 and 24 respectively, remember and like the song, while Tae Rae didn’t know it before but liked it when he heard it prior to song selection. Tae Rae thinks it suits his voice well, and Mingyu agrees, interviewing that he’s grateful that Tae Rae joined the team. I'm grateful that Tae Rae joined life!
They each try the killing part, and Dongyeol sings a bit, and his voice is actually much better than I thought it was, though he cracks a bit. When he’s done, no one reacts, so he applauds a tiny bit for himself until everyone else joins in. Aww. Then TaeRae sings and it’s so nice. It’s just… yeah. Listen, I know that titanium voice kid, Yoo Seung Eon, has a better voice, but I like TaeRae’s better. It’s like how Chen from EXO has a better voice than D.O., but I’d rather listen to D.O. 
Meanwhile, Choi Woojin is having trouble even finding the note to sing. I’m kind of surprised he chose vocals, but maybe he was scared to write a rap? In that case, what is he good at? I watched his Hot Sauce and Nunu Nana performances, and he was basically a backup dancer in both -- he doesn’t seem to be a vocalist in any way, either as a singer or a rapper. What a bummer that we lost Hong Keon Hee and Kim Min Seong, because both of those were in the Nunu Nana group with him and both did a much better job in their various performances. 
Red house Mingyu sings really really loud, apparently, and Woojin sings very quietly, so this will be tough. 
Team: Limousine
Shirt color: Light blue
Positions: Vocal and Rap
Leader: Anthonny
Time stamp: 58:30 Screen time: 1:27
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test/Challenge 1 age final star level
Anthonny  (19) Glitch Mode /LMR - G 19 ⭐⭐⭐ Krystian (37) Call Me Baby /BD - G 23 ⭐⭐ Park Ji Hoo (44) Freak /Hot Sauce - K 16 ⭐⭐⭐
Anthonny has been elected leader, but Park Jihoo ends up kind of stepping up to lead. He suggests that they think about what the song is really about -- it’s about a man achieving his dreams. They’re working on achieving their own dreams, so he thinks they can focus on that in their raps. 
Trainees writing raps about how they’re trainees who want to debut? 
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Krystian is on his Very Best Behavior, and calls Jihoo, “Park Jihoo-shi,” which is kind of ridiculous given that Jihoo is seven years younger than him. He would still be polite in Korean standards to call him “Jihoo-ah” or something like that, and I bet he knows that. 
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Krystian calls him “mature” (in English), and since he can’t find the right word in Korean, explains it as, “you know what you’re doing.” And Jihoo agrees: “Genius, genius,” he says in English, of himself. Jihoo is a hoot. 
(Incidentally, Jihoo says he’s 18, because he uses the Korean age system, which says you’re a year old at birth, and that also calculates your age based on the year it is, whether or not your birthday has happened yet. So he’s really 16, and will be turning 17 in July, by international standards.)
Team: Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms
Shirt color: Black
Positions: Vocal and Rap
Leader: Jung I Chan
Time stamp: 59:57 Screen time: one whole minute
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test /Challenge 1 age final star level
Lee Da Eul (13) Replay /Danger - K 18 🚫 Bak Do Ha (24) My House (Blue)/ Hot Sauce - K 20 🚫 Jung I Chan (52) Mirotic /Danger - K 20 ⭐⭐
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Oh boy. This team. MNET gives them exactly one minute of screen time and most of that is just mocking their past performances. 
I think Bak Doha is a decent guy who just needed better advice from his agency and more realistic goals in life, and I hope he makes it as an actor. Jung I-chan has been at this a long time and must have some talent or he wouldn’t keep making it halfway on shows like this, but he’s yet to really prove himself at a key moment. And you guys know how I feel about Lee Daeul -- I don’t like being unkind so I literally cannot say anything about him, whether it be about his personality, past behavior, or observable skill set. It would be such a redemption moment if any of these three could do something great in their performance, but I’m not exactly holding my breath. I’ll say though that I-chan has the best attitude he can have, considering.
Team: Tomboy
Shirt color: White (but basically, purple/blue top-9 jackets)
Positions: Vocal and Rap
Leader: Hui
Time stamp: 1:01:05 Screen time: 5:25, the longest of any team by a full minute
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Sung Hanbin (1) Beautiful Beautiful LMR - K 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Zhang Hao (5) Kick It - G KTL - G 22 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Hui (7) Shut Down LMR - K 29 ⭐⭐⭐ Park Gunwook (10) GBTB KTL - K 18 🌟🌟🌟🌟
This team is a little TOO stacked. Three of them are top 9, and General Gunwook is in 10th place. They have three excellent leaders on the team -- Hui, Zhang Hao, and Gunwook would all make excellent leaders. And they have three excellent candidates for a center/killing part roll - basically, anyone but Hui would do a fantastic job at it. (Not that Hui can’t, but the others are that bit better.)
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Gunwook says, “You can’t have a better team than this. As if I were Liu Bei, who gained Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, my shoulders kept rising.”
Ok, a few things about this. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Koreans talk about “shoulders rising” as if that indicates pride or confidence -- maybe it’s a bit like “holding your head up high” in English idiom. Makes intuitive sense, too.  
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Next, it’s as if General Gunwook knows that I call him General Gunwook, because he’s making a reference to Liu Bei. Lui Bei was a Chinese warlord (born in the year 166) who founded Shu Han, one of the Three Kingdoms of China. Liu Bei gathered a team together during the Yellow Turban Revolution of 184, which I’m sure you already know all about, and gathered a group of loyal followers, including Guan Yu and  Zhang Fei. So Gunwook is positing himself as a Warlord Emperor, and his teammates as his loyal generals. Love it.
The show seems to be implying that Gunwook is a little too solicitous of his team, fetching the lyric sheet and getting pens for them and stuff, but that’s what you do when you’re a polite younger person in Korean culture, and Gunwook is a polite guy. Of course he’ll get a pen for someone who is 11 years older than him! 
Zhang Hao says that Gunwook was scary in Kill This Love, but now he’s a cute and sweet dongsaeng (younger sibling/friend). He seems genuinely surprised, but I’m not at all. Gunwook expands to fill the space -- if no leader is present, he’ll lead, and if one is present, he’ll follow. He’s a General, but he recognizes Hui as a Major General, and will follow commands.  He’s also smart and wouldn’t want to look like a rude kid on TV! 
Zhang Hao really wants the killing part, and so do Sung Hanbin and Hui. I think Zhang Hao is by far the best, and General Gunwook agrees with me, but the win goes to Sung Hanbin. That’s kind of a bummer but given how popular he is I guess it’ll work out well for the team. Zhang Hao is a class act -- he’s bummed, but he knows that Hanbin is also really good. So he sets himself the challenge of being able to rap quickly in Korean, reasoning that if Yuqi from G-Idle can do it, so can he! Hanbin is helping him and he’s improving already. Zhang Hao, fighting! 
Side note: Kind of funny that they’re not acknowledging that Hui is from the same agency (Cube) that G-Idle is from. Hui probably knows Soyeon and Yuqi and the girls, at least in passing. I kind of wonder whether Hui and Soyeon get along? They’re both music producers who lead their teams and take responsibility for their members, so they have all that in common. On the other hand, sometimes people don’t like each other if they’re too much alike. Man, imagine if Soyeon and Hui teamed up, Triple-H style? Or even better, just a Pentagon/G-Idle crossover group, NCT style, where they just use whichever members from either group that would work in a particular song? Sigh. A girl can dream. 
And with that, we’ve reached the end of this part of the Recap! Click here to go to Part 2, which is my discussion of Gang and Zoom!
Or if you'd prefer, you can scroll up to the top and look at one of the other songs! Or if you'd prefer, you can go on to Episode 8.
Thanks for being here! <3
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year
Anyone else remember when Kotone rapped about being edited out so much, too? Anybody? No? Like I get that, yes, this needs to be talked about and I appreciate that Jihoo also rapped about it because that forces it to be aired, essentially, but it's not the first time someone did that ^^'
Anyway! Top Nine from this mission <3 There were so many good performances I wanted to put on this list, the last spot was really a toughie to fill because I wanted so many trainees to fill it
Cha Woongki (Feel Special)
Cong (Butterfly)
Han Yujin (Law)
Jeong Ichan (봄 사랑 벚꽃 말고)
Lee Daeul (봄 사랑 벚꽃 말고)
Lee Dongyeol (Man in Love)
Lee Jeonghyeon (Gang)
Park Jihoo (Limousine)
Wumuti (Zoom)
Five of these lovely trainees are on my list for the first time, and Jihoo is the only one who's made it on my list all three times! Nervous for eliminations
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
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Mnet idol survival show BOYS PLANET (the boys version of the successful GIRLS PLANET 999 which spawned Kep1er) has released a set of profile images of the competing trainees.. The series debut is scheduled for February 2nd.
1. Park Hyunbeen (Jellyfish Entertainment) 2. Park Jihoo (H1GHR Music) 3. Park Minseok (WAKEONE) 4. Seowon (FirstOne Entertainment; member of NINE.i) 5. Sung Hanbin 6. Yoo Seungeon (Yue Hua Entertainment) 7. Yoon Jongwoo 8. Anthonny (WAKEONE; Produce 101 Japan Season 2 alum) 9. Brian (Yue Hua Entertainment) 10. Cai Jinxin (TOP CLASS Entertainment)
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yoshi-ori · 9 months
ranking all 12 boys planet episodes
i didn't go back and rewatch all the episodes bc i don't have time for that but i did look at some of the youtube clips and the live + post-episode discussion threads on r/boysplanet to refresh my memory
the overall score is mainly based on how fun/boring the episode was and how much evil-editing was involved
i may or may not have been a bit too harsh with the scoring idk
12. episode 1 (2/10)
everyone looked so happy here (minus jiwoong who just wanted to sleep), back when they didn't have their hopes and dreams crushed
i enjoyed the brief snippets of the trainees fighting for the p01 seat, wish we could've seen more of that
funny moments:
when hui sang for the p01 seat "battle" and jihoo immediately gave up lol
i'm sorry but i've always found when the mentors talk to be extremely boring and they talk soooo much in this episode 😭 literal snoozefest
speaking of the mentors, i also don't like it when they laughed at the "bad" performances, like i'm probably just being sensitive but i always felt bad for them 😭
i don't like how much they also keep talking about the k vs g group thing like wdym you guys are besties (also it was just boring)
they also talk a lot about the trainees' dreams and how they've trained for so long and while i think that's sweet i also think it's kinda boring
11. episode 4 (2.5/10)
most of the training segments for this episode were just boring and sad but the two teams that didn't fail me were both hot sauce teams, like it was just good vibes and not really a lot of conflict
speaking of hot sauce, this was the first episode where we got good screentime and storyline for ollie and phanbin like yessss we love to see it
also some parts from the training segments that i did actually like were when yugeng and yang jun made up and when yedam gave up the killing part to shanbin, idk i thought those were pretty sweet and selfless moments and the mentors didn't show up so
the training segments were boring and sad and i snoozed through them
also daeul got evil-edited really badly and krystian got evil-edited even more which weren't fun to watch
10. episode 7 (2.5/10)
some more of my favorite performances in this episode, namely tomboy and limousine, which are S-tier and A-tier respectively. boy do i love the dual position battle performances
while i once again found some of the training segments to be boring i did enjoy nslocb and limosine teams since they didn't really have a lot of conflict and it was just good vibes
funny moments:
the rush hour conflict was not fun but i will say i laughed so hard when ricky and seongmin side-eyed the camera 💀
i know this was supposed to be a serious moment but the haobin massage scene made me laugh so hard 😭 it just felt so intimate and sudden that all i can do is just laugh. also the live chat comments were killing me
more evil edits yayyyy /s. this time we have the continuation of jingxiang's evil edit from episode 6 plus shuaibo which weren't very slay
once again, some of the training segments were really boring. i'm gonna specifically complain about butterfly bc they set up a whole storyline for junseo only for him to still get last? like girl what was the point of that other than making him look bad
9. episode 2 (3/10)
i like the part when they react to the first episode together it's fun and i do love seeing them laugh and compliment each other
some cool performances in this episode (nunu nana, the real, shut down), i actually liked these more than the episode 1 performances. the real is S-tier while nunu nana and shut down are A-tier for me
the training segments for the signal song test were a mixed bag between boring and not boring but i did enjoy seunghwan helping daeul and phanbin helping hui, i thought those were sweet. i think i enjoyed those moments bc they were wholesome and the mentors weren't talking LOL
the part where they call their parents made me cry but it's such a touching moment and idk it warmed my heart <3
funny moments:
woongki dancing to my bag in the middle of the night
same problem as the first episode, i found the mentor comments to be super boring and i sleep through them like how jiwoong slept throughout the entire song level test
some of the training segments were also boring and also just made me sad, especially when the trainees get scolded. also there's too many mentor comments zzzzzz
most of the signal song tests were pretty boring to watch and were honestly a drag. i think it's a combination of i don't like seeing the "bad/mid" performances plus the mentor's comments are boring
8. episode 3 (3.5/10)
i liked their dorm room shenanigans those were cute
i actually did like seeing the good signal song performances mainly bc they went by quickly and the mentors didn't speak much LOL
idk why but i find the part where the trainees pick their teammates for the k vs g group battle to be so fun, i liked the intensity of finding out the top 10 and waiting to see who the trainees will pick and what song they'll pick and stuff like that
funny moments:
anthonny's eye roll when it was revealed that the next mission is k vs g group again like bro same
when they were about to pick teams and haruto's like "GUYS don't forget about me remember when we ate together??" and then him running towards honghai's team in mach speed like 🫶🏃🏻‍♂️ when he got picked
when g-group burn it up team was trying to figure out who has the best abs and they weren't impressed by yutaka's skdlfjs
the arm wresting competition was so fun to watch, g-group needs to drink more milk or smth idk
the part where they practiced and filmed the signal song performance video was boring idk
i've noticed that this show tends to follow the exact same formula where right before a team is about to perform they like do this flashback where they show the team struggling but then it's ok all turns out fine and dandy in the end, which like makes sense ig since you gotta show the backstory and create sympathy towards the trainees but i still find it boring LOL. idk i just don't like seeing them sad and it just feels like it drags along forever to me
there's also some not-so-fun evil-editing moments in this episode, specifically with krystian and kinda jianyu which is sad
7. episode 9 (3.5/10)
i did enjoy the part where the switch and supercharger teams had to recruit other trainees into their team like idk i thought how they tried to convince them was fun to watch
the outdoor games they played were fun and a vibe
i also really liked the numerous eliminated trainees cameos/mentions in this episode like during that one outdoor game where they had to find their baby photos or when some of the eliminated trainees showed up to the guerrilla showcase for the trainees whose parents couldn't make it or when some of the eliminated trainees showed up to the artist battle live performances to support their friends 🥺
funny moments:
when shanbin pretended to get kicked out of smn when he just needed to use the bathroom like my guy just likes to do a little trolling
when phanbin revealed he learned the switch choreo just for funsies so he slayed getting the killing part
the en garde prank and seunghwan being an amazing actor like get that man an oscar, i'm convinced inyeon ent saw this segment and thought "we need to recruit him"
kamden twin reveal! and their awkward interaction LOL
ok i know i said i enjoyed the recruiting segments but the trainees getting kicked from over me and smn was just sad
once again the training segments were really boring, honestly probably more so than the previous missions since the mentors seemed to be more present this time around making it even more boring (idk if they actually were more present but that's just what it seemed like to me)
this episode is the second part of the smn conflict and probably the worst out of the three. people were relentless with him after this episode like mnet why do you hate matthew so much what has he ever done to you
6. episode 10 (3.5/10)
i love love LOVE the little prince musicals. as someone who loves watching musicals this is definitely one of my favorite things they've done on boys planet. the performances were all so fun and i loved seeing them rehearse and it was such a vibe. so many cute moments like gyuvin, yujin, and gunwook "fighting" over hui, hiroto and takuto pairing up together and seungeon forgetting his lines but not giving up and haobin and gyuhui slaying
this episode also has say my name aka THE superior song of 2023, this song won the artist battle, got a perfect all-kill, and won 29304823 daesangs in my heart <3
funny moments:
when they were guessing who the next star master is gonna be and phanbin guessed tbz juyeon, gyuvin guessed hwanhee, and woongki guessed ariana grande
ricky and ollie being paired up for the musical and ricky doing kabedon on ollie and them getting 0 stars for whatever reason 😭
junhyeon just making stuff as he goes during the musical
honestly this is kind of a minor gripe and doesn't actually affect my feelings towards this episode that much but i'm still salty about how mnet never released everyone's musicals 😔
more boring training segments yawnnnnn. these conflicts are getting so repetitive it's literally just the same thing: mentors check the team, mentors and dissatisfied, the trainees practice more, the mentors are happy. like bro at least show them singing/rapping more instead of just making it all about dance
FINALLY the smn conflict ends and i was pretty satisfied with the ending but i will forever be salty with mnet, like girlypop there was absolutely no need to drag that on for three whole episodes
also my bird died while i was watching this episode live so
5. episode 11 (6.5/10)
the outdoor games they played were so fun, lots of funny moments from that segment. some cute moments include phanbin's reaction to being a spy and hiroto's cute "dance battle" and "tteokbokki" aka when i lost the idgaf about hiroto war
also there weren't any training segments in this episode thank GOD
funny moments:
when over me team was doing the pulling up pants game and kuanjui just straight-up bit ricky's pants in his crotch area and over me started playing in the background 💀
leejeong doing badly at the spinning elephant game and everyone in over me team thinking he's the spy only to change their minds at the last minute for some reason?? (the fact that leejeong later revealed that he wasn't pretending to be bad and he did actually get dizzy but the editing made it seem like he was acting bad on purpose makes it funnier LOL)
matthew unintentionally getting the word right during the whisper game
the smirks gyuvin and somi gave to each other
normally i like elimination episodes but ngl this elimination wasn't as entertaining mainly bc there weren't a lot of trainees left. i was gagged by hui and gyuvin making it since i thought they were goners but that was it. also everyone just looked sad during this elimination idk maybe that's just me
everything after the eliminations (when they were picking teams and positions and choosing the killing part) was kinda boring ngl BUT i will admit i actually didn't catch the ending of this segment bc i had a critique for my art class so like maybe i'm not the best judge for that LOL
4. episode 5 (6.5/10)
as mentioned before, idk why but i really enjoy watching elimination episodes, especially after the episode is aired. idk i just like the suspense and the trainees trying to guess who will get called up and their reactions when someone's name gets called and the trainee being all shocked and everyone congratulating them and idk i think it's sweet. also i love the "hints" the star master gives they're so silly it's like playing six degrees of separation
also there's no training segments thank GOD
i love all the trainees' little intros and how they paired up based on the best mate contest those were super cute
the dance battles were all fun, idk nothing much to say here they all slayed
can i just say i was absolutely GAGGED during the hot sauce announcement like wdym all of k-group survived with some of them barely making it in. phanbin crying from happiness was so heart-warming 🥺
gunwook and hwanhee gossiping during the entire elimination was so fun
i also liked when shanbin and matthew were contenders for p01 and they talked about auditioning for boys planet together and stuff like that got me in the feels 😭
funny moments:
shuaibo doing moe moe kyun at gunpoint with junhyeon
yugeng telling yang jun all of his predictions and getting most of them wrong
the woongki vs keita dance battle was fun but the trainees' reactions are what really take the cake
ok i know i said i like elimination episodes but obviously i don't like it when my faves get eliminated and jang jiho being the only one left standing in the k-group aju nice team absolutely broke my heart 😭
also the trainees' speeches are pretty boring and they tend to get kinda repetitive pretty quickly
i was pretty disappointed when they suddenly made k-group win the dance battle competition when g-group was leading even if they did end up sharing the pizza in the end
the cultural appropriation prank was NOT it and (most of) the trainees laughing was also not it 😭
the hyunbeen prank also felt pretty mean and it felt like they were skinny-shaming him like idk maybe i'm being sensitive but yeah that was not a vibe
3. episode 12 (7/10)
i absolutely love the beginning when they introduce the top 18 through fun little films that reflect each trainee's interests and vibes and stuff like that part was so cool
the self-made concept teasers the jelly pop and hot summer teams made were so fun
i LOVE the sleepover and how they talked about first impressions like that is my absolute favorite conversation starter and everyone's just laughing and having fun and roasting each other and remiscing good memories and it's just so wholesome <3
funny moments:
the whole kamden jelly noona thing. no elaboration needed
junhyeon calling phanbin handsome but phanbin not hearing him correctly 😭
kamden asking if he has an american vibe and the other trainees just going "no"
when they tried correcting matthew's pronounciation on jiwoong's name but he still pronounces it like "jiwoon-hyung" anyway
jiwoong's "sorry what was the group name again?"
gyuvin's "sorry i forgot"
this episode is SO long like i would never rewatch this episode from beginning to end ever again ngl
on a related note, some parts of this episode dragged on for so long like the introduction and how to vote and the group name reveal and the members reveal. like i understand why since this was an actual live episode but yeah i'm not rewatching those parts again LOL
the stuff with the mentors was kinda boring, like i did enjoy the trainees making the flower headwear things and the cakes and the silly little song they sang but everything else was kind of a drag
i thought the fans' messages were really touching and stuff but for some reason i've never liked seeing other kpop fans LOL like idk it just gives me the ick (also partially the reason why i don't really like when mnet cuts to the audience's reaction during performances)
seeing phanbin cry and keita look so sad broke my heart into a million pieces 😭
2. episode 6 (7/10)
the ghost prank at the beginning of the episode was pretty funny
idk why but similar to the trainees picking their teams for the k vs g group batte, i find the trainees picking their songs and other trainees pushing them out to be so fun to watch, i love the suspense and overdramatization of it all
some of my favorite performances are from this episode, namely zoom and gang, which are S-tier and A-tier respectively
speaking of gang i enjoyed seeing their team interact the most, idk it's just good vibes and the only "conflict" that happened was trying to come up with a bunch of dance breaks but that was figured out relatively quickly
funny moments:
when gunwook pushed woongki out of tomboy and he acted all sad about it at first before strutting his way towards feel special
ricky winking at jiwoong only for him to get pushed out of love killa 💀
junhyeon yelling at shanbin to push out gunwook so that he can join ggang while gunwook is just trying to hide
jiwoong acting all silly and goofy and the birth of mattwoong
the sheer difference between woojin's timid vocals vs mingyu belting out man in love
same problem i mentioned before with the k vs g group battle, some of these training segments and the conflicts they faced were really boring
this episode planted the seed of jingxiang's evil edit before it fully bloomed in the next episode which wasn't a slay
1. episode 8 (7.5/10)
another elimination episode :D as mentioned before i enjoy eliminations and the suspense and yada yada yada
once again the intros were very fun and wholesome good stuff
i did quite enjoy watching the trainees go to their artist battle teams and their reactions every time someone joins them, like when the besties woongki and seowon ended up on the same team together or when everyone was so happy to see gunwook in en garde
planet camp tour was pretty fun, i liked seeing the trainees just vibing all around planet camp
the sports day segment was also super fun i loved it. lots of fun moments from the princesses to the chicken fight to the sudden genshin sponsorship
more gagged moments from this elimination, probably the most gagged i've been was when leejeong manifested ranking 23rd
funny moments:
the smn prank has got to be one of my favorite moments in the show. idk i just really like silly pranks like this LOL
hui practicing his why-i-should-be-leader speech in the bathroom is so funny to me like honestly mood
the training segments for the third mission were such a drag like dang why did you have to ruin a good episode like this smh (i mean granted it was less painful since the mentors didn't show up i think BUT STILL)
also some evil edits here with jingxiang (again) and ichan which were not a vibe
also this episode planted the seed to the mattbin smn conflict which lasted for an unnecessary two more episodes which was also not a vibe
this is all just my opinion no i don't take criticism thanks for reading
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kpop-locks · 8 months
ai adms eu to perdidinha nesses grupos pós boys planet nn faço a minima ideia de quantos ja saiu e quantos ainda vao sair e quem ta em qual só se do zb1
vamo la que eu te ajudo
o top9 final debutou no zb1 (hao, shanbin, matthew, ricky, gunwook, taerae, gyuvin, jiwoong, yujin)
tiot lançou uma musica pre debut e está tendo algumas promoções (junhyeon, minseoung, kwonhee e woojin)
evnne debutou como um projeto entre as empresas de todos os trainees, não é um grupo fixo, igual o zb1 (phanbin, keita, lee jeonghyeon, moon junghyun, seungeon, yunseo, jihoo)
toz debutou com magic hour (haruto, anthonny, yuto e takuto)
o zihao debutou solo com o stage name le'v
o seunghwan debutou solo com o stage name onlee
o jay foi anunciado pra debutar solo (e ele mesmo falou que ele e o jongwoo iam debutar juntos, o que nos leva a acreditar que ele também vai debutar no onepact, novo bg que o jongwoo ja foi confirmado)
como disse jongwoo ai debutar no onepact
o kamden e o jiho foram confirmados na lineup do novo bg da fnc
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jaetyun · 1 year
I have an idea for a little scenario. How about their reaction to waking them up with kisses? I always found so cute this idea like it's the sweetest thing someone could do to me :(
Thank you for your hard work, I really liked your previous scenario and I hope you keep on making them
Is there a trainee you'd wish gets more attention or an eliminated trainee that you need back?
IM SO SOFT GOD imagine theyre so overworked and stressed abt their ranks and star creators and than you just :(( UGHH ITS TOO CUTE!!
i’ll be feeding all boys planet fans in this drought of content dont you worry 😈 more is on the way
both jihos getting eliminated was so devastating <//3 i’ll def be supporting nine.i now for jang jiho ❤️❤️ i also have a huge soft spot for lim junseo (daeuls replay buddy) and park jihoo (hot sauce center) it’s not even funny i need to see more hype for them :((
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planetquest · 7 months
can you tell me which contestants from boys planet are debuting in a group or soloist?
i am like probably not the right person to ask but i can try lol.
haruto anthonny takuto yuto = toz
jay jongwoo and 2-3 others whose names i cant remember rn = onepact
kamden brian and i think one more trainee? = new fnc boy group
all 4 redstart ent boys = tiot
keita seungeon phanbin yunseo junghyun jeonghyeon jihoo = evnne
seowon jiho and that one guy who left early (winnie?) = nine.i
hui (hoetaek) = pentagon
seunghwan and zihao are soloists
i probably missed some but yeah 👍
0 notes
7jupiter-boyz-blog · 5 years
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Basic Info
Name: Jaehyun Sun { 재현 }
Stage name: Jason
Nickname: Sunshine
Role: Lead Rapper/Sub-vocal
Height: 6’2”
Birthday: January 3rd
Ethnicity: Korean
Age: 20
Blood Type: B+
Personality: People often mistake Jaehyun as cold or scary because of his height and overall demeanor, but Jaehyun is a total sweetheart. He is pretty much a huge teddy bear. He loves all of his members and is very talkative. When he isn’t writing songs, you can easily find him next to one of the other member’s side. He is especially close to Yao as he helps him learn English. He also teases Hoseok often for being the cute little maknae he is.
Backstory: Jaehyun was born in America which is why he has an English name, Jason. He moved to Korea at the age of 12. He grew up speaking Korean with his parents, so he did not struggle much during the transition from America to Korea language wise. Being bilingual he has been helping Yao learn English since before debut. He auditioned for Brightest Star Entertainment at the age of 14 after seeing a flyer for auditions at a dance performance set by a couple of trainees (one being Yao).
- Has two fish named Marco and Polo that Hui bought him as an apology gift. (He loves Marco and Polo dearly)
- Loves cute things
- Often is an audience for Yao’s choreography
- Always has snacks on him
- Writes songs in both Korean and English
- plays piano and bass guitar
- Loves watching Jihoo cook
- He loves Cheese Puffs
- Loves hugs
- He hates being alone and is a little clingy
- He gets distracted very easily
- Hates coffee and non sweetened tea
- Likes to watch soccer
- Likes to watch stranger things and marvel movies
Face Claim:
Insta - __w_ing__
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foreverexo-l-carat · 6 years
Song Tag
Put 10 songs you’re obsessed with at the moment, tag 10 people!
Tagged by: @look-someone
(Literally the only person who really interacts with me on this site therefore I appreciate them with all my heart ❤) (Also, I'm getting to this late because I'm a piece of garbage 🤷‍♀️)
Take Me Higher by A.C.E ♡♡♡♡ This song is an actual bop and a half. Whenever even a snippet of it plays I can't help but dance. I think A.C.E is pretty underrated (I could be wrong) and I'm glad they went on The Unit because I got into them more.
District 9 by Stray Kids ♡♡♡♡ Not to brag or anything, but I was one of the first people to watch Hellevator and Stray Kids have held a very special place in my heart since then. This song just snatches wigs. Also, I love Hwang Hyunjin with all my heart and Jeongin is my precious son ❤
Shoot Me by Day6 ♡♡♡♡ Day6 are actual gods, please don't @ me. The first time I heard I Wait by them, I knew I was a goner. Their songs are so amazing and they're so funny. This song is so catchy that my whole family just shouts the English lyrics at the top of our lungs and jam out.
Party Band & OPPA by Loco ♡♡♡♡ If you haven't watched the latest season of It's Dangerous Beyond the Blankets, you're missing out. The cast are amazing and so cute. I especially fell for Loco's personality. I didn't expect him to be so shy and adorably awkward. My household is a Loco Household. Technically, these are two separate songs but YouTube has them in the same video, so... Anyway, I just love to bop to these songs because they're so beautiful and catchy.
Because I'm Stupid by Kim Hyun Joong ♡♡♡♡ Boys Over Flowers was a good Kdrama, even if I hated Junpyo b/c he literally got these people to abuse Jandi and they still ended up together when she should have ended up with Jihoo. Oof, I'm still heated. ANYWAY, this song was in the show but performed by all of SS501. I prefer the live version performed by just him. My sister and I both love this song and singing to it.
Why So Lonely by Wonder Girls ♡♡♡♡ I actually had never heard this song until Stray Kids were competing against the YG trainees and they sang their own version of it. I really liked their performance and decided to listen to the original. I fell in love so fast and have started listening to it again whenever I get ready to go out.
Deep Blue Eyes by Girls Next Door ♡♡♡♡ They were just a temporary group for Idol Drama Operation Team but the song is still a bop. I had watched this so long ago but somehow got into the song again. I showed the show to my sister and she loved the song, too. Now, we bop to it often.
Mine by Unit Green ♡♡♡♡ This is from The Unit, a survival show to help reboot idols, and I am honestly obsessed. It was so catchy when I first watched and even catchier when I rewatched with my sister. Sometimes I'll just start singing it and she'll join me and dance.
Press Your Number by Taemin ♡♡♡♡ I loved this song the moment I heard it and I still do. My sister fell in love with Taemin not too terribly long ago and she would often play the song, so I fell for it all over again. It's my favorite song to play on SuperStar SM.
Anpanman by BTS ♡♡♡♡ I first found out about Anpanman through a webtoon called As Per Usual by Dami Lee (such a good webtoon, check it out if you haven't). I thought he was a cute little character, so I was practically elated when I first saw the song title. I didn't listen to it upon initial release but did about a week later or something. It has officially become my favorite BTS song because it's such catchy and poppy and the boys are adorable when they perform. I listen to it daily, numerous times, and have yet to get annoyed with it, so it's withstanding the test of time. My mom and I love to bop to it.
Apparently I'm not supposed to put the artist or reason but I did anyway because I have no idea how these things work 🤷‍♀️ This is also in random order
I also have no one to tag because I have no mutuals and the closest person I have to being my mutual on here is the person who tagged me, so... I tag YOU, the person reading this. You don't have to, so no pressure, but I would really enjoy seeing what songs you enjoy~
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
Boys Planet Dual Position Battle, final bits and thoughts
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This recap will cover the final point reveals from the end of episode 7, as well as my final thoughts on the performances, including my own ranking and my analysis of MNET screentime allocation (I have the numbers, my loves). 
Ranking announcement from the end of ep 6
Ok, here’s the ranking announcement from the end of episode 6. At this point, ep 8 is probably out, so this is out of date, but it’s still kind of interesting. 
What I did is, I put the votes in my spreadsheet and found the average number of votes per trainee, which turned out to be 818,005. Then I had the spreadsheet calculate what percent of the average vote each person’s vote was. I think that helps put the number of votes in perspective. For example, international sweetheart Sung Hanbin’s 3.3 million votes represented 404% of the average (in other words, more than four times the average!). Meanwhile, poor Feel Special member Lee Donggun’s 81,739 votes represents about 10% of the average. Ouch. 
What’s kind of interesting is that the top 15 were all 123% or more of the average or higher, while from 16 to 51, they were all 89% or lower of the average. It’s really a kind of haves and have-nots situation here. 
People who were on a team that got the 100,000 benefit will be marked in blue. People who also got the 150,000 personal benefit will be marked in purple. Members of Zoom are marked in green (because I think they should have won.)
Sung Han Bin 3,307,923 404%
Han Yujin 2,909,883  356%
Seok Matthew 2,825,146 345%
Zhang Hao 2,673,322 327%
Kim JiWoong 2,529,910  309%
Kim Gyuvin 2,283,675     279%
Kim TaeRae 2,172,772  265%
Keita 1,881,172  230%
Jay 1,376,663 168%
Hui 1,338,595  163% 
Park Gunwook 1,327,449 162% 
Kum Jun Hyeon 1,315,229 160% 
Park Hanbin 1,138,119  139%
Ricky 1,131,856 138%
Haruto 1,002,517 123%
Yoon Jong Woo 728,860 89%
Wang Zi Hao 654,985 80%
Zhang Shuai Bo 645,683 79%
Yoo Seung Eon 627,720  77%
Seo Won 609,101 74%
Takuto 573,842 70.15%
Na Kamden 573,627 70.13%
Chen Kuan Jui 570,537 69.75%
Lee Seung Hwan 550,610 67%
Cai Jin Xin 453,496 55%
Ollie 439,284 54%
Hiroto 425,135  52%
Ma Jing Xiang 397,838   49%
Lee Jeong Hyeon 382,238   46%
Mun Jung Hyun 366,626    45%
Anthonny 309,114     38%
Jung Mingyu 290,220   35%
Brian 285,579   34%
Cha Woongki 282,786   34%
Chen Jian Yu 266,785    33%
Lim Jun Seo 265,140   32.4%
Dang Hong Hai 257,333    31.5%
Lee Yedam 248,293   20%
Park JiHoo 238,539   29%
Cong 238,039    29%
Ji Yun Seo 230,839   28%
Wumuti 219,507   27%
Bak Doha 204,607   25%
Oh Sungmin 198,846   24.3%
Krystian 196,543  24%
Lee Da Eul 177,458   21.7%
Lee Dong Yeol 172,206   21% 
Park Hyun Been 123,848   15%
Jeong IChan 113,935   14%
Choi Woojin 103,062   12.6%
Lee Donggun 81,739   10%
The Performances, the votes, and the rankings 
In the last ten minutes or so of episode 7, they gather the trainees together in what might be the space where the audience usually stands, and torture them for a bit before finally revealing how many votes each team got. The winner within each category gets to perform on MNET countdown, each member gets 100,000 extra points, and the number one ranked team member on that team gets an extra 150,000 extra points. 
Below, I list the songs, the audience votes they received, and the total screen time (adding up the episode 6 segment and the longer segment in episode 6 or 7). I list them in order of audience vote.
Vocal and Rap
Tomboy 860 votes, 27 minutes of screentime
Man in love 752 votes, 14.5 minutes of screentime
Limousine 719 votes, 13.5 minutes of screentime
Not Spring… 617 votes, 15 minutes of screentime
Winner: Tomboy; Zhang Hao gets the extra benefit
My thoughts:
My favorite is easily Limousine. I just loved this performance. Man in Love and Not Spring were about tied for me; each had one singer I quite enjoy and a few singers I don’t enjoy as much, and neither was a song that I exactly want to listen to over and over. I guess Tomboy actually came in last for me -- I would rather listen to any of the other three again than listen to Tomboy again. If I’m watching the performances, then I’d rather watch Limousine the most -- the performance is so emotional and so good -- but after, that I’d obviously choose to watch Man in Love to see TaeRae’s weird elf face that I like so much. So, putting all that together, my rank is:
Man in Love
Not Spring…
Vocal and Dance
Love Killa 840 votes, 20.5 minutes minutes of screentime
Home 716 votes, 19 minutes of screentime
Feel Special 677 votes, 19 minutes of screentime
Butterfly 664 votes, 19 minutes of screentime
Winner: Love Killa; Kim Gyuvin gets the extra votes
My thoughts:
None of these performances exactly floated my boat. Love Killa was marred by sort of blank performances, in my opinion (though it’s cool with me if you liked it, hope I’m not yucking your yum). Home was lovely at times but marred by tight, strained vocals here and there. Feel Special was a mess, brightened by Woongki's cuteness and, honestly, Z-bo's cheerful performance (I'm not his biggest fan, but it's not like the audience vote came out of completely nowhere). And Butterfly just sort of fell apart, as beautiful as Chen Kuan Jui's dancing was. I don’t really want to watch any of these performances again, or listen to them either.
I tried thinking, ok, which one would I want to watch a fancam of? For example, if it was a fancam of Gyuvin from Love Killa vs. a fancam of Woongki from Feel Special vs. a fancam of Chen Kuan Jui from Butterfly vs. a fancam of Yoon Jong Woo from Home, which would I prefer? And I found myself just ranking them based on how much I like the song itself. So my ranking is meaningless. They're all tied for 2nd place. No one is in first. First place is held in reserve for how good Love Killa would have been if Yoon Jong Woo and/or Ricky had been in the group instead of Matthew and/or Seo Won. (Sorry! I love Seo Won and want to get fro-yo with him, but the song didn't really suit him.)
Rap and Dance
Law 846 votes, 19 minutes of screentime
Zoom 813 votes, 14 minutes  of screentime
Gang 798 votes, 12 minutes of screentime
Rush Hour 742 votes, 20.5 minutes of screentime
Winner: Law; Park Hanbin gets the extra votes
My thoughts:
This one is easy. Zoom. Zoom is my winner, hands down. 
I can see why Law won. It was exciting and sexy and the boys looked good. I like all five of these trainees a lot and think they're great performers. But here’s the thing about Law -- it’s so fucking good the first few times you watch it, but then it gets kind of dull. It’s just all kind of monotonous dancing, you know? Yeah, there’s the stupid flag wave, but there’s nothing else to break it up. 
In contrast, I keep noticing more cool things about Zoom as I watch it over and over. Like, the detail of how, when Wumuti does that kind of lifted leg butt wiggle on the line, “Wumumutiti!,”  the other trainees do a far scaled down version of the move, so that they’re supporting him but your eye still stays on Wumuti. It’s so subtle, but it’s cool because it controls where your focus is. I like being led around visually as I watch a dance -- tell me where I should look, choreography! Also, and I’m aware that this isn’t a unique take, but I love the way that the end of each rap section connects to the beginning of the next one. It makes it all feel like this is a real team, not just trainees who got stuck with each other. And I get so excited when I hear Wumuti’s awesome screech “Lights Camera Action baby!” and I know it’s Haruto’s dance break. YES!!!! Haruto, hit that breakdance pose and hold it for the camera click sound! It’s also so fun to watch Haruto’s fan cam and see him cheerfully clowning around with the other trainees when they were on the sidelines, during the performance. Ollie's cute rap, Hyunbeen saying "braggadocious," it's all so charming. They’re just all having so much fun. They’re IN the performance. 
For the record, I assume it was Keita behind most of what’s good here. From what I’ve heard, he did basically everything for this song, and did a lot in previous challenges, too. Keita’s so good that even MNET’s editing can’t hide him. The judges won’t shut up about him and every single other trainee respects him. I’m so glad that the audience sees it too.
So, Law won over Zoom in part (in my opinion) because Law was sexier -- I have a whole other post about how I think that Zoom’s styling really brought them down. But it may also have been the scheduling. I saw someone talking (in the comments section of The Bias List) about how she was in the audience for the taping of these performances! Jealous. According to her, it took ages and ages, with lots of time in between performances. She says Zoom was the last performance and by then, it was midnight and the audience was exhausted by then. But the team started performing and it was so energetic and fun that everyone in the audience jumped into life again. This is all according to a person on the internet, I can’t substantiate it, but I don’t know, it kind of rings true. 
It would be like MNET to try to sabotage Keita. Production had to know how good Zoom was and that it was likely to win, which would give 100,000 points to Ollie, Wumuti, Haruto, and Park Hyunbeen, and almost certainly would mean 250,000 points for Keita. If you look at the vote list above, you can see how much 100,000 points would mean for most members on this team. Yes this is just an interim vote and the final tally would be bigger overall, but even so, 100,000 points would help lock Haruto into safe territory, it would probably ensure Ollie's survival, and it would give Wumuti and Hyunbeen a fighting chance. 250,000 more votes might also move Keita up one space in the top 9. Scheduling Zoom last meant that it was an exhausted, cranky crowd who were voting, and that probably hurt it.
Anyway, enough about Zoom and Law. What about the other two groups?
As for Ggang, I think it was never going to appeal to me much because the song itself isn’t really my style. It’s not the trainees’ fault at all -- they did a decent job. But nothing about this performance specifically grabbed my attention to where I’d want to watch it over and over, and my little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon's shirt lift joke didn’t strike my fancy. 
And of course, Rush Hour just drags my spirit down when I try to watch it. I don’t know if I’d feel differently if I didn’t know the back story, but I do know the backstory, and I can’t turn that part of my brain off. 
So in the end, I guess my rank is:
The other teams
Oh, and here’s my pie chart of the number of minutes devoted to each team. It’s kind of wild to see how little time was devoted to Zoom compared to Tomboy, isn’t it? 
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As for the new songs that they’re going to be performing for the “Artist Battle”...
Oriental Pop “Switch” - sounds like a lost NCT Dream song
Sentimental Hip Hop “SuperCharger” - fast paced, kind of like Law
R&B Pop “Over Me” is sexy and charismatic
New-tro synth pop “Say My Name” is cute and lighthearted 
Funk Pop “En garde” is sort of weirdly forgettable.
Based on my theory on how important sexiness is, I think most of them will want #3, whether it suits them or not. Dancer types like Wang Zi Hao will probably want #2, and cutie pies like Woongki will probably want #4. It’ll be fun to see who ends up in which group, and whether it was the song they wanted or not. I’ll especially be interested in where the fans put Matthew, because he keeps trying to do sexy concepts and I think he’d be much better suited for something more like #4. 
Ok! We're finally done! And episode 8 is out. In fact, it's been out for a week if you knew where to look, and I did know where to look, but I have held back and didn't spoil myself.
Hope you're having a lovely day, hope that good things happen to you, and hope that all your pants are real sparkly. See you in the next one!
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year
More Boys Planet thoughts! I haven’t seen the most recent episode yet (waiting for my roommate), but I HAVE seen all the demo stages that are on Youtube - and side note, did anyone else not see the stages for Hyo, Toui, or Yutaka? Am I just imagining things? I rewatched all the stages at least twice...
Anyway, these trainees have a lot of talent, to the point where my personal Top Nine (again I’m not entirely sure if they use this system anymore in the show, since I haven’t gotten to that point) was a Top Ten for a while there, with lots of other contenders.
So without further ado and in no particular order!
Han Seobin (Freak)
Jay (Rush Hour)
Keita (Conduct Zero)
Kum Junhyeon (NUNU NANA)
Lee Hoetaek (Shutdown)
Lee Jeonghyeon (The Real)
Park Jihoo (Freak)
Wang Zihao (Lay)
Wumuti (UN Village)
Like I said, I have no idea what the standings are rn, so no spoilers please! ^_^
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Second reveal: Park Jihoo!
Stage name: Jihoo
Jihoo was born on December 9, 2000, making him the fifth oldest in the 13 member group.
Height: 5′9
Vocalist, main dancer, choreographer, songwriter
Voice claim: basically a male version of Billie Eilish
Jihoo is shy and mature mostly, and the members look at him as a ‘Eomma’ figure in the group.  But he has a good sense of humor and can really be savage at times, when the opportunity arises.
Fun facts: Jihoo studied ballet since he was four years old all the way until he became a trainee, and he also learned English while attending high school in Australia!
0 notes
boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
Boys Planet Episode 7 recap part 4, Limousine
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Ok! It’s time for another recap -- this time, I’ll cover Limousine! Click Keep Reading and let’s go!
Huta announces the next team by trying to describe the song, and I love how they show white people in the audience who have no clue as to what it could be. 
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The boys come out waving, and Jihoo is in the leader position, which is interesting, because when we last saw this group, Anthonny was the leader. (Side note: my autocorrect keeps removing his extra N, so forgive me if any “Anthony” spellings creep into my recaps.) 
Huta asks him if they had any difficulties rehearsing, and he says, “It was quite difficult, but I chose it because I wanted to express our sincere feelings to the Star Creators.” Everyone thinks he’s cute. And now it’s time for a flashback.
But first, here is a list of our chauffeurs: 
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test / Challenge 1 /age final star level
Anthonny  (19) Glitch Mode / Love Me Right - G / 19 ⭐⭐⭐
Krystian (37) Call Me Baby / Back Door - G / 23 ⭐⭐
Park Ji Hoo (44) Freak / Hot Sauce - K / 16 ⭐⭐⭐
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The boys are at rehearsal, and the judges find out that 16 year old Jihoo is leading, not 19 year old Anthonny or 23 year old Krystian. They ask why, and it’s time for a flashback-within-a-flashback! Flashbackception! 
We see the boys on the first day, when leader Anthonny felt a little lost and Jihoo stepped up. What we haven’t seen before is that Anthonny was worried he wasn’t doing a good job and bestowed leadership on young Jihoo. 
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One of the judges deliberately needles Krystian, saying, “So Jihoo is leader and Anthonny has the killing part, and you’re not upset, Krystian?” That’s rude, judge. Krystian smiles and says he’s fine.
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The judge says he’s become an innocent sheep, and Krystian holds it in at that insult. We get a flashback of Krystian begging them not to take the killing part away, just in case you forgot. 
Bobby from IKON is still there giving feedback, and he tells them that the lyrics are kind of all over the place and that they should make them clearer. 
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We find out that each member’s lyrics talk about different things, and they show the lyrics on screen. I did my translating them, but I’m very very far from fluent and this was largely google translate.
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It’s hard to tell because they don’t translate most of the lyrics and my Korean is nowhere good enough to help with that, but I’ll just trust Bobby when he says it doesn’t make sense, and that their message is getting lost. 
So, the team decides to change their lyrics “again” -- I guess they’ve already changed them a few times. Krystian and Anthonny agree that the lyrics don’t make enough sense. Jihoo says he wants to write about what they experienced at Boys Planet. This is a common thing we’ve seen on this show -- I’m remembering Kamimoto Kotone (who by the way is now in that giant group, TripleS) on GP999 who did the same thing when she did VVS. (“Where did my air time go? No one knows that I exist.”) And every time it happens, it gets attention, so, go for it, Jihoo. Smack ‘em down.
Anthonny has a lot to say but it’s so hard for him as a non-native speaker, so Jihoo helps him tweak his lyrics to make them more accurate and more rhythmic. Jihoo seems to really have a good sense for lyrics, especially considering his age. He stays up late at night trying to make the lyrics even better.
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As he explains in an interview, he and his long-time friend Han Seo Bin practiced and prepared for Boys Planet together, but then their audition “Freak” wasn’t aired, and though Seobin was chosen for Love Me Right, he didn’t survive the first elimination. (He finished in 60th -- so close). 
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All we ever saw of Jihoo in episode 1 was Hui challenging him to a singing contest for Chair 1 - and there’s a lot more to this kid than that. Anyway, Jihoo wants to write about missing his friend, and just generally be stressed out being on this show, and I say go for it!
I love how MNET has the unmitigated balls to play sad piano music over Jihoo’s commentary about how his audition wasn’t aired in episodes 1-2. You’re the ones who did this, you dumb dumbs! You’re the ones who didn’t air it and now you’re playing sad piano music and I can’t, I just can’t.
As the performance starts, the judges seem excited to see Jihoo perform. (No one cares about Krystian or Anthonny, of course.) 
The performance 
I found this link with English lyrics on top of the performance! It’s good -- check it out. 
My take
Wow. This was so good. While I was writing this section of the recap, I just let it play over and over again because I liked it that much, and now I’m adding it to my playlist. 
I genuinely did not know that Anthonny and Krystian were such good singers. This show, you guys. This SHOW. ARGGGGH.
Krystian has such a nice raspy vocal color -- I’d listen to him sing a whole song, honestly. There’s no way in hell that Korean voters will ever forgive him, so he’s never going to debut on Bepler, but he’s really really good here, and I’m glad we had to chance to see him really shine like this. I knew that he has a long history of being on shows like this and making a big splash, but his Star Level Test wasn’t great, but I suspect he just can’t hit high notes, and I do not care about high notes. He was so much more relaxed here and really, I’m a fan now. I assume he’ll go back to China and I hope he can debut there, if nowhere else. 
Anthonny got noticeably ahead of the beat for the first few lines but then seemed to notice it and get back on the beat. His voice isn’t quite as good as Krystian’s but it’s really good too. He put a lot of emotion into the delivery of his rap lyrics, too. I still don’t feel like I “know” him but I now see what he’s good at. And hey, he’s at Yuehua, so we’ll probably see him again eventually, I hope!
Jihoo obviously put the most emotion into his rapping and wrote the raps for his teammates and just pulled this whole thing together. He also has a nice singing voice. 
The staging worked, their chemistry worked, the whole thing worked for me. I would have pressed A for all three of them, and if forced to vote for only one, I’d have voted for Jihoo if I’d known about him writing all the raps, but I would have voted for Krystian otherwise because I really, really loved his singing voice. 
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Look, I don’t need all my idols to be the nicest, most put together people on the planet. It’s ok with me if Krystian still needs to work on his emotional intelligence. Just keep singing like that, ok, buddy? And it wouldn’t hurt if you kept kind of… looking… like you do. 
The editing 
They focus a lot on Anthonny’s small mistake at the beginning. I do like that we see a few trainees noticing how beautiful and emotional Krystian’s voice is. They focus a lot on Jihoo’s “subversive” lyrics, probably more on him than on anyone else, but really all three trainees get a bit of focus, so I’ve seen far worse edits on this godforsaken show.
Also, it seems that the other trainees are seriously touched by the performance. 
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The judges say that Jihoo won’t get edited out this time. They also pick up on how Krystian rapped about his anti-fans, who apparently waited for him outside!?!? I cannot get over that kind of behavior. So you don’t like his personality, cool, don’t be his fan. But don’t threaten his well being. I’m sure no one who reads my recaps would do that, so I won’t rant any more on that topic here since I think we’re all already in agreement, and other people have already said it better than I could. 
The voting
They head backstage to sit in the folding chairs of pain. 
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Krystian really does seem at peace. It might be an act, who can say, but that’s how it seems, and I am happy with that. I think he really does like his team and I think they can all genuinely connect and sympathize with one another, despite their different life experiences and nationalities. Honestly, it’s shit like this that I watch the show for, as much as anything else. I know some people “ship” the trainees with each other romantically, which, I mean, as long as you keep that shit to yourself it’s ok, but for me I just enjoy seeing friendship in action, because friendship is magic! 
Anyway, it seems pretty obvious that this crowd will vote for Park Jihoo, and they do  -- he wins with a super high 795 votes, which beats the previous high score Kim Gyuvin got in Love Killa.  His team is sincerely happy for him, and it seems that so is everyone else
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Someone on a forum I visit sometimes said that she was there at the taping and that they showed a video before each performance with some backstory, which really makes sense with what we know about MNET. So while I can’t be sure that her story is true, it is interesting to wonder if the crowd voted for Jihoo at least in part out of respect for his leadership. But if they did, that’s fair. 
I both think and hope that Jihoo will make it through the next elimination, but I neither think nor hope that he’ll debut in Bepler. I am much more interested to see him regroup with Han Seobin and maybe put together a rap-based group that’s something like Stray Kids or IKON, where they write a lot of their own stuff and control a lot of their own fate. They’re still both so young now and there’s a lot of time for them to get there. 
I wish we could find out how many points everyone got, but I guess not. I hope that Krystian and Anthonny got a lot of votes too, but I bet Krystian got something absurdly low like 200 votes, all from the Chinese visitors. Aww, Krystian. I’m on your team. 
And look how much my niece Kayylee likes the t-shirt I got her!
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Well, that’s the end of this recap!   Up next is the Feel Special recap, which seems like it’s going to be Rush Hour Part 2. 
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7jupiter-boyz-blog · 5 years
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Basic info
Name: Hui Zhao { 희 }
Stage Name: n/a
Role: Leader of Jupiter Boyz/Lead Rapper/oldest
Birthday: October 21
Age: 23
Height: 5’10”
Blood Type: O+
Ethnicity: Chinese
Personality: Hui knows when to act tough to get his fellow members to focus. He mostly acts serious unless one of the members is feeling frustrated, then he tries to cheer them up playfully. He often helps ensure that the other members are healthy, which has earned him the title of the careing dad of the group.
Backstory: Hui was born in China, but moved to Korea at the age of 12. He studied very hard to learn the language and almost speaks fluently with a slight accent. He first wanted to study to become a lawyer, until he was scouted by Brightest Star Entertainment at the age of 15 at a train station on his way home from school. He decided to give it a try and fell in love. He worked hard in order to become better and better at rapping and dancing. Luckily, his parents were supportive with his change of heart and helped him achieve his debut with the Jupiter Boyz. After the Jupiter Boyz had a couple of rehearsals together, he was voted as the leader of the group by the other members because of his responsibility.
- He has two cats named Tom and Jerry
- Writes songs in both Korean and Chinese
- Often found begging Jihoo to make him some ramen
- Really bad at cooking
- He helped transfer Hoseok from an acting trainee to a idol trainee
- He loves ramen more than life itself
- Makes sure that all members eat well
- Loves biking and traveling
- Loves anime
- His favorite color is red
- Loves Red Velvet
- Plays both Guitar and Drums
Face Claim: Yao Mingming
Insta: ___ymm
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