#joann's you will find me
You Will Find Me: Chapter 9.
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Whoa it's been a hot minute since I wrote about these two! And sorry it's been a while! I had it in my drafts for long time, and I just wasn't happy with it...until now!
Also, this series almost coming to an end, with 4 more chapters left.
I know it's not one of biggest and popular series that I've written. But I love these two none the less, as it was one of my original OG fics.
Anyways, enough of me blabbing!
A big thanks to @hollybee8917 for betaing this!
It was late in the evening when Frank walked into the Inn. Beth was busy with the front desk, checking in the weekend guests. He looked around the lobby area, Sarah wasn’t anywhere in sight. Sighing, he headed to the restaurant and entered through the double doors. As he walked in, the whole place was in chaos due to the busy night. From there, he could see the bakery in full swing, and his beloved working. 
He noticed Sarah’s smile as she laughed with the bakers, helping them make some items. But it quickly disappeared when she looked up from piping whipped cream onto the fresh fruit cake, looking at him for a moment before returning to what she was doing.
Frank would have gone over to her, but he could tell she was still mad. So with one last sigh, he turned and left the Inn. As he gathered his luggage, a taxi came around, stopping to pick Frank up. As the taxi was driving out the driveway, for some reason, maybe hope, Frank turned around thinking that somehow Sarah had a change of heart and ran after him as in those romantic movies they would watch. Slowly though, the Inn was fading away from his sight as the driver continued on. Frank made one last attempt to call her but was sent straight to voicemail. He took a deep breath and left a voicemail.
“I hope we can figure things out and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. We have been through so much together to just let it all go. I will wait for you to come back to me.”
The following morning, Frank arrived at his family home, his parent’s driver, Mr. Davis, pulled into their driveway and opened the car door once he’d parked and shut the engine off. Frank got out to see his mother was standing there.
“Where’s Sarah?” Evelyn asked as Frank walked up to the front. He sighed and looked toward his mother.
“Back at the Inn,” he said and walked into the house.
“Something happened, didn’t it?” Evelyn asked, knowing that something did indeed happen before her son came to see her.
Frank paused and turned around, “Nothing-“
“She’s starting to remember everything, am I correct?” Evelyn asked.
“Mother, I came here to help you, not to be interrogated” Frank said, changing the subject.
“I know that and I’m grateful, but you know, you can’t keep that a secret forever. From the beginning I’ve told you to be honest with her -“
“Mother, I can, I will keep it from her. I love her, and she’s-“
“But you’re being selfish. You know she belongs to someone else. You know that-“
“Cut it, mother!” Frank yelled and headed upstairs to his old bedroom.
“Franklin Adler, you can’t hide from this! The truth will eventually come out!” His mother yelled, as the door slammed shut.
The annoying sound of her alarm clock blared in her ear. Moaning, Sarah rolled over, picked up her phone, and swiped the red button. Looking through one eye, the time read 3:30 am. Placing her phone down, Sarah kicked the sheets off and got up. The cold immediately hit her, and she grabbed her robe from the chair in front of her. She wrapped it around her, tying it nice and snug. Yawning once more, Sarah went to the bathroom to do her business.
As she got to the bottom of the stairs, Sarah headed to the bar to make her morning latte. She knew that she was still in her robe, in her nightgown and still looked like sleep had won the battle, but she didn’t care.
“You’re up early.” Sarah heard a familiar voice, causing her to turn around, Sarah smiled at Beth.
“Oh Beth, you know I’m always awake at this time.” Sarah said as she put the first two shots into her cup.
“That’s true, but honey, is everything okay? You seem upset.” Beth asked as she took a seat at the bar. Sarah thought for a moment, debating on if she should tell Betty.
“Frank and I argued last night,” Sarah said quietly. 
Beth looked at her, knowing that something else was going on, but at the same time knowing that Sarah wasn't ready to tell the rest. Before Sarah could respond, the front desk phone rang, and Beth left to answer it.
While Steve took advantage of the boat tours, Natasha was sitting down in the lobby working on research. The kind lady at the front desk told Steve that Frank was out for the rest of the week and that their tour guide would be Lewis.
As Nat stared at her computer screen, she looked out to see that the sun was out amid clear skies. Smiling, Nat closed her laptop, packed everything, and headed out. It was warm as Nat strolled, a familiar voice was heard. As she continued to walk, the voice sounded more like a cry. Nat wanted to ignore it but the more she walked, the louder it got. The moment she got closer, the more familiar it became.
The woman sat on the bench, wiping her eyes as she wrapped her arms around her tight hoping the pain would go away. Nat then took a seat on the bench next to her. Not wanting to intrude, Nat gave her time to collect herself.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Nat heard her say. Nat noticed that she was looking for a tissue when Nat grabbed a handkerchief in her purse and extended her hand to her. The woman tried to decline her offer, but Nat insisted.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to.” The woman said as she dabbed her eyes, and Nat smiled.
“It’s not a problem,” Nat said. The two sat in silence for a moment until Nat turned towards the woman.
“You seem to be alone; wanna join me for lunch?” Nat asked. The woman looked at her for a moment and smiled.
“I would like that, but I don’t even know who-“
“I’m Natasha. But my friends call me Nat.” The woman looked at her for a second.
“That’s a pretty name; I’m Sarah.” She said with a smile.
During the walk to the restaurant, Nat asked if she'd been there before, knowing she already knew the answer but needed to play dumb for a bit. Sarah told Nat she was the owner of the Inn. Nat gave a surprised look and apologized.
“Oh, don’t be sorry, Nat, I don’t expect people to know unless they see the website. But I do own this place with my fiancée.” Sarah said she led Nat inside. Nat then watched as she talked to the hostess, bringing them to the outside patio and looking over the beachside. It was a bit chilly, but luckily, the heater was on.
“I have to ask, but if it’s too personal, you don’t have-“
“How did I meet Frank? It’s fine, and I get that question a lot. But to answer your question, Frank saved me. I was involved in a serious car accident, he was driving by. My car was down in a ditch.” Sarah said quietly.
Nat looked at her in shock; then she noticed the scarring on her face. The more Nat looked at her, the more she knew that there was something more to this story. For her car to go down into the ditch? There had to be something that caused it to be that bad, not even Neal remembered what really happened.
“Anyways, enough sappiness; what are you in the mood for?” Sarah asked. Shaking her head, Nat smiled and picked up the menu.
“Well, last night, I had the Salmon Parcells. Oh, this looks good. The Spring Citrus Strawberry Salad.” Nat said. Sarah laughed as she too placed her menu down.
“My sous chef and I made that one. Do you like Feta Cheese?” Sarah asked, making Nat smiled.
“Of course, it reminds me of an old friend I had.” Nat said sadly, and Sarah looked at her.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Then-“
“No, it’s okay. She’s not gone. We just-she went missing, and I miss her dearly but I know she will come back.” Nat said, smiling through her pain.
Andy stepped out of the bathroom after a nice relaxing shower. He’d had a long night last night trying to find more information on his wife’s whereabouts. Even being a successful ADA, Andy couldn’t for the life of him figure out why he was at a dead end. Everything was leading him in circles. As he changed, Andy saw the black box on his side of the bed. He knew what it was, he’d placed it there the night he returned to this house. Now and then, he would take it out, and her memories would come flooding his mind.
He sat on the bed, letting everything sink in. Andy looked at the ring and placed it onto his left hand without thinking it out. The moment he had it on, he felt an instant connection: her voice, scent, everything.
“I’m coming, sweetheart,” Andy said out loud.
His phone rang, disturbing his thoughts. He placed the box down and grabbed his phone from his side table. Steve was on his screen, and Andy picked up right away.
Steve, what’s up? Anything new?
Andy, I do have news. And you’re not going to believe what I found.”
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persephonaae · 2 years
Book recommendation time
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I just finished Honeycomb by Joanne M. Harris (with illustrations by Charles Vess) and ooh boy this is a book that’s absolutely going to stick in my mind forever
I couldn’t put it down; if you like any kinds of fairytales and folklore and mythology, and darker fantasy done well, this is definitely a book for you to check out. Likewise, if you’re looking for a book with stories that are packed with meaning and truth, or looking to branch out from what you may usually read and try something in the fantasy genre, I also recommend this to you.
It’s written as many stories interwoven with each other, that are either standalone tales or tales that contribute to the larger plot.
The main plot of the story follows the life of the Lacewing King, a powerful faerie king whose trickster nature and frivolity only get him so far, and soon must learn to pay for the consequences of his actions.
Common themes include:
The power of storytelling
Familial bonds
Love and loss
Power systems and corruption
Belonging and community
And of course it is filled with brilliant illustrations by Charles Vess:
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I was watching Hunger Games (mainly bc I was bored but like. The books and the first movie honestly slap) and it struck hard how Locked Tomb honestly has the potential to be the next Big YA Thing. Frankly the only reason it's not already is probably because every bit of marketing slapped on it emphasises that it's queer
Which. That's what we need. Tazmuir could fucking topple Joanne and piss on her bones! If only more people read these fucking books!
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
#i know I've been venting a lot recently and I'm really sorry but i am. so stressed out with my job right now#for multiple reasons and it sucks so bad#and it just got worse a bit and so I'm conflicted with what I'm supposed to do#because i WANTED to give myself a later deadline so i can take the Etsy stuff slower#because you know!! already stressed about that and tons of other stuff!!#but now i feel like i have to push my deadline up even further than it was before because of some stupid bullshit#pardon my language. it's not anybody's fault. it was two cases of website malfunctions.#I'm not ranting about the people working at either place because they weren't in control of it I'm just kinda mad about the issues itself#cuz i made a bunch of stuff for the Shoppes right?? but it turns out!#there was an issue in the system which meant they couldn't sell anything and nobody thought to tell me until i asked why my stuff wasn't up#and so that's like. 3 cloaks‚ 8 hats‚ and 4 plushies that i could've sold on Etsy a month ago that just never were up for sale#and today at Joann's i had a few issues with mechanical based issues too!#so i went there to get more supplies because if the shop isn't selling i need more stock to sell online to make up for it right?#so i put in half my order for pick-up and was going to get the rest while i was there because i had coupons for both#soooo. the other things i was going to get there were said to be on sale. and then i find out there#that the website hadn't updated right and the sale was cancelled early. so i paid way more than i thought i was going to#and! since the website wasn't updating right! the order i put in for pick up didn't show up in their system until too late in the day!#so i have to go BACK to pick up the half of my order i already paid for and didn't get today#and again since the website didn't update some of the things that it said were in stock sold out in this store so i have to get them online#which is another bit of money I'll have to spend to finish the projects i got fabric for today#i know worrying and stressing isn't going to do me any good#i know that i should probably just sleep this off (if I'm able to) and sort things out tomorrow when I'm feeling better#but it's just kinda upsetting already having a lot of other personal issues i don't want to talk about publicly to deal with#and then having issues with my job and only way of making money on top of it#i know it's a small stupid thing to be upset about#but it's like a needle in a haystack but if the haystack was also all needles#sure i can fix that problem-needle but i hurt myself on every other little problem-needle i have to dig through#it's just so many little things and it all just has been wearing me down. and i know it'll be fine eventually but it still sucks right now#vent#again I'm sorry for venting so much i just kinda have to get this one thing I'm comfortable talking about off my chest
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no-mercy-bby · 2 years
abby i just came home from my job interview at forever 21 and i lowkey hope I don’t get the job💀
idk if this is self sabotage or🫣…
I'm sorry but this literally made me laugh out Naylo😭 I don't know if it's self sabotage, but why did you apply if you don't want to work at Forever 21??
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sovereign-skyy · 1 year
if cum is stored in the tumblr mutual, where do they put the pee
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: Imagination
Neil Gaiman: [inhaling fresh morning air] ahhhh what a great day for a race! Clive Barker: what race? Gaiman: the HUMAN race Gaiman: i was just thinking of the awesome potential of the human mind Gaiman: and the limitless vista of the human imagination
Gaiman: just imagine! with the awesome power of imagination, YOU are in control of your own fantasies Gaiman: all you need is a pinch of curiosity, a dash of wonder Gaiman: and an ounce of whimsy!! Gaiman: butterfly in the skyyyy Gaiman: i can fly twice as hiiiigh
Gaiman: why, you could imagine anything! Gaiman: you could imagine a clockwork alligator as big as the sky! Gaiman: you could imagine a railroad conductor made of lemon drops! Gaiman: you could even imagine Gaiman: a boy who wears glasses and goes to a wizard school
Rowling: hello children Rowling: my lawyersss inform me there'sss some copyright infringement happening here Gaiman: ah but joanne Gaiman: if you check the time stamps, i'm sure you'll find that Tim Hunter actually PREDATES harry potter Rowling: Rowling: curssse you gaiman Rowling: you win thisss round
Rowling: curssse you gaiman Rowling: not even i am rich enough to overcome the limitsss of chronological time! Rowling: not yet Rowling: but sssomeday Rowling: if only i hadn't ssspent sso much on that fence
Alan Moore: [appearing in a clap of thunder] Behold! The Arch magus! King: the arch magus! Koontz: the arch magus! Lovecraft: the arch magus! Barker: the arch magus! Poe: the arch magus!
Alan Moore: behold! the story of the boy wizard antichrist! Rowling: ALRIGHT i can definitely sssue over this Moore: ah foolish mortal, observe and know... i never specifically SAID harry potter Rowling: Moore: i just said the boy wizard named [mumbles] who goes to school at [mumbles] school of witchcraft and wizardry and fights [mumbles]
Rowling: curse you moore! Rowling: alwayssss one ssstep ahead of the game! Rowling: curssse your plausssible deniability! Rowling: hmmm "plaussible deniability" huh? Rowling: well TWO can play that game...
Rowling: so anyway the nazis didn't actually commit those documented crimes King: gosh joanne that uh kinda sounds- Rowling: oh but you'll notice i never said the word "holocaust" Rowling: haha i'm too sslippery for you! Rowling: johnny law can't keep up! Rowling: they'll never catch JK Rowling with her molted ssskin around her anklesss!
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nekoisadumbname · 1 year
quietly going insane at 2am and thinking deeply about crocheting myself a sweater
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You Will Find Me: Chapter. 8
A/N: Oh my word. is this an update? Sorry everyone! It took me this long with this chapter. I couldnt get where I wanted to go. But here we are! Hope ya’ll enjoy this chapter, as much as I enjoyed writing it!
I would also like to thank my three ladies here: @adulting-sucks @hollybee8917​ @princessofdarkwinter​ ! thank you ladies again for the beta!
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  The door burst open as Sarah barged in with Frank hot on her heels right behind her. Both stood and looked at each other as Frank closed the door. Sarah turned to face him, angry tears pouring down her face as she looked at him.
“Frank- I just-“ Sarah started and turned her back towards him.
“Honey, look, I know there are a lot of things. But-“
“But what?” Sarah interrupted. Frank sighed, trying to find the right words to avoid her getting angry.
“I did this because I love you.”
Sarah frowned and glared at him.
“By lying to me?!”
Frank sighed again, placed his hands on his hips, and bit his bottom lip.
“I didn’t lie to you, sweetheart, and I just didn’t want to-”
Sarah stared at him with confusion. Why would he lie? To keep her when she was supposedly living another life with another man who kept showing up in her dreams?
“You didn’t want any of this, so you lied to me?!”
Before Frank could reply, his phone rang. Rolling his eyes, he ignored the call. His phone kept ringing and ringing until he could no longer ignore it. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen to see his mother’s name. Sarah looked at his screen and saw that it was his mother and her future mother-in-law.
“Frank, I suggest you answer your mother. She’s going to call me if you don’t pick up,” Sarah said as she made her way back to the bedroom and closed the door. Frank stared after her for a moment before he picked up the phone.
As Sarah stood in the bedroom, something told her to look, to search through his belongings for an answer, and that is just what she did.
Sarah turned on the lights and began to dig through Frank’s side of the closet. Pulling his hanged clothes to the side, she found unmarked boxes. She grabbed one of them and opened it, horrified to see her suspicions were correct. Sarah dropped the box as more confusion washed over her. 
There were more papers of her missing case. She kept telling herself to stop looking, that it would confuse her more. But she couldn’t—paper after paper, newspaper articles, dates on the news broadcast about her whereabouts.
The door to the bedroom burst open, and Frank appeared in front of her at the closet entrance, a look of sadness and concern written on his face.
“I have to leave for a few weeks. My dad is in the hospital, and I need to help my mom with the legal- ". Frank said.
Usually, when it came to Frank’s family, Sarah would have jumped up and asked if there was anything she could do. But this time, she felt like she didn’t care. The only thing on her mind now was his lies and why he did that. And really, who she was. 
Sarah stared at him, not knowing what else to say, and walked out of the closet.
“Sarah babe, I know you're mad at me. You have every right to be. But I can’t leave like this.” Frank told her. Sarah turned and faced him.
“You’re right, and I have every right to be mad. I have the right to stay mad at you for lying to me.” Sarah said as she went to get her bag to pack some overnight clothes.
“You can stay here. I’ll be at the inn sleeping in one of the extra rooms.” Sarah said and walked out. Frank called out to her, but she ignored him and continued walking away when she felt his hand on hers as he spun her around, making her face him.
“Sarah, please? Not like this.” Frank said as he placed his forehead against hers. The mix of his citrus shampoo filled her nose and would often drive Sarah crazy. But she couldn’t let him get away with it. Pulling away from him, Sarah let go of his hand and backed away from Frank.
It broke her heart to see Frank look sad and upset, but he had brought this upon himself, and he should have known.
“NO, please? Just for tonight- don’t. I-I need you.” Frank begged.
Sarah wiped her fresh tears and sighed. 
“I’m sorry, Frank.”
Nat and Steve
Evening rolled around, and dinner time was quickly approaching. According to Andy and the website, the restaurant was one of the top-notch restaurants in Massachusetts. The lines were all out the door, and the reservations were about a month in advance. Lucky for both of them, they were able to secure a seat that was facing the bay. As they headed to the lobby, Nat paused and looked towards the front desk, where a woman was heard talking to a middle-aged lady. 
“Beth, is there a room available?”
“Yes, there is, honey. Is there something wrong? You look upset.”
“It's-it's just a lot of things happening, and I don’t want to get into it right now. I want to lay down and take a break.”
“Okay, I’ll have Marcus get your things. The room is 417.”
“Thank you, Beth, and I’ll be back for dinner service. I can help out at the bakery.”
“Honey?” Nat heard Steve say. Nat turned to her husband and gave a smile.
“Sorry, I thought I saw something,” Nat said, giving her husband another smile. Steve looked at her as he took her hand into his.
“Alright, let’s go,” Steve said and led the way to the restaurant. As the hostess sat them at their table, Nat picked up the menu and began to browse.
“The filet mignon looks good.” Steve mentioned, making Nat giggle.
“Yea, it’s the only thing you like to eat besides my cooking,” Nat said, still giggling. 
“Hey, you’re the best, okay?” Steve said as he leaned back into his chair. Nat sighed as she, too, leaned back into her chair. 
The waiter came by and took their orders. Steve ordered his Filet mignon with steamed veggies, mashed potatoes, and Red Wine Mushroom Gravy. Something caught her eye just as Nat was about to order the pasta. 
A dish that Sarah first taught her. 
"I'll have the Baked Salmon in Filo Dough, with Pesto Sauce, lemon pepper grilled asparagus, and Lemon Pilaf Rice." 
The waitress nodded and left to place their order in. 
“Sarah was the one that taught me to cook that dish, too,"  Nat mentioned. Steve placed his glass of whisky down and sighed.
“Was that why you looked a bit lost earlier?” Steve asked. Nat sighed and leaned back into her chair.
“I thought I heard and saw her, or I don’t know. I feel this might be a mistake.” Nat said.
Steve sighed. “Natasha, we wouldn’t be here if I thought it was all wrong. When have I ever been wrong with the things I found?”
Nat looked at her husband and smiled. “Never. That’s why you and Andy work well together. By the way, does Andy know we are here?”
Steve leaned back into his chair and sighed.
“He knows, but I told him not to come unless we are sure she’s the one,” Steve said. Nat took a sip of her water.
“Okay, so what do we have so far?” Nat asked. Steve ran his hands through his hair.
“Well, we know that this place is co-owned by Frank Adler. And that his fiancé’s name is Sarah,” Steve paused.
“How they met is a mystery. But Frank comes from a wealthy prestigious family in Boston, ” Steve said, leaning back in his chair. Nat sighed and took a sip of her wine. 
“Did you find anything else?” Nat asked. 
Steve looked at his wife for a moment and sighed. When he read about Frank, he knew there was something off about him, and he needed to do some research, but much stuff didn’t add up due to his family status. 
“What’s on your mind?” Nat asked. Steve sighed once more and ran his hands over his head.
“I saw a picture of the two on his Instagram. There’s something off about him that I can’t pinpoint what it is,” Steve said as he ran a hand across his face.
“For you not to figure it out is something new,” Nat said as she picked up her glass of wine and took a sip.
“Exactly. Something doesn't add up with him nor this relationship.” 
“Okay, I’ll stay behind and keep an eye on Sarah,” Nat said. Steve looked at his wife and took her hand into his. 
“You have a hunch, don't you?” Steve replied. Nat smiled, “I do. But I need more information, and I feel this might be her.”
Before Steve could say anything, the waiter came by with their orders. 
Sarah sat in the spare bedroom on the top floor, looking down at her left arm, a deep scar that she didn’t remember how it got there. She would often ask Frank if he knew how she got it, but he would usually change the subject to that it was the past and that she should move on. 
Tears came down as the feeling of pain and sadness washed over her. Like before, the pain in Sarah's heart intensified, and her hand went to her chest. 
Visions of a man with a beard came to her. The sunny beach as he held her hand. His face was a blur, but everything about this seemed familiar and calm. 
The pain in her heart subsided, and Sarah regained her breathing. As she sat, the images still stayed with her. Usually, they would fade away, but this time was different—just like last time, it happened in the kitchen downstairs.  
Sarah heard a faint buzz interrupting her thoughts. Sarah made her way over to the dresser and looked at Frank’s name as it flashed across the screen. He called a few more times, each time unanswered. Sarah sighed as a text from Frank popped up.  
Hey honey, I know you're mad at me. But please, call me. If you choose not to, wait for me to come home, and we can discuss it. I love you, Sarah; please know that I love you with all my heart, and everything I did was to protect you. 
For some reason, Sarah placed her phone down and rolled her eyes. She wanted to believe him, but Sarah felt he didn’t mean it. Her stomach started growing as she realized she hadn’t eaten since lunchtime. Putting her phone in her back pocket, Sarah walked out of her room and locked it behind her. 
She started down the stairs and hit what felt like a brick wall, causing her to fall to the ground as she took the last step when she turned. Sarah heard voices around her as she tried to regain her vision. A redhead and a dark brown-haired man stood in front of her as they looked at her with their eyes wide open.
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helluvapoison · 4 months
Okay okay I think I got it!!
Imagine the Vees entering like a side room or something and finding cannibal! Reader (literally) tearing into some random person that was caught snooping around by them (reader). How would they react do you think?
No pressure to write this if you don't want too. Love your writing, your recent Zestial one was so cute!!!
-Cannibal Anon :))
Nice To Eat You
The Vees x Cannibal!Reader
warning: suggestive and dark themes ahead, blood and gore, violence, security shenanigans and, hello, cannibalism
Admittedly, you’d gotten rather careless with your beloved around. Who can blame you when they make you feel on top of the world? With you at their side they felt a bit untouchable too. More so than usual. However someone had broken into their dressing room and wrote something foul on the mirror. You saw red. This wouldn’t happen again.
Cannibals were rather good at sniffing out something rotten.
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Witnessing crocs make a comeback in Hell was the worst sight she’s seen to date
• Blood doesn’t particularly bother her, though she hates the mess of it all
• Despite the jokes shared between the two of you, it was sort of unspoken that you would keep your dietary habits away from your girlfriend
• She couldn’t help the gasp when she looked up from her phone, seeing blood spilling from your mouth
• You stiffened, matching her wide eyed expression
• Fuck, you never wanted her to see you like this
• Whipping around, you spat out the flesh and began furiously wiping your face with your sleeve
• “Stop!” Velvette shouts, daring to rush over and grab your shoulder
• Suppressing a flinch, you freeze at her command but refuse to face her
• “Who’s this then?”
• Your reply is bitter like the taste on your tongue, “The rat.”
• “Good.” You feel her grip on your shoulder tighten, “Make Joanne clean up when you're done. Oh, and dollface? Brush your teeth before you come find me, yeah?”
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• He thought he meant it when he said he wouldn’t be grossed out by your food selection
• Though the meal was the same, seeing your entire front drenched in blood, red dripping down your chin was entirely different from date nights with fancy ambience and classy decor
• Shaking his head from side to side, he dials the shock out of his system and forces on a passive expression
• You two have already come so far! He can’t have his date mate tiptoeing around him now
• “Do I need a new assistant?” Vox asks, feigning a disinterested tone
• Your own surprise dilutes slowly, you were so sure Vox was bluffing when he said he could handle this
• He’s rather proud of himself that he was convincing enough to fool you
• “No. S’the bastard who wrote on your mirror.”
• “Excellent! Feed what’s left to Vark, let’s clean you up and go celebrate! Wash that shitty sinner taste out of your mouth with some wine, hm?”
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Unbothered by blood, he likes making you dish out his punishments while he sits back and watches
• “Dinner and a show,” He’ll joke, “Like killing two birds with one stone!”
• As sadistic as he is, Val doesn’t have the patience to draw out torture
• If he wants results, he’ll get them immediately or kill someone in the process
• The two of you are similar in that regard or you would’ve brought the half eaten body to him when the sinner was still kicking and screaming
• Surprise hits his face when he opens the door and fades just as fast
• “Aw,” Val clicks his tongue, “You couldn’t have waited for me, monstruo? You know how much I like to see you eat.”
• You toss a bloodied grin in his direction, “Got hangry. This was the cynic that said your films were shit.”
• He chuckles darkly, leaning over to cup your face and wipe the corner of your mouth with his thumb, “What do they think now?”
• “Nothin’ much.” You join his amusement with a breathy laugh
• Stretching your neck up to meet him halfway, Val kisses you right on the lips. His tongue briefly taking over your mouth, swiping away the copper taste and replacing it with his own
• “Come. Let’s get you in the bath, monstrou.”
• You quirk a brow at him, “A real one or a cat bath?”
• Laughing, Valentino taps your nose with an extra finger, “Dealer’s choice.”
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ cannibal anon i love you!!! thanks again!!
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withwritersblock · 1 month
Kiss Her You Fool
~Kiss Her You Fool by Kids That Fly~
Author's Note: requested! As always italics are flashbacks Summary: Luke is confronted by his friends over his feelings for Y/N Warnings: descriptions of a emotional academic defeat, implied smut Word Count: 4,458 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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Luke was always smitten over Y/N. Even when he was four years old, he would beg his mother if he could go pick flowers to make her a bouquet. The flowers would always be the yellow dandelions because they were the easiest ones to find. There were always hundreds in the field near his house. 
As he got older, his infatuation with Y/N became more subtle. He would walk with her to school, take her ice skating, and be inseparable. 
In general their families were inseparable. Ellen and her mother, Joanne, played hockey together for the majority of their careers. They were best friends and were overjoyed that their children were best friends. Joanne had two kids, two girls while Ellen had three boys. Y/N’s sister, Josephine, was almost ten years younger than her. Ten years old and an ice skating prodigy. She was adored by everyone in both families. 
It was obvious to everyone in the families that Luke and Y/N were destined to be together. Ellen and Joanne were pregnant at the same time and the idea that the two would be best friends crossed their minds. Perhaps even future partners.
Despite being inseparable throughout their entire time in high school, not once did they try to pursue a relationship. It was a topic of discussion between Ellen and Joanne constantly. 
But now, they are away at college together. A new environment, new people. New chances.
Luke was laying on her bed, his laptop resting on his chest as he scrolled through his assignment details. He was completely unsure of what he was even supposed to do with it. Y/N and Luke have practically spent all of their free time together, instead of seeking out new people to be friends with. Sure, Luke hung out with the hockey team all of the time but when he wasn’t with them he was with her. 
Y/N stepped into her dorm room, holding her phone to her ear. She smiled towards Luke before she said, “Okay, I gotta go, Mom. Luke and I are supposed to be studying for our math exam,” she mumbled into the phone. She hung up shortly after as she shoved her phone into pocket. She met his gaze as she dropped her bag beside her desk. “How’d you get in here?” she asked as she wandered towards the bed. 
Luke smirked as he placed his computer down beside him on the bed. He rested his hands onto his chest, “Your roommate let me in,” he mumbled. She nodded as she began shoving him over, telling him to scoot over on the bed. He took a hold of his computer, placed it onto his chest again as he scooted directly against the wall.
She laid down beside him, their arms and legs completely rubbed against one another in the small twin bed. Luke clenched his jaw as he slowly opened up his computer again to start focusing on his assignment. He needed to focus on something else other than the feeling of her thigh against his.
She rolled over, turning her back towards Luke as she curled her legs up. “I thought you were doing homework?” he asked her as he watched her body go up and down as she breathed. He shamelessly admiring her frame, a small blush rose to his cheeks as he took in a sharp shaky breath. 
“I am so tired, I need a nap first,” she let out, a soft giggle leaving her lips as she leaned down and took a hold of the small blanket. Tossing it over her frame, she subconsciously scooted back away from the edge of the bed, closer to Luke. His entire body stiffened as he tilted his head back. He stared towards the popcorn ceiling as he felt heat rise in his body. 
“You can take one too,” she offered, rolling onto her back, her body bumping into his. His eyes widened as he met her gaze. His lips parted slightly while he contemplated on how to reply. 
It wasn’t like they’ve never been this close before. They’ve always been close and cuddly their whole friendship. They’ve known nothing else. It didn’t bother him until a few nights ago.
The small group from the team was pre-gaming the bars they were planning on spending their night at. The team invited their friends and girlfriends to the pre-game. It seemed like its own party at that point. Y/N was sitting on the table beside one of the player's girlfriends, Jeannette.
Luke walked up to her and Y/N’s eyes lit up, subconsciously Luke put his legs between hers. She rested her hand on his arm, she slowly ran her thumb across the exposed skin of his bicep. He rested his hand onto her hip, rubbing his hand onto the fabric of her skin tight dress. His drunken gaze was focusing on the gloss of her lips. It was dark, she couldn’t tell what he was looking at.
“Lukey,” she let out, her glossed lips curling up into a grin. He slowly trailed his gaze from her lips, to her cheek bones to her eyes. Her eyes were squinted as she squeezed his bicep. “How much have you had?” she asked him. He nodded slowly as he giggled. 
“Just enough,” he mumbled. She glided her hand up from his arm, up his shoulder towards his neck. She slowly glided her fingers from the base of his neck up, she ran her fingers through the ends of his hair. 
Dylan tilted his head to the side, glancing towards Ethan beside him. “Touchy for just friends, huh?” Dylan asked Ethan. They both began laughing as they continued watching their new friend and his supposed best friend. 
Luke leaned his head forward and rested it onto her shoulder. A giggle left her lips as she leaned her head against his. “Come on, let’s go chug some water,” He groaned as he lifted his head from her shoulder. Steadying herself, she kept her hands on his arms as she glided off of the table. She smiled towards Jeanette as she adjusted the end of her dress.
“I don’t need water,” he let out as he shamelessly scanned her frame. She tilted her head to the side as she held out her hand. 
“Humor me,” she let out as he shook his head while fighting the smirk on his lips. He dropped his hand in hers, letting her lead him astray towards the kitchen area. She walked towards the collection of red solo cups. Pulling two from the collection, she handed one towards him. She let go of his hand as she walked towards the fridge.  She leaned against it as she began letting the water pour in the cup.
“Finish two of these cups before we go to the bar,” she expressed as she handed him a full cup of water. He pouted his lips dramatically as he met her gaze. 
“You’re lame,” he mumbled as he reluctantly brought the cup towards his lips. He began gulping the water down.  She rolled her eyes playfully as she began pouring more water into the second cup he handed towards her. 
“You love it,” she muttered with a teasing smirk. He pulled the cup away from his lips, flipping it over showing it was empty. He took in a sharp breath. 
“Yeah I do,” he expressed through a chuckle. She tilted her head to the side as she continued staring into his eyes. A small smile is evident in her features. 
The next day at practice, all of the boys that were at the pre-game wouldn’t leave him alone about them. Were convinced they were in love because no one who were “just friends” would ever act like they do. Dylan brought up a good point that he would never be that touchy with him. It wasn’t a guy/girl thing, it was anyone else vs. Y/N.
He took a shaky breath as he turned his gaze back towards the computer screen, “This is due tomorrow, I have to get it done,” he mumbled. She nodded as she rolled back over. He clenched his jaw while he squinted his eyes shut. “Can I ask you something f-first?” he let out before he fully processed what he was speaking.
She rolled back over, meeting his gaze. She kept her hands beneath her head as she looked up towards him. She hummed. “Does it bother you that I touch you as much as I do? I mean like at the pre-game the other night,” he let out as he slammed his computer screen shut. He tilted his gaze to the side, their faces mere inches away from one another. 
She furrowed her eyebrows softly, “I was the one who initiated all of it, if I remember correctly,” she mumbled. Luke nodded softly. She scanned his features for a few seconds before she asked, “Was I too much?” He shook his head instantly, definitely way too fast. “Why’d you bring it up?” she questioned. 
He took a deep breath as he shut his computer and delicately placed it between them. He rolled onto his side, facing her. “The guys asked if we were dating because of how touchy we are,” he explained, avoiding her gaze. He kept looking at different parts of her. Her lips, her nose, her hair, her collarbone, anywhere but her eyes. “I wanted to make sure you weren’t uncomfortable,” he continued.
“Were you?” she asked, pulling her lips between her teeth. She kept her gaze on his wandering eyes until he finally met hers.
His heart started racing as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Of course not,” he mumbled. His cheeks flushed red as he continued looking into hers.
“Okay,” she let out barely audible.
His phone began vibrating in his pocket, he mumbled something she couldn’t hear as he pulled it out of his pocket. He stared towards his mother’s contact photo. He contemplated ignoring the call but he pulled the phone to his ear. It was close enough to where Y/N could listen in on the conversation.
“Hey Mom,” he mumbled, swallowing hard.
“I didn’t know you and Y/N had a class together,” she began. Luke furrowed his eyebrows harshly, quickly shifting his gaze towards Y/N.
He cleared his throat, “We’ve got the same professor but different classes,” he explained. Y/N nodded encouragingly. “Why?” he questioned. 
“I just wanted to check in, see how you and Y/N are doing. You know college is a lot,” she expressed. Luke rolled his eyes. 
“We’re fine Mom, Joanne, we’re good,” he expressed a dry chuckle leaving his lips. 
“Okay, okay, well enjoy your night,” his mom said before hanging up the phone. Luke slowly pulled the phone away from his ear, he shifted his gaze towards Y/N. They both bursted into laughter.
“They’re nuts,” she mumbled as she rolled to face away from him. He stared towards the back of her head, his smile slowly slipping from his lips.
Luke was sitting on the edge of the couch alone. It was a team bonding event where the players got to invite their partners as well. Luke wanted to invite Y/N but he knew that it would further the misconception that they were together. He was sipping the beer staring towards the wood planks on the floor.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Rutger asked as he slapped his hand onto Luke’s shoulder. Luke rolled his eyes as he dropped his head. 
“Not my girlfriend,” he mumbled as he brought the beer towards his lips. Rutger rolled his eyes as he shifted his gaze towards Luke. 
“Come on,” he let out with a chuckle. Rutger met Luke’s gaze, frowning slightly.
“We’re not dating,” he repeated as he kept his gaze on the wooden floor.
“Okay, fine,” Rutger offered as he brought the beer towards his lips. “But you want to date her, don’t you?” he asked. Luke froze, staring at the beer in his hand. His nail ripped at the label, tearing it. 
“I don’t know,” Luke mumbled. Rutger bumped into him excitedly. 
“You should just ask her out,” Rutger said simply.
“What if I don’t even want to ask her out?” Luke asked, throwing his hands to the side. Rugter rolled his eyes as he had a wide smile on his lips. 
“Fine, what do you want then?” Rutger asked. Luke felt his lips curl upward, he pressed his lips together to avoid the obvious smirk rising on his lips.
“I don’t know,” he muttered. Rutger slapped his hand against Luke’s chest. Luke huffed while he shook his head, “Okay fine,” he mumbled glancing towards Rutger. He brought the beer towards his lips, took a long swig before he answered. “I just wanna know what it’s like to kiss her,” Luke let out, his cheeks flushing bright. 
“You should do that,” Rutger teased, nudging his arm. He pointed his hand towards Kayleigh and Y/N chatting together across the room. Luke’s eyes followed where Rutger was pointing to. His mouth fell open when he saw her across the room. 
She raised a shaky fist up as she knocked against his door three times. She wasn’t sure if he was home, but she needed to see him. After a few seconds Luke pulled open the door, his frame was shirtless. His hair was messily laid across his forehead. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
“Can I come in?” she asked, he reached his hand over and took a hold of her arm, pulling her inside. He shut the door behind her. Once inside the dorm room she spun around and wrapped her arms around the center of his chest.
At first, he froze. His arms remained in the air as he wasn’t sure if he should pull her away, ask her what’s wrong. Wrap his arms around her and squeeze her tightly around his chest. She let out a sob and he quickly wrapped his arms around her. He took a deep breath as he squeezed her tightly against his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled against his chest. He shook his head as he rested his hand on the back of her head. He stroked his hand against her hair soothingly. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice rasped. 
“I’m just so overwhelmed,” she mumbled as she pulled away from him, she brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face. “I’m failing my philosophy class and I just failed my stats test. I am so stressed,” she spun around avoiding his gaze.
“It’s only September, you can come back from that,” he offered. She shook her head as another sob left her throat. He took a step towards her. He nodded, knowing she didn’t want solutions. “I have the room to myself tonight,” he offered as he took a hold of her chin, lifting her head up to meet his gaze. She felt her breath get caught in her throat. 
“Let’s watch Harry Potter, eh?” he asked. She let out a dry chuckle as she squinted her eyes harshly. He took a hold of her hand, guiding her towards his bed. “I was actually about to start the first movie anyway,” he mumbled as he patted his hand against the mattress. 
She took in a shaky breath as she met his gaze. She nodded as she began to climb onto his mattress. He climbed up, leaning his body against the wall. She laid beside him and wiped the tears away from her eyes as she shifted her body towards him. “Is it weird if I ask if we could cuddle?” she let out, she shook her head. “Weird definitely weird I’m sorry-”
Luke didn’t hesitate as he climbed under the covers, she followed in pursuit. He laid on his back, tucking the pillow nicely beneath his head. “Come ‘ere,” he mumbled as he held out his arm, giving her space. She smiled softly as she slowly rested her head onto his chest. He slipped his arm around her waist. Cautiously trailing his fingertips along her skin. 
She could hear his heart beat hard and fast against his chest, it was an inconsistent rhythm that she wanted to ask him about. Except she wouldn’t be in that position anymore and all she ever wanted was to be in his arms. He took a deep breath as he lifted his hand up, and wiped her hair away from her face. She smiled to herself as she watched the opening scene of Harry Potter start. 
She sniffled as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. A sigh left her lips as she very reluctantly sat up. Luke looked towards her, scanning her frame. She brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face as she brought the phone to her ear. “Hey Mom,” she mumbled as she looked down toward Luke. His lips curled upwards slightly.
“Are you okay?” her mother asked on her line of the phone. Y/N kept her gaze shamelessly on Luke’s abs that were in her direct line of sight. 
“Just been having a rough few days,” she let out as she sniffled. 
“Want to come home for the weekend?” her mother quickly offered. Y/N shook her head, as if her mother could see her.
“No, it’s okay. Luke and I are having a Harry Potter marathon so I’ll be okay,” she said with a soft chuckle leaving her throat. 
“Oh,” her mother said excitedly before she began whispering the words to someone else, probably Luke’s mom. 
“So she was crying and the first person she goes to is you?” Rutger explained after Luke told him the story of last night. Luke nodded, “And then asks to cuddle while you guys watch movies together?” he questioned again, pointing towards the air. Luke nodded again. “Dude she’s in love with you,” he let out. Luke laughed nervously while shaking his head. 
“No she’s not,” he said as he looked across the room towards her. Their gaze connected a few times as Kayleigh and Y/N walked through the small party area. Neither Luke or Y/N attempted to make conversation. “Just because-”
“Dude I do that shit with Kayleigh. You two are practically dating without even realizing it,” Rutger expressed, a dry chuckle leaving his throat. Luke clenched his jaw as he watched Y/N from across the room. She had a wide smile on her lips as she was laughing at something Kayleigh had said. Her eyes slowly shifted towards Luke’s direction. Her smile faltered slightly. 
“Just go kiss her. If that’s all you want,” Rutger teased as he stood up from the couch, delicately resting his hand onto Luke’s shoulder for a few seconds before he sought after Kayleigh. 
After a few minutes, Y/N walked towards the couch and sat down beside Luke. “I’m sorry if me being here is weird,” she mumbled. He turned his head to look towards her and shook his head. “I know these are your friends but Kayleigh asked if I want to come and I did-”
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t invite you,” he mumbled. He clenched his jaw as he met her gaze for only a second. His eyes trailed down towards her lips. 
“I get it, it was reserved for teammates and partners only. I guess Kayleigh isn’t close with any of the girlfriends on the team. She wanted me to come, I’m sorry-”
“Stop apologizing,” he let out a grin on his lips. She pouted her lips slightly before she met his gaze, “I’m glad you’re here.” She smiled before she leaned her head against his shoulder.
It had been three days since the party and his conversation with Rutger. He slowly was coming to the realization that he was right. He was in love with her and he was convinced that Y/N was in love with him too. 
Right now, he had one person he needed to call. His phone was ringing a few times before Quinn finally answered. “I know you have a preseason game tonight, I’m sorry for calling-”
“Lukey, what’s wrong?” Quinn asked. Luke cleared his throat as he awkwardly shifted back and forth in his dorm room. It was a small space but he swore he walked a mile by now. 
“I’m sure this is not a surprise for you at all, but it was for me so just listen?” Luke started as he looked towards himself in the mirror. 
“Listening,” Quinn let out sarcastically. 
Luke looked over his expression before he tilted his head back, “I think I’m in love with Y/N and I need you to tell me if she’s in love with me,” Luke let out in one rushed out sentence. Quinn laughed. He laughed in almost a mocking way. 
“Oh my god,” his tone laced in sarcasm, “I had no idea!” he finished off by laughing dramatically again. “She’s so in love with you it’s gross, man,” Quinn said more seriously. “We’ve got a running bet on when you two would get together. I would hurry up, I said before October it would happen,” 
Luke fought the smirk on his lips as he slowly pulled the phone from his ear, hanging up the phone. He quickly searched Y/N’s name in his contacts and called her instead. Only after two rings she picked up, “Lukey to what do I owe-”
“Come over right now,” he let out a smile on his lips. His body felt light for the first time in months. 
“Uh, okay?” she let out as she hung up the phone quickly. He continued pacing in his room waiting for her to arrive. His body was tingly and itchy with anticipation. All the years of pining and awkward glances were finally coming to head.
After a few minutes, she knocked on his door before she pushed it open. “Luke?” she let out as stepped inside his dorm. He spun around, a wide grin to his lips.
“How are you?” he asked, a little too overjoyed. She stared towards him suspiciously, she laughed as she dropped her bag onto the floor as she continued towards him. 
“I’m fine, are you okay? Are you drunk?” she questioned, widening her gaze. He shook his head, his curls bouncing slightly. “What’s so urgent?” she asked.
He smirked as he looked deeply into her eyes. He’s known her for his entire life. He should know how she feels towards him. He should know but right now, he looked into her eyes and suddenly felt nervous. His body was tingly as he scanned her features. 
His eyes landed on her glossed lips. His heart was pounding hard against his chest, fighting against every part of his body that thinks it's a bad idea. “I’m tired,” he finally let out. His eyes widening, shocked at his own words leaving his lips. 
“Okay?” she asked, stepping towards him.
“I’m really tired, Y/N,” he mumbled as he closed the gap between them. He took two large steps towards her, using both of his hands he cupped her cheeks. He held her in place as he scanned her shocked features. His thumbs slowly caressed the heated skin against her cheeks.
Eventually, his gaze lowered towards her lips. The lips he’s craved for years. Her hands stayed up in the air in limbo, unsure of what to do. “Luke,” she breathed out as he leaned towards her pressing his lips against hers like it was the last thing he was ever going to do. 
She wished she melted into the kiss but her body was overwhelmed with shock. She was still for only a second before she began kissing him back. Her hands slowly landed onto his chest, gripping the t-shirt on his body. 
He pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers. He breathed heavily as he slowly dropped one of his hands away from her cheek. His other hand slowly slipped from her cheek to the base of her neck. His hand took a hold of her hip, steadying her in place. 
She loosened her grip on his t-shirt as she slowly opened her eyes. She met his gaze, a small smile on her lips. “I wasn’t crazy,” she mumbled, her voice breaking slightly. She leaned towards him, kissing him passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to get as close as possible to him. 
Her entire body felt as though she was in an inferno as his hands slowly started to roam her body. He was hesitant at first, cautiously lowering his hands on her waist as he guided her towards his bed. 
Her legs hit the mattress, causing her to stumble backwards. A giggle left her throat as Luke pulled away from her. “Are you sure this is okay?” he asked, resting his hands onto her hips. 
“Don’t stop,” she whispered as she leaned towards him, kissing him sloppily again as he slowly lifted her up. He sat her body down on the bed. He pulled away from her for a second, pulling his shirt away from his already hot frame. “What does this mean?” she found herself asking as she scanned his frame, breathless. 
He smirked as he opened her legs, stepping between them. He brushed a piece of hair away from her face as he admired her beautiful features. “According to every person we know, we’re practically dating already,��� he let out hoarsely, “I think it's time we let ourselves in on that secret,” He mumbled as he ran his thumb across her jawline. She tried to ignore the smile forming on her lips. 
He leaned towards her devouring her lips. He lowered his grip towards her thighs, rubbing his hand across the fabric of her pants; craving to feel the real thing. She slowly started to lean back, he quickly followed her lead. He climbed on top of her, steadying himself up with one hand as the other was rubbing small circles along the curve of her hip and lower back.
He pulled his lips away from hers as he slowly began to trail kisses from her jawline. He tugged at the hem of her shirt and she arched her back while she pulled the shirt away from her frame. 
Over the years he’s seen her in swimsuits but nothing like this. This was only for his eyes to see. Her shirt fell to the floor as he slowly began to trail wet kisses along her skin. A soft breathy moan left her lips as he continued lower and lower down her frame, needing to feel every part of her body with his tongue.
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kiwikeewan · 5 months
The first two chapters of ReDUZ are out!
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In a distant future populated by anthros, rebuilt from the old human civilization, Lúa (a vixen), Allie (a bat) and Joanne (a lynx) will attempt to pull through their daily struggles as they also find themselves involved in a conspiracy related to the long-extinct human species and a potentially world-threatening biological weapon.
This has been a long-overdue comic project that I plan on updating bi-monthly with new chapters. Hope y'all also like it as much as I enjoy making it. Let me know what you all think.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 months
Pairing- Yunho x Named Reader
Word count- 9.4k
Includes- Tension, Yunho is intimidating, pussy eating, blow job, cum eating, missionary, cock riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Yunho Masterlist
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Pulling up to the body shop, I park my car and get out
This doesn't look like a shop that has a mechanic I'd need
Still, this is the address San texted me and it's open this late at night
Supposedly San's close friend owns it
I walk towards the open garage, peering in, seeing a man wiping a light on a car
"Uh hello?"
He stops, turning to look at me
My heart stops at how utter beautiful and fucking hot he is
This guy's a mechanic?
He should be a runway model
"Uh hi", I wave
He stands up, walking over to me, an intimidating look on his face
Ok he's not happy to see me
I take him in as he stands a few feet away from me with his arms crossed
Super tall, straight black hair parted in the middle, intense dark brown eyes
His lips are gorgeous with a pronounced cupids bow, his jawline so sharp
The chains on his neck look so good as well as the ear piercings
He has a white shirt on under what looks like it could be a kind of mechanic jacket, loose pants and boots
He has some dirt or grease on his cheeks to complete his look
A total intimidating hottie
My eyes find their way back to his face, his eyebrow raising in a question
"Oh uh hi. I uh...I'm Joanne. I know San"
He just nods once
Ok, not a big talker I guess
"I uh...need my car to be fixed? I have no idea what's wrong with it. It's just making weird sounds"
He glances at my car, then back at me, silent
"I uh...San...told me to come here. He gave me this address?", I continue then read out the address San gave me, "Is this...uh...the right place?"
He nods once
Yeah ok, I'm gonna kill San
I don't care how hot he is, this guy is fucking scary
"I uh...do you do...uh repairs? Like the kind I need?"
There's no answer from him and I think I need to go
Even if he does do repairs it doesn't look like he wants to take my car
"I uh...I'm gonna go ok?", I say, starting to back up to my car, "I'm sorry I bothered you. Uh...bye"
I turn and practically run to my car, opening the door
I get in, then turn to close the door when a hand shoots out, stopping the door from closing and giving me a heart attack in the process
"Wait", a gruff voice says, my eyes moving from the hand to the scary guy's handsome face, "I'll look at your car"
"Oh no, it's fine. I'm ok", I say
He rolls his eyes, "I heard your car coming from down the street. It sounds like there's something wrong with the exhaust or the muffler. And there's a clinking sound coming from your engine"
Well I have no idea about the clinking sound but I know about the loud sound when I drive it
"Uh...you don't...I mean this uh...garage doesn't seem to be like a...mechanic garage"
"It's not. It's a body shop. But I'm also a mechanic and I know how to fix cars"
"Oh", I say stupidly
"I'll look at your car tonight and see if I have the stuff to fix it by tomorrow. If not, it'll take a few days"
"You really don't have to, not if you're busy"
"San sent you. It's fine. Give me your keys"
I get out of the car, hand him the keys and he shuts the door
Then he turns and walks back to the garage without a word
I follow him wondering if I'm gonna get a receipt or something
He grabs a paper, handing it to me with a pen, "Fill it out. Ignore the irrelevant parts. Sit there"
He points to a couch where another guy who I didn't see before is sitting
That guy nods at me in greeting and I nod back like a dumbass
I sit and fill out the paper
It's a standard mechanic form
My name, number, make and model of my car, year, license plate- 2000 Toyota Corolla
The rest is a checklist of what body mods you'd want done to your car, paint colors, the amount of something called NOS and other stuff I have no idea about
"Uh here", I tell him when I'm done
He takes the paper, putting on a desk, my car keys on top of it
"I'll call you when you can come pick it up"
"Oh, uh yeah. Ok. Thanks"
He nods once then turns away, sitting back in the chair he was in when I got here and tending to the car he was working on
"Uh ok....bye", I say lamely
He doesn't turn around
He's an ass but as long as he fixes my car then I'll deal with it
I turn, pulling out my phone and pull up Google maps to see which bus is closest to here
And pray that it's still running this time at night
I start walking away, out of the garage and to the side walk
The bus to my apartment is five block away but Google maps doesn't even say when it'll show
I could be waiting there all night
Fucking great
I can't call San
He has a fight tonight and Wooyoung is with him
My luck just keeps getting better and better
I sigh and start walking in the direction of the bus stop
"Hey!", I hear behind me
I stop, turning to see the mechanic behind me
"Where are you going?"
"Uh home?"
"You're walking?"
"Well yeah. To the bus stop"
"The bus stop running at 9:30"
Well fuck me then
I glance at Google maps and switch to the walking man
A fucking hour and a half
Jesus Christ
Well, I guess I have no fucking choice
"Guess I'm walking then", I tell him, "I better leave, it's gonna take awhile"
"You can't walk home at night"
I roll my eyes, "Why not?"
"Because this is a bad neighborhood. There's creeps and gangs out who'd love to get you in their sights"
"Well I have no choice", I tell him
"Can't you call an Uber like everyone else?"
I glare at him
Doesn't he think I'd do that if I could?
I'm not stupid
"Unlike everyone else, I don't have money for that. I barely had gas money to get here and now I have a car bill I have to pay for. I can't afford an Uber", I answer, "So if you're done questioning me now, I'll be on my way"
He shakes his head, "No. You're not walking. Jongho will take you home"
And who the fuck is Jongho?
"Jongho?", I ask
"My assistant. The guy who's in the garage with me"
Oh that guy
Well at least he looks nicer than this guy
"He doesn't have-", I start to protest
He just turns from me, yelling for Jongho
God, what is this guy's problem?
"Yeah?", Jongho answers, appearing next to the mechanic
"Take the girl home", he says
The girl?
I have a fucking name
"It's Joanne", I snap
He rolls his eyes, "Take Joanne home. She's San's friend"
"Yeah I heard that", Jongho says, pulling car keys out
To me he says, "Lets go"
He walks to some white sports car, unlocking it
"Go", the mechanic says, nodding towards Jongho, then abruptly walking away, back to the garage
What a jerk
But I really don't want to walk an hour and a half so I get into Jongho's car
He asks for my address, puts it in the GPS and starts driving
The next day
"You're friends is a jerk", I tell San as I make his coffee
The cafe I work at is in a lull right now
I have about an hour to kill until the high schools let out and it's a mad house
"Which one?"
"The mechanic one"
"Oh is that his name?", I say sarcastically
"You didn't know his name?"
"He never told me. He actually didn't talk to me much except to be a jerk", I tell him, "But Jongho was nice"
Jongho made light conversation on the fifteen minute drive home last night
He's really nice
And funny
He cracked a few jokes that made me laugh, which is something I needed after the horrible day I had
"Yeah Jongho is usually nice", San agrees, "What did Yunho do?"
Handing him his coffee, I tell him about last night
Which for some reason makes San laugh
"I don't see how that's funny"
"If you knew how Yunho was really like then it'd be funny to you too. He only acts like that when it's someone he doesn't know"
"Well thanks for the fucking warning San"
"Look I'm sorry ok. But Yunnie is not intimidating nor scary. He was probably caught off guard because he wasn't expecting you to show up. And he gets defensive around his shop with people he doesn't know"
"Then why would you send me to him?", I ask in disbelief
If he knows Yunho is like that went people approach his shop why would he send me there alone?
"Because your car was on the verge of dying and Yunho is the best mechanic I know. That guy loved cars since he was a kid and he can fix anything. You need the best with that crap car you have"
"Ok Jo, it's a heap of junk"
"I can't afford another one!", I exclaim
"Yeah I know. And I also know Yunho can keep it running for you as long as he can. That's why I sent you to him. So give him a break ok?"
I scowl but nod
If he can fix my car then yeah I'll give him a break
"So let me tell you about my fight last night"
My cell phone keeps ringing and I have to keep silencing it so I can take customer orders
It's the five o'clock after work rush
The worst of them all, with the rude entitled cranky business men and women
And my phone keeps taking me out of my groove
Ten minutes later, I make the last coffee for the last customer of the current line then quickly tell one of my coworkers I'm taking a five minute breath before we're swarmed again
Going inside the cafe, I look at my phone
5 missed calls from the same unknown number
Sighing, I click re-dial and wait as the phone rings
"Hello?", a gruff voice I recognize from last night says
"Uh hi. This number called me?"
"Joanne?", Yunho says
"Why didn't you pick up the first time I called you?", he growls
He needs to take a chill pill
"Because I'm at work and can't pick up whenever my phone rings?"
He sighs like I'm inconveniencing him, "Whatever. Your car is ready. You can come pick it up"
He works really fast
"Oh ok. I'll come after work"
It's silent for a beat, then, "How are you getting here?"
"Bus", I growl, so not wanting to argue with him again
"Fucking hell", he grumbles, "I'll come get you. What's your work address?"
He'll come get me?
It's not night right now
I mean yeah it will be when I get out of work but that shouldn't matter
"I can get there by myself"
"Yeah you can but if anything happens to you on your way here, San will have a conniption and he'll blame me. So can we just avoid that and give me your work address so I can come get you"
Gee, nice to know he cares so much
He's right about San though
He'll flip on Yunho if anything happens to me
Perks of having a protective friend from childhood
"Fine", I snap, giving him the cafe's address, "I get out at 8"
"I'll be there", he says, then hangs up
No bye, no see you later, just hangs up
Fucking jerk
"Yo, do you see that sick car outside?", one of my male coworkers says to another
"No? What is it?"
"A 1997 Mazda RX-7 VeilSide Fortune"
"No fucking way", one of the guys says, running to window, "That's fucking beautiful"
I glance out the window, seeing an orange red sports car
I guess that's what they're talking about?
I don't know, I'm not really into cars, so I don't care
"Wonder who that guy is picking up?"
Oh no
Is...is that....Yunho?
I glance at the clock
It's Yunho
"Where the hell did he get that car from?"
I sigh as I grab my bag from under the counter and punch out
"Bye guys", I say as I walk to the door
"Bye Jo!"
I take a breath and walk up to the orange red car
The window goes down, Yunho's face appearing
"Get in"
I huff but open the door
Looking back at the window to the cafe, like five or six of my coworkers are there, staring with their mouths dropped
I'm so not gonna hear the end of this tomorrow
Getting in the car, I close the door
I put my seatbelt on and Yunho starts to drive
"Is this your car?", I ask
His eyebrows raise, "Who's else is it?"
I shrug, "I have no clue. But apparently it's some big deal. All the guys at work were drooling over it"
I see a smirk on his face and yeah ok it's totally hot
"It's a nice car", he says, "Was in one of the fast and the furious movies"
"Oh", I answer
I saw a few of those movies
The first one was the best but as they go on they get more and more ridiculous
"Is that why you picked it?"
He scoffs, "No. I picked it because I like it"
Ok, touchy
"Is this your only car?"
He shakes his head, "No. I have a few others"
"Sports cars like this?"
"Some. Some regular cars"
"Oh", I answer
The conversation stops there and it's silent for the rest of the drive
We pull into his shop and get out
He starts walking to my car, that's parked in front of the shop
"Your car is a piece of shit"
I huff, "Well not everyone can afford fucking sports cars"
"You don't need a sports car to have a decent car"
"I can't afford a decent car. I can barely afford my bills as it is", I snap, "What was wrong with it?"
"Muffler. And one of timing belts needed to be replaced"
Yeah ok sure
I have no idea what he's talking about
"It's good now?"
He snorts, "Not good. It's running but it will break down again. You need thousands of dollars for this car to be good. It's not worth it. You should trash it and get another one"
"No. Mon-ey", I say slowly, thinking maybe it'll sink into his brain this way
"I. Get. It", he says, copying me
I narrow my eyes at him, "How much is it?"
I just want to pay and go home
"Don't worry about it"
Excuse me?
"What do you mean don't worry about it? You fixed it. You replaced parts. That cost money"
"Not for you", he says, handing me my keys
"What the hell Yunho? I'm not a moocher!"
"Yeah I could guess that", he says, "But still you know San and I don't charge people I know"
I just stand there flabbergasted
"I uh...um..thank you?", I ask more than say
"Sure. Just promise me one thing"
Aha, here's the catch
"When it breaks down again, bring it to me"
I raise my eyebrow, "Why?"
"Because this thing will continuously break down and I can keep it running longer than most mechanics. At least until it dies for good", he says, "Plus other places will overcharge you. I won't"
Yeah cause he'll do it for free
That's not what I want
"Fine but I'm paying you from now on"
He smirks again, making me weak in the knees, "Ok. Sure"
"I will!"
"Yup", he says, turning around and walking back to the garage
I scowl at his back then get in my car
I will pay him next time
I'm not a moocher, not by a long shot
I drive my car down the block and realize that it's blessedly silent for once
Six months later
"Well it finally fucking died", Yunho says, shutting the hood of my car
"Just great", I mumble
He's been saying this for the last month
That it won't be long until it craps out
He managed to get it to keep going for six more months
He was right, it kept breaking down
Water pump, check engine light, belts, chains, tires popping, alternator, breaks
And more I can't think of
I'm here like every two weeks
Yunho fixes my car, doesn't charge me anything and makes me repeat my promise to bring him my car when it breaks down
I insist on paying him but he always finds a way to put my money back in my car before I leave
So instead of paying him, I get him food
That he eats
Other times, I'll stay while he fixes my car
Sometimes I'll hang on the couch with Jongho, sometimes I'll watch him fix it
It's interesting
And I'm learning a bit more about cars
Sometimes Yunho will explain what he's doing, what the part is and what the car uses it for
Other times he'll tell me to leave him alone and stop bothering him
He's so freaking touchy at random times
But the one thing that's happened all these months being around him is that I've stupidly fallen for him
I don't know what's my problem
He's not particularly nice to me
Sometimes he's downright rude
But other times he's... nice, tolerable of me?
Something like that
He can do nice things like pick me up when he finishes fixing the car to bring me to the shop, bring me home when I bring the car to him
Or like I said, explain things to me
Have little conversations here and there, asking about my life, answering questions I have about his
And when I'm here I can just watch him
Watch his broad shoulders move, his long fingers in his fingerless gloves using the tools, handling the parts
His black hair falling in his eyes
The adorable way he gets grease and oil on his cheeks
And I just fell in love with him like a fucking idiot
He'd never want me
I'm just San's annoying friend with the crappy car
I bet he's glad my car finally crapped out so he doesn't have to keep fixing it
And with that thought I realize I'm probably not going to see him again
I don't have a car that needs fixing anymore
That blows
"Sorry Jo", he says, shrugging
"What's wrong with it now?"
"It can't be fixed?"
"It can but it'll be worth more than the car is worth. And there's no guarantee that even with that fixed it won't stop breaking down. In my professional opinion, the car is dead. You need a new one"
"Goddamnit", I sigh, looking up at the ceiling
"Hey", he says, "I mean I can fix it if you want"
I shake my head
I don't want to cost him even more money
He's doing all this for free and getting the parts with his own money
If the transmission is gonna cost more than the actual car, he's right, it's not worth it
"Nah forget it. It's time for it to go to car heaven"
He snorts, rolling his eyes
"Well I guess that's it then", I say, "Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate everything you've done"
He raises his eyebrow, "Why are you making this sound like a sappy goodbye?"
"Because it is?", I say bewildered, "Not sappy but a goodbye. I don't have a car for you to fix anymore so I don't really have a reason to come back here"
"Oh right. Yeah. True", he says, like that hadn't dawned on him
"Yeah. So uh...I'm gonna go", I say awkwardly, "San said he could pick me up today so I'll just call him ok?"
"Uh huh. Sure", he says avoiding eye contact
I'm upset I won't see him again but it's not like I ever had a shot of being with him
My phone is in my bag on the couch and as I pass Yunho to get it, I feel his hand wrap around my wrist, turning me to him
My heart beats loudly in my chest as I raise my eyes to his
Uncertainty and hesitation swirls in his eyes and I don't know what that's about
He's so close to me, closer than we've ever been and I can feel the energy crackling between us
I hold my breath, waiting to see if he's going to do something or let me go
His hand lets go of my wrist, disappointment rising in my chest
What did I expect?
I'm about to break the eye contact when he leans down, his lips against mine in a searing hot kiss
My head is spinning, heat floods my body and stars blast in my vision from this one kiss
Holy fucking shit
His big gloved hands move around my waist, pulling me against him
I shyly put my hands on his arms, slowly moving them up, giving him time to stop me
He doesn't and my arms wrap around his neck, holding on
His tongue licks my lip and I open my mouth for his, our tongues brushing against each other's
"Mmmm", I moan at the same time he groans loudly, kissing me harder
His hands move down to my ass, lifting me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as I kiss him deeply
God, I never want to stop kissing him
His kisses are like fucking heaven
Everything I'm feeling, everything running through my body, I've never felt before
Not with anyone's kiss
Just Yunho's
He walks with me to who knows where
I don't care as long as he doesn't stop kissing me
He lays me on top of something hard and cool, his hands moving down my body to my sneakers
He pulls them off, throwing them behind him, then his hands move to my jeans
He breaks the kiss for a second and I take the chance to see where we are
Holy shit I'm on top of the hood of his car
The 1997 Mazda RX-7 VeilSide Fortune
I remember the stupid car's name because my coworkers won't stop asking me about it
Asking me when the guy who owns it is gonna pick me up again
I returned my gaze to Yunho's, his eyes asking me if I want this too
I definitely do
I nod and he smiles, it's beauty taking my breath away, then his lips are against mine again
As his hands get my jeans open, I zip down his mechanic jacket
He shrugs out of the jacket, then pulls my jeans down and off, leaving me in my panties
I need more, my hands undoing the tie on his pants, his legs moving as he kicks them and his boots off
My hands greedily move to his shirt, pulling it up until I can't anymore
He growls against my lips, pulling away for a second to get the shirt off, then he's kissing me again, pushing me down on the hood of the car
He grabs the middle of my button up shirt, pulling harshly, the buttons flying off
The sound of them hitting the floor is so erotic
He pushes the shirt off me, taking the chance to take my bra off too
Then my back is against the cool metal, his big hands squeezing my boobs
He still has the gloves on and I need to feel his whole hand on my skin
Removing one of his hands, he whines in my mouth
I quickly pull the glove off then put his hand back on my boob where it resumes squeezing
I do the same to his other hand, then let myself fall into the feeling of his palms against my bare skin
So good
His mouth separates from mine, only to attach to my neck, kissing, biting and licking
I moan loudly, getting so wet, wanting him
Just him
His kisses drag lower and lower until his hand moves off my boob, his mouth immediately around my nipple, sucking harshly
"Fuck Yunho", I moan, my body arching up against his, a loud groan leaving his mouth
He switches to my other nipple, his tongue licking my nipple, then pulling it in his mouth, playing
I move my legs around his waist, pressing my body against him, feeling his hard dick against me
One of his hands slides down my body, gripping my ass, holding me against him, grinding his cock against my pussy
Fuck, it feels so good
He feels so big
I want him so fucking much, it's driving me insane
He lets go of my nipple, his lips pressing kisses down my body, his tongue licking my stomach before kissing my skin, loving the way it feels
He goes lower, his fingers pulling my panties down, sliding them off
He opens my legs, eyes on my pussy, groaning
His head dips down, pressing kisses to my inner thighs, moving closer to my pussy but not touching
And all I want is his tongue there
"You gonna let me taste you?", he asks, his eyes flitting to mine, desire in them
I nod, biting my lip, waiting in anticipation
His hands hold my legs open, his head moving back between them
The next thing I know, his tongue is against me, slowly licking up my pussy
I moan so loudly, pleasure filling my body
"Fuck", he groans, his tongue licking me again, "You're pussy tastes so good"
I'm surprised at his words but I can't answer as his tongue roams my pussy, faster this time
Pleasure hits me hard, his tongue so fucking good
He uses the flat of his tongue, pressing on me hard, making sure I feel all of it as he licks up
Then the tip of his tongue flicks my clit back and forth a few times, making me scream, my hand burying in his soft silky hair
He repeats all the actions again and again, his face pushing more into my cunt as he goes
"Yes Yunho", I cry, the pleasure his tongue is giving me so intense, "More Yunnie"
His tongue leaves my clit, light dragging along my slit, barely touching me
He does it again and again, driving me insane
His tongue ghosts over my clit, making me move my hips to his face to try to feel his tongue more
He lightly licks my clit, barely touching me, my cunt getting wetter and wetter with each move
His mouth softly sucks my clit once, my body shaking then resuming his gentle licks on it
My orgasm is slowly building as he's going so slow, so lighty
I've never been eaten out this way and it's fucking intense, my entire body tuned into the pleasure, reacting to every swipe of his tongue
His fingers spread my lips open, tongue slowly wiggling inside
"Oh fuck", I whimper, my cunt tightening on his tongue
"Mmmm", he murmurs, "Pretty throbbing cunt. Feels good on my tongue. Soaking my face so well. Feels good baby?"
"Yes!", I cry, good being an understatement
Try amazing, fantastic, mind blowing
He slowly fucks his tongue in my cunt over and over, my pussy getting wetter and squeezing it every time he wiggles in
"Fuck, I don't think I'll ever get enough of eating your pussy", he murmurs, his tongue ghosting up my pussy then lighting swirling around my clit
I breathe hard, my body shaking and arching off the car hood, so fucking turned on, so fucking close
His mouth moves around my clit, gently suckling and that's all it takes
"Yunho!", I scream, intense bliss tidal waving over my body as I cum, my fingers pulling his hair so hard
His tongue slips down into my cunt, holding it there, letting me cum all over it
I can't think, the pleasure taking over, my hips grinding my pussy against his face
And all he does is moan, his fingers gripping my thighs so hard
As I finish, I lay there stunned, out of breath, his tongue pulling out and licking everywhere
After a minute, he stands up, looking down at me, his face soaked in my juice and cum
I feel my cheeks turn red as he smirks, "You taste so fucking good baby"
My eyebrows shoot up in disbelief
"That pussy cream...fuck me...I've eaten my share of pussy before but goddamn, none have tasted as sweet, as good as yours"
"You're fucking joking", I blurt
He shakes his head, as he pulls down his boxers, "No. I'm not"
He grabs my ankles, pulling me down the hood towards him, my legs wrapping around his waist
He leans over me, his dark brown eyes starting intensely, "I'm gonna be thinking about that for a long time. You're gonna have to let me eat your cunt again real soon ok?"
I nod, mesmerized by him
And by the fact that he wants to go down on me again
He smirks, "Good girl. Think you can take my cock now?"
I nod rapidly, "Yes. I can"
"You sure?", he laughs, "I'm pretty big. Thick too"
"I can take you Yunho", I say clearly
God, I want nothing more than to have his cock buried inside me
"All right jagi", he smirks, aligning himself to my entrance
He pushes in, making me gasp as I feel how big his head is
Holy shit
His hands hold my legs open, moving inside more and I moan in pleasure, my pussy getting wetter with every inch that goes in
It stings a little bit but the fucking pleasure is ten times better than that
I want more of him
All of him
"Fuck, look at you. Taking my cock like a good slut, sucking me inside this tight wet cunt", he groans, pushing more of his thick cock in, "How long have you wanted to be impaled on my dick?"
"Long time", I whimper, through the pleasure, my pussy sucking him in, "Since....first...saw you"
"Oh yeah?", he teases, "I thought I scared you when we first met. You looked like you were ready to jet outta here"
"You were intimidating", I say, as he finally slips all inside, his big head right against my spot, my pussy throbbing around him, "But still hot"
He chuckles, his hand moving and pushing hair back from my face, "Guess that's a good thing huh?"
"Being a hot intimidating man?", I ask, pushing my hips up, feeling every inch, every ridge of his cock
God, he fits inside me so well with no room to spare
"Yeah", he smiles
"Definitely a good thing", I assure him
He smiles wider, leans down, his lips against mine in a kiss, stars blasting in my vision
Before I can kiss him back, he's standing back up, his cock pulling almost all the way out, then slamming back inside
"Fuck!", I yell as he moans, "Oh god"
He begins to thrust into me over and over, spreading my hole wide on his cock, his head hitting my spot each time, pleasure taking over
"Oh my god", I cry, taking his cock over and over as he fucks me into the car's hood
"Ok?", he pants, "Does it hurt?"
I shake my head
I feel nothing but pleasure
"No", I cry, holding onto his arms hard, "More Yunnie. Please"
"Fuck you feel so fucking good", he murmurs, his pace getting faster
Throwing my body into intense bliss I've never felt before
"God, you're tighter than I ever imagined", he groans
That penetrates through the fog of pleasure
He's...imagined this?
Has he wanted this just as much as I have?
He looks down at me, making eye contact as he speaks
"You don't know how long I wanted this", he growls as he pounds his fat cock into me, "Hearing you scream my name as you take my cock deep inside you. Having you cream up my cock just like you're doing now. Fuck, thought about it all the time"
I'm shocked
I had no fucking idea he even thought of me when he didn't have to fix my car
"God, the second I saw you standing in my shop that first day, I just wanted to throw you on the nearest surface and fuck the life from you"
Jesus Christ
I'm also pretty sure that if he tried, I'd have let him
"You would never leave my mind", he murmurs, stroke after stroke of his fat cock driving me insane, "You wouldn't leave me alone. Making me imagine fucking you like this, imagine you on your knees, my cock down your throat. Imagine eating this pretty little pussy and how good you'd be. And fuck, you're even better than anything I could have imagined"
His words only add fuel to the pleasure, making everything I'm feeling more intense, making my desire for him increase
"Could stay in your tiny cunt all day"
"Yes Yunho!", I cry, my body arching, my legs tightening around his waist, "You can stay baby. Fuck, want you to stay. Fuck me all day Yunnie. Want your cock so badly"
I can't control the clenching my pussy is doing around his cock
He's so fucking hard, throbbing in my cunt, so fucking good
I want him every fucking day
"I'll give it to you baby", he promises, fucking me open on his dick
My brain is turning off, all my senses on Yunho, his cock and how good he feels
"Gonna make you cream all over my cock", he grunts, slamming repeatedly right into my spot, "You want that don't you? I can feel your tiny cunt get tighter and tighter"
"Yes", I cry, holding onto his arms as tight as I can
"Yes what?"
"Want it", I moan, tears springing to my eyes from the bliss
"Tell me what you want. Say it", he demands
"I wanna cream your cock!", I shout, so close, "Please, please, please. Wanna cum on your cock!"
"Good girl", he praises, slamming into my spot, "Cum for me"
I scream him name loudly as my mind shattering orgasm hits me like a fucking truck, ecstacy assaulting my body
"Yunho! Yunho!"
I can't think, I can't see, tears blurring my vision, my head empty
I head him moaning loudly about how amazing it feels but all I can do is ride the pleasure out on his cock
My body shakes uncontrollably, pussy clenching his huge hard cock over and over
My god, it's never been this good before
As I come out of it, I hear Yunho praising me, calling me his good girl and I like it
Not so much with anyone else who says it but when Yunho says it, I really like it
I feel him pull out and I whine from the loss of him
Chuckling he says, "I'm coming back baby"
But all that's in my head right now is sucking his cock
As hard as it is, I sit up on the car hood and push him back
He raises his eyebrow but moves back as I slide off the car
I feel his eyes on me as I sink down on my knees
I move my gaze, staring at his rock hard massive cock
Holy crap
"So big", I gape, moving my hand around him and stroking him
He chuckles, my eyes snapping up to his
"Yeah but you took it all up your cunt", he smirks, "And screamed for more"
I absolutely did
I won't deny that
"Yeah", I answer, leaning forward, quickly swiping my tongue up his length, "And it felt so good"
"Did it now?", he smirks, his eyes on my tongue as I lick him again
"You know it did", I answer, licking along his slit, tasting his cum
So fucking yummy
"Yeah I know", he teases, "You came so hard"
"I did"
Wrapping my mouth around his head, I suck softly, making sure to keep my tongue on the underside
"Felt so good", he breathes, "When you came"
I figured since I heard him say that
"And does this feel good?", I ask, then take more of his massive cock in my mouth, my hand jerking the rest of him
"So fucking good", he groans
His cock is really heavy on my tongue, stretching my mouth out a lot and I'm so here for it
I want to suck his dick and I want to pleasure him
I start bobbing my head, taking as much of his dick as I can, my tongue pressing against his underside as I do
I definitely can't deep throat all of him right now, he's too massive
But I can get a little more than half and he seems to be loving it
His face is in pleasure, his eyes on me taking his cock in my mouth, his hand sliding in my hair and holding on
I look up at him through blurry vision as I slip up and down his length, spit running down my neck, dripping from his cock onto my chest
So messy but I actually like it
"Is this what you imagined?", I ask, then slide down his cock, his fat head entering my throat, making me choke
"Fuck that sound", he moans, pulling his dick back a little, "So hot"
I don't mind choking, I like it too so I move down his cock again choking for him
"Fuck baby. You like that?"
I nod, making him groan
"And to answer you before jagi", he pants, "This is better than I imagined"
Moving up and down, I take some of him in my throat, swallowing around his length, making him moan
"You look so fucking pretty with my dick in your mouth", he murmurs, his cock throbbing, "So cute trying to take as much as you can. So pretty all messy"
I feel my cheeks heat up from his compliments
"Just like how gorgeous you look with my cock deep in your pussy", he continues, "So beautiful crying for my dick, begging for more. Fuck, you're like my dream girl"
I try to hold back my surprise as I suck his cock
I never thought Yunho would say these things to me
I thought he didn't like me at all
And maybe he doesn't, maybe it's just a one time sex thing
But it still feels good that he likes fucking me
His hand pulls gently on my hair, moving me off his cock
"Nn..no more jagi. I wanna cum in your pussy. I can, can I?"
I nod, swallowing and wiping my eyes, "Yeah Yunho"
He held out his hands for mine and I place mine in his
He pulls me up, his lips against mine again
I melt against him, kissing him back passionately, never wanting today to end
He pulls away, looking in my eyes smiling, then kisses my cheek
"Wanna ride me?"
"Definitely", I answer
Of fucking course
He takes my hand, turning to the direction of the couch but I stop him
I have a better idea
Walking to the car, I open the door
"Get in"
He smirks, "Gonna fuck me in my car that your coworkers love?"
"One hundred percent"
He nods, sitting in the driver's seat
He pulls the seat back as far as it can go, which isn't much because it's a sports car
He does lay the back part of the seat down which goes down like a normal seat
There's not much room but it'll work
His cock is so hard, straining and leaking cum
"C'mon baby"
I excitedly get in his lap, closing the car door
I run my fingers in his hair, pushing some back, then kissing his beautiful lips
His arms wrap around my waist, holding me to him, skin against skin
He holds his cock to my entrance and I sink down on him
I moan in his mouth as my pussy spreads open for him, every part of his cock rubbing all the right places as I take him inside me
I'm so wet it's easy
When I bottom him out, I move my hips, grinding on him, his head rubbing against my spot, making my pussy constrict around him hard
"Fff..fuck", he whimpers, breaking the kiss, his head falling back against the seat, his eyes closed
He's really fucking beautiful
And right now, he's mine
I sit up as much as I can, starting to bounce on his dick, gasping at how deep he goes in, at how much he opens me up
It feels so good, the drag of his length out of my pussy feeling incredible and giving me shivers
My pussy is so wet, the squelching noises of his cock inside me add to the sound of our skin slapping and are so loud in the small car
Loud and pretty
"Fuck", he moans, gripping my hips hard, "You fit around me perfectly. I don't know how baby. You're so tiny and I'm big but goddamn it's like I was made to be inside you"
I nod because yeah it seems like it
I've never been with anyone as big as him but I take him so easily
Like my pussy, my body craves him
I smile at him, softly stroking his face with my fingers, "Maybe you are"
His eyes meet mine as he whispers, "Maybe"
I don't stop my movements, moving my hands on his shoulder to balance and ride him harder
I slam my pussy up and down on him, both of us moaning from the intense pleasure, my pussy throbbing like crazy
"Fuck fuck, so pretty on my cock", he murmurs, both of us sweating so much against each other
His hair is soaked and he's so fucking hot
His hands squeeze my ass over and over as I keep moving, his cock throbbing so blissfully inside me
I bounce faster on his length, my hand burying in the chains around his neck, using them to keep a hold on him as I fuck him
"Yes baby fuck, cum on me", he whines, "Need you to cum first baby"
I'm close too, his hands now helping me bounce on his dick
"Please baby, wanna cum in your sweet pussy so bad", he pleads, "Cum around my cock now jagi"
She shoves me down his shaft, stars exploding in my vision as his head smashes my spot
I shiver against him as intense ecstasy slams into me and I squirt around his cock
"Yunho! Oh god Yunho!", I scream
"Yes fuck, soak me baby", he moans, his hips now fucking his cock into me, "Fuck, squirt all over me, all over my car, all over my seat baby. God so fucking hot", he chokes out
I can't answer, just moan, pleasure wracking my body
"I'm gonna cum", he yells, his cock throbbing hard, "Oh fuck, Joanne, oh fuck"
He sheathes his cock inside me, his cock pumping hot sticky cum inside me, filling my pussy
It feels so good, my pussy milking him for all of his cum
I watch him, stunned at how gorgeous he is
I'm so full and satisfied by the time he finishes
His eyes open, meeting mine and he smiles
I smile back, his hands pushing the wet sticky hair off my face, his lips pressing a sweet kiss to mine
Then his head leans back on the seat, pulling me against him
I lay my head on his shoulder, one hand against his chest, relaxing into him as he holds me
His fingers softly running up and down my back, drawing shapes on my skin, making me tremble, his other arm firmly wrapped around me
I don't want this to end
I want to be wrapped up in his arms all the time
But what just happened doesn't mean anything
Doesn't mean he feels any way for me
Just that he wanted to fuck me
And I need to stop spoiling it with these thoughts and just enjoy being in his arms
It feels so good
I cuddle into him, us sitting in comfortable silence for a bit
"So, you're my girl now right?", he asks quietly
I lift my head in shock, gaping at him
Did he just ask me that?
"Your....is that what you want?", I ask, wanting to make sure I'm not hearing things
"Well since you made me fall in love with you, yeah that's what I want"
I stare at him while his words penetrate my brain
He loves me?
Oh my god he loves me too
But hold on..
"Wait, made you?", I question, wondering how I could make him do anything
"Yeah made me"
He snorts, "How could I not fall in love with you?"
Uh pretty easily, I'd guess or I'd have lines of men wanting me
No such luck on that front
His hand touches my cheek, his fingers caressing the skin there
"How could I not fall in love with those beautiful brown eyes I drown in every time I look in them? With that smile that makes my shittiest day ten times better?", he whispers, "With that snarky attitude? With that adorable confused face you have when I explain how I'm fixing your car? With that annoyingly sweet trait you have about not being a moocher? With how thoughtful and insistent you are in bringing me food when I refuse your money, when most people would take a free thing and ride with it?"
I shake my head, "I'm not like that Yunnie"
"I know jagi. Believe me, I know", he smiles, "How can I not fall in love with a girl who's perfect for me?"
"Perfect?", I whisper
There's no way
I'm not perfect
Not by a long shot
Off the top of my head I can think of ten things about me that are hard to deal with
"Yes perfect", he repeats, "You're everything I could ever want and more. Everything I didn't know I needed until I met you. So I'll ask you again, are you my girl?"
I nod rapidly, "Yes Yunnie. A million times yes. I love you"
"Yeah?", he smiles
"Yeah. You made me fall in love with you too"
He laughs, "I did huh? With the intimidating hot guy thing?"
I giggle, "Yeah. And the sweet things you do, like explain how you fix my car, picking me up, talking to me that break through the intimidating hot guy front"
"I guess that's a good thing?", he smiles
"A very good thing", I smile back, "I love you Yunho and I want to be yours. Only yours"
"You are jagi", he promises, "I'm just yours"
"Yay", I whisper, making him smile wider
He pulls me in for a kiss, his soft lips on mine
Warmth flows through me and I'm so fucking happy
I don't know how long we kiss before there's a knock on the window, scaring the shit out of both of us
We both turn our heads to see Jongho peering in, rolling his eyes and shaking his head
He turns away so his back is facing us but doesn't leave
"You guys finally fucked?"
"Fuck off", Yunho growls
"I'll take that as a yes. Are you two finally together?"
"Yes", Yunho growls again, irritated
I run my fingers in his hair and it seems to calm him down a bit
"It's ok baby", I whisper to him, kissing his cheek and his arm just tightens around me
"Well thank god. If I had to deal with the tension between you two for one more day I was gonna murder both of you"
Uh ok
Guess Jongho saw what I didn't
"Do you need me or can I go home?"
"Go", Yunho yells
"Great. See you tomorrow"
He walks away, Yunho's body finally relaxing
"Idiot", he scowls
"He didn't know baby", I tell him, playing with his hair, "And at least he turned away. You know if it was San and Wooyoung, they'd be asking a million questions while staring at us"
He looks thoughtful for a second, "Yeah I guess you're right"
"You'll find that I'm right about a lot of things", I tease
He snorts, "Is that so jagi?"
"It is"
"We'll see baby", he answers, smirking, "I'm normally right too"
I raise my eyebrow, "Hmmm we'll just have to see"
"We will baby"
I kiss him again, then open the car door, both of us getting out
Jongho had closed the garage doors so no one can suddenly pull up, reminding me that we fucked on his car, out in the open where anyone could see
Holy shit
I feel his cum running down my legs and I need a tissue asap
Getting to the couch quickly, I get tissues from my bag to wipe his cum away
The next thing I know, my back is hitting the soft couch, Yunho on top of me, kissing me silly
"Need you again", he murmurs
"Again?", I giggle, so ready for more of him
"Mmm hmmm", he murmurs, "You'll see baby, I like sex a lot and I love making my girl cum a ridiculous amount. Are you ready for that"
"So ready", I assure him
"I can be sweet baby", he says, kissing a spot on my neck that has my body arching into his, "But I can also wreck you"
"Mmm I get the best of both worlds huh?"
"One hundred percent", he says, looking at me, "I love you"
"I love you Yunnie"
He smiles then kisses me again
One year later
Yunho POV
"Here Yunnie", she asks me, holding the part of the car engine in the spot I need it to be
"Yeah baby. Just hold it until I can secure it in"
"Ok", she answers
I get the tools I need and proceed to bolt the part down where it needs to go
Once it's in, she removes her hands, grease on them
"Eww", she says
I laugh, "You should be used to it by now baby"
She's helped me fix lots of cars before
She works with me now, kinda like a secretary, handling calls, billing, payments and on the side I teach her about cars
Being in my shop with me everyday, she asked to learn how to fix cars
So I have her help me with basic auto repairs but the body work and paint I do with Jongho while she watches
She told me she doesn't want to do that kinda work, just fix cars
This last year she learned a lot and with basic things I can trust her to fix the cars by herself but she always wants me with her
I think it's just to have me there not because she's not confident or doesn't know what she's doing
She likes when I'm around her and it's not a problem because that's where I always want to be
With her
"Yeah but still...", she whines, making me laugh harder
She smirks, then wipes her fingers on my cheek
"Again jagi?"
She giggles, "You know how cute I think you look with grease on your face"
I grin, nodding
She's told me that before
She also mentioned it looked hot the first time I met her, when I was the intimidating hot guy
Now she calls me her big teddy bear
Who can get wild sometimes
I grab her by the waistband of her sweatpants, pulling her into my lap, "And do I look cute now?"
"Mmm nope", she shakes her head, "Right now you look sexy"
I smile, pulling her in for a kiss
Her lips press against mine, fire running up my spine and heating my entire body
It's like this every time I kiss her
From the very first time
That first kiss blew me away and it confirmed what I already knew
That I was stupidly in love with her
I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to fuck her the first time I saw her
I did
But as time went on, I fell hard
It wasn't something I wanted or was looking for
It just happened
I denied it for as long as I could but that day, when she was basically saying goodbye, I knew I couldn't let her go
And here we are, a year later, living together in my apartment, working together in the shop
All the things I never thought I'd have before but I do now because of her
My jagi
"Oh god again? Can you two lay off the kissing already?", Jongho complains as he walks in, "God it's like you two got together yesterday"
She pulls away laughing while I glare at him
He's always doing this
"What do you want?", I growl
"Easy baby", she says softly, playing with my hair, calming me
I know I get really defensive when it comes to her but she always knows how to calm me down
"It's here", he says, throwing me the keys
"What's here?", she asks
"New car", I reply, standing up, her arms flying around my neck while squealing
"You know I'd never drop you", I tell her, kissing her nose and putting her down
"Yeah but a warning would be nice", she grumbles adorably
I kiss the top of her head, taking her hand and leading her out to the front of the shop where the cars are parked
"Oh my god", she gasps, "Is that really the Skyline Brian had in the Fast and the Furious?"
I smirk, "Yeah baby"
She lets go of my hand and runs to it, gaping as she walks around it
One thing I'm happy about, I converted her into a car girl
She knows almost as many makes and models as I do
I even taught her how to drive a stick shift car
And the Skyline GTR R36 is her favorite car
"This is so cool! Who brought it in? What needs to be fixed?"
"Nothing jagi", I answer, "It's in perfect condition"
"Amazing!", she gushes, "It's right side drive too! Whose is it?"
"Jagi", I call
She looks up as I toss her the keys
She catches them, looking at me confused, "It's yours"
"Shut the fuck up, no it's not", she exclaims
"Yeah baby it is"
"But how...what....why...huh?", she splutters as I walk over to her
"Well you always say you need a new car baby"
"That was before we moved in together. We go to the same places now and you drive us"
I shrug, going behind her, wrapping my arms around her, leaning my chin on her shoulder, "But you're right, you need a car to do other things you like to do. So you don't have to wait for me all the time"
"I don't care about that baby. I get to be with you"
I know she doesn't, which is why I will give her the world, the stars and the moon
Anything she asks for
"I know jagi but I want you to have your own car"
"But a skyline?"
"Of course baby. It's your favorite. Of course I'm getting you your favorite"
"It... it's too much Yunnie. This has to cost a fortune"
It was pricey but like I said, anything for her
It wasn't like I couldn't afford it
"You're worth it baby. I love you more than anything and I'll do anything for you", I tell her, "So please jagi, just take it ok?"
She turns in my arms, her arms around my neck, "You are too much Jeong, Yunho"
I smile, "Nothing is too much for you"
She smiles widely, "Thank you so much baby. I love you more than anything Yunnie"
"I love you more than anything Jo. You're my everything"
"And you're mine", she whispers, her lips against mine in a sweet kiss
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just-ornstein · 5 months
Alright, so after stumbling upon some of the Beta pics on the Russian TheSims.cc site and this analysis post about the Beaker mansion, I became deeply curious if some of this would be reflected in the lot relationships. After all, some characters like Viola, Kelly, on top of several others could be found when digging through the raw and somewhat encrypted code of lots.
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By now it's pretty clear that the Beaker home once belonged to this dude and his army of girlfriends (definitely check out the post I mentioned earlier). On top of that Loki (and possibly Circe) seems to have gone through at least two iterations before eventually settling on their final forms.
And on top of that whenever you scan the mansion in a completely new game, you will find fingerprints of primarily deceased Sims everywhere!
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Now to get to the Sim relationships on the lot...
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712 freaking Sim Relationships, all of which are unknown. Some of which still have stats set such as married, friends, relationship scores, etc. I tried comparing this to other lots in their neighborhood and NONE even come close. Both Olive and the Smiths have around 400. The other lots have below. And the only lots that are even a tad higher in this number are the Capps and the Summerdreams which makes sense when you realise that hood went through at least one other iteration before turning into Veronaville.
Now I wondered if the encrypted code (despite being very hard to read due to being partially encrypted) had any old Sim remnants left in there. And yep, several even. Many of which even have information such as their gender, hair, clothes and age in there. So lemme go over some of them:
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1. First one, a guy who's name is partially encrypted so it will never fully be visible. It's not Johnny cause Johnny also has his character file on this lot.
A male teen with brown hair who used to wear the "tmbodyhoodedsweatshirtboardshorts" + the "tmhairhatcap" hairstyle.
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2. Second is another teen, this time by the name of Zeeshan. He had black hair, the bucket hat hairstyle and wore the hooded sweatshirt, except with pants this time around (and grey apparently?).
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3. The third was an adult male Sim by the name of Kenneth with black hair. Based on his info he was likely meant to be a Gardener Sim.
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4. The fourth was one named Kana... Possibly a longer name cause once again the code becomes a bit shambled here. She too was meant to be a Gardener as seen by her outfit and hair data. Her hair would have been brown.
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5. Elle, another female Gardener Sim, this one having red hair.
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6. Vasyl, an adult male Sim who wore the busdriver outfit. Sadly his hair data seems to be blocked behind the code. For funsies I like to give the name to Bald Beta Loki, since he gives off that vibe. BUT, I think this was an NPC busdriver due to the outfit.
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7. Joanne, an adult female Sim with an unknown hair colour in corn rows style and the classy afbodyjacketturtlesweaterdressboots. Sadly her ID is hidden behind the encrypted code, so it's hard to fully make out.
All of these Sims appear to be NPC/Townie Sims. None of them match ANYONE in the Beta pictures. And the current Townies/NPCs seem to have replaced them. Interestingly enough, those that were NPCs are still NPCs and those that were Townies are still Townies. Making me wonder if this is a thing that translates to other Sim IDs too. That Sims that were Townies in earlier iterations are still Townies in their new form. Same for NPCs and yep, Playables. This is merely an assumption I'm making on what I'm finding here, but if anyone can help research this further, that would be greatly appreciated, especially as this could mean the Viola ID may not belong to Viola Monty.
Viola is an odd case cause no outfit, hair or other data can be found in the lot file and she's only ever mentioned once in the context of lines filled with "sleep in pyjamas". But for now I cannot say anything with certainty unless more remnants of these old Sims could be found somewhere. OR, if these files could be read in its entirety which is quite difficult.
It's very hard to get a Sim ID attached to a lot (believe me I tried) and often times seems to rather happen accidentally than intentionally. Moving a Sim out or having a Sim die usually removes the data they once held to that lot. Good example is Loki in my current Strangetown who lived on this lot all of his life and when he died he had no remnants left on this lot.
REGARDLESS! The Beaker lot is ancient and seems to have been ground for a ton of testing, Sims and many more things. No wonder the Beakers got this home with its incredibly shady history. Half of the beta town was partying here!
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beanzwrites · 3 months
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│Human! Alastor x Reader│
Ⓢⓨⓝⓞⓟⓢⓘⓢ: (Y/n), forced to be confined by societal standards, wishes for someone to understand them. Everywhere they look, it seems as though the people they once knew have abandoned them. It's not until they are introduced to a well-known radio host that they realize their true potential.
Ⓝⓞⓣⓔⓢ: The reader is indicated to be biologically female as they will face certain challenges throughout this story due to the time period. Characters set in this will refer to the reader as she, but for the most part, it will be gender neutral. This is written to be platonic but will remain ambiguous. There may be inaccuracies to the time frame. This series may and will contain things such as sexism, classism, gender dysphoria, bullying, mentions of religion, and gore. Please read at your own risk.
〣Next Part〣
A comfortable atmosphere bustles throughout the small diner as the sun barely begins to peek above the dazzling diversity of New Orleans. 'Leave A Little for Me' lulls about the establishment as the few patrons settled for their breakfast chat away about their own little worlds. The grill behind the counter sizzles and pops with use, an aroma of breakfast foods gnawing at any hungry stomachs that walk through the waxen double doors.
A woman, dressed in pale blush, walks out from the back with the swing of her hips and trays held skillfully above her pinned back hair. She settles plates in front of customers with a dashing smile, responding with polite and charming words as they thank her for the meal, before her gaze shifts towards a booth near the windows.
Another youthful lady settles there, a focused revelation upon their face as they lean over scattered papers on the table. The tip of a pen is wedged between their teeth, and they bite at it in thought. Swinging their leg over the other, an exasperated sigh escapes as they suddenly look up at the tin roof.
The waitress quickly strides over, coffee pot in hand. The woman lets her polished grin fall into a small smile, a gentle look in her eyes. Without a word of consent, she fills the ceramic mug long forgotten at the edge of the booth.
"Thanks, Ma." The lady, who's eyes remain upward, mutters gruffly.
"You look like you need it," the waitress chuckles, amusement crossing her expression as she watches her daughter guzzle from the steaming cup. "I will never understand how you can just drink it straight, (Y/n). You truly are an enigma."
"It helps me focus," (Y/n) states. "Especially when things don't make sense."
"I'm sure you'll figure it out," (Y/n)'s mom assures, but frowns when she realizes her encouragement doesn't affect the distraught mood her child is faced with. She turns her head to the bar, noting that her co-worker was reading a magazine as the traffic coming through has died down, before setting herself across the table. "What is the matter, my sweet?"
"It was hard enough getting into the major I wanted, but now I have to worry about a suitable job too," (Y/n) grumbles.
"What happened with the secretory position at the bank?"
"Lack of experience... It's either that, or I have too big ideas for anyone's liking."
"You'll find something soon enough," the older woman persuades as she takes (Y/n)'s gloved hands into her calloused own. "The perfect job is bound to pop up before summer break comes."
"I hope your optimism comes into fruition," they say with a titter. They glance to the large clock tacked to the wall beside the island, before collecting their things with a stand. "I should head out before I'm late for class. Thank you for the coffee, ma."
"Don't forget that my first shift at Mimzy's is tonight!" Their mother calls, "It's gonna be a bit of a time crunch to get used to, so I would prefer it if you met me there after your extracurricular activities. I want to walk home with you."
"You don't have to be so paranoid," (Y/n) replies as they stand by the door. "After my studies, I'm going out with Joanne for a late lunch. I'll head over once we finish our gallivanting."
"You can never be too sure, dear. The news is heating up with all kinds of stories about that serial killer. I just want you to be safe!"
The bell above the entrance rings, a chiming announcement that a customer walked in. The cook desultorily straightens herself from her torpor, a curt welcome grousing from her lips.
"I'll see you later, Ma!" (Y/n) comments over their shoulder, but not before making brief eye contact with hickory brown. Round glasses, placed on the curvature of the man's sharp nose, reflects the gleam from the sun's light. He gestures his black-clothed hand to the entry he held open, a raffish grin on his face.
"After you, mademoiselle," He cheerfully asserts.
"Thank you," (Y/n) politely curtsies before rushing out into the streets of Louisiana.
(Y/n)'s temple pulsates with an ache as they stir the soup in front of them with disinterest. The warmth of the spring now settled into an orange hue on their skin, drawing out the time until nightfall came. Tapping the toe of their heel against the Mandala patterned floor, their eyes gaze up at Joanne.
Joanne was a high-class type of girl, with distinguished parents and a father that ran a well-known Men's Club in town. Daffodil hair curled around her ears and tickled rosy cheeks as she ate away at her salad. Gorgeous blue peek up at (Y/n), and with a giggle, she hides her mouth with the black clothed napkin that was folded nicely by her plate.
All the eligible boys were swoon by her meek personality, always gifting her lavish things with money they earned. (Y/n) can always tell that she adores the attention, even when she claims that none of them strike her fancy. Sometimes, (Y/n) wishes their life can be as simple and carefree as Joanne's; that they can embrace their femineity instead of their intelligence. That is not how they were designed though.
"Have you changed your mind about the dance?" Joanne softly asks, pink tinted lips rising into a smile.
"No," (Y/n) responds after a long pause, "My mind has been on other things."
"Oh, come on, (Y/n)!" She exclaims with puffed cheeks. "Why don't you go with Donald?"
"The guy who pulls my hair in history? No thanks."
"He just does that cause he likes you," Joanne laughs, "You two were meant for each other!"
"I don't see any of your suitors pulling your hair," (Y/n) gripes, "Don't tell me such stupid nonsense, Ann."
A look of hurt flashes across Joanne's face, and (Y/n) considers apologizing before she runs to tell her mother. It wouldn't be the first time (Y/n)'s pragmatism got them into trouble. Joanne's mother was a snooty woman and always tried to whip (Y/n) into their place in society since they were young. Since both Joanne and (Y/n)'s fathers worked on the road for the majority of their childhood, both of their mothers came together to help one another before Joanne's father found his passion for business. Though Joanne's family has long since moved from the quaint Neiborhood (Y/n) and their mother still resides in, Joanne always reaches out to 'catch up' with her friend since diapers.
"I'm worried for you," Joanne remarks in a dull tone as she leans back in her seat, "Your mom and I aren't always going to be there for you. Your mother shouldn't bear the responsibility of looking after you forever, and soon enough, I'm going to get married and have a family! You always talk so pessimistically about love; you never give anyone a chance! If you keep up with that attitude, you are going to end up alone!"
A screech emits from (Y/n)'s chair as they push away from the table. Abhorrence filters through every thought they wanted to say in that moment, a scowl present on their face. "And what if love is not something I'm aiming for? Have you ever thought about that?"
"And you think some silly dream is? You are a lady, (Y/n). Start acting like one," Joanne spits.
Thrusting their hand into their bag, (Y/n) throws down a few dollars on the tawny surface. "Pay my meal for me, would you? I've lost my appetite."
Swiftly pulling their coat over their shoulders, and without so much as another glimpse towards Joanne, (Y/n) stomps their way to the front. Judgmental leering warms the back of their head from the ongoing patrons they pass, with societal conjectures whispered among them. (Y/n) wishes they could declare that they were used to being seen as a freak, but the pang in their heart was hard to deny.
The buzzing of cicadas disturbs the thick despondency that hung over (Y/n) as they trudged their feet over the concrete pavement. Though yellow-hued streetlamps and distant sounds of laughter embraced the night with sweet carol, the weight of the day wore heavy on (Y/n)'s shoulders. The keister that they wore on their side swung limply as hot air blew past, and the sweat that collected on their forehead felt consciously sticky.
In a fit of frustration, (Y/n) didn't think to take a trolley over to Mimzy's. They were so engrossed by Joanne's behavior, needing time to collect their thoughts. Granted, (Y/n) did comprehend that their tongue could be snippy without second thought, but did that give their friend the right to dismiss all that they've worked for?
Ever since (Y/n) was young, they perceived that their way of thinking was far different from the others their age. While the adolescent girls that they grew with obsessed over dolls and new dresses, (Y/n) found the extortionary power of the mind. Every day, whether it would be tuning in on the latest news of horrific disasters on the radio or reading recent articles of crimes that happened within their very own city, they would journal each observation and theory that came about their wit.
(Y/n)'s mother was always a benign supporter, providing perception in their once childish dreams. Though their mother never castigates them now for pursuing what some may see as impossible, an underlying fraught tone catches in the optimism she provides.
"Why don't you become an author?" (Y/n)'s mother once persuaded as they sat to eat breakfast together one early morning, "Or a teacher! I'm sure you can put your journalism skills to use in those professions!"
(Y/n) knows their mom means well; She was the only person (Y/n) could openly talk to, and she would listen without conviction towards any words that spewed from their dreamy wonder. However, their mother did not understand the consistent resilience that they fought with every day, that it wasn't some phase that will burn out with age. (Y/n) knows what they want; they just wish sometimes that another being would appreciate that too.
A sigh of relief escapes (Y/n) as the establishment's spendthrift sign comes into view as they round the corner. The word Mimzy flickers with life, but there was no cars or pedestrians that showed if it was so. Though (Y/n) has never experienced what goes on within this club, their mother remembers fondly of the days she spent rendezvousing about with boys and her gal pals. Though, at that time, she wasn't married with a child and the night spot wasn't named Mimzy.
Only a few short years ago, did the name rebrand and (Y/n)'s mom rekindled a lost relationship with a lady she had a fondness for long ago. It wasn't shortly before the friendship blossomed once again did their mother get offered a job; she was ecstatic. (Y/n) couldn't be prouder of their mom, for she too in a way, fought for her right in the world. Not so long ago in the gossip vine of the town was (Y/n)'s mother ridiculed for working as a married woman. Some even went as far as to patronize the diner their mother works the early morning hours at, threatening to boycott if the enterprise supported such scandalous practices. However, nothing came from the situation besides nasty rumors and empty threats, as an anonymous word got out that (Y/n)'s father hasn't been seen for some time. Though there is no documentation that (Y/n)'s parents ever divorced, there was also no valid proof that their father supported the family, hence why the issue was dropped.
It was hard growing up without both parents being present consistently, and for their father's absence being a key factor on the shunning of both their mother and them. He came by every now and again when he was able to take a break from the road, but (Y/n) couldn't really orate that he made a big impact in the few memories they shared. It had been two years since his last visit. (Y/n) recalls him being a very traditional man, who put the Bible and social formalities before anything else. They always stuck to their mother's shadow whenever he was around, never really choosing to interact with him. Their mother, however, would grow a sense of urgency and remain steadfast on her feet to every beck and call that came from that man. (Y/n) always hated seeing the overwhelming dread that hung over their mother when he was around.
Grabbing the handle, (Y/n) was quite surprised to find the door unlocked. Jazz carries about the ostentatious display, but they saw no one hanging about the scenery. Following the orange luminescence that lean against the plush wallpaper, (Y/n) is led to a round counter with a large chalk menu hanging above it. Black cushioned stools line the exterior, contrasting from the red tables set on the other side of the establishment, and a jukebox is arranged in the corner where anyone can interact with it. As (Y/n) looks at their whereabouts in modest fascination, their heels clack against a wooden surface. They are quick to turn around, only to find they had stepped onto the dance floor centered in the room.
(Y/n) never went dancing before. Though everyone sought to learn for entertainment, even their own mother, they opted to stick to their own self. The mere thought of being surrounded by strangers under the strobe lights that circled about the deck gave (Y/n) languid anxiety. Many stories of love and bliss came from places like this; it made (Y/n) think back on Joanne's sternness of finding a social outlet and meeting a suitable man to be courted by. It's always been hard for (Y/n) to make friends, and with that, romance never crossed their mind.
"Sorry suga, but we ain't opened just yet!" A feminine voice evinces from behind. A short, plump woman in a bright pink flapper dress grins at (Y/n), her platinum bob cut bouncing as she walks. (Y/n) felt a sudden vulnerability of being under dressed, still sporting the same wear they've been in since they left the house.
"My mother told me to meet her here," (Y/n) breathes out, "Tonight's her first shift."
The woman's brows furrow as she ogles the person in front of her, before recognition washes over her face. "You must be Lorraine's girl! My, you are the spitting image of her!"
"That's me..." (Y/n) replies with a confining smile, "I apologize if I came in too early, the door was open."
"Not a problem at all, deary! I leave that door open a few minutes early anyway for... special guests." A small blush crosses the woman's face as she looks away to compose herself, "Make yourself comfortable! Your ma and the other gals are getting ready in the back! If you need anything, be sure to call for dear ol' aunty Mimzy!"
(Y/n) gives their thanks before the petite lady ushers herself away to prepare for opening. They decide to take up space in the far corner away from the dance floor, the table beginning to be covered with assignments and books. (Y/n) occupies themselves with their work, too engrossed to notice the oncoming crowd beginning to fill the place. Live performers took up the music as the night carried on, and congenial chatter joins into a pleasant hum. The atmosphere was quixotically pleasant to (Y/n)'s revelation, and they found themselves humming along with the songs they remembered as they wrote away.
"I hope this doesn't come off as pushy, but I couldn't help but to wonder why a lovely specimen such as yourself is all by her lonesome?" A voice articulates in a teasing tone, "It almost seems that you want to be hidden away!"
(Y/n)'s grip tightens on the pencil in their hand, and they look up with a glare. The man who spoke, sported in a red vest and black slacks, registers a simper as they make eye contact. The familiar brown hue twinkles with amusement as (Y/n) straightens in their seat. (Y/n) recognizes this man to be the one who held the door open for them at the diner earlier today.
"Alastor. Charmed to meet you!"
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tadpolesonalgae · 7 months
Mer!Azriel x human!reader: The Dregs of Tragedy
A/N: Something about writing Az as a creature other than Illyrian just makes him end up being so cold and cruel and I have literally no idea where that comes from?
Warnings: Bitta’ blod, Az saves reader in a way, you have an awful husband in this
Word Count: 4,970
-Part 2-
“If your husband hears you talking like that, he’ll string you up with the rest of them.”
You flinch at the imagery, but stay firm—were you even a fisherman’s wife without nerves of steel and a stomach made of iron? “I don’t care what you say. It’s barbaric either way.” Joanne shakes her head, hair pulled back from her face as the carving knife splits the fish’s head from its body. “It’s barbaric what they do to us, sweet lass. A sailor’s death will never be kind, but to be dragged below the waters by those clammy hands is not a fate I would wish on many.”
Quirk a brow, lips tugging up at the edges. “Would Hildebald be among those few many?” You ask, making the fishmonger’s wife shoot you a sharp glare.
“Do not ask me to speak poorly of him. The gods listen between breaths.”
“The gods lay back while we are beaten and bloody,” you say, carefully lowering your voice. “I fear them as much as you do, but I will not succumb to terror. Virtues protect me, I carry honour close and pray to valour for my husband’s safe return, but that does not mean I would be unhappy should he be snatched from my side.”
Joanne runs her eyes over you appraisingly, face carved deep with age lines, hair wispy and grey. “Listen closely, lass,” she instructs, “we have little power in what happens to us, don’t squander the hand you’ve been dealt, for many others would gladly take your place. Your husband works hard at sea, and has been parted from his gold to pay for you—and we all know your father put an unreasonable dowry on your head.” Her misty sea-foam eyes flicker about, on constant edge should the wrong ears catch the conversation. “Just be grateful for what you have, lass. Look to the skies and you’ll go falling over your own feet,” she hisses, a clear end to the conversation.
You open your mouth to speak back—just because he’s paid for you doesn’t mean he can bruise you bloody—but her watery blue eyes skip over your shoulder, just as a hard, heavy palm settles atop the skin, pulling you in close to a tall, strong body, trained and battered from the seas. “Fish for supper?” He asks jovially—it must have been a good sail. Turn into him, like a creature seeking protection from a vastly superior beast, tilting your head to peer up at your husband. “I got a fresh loaf from the bakers so I was thinking of a soup,” you say, pushing up onto your tiptoes to deliver a chaste kiss to his rough skin, coarse hairs scratching your cheek. “They even added in a fresh lemon to go with it all.”
Light, sharp blue eyes cut to you, something passing behind them that has your stomach sinking. “Of course they did,” he mutters, “it’s in their nature to covet another man’s catch.” He shakes his head, arm tightening around your ribcage almost painfully. “Joanne, you can accompany my wife to the bakers from here onwards,” he drawls out the order like he’s stood behind his ship’s wheel. He turns back to you, fingers stroking along the underside of your breast, eyes glinting. “A hag ought to even out the balance of your beauty,” he murmurs, and you attempt not to cringe as his hot, fishy breath fans across your face.
Instead you dip your head in a demure show of embarrassment, ducking away from the smell. “You find me beautiful because you spend your days at sea with only fish to admire,” you dodge the compliment like you’re expected to, the picture of humble grace. “I assure you, I am nothing much at all.” That seems to please him, squeezing you a little too tightly. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the town,” he says, greasy hand stroking your side. “That is why you are mine. I would not have picked you out if there was a better catch.”
You paste a shy smile onto your lips, tucking away a stray hair over your ear, gripping the wicker basket tighter.
The night will be unpleasant but blessedly short.
The surf is calmer today, fog rolling across the grey-blue landscape.
You shouldn’t be down at the cove so early in the morning, but you hadn’t wanted to sleep beside him for a moment longer. Desiccated, scratchy skin pressing to your back, a meaty arm pressed around your waist. So you’d come down to the alcove to clear your head, allowing the crips, salty air to clear your mind before the day ahead. Though sailors will soon be passing by, so you can’t afford to wait too long.
Release a heavy breath, staring out at the deep blue of the ocean, long since desensitised to the scent of brine and seaweed that makes inlanders cringe. The waves are slight, appearing almost still as you survey the view. Had it not been for the steady babble and crush of water, you might have believed the world to be frozen.
Your mind drifts to tales of the mer, stories told to every child to encourage fear and awe into their hearts. Of their cold and clammy hands, capable of pulling fully grown sailors from the docks should they stand too close to the edge. Of their damp, bluish skin, like an eel’s on their chest and arms, but scaled and sharp on their long, thrashing tails. Of their razor-sharp teeth, used to shred and tear at their prey before finally doing away with the catch.
But more than any other feature, folk melodies revolve around their deadly song. Said to be sung so sweetly it could lure any sailor to wish for his end to be at their cold, wet hands. To be dragged below the water’s still surface into their dark and murky layer, fed enough air to be kept alive and aware but never enough to resist as the flesh is torn from their bones.
You move forward, walking along the rickety platform, wanting to look down into the water at the end of the pier, despite the danger you’ve been warned about. The water is still high, but has already begun draining away, the tides lowering. You hum absently as you approach, an old tune that’s often strummed around celebratory bonfires, logs crackling and embers burning bright against the wet blues and greys of the sea-town.
Something catches your eye, ripples coming out from beneath the pier you’re stood on.
Brows furrow, and you walk forward quietly. Maybe a sea creature is hiding beneath the platform. A smile tugs at your lips at the idea—you’d like to see more of the animals when they’re alive instead of with their head severed into a slimy, bloody basket.
You lower to your knees as you come to the edge, muffling your steps so as not to scare it away, if there really is something there.
Peer over the ledge, gaze going to one of the two beams supporting the platform.
Eyes latch with coal black, ringlets of damp, silky hair curling over blue-tinted skin.
Lips part in a scream as you jerk back from the edge, scrambling away before it’s spindly hands come groping for your legs. Heart pounding, you thumb free the small dagger from a dress pocket, gripping it between trembling hands as you frenetically eye the waters below. Waiting for it to attack one side of the pier…to try and drag you under so it can feed on your flesh.
Breath clouds, tendrils curling from your lips as you tremble, replaying the depth of blackness in your mind, the deathly tint of its skin, the unnatural beauty of the lethal creature.
Utter silence.
Shakily, you get to your feet. Had you imagined it? There’s no way.
Heart pounding, you again make your way to the ledge, prepared to toss yourself back should its hands suddenly rise from the water. Swallow, gripping the dagger tight as you shift closer, enough to see a head of dark, slightly curled hair. No doubt the drying sea salt bringing out the waves.
Ease a shuddering breath as you again meet its eyes—charcoal black and utterly depthless. Designed to see in the deepest parts of the mighty ocean. That’s when you notice the tinge in the waters surrounding— him. It’s a male face. Dark lashes, smooth skin, cropped hair.
Eyes dart back to the sea, bleeding red around him.
You note the fishing wire that’s gotten him tangled to one of the beams upholding the platform.
He’s been caught.
Lips part in relief—he can’t hurt you. And yet— “You’re not singing…” you murmur to yourself, eyeing the soft-looking mouth of the creature.
Features coil, twisting themselves into something frighteningly fitting as lips pull back from teeth—dozens of tiny, shredding teeth, set in two neat rows with noticeably protruding incisors. You flinch back on instinct, but remaster your fear, reminding yourself he can’t move. Swallowing, you thank the gods for your iron stomach as you return to the edge. Dagger still gripped tight.
The wire has wrapped itself around his torso from what you can see—probably having gotten tangled first with the creature’s tail, then only constricted tighter as he tried to escape. Much like seaweed.
Brow tightens as the waves continue washing at the shore—the ocean’s draining. What will happen to him, if he doesn’t break free? His lips look dry now you’re peering closer, lines running beneath the stunning black of his vicious eyes. They can survive without being submerged in water for days, but the wire… How long has he been here for?
His mouth opens, and you freeze, tales of their deadly song returning, but instead of the painful melody you were expecting, what comes out is a rasping screech. Garbled and furious—a wet hissing noise, as if he’s seething his warnings.
There’s wire against his neck. Already slicing deep against the powerful column of his throat, stopping much of the noise escaping. You stare down at the creature, tangled and caught. A mighty beast that’s been stripped of any way to protect itself. You wonder if it fears or loathes the helplessness. Perhaps a little of both.
You peer into its eyes, the vicious fury contained within, like he’s already promising to repay the pain you’ll inflict on him tenfold.
Your throat rolls as you stare at him. He’ll die if you leave him—it’s a miracle of some kind he’s managed to remain undetected for so long, though you suppose not many people come down here. But what if someone else finds him?
A queasy feeling tightens around your throat as you imagine the tide sweeping out, gravity pulling the weight of his body down into those slicing wires, forcing him to rest in the tangle until the water returns to yield him to near weightlessness. But what if one of the sailors finds him?
You know what they’ll do. What they already do to the mer they catch. How they’re mutilated, then strung up in the air for the salty winds to whip at, for birds to peck at, slathered in fish blood and other small carcasses to draw creatures in. Sometimes fires are lit beneath their long, powerful tails. Slowly cooking them alive.
Hadn’t you been protesting against the brutality just the other day?
The mer struggles again, water rippling as he writhes, so certain he can break the man-made wire holding him. So desperate to do so.
You look around once…twice. Check no sailors have yet begun to pass over the paths that lead beside the shore. Slowly lower to your knees, gripping the dagger. Black eyes pick out the steel, and he thrashes more, hissing violently as his features are again carved into that picture of grizzly vehemence. Exactly how the stories have told them to be.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” you say clearly, slowly. If he’s smart enough to capture and kill fully grown sailors, he should have something to pick up on tone. Some kind of sense that will tell him it’s better to let you near than to go through with the fate he’s seemingly been dealt.
He hisses again, still baring those teeth at you, but he’s no longer struggling. No longer bringing the wire deeper into his body. It’s a good start. You just need to make sure he doesn’t grab you once cut loose. What a foolish way to go.
You breathe deeply as you move closer, reaching forward.
His muscles tense, tension tightening his shoulders as the blade nears him—it would be easy for your hand to drag the steel across his throat, but the very idea makes you uncomfortable. Watching murder happen and doing it yourself are still very different. You don’t think you could quite stomach that.
“I need you to keep still,” you say gently, clearly. If he makes a sudden movement with the blade so close… You slide it beneath the wire, placing the sharp edge to the restraints, pulling in attempts to get it to break. He hisses suddenly, and you realise it’ll be cutting into his throat so you change tactics, gently sawing until it snaps free.
The mer coughs, wet gasps being hauled down into no-doubt powerful lungs, spluttering as his gills spasm violently.
You can only allow him a little time before setting to work on the next one, further below the water, binding his shoulders tight to the post. Settle closer to the platform, aware of how his eyes silently track every angle of your movements. Whether to make sure you don’t attack, or to plan his own, you don’t contemplate. Just reach deeper, aiming for the next wire. Repeat the gentle sawing motions until that too snaps off.
A gush of relief washes over you as his upper body moves free from the bloody mess, but then he hisses and jerks back, pressing to the beam. His noise sounds strained instead of violent. A noise the product of lacerating pain. There’s most likely more wire tangling his tail, but— you can’t reach that.
The unearthly face tilts, dark eyes boring into you with urgency and— Great Gods. Hunger.
“What are you doing down here?”
You flinch at the rumble of your husband’s voice and the creature goes preternaturally still. As if he also recognises the sound. You could swear his skin leeches of the bluish tint, becoming colder and more translucent. The dagger drops from your hands, bouncing loudly on the wood of the pier. Settles at the edge, and you jerk away, turning to face the towering man approaching you.
Panic grips you as you spy a broad, pale blue hand rising silently from the water. Reaching for the blade.
You shift, angling your body to block him from your husband.
“I wanted to see if I could see the sea bed,” you explain hurriedly, managing what you hope is an appropriately embarrassed smile. “Sadly the tide’s in, so I think it’s too deep. Do you know when it’ll be out again?” You ask, trying to distract from the position he’d found you in. His brow narrows, heavy boots clunking over the rickety pier. “You shouldn’t be so near to the waters,” he mutters, moving forward and you hastily get to your feet, the dagger gone from the platform.
Bruising, meaty hands roughly grip your upper arms, forcefully turning you to face him. The smell of grease and hot fish washes over you and you fight your cringe. “Yesterday it was the bakers, today it’s the seas,” he mutters, “it’s not right for you to be this close to—” Follow the direction of his gaze, down to the edge of the pier.
He pushes you to the side, allowing him to galumph past, staring down to the post the mer had been tied to.
Watch his bulky silhouette as hands pull into flesh-beating fists, your bones already aching. “Is everything okay?” You ask softly, shaking your head to yourself. “I’m sorry for taking so long to make breakfast—I got sidetracked on my usual pathway. Let’s return home.”
He doesn’t move, the world silent save for the steady wash of waves at the shore. Your husband turns then, brows pulled into a hateful bunch atop sea-roughened skin. “Why were you peering into the waters?” His voice is low and blunt, eyes sharpening to glacial blue, regarding you with a hint of suspicion. You smile, “I told you, I was looking to see the bottom but the tide’s not yet out.”
Heart is pounding—could he have already known the mer was there? The bluish skin had almost drained, as if paling with fury.
Then he’s walking to you with intent, hands brutally gripping your upper arms, tight enough the bones trembling beneath his sailor’s grip. “Why were you peering into—”
Something gleams over his shoulder, grazing the muscle of his bicep as your dagger flies past, blood spitting onto the deck as the blade lodges into the wood. Cold blue eyes freeze, snapping from the weapon dug into the pier back to you. “That’s yours,” he accuses, lowly. “You set it free, didn’t you?”
“I don’t—”
His hand smacks across your cheek before you have time to prepare, the corner of your mouth stinging as something hot trickles down your chin. Lips part, raising your fingers to the drip-drop of blood.
“You set the damned thing free,” he rages, practically snarling with fury. Before you can do anything against it, he’s turning, gripping you so tight you’re afraid your arm will splinter. “Björn! Bertram!” He bellows, calling to the sailors that are no doubt beginning their morning routines. He’s muttering to himself, about capturing it again before it can get too far out to sea, dragging you along behind him.
You stumble, tripping up as you go, almost bumping into him as you’re roughly pulled back along the pier. He whirls on you then, backhanding you hard enough you almost careen backward. But his meaty hand is encompassing your throat, strangling tight as he pulls you close enough for his greasy, fishy beard to coarsely scratch your skin. “Stupid, foolish hag,” he snarls out, “you’ll be strung you and up cooked alive for that.”
Your stomach churns as you struggle, nails clawing at his knuckles, scratching deep enough to draw blood, more of it drip-dropping onto the rickety pier. You gasp for breath, rasping and clawing at his hand until he snarls, shoving you back. Tripping over your skirts, the back of your head smacks against the wood hard enough to have your vision blurring, white spots dancing through your view. Billowing grey clouds wash overhead, looking about to rain down.
Weakly, you push up from the damp platform, in time to see your husband pluck the dagger from the ground—what had tripped you up. Eyes flash with fury, flipping the hilt menacingly as he advances, drawing out the fear. You whimper, scrambling back until your hand slips over the edge, almost sending you tumbling into the murky depths. “I should have known,” he spits out, “there were whispers about your thoughts. I should have paid them more mind.” The dagger glints in his hand, so quickly turned to your own throat.
“I’ll take my time with you,” he mutters, “take the fingers that cut the fish free.” Flips the blade in his hand as he towers over you. Muscles coil taut, unable to move, unable to fight as the steel glitters beneath the overcast light. He moves to grab you—to take your fingers, to cut you up.
A deafening screech sounds, rasping and raw, then a pale blue shape leaps from the water. Jaws are unlocked to a monstrous angle, neat rows of sharp, flesh-shredding teeth bared as that giant tail thrashes with the force to propel him clean from the water. The muscled weight of the mer crashes into your husband, knocking him from his feet as he’s stolen beneath the water’s surface faster than you can blink.
The sea ripples in his wake, then calms to nothing, continuing to lap at the shore, hiding all traces of the deadly attack.
“Mer!” A bellowing voice roars, and your eyes are dragged to the beginning of the pier, two hulking sailors—Björn and Bertram—stood among the heavy, rolling fogs that have seemingly thickened out of nowhere. Their weighty boots thud on the deck as they begin storming forward, weapons gripped tight in case of another unseen attack.
Your heart beats in your mouth, fear and panic sweeping you under as you freeze with terror. You shift to move back, but have forgotten you’re already at the edge, hand slipping back over the ledge of the pier.
Eyes go wide, unable to scream as powerful, cold-blooded hands wrap beneath your arms, hooking over your shoulders and you’re dragged down beneath the sea’s surface. Water swallowing any trace of struggle as it seals overhead.
You thrash and writhe, hands shoving out as you try to free yourself from the iron grip of the mer that’s dragging you down to his sea bed. He turns you around, then cold, soft lips are settling over your own, breathing fresh air into your lungs. Tasting slightly coppery. You don’t question how it’s possible—they’re creatures of magic—just greedily gulp the extra seconds of life down as you feel his powerful body ripple with motion, muscle working as the large tail propels you deeper into the ocean, stolen away from the sea-town you’d grown up in.
Fear seeps into your blood as images of his tiny, shredding teeth flash through your head, the charcoal of his large, onyx eyes.
You should never have risked freeing him. He’s as cruel as the songs warn.
Spluttering as you break the surface of the underwater cave, your eyes ache from being squeezed shut for gods know how long.
Gulp down air to fuel your panic driven heartbeat, briny salt water stinging as tears drip down your cheeks. You quickly blink them away, unable to dry your eyes thanks to the cold water having soaked your clothes, down to the bone. His tail moves in strong motions, keeping the both of you afloat, yet he hasn’t bitten down. Mouth remains shut, as if waiting for you to ready.
Peel open your gaze, instantly latching onto his dark eyes, glittering black as he watches you silently. The oddly shaped ears either side his head twitch, looking like the webbed feet of some of the marine birds you’ve seen. Birds that have feasted upon mer flesh when it’s been strung up to be picked at.
As soon as you can manage, you’re trying to writhe away from the creature, but the stories haven’t done their strength justice. It’s like being held by stone, muscle as unforgiving as the cold, jagged rocks the surf crashes upon. Dread sets in, spiralling your mind as you thrash against his grip, desperate to spare yourself from the horrible fate of his gently prying teeth.
“Let go of me,” you plead, trying to squirm out of his hold, eyeing the hewn rock that makes up the underwater cave, seemingly being kept in an air bubble. Gaze returns to gleaming black in time to see as a transparent film blinks across his eyes, making you startle, yipping as you flinch away in horror. Teeth catch on the edge of your mouth with the recoil, reopening the small wound, courtesy of your husband, vision again blurring with the sting.
You struggle as he starts moving, but he’s pushing you toward the ledge of the rocky cave, not dragging you below—deeper into his layer. Breathing stutters as your back presses into the jagged rock, his blue-tinted hands spanning your hips, turning you around and pushing up from the cold sea. You scramble away so quickly you graze your knee on the sharp rock, splitting skin as blood begins seeping into your skirts.
Wince at the pain, but push as far back as you can, finding the stone now to be surprisingly smooth, as if carved away. Breathe heavily, shivering against the icy temperature of the submarine cave, hugging your limbs close by as the mer watches silently. Tears helplessly drip down your cheeks, teeth chattering as you try to put a stop to your crying. You’re a fisherman’s wife, for goodness sake. Were a fisherman’s wife?
Throat rolls as you push back into the smooth wall of the cave. “What did you do with my…with Alaric?” You manage through trembling jaws, lungs spasming with the cold.
The question appears to aggravate the mer, lip curling at the name alone. “He’s alive,” the male rasps, throat straining to create the syllables of speech. You stifle your surprise—yes, you’d known they could sing, but you’d assumed it was in some ancient tongue, fitting for their ancient species. Swallow down your fear, curling tighter in on yourself. “Why have you brought me here?” You manage, voice thick and scared even to your own ears.
He swims closer, resting powerfully muscled arms upon the rocky ledge, tail swaying idly behind him in the lagoon. It’s then you truly take in the cave he’s brought you to, kept alight by luminescent greens and blues, crystals lining the ceiling, the sea lighting up with every small movement, as if mixed with melted moon wax. Tendrils of breath curl before you in misty swirls, teeth chattering more as shivers wrack your body, not all of them solely from the frigid air.
“You saved my life,” he rasps, jaw resting atop his forearms as he watches you.
“So you trap me in a cave?” You manage, trying to fight off the feeling of your fingertips beginning to frost over. He merely blinks at your question, that translucent film sliding back and forth just beneath his lids. “So I saved yours,” he correctly neutrally, a hint of arrogance in his dark eyes.
Brows knot together in confusion as you stare at the male. “You—… You’ve trapped me.”
“Your husband would have killed you,” he rasps, cold eyes sharpening with what you can only assume is hatred. “I saved you.” You shake your head, unaware of your lower body. “You took him because you were hungry. It served your own purposes.”
Incisors glitter beneath the icy blues of the cave, gleaming as his lip curls. Extends his arm, cold-blooded fingers stretching out as if to grab you. “Shall I return you?”” You huddle close to the wall, curling away from his deathly touch. “I’ll freeze to death if you take me through those waters again,” you hedge. “Besides, you might change your mind along the way, and—” You cut yourself off, noticing the red of his tongue. Swallow, hoping it’s not left-over blood.
His ears flutter, noting your gaze, lips pulling back as he swipes the flesh-roughing muscle over gleaming teeth. “And?” He asks, quietly taunting as the edge of his mouth quirks. As if daring you to voice the dreadful tales of his kind. Your lips purse, instead turning your attention to trying to contain your warmth. The mer shifts, as if about to slide back into the water.
“Wait!” You call out, having him pause, glittering onyx eyes turning once again to your figure. “Where are you going?” You ask, unable to entirely keep the fear from your voice. “Away,” he answers in that still raspy, raw voice of his. “I’ll be back,” he adds with a croon, tail swishing beneath him, arms running through the water as if revelling in being reunited on friendly terms. Panic sets in—if he leaves, he might never return. Might very well forget about you entirely. Leaving you to freeze in a subterranean sea cave, rotting away with the grime and stale water, all alone.
“Why did you bring me here?” You ask frantically, not wanting to be around him, but not wanting him to leave either. You don’t want to die here.
Ears twitch again, watching you silently, observing like he’s waiting for a sign to show. He returns to the ledge of rock leading down into the freezing waters, again settling himself atop the hewn stone. “You know what he does to us. What you all do to us,” he rasps, close enough for you to pick out the still-healing slices on his throat. “You know how you hate us, and you know how they hate anything that does not hate with them. You knew how they’d hate you too. So why meddle?”
Skin prickles at the intense look he’s giving you, feeling as though judgement is being passed.
“I didn’t want your death on my conscience,” you mange, lips long numb from the biting temperature. He blinks slowly, the only shift in expression he shows, the rest of his features blank as a still day at sea.
“Don’t try to escape. You’ll drown yourself,” he rasps bluntly, pushing away from the ledge, returning to deeper waters. “Just wait. I’ll return.”
The mer swims to the middle of the pool, dark eyes gleaming. “Eventually.”
Then he’s swallowed in a flash of silver, darting away to one of the submerged tunnel openings, navigating his way out to open ocean. Stomach tenses, listening to the laboured heave of your breaths and the quiet hush of waves. Curl tighter into yourself, praying he returns before the warmth entirely leaves you, already unable to feel your legs or hands.
Teeth chatter in the quiet of the cave, leaving you to wonder how far below land you are.
How deeply he’s already buried you.
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