#jttw gang
ezzy-esti · 2 months
AHEM. Time to post more of these bad boys✨
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I told myself once:"once i learn how to draw legos...its over for yall."
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Dumb sketch with a dumb monk
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real-sun-wukong-fan01 · 10 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well so far into this month. I really like your Time Swap AU, especially with chaos gremlin SWK. Question: if Canon Macaque were to meet TW SWK, how would they react to each other? Who'd win in a fight between them, pre s3 and post s3? Macaque definitely is more powerful and dangerous than his TW counterpart, but TW SWK has no such attachment to Macaque the same way his canon counterpart did, thus he would have no reason to hold back in the usual fight-to-the-death match Macaque would initiate, so I'm putting my money on SWK coming out on top. How would the canon Monkie Crew react to Time Swap's story of their version of LBD arc and SWK's possession, given that TW JTTW fam had no idea of their SWK's daily demon fighting hero activities until LBD's takeover? And the fact that SWK wasn't even going after LBD, but was still taken over by her after she went after him instead?
I hope I'm not bothering you with these asks. I am truly intrigued by the differences between it and canon one. Eat your fruits and vegetables!
AYY!! no hours of sleep so if I miss something or if something doesn't make sense, you can ask again !! I'll make it more clear.
Also you're not bothering!
Alright, so,
1) TW! Swk would just be confused, not much of a reaction since he doesn't know or recognize the guy. Maybe some resemblance to his macaque, but nothing else.
lmk! Macaque though would recognize wukong because the two versions aren't that different. TW is just taller because he's a "human", and has no tail.
So, macaque would be confused and kinda taken back, and TW wouldn't really care unless he's an obstacle or a foe.
now, depending on the season, tw can either win or not. Before S3 for sure tw would have a lot of struggling with macaque. One has way more experience in fighting and using powers than the others.
After S4 wukong might outmatch macaque, he has better controls on his powers, and with s4 he is even more powerful.
and.. macaque might be struggling because of bad memories TW wukong might give him with his powers and him not holding back.
2) the time swap au version is way different, in the show at least, because unlike in lmk, where possessing wukong was her being desperate, in TW possessing wukong was part of her plan. (Kind of like Bai he, he was possessed while he was alone, and it wasn't until he showed up possessed that the others found out.)
so, they might hate lbd way more with it, because despite it being wukong being possessed, this wukong is basically just a poor "human" who is dragged into this mess, forced to fight his own family.
Lmk! Swk would make sure his own counterpart is really okay, he can understand the possession part more than anyone.
The TW jttw fam instead would want to check on lmk wukong because he willingly went after lbd, and in their eyes, it's still their brother/son, so.
(wukong will cry later because those are his dead companions bro.)
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lavaflowe · 4 months
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“Great Sage Equal to Heaven gets his ass beat by beloved Howling Celestial Dog”
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novelcain · 1 year
Heyo, I have a bit of a prompt for ya. So I’ve seen the “Demon that wants to abduct and forcibly marry Reader,” post(s) and raise a “The local regent/king finds Reader attractive (in a way that he views her almost like a novelty than as a whole person) and offers her a position as a concubine/ ‘palace lady.’” This is a different kind of scenario because straight up murdering the king of the area is not exactly the option that’d let the journey continue smoothly and refusal could also be construed as an offense to the king, but Reader does not want to and needs to continue with them on the journey. All of the other disciples know this, and maybe can tell she’s uncomfortable (even if it’s before Wukong has really fallen for Reader, she is still someone he would consider to be his friend at the very least). How are they going to get out of this one? (Slightly inspired by the time Tripitaka was propositioned in the Kingdom of Women by the Empress.)
Ps: sorry if this is dumb, regardless, I hope you have a good day - 🌺 anon
King: So what do you say, girl? Will you become my concubine? I see no possible reason for you to say no! I can give you all you could ever ask for in exchange for serving my every whim! That seems like a wonderful deal for a woman like you that clearly comes from nothing.
Ao Lie:
Reader: Wha-What?
Tripitaka: N-Now wait just a minute, your Majesty. You c-can't simply expect her to drop everything and stay here-
King: Well of course I can! I am the king of these lands! In fact! I insist upon it! Woman, you shall stay here and serve your new king immediately as soon as you are cleaned.
Reader: *feeling a panic attack approaching as the room starts to spin*
Wukong: *holding back the urge to commit violent murder*
Sandy: *rethinking this whole "pacifism" thing*
Pigsy: *looking disgusted at the king*
Ao Lie: *wondering if anyone would notice if he turned back into a dragon and ate the king*
Tripitaka: *trying so hard to think of a peaceful solution while also trying not to cry over how much the king is objectifying Reader* Y-You can't just h-have her! She's a necessary part of our pilgrimage!
King: By the Heavens! She's just one woman how valuable could she be!? After all, she is just your maidservant is she not!?
Tripitaka: *remembering that is the disguise they came up with for her* Yes, b-but! Why must you have her, great King!?
King: Because I have never seen a woman like her before! She is a beautiful foreign flower that I simply must have for myself! Here! I shall be merciful and send you off with another servant!
King: *gestures to his guards to find a servant*
Wukong: *reaches toward his ear for his staff*
Sandy: *reaches for his spade*
Pigsy: *reaches for his rake*
Ao Lie: *gets ready to turn into a dragon*
Tripitaka: *frozen in shock*
Reader: *sees the carnage about to begin*
Everyone: *stops and turns to face her* HUH?!
Reader: I... have a disease.
King: *narrows eyes in suspension* And what is the name of this disease?
Reader: *sweats nervously as all knowledge of every disease she knows of decides to take a vacation from her brain at the one moment she needs it most*
Reader: In... junct... co... itis.... Injunctcoitis.
King: I have never heard of this Injunctcoitis. *turns to the court physician*
Court physician: Neither have I, your Majesty.
Reader: It's a northern disease! From the north! Where I'm from!
King: *looks at court physician*
Court physician: It is possible, your Majesty. *approaches Reader starts inspecting her* And what are the symptoms?
Reader: Oh, w-women don't have any symptoms. *takes a deep breath and composes herself* But for men it makes their dick fall off.
Everyone: IT WHAT!?!?!?!
Reader: Yep! After two months, yo dick just gonna... fall off. And it's a sexually transmitted disease.
King: I can't take any risk of that being true! Get them out of here before this disease spreads to the kingdom!
The Pilgrim Gang: *gets escorted out of the kingdom*
Reader: *sniffles*
The boys: *hugs Reader*
P.S. this so wasn't dumb I had fun writing this 🤭
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pitofpurple · 1 month
amnesia rules is so much funnier if you think of it as Sun Wukong’s reaction to one of his brothers calling him a manipulative jerk and asking him him to be more enthusiastic.
Like, imagine the whole episode he was just doing an elaborate bit that Tang and Pigsy didn’t get because they didn’t know how Sun Wukong normally acted.
some moments that stick out with this context
Wukong shaking his master saying “you have to remember!” After getting the smallest hint he might not
His true self comes out when pigsy suggests bonking him on the head “what’d you say Piglet”
him spending all night talking to the Sage after finding out where his master is (it’s almost like he was trying to take as long as possible)
Him nonchalantly eating while the demon monologues, clearly not actually scared for his masters safety.
“Eating me won’t make you immortal,” “of course it will! He’s the great monk Tang Sanzang!” Again it’s like he WANTS his master to be eaten, or at least ruffed up a bit (depends on when in the journey he is)
He only attacks the Scorpion Queen after his staff is broken
“We’re friends?” “Of course we are! Everyone needs friends! Can you imagine what I’d be like without friends? I’d probably turn into a real manipulative jerk or something,” it’s like he’s quoting someone
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ejaysstuff · 1 year
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have a zhu bajie in these trying times
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Ittw @skittlescripts
I Like Bowser! This was bound to happen☝🏾
I thought it would be funny that The Pilrim Gang were so used to The Reader objecting 99% of advances made at her only for this guy the fluster her
She's like: "I can't help he's the perfect man!
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ultrabrite-dl · 1 year
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I’ve been working on him for a while now and I’m SO happy with the results! He is also my first fully sculpted articulated clay doll (or action figure? idk) 
Anyway, I made his outfit based on a description directly from my copy of the book and old illustrations, and I stylised it a bit; his golden circlet made with a old heart-shaped ring and I made his little cloud with yarn.
I’ll definitely take more pictures of him later, when the weather allow it.
Bonus: I’m not exaggerating when I say he’s tiny, here he is with one of my previous creation (Ruth):
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Tfw you’re the greatest legendary warrior in history but you’re also the size of a 6 y/o child.
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lagt-duck · 12 hours
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Day 29 of Monkey May!
I really just wanted an excuse to draw the whole gang together AND I FINALLY COULD!
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As always the challenge belongs to @vorpaldoodles go check out their work!
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avisisisis · 6 months
I'm making a headcanon thingy for stableboys bc there isn't enough content about these two
Ao Lie was the second one Sun Wukong opened up to. The first one was Sha Wujing. Part of the reason why Ao Lie wasn't the first is because he spent most of the time shapeshifitng into a horse
SWK avoided him because he is a horse person at heart and didn't want to befriend anyone on the journey. He was there to protect his master, but when it was over, it'd be off! (He failed, in case that wasn't obvious)
When they had to eat, Ao Lie and SWK would always go to find food together. Sun Wukong always hurried him up due to being worried for Tripitaka's safety, but they still had a good time
It wasn't uncommon for them to roll in the dirt and end up being covered in mud and grass. Tripitaka has long since given up on trying to get them to stop
Eventually, when SWK finally accepted that he thought of these ppl as family, he would brush and clean Ao Lie's hair (basically grooming him the way monkies do) after these moments. He really enjoyed doing this bc it reminded him of the monkeys back at his mountain
Ao Lie was the only one he could do this with since he's the only one with actual hair (Sha Wujing is a fish, Zhu Bajie is a pig and Tripitaka's just bald)
Ao Lie sucked at grooming SWK's fur but he tried anyway. It was common to watch them argue over this. He got better after a while tho
Sun Wukong is the one who drew the art from some of the storybooks from the current timeline. He always drew Ao Lie as a horse, ignoring him when he yelled about how he should at least make me more dignified, Elder Brother!
SWK would answer with "it's not my fault you spent the entie journey as a horse!"
Ao Lie died first, in Wukong's arms
Ao Lie started to swear a lot after the journey. He picked it from Sun Wukong, who picked it from Zhu Bajie
Sun Wukong had long... hair? Head fur? That he only cut when it was getting too uncomfortable. Cutting it used to be Macaque's job, but now it's Ao Lie's
Sometimes Ao Lie cut his own hair too to match with him
To add to the long hair HC --- SWK kept his hair on a braid for most of the journey, since he didn't want it to get in his face. He kept the braid Macaque gave him for as long as he could, but it wasn't very durable and he spent 500 years in that mountain, so it didn't last long
He wishes he could say he liked to have Ao Lie braiding his hair, but honestly, he sucked almost as much as he sucked at grooming his fur
Surprisingly, Zhu Bajie is the one who makes the braids that always last the longest. Is he rough and careless? Yes. Does he always accidentally/on purpose pull SWK's hair, ending up in yet another fight Tripitaka has to stop? Absolutely. But his braids are the most durable
While Zhu Bajie's are the most durable, Sha Wujing's are the prettiest. He's rated second for this reason. He sometimes (if Wukong lets him, which doesn't always happen) even puts flowers in it
Tripitaka didn't know how to braid hair and every attempt at learning ended up in utter failure and ugly hairstyles. He got better later though
And last but not least! SWK may be decent at braiding other people's hair (learned from the moon n shadow themed bitch) but he sucks at braiding his own. He had to do and undo his hairstyle all the time before he started to trust the JTTW gang enough to do it for him
Ao Lie is the only one SWK got to say goodbye to. When the others announced they were joining the cycle of reincarnation, he screamed, angry, and left. He learned of their demise days after it happened. It's something he regrets to this day
Sometimes SWK would shapeshift into a horse to walk besides Ao Lie!
Ao Lie joked that Sun Wukong should be the one to carry their master, since he can also turn into a horse and that way he cam keep track of him, but SWK took it seriously and got very offended. Ao Lie gave him a bunch of peaches in hope of earning forgiveness. SWK can barely remember this happening (it's been like a thousand years, after all)
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ezzy-esti · 3 months
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Swk just tormenting everyone in the jttw gang,
Normal tuesday morning.
Zewm upz::
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Man i should rlly stop using different brushes for every new drawing, it makes it look as if i have different art styles 💀
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sketching-shark · 1 year
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novelcain · 1 year
If Reader still had access to technology like phones and video games, what kind of games do you headcanon the crew would like. Who would like RPGs and who would like fighting games or puzzle games?
What about movies. If she had a magical tablet that lets her watch any movie from her time, who would like action, romance, comedy? Would the gang like Disney movies?
Lol I love this question let's see:
I think Wukong would like an interactive, choose your own adventure game with vibes like Cult of the Lamb where you can be as chaotic as you want. (Tripitaka is appalled watching Wukong play games)
For Tripitaka I can see him being the type to like farming and collecting games. Something with no violence and lots of colors. That being said he loves Minecraft on peaceful mode.
Bajie be over here playing dating sims cause it's the only bitches he can get. (And even then he usually can't gain enough points for the romance endings)
Wujing would love playing games where you can make friends with all the characters and his Sims world is literally the most calm, peaceful place to exist.
Ao Lie likes playing violent gore filled fps and horror games.... I will not elaborate.
And their go to game for Group Game Time is MarioCart and when that eventually starts a fight they play Super Smash Bros and then when that starts a fight they move onto Uno and then when that starts a fight they play puzzle games or something that requires group cooperation and then when THAT starts a fight they end Group Game Time and watch Princess and the Frog while Reader make them Get Over It And Get Along snacks.
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pitofpurple · 4 months
thinking about the mural Sun Wukong has MK destroy it Macaque because like-
first off HOW DID IT GET THERE?!? Cause I’m pretty sure the Monkey King didn’t fly a painter to Flower Fruit mountain just so he could have a mural of his friends. Not with all the protection he puts on that place. So the only logical conclusion is that Sun Wukong painted it himself which is sweet but then- Why have MK destroy it years later? Here are my theories
Sun Wukong is trying to move on from the journey to be a better mentor but is doing it by trying to forget about his friends very unhealthily
this is representative MK and crew coming in to save the world after the pilgrims passing
(and this is real wild) this is foreshadowing to some crazy lore drop that MK’s birth destroyed the pilgrims or some crazy crap like that
I’m overthinking this and it was just a throwaway joke
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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"Me" as The Reader x Sun Wukong Part 2
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Continuation of a post I read @skittlescripts
Part 1
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