#julien baker x crew!reader
gingerjolover · 7 months
Detangle - Julien Baker x fem!crew!reader
Synopsis: Julien's gf helps her get unready after BG's Halloween show at the Hollywood Bowl :') (jesus!julien x crew!reader)
G's notes: gf is lowkey a costume designer? she's crew, but I'm putting her on the same part of the team as makeup artist! also thank you guys for being patient, if only you could see my WIP in google docs rn....
wc: somewhere around 875?
warnings: RPF, jesus!julien, slightly smutty, some light kissin n touchin, no fundamental physical descriptors?
There are very few things that could tear your eyes away from watching your girlfriend headbang onstage while dressed as Jesus. In fact, the entire thing feels like a fever dream. From sourcing the angel costumes for the band, hand-bedazzling Lucy's jacket, sewing Phoebe's veil, and then soundcheck, the lead-up to the Halloween show has felt like a whirlwind.
You're entirely unfocused, eyes parading down Julien's body, only half listening to the cues for an outfit change. "Here," your assistant says softly, eyes sparkling while watching the stage in admiration. She's handing you the boys' original jackets in order of who comes off stage first. You smile at her, grateful she's paying attention while you ogle the somewhat sacrilegious display onstage.
It's within minutes everyone is rushing off to side stage, clothes flying everywhere. Lucy is undoubtedly the easiest to change, so you work with her quickly, carefully adjusting her halo on her head before switching out her white suit jacket for Julien's original jacket. "Thank you," she whispers, kissing your cheek lightly before dashing off, Julien appearing in front of you.
"Hi pretty girl," she says out of breath, leaning in to kiss your lips quickly, already stripping off her robes.
"Jay, leave them on...no don't do that, your hair!" you excalim, Julien obviously was not listening to you earlier when you were standing between her legs bobby-pinning the crown to her hair. "Sorry, sorry-I" Julien stammers as you help her readjust the robes on her shoulders, sliding Phoebe's original jacket over her, "It's okay, you having fun?" you ask with a big smile, kissing her gently.
"The best time ever, I love you," Julien mumbles agaisnt your lips, kissign you once more on your cheek before winking and heading back out.
Your assistant is rushing Phoebe back onto the stage when you both stand beside each other, taking a deep breath before watching the rest of the show. It goes by in a blink. Before you know it, everyone is filing off stage, much slower this time. Julien, Lucy, and Phoebe walk off holding hands, doing a quick but tender group hug right off-stage before they separate, and Julien comes bounding over to you, immediately scooping you up and spinning you around. "How was it?" she asks, mouth already attached to your neck. You can't help but giggle, holding her head as she finally puts you back on the ground. "It was amazing, as always," you say.
"Oh god," you say, looking at her hair, your fingers assessing how tangled the crown is in her hair. "Not God, just me...actually, I'm the son of God," Julien says, eyes wide in a cocky smirk, holding out her arms.
"You're so..." you start, moving Julien further backstage and into the room where y'all got ready. "Sexy? Intelligent? Holy?" Julien rattles off, wiggling her eyebrows as she walks backward, trusting you to walk her in the right direction. "I was going to say ridiculous, but the first two definitely," you smile, eyes twinkling. "Not so much the third one," you giggle. "Oh, why's that?" Julien smirks, sitting in the hair chair in the empty "glam" room. "I don't think it's holy to dress up as Jesus," you start to say, Julien looking up at you with wide, almost glassy eyes, a look common post-show. "And your underwear," you snort. "What about my underwear? It says for God's eyes only," Julien goads, leaning back in the chair, watching you grab a comb and some detangler. "God wasn't the only one looking," you smirk, standing between her legs. "No, he was not," Julien groans, holding onto your hips, "You did a lot more than look," Julien mumbles, smile widening.
"Don't get all worked up," you murmur, smirking, starting to detangle her hair, pulling one piece that was particularly tangled when she all but squeals. "Ow, babe," she exclaims, eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed as she leans back a pace, staring at you offended.
"That shit hurts!"
"Well, maybe if you didn't headbang so hard, your hair wouldn't be intertwined with your crown right now," you scold softly.
She grumbles, letting you get about 75% of the crown out of her hair before she's whining again. "You're tugging too hard, princess, my neck hurts."
"Me tugging isn't making your neck hurt, seriously Jules, you headbang so hard on stage, and I'm scared you're gonna get whiplash."
"Can't help that I'm a rockstar," she mumbles, finding your eyes before rolling them teasingly before hissing when you pull a chunk of hair.
"Stay still," you giggle, kissing her nose softly. Within 5 minutes, the rest of the crown is out, and you're handing it to Julien so she can keep it. "C'mon, we can pack up and get you unready at the house. Sounds like backstage is filling up," you comment. You can hear the voices of the various friends and peers who came to see the show down the hallway.
"Thanks, angel," Julien whispers, smirking softly as she uses the pet name, hopping off the chair and pulling you into her arms, dipping you ever so slightly to press a passionate kiss to your lips. "Vacation time starts now," she whispers teasingly, her hands in the back pockets of your pants, squeezing gently.
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on the balcony- Julien Baker x fem!reader
summary: After a long leg on tour, you and Julien are talking at a small get-together with the band and all the crew. You find yourselves alone on a balcony, and something gets confessed.
jj chats: hiii everyone!! this is my first kind of real fic!! i really hope you all enjoy it!! my requests box is opened and i would love to get some of y'alls ideas!!! see you later by gorgeous gorgeous people!!! <333
word count: 800ish
warnings: RPF, kissing, they're both v awkward, i think that is it!!!
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
The party was starting to get stuffy, the air was humid from the heat emitted from the bodies of your friends and co-workers. They were celebrating the end of a successful American leg of the up-and-coming band; boygenius. The lead singers and band were somewhere in the middle of everything, everyone talking their ears off. You held a water bottle in your hand, taking a swig from it in an attempt to cool down. 
In the crowd, you spied your favorite ⅓ of boygenius: Julien Baker. You two had grown a close bond throughout the tour. In the beginning, she was quite opposed to the service you offered: make-up. But when one of the first shows in the scorching heat of summer left Julien’s pretty face completely sunburned, she figured you might know how to prevent that. 
You bonded over tinted sunscreen and the lip gloss. You thought that was it at first. But after the first show she had implemented your advice she had come up to you, generously thanking you for their help.
“It’s probably not! Just doing my job!” You blushed, nervous about the tattooed woman in front of you.
To your surprise Julien looked almost as nervous as you felt, she spoke “Hey, could I have your number? In case I need any more help with skincare or makeup or something!” a dry laugh left her lips.
You practically ripped your phone out of your pocket, handing it to her. She entered her number and smiled before walking away. 
Later that night, on your way to your hotel you got a text: Hey! It’s JB! Want to meet up for breakfast tomorrow? We don’t have rehearsals until the afternoon.
Your heart practically jumped out of your chest and that’s when you knew you couldn’t just be her friend.
At about the same time you saw Julien in the crowd, she saw you. In a not-so-graceful way, she excused herself and made her way over to you, almost tripping on a bunched-up rug on her way.
“Hey you,” Julien smiled, her hands empty, one finding their way into the pockets of her Carhart zip-up. “What’re you doing all by yourself?” 
You sighed, pointing to your fellow makeup artist, who was currently wrapped in a guitar tech's arms, swaying to the music that sounded like a whisper at this moment. “Got ditched. But it's okay. I was about to leave anyway, parties aren’t really my thing.” 
“Yeah I’m not a big fan of parties either, do you want to go somewhere quieter?” She asked, looking at you with big brown eyes that reflected purple due to the LED lights that lined the room you were currently in. 
“I’d love that, let's go.” Out of habit with other friends, you went to grab her hand. Julien tensed for a split second, before wrapping her fingers around your hand as you led her out of the room and into a hallway, maneuvering between couples pressed against walls and friends laughing until you eventually made it to a balcony that overlooked the city. The breeze was cool, which left you chilly, but the warmth from the woman next to you and the giddiness that heated your heart was enough to make you forget all about the cold. You turned to face Julien again, taking in all the features of her face.
She was staring out into the city, a slight smile forming on her face as she watched the skyline twinkle like stars do in the sky. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone as beautiful. You turned back to the city, your eyes focusing on a particular car that was zooming down the streets.
“Beautiful.” You heard Julien whisper next to you. 
“Yeah the city is so pretty at night.” you giggle.
“No-” a pause, “No I mean you. You’re beautiful.” Julien said, her voice raising itself an octave.
 You turned to Julien to see her face flushing. “I think you’re beautiful too J,” You smile, as your face heats up. 
The moment freezes, and suddenly all that is real in the world is the woman standing in front of you, before you know it you’re both leaning forward, gentle lips pressing together. Her hand that is encased with yours tightens, while the other moves to cup your face, pulling you into her. Your chest flushed against each other, lips now crashing together, less gentle, more need. 
Suddenly Julien pulls away, then breathlessly says “I like you, like really like you, and I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I met you.” 
You can feel your heart swell a lot before saying “I like you too.” The two of you stand there giggling like teenagers for a while before you decide to rejoin the party. But for the rest of the night, your hand never leaves Julien’s.
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julienbakerpls · 11 months
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I can see you - Julien Baker x reader 18+
"hey! if u take requests could you do something inspired by i can see you by taylor swift like the lyric ‘i can see you up against the wall with me’ and then like smut"
picture by @/pics.by.dana on ig
ALSO this is RPF if ur uncomfortable with that don't READ ✨
You had been working for boygenius as a guitar tech for the last few weeks of tour, due to their old one having a scheduling conflict. You were enjoying the work, but you were also enjoying getting to be around the boys. They really went out of their way to make sure you felt included in the inter workings of the band and the tour.
Everything was going great, except that you had an overwhelmingly embarrassing crush on Julien.
It was like Julien knew, no matter how great you thought you were at hiding it. They're were the lingering touches, the prolonged eye contact, the way she insisted on sitting right next to you and watching whenever you had to replace strings on her guitar that she'd damaged on stage.
You were loosing your mind with how badly you wanted her.
"Hey, I'm so sorry I broke like 3 strings tonight..." Julien said shyly after getting off stage, the sweat making her white button up cling to her body.
"No problem.... that's what i'm here for right." You laughed gently, walking over to Julien's stage case that held all of her guitars and equipment.
"is it?" You heard Julien whisper under her breath, you heart skipping a beat in your chest.
"What?" you asked trying to make sure you heard her correctly, tripping on a cord as you spun around to look at her. Julien instantly caught you around the waist steadying you, as you faced her.
"Nothing, You're just really great at what you do..." She smiled, tilting her head up to look at you. Her hands tightening around your waist before going to pull away.
"You don't have to.." You said, placing your hands over hers. Julien looked at you questioningly before pushing you back into the space between her case and the wall effectively blocking the two of you from view. She gently pulled your face to hers, kissing you lightly. You kissed back maybe too enthusiastically, causing Julien to smile into the kiss before deepening it. She wrapped one hand around your waist pulling you closer and slotting her thigh between your legs, the other hand softly caressing your cheek. You tangled your hands in her hair pulling gently, causing her to moan into your mouth pulling you down roughly onto her thigh. You gasp into her mouth, biting down on her bottom lip.
"JB?" You hear Lucy call, from somewhere behind Julien both of you instantly untangling yourselves from the other. You look at Julien wide eyed seeing how flushed her face is, she smiles at you covering your mouth with her hand effectively quieting you.
"I think JB already went back to the bus." You hear Phoebe say, along with the sounds of their footsteps leaving.
"That was close..." You whisper into Juliens hand. She smiles letting her hand fall away from your mouth, tracing your lips.
"Jay..." You start to say, Julien cuts you off pressing a kiss to your lips.
She pulls away from you, giving you one last smile before following in the direction of the boys, leaving you panting against the wall. You open the case to start restringing the guitars, but pause seeing that there are no broken strings at all. Smiling to yourself you close and lock the case back, before making your way to the crew buses.
"Ten minutes until we're on!" One of the sound guys yelled. You were getting Julien's guitars ready making sure that she wouldn't have to tune anything during the show.
"Hey, can you help me with this?" You turned to see Julien walking towards you, vest completely unbuttoned and rainbow tape in her hands. You felt your mouth start to water at the sight of her.
"Oh uh yeah," You stumbled towards her, she grasped your hand tugging you into the nearest bathroom locking the door behind you, before pressing you up against the door.
"You drive me fucking crazy.." Julien said, biting and sucking along your neck, You grab her hips pulling her into you. You press your thigh between her legs, watching as she visibly jolts when she pressed down onto it.
"Fuck..." Julien whines into your neck, taking one of your hands and pressing it to her breast. You gasp feeling her hard nipple press into your hand. You massage her breast, playing with her nipples loving the way she moans into your neck. Your other hand travels down her toned stomach playing with the button of her slacks. Julien gets inpatient with you, popping the button herself, while still riding your thigh.
"Please baby," She gasps into your neck, biting down beside you collarbone, forcing the breath out of your lungs. You push your hand into juliens boxers feeling how wet and aroused she is, you circle her clit gently. You and julien moan into each others mouth moving closer to sloppily kiss, speeding up your hand before moving it down to push a finger into her. Julien breaks away from the kiss throwing her head back.
"WHERE'S JULIEN? LESS THAN A MINUTE!" You hear someone yell from behind the locked bathroom door. You pull away from Julien quickly taking the rainbow nipple pasties from where they fell from her hands and start applying them to her hard nipples. Julien groans, quickly buttoning her pants, and her vest once you were done with applying the tape.
You unlock the door and let Julien go out first before following. You watch as she gets her guitar on and meets the boys for without you without them. You make your way to side stage, making sure you make eye contact with her before sucking your fingers clean of her. Julien bites her lip to hold back the moan in her throat, while you force yourself not to smile too smugly.
You're tuning Julien's banjo before the Nashville date, listening to the boys come up with their drag names. Julien comes out in her full drag elvis look and makes her way over to you.
"What do you think?" Julien smiles doing a spin for you, opening her jacket so you can see her nipple pasties.
"Oh Jay, you looks so good." You say smiling at her, following her with your eyes as she moves to sit next to you.
"Thanks, you know I haven't worn heels in like seven years." Julien laughs when she stretches her legs out.
"You look amazing," You smile, strumming her banjo to make sure it's tuned. Julien smiles, leaning in closer to you.
"You know... I'm planning on sleeping in my own bed tonight," Julien starts off placing a small kiss to your neck.
"Oh yeah?" You ask turning to fully face her placing the banjo on its stand. Julien smiles at you, blush coloring her cheeks.
"Yeah, I was hoping you'd want to join me." She says, pulling one of your hands into her lap. You watch her holding your hand, tracing her tattooed fingers over the lines there.
"Yeah, I'd really like that." You smile, laughing when Julien tugs on your hand pulling you into a soft kiss.
"Shit JB get some!" Phoebe yells behind the two of you. You try to pull away from Julien but she holds you to her continuing to kiss you while she flips off phoebe.
"Honestly it's about time, we were getting sick of watching you two pant after each other," Lucy says, wrapping Phoebe into a hug as they watch the two of you.
Julien pulls away placing one last kiss to your lips, before getting up and pulling you up with her.
"Alright let's go!" Julien says, walking and stumbling slightly but recovering quickly. You laugh, smiling when Julien checks back to see if you noticed and laughing when she sees that you did.
Julien came off stage, her wig falling off and her jacket off completely. She knew how crazy her in just nipple covers did to you.
The boys posed for photos for vogue magazine before cleaning the makeup and sweat off of them, while you retuned her guitars and changed strings that needed to be fixed.
"Are you ready baby?" Julien asks coming up behind you just as your locking her case. You smile feeling her wrap herself around you from behind.
"I'm ready when you are." You smile turning in her arms to face her. She smiles up at you now makeup free and in just a plain white tank top, you pull her in for a kiss moaning when you feel that she's not wearing a bra.
"God Julien, I'm so turned on right now," you say against her lips. Julien smiles into the kiss, starting to tug you in the direction of the door.
"I can't wait to get you home, have you against the wall, the bed, in the shower, everywhere I can have you.." Julien says now kissing into your neck.
Julien pulls you out the door and almost immediately pushes you up against her car. Kissing her way down your neck and running her hands over your body and under your shirt. She massages your breasts paying special attention to your nipples, loving the way you gasp into her mouth. She opens the door for you, helping you into the car before going around to the drivers seat.
Julien drives like a maniac blaring Mayhem from her speakers. She has one hand on the wheel the other making it's way into your leggings, she rubs circles into your clit to the beat of the thrash metal song.
"Jay, Oh my god," you gasp, wrapping your hands around her wrist to try and pull her away from you before you cum on her hand in her car. Luckily for you right as you were on the edge Julien whipped the car into her driveway. She was parked and out of the car before you could blink, Julien opened you door pushing you against the car again. She kisses you intensely, wrapping herself around you.
"Julien, you're so fucking perfect, but next time we go anywhere i'm driving," You pull away from her to say, smiling when she laughs with her whole body.
"I'm so sorry, baby I just couldn't wait to get you home.." Julien says kissing you deeply, pressing her body against yours. You moan at the feeling of her pressed against you with no bra and just the thin tank on.
"Fuck, Jay, take me inside please." You whine into her mouth. Julien quickly grabs you by your waist walking you backwards towards the door, and kissing your neck. Laughing when you both stumble up the stairs and into the house.
As soon as the door was closed and locked Julien had you pressed against it, pulling your shirt over your head and throwing it somewhere over her shoulder. She pressed in impossibly closer to you to unclasp your bra throwing that somewhere, before attaching her lips to your nipple and playing with the other. The moans that were falling from your mouth were loud and obscene and just turning her on more.
"Jay," You whined, throwing your head back the two of you laughing when it slams against the door.
"Are you okay, Baby?" Julien asks, reaching up to gently rub your head. You giggle and pull her in for a sweet kiss, loving the feeling of her smiling into it.
"Take this off..." you say, tugging on Juliens tank top, she presses a kiss to your nose before pulling it over her head. You hardly suppress the moan in your throat at the sight of her shirtless. You launch yourself into her arms forcing Julien up against the wall, palming her breasts and kissing down her neck. Julien gasps pulling you up to kiss her, the kiss is deep and heated stealing both of your breath away. You trail your hands down her body pushing one hand into the front of her pants loving the way she arches up into you. You let one finger circle her clit, gathering her wetness on your fingers and pushing that finger into her. Julien pants into the kiss, pressing her body further into you. You slide a second finger in pressing you palm against her clit, kissing her neck when she gets too caught up to keep kissing.
"Uh fuck, princess," Julien gasps when you bite down on her collar bone, and adding a third finger. You feel her body start to tense, legs shaking. You press her more firmly to the wall to steady her and Julien clenches down on your fingers. She cums with her head on your shoulder, whining into your ear how good your making her feel.
once Julien comes down from her high she's on you with renewed energy, pulling you up the stairs and into her bedroom. She pushes you on the bed, before attacking the waist band of your leggings. She almost rips them in her fierce struggle to get them off of you along with your underwear in one not so swift motion. You can't help laughing when she looks so pleased with herself holding both pieces of clothing up for you to see. She throws her head back laughing before launching herself at you. You're still giggling when Julien kisses you, both of you now naked and panting.
"I've been watching you for ages, and I spent my time trying not to feel it... but now I get to touch you.." Julien said, running her hands over your body, pushing your thighs farther apart and making a space for herself between your legs.
Julien kisses and sucks her way down your body pausing only to suck love bites into your skin wherever she pleases. The two of you fought this off for so long, and it was no surprise to you how intense everything felt with her.
"Please," You pant, tangling your hands in her hair, Julien finally decides to stop torturing you and spreads your drenched folds with one of her calloused hands. She lets her tongue rub back and forth along your seam, drinking in your wetness and moaning at the taste. You gasp at the vibrations her moans are causing before she roughly sucks your clit into her mouth, pushing a finger into you at the same time.
"Julien!" You call out, eyes rolling back into your head, you tug on her hair causing her to moan louder into your folds.
Julien thrusts her fingers in and out of you at such a deliciously fast rythme, keeping pace with her sucking on your clit your convinced you've died and gone to heaven. You feel the knots in your stomach start to tighten, getting impossibly tighter when Julien moves one hand you to pinch your nipples. You back arches off the bed involuntarily, causing Julien to force you back onto the bed with her mouth, the added pressure sending you hurtling over the edge. Your vision goes completely white for all of 10 seconds before you start to make out shapes and eventually Julien herself. She's looking up at you as she licks up your cum, the sight sending you over the edge yet again.
Julien takes her time cleaning you up, before she crawls up to your sprawled out frame. Kissing your body along the way, she smiles down at you.
"Jay, I don't even know how to describe how good that was l," You start but she cuts you off with a sweet kiss before pulling you into her arms. Just as the two of you drift off into peaceful slumber, tangled naked in her bedsheets you hear Julien whisper "Baby if you only knew," Before your sound asleep.
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gingerjolover · 9 months
Unspoken - Lucy Dacus x fem!reader
Synopsis: Lucy and Crew!Reader don't have to say it but they're in looooove
G's notes: Thank you guys for all the support :') I have had the shittiest month and feel so grateful for all the sweet messages and encouragement I've received. Things are finally returning to normal, so this is literally like 1/5 stories I have to post! (lmfao)
Julien fic is up next!!!
WC: somewhere around 1.2k...again
Warnings: RPF, smoking ciggies, kissing, julien calling you punk, swearing ig
feedback is appreciated and welcomed but pls be kind!
boygenius, “the tour,” 25 shows come and gone. It’s dark outside, the Red Rocks amphitheater slowly emptying, fans and crew alike buzzing from a fantastic performance to end the US leg of the tour. It's hard to tell if the elevation in Colorado is dizzying or if the post-show high is slowly infiltrating the band. 
You and Julien are sitting backstage, hoodie-clad and shivering but still leaning against the back of a truck, smoking cigarettes out of sight from the exiting crowd. “You sure you don't wanna help them?” you ask Julien teasingly, pointing to the crew loading equipment into the vans. “Oh fuck off!” Julien laughs; it's obvious she’s staying as far away as clean up as possible, her willingness to help often making it harder for the crew.
Lucy approaches the two of you, changing out of her stage uniform into a pair of flowy pants and a hoodie. Her eyes glimmer, her cheeks flushed, and her hair slightly messed up from pulling her hoodie over her head. She smirks as she walks closer to you, the tension rising as you stare at each other, smiling.  
There’s something unspoken, not quite a relationship but more than a friendship, bubbling beneath the surface. Julien smirks, noticing the tension, coughing softly before taking another drag herself. 
Lucy leans beside you and takes your cigarette, taking a long drag and exhaling a puff of smoke,
"How about that show?" Lucy says. "It felt like it went by in a blink."
You can’t help but let out a contented sigh, nodding in agreement. Having spent hours on the road with the band, working and chatting, it's impressive how fast shows fly by. 
“You did great, Luce, like always,” you smile, eyes twinkling, tucking some of Lucy’s hair behind her ear. 
Lucy smiles back at you brightly, her lipstick slightly messed up from kissing Phoebe and Julien on stage. She leans her head against your shoulder, enjoying the closeness. There's something so familiar and comforting about you; Lucy knows she can trust you with anything, and the natural connection that seems beyond words is evident to everyone around them.
You nonchalantly kiss Lucy’s forehead, avoiding Julien’s teasing eyes and wide smirk. Glaring at Julien, you turn your head away to take a drag from the cigarette.
Lucy's face flushes at the touch of your lips. What’s seemingly a quick, innocent kiss on the forehead makes her heart race.
“Jules… you want the rest of this?” you ask, holding up your cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the side of your mouth, away from Lucy.
"Nah, I'm good," Julien responds, smirking. She looks between you and Lucy, giving Lucy a subtle, knowing smile.
You hold out the cig for Lucy, waiting for her to take it between her lips.
She gently takes it, nodding playfully in thanks. She inhales and lets out a slow stream of smoke. Without thinking, her gaze drifts downwards, staring at your lips.
“Pretty,” you mumble softly, pulling the cigarette from her mouth. 
Lucy blinks and looks back up at you, blushing and embarrassed at having been caught staring at your lips. She keeps a minor distance between you both, leaning against the truck. You take another drag on the cigarette and smile, maintaining eye contact with Lucy.
"You look pretty good yourself," Lucy quips playfully, surprising the both of you.
“You feel okay? Still flushed from the show?” you ask, noticing Lucy’s pink cheeks, thumbing the meat of Lucy’s warm cheek. 
Lucy flushes even more, trying to stay composed and ignore her growing attraction, but her feelings are becoming more apparent.
"Yeah," she replies, attempting to act nonchalant. "Just...still processing everything, I guess." Lucy takes another drag on the cigarette and watches as the smoke evaporates in the cold night air.
“I’m gonna go grab Pheebs,” Julien says, awkwardly exiting. She’s a few yards away when she turns around, wiggling her eyebrows and winking at you. 
Widening your eyes at Julien, you turn back to Lucy, smiling at her softly. “So, you ready for Europe?” you tease Lucy, staring at her eyes and lips. 
Lucy nods and huffs out a breath, slightly taken aback by your teasing expression. She doesn't know how to respond, not often getting stuck like this; her eyes are drawn to your lips again.
"For sure," Lucy replies with a forceful laugh, attempting to sound chill.
"I've heard that European crowds are even more enthusiastic than back home, so hopefully, you’re prepared,” you tease in a sing-song voice, leaning closer. 
Lucy crushes the cigarette on the ground with a slight grin. "So... what about you? Are you ready for the next leg of the tour?" she asks, biting her bottom lip.
“I’ll only be seeing y’all in a few cities, unfortunately,” you pout, “but I’ll be back on the fall leg,” you reassure, stepping closer again.  
Lucy's cheeks flush ever so slightly at your remark, her smile dipping momentarily when she realizes there will be some separation soon, having gotten used to your presence working on the tour.
"Well, I’ll miss you while you're away," Lucy says softly. “I… I mean, we all will, you know, because you are such a big part of the crew…” Lucy trails off, swallowing the lump in her throat as she stares into your eyes. You grab her hand, rubbing it with your thumb. 
A brief silence passes, and Lucy breaks it again, her voice softer.
"I..." she stops, finding it difficult to say what she wants.
“You don’t have to say anything Luce,” you murmur, interlocking your fingers, eyes staring into Lucy’s, dropping to her lips. “I feel it too,” you say softly, smiling widely. 
Lucy's eyes go wide. She hadn't anticipated that response and hesitated momentarily before leaning closer toward you. She brushes her lips gently against yours, a moment of pure intimacy. Holding the kiss for a few moments as if time had stopped moving.
Lucy slowly pulls away and looks at you, her heart racing. She can feel the heat from the kiss on her lips, and her entire body is awash with emotion. She looks back into your deep eyes and tries to control herself.
Your smile widens, leaning back into Lucy, connecting your lips again. Your hand cradles her jaw, tongue softly sliding against Lucy’s. 
Lucy's hand moves up to your waist, pulling you closer.  You share a passionate kiss, mouths pressed together with a growing intensity. Lucy's body trembles, and her heart pounds rapidly in her chest. She can feel your shaky breaths between kisses, and the sound of her pulsing heart fills her ears.
You kiss for several more seconds before finally pulling apart. A deep silence hangs in the air before you lean forward again to brush your lips against Lucy's cheek.
“Hey punk, you got a light?” Julien calls to you somewhere hidden backstage, likely standing with other crew members. 
Leaning back to not yell in Lucy’s ear, “Coming,” you shout, rolling your eyes and making Lucy giggle. 
Some of the band is approaching Lucy, so you turn to her gently. “I’ll be back, yeah?” before leaning to kiss the corner of her mouth. 
Lucy watches you walk away, her eyes trailing down your body. She’s distracted as she greets the band, leaning up against the truck with her, with a small smile despite so much left unspoken.
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hiii can u write julien x reader where julien has a crush on reader? like maybe reader is maybe a singer at the grammys and catches juliens eye
pls pls and thank u
jj chats: hiii!! i love this idea so so much and i am so happy i got to write it!!! i decided to do some headcannons and a bit of a blurb! but its mostly tailored to this specific scenario so if anyone wants a more general julien with a crush headcannons i can totally write that! just lmk!! also tysm for the request dear ilysm <333
warnings: RPF, no use of y/n, julien is very awkward!!!
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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So lets say that Julien is aware of who you are, she knows your music, but never knew your face. She was crazy excited about you performing at the grammys.
She’s at the table when your name gets announced along with the 2 tracks you are playing and she immediately recognizes them.
She gets all giddy because she’s never seen you before and is excited for your set.
You play a mash up of two ballads where your vocals are incredible, your standing center stage. (I’m kind of picturing it to look like Olivia Rodgrigo’s set at the grammys)
Whatever outfit you’re wearing is a beautiful mix of emerald green and gold. Your dress/suit/whatever you are wearing has a very flowy vibe to it.
Anyway Julien sees you as the spotlight shines on you and her heart stops. You were more beautiful than she had ever thought. 
Then you open your mouth to sing and it's like a kaleidoscope of butterflies was released in her stomach.
Phoebe notices her awestruck state and whispers to Lucy.
Yk they made a plan to make sure you met that night.
When your performance ends you smile towards the crowd of brilliant musicians, lyricists and producers. The room erupts in cheers and applause, your head gets a little light as you take everything in. Everything that you’ve worked for has come to this, and you’ve finally made it, singing in a room full of all your biggest idols.
When the stage darkens, a crew member meets you and takes you back to a dressing room, helping you get back into your original grammy outfit. As you walk back to your seat you spot a woman with platinum blond hair in a white suit standing near your table, seemingly waiting for someone.
As you approach her you get a better look at who she was. Exclaiming “Phoebe!! I’m so glad to see you!” You pull her into a hug.
Pulling away, Phoebe replies “Hey dude! It’s been so long!”
“Way too long! Oh congrats on you and the boys wins tonight! I’m so happy for y’all!” You smile, then noticing the other two that make up Boygenius approach, Lucy Dacus and Julien Baker. Lucy introduces herself and Julien, Julien stands squashed between Lucy and Phoebe. She smiles at you shyly, a light pink flushes her face. 
“Your performance was out of this world, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sing like that! Isn’t that right Julien?” Phoebe asks, nudging her bandmate with her elbow.
Julien sputters a little bit before replying “Your voice is so pretty.” Once the words leave her mouth her eyes widen a bit, as if she can’t believe she just said that. Phoebe and Lucy share a look before Phoebe moves to squeeze your upper arm.
“Me and Luce are gonna go mingle, have fun kids,” She turns away from you but you can almost swear you saw her wink at Julien before walking away. 
“I don’t think I’ve never formally introduced myself, I’m-”
“I know you,” Julien cuts you off, horror fills her face at her ill choice of words, “I mean I don’t know-know you, but I know of you! I like you! Fuck I mean I like your music, its really good! And your voice is amazing. It's so pretty! I’m rambling aren’t I?” The tattooed woman sighs, her face flushing again, this time a much brighter red.
“Yes, yes you are. But it's okay Julien, it's cute.” You giggle, reaching towards your purse to pull out your phone, pulling up messages. “Can I have your number, I’d love to talk to you longer but I gotta go visit someone before we have to be back in out seats. Maybe we could get coffee sometime and talk?” You hand the phone to Julien, gently placing it in her open palms.
“Really?” she waits for you to nod before putting her number in, hands shaking as she types.  “Thank you! And best of luck to you tonight! Hopefully I’ll see you around.” Julien says. You smile and grab Julien’s hand, squeezing it lightly. Once you let go she's off towards her table again. 
I could totally see Julien being so nervous around you that she types in her number wrong. So wehn you get home and call her and some random 39 year old guy from Alabama replies you are taken a little off guard.
But it's all fixed when you text Phoebe explaining the situation. 
Phoebe def made fun of Julien for that all the time now.
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julien baker x oblivious!reader headcannons
this is inspired by @anuclearreactor!!! check their phoebe bridger x oblivious!reader out!!!
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For context, this is during the tour and you’re either like the crew or one of their openers.
So Julien has definitely been like lowkey in love with you for a few months.
And you’ve been too, but in your mind, you’re like “no way she would ever like me back”.
Julien can be pretty shy sometimes and sometimes it's hard to read her.
But Lucy and Phoebe definitely know Julien likes you.
And you like offhandedly mentioned it once and then got really embarrassed and begged them not to tell her.
But since they know you both like each other they’ve tried dropping hints to you.
Phoebes like “Heyyy, there's this festival happening in Boston this weekend, maybe you and Julien should go, nice bonding time..”
Like smirking the whole time. You’re like “omg that sounds so fun! I'll text her!” after you finish texting her you turn to Phoebe and say “you and Lucy should come too!!”
Phoebe is like face-planting herself.
Julien has tried to make subtle moves too.
Like she holds your hand, stares into your eyes, tries to ask you on dates (to which you happily agree and then bring another person with you, like Lucy or Phoebe).
One time she made you a charm bracelet with all your favorite colors and charms that are very detailed and you still didn’t pick up on it…
She remembers everything you tell her about yourself. Oh, you dressed up as Cinderella for Halloween when you were six? She knows.
She remembers things you don’t even say out loud, like it takes you 15 minutes to do your makeup and you hate pineapple with a burning passion.
She’s gotten so desperate for you to pick up on her hints that she starts blatantly flirting with you in front of everyone. You still don’t pick up on it…
Lucy and Phoebe are starting to get sick of hearing Julien's corny pick up lines so one day they shove you both into a dressing room at one of the venues before a show.
It’s a couple of minutes of normal talk before Julien finally sits you down and tells you. “I like you.”
“Aww! I like you too Julien! You're my best friend!”
Julien runs her hand through her hair trying “No.. I like like you, like romantically.”
“Ohhh!” You say, eyes wide as saucers. “Wait, were you asking me out on dates before?”
She nods.
“Oh! Omg and I invited Lucy and Phoebe to join us! Oh God! I’m so sorry!” You both start giggling.
Lucy and Phoebe come rushing into the room with shit-eating grins on their faces, both shouting “FINALLY!”
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