#julietta madrigal x reader
Time to Rest
Madrigal!reader x Luisa and Julietta (Platonic!)
This is my first time writing any reader insert, or indeed any fanfiction ever! I hope I’ve not done too terrible a job, haha :D
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It was early in the morning, the sun not yet making an appearance in the sky... and already you wanted the day to be over. An intense feeling of dread swirled in your stomach as you threw the covers off of you. You ran your hands across your face as you thought about all the chores you had to do today. Abuela expected so much of you... everyone did.
Quickly you slipped on your favourite outfit, trying hard not to think about how awful you’d feel by the end of the day, before forcing a bright smile on your face as you opened your door. “Good morning, Casita!” You greeted your home the same as always, and Casita replied with the wave of their tiles as usual.
Heading down into the village to get a head start on your chores before the family gathered for breakfast, you headed for a small house on the corner. Dolores had told you at dinner yesterday that she heard the family’s two babies had kept their mother awake all night for the past two nights. Abuela (of course) heard this too, and had already promised your help to her.
You knocked gently on the door, wringing your hands in your clothes and taking a shaky breath in and out as you waited for it to open. As it opened, you were greeted by a miserable woman with heavy, dark eye bags. She lead you in slowly, but it was you who guided her to the sofa.
Sitting down beside her, you took a deep breath and carefully held onto her wrists, letting your eyes shut as you felt the chill inside you growing, as you transferred your energy over to the tired mother, sucking in her own exhaustion. The mother made an surprised cry, and you opened your eyes to find her beaming at you. As the room swayed with you, you let go of her arms, trying to smile in return.
This was the problem with your gift that no one else seemed to realise. Your source of energy was finite, like everyone else, and taking everyone’s fatigue into you was too much sometimes. You often sneaked an arepa from your Mamá’s tray, though you knew they couldn’t fix your exhaustion. They provided a temporary boost, but sometimes that was enough for you to make it to the end of the day.
A voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you quickly shook your head slightly, fixing a smile on your face. You couldn’t show how you really felt for a single second. You were fine. You were totally fine. The mother thanked you profusely again, and you headed back to Casita for breakfast.
Much of the day continued in the same way, being in the village with a queue of people waiting to have their tiredness taken away by you. Bitterly, you wondered how on Earth they could be tired when they had your family to do everything for them. You glanced over at Isabela creating her beautiful flowers, your younger sister Mirabel with the village children, your mother healing the village folk, and finally your gaze landed on Luisa. She was carrying a huge pile of bricks, to be used for rebuilding something, and your eyes narrowed as you noticed her frown. It was there for a split second, but it was definitely there.
Despite your own fatigue steadily growing, you’d take on the burden of 1000 people if it would help your sisters. “Excuse me for a second.” You said to the vicar who was next in line, before moving off towards Luisa’s direction.
Before you could reach her though, Camilo jumped out in front of you, making you squeak in shock. “Hey… my favourite primo/a!” His voice was exaggerated, and you raised an eyebrow at him, suspecting he wanted something from you. “What? You are! Can’t I say you’re my fave?” You pursed your lips, and hummed, still not buying it, too tired to banter with him. “Okay, fine, I need your help.” And… there it was. “How?” “I was babysitting again and I’m so tired…” He trailed off, clearly expecting you to take the hint. You sighed, wondering if you’d have any energy left to help your older sister Luisa before you had to hide in your room and try to nap to regain some energy before Abuela found out. “Alright… Give me your arms.”
He held out his hands towards you and you gently wrapped your own around his wrists. You found it was best to use a pulse point when using your gift. You closed your eyes and concentrated, grimacing as you felt the familiar chill. “Hey, thanks Y/N!” You struggled to open your eyes as Camilo’s cheerful chirp pulled you back to reality. “No worries…” You mumbled, letting go of his arms and wrapping yourself in a self-hug.
“You okay?” A soft touch on your shoulder made you flinch away. “Yeah... sorry.” You muttered, ashamed of your reaction. Since your gift was controlled by touch, physical contact freaked you out when you weren’t the one initiating it. Your gaze flicked over to where Luisa had been, and you frowned when you saw her rapidly moving away from you. “Sorry Camilo, got to go. See you later.”
Jogging towards your sister, you put your hands on your chest as you found yourself unusually out of breath, calling out “Hey, hermana! Wait up!” Luisa just barely slowed her pace, and you could hear your gasping by the time you caught up with her. “What is it, Y/N? I’m really busy with these bricks, and I have loads to-” “I can help.” You cut her off, throwing your hand out towards her to hint at what you wanted to do for her. “But, don’t you-” “Please, let me help you.” You pleaded, giving your sister puppy dog eyes. “Maybe I... Alright.” A ghost of a smile appeared on your face, as you walked with your sister until she was ready to put the bricks down in the right place.
You held her hands, lightly squeezing them in a show of support, before shifting your hands higher up to her wrists, screwing your eyes tightly shut as you concentrated doubly hard to do a good job for your sister. “Thank you, Y/N”, you smiled, just as Luisa was called away and off she bounded. You were glad of it as the world tilted with you. You felt your vision greying, but though you were exhausted it was worth it to help your family. You headed back to Casita to lie down, forgetting about the queue of people waiting. The vicar called out to you, and ears began ringing as you tried to ignore the sound. He grabbed your wrist to get your attention but this was too much for you to handle. You swayed on your feet before everything faded to black, and you collapsed onto the ground.
Luckily, Luisa was still nearby and was alerted by the gasps of the villagers. “Y/N? Y/N!” Luisa called your name, worry etched into her forehead. Her job was to protect you, her younger sibling, and she had failed. “Can you give us some room?” She called out to the villagers who gathered to look at what was going on. She should never have accepted your help, she was the strong one, she should have been able to handle everything herself. “Y/N, can you hear me?” Luisa pulled you into her arms, picking up with ease, guiding your limp head into the safety of her chest. “Please be okay...” She murmured to you, as she stood up and rushed towards your home. Your Mama would be able to help, she was sure. “Dolores!” She called out to thin air, knowing your prima would hear it wherever she was. “Emergency! Get Mamá ready with her arepas, please!” Luisa hoped that Julietta would have a fresh batch ready by the time you both arrived at Casita.
Since you still hadn’t regained consciousness, Luisa picked up her pace, bounding up the hill to get you home safe and in bed. If she had her way, she wouldn’t let you move an inch for the rest of the week. She felt so guilty that she might have been the reason you were passed out.
Dolores had already heard your collapse, and had pieced together what had happened before Luisa said anything. Abuela was alerted to the situation as she walked passed the doors and saw the glow from your own flickering, just for a moment, frowning as Dolores ran past her to tell Julietta.
“Mi bebé?” The colour drained from your mother’s cheeks, as she rushed to finish her batch of arepas in the kitchen for you. Her oven gloves were still on as Julietta came rushing down to meet Luisa at the door, Casita opening it for the incoming Madrigal siblings.
“Dios mío!” Your mother rushed forward, removing one of the gloves, to reach up and feel your forehead as Luisa adjusted her grip on you. She flinched as it felt scalding hot to her, and her brows furrowed. “Let’s get Y/N upstairs, quickly.” Casita gave your family a little boost up the stairs and opened your flickering door, where Abuela was hovering. Julietta ignored her, her only concern right now was you. Luisa gently set you down on your bed, pulling the covers over you before kneeling down beside you, worried eyes flitting between you and your mother.
“Casita, I need a-“ A wet flannel was thrust into Julietta’s vision, she grabbed it quickly and softly patted your face with it, before laying it across your forehead. Finally, she looked up to see her own mother who was looking concernedly at your door. “Thank you, Mamá.” Abuela opened her mouth to speak when you gently moaned and shifted in the bed, gathering everyone���s attention. “Mi corazón?” Julietta sat down on the edge of your bed, soothingly rubbing circles on the back of your hand.
You could hear voices, but you couldn’t tell where they were coming from. You wanted to open your eyes to see who it was, but you were finding it so hard to open them, as you managed a mere flutter before they closed again. “Uh… Mama?” Luisa turned to Julietta, with wide and searching eyes. “It’s alright, Luisa. Just give Y/N some time.”
You didn’t know how long you stayed like this, but eventually you managed to force your eyes open, wincing at the bright light. “Hey, hey Y/N, shhhhh…” Your mother soothed you, “There we go, it’s alright mi vida, it’s alright.” Softly, she caressed your cheek.
Luisa gently grabbed under your arms, trying to be as gentle as possible as she shifted you up, the bed dipping as she sat down on it, allowing you to use her as a headboard and support. Her arms wrapped around to support you, as your head rested on her shoulder. “Here, mi vida, eat this.” With bleary eyes, you see an arepa being offered to you, and you open your mouth to receive it.
The warm nostalgic flavour seemed to spread across your entire body, instantly comforting you. The fever had gone at least, and your mother’s arepa managed to provide you a little energy boost, but not enough. You watched the concerned faces of your family, and though you tried to smile and pretend you are okay, you were still too tired to hide how who felt. The tears started rolling down your face before you could stop them.
“I’m sorry,” you cried, flinching away from your mother’s hand as she reached out to wipe the tears away. “I’m sorry I'm not strong enough for Encanto.” Julietta and Luisa shared a look, as if both their hearts were equally breaking at hearing you apologise. “No, it’s okay. You’ve done more than enough for us.” Luisa murmured softly, and you calmed down a little as the vibrations of her voice reverberated through her chest and tingled in your back as you leant against her. “Just rest now, mi vida. I’m going to go get you some tea. Stay there.” Your mother said, as she stood up from your bedside, smoothing down your blanket before leaving towards the kitchen.
“Luisa?” You muttered under your breath, turning your head to look up at her. “Yes?” “Can I… Can I hug you?” You asked, watching her expression intently. Luisa’s mouth fell open in shock, you had never wanted to hug her… not since your gift ceremony. She wrapped her arms tightly around you in reply, and you smiled at her before allowing one arm to snake up to rest on her shoulder as you let your head nestle into the crook of her neck. “Thank you.” You whispered, this time staying perfectly still as your sister wiped your tears away.
You felt safe and protected by Luisa’s strong arms around you, and knowing that, you allowed the exhaustion of your gift to take over. You let your eyes close, and allow yourself to just breathe.
Julietta returned soon with a tray of tea, and smiled at the sight she saw. “Mama...” Luisa whispered, eyes wide as she found herself trapped under you, now asleep and finally resting. “Mama... I don’t want to move and wake Y/N, but...” Julietta’s smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she set the tea down by the bedside. “Then don’t move at all, mi vida.” She quietly laughed, as she sat down on the other side of your bed, coming to join the hug and the quiet, precious moment. Gently, she stroked both your own and Luisa’s cheek, and with a tender smile, she whispered. “I am so proud of you both.”
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multifandomxreader · 2 years
I heard you were looking for Bruno x male reader ideas 🤤
Ooo what about a Bruno x male reader where the reader is like a vagabond that comes to Encanto every year to hang out with the Madrigals? Kind of like a Snufkin and Moomin thing. Like they're kind of together/pining for each other?
One year that M!Reader returns he finds that Bruno isn't waiting for him because he's 'disappeared' so he travels even further in order to look for him, he still comes back every year to see if he's returned. After the events of the movie reader is reunited with Bruno and obviously he's super pissed but he's also so relieved that his favourite boy is back and alive.
Mayyybeeee they get married? uwu'
sorry you had to wait so long for this, hope you like it!
Bruno Madrigal x Male reader
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With your backpack heavy on your shoulders, you finally arrived yet again at la casa Madrigal. All year you would travel, you slept in a tent, and made your money by playing the guitar. You made great friends along the way and got to tell all your amazing stories to anyone who would listen. Every year you hung out with the family for a few days sometimes even weeks. You had never been one to settle down but with the family Madrigal, you wouldn't mind staying in the same place forever. When you sprained an ankle or had back pain Jullietta patched you right up with her cooking. Delores would keep everyone updated on your whereabouts and well-being and when you were close to the village Luisa would meet you halfway to help carry your baggage and gifts with pleasure. The Madrigals were basically your family.
They loved to listen to your tales, especially Bruno who hung at your lips every time you spoke. Even when most people wouldn't really talk to Bruno you saw him as the highlight of your visit. After years of your annual visits to the Madrigals you realized your feelings for the dark haired man. You had a while to think about them on your travels. You were certain he would be the one to make you stay and settle down.
You arrived with Luisa at casita, Camillo and Mirabel ran in your arms. You entered casita with the little girl on your back and a copy of yourself. The other family members came to greet you one by one. Julietta welcomed you with a plate of arepas and Isabella gave you a beautiful flower crown as a welcoming gift. Felix welcomed you with open arms "Here comes my favorite visitante!" The weather was perfect and a big smile was plastered on your face as you chatted with Felix and Agustin.
You tried to keep calm but your eyes couldn't stop wandering over to the door of Bruno's room. Agustin noticed the way you looked around, waiting for that one special person. You turned back to him "Where's Bruno?" Suddenly the room went quiet and the faces around you grimaced. Abuela straightened her back and spoke "We don't talk about Bruno" you were so confused and everything felt wrong. Julietta's hand landed on your shoulder and lead you to the kitchen where she let you sit at the table. While making you a drink she told you how Bruno had disappeared without a note.
The following days felt wrong without his presence, you tried to find him but when you realized he really was gone you stayed alone in his room. Your heart ached as you thought about the last time you had seen him.
The dark eyes look at you with admiration as you sing about the things you had seen on your travels and then a goodbye song. Your song ends and you smile at Bruno "Will you write a song about me by the time you return?"  he asks. "Look in the future and find out." You wink. Bruno opens his mouth"I don't want to" You give him a confused look. He takes your hands in his "I don't want to ruin our future with a stupid prophecy." You give him an understanding look and hold his hands tighter. "I'll be back."
Years passed as you looked for Bruno, asking every person you meet if they had seen the small dark-haired Madrigal.
You didn't find him.
Still, you returned to the Madrigals every single year. The smaller Madrigals had now grown into teenagers and the town had been growing too. Even though it was a delight seeing the colorful family your mind kept turning back to Bruno.
It was your annual visit and you arrived at the spot where Luisa would usually wait. Instead, you were met with Bruno. Your Bruno. Maybe a bit older and with more grey strands of hair. But still yours.
You dropped all your stuff and ran over to him. Grabbing his shoulders to make sure he was real. "How the fuck could you do this to me? I was so worried! I- I didn't know what had happened to you..." Bruno kept apologizing while you teared up. You threw yourself into his arms and you hit the ground together. You hugged the air out of his lungs. "I'm just happy you're back" you told him. His hands cradled your face and wiped your tears. "Te amo" he whispered before passionately kissing you, this time it was him making you breathless. You melted into the kiss. "I still want to hear that song"
A few months later you held the most beautiful wedding the town had ever seen, Pepa didn't ruin it (only because Bruno was marrying you). The whole family worked together to make sure you had the best day. Isabella took care of the flowers, and Julietta cooked a heavenly buffet with delicious desserts... You couldn't stop smiling and every time you met his eyes your heart could beat out of your chest. You finally found your reason to stay.
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Félix Madrigal is 1000000000% the type of dad who would wear matching earmuffs with Dolores when she has to wear them for sound deprivation so she doesn't feel uncomfortable dont @ me.
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just-my-fandom · 2 years
Crash and Burn (Camilo Madrigal x Teenager! Reader)
Summary; Reader gets caught in the Casita crumbling and Camilo worries for her safety, putting himself at risk.
Warnings; Emotional Pepa, minor fighting, injuries.
Tagged: @afluffyboi @bandshirts-andbooks @cloudysskies @erinisrighthere @alexloveskili
A/N: This is just a small snippet to get the hang of writing for Encanto, but please please PLEASE send requests for any of the characters! I’m loving this!
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“The miracle is dying because of you!”
A rough rumble leads your eyes to look up at the Casita in alarm. The cracks in the walls were worse. The tiles crumbled to the floor around you.
“No no- It’s falling-!” Pepas voice yelled out, alerted. Then, the house began to tumble. From your spot opposite of the once arguing family, you watch as Camilo immediately began to move towards you.
Unlike his family, you had no powers to protect yourself. It seemed the house had other plans, because as soon as Camilo stepped forward, the tiles underneath his feet lift, rolling him back and nearly into a wall,
“Everyone get out!! Now!” Felixs shout startles you to finally move your legs, gasping as you foot catches on a moving tile, dropping to your hands and knees with a hiss of pain.
“Y/N!” You hear Pepas shriek for you, looking up in time for Camilo to shove off the wall, Felix and Pepa both beginning to shout for their son,
“Camilo!” Pepa calls, desperately, Camilo exhaling breathlessly as he slides across a knocked over table, “Camilo stop!! Be careful!”
The boy slides to his knees in front of you, hands grasping your arms to tug you- hard- against his front, your arms wrapping around him to duck into his chest, feeling debris begin to rain above you as the house gave out.
You hear scraping as Pepa continued to scream, eyes barely opening to see that Casita had shielded you and Camilo with pieces of wood, your gasp sharp as the house finally collapsed, Camilos arms tightening around you in alarm.
Silence, and you slowly lift your head to flinch as the wood dropped onto the ashed floor, dust covering you as you glance up at Camilo, who worriedly raised his hands to your face to wipe said dust from your cheeks,
“Mijo!” Pepas call alerts you both to look over, the woman skidding in front of your knelt figures to raise a hand each to yours and Camilos faces, her hand overtop of Camilos, “Are either of you hurt?”
“No,” You murmur, shifting to stand when feeling a tug at your ankle, looking back to see a large piece of debris had landed on your left leg, your brows pinching at the sudden pain that shot through,
“Dios mio- Felix!” Pepa shouts over her shoulder, both her husband and brother in law, Agustin, running up to see your position. Both men lift at the debris, your hand immediately grasping your ankle that began to throb
“Julieta,” Pepa raises her head in search for her sister as Camilo slipped a hand to your back, holding you upwards, “Julieta!”
“Easy, mi vida,” Camilos hand slides to your arm, the oldest sister of the two moving in front of you, hands faltering when realizing- none of them had their powers now that Casita was gone- she wouldn’t be able to heal you.
“Let me wrap this,” Julieta murmurs, propping your foot at her knee as she easily pulls a wrap of bandages from her dress, your wince visible to the mother as she tightly out the wrap at the bruised skin.
“Camilo, what were you thinking?” Camilo looks up at Pepas sudden scold, his brows pinched,
“She was in danger,” He exhales, “She could’ve been hurt, she was hurt!”
“Casita was protecting her,” Pepa rushes, watching as Camilo then stood, taking your hands to raise you to your feet, his hand then shifting to your hip as you lifted your injured foot.
“Mama, I can’t argue about this,” Camilo barely glances at his mother, before his hand raises to your face, tucking hair from your forehead before smearing more dust from under your eye,
His whisper is soft as he shifts an arm to your back, the other reaching behind your legs to lift you up, your arms wrapping at his shoulders as Agustin lead him to sit you towards Abuela at what used to be the front of the house.
By the next day, La Casa de Madrigal had been rebuilt and the family had regained their powers. Abuela and Mirabel had made up, both needing a sit down with one another. Bruno had came back home, everything seemed to be coming back to normal.
You lift your foot to rub the swollen spot from your spot on the kitchen counter, Julieta moving towards you and Camilo with an arepa in her hand, smiling as she held it out for you to take.
“Gracias, Julieta,” You smile back, taking a bite out of the healing food before lifting your foot out, wiggling your shoe so Camilo got the hint to unwrap the bandage, the healing shown to work as your foot was no longer red or bruised.
Julieta hums in satisfaction, twisting to face her daughter as Isabella asks for help, Camilo setting the bandage to the side to step between your legs, his hands at your hips,
“Why’d you do that?” Your question causes his brows to furrow, curls shifting as his head tilts. Your hands raise to his shoulders, sliding to knot your fingers in said curls, “You risked yourself for me. Pepa was right, Casita was protecting me,”
“But what if Casita hadn’t?” Camilo shoots back, your eyes casting downwards so his thumb lifted to your chin, tilting you to gaze at him, “I have my gift for a reason. It’s not necessarily good in some parts, but I’ll always try to protect you, mi amor,”
You smile, sliding your hands to the front of his face, bringing him closer to you so your lips touched, his hand falling back down to your thigh with a giddy smile,
“I love you,”
“I love you, more,”
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magicalencanto · 2 years
⊹₊ ⋆ ❝ Madrigal family with sibling! reader who can control water ❞
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✎ ⁞ Madrigal family x sibling! Reader who can control water! (Platonic, duh!)
✎ ⁞ requested by @kanattac
✎ ⁞ date: 28.12.2021
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Let's say, you're Pepa's child, because her gift is connected to the nature. You're younger than Dolores but older than Camilo.
You're gift is something to admire, because water is everywhere. In the air, in our bodies, under the ground and so on. Water is everywhere and a force to be reckoned with.
And that means you can use your gift everywhere and however you want it.
That's why you were put in the same spot of a perfect child like Isabela. Both you and her gift were truly beautiful, and together, you could created a true piece of art. Imagine beautiful flowers moving around with a little water droples floating around it, reflecting like a little diamonds.
But water has a lot of shapes and sizes, and you love to experience with it in your room. So far, you turned water into an: ice, snow, steam. Then, you turned them back into a fluid, and once again changed their state. You discovered that it was connected to your emotions. When you were sad, the water froze, when you were angry it started to boil, when you were happy it becomes pleasantly warm.
In Encanto, you help people by watering plants, finding the sources of water and helping to clear the water, to make it drinkable. People truly appreciated your help.
Your room is like sea side, with a small, wooden fisher hut and a endless sea before you. Depending on your emotions, the water can be either still a peaceful or there could be a full blown storm.
Your room is consider a safe heaven in Casita. Whenever someone is having hard time or wants to have some peace and quiet, then they go to your room, just to sit on a sand and listen to the sea waves crashing. It was so relaxing...
Dolores especially liked to spend time in your room, because she liked the sounds of waves and sand. It was soothing for her sensitive ears.
You also often lead your mother there, to breath and relax. You knew she needed it. And she was thankful for that, because something in the sea was so calming to her, when being near it, she felt her negative emotions stabling.
Other than that, you can breath under water! You could swim in the sea for hours and discover all the wonders of your room.
Antonio like to hang out in your room, because he gets a chance to meet new animal friends that lives in the sea. He's so happy about it!
Overall, you're the calming force, who brings peace to your family members.
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✎ ⁞ taglist: @10n31y-100n3y-10s3r, @justbookworm, @beamingbeaming, @vampireviel, @dreashappyworld, @wtfwithmylife, @realgaytrash, @pls-love-me-camilo, @chamomiledelight, @nightmare-chaser1, @mythicalbinicorn, @islandoffllowers, @kaz3yo, @sleemao, @i-yam-awesome, @camileon, @ermespop, @kanattac , @spilltheyeasis, @fangirl-2610, @mnomno,
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madrigaldoor · 2 years
Hot take:
Even though “All of You” is a banger and brings tears to my eyes every time it didn’t fix everything
(We need a sequel or a series)
The movie only really solved Luisa, Isabella, and Maribel’s problems. And that’s only if Luisa can actually take a break every once in a while and if Isabella can go through intense soul searching. Bruno is back and forgiven but he definitely has a long way to go healing from his trauma, rebuilding relationships, and gaining everyone’s trust again.
Other than that the movie barely touches on the other characters and I think they deserve a big therapeutic songs and love too.
Julietta’s gift is healing through cooking and that’s very beautiful and important. But imagine how much time she spends in the kitchen with no help in order to make three meals (for 12+ people) everyday and then make food to heal a significant amount of people. She would totally relate to Luisa feeling like she’s “worthless if [she] can’t be of service” but the thing is that while Luisa can take a day off she Julietta can’t. Someone else can round up the donkeys and she can move the church later but Julietta can’t leave people hungry or in pain. She takes care of everyone and gets very little recognition. In the movie and in the fan world.
Obviously we know Pepa’s gift sucks. She walks on eggshells with her own emotions. Normal people can afford to break down everyone once in a while but if she does she could possible kill someone in a hurricane or a flood. Imagine thinking about that anytime you had a big emotion. You would feel like a monster. Pepa also deserve more than a single verse about her brother. She was mad about something that happened at least 22 years ago bc Delores is 22. Bruno left 10ish years before the song. She obviously wasn’t mad at him for 12 years. They had to have talked about it. There was more to the song. She probably had so many complex emotions that she deserves to explore. She was sad, she was hurt. She definitely didn’t know why. Maybe part of her thought it was her fault.
I think Camilo’s gift makes them really happy because it seems to suit him. But Camilo probably also feels like no one likes the real them And if I had that gift I would change everything I hated about myself and where would it end? Over time would I even be me? How could you tell the difference? Would Camilo recognize himself in the mirror? Would they avoid mirrors? They live their life in service to others similar to Julietta and Luisa except that Camilo’s physically changes to become other people. That must be so confusing. IF ANYONE DESERVES A SONG AND A HUG IT IS CAMILO.
I’ve seen a lot of people talk about Dolores and her feeling overwhelmed because of too much sound. But also the burden of everyone’s secrets. She knew Bruno was in the walls. What else does she know. She probably spends so much time worrying about other people. When she heard Mirabel’s secret it looks like it was killing her. She physically could not keep it in. She should have had a more important role than her thing with Mariano. She could’ve helped with Mirabels “quest”. There was so much potential. Also sorry if I sound like a broken record but…
She deserves a song. We deserve a song from her. She is such a cool character with a beautiful voice. I jus want to hear what she has to say.
I have no idea about Antonio. I think he will probably have it the best out of anyone because the family will grow emotionally as he gets older and he will probably be spared from emotional trauma.
I would also love to talk more about the dads because I love them immensely. Everything I learn about them I love more and more. BUT they’re more of supporting character and I think a sequel should give them a bigger role. I think Felix and Augustín are buddies. Camilo definitely looks up to both of them and I think that F and A take their sons/nephews on little bonding trips.
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
The type of hugs the Madrigal’s would give
Including all of the Madrigals!
Just to be safe, though; I’d like to point out that both Camilo and Mirabel are 15, and therefor underage. You can read it for all I care, but don’t make it creepy.
(Also yes, I did include Antonio but I don’t suspect I would actually need to educate you about how that is most definitely not okay)
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Pepá: 8/10. She might appear distant to those unfamiliar to her, but she is a very loving person. But she has a very specific hug; she likes to wrap her arms around the shoulders of the person she is hugging, and push them into her chest. It’s very soothing to her, because the touch just feels more personal and intimate to her. She started out doing this to Félix only, but it got carried along with the family and now she does it with everyone.
Félix: Solid 10/10 dad hugs. He might be the best hugger out of the entire family. He really, really enjoys hugs, whether he’s giving them or receiving them. And he tends to know people extremely well, even if he just met you, so he knows the exact right way to hug someone. Has never once overstepped a boundary. Most comforting hugs you could ever get.
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Antonio: 6/10. Yes, this is primarily because of his height. It is not an ideal hugging height. As he comes of age, his hugs would probably look a lot like Camilo’s, but for the movie canon age, he probably doesn’t give the best ones. But he means well! He’s really gentle, but the second he’s engaged in a hug, he will not let go until you will. It’s truly endearing.
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Camilo: 8/10. As we’ve seen in the movie, he tends to shapeshifter into everyone’s mirrors to offer them the perfect hug, but when it is truly him, he tends to get lost in how to hug, as he cannot base his embrace off of who he holds. He’ll run along with what the other person is doing, but if you insist on him initiating a hug, it is either going to be very enthusiastic or very awkward. But he’s great at copying movements, so once you’re hugging, it’s amazing.
Dolores: 7/10. Very gentle. Extremely gentle. As if you will collapse in her arms. At first, it’ll be as if she isn’t even holding you, but as she melts into the hug, her grip will become tighter. It just takes some time. Luisa’s hugs tend to crack people’s backs and the sound of it drives Dolores insane, hence why her hugs are so light. It isn’t that she doesn’t enjoy the embraces, it is purely because of the noises they often make.
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Julietta: 10/10. Healing mom hug. You think her food is magic? So are her hugs. They are so calming and so comfortable. When you’re having a tough day, all you really need is a Julietta hug. She gives these very relaxing side hugs, but is also really good in full embraces when you really need it. Plus, she always smells as freshly baked bread, which is a particularly nice, and recognizable scent.
Agustín: 7/10. Accident-prone doesn’t run away during hugs. He trips, rips seams off of his shirt (somehow), manages to get his hair stuck etc. etc. He means well; 1 out of 3 times the hug will be perfectly safe, which is a relative high number for him, but the rest will purely be struggles. He doesn’t let it stop his embrace though. Oh no. His nose could be bleeding for all he cares but he is getting that hug.
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Mirabel: 8/10. Loves hugs, but takes after her father. Primarily with the tripping. She gets really excited when you want a hug, so she’ll abandon all other thoughts she had swarming in her head. Bumps heads often or tends to kiss your face out of happiness. It’s really sweet and endearing, but she gets very enthusiastic.
Luisa: 7/10. As her younger sister, she gets excited. She forgets that she has her strength and cracks people’s backs when they’re in her embrace. You’d think that after all these years she’d realize it during hugs, but she doesn’t. Luckily, cracking your back doesn’t hurt that much, so that’s not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is escaping. Her arms are very warm and she’ll most likely bear-hug you off the ground, so you don’t want to escape and she doesn’t want to let go. It’s surprising how long these hugs last.
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Isabela: 6/10. As Dolores, her touch is very gentle. Once you know her, her hug rate will probably shift to 8/10, but when you aren’t that close with her, the hugs won’t be that great. They are very distant, though she tries to remain nice. When you do know her well, she gives Mirabel-ish hugs, just minus the whole tripping and bumping heads thing. She does shower your face with kisses. You can’t stop her from doing that. I’m sorry.
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Bruno: 7/10. Now, I know we headcanoned him as touch-starved, but he is not a baby. This man has been living in the Encanto for 40 years, before disappearing for ten. Sure, his hugs will be hesitating, but it isn’t foreign to him. He knows how to hug. Post-Encanto, he’d probably take a while to get accustomed to them, just patting backs left and right, but over time he grows into Julietta’s place, giving excellent 10/10 comforting hugs. He’d most likely go for the traditional, hands around shoulders hug instead of waist, because he tends to take to himself at times, but all you have to do is tell him it’s okay and he won’t hesitate again.
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Alma/Abuela: 7/10. Talking pre-Encanto, I’d give her a 4/10 as she distances herself from her family, but she grows back into the tradition of embracing those you love. In the hug she shared with Mirabel, you can truly see that Alma holds her close and relishes under the touch, so she’d give pretty decent hugs. They aren’t the best, but they are definitely enjoyable. She really tries.
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2 things I think happened BEFORE Encanto:
1. After Bruno made the comment to Pepa on her wedding day, because he ruined the perfect clear skies Abuela sent him away and didn’t let him watch his sisters wedding.
2. After Bruno decided to leave the family and chose to stay in the room adjacent to the kitchen, Casita opened up the crack in the family picture so he could watch and have meals with his family.
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bakulova · 2 years
That One Girl 2:
Pairing: Camilo Madrigal x Reader
Type: Fluff
NOT Proofread!
A/N: Back with part 2! I’m really happy that you guys liked the last one and I hope I make you excited with this one ENJOY! 
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- It’s been a couple of days since you ended things. It feels surreal. As if the light is simply not there anymore. Camilo continues to put smiles on others faces but the one smile he really wants avoids them as if he’s some disease. That hurts them so bad. All he wants is for you to be in their arms. To hold you and give you all the affection in the world. 
- When you run into each other, there’s definitely a split second of eye contact before you push past them. Lately there’s only have a sad/empty look on your face. I should preface that Camilo would totally run to you and try to talk to you if he wasn’t being push and pulled by everyone.  
- “Y/-...” He would whisper as he hold their hand out to your back as you walk the other way. He looks down at the ground before their name gets called by someone and of course duty calls and he puts on a fake smile. 
- As for Mira, her family was ecstatic at the news and immediately tried to push for a marriage again...At this point the Madrigal family is annoyed by them. They become disgusted with Mira and her family. It’s embarrassing how much they push and want to be associated with the Madrigals. 
- Y/n had been reading for a little while on a bench alone. That wasn’t until Mira showed up with some weird ring on her finger. She stuck it in your face.
- “see this? Yeah, Camilo gave it to me” She continues to boost about the fake ring. In the corner of your eye you see a familiar boy lurking. You both make eye contact, it was like the day you broke it off. The pain and love building up, festering, waiting to be let out.  You two must’ve been staring at each other for so long because at one point Camilo dropped a bucket of water which he forget that he was filling causing Mira to turn around and grin like a wolf as she skips towards them.
- “Camilo! I was just telling HER about our engagement!” He looks at Mira weirded out. “Please get away from me” she doesn’t falter and instead tries to hold their hand. Luckily he pulls away quick. He looks at you for help. You get up to go over but stutter questioning if you should that’s when you felt a gentle push on the back and you stumbling forward towards them. You grabbed Mira’s arm and drag her off to her house. Camilo looks at Isabela who had pushed you, 
- “What? You needed help and they need to stop being stubborn” She says exhausted of hearing Mira harass her primo. She misses seeing the two of you together and happy. The balance she saw between you two was amazing. Reminded her of her Tia Pepa and Tio Felix. 
- Back with you, you dragged Mira all the way back to her home. “Leave Camilo alone.” 
-Mira smirks “You can’t tell me to stay away from my fiance” You deadpan her “That ring was on some travelers table, don’t think you’re fooling anybody.” with that you left the girl. 
- Speaking of Pepa and Felix, they make sure to pay extra attention to their eldest son. Antonio hugs his brother and tells him that Y/n still loves them even if you keep running away. Then adds that he hears you talking about how you regret doing this. When Camilo hears that he feels hope for the both of you. It had been a few days since you had protected him and Camilo was gripping to any information about you. He missed you to much. He felt like he was getting physically ill. He felt that the world was against you two. 
- Abuela was trying her hardest to get Mira and her family away but they always had some excuse to show up at la casita’s front door. At this point La castia knew not to let them in. The house is tired of these people trudging in and spreading their lies and desperateness. Abuela comes up to you when she finds you alone. She talks to you about her and Abuelo all the time. Sometimes when make looks back at you, she finds you smiling down sadly. She knows why. She totally comes up with a plan on getting you two back together. She wants you both to be happy. She see’s you as her grandson’s one and only true love and she is very assured considering she see’s her and Pedro in you both. 
- Once the rest of the family hears of the plan except of course Camilo.  Any chores that were set for Camilo were erased and placed onto Dolores and any town person who bothered Camilo were immediately taken care of by Mirabel. After some point it finally got to people’s minds that ‘oh I see’ and poof no more distractions for the day. 
- You had been in you and Camilos hang out spot. Reminiscing on old times. You had been beating yourself up this entire time. Wishing you hadn’t done this. Wishing that things were normal again. You were so lonely with out Camilo. Little did you know Antonio had sent a little bird to keep watch over you and what you’re doing. The adorable wingman told his grandmother about where you were and she sent Camilo to go pick some fruit with a basket. He didn’t question his Abuela but did wonder why the basket was heavy. He went to go look but was stopped. “Camilo please hurry your tia needs them very much” He nods and off he goes. 
- Once he gets up the hill, his arms hurt from lugging up the basket. He goes to take a break at his favorite spot but see’s someone sitting there. Once he get’s closer he pauses almost dropping the basket. Their eyes wide as he creeps up closer. He hears you sniffling and mumbling to yourself. 
- “Y-Y/n?” You gasp, whipping around. 
- “Camilo!?” You start to get up but he rushes 
- “N-no please stay” He says as he holds their hands out as if he’s going to chase you... which he totally will. You sigh and move to sit back down. You both sit/stand there for a few moments until he whispers 
- “May I sit next to you?” You don’t do anything knowing he wasn’t going to take no as an answer. He grunts as he finally can l drop the basket. You look at it with a questioning look. He shrugs his shoulders and lifts the cloth covering it, you both stare in awe at the food perfectly wrapped and ready to be eaten by two people. You both look at each other nervous. 
- “I... I guess my family planned this” He nervously laughs, scared of what you’ll say. 
- “Yeah I guess so...” It was silent until your stomach growled, giving you away. Camilo smiles and takes a sandwich out of the basket, unwraps the top of it and hands it to you, blushing and smiley. You gently reach out, unsure of what to do with the situation but nonetheless you take the sandwich and start eating it. After a little you notice he isn’t eating just staring at you. You huff and wiggle the sandwich in his face gesturing for them to eat. 
- “Eat Camilo” He looks at you surprised and gladly takes a bit feeling tons better being able to share food with you again. Just being in your presence again without you running away. He felt at peace. Out of no where he blurts out 
- “I miss you... mi vida” He’s testing the waters. 
- “ I miss you too Camilo... I- I don’t know what I’m doing, why I did it.” 
- “It’s ok Mi Amor” 
- “No it’s not... I shouldn’t have folded against her... I shouldn’t have let us go so easily” He sadly smiles and cups your cheek turning your head to look at them. You sadly look at him fresh tear sprouting and slipping down your cheeks
- “Mi Vida, I understand why you did it. You felt the pressure and cracked” (lmaoo Surface pressure) He slides closer towards you and wipes away your tears and leaves kisses all over your face. You giggle and hold their hands and move closer so your noses are touching. 
- “She won’t bother us anymore I promise. I can’t let you go. You are my true love, Mi Vida. Be mine again?” He looks directly in your eyes with so much love and adoration. You blush, 
- “Mi Amor...” You nod and soon you two are so close to kiss until two are interrupted by the sound of yelling from multiple people. You both get up, you bring the sandwich with you and continue eating while offering him some which of course he wants some just to be doted on by you. All of a sudden you see Mira booking it up the hill towards you guys, face red. 
- “You!” you and Camilo look at each other and he shape-shifts into Luisa, carefully grabs you while jumping high into a tree. Once you two land on a solid branch you both look at each other and start laughing. While laughing he pulls you in softly and lays a sweet kiss to your temple. You both cuddle and ignore the debacle happening below. At one point you question if you both should go down there and take care of it but Camilo stops you and pulls you on top of them and cuddles into you. 
- “Mi vida...” He whispers and he drifts off. You are flabbergasted by how easily he fell asleep. Must’ve not been sleeping well. After a little while the yelling stops and you hear rustling of tree leaves and see a familiar face, 
- “Oh there you two are? Are you guys back together? Is everything okay?” says Mirabel who is being helped by Luisa who smiles at you two. You laugh and nod. Everyone celebrates while you wake up Camilo and tell them that you both should get out of the tree. He nods but doesn’t let you go once you both get down. 
- Dolores comes up with Mariano “I’m glad you two got back together. Mi hermano would not stop moping around” Camilo gasps and shakes their head “How dare you” you all laugh and continue celebrating. But there’s one thing that stay on your mind, 
- “What happened to Mira?” Camilo nods, Abuela come forth and responds 
- “I told her and her family to leave you both alone at once and if they continue they can find another town to live in. They have been harassing you two for too long.” You smile and look at Camilo and give them a big kiss on the cheek. He smirks, “See what did I say, she’d never bother us again.” you playfully roll your eyes... 
- For the rest of the night you both celebrated, having fun and making up for the lost time. 
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dylansoldhair · 2 years
Jealousy can do terrible things to a person
Bruno x reader
Truth is, idk wtf this is, it was really wholesome at the start and then got really dark.
Goes from fluff, to angst, to fluff again 😊
Warnings: Idk, there was some fighting, unconsciousness
Words: 1.4k
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Bruno sat at the dinner table, happily performing a rat telenovela for Delores and Camilo.
“I am your cousin!”
Camilo gasps, but Delores seemed distracted, making Bruno frown.
“Hemana! Did you not hear what tio said? He was her COUSIN!” Camilo waved a hand in front of Delores’ face, and she shook her head and snapped back into focus.
“Sorry, I was listening to Señorita Y/n’s conversation with Señor Fernando, they are very close don’t you think?” Delores looked at Bruno and widened her eyes, as if trying to send him some sort of secret message, but he didn’t understand.
“Yeah, but it’s about time Y/n gets a boyfriend, no?” Camilo shrugged.
Suddenly, Bruno’s eyes widened in realization of what Delores was trying to tell him, “Maybe they’re… they’re just friends though right?”
Delores put her hand next to her ear and leaned towards the direction of the town, “I don’t know, Fernando is calling her dress beautiful and saying it suits her very much and she looks very nice… wow, he compliments her a lot, oh and now she’s giggling.”
Bruno felt his face warm up, “B-but that doesn’t mean much, I’m sure everyone compliments their friends…”
“Tio, you’re in denial, aren’t you?” Camilo asked, and raised an eyebrow when Bruno shook his head.
Bruno put his head on the table and groaned, “What do I do?”
Camilo laughed, “Quit moping about and go and find her… Delores, where is she right now?”
There was silence for a moment before she gasped, “He’s buying her flowers, they’re at the florists.”
Bruno nodded and stood up so fast his chair fell over, but it was caught by Casita who carefully placed it back where it was. Bruno quickly apologized before bounding to the front door, but as he got there he froze.
“Wait. What am I supposed to say? Like ‘Oh Y/n, don’t go out with him… because I love you and I don’t want you to’, because that is so selfish, no?” He turned back to look in the house and casita lifted to tiles to show that it didn’t know what to say.
Suddenly, Delores ran in with Camilo quickly following behind, “Tio, just say those exact words, but quickly because she accepted the flowers and now, he’s taking her to the river.”
Bruno rubbed his hands down his face, “No, I can’t say that, I want her to be happy, and if she’s happy with another guy, then that’s okay…” He sighed and began to climb the stairs of the casita, but they quickly transformed into a slide and forced Bruno back down, “Hey!”
“Tio Bruno… listen to me, I am no love expert, but I know that if you don’t try, you’ll never know.” Camilo said and gave Bruno a reassuring smile.
Bruno nodded and returned the smile with an awkward one, then quickly ran down the hill into town. He searched through the town and then made his way to the river, where he found Fernando sitting alone at the river, skimming stones across the water.
“Fernando?” Bruno muttered, making the taller man turn and glare at Bruno, “A-are you okay?”
“You know something, Madrigal, I really hate women.” Fernando said and stood up; he was practically towering over poor Bruno, “But I hate Madrigals more.”
Even though Bruno was terrified because a six-and-a-half-foot man was leaning over him, he couldn’t help but feel angry at this man, “Why do you say that, Fernando?”
He let out a breathy laugh, “Because that Y/n of yours chose you-” He jabbed a finger into Bruno’s chest, “Over me.”
Bruno was being threatened, but he couldn’t help but feel happy, he wasn’t just happy, he was ecstatic, “Well, maybe I’m just better?” He shrugged.
Fernando’s face turned a dark shade of red, “What did you say Madrigal?” He spat.
Suddenly, Bruno’s eyes scanned over the river, and his heart dropped, “Fernando, where’s Y/n?” Fernando’s face curled into a smirk, but he didn’t say anything, “Fernando, where is Y/n?”
Fernando shrugged, “Where she needs to be. I’ve got work to do, Madrigal, I’ll see you later.”
Bruno opened his mouth to protest but he felt a force on his chest, and he fell to the ground. When he managed to get up, Fernando was out of sight, so Bruno thoroughly searched the river, but there was no sign of Y/n. He thought for a moment before realizing that there was only one person to help.
“Delores, I am coming home, can you hear Y/n anywhere?” Bruno asked before beginning to run back up to the casita.
When he got to the bottom of the hill, Delores, Camilo, Mirabel, Luisa and Isabela were already there.
“I couldn’t hear her, I’m sorry, so I gathered a search party instead.” Delores said sadly.
“Where did you see her last?” Luisa asked.
“Well, she was at the river last, but I already checked everywhere there and I-”
“Did you check the trees?” The voice was younger and squeakier; Bruno turned to see Antonio standing there with a monkey on his back, “The monkeys said they spotted someone up a tree by the river.”
Bruno’s eyes widened and he started to run back towards the river, he heard footsteps behind him which were most likely his nieces and nephews
He looked at every tree in sight, but there was no sign of her. Then a monkey jumped onto his shoulder and gestured for him to follow. The monkey led him into the forest until they stopped at a tree; he looked up and saw her, carefully placed so she was sitting up on one of the branches at least twenty meters into the air, unconscious.
“How the hell did he get her up there?” Luisa came up behind him, making him jump.
“I don’t know, but we need to get her down, if she slips, she’ll get seriously injured-”
“Die.” Camilo nodded, but then lowered his head, “Injured, yeah… that’s what I said.”
Luisa climbed up to Y/n and put her over her shoulder and climbed back down; everybody held their breath until Luisa made it to the floor.
“Is she alive?” Mirabel asked, concerned.
Bruno leaned down and checked her pulse, her heart was beating, making him sigh in relief, “We need to get her to Julietta.”
Luisa picked Y/n up and they all ran back to the casita.
“Mami! Mami!” Mirabel shouted when they got to the door.
Julietta ran through the doorway from the kitchen, confused, but when her gaze fell to an unconscious Y/n in her daughter’s arms, she understood what was happening.
“Take her to the nursery and lay her down, I will be up in a minute, only Bruno goes up with her.” She looked at Bruno worriedly before hurrying off to the kitchen.
Luisa and Bruno went to the nursery, but once Luisa placed Y/n on the bed, she gave Bruno a slight nod and left.
He sat on a stool next to the bed and held Y/n’s hand, tears pricked at his eyes, “I’m sorry Y/n, this is my fault. If I hadn’t been a coward and came to you sooner, maybe I could have prevented it. Or maybe… maybe if I wasn’t in your life in the first place, you wouldn’t have rejected that big, dumb hunk.” He chuckled to himself at his use of his own niece’s words.
Y/n stirred and slowly opened her eyes, Bruno sighed in relief, “Bruno, don’t blame yourself for this, it wasn’t your fault. It’s not your fault I love you. Fernando just doesn’t understand that I can’t control my feelings.”
Bruno's face heated up, “Y-you love me?”
Y/n’s eyes snapped open fully, and her face turned a bright shade of red, “N-no, well yes, but I didn’t mean to, it just slipped out yano I-”
Bruno cut off her rambling with a kiss, and it made sparks fly within both of them. When he broke the kiss, Y/n smiled up at him.
“Thank you.” She muttered.
They heard a loud “yes” come from outside the door, so Bruno walked over and opened it. The whole family fell forward because they had their ears pressed onto the door.
“Good job tio!” Camilo put his thumb up whilst Julietta pushed past everyone to tend to Y/n.
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snufflesash · 2 years
5 Times Camilo Madrigal and Y/N Ran Into Each Other and It Was Unpleasant + the 1 Time It Wasn't.
(Or, how their interactions get progressively less unpleasant through the years.)
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , +1
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It wasn't Y/N's fault. Absolutely not.
A week earlier, the townspeople had come together to make a slide for the children to play with at the schoolhouse, and newly-turned-5 year old Y/N has never been more excited. A similar reaction was apparent in all the other children however, and soon the slide was the new hotspot in their little town (just barely overruled by the magic, living, breathing casita of the Madrigals of course). Everyone loved it.
Except Y/N had only gotten a measly four turns on the slide all week, because a group of loud boys had hoarded the slide to themselves- even going so far as to have people stand guard!
Even without the stern scoldings the oldest Madrigal grandchild, Isabela, regularly dished out to the kids who were playing unfairly, Y/N could not escape the injustice.
And so Y/N waited until the barest hints of the sun started risen, the rays peeking through the mountains surrounding their Encanto. The sun was up, and Mami says they can play as long as the sun was shining. Y/N refused to not reap the benefits of the slide because some estupidos chicos won't share it like they are supposed to!
Y/N reached the backyard of the schoolhouse and happily played on the slide to their heart's content, their laughter waking the neighbours but blissfully free of the troubles of the world.
Well, not all troubles.
Y/N tried not to stick their tongue out at the boys now running towards the slide like a wild pack of dogs, because they are better than them and knows that the slide is for everyone. So Y/N took a deep breath like papá always said to, and continued playing.
It went fairly without incident for the rest of the morning, but come afternoon...
Y/N was standing behind a boy with curly hair and a yellow ruana over his shoulders, waiting for their turn, when he turned around and stepped to the side.
"You first," he says grandly with a bow.
Y/N glanced at the boy, momentarily confused, but not putting much thought to it, as children usually do. They have priorities.
Y/N went to sit down when a whiny voice behind them yelled, "JUST GO ALREADY!"
The next thing Y/N knows, they have a mouthful of yellow fabric as a body falls on top of them and are tumbling down the slide.
They feel the rough pavement scraping against their hands as they hit the ground. There's an icky taste in Y/N's mouth and they instinctively spit it out.
Y/N gasps in horror as their eyes land at the lone tooth in the palm of their hand. They use their other one to touch at their mouth gingerly and whimpers in pain.
Y/N could feel the tears building up behind their eyes, and louder than the concern that they just lost their tooth is the mantra of do not cry in front of the boy no llores delante del chico do not cry in front of the boy no llores no llores-
"Oh hey, now we're matching!" The boy who had tumbled down with them grinned, revealing a gap in between his teeth.
Except he hadn't lost it in a kerfuffle on the slide, and the dam breaks, and Y/N is now openly sobbing in front of everyone. The boy in the yellow ruana looks surprised, as though he expected a different reaction from someone who just got violently pushed off a slide and lost their tooth.
He reaches towards Y/N but Y/N hisses at el chico de la ruana amarilla and scrambles to their feet, sparing the laughing crowd and baffled boy behind them not a single thought as they ran back home, tears streaking down their face.
When they made it home, Y/N's mother was horrified at the state of their child and ushered them to Senõra Julietta to get cleaned up. "Qué hiciste, mi cielo?"
Later that night, Y/N's parents listen with barely concealed laughter at their child who was going on a tangent about how much they hate the boys who gatekeep the slide and especially the one in the yellow ruana. He only pretended to be so nice so that they could push them off and get the slide to themselves! Y/N cried.
From that point on, if Y/N ever caught sight of a flash of yellow in town, they would scowl and stomp off.
Years had passed from that fateful day, and although the memory was mostly blurred by the fog of growing up, Y/N had never really moved on from the mindset that concluded their dislike of the youngest Madrigal boy.
A grudge was born that day, and it wasn't Y/N's fault. Absolutely not.
And that's it folks!!! Thanks for reading ❤❤
(this seems shorter reading it than writing it sorry lol)
Just some housekeeping- I'm having Y/N gender neutral so you can imagine Y/N as their own character or use Y/N as a self insert! School (especially January) is kicking my butt so updates will be probably weekly. I take requests, anything, just hit me up anytime. I take criticism on the Spanish since I am not Spanish and am relying on Google. Oh and if you wanna see anything in this specific fic, also hmu and I'll force it in here somehow.
Taglist- @cxruscnt @alexloveskili @deffenferofjustice @naiosms @wt-fxck @xdyledz @heartsforcamilo
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storydays · 2 years
Chapter 1
*16 years ago*
"Abre los ojos. Open your eyes." Your Abuela whispered. You opened your eyes, and grinned seeing the magical candle up close. "This is the candle, 'Lores, talks about?" You whisper."Yes, nieto. This candle holds the miracle given to our family." "Tell me the story Abuela." She laughed, running a hand through your curls.
"Long ago, when my three babies had just been born, your Abuelo Pedro and I were forced to flee our home, and though many joined us, praying to find a new home, we could not escape the dangers and tu abuelo was lost. But in our darkest moments, we were given a miracle. The candle became a magical flame that could never go out, and it blessed us with a refuge in which to live. A place of wonder." "El Encanto!" You breathed, cuddling closer to her.
"El Encanto!" She nodded, continuing her story. "The miracle grew, and our house, our Casita itself came to life to shelter us. When my children became of age, the miracle blessed each with a magic Gift to help us. And when their children came of age, they were given a gift as well. And together, our family's Gifts have made our new home a paradise."
You fiddled with your fingers, watching the candle's flames sparkle.
"Tonight, this candle will give you your Gift, mi tortuga. Strengthen our community, strengthen our home. Make your family proud." She adjusted your necklace around your neck, and cupped your cheek.
"I will make my family proud, Abuela." Casita shot an alarm clock around the floorboards, telling you guys it was time. "Oh! Casita's right! It's time, it's time!" Abuela chuckled as you pulled her up and slid into your shoes.
"What Gift do you think I'll get?" You chirped, spinning in circles. "You are a tereoso, (Y/N) Madrigal. Whatever you are given, it will be just as special as you." She promised, and let you go behind the curtain to your parents.
"Mi amor! You're getting so big." Julieta kissed your face multiple times as your sisters crowded around you, Isa putting a (f/c) flower in your ponytail. Agustin adjusted Luisa in his grip as she giggled trying to give you a kiss. " He smiled, before running a hand through your curls. "You're going to be fantastico, mijo. We'll be waiting at your door." Isabela gave you a big hug, whispering a good luck to you.
Your family left you behind the curtain and gave you a moment to breath. "I can do this..I can do this." Suddenly the curtains opened and a bright light shone in your face. You covered your eyes, cheeks burning red in secondhand embarrassment. You looked around the crowd and found your cousin's Dolores eyes.
Your family knew how easily you were flustered and anxious.
And they learned a technique to help you.
She gestured in and out, breathe.
You exhaled slowly before walking towards your Abuela.
You smiled shakily at your parents before listening to the speech Alma was giving. "Do you swear to use your Gift to strengthen our community?"
You nod, before she stepped to the side, and watched your door glow and magic flowed through your veins, and suddenly there was a wave curling around your wrist before engulfing your body like jello.
You giggled as the water moved around before it spat you out and threw you into the air, making everyone gasp before it caught you again and turned into an water slide that slide into your room., making the rest of the town laugh in delight.
That night, you were given the Gift to control water.
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strawbubbos · 2 years
“I inherited a gift,” she whispered “one that many people would die for to protect.”
Dolores sat next to you on a cobblestone wall. The two of you were watching while the sun set the sky alight with vibrant shades of red and orange.
Casita was only a stone’s throw away, but far enough for you two to have some privacy to talk. You had recently noticed Dolores wasn’t being her usual self, you knew her better than the inside of your pocket.
She had paused, refusing to tilt her head up to look at you since she started venting. Dolores didn’t like to be seen like this. Her tears trickled down her face, staining the patch of dry dirt beneath her. A heartbreaking sight, especially when you loved this girl so much. You wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close in an attempt to console her, even by a little.
“One that I didn’t even want.”
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Pepa: i'm mad at Bruno, he made me cry at my wedding and ruined it
Félix: i got to marry pepa 🥰🥰
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inaisabelle · 2 years
mabuhay, encanto! | camilo madrigal x fem! filipino! reader
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the madrigals welcome a filipino family, and camilo is intrigued by the amazing you >:D i’ll probably turn this to a series,,, enjoy!
there’ll be a few slightly-leaning-towards curse words in filipino, as well as tagalog dialogues ahihsj do comment if you need/want to put a translation! 
not proofread as i need to get started in reading a country’s foreign policy hjGSDHHHEHEH
pt. 1 of mabuhay, encanto!
- during the usual family breakfast, abuela made an announcement that a friend of hers and her family would visit their country and stay at their home for 2 months. ye 
- abuela’s friend is your grandmother, and her family is yours.
- your family harbored no gifts, but like the madrigals, carried a charitable and serviceable heart. that was part of the reason why yall were staying in encanto: to help while having a vacation :D
- camilo and mirabel were ecstatic to find out that the family had a child their age “YAHO NEW FRIEND :D”
- the madrigal kids were excited: isabela wondered if any of them had a liking to agriculture, antonio planned inviting them to his room, yadayada
- some info with chor fam: peeps comin to colombia include your grandma, your parents, your 2 cousins who’re near luisa and dolores’ age, and you <3 if you have siblings and youre wondering where tf they are lets just pretend they were too busy and/or they didn’t want to come.
- lets name your cousins celeon (seleon, 22, he) and idono (eedono, 17, he)
- to give you some visuals you wore a dress similar to mirabel’s, except its cream colored and had designs similar to traditional (or wedding) formal filo wear.
- when you guys arrived the madrigals were immensely welcoming, as well as casita which took you and your cousins about 3-5 business days to process that the house could operate by itself; expect the usual “ayos ah” “auh auH” 
- when camilo first set his eyes on you he found his lips curving upwards without his own will, you were so, so ethereal. 
- the way your eyes sparkled at casita bringing your luggages to the side, and the way you laughed, shoulders moving upward as your face turned to amusement at your cousin who almost tripped because casita was messing with him “ay nanggagago yung bahay” 
- and when your eyes locked with his, his heart started beating faster
- and when you give him a small nod and a smile he knew he could die at the moment 
- dolores could hear his heart palpitating
- camilo returned that smile, but internally he couldn’t breathegfj
- the three of you neared the elders and started offering your right hands, muttering a “bless po” as you lowered your heads and upper body
- abuela already knew what it meant and placed her hand in idono’s, who brought it to his forehead and the rest followed suit. 
- everyone was surprised, but as you and your cousins greeted who you knew were the aunts and oldies your mom spoke to give the madrigals context
- “it’s a filipino tradition of greeting their elders with respect ^^”
- idono almost went to luisa until celeon pulled his shirt “tanga di yan, mas bata pa yan kesa sakin”
- when you went to pepa and felix you stole a glance at camilo
- he in turn was able to see you from a closer perspective and holy shit he couldn’t hold his smile in
- you gave him and dolores a hello and another nod which gave him butterflies because your voice was like a melody, like you were singing
- you looked down at antonio and BOY your smile turned to a grin as you giggled and said, “hi cutie”
- antonio’s eyes and smile widened as camilo felt giddy with you and his brother’s interaction
- he also may plan on shapeshifting into his brother for a few often times
- “these are our kiddos. mga anak- introduce yourselves” your grandmother motioned you and your cousins to come upfront from your spot once again
- for quick context you call your grandmother nanay :D
- “i’m celeon l/n po, 22 years old. it’s nice to meet everyone,”
- “i’m idono l/n and i’m 19 years old. thank you for the warm welcome po :D”
- “hello, i’m y/n l/n and i’m 14 years old ^^ thank you for letting us in your home sweet home,” 
- in response, casita’s floor tiles moved up and down, like a way to say hello. 
- “hola, casita :)”
- celeon snickered while idono frowned, “bat ambait nya sayo- agH” he almost tripped again “i am literally standiNG??” 
- the madrigals who weren’t conversing felt amused with casita’s playfulness, even though they couldn’t understand some of the comments made by you guys.
- camilo felt elated
- your voice was music to his ears, it was as sweet as honey, it was like you sang every time you spoke; your lips smiled with your eyes as you absorbed every single thing at good light.
- camilo felt at ease with your presence, and he wanted more. he couldn’t wait to become friends with you.
- “such lovely children you have. i hope they get along with ours and have fun,” abuela said to your grandmother, agreeing. 
- the l/n’s have finally arrived in encanto, and with the madrigals, felt excited with what is to come.
- “let’s get this bread, encantadia,” “CELEON ENCANTO YON LODS HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA” “bOBO” the madrigals couldn’t understand what you three were saying as your father “SST”-ed idono’s vulgar comment, but the baffles were contagious, and they found the situation hilarious.
- good days awaited both families, especially two particular kids.
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elegantkidfansoul · 2 years
December baby ❤️❤️❤️
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