#just as a silly goofy guy moment idk what the FUCK is wrong with this guy tho lol'
tora-the-cat · 5 months
Kabuto is such an evil dork. Ninja info cards should've been a staple of his character. I want him literally being one of the biggest threats in the show and still carefully etching his all of his absurdly vast knowledge into dorky little holographic trading cards. Obito asks him for literally anything and Kabuto reaches into his dorky wizard robe sleeves, pulls out a deck of cards, shuffles them dramatically, and tells Obito to pick a card. And Obito is torn between finding it hilarious and finding it infuriating.
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neteyamkink · 1 year
I read your Wattpad Series and I’m loving it so far and I was going crazy over chapter 8😫
Anyways this is my first time requesting something so I have no idea how this works or what to say😭but I’m wondering if you can make a nsfw alphabet of neteyam?
i’m writing this half asleep at 3am and not proofreading plz ignore any mistakes LMFAO
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
neteyam would make sure you’re all cleaned up and everything before he lets you fall asleep. But after all of that, he’ll hold you and brush the hair out of your face and give you sweet kisses until you are asleep. <3
also lots of praise!! “You did so good for me”
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
like I’ve said NETEYAM IS A BOOB MAN!! he will focus on your boobs almost the whole time. licking sucking touching literally anything. he loves em and he holds them any chance he gets even out of a sexual context.
I think his favorite body part of his are his hands! He loves the way he can make you feel just with a finger or two. <3
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
he would only cum after you have and he definitely lovessss to cum on your boobs
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
when you aren’t there to satisfy him best believe he’s thinking of you. He probably can’t even count the number of times he’s been in his bed and night trying to fall asleep and one thought leads to another and suddenly he’s stroking his cock thinking about you and your pretty little lips (both of em)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
he has absolutely 0 experience so you guys kind of just figure out things together. however, he does somewhat know what he’s doing from overhearing the human scientist talk about sex.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
ima have to go with good ol missionary or just you riding him. he HAS to see your face. he just can’t go without it. he thinks the expressions that you make are so cute.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
it’s definitely a mix it depends on what the mood is tbh. If something funny happens he’ll laugh it out with you and he loves talking to you during sex. but if he’s “punishing” you or just going rougher than usual he’s more serious.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think na’vi even grow body hair??? like they don’t even have armpit hair or like beards or mustaches so I’m going to say he has none
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
OH MY GODDD HE IS SUCH A LOVER BOY. like literally he will call it “making love” instead of sex or fucking. he is so in love so almost every time you guys have sex it’s so personal and so affectionate. he’ll whisper sweet things to you and kiss you as much as he can.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
like I said this boy is always horny for you so he will jack off just to the thought of you wayyy too much. he’s just so obsessed <3
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
ngl I feel like he is somewhat vanilla?? idk maybe my mind will change. but he definitely has a praise kink, he loves when you praise him and he loves praising you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
usually in private places unless he’s in a lil silly goofy mood. even though it’s kind of boring he loves fucking you in your bed nothing can top it. The second best is definitely the beach for him <33
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
moans moans moans!!! he lovessssss hearing you moan like it turns him on so much it’s insane. He loves when you praise him and he definitely has a thing for seeing a lil bit of tears just because you’re so fucked out and happy you can’t control your emotions.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he would never hit you. even if you asked for it he just couldn’t bring himself to hurt you. he’s so sweet <3
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he is insanely good at giving head. he loves giving more than reviving for sureee. he loves to hear you moan and watch you squirm it’s a hugeeee turn-on. He likes receiving too just a little less, he’ll never turn down head though. he loves the way your lips wrap around his cock, and the look you give him through your eyelashes as tears start to fill your water line. ugh he's in love
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
this one really depends on the mood but I’d say he’s a very passionate guy and loves to take his time and explore every inch of your body and savour every single second of pleasure
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
I think he would rather have proper sex so he can really take his time with you. HOWEVER!! if he is super needy and you guys are in a rush he will definitely do a lil quickie with you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
if you ask him to do something he will gladly do it he is always welcome to try new things with you and will never make you uncomfortable by asking to try anything. When it comes to risky sex like people seeing you I don’t think he would like it a whole lot just because he doesn’t think anyone should see you in that sort of state but him and he just wants you all to himself <33
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
he will go for however long you want to. even if he is all fucked out but you still want to keep going he’ll sit back and let you ride him. He will never stop before you cum though like literally he will make sure you finish before him.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
if we’re talking about a modern au he would use toys on you if you wanted to. probably just a vibrator or something of that nature.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he lovessss teasing. he will egg you on alllllll day just so when the time is right he can fuck you dumb with all of that tension built up.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
I feel like he’d be kind of embarrassed to moan at first, but when you tell him it’s okay and to let it out he’d completely let loose. he wouldn’t be very loud but he would definitely groan/moan in your ear and whisper a lot of sweet stuff to you <3
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he lovessss talking to you during sex. like he will talk you through your whole climax. HE LOVES IT. and sometimes if you’re human he’ll throw in a little na’vi, and if you are a na’vi he’ll throw in a little English.
 X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
It’s definitely pale blue and I think his tip is a little bit darker. I’ll give him at LEAST 10 inches maybe 12 if I’m pushing it. The girth is pretty regular not too skinny or too thick. he fits in you perfectly <3
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I’d say it’s pretty high. he fucks you any chance he gets, and is always needy for you.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As I said, he would wait for you to fall asleep before he does so it really just depends on how long it takes you to fall asleep. If you don’t fall asleep he’ll ask you if you’re okay with him sleeping. Of course, you say yes every time but he doesn’t want you to feel alone <3
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auzzzilly96 · 3 months
Could I learn about your B and James interprets lore 🥺🥺🥺
Errrm well tbh I kinda already said most of the stuff abt my interps the last time I was asked but I guess there r a few more things I could talk abt :3 
Mk sooo more abt B’s whole being way older than he should be thing n more abt what his life was like b4 he got lost in the backrooms. So pretty much he was born in the year 1950 in America around the Texas-Louisiana border[silly goofy projection we will not see more of that later definitely not]. He was pretty poor for most of his life, especially in childhood, but they made it work. He might have had siblings idk, neither does he [boom vague Reagan reference where is my gold sticker/SILLY] He was very close with his mother bc his father wasn’t around a lot, mostly out working bc the whole living in poverty thingg. He actually learned 2 speak japanese b4 he learned english bc that was his mom’s native language so that’s pretty silly :3. Well everything was well and fine for about the next 20 years but then uh oh! B’s mom becomes terribly ill one day and ends up dying a few months later! [how sad] This event is pretty much the catalyst 4 every bad thing that happens in B’s life 4 the next like 50 years. Cuz a bit b4 this he’d found out how to no clip and did it a few times but he was just so distraught in the moment that he just kinda went 2 the backrooms and just walked around 4 so long until he passed out n when he woke up he couldn’t no clip back soo yeah that’s basically his epic backstory yay. On the lighter side this is something I meant 2 explain A WHILE ago but just kinda forgor abt it so sad ik but uhm this dude n his fuck ass jacket omg. Basically his like overcoat thing is like a backrooms artifact n its pockets r basically like tiny little openings 2 an empty pocket [pun not intended] dimensions that just stores stuff n that’s it. As long as something can fit around the opening it can be put in the pocket. That’s y blud was pulling out whole ass water bottles n flashlights from them in my fic [read my fic btw chapter 4 just came out last month] Also this blud is like ADDICTED 2 Almond Water actually………. Like. this guy can’t go 15 milliseconds without a lil sip. Smh this goofy ass guy😔😔[SILLY]…..
Ok now James’s epic backstory yippie 😁😁💥💥!!!!!!! oke so like I already talked abt his sad backstory where he lost his eyes n stuff but ig I'll talk abt what he was like b4 that :3. So basically growing up she was treated as like a child prodigy. Like. VERY good in school. Skipping a couple grades type beat. With her being so “gifted” n all she wasn’t really ever given a chance to be. like. a normal kid. Everything throughout her life up until the “accident” was always just focused on just “being the best at everything™” bc that was the mentality that was instilled upon them by their parents. And oh boy. The parental issue I gave this mf. Unreal. Someone needs 2 lock me up[JOKE]. Bro’s whole life he was constantly told over n over again “work work work study study study get into a good collage be successful be somebody important” nothing but that for like 15 years. Like bro had no friends until the age of 26. shitz crazy[silly]. So like time goes by n he’s successful in school n college n gets his job as a professional chemist. So fun n good she did what she was suppose 2 yippiiee nothing could go possibly wrong!! But then the whole explody eyes go bye bye thing happens [not as fun]. N so now this is the catalyst 4 their suffering yippie <3 [sarc] N it’s kinda ironic bc the reason he ended up being so careless in that moment was bc his upbringing made him so unreasonably confident in his abilities that he disregarded even the most basic of safety protocol. So anyways bro wakes up in the hospital blind, scared, confused and alone. Is told what happened. Is so mortified that she has a meltdown right then n there [things r not off 2 the best start]. Not just over the life long facial disfigurement but also over the fact that they failed. They failed to be the perfect scientific prodigy they were supposed 2 be. N in the process, didn’t just fall themself but failed everyone who ever believed in them[At least that’s what they thought at the time]. Like bro didn’t even get fired he CHOSE 2 resign bc he was so ashamed of himself n what he’d done. a lot of this built up trauma n self resentment is y she’s so attached B n Hashely bc they were rlly like 1st ppl in her life 2 show her any kind of unconditional support or affection. Bc after the accident when she was at her absolute lowest point her parents like just softcore cut her off. Like. she tried multiple times after the fact 2 try n contact them but nothing ever came back so they just stopped trying after a while :( Also kinda related is that I think their hair is like naturally curly but they straighten it bc it being curly reminds them of the past n they HATE being reminded of the past. 
Erm ok kinda ended in a doomer note but erm oh well :33
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lifesver · 5 months
[ louder, groundshaking boss music in retaliation ] howdy kels :)) i very much share the sentiment that meeting you has been nothing short of so amazing, hilarious, heartbreaking, and so much good vibes so far ♡ i've said it quite some times before i know, broken record, but truly am so very happy to have met you, gotten to write all these absolutely wild aus and dynamics with you and i am so very cheering on what all of it - and what you will bring to our dashes - in the coming year c: i'm very VERY much looking forward to seeing where you take leland, to be able to read all your newspaper publishings across the dash, and where these kiddos will take us all. im very happy to be in this little corner with you guys. :) ♡
you bring such a strong breath of life into leland - he's realistic, he's brave even when he's absolutely terrified and has no clue how to go forward. his love for his friends is so very clearly shown in everything you write regarding either the dires or the friends simply goofing around. he comes across like such a living, breathing character and its thanks to the dedication and love you put in for him. from a guy that gun seems adamant on reducing so badly ( and so fucking wrongly ) as so one-dimensional, icky gross jock stereotype, you've allowed him to grow into such a precious, adorable, kind-hearted guy that honestly? i feel most people would kill to have as a friend. he's silly and warm and goofy in all the right ways and when things go wrong he's so complex and fractured and his depth truly gets to shine in those darker moments.
which of course brings me to that note; all the flavors of the dire aus :))
it has been SO MUCH FUN and SO VERY HEARTBREAKING getting to write with leland and maria in NOSY in particular. their dynamic alone is so gut-wretchingly tragic just on surface level, but the depth that it sinks into, in all of their trajectories, all of their shared dynamics with johnny & lamb, their complex and confusing feelings towards the friends, its been absolutely a blast getting to brainstorm and shoot ideas at all hours about it and im so thankful i get to be part of that experience with both you and lamb. your minds and your love for leland and johnny really bring out such a passion in return to me to write and brainstorm more and its been an amazing experience bouncing ideas off from you two. i absolutely cannot wait to see how, whether in threads or in ask responses, NOSY / WSU and all its different trajectories and more play out as this new year goes on.
i also very much enjoy all the little ideas and hcs and posts we all get ot bounce off of one another - esp getting silly with the aliases, im just adoring all the ways that we're expanding these kiddos to places gun could Literally Never honestly.
ill end it here but know i admire you, your characterization of leland, the love you have for him that so clearly shows in everything you post, your writing as a whole ( because holy shit i adore leland's inner thoughts, how you describe the world and people around him at any given moment!! )and likewise that i read your work, even simple hcs, and its inspiring to get to form a reply to.
i love you and value you and your friendship and as a writing partner and i truly hope this year is nothing but great and rewarding to you as well!! ♡♡♡
UGH RENEE i finally reply to this bc it's so kind and i need it on my blog. i did not expect u to uno reverse me but perhaps i should have, in fact, known-- no but like idk man i don't have a lot of words but this means so much 2 me and i'm so happy to write with you and be ur pal and just be crafting these dynamics and completely out of hand narrative arcs. like it's so nice to just go off the rails w you ik i can pitch something unhinged and u will pull up with another several paragraphs and suddenly we're crying on the ground in shamblse. it keeps happening -- (and i love it)
ur so sweet TT___TT thank u for tolerating me and the jock we love u. i adore all our dynamics so much. and i wanna hype you and ur writing up all the time you always insp me!!! raaaa
i look forward to hanging out with you even more in the new year, and seeing all that you do with your writing on here, it's such a blast to collaborate, and you guys all keep me inspired to write on here and think of new stuff. (and shout out u in particular for always leaving me about a thousand inbox prompts that hurt my feelings that i am possessed to draft 23423432 word replies to. thanks for enabling my angst and drama and dire writing ur so real for that genuinely)
i have waxed poetic in ur inbox i'll shut up before i just ramble the same nonsense here but like ily sm MWAHH
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penguin--person · 1 year
Beastnoch and vastgiver for the bingo please?
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i dont know beastnoch as well as you do sire but i adore them!! esp your spin on them!!! ougg i really ought to read more of your fics sometime..!!! to me theyre like. silly. and goofy. ands illy.. so goofy... thyere so. messed up. but swag i think... i KNOW... so swag..
ive already done vastgiver But. you dont know them... not truly... so ill tell you about them!!:D u dont have to read this ramble of mine ofc, but, i wanted to talk about them with someone again and You said the word vastgiver to me so You get to unleash the horrors!!! it will be very ramble-y and incoherent hehe
vastgiver is my oc third vast attempt x my friend's oc lifegiver, hehe, both are iterators (rain world robots).. silly guys.. getting derailed already but. how wild is it that weve just!! been existing together for such a time!! like three years?? idk but. weve known each other for such a time!! n youve known fousek for that long as well... my boy fousek... Our boy fousek... wild tome...
so! vastgiver. tva, my beloved asshole tva, and lifegiver talked one time before meeting puppet to puppet. it was just your normal chat, asking about how lifegivers doing and what his whole deal is. a budding friendship, perhaps..? WRONG. tva then tried to kill his local group (comprised of two other iterator ocs of mine) (bg gave him access to their security systems, for reasons that would take long ot explain, which if youre interested in i would tell you but this is a vastgiver post hehe, and, then once tva had that access, he turned off their water supply, for funsies! bg and ui share their can), who then sent out an emergency broadcast all 'AHH HELP WERE BEING KILLED' and of course many iterators heard that. two other iterators from my friends went over to ui and bgs can to help them, and one other friend's oc went over to tva's can to laugh at him. and then lifegiver.
lifegiver made his presence very much known. he started drilling through tva's can with a gigantic mechanical beast, which is like, imagine someone drilling through you. imagine meeting your partner like that. lifey was especially mad because tva's doings reminded him of a personal experience he had with his local group.
he was soo angry, and, eventually, drilled his way into tva's chamber (where his puppet/body resides). he came out of his beast, yelled at tva and my other friends oc (who he was also angry at bc vivi wasnt helping at all and was rather annoying) a bit and then STABBED tva through the head!!! imapled him!!! and then tva umm. hehe. the first bud of their romance sprouted
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'Itd be super hot if we kissed right now' my guy theres blood all over you and lifey is gonna for sure stab you again. tvas thought process was 'hey if hes gonna kil me i can at least make him feel as uncomfortable as possible' . anyway. this startled lifey. he didn't expect this, naturally.
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'Your poncho is quite fashionable' yea sure tva whatever just die already. then lifey says 'you disgust me so much i hate you just fucking die id kill you right now i will kill you' . and at this point tva was so intrigued by lifey that he said, hey, if you let me live i'll umm not kill those two! how does that sound . and ofc lifey said Yes. so 👍they tva used this as a way to convince lifey to stay and talk with him a bit. and they talk. not about feelings but like, how cool and swag lifegiver is, tva praises him a whole bunch . n then tva is like Hey my can will collapse anyway from the damage youve done lol, and lifey fucking!!! says that his friend could fix him!!! like tva is just like 'ohhhh youre so swag and a hot babe youre so swag' and lifey already starts to get feelings for him . hilarious to me. of course this meant nothing to tva in the moment. then, uh oh, tva has lost too much blood! lifey goes over to him n just, holds him and chats with him as this puppet of his dies, ea comes and is like Hey i stole your fucking ball idiot. and tva goes nooo not my ball!! and dies. and lifey is sad about it.. holds his puppet so gently.. then ofc tva had other puppets prepared, so, he just woke up in another one, went back to lifey, hung out with him some more, their bond deepened, lifey even fuckinggg said 'i love you' !!!! im not kididng you.. tva calls lifey all kinds of silly nicknames, one of them being 'lifey wifey' which makes lifey almost as mad as he was when threatening to kill him. n then they nap for two cycles and lifey has to leave.
and then umm. 👍well tva's can falls . he sends out a broadcast which is him going FUCK THIS SUCKS. LIFEY HELP n lifey Does help he comes over to the wreckage of his can and ressurects him and tva realizes, oh, this loser really does love me, huh. n cries and sobs and they hug and hehe lifey takes her to his can:3 so that she'd be safe from danger .. then they go on a silly little date where they KISSY
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they KISSY!!! and tva also met lifeys little brother.. n before that she also met some of his slugs, which lifey introduced tva to as his 'mate' bc he didnt know how else to, bc that was the only yword the slugs iunderstood, and hee theyre so silly tva was teasing him so much the whole time even before that. this is al happening in like the span of 30 cycles btw. which is, like 30 days, say. can oyu believe this.
after that umm they go back home and lifey says that hes prepared a room for tva in his city and tva says he'll find it himself and hes like Fuck Fuck Fuck this guy really cares for me Fuck so he goes and rips out a part of his core.👍gives himself a little ol lobotomy... to forget he ever did anything wrong.. lifeys overseer sees but doesnt act immediatly. tva has a litlte ol nap.
and man i really like what comes next. so. lifey after a few cycles goes and cuddles with tva, tells him ohh i love you so much. and he knows what tva did t this point, or suspects, at least. and tva is sooo happy. n then lifey touches his ribcage and notices its been opened n is like. hey did you open your ribcage. and tva goes haha no. n lifey displays the overseer photos and goes what the fuck is this then. huh. complete shift in tone. i love him. umm then they fight🧡this small arc ends with lifey getting tva another core.
then uhh . um. hehe. uhh. they fight bc its revealed to the publc that lifey saved tva. and lifey is upset about this ofc. and tva comes to visit him, they fight, lthey both ell a bunch ateach other, tva storms out but then storms back in n shows his core and yells If you really hate me that much then just destroy my core and kill me!! and umm . lifey damages his own puppet severely👍tva manages to fix him . n umm . stuff happens, lifey gets sad and tva proposes to make him feel better. were at 60 cycles at most here, dude. two months.
lifye says yes and!! thast whats happening in the rp rn:D!!! tvheyre getting married!!!! dude theyre getting married!!! in the middle of the vwedding tva just. fucking. fucked it up. "hey what if you wanna divorce me later. what if i kill again. what if i told you i liked killing them. haha jk. unless." but theyve resolved it👍
believe it or not but this isnt all of their lore, just the significant events id say
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sharknadoslutt · 3 years
Not that I ever wanted to watch it because of the era it plays in, but what was so awful about Star Wars resistance?
Oh Okay this ask got me GOING so Welcome to my Tedtalk on my feelings on Star Wars Resistance; a story of Disappointment.
So Mr. Dave Filoni, the story telling Prince, left the show like halfway through production of the first season for other projects (For TCW season 7 and The Mandalorian). This left what was a promising show with characters Dave himself had created, in the hands of very inexperienced story board artist and writers. Personally, I think they panicked and half assed it so that Disney could make money on toys. Because.. idk. It just doesn't even come close to the emotional story arcs that TCW and Rebels gave us. and that's what Star Wars is supposed to be about. Changing for the better. Hope or some shit, am I right?
What was most disappointing in my opinion.. is that the protagonist, Kazudo Xiono, is UNBEARABLE. He is the EMBODIEMENT of privilege. This punk has had everything handed down to him from the moment he was born. He was born like 14 years after the Empire has been brought down and the New Republic reigns, so he has never known war. AND HIS DADDY IS THE SENATOR OF HOSNIAN PRIME FOR FUCKS SAKE! THE CAPITOL????? WHERE THE SENATE IS???? YOU KNOW HOW RICH THAT MUST MAKE HIs FaMiLY??? His dad literally gives him an allowance even though he is a grown ass man in the military when the show starts.
To put things into perspective for those not up to date on Sequel Era Lore and I envy you greatly tbh bcs not to be that person i do not like the sequels that's the equivalent of being the Senator of Coruscant in the Prequels!!!!
Not to mention he is a BUMBLING idiot. Like. This man has ADHD on steroids. As a person with ADHD it's.. lord, it's cringe. He is clumsy. He is loud. He says inappropriate things at the wrong time. He doesn't know how to do anything for himself. AND HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SPY FOR THE RESISTANCE UNDER COVER AS A MECHANIC???? HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MECHANICS and really doesn't really learn anything about it by the time the show ends. And don't come at me saying this is a kids show so I cant complain about things being silly bcs I'm not the target audience. I can and I will bcs no one was NEARLY this obnoxious in TCW or Rebels. Kaz is Jarjar Level, but I ACTUALLY LIKE JARJAR!
I'm not saying he isn't a good person. Kaz is very sweet tbh. He's just an unknowing spoiled ass man-child who NEVER REALLY DEVELOPS INTO ANYTHING ELSE?????
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It would be okay if he entered the show like this and exited a more mature, capable man. But he really doesn't. There are never any consequences for his actions. Ever. Other than when he becomes a spy and, again, IS USING HIS REAL LEGAL NAME as a spy for the Resistance... to avoid a scandal and to scold him for LITERALLY DESERTING THE NAVY his daddy cuts him off from his allowance. So instead of half assing his cover job as a mechanic, Kaz has to actually apply himself so he can make money for food. He doesn't improve much. His co-workers (Who are MUCH more interesting than him) constantly complain about him messing things up and making their jobs more difficult.
At the Season one finale there is a moment where you think he is finally going to grow as a man! Grow into the protagonist we deserve! Tragedy, for the first time in his life, strikes Kaz! It's during the events of episode 7, when The First Order blows up Hosnian Prime. His home planet. Where his FATHER LIVES. He has a moment of humanity and he is devastated. He almost cries. But he sucks it up to finish the mission and get his friends off base for their safety. He is a man now. and the audience feels a sense of comradery for Kaz. After all, Star Wars is about Fathers. Kaz has lost his father forever. His father was KILLED by the First Order. He now, first hand, has experienced real loss for the first time and this is going to help him grow and toughen up. he has to live on his own now. Our hero has a reason to be doing what he's doing. Fighting against the first order.
Like. Lemme break it down, folks.
TCW started and Ahsoka enters. I HATED Ahsoka for a long time. Bcs she was young, cocky and annoying. But that was on purpose. Narratively, she experiences loss, she experiences pain and GROws as a character while navigating her Jedi life during the war. Our girl grows into the capable protagonist that we EXPECT out of a Star Wars story.
Same for Rebels. We meet Ezra, and he's not quite as annoying as Ahsoka was at first in my opinion (I cannot stress how much I did not care for Ahsoka yall) but he was young. He was childish. But he was more capable at 14 than fucking Kaz was at 20. By the end of Rebels, not only is he more wise and capable, but he is selfless. He has found his own path and it's only because of what he has gone through. His journey has made him stronger. Ezra is my favorite Star Wars journey, if I'm being honest. He is the perfect example of character development.
KAZUDO XIONO ENTERS SEASON ONE AS A 20 YEAR OLD MAN-CHILD USING DADDY'S MONEY WHO IS LOUD AND DOESNT KNOW WHEN THE STFU... AND EXITS THE FINALE... AS A LOUD MAN-CHILD WHO CAN NOW USE TOOLS. He doesn't' experience REAL FAMILIAL loss. He doesn't really experience a lot of character development at all. Things just happen around him, he helps, but he doesn't learn. He doesn't grow. I fucking hate that.
Literally every single character in the show BESIDEs Kaz is more interesting than him. and EXPEIRENCE CHARACTER GROWTH!!!
Jarek Yeager, Kaz's boss in the mechanic shop, was in the Rebellion and LOST HIS FAMILY. He is a sexy ass man too. HE starts the show not wanting to help the Resistance at all bcs he's experienced loss since his days in the Rebellion, and his heart is hard and he's comfortable. By the end of the show he is risking not just his career, but his VERY LIFE to help the Resistance.
Tam Ryvora, Kaz's co-worker. Daughter figure to Yeager and a total bad ass woman of color. She is the one on the show who experiences the most character development and struggles to find her identity while the First Order is taking over the galaxy. I LOVE her.
There are these 2 kids who are force sensitive and orphaned after Kylo Ren comits GENOCIDE on their planet. This arc set up is never fully addressed nor does it have a conclusion, like most story arcs on this show tbh.
There's a literal witch for some reason??
There's this fucking rad ass sexy Mirilian Pirate girl named Synara who FOR SOME REASON is suggested to be Kaz's love interest. Gross. Girl, you gay. Move in.
I could go on and on and on. But I wont. Fuck this show. Fuck Kaz. It literally adds NOTHING to the bigger Star Wars lore. TCW and Rebels do this beautifully and this show is a hot mess of ideas and characters that never come to a satisfying story telling conclusion.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk, dont watch Resistance.
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jinhitwhore · 4 years
The List 01
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Pairing: jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, High School! Au
Warning: None yet!
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: It’s your senior year of high school and while most couples struggle to decide what to do after high school you and Jungkook seem to have it all figured out. You’re breaking up. But until college move-in day, you plan on making the most of every second and do everything on the list that you two made together. 
Note: If you’ve seen me post and delete this three times before... no you didn’t! Not sure how long it’ll be yet. Also, I am in college now so idk how often i’ll update. This is for funsies and I very much don’t know how to use punctuation, so sorry in advance. And if you do stick around thanks for reading! :)
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“It’s really the first day of senior year, huh.” You were still in shock of how the past three years of high school had flown past in what felt as a blink of an eye. Now you headed into your high school for one last ‘first day’ with your best friend, Emma, beside you. 
“Way to state the obvious.” She bumps your shoulder and giggles. “I’m serious. This is the year where we take our final SATs and we do the whole college application thing and then we and we spiral into crippling debt because we all know financial aid is a joke and now I’m freaking out.” 
You stop as Emma blocks your path and places her hands on your shoulders. “Y/n...shut up and chill, please. You skipped over all the fun stuff like prom, and parties, and graduation, and getting the hell out of here. Most importantly you get to do all that fun stuff with your boyfriend.” Emma shakes your shoulders gently after successfully calming you down. 
“Where is said boyfriend by the way?” Her eyes scan the hallway as you both start walking to your locker. You shrug letting out a small sigh. “I haven’t seen him since he went on vacation with his parents a few weeks ago.” She hums in response.
“I still can't believe you ended up getting a boyfriend after you swore you didn’t like anyone and that you were happily single.” She leans against the locker next to yours and watches you put your books up. “I was but now I’m happily dating Jungkook. Are you sad that your summer of fun included a little less of me?” You teasingly grin at her. 
“Not at all. As far as I’m concerned summer of fun was very successful even when you left me to my own devices”. Emma gave you the sleaziest wink and you couldn’t help but laugh with her. “In that case I’m definitely going to need you to fill me in.” 
Before Emma could begin telling you all about her summer escapades she notices a tall figure making its way down the hallway. “I’ll tell you later.” She nods behind you but you bump into something hard on your way to turn around. 
“You okay, baby?” Jungkook holds you while you regain your balance. You look up at him with a goofy loved up smile that’s reserved only for him, “yeah”. After weeks of not seeing him, there stood your very devilishly handsome boyfriend grinning down at you. 
“Sorry.” He chuckles and reaches out to run his thumb over your forehead. He moves his hand down to your jaw and leans in close to your lips. “I missed you.” He mumbles before giving you a sweet kiss. “Missed you too”. Your face now dusted by a slight blush as you pulled away. 
Jungkook smiles at your reaction and leans in for a second kiss. Interrupted by an “ahem” that comes from behind, you are made very aware of your small audience. “Hey, Emma. How was your summer?” Jungkook casually asks as he slides his hand into yours. “Great, actually, but I missed hanging out with you guys.” 
Before you could continue your idle chatter, the morning bell rings. “Catch up during lunch?”, Emma suggests as you both start towards the direction of your class as Jungkook smiles and waves. 
“See you at lunch then!” He yells after you. “Yup!”
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A few too many ice-breaker activities later, the lunch bell finally rang. 
“Why do teachers feel the need to introduce you to the same people you’ve been in class with for years? As if I don’t remember that Liz in the back row lost her tooth during snack time in first grade!” Emma continues whining as Jungkook joins you guys. 
“Bad day already?” She looked over at him with a pout and nodded slowly. Emma continues chattering on until you finally reach your car. 
“You drive.” You toss Jungkook your keys and he smiles knowingly at the fact that you still hate driving. It’s been a little over a year since you had gotten a license (you’d been driving longer than that but that’s none of the authorities’ business) and you still refused to drive more than necessary.
 Jungkook jogs up ahead of you and opens the passenger door and waits for you to get in before walking over to the driver’s seat. “Everyone buckled up?” He asks looking into the rearview mirror. 
“Why do you always look at me when you ask that?” Emma grumbles as she yanks the seatbelt on and Jungkook finally puts the car into drive with a knowing smile. “Hand”, Jungkook rests his elbow on the middle console with his hand’s palm facing up. You playfully roll your eyes and intertwine your fingers in his.
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Jungkook drives to a nearby diner that people from your high school frequented. Walking across the parking lot you smile at a girl you recognize from one of your classes. 
“I heard she’s going to dump him soon,” Emma says as you notice the boy who’s standing by your classmate. “Apparently she wants a clean break sooner than later, so she can enjoy her senior year. Smart, considering how everyone ends up breaking up anywa-'' She cuts herself off before looking over at you two slowly with an ‘I fucked up face’. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean you guys. Y/n and Jungkook forever~” She sings the last sentence in an attempt to lighten the mood before mumbling another apology.
 “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you’re saying anything we don’t already know.” Jungkook chuckles. “I hope you know that you guys aren’t included in my statement. If anyone can make it work it’s going to be you two.” Emma assures and you can see that she really means it. 
“Thanks, but...um..we’re actually going to break up too.” You say in passing with an airy laugh as you reach the diner entrance and Jungkook opens the door for you and Emma.
The revelation left your best friend dumbfounded as she watched the couple’s display of affection a few feet ahead. 
“Do you want to split a milkshake? I don’t think I can finish it on my own.” Jungkook scrunches his face in an attempt of denial. “I’ll give you the cherry~” You swing your locked hands between you. Your cute act quickly wins him over and you tiptoe to kiss his cheek. 
How could you just drop that bomb so casually? Especially when she had watched her best friend’s relationship bloom from the very start. Meddled along with the rest of the class so that you and Jungkook had no other choice but to be lab partners in fourth period chem. Listened to you gush after your first date and first ‘I love yous’. 
Yeah, you definitely weren’t as okay as that breezy laugh let on, and you’re definitely not getting away from a very long conversation about your feelings later on.
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“Hey, guys!” You greet the group of boys that sit together at a corner of the diner where a bunch of tables had been pushed together to accommodate the large group. 
“Y/n, JK,” Hobi greets happily before looking behind you guys, “and…oddly quiet Emma. What’s wrong?” He asks with a pout. “Nothing much just realized love is dead.”
Emma walks around the now confused Hobi and takes a seat next to Jin. You giggle at her dramatics as you and Jungkook follow to take the remaining seats beside her. “I’m still confused. Love is dead? Since when?” Hobi reclaims his seat next to Yoongi and waits for a response. “Since these two idiots decided to break up.” Emma nods in your direction before resuming her grumpy act.
You hear the tiniest ‘huh’ leave Hobi’s lips before turning around to the entire table’s eyes on you and your boyfriend. “It’s not really a big deal. We’ve got all year left before that happens. Right, babe?” You turn to Jungkook and he answers with a small stiff smile. Hoping the way your heart is clenching in your chest doesn’t show through. “Right.” The moment between you lingers along with the sense of dread. 
“So what are y’all getting today?,” Jungkook asks in an attempt to move past the awkwardness. The guys start going on about their favorite orders and quickly move on.
Lunch continues on with lively chatter about summer activities and senior plans until it’s time to head back to school. You arrive back on campus and make your way to the only class you two have in common.
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You walk through the classroom door with him laughing at something silly he had whispered in your ear when you hear someone call his name. Jungkook looks between you and some of his other friends sitting at the back of the classroom. He smiles and waves back. 
“Alright, so where are we sitting?” He looks at you expecting an answer. “You can go with them Jungkook”, you chuckle, “I know you haven’t seen them all summer. I’ll sit with the girls.” You take your hand from his before pushing him in the direction of his friends. He looks back at you one more time. “Go make friends, Kookie.” You usher in a tone for children too shy to go off into the playground on their own. He rolls his eyes and finally walks off as you join your friends.
The class progresses in the same boring fashion as all of your earlier classes. The only difference now was the occasional peeks between you and Jungkook. You glance up at Jungkook while the teacher shares pictures of his summer trip. 
He catches your gaze and you watch as a small smile spreads on his lips. The moment only lingers for a few seconds before he decides to tease you like the little jerk you know he is. “Talk to your friends Y/nnie”, he mouths at you and uses the same gesture you used on him earlier. You roll your eyes as he winks at you. Finally turning back to pay attention for the last few remaining minutes of class until the bell rings.
The rest of classes and bells whizzed by until it was finally 4 o’clock and you were free to go home.
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You made it out into the parking lot and leaned forward to put the key in the ignition. You flinched in your seat when you heard your passenger door open and someone sat beside you. 
“You made me drop my keys, jerk” You grumbled and punched his arm. Jungkook winces in mock pain as he looks over at you. “Ouch. Now you’ve got to kiss it better”. This time when he looks at you his eyes are filled with expectation and mischief.
 You only rolled your eyes, but he continued to insist. “I’m serious! That really did hurt. I think you forgot that you got buff from going to the gym with me.” He rubbed his arm again for added effect. “You’re such a baby”. You teased as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Your baby.” He hums as he turns to connect your lips to his. 
His hand moves to rest beneath your neck, deepening the kiss to the point that it was impossible to breathe. “I missed you so much, baby.” He mumbles against you. Dazed and breathless you sit there with your eyes closed, lovestruck grin on your face, “Missed you too.” He pecked your lips one more time before leaning back into his seat. “So my place or yours?”
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Pushing the door open to your empty house, “Home sweet home”. Your parents still had a day before they came home from an overnight visit to your grandparents, leaving you and Jungkook to take full advantage of that.
 Currently, you were laid up on your boyfriend’s chest. The peaceful atmosphere you had settled into suddenly disrupted by you. “We should make a list”, You sat up and looked down at Jungkook with excited eyes. He furrowed his brows in confusion. “Of things we want to do together before” You sighed, not wanting to finish off your sentence. “Before we break up?” He finished for you.
 “There’s just so much I want to do with you before we leave”. The words softly left your lips. Jungkook tucked your hair behind your ear happily before walking over to grab a pen and paper from your desk. “Let’s get started then.”
He settles back on your bed while you mindlessly title the page. Jungkook moves to peer over your shoulder. “Y/n and JK’s pre-breakup bucket list.” You catch his subtle wince after he reads the title aloud. Your expression slowly drops into a sad smile but Jungkook is quick to kiss your dejection away. 
“So skinny dipping at a very crowded beach has to be at the very top”. You look over at him with his favorite ‘are you fucking kidding me’ face. He pulls you against him, nuzzling your neck. “Come on. Add it.” Placing playful kisses in the crook of your neck. You turn your head. “No thanks”.
You continued brainstorming until you ended up with a list far more simple than you would have expected and a very important clause at the bottom of the page. ‘The list is always subject to change if Y/n and Jungkook feel like it.’
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The sound of your alarm stirs you from your sleep. You move to sit up but a pair of strong arms tighten around you. “It’s time to get up”, you sigh as you make no further attempt to escape your boyfriend’s warm embrace. Jungkook burrows his face in between your shoulders and hums in agreement. 
“Are you gonna let me go?” You giggle and finally try to pull his arms away from you. “Do you really want me to?” He teases and places a kiss on your shoulder. You hum in consideration. Lay in bed with your boyfriend to enjoy the morning together or get to school on time before your parents get the ‘your kid isn’t in class’ phone call. You hated that damn phone call. Jungkook seems to come to a conclusion before you as he rolls off the bed with a groan. 
You continue to lay despite no longer having the weight of your boyfriend confining you to bed. “I really don’t want to get up”, you whine. “Mnh mnh, you made me get up now it’s your turn”. His hand wraps around your ankle to drag you to the edge of the bed he stood by. For the second time this morning, you found yourself in Jungkook’s arms except this time you were being tossed over his shoulder and not waking in a gentle hold.
After being set down in the restroom with no other choice but to get ready, you start brushing your teeth. You lean over to spit the foam into the sink when Jungkook pokes his head in.
“Hey, where do you keep all the clothes you steal from me? I need some for today”. You roll your eyes at his accusatory choice of words before pointing him in the direction of your bottom dresser drawer. It’s not stealing when you had every intention of returning said borrowed clothes. He pulls on a t-shirt he found and you manage to steal a few shameless glances while getting ready yourself.
Just a few more days and you would have him all to yourself for the weekend.
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popatochisssp · 5 years
I remember you explained you h/cs the Skellies using pet names, but how would they react to their s/o absentmindedly calling them a pet name (like if s/o needed something and their skelly handed it to them, so the s/o is like 'thanks darling' off-handedly) ?? idk if that makes sense- im kinda tired lol
The pet-name post in question…
YES! HELL yeah, pet-name it up!: Papyrus (Undertale), Sky (Underswap Sans), Mal (Swapfell Sans), Rus (Swapfell Papyrus), Papy (Horrortale Papyrus)
Oh no, that’s really cute… Won’t say anything about it, but he probably isn’t about to ask you to STOP, either: Paps (Underswap Papyrus), Pyre (Underfell Papyrus), Slate (Horrortale Sans)
He doesn’t LOVE it… but as long you’re not over-doing it, he’ll live: Sans (Undertale), Jasper (Underfell Sans)
Sans (Undertale): He likes low-key stuff, anything too gushy or schmoopy strikes him as fake and– if syrupy-sweet enough– cringey. If it’s something said absently or in passing, though, it probably fits in his comfort zone of affection just fine!
Recommended Pet Name: ‘Babe’ or ‘baby,’ same as he uses for you. It’s casual and easy and not too embarrassing, so it’s a good choice!
Papyrus (Undertale): Fuck, he adores attention and affection like this, you call him any cute, sweet, flattering thing you can think of, he’s all for it!
Recommended Pet Name: ‘Handsome’ would be a good one to fluster him with! He’s a good-looking skeleton, he knows he is, of course! But to hear that you think so, too… Well! It’s very validating! And he’s not blushing at all! (‘Prince Charming’ and ‘Romeo’ won’t make him blush either! They won’t!)
Sky (Underswap Sans): Yep, he’s here for that! He likes to show off his relationship with you so to have you advertising it so freely to whoever might be listening is a huge ego boost and he loves that. Maybe avoid the super-cutesy names that might come off as demeaning or infantilizing– that’ll negate any positive effect you just had on his ego– but for the most part, he’s into being called whatever you like!
Recommended Pet Name: He kinda likes the sound of ‘boo,’ it’s endearing and has the implications of a decently serious relationship behind it, which he likes even more. ‘Boo-bear’ is also acceptable!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): He’s maybe a pinch shy about it, but he does like it, especially if the names you come up with are silly or goofy somehow! The kind of thing that’s completely incongruous with his personality and what he looks like is actually what he likes the most, so feel free to try being funny with it– he loves the irony, and the looks on peoples’ faces if they hear you call him something particularly odd.
Recommended Pet Name: ‘Jellybean’ makes him snicker, but not nearly as much as ‘sugarlips.’ (Get it? He has no lips!) He’ll happily accept either one. And you know the drill by now, ‘daddy’ or ‘papi’ and anything similar for saucier moments. ;3
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Maybe a surprise considering how much he uses pet-names on you, but… well, he’s got a rep to maintain, y’know! He can’t have you making him look too soft! Call him whatever you want, though, so long as it’s not embarrassing or overly fluffy, and he’ll deal with it.
Recommended Pet Name: If you absolutely must…go for something flattering that fits with his tough reputation, like ‘big guy’ or ‘trouble’– something he can smirk at and brag about!
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): He also has a rep to maintain but damn if he can’t resist it when you say cute things about him! He’ll try not to acknowledge it too much, but he’s definitely not going to ask you to stop unless you picked something really embarrassingly fluffy to call him in public.
Recommended Pet Name: Depends on the effect you’re going for. If you want to flatter him and fluff his ego, absolutely go with something like ‘tiger.’ Even if you’re using it sarcastically, he’s not gonna notice, he’ll be too caught up in the comparison to the animal– a fierce hunter with sharp teeth and claws, yes, he loves it! If you’re trying to touch his heart, though, and maybe make him a little emotional in the process… ‘hero,’ hands down, it gets to him every time.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Yes! Yes, please do call him by pet-names and let the whole world know you’re his datemate and you adore him over all others! He very smugly preens every time you use one on him, so pet-name to your heart’s content!
Recommended Pet Name: In public, ‘dear’ or ‘dearest’ will work just fine, like how he does for you, but when you’re alone, there’s nothing he wants to hear you call him more than your ‘king’… >:3c
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Oh god, he loves it. The attention, the affection, so blatant and obvious, yes please! He’ll take anything and everything and if it’s meant in the spirit of love, he’s a very happy skeleton!
Recommended Pet Name: You really can’t go wrong with ‘love’ but he also appreciates anything to do with soft stuff: ‘cuddlebug,’ ‘snugglebear,’ ‘lovemuffin,’ the list goes on, but the choice is all yours!
Slate (Horrortale Sans): He likes to use pet-names on you and can get pretty flowery once he’s comfortable with you, but he also has a tendency to get flustered if you go too hard on him in return. The simplest ones are generally the best for him unless you want him a blushing mess… and if that’s the case, you won’t have to work very hard. 
Recommended Pet Name: ‘Babe’ or ‘baby’ is the least fluster-inducing so if you want to keep things casual, definitely go with that one. If you are looking to fluster him, though, I’d go with something like ‘teddybear.’ He’ll blush and won’t be able to look right at you for awhile, but he’ll never ask you to stop saying it– he loves that you think of him that way, as something soft and huggable, and he loves that you want to call him that!
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Yes, absolutely, pet-names are so cute! He’s honored that you’re giving him one! The super-gushy pet-names aren’t totally his favorite so if he has any input at all, he’d prefer a more low-key one, but it’d have to be pretty embarrassingly schmoopy for him to tell you he’s actually uncomfortable going by it– which leaves you with plenty of wiggle-room to pick out something you both like.
Recommended Pet Name: Like his canon counterpart, he likes ‘handsome’ a lot (especially since he hasn’t always felt it since The Famine…), but he also really likes the sound of ‘sweetheart’ when you say it.
Ultimately, the choice of what you call your skeleton beau is yours and with so many sweet things you could come up with, the possibilities are truly endless. ;3
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