#just dropping a new chapter every now and then. putting my favorite guys (gender neutral) in situations
herearedragons · 16 days
making an outline for the murder mystery au and I'm already getting way into it
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iicheeze · 1 year
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3 Months, 3 Days, and 33 Minutes Masterlist
SUMMARY II you've always had feelings for your gray haired senior. To the point that you'd confess to the man in front of the whole Akademiya. Pitying you, he gives you 3 months, 3 days and 33 minutes to make him fall for you. Let the roller coaster of chaos begin!
PAIRINGS || Alhaitham x Gender Neutral Reader, slight Kaveh x reader
TAGLIST || @star-star-fall-inlove @nachotrash @baelloraa @tanspostsblog @kalpie @makimakimi @nishayuro @zomzomb1e @sassy-cat-in-town @aloveablechaos @ceylestia @severedvigility @goubaia @6-022-10-23 @duhsies @suwnshine @xiaos-wife1 @kysrion @kunikuzushisbeloved @mariposa666haruka @sunsinrinn @milkm4nz @klementime @beesgobuzzbuzz @perhapseven7eggs @fluffyxcloudz @orionicchaos @1-800asimpforfugo
TW || idiot tries to cook for the first time in their life, skin burns, ugly pie, cussing, Yeo's unfunny jokes.
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CHAPTER III — how to cook for dummies
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“ I heard the fastest way to someone's heart is by cooking them a good meal! ” Xiangling suggested.
“ Or just by surgery. ” Shenhe replied back.
“ Well, Xiangling does have a good idea.. ” [Name] mumbled to themselves, “ But... I have something to confess to you guys.. ” The two girls bopped their head in confusion.
“ I have never once touched a pan in my life. ”
“ Well.. It's okay! I can teach you how to cook! ” “ You're doomed, [Name]. ” “ Please shut up, Shenhe. I know damn well I'm doomed. ”
“ Plus, it's fine, Xiangling! You're busy with your own restaurant AND studies. I can teach myself how to cook. TeyvatTube exists for a reason! ” [Name] sweat dropped, not trying to bother Xiangling.
“ Awwh, alright then. Best of luck to you!! Oh, and, if you want to cook some exotic new recipes, come to me! I'm sure Alhaitham would love them! ” “ Yeah, uhh, I'll pass on that- Thanks for the offer! ”
The blue haired girl then left the almost-empty lecture hall, leaving you and Shenhe alone.
“ ... ” “ ... ”
“ Don't ask me to cook for you. I'm not that good of a cook myself. ” The [taller/shorter] woman stood up, before following Xiangling out of the lecture hall.
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Apples, apple cider vinegar, sugar, flour, vanilla extract, all-butter crust, brandy, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, an egg..
And a clueless [Name].
They were searching up on Giigle on cookings for beginners and decided to make Apple Pie.
Looked up the recipe, bought the ingredients, put on an apron, and quietly, the [Hair Color] thought.
This shouldn't be too hard!
Stupid bitch.
Look at them now, the pie that's supposed to look good is as black as your dad's ball sack AND their hand is burnt because they forgot to use a glove when opening to oven.
Along with a confused Kokomi at the door of her side of the dorm room. Wondering why the hell is there screaming and oven dings.
“ KOKOMI HELP UEEHSUEHEHSHEU ” [Name] sniffed, snot and tears seen at their pathetic looking face.
“ OH MY GOD, [NAME]. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?? ” “ I - I WAS JUST TRYING TO- COOK UP AN APPLE PIE FOR ALHAITHAM BUT IT'S SO HA- HARD. ” hiccups and snots were making it hard for the now-pathetic person to speak, making them look even more pathetic.
“ OH MY GOD, [NAME]. CLEAN YOURSELF UP, I'LL CLEAN THE KITCHEN. AND WE'LL TRY AGAIN TOGETHER, OKAY?? ” “ O - OKAY ” Kokomi put both her hands on her roommates shoulders, trying to calm them down.
You can't have shit in Teyvat Akademiya 😒
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“ Here! ”
“ ... What is this? ” Alhaitham asked, questioning the lunch box wrapped with a [Favorite Color], polka dot patterned cloth.
“ It's an apple pie! I heard from Kaveh that you don't like soup so.. yeah! ” [Name] scratched their cheek, nervous. “ It took me hours and Kokomi's help with this because I've never once touched the kitchen in my life so you better appreciate every last bite!! ”
Looking at the lunch box, [Name]'s face, the lunch box again, and [Name]'s face again. Before finally noticing the bandages wrapped at the person's hand.
“ Alright then. ” The man finally took the lunch box from the [Hair Color]'s hand. Confused as to why they won't leave.
“ I wanna watch you eat it! I didn't taste test it for myself, so I want to see your reaction. ” [Name] stated.
I'm so dead.
Taking a slice from the pie, the man couldn't help but shiver a bit. Finally taking a bite. It's taste is surprisingly..
But of course, his surprise wasn't shown through his face.
“ Well? What do you think? Is it good? ” [Name] asked, curious yet nervous at the same time.
“ It's.. Tolerable, to say the least. ” Alhaitham answered, “ SO- It's good?? YES! ” [Name] whisperer the last part.
“ Okay! From now on, I'll cook for you!! And you better appreciate it, okay?! Because I WILL work hard for each and every one of those! ” The [Hair Color] stated gleefully.
“ Oh, shit! I gotta go. My lecture's gonna start soon!! See you, Haitham! And you better finish those! ” [Name] waved the male goodbye before leaving him alone with the lunchbox, along with his thoughts.
Taking another bite while opening his book, he thought.
Maybe, they're not so bad after all.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE || this was a true story abt me trying to make apple pie except I made it for no one 🧍‍♀️
cuz i dont need no man cheering me up 💪😘🌟
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Long Nights - part 1
Neil x Reader
Chapter 1: Don’t kill my vibe
summary: all days blend into one, and as your friend brings back an unusual challenge, you are more than happy to accept it
warnings: 18+, explicit language, some violence, blood mention
author’s note: Woot woot, new series hype!  
This setting has been brewing inside me for months now, and what started as an idea for a one-shot, turned out to be a fully fleshed out series (f!Reader again, for more gender neutral one check out StuckInReverse series!). And a good chance to introduce this brand new dynamic. Aaaand to play with some rogue tropes - because guess who's gonna teach Neil all he knows about locks and how to pick them? (canon what canon or at least let’s forget the implications for a moment and let's enjoy all the HAND CONTENT instead)
I’m really excited to share this story with you all!
The song for this chapter is Sigrid - Don’t Kill My Vibe
Anyway, enjoy! All feedback is greatly appreciated, let me know what you think?
Tag list: @vaneilla @ergunbilge @invertedneil @wanderedaway
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You absent-mindedly swirled your coffee and ice cubes clinked against the tall glass as you watched a gutsy pigeon searching for crumbs under a table right next to yours. The green and purple feathers on its collar were shining in the morning sun, not as merciless as it was about to get in just a few hours, but still heating the crowded plaza to barely acceptable levels.
“I don’t know, man, all days blend into one, maybe it’s time to skip town again.”
Mahir leaned back on his chair, his glance sliding through the swarm of tourists pouring from the alley nearby.
“No new gigs?”
You mirrored his pose and shrugged.
“Some, but they just lack… pizzaz.”
“Yes,” - you sighed and gestured vaguely - “that certain oomph, that sparkle, excitement, when your heart starts beating faster at the sole thought--”
“You sure you’re not looking for...would say love but I know you too well, so... a good shag?” your companion chimed in with a sardonic smile plastered on his face.
You scoffed, amused by that insinuation.
“First of all - thank you,” you started, your eyes lighting up and your grin getting wider with every word. “Second - that thrill is better than a good shag, and after a job well done, you can ride that high much longer than even the best orgasm.”
“Forget I said anything--”
“And finally,” - you continued, ignoring his distressed groan - “you skip all the awkwardness of the morning after.”
Mahir raised his hands in defeat, and even though he looked as if he took a mental note to never tease you like that again, you were sure he knew exactly what you meant. After all, he was your favorite partner in crime, and even though he’d come clean (...or at least slightly cleaner) a few years ago, you still could count on him whenever you needed to pull off a spectacular and/or a straight-up batshit crazy stunt.
“How’s Paddsy?”
“Grand, as far as I know, but haven’t heard from him in years, why?” you asked, tilting your head.
Your friend looked at you with impish sparks in his eyes.
“I remember how you kept yourself amused during your teenage years.”
“The challenges?” You raised your brow and laughed at the memory. “Ha, petty theft is one way to fight a dullness of existence, all right.”
“I bet you’ve gotten sloppier with age.”
That taunt in his overly casual tone was clear as day. Were you really that bored, though?
“Please, I could do it right here and now without any prep.”
He sent you a smug smile and started browsing the crowd for a possible target. “Okay, what about... that guy over there?”
You followed his gaze and your eyes laid on a pair of men, lost in a conversation, keeping to the peripheries of tourist groups as they walked through the square. One of them was gesturing with enthusiasm, a wide smile brightening his tanned face, the blond hair in complete disarray combined with a slightly unbuttoned white linen shirt with rolled-up sleeves and beige trousers completed a disheveled look. Couldn’t be older than thirty. He was accompanied by a more composed middle-aged Black man, a maroon polo shirt and grey suit pants complimented his fit and refined posture.
“The yellow mane or the polo shirt?” you asked and Mahir snorted in response.
“The polo one.”
You looked the stranger up and down as you assessed the case. Even from afar, you could see an outline of a wallet in the pocket of his trousers, and the short sleeves meant easy access to the watch.
You smacked your lips and pouted. “Too easy.”
“Okay, so both of them,” he said, watching with satisfaction as you perked up at the suggestion.
“Now we’re talking!” you laughed, clapping your hands. You pointed at Mahir’s camera sitting on the table, internally blessing his choice of hobbies. “Mind if I borrow this for a moment?”
“Sure, whatever.”
You bounced at your feet and grabbed the camera and its case, securing both straps on your shoulder. A sudden rush mixed with a familiar coldness as you got your head in the game.
“Be right back.”
Circling the crowd, you positioned yourself on the path of your targets, blending in with the crowd. Right then, nobody would tell you from other slaphappy sightseers, mesmerized by the architecture of the Old Town district. Stopping abruptly every few steps to take yet another photo. Too preoccupied to pay attention to your surroundings. Making it way too easy to bump into someone, you know? Or, if you were clumsy enough, two people one after another, in a little live-action pinball moment.
You raised the camera and stepped back right into the polo guy, yelping at the impact.
“Sorry!” you squealed, jumping out of his way. Straight into the blonde man. “Oh gee, I’m terribly sorry!”
“You all right?” he asked as he caught you, placing hands on your arms for a split-second hold, enough to prevent you from bouncing back and bumping into someone else.
You turned around and met the bright blue eyes studying you curiously.
“Yep,” you mumbled through sheepish laughter. “And you?”
He beamed, raking his unruly hair with his fingers.
Your gaze flitted back to his companion, who was looking at you two with polite interest, visibly eager to continue his stroll.
“Sorry again! Have a lovely day, gents!” you chirped, sending one more apologetic smile and squeezing between them to walk away in the opposite direction.
Ten steps later you twirled around. Aiming the camera at a statue nearby, you checked on the men with the corner of your eye. The blonde guy glanced over his shoulder for a moment, but he didn’t seem suspicious. Good.
You made your way back to the cafe and fell back on your chair.
“No sweat,” you said and smirked, handing the camera back to Mahir and placing the case on the table. You turned it around so he could see what was inside - two watches, some mileage card you pulled out of the polo guy’s wallet, and something you grabbed from the other one… an Oyster card for public transport in London? What a combo. And of course, you could have picked the entire wallets instead, but what would be the fun in that? You didn’t have to make their life that much harder, after all, you just wanted to prove a point.
Mahir peeked inside and smacked his tongue.
“Okay, you still got it.”
“Damn straight!” You reached for your abandoned coffee and emptied it in one swig. “But I’d better get going.”
“Wait, what about the loot?”
“Keep it,” - you shrugged, leaning in to place a small kiss on the bearded cheek - “and tip that nice waitress well, will ya?”
“Sure,” sighed Mahir and patted your hand on his shoulder. “Be careful out there, mate.”
You stepped out on the sunny square again. There was nothing particularly interesting on the agenda for the day, so you decided to take a longer and more scenic route to your apartment. You put on the headphones and with your usual playlist on shuffle, you maneuvered between groups of people on your way to one of the alleys. And just as you were about to cross the road, someone blocked your path. You glanced up and it took all your self-control to maintain a neutral expression, despite all the warning sirens blaring at the full volume inside your head. How even--
“Darling! Long time no see!” said the blonde man you’d just robbed gleefully and grinned, his arms spread wide as if you’d known each other for years. Without dropping a jovial face, he leaned in and gave you a chaste hug, using the opportunity to utter straight into your ear. “Don’t make a fuss and come with me.”
Bloody fantastic.
The stranger linked your arms together and started walking down the street, pulling you with him in a little too rushed version of a friendly stroll. It wasn’t your first rodeo, though.
“Where are you taking me?” you squealed, faking badly covered distress and scouting the area in search of his partner, but the polo guy was nowhere to be seen.
“Oh, we need to have a little chat,” he said nonchalantly, securing a grip on you with another hand on your arm. “And the streets today are awfully loud, don’t you think?”
He dragged you into a back alley, losing the chummy demeanor with every step further away from the crowds. Lucky for you, the new setting worked in your favor. You’d been indulging him long enough, anyway.
Shifting your balance, you stomped hard on his foot, using the element of surprise to break free. Grabbing the blonde strands, you pulled his head down to meet your flying knee. A muffled groan escaped the stranger’s mouth and his curses followed you when you dashed to a small back street to your right. These few seconds of a head start were more than enough though, especially since you knew the area like the back of your hand. And that’s why you didn’t hesitate when you reached a chain-link fence. You jumped and bounced off the wall, pulling up on the edge and vaulting through the obstacle with ease, then gracefully landed on the other side and turned around just to see the man hitting the fence with frustration. He glared at you, wiping the blood from his face, and you almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
“See ya!” you giggled and blew him a kiss, disappearing into another alley.
You emerged on the main street at a reasonable distance from the place you’d left the stranger, weaving between people on the busy pavement, making sure nobody followed you. After a few blocks, you grew quite certain that you’d lost the unwanted tail. You smiled to yourself. The day turned out to be way more exciting than you could have expected. And it wasn’t even noon yet. 
You noticed a dark grey SUV pulling over next to you, but by the time you realized what was going on, it was already too late. The next thing you knew, you got dragged into the backseat and trapped between the blonde man and the polo guy. Shit.
You glanced at the driver, searching for clues about what you’d gotten yourself into. The woman behind a wheel gave off a paramilitary vibe, but you couldn’t be sure. Anyway, there was no point in trying to escape - you needed to wait for a more suitable moment. You didn’t have too much room to squirm around, so you just fixed your gaze on the road ahead.
“Well, this is awkward,” you said, breaking the silence as the car started moving again.
“As my colleague said - we need to talk.”
You looked to your right at the polo man. “Abduction is such an underrated conversation starter.”
“So is theft,” he noted, a shade of smile tainting the corner of his mouth. “I really liked that watch.”
“I have no idea--”
“We’ve checked the square’s surveillance system,” he interrupted you, but his statement was so ridiculous you just had to laugh it off.
“Now you’re insulting me.”
He raised a brow as he studied you with satisfaction. “You’d rather admit that you’re guilty?”
“No,” - you bridled, slowly getting tired of the whole charade - “but there’s no way you got to the feed so fast, and with how crowded it was out there, there is no way you’d find anything incriminating in there.” You hesitated for a moment, then narrowed your eyes. “Speaking of-- how did you even find me?”
A sudden movement to your left made you switch focus to the quiet blonde man. Still pressing a bunch of bloodied tissues to his face, he showed you his phone - a red dot was blinking steadily in the middle of a screen.
...tracking? You opened your mouth to ask a follow-up question, but then it hit you and your eyes flared up. That hug.
“Sneaky. I like it.” You grinned and nodded at him. “How’s your nose?”
He lowered his hand with the tissues. It was bruised and swollen, but you couldn’t tell if you’d managed to break it or not. Still - ouch.
“Never better,” he said and grimaced slightly.
“You should put some ice on it.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“You don’t say.”
Biting your lip to stifle a giggle, you glanced back to your right. “So? What do you wanna talk about?”
The other man shook his head.
“Not in the car. We’re almost there.”
You looked out of the window to find out you were driving into an industrial zone, and not the nice part of it. You didn’t mind, though - abandoned and creepy factory buildings were your jam, and they made excellent locations if you ever needed a chance to escape.
After a few minutes, you reached your destination. You got out of the car parked near the entrance to an empty hall. The sunbeams were pouring inside through the broken windows near the ceiling, lighting up a small metal table and a pair of chairs.
“Kudos for prepping such a dramatic setting, gents,” you laughed, taking a seat at the table. The polo man sighed and sat in front of you, sliding a folder with documents your way. You peeked inside, only to confirm your suspicions. They got some serious dirt on you, all right.
“Let’s start again, properly this time. This is Neil,” - he said, pointing at his companion, who was standing nearby, leaning against a pillar - “and I’m The Protagonist.”
You gaped at him and slumped your shoulders. “The Protag--...you’re shitting me,” you huffed, but the man was staring at you indifferently. “Dude, your parents must hate you,” you snorted, not even trying to keep a straight face. “What’s wrong with-- ...I don’t know, David? Or some of the classics, like John?”
“That’s how everyone here addresses me, and I’d like you to do the same.”
“Do I have to?” you groaned as you looked at Neil. He simply nodded, so you had no other option but to roll with it. For now. “Ugh, fine,” you said, shrugging. “You guys are spies or something?”
“Or something,” said The Protagonist. “We use certain espionage techniques to our advantage.”
“Sure,” - you scoffed - “next thing you’re gonna tell me is that you need my help to save the world.”
Neil’s amused snort made you glance at him again. “Well, maybe indirectly.” Playful sparks lit up his eyes as he gave you a half-smile. 
Are they for real? If that was an elaborate prank, this would be a good gotcha moment, but the men seemed serious enough.
You shifted on your seat, laughing nervously.
“Sorry to disappoint, but you’ve got the wrong gal.”
The Protagonist pointed at the folder in front of you.
“We need someone with your skills.”
...right. “Such as?”
You arched a brow. “Why? You need me to crack something for you?”
“No.” The Protagonist shook his head and took a deep breath. “We need you to teach our agents how to do it.”
“Hard pass,” you said, crossing your arms. “I’m not a tutor material.”
All of a sudden, a familiar voice rang behind you.
“Show her the lock.”
And then you connected all the dots.
“Mahir, you asshole!” you fumed, glaring at your friend as he joined you by the table. “Sloppier with age, I swear, you’re the main reason I have trust issues!”
“Main?” - he sent you a skeptical look - “What about--”
“Okay, you’re in top three, but mind you, today’s stunt alone got you five places up the table.”
“Oh no, I’m gonna cry myself to sleep tonight,” he mocked in his usual deadpan manner.
You huffed - “You better,” - mentally kicking yourself for falling for his ruse so easily. Maybe he was right. Maybe you’d lost your edge. That’s what you got for staying in one place for too long. You blinked rapidly, getting out of your head to focus on an item The Protagonist placed on the table. A small metal lock, pretty basic. No security pins, but you knew this model was made with sloppy tolerances that could give any beginner a headache.
“What’s so special about it?”
“Give it a try,” said The Protagonist and waved his hand in encouragement.
You reached to the pocket of your pants for a compact set of lockpicking tools you always had on you. Nothing fancy, rather a handy emergency set than anything serious - those were safely stored in your apartment, ready for the real work. Unlike the one you were about to do. Or so you thought.
You placed a tiny wrench at the bottom of a keyway and applied a minimal amount of tension, trying to set the first pin inside using a short hook. Trying and failing. The feedback from the tools was bizarre, like the regular laws of physics no longer applied to the lock’s mechanism.
“What in the fresh hell--” you uttered through gritted teeth, pulling out the tools to examine the peculiar lock.
Mahir smirked. “Enough pizzaz?”
“Shut up, I’m still mad at you,” you waved at him dismissively and focused back on The Protagonist, who was watching your attempts with polite interest. And a hint of a satisfied smile. “Where did you get that?”
“I’m afraid I can’t tell you,” he replied, leaning back on the chair. “At least for now, that is if you’d like to reconsider our proposal.”
You nibbled on your bottom lip, drumming the fingers on the table. Mahir, you bastard. Of course he knew you wouldn’t be able to resist an offer like this. Even if that meant a certain commitment, and that wasn’t something you were particularly fond of.
“Fine,” you sighed. “But I’m gonna teach only one person.”
As you shook on it, Neil left his spot by the pillar.
“That will be me.”
You nodded in agreement and asked, “What about the lock?”
“Keep it,” said The Protagonist, standing up. As if he’d share the secrets straight away. “I want to hear your thoughts on it the next time we see each other.”
“And when is that gonna be?”
He just smiled enigmatically. “Soon. Mahir - a word?”
“Is he always like that?” you asked Neil as you got up, watching the others making their way towards the exit, but he just shrugged in return.
“He’s a busy man.”
You eyed your soon-to-be student curiously, and he responded in such, although suddenly losing some of the confidence he’d had before. Even with the bruised face, he radiated with this natural charm, a soft smile and the blonde strands falling into the bright blue eyes only adding to the overall appeal.
“Sorry about the nose.”
“Thanks,” - he smirked - “can’t blame you for that though, right?”
Grinning, you extended your hand in an informal truce offering.
“No hard feelings then?”
“Not at all,” he said as your palms clapped together and you smacked each other’s arms playfully.
With any leftover tension gone, all you had to do was to discuss the schedule and a few other crucial details. Neil took some notes and promised to get everything ready over the next few days. He even offered to drive you home, but you politely turned him down. A long walk, even slightly longer than previously anticipated, seemed more tempting.
Your fingers brushed against the weird lock in your pocket and you smiled to yourself.
For the first time in months, your heart started beating a little bit faster.
(next chapter->)
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bloodieorchid · 4 years
Cafe Rouge - CH 2
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Cafe Rouge - Chapter Two : Cortado
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A college student finds a job at an elusive coffee and book shop after the disappearance of the past barista. Only after the interview and many confidentiality agreements do you begin to learn the secrecy behind Café Rouge.
CW: This story will contain dark subject matter regarding stalking, abuse, violence, the yandere tag in general, and more to be added as this story is written and updated. I, as a writer, do NOT condone any of the activities in this story and only seek to write a horror romance. All pronouns are gender neutral so everyone can read and imagine themselves in the story.
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         “Now, you need to steam the milk off center so it makes a vortex,” Knight called out as you cupped your hands around the silver milk pitcher. “Hold the handle, but touch the bottom. Once it gets too hot to hold anymore, you’re done.” Knight called and the steam wand powered on, roaring and whistling like a train going under a bridge. Your fingers felt the temperature rise and grow until it burned and you quickly turned off the steam wand. Knight walked over, whirling the milk in the picture and hitting it against the wood counter of the bar. 
        Knight took a shot of espresso and poured it into a small glass, slightly larger than a shot glass. He then filled it with the steamed milk, pouring slowly to allow the milk to make designs on the surface. He set down the cup to reveal a series of hearts within each other. “That’s how you make a cortado with a rosetta,” Knight smiled as he gave you the cup, letting you sip. It was bitter, but creamy from the steamed milk and slightly sweet. You smiled into the cup. “It’s good, might not be my taste though,” you explained. He nodded. “The first cortado is always an interesting one, but good once you get used to the bitterness,” he explained. 
        The shop had closed down, allowing you to train for the evening and to get grips on the espresso machine. Knight was assisting while Bishop counted the day’s tips and cash drawer. “So, are those all of the usual regulars?” you asked politely while rinsing the cortado glass. “No, we have a couple others, those three or four come in near every day. Willow always comes in to study, but only really stays for an hour or two. Mr. Arnold gets his morning cup of espresso, sometimes he gets a drink to go before he heads to work as a realtor. Then, Mona gets all of the drinks for the Mayor’s office since she’s the new girl over there.” Knight, no Shane explained. 
        “We also have a couple of regulars who only come in when specific baristas work. Mr. Arnold always comes in the mornings around when I come in. There’s another girl named Queen who has a whole crowd of guys who come in the afternoons.” Shane explained as he wiped down the bar and prepped to clean the espresso machine. “No one knows she’s a lesbian though, that’s how she prefers it. She leaves with always close to fifty or a hundred dollars in tips alone,” he commented with a chuckle. “Fifty or a Hundred? In just tips?” you astonishingly called out. “The record for most tips goes to an old barista we used to have called Check. On his last day before graduating, he left with nearly three hundred dollars in tips. The people who come here have their unapologetic favorites. Check even comes in sometimes, he now works down the block for the one of the lawyers in town,” Mr. Bishop called out as he finished counting the money. 
          Mr. Bishop turned around with two pastry bags with the words ‘Rook’ and ‘Knight’ written on them. “Tips for today,” he explained. You gently grabbed your tips before you looked at the large number written in sharpie of ‘64.32′. You stared at the total before nodding and putting it gently back in your bag. “Make sure you be careful on your walk home, Mx. (L/N).” Mr. Bishop called out as you slung your bag over your shoulder. You nodded, “Don’t worry, Mr. Bishop. It’s a straight shot home,” you smiled reassuringly. You couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the owner of the shop, worrying about the safety of all of his employees after what happened to Laura. He nodded. “See you in the morning,” he bid you farewell before turning back into the office. 
          You stepped out of the door, into the light filled street of Ravenswood. You sighed in the fresh air, seeing your breath from the October chill. You wrapped your jacket tighter around you. It wasn’t winter coat season yet, but it was close enough where a jacket was needed. You hurried home, walking along the street and glancing into the windows of fancy restaurants, boutiques, and offices. You glanced at your reflection in the glass, pausing for a moment to see how your cheeks were flushed from the cold and felt warm. You sighed softly, rubbing your hands to your cheeks. 
         Suddenly, you heard a crash to your left. You glanced over to find a dark alley, just barely out of the light of the street. You looked around, the street empty of pedestrians and only one car drove past in the past minutes. You slowly walked to the alleyway, hoping for a cat or something falling out of the window. However, there wasn’t anything in the alley that you could see. You turned on your phone’s flashlight and walked down into the alleyway. You weren’t met with a car or a lost cat jumping to freedom from a fire escape. 
          On the ground below you was a small box, wrapped in newspaper with a black bow. You looked around before picking up the box. You noticed a small tag on the bow, pulling it up to reveal ‘to Rook <3′. You frowned in confusion, standing up before moving the bow and opening the box. Inside, was a single tarot card. 
         There in the box sat card number I, the Fool. A vagabond or explorer traveling into the unknown, unfazed by the dangers. Covered in gold, but a picture of your face had been taped over the Fool’s and your eyes were covered in tape. Accompanying this was a small note tucked underneath. 
        “Travel carefully, little Rook. You wander further and further out of the light. It will be a shame when you find yourself trapped in the darkness. 
                                                Your new admirer, Reti” 
         You held the box in confusion, looking around for a sign of who dropped the box and becoming more and more anxious when - 
         “(Y/N)?”, you turned quickly to reveal your coworker Shane. “What is.....” he quickly made steps toward you and saw the box and immediately frowned. “We need to show that to Mr. Bishop, now,” he said, looking at you harshly. “D-Do you know who sent this, Shane?” you asked confused. “Someone from the shop, I assume they called you Rook?” he asked. You nodded and handed him the box. “Come on,” he lead you back to the shop and opened the door. 
         “We’re closed,” Mr. Bishop called from the back. “Sir, (Y/N) found another box. It was addressed to ‘Rook’,” Shane called out. Mr. Bishop stepped into the front. “They’ve worked two days.” he said as he walked to the counter. He frowned as he saw the box and squinted at the note. “I don’t understand, who sent this?” you asked, looking at your new boss. 
           “I wanted to let you get settled in before you started to deal with this stuff. Someone from the shop likes you and wants you to know it.” Mr. Bishop frowned as he flipped the tarot card. “This doesn’t exactly seem friendly, Mr. Bishop,” you rebutted and rubbed your cold arms. “It’s not, while the majority of our shop is full of nice people most days, we’ve apparently attracted a clientele of the occult and people who have probably broken the law,” Shane commented while frowning. 
            “Well, it’s simple. We just go to the police, and they find this mystery stalker,” you commented as you stood tall. Mr. Bishop looked at you, “We tried that last time, but whoever took Laura got her after we got the police involved. They didn’t care about attention, they wanted her for some reason.”
           “This means....” 
            “You’ve peaked someone’s interest, (Y/N) and we need to find out who before you end up like Laura,” 
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zwiezraczek · 4 years
Two Hearts One Home: Green and Panda love story
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Note: I promised it, and it is now here! I’m sorry for the delay dear nonnies but well... Life I guess ^^’ It was super fun and fluffy to write! So here we have my favorite ship of all times, aka 💚🐼 my star crossed lovers! I hope you’ll enjoy this lovelies! 💕 I kept it gender neutral because you're nonnies, so... Well, if it bothers you just drop me an ask!
“Both fandoms, both alike in dignity
In fair Tumblr-land where we lay our scene
From ancient fandoms break to new relationship,
Where users bloods make the writer’s mid go insane
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-crossed lovers (m)ake their life”
It was three in the morning and Panda was still reading. They weren't even as tired as they should be, with the fairy lights above their head and the delicate music playing in their ears as they rubbed their eyes when they looked at the illuminated screen. This fanfiction couldn't end here, it wasn't possible, and as the chapter ended the book ended too. It was three in the morning and Panda finished this fanfiction, with a void left in their heart. They decided to leave a little comment, something nice and sweet to the author of this story, their comment was the purest comment in the world and after they pressed send they turned off their phone in order to go to sleep, dreaming softly about what they had read during that night.
But in the morning, they found out two replies, not one, but two to their comment. The first one was from the author, thanking them and the second one was from another reader. Something sweet and calm came from their words, and Panda couldn't resist the smile that was slowly drawn on their face.
Their fingers were happily clicking on the keyboard as they wrote the message, with a happy feeling burning in their chest they had answered to this person under one of their favorite's fiction on this site. It was nothing, but seeing that the person replied was a kind of nice feeling. The words of Panda felt so calm and composed, and truly nice. It felt like a summer evening and its swift breeze while the words came up one after another filled with heart shapes to enhance what they were writing. And it was probably at that moment that Greeny knew that they wanted to message this person to talk with them, for longer than in a comment.
The great rush of laughs and emotions began from the very day they spoke together, finding out about each other even more every time they exchanged texts. Panda played it cool, and Greeny did too, put neither of them wanted to admit that they loved this friendship more than anything. Being able to bond over one commune interest was hard, especially in their own fandom. It was like fighting in an never ending story, but finding a shelter to spend the night in next to a fireplace while drinking chocolate and sharing a laugh. It felt like home, as if their hearts found a common ground, a place to be together. Their fingers were what connected them during a long moment, a longer time than they expected.
And then, they decided to call each other. To hear their voices, and probably to fall in love with the sound of the other's voice as if it was the most melodious sound they have ever heard. They couldn't gather themselves to imagine what the other looked like with the sound of their voice, but god, both knew that this was one of the best day of their lives.
“You there?” Panda asked after a longer silence from Greeny, a silence that made them miss their voice for a quick moment.
“I was just... Really Panda, it's so nice talking with you, texting or talking over the phone. And you have such a cute laugh,” they said while feeling their heart pounding faster and faster as they couldn't repress a smile on their face.
“Says the one with the cutest laugh on Earth, you shouldn't lie like this Greeny,” Panda jokingly said with a confident tone. A tone that covered their happy feeling.
“You can't take a compliment, as usual,” Greeny complained.
“You know me now,” Panda replied.
Indeed they knew each other, but not too well to know what was underneath.
It was the deepest shade of blue that covered the sky on that night and the fairy lights were shining bright in their separate rooms, far from each other. But their hearts were closer now. It has been months they had been speaking about everything and anything, and their hearts racing everytime they spoke about something, their mouths went dry when the other complimented some of their features of their voice. It became a game, but neither seemed to be willing to win. Well, Panda kind of was.
“I love talking with you,” Green wrote with a little smile on their face as they buried themselves deeper into their matters.
“I always thought that the best conversations were made in the a.m because we never know what we're going to say,” Panda replied with a sappy tired smile pressing their fingers on the screen.
“It's always so unpredictable!” They yawned, fluttering their eyelashes.
“I could for example tell you that I love you very much,” Panda wrote, maybe a bit anxious but helped by the soothing lights above their head.
“What,” Green wrote back, feeling their eyes open up instantly as they sat up on their bed, their thumbs on both sides of the screen. They were surprised, and knew how deep their conversations had been during the night, but they never expected Panda to tell them that. It was surreal, mostly because of the heart emojis and the constant compliments that they received and probably made too.
“I... Forget it? Maybe? Unless?” Panda felt anxious for a second, trying to hide their concerns with too many questions, and probably knowing that they wouldn't sleep during that night because of what they have said. Yeah, conversations in the a.m were bullshit.
“Love you too, Panda-boo,” Greeny wrote back with a fond smile and butterflies in their stomach. It was a pure feeling of joy, of happiness that was born thanks to a comment a few months ago.
“Greeny-boo,” Panda wrote back with a little heart-shaped emoji as they wished to hug their significant other as tight as they could.
The best conversations were made in the a.m, when two hearts found one home against all the odds.
“And honestly, they are like, ugh,” Panda complained during another skype call they had and noticed that Greeny made a funny face. But not as funny as Panda wished. “What's going on Greeny-boo?”
“Not all of them, “Greeny retorted softly while looking away.
“Not all of them, but most of them and that makes them often so unbearable.”
“Am I unbearable to you,” they asked coldly.
“Boo, there's no need to react like this,” Panda said, looking a bit concerned through the camera.
“Yeah, as annoying as the ones I told you about?” Greeny retorted more angrily now.
“Greeny, don't make me tell you this,” Panda warned them.
“Because what? You have the right to insult me and my fandom but I can't tell anything about some random guys? Is that it?”
“You're insulting me,” Panda blurted and Greeny made big eyes at them.
And the moment of the biggest discord came right in front of them. They looked into each other's eyes, not knowing what to say. They've fallen in love, from two households fighting against each other for no other reason than being right. And them, Greeny and Panda were the ones that fell in love with each other, despite their beliefs. They looked into each other's eyes again, not believing what had just happened to them, not understanding. Because they were fighting, for the first time, as if they were on two different sides of the road, shouting obscenities at each other, throwing dirt as their fandoms did. But they weren't like the others, they had so much in common, they belonged to one family, their hearts had one home and a nice one. They had plans, they wanted to be together, despite all of this, despite their destiny.
“Boo I'm... I'm sorry for saying these hurtful things, I... Don't want to argue with you, not for this,” Panda said with a faint smile. “I fell in love with you because of who you are, and not because of what you like but for your personality, for your laugh and your smile and I don't want that to be taken away from me because of some fandom-war, because I love you too much Greeny-boo.”
“Panda,” Greeny whispered with a bigger smile on their face. “I love you too, even if you think that my fandom sucks, but for real yours does,” they teased them.
“For fuck's sake boo, I'm going to murder you with all my love but before I'll marry you,” Panda joked before dramatically blowing a kiss towards their camera. “Just say you love me, and I”ll never be in this fandom again,” they quoted even more dramatically.
“Who are you, why are you hiding in the dark, beautiful stranger,” Greeny asked squinting their eyes.
“How do thy know I am a beautiful stranger but thy eyes cannot see?”
“Oh don't you outsmart me, you...”
“Love you too Greeny-boo,” Panda cut them off with a loving gaze.
“Love you too, Panda.”
“From the star-crossed lovers to our fandoms:
Finding love is difficult, but it is even more when your loved one is from another, enemy, house. You have to prove to yourself that your love is worth every single minute of it, despite being on opposite sides because, at the end of the day, we're all fans after all. We've learned a lot about the fandom we hated so much and found out that behind these names there are nice people, just like us. We would never have thought about talking to someone from another fandom, an enemy one but becoming friends and bonding over something we had in common and then falling in love was the best thing that had happened to us.
So yes, we are the Capulets and the Monatgues, but hell how we do love each other and how alive we are! Don't let hate consume you, love one another!
From your favorite star crossed-lovers, Panda and Greeny.”
Send post.
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because-cur-non · 7 years
Top 5 scenes/ moments/ sections of dialogue from RF?
I’m gonna answer this under a cut!
1) Mulligan with Hamilton in loco parentis (I love Mulligan.  I love Mulligan having his shit together more than these kids.  Someday I’ll do a bonus thing of when Hamilton was staying with him.  This is honestly maybe my favorite scene in the whole damn thing because I just love Mulligan so much.)
Mulligan was silent while he composed a message neutral enough to sound like it could have come from anyone and sent it.  He pocketed Hamilton’s phone and let him sit quietly for the rest of the ride.  He paid the driver, led the way into his building, and let them into the apartment.  It sounded like one of his flatmates was in his room but otherwise they were alone.  Hamilton dropped his bag on the floor and collapsed face-down on the sofa.
“I hate this,” he moaned.
“We’ll sort it out.  Take off that jacket, the sleeves are too long for you.  I’m gonna hem ‘em while we wait to hear back from ‘im.”
Hamilton dropped the jacket on the ground without getting up.  Mulligan sighed and picked it up, taking it over to the sewing machine on the table.
“Like raising a friggin’ five year old…”
“Fuck off.”
“You gonna throw a tantrum?”
Hamilton raised one hand to flip him off.
“I can’t think, Mulligan,” Hamilton complained as the machine whirred.  “Me.”
“Thanks for implyin’ the rest of us are a buncha idiots,” Mulligan said, his back to him as he worked.
“You know what I mean.”
“So you forgot your keys, big deal.  Said you were sleep deprived anyway.  Too much fuckin’ on vacation?”
“Just once.  Wasn’t that.  That didn’t help.”
Mulligan didn’t say anything, waiting patiently for Hamilton to start up again.
“Maybe I am sick,” he finally said, turning his head to the back of the couch and touching his face.  “He said I felt hot.  I get sick every winter anyway, fuck winter.”  He struggled to take out his dry contacts.  “That must be it.”
“Lovesick, maybe.”  The machine stopped and Mulligan inspected his work, looking over just in time to see Hamilton reach over the armrest and drop the contacts to the carpet.  “Oh, come on, I don’t spit on your floor.”
Hamilton left his arm hanging and Mulligan dropped the jacket on top of him.
“Try that when you’re done whining and tell me how it is.”
“You done whining?”
“I’m getting a beer.  I’d offer you one, but it’s illegal to give alcohol to children.”
“You’re a jackass.”
Mulligan came back into the room, popping the tab on a can of beer.  “You’re being a baby.”
“I fucking lost my work keys and I can’t get into my apartment!”
“That’s not what you’re really complaining about, Hamilton.  I might not be a hotshot genius like you, but I’m not a moron.  Move your legs over.”  Mulligan sat heavily on the couch next to him.  “You like the guy?”
“Yeah.”  Hamilton’s voice was heavily muffled by the couch cushions.
“You like him a lot?”
“Things get a little too real spending that much time with him?”
Hamilton paused.  “Yeah.”
Mulligan patted his leg.  “Suck it up,” he said sympathetically.
2) CVS (First, this is the start of the islands/ocean theme. Second, look at these boys, this is back before they’re all over each other, that hand on the shoulder was Intimate.  Someday I’ll also go through and pull things to show the progression of their sleeping habits.)
Laurens pulled him down, running his thumb over his high cheekbones and then his fingers through his hair.  “You’re gonna get wrinkles,” he teased, “you’ll turn gray.”
“I’d be a silver fox,” Hamilton replied.  “All the girls’ll be lining up at my door.”
“Yeah, I banned you after you made fun of my hair.” Hamilton rolled away from Laurens onto his back.  “It’s like a sauna in the city at this time of year.  I’m melting.”
“I thought you’d be used to it.”
“Trade winds.”  Hamilton waved one hand dismissively in the air above his face.  “And not all of this cement for the heat to just bake you in.”
Laurens propped himself up on his elbow, watching Hamilton’s face.
“I bet winter was a surprise.”
“Ha.  Yeah.  I stepped off that plane and—d’you know what, John?  I saw autumn leaves for the first time in my life.  Squirrels.  CVS, for chrissake.  All this shit that I had this image of in my mind because of course I knew about it, I’d seen it everywhere, and that’s the thing, isn’t it?  No one in New York cares if I went to Gore’s of St. Croix, but I’ve got CVS already engrained somewhere in me and it’s beautiful, the flow of power.  Soft power, John, recognize our maps and naturalize our flora and fauna and without even realizing it your center of balance is off.”
Laurens was quiet and Hamilton tucked his hands behind his head.
“You know what?”
“You’re right, four hours isn’t enough.  I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“That’s not true.”
Hamilton closed his eyes.  Laurens waited for a minute to see if he would say anything else, then lay down once he heard his breathing slow, putting one hand on his shoulder in spite of the heat.
3) Inappropriate sick flirting (Okay this isn’t like a CLASSY option or anything, but I crack myself up every time with Hamilton’s attempt to deflect-by-flirting here and I’m a sucker for sickfic, so.  Shrug.)
Laurens, like Lafayette, woke before his alarm.  He had gotten up late that night to take his headphones off and close his laptop, and then alternated between dozing and playing on his phone for a few hours, not willing to wake Hamilton if he was so soundly asleep.  It wasn’t until he heard the second coughing fit that he got up and pulled on a pair of pants.
“Alex?”  He knocked on the bathroom door.  “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”  He sounded a little strangled.
“Are you sick?”
Hamilton started coughing again.  “I’m fine,” he repeated after a minute.
“Alex, come back to bed.  Do you need something to drink?”
“I have water.”  Laurens could hear him put the mug down on the side of the sink for emphasis.  “And my laptop.  I’m fine.  Go back to sleep.  I don’t want to keep you up.”
“I’m awake now.”  Laurens tried the handle but it was locked.
“I don’t want to make you—”  Hamilton cut himself off, clearing his throat and taking a drink.
“I thought you said you weren’t sick.”
“Said I was fine.”
Laurens sighed.  “Look, if I’m going to get sick the damage is already done.  I have to go in an hour.  Just come back out.  I feel weird talking to you through a door.”
There was a pause, then Hamilton opened the door and stepped out, all false-casualness in sweatpants and a pullover, taking a sip from a university mug.  “Hey, J.  You’re up, I’m up.  What’re the odds.  Wanna fuck?”
Laurens gave him an incredulous look.  “No.”
4) Masculinity (Would you believe I wrote all this shit about gender before thinking critically about gender in my own life?  Like, jeez, it’s one of Hamilton’s main recurring issues and the one I always identified with the most.  Anyway, it was a toss up between this and the argument he has with Laurens at the end of the chapter, but it’s the same deal really.)
“What did I say wrong?”  Lafayette asked.  “I didn’t mean anything bad.  I was teased a lot too, you know, but I’m happy for the two of you.  I like being in a relationship like that.  The closeness, the cuddling…”
“Yeah,” Hamilton said sharply and more directly than he meant to, “‘cause you’re not being treated like the freakin’ girl!”
Lafayette looked at him in surprise and Hamilton, embarrassed, turned away.
“Shit,” he said, walking towards the platform.  “Don’t tell him I said that.  I didn’t mean it like that.”
“John doesn’t think of you as a girl.”
“I know that.”
“Well, if you know that…”
Hamilton didn’t say anything.
“Do you think other people see you that way?”
“Fuck other people.  How should I know what they think?”
“You would make a very bad girl,” Lafayette said.
“Shut up.”
“I don’t think anyone sees it like that except for you.  John certainly doesn’t.”
“I know—look, fine,” Hamilton said, accepting that he was just going to be that annoying guy having a fight on the subway.  He dug a quarter out of his pocket and tossed it into a street performer’s open guitar case to try and balance his karma out.  “So he doesn’t, great.  I feel bad, okay?  I know he doesn’t—I like when—It’s just the way other people react sometimes.  Like I’m…”  Hamilton paused, gesturing helplessly as he tried to find the words.  “…Less than him.  Like with his friends, I liked that on the whole, it was great, I’m glad he had a good time and they were chill.  But there were a couple moments where it was like they were almost making fun of me.”
“They teased me, too,” Lafayette protested.
“Bully for you.”  Hamilton saw Lafayette’s hand twitch towards his pocket and he sighed.  “Go ahead, write that one down.  It’s dated, that’s probably why you haven’t heard it yet.”
Lafayette tucked the box under his arm then took out his notebook and copied the phrase out.
“I know it’s stupid,” Hamilton said, making an effort to lower his voice.  “It shouldn’t matter.  There’s nothing ‘feminine’ about it and even if there was, that’s not a bad thing.  But it’s weird, okay, and I don’t like it.  It’s not about being with him,” he went on after a pause in which they both waited as the train loudly pulled up.  “I just hate being made to feel like less of a man for it.”
Lafayette cocked his head to the side, considering this.  They got into a car and took hold of a pole near the door.
“Fucking bullshit heteronormativity,” Hamilton complained as the car pulled away, taking a step to the side for balance.  “Gender doesn’t function in a void, Lafayette.  In a perfect world none of this would matter and also I’d live in an apartment that didn’t leak heat during the winter.”
Neither of them said anything as the car rattled along to its next stop.
“You know what’s extra bullshit,” Hamilton started up again as the train stopped.  “I fucked him today.  I should be the one getting all the accolades.  Instead it’s just, oh, look at the little guy, he’s so cute.  Bullshit,” he muttered again, tugging his scarf down.  “Doesn’t always bother me,” he added.  “I dunno, I know you didn’t mean anything by it.  Wasn’t even the tone.  I don’t know.”
“I think you’re very masculine.”
“Thanks.”  Hamilton still sounded sullen.
5) Out (Is it weird to say that I consider this part “a classic”?  This is the thing that got me by far the most amount of comments and, I mean, Laurens earned it.)
“God damn,” Humphreys complained, freshly dressed and sitting next to Laurens on the bench between the rows of lockers and working at a knot in his neck.  He tipped his head to the side so that fine braids slid like a curtain over his hand.  “Don’t get me wrong, Laurens, I don’t want to blow my shoulder out, but you don’t even know how much shit I would have gotten into if I had gotten a month and a half off.”
“Dirty shit,” Tench laughed.  “Go back to your farm, find some of those sheep?”
“Shut up,” Humphreys said, laughing as well.  “That was a business plan.”
“Yeah, the oldest business in the world.  Sam, catch.”  Another player walking by caught his wallet without missing a beat.  “I owe you ten.”  The money was taken and the wallet was tossed back.  Tench dropped it in his bag.
“Anyway, like I was saying, it’s not that I envy you, just those extra six weeks.”
“I hear you,” Tallmadge agreed, coming back from the shower in just a towel.  “It’s hard to visit my girlfriend during the week.  It takes so long to drive down, it’s really only possible on the weekend, but then, okay, so we can’t fool around as much as I’d like.  Not that I’m actually ready for the monastery like our boy Laurens,” he teased, shoving Laurens playfully as he opened his locker.  “How’re you holding up?  I’d have assumed you just weren’t interested if I hadn’t had to listen to you for all these years.”
“Sainthood’s a real lonely road,” Tench added.
“Hey, come on,” Laurens protested, not really thinking about what he was saying, “My boyfriend’s all over me too, I know what it’s like.”
There was actually a moment of stunned silence in the locker room during which time Laurens braced for—
“You aren’t single?  Hey, look, it only took five years!  That means there’s still hope for you yet,” Tallmadge said loudly, slapping a passing first year, the younger of the two Trumbull brothers, hard on the back.  “If you bitch about not getting a date one more time, I’m not stopping your older brother from whaling on you.”
Laurens watched in relieved surprise as various conversations picked back up around him.
“That explains why you haven’t gotten any personal fouls so far this season,” Tench teased him.
“So can we know who it is yet?  Or is it still a secret?”  Tallmadge dropped his towel to change, facing his locker.  “I want to know who tamed the stallion.”
“‘The stallion’?”  Humphreys was packing his bag.  “Oh, come on, and I’m stuck with the sheep?”
“You wrote that paper, you brought this upon yourself,” McHenry said, breaking away from his earlier conversation and pushing up his glasses.  “So who’s the lucky gent?  I’m with Tallmadge, he deserves a Goddamn medal for finally wearing you down.”
“Alex,” Laurens started, caught between embarrassed and incredibly grateful.  “Alexander Hamilton.”
“Hamilton…  The guy with you at the trustee dinner?  Short,” Tench said, gesturing his height.  “Wavy hair?  We went to André’s after.”
“That guy?”  McHenry cut in.  He tugged at the collar to his shirt and glanced down at himself, feeling the tag sticking out in the front.  “Shit.”  His voice was muffled for a second as he pulled it off over his head, flashing well-defined abs and two faint scars curving under his chest, then put it back on.  “He works for the dean, doesn’t he?”
“Secretary to the president,” Laurens said, tentatively bragging a little.
“I thought he was with your roommate?”
“André’s his friend, he said that was just a rumor.”
“Obviously,” Tench rolled his eyes at Tallmadge.  “Know-it-all.”
“Hey, André,” Humphreys called as André, also in a towel and with his hair wet and down in his eyes, showed up.  “Did you know Laurens’ been holding out on us?”
“Uh.”  André looked quickly at Laurens, who stood up.
“All right, all right, that’s enough.”
“So how is it?”  Tench asked, ignoring Laurens’ protests.  “Does he just want it all the time?”
“You said he was all over you,” Tench pushed.  “Did you have to give up your rule?”
Laurens reddened slightly.  “No.”
“What?  So, nothing?  Not at all?”
“All season?”  Tallmadge asked.  “I take it back, he’s the saint, not you.”
“Wait, you did fuck though, didn’t you?  You were together at the dinner, right?”
Laurens, still standing, not sure what was really stopping him from just walking away, felt an excited rush of camaraderie.  “Yeah, we were, and we did.  The night before,” he added before he managed to second guess himself and lose his nerve, “I fucked him so good he cried.”
Another shocked silence, then a delighted whoop of laughter.
“That’s our boy!”  Tallmadge pounded Laurens on the back as he grinned, simultaneously self-conscious and proud.
“Damn,” Humphreys shook his head.  “And here I thought we were going to need to give you a talk about the birds and the bees before you graduated and got sent out into the real world.”
“Maybe we still do,” Tench said.  “Laurens, let me make this brief: you’re a moron.”
Laurens frowned, unsure.  “What?”
“You said it yourself, he’s all over you.  Go take advantage of that opportunity, man!  You’ve waited long enough.”
“I had sex in high school,” Laurens protested weakly.
“Yeah, you know, you told some of us that story,” McHenry pointed out, “and while it sounded like a real great time, half a decade has passed in between.”
“He’s pretty cute,” Tallmadge agreed as Laurens stared at him in disbelief.  “Long eyelashes.”
“Since…  Since when do you check out other guys?”
“Relax, please, I sat next to him in lecture once.  I remember because they friggin’ cast shadows on his face.”
“Uh-huh,” Laurens said, not sure at all about what to do with that.
“You do want to sleep with him, don’t you?”  McHenry asked.  “This isn’t another basil farm incident, is it?”
Laurens looked over at André, who studied the ceiling.
“No, uh,” Laurens said eloquently.  “The sex is—it’s good.  I enjoy it.”
“Then go fuck your boyfriend,” Tench told him, a little louder than Laurens would have preferred.  “Seriously, Laurens!  Did you hit your head when you ripped your shoulder out of its socket?  He wants to, you want to, that grand tradition you thought you were holding to is a bunch of bullshit—no one actually does it.  If you’re so concerned about your stamina then don’t sleep with him the night before the game!  Jesus!”
“His girlfriend’s on study abroad,” André reminded Laurens, nodding his head at Tench.
“Lucky son of a bitch,” Tench muttered, zipping up his bag forcefully and slinging it over his shoulders as he stood.  “Right, I’m starving.  You getting breakfast, Laurens?”
Laurens smiled.  “Sure.  Sounds good.”
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