#for when I decide to try my hand at original fiction again
herearedragons · 26 days
making an outline for the murder mystery au and I'm already getting way into it
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coralinnii · 9 months
❋ If you’re a villain, then let me be your accomplice ❋
↳Reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy part 2
feat: Rook
genre: drama, slow burn romance, smitten fools,
note: sequel to reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy Rook ver., historical fantasy setting, sculptor!reader, reader is referred to as “Ma artiste” and “Mon amour” by Rook, no pronouns used with the reader, mentions of beast hunting, 1.8k word count
While it refers to fictional beasts, this touches the controversial topic on hunting which can be sensitive to people. I’m not trying to claim that my own opinions or the opinions in this fic are right and you can have a stance against these opinions. Despite the controversy, I still decided to add this into the story because this world is supposed to mirror the era when this was practiced by people of the time and with Rook as a canonical huntsman, this fits the story well.
I choose to be transparent that this topic will be in this fic and if you are uncomfortable, you are free to ignore this story because I would rather you decide your comfort levels than have people read my story.
Random note: when my laptop died, all my banners are gone so yea…I changed my character banners again
series masterlist
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To your dismay, you found yourself facing the consequences for the actions of an obsessive character that convinced the famous knight Rook Hunt to be your fiancé.
Begging the Hunt family, you managed to settle a deal to repay the dowry the Hunt family paid to annul the engagement, since losing this engagement would cost their side more than yours.
Thankfully, the era of this world was the rising age of artistic revolution and the aristocracy was itching to find the newest trend of beauty and creative innovation, which you enthusiastically took as an opportunity to build your name in the field of art as a sculptor, starting off with simple desk ornaments to breathtaking statues.
Perhaps it was your silver lining that your still fiance Rook was a well-known admirer of all things beautiful as with his keen eyes, your sculptures stood out among others due to the added details of your subjects that your fiance pointed out as you work. You were confident in your skills but you owe it to Rook for enhancing the realism in your sculptures.
Initially, guilt ate away at your conscience for not only the forceful engagement you placed upon the knight (even if you weren’t directly responsible) but for also taking his help with your commissions without any benefits to himself. But the green-eyed man did not ever allow you to dwell in such thoughts.
“Non, ma artiste! Your works of art are the fruits of your passion and hard work that cannot be replicated. I may have given some notes here and there but the beauty of each masterpiece you created can only be brought out from your skillful hands.”
Rook smiled as he held your hands, still dirtied with bits of dried clay. The gaze of his bright green makes you feel somewhat self-conscious. You were a noble but you must have ruined the softness of your skin due to your long hours of work and stress. You tried to pull your hands back in embarrassment but your fiance held them firmly in his own gloved pair.
“Every scar, blemish, and crack is a show of your strength, mon amour. I could get lost tracing the lovely lines of your hands if you allow me.”
No matter how many others have praised you or your work, you couldn’t help the unique warmth in your heart that only appears when Rook sings them. But you chalk it up to your body reacting from old feelings held by the original character. It must be, right?
Your commissions have thankfully slowed down enough to give you a well needed break. You were curious to what might taking up the attention of the nobility right now which was how you learned about the bi-annual “Hunt of the Beasts” event.
You were initially terrified to learn the existence of magical beasts in this world and the danger that resides in the dense forests and mountainous lands that borders the kingdom. In order to maintain the beast population for the safety of the people and resources, the imperial family hosts an extravagant event for the knights and local mercenaries in the kingdom to vanquish the beasts. Some may call it barbaric or cruel, but for the safety of the villages and farms that reside near these beasts’ territories, it was an unfortunate necessity that is at least maintained by the imperial family to avoid excessive hunting that disrupts the delicate balance of the population.
Rook was a frequent participant of the hunt and of course he was going to be a participant. Typically, partners of the participants would attend the event as spectators waiting by the designated zones among other visitors. However, you were too new to this world and this will be the first hunt for you where you will surely come across images you weren’t sure you were prepared for.
Giant beasts…even thinking of their corpses. It’s too overwhelming.
You expressed your discomfort with Rook and despite his experience as a seasoned participant, offered words of understanding to you. The knight suggested that you could sit out from the event and he could explain to any curious busybody that you were not feeling well.
Once again, Rook warmed your heart with his words but there was some guilt still left behind within you. Despite the loveless engagement, Rook has wholeheartedly supported you in your passion and your work despite his own inexperience in the field, but you couldn’t bring yourself to accept something that he as a knight and huntsman took pride in. You allowed your fear win over and it left a bitter feeling in your heart.
The day has finally arrived and the dense forest that bordered the kingdom was busy with attendees of all status. Many have come to join to spectate and support the brave men and women who have trained to battle the dangerous beasts that lurk within the land that was darkened by wild greenery. Aides from the imperial palace watched over the event as participants were informed of the rules of the hunts; what to expect, what to capture, and what to avoid lest they choose to face punishment.
Rook surveyed his surroundings as he finished his last preparations. He saw both familiar faces and newcomers that hope to make a name for themselves today. Tents were filled with important families and even visiting guests from nearby lands either to observe or participate themselves. But he doesn’t see a glimpse of your figure.
Not that he expected it. He respected your choice not to attend the event. It could be that he has become too desensitized by the presence of beasts and monsters due to his work that he has forgotten how frightening it could be for a civilian to witness them in person.
Maybe during his hunt, he could find some wild flowers to bring back to you when he visits you later. Would you feel better if he did? You had such a conflicted expression on your face last he saw you so maybe a bouquet of rare flowers could brighten your mood, even bring you some inspiration for your art. Would you feel grateful, perhaps even smile for him as you call his name in appreciation…
Ah, he could even hear you right now.
A rare occurance, Rook was actually spooked to suddenly feel your presence behind him. The blonde knight did not sense you standing there, with him…at the Hunt of the Beasts.
“Mon amour, you surprised me!” His green eyes almost couldn’t believe it. “I thought you’d chose not to attend this year.”
To be fair, you’re surprised yourself. The whole idea of this event still feels unreal to you and your fear of witnessing something you’re not mentally ready for is still there. Even so…
“I want to support you, like you always have with me” you whispered shyly but Rook could clearly hear your voice at this distance. He then saw in your hands a small woven charm bracelet, a common blessing given to participants like him.
During the Hunt of the Beasts, traditions came about among the participants and non-participants. Those who participated in the hunt would offer their game as an offering to their lover as a show of devotion and strength to protect them from harm. In addition, non-participants could give a blessed items to the participant of their choice as a show of admiration or to wish them safety during the hunt.
You noticed the knight’s gaze and you felt more nervous than before. As this was your first attendance, this was also the first time offering a blessing to someone. When you told your servant you were going to the hunting event, he graciously gave you a woven bracelet and suggested that you offer it to your “lover”, much to your embarrassment.
But then you noticed the knight more closely and saw that he already had a number of bracelets and ribbons peeking out from his left arm sleeve. You supposed despite his eccentricity, Rook was still a very talented knight and quite attractive to people of all social status. Even if he was technically a taken man, this did not stop admirers from showing favour towards him with blessed charms and ribbons.
Mortified, you tried to hide the small bracelet as you put on a smile. “Since it was tradition, I thought I should bring you something but I should have guessed that you would have plenty of blessings from others. Adding more would probably be burdensome-“
You flinched slightly when you felt your hands being captured by another pair. You saw Rook’s gloved hands stopping your own but he had such an unreadable look in his eyes that you couldn’t tell what was on his mind.
“Rook?” The call of his name seemed to have woken him from his trance as Rook quickly gave you a smile before he spoke.
“Mon amour, I would be honoured to receive your blessing.” Releasing his grip on you, Rook removed the glove on his right hand where unlike his counterpart hand, was empty. “Would you please place it upon me?”
Nodding your head, you gently wrapped the woven bracelet around Rook’s wrist, careful not to tighten the knot too much since this was Rook’s dominant hand. You tried not to think too much about how he allowed your blessing and only yours on his right hand and not with the rest on his non-dominant hand.
“It doesn’t mean anything.” you tried to focus on something else and rested your eyes on Rook’s hand. It was not often you see it as the blonde-haired man tends to wear gloves as part of his uniform but you could see the rough calluses and scars littered about his fingers and palm. The skin of his hand was smoother than you expected (probably due to his friendship with the Schoenheit heir) but you can tell how hard Rook must have trained to be as skilled as he was today. How diligent this man is which earned the respect of many. While caressing his warm hand, you absentmindedly echoed the words he once spoke to you.
“Every scar, blemish, and crack is a show of your strength…How beautiful.”
Realizing what you just said aloud, you quickly let go of Rook’s hand before rushing to create distance between the two of you (when did you get so close to begin with?!).
“There, all done!” you did your best to hide your embarrassment with a smile. “I’ll be in one of the tents until the hunt is over. I wish you luck!”
With a quick bow, you rushed into a tent that was open, too flustered to look back and face your fiance.
A shame, really. Because you missed the opportunity to see a rare image of Rook with a rosy shade blooming across his cheeks and ears.
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Heavenly Seven
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This fic will cover my Fumbling, Tickly, Giggling Sex square on my 2nd @jacklesversebingo card.
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Summary: Will a silly night out turn into what Y/N has always wanted?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut. Sex/making out with strangers mentioned. Kissing. Brief fingering. Oral (f. receiving). Protected PinV sex. Sort of public sex (but not really). Slight overstimulation. Pining. Fluff.
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 4,973
A/N: Here is the next request for my second @jacklesversebingo card. It's been a while since I've been able to get to one of these fantastic requests, so I apologize for the wait. This was a fun one from an anon:
I have an ask for the Fumbly, ticklely giggly sex’ square if you would be interested. I like the idea of Jensen or Dean being friends with reader and they are both dating other people. They go to maybe a sex type club as a joke when they are a bit tipsy on a night out, where you can go into separate rooms with strangers in the dark so you can’t see each other and it’s a bit like 7 minutes in heaven adult version. They set it up with their respective others to meet in a certain room but for some reason they get switched and the reader and Jensen/Dean don’t know they are in the room together and start making out and only then realise they have each other in there but take advantage of the fact that they can do it cause they have secret feelings for each other they never admitted and they do take advantage of it!!! 😜🥵 it’s fumbling in the dark and they both think the other doesn’t know but they both secretly do. Maybe their giggling gives each other away but they still go through with it. Does that make sense?
I veered a little bit away from your request lovely anon. It also has more plot that I originally planned on. Lol! But I hope it still gives you what you were looking for. ❤️
A/N 2: This is a slightly younger version of Jensen (I'm figuring somewhere around 30 and in this AU world he isn't famous yet, and he did attend college at UT. He's still an actor though. Also, as always of course, this is a multiverse, single version of Jensen and this is a complete work of fiction.
The beautiful divider below was created by @talesmaniac89
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“Okay, everyone! Here are the rules!”
Jensen was talking to his new girlfriend and I elbowed him in the ribs.
“Hey, pay attention to the rules or you won't know how to play. And in this place I feel like that could get very awkward.”
Jensen smiled at me grimly. “Yeah, sorry.”
I shook my head as his latest girlfriend, Stacey, crossed her arms over her chest, definitely pouting about something.
I knew they were already having problems. They’d decided to come to this club as a way to spice up their romance. But their relationship was barely two months old. If it already needed resuscitation, I didn't really hold out much hope for it.
Jensen had begged me to come with them so he’d have someone else to commiserate with if things got too weird. I agreed and brought Ethan along which annoyed Jensen, but I mean, I was sort of dating him.
The club we were in was called 7 Minutes or More. The premise was pretty much the adult version of 7 minutes in heaven. Except instead of a closet, the club offered fully appointed rooms with king sized beds, and a mini bar for…after. If it went that far. 
If you came as part of a couple you had to sign waivers saying that you were there by your own choice, and that the club wouldn’t be held responsible for any “relationship fallout” from what went down while you were there. Ethan hadn’t liked that part, but I shrugged and told him not to worry about it. I was already regretting asking him to come.
The guy running things at the club wore a neon pink feather boa and had a deep, rich voice that sounded like he belonged on the radio or maybe advertising luxury cars.  He held up his hand again to try and get everyone’s attention, finally managing to quiet the hesitant participants.
“Okay, thanks everyone for coming to 7 Minutes,” he paused dramatically, “or more.” He said in a seductive kind of voice while he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. There were quite a few nervous giggles as he continued with a wide grin.
“My name is Eduardo the Extraordinary!” He said with a flourish of his boa. People laughed and he grinned. “Okay, so maybe back home in Pasedena, I’m just plain old Eddie Lakelin, but that’s boring as fuck, so…”
Everyone laughed again and I started to feel a bit more at ease. 
“Now, some of you are here in couples, which, you know, good for you for venturing out of your comfort zone. And to help you along in that regard, we take steps to make sure everyone is shuffled well, and that you won’t end up with the one who brought you! If, however, something gets mixed up and you find yourself accidentally paired with your partner, please let one of our lovely ladies know,” he indicated the five or six women standing behind him, “and we’ll reshuffle your keys and give you new partners.”
All four of us exchanged looks. The friend of Stacey’s that had suggested the club had told her that when you got there you simply chose what room number you wanted, and then you were paired up with whoever else chose the same number. So our stealthy plan to stay together had been for Ethan and I to each pick number four and Jensen and Stacey were going to pick number eight.
But apparently the club went out of their way to put strangers together. I figured that really was more in keeping with the whole, 7 Minutes in Heaven theme. This changed things a bit though. We all chatted quickly, trying to decide if we were all cool with making out with some other person for seven minutes. Stacey was all for it, Jensen and I were on the fence, and Ethan was a no, full stop. 
“I don’t want you making out with some other weirdo.” 
“So you’re saying you’re the only weirdo she can make out with?” Jensen asked and I elbowed him again. 
He’d made no secret of the fact that he couldn’t stand Ethan. He said he was whiny (which he was) and selfish (ditto) and that he didn’t deserve me. Which was very sweet, but I waved off his concerns. 
“Look, I’m not saying he’s gonna be my life partner, okay? But he’s fine. Besides, it beats being alone.” I argued. 
“Does it?” He’d asked and I shrugged. I didn’t add what I was thinking.
Not every guy is gonna be you, Jensen. 
Jensen and I had been best friends for ten years, ever since I was a Freshman at UT and he saved me at a frat party - my very first frat party. He was a Junior, and a couple hours into the party he’d shown up at my side out of nowhere and pulled my drink out of my hand. He smiled at me and pulled me into a dance. 
I was fairly drunk and pretty confused. He told me he wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but he thought the guy beside me (who I didn’t know) had slipped something into my drink. We finished the dance and he asked if I wanted him and his girlfriend to walk me home - which I agreed to and thanked him for.
Even as out of it as I was, though, I distinctly remember being bitterly heartbroken that he had a girlfriend. 
But six months later when they broke up, I was dating Asshole Football Player #1. Within a month Jensen started dating a girl from his acting class, and broke up two weeks later, but then quickly got back together. During their second go around I broke up with Asshole #1 and started dating Asshole Football Player #2. A month later Jensen and the actress broke up for good. But I stayed with Asshole #2 through the rest of college - until two days before graduation when I found out he was cheating on me. 
And had been for a long time.
Jensen was already in LA by then, but I called him to pour out my broken heart and he listened to me bawl and then jumped in his car. It was a twenty hour drive from LA. 
He made it in sixteen, getting there in time to hug me in my cap and gown, clap loudly with my parents when I was handed my diploma, sit through a slightly tortuous dinner with my parents and my extended family, and then take me out to get drunk.
He was my best friend and I knew I was his. But for me things went much deeper. I had been attracted to him from the first moment I laid eyes on him, and sometimes it physically hurt to be near him, to hug him, or cuddle up next to him. But I also wasn’t willing to give up those moments, so I suffered through them. 
I had no idea if, at any point in our friendship, he’d ever felt the same. Our timing was complete shit, we kept missing our windows to even try. I’d never attempted to say anything to him (though what would I even say?) because either he was in a relationship or I was, so the moment was never right. 
Not that he’d ever indicated he wanted to try, but sometimes there were moments where I felt like, maybe? Maybe he did? But I could never be sure. Suffice it to say we had a very complicated relationship. At least on my end.
And now we were here together, dating people neither one of us really wanted to be dating, deciding on whether or not we wanted to try making out with strangers. 
I looked at Jensen and a thought struck my mind. What if I ended up with him? What if he ended up with me? What if we were paired together?
“I wanna do it!” I blurted out. Ethan looked furious 
“No.” He said in an angry whisper.
I thought about trying to smooth his ruffled feathers, cajole him into trying, but in the end I just decided it was just too much work.
“I’m doing it.” I said instead.
“And I’m telling you, I won't allow it.” Ethan growled out at me, getting into my face. "I won't put up with it."
I rolled my eyes, truly just done with his alpha male bullshit. “Then don’t. Bye.” I said and waved him away.
Ethan’s light brown eyes were rage-filled slits as he stared at me. I felt Jensen step up behind me, and knew he’d have my back. Ethan must have realized it too, cause he huffed out a childish whine and took off.
Eduardo the Extraordinary saw Ethan storm away and gave a theatrical grimace and then pretended to whisper conspiratorially to me.
“Probably better off without him, sweetie.”
More nervous laughter surrounded me and I felt a little embarrassed. But I also felt as though a big weight had been lifted off of me. 
Hmm, I thought, probably a sign I really am better off without him.
Jensen pulled me into a sideways hug and kissed the top of my head. I closed my eyes and sighed. It was exactly these moments that I loved and hated all at once. 
“Wanna bow out, darlin’?” He asked quietly, and as always his deep voice and soft drawl made me melt.
I shook my head, still holding on to the small possibility that I could finally get my seven minutes in heaven with Jensen. A voice was telling me that that was a stupid, dangerous wish - but I ignored it.
“No, I’m good.” I shrugged and laughed lightly. “What the hell? Maybe I’ll meet the man of my dreams here.” I looked up at Jensen and tried hard not to let my expression tell him, “It’s you, you idiot! Kiss me!”
Eduardo continued with the rules.
“So the way the game is played is, you'll all be given seven minutes with your anonymous partner. At the end of seven minutes there will be a soft buzzer. If you're finished, just leave. But if you both want to stay another seven minutes, you can have another seven minutes. If after 14 minutes total neither of you wants to come out, then we'll stop buzzing you guys and you can just have the rest of the hour to...get acquainted some more. There are light switches just inside the door, if at any point you want to turn the lights on. But we encourage you to at least try the first seven minutes in the dark. It's fun!!”
“We really all just wanna have a good time,” Eduardo reiterated, “so let's do that!”
There was another round of applause and cheering and Eduardo raised his arms in celebration.
“Now,” he called out over the applause,”you're all gonna leave now and be called back in, randomly one by one, and we'll show you to your door. If you're the first in the room, just wait patiently. Your partner will get there shortly and then your first seven minutes will begin.”
I waited in the lobby with everyone and there was a giddy kind of awkwardness in the air as we all just stood there waiting to be called. Out of the three of us, I went in first and as I looked back at Jensen he gave me a smile, but it was a slightly strange smile and I couldn't decipher it. 
I re-entered the room we just left and approached Eduardo. He smiled at me warmly.
“Alright, it’s the little mama who said ‘bye-bye’ to the man-child.” He said with a laugh.
I smiled shyly, still slightly embarrassed by it the scene we made. “Not to worry sweetie,” he said, patting my hand, “because I know JUST who to pair you with.”
He winked at me and handed me a key with the number six on it. “Enjoy!”
“Thanks.” I said quietly, my stomach nervous. 
Can I really do this, I thought? It was so unlike me, I was pretty vanilla when it came to sex and dating. So making out with a random stranger in the dark was way out of my comfort zone. But it was a fun kind of nervousness, like feeling the rollercoaster climbing upwards to that first drop. And in the back of my mind was the secret hope that the man in the dark was going to feel a little bit familiar to me.
It was hard to tell how long I waited before the door opened and someone stepped inside. The room beyond the door had been darkened so that it was almost impossible even to make out a silhouette. 
The door closed and I could feel my heart beating fast and hard. I could sense someone approaching and I bit my lip as a familiar scent hit my nose. I was sure that it was Jensen’s cologne. I’d cuddled into his sweaters enough times that I knew it well. But it wasn’t impossible that another guy wore the same kind of cologne. 
But it made all the butterflies come alive in my stomach. I held out my hand in his direction so that he would know he reached me. My hand brushed against his torso and I squeaked and then tried to stifle my giggle, trying to abide with the ‘stay quiet’ part of the game. 
The man who was possibly Jensen took hold of my hand and brought it to his lips to kiss the fingertips. I gasped lightly at the feel of the man’s full, soft lips. More proof that the man standing in front of me might just be my best friend. The hours I’d spent pining after those lips…I sighed. 
I knew them well.
He brought his hand forward, probably trying to find my cheek, but he overshot his reach and ended up sort of punching me lightly in the forehead.
I let out a small “oomph” and he let out a moan of contrition. I giggled again, and heard his answering chuckle, and I was suddenly sure that it was Jensen. It smelled like him, felt like him, and sounded like him. 
It has to be him, right? I thought to myself as he shifted his hand so it was running down my cheek. 
I remembered Eduardo’s wink and wondered if his years of matchmaking strangers had given him a sixth sense about my feelings for Jensen. Could he have been so kind as to put us together?
Long fingers gripped the side of my neck and pulled me closer to him. I could feel the heat radiating from the hard body he pressed against me and I let out an involuntary sigh. He ran his thumb over my mouth. He may have just been trying to locate it in the dark, but I took the chance to pull the tip of it into my mouth and suck gently.
A harsh grunt issued from the invisible man making my blood run hot in my veins, and it was a sound I’d imagined a million times, a sound I’d heard in so many fantasies, and I felt it shoot straight to my core.
When I let go of his thumb he wasted no time in dragging me tight against him and landing his mouth on mine. He seemed to have no trouble finding it, slotting his mouth around mine and sucking on my top lip before pushing his tongue inside and swallowing the soft moan I couldn’t contain.
I reached my arms up to loop around his neck just as he brought both his hands to cup my cheeks. His hands bumped my arms and knocked them away. We broke the kiss, laughing too much to continue. After a moment he reached out to grab my arms and wrap them around his neck. Then he slid his hands around my waist and squeezed me as he bent to kiss me again. 
His mouth was heaven, no - it was sin. Heavenly sin. He slid his lips over my jawbone and down my neck to suck on the pulse point there and I pushed one hand into his short hair, and gripped the front of his t-shirt with the other. I wanted to feel the warm skin beneath the cotton, but I didn’t want to push him too far too fast by slipping my hand under his clothes.
Suddenly the buzzer sounded and we both jumped slightly. I couldn’t believe seven minutes had passed already. We both hesitated. I was desperate for him to stay, but I wasn’t sure what to say to make it happen. In the end we both said nothing, simply melting back into each other without words.
He took hold of my hands and led me forward while he walked backwards until he hit the bed and fell, pulling me down on top of him. There was more giggling from the two of us as we rolled together so that he laid along my right side. He reached for my waistband and his fingertips skimmed along my skin just under the hem of my t-shirt, hesitating slightly in question. I nodded enthusiastically, hoping he could sense it even if he couldn’t see it and I pushed his hand farther up under my shirt so that his knuckles brushed the underside of my breast. 
He groaned and cupped me through my bra, squeezing gently and making me arch into his big hand and whimper. He grunted at the noise and then used both hands to push up my shirt and wrench down the cups of my bra. He cradled my breast in his hand and dipped his head to pull my nipple into his mouth and suck on it hard. As his lips tightened around the aching bud I spoke without thinking.
“Fuck, Jensen.”
I had moaned his name out in my restless dreams so many times that at first I didn’t realize what I’d done. In the dark, everything felt like a dream anyway, like I’d fallen into one of my fantasies. But as his mouth stilled and he pulled away slightly I was kicking myself. 
Way to go, you’ve just ruined everything! I was yelling at myself.
But before I could spiral too far down the rabbit hole the second buzzer went off. Jensen pulled me up to sitting and he pressed his mouth softly to mine, readjusting my bra and shirt.
“Y/N.” He sighed gently. “Thank god. I knew it had to be you. I know your laugh so well and the way you sigh, I’ve heard it in my dreams a thousand times. It had to be you. No one else makes me hard like this.” He slid my hand over to feel the stiff ridge behind his zipper as he slipped his mouth down to suck on a spot just behind my ear that made me shiver.
“Wait, you knew it was me?” I asked breathlessly.
“Yeah, and I just hoped to God I was right.”
“What do you mean? Since when are you interested in me like that? You’ve never said anything.”
“Me?” He said as he pulled away from me. “What about you?” He gave an exasperated laugh before standing up. “Can…can I turn on the lights? I really wanna see your face.”
“Okay.” I said softly, worried that the harsh light might ruin what we’d created between us in the quiet dark.
But when Jensen flicked on the light, only a soft, golden glow washed over us, romantic and appealing. He stood near the door and seeing him standing there, tall and solid and so fucking sexy, it made me want to jump up and devour him. 
“Goddam.” He said roughly as he looked at me, and my stomach fluttered at the look of heat and arousal that suffused his face. 
I bit my lip and he seemed to take that as hesitancy on my part. He cleared his throat and looked down at the ground. “We can be done now, if you want. I mean, we can…walk out of here and try to pretend this never happened. If you want.”
I felt my stomach plummet. “Is that what you want?”
“Fuck no.” 
His reaction made me laugh. “Good.”
But then I frowned slightly. “Though maybe we should stop. I mean at least until…you know…I mean...Stacey.”
“Finished.” He said, shaking his head. “I broke up with her before we left the lobby to come in here.”
My eyes got round and my heart squeezed tight. “Are you serious?”
He nodded and smiled softly. “Yeah, I just finally realized that I was being a dumbass. Cause I was standing there next to this woman that I didn’t even really like, and hoping and praying to end up in a room with my best friend. You know, so I could make out with her.”
I laughed again and he came to sit beside me on the bed. He reached up to run his knuckles over my cheek. “I’ve wanted you for so long, sweetheart, but you were always dating asshole after asshole.”
I spluttered a bit. “Well, you were too!”
“Only cause you were!”
We both took a big breath to continue the argument, and then let them out in another whoosh of laughter. 
“God, we’re so stupid. Do you realize how much time we’ve wasted?” He asked as he plucked my bottom lip with his thumb.
I shook my head. “Then let's not waste anymore.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” He said with a grin.
His eyes softened as he leaned down to kiss me; his lips were barely a whisper against mine, teasing them, brushing so softly that I whined my complaint.
“Jensen. Please kiss me for real. I've waited so long for you.”
He nodded as he breathed against my lips. “Me too, darlin’, me too.” 
He lifted me up, moving me so that I was straddling his lap. He pushed his hands into my hair and held my head in place so he could lick open my lips and plunge his tongue inside. He kissed me thoroughly, tasting every inch of my mouth and then sucking on my bottom lip.
He only broke off our heated kisses so he could pull my t-shirt over my head. He tossed it aside and exhaled slowly, reverently running his fingers across the tops of my breasts. He reached around and easily unhooked my bra and tossed it on top of my shirt on the floor. 
He shifted us on the bed, laying me beneath him, and rose to his knees to pull his t-shirt off. I licked my lips as I looked at his beautiful, naturally muscled torso. I'd seen him without his shirt before - at the beach, or when he’d play “skins” during a shirts and skins pick up game. But this was the first time I was allowed to reach out and touch him like I’d wanted to every time.
I traced my fingers down his ribcage and over his flat stomach. His muscles contracted at my touch and it was probably the hottest fucking thing I'd ever seen. 
He lowered himself down so he was on his hands and knees hovering above me. He kissed me again, aggressively, moaning down my throat and then leaning on his elbows so he could suck my left nipple into his mouth, before grasping it with his teeth and tugging hard.
I arched off the bed and dragged my nails across his wide shoulders.
“Unf, fuck!” He growled harshly as he moved his mouth down my body, trailing hot, wet kisses across my skin. When he reached my waistband, he looked up at me with a question in his eyes.
I nodded. “Yes.” was all I could say. I was desperate to feel him closer, to pull him inside me. 
He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down before grabbing them, along with my panties, and peeling them down my legs until I was naked under his scorching hot gaze. He was so unbearably beautiful as he contemplated all of me, his expression ravenous and aching. 
It was more than I ever could have imagined and it made me reach for him and push down his jeans and underwear too, letting him kick them off while I got my first look at his thick, marbled cock. It left me drooling and I groaned harshly as he wrapped his fist around it and pumped himself lazily a few times. 
Then he lowered himself to lay between my legs, his face level with my dripping cunt. 
“Christ sweetheart, you're mouth-watering.” He murmured seconds before he began his oral torture. He began slowly, small kitten licks and nibbles to my pulsing clit, followed by long, undulating swipes with his wide, talented tongue.
He built the pressure gradually, torturously, until I was almost weeping with want, thrusting my hips against his sinful, sensual mouth and begging him to take me over the edge.
His hair stood on end from my fingers gripping it and pulling it. He let me tug and yank all I wanted, but it never made him change the course he wanted to take. If he wanted to slow down and suck ever so softly on my clit, no amount of hair-pulling from me was going to change that.
I was shaking with need, making animalistic noises that had never come out of my mouth before. Then he speared me with his tongue and pushed two fingers inside my pussy to press perfectly against my sweet spot. I screamed and climaxed harder than I ever had before. 
But it was just the beginning. 
Every time my orgasm started to wane, Jensen would just start working me up all over again. I'd desperately pant out that I couldn't possibly come again, but he'd promise me I could do one more. He always got his way, and a few minutes later I'd be screaming again and gushing over his chin.
Finally he kissed his way back up my body, nibbling on my pulse point as he reached into the drawer in the small bedside table and chuckled.
He pulled out a condom and ripped it open with his teeth. “They have thought of everything haven't they?”
I sighed deeply, knowing that I would be eternally grateful to this place for giving me this beautiful man at last. He rolled the condom on and then rested on his elbows as he slid slowly into my swollen, pulsing cunt. 
His teeth were bared as he bottomed out, the veins on his neck bulging slightly. 
“Fuck, fuck.” Was all he managed to mumble as he buried his face in the side of my neck. 
I ran my hands over his perfectly muscled back and felt as though I was floating away. He filled me so tightly, so completely that it was the first time I truly understood the idea of sex being two people joining as one. This was what lovemaking and sex was supposed to feel like: overwhelming pleasure and endless, boundless connection.
It brought tears to my eyes and I whispered in his ear, my voice barely a whisper. 
“I love you, Jensen.”
He pushed up so he could meet my gaze. He saw my tears and gently kissed each of my eyelids before brushing his lips over mine. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” He smiled and it felt like the sun on my face. “I’ve loved you forever.”
“Me too.” I said, voice slightly choked. “And I will keep on loving you forever.”
“Me too.”
He kissed me again, and then we began to move together, our bodies moving in a perfect give and take, push and pull. I ran my fingers over his taut, warm skin, and he pushed his blunt fingertips against mine, dimpling my flesh and finding every sensitive spot to lavish with attention.
He slid his thumb down to press against my clit as he watched himself move in and out of my body. I clutched at his forearms and he pulled me up so I was straddling his thighs and riding his cock. His arm curled around my waist and he helped rise and fall on his cock as we both chased our highs. He was tugging at my nipples and sucking on my tongue and then he pumped his hips deep and hard one more time and everything exploded around me again.
I'd lost count of the number of orgasms he'd pulled out of my pliant and boneless body.
But this time I felt him fall with me. I heard him shout out a short, deep cry of bliss before he turned his head and bit into my neck gently, to quiet himself. His hips spasmed, bucking into me a few more times, slamming me against him and making my whole body quiver. 
Finally we tumbled down to the messy sheets and clung to each other as we tried to catch our breath. 
Jensen pulled off the condom and tossed it in the trash before pushing my sweaty hair off my forehead and placing a kiss there. I wrapped my leg over his hip and began licking and sucking at the salty skin along his collarbone.
A thought occurred to me as our breathing eventually returned to normal.
“They're gonna kick us out of here right away.”
Jensen looked at the clock on the wall and shook his head. “N’ah! We still got like seven minutes.” He grinned at me wickedly. “And I can do a lot to this incredible body of yours in seven minutes.”
“Prove it!” I challenged as I began tickling his side and then giggling breathlessly as he grabbed hold of my wandering hands and slammed them onto the mattress on either side of my head.
He kissed me breathless again and then spoke deep and luscious in my ear. “You asked for it, sweetheart.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96 @hobby27
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thechaoticdruid · 5 months
Welcome to my humble party!~
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[My Astarion Fanfic Masterlist]
Just call me Druid since I really have no intention of revealing my real name for the foreseeable future.
I decided to make a masterlist just to help organize my stuff!
~Original Characters for story or RP stuff~
Winnifred The Druid -My Tav
Arva Nightshade -Winnie's closest pre-tadpole friend.
Fi The Hornless -A talented bard and a member of Arva's pack. She helped look after a juvenile Winnie.
Elora Ancunin -Under developement...
RP Note: Winnie is currently open to answering questions from all of you beautiful people! She is an open book so do not be afraid to ask away! Astarion may even make an appearance in the reply depending on the question. No he will not bite you, Araj! Just make sure to label your ask; Dear Winnie, Question for Winnie, Hey Winnie, I dare Winnie to, etc, and we will let the fun begin!
More NSFW type questions are accepted, but only by people who have their age visible on their blogs. Minors attempting to ask or anons without any age identification will be blocked/ignored. (Also let's try not to ask anything too gross okay.... I'm into some weird stuff but you know limits, my dude.)
~Multi-part Fanfics~
[This Bites] Astarion x Chubby Female MC
A young woman ends up literally stuck with a fictional vampire from her newest video game obsession! She now must deal with keeping him safe and hidden all the while dealing with stress from her shitty stepdad.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Valentine's Day Special: Eat Your Heart!
[The Spawn Vs The Ascendant] (Fem) Tav x Astarion(s).
Astarion and his lover Tav are happily together after defeating Cazador and freeing 7000 vampire spawn into the Underdark. They are now preparing to take on the Elderbrain when an Astarion look alike, claiming to be 'The Vampire Ascendant' appears and demands the Spawn hand Tav over to him.
Parts: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
The Spawn vs Tav vs The Ascendant: A smutty one-shot that doesn't really take place in any particular time during the events of TSvTA. MDNI 18+ (Though if I'm honest it probably takes place post story.)
[Firsts] (Named!Fem! Tav x Astarion) Winnie has noticed her vampiric companion had been acting much more aggressively flirtatious lately. Of course, he flirted with everyone, this was common sense. But ever since Winnie had given him a taste of her blood it seemed she was the main target of his affections. Which quite frankly confused the hells out of the young druid. He couldn't actually be interested in her? Could he?
MDNI 18+ There is smut! The second half involves the Tiefling party!
[1/2] [2/2]
[Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts] (Chubby F!Tav x Astarion) After failing yet again to find a good lead on the Ring of the Sunwalker Tav and Astarion return to their current and hopefully temporary home in the Underdark only to be greeted by a distress signal from an old friend and an invitation to extravagant soiree hosted by an eccentric stranger!
Chapters: One ,
~Headcanon lists!~
[Astarion x chubby!reader headcanons!] (GN! Reader)
[🍿Watching movies with Astarion!🍿] (GN! Reader)
[BG3 companions babysitting your kids!] (GN! Reader)
[Telling the companions baby news!] (GN! Reader)
[Meet the Parents!] (A fun little writing challenge I put together. I wrote up headcanons of Astarion meeting my Tav's parents and Winnie meeting Astarion's parents.)
[Astarion's Teddy 🧸] (A little HC about Winnie giving Star a plush.)
[All Wrapped up!] A short AstarionxF!Tav Christmas one-shot inspired by my God-awful ability to wrap presents.
[We'll Protect Each Other] While staying at an inn in the Underdark Tav and Astarion are forced to protect each other. Tav defends her lover's honor which later leads to a visit in the night from a familiar face. (Protective! Tav x Astarion One-Shot.)
[The Bite Scene] A rewrite of Astarion's bite camp event with my Tav, Winnie. It was basically a draft from my abandoned long fic.
[The Monster Hunter] Happens right before the The Bite Scene. It's a rewrite of the encounter with Gandrel out in the bog. Another draft from my abandoned long fic that I just decided to share.
[Indulging Curiosity] (F!Tav x Astarion SMUT MDNI) After a particularly bloody battle with a pack of gnolls Astarion finds himself rather hot and bothered seeing his favorite little druid absolutely drenched in blood. Unable to help himself he invites her to join him for an evening of pleasure where he indulges in some of Tav's sexual curiosities.
[Seriously, now!?] (Named!Tav x Astarion, period comfort fic) After causing a scene, embarrassing and being shouted at by the party's own resident wizard, Winnie storms off alone to sulk. Her monthly bleeding is upon her and making everything seem so much worse! But perhaps her vampiric lover can make it all better? (MDNI, slight smut at the end.)
[Forever] A requested rewrite of the camp event where Astarion's siblings come to kidnap him, but featuring Winnie!
[Delicious] (Named!Tav x Astarion) While camping in the Underdark the tadpole crew gather around the fire telling stories to pass the time. One way or another they turn into tales of old lovers. Which brings up a curious question? How come Winnie had no lovers before Astarion? (MDNI SMUT AT END)
[This Bites] Comment on the latest chapter to be added!
[Winnie during BG3] Comment here to be tagged whenever I drop any fics that take place during Baldur's Gate 3 campaign!
[The Spawn Vs The Ascendant] Comment here to be added to the taglist, but hurry! This fic will soon be complete!
Blog Rules ig: Okay so I normally try to promote positivity it's why my fics are mostly comedy based. That being said, anyone who comes here acting like an asshat is getting blocked. I don't tolerate homophobia, heterophobia, biphobia, panphobia or really any kind of discrimination towards anyone's sexuality. Transphobic behavior is also unacceptable and will result in a block. Racism, or sexism of any kind is also not tolerated, understand? We're all going to be friends here. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Hi, friendly neighborhood Druid here. My ADHD gives me a shit ton of trouble writing so I'm real iffy about doing requests of any kind. That being said, I'm currently only taking specific requests involving Astarion x my Tav Winnie where I rewrite a scene from the in game campaign. I've already done the Tiefling Party so that is out of the question. And so is anything post Act 3 final boss. I'm also honestly just open to chatting through the asks.
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yuri-is-online · 10 months
Another Beautiful Day (First Years x Yuu)
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(gif taken from google, originally uploaded to tumblr but user apparently deleted)
You have been having strange dreams lately. Every time you go to sleep you se the same set of flashing images, a carriage ride, a crumbling castle under a ink stained sky, ending in the jaws of a monster. The pain you feel from the flames makes you wonder, on nights when you are alone in Ramshackle with Grim, if those dreams are less fiction and more of a memory.
You are not the only one who has those dreams. There's another, laying awake in his bed, hand clutched tightly over his frantically beating heart trying desperately to hold the fraying edges of his sanity together. How many times has he done this? How many times has he tried to hold onto the last fleeting traces of warmth in you with his cold, unworthy hands.
Again. He loves you, that is the one thing that refuses to change no matter how many times the world is reset. He loves you, he has no choice but to try again.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, hurt almost no comfort, borderline yandere behavior. If this made you feel something you can check out the other parts on my masterlist.
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There was, perhaps still is, a pretty viral theory about Ace being a traitor involved in resetting time. While I can't ever see Ace purposefully causing Yuu's death ever, I can see him deciding that if he has to play the villain to get the outcome that he wants, well then, that's just what he's going to have to do. Ace knows how to annoy people, comes with the youngest child territory, more specifically he knows how to annoy you. He can stand having no one if it means everyone's focus is on keeping you safe, it's easier to admit that he loves you when no one's around to hear it. It occurs to you that he might, it even crosses your mind that the strange dreams your time-loop troubled subconscious is so desperate to hang onto, ones where you are with someone you love dearly, could be about him. How else would he know how to push all your buttons, why else does he always know when and where you'll be in trouble. If Ace doesn't love you, why does he know all the things you like about this world before you do? It's a painful thing to be known, even more so if the person who knows you refuses to let themselves be vulnerable with you. The more things change the more they stay the same... huh?
Ever watched Tokyo Revenges? I know some of you have, I can see you. Anyway Deuce might not be a crybaby but he is loyal, determined, and stuck on desperately trying to save you. Well not just you, Deuce realizes that Overblot Grim spells doom for a lot more people that just those inside NRC. Sage's island might be remote, but people still live there, if the monster got out who knows what sort of damage it will do? He tries his best to be normal around you, to befriend you and protect you in just the same way he did before, but he's a much more serious and moody person than he was the first loop around. How is he supposed to explain to you he couldn't save you, that he's watched you die countless times and only had ashes to hold and cry over? Not just you either, he's seen Ace and Epel and Jack, hell even Sebek, Die over and over again because he wasn't smart enough to stop it. Ace manages to pick up on something being wrong, and Deuce being Deuce he fails to lie properly, "dragging him into his mess." But he can tell Ace doesn't mind. He takes his impending doom as a challenge, encouraging Deuce to do so as well. He's stupid, he should just give up and let someone smarter save you. But he's your stupid, kind of crybaby hero. He'll save you, just you see.
Trying to save you is as much an instinct to Jack as it is raw emotion. You are his soulmate, there is nothing casual about his investment in your relationship, nothing short of divine intervention that will keep him from trying to save you. But he will admit he feels rather unprepared for this... development. It's all well and good to say you will break reality before he lets it take you from him, but actually being strong enough to do that? Jack's a good boy, but no matter how smart he is he's a bit of a muscle head. He throws himself into problems fist first, without any back up unless someone yanks him by the scruff and forces him to look at it. Usually that's you, sometimes it's Ruggie or Leona, but in the past it was you. He knows he can't keep himself from you, even if that could make you safer. Unlike the first timeline, he makes sure to introduce himself as early as possible, makes sure to be with you for every overblot. You might find it annoying but he'll push you to train just enough so that you'll have the speed to run when the final monster comes. Maybe this time, he'll be strong enough to kill it before it catches up to you.
Sleep Kiss cannot put you to sleep forever. Yet. Yes yet, Malleus isn't the only one who thinks letting you nap forever is a good idea. Great minds think alike, and unlike Malleus's, Epel has an added bonus. He can encase you in a glass cage that is literally meant to protect you from anything that wants to hurt you. Not that you would ever expect this plan from Epel. He's cute, kind, non-threatening when you're paying attention, the most you see of his temper as the loops continue is the slightly bratty glare he focuses on pre-overblot housewardens. And the headmage, but hey any anger at him always gets a pass from him. Not that you need to worry about that, once Epel masters his spell you won't have to worry about anything. He does wonder if you'll be able to dream, the first time he cast his spell on you it was like you didn't realize anything had happened at all. Maybe he won't tell you anything, maybe he'll wake you up every once and a while to convince you that you were never asleep at all. But that's not a concern for now, all you need to do is close your eyes and sleep. Sleep and wait for your Prince to return from the war.
Following the current timeline, events aside, Sebek is on the outside of your friend group. No one likes him, he can't sit with you. The only real reason Sebek has to pay attention to you is because Malleus does. And he has to admit he doesn't exactly hate what he sees, he just- doesn't want to give credit to a human. When time is re-set though, he goes out of his way to befriend you, convinced he needs to keep an eye on you to save his lord. After all, how could he not find it suspicious that Malleus befriends some random human from not-Twisted Wonderland and then suddenly overblots? He is ready to strike at the first sign of betrayal, but he does not find it. He finds a human, weak and flawed, but paitent and kind with him, unwilling to let him talk down to them but still willing to talk. You die, but you never stop trying. You refuse to let the flaws he picks at stop you from trying to live. You refuse, no matter how many times he yells about the amount of times he has lost his lord, lost you, to let him do all the work alone. There is beauty in your struggle, in your life. He can't betray this for his lord, even if it was the cause of his plight. It's Silver he turns to for help, begging him for guidance through tears as he desperately clings to you. He finds it of course, he never had to do any of this alone, but he should know by now that doesn't guarantee success, no matter how much he wants it to.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Hello, if your taking requests at the moments I have one that I’d love to see though it may be a little difficult!
Gavi and the reader (an actor) are dating but are in different counties due to the reader going aboard to film a new show! The young couple decide to go on an Instagram live together to hang out & a lot of fans join!
Hello and welcome to a new series I’m calling “boot on the bus”, where I see how much I can write of an ask on my bus ride home. Whatever state it is at at the end of my ride, I post! (Also so sorry to this anon who sent me this req literally months ago)
[incoming call]: pablito ❤️😡
“Amor!! Finally!!”
“Pablo, why are you making an international call right now?”
“I can afford it. You have three seconds to explain to me why you haven’t been answering a single one of my FaceTime calls. I’ve been worried and, more importantly, bored out of my mind!”
You laughed lightly and relaxed back into the plush cushions of the hotel couch. You had forgotten that the last time you were out of Spain for filming was before you had met Gavi. Being on a successful HBO original came with a lot of perks, but also a lot of pain, both physical and emotional. You had joined the royal drama “Heavenly Bodies” in the middle of its first season, instantly being thrown into a love triangle between the two male leads. Viewers ate it up, creating theories and art (and ofc fan fiction) about you and your costars, foaming at the mouth to know what would happen next. The high demand lead to your current situation, where you were cooling off in a high hotel room overlooking Dubai, listening to your boyfriends complaints 2 months earlier than scheduled.
“I haven’t gotten any of them, Pablito. FaceTime is blocked here.”
You heard a loud scoff over the phone.
“If you are too busy to talk just say that, princesa. How could FaceTime be blocked in Dubai? That makes no sense!”
“Google it.” You retorted, laying back on the couch and cracking open a cold soda. You heard yells of “Ale! Google this for me!”, followed by a long pause.
“Oh wow. It is blocked.”
“See!” You yelled into the receiver, causing Gavi to complain about his sensitive eardrums. You sat back down, continuing what would probably be a very expensive phone call with your boyfriend. As you two talked, he sighed loudly, and you heard his body hit the couch.
“I miss seeing your face, princesa. Don’t get me wrong I love the sound of your voice, but it’s just different. Is there no way we can video call?”
You could basically hear the pout and puppy dog eyes in Gavi’s voice, and it made your heart swell. He was so enamored by you, so taken by the way you looked and spoke and laugh, that all he wanted was to once again cup your face in his hands and pull you in close enough to share his breathing space.
“Well, we could always just go on live together.”
“Like do a live stream. On instagram or something. We would both be calling but there would just be other people there.”
Gavi paused once again, playing around with the idea in his mind.
“But what if I… want to say “not appropriate in front of people” stuff?”
“That’s what Snapchat is for.”
His laugh resounded through the phone, and you couldn’t help the large smile that squinted your eyes and filled out your cheeks.
“Okay, Vamos, let’s do it.”
You got onto instagram and started a live, inviting Gavi to join. Every one of your 10.5 million followers who has their notifications on started to pour in, the messages of “I love you 😍” and “hi from Brazil 🇧🇷” flying at unreadable speeds. Gavi’s end connected a second later, and the fans went mental. Gavi was beaming like the sun when the line connected, finally able to see your face again.
“Hello again, Amor. I missed that pretty smile.”
Your fans and Gavi’s were now in the chat trying to prevent a mass cardiac arrest incident.
gavi3096: nobody let Madrid see this they’ll know how to make him soft
Ynandgavicloset2: the way he calls her amor time to take a nap on an electrical wire in the rain
You weren’t reading any of it thought. You were staring at Gavi who was staring at you, the two of you making idle conversation about your trip and your show and his upcoming matches. He looked at you with so much love and affection that it made you blush, turning you into a much more shy and cuddly mess than people were used to. The sexy and strong power couple were now just a bunch of teenagers giggling and kicking their feet on instagram live. A strand of hair fell in your face, and Gavi reached out to his phone before remembering he couldn’t sweep it from your eyes on a different continent.
“Princesa, from now on, no filming on location unless I can come.”
“Why Pablito? Can’t live without me?” You teased, expecting a sharp reaction.
“Correct. Im literally itching and shaking from withdrawal. I love you and miss you come back faster.”
The chat got so overwhelmed they crashed the live.
Hey guys! Hope y’all enjoyed this little imagine. Ik not everybody wants super long works, but I don’t know how to write fast or short so then things sit in my inbox forever. So here’s to length variation!! Love y’all, time to take a nap.
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yandere-chocolate · 1 year
A fictional book or art like yandere character in love with its real gn creator/writer or artist
(Yeah! By the way, sorry for doing requests late, I've been very busy.)
Yandere Art/Statue x Artist Reader ~(Romantic)~
Summary: You create a statue of a weeping angel for a client of yours. Unfortunately for you & your client, the statue would much rather not leave your side. (Inspired by Doctor Who. inspired.)
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TW/CW: Stalking, horror, fear, implied death(not of a main character though).
You had finally finished the statue. After so much hard work, it was done. You had to say, you were rather proud of it, like you are with all of your newly done work. You added quite a bit more detail to the toga & hands than you typically do, simply because most of the commissions you get tend to be animals, so you rarely get to do humans, or angels in this case. You let out proud sigh & went inside for a drink & to relax a bit.
--------------The statue's point of view------------------------
I was finally able to remove my hands from my eyes come nightfall. I touched my new face & relished in the fact that my creator finally decided to give me hands. I got up & looked around, slowly spreading by wings & closing them again. I couldn’t believe my body was finally sculpted. 
I smiled a little & looked towards to window with the bluish light shining through it. My lovely creator was watching something, it looks like creatures like my creator, but...not. They are hideous & unrealistic, with horrid long arms & sausage-like fingers. Their mouths are also far too big & their teeth are pure white & perfect rectangles. Almost every single part of their body was surrounded by black lines. A horrific imitation of life; I think.
But my creator adores these strange creatures shown on the large black box, so I suppose they aren’t too bad. I continue to dreamily watch my lovely creator, admiring their features. Were they created like me? Sculpted by another creature? I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem like it. Even so, I personally thought they were beautiful. Though, they were faced away from me right now, my eyes were sculpted very early on. I saw their face & fell in love almost instantly. Ever since then, I always watched them after dark & have never gotten caught. I always return to the same position come dawn.
They eventually went to lay down on a bed & close their eyes. They always did this at night & I’m not quite sure why. But all the same, I watched over them until dawn.
--------------------------------The next morning-------------------
I returned to my original position in the morning. Later in the day, I heard my beloved creator & someone else talking. I decided not to listen in too much, but I suppose I should have, because the other person picked me up, almost dropped me, & put me in the back of their machine. ‘care?’ ‘cer?’ ‘cear?’ ‘car’ I don’t remember what the black box called it, but it was definitely one of those two! 
I despised their hands being on me. My creator should be the only one to touch me. Who did this person think they were? Next thing I knew, the machine began moving. I couldn’t see much, but I could tell that human that put me here was taking me away from my creator. & Needless to say, I was...upset. 
Very upset.
It was dark now, which means I can finally move. I removed my hands from my eyes & found myself in an admittedly gorgeous garden. It had tulips, carnations, orchids, lilies, & it even had shrubbery. The fireflies that danced around me made me feel like I was in a fairytale. & Yet, it still felt empty. I could tell it was beautiful & tranquil, but without my creator with me, I struggled to feel amazed & calm.
I got up, stretched my wings, & went on my way to try & find my beloved creator. As I tried to see if I could find a clue to where my creator was. That’s when I found the human that dragged me here. They were doing the same thing my creator did at night, laying in a bed with their eyes closed. Now I must admit, I’m not typically violent, but this creature took me away from my god—my creator!
I knew if this was anything like my creator’s rest, they wouldn’t get up until the morning. & So, with that in mind, I saw red. Luckily, though it got a bit messy, I found a small black box with the familiar glowing blueish light. There, after being nearly blinded by the white light, I found out where my creator was. It was far, but the small black rectangular box told me where to go & I would do anything for my creator.
However, as I began to walk, I had a thought; why not bring my creator here? It was such a big, lovely house & the human would no longer be using it. Oh, my creator would love this place! I’m sure I can easily carry them here within the night!
So, I began to walk to where my creator was, excited to show them the lovely house I have found for them.
-----------------------------Back to third person--------------------------
You woke up in a beautiful garden which you were sure you didn’t fall asleep in. After a few seconds, you realized an angel statue that looked eerily like the one you finished sculpting two days ago had her hands on your shoulders & her head resting right beside your neck. She was smiling with her eyes closed & her body was very close to yours, but the main thing you noticed was the dried red liquid all over her hands & what you could see of her toga, along with the metallic smell of blood. You immediately struggled out of her grip & once you got a full view of the angel, you realized she looked exactly like the angel you sculpted. exactly.
& She was covered in blood.
You looked around the garden, but as you attempted to wonder off, something cold, hard, & grainy grabbed your wrist. You turned around to see the angel but now much closer to you, grabbing your wrist. It wasn’t a new statue; the old statue was completely gone. You tried to break free of her hold, but almost as soon as you closed your eyes to focus on breaking free, you felt your wrist being free, but now two arms were wrapped around your body, holding you close to her body. 
You soon heard a faint whisper, but you refused to believe it was the angel holding you. You refused to believe any of this was anything but a dream. But regardless, you heard her say:
“I’m so happy you’re back...”
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errihaienx · 1 year
Hello!! Can I have a request hq characters reaction on being prank by their girlfriend. The prank will be the girlfriend will be fake texting someone while laughing while they are doing something on their phone. Thank youuu, love ur works btw. 🫶🏼
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Hiii i am not quite sure who among all of the hq characters shall i write reaction on. so i applied multiple characters(characters who i am familiar with, i can't include everyone T^T) by the reaction that i think they will have during the prank! thank you for loving my works ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
quick disclaimer: these scenarios don't affect the original plot of the series. any information or events that contradict the original plot are purely fictional. (i do not own any of the characters) (I did not proofread this)
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SUNA, Tsukishima, Kenma, Kunimi
Actually saw and knew about the trend, but he didn't expect you to do this, so when he found out you were following the trend, he was taken aback.
though what he couldn't understand is why the hell is he grumpy and displeased about it even though he knows that it is just a prank
"Heyy, your mouth could reach the ground, stop pouting! you knew it was a prank, so why are you acting like that"
"You're such a child, why are you even doing those things?" he said sharply.
If you've just been his girlfriend for a short time, his remarks will hurt you, but at this point you just know that it's either his love language or he was born that way.
"So who's the grumpy one because I did some 'childish stuff'?" you laughed
You returned to the prank and began typing random letters while giggling, and then your phone was taken away in a matter of seconds.
"Hey! what are you doing!"
He checked your phone with strained brows, then handed it to you, his countenance considerably calmer now.
"What did you do?"
"I don't usually check phones coz that's your privacy but I can't help it, stop that antics of yours and just cuddle me that would've been better"
"I don't want to!"
"oh trust me you do"
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OIKAWA, Atsumu, Kuroo, Terushima
It was a typical day for you and him; he was busy packing for an international match, at the same time you were laughing on your phone.
"What's the matter, babe?" He asked
He stopped doing his thing while his gaze fall upon you.
"N-nothing! I'm j-just talking with a friend.."
Your nervous chuckle made his eyebrow shot up. When he's packing his belongings, you usually help him, but he thinks it's strange because you're texting and giggling with someone else instead.
You snickered as you swiftly glanced at him, seeing his brow furrowed while stiffly folding his clothes.
That caused him to stare at you again, and this time he can't help himself.
"Who are you texting."
"he's a-"
"He?! I haven't left yet and you are replacing me right away??"
You turned your phone off, trying not to giggle, and reached out your hand to him, which he ignored while looking at you.
"Explain." he sternly said, with his arms crossed.
"It was nothing! I just saw a video online about fake texting and I decided to-"
He interrupted you by laughing dryly. You handed him your phone and told him to check it himself if he was doubtful.
"I don't have to, I believe you. I can't just believe that you did this to me!"
You hugged him because he looked betrayed.
"Just wait until I start giggling and kicking my feet while texting someone!"
His childish words made you roll your eyes; he'll certainly never do this ever. He is totally committed to you.
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SAKUSA, Kageyama, Ushijima
Your boyfriend arrived at your shared condo late at night. Tired and feeling a bit drowsy, you knew exactly what he needs. yourself
But, for the time being, he will not be getting that. You're busy pretending to text someone.
"My hugs..?"
You ignored him as you shifted your body so that it looked like you were hiding what you'd been doing.
"Love.. what are you doing?" he asked again
His voice was soft and desperate, so you kept typing random letters and let out a quick giggle that drew his attention.
"Oh are you talking with Sana-san?" he concluded
You finally looked at him with a grin on your face, finding his conclusion amusing.
"No, babe, I was talking with a male friend.. have you eaten?" you returned the question
You could see his eyes widen a little; he knew you didn't have any close male friends, so you expected him to question you. He, however, did not.
"Oh, okay.. go on continue talking to him."
His cold, trying-not-to-sound-jealous voice was hilarious, his ears growing red, and the way he acts in the next minutes confirms his jealousy.
He's always been this way; he's not the very jealous type, and when he is, he attempts to hide it and fails miserably. He'll be stiff and irritable, as though he doesn't know how to act.
After a few minutes had gone and you had not heard from him, you stood up and provided him a back hug.
"Hey baby, I was just kidding.. I missed you so much.."
He shifted his weight and is now facing you with a less tense manner, but his brow wrinkled clearly indicates that he needs a little clarification.
"You preferred to play some pranks on me rather than give me my hugs."
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AKAASHI, Iwaizumi, Kita, Hinata, Sugawara, Osamu, Daichi
"I UNDERSTAND YOU MWA (ɔˆ ³(ˆᴗˆc)"
He got confused when he called you for dinner and you were still on your phone, texting and laughing constantly. especially since you had a motto "food always comes first!"
"My love? I called for you, you can continue that later.." He called again
He got your attention, and you acted annoyed by turning your phone off in a tetchy manner.
"Eat first, you were doing what?"
"I was messaging a friend, and he invited me to watch a movie with some of our mutual friends."
You assumed him to question you, but knowing your partner's personality, he didn't. You finished your dinner, but he's still all smiles!
What you expected did not come around, and guess what? He even insisted on driving you to the place you were going.
Because of how things played out, your prank was reversed, and you are now the one who is grumpy.
"Hmmm, why are you acting this way?" he gently asked as he kissed the furrow in your brow.
He laughed at your defensive tone, still holding you in his arms;
"I love you.."
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THE BOKUTO ( my baby ! ‹𝟹 ) TYPE
he'll be so whiny lol
will be saying these for sure;
"heyyy who are you texting?"
"oh you're talking with a boy, okay! — WHAT A BOY????"
"baby you don't love me anymore??!"
"baby are you happier with him?"
"bAbY dOnT LeAve mE:("
please stop the prank and cuddle this babieee! ₍ᐢ._.ᐢ₎♡
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HI EVERYONEE!!!! It's almost been a week, i am clearing up my requests and I have a post lineups that will be out very soon! I also got addicted creating dividers lmaoo. anyways, thank you for appreciating my works! see ya in few days! ₍ᐢ⸝⸝› ̫ ‹⸝⸝ᐢ₎
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bartxnhood · 1 year
sorry’s never enough | c.h
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calum hood x fem!reader
summary: you’re betrayed again by your boyfriend, who just can’t seem to keep his promise
warnings: angst, no happy ending, kinda toxic relationship, arguing (it’s a short one)
a/n: surprise ! this is kinda weird for me to post randomly and not tell anyone but i this randomly hit me. also i feel like i should note, i know i’ve written many fics of this scenario and it seems to be a common theme with calum fics but this in no way shape or form represents calum hood as a person. this is strictly fiction and written for entertainment purposes. thank you.
not proofread
requests open
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you should’ve expected it, from the moment he stepped out the door and got on that plane. you should’ve known better.
he was going to do it, it was only a matter of time before the evidence got back to you. it was just a waiting game for you. would he keep his promise?
no. he doesn’t care.
that morning you woke up, like usual, nothing was out of the ordinary. you got out of bed, made it, and took duke outside to do his business. everything was going normally. until it wasn’t.
you finished breakfast, put away the dirty dishes, and decided to take a scroll on your phone. your boyfriend's tour was coming to an end and it had been one beautiful tour. he seemed to be having the time of his life, and he was even happier it seemed. and it made you feel better about your relationship. you thought, for just a second, that maybe, just maybe, he kept his word.
but when you got the notification from sierra your heart sank. the pictures and the videos of calum at a bar with another girl. his arm slung around her waist as he kisses her, his hand on her jaw. it made you feel sick to your stomach, looking at the photos. sierras message ended with ‘im sorry, hun.’ you felt the tears swelling in your eyes and the aching in your chest had returned.
how could he do this to you?
“hey babe” calum enters the house, walks to you and presses a kiss on your cheek. he noticed you didn’t acknowledge him, so as he was setting his bags down he turned to you. “is everything okay?” you laid your phone down on the counter and slid it over to him. “i don’t know, is it?” you asked, your voice stung like venom. calum looks down at the phone which revealed an article that read: “calum hood spotted with mystery girl at a london nightclub. what happened with his girlfriend? or now, ex-girlfriend’
you saw his expression sour, pushing the phone back towards you. “so?” you asked again. he had no answer, and you saw the gears turning in his head trying to come up with another excuse. “i’m sorry.”
that’s all he had to say? after everything? everything you’ve done for him. all the sacrifices you made just to be with him. that’s all? "don't apologize if you are just going to keep doing this shit, apologize when you're actually going to change because im tired of having my hopes crushed every time" you were livid, your chest burned with anger. even looking at him made your feel sick. calum tan his fingers through his hair, huffing quietly. “if you would ever go on tour with us, this would never happen.” "oh, so i'm the one at fault?" "that's not what i'm saying-" "well, it jolly well sure sounds like it!"
“I don't want to do this with you." "that's what you always say whenever I'm trying to talk some sense into you." you rubbed your temples. talking was him wasn’t always this hard, in the beginning, he was the most caring person but as time went on he grew distant. “i’ve given you my life, calum. i made sacrifices for us to be together. i dropped everything just to be with you, you choose to do this to me? after everything?”
you heard a groan come from his side followed by yet another huff. this wasn’t the first time calum had cheated on you, and you should’ve known it wouldn’t be the last time either but you chose to talk it out and overcome the pain and suffering. you thought it had worked, but obviously, it didn’t. “i never asked you to do anything of that either, y/n. you chose to put your life on hold because of me. i didn’t”
“and you never stopped me!” you yelled, throwing your hands up in the air. “what do you want from me, calum? am i not good enough for you anymore? what am i doing wrong, please just tell me!” by this point, you were starting to break. tears welled in your eyes and your face flushed red. “it isn’t you.” he stated matter-a-factly. you couldn’t help but laugh at his response. “it isn’t me?” you repeated, and once again pushed your phone towards him. “the evidence proves otherwise cal.”
calum knew he was hurting you, he knew he put you through hell and back and that you didn’t deserve it. there was no excuse for what he did to you, he just never wanted to face the truth. “you never change do you, calum? you never fucking change.” you snatched your phone away from the counter, and looked at him one last time. “i’ve had enough, calum. i’m done. i can’t believe i loved you” you pointed in his face, and maybe it came out harsher than expected but at that point, you were so tired.
his eyes shot up at the word ‘loved’ it made his heart stop. surely he heard that wrong, right? “loved?” he asked, following you into the hallway where you were heading but you didn’t respond. you entered the shared bedroom “i’ve been pretending to love you for a long time, calum.” he saw the bags sitting atop the bed. two duffel bags and a large suitcase, “what do you mean?”
a dry chuckle left your throat, “i mean, i’ve been faking it since the first time you done this, i thought for a while that you had changed but obviously you didn’t. and frankly i’m tired of waiting time hoping you’d come around.” you grab a few of the bags ready to head out the door as your friend had texted you that she was on her way. “calum, i did love you. i loved you for years, and maybe we were meant to be together but i can trust you when you go out and get with these other girls. i’m sorry”. you pressed the softest kiss on his cheek.
“don’t come looking for me, just focus on yourself, calum.”
you saw the tears in his eyes, he was guilty and regretful for what he has done to you. “i’m sorry.” you nod, “i know you are.”
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stardewlily · 18 days
A Good Day
A Stardew Valley fan fiction about Sam getting to know the new farmer in town. (A non-Sebastian story, my god! Reasons below! ;)
Notes: I don't often write about other people's farmers as I'm always worried about mischaracterizing them (obviously, I can never know someone else's OC as well as my own), but I've been trying to write more lately, and after reading @krobusfan's request for a fic about a little scene they'd thought up between their farmer and Sam, I thought I'd step out of my Sebby-based comfort zone and give it a go!
Synopsis: Sam desperately wants to strike up a conversation with the new farmer but this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind!
Cast: Original Character, Sam
Contents: Fluff & General Cuteness
Warnings: Minor injuries
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Sam groaned as his heel slipped off the tail of his skateboard and his fifth attempt in a row at performing a kickflip failed.
"Dammit, I am having such a bad day today," he muttered. "Abby'll never let me hear the end of it if I don't get this right, I've been bragging all week that I finally managed it as well!"
He frowned and redoubled his concentration only to have it immediately shattered when the new farmer, Casey, whizzed into view, waving cheerily at him as they had done every day for the past few weeks.
Sam tried hard… really hard… not to gape, but it was pretty much impossible. He'd been totally smitten from the first time he'd seen them on their roller skates and had been looking for a reason to strike up a conversation ever since.
"Hey Sam!" they grinned at him, all messy ponytail and cute, flushed cheeks as they passed by. He gulped and wondered why he found it so hard to talk to them. Usually it was Seb who was the awkward one, this was an entirely new phenomenon for the usually boisterous Sam, and he felt a whole new measure of sympathy for his reserved friend at the sudden shyness he felt.
He was just thinking this when Casey's skate caught on a crack in the pavement and the subject of his agonised musings fell forwards with a little shriek and a look of abject surprise on their face.
"Casey!" his face creased in horror, his heart collided with the front of his chest. "Are you alright?"
Before he even knew what he was doing he was scooting towards them as fast he could, the look of pain on their face and the blood on their knee filling him with panic. He was shocked at how much he cared, at how desperately he wanted to pick them up, to reassure them, and then… oh Yoba, then… he completely lost control of his board, just as he was losing control of his thoughts, and he watched, despairing, as it flew from under his feet, time slowed to a momentary crawl, and then it hit his precious Casey directly in the head and everything sprang back into life again.
"Owww!" Just about to get up, Casey lifted their hand to their head, the earlier surprise on their face back with reinforcements, and Sam's heart dropped lower than his shoes. What the hell had he just done? The one person in the entire town he wanted to make a good impression on and he'd just given them concussion!
"Oh shit, oh shit! I'm so sorry, are you hurt? Here, let me see!" He dropped to his knees by their side, caught their hand in his, moving it away from their head, filled with dread at what he might see, overcome with relief when he saw that there was no blood. "Thank Yoba! You're not cut or anything!"
It was only then that he realised he was gazing straight into their eyes.
And they were gazing back.
His heart decided it was time to perform the 100 metres sprint. His face flushed beetroot red. He wanted to speak. Opened his mouth. Nothing came out.
"It's okay," Casey's voice was soft and warm, just like their eyes. He realised he was still holding their hand. "I'm fine," they laughed, "but I think I might have a bit of a headache later on!"
Sam's speech centre stuttered into life. "Ah… I should take you to Harvey's…" he looked at the hand he was holding, wondered if he should let it go. Casey didn't seem to be showing any signs of wanting him to. "Um… just to be safe and all."
Another laugh. So sweet. He looked back at them. He was kind of getting used to the sensation of their fingers wrapped around his.
"Yes, you probably should." They tilted their head, a little twinkle in their eyes. "Y'know, I've been wanting to start a conversation with you for ages. I never imagined this is how it would happen though!"
And now Sam did gape. They'd wanted to talk to him too? He dropped his head and laughed helplessly.
"What is it?" Casey smiled at his mirth.
He had a feeling he could get used to that smile.
"Ah, nothing," he grinned and pulled them to their feet.
Today might be a good day, after all…
~The End~
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whumpsday · 7 months
Astarion and the Cleric #1: Lesser Restoration
Masterlist / AO3 Link (first time posting on ao3 since original fiction doesn't get traction there and this is my first fanfic :P)
content: baldur's gate 3 (fandom), astarion/tav (ship), vampire whumpee, starvation, comfort, caretaking, blood drinking
so i'm trying something new! never really been a fanfic person, only ever really written original fiction before, but astarion's been taking over my brain. so i wrote some incredibly self-indulgent fic for astarion and my tav. this is maybe the least whumpy thing i've ever written lol. prob cuz the game has so much whump already. there will be whump further in the series tho, and i have some VERY whumpy AUs planned too.
It was a no-brainer to decide which of his delectable new companions to snack on. Astarion had been thinking about it ever since he realized that Cazador’s control over him had slipped. A free man, he no longer had to obey his wretched master’s orders. He could feed on whoever and whatever he liked, whenever he liked.
And of his soundly sleeping campmates, the pick was obvious: Gentle. Even his name advertised him as the one least likely to put up a fight if he awoke in the process. He was small for a tiefling, not offering as much in the way of blood volume as someone like Karlach, but he would do nicely.
Would do nicely, if only he hadn’t been such a light sleeper. Astarion had scarcely hovered himself over his curled-up form when his eyes flew open.
Gentle woke all at once, before Astarion could steal so much as a nibble. He squeaked in terror, not quite a scream, grasping half-asleep for his quarterstaff.
“What are you doing?” the cleric asked, voice pitched with fear, clutching the staff close like a treasured plush toy.
“No, no–It’s not what it looks like, I swear.” Losing his place in the group would be far worse than another hungry night, a severance of all means of protection. That was, if the little priestling and his friends didn’t stake him outright. “I wasn’t going to hurt you! I just needed– well, blood. It’s not what you think! I’m not–”
“Astarion, it’s okay!” Gentle interrupted, lowering his staff as the fear left his eyes. “I’m so sorry I didn’t realize. You’ve been suffering this whole time.”
The complete sincerity was almost sickening, as relieved as Astarion was at the priestling’s ready acceptance. “Yes, well, I’ve certainly been peckish.”
“You can have my blood,” Gentle offered, pulling the neck of his shirt down a little.
Just like that. So utterly easy. He hadn’t even needed to ask nor justify.
Astarion couldn’t stifle a small laugh at the absurdity. “My, you certainly know what to say to a man.”
“I would never knowingly let you go hungry.” There it was again, that cloying sweetness. If the cleric hadn’t been actively helping him, Astarion might have been more inclined to roll his eyes at the display.
“And I appreciate it ever so much,” he replied smoothly. “Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?”
Gentle blushed a deep violet, a reminder of the blood that would soon be his. “Yes, I suppose we shall.”
Astarion directed him to lie down, positioning himself over the cleric before sinking his fangs into his neck. It was absolutely decadent. This must have been why Cazador saw fit to deny him the blood of thinking creatures, reserving such a luxury only for himself.
He was so lost in it, he didn’t notice Gentle’s little gasps until he felt a timid tap on his shoulder. “Astarion?” he piped up, “Could you stop for a moment?”
It wasn’t enough. He wanted to drain the cleric dry from head to toe, every last drop sating what he’d been wrongfully denied for so long.
But he had an image to maintain.
“Of course.” He wrested his fangs from Gentle’s neck, standing up and stepping back.
“Just a moment,” Gentle repeated as he sat up, motioning Astarion closer.
Curious, Astarion returned to sit beside Gentle’s bedroll. “Oh?”
The cleric clasped his hands together, his palms emitting a soft, blue light. “Te absolvo!”
For a moment, Gentle’s whole body glowed the same soft blue. It faded as quickly as it came, leaving him with a little sigh of relief.
“There we go,” he breathed, lying back. “You can continue. I apologize for interrupting you in your time of need, but I felt as though I’d faint otherwise.” He tilted his head to the side slightly, inviting him back to the bite wound. “I have plenty more blood now.”
Astarion stared in disbelief. “You’re quite the character, you know. Though I can’t say I’m not a fan of your little eccentricities at the moment.”
“He wept for the hungry,” the cleric recited dutifully, likely quoting some dogma. “I’m honored to be of service.”
Never had Astarion been so thankful for one of Faerûn’s useless gods.
After he’d truly gorged himself on hearty tiefling blood and Gentle had cast Lesser Restoration a second time, the two sat in the warm glow of the crackling fire, Astarion’s stomach full for what felt like the first time in forever.
“Do you feel better?” Gentle asked, rubbing the sore skin of his neck.
“I do.” It was an understatement. He’d scarcely felt this good since the night he became Cazador’s. “Good, strong, happy. I should be of far more use in fighting.”
Gentle hummed anxiously. “Don’t like fights,” he murmured. He smiled anyway. “I’m glad you feel better. May you suffer no more. Why didn’t you tell me? I didn’t realize you were a vampire, I could have offered you aid sooner.”
“If I’d known you’d throw yourself at my feet, I wouldn’t have bothered hiding it,” Astarion said lightly. “Most wouldn’t be so…” Naive. Foolish. Suicidal. “Trusting.”
“Help all who hurt, no matter who they are. The truly holy take on the suffering of others. Suffer in His name…” Gentle trailed off, suddenly aware that Astarion wouldn’t care to hear it all. “I’m a devotee of Ilmater. It is my pledge.”
Lucky, lucky, lucky. Astarion doubted the Sharran would be so generous.
“Besides,” Gentle continued, “Regardless of my faith, I wanted to help.”
“Hm. Well, praise be to Ilmater.” Astarion tried his best to keep the cynicism out of his voice, not fully succeeding. He stood, preparing to go back to his tent. “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
“You can feed every night, if you’d like.” Gentle looked up at him with unabashed compassion. “It’s no trouble. Just get me when I’m awake next time, so I won’t be so startled.”
Astarion smiled, no longer taking care to hide his fangs. “That can be arranged.”
everything taglist (lmk if you only wanna be tagged in original fic):
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burningvelvet · 7 months
More Jane Eyre analysis, this time concerning the Varens family backstory and my theories and opinions on the characters of Adèle and Rochester, as well as their depictions in the 1996 and 2006 adaptations--
In a post I made, I mentioned that Céline Varens (mother of Adèle Varens) was dead, and someone (@thoumpingground, thank you!) replied with how they thought Céline had just ran away with a musician and never actually been pronounced dead. This led me to wonder, because a lot of the criticism and essays I've read repeat the idea that Adèle is an orphan and/or that her mother died, and I myself could have sworn her mother died of consumption or typhus. But no! I went on the Internet Archive and re-read passages about Rochester and the Varens, did a deep reading, and came to other conclusions which totally changed my understanding of these characters. Below I try to untangle and assess this apparently common confusion.
Here are the details I've gathered: 1) Adèle tells Jane only that her mother died, 2) Rochester tells Jane only that Adèle's mother abandoned her. I originally believed that she died after the abandonment, but it seems more likely that 3) Rochester must have told Adèle that her mother died because it was easier than explaining the abandonment. 4) Neither Rochester nor Jane believe that Adèle is his biological child, and no biological father ever claimed her, making Adèle paternally as well as maternally abandoned. 5) After Rochester tells her the story of Adèle, Jane calls Adèle an orphan like herself, not because she believes Adèle's parents are dead, but because she's likening abandonment to orphaning.
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I believe that Rochester's probable lie to Adèle is fully in line with his character because the entire plot of the novel largely hinges on his repetitive deceptiveness. His love for toying with the truth, combined with his flair for the dramatic and his passionate feelings of betrayal at the hands of Céline, render it easy to believe that he would've seen Céline's abandonment and infidelity as her being metaphorically "dead" to him. As Rochester often conflates feelings and facts, and continuously blurs the lines between fiction and reality (every other line he's mentioning elves and mermaids), he wouldn't have seen him calling Céline dead as being a complete lie, and this is what makes it more believable to me.
Rochester usually believes his own lies to some extent or is able to justify them. His talent at deception a major attribute (and flaw) of his, as well as something we readers are constantly left to debate the morality of; this is made more complex by most of his lies being understandable or sympathizable, even if sometimes ridiculous. This is what makes him an appealing character.
He imitates a fortune teller on the basis of fortune telling being inherently deceptive anyway (as Jane states). He dons this disguise to break-up with Blanche while uncovering her true motives and protecting her feelings in the process, as well as to try to covertly assess the truth of Jane's feelings and to reveal his own.
He claims to be a bachelor and tries to get remarried because he felt like Bertha had already been metaphorically and spiritually divorced from him a long time ago, if not in actuality. He deceptively hides in Céline's room in order to ascertain what he already knows to be the truth and to convenienly confront her. Céline's larger deception allows him to feel that his own one is justifiable. He also deceives Jane when they first meet by failing to inform her of his identity, but he doesn't assume a false identity, either, complicating this lie as well.
He leads everyone (but most importantly, Jane) to believe he's planning to marry Blanche even after we can tell that he's really planning to marry Jane. This again is a sort of half-lie in his eyes, because he truly did plan on getting remarried to someone.
I also have a theory that Rochester really did plan on marrying Blanche before deciding to propose to Jane, considering that: 1) we're told by Mrs. Fairfax that Rochester and Blanche had flirted before Jane was in the picture; 2) Rochester says that Blanche resembles Bertha, who he said he married because he was attracted to her; 3) it wouldn't make sense that Rochester would go through so much trouble to lead Blanche on solely to make Jane jealous, especially not when we know he had set his sights on Blanche before he knew Jane and prizes constancy in affection above all else; 4) Blanche's character specifically matches that of all his other past lovers (in short, more beautiful on the outside than the inside) which supports the idea that his attraction to her and intention to marry her was actually genuine at first.
In short, all Rochester's lies are omissions or half-truths, always justifiable in his eyes because they're performed to protect himself, or others, or as a method of assessing the truth. He follows an odd set of rules regarding deception, and this is in line with the strong fae/folklore/trickster themes of the novel which many academics have noted. I don't believe he ever deceives carelessly, on a whim, or in order to be purely cruel.
Adèle informs Jane that her mother has gone to heaven, so evidently she has been told so by someone. I also believe his probable lie to Adèle is important because it is more proof that he truly does care about her beneath his reluctance to love her due to her similarity to her mother.
I can imagine Rochester sitting her on his knee and explaining this to her much like he later explains to her in the carrage of his and Jane's elvish, honey-"moon" adventure tale. Despite openly criticizing her and her mother, Rochester still doesn't want Adèle to have abandonment issues, to feel lonely, or to break her heart by ruining the good memories of her mother which she so clearly covets, as seen by her proud presentations of the song, poetry, and dance she says her mother taught her.
I don't know why adaptations haven't banked on these points, since Rochester's relationship with Adèle is one of his most redeeming qualities, even despite his occasional coldness to her. The 1996 version is great because out of all the adaptations I've seen or read about (not all of them because there are a million), it has the most emphasis on Adèle and her relationships.
1996 also keeps the line about her mother going to the Holy Virgin, and we get the impression that she was raised by her mother, whereas in the 2006 BBC adaptation for example, we're shown that Adèle was left to Rochester in her crib, yet Rochester still says Adèle inherited her mother's bad "French" attributes, which from his perspective must be genetic.
All the Rochester's question Adèle's nature v nurture attributes to some extent, but choosing to give Adèle no memories of her mother as the 2006 does kind of changes the Adèle/Céline discourse to being more genetic in basis. In other words, the 2006 focus is more on questioning nature rather than nurture, whereas other versions focus on both, or focus on nurture.
All the Rochester's speculations on Adèle's genetics keeps in line with 19-century anti-French British sentiment, and the increasing Victorian "nature vs nurture" discourse. For 2006 Rochester specifically, this all fits with his interest in biology & nature -- his specimen collection, him helping with Adèle's lessons, his scientist friend, the twin/twin flame theories; all 2006 inventions which clearly have a lot of historical and textual basis. However, in all the versions, it seems Adèle's vanity and "French defects" (as Jane dubs them in the book) whether genetically or socially imbued, exist to emphasize how nurture is just as important as nature.
Bertha Mason and John Reed exist as examples of ill nature overpowering weak nurturing, whereas Jane Eyre and Adèle Varens are examples of undecided nature strengthening in resolve after an upgrade of nurturing. For Jane this was through Bessie, Miss Temple, Helen Burns, and Mrs. Fairfax. For Adèle it was Mrs. Fairfax, Jane, and then Jane sending her to a good school which she says at the end of the book was responsible for turning Adèle into a great person.
But there is also an emphasis on the willpower of Jane and Adèle, as there is for Edward Rochester, who we learn from his account probably had poor nurturing, as he says his father and brother tricked him into marrying Bertha. As an aside: the 1996 version really emphasizes the implication that Rochester's dad and brother sucked, which I agree with, but I think it's also part of the problem of this film making Rochester a little too sympathetic (lol).
It makes sense that in the book Adèle had apparently been old enough to actually remember being socialized by her mother and therefore had been more capable of absorbing her mother's character. Perhaps 2006's approach is more intelligent, as it leaves the theory of nature v nurture more up for debate just like Adèle's parentage is (though Jane and Rochester are decided against his paternity, we have no way of ascertaining it).
I wish we had been able to see or hear more about Céline interacting with Adèle, as it would have explained how Adèle came to love the performing arts and to worship fashionable ladies. In the book, this is essentially her clinging to memories of her mother, which are later replaced by Jane's influence.
Adèle's status as an orphan (if not a literal one, a metaphorical one) is worthy of analysis because it also links her to the (literally) orphaned Jane and Rochester. Their mutual orphanage leads them to bond and form into a found family. Jane blatantly declares this kindredness to Rochester as highlighted above, and I believe Rochester must also feel this connection as shown by his devotion to Adèle, as he explains he took her on because she had no one else in the world (except Sophie maybe, but she couldn't support Adèle alone).
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wrestlersownmyheart · 8 months
Hi. I love your stories. I have an idea for a ficlet. I would love one where Randy Orton and the reader go to a haunted house and he protects the reader from all the Scary things
Aww thank you so much sis! Hope you enjoy what I did! 🙂
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Title: Haunted House Pairing: Randy Orton X Reader Summary: You and Randy decide to visit a Haunted House on Halloween night and you get so spooked he has to protect you. Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: None. Just fluff and an attempt at comedy.
NOTE: I have never done a Haunted House before, so bear with me. I hope I did this correctly.
Haunted House
“I don’t know about this,” you said, taking Randy Orton’s large hand. “I’ve never been in a haunted house before, Randy.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Randy coaxed, his bright blue eyes flashing. “It’ll be fun. Besides, you can’t go to a Halloween carnival without visiting the haunted house.”
You were both dressed up for Halloween as Han Solo and Princess Leia from the Return of the Jedi. Your costume was complete with the golden bikini and a super long clip in braid.
“Yeah but they say this house is actually haunted,” you argued. “Like, for real. That’s like deciding to pay the Amityville house a visit! Are you crazy??”
Randy chuckled, and brought your hand to his mouth, kissing it softly. “Why so scared? I’ll protect you.”
“I don’t doubt you’d try,” you replied, “But how are you going to protect me from a ghost, or worse, a poltergeist?”
He chuckled again and led you up the walkway toward the house. “It’ll be fine. If it gets too bad, we’ll find the nearest emergency exit and leave. Deal?”
You nodded reluctantly, “O-okay.”
You went through the, what used to be, white gate of the picket fence which framed the large yard and walked toward the front door. A small group of teenage girls were behind you, already giggling hysterically. 
“Somehow, I think if we’re stuck in front of them the whole time, I’m gonna be ready to climb the walls before this is over,” you remarked, with a roll of your eyes.
“Don’t worry, they’ll be more quiet when they get scared,” Randy chuckled deviously. “And I can always scare them worse than this house would.”
You nodded your agreement with a soft hum of approval.
He was telling the truth. Randy was an insanely attractive man, but he could definitely turn into a scary lunatic when he wanted to–usually when he was wrestling or filming a segment for the WWE.
You stepped up to the first step of the porch, and–
“ROAAAR!!” A Freddy Krueger leapt out from behind the open front door.
At the same time, you jumped out of your skin and your hand shot to your chest as the teenagers squealed, and Randy laughed aloud.
“This is gonna be fun,” he exclaimed.
“If you say so,” you said under your breath.
You both stepped into the house, followed by the annoying teenage girls, and you were already cringing when a goblin flew by your face, shrieking in laughter, it’s ragged clothing brushing across your cheek.
“It’s just a bunch of jump-scares,” you griped to Randy. “Can’t we just forget about this?”
“Once you enter, you don’t exit,” came the killer’s voice from the Scream films. Right behind you. You turned and immediately screamed at seeing Ghostface run at you.
“How the heck did he hear me,” you demanded. “I wasn’t talking that loud. Randy, this is freaky.”
“Relax, babe, it’s just part of the show,” Randy said, leading you forward. “I won’t let anything touch you.”
“Okay,” you agreed reluctantly, letting him take your hand and lead you further into the house.
You both turned down a hallway and immediately heard a door slam in the near distance followed by a woman’s scream. You couldn’t decide if it was sound effects or if the “for real” haunted house was beginning to show its true colors.
That thought nearly sent you into a panic. “Randy, I really want out of here. Please.”
“Okay, baby, we can leave,” Randy said, turning you toward the way you’d just come. He affectionately squeezed your shoulders. “We’ll go back out the front door since we already know what is lurking there.”
You nodded as he led you, and you immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to do this.”
“No worries, babe. It’s not a big deal. I just thought since you’d never been to one that it’d be fun for you. If it’s scaring you that bad I don’t want you to do it either.”
“Sir,” an authoritative voice said from behind the two of you. You turned and saw that “Freddy Krueger” was acting as hall monitor, so to speak. “Sir, you’re not allowed to leave back through the front door. I’m afraid you have to go through the remaining haunted house to get to the actual exit.
“Please,” you started. “I’m freaked out and I just want out of here.”
“There’s only a couple of hallways to get through ma`am.”
It was surreal for Freddy Krueger to be speaking so politely to you. But polite or not you wanted out of this house and you wanted out now.
“I don’t care. I’m not going and you can’t make me,” you said feeling childish, but nonetheless justified.
“Look, Freddy,” Randy started sarcastically, popping his knuckles and clearly losing his patience. “We’re going out the front door. If you don’t like that, I don’t think there’s a lot you can do about it.”
“I can stop you from going through the door.”
Freddy was getting pretty snarky.
“And I can slap the taste out of your pizza-faced mouth,” you said in retaliation.
“Now listen,” Freddy started, pointing his finger blade at you. “I-”
“Don’t you dare point that blade at me,” you cried indignantly. You let loose and slapped him across the face.
“HEY!” Freddy was suddenly angry and latched onto your arm with his gloved hand. 
“OW,” You cried, as the metal of the glove dug into your skin. The blades were thankfully dulled down to where it didn’t actually cut you, but it still hurt.
“Okay, that’s it,” Randy said a second before driving his fist into Freddy’s face. 
Freddy was down for the count.
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Randy said, taking your hand and heading for the front door.
You both hurried through the door and were instantly out in the cool night air.
“Thank you, baby,” you said softly as you walked away from the house and headed out of the carnival toward Randy’s car.
“No one's gonna put their hands on you on my watch,” he said, as he walked you to the passenger’s side of the large SUV. “No one.”
He opened the door for you and helped you into the seat, before gently closing the door again. Then he was jogging around to the driver’s side and getting in himself.
“I love you, Randy.”
He looked over at you and smiled. “I love you too.” His dimples appeared then. “In fact I was going to do this after the haunted house, but Freddy screwed it up,” he chuckled, pulling a velvet box out of his costume’s pocket. He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring. “Y/N… Would you marry me?”
“Oh my God, Randy! Yes!” You squealed the words and latched onto him kissing him passionately. “Yes,” you said again, as he placed the ring on your finger.
“I’m glad.” He said, reaching over and kissing you softly. “You’ve just made me the happiest man on earth.” He started the car as you admired your ring.
“And you’ve made me the happiest woman on earth,” you replied, gazing at him. “Let’s go home and celebrate,” he said with a wink.
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pre-reform-voice · 8 months
A plea for imperfection
Warning: Random rambling ahead.
A friend of mine is beta reading my YoI fan fiction and in the second part (Love Aims At One Scope) she got really mad at Viktor. She's only seen the anime once, and when he makes a rather nasty, off-hand statement to an OC who is trying to make him feel better, she couldn't see it.
But here's the deal, Viktor isn't as clean as he seems. He is the epitome of a person who has no filter.
In the real world, a lot of people who say that about themselves use it as an excuse to be cruel. They put others down intentionally and enjoy it, and when that person has the audacity to tell them they're hurt, they claim they were only joking or gaslight the person in some other way.
Mind you, that is NOT how I see Viktor.
He's a great guy, he cares, he's affectionate, he can be incredibly kind and understanding - and sometimes he talks before he thinks through what effect his words will have. And that sentence in my fic - as bad as it is - I think is completely in character. I really contemplated changing that, or at least have him say something that isn't THAT bad, but it's something I can see. That sentence will stay.
I love Viktor. He's a wonderful human being. But he's also an incredibly flawed deuteragonist who hides his shortcomings behind his charms so well it works in the real world, apparently, not just within the universe.
My friend has since decided she has to watch it again for several reasons, and she'll keep a lookout for this. Currently, she has Viktor as much on a pedestal as Yuuri did, it seems. But for me his less-than-wonderful traits are what make writing him so amazing. It makes him feel real to me, and relatable, and even if I sometimes want to whack him with a wet towel (the original version in the anime and my own), I still think he's a walking green flag. Most of the time. When he actually uses his brain.
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fallingforel · 9 months
heyy! i was wondering if you could do an alex turner fic with the one bed trope (sorry if it sounds weird but english is not my first language🥹). thank you so much if you do it!! <3
a/n. of course my lovely. I would love to do this. here it is and hope you like it. p.s. this would defo happen with 2013 slutty alex era and I hope you like it. and don't worry...I barely understand my own english sometimes and I'm a native english speaker I had this half written a few weeks back but have finally finished it now. half asleep so sorry if theres any errors. It's probably the longest oLove you all <3😂😂😂
CW: sexual tension, smut, MNDI
PROMPT: none
WORDS: 2,894
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Alex and I have never seen eye to eye with each other. And that really sucked when we were in a band together. I had only ever agreed to it because they were really desperate for a female singer for their songs. I was Matt's sister but have always despised Alex, ever since he moved in next door to me. During the summers when we was younger he was always soaking me with a water gun when I was trying to catch up on some reading and sun bathing.
MAY 2002
"Y/n please come on we're desperate for a female singer, please come on. You know I wouldn't ask if I was so desperate. But you're the only girl I know that can sing well" Alex said
"Okay fine." I say which makes Matt and Alex whisper Yes to themselves and fistpump the air.
"But on one condition." I say making them hold their cheers
"Only until you find a replacement. Because this is not what I want to do, I want a Uni. You must promise me you actively look."
"okay" They both say in Unison
MAY 2013
After the glorious upturns of the first album I was surprised, and also Matt and Alex begged me to stay. I reluctantly agreed but I decided that I could get used to the lifestyle after going on our first tour.
So here I was On our 4th tour and My opinions of Alex hadn't change Infact I think they have gotten worse, especially since the incline we've had. The fame getting to his head a little bit. Thinking he could get every girl he wants. It really angered me. He also thought he was better than me and that riled me up, especially when we were on stage and he took over the spotlight, cutting me off at any moment he could.
It was only when we got to sweden things took a turn for the worse.
"I'm staying with breanna, Jamies with Katie, and nicks with Kelly. so you two have got to share" Matt said when we arrived at the hotel.
"WHAT??" Alex and I said in unison
"what do you mean we've got to share? I am NOT sharing with him"
"yeah and I'm not sharing with her"
"EXCUSE YOU? IM A DELIGHT TO SHARE A ROOM WITH I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW" I said raising my voice a bit which had people turning their heads to look in our direction, usually I would've been a bit embarrassed but in that moment I was too riled up to care.
"YOU SAID IT FIRST!" Alex retorted which only started the anticipated tumultuous bickering between the two of us.
Which made Matt shout over us "ENOUGH!" which made us stop and turn out heads at him. "It's only for one night, Please can you just get over it. It only happened because we had our original room arrangement of Alex and I sharing and then You, jamie and Nick having your own rooms and Breanna surprised me. I'll make sure Ian books five rooms for the next stop and the stops after so it doesn't happen again okay?" he asks. raising his eyebrow at both of us, and holding up a keycard
"fine." we both say. I grab the card from his hand and get in the lift, alex following hot on my heels, grabbing his suitcase dragging it across the floor, to the lift. I press the button for the fifth floor. We're waiting in silence for what feels like a decade but in reality is only a minute. The lift dings and we both step out.
I look for room 542 which I finally reach after turning a million corridors. I put the keycard in the door and open the door to find my worst nightmare a double bed...one.
"Oh this has got to be the worst day in existence." Alex says from behind me. "At least we can agree on one thing." I say before I'm hearing the door shut so I look behind me to find no Alex so I open the door. Only to find an Alex shaped figure walking the way to the lift so I shout "where are you going" "To find another room" "You won't find one, the rooms are all booked incase you haven't forgotten we're hosting a concert tomorrow" but I am met with a middle finger and Alex walking away.
A knock is heard on the door 10 minutes later, I open it to find Alex standing at it. "No rooms available then?" "Nope. I'm going to sleep on the tour bus. Anything is better than sharing a bed with you" "Okay fine whatever, you won't find it comfortable especially after sleeping in hotels for this tour. see you in thirty" I say my back faced to him returning on getting my pyjamas and my shower stuff out of my suitcase. I'm only met with "see you at soundcheck" and dragging of wheels on the floor and harsh slamming on the door.
thirty minutes later I had managed to get in and out of the shower in my pyjamas. and I was just about to dry my hair when I was met with a knock on the door, and once again there stood Alex.
"Uncomfy?" I questioned. before walking away from the door.
"No actually, there were fans outside shouting for you."
"awwh is the little narcissist too afraid of his ego getting bruised" I said with a fake pout on my face and a fake mothers concern lacing my voice.
"Fuck this I'm gonna go see if any of the lads will let me bunk with them" "for fucks sake Alex leave them alone, they're all with their girlfriends for the first time in months they don't need you cockblocking them" I said but once again I'm met with the harsh slam of the door
No more than 10 minutes later I am met with a knock on the door. I open it once again but laugh when I'm met with Alex wincing in pain from breanna holding his ear "please take him, he's not sleeping in our room" She says. "Bring him in." I say sighing
"I told you, the girls don't want you interrupting their time with their boyfriends. Now stop being such a baby and get changed for bed. It's not that bad sharing with me."
"I'll sleep on the floor thank you" Alex says tenaciously. stripping himself down to the boxers, Alex is a good looking guy that I will admit, but not near enough personality to have me on my knees risking them getting first degree burns from the carpet. He had my throat in my mouth, almost losing the words coming out of my mouth... key word, almost.
"No you fucking well won't come off it, you and I know that it is near enough impossible to have a good night's sleep on the floor, now get in the bed. I'll create a pillow barrier, if I'm really that scary sleeping with" I say while pulling the covers down for Alex to climb in
"No need. I'll just sleep on the edge so nothing happens" he says.
"fine suit yourself" I say sighing turning over the other way and moving right to the end of the bed so that there was a big enough gap between the two of us .
We were in silence for at least half an hour before Alex broke it.
"Why do you hate me?" Alex turned and said Of course he chose now to air out our dirty laundry, right when I was just about to imagine being in Chris Evan's arms.
"I don't hate you, I just dislike you. Since the minute you moved next door." I say turning to face him
"Oh come off it, You can't hold a grudge for that long Y/n." he laughs, that sound that only ever came out of Alex once in a blue moon, the kind of laugh that has you quaking in your boots like one of the fangirls of Elvis many years ago.
FUCK, I really have fallen for him. Maybe whatever I was feeling wasn't distaste, but in actual reality, Like.
I didn't have to tell him, one thing about me was I could keep a good facade up for a long long time.
"Oh, I can and I will" I say lying through my teeth.
"No seriously, there's something else what is it?" he says raising an eyebrow.
"I...Uh..." I said my cloudy brain betraying me, I knew there was a reason. I just couldn't think of it. Not right now, not when Alex was looking like a greek god infront of me.
snap out of it Y/n
"does this feel like the hate you have for me" he said leaning in and kissing my lips holding onto my hair. The kiss wasn't slow or sensual, nor filled with distaste. It was desperate, needy and fast, filled with desire. I kissed back my hands finding a way to latch onto his gelled hair.
After mere moments he moved on top of me, pulling off my pyjama top and finding his way to my unconcealed breasts kneading them like he was a sculptor and I was his masterpiece. He then moved his way down from my lips kissing down my neck placing hot warm open mouth kisses until he reached my tits sucking them and occasionaly nibbling my nipples.
He spent a few moments on each of my boobs until he started working his way down my body until he reached my belly button sending shivers up my spine causing me to arch my back, which allowed him to tug my pyjama shorts off along with my panties. The cold air to my exposed core shocked me right though causing an audible gasp.
"Now, Now Princess, None of that yet. I haven't even showed you my expert skills" Alex said, cockily. Stopping his work for a second tilting his head up to reach my eyes looking into my eyes with his hazel ones staring right back up at me lust taking over the hazel with black.
He continued with his hot wet kisses down until he reached my core, placing a hand over my clit before he started licking my folds slow and sensual, before he dove right into my clit switching his fingers for his mouth. He entered his fingers into me easing slowly but the pace soon quickened, causing me to let out a few whimpers every now and again.
He then switched out his fingers for his tongue jerking in and out sending me right out the knot forming in the bottom of my stomach before I could even orgasm though he pulled away completely.
"what are-" "I want to be inside you when you come" He said cutting me off sitting up and ripping off his clothes, one item by one until I heard the irreplaceable rip of foil he was infront of me completely naked and he came back down over me, placing his cock back inside me without warning which made me gasp.
Our bodies moved together, slow and sensual then fast and needy before I felt that knot again in the bottom of my stomach "Alex" I let out a moan "Im about to-" "let go princess I'm there too." We both came together it was something out of a movie the way Alex's face morphed when he came. We stayed together for a few minutes before he flipped me over and both our libidos came back again.
"ride me this time sweetheart, I want to feel every inch of that pussy sweetheart" He said, I didn't need telling before I was on top of him bouncing rolling my hips every which way. It soon got me to come again. Letting out a few strings of moans before, "oh alex" "oh my god" "Oh fuck" before a final one.
"that's it sweetheart come for me let it all out"
He came soon after.
I laid ontop of him for a good while.
"Come on lets get you cleaned up darling" He said getting up and pulling out of me before picking me up and pulling me into the bathroom and sitting me on the toilet
"go for a wee sweetheart, you don't want any nasty UTI'S" I did as he said while he found a some bubble bath and started running a bath.
"why are you doing this alex?"
"Why am I doing what sweetheart?"
"Looking after me, it's not like I deserve it. I've been nothing but horrible to you these past years we've known each other"
"It's what you deserve." He said,
the silent air between us smelt of sex but also had tension riding between us. What that tension was, I had no idea.
"Can I tell you something y/n" Alex said breaking the uncomfy silence we were sitting in
"You don't have to ask if you can tell me something Alex. Just tell me."
"I acted vile towards you, because I thought it was easier than loving you Princess. I soon realised that couldn't be far from the truth though. Loving you has been the easiest thing I have ever done." He said before retracting back into the silence that we had created around us.
"Alex." I said sighing
"You don't have to say you love me back right now, But there has to be something there right? what happened back there. There wasn't an ounce of hate in that sex Y/n"
"It's a lot right now Alex, But I definitely like you back." I said smiling sluggishly, the post sex sleep taking over my eyelids.
"uh uh, don't fall asleep on me princess. It's time to take a bath" He said pulling me off the toilet seat and placing me into the bathtub before climbing in behind me and sitting behind me allowing me to put my head back onto his chest.
He washed my hair, my back and let me do the rest we stayed resting against each other for a few minutes before he coaxed me out of the bathtub wrapping me up in a towel and putting my hair in another towel turban style. After getting dried I put my hair into a ponytail and put my pyjamas back on.
Alex joined me back on the bed, and pulling me close to his chest. we stayed like that before I felt my eyes grow heavy and fall asleep in Alex's warmth.
I was woken up with chaste kisses being placed on my back with a pair of manly arms wrapped around my waist. Panic ensued for a few moments before I realised what happened last night.
"I acted vile towards you, because I thought it was easier than loving you Princess" "Loving you has been the easiest thing I have ever done"
A smile ripped through the blank expression on my face. It felt like a dream but alas it wasn't it was real life. I had someone that loved me someone that I loved back. I always thought that this happened in romance books or movies. But, it happened in real life too. That much was proven by Alex and I.
I hummed and turned over wrapping my arms round Alex
"Morning princess," Alex said "Why do you call me that?" "what princess?" "yeah."
"because, you are a princess and you deserve the world of luxuries" "Alex" I said tearing up "That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me"
"don't cry darling, I didn't mean to make you cry. I've done that enough over the years we've known each other"
"Happy tears I promise" I say silence crowding over us, But this time a nice comfortable one, Unlike the uncomfy tension one last night in the bathroom.
"I've been doing some thinking" I say this time me being the one to break the silence.
"Oh yeah? what's that darling?"
"I realised that I feel the same way you feel about me, I realised that I haven't felt like this ever, not when I was with other people, I never felt about them the same way the way I feel about you. I love you back Alex." I say before I get a kiss on my lips. This time filled with love, no desire for it to turn into something deeper.
Though we were soon burst out of our bubble by a knock at the door we both groaned I got up and answered the door.
"What do you want Matt?"
"Oh shit, You and Alex had sex didn't you. EWWW, ALEX MY SISTER DUDE?"
"Shut up what do you want?"
"You didn't deny it. It's true then?"
"yes. Alex and I are now seeing eachother. It happened last night. Now. Answer my question. What. Do. You. Want?"
"good to know. Your going to miss breakfast, It ends in half an hour and also soundcheck starts in 2 hours so make sure you're at the tour bus with 15 minutes to spare. Thank you goodbye. guess I won't need to be telling Ian to book those spare rooms after all." Matt says turning his back as I go to the shut door.
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a little less than a suicide
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Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
Pairing: Frankie Morales x OFC
OFC is unnamed and undescribed, fic is told from second person POV, but since she is so heavily me-coded I thought calling her an original character was most accurate.
Word Count: 7k
Rating: E MDNI 18+
Warnings: DDDNE. Please check series warning on masterlist. There is a lot and they are serious. Please remember we are all 100% responsible for the media we consume. I have appropriately and extensively tagged this work.
Author’s Notes: well, here we are, the end of this sad saga. Thank you to anyone who stuck around for it all. I know it was a rough read. This chapter is a bit more fictional than the others but it still draws heavily from my real life. Please be kind and mindful in your responses.
Banners and dividers courtesy of @saradika and @cafekitsune
Part 1, Part 2
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Before you can even get off the couch to answer the door the lock is turning. The door swings open and Santi walks through it. “What the fuck? I’ve been calling you all weekend.” He grabs you by the shoulders and looks you over. “Are you ok? What’s going on?” He asks frantically. “You look like shit.” You wrap your arms around him and lean into him, burying your face in his chest.
“He fucked me over, again. You cry into his shirt. 
“What happened?” He rubs his arms up and down your shoulders. You motion to the couch and you both sit, you toss your feet into his lap. You tell him everything, catching Edgar with Ana, him getting you fired, even your weekend binge with Kim. His eyes widen in surprise a few times, anger flashes through them a few more, but he just listens without interruption, without judgment. “You have to stop doing that shit, baby.” He says quietly. “You’re gonna kill yourself. And then Frankie will kill me for letting it happen.” You share a laugh that is tinted with a bit of sadness. You know he’s right. Here you are, disappointing Frankie, yet again. Letting him down, yet again.
“He called me on Friday.” Your ears perk up at that. You’ve only been able to receive letters from him for months. You haven’t heard his voice in so long. “That’s why I was trying to get a hold of you. He’s coming home, baby. He’s coming here.” The hangover and the come down from the drugs and the thought of Frankie coming home hit you all at once, like a brick wall. You jump up from the couch and run to the kitchen, where you vomit into the sink. Santi follows you and rubs your back while you empty your stomach contents into the stainless steel. You rinse the sink and your mouth and place your elbows on the counter, head in your hands. 
“When?” You ask, suddenly feeling the weight of everything you’ve been avoiding, everything you’ve been doing, crash onto you all at once. 
“Three weeks.” He replies. Three weeks to figure your shit out, get some semblance of your life together. You can’t let him see you like this. A shell of your former self. A hot ass mess. 
You make a real effort at it too. You go through the house and throw out all the empty baggies that litter almost every surface. You flush the full ones and pour all the booze down the sink. You make it a full week before the cravings kick in. Your finger hovers over Edgar’s contact in your phone before you ultimately decide not to text him. He doesn’t get to see the damage he has wrought. You channel your energy into cleaning the apartment. You don’t want Frankie to see it in this state. To see you in this state. The second week goes by a little easier. Your body shakes a little less. You’re finally able to keep food down. You still smoke too many cigarettes. Then the weekend comes. The house is clean, laundry is all done and put away. You’ve run out of things to occupy your time, your mind. Santi is working and Kim is out of town. You wrestle with yourself for hours. Willing yourself not to give in. Not to answer the siren song of the blissful silence the drugs grant you. 
The reprieve from the weight of everything you’ve never been able to let go of. The trauma that you carry around with you like a boulder shackled to your ankle. In the end, you don’t even have to make a choice. Your phone rings and Edgar’s face, next to your own, lights up your screen. It was a picture you took of the two of you, the last morning you woke up in your bed together. Wrapped up in each other, both smiling. You only hesitate a moment before answering.
“What?” You croak out. Your voice is hoarse from hours, days, of disuse.
“Hey, bonita . Just wanted to see how you were doing. I haven’t heard from you in a while.” The pure, unadulterated fucking audacity this man has shocks you.
“Don’t fucking call me that. How am I doing? Let’s see. I don’t have a fucking job and you made a complete fool out of me at work, again . How the fuck do you think I’m doing?” You spit out. 
“Let me make it up to you. Let me in.” He says. He sounds so sincere you almost believe him. 
“Why did you come here?” You ask.
 “I miss you.” He replies. 
“Don’t you have a new girl to keep you occupied?” You don’t even try to hide the bitterness in your voice. 
“She’s nobody, that was nothing. Why are you being so dramatic?” You feel like your blood is on fire.
“Didn’t look like nothing to me when you had your tongue shoved down her throat.”  He sighs loudly. 
“Just let me in. I brought you a present.” Your anger and better judgment give way to your loneliness, eventually. He talks his way into your apartment, holding out a large bag to you. You inspect the contents, a plate of tacos, a bottle of vodka, limes, and a pack of cigarettes. 
“I’m not drinking right now.” You tell him as you shove the bottle across the counter towards him. 
“You? Not drinking? Never thought I’d see the day.” He teases, but not in a good natured way. He’s not wrong. You’ve rarely spent any time with him without a drink in your hand, outside of work. “C’mon, let’s just have one, and then I’ll leave you alone.” He promises as he’s already pulling glasses down from the cabinet. 
The next morning, as he’s leaving, you tell him not to come by anymore. 
“I don’t want to see you anymore. Every time I do, I feel like shit about myself. Being with you makes me hate myself.” You admit. “Besides, Frankie’s coming home. I think we have a real chance at making it work this time.” You tell him. Something dark glints in his eyes. 
“Yeah? You think he’s gonna want you now? Now that you’ve spread your legs for a married man, for drugs. It ain’t a cute look on you. You’ll be back.” He slams the door behind him and you lock it quickly. You immediately block his number. Fuck him. You toss the vodka in your freezer and the large bag of cocaine Edgar left on your counter into your nightstand drawer. You fill the days of the final week with filling out job applications and sending out your resume to probably every company in town.
Frankie calls you when he makes it back stateside. He has to spend a few days wrapping up some work in Pennsylvania, but he’ll be here soon. “Is it ok if I stay with you?’ He asks. His voice wavers a bit, like he’s unsure about your answer.
“I’ll have to tie you down if you try to stay anywhere else.” You tell him and you can hear the relief when he laughs. Despite what you told Edgar, you aren’t expecting anything from Frankie. As far as you knew, he was still seeing the same girl Santi had told you about a year ago. He never mentioned her in any of his letters, but that wasn't unusual for him. He never liked throwing it in your face, any of the girls he was seeing. Especially since most of them only lasted a few weeks. Frankie can be kind of…intense. It's one of the things you love the most about him. He throws himself head first into everything. Work, hobbies, even women. It can be a little intimidating. 
Frankie is flying into San Antonio so Santi is going to pick him up and bring him to your house. You spend forever deciding what to wear, and expend some nervous energy cleaning stuff that you’ve already cleaned. Finally you hear Santi’s key turning in the lock. You jump up from the couch and smooth out any wrinkles in your clothes and walk towards the door. They are laughing as they walk in the door but Frankie stops mid-laugh the second he sees you and drops his bags on the floor.
Tears well up in your eyes, blurring your vision. You cover your face with your hands and you feel warm arms surrounding your body. He smells the same as he always has, minus the Axe body spray. “Don’t cry baby. I’m here now.” He whispers quietly into your hair. For the first time in over a year, you feel completely safe, completely content. You could stay like this forever. Santi clears his throat from beside you.
“Well I guess I’ll get out of here. But I’ll be back tomorrow night so Frankie can make us a real meal for once. I’m getting sick of Chinese.” He laughs. You give him a hug and he kisses your temple. “Let him take care of you.” he says quietly. 
“I will.” You promise. He leaves and Frankie locks the door behind him. He walks back to where you stand, still in the same spot, and wraps his arms around you again. 
“I missed you so fucking much, bonita . I thought about you every day while I was over there. That’s why I sent you so many letters.’ He laughs. You part from him and wipe your eyes.
 “I missed you too, Francisco. I was so worried about you all the time. I’m just glad you came home in one piece.” 
“Are you hungry?’ You ask him. 
“Nah, me and Santi got Whataburger before we came. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I missed it. Nothing in Pennsylvania compares, and definitely nothing comes close in the middle of the desert.” He says. “I’ve got an idea. Gimme your keys.” You hand him your car keys and he drags you out of the apartment by your hand. 
“Where are you taking me?” You ask.
“You’ll see.” You spend the drive catching up, both of you leaving out the stuff that will make the other worry too much. You can get into all of that later. You just want to have some fun with your best friend. Through the idle chit-chat you take notice of where you are. “I haven’t been here in years.” You tell Frankie with a laugh as he pulls into the skate park. He puts the car in park but doesn’t kill the engine.
“I didn’t bring my board and I’m sure you don’t have yours handy.” He admits. “I just wanted to spend some time with you here. Some of the best afternoons of my life were spent here, busting my ass in the bowl and smoking cigarettes with you.” His fingers thread through your own and he looks over at you and smiles. “Santi has been telling me some really troubling stuff, baby. That you haven’t been taking care of yourself. He told me about what happened with your job.” The look of pity in your eyes fills your gut with lead. Silently you seethe with anger towards your friend.
“He shouldn’t have bothered you with all that while you were over there.”  you say quietly, trying to keep your temper in check. Frankie shakes his head. “He told me everything when he picked me up from the airport. All he would say in his letters was that he was worried about you, but that he was keeping an eye on the situation.” He assures you. 
“What else did he tell you?” You ask, not meeting his eyes. 
“I know about the drugs.” Frankle responds. There isn’t an ounce of judgment in him. “Have you stopped?” He asks. You nod your head silently. The shame you feel weighs on you. 
“You gotta be careful with that stuff, hermosa .” He says and tucks his fingers under your chin. He brings your face up to meet his. “I don’t wanna lose you. I’m not done loving you, yet.”
He leans over the center console and closes the distance between you. He slots his lips between your own and you open your mouth to allow him further access. His tongue slides across yours and you moan into his mouth. He tightens his grip on your chin and deepens the kiss further. You haven’t kissed him since the day you dropped him off at the airport almost two years prior. You’ve never been kissed the way he kisses you. It feels like your entire body has been set on fire. Eventually you break the kiss, needing to come up for air. Frankie’s chest is heaving as well.
“Not that I didn’t enjoy that, but what about Heather?” Frankie’s brows furrow in confusion.
“Who the fuck is Heather.” He asks. Now it’s your turn to be confused. 
“The girl you were dating when you deployed.”
 “Oh, her. Yeah she broke up with me like a month later. She wasn’t really interested in dating someone who wasn’t around.” He tells you. You feel a surge of guilt. You had told him something similar years ago, when he offered to take you away from everything. 
“As much as I’m enjoying reliving our misspent youth, we should probably not be making out at the skatepark in front of a bunch of kids.” You tell him. He laughs and adjusts himself in his seat. 
“I guess you’re right. This isn’t as cute as it was when we’re kids.” When you return to your apartment he grabs his bags from where he dropped them by the door and walks down the hall to your bedroom. You eat dinner and fill him in on the more unsettling details of the events that occurred during his absence. You take notice of the way his jaw clenches and his arm flexes when you bring up Edgar. “He’s lucky I wasn’t here for any of that shit. I can’t believe Santi hasn’t kicked his ass yet.” He seethes. 
“Not for lack of trying, I can tell you that.” You chuckle mirthlessly. “I practically had to beg him not to.” You tell Frankie. 
“Why?” Frankie asks. 
“I don’t want you guys doing anything to get in trouble, not for me.” You reply. Frankie reaches his hand across the table to cover your own. 
“I don’t know what I have to do to make you see that you are worth it. I would do anything for you and so would he, without hesitation.” You know that they would, you just don’t understand why. You don’t deserve them. 
After dinner Frankie takes a shower and you take the opportunity to change into pajamas. You stand in front of your dresser for too long deciding what to wear. In the end you stick with what you normally wear. That ratty old joy Division shirt and your underwear. You snuggle under a blanket on the couch and wait for Frankie. He emerges from the bathroom wearing gray sweatpants and nothing else. His brown curls drip water down his chest. He’s so much broader than he used to be. his biceps bulges as he runs a towel through his hair. He joins you on the couch and laughs when he sees what you are wearing.
“I can’t believe you still have that old thing.” He tells you.
“Of course I still have it. It’s my favorite shirt.” He fingers a hole in the sleeve. 
“This thing is older than we are, I think.” He says. His eyes look a little wet when you tell him that you sleep in it almost every night. 
“Alright! Catch me up on all the t.v I missed.” He says. Luckily, AMC is running a marathon of The Walking Dead reruns. The two of you sit there for hours, under the blanket, your legs across Frankie’s lap. He rubs his hand across your leg absently, sometimes tracing circles into the skin of your thigh, just above your knee. You find yourself unable to concentrate on the show, squirming under his touch. Eventually, you begin to suspect that his motions aren’t as absent-minded as you thought. You catch him watching you out of the corner of his eye. Finally, you decide to put you both out of your misery. You throw the blanket aside, and your leg over Frankie’s lap. You settle onto him and can feel the sizable bulge through his sweatpants. His hands move to your hips and yours go around his neck. You finger the curls at the nape of his neck, fluffy from their earlier air dry. He kisses your neck, just below your ear, and pulls down on your hips. He grinds his hardening length against your core, only separated by the thin cotton of your panties and his sweatpants. A growl develops low in his chest when you moan into his ear and give his hair a slight tug. The vibrations reverberate from his chest through yours and shiver crawls down your spine. 
“Are you sure about this?” He asks between kisses to your neck.
“I have never been more sure of anything in my life.” You tell him. Your hands fly to the hem of your shirt and you move to take it off. 
“Leave it on.” He says, stopping you in your tracks. “I like seeing you in my clothes.” 
He pulls your panties to the side and swipes his fingers through your folds. “You’re so wet for me already, baby.” He hisses through his teeth. His fingers prod against your entrance, gathering your slick. He brings them back up to circle your clit and your hips buck against his hand. “Does that feel good, baby?” He asks. You can feel his smile against your neck when you nod in response. “Yeah, I know it does.” He taps your thighs, indicating you to stand. You rise, regrettably from his lap, and stand between his legs. He glides his hands up your thighs and hooks his fingers into your panties. He slowly drags them down and holds your hips while you step out of them. He immediately pulls you back into his lap and his fingers resume their earlier ministrations. He inserts one finger into your already dripping hole. It slides in easily and he begins slowly pumping it in and out, going a little further each time.  He pulls it out completely and you feel the loss immediately. This time, when he brings his finger back to your center, a second finger joins the first.
“You’re opening up so nice for me, hermosa .” He gravels. He begins scissoring his fingers inside of you, stretching you open.
“Fuck, Frankie. Please, baby.” You croak.
“Please, what, baby? Use your words.” He teases, never ceasing the in and out of his fingers.
“Please, fuck me Frankie. I need you so bad.” You plead. 
He shifts his hips up enough to pull his sweatpants down. You spread your thighs further apart so he can shove them over his knees. They fall to his ankles and he grabs the base of his cock. You can’t see it under your t-shirt but you feel the girth of it as he runs the tips through your folds, gathering your slick. He circles your clit with the head of his cock a few times before he notches himself at your opening. Slowly you sink down onto him and he can’t contain the moans that fall from his mouth. “Fuck, baby. You’re so fucking tight.” He pants when you’ve taken all of him.  You feel so full, so complete. Like, this is where you should have been all along, speared open on the cock of the man you love. He gives you a minute to adjust, to let your walls mold around him. And then, when he can’t stand it anymore, he slowly starts rolling his hips against yours. Instantly, your vision starts to black at the edges. You aren;t sure you’ve ever felt the spot that he’s hitting inside of you. 
“Frankie, you feel so good. Please don’t stop.” You urge. He scoots forward on the couch and plants his feet on the floor. He brings his hands up your back and grips your shoulder. He begins thrusting up into you at a punishing pace. The only sounds in the room are the heavy breaths and moans that escape you both and the slick slapping of his thighs against your ass. You can feel your orgasm building already. The drag of his cock along your walls feels so different, and much better, than any other man you’ve had. 
“There isn’t a day that has gone by in the last five years that I haven’t imagined this.” Frankie says quietly. “I fucking love you. I wanna do this for real.” The words come at the same moment the band of tension in your body snaps.
“I’m coming.” You tell him. 
“I know, baby. Come for me.” He groans when he feels your walls contracting around him. “Good girl.” He growls. He fucks you, slowly, through your orgasm. Once the waves have subsided he picks up the pace. Chasing his own high, he begins babbling. “So fucking tight for me, baby. So wet.” He groans. One, two, three more sharp thrusts and he stills inside of you. You feel his cock pulse and then a warmth radiates through your entire body as he empties himself inside of you. 
You remain there, with Frankie’s cock softening inside of you, until you both catch your breath. He lets out a hiss when you pull yourself off of him and resume your earlier spot on the couch. You can feel his spend leaking out of you and dripping down to the leather. He brings your hand to his lips and presses a kiss to the back of it. “I am wiped, baby. Let’s go to bed.” You let him pull you off the couch and lead you down the hallway.
“I’m gonna go clean up.” You tell him with a kiss. After you’ve used the bathroom and cleaned the cum still dripping out of you, you join him in your bedroom. He’s already sound asleep, sprawled out in the middle of the bed. You can’t bear to wake him, knowing that he spent nine months sleeping on a cot in a tent in the desert. So you crawl in beside him and lay your head on his chest. You throw a leg over his and your arm across his middle. He breathes deeply and brings his right arm over your shoulder, pulling you in tightly. 
“Goodnight, mi amor ." He says quietly. You fall asleep immediately, comforted by his warm embrace, the soft sounds of his breathing, the fresh scent of his soap, everything you’ve ever wanted. 
Frankie only has eight days left of his leave and you are determined to make them the best days he's ever had. You spend the next morning shopping with Frankie at H-E-B. You push the cart as he tosses in ingredients for dinner. You invited Kim to have dinner with you, Frankie and Santi. Santi doesn't really care for her but promised to be on his best behavior tonight. And Kim promised not to bring anything with her. You don’t want Frankie to catch even a whiff of it. Dinner is a pleasant affair. You only have to kick Santi under the table once or twice for his pointed comments. Kim takes it all in stride and laughs it off. She leaves shortly after the meal is finished, kissing you in the cheek and promising to call or text later. She gives Frankie a hug and pats Santi softly on the shoulder. Santi and Frankie grab a beer and more to the balcony while you clean up the kitchen. You can tell they are talking about you because they are speaking quietly, normally they are almost too loud when you get the two of them together, and you can see them both sneaking glances your way from the corner of your eye. Once you’ve asked the last of the dishes and wiped the counters, you pull the trash bag from the trash can and tie it up. As you start for the door, Frankie comes in from the balcony and takes it from your hands.
“I’ll take that, baby.” He says and brings his lips to yours for a quick kiss. Santi appears at your side, his arm sliding over your shoulders. You drop your head onto his shoulder and he plops a kiss to the top of your head. 
“He looks good here, like this.” He says. 
“What do you mean?” You ask. 
“With you, cooking and cleaning up after dinner. I don’t think I’ve ever seen either of you look so happy as you do right now.” Your chest tightens at his words. You feel like the two of you are just playing house. This won’t last, it can’t. He leaves in a week. Frankie returns from his trip to the dumpster then, and he narrows his eyes when he lays them on the two of you. 
“I can’t believe this. My best friend and my girl. Shameless.” He says, mockingly. He can’t hide the smile that threatens to crack, ruining his fun. The three of you share a good laugh and then everyone says their good nights. 
Later, in bed, as he sinks into you, you look into his eyes and tell him, “I wish it could always be like this.” He begins softly thrusting in and out of you and leans down close to your face. 
“It can, baby.” He promises with a kiss. 
The next few days go by too quickly, you try to ignore the countdown clock that has taken up residence in the back of your mind, making every moment bittersweet. Saturday night comes around and you and Frankie are sitting on your couch, with a large pizza in between you and ‘House of 1000 Corpses’ on the television, when a knock comes to the door
“Want me to get it?” He asks. You can only nod because your mouth is full of pizza. You pause the movie while he rises from the couch. “It's some dude.” He says, looking through the peephole. Shit. There’s only one person it could be, this late on a Friday night. 
“Just ignore it. Let’s finish the movie.” You tell him. He turns and shrugs, heading back to the couch, when the knocking comes again. Louder, this time, more insistent. Frankie stops in his tracks and cocks an eyebrow at you. Then you hear him, muffled through the door, but still clear enough.
“ Bonita. Let me in. I miss you.” Frankie notices the tears welling up in your eyes and everything clicks into place. He turns back to the door and opens it just as another round of knocking commences. 
“Who the fuck are you?” You hear Edgar ask, having the nerve to sound indignant.
“Well, you’re the one knocking on our door, so I think I’ll ask the questions here.” Frankie replies. You haven’t heard him use that tone in years. Not since Joey. 
“Your door? I was looking for my friend, I guess she moved.” Edgar says quieter, calmer this time. 
“She didn’t move. What are you doing here, Edgar ?” Frankie asks. 
“Oh you’re him , aren’t you?” He sneers. “I can only imagine what she told you about me. But I have to wonder if she told you all the shit she’s been getting up to during your deployment.” He continues. 
“I don’t care. I’m more interested in what you’ve been getting up to.” Frankie replies. He sounds calm but you can hear the anger and venom in his voice. “Maybe your little wife and your boss would be interested in hearing about your extracurriculars. About how you like to take advantage of girls fifteen years younger than you, ones who have a hard time saying ‘no’ because you’re their boss. You feed them drugs and get them hooked, then you dump them as soon as the next pretty young thing comes along” Edgar opens his mouth in protest but Frankie cuts him off. “I’m not interested in anything you have to say. I won’t tell you again, you need to leave. And don’t ever knock on this door again.” Frankie slams the door in his face, not giving him a chance to respond. He plants a kiss on your head and plops back down on the couch. He picks his pizza up and takes a big bite, and he motions for you to resume the movie. 
“Do you want to talk about it? Ask me any questions?’ You ask him. He shakes his head and swallows his pizza. 
“I don’t have a lot of time left here, baby. I don’t want to waste any of it on tha pendejo . I want to finish this movie and then I want to take you to bed and fuck all the thoughts out of your pretty little head.” 
The morning before his last day, he finally asks the question you’ve both been dancing around all week. You lay together, tangled up in each other, the room coated in the soft pink light of the early morning. 
“Come back with me.” He whispers, as if he is wary to spook you, sending you running in the other direction. 
“I can’t afford to move right now, Frankie.” You tell him. “My savings will be gone as soon as I pay rent this month.” He shakes his head and pulls you tighter to his chest.
“If we get married you won’t have to worry about any of that, baby.” You look up at him and crinkle your forehead. You always do it when you’re overthinking something, and Frankie thinks it is just about the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“If we’re married I can move out of the barracks, into a house on post. It’ll probably take a month or two to get everything settled, but I can cover your bills until then. It’s surprisingly cheap to live in the desert where there aren’t any Whataburgers close by.” He laughs. Your breath catches in your chest and he notices your hesitation. “Only if you want to. You know that I’ll never pressure you into doing anything you aren’t sure about.” He assures you. “If you say no, then we will just keep things like this. You’ll live here and I’ll come home whenever I can. You can come visit me whenever you can. I can cover everything you need until you find a job.” He sits up in bed, bringing you with him. He looks right into your eyes as he continues, “I love you. I’ve loved you since the day at the skatepark when we first kissed. I know we got off track somewhere along the way, but this was our plan all along. I only have two years left on my contract and then we can do whatever we want, go wherever we want. I can’t let you go again, so I’ll take whatever you can give me.” He brushes away a tear from your cheek. 
“I love you, too, Frankie. But I’m scared.” You tell him. 
“Scared of what, baby?’ He asks, cupping your cheek into his palm. 
“Of everything. Of you going off to war and not coming home. Of you waking up one day and realizing that I’m not worth it, all this trouble. That you deserve better than me.” The tears are coming in full force now. He gathers you into his arms and brings you close to him. 
“I know you better than anyone else in the whole world. I know everything about you and I’m still here. I’ve never judged you. There is a reason we always end up right back here, having the same conversation. Maybe you should take the chance this time, see if you get a different outcome.” 
That’s how you end up at the thrift store, with Kim, sorting through dresses. “I can’t believe you’re getting married and leaving me.” She teases. She is probably just as happy as Santi is for this moment. She holds up a dress and you shake your head. 
“I want to look perfect for him.” You tell her. 
“Bitch, you could show up in sweatpants and that old Joy Division shirt and he’d still think you were the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.” Just then your eyes land on a dress. A black slip dress with a lace overlay. Perfect. 
“This is the one.” You say as you hold it up for Kim to inspect.
“It's perfect.”  She replies with tears in her eyes. Two hours later you meet Frankie and Santi at the county clerk’s office. Frankie is in his dress uniform and Santi looks as spiffy as you’ve ever seen him. They both plant a kiss on your cheek and say 
“You look beautiful, baby.” At the same time, sending all four of you into a fit of laughter. Santi has always called you ‘baby,’ because Frankie always referred to you as his ‘baby’ when talking with his friend. Half an hour later, you emerge from the building, holding Frankie’s hand.
 “To Mr and Mrs Morales.” Santi toasts with his beer. Your mom and siblings have joined you all at Player’s, Frankie’s favorite burger place. 
“Cheers!” The table echoes his sentiment. Your mom has tears shining in her eyes. She is relieved that the two of you ‘finally got your heads out of your asses.’ She knows that she doesn’t have to worry so much about you anymore, she trusts him to take care of you. Santi says his goodbyes and heads home to San Antonio. You offered him the couch for the night but he shook. His head in mock disgust.
 “No thank you. I’d rather not hear any of this evening’s activities.” He gives you a kiss on the cheek. “I’m so happy for you, baby. I love you.” 
The next morning you and Frankie wake up early. He makes unhurried love to you as the sun rises. He makes you breakfast and you take a shower together, where he lifts you up and fucks you against the tile. “Gonna miss fucking my wife.” He says as he comes.
“You waited five years,” you tell him, “surely you can last a few weeks.” You park at the airport and walk in with him. You want to spend every second you can together. Finally, they call for his flight to board. He grabs your cheeks with booths hands, brushing his thumbs softly over them. 
“I love you, Mrs Morales. The next few weeks will go by quicker than you think.” He seals his promise with a kiss. 
“I love you, Francisco. Call me when you land.” The next month passes quickly. You and Kim spend a lot of time sorting through your belongings, packing what you can't live without and selling or donating what you can. Frankie filed the paperwork as soon as he returned, but stuff like this moves slowly with the army, and there haven’t been any updates. You Skype every night, Frankie stays on the call until you are sleeping. Then he hangs up and drags himself to bed. Neither of you can wait for the day when you can fall asleep in each other’s arms again. 
Frankie calls you one day to let you know that he will be unreachable for a few days. Some training exercise called “maneuvers.” On the third day of being unable to speak to your husband, you lose patience. You decide to call a leave a nice message for him to hear when he gets back. You’re surprised when it doesn’t go straight to voicemail. The line connects midway through the second ring. 
“Hello?” A woman’s voice answers. You pull the phone away to make sure you dialed the right number. You had. “Hello?” Her voice rings out again. You tap the screen to end the call and toss your phone on your bed. I wonder if she knows he’s married, you think. This must be your payback, your comeuppance, for spending the better part of a year sleeping with a married man. Now you’re the clueless wife, whose man is stepping out on her. You hit ‘ignore’ when you see Frankie’s face fill the screen of your phone. You turn your phone off and continue packing. Either way, you have to be out of this apartment in two weeks. You put on your favorite record for when you’re feeling sad, “Either/Or” by Elliott Smith. The bedroom is the only room that hasn’t gotten packed up at all, so you decide to start there. By the time “Twilight” begins playing through the speakers you are already wishing you had something to take the edge off. Just to numb you a little bit. 
You begin sorting through your nightstands. They’re mostly full of loose batteries, lighters, and mail you never opened. But in the back of the one on your side, you find something you had forgotten about. The bag of coke that Edgar had left on your counter the last morning that you saw him. You run to the bathroom and open the lid of the toilet. You are about to dump the bag’s contents into the bowl and flush them, but the woman’s voice rings in your ears once again. Just this once , you think. You rush to the kitchen, one of the drawers has what you’re looking for. Leftover from the last time you partied with Kim. You shuffle through the drawers until you find what you need. A ziplock bag containing needles and cotton balls. You set everything up and you feel the rush the second you see blood flowing into the syringe, indicating you’ve hit the vein. With a push of the plunger, all of your concerns slip from your mind. 
You spend the next however long getting high and packing your belongings. You don’t turn your phone back on. You know yourself well enough to know that you’ll buy whatever excuse Frankie gives you to explain away what happened. You don’t sleep. You don’t eat. You drink vodka and pop that needle under your skin, over and over. As soon as one hit wears off, you’ve got another one ready to go. Eventually, you begin to feel nauseated. You vomit several times. Your heart feels like it’s going to burst right through your chest. You begin to feel light headed, so you go lay on the couch. You are drifting off when you hear a key turn in the lock of your front door. You can hear Santi’s voice but you can’t make out what he’s saying. Everything fades away then, you are lulled off into the most peace you’ve felt in twenty two years. 
When you wake, you can immediately tell you are in the hospital. the smell gives it away. The room is dark but the steady beep and hum of machines breaks through the silence. You sit up but a tube pulls at your nose. You grab it and pull it out. You begin panicking, you don’t know what’s happened. The last thing you remember is a woman answering Frankie’s phone. It’s only then that you notice him. He’s there, standing in the corner of the room. He’s dressed oddly. Black boots and jeans, a black hoodie with a tactical vest over it. A black beanie covering his head. Not the most weather appropriate attire for July in Texas.
 “Frankie??” You croak out. “What are you doing here?” You ask. He stands at the foot of the bed.
“I’m here to take you home, baby.” You can’t place the tone of his voice. It sounds…flat. 
“What happened?” You ask. 
“Santi found you at home, drugs everywhere. You were passed out, you weren’t breathing. He called an ambulance and they brought you here. Cocaine overdose, mi amor .” He informs you. You want to crawl back under the covers and die. You are so embarrassed. 
“A woman answered your phone.” You tell him. 
“I know. I left my phone at my buddy’s house. That was his wife.” He tells you. “When I got back from field training she told me what happened, I tried calling but your phone was going to voicemail. So I called Santi and asked him to check on you.” You scrub your hands over your face. You want to believe him, but you’ve been burned so many times before. 
“I would never do anything to hurt you, baby.” His voice still sounds off. Like he’s reading from a script. Monotone. “The doctor says, you can go home. You’re on my insurance now, we’re gonna find a good rehab for you to go to. You can’t do this to yourself anymore.” You point to the chair in the corner.
 “Can you hand me my clothes?” You ask. Something metal flashes in the waistband of his jeans when he turns, but it's gone in an instant. He tosses your clothes to you and you stand from the bed and begin dressing. You smile when you see that someone has brought your Joy Division shirt from home. “Do I need to talk to the doctor or anything?” You ask as you begin detaching tubes and wires from your body. Frankie shakes his head. 
“No, I already filled out all of the paperwork. C’mon, baby. Let me take you home. Let me take care of you.” 
You finish dressing and look at Frankie. “I’m sorry, Francisco. Sorry that I’m such a fucking mess.” 
“It’s okay, baby. Everything is gonna be just fine.” His voice is softer now and he rubs his hands up and down your arms, soothing you, assuring you.
 “Let’s go home.” You tell him. 
“Give me a kiss before we go.” He asks. You angle your face up to his and he leans down, slotting his lips between your. Before you can even realize what’s happening, his right hand reaches behind his back and something cold presses against your temple. “Let’s go home, baby.” He says and pulls the trigger. Once again, everything fades to black. 
Confused by the ending? No worries! I explain it all here!
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