#just how on it gwaine is because we don't really see him fighting in this season but damn when he does
lit-in-thy-heart · 3 years
i'd just like a to take a moment to talk about this gif
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more specifically, the dynamic between merlin and gwaine.
warning: s5 finale spoilers
this is the episode where merlin has lost his magic and every time i see it i just want to cry. you can see that, to begin with, merlin is just standing back and assessing the situation -- like he always does -- to see where he can discreetly help. then the bandit comes towards him and he completely flips out (understandably).
initially he obviously backs away, but he doesn't cover his head until the very last second, and his scream is honestly chilling because i don't think merlin has ever been this vulnerable before and it's terrifying him. but he also doesn't call for gwaine until the very last moment. he sees that the bandit is getting up and pushing him back but it's not until the blow is about to be dealt that he screams for his love friend. there is still a part of him that hasn't processed he no longer has magic and cannot defend himself. (it also begs the question why the knights haven't given merlin some sort of weapon in the last ten years, unless they think he repels death or something, but anyway.) and does he hesitate because he doesn't want gwaine to be hurt in saving him? or is it that, in that moment, the belief that gwaine can protect him slips and that's why he cries out?
and merlin is definitely shaken by this encounter. it's excellent acting on colin's part to convey the sheer terror at merlin being unable to defend himself and potentially put gwaine at risk by being unable to do so. afterwards, you can see just how deeply he's breathing and just how stunned he actually is. it's the first time that he has had to entirely rely on someone else.
gwaine, though. maybe it's my merwaine brain going into overdrive, but he is making merlin a priority. you can see that he's clocked the bandit going for merlin and is actually moving to stop him before merlin shouts. he doesn't even properly dispose of the bandit he's dealing with in his desperation to get to merlin in time.
and when they first attack, he angles his body so it acts as a shield for merlin. of course, that doesn't really work out because he gets too drawn into combat with one which allows the the other to attack merlin, but he tries.
i don't know why but it's the last bit that really gets me. the whole i'll-stab-you-without-looking thing is just urgh perfection, but it's his consistent eye contact with merlin. gwaine's expression isn't the softest because he's killing someone, but you can see that he's keeping his eyes on merlin to check that he's alright. and almost like he's saying 'this is for them attacking you'. we will never know what his expression was when the camera flicks back to merlin, but it is highly likely that he's silently asking merlin if he's alright, given their Interaction in the next bit:
(please ignore the juddering text, it's the first time i've giffed dialogue and I'm still figuring out text and frames)
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so there's quite a bit that i want to say about this moment.
first of all, merlin is avoiding eye contact when gwaine helps him up. is this because he's embarrassed at being so dependent on gwaine or is it because watching gwaine fight made him feel things that are not helpful to feel on the eve of battle? probably. gwaine has obviously fought and protected merlin before, but (as far as i recall) never has had to save him from a death blow. this is the first time in a long while (again, i might be wrong, feel free to correct me) that merlin owes his life to anyone but arthur, who is part of his destiny. lancelot saved him when they first met, but that was years ago. merlin isn't used to be indebted to someone who he isn't duty-bound to protect, and if he wanted to repay the debt then, currently, he'd have to wrangle it without magic.
(merlin's eyes also go to gwaine's left hand which makes me question what on earth that knight is doing out of shot.)
and gwaine isn't smiling for a start: you can tell that he is genuinely concerned about merlin. and it must be pretty unnerving for gwaine, as well. despite all arthur's comments about merlin being a coward, gwaine probably sees merlin as incredibly scrappy when it comes to survival. he's always thrown himself into dangerous situations without a moment's hesitation and never shown fear. so for merlin to scream for him so desperately (i wish gifs could convey tone because my heart honestly breaks) must be incredibly unsettling and gwaine instantly jumps to merlin being injured. and when he does smile, it's not in the (seemingly) self-assured manner that we're all used to, it's in a very tender manner, as if he's trying to reassure merlin.
'there's no need to thank me, merlin. it's the least i could do.'
merlin makes eye contact here. i appreciate that it's not wonderfully giffed to align, but when gwaine says the first part merlin looks up. he definitely looks surprised at the fact that gwaine says he doesn't need gratitude, almost as if he's shocked by the implication that gwaine would do something like that and not want recognition, if that makes sense? merlin has never once received a word of thanks for saving arthur, and to have gwaine say that he doesn't want it possibly strikes a chord in merlin. because merlin doesn't save arthur for the gratitude; he saves arthur because (in whichever context you perceive it) he loves him (yeah, it started off as destiny for a start, but he does obviously grow to love arthur). so. if gwaine doesn't want thanks...then that means he loves merlin (again, platonically or romantically, it works both ways). and, just like the 'not arthur' s3 moment, merlin is caught off guard by the concept that someone cares for him enough to risk their life for him without a moment's hesitation.
and then -- 'it's the least i could do'. what more would gwaine do for merlin? or is it, perhaps, that he has some inkling that merlin has also saved his life many times over, and just wants to do the same for him? does he perhaps suspect that merlin does have magic? this line hits me so hard because you can see how much he cares for merlin, and just how blind merlin is to it.
and then the touch. the touch on the arm that is very similar to the one arthur gives to merlin. the touch that serves as reassurance and affection and i actually can't talk about this further because i will explode.
to summarise this stream of consciousness, then:
when it comes to himself, merlin doesn't know when to ask for help, mainly because he has taught himself that his needs are secondary and he shouldn't require it. but gwaine knows exactly when to give it because merlin deserves it, and would give him the world on a plate if he could.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Okay, so I caved and started watching Merlin again and I’m really going to need some of your Lancelot headcanons bc I’d completely forgot how much I love that guy lol
so fair, lancelot is absolutely wonderful and i miss him so much- i'm rewatching the season one episodes with him now just because i can, so i'll gladly talk about him
- Lancelot has a beautiful voice. Like this guy can sing sing. He has the voice of an angel. He’s the only of the knights who can sing and hell does he set high standards. 
- He’s very good with plants somehow! If he could, he’d probably be taking flowers and stuff into his chambers, in like little sweet pots and literally idk why but he’s just. good with plants. 
- He’s also very good with animals. The horses that they’re riding on all the time anyway, many of the knights are good with those, but in general you could probably put a wild ass animal in front of him and in the time span of two minutes he’d have it lying on its back, enjoying a bellyrub. 
- He’s also good with people. If you were to send any of the knights to talk to someone, please, i’m begging you, pick him. Or, I suppose, Leon is an okay choice too. Like those two carry all kinds of human contact the knights have with anyone, especially people of higher standing (to break this down: Gwaine can’t deal with arrogant bastards, and really before he pisses someone off, don’t pick him. Percival only knows how to talk to people who are scared. And children for some reason. And Elyan has a very intimidating aura and I wouldn’t want him to come near me tbh)
- He turns red when he gets nervous. Like we've said he fiddles but he also just turns bright, tomato red.
- If he ever got put under a lovespell, he'd be writing poetry. This is so random and idk how or why this exists in my brain but,, it's there and it seems very, very accurate to me for some reason.
- He's the best swordfighter out of all the Knights. Even though Leon has had a lot of training ofc, even though Gwaine's dad was a knight, even though Elyan is a blacksmith (or was) and even though Percival,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, has buff arms??????! and like, even Arthur is not as good as him. This isnt because the rest of them lack talent or training, hell, all together they're still the best fighters in all of Camelot, no, this is because while Arthur only just ever fought with his meeky other nobles and his servant and did not improve his skills that much, Lancelot was out and about, fighting and training, practising and learning, for years. While Gwaine was brawling, Elyan was forging, Leon was dying doing normal knight stuff like Arthur and Percival was doing whatever the hell it is that Percival was doing, Lancelot was actually the only one working to improve his skills even further (and we know how glorious they were in the first season already).
- He's the one that drinks the least. It's basically canon that Gwaine drinks the most, but I just feel like Lancelot drinks the absolute least. And he has so much control over and feeling for his body that I don't think he's ever been drunk or will ever get drunk. At least not to the point where he'd have to puke. He just gets tipsy and then he realises and starts drinking water instead of ale.
- But tipsy Lancelot is also something to experience - much easier to be embarrassed, much more nervous, actually just a mess. I wouldn't want to see him drunk tbh, I feel like he'd lose all the control he has over his emotions (he's about the only one that emotes in a healthy, normal way. not that I know what that's like).
okay before this goes downhill I think tipsy Lancelot is a very funny image to end this with, so I'll leave it at that for now
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bisaster-energy · 2 years
merlin and/or mcu for the blorbification list <3
Hi nemy !!! I'm gonna do Merlin and then later I'll probably post a whole separate one for MCU (god that'll be a long post)
Blorbo: oh Merlin my Merlin :) from boy to man shouldering the responsibility of all of Albion without so much as a thank you I kiss him goodnight in my head. Everyone who's anyone loves at least a little bit (even if they hate him) it's just how it works!! A god amongst men living like a servant. Insane. Magical entities speak directly to his brain and he just has to pretend to be Some Guy visiting nobles feel like their world has turned upside down when they see him tell a joke that makes the king guffaw. The other servants swoon when they see him. He looks out of his window in the dark of night looking to the stars like they'll answer "why" or "how" or even "what for". I could talk about him until it kills me
Scrunkly: Gwen!! She's everything to me ooohh my god. She's so lovely and also will stab you. She's awkward as hell and is constantly putting her foot in her mouth but it's so endearing. She steals the hearts of so many! The king of Camelot could be out for blood she'd be like "Arthur" and he'd be like "yes darling :)" like she has him and everybody else absolutely whipped. Do not let her and Merlin gang up on you they'd be unstoppable 😩 she's the queen of Camelot and she's perfect in the sense that she's not
Scrimblo bimblo: elyan without a doubt. No one wears a hoodie like him 🥰 he's small he's ace and he's here to fuck shit up. his sister is the queen loser watch your kneecaps cos if he catches u talking shit it's over. Percival carries him around sometimes :) he verbally destroys the knights (specifically gwaine) at any point in time just for kicks! He's also very soft and kind (don't get me started on the ghost of the druid boy I'll cry) anyway wdym he's dead he's right here putting the racist who challenged him in a duel to shame
Glup shitto: GWAINE the absolute madlad!! He probably doesn't count as obscure but he should've been in the show more!! Every time he's on screen I'm like "THERE HE IS!! THE BOY! what atrocities will he commit :)" from the first time we met him we were as enamored with him as Merlin was. Mans was in the middle of a bar fight and stopped to flirt with the Twink with the cheekbones and honestly that's on code. He's noble and hates it but he'd go riding into hell for the prattiest one of all because Merlin is the love of his life and he'd want him to. Merlin his first friend who'd never tire of him never ask him to change loves him just the way he is. Merlin braids his hair Merlin berates him while tending to his wounds Merlin is everything to him. But he also found friends in circles he doubted he ever would before coming to Camelot. Him shooting the shit with knights who woulda thought. He calls the crown prince Princess and I love him I love him
Poor little meow meow: somehow Arthur goes right here. Idk why but he gets a lot of hate but I love him he doesn't deserve it 🥺 he treats Merlin like shit even after he's had character development that should've CHANGED THAT so I DO metaphorically pinch his arm on occasion. Maybe if we had a spritz bottle for when he's being nasty :) anyways he's pathetic he always listens to his father but it's never enough he fell in love with two servants who are too good for him and his self worth is based entirely on other people. He's a bisexual dumbass who's closest knights are all really hot guys. hm. He's done a lot of bad things but he's also so so good the future if his kingdom rests with him and in his eyes it's his burden alone to bear and I think a blanket and some hot chocolate would do him good!!
Horse plinko: Leon my beloved <3 aptly named the long suffering because the pain never stops!! From "poetry lessons" to straight up not being able to die this man has had it rough and I'm only gonna make it worse. I love him but I love him more while he's contemplating yeeting himself onto a sword. the knights (AND THE KING) fall asleep during his speeches. He's the actual mom of the group and don't let Lancelot fool you into thinking he's some how more nature than the rest of these assholes (to be fair Leon has his moments of mischief as well 😌)
Eeby deeby:
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I hate him your honor.
Tysm for the ask nemy!!!!
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anarchycox · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
oooh boy stares at my 309 stories on ao3...pick five huh? Well, here we go. These are not in any order, just my top picks.
Feels Are Weird, Just Blow Shit Up Instead
The Witcher
Summary: Lambert doesn't get why no one understands how to cope with Ciri upon her arrival at Kaer Morhen. It is easy. Just you know blow shit up and don't treat her like a princess. It takes him years to see the giant crush she has on him, because he was the first person to truly see her.
Years of scenes in the ultimate brotp for life:Lambert and Ciri
The Despair of Sunsets and the Longing of Sunrises
Summary: Roxane Morton's only life goal was to join the elite group that was the Duke's guards. During her training though, the Duke and his Captain of the Guard swore she was a spy and threw her in the dungeon to await trial and death. There she learned that the previous Captain of the Guard might be alive, not killed in battle like they were told. She manages to escape figuring he is her only chance to prove her innocence. He was heroic and honourable, he was Captain Merlin - children were told stories of him.
Only she finds an angry and tired man, who travels with a hawk, and disappears at night. And there is another man only a little older than her that sometimes appears in the night and is so sad and so beautiful.
She just wanted to clear her name, she didn't want to fall into magic, and schemes, and lovers torn apart. She was a soldier, she didn't believe in camp fire tales.
But it is hard to disbelieve, when you find yourself in one.
Over, Under, Around, and Through to the Heart
In Ealdor, you court someone by braiding their hair. Gwaine does not know this. Merlin knows Gwaine does not know this. Which means that braiding Gwaine's hair can be just because Merlin wants to, not because he is really courting the man.
He is really courting the man.
I'll Share the Moon, If You Share the Sun
Avatar: The Last Airbender
An alternate world where Iroh leads a coup against Ozai on the eclipse and wins the throne for Zuko. The southern water tribe hadn't sent men to fight in thirty years, instead protecting their home, laying traps, using guerilla tactics so the fire nation gave up fighting them.
Sokka and Katara found Aang, but being frozen in ice for a hundred years has ramifications and for almost four years the tribe focuses on healing the avatar.
Zuko is advised for continued peace to have an arranged marriage outside the fire nation. The best option is a the child of the chief of the southern tribe. Katara is in love with Aang and is heartbroken, but will do her duty for her people. Sokka finds a loophole that they can carefully and craftily exploit.
Aka they lie. They lie so hard and Sokka becomes the one betrothed to Fire Lord Zuko. He is sure there will be no consequences to the plan. Certainly not going to fall in love with the man he is lying to. At all. Nope indeedy, no love on the menu. Dang it.
The Infinite Meanings Found in Shades of Blue
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Set in a Thedas where when you meet your soulmate you see in colour. The only problem is that the Chantry has never mentioned to people that when the templars take lyrium it dampens that connection and they never realize they have met their soulmate.
As Cullen slowly deals with withdrawal and the lyrium leaving his system, he notices colours bleeding in. Somewhere he had met his soulmate and didn't know. He can only hope to find them. Thank the maker for the friendship he has grown with Dorian, the sad man always near and helpful. He just wonders why Dorian always seems to be sad around Cullen.
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gremlinbehaviour · 3 years
The Truth
For @febuwhump day 20: alt prompt 1 Truth Serum
Fandom: Merlin
Wordcount: 1279
When the knights are captured and interrogated for information about Arthur's location, Lancelot is given a truth serum. This has unintended consequences.
Read on ao3
When the guards brought Lancelot back this time, everyone who was able to scrambled to their feet, but didn't try to fight back. They were weakened by a week's worth of imprisonment and each of them had been tortured at least once, and they knew that without a proper escape plan resistance was futile and they'd only get punished for it. Percival managed to grab Lancelot before the guards could let go of him, thankfully, because the knight was swaying on his feet and likely would have toppled to the ground without support. Just glaring at the guards, Percy led him over to the back wall of the cell and helped him sit down.
"Are you okay?" Merlin asked softly. He couldn't see any visible injuries on the knight, but bruises could easily be hidden by his clothing like Gwaine's had. His shirt was dry, but that didn't mean they hadn't tried the same kind of water torture they had used on Leon, which had left him with a persistent cough and too scared to even let someone help him drink for a full day.
"No. I feel bad. They made me drink something," Lancelot admitted. His head lolled against Percival's shoulder.
"What kind of something? Poison?" Merlin asked. He surreptitiously reached for the bucket that served as their toilet, which, mercifully, had recently been emptied. "How long ago was it?" Lancelot had been gone for over an hour, but if he induced vomiting now he might still be able to get the poison out of his stomach before it took full effect.
"I don' know. Don't think it was poison. They made me drink it first, then questioned me. I think I…" he trailed off, his eyebrows pinching together unhappily. "I think I told them things."
"What things?" Leon asked, immediately perking up. "Did you tell them where Arthur is?"
"I- I think so. Or at least I told them where I thought he was, it's not like we really know where he is now, we haven't seen him for a week and it's likely he could have moved and isn't at the Valley of the Kings anymore. Maybe he went to Ealdor or the-"
"Lancelot, shut up," Elyan hissed at him. There were still guards standing in the hallway outside their cell who could be listening to them.
"I can't," the knight protested. "I tried, because I know I'm saying things that I shouldn't, but it feels like the words want to come out and so I just start rambling and I don't know how to stop."
"I think they gave you a truth serum," Merlin surmised. "Hopefully it will wear off soon."
"Isn't there anything you can do to make it stop?" Lancelot begged. "I don't want to give away anyone's secrets. Yours especially-" He was cut off when Merlin slapped a hand over his mouth.
"What secret?" Gwaine asked. The warlock turned to him in a panic, his hand slipping off of Lancelot's mouth with the motion.
"His magic," the knight said matter-of-factly. He seemed to realize what he'd said a second too late, his eyes growing huge in horror. "Crap, no, I'm so sorry-"
"He's drugged, he doesn't know what he's saying-" Merlin tried to deny it.
"You just said it was a truth serum," Leon countered.
"I was wrong then! I don't know everything! It's not like I'm some kind of sorcerer!"
"Warlock," Lancelot corrected, unable to help himself.
"Shut up!" Merlin rounded on him with a shout. The drugged knight flinched violently, and Percival glared at the servant as he wrapped his arms around his friend to try to soothe him. "I'm sorry, Lance, but please, please just try to be quiet."
"What, so he doesn't tell us the truth?" Gwaine demanded. "No, actually, I want to hear what he has to say, because apparently you've been lying to us for years!"
"You have too," Lancelot replied, and then the other knight was glaring at him like he wanted to gag him.
"You're a magic user as well?" Leon demanded.
"Then what?" Elyan asked. They were all shouting now and Lancelot cringed away from the noise. Percival carefully turned him and pulled him close so that his face was pressed against his chest. That way, any other secrets he revealed would be muffled and hopefully not overheard. Right now, though, he was just rambling apologies.
"I don't have to tell you," Gwaine shouted back.
"We're getting off topic from the fact that Merlin's apparently committed treason," Leon said.
"I didn't!" The servant defended himself. Normally Lancelot would be jumping in to help, to guard his friend and try to diffuse tensions as the cell erupted into shouting, but now he just raised his hands to try to cover his ears and block it out.
"I'm so sorry," Percival heard him mutter. "This is all my fault and I can't fix it."
"Shh, no, it’s not," he tried to reassure him, doing his best to ignore the argument the other four men in the cell were having. He didn't much care that Merlin could use magic, however strange he thought it was that the servant would choose to serve a king who could have him executed for it, and while he was curious about Gwaine's alluded-to secret, that conversation could wait for another day, when Lancelot wasn't drugged and plainly terrified. "It's not your fault, it's that stupid serum," he said, rubbing his best friend's back. Tucking his curly-haired head beneath his chin, he looked up at the others, silently pleading with them to notice how much they were clearly hurting their friend. They were all too wrapped up in their shouting match to notice. He didn’t want to add to the noise, but he didn’t know how else to get their attention. 
“Guys,” he said, not quietly, but not so loudly that he’d hurt Lancelot’s ears, since they were right underneath his head. No one paid him any attention. “GUYS!” he finally barked. Everyone instantly shut up and looked over at him. “Do you think we can save the argument for another time?” He glanced meaningfully down at Lancelot. To their credit, they all did look guilty when they noticed how their friend was curled up fearfully against him.
“I suppose there are more important things to be concentrating on at the moment," Elyan, always the most compassionate of them, said. Merlin just looked relieved that the subject had been changed.
“Yeah,” Leon agreed. Percival was a little surprised by that; he thought the First Knight would want to continue to accuse the warlock of treason, if not straight out try to kill him for it. “Now that they know where Arthur is, we need to get out of here to go help him.” The statement probably wasn’t intended to be a jab at Lancelot giving up the information, but he flinched anyway. At least he’d started to uncurl from his place against Percival’s chest since the shouting had stopped though.
“I’ve got an idea for that,” he announced quickly. “Actually, several, but I have no idea if any of them are good.” His truth-serum-induced rambling turned out to be rather useful for fabricating an escape plan, as he wasn’t as hesitant as usual to shoot down bad ideas in favor of being polite, and he tossed out far more of his own thoughts than he normally would as well through sheer volume of speech. It obviously wasn’t a good thing that he’d been drugged, but Percival thought to himself as he reached down to help Lancelot up to the grate they were escaping through, that it hadn’t been all terrible.
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coinofstone · 4 years
3x12 The Coming of Arthur pt 1
The title is such low hanging fruit I feel bad cracking a joke about it.
It's a quest episode! I love a quest episode. Srsly feel free to send me any and all Merthur quest fics. I can't get enough 😂
This is the episode responsible for the lovely Leon fanon headcanon that he's immortal. Always handy in an Arthur Returns fic.
Uther: you must go on this mission alone
Arthur: *brings Merlin*
I do love Merlin being being a smart alec and nagging Arthur while packing. Excellent banter.
Arthur said
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Arthur threatening a young boy like this is such an ugly and uncharacteristic action it makes me angry.
Merlin tending to Arthur while he's sick and injured 🥺
Also I'm sorry but Merlin shows fuckin Gilli his magic but he's hiding it from fuckin Gwaine while Arthur is suffering? Silly.
Cenred's massive army makes me wonder if it's a result of his tolerance of magic or lower standards than the knights of Camelot, or some combination of both.
Poor Leon, though. He's just got back from near death in that forest and Uther sends him right fuckin back in 😂
Looks like they snuck in to Camelot via the dragon's cave. I doubt that was the intention but I still approve 😂
Knowing he's on a suicide mission, Arthur gives Merlin an out, knowing he'll never take it, knowing he doesn't even want him to: he still presents him with the choice.
How come literally everyone else gets a crown that fits them but Arthur walks around looking like he's wearing hand-me-downs?
Morgana might be evil but she looks damn good on a throne.
3x13 The Coming of Arthur pt 2
There's a post going around Twitter about ppl who nitpick at TV shows... this comment falls into exactly that category 100% but I'm sorry, I cannot just ignore the fact that Morgana's got these massive banners and an entire army's worth of uniforms, I mean look:
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Every guard with the sigil on his uniform and half a dozen banners in the council chambers alone. That's to say nothing of the ones outside. I mean look at the sheer fuckin size of these things:
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Look how tiny the ppl are next to em! They've gotta be at least 15 feet long, at least. Where did they come from? Were they all magicked into existence? Who designed that sigil? What does it represent? Is it Gorlois' banner? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
Leon isn't someone I've ever been particularly attracted to, personally, but his defiant shout of "Long Live the King" in the face of Morgana's threats, is sexy as hell.
Depressed Arthur is such a mood.
So. Gwen. Originally in 3x12 when Morgana essentially invited Gwen into the fold (insofar as a Queen's servant can be), it seems to be a set up, because Morgana has been treating Gwen like shit for ages, why would she suddenly want her friend back? Especially since Morgana knows something is going on between Gwen and Arthur - there's no way she believes that they were actually under the spell of some random sorcerer, that just doesn't make any sense. So you kind of assume - or at least I did - that Morgana is keeping Gwen close knowing that she'll be useful as bait or a hostage, just essentially as a person of value to Arthur. She's known Gwen for too long to actually believe she'd cross Arthur, there's just no way someone as machiavellian as Morgana doesn't see Gwen's 'loyalty' as a simple survival tactic. All of this is to say, when Morgana and Morgause eavesdrop on Gwen's conversation with Sir Leon, Morgana is just like, 'welp, she's betrayed me. Guess I'll kill her in the morning.' as though she was actually expecting Gwen to do anything else?!?! Like, why? It would've made so much more sense to just cut that line entirely and go straight to something like
Morgana: it's as we suspected, she's betrayed me
Morgause: yes, now she can lead us straight to Arthur
And it would've made so much more sense than the weird sort of purgatory they've implied where Morgana changed her mind about Gwen very suddenly the night before she took the throne. It's not a super important detail in the overarching story but it's another example of how carelessly their story has been handled.
Me rn:
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I do love that they made Freya the Lady of the Lake, and that she kept her promise by telling Merlin how to defeat the army of the dead.
How Merlin really sees Kilgharrah:
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Gwen really is the smartest of all of them.
I do love that Merlin's first undead kill with excalibur is entirely an accident lol
The subtext between Morgana and Morgause is really gross. I haven't said anything before because I generally don't approve of ship shaming but the not so subtle subtext gives me the heebies.
This is such a great shot
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Everything about it, his woman at his left and his man at his right, his romantic rival opposite him on his wife's side, as directly opposite her as possible at a round table with an uneven number of placements. It's a really beautiful shot, fitting for an equally beautiful scene. It's a very moving scene, the music really adds the exact emotion you'd expect for this moment we all recognize... and I feel like the knights' oaths are very well matched. The snarky part of me wanted to make a 'call me maybe' joke about Percival, but he's so sincere I just can't do it. The moment of levity added by Merlin's banter with Arthur is really, really well paced. Honestly I think it's probably the next perfect, iconic scene since Gwen and Arthur's first kiss. Hats off to this crew.
(Don't worry dear reader, I'm sure I'll get back to complaining shortly)
Santiago is so dreamy. I'd share his bedroll any day.
I like that despite all the talk of equality and doing the thing Uther wouldn't approve of, Gwen still worries about the company seeing her and Arthur kiss. Like, he's planning an insurrection with a bunch of commoners and two dudes who've been officially banished from Camelot, but she's internalized the classism and the rules of royalty so deeply that even amongst friends she instinctively keeps their relationship hidden. I'm not sure how intentional that was but it's brilliant.
The fight big fight scene with Merlin just barely missing the cup while the knights are cornered, and Gaius showing up like the brilliant deus ex machina that he is, honestly makes the previous budget-slashed episodes more bearable. Because this really is great, even knowing it's great at the expense of those others.
Morgana's screeching is eerily similar to Aithusa's.
I wonder if they knew they were getting renewed for a fourth season when they wrote this. Because you know, it really could've worked as a series finale as well. An open-ended series finale, but a series finale all the same.
As a Queens kid, I cannot explain to you the joy it gives me to watch Arthur and Merlin just chillin on the steps to the castle as tho it were a stoop, which I suppose, in a sense... it kind of is. Ahhh youthful days.
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Commentary is Jeremy Webb and Julian Murphy.
And this kids, is why we're watching with commentary! They've just explained that Morgana's sigil is supposed to symbolize the Rowan tree that's supposed to be at the heart of the Isle of the Blessed. That suggests she designed it herself, so there's at least one of my earlier questions answered.
They talk a lot about how Emila Fox was very pregnant when they were filming her in this season, and they shot entirely around it - and I can't help but feel anger toward Joss Whedon and his 'handling' of Charisma Carpenter's pregnancy during S4 of Angel.
One of them called the round table scene 'curiously moving' and I think that is really fitting. They'd had this in mind for about two years, which is probably why it's so extraordinary. That's a great gestation period for a scene as iconic as this.
One final tidbit: the sword in the stone was filmed in France, and made it back to Wales intact. I guess nobody wanted to take it out. That's kind of an interesting thought, like a little set superstition or something. It's kind of cute.
The DVD extras/special features will get a separate post if I feel I have comments worth sharing.
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You'd never know what day your life would change. It could be today or tomorrow. It could be a day when the sun reigns in the sky or a day when stormy clouds rule. It could be a day you're happy or a day you're down. No one could tell. But when it happens, you'll know it, because suddenly everything is different and nothing will ever be the same again.
The day it happened, Merlin still wasn't convinced that Arthur wasn't lying when he told him he acknowledges that he has magic and that it doesn't change the fact that he's still an idiot.
The warlock wanted to believe him. He really does. But when one had been living in the shadows of lies, deceit and fear for as long as he had, it couldn't be harder to step into the light and accept that it was real.
Merlin hated that he couldn't be fully at ease with Arthur and the knights. He hated seeing the hurt in the prince's eyes every time he would wince when the royal would draw a sword or prepare to give an order. Merlin also noticed that the knights had been taking turns, keeping him company on his chores and going out of their way to ask him questions to learn more about his magic.
Merlin wasn't oblivious to their intentions. He knew that his friends were doing it to show him that it's alright to be himself around them. But as much as he appreciates their effort, try as he might, he still just couldn't erase the nagging fear at the back of his mind that Arthur would change his mind and decide that burning at the stake is where he belongs and that the knights would agree with him.
The worst part was that even if they do, Merlin would only understand their choice. They had been breaking the law by lying to Uther just to save his head. While Gwaine had no qualms deceiving the king, he knew the rest of the knights had their apprehensions. And Arthur, well it was him that Merlin feels most sorry to. What kind of friend does it make him if Arthur had to lie to his own father to protect him?
There's no question that Merlin couldn't have picked better friends. But what does that make him? For someone who has his secret out in the open, Merlin still doesn't feel free. Sometimes, he even finds himself believing that maybe he will never be.
It might just be so that for all the trials and tribulations magic had brought into his life, in the end, it will still be the one constant he can rely on.
Merlin barely managed to catch his breath on his way to Gaius' chambers when Gwen came running to him.
"Gwen?" he asks, instantly worried for the first friend he made in Camelot. "What's going on?"
"It's Arthur, Merlin!" Gwen answered. "Uther sent him and the knights to search what's causing the villagers' fright in the Forest of Merendra. Arthur sent me to inform you to take the shortcut and bring food and extra towels."
Merlin frowned. "When was this?"
"Just right after you left. They wanted to wait for you but Uther was insistent, and they couldn't tarry, else, Uther would be suspicious."
"I know that," said Merlin, knowing she was trying to assure him that they didn't leave him by choice. "I'll catch up with them. It should be no problem."
"Good," Gwen smiled before taking off the satchel strapped on her shoulder and handing it to him. "I prepared everything you might need. Now all you have to do is get a horse and leave." Then, taking the basket from him, she added, "As for the herbs, let me deliver them to Gaius. I'm sure he won't mind."
Merlin beamed, amused at her preparedness. "Thanks Gwen. I owe you," he expressed, clutching the supplies to his chest and running past her and into the stables. "And please tell Gaius I've gone after the prat!"
Arthur couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the body lying still in the middle of the forest. He took a quick scan around the area just to see if they were being watched. It was a pity he got separated from the knights.
His own experiences with magical creatures had taught him to be wary, but he couldn't for the life of him, abandon the knight's code and turn away from a potential damsel in distress. And somehow, even if he wasn't willing to believe it at first, knowing that his idiot of a best friend has magic and could find him wherever he was, was a reassurance of its own kind. Not that he'll ever admit it to Merlin. The idiot would never let him hear the end of it if he does.
But just in case, he unsheathed Excalibur and prepared for an attack.
Carefully, he turned her so he could see her face.
"A princess?" he gasps, eyes instantly drawn on the silver tiara on her head. He had never seen anything like the pale blue dress she was wearing.
Arthur quickly reached a finger under her nose to see if she's still breathing. He couldn't help but worry what her presence here would mean if his assumptions were right.
To his relief, he had barely lifted her when she began to stir. He watched as chocolate brown eyes slowly blinked into awareness.
Gently, he helped her to sit up, making sure to support her back to keep her steady. The feel of his gloved hand on her back must have done the trick and she shrieked, jumping in fright of him. He would have laughed if she didn't look so scared.
"Oh, dear Merlin!" she exclaimed.
Arthur frowned. "You know my manservant?"
"Ahm," she started to say, and he easily caught onto her confusion.
"Forgive me, please," Arthur quickly apologized, making sure to step away to assure her that he meant her no harm. "My name is Arthur. I mean no threat to you, my lady, but I found you unconscious in the middle of Forest of Merendra. Tell me, where are you from? Do you remember how you got here?"
"Forest of-" she trailed, and he waited patiently as she finally seemed to absorb her surroundings. Her eyes widened in shock and she gasped, raising a hand to her forehead. "Oh, Hermione, what have you done now?"
"Hermione?" Arthur's face brightened. "Is that what they call you? What kingdom are you from?"
"I-…" she bit her lip in thought. "I'm sorry. Who did you say you are again?"
"Arthur. Arthur Pendragon, at your service," he reintroduced, waiting for recognition to dawn on her.
He didn't expect amused laughter to be her reaction. "Seriously, where are we? Is this some kind of a theme party? Are you in cosplay? Is that it? Well, I certainly can't remember drinking enough for this," she rambled. "Wait, I must be dreaming! That's it, isn't it? I'm dreaming, or I must be under a spell…A pensieve? But I don't remember…"
The prince listened to her patiently, mentally taking note of the words in her rant that he finds unfamiliar. Eventually, she stopped on her own and turned to him.
"Let's try that again, shall we?" she suggested. "Where are we?"
Arthur sighed but had no choice but to acquiesce. She still hasn't confirmed who she is and what she's doing dressed so thinly in this cold, or why she doesn't seem too worried at the thought that she might be under a spell. "We're in the Forest of Merendra in the Kingdom of Essetir. We're miles away from Camelot."
At this, her eyes widened and she pulled away from him. "Camelot?" Then, sounding fearful now, she asked. "And you're telling me you're King Arthur? As in THE King Arthur? Are you messing with me?"
"Well, no, it is my father, Uther, that is king. I'm only a prince. But I don't understand why you find this so hard to believe. Surely, you've heard of Camelot?"
She didn't get to answer though as the roars of the linen wrapped beasts finally caught up to him. Quickly, he helped her get to her feet and readied to defend.
"Well if you're Arthur, then what are they?" she asks, mystified. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd hit her head real hard that she still thinks she's dreaming.
But the pondering would have to wait as the creatures began to surround them.
'Anytime now would be great, Merlin.' He thought before he answered her.
"They're soulless animals' corpses being controlled by a sorceress."
"So they're dead? Like mummies?"
"You need to get behind me," he instructed, eyes at the beasts, only to startle when she stepped right beside him instead.
"How do we fight them?"
Arthur's first instinct was to tell her off for foolish bravery but one look at the advancing beasts told him there was no time for that. She at least needs to know what they're up against. "Fire, we need to burn them. But normal fire isn't enough. We need to-"
"It isn't working!" she was screaming before he could even register that she was holding a stick and one of the walking dead beasts was suddenly set ablaze.
"How did you?" he asked, before realization dawned on him and he turned to her in disbelief. "You're a sorceress!" he accused just as a lion jumped at him and he dodged, seeing her do the same in the corner of his eyes.
"What?" The girl, Hermione, scoffed, looking very much offended. "Flipendo!" she screamed before a light shot out of her stick and hit a tiger in the chest. "No, I'm a witch! Now, quickly tell me how to defeat them! Normal fire isn't working."
Arthur fought a headache from coming. Fate must be punishing him for treating his manservant so cruelly. As if dealing with one Merlin isn't enough…
"They're creatures of magic. The fire must be enchanted to destroy them."
"Of course," she breathed, eyes widening as though she'd just made a wonderful realization. Arthur barely moved his foot before he heard her say, "Stay back and don't move," and then, "FIENDFYRE!"
Merlin had barely stepped into the forest when he felt it - magic both light and dark and so intensely heavy that he won't be surprised if he could touch it just by reaching out his hand.
He hurried his horse to the source of the screams and light, but nothing could have prepared him to what he saw.
A girl dressed like royalty was standing before a disgruntled Arthur, her arm outstretched and preventing the prince from taking any step farther as they stared down the army of mummified beasts advancing towards them.
His heart all but leaped out of his chest at the sight of the phoenix erupting from her wooden stick.
"ARTHUR!" he yelled.
The frightened voice sounded very much like his manservant, but the prince couldn't keep his eyes away if he tried, gaping as the fire bird flew to devour the whole beastial army, leaving nothing but ashes on its wake.
He only breathed, alert and mortified when the phoenix started to turn on him. Before he knew it, Merlin had thrown his own weight to push them both out of harm's way and onto the ground, a move they soon found unnecessary when the fire bird released an ear piercing screech before drawing back and disappearing into thin air, leaving their eyes to settle on the lone girl standing in the middle of the devastation.
Legs apart, back straight, eyes ablaze and unrelenting, and with her hair crackling of magic - she looks like the perfect embodiment of an avenging female angel if they'd ever seen one.
No one said a word until she broke the silence.
"Is that enough?" she asked, eying them expectantly. "Are we safe now?"
"Huh," was the prince's unintelligible response, the only one he could manage after seeing what he saw. But he saw her brow lift higher and knew she was awaiting his answer.
"Yes," Arthur finally agreed, "I suppose that will do it." Then turning to the astounded warlock lying on his back beside him, he says, "Merlin, I think she just beat you in the most glamorous display of magic."
"You're-" she started to say, but the use of magic must have drained her and she began to sway.
Arthur hurried to help but Merlin signalled he let him instead, still feeling the lingering trace of unfamiliar magic in the air. It felt like his own and yet so different.
The voices came from the knights who arrived just in time to see Merlin carry the now unconscious girl in his arms.
"Who is she?" he found himself asking.
"I don't know," Arthur said, sounding as puzzled as he looked, staring at the sleeping damsel. "She seemed lost. She didn't even know who I am and yet, she protected me." Looking at his manservant, he asks, "Is she alright?"
Merlin nodded.
"Merlin, you alright mate?" Gwaine asked, seeing him look so perplexed.
This time, Merlin didn't nod, unsure of it himself.
He just witnessed magic unlike anything he'd ever seen.
But then she stirred on his arms, the tip of her stick accidentally touching his arm and Merlin's breath was caught at the feel of her magic humming and causing his skin to tingle with warmth.
"I think I need to speak with Kilgharrah."
A/N: Chapter 7 up! Read it here at...
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kian-bera · 4 years
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Merlin was exhausted from work. Trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of customers at Christmas was exhausting. He loved to help people find the magic of books though, they were all he had left of the world he once knew. The world when Camelot and all of Avalon still existed. The world, where Arthur was still alive. There was a knock at the door and Merlin just sighed before getting up. He opened the door and saw Leon standing there with Christmas Eve dinner, just like every year.
"Happy Christmas." Leon said sadly as he leaned against the door post.
"Happy Christmas Leon. Come in." The two men walked to the kitchen table and sat down, the only light came from the street lights and a few lights that lit Merlin's small tree in the corner. "Do you ever think this will end?"
"I do not know Merlin. Maybe one day, somehow we will see Avalon rise again, we will see Arthur and Gwen and all of our friends once more gathered at the round table. Or we will be here for another 1500 years wishing and hoping that we can find a way to end this stupid immortality thing and finally just die of old age."
Merlin just nodded and dug his food out of the fast food bag in front of him. The two sat in silence as they ate, the only sound was that of the cars and the late city life down below. Leon and Merlin eventually made their way to the couch and curled up together to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" as they have always done since the movie came out. Leon put a blanket over Merlin once he finally fell asleep halfway through the movie. When they woke up, the news was on about two men who had been arrested early that morning. Leon nudged Merlin awake.
"Merlin, my eyes could be deceiving me, but is that Arthur and Gwaine?" Leon asked, shaking his head. The news reporter popped up on the screen.
"Good morning London. This morning, these two men were caught soaking wet and screaming for the mythical wizard Merlin. One keeps claiming he is the King of Camelot himself Arthur, while the other insisting he is Sir Gwaine of the infamous round table. If anyone can come and get them, the officers who arrested them would be grateful." The camera cut to a picture of Gwaine and Arthur sitting in a holding cell still in armour. Their swords and Arthur's cape had been taken and the armour might have been taken, but it looks like they put up a fight.
Merlin and Leon jumped up and threw on a pair of matching Christmas sweaters Leon had gotten them years ago as a joke gift. Merlin quickly grabbed his keys and ran to his car. After all these years of having one, he still did not completely understand how all the mechanics worked even though he had a drivers license. He preferred his bike, but he would need more than one seat.
When they got to the police station, Merlin and Leon walked up to the information desk and inquired about Arthur and Gwaine. Leon told the officer that the two had been drunk at a dress up Christmas party and had gotten drunk. They had wandered off and no one could find them. Leon paid the bail while Merlin waited for Arthur and Gwaine to come up. Once they were there, the men were given back their chainmail and swords before Merlin tackled Arthur.
"Where are we, and why won't these knights listen to me?" Arthur questioned, a bit annoyed.
"Arthur, I will answer all your questions later, okay? We need to get you back to my flat and out of the armour."
"You are right Merlin, it really does need polishing doesn't it?"
"Yes, now come on." Merlin dragged Arthur and Gwaine to his car where Leon was waiting for them. Merlin helped them into the car and just sat there in the passenger seat, mixed emotions swimming through his brain. When they got back to Merlin's flat, Merlin and Leon took them inside.
"Do you have any spare clothes?" Leon asked Merlin.
"Why would I want to wear Merlin's clothes?" Arthur asked plopping down on the couch.
"Because you need to fit in." Merlin told him going to his closet in his bedroom. Gwaine followed him to the bedroom.
"What is all of this new stuff? Like what was that carriage that we were just in?" Gwaine questioned watching Merlin throwing clothes into his bed.
"I will attempt to explain everything to you and Arthur. Please go back to the living room with them." Merlin shooed Gwaine out of the room. Once Gwaine was out, Merlin shut the door before running over to his pillow and screaming into the soft fabric. Afterwards he sat up, and grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweatpants someone had given him, that were big on himself. He came out and told Arthur to change into them in the bathroom while he found something to wear for Gwaine. The issue was Gwaine was taller than he was, so he wanted to find something that would be long enough to cover his legs.
"MERLIN COME HELP ME PLEASE!" Arthur yelled from the bathroom. Merlin just laughed as Arthur tried to get his head through the turtle neck shirt he had given to Arthur. "Don't just stand there, help me." Merlin just shook his head and went over to help Arthur with the shirt.
"Arthur what do you remember?" Merlin asked, pulling the neck of the shirt over Arthur's head.
"I was stabbed by Mordred. You have magic. I died with you holding me in your arms. What happened after Camelot lost their King Merlin? How did Guivere fair? Did she remarry? Was their an heir to the throne? Who all survived? Did my knights make it home? I mean Gwain was with me when we came from the lake, so I suppose he died."
"Arthur calm down one question at a time okay? You will overload yourself. Camelot mourned for you Arthur. The people, they loved you. Every year on the eve of when you died there was a vigil. Guivere was out of it for a while, royal advisors kinda took over making decisions. Once she came around, she was a wonderful queen. She did you proud, Arthur." Merlin took a step back and smiled.
"What about the rest of my questions?"
"Those should be answered by the man in the living room with Gwaine."
"Wait there was someone else here?" Arthur questioned heading for the door.
"Yes, I wasn't driving the car with magic. Right you don't know what a car is or how it works. Right."
Leon and Gwaine sat at the table laughing. Gwaine had found the basket of apples Merlin kept in the kitchen to snack on when he was writing. His laptop sat on a small table with a bunch of sticky notes around it on the wall.
"By the way Merlin, when I saved your busts at the tavern, that was an act of heroism, I mean who else would take on those bullies." Gwaine said smiling. He took the Apple core and tossed it into the trash can.
"Good morning Arthur." Leon said, smiling. Arthur gasped and ran over to Leon. "I've missed you. Merlin has been teaching me poetry you know."
"How dare he teach you poetry, that's my thing." Arthur gave a small laugh. "Merlin said I should ask you about what happened to Gwen after I died. Does Merlin not know?"
"He does, but it was a rocky time for him. About three years after your death, I...Gwen and I got married and I became the new King of Camelot. We had two sons. The oldest we named Arthur in honor of Camelot's once and future king. The younger of the two we had several years later, we named him Elyan after Gwen's brother. They grew up to be strong knights and princes, and long after Gwen passed away, I stepped down as King and let Arthur and his wife Elizabeth take over as King and Queen. They ruled Camelot with honor and dignity until they died and then their son Emeyrus took over as King. So the line went down for another 250 years. Then one harsh winter, a famine took over Camelot and all of Avalon. All the kingdoms fell to the Saxons and Avalon was lost forever. All that's left is the pillar in the lake, Merlin and myself."
"If there is one more question I may ask? What happened after the battle?" Arthur asked tears in his eyes. Leon knee what he meant by everyone.
"Only myself and Percival survived." Arthur just nodded. "I'm not sure if Gwaine remembers but he was tortured to death by Morgana."
"So, Merlin got mad at you for taking Gwen's hand in marriage?"
"Merlin calm down please..." Leon went to lay a hand on his shoulder, but Merlin pulled away, tears streaming down his eyes. He wanted to run far away, where no one knew who he was, or what had happened. "Merlin please, I know you are still upset about Arthur. We all are, but we have to move forward for the sake of Camelot."
"For the sake of Camelot." Merin echoed. "Camelot this and Camelot that, everything is done for the sake of Camelot." Merlin shook his head and ran off to the stables. He had a bag packed and a horse ready to leave. He hopped up and took off into the forest. He went to the one place he felt safe. He rode to the lake.
When Merlin arrived, he left his horse in the tree line and went down to the edge of the lake. The water was lapping against the shore harshly as a storm was blowing in from the north. Merlin did not care though. He did not want to hear the wedding bells.
"Hi Arthur, so Leon and Gwen are getting married today. I want to be happy for them, I really do, but at the same time, I want you to be home. I want you to come home like they said you would. I want to believe more than anything that you will rise from the lake. It hurts without you Arthur, as annoying as you could be dollaphead, I never realized how much I needed you." Merlin heard a snap and turned around. Percival came down to the water and sat beside Merlin. "I thought you would be a Leon and Gwen's wedding."
"I was going too, but then I saw you ride off and crying. I figured you'd be here talking to Arthur. It's what you do when you're upset."
"Thank you Perse. I guess I just hoped that Arthur would return."
"We all do." Percival told  Merlin, hugging him close.
"Yeah he wouldn't talk to me for weeks, but he finally came around and accepted our marriage. I think he was just hoping you would come back and fix everything."
"Thank you Leon, for everything." Arthur told him.
"Of course Arthur, while I may have become the king, you were and still are my king and I am proud to serve by your side." There was a bright flash of light from outside the flat and people started screaming. The four ran to the window and glanced down. There she was, Morgana in the flesh standing on the ground with Aithusa by her side. Morgana glanced up at the boys and smirked. She began to chant and Merlin told everyone to get away from the windows. The window shattered, and Merlin took most of the damage as he was still right in front.
"MERLIN!" Leon ran over and checked for damage. Merlin was bleeding but he had curled up that most of the glass didn't hit anything major.
"COME OUT HERE COWARDS OR SHALL THIS NEW CITY AND KINGDOM FALL TOO!" Morgana shouted from the ground. Arthur ran over to the window, glancing down at her.
"You will never win Morgana, now go back from whatever corner of the death that you came from."
"Never, I lost my chance once, I will not lose this battle again." Morgana hopped on Aithusa and rode off into the distance. Arthur just stood there glancing at the people below who were confused and scared.
"Hey Leon...er King?" Merlin asked, trying to figure out how to address the new ruler.
"Just Leon is fine Merlin. You are an old friend and such formality is not needed."
"Okay Just Leon." Merin cracked a small smile and laughed.
"Is that a smile I see?" Queen asked, walking over to the men.
"Maybe....." Merlin replied. Leon hugged him close. "We have missed this Merlin."
"Well dollaphead I should get to work then. What will it be, polishing armour, scrubbing the floors. Have I mentioned polishing armour." Merlin gave the first true smile he had given in three years. Gwen laughed and hugged Merlin as well.
"Armour sounds good, but we have a trip to go on first." Leon told him. Leon took him down the hall and to the great hall.
"The stables are that way Leon." Merlin said, pointing in the opposite direction.
"I know they are, but this trip is within the castle walls." When they got to the room, Leon had Merlin close his eyes and led him across the room. "Now open." Merin opened his eyes to see a red curtain.
"Wow Just Leon, that's impressive." Leon scoffed and nudged Merlin.
"Let then open the curtain first." The curtains opened and there stood a bronze statue of Arthur and Merlin. They stood side by side, swords drawn. Merlin hugged Leon and sobbed into his chest. "Shhh it's okay Merlin, I knew you would want something to honor Arthur and I thought that having you two together would be even better. You two were always together no matter what."
"Thank you Leon. For everything. I'm glad you became the king." Merlin took a step back and wiped his eyes.
Arthur returned to where Leon was helping Gwaine pick glass out of Merlin's side. Arthur sat beside them and tried to help. Every time they pulled out a piece, Merlin flinched. Arthur eventually had to pull away because he started to tear up. They had only been reunited for less than a day and Merlin was already hurt trying to save him.
"Is there anything I can do? Like get some water?" Arthur asked, pacing the floor.
"Uh yeah, the cups are in the cabinet. Sink water is fine." Leon told Arthur pointing to the kitchen. Arthur went over and found a cup.
"Where did you say the pump was?" Arthur asked.
"Oh see the sink?"
"Pull that silver lever gently." Arthur nodded and put the cup under the spout and pulled the level.
"Wow it doesn't stop after a few seconds. You don't have to pump the water."
"No you don't, it's quite nice." Arthur brought the cup of water back and went back to playing with the sink. "Arthur dont run too much water, we have a high water bill as it is."
"Water bill? Like you have to pay to have this running water?" Arthur asked.
"Yes you do." Leon told him helping Merlin, who was now awake, to the table.
"I never did ask. What year is it?" Arthur questioned finding other things in the kitchen to play with.
"It's 2020." Merlin replied weakly.
"But that means...It's been 1500 years." Gwaine said sitting down.
"Yeah." Leon and Merlin replied in unison.
"Hey Leon calm down, it will be alright. Gwen is a strong woman. She will be fine." Merlin told Leon trying to  calm him down. After a few hours, Leon was finally allowed inside Gwen's bedroom. She was asleep, but her lady In waiting was holding a newborn baby boy. She handed Leon his son and smiled.
"He is perfectly healthy Sire, no problems at all. And Gwen is fine, she is just tired and needs some rest." She explained to the king.
"Oh yes of course, can I?"
"Go ahead sire." Leon held his newborn son close to his chest and smiled at the small child wrapped in a wool blanket. He walked to his chambers while Merlin ran ahead and opened the door. Leon sat on his bed while Merlin stood there awkwardly.
"Merlin why don't you take the rest of the day off. You were up with me early this morning and have been there for me all day. It is the least I can do after all you've done."
"Are you sure Leon?"
"Yes I'm sure now shoo, flee, go enjoy yourself. I'll have a guard find you if I need you." Leon smiled at him and waved him out.
"Thank you Leon." Merlin smiled and walked out the door. He knew that Leon had told him to go, but he sat right outside the door and fell asleep.
"So, what kind of story are you writing?" Gwaine asked Merlin trying to get him to talk.
"A story about Camelot. The true story, not what legend has told. Oh Arthur pulled this fancy sword name Excalibur from a stone and now he's this king of this amazing kingdom. Like sorry, but he was already king when he pulled Excalibur from the sword. That was just reassurance that he was the true king of Camelot since he had lost faith."
"You are telling the truth." Arthur replied, smiling.
"I'm telling our story." Merlin told him, smiling back as he tried to sit up in his chair. "Now enough dilly saddling. Morgana is back, what are we going to do?"
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bisaster-energy · 4 years
Among Us in Camelot
Can y'all imagine Among Us with the Round Table + Merlin, Gwen, Morgana like bruh
Leon would be unexpectedly really into like he'd host every game and everyone just lets him bc he's their trusted host
And every time someone calls a meeting cos "fuck theres a dead body" he just
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And Merlin is almost always Imposter but no one is willing to vote him out because look at him:
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And even tho he's obvious as fuck about venting no one really suspects him til it's too late so yeah needless to say he's good at faking tasks cos hello he does that all the damn time
And Arthur wants to know why there's no option to fight the imposter one on one cos "this isn't even a fair fight! I have no weapons!! I'm just minding my business then i get cut in half? Outrageous!!" He dies cos he refuses to try and escape b4 the imposter can get him lmao
Everyone votes Gwaine out cos that man is sus bc he's running around instead of doing tasks cos he's either lost or doesn't want to
He'll follow ppl around to make them uneasy on purpose and act all surprised when they all agree he's sus
Gwaine will call an emergency meeting and be like: I missed merlin sorry for the inconvenience and meanwhile Merlin was just sabotaging the O2 lmao
If he and merlin are imposters at the same time?? Lord Have Mercy.
No one ever knows when Percy is the imposter because he acts exactly the same whether he's a crewmate or not so no one sees that shit coming until their screens say defeat most of the time
Lance would feel bad about lying about being imposter so if someone straight up asked he'd be like "yeah I shut down the med bay sorry :(" and he'd just much rather be a crew mate okay!! Like don't get me wrong if he's paired up with Merlin/Gwaine they'll go all out but if it's just him his conscious will kick in
Elyan just wants to finish his damn tasks in peace and loses his shit when someone dies cos he'll be about to connect his last wire and some asshole will call an emergency meeting cos some idiot got themself killed like damn let him work
Gwen and Morgana destroy the boys whenever they play cos they're too fucking powerful idk what else to say honestly (the only thing is given the chance morgana will absolutely risk getting voted out for the chance to off arthur just to piss him off) they're chaotic but they're in a completely different league bc say what you will about Evil!Morgana and Posessed!Gwen but they suited each other and planned shit out so of they're both imposter they win every time
Leon: there's a traitor in our midst
Merlin, who was just fucking up the reactor: idk red seems kinda sus :/
Arthur: Merlin you bastard we haven't crossed paths once this whole time
Merlin: that's what makes you so sus
Gwaine: lmao
Elyan: can someone explain why the FUCK WE'RE HERE COS I HAVE A TO DO LIST DAMN IT
Percy: ?
Arthur: someone killed lance and no one was at the scene except me so being the model citizen i am I reported it
Lance: I still can't believe I was killed me I thought we were all bros ;_;
Merlin: no one finds it weird that arthur here was the only one there?? No one?
Gwaine: yeah that's pretty sus dude
Arthur: okay but you don't have all the facts
Percy: ??
Arthur: im literally the coolest one here so you can kill me off but the game would lose it's zeal
...Red was not the imposter...
And god forbid they let Mordred play because Merlin would set him up constantly skkakskaka
Mordred will literally be in the middle of a task in storage while someone dies in electrical and the first thing Merlin says will be: Green is sus :/ and Mordred, who was promised an alliance, just:
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So yeah that's my take on how it'd go
Additions are welcome please i want to laugh
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coinofstone · 4 years
3x08 The Eye of the Phoenix
Another great intro sequence, and not just because we jump right to Bradley topless and wet!
Merlin laying the robe on Arthur's shoulders with such reverence. It's clear that for whatever jokes he makes, Merlin really does have some degree of respect for this process, which IS interesting since this ritual is a lot closer to pagan than you'd expect Uther to allow. Meditating alone wearing ceremonial robes in a room of power until a quest comes to you in a vision? Something tells me all Uther did was remove the incense, candles, any accompanying chanting and/or ingestion of traditional substance and declare it DIFFERENT than the Old Religion and therefore OKAY to do.
Same energy:
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Yes I DID make a gif out of a video I recorded of my television, you wanna fight about it?
Merlin catching hiccups just like Elena did 👀
Literally though,
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Arthur rolling out of a dead sleep to winning a full 2 on 1 sword fight is the least relatable he's ever been.
I get that the Perilous Lands are, you know, perilous, but I'm not fully clear on why Merlin went hunting down Gwaine instead of riding hard after Arthur and getting the cursed bracelet off his arm before he reached the Perilous Lands.
Warwick Davis! This show's had some high caliber guests on but imo they were really punching up going for him. Glad they got him though, he's perfect.
There's no commentary for this ep which is immensely disappointing because I would've loved to hear what Bradley has to say about this little mud bath he's been in 😂
I am once again asking for Morgana to stop emotionally abusing Guinevere
Good thing these wyverns speak dragon
The multitude of meaning Arthur can imbue in one single word is never not impressive. MERLIN!
Soundproof throne room, handy.
The Dark Tower's got walls like an NYC apartment building
Language borrowed from buffy methinks. Chosen one who alone can save Albion etc
The way Arthur gives Merlin a pat on the back while walking past him and Gwaine just looks at him and goes 'this man deserves a hug'. And Merlin just beams when Gwaine hugs him.
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Look at his little face! He's like 'yes I do deserve a hug, thank you'. Hashtag more hugs for Merlin. Compare that to the wtf look he gives Arthur just before:
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Also not to get all Mergwaine rights or anything but like, when your new friend makes you realize exactly how disappointing your husband can be sometimes:
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Yes my computer nearly did explode from all this rewinding and pausing to get these stills, thanks for asking.
Like Gwaine and Merlin don't even speak but their non-verbal interactions speak a MILLION words and I almost want to make a gifset but I think my wifi might explode have no self control so here, see for yourselves;
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So much easier to do these on my phone even tho they don't look as good. But I can't remember how to add an srt file in vsdc so this is the best I can do anyway.
This is a pretty solid motw ep imo but the most important thing is that we finally have Gwen aware of Morgana's turn. ABOUT TIME.
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