#just literally stating what it's in the show
frmisnow · 1 day
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summary. jungkook never shys away from showing up even when you are at your absolute lowest!
notes. i literally cried three times today- so writing smth for comfort was NEEDED! ofc we are still in iltly verse cause they grew on me and i love them- i hope you have a nice time reading: i love & appreciate you!!! ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐
warnings/includes. a very loveable jungkook x non specified! reader, angst since oc is NOT doing well and is very much scared of serious love, drabble
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when jungkook had received a text from you asking him to come over to your place (a one hour drive mind you), he had not expected you sitting on the floor next to the door, looking up the second he entered with the second key you gave him.
you didn't understand why life was treating you the way it was, it felt like everything was constantly going down hill- and it didn't help that whenever you'd come to your apartment after work, it all felt so empty.
oh how much you missed that pretty voice of his. and that face.
"what happened? are you okay?" jungkooks tone evidently worried some might even say hectic, instantly leaning down, wrapping his arms under your shoulders to lift your body up to stand up.
cupping your face, eyes moving in fast-pace all across you as to check up all medical possibilities only to find your puffy eyes, looking at his shoes like you were ashamed of this let-down state of you.
and you were in fact deeply ashamed that you had been avoiding contacting him this whole past week only responding with vague or small one word responses. worst of all: you didn't even knew why- he was the only person that loved you that you had left and maybe you had been scared of that responsibility, of the type of love where you have to let the other person see even the worst version of you.
i mean it was best to just ignore the crying ugly mess of you right now and show up to him on weekends when you're doing well again, have your makeup on and be ready to have some damn fun! it wasn't jungkooks job to fix you, right?
but there he was immediately embracing you in a tight hug, your face firmly pressed against his chest, kissing the top of your head so gently, mumbling tiny little, "you're so stupid"s as you held onto him even tighter, wanting to feel him whole.
you were oh so wrong, you needed him. he didn't have to fix you to give you just this shot of happiness. you felt finally at home and then you realized: home is wherever he is.
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xclowniex · 2 days
You're a zionist Arab Jew? Are you also a member of the Snow Leopards Eating My Face party? Are you white passing enough that zionists don't know you're Arab or do you just hate yourself? Are you unaware of the unabashed anti Arab racism that Israelis spout out every day on social media? Or do you think you're just "one of the good ones"?
Time for everyone's favorite game show!
"What deranged shit in Clownie's inbox today!"
To turn to a more serious note, Whilst I do not not live in Israel, my family does.
My family have only faced minimal racism for being arab, mainly stuff back in school years ago. I do not speak for all arab jews or even all Arabs in Israel, but that is mu family's experience. Just schoolyard racist teasing which is obviously not a good thing, but isn't a problem anymore than anywhere else in the world.
My family has full rights as other arab citizens do and other jews do.
Most jews I speak to have no problem with me being arab too. Do anti arab jews exist? Probably as no group is a monolith. I have just not encountered any yet, which is again, just my experience.
Zionism is also not an anti arab ideology inherently. Zionism literally just means wanting self determination in Southern Levant. That looks like a lot of different things, however most jews who are zionist believe in either a two state solution or a land for all solution which allows for jewish self determination and Palestinian self determination.
I think it's also important for me to say that I do not know which arab country my arabness comes from due to my family being told to "leave or die" a few generations back because they were also jewish. I really wish that history had not been forgotten in the past 4 generations but it has.
When it comes to my appearance, is white passing something you ask every other poc on this site? Or just arab jews.
For your information, I am not white passing, I look mixed. People can tell that I'm not white. I have faced anti arab sentiment and racism before too because of how I look. I've even had someone think I was the cousin of an arab acquaintance too if that gives you a better idea surrounding my appearance.
I would have a better time in Israel as an arab jew than I would in most arab countries as an arab jew. Also there is a decent community of arab jews in Israel as well.
Lastly I would like to leave you with this, if your world view is threatened by an arab jew being a two state solution zionist, then your world view is weak and not at all based in reality.
I an arab jew, am holding hands with all other arab jews, non Jewish arab and non arab jews. Fuck off with your arabs vs jews rhetoric
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mandaplease10 · 2 days
A Polin Take Nobody Asked For #5
*Penelope & Colin Aren't Friends*
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Once again, there are complaints about how Pen & Colin were never actually friends because we never see them be friends. We're simply only told they are friends and now we're supposed to believe Colin loves her after saying he would never court.
Well, I am here to tell you why that is wrong. Oh and someone on twitter claimed this season has no narrative... like are we watching the same show??
FYI this is a long post!
Season 1:
Colin dances with Penelope after Cressida spills a drink on her. Even before this, he sought her out to have a conversation with her.
There are several times we see Colin and Penelope speaking at balls or gatherings.
Penelope tries to tell him about Marina and he is grateful for her friendship and care, but he doesn't listen to her because he thinks he knows Marina. Yet, he still took the time to hear her out for the most part.
Once Marina's secret is revealed, Colin apologizes to Pen and recognizes she was just trying to look out for him.
Colin goes traveling the first time because of Pen inspiring him to do so.
Colin singing in the drawing room and lowers his voice/stars at Pen when she walks in.
Season 2:
Their letters - This is a huge element to their friendship and their storyline. Honestly, I would love to have seen what their letters entailed over the years. Maybe one day we'll have a scene of them going through their old letters or something.
Colin's arrival - hello! That look he gives her when he sees her there in the drawing room after greeting his family. I believe had Hyacinth and Gregory not rushed him and Anthony didn't walk in to go to the races, he would have walked over and said something to her.
At the races- he sees Pen and walks over to her. He initiates the conversation and talks about their letters until Eloise ruins the moment.
Another moment he initiates a conversation is when Pen assumes he met someone on his travels and he talks about how he 'found himself' thanks to her letters.
Lady Crane was right about you - He knows that Pen cares for him and is special in his life and the fact that someone else saw that made him open his eyes a little more.
Defending the Featheringtons - Colin stood up to his friend Will when he said something negative about Pen's family and then again when he realized Jack was scheming around.
You are special to me. I will always look out for you - HELLO! Yes, Colin has a hero complex, but he doesn't do this for everyone! He doesn't seek out to help Cressida or other women of TON, but he risked standing up to a "Lord" to save Pen's family from ruin.
You are Pen. You are my friend - Colin literally calls her his friend and holds her above just another woman. Yes, in this moment she was sort of friend zoned, but the fact he still wanted her in his life, means something.
"I would never court Penelope Featherington" - Yes, this was not a good look, but this was also Colin trying to put on a facade in front of the gentleman. Plus, I also believe that in his state of mind, what he was doing and how he is around Pen, is just how they are together, yet in other's eyes, it was very much courting action.
Season 3:
His arrival - Immediately looks for Pen and when he doesn't see her, looks towards her house confused as to why she isn't present.
The Gardens - Smiles when he sees her and is eager to talk to her, upset when she cuts their conversation short.
The ball - Stares at her and watches her from afar and rushes after her when he sees her in distress.
Goodnight Mr. Bridgerton - Tries to joke around with her and have a friendly conversation, but realizes something is wrong. Feels horrid when he realizes why she is upset with him and wants to talk it out, gets upset when she leaves.
The Featherington Garden - Again, he seeks her out because he wants to make things right with her. THIS ENTIRE SCENE IS PRACTICALLY A WHY YOU ARE SPECIAL AND MORE THAN A FRIEND TO ME DECLARATION. If you actually watch this entire scene, you will see that there is genuine friendship and love there.
The Meet Cute - Seriously, the fact that HE remembers how they met AND he was the one who brought it up, says A LOT.
The Drawing Room - He listened to her and brought her to a place that makes her comfortable. He even made sure it was during a time when they would be alone. Also, it is obvious he feels something during the touch of hands and her attempt at flirting with him.
The Ball - They have yet another conversation amongst the two of them and he encourages her to talk to someone. Then they have a laugh. A genuine laugh, one that she never really had with Debling later on... Then we have the little bouts of jealous Colin when she's speaking to Lord Remington. Then how angry he gets when the word gets out about him and Pen and how he rushes after her in worry.
The First Kiss - Once again, Colin is seeking her out... in the middle of the night... bribing her maid for alone time. Like... not just anyone does that. Colin only had to do the one kiss. The one peck because that was all Pen asked for, but guess what? He went in for another one and would have kissed her again if she didn't leave. We can tell on his face, that he felt something he never felt before.
The Dream - Most people don't have romantic dreams about their friends unless there are feelings there.
The Willow Tree - The awkwardness is everything and pure friends to lovers.
I could continue the rest of their moments, but I'm not going to because so many of the same people keep saying the only reason Colin wanted Pen is because of Debling, well guess what everything that I listed above is PRE DEBLING. Yes, there is that moment in episode 1, but it isn't until episode 3 when Debling actively tries to pursue Pen and vice versa.
So, yeah, Polin haters can keep complaining and trying to make excuses as to why they dislike the season, but the receipts are the there to debunk those claims.
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murmurmurena · 2 days
I swear, yours is my FAVORITE Charlastor interpretation. You're the reason I even ship it to begin with! Like, I love how much Alastor is in over his head despite the fact that the show always pretends it's the other way around, that CHARLIE should be afraid of this guy who hasn't even been in hell a hundred years -- some people make it more obviously push and pull, but it's so interesting to see him in such a pathetic state! He is LITERALLY just a guy. Maybe more clever than the average fella, sure, but he's not this all powerful monster. He's a folk hero -- powerful because he lived to tell the tale, not because he had any say in the matter.
But then there's CHARLIE! CHARLIE, who in the show is just so bland. This is a Charlie that was never human, never socially groomed for a life outside of the lake of fire where cruelty is as commonplace as death even when it doesn't last forever, but all the same: wants to be good. And she tries! She tries!! But she just doesn't know for CERTAIN. And sometimes it's obvious that she doesn't know what she's doing. Or that niceness to her looks different than niceness to them. But she tries so hard. She tries, so they just HAVE to believe that her intent is good. Because she already tries so hard.
And then you PUT THEM TOGETHER! Insane!!
it’s great to know that people like this type of charlastor more, I’m very happy, thank you!!!
That’s the point, it’s strange to turn an ordinary person into a terrible chthonic demon, and not a princess of hell who probably lives for eternity!
This is very funny, an immortal entity that wants to help people for some reason, it’s a pity that such an opportunity was missed in the show
And also I made bonus sketch to my comic with Angel contract:
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taesancore · 1 day
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kim donghyun x f!reader
📜 .ᐟ part one of the bnd as one direction songs series!
📜 .ᐟ synopsis: in which you were oh so curious about your sunbae, kim donghyun
wc: 2k, lowercase intended
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“seriously, just go talk to him if you find him cute!” hanni replied as you continued to stare at him. kim donghyun. your senior and the main RJ for your school’s daily radio show. it wasn’t just the fact that you found him cute—scratch that, angelic. it was the fact that he was quite literally a walking talking enigma of some sort.
his mind was a one of a kind, you had thought when you first heard his deep voice talk about through the poem you wrote. you had sat up with a start in the middle of the break period as he continued to read out the poem you had submitted out of boredom (mayhaps to also spread your winter blues to everyone else for fun).
“wow, this person must really hate winters, they’ve described the sadness in how all the plants tend to die due to the cold” he had mused. back then you didn’t have an inkling of who he was. but his words, they weren’t even anything wise or profound. his simple take on your depressing poem had you wondering, just how was he so positive?
“i don’t know…on the bright side of it, i think winters can symbolise a time of rebirth and rest don’t you think? the flowers grow back looking much healthier and prettier after winters, in the spring. everything has a bright side to it right? even the most harshest of winters have beauty in them”
you had crept up to the broadcasting room as he was just beginning to conclude the show for that day. your curiosity had gotten the best of you, dying to know who had read your poem and turned it into a warm ray of hope amid the cruel winter. hearing the shuffling behind the door, you quickly hid behind the wall near the broadcasting room as the door opened and—
oh. oh wow. he was beautiful. was it his large doe eyes? or the slender shape of his nose? or the way his rosy pink lips had a natural quirk to them even when he wasn’t smiling? you weren’t sure what about him was beautiful. but at the same time everything about him was simply angelic, to put it straight. you were lucky he didn’t catch you gawking at him while he was bowing politely to the people who greeted him, as he walked away.
you learnt that he was kim donghyun, the one who was in charge of the break programme along with your senior han dongmin. the two of them hosted it under their RJ names leehan and taesan. their show consisted of them played rock or metal songs that dongmin often enjoyed dissecting musically while donghyun read out different letters, thoughts or writings that students sent.
“it’s not that hanni” you sighed, finally taking your eyes off him as you faced your friend. “…..i want to talk to him” you finished poorly.
“then do it!!” she said exasperatedly.
“how do i explain it to you?! i wanna know him as a person you know? he always somehow makes my poems seem like a ray of sunshine in someone’s cloudy life, and he sees things so positively all the time? i wanna be him and see life though his eyes once”
hanni was left gaping at you after you finished your speech.
“wow you’re in love”
“oh shut up i’m not”
the next day you had prepared another poem for the week, yet another pessimistic one. at this point you weren’t sure why you were writing these sad poems (maybe it was to just hear donghyun read them and state his opinion) but you loved the thrill of being an anonymous listener of gongfourz programme.
tiptoeing near the box where the letters were submitted near the broadcasting office, you barely had time to turn around and walk away after dropping your poem in the box, before you bumped into a sturdy chest.
“careful there” came a familiar voice from above you as you steadied yourself. you held back an embarrassing gasp as kim donghyun’s curious eyes met yours.
fuck, they were probably home to a thousand galaxies weren’t they? you didn’t realise you were staring until he chuckled softly, snapping you out of your reverie.
“i’ll get going then” he smiled, brushing past you into the broadcasting room, leaving you standing there still staring in his direction.
“what if he saw me put my poem in his box?? hanni i’m doomed!” you were currently wailing at your best friend who was calmly sipping her coffee. it was a free period for you as your teacher wasn’t present, giving you enough time to mentally prepare yourself for leehan and taesan’s broadcast. and it also gave you time to cry about your first encounter with him…which wasn’t exactly the best.
“relax y/n, so what if he does?” she questioned.
yeah…so what if he does? you wondered for a minute.
“i don’t know…it’s not like i like him anyways, you’re right” you said to yourself as hanni snorted.
“you don’t like him? sure honey” she snickered as you scowled.
“don’t even try lying to yourself here, you get so excited before his broadcast starts, look at him every time he enters the lunch hall hell you even eat your food at a snail’s pace to leave the hall at the same time as him” she finished befit you could defend yourself, smirking at your dumbfounded reaction to her speech.
“how do i prove it to you?” you mustered weakly.
really though, you didn’t like him…you just liked his brain. god it even sounded stupid in your head but that was the truth! his way with words really did render you speechless at times and dare you say made it flutter too— no. no it didn’t.
“talk to him then” came hanni’s reply. well.
“that you know i can’t!” you whined. “oh the radio’s starting! quick!” you ushered hanni into your regular seats in the classroom as the last remnants of one of taesan’s favourite song faded, the guitar riff still ringing in your ears.
“now let’s see, the first letter! kim donghyun sunbae you’re a greek god— why thank you” he exclaimed politely as taesan burst out laughing.
“you sure you didn’t send that?” hanni elbowed you slyly as you shot her an annoyed look.
“haha very funny.”
“next up, oh my little poetess sent another poem!” my poetess. you loved the little nickname he gave you, it never failed to bring a warm feeling inside you.
“hmm, looks like you’ve had quite the experience with some people on earth, considering how you’ve written that hell is up here itself” his mellow voice floated through the speaker in the classroom as you attentively listened.
“however, maybe hell isn’t the only thing that’s up here? i have a feeling that there are angels in disguise on the earth you know”
“are you referring to yourself?” taesan joked as leehan’s chuckles came from the speaker.
“maybe, but i’m referring to my poetess as well, i’m not gonna lie i’m very curious about you” he replied as hanni let out an excited gasp.
“oh my god?! he wants you so bad” she giggled at you who was still jaw-dropped at his words.
“oh don’t be silly, he doesn’t even know me!”
“are you really flirting with one of our anonymous writers han?” taesan’s amused question made leehan chuckle again.
“if you see it that way then sure. i however do think my poetess is one of the angels in disguise you know…sometimes i wish i could see the world from her view as she makes even the most heartbreaking things seem ethereally beautiful”.
the entire classroom was silent, taking in the senior’s words. you were sure some of your classmates who were his fangirl were glaring daggers at the speaker, probably cussing out ‘his poetess’ in their minds. you? oh you were a blushing mess, you were sure you had no feelings for your senior but now? you suddenly weren’t so sure anymore.
“hanni” you said in a small voice.
“i think i’m gonna talk to donghyun sunbae”.
the next day you had prepared another poem, one that you had penned during the early hours of the morning due to the lack of sleep. you couldn’t help it, you had to do something about the weird feelings you were starting to feel for him, he was a senior for gods sake!! your poem was quite simple this time, talking about how the heart tends to make stupid decisions by catching feelings, ignoring the advice of the head (totally not inspired by your current mood).
upon reaching the broadcasting room before class started, you patted your coat pocket to reach out for the envelope….which you didn’t find.
oh no. oh no no this can’t be.
you frantically pulled out all your pockets, searching the floor beneath you if you accidentally dropped it anywhere until-
“looking for this?” came a low voice from behind you as you whipped your head around.
your worst nightmare had come true for there was kim donghyun, with your envelope in his hand. he smiled at you, a smile that told you that he knew everything already.
“sunbae! good morning!” you bowed down hastily, meeting his eyes with a steady gaze of your own.
be confident. stay calm. stay cool.
“it’s nice to finally meet you my little poetess” he greeted you, walking closer as he handed the envelope to you.
“w-what are you talking about?” you shuffled away from him, stuffing the envelope back in your jacket while still maintaining the eye contact.
“no need to pretend now, i saw you earlier you know?” he said amusedly.
“…fine it’s me” you gave in, looking everywhere but at him now. his smile widened slightly as he tilted his head.
“aren’t you my junior? the one who stares at me during lunch?”
you felt your face burn at his words as you glared at him, yet you couldn’t find a suitable reply because…you did stare at him.
he laughed a soft laugh, and you may have melted inside because hearing it in real life and not through the rusty old speaker in your class felt so heavenly.
“it’s not like that..” you finally managed as he quirked an eyebrow.
his feet moved forward, while yours moved back.
“…i’m curious about you too, sunbae” you finished as you found your back thud against the door of the broadcasting room.
his eyes glimmered with an amused glint, drawing you deeper into their endlessness as you struggled to acknowledge the barely there distance between you two.
“and what do you find curious about me?” he mused, lips tilting upwards into his signature little smirk. or smile. hell you weren’t sure at this point because all you could think about was his warm scent floating around you.
“your…brain” you mumbled, not breaking eye contact this time.
his brain. really. god you sounded like a loser there, so much for confidence.
he laughed, a beautiful sound that bounced off the walls. you stared, ears blushing red as he threw his head back. that smile oh wow.
“you’re quite the funny one” he giggled once he calmed down, still smiling widely.
“no im being for real! you always turn my gloomy poems into something happy! just how do you manage to do that?? and the nickname, my poetess? it keeps replaying in my head everywhere, god you’re everywhere at this point it’s making me crazy!” you burst out, breathing heavily as you felt a weight lift itself off from your chest.
shit. what had you done. your eyes widened as you watched donghyun’s expression go from amused to flabbergasted to something undecipherable…almost soft?
“okay my poetess, how about this? you can satisfy your curiosity by getting to know my brain better hmm?” he said, smiling at you as you furrowed your brows.
“what do you mean—how?”
“meet me after today’s broadcast? it’s a date y/n” he grinned, eyes disappearing into little half moons as he finally stepped away from you.
you were left staring at him for the second time this week as he sauntered away into the broadcasting room, the door shutting behind him with a soft sound, not louder than the booming of your heart though.
hmm. you decided that you liked— no scratch that, really liked the sound of your name when he said it.
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a/n: man im pretty sure i used the word broadcast more than 50 times in this LMAO but let’s be fr, don’t we all love leehan’s brain :3
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genericpuff · 1 day
To add to the fashion post: According to Rachel the banana dress is supposed to be based, in part, off Trixie Mattel, which is so - What? For anyone who doesn't know, Trixie Mattel is a drag queen, and drag is a performance where gender is hyper-emphasized and stylized, especially towards femininity when it comes to drag queens. Trixie as an artist specifically goes hyper-feminine through the lens of 1960s aesthetics with direct inspiration from Dolly Parton, bands like The Go-Go's and The B-52's, and especially vintage Barbie. You can pick any random episode of UNHhhh or performance footage of Trixie's and always find a direct link to her inspirations in how she presents herself. It's a carefully and personally crafted image and style that makes Trixie stand-out and makes her memorable. And to no one's surprise, a lot of what makes a drag queen is also akin to working a fashion show: Many of their outfits, wigs, and makeup styles are pieces of art, not to be used for every day use.
Persephone, meanwhile, is clearly also supposed to be very feminine and Rachel wants to take inspiration from someone like Trixie to dress her up, but it's obvious that Rachel doesn't get why someone like Trixie is so memorable and why her exaggerated fashion works for her and not everyone else. Everything Trixie does, down to her makeup to the music she makes, shines with who SHE is as a person and performer. If you took Dolly Parton or Barbie out of the equation, then Trixie isn't Trixie. Persephone, in comparison, does not have anything to her that actually makes her every changing fashion choices make sense, she's just a mannequin who is at the whims of a constantly bored Rachel. Why does she wear a sparkly dress in the final battle? It's not because we know it's her personal style or it matches her personality, but because Rachel wanted to draw that. Why does Persephone randomly wear vintage outfits? Not because she's "old-fashioned" or has a stated interest in vintage fashion, but because Rachel wanted to draw that. Why does she wear the wedding dress that she does? Not because she chose it, but because Hera (so really, Rachel) told her to. And the examples go on and on.
To tie it back to the main point, the reason someone like Trixie can rock a huge beehive hairstyle, a goofy banana purse, and a feather dress and make it work is because we know who she is as a person and that those choices reflect herself and her interests. The reason Persephone can't is because we don't know about her actual thoughts, hobbies, or interests. These do not reflect the character, they reflect whatever Rachel saw on her Pinterest board that week.
God, it's wild to me that Rachel can reference literal drag queens but then straightwash just about every canonically queer character in the comic. Even Eros feels chronically heterocis despite being confirmed gay in LO.
Like... Persephone, a chronically heterocis character, trying to be Trixie Mattel feels like some sort of hate crime. I can't prove it, but it's setting off so many alarm bells knowing how much Rachel has appropriated and misrepresented throughout LO (・_・;)
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luminouslywriting · 3 days
hello! could you do headcanons of BoB mens with a nurse?? 💕
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Hi sweet Nonny! I have a soft spot for this particular idea, so I hope you enjoy! As always, my requests are open and I don't mind spam!
Cut for length, more under the cut, light spice sprinkled in:
Dick Winters:
-Winters has a lot on his mind and falling in love with a field nurse is admittedly not on his radar....so that being said, it's a gradual thing that he's barely even aware of
-But you know who is totally clocking the way that he checks on you, takes the time to talk to you even when he's busy, and always is super kind to you? Lewis Nixon. Lew picks up on this and brings it to Winter's attention.
-He's not exactly trying to start anything with the war on, but once he's aware of the feelings, he tries to maintain professional decorum and courtesy.
-However....he can't help but be worried about you, especially during the winter months. It's probably at this juncture that he lets you know that he's thinking about you and worried often.
-He's very sweet and definitely needs a partner where there's an equality in taking care of one another, so this balances out beautifully.
-Also loves when you medically info-dump, he finds it adorable haha
Lewis Nixon:
-Immediately becomes besties with you in Toccoa because his brain cells told him you'd be the best person to be friends with. He was right, he just didn't expect to have a thing for you amidst his divorce.
-The friendship is honestly a lifeline to him and you keep him going for a while—there's just a lot of being there for one another and checking in on one another.
-It's not just friendship stuff though; he's a chronic flirt and can't help that the two of you already act like an old married couple (in the most positive and great way possible)
-When the divorce goes through near the end of the war, he realizes that it's all working out for the best anyway; you've been by his side the entire time anyway
-Has a really sweet confession with you when you're in Austria and expresses that he couldn't have done any of what he did without you
-Also is super supportive of career and life goals that you have for when you get back to the states
Ronald Speirs:
-Honestly, he sees you as one of the few people that he trusts implicitly because you're just good at your job anyway and you're there to help the men, not to gain glory
-It automatically endears you to him in a way that literally no one else (sans the medics lol) will ever understand
-I think the relationship honestly is a bit back and forth/will they-won't they for a while....and that leads to some hooking up casually in between missions or whenever you two can get a free second
-And he does want to make things official, but he also doesn't want you to feel committed to him and then have something happen
-So he doesn't commit to admitting how he feels until after the end of the war, at which point he romantically shows up at your home and confesses everything
-Please just say yes, he's been in love with you FOREVER
Buck Compton:
-Probably meets you when he takes one of his friends to the aid station and you're there
-He's immediately lovestruck with practical heart eyes....and yes, Donald Malarkey has to hear way too much about you from this point onwards haha
-Writes home about you to his family and starts making little visits to the aid station unannounced when there's precious little downtime to see how you're doing
-Things are a casual sweet thing and nothing really happens between the two of you since it's war and there's really not time for that
-But then he ends up at the aid station after Bastogne and is so mortified about everything and doesn't want to talk to you at all. He's ashamed of how he left things before he ended up back at home because he didn't really tell you goodbye or anything.
-Once the war is over though, he tracks you down to tell you that he's sorry and that he loves you.
Carwood Lipton:
-Honestly? You're a source of light during the hard times and just as much of a mom as he is a dad haha. The two of you are such mother hens over all of the men in Easy Company, no one can win if the two of you team up.
-That being said, you're also obnoxiously trying to get the other person to take care of themselves.
-He's not about to say anything to you, despite his many letters home to his sisters and his mother about you
-But when he gets pneumonia? After Bastogne? Just take care of him and coddle him and love on him a bit. All bets will be off the table as to when he tells you that he has feelings.
-Probably starts a relationship with you once you're both in Austria and asks you to marry him before the end of the war
-Everyone in Easy Company regards you two as the mom and dad since Nixon and Winters aren't around as much haha
Joe Liebgott:
-Doesn't wanna go to the aid station, doesn't think he needs anyone to help him, doesn't even wanna have medical attention—and all of these complaints literally shut him up the minute he sets eyes on you
-And suddenly he's very chilled out and okay to be there?? Yeah, he's chill now.
-Some light flirting and touchiness here or there, but nothing too serious
-He probably even convinces you to have a fling in the hospital closet or something—war is war, after all
-But doesn't consider anything you two have serious until after episode 9 and then he realizes just what you mean to him and he has a whole revelatory period where he treats you like you're God or something
-Absolutely proposes before you make it out of Austria haha
Donald Malarkey:
-This sweet man? Who constantly is taking his friends to and from the aid station and hanging out and checking on people? Absolutely and easily makes friends with you.
-It's not necessarily flirting, per say. He's very respectful and very sweet about mentioning that you're low on supplies to higher ups or asking if the aid station is still doing okay.
-Doesn't even realize he has feelings for you?? Probably not until the very end of the war.
-And then he's freaking out because you're all gonna be going your separate ways in the next few weeks and how is he gonna find you then??
-Well it's quite simple really, you already gave him your address haha. So he spends some time at home before making a trip out to see you.
-It's not a "date date" but it's definitely a date and it just progresses from there lol
Eugene Roe:
-Literally Easy Company's shining ship of dreams?? Like if you and Roe don't make it, then there's no hope for anyone else haha.
-You two have worked together since Toccoa and were always close, speaking in your own practical secret language and exchanging smiles, stealing moments with one another
-In fact, they wouldn't be surprised if the two of you aren't already married. Except for the fact that you're not and the two of you are being SLOW AF about your feelings.
-In Bastogne though? It's a whole catalyst for him telling you how he feels because you narrowly make it out of the church before it collapses and it's a whole shitshow.
-And he's thinking about the fact that he almost lost you and you would've never known how loved you are or how much he'd miss you
-Yeah you two are getting married in Europe before the end of the war haha
Bill Guarnere:
-This man is an escapee from the hospital wing multiple times. And those multiple times, he struck up a pretty good friendship with you.
-He wasn't happy to be there initially, but once he found out you were from Philly too, he chilled out completely and the two of you became great friends
-Bill writes you when he's in the field since you're always back in the hospitals at London
-And Joe knows that he may or may not have a crush on you, and is always prodding him to just admit things to you
-But it isn't until they show up together in the hospital, both missing legs, that things are admitted
-He's pleasantly surprised and shocked when you kiss him and tell him that he took way too long and you're too committed to him at this point haha
Joe Toye:
-A sweet man like this ends up at the aid station and isn't too happy about it—but he takes his medicine like a man and is very respectful.
-You don't really want to clear him to go back into the field but you do, somewhat begrudgingly.
-And when he ends up back in the hospital, leg missing and in total distress, it's you that keeps him centered and keeps him going.
-He doesn't realize until he gets back to the states that he misses you, so he starts writing you letters. He doesn't expect anything to come of writing you—who would want to end up with him, after the accident, after all?
-And slowly, the letters from him stop. And so you just roll up one day?? Like SIR, I LIKE YOU—WRITE ME BACK!
-The wedding is the cutest thing ever and only a few members of Easy Company are invited.
George Luz:
-He hits on you from Day 1 in Toccoa. And when you give him a shot in the butt, it shuts him right up and he does not flirt with you (verbally anyway) anymore after that haha.
-He becomes your most vocal supporter and parrots your instructions back to the men because you know what you're talking about
-Checks in on you after each jump to see how you're doing and make sure that the men aren't treating you rudely
-You two probably hook up after Bastogne and his near-death experiences, leading to a budding relationship between the two of you
-Don't worry, Lipton ignores it so he doesn't have to deal with the consequences lol
-And George? He's absolutely ready to marry you and proposes the same day that the war ends
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huaidanta · 3 days
Observations about Fuuta's clothing choices
Some loose thoughts I had about Fuuta and what his clothing says about him. This was originally a twitter thread I made in November 2023 so it may be a bit jank since it was made to fit that format.
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So we already know that it's quite odd that Fuuta is the only one out of the guilty prisoners to have a clothing change for the 2nd trial. However, I find it especially interesting how his mask got swapped out for a hoodie.
Obviously, the point of a face mask is to cover part of your face. We see him wearing this mask in Bring It On and during Trial 1. While there's benefits of it protecting his identity, I personally believe he may be using it to conceal his insecurities.
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In comparison to the other characters, Fuuta has short and messy eyebrows, deep eyebags, and unconventional teeth. He's literally masking these, which is fitting with how he exudes a tough bravado to hide his inner cowardice.
Also, isn't it interesting that his older sister is a beautician?
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He also tends to wear baggy clothing or clothing that completely covers him up. The most skin we've ever seen from Fuuta is the birthday art (which still has him wearing the mask).
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There could also be something significant with him pushing his hair back and revealing more of his face than usual. As he's also wearing golden shoes, evocative of the European Golden Shoe awarded to top scoring football players, maybe this is Fuuta with fulfilled dreams and a greater sense of confidence.
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A reply I got on the original twitter thread pointed out that one of the first things we see in Bring It On is Fuuta getting ready for the day, putting on his hoodie and mask, and fixing his hair. Being shown this, we can infer that Fuuta does care about the way he presents (and conceals) himself.
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It should also be noted that Fuuta's armour changes throughout the song. He initially only wears a turtleneck, but starts wearing a black hood over it during the last chorus. His mask and hoodie are also items in his RPG inventory! It shows that these aren't just clothing items, but important pieces of "equipment" to him that boost his attack and/or defense.
(Note that fantasy Fuuta's outfit has double white lines on it which feels out of place in a fantasy setting. It of course ties to real life Fuuta's sporty clothing choices, including the hoodie. In this fantasy there are still elements of reality.)
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In Bring It On there's an emphasis on Fuuta properly wearing the mask but pulling it down when he's participating in the Dark Triad's activities.
If we go with my previous thinking that Fuuta uses the mask to hide his insecurities, it could mean that he feels most comfortable and secure when acting with the Dark Triad. Fuuta is someone that relies on the validation of others, so it would make sense that he feels most confident in himself when he's with a group of similar-minded people.
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(I'm also interested in these shots where we don't see the mask at all... The right image is especially intriguing as his mouth is covered despite not wearing the mask. It's a stark contrast to the nasty smirk he usually does when he's maskless.)
Anyways, he stops wearing the black mask in Trial 2, probably due to his injuries. He instead wears a black hoodie, distinct from the navy shirt he wore in Trial 1. He has essentially traded one concealing item for another concealing item.
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On his Trial 2 album cover, Fuuta has his hood up and is shielding himself with his hand. He's trying to hide away, to protect himself from the terror of persecution and the consequences of his actions. I find it eerily similar to the ending of Bring It On where he's doing the same thing but with an entire blanket as his hood.
This denial and hiding away from his sin is something even stated in Undercover.
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TLDR: Fuuta uses clothing, especially masks and hoods, to hide his insecurities and protect himself.
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tyunn1ngz · 20 hours
taehyun nsfw alphabet
cw: maybe afab implications? i think it’s pretty sex neutral tho and as always no gender is directly stated!
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
pampers u with soothing words and gentle touches, wrapped tight in his arms w ur head on his chest so u can listen to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat<3 him giggling when he cups ur face after he cleans u up, ur just so cute when ur all tired out :((((
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on him his arms and his stomach ,,,,,, beautifully toned and just ......................... AAAAAAAAA. riding him w ur hands on his abs when u try to steady urself, his breathy laugh w his hands aiding u in bouncing in his lap .,,, the strength hes got that he basically does the work all himself. anyway.
on u probably ur lips, loves loves lovesssssss kissing u so much(>ω^) loves how they look when ur mouth drops open, pants and moans of pleasure, pleas for more; all falling out in a haze... and also just maaaaaybe a little obsessed w how they look around his cock :o
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
thick but i think it'd probably actually taste nice is that just me
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
loves to film himself getting off and just taking nudes in general idk how many times ive said this but ill continue to say it bc i know im right ok and im fr gonna start begging everyday to see them
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i think yes, even if its just a little and he definitely knows what he's doing. he was going to be good at anything he does regardless, that shit is always in his nature somehow but now that he's been around just a tad he really knows exactly what he's doing (×_×)
f = favourite position (this goes without saying)
riding, u in his lap or on his face is actually to die for in his opinion. or just any other position where he can really showcase his strength to u, he's not fussy on the details ;p
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
a mix of both but more on the serious side, loves spitting filth that has u trembling just a little harder— but is just as obsessed w ur laugh as he is ur moans, so maybe during foreplay he'll caress u in ways that tickles just to get u giggling before he really breaks u down <3
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
trimmed nicely but not completely shaven cuz that shit gets itchy growing back in
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
intimate w him means almost no space between u, and nothing exists outside of u two and the throes of pleasure at those exact moments. and while it’s not technically romantic he loves telling u ‘i’ve got u baby’ and smth abt the way he says it always just has ur stomach swooping a little w butterflies
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
piggybacking off of answer d, i don’t think he’d jerk off a whole Lot if he can b with u instead but he absolutely makes a show out of it everytime. barely cums unless he’s looking at himself and if thats narcissistic literally WHO cares
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
besides the strength kink, biting and being bitten r huge ones for him— not only does the sensation make him cum a little harder but smth abt the possessiveness of it all that really just does it for him— ur his only and he’ll make that very well known!!!!!!!
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
he took u in his studio once and hasn’t stopped thinking abt it ever since. that’s all i can really give u on that
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when u assert urself when u kiss him, ur confidence in an outfit u feel particularly hot in, probably even would pop a stiffy over if u simply just said smth really smart— or even if u said smth dumb tbh, feed into a little bit of dumbification, make his ego a lil bigger cuz he has to be the smart one in the relationship
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
probably a no to stuff like cnc, and nothing too painful or that will draw any blood— just a little pain is enough!!!
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he has no preference but he is a bit of a sucker for a blowjob bc !!!!! he loves ur lips!!!!! remember!!!!!!! (imagine his chest heaving and dark eyes looking down at u when u give him head and his hands gently pushing ur hair back and telling u how good ur doing even if u literally arent—as long as ur enthusiastic hes going to fall apart w u between his legs wooooooo boy)
when it comes to giving im telling u for the billionth time SIT on this man’s FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
prefers rough and fast, fucks so feral and so nasty and knows just how to roll his hips so u curl in on urself its so hot (//∇//)
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
loves a good quickie imo, spontaneous raw desire and the thrill of it all can really get him off at times. a little obsessed w fucking u up the way he wants and watching u struggle to make it look like u weren’t doing anything sus at all when u both rejoin all ur friends<3
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
yes!! he’d have some hard limits that he’d say no to and that’d be final but outside of that he’d try almost anything at least once!
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i imagine it would either be one round but it could go for hours— or several rounds that aren’t as long, i don’t really imagine him being the type to go all night but hey if ur still horny he’ll get u off again however he can ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
probably not many if any at all, he can make u cum so easily w just his fingers he hadn’t rly seen a need for them but he’s game to try whatever— vibrator, cock ring, handcuffs, whatever u wanna try baby!
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
big tease, but also sometimes its not on purpose he genuinely just loves the feel of ur skin on his, so his touches that seem fleeting and like they’re meant to rile u up because hes not really touching u where u want; thats not on purpose!!!! ur just so soft and u feel so nice </3
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not very loud, loves to groan right into ur ear though bc u grow a little louder in response, so reactive :3c he’s a panter, little grunts and whimpers but all breathy and just for u to hear only nobody else Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
really really wants to try a threesome w one of his friends, someone else in txt the most likely. would even settle for one of them just watching the two of u fuck, it makes him a little crazy to think abt but he doesnt even know why
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
average length but thick … and he knows how to use it….. takes long drag of cigarette…
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty average libido until he starts dating and has sex w u for the first time bc then i think itd be thru the roof im ngl here he just wants to have u all the time hes obsessed w u and everything is just so exciting
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
pretty soon after u guys clean up but u can tell he tries his hardest to stay up to talk w u a little longer— but u guys r so cozy and so tired out that he can’t keep his eyes open and neither can u, fighting sleep together w delirious giggles while ur all tangled up in his arms<3
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yarameijer · 2 days
On Keshin and Hissatsu
OKAY SO BUCKLE UP Y’ALL CUZ I’M GONNA RANT ABOUT KESHIN AND HISSATSU, or at least my interpretation of it, SO LET’S GO. Also I apply anime logics so shhh some things will be questionable (but we’re literally talking about GIANT SPORT AVATARS AND MAGICAL SUPER SHOTS so what did you expect????)
(This does not take the games into account, by the way, so there might be inconsistencies.)
I guess the place to start is simple: what are Keshin?
According to the Inazuma wiki, officially Keshin are described as “the ability to show a user's spiritual energy”, literally translated as their “fighting spirit”. This, obviously, doesn't tell us much. From the Keshin development we see in the anime, mostly from Tenma, this ‘’spiritual energy’’ seems to be a thing that people already have, just unused and out of reach until they are adequately motivated to use it. Tenma shows signs of his Keshin aura in the very first episode, when he stops Tsurugi’s Death Sword, a moment where he was highly determined and completely focused on one task - requirements for ‘unlocking’ a Keshin. Shortly after Shindou unlocks his Keshin, again during a moment with very high stakes and his resolve is clear (‘’fighting spirit’’).
It’s safe to assume that before a Keshin is unlocked as a Keshin, it’s already present simply as spiritual energy that’s not noticeable in daily life. Through training and willpower, it can be mastered and revealed and take on the shape of a large avatar that is specific to its user, which is classified as a Keshin.
This idea is again further supported by comparing Tenma and Shindou’s situation - both without any prior Keshin training but responding to a very high stakes moment, and yet Shindou is the one who actually manifests a Keshin while Tenma merely shows signs. Why? Because Shindou is an experienced soccer player and Tenma, while having done his own training, is still a newbie. Tenma begins showing more signs of Keshin usage throughout the anime while also becoming a better soccer player and likely increasing his stamina.
Which is one of two parts that I imagine is necessary for Keshin usage. Willpower/determination and physical training. Using a Keshin - controlling this spiritual energy - will take its toll on the physical body. After all, it’s stated multiple times in the anime and the movie that you can only call forth a Keshin a limited amount in a short time and that SEEDs can increase this limit through training - furthermore, whenever Keshin users say they’re at their limit, it’s coupled with them being out of breath, looking tired, sometimes kneeling on the ground. Clearly, using a Keshin is demanding on the body. Therefore to use a Keshin, someone needs to be physically fit enough to handle the strain.
The second part, willpower, is likely why not every adequate soccer player has a Keshin. It takes tremendous resolve and especially Fifth Sector’s type of soccer - controlled, decided, flat - does not bring the type of situations where someone would find themselves in a position to reveal their Keshin. I imagine that after Fifth Sector has been demolished, Keshin usage increases. But not only does a Keshin take willpower, it also takes focus. That was Tenma’s problem in the anime; he wasn’t focused enough in situations where he otherwise showed signs of Keshin usage, which makes sense.
Remember when he first gains his Keshin? Endou puts him as keeper, to get him to focus. Tenma is a midfielder, a dribbling expert, and ‘the wind’ is literally used as a metaphor for him, all the time. Tenma’s fluid, constant movement, flowing around obstacles rather than hitting them head-on; he’s an incredibly dynamic player and the whole field is his stage, there’s no standing still for him, there’s no pure, single-minded focus when he’s constantly looking for new places to move towards. Putting him as keeper grounds him in a way nothing else does. He can’t move away because he’ll leave the goal vulnerable, and when faced with a frontal attack? He finally focuses.
So that’s how someone gains a Keshin. To be honest, I quite enjoyed the slow buildup we got for Demon God Pegasus - Tenma showing signs, not even realizing it himself in those moments, training for it, having specific training to handle the blockade - I would’ve liked to see more of that with other characters, rather than them getting their Keshin with no prior warning. Would’ve been very interesting and also given more insight to their character and playing style!
But now for the next question - what designs a Keshin? They’re all highly diverse, yet some people have the same ones. And ooh this is a part I like.
Who have diverse Keshin? The entire Raimon cast. Strong individual players of other teams.
Who share Keshin? Nameless SEEDs.
Yeahhh. Fifth Sector obviously has an interest in Keshin - they’re ridiculously powerful when you don’t have a Keshin yourself - but as mentioned before, their soccer leaves a lot to the imagination. It's not a great way to stimulate developing a Keshin. However, Fifth Sector has a specialized secluded training facility for SEEDs. Yes, I'm talking about God Eden. 
God Eden, where these types of scenes are apparently normal.
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I quote. “Bring out your Keshin. If you don’t, you will lose your life!” What kind of training is this? 
Also, who did we see with “standard” Keshin? Oh, I remember! Zero and Dragon Link. Teams that are both about as indoctrinated as they can get.
Brainwashing, abusive training, who knows what else Fifth Sector does to make their perfect soldiers. Whereas everyone who's developed a Keshin naturally has their own individual Keshin, with bright colors and details that match their person, these SEEDs seem to have been stripped of their entire identity for the sake of gaining a Keshin - ones that, I headcanon, might even have their own specific training regimes with the purpose to gain that specific Keshin.
As for everyone else… their Keshin are, above all else, individual, and fit their personality. Tsurugi has a knight. Shindou has a music conductor, a puppet master, someone who ‘leads’ and instructs other people - and Shindou is a strategist before all else (with a musical background too). Taiyou, literal sunshine child, has the Greek sun god as his Keshin.
Anyway, I’m getting back into Keshin designs in a bit, because I first need to talk about something else.
What are hissatsu, and how are they related to Keshin? Officially, they are simply described as “special techniques”, nothing more. One thing we can,  however, gather is that they’re very similar, and both involve some sort of energy that somehow can be manipulated and visualized. I assume that at the very least, they’ve got the same source, and if Keshin are ‘’spiritual energy’’ then hissatsu are, to a certain degree, the same thing.
Remember how I mentioned everyone has spiritual energy, despite not having a Keshin? This ties into that.
Hissatsu, while having technically the same source as Keshin, are applied in different ways, ‘easier’ ways. Less control is needed. Rather than bringing out and visualizing all of your spiritual energy like with a Keshin, you just manipulate part of it; you visualize something and combine it with physical movements (to varying degrees), in which the physical movement is either a way to center yourself for said energy manipulation or actual part of the technique.
Like, in some cases of hissatsu you've got these movements in which people are just standing still and doing something seemingly unnecessary. The easiest I can come up with is Manabe in Galaxy with his ‘’Defense Equation’’.
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See? He stands there and simply writes an equation in the air, he doesn’t do anything considered ‘useful’ in soccer; doesn’t tackle anyone, doesn’t try to get in their way or interfere physically.This is genuinely just a way for him to focus and center himself in order to manipulate and shape the energy however he wants to. Then, when the opponent is distracted, he just takes the ball from them.
However, a lot of other hissatsu actually incorporate the movement in how they function! For example, Soyokaze Step - this hissatsu focuses a lot more on Tenma's actual movement, and doesn't even have that many ''special effects''; in this case the energy manipulation is less obvious, rather in increasing his speed/agility and giving himself a boost of speed. The actual outcome, however, is fully dependent on his actual movement.
And then there's something that’s used by both types of hissatsu that I wanted to mention: misdirection. What Manabe does is both a way to center himself, and also part of the technique to confuse or distract his opponents - and some hissatsu specifically have the aim of distracting opponents without having any physical effect. Shindou’s Olympus Harmony is actually a pretty good example for this!
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Does Shindou actually do anything physical? Nah, but getting a blast of light to the face is gonna throw you off for a couple seconds either way, right? This is misdirection in its simplest form, and there are several shots that work this way - Kidou's Illusion Ball, for example.
But more physical-based hissatsu do this too, all the time!
You've got shots like Mach Wind, where the energy doesn't seem to have any purpose beyond putting on a fancy light show (which I imagine is an aesthetic choice), but you've also got hissatsu, like the penguin shoots, in which there's an actual specific and recognizable form to it rather than just a blob of energy. The “energy manipulation” in this case both serves a function and adds to distracting the opponent. Other shots, like Tsurugi's usual shots, could also function as an intimidation technique.
So that's the mechanism behind hissatsu, with varying degrees of energy manipulation, physical movement and misdirection, ranging from almost fully energy manipulation-based techniques like Shindou's Olympus Harmony to Tenma's physically based Soyokaze Step.
Basically, someone thinks of a technique that uses energy manipulation, whether as a distraction or to enhance themselves or the ball, and then they sort of work it out in terms of energy manipulation and physical movements until it works, which would also explain the 'upgraded' or 'remastered' shots - they're technically the same shots, but with small differences that improve the way they work without actually being noticeable.
The difference with Keshin is that Keshin utilize all of a person’s spiritual energy; they manifest and visualize all of it, whereas hissatsu just extend a little bit of it (maybe even energy from the surroundings, depending on how you imagine the “spiritual energy” works). Furthermore, hissatsu are always action-based, whereas Keshin are not. Keshin can be visualized and not utilized in any way beyond that; but a hissatsu has a very specific method and order and while their end result may vary (Tenma saving the goat), they can't just... pull it up and push a 'pause' button, Tenma can't just stop in the midst of Soyokaze Step, or Gouenji with Fire Tornado, they have to complete the movement for it to have an effect. Whereas you can just pull up a Keshin and sort of have it just hover behind you ominously, and then you can decide what to do with it - Keshin hissatsu are the result of that, because in that case you first pull up your Keshin and then actively guide it into a hissatsu - which obviously makes it more powerful because you're putting a Keshin's energy (AKA all of your visualized spiritual energy) into it.
And this explains why Keshin can be trained. Someone who's new to their Keshin would likely visualize it and then use that energy all at once, like you’re bringing down a wooden pole with a wrecking ball, whereas someone who's had training can visualize all of their spiritual energy but only actually use a little bit of it if they so desire - and therefore maximize the productivity of it. AKA, that's why Shindou passed out after he used his Keshin for the first time. There was very little finesse in what he did there, he just used it all up at once.
If we then get back to specific Keshin designs, this is a direct result of hissatsu techniques.
To have a Keshin is to visualize all of your spiritual energy, so why does it take the shape of some fantasy game avatar? For soccer players, who have learnt energy manipulation in the form of hissatsu, it actually is the most likely way they'd express it. They manipulate Keshin energy the same way they'd manipulate hissatsu energy.
The standard Keshin form is also likely caused by the way that Fifth Sector developed and taught it. They were likely involved in the research on Keshin and the methods in which they are used. To be honest, Keshin actually look like they might have been inspired by Endou's hissatsu techniques. Big giant godlike creatures? Sound familiar? I imagine Fifth Sector would have studied hissatsu, and realized that hissatsu techniques that brought out a lot of a person's spiritual energy had one thing in common: giant avatars hovering behind them. And so they tried to enhance that even more, and thus Keshin were discovered.
Anyway, like I said, the way spiritual energy is manipulated for Keshin usage is based on the way you'd use hissatsu. No one learns a Keshin first - rather, they learn hissatsu, they design hissatsu, they figure out what works best for them, they basically develop this sort of ''style'' - Endou with his personas, Tenma and Kazemaru with wind, Fubuki with snow and ice. And that depends on a person’s creativity and imagination.
(And that’s without mentioning any specific talents they might have - strategy, or attack, or defending, or dribbling.)
When learning how to use a Keshin, the goal is to ‘bring out all of your spiritual energy’ with no clear image beyond a giant floating avatar. In this process the energy is sort of allowed free reign in 'designing' it and thus will ‘flow’ in a way that comes natural to them - the way they use it for hissatsu. Therefore, a Keshin will mimic whatever style someone has developed for themselves. I imagine the specific shape will then be a mix of how they’d use their hissatsu and the underlying perception of themselves, or perhaps the desire of what they want to be.
And that is why Taiyou’s Keshin is a sun god whereas Shindou’s is a music conductor and Tsurugi’s is a knight.
Well, that was my take on Keshin and hissatsu, I hope you enjoyed it! I hope to eventually upload more of these rants of mine on other topics as well, if people are interested.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 days
Hey we've been thinking about that "OSDD was a temporary diagnosis" post for a while and. it makes complete sense what you guys said but like. we can't get ANYONE to diagnose us as anything CDD, let alone anything that isn't going to give us the treatment equivalent of slapping a bandaid on a stab wound. Is there like, anywhere we could look further into P-DID/DID research on the subject? We're not comfortable moving off of the self diagnosis of OSDD-1b yet so we wanna be triple sure to get as much information as possible.
Thankies 💕💕💕
- 🐑 & 🌸 of the Constellation Collective
There's places all over to find that info, but I want to encourage you not to overthink it. You can dig deeper, you absolutely should, but the label... it doesn't matter. It's really, truly okay to get this one wrong and switch around between the labels or use them interchangeably. I promise. You don't need to be right, because you're right regardless (unless it's a misdiagnosis, but I'm going to talk about that at the end of this, because it's important).
I am diagnosed OSDD, but I call myself DID. It's easy, I understand that there's not that big of a difference, no one is going to yell at us (me or you) if it turns out that we have the other one. We're not misrepresenting ourselves. If it turns out I would only ever be diagnosed with OSDD, that doesn't mean I was wrong using the DID label, or that I was even mislabelling myself.
Whether you're diagnosed with DID or OSDD largely depends on where you live. I made a post about this a while back but I can't find it. The US is more likely to diagnose OSDD with minor amnesia than the UK. They're more likely to call minor amnesia DID (as they should). It's literally a dice throw, and not that important.
To quote my BFF, Colin Ross,
The dividing line between DID and most cases of dissociative disorder not otherwise specified is arbitrary [or OSDD]. Most cases of DDNOS are partial forms of DID which lack either clear switching of executive control, full amnesia barriers between identity states, or clear differentiation and structure of identity states. They are partial forms of DID with the same patterns of childhood trauma and co-morbidity.
Also this quote.
So on the one hand we have a vast swathe of people who are, or would be, diagnosed with OSDD as opposed to dissociative identity disorder but who show almost all of the symptoms of DID. Many people therefore see DID and OSDD as appearing on a spectrum, and prefer to conflate the two conditions so that DID/OSDD represents a range of dissociative experiences with more or less amnesia and greater or less elaboration and distinctive identity states or parts of the personality.
It is also what happens in practice: very few people would realistically distinguish between DID and OSDD.
Both OSDD and DID are the result of the spontaneous action of the brain in response to trauma. Both contain different self-states, holding shards of memory and ‘unformulated experience’ (Stern, 1997). Both can be helped by similar approaches to therapy which encourage neuronal repair and result in brain growth such as increased hippocampal volume. Above all, all forms of dissociation need to be validated for their unique contribution to survival.
P-DID is a bit of a new one. Here's the ICD link to it, if you want to read more, but it's going to be the same as above. It's really not that important. Its main difference is that the system doesn't really switch, it's mostly intrusion (like feelings bleeding between alters and host).
These are really only useful for describing how your system generally functions.
Finally, misdiagnosis.
It's okay to be wrong completely. Maybe it's just BPD or OCD, autism, any of the number of disorders that come with identity confusion.
When someone self DX something like BPD and they finally get to therapy and find out it's literally ANYTHING else, we celebrate with them. Good job, you found answers! You're on the right path! You can get the right kind of help now. You did what you had to do in order to get by, and you did your best to try to understand yourself with the tools you had. The use of the first label wasn't malicious, you didn't hurt anyone by using it, and you probably got yourself pretty knowledgeable on the topic.
You are now a resource for those who are also trying to figure themselves out.
Who knows better what the difference between BPD and OSDD is than someone who tried out both and found the answer?
Being wrong doesn't mean you're bad, I don't know why we don't celebrate a misdiagnosis of DID like we do some others. We're all just trying to understand ourselves, and sometimes we're wrong. The point is that eventually we figure it out, and the journey there... recognizing a misdiagnosis is a GOOD part of your story, and it's an important story to share. You were still struggling, regardless of what label you used and what you're being diagnosed with.
Use the label that feels right to you. If you want to keep using OSDD, that's fine. You're describing how your system works right now, and that's perfect. Using DID or OSDD, you'll end up in the same place regardless-- hopefully this means with a good therapist who's going to take your symptoms seriously, but you're going to end up in that same chair no matter what label you're using.
I really hope this helped.
Also, I didn't really touch on it, but I'm sorry you're struggling to get a diagnosis. That must be incredibly frustrating. Don't give up. Unfortunately, the average is about 5 years for most. Keep advocating for yourself.
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bibibbon · 13 hours
Not Aizawa's old student showing up to kiss his ass again 😭
She really just said "Who cares that my classmates and me will have this expulsion on our permanent records, which will ruin our careers? He had good intentions!!"
Aizawa was really given ZERO character development, and his fans have eaten it up.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
The whole oh I expelled them because I didn't think they were ready type of bs annoys me with aizawa especially because it's so inconsistent!
Like he expelled the entirety of his last class and that must of caused a lot of issues for everyone. Especially after learning that a black mark on your record in Japan is a very big thing then why did hori do this? Like he could of easily made it so that aizawa transferred all the kids to general studies or basically put them on another type of system where he didn't teach them anything practical but only theory🤷‍♀️.
Also if you think about it every problem revolves around AFO and his existence so the only excuse that aizawa has for his behaviour is already invalid AF as we only have like one or two characters who died that wasn't directly or indirectly due to AFO. Also if the guy hates teaching so much then why the hell did he become one?
Personally I have theories on what hori wanted aizawa to be and somewhat of a post addressing problems and what could be done to solve them here. It's such a shame aizawa had potential and chapter 419 made me believe that we would get more since he literally apologised to izuku and called him by his first name which in Japan is a huge deal yet we get nothing. The most emotional he has been is either with kurogiri or bakugos death and that's it.
Also when it comes to fuwa she personally thinks it's a good thing that aizawa expelled them but I don't see how it's a good thing. Whenever I think of this it's almost like hori was trying to do something similar towards what kishimoto did by having kakashi reject any team who didnt pass his test but in my opinion this fails due to the points I stated above. Also Iam so confused because it seems like fuwa is actually close with aizawa but I barely get that feeling with his own class. A lot of the time eraser is helping shinso and not students in his own class who desperately need help. Aizawas expelling technique is also invalid due to his own biases and how he didn't already expell students like mineta.
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Yeah in conclusion hori ruined a character with potential by making him a mouthepeice
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One of the worst misreads (deliberate or not) that I've seen from Zutara fans is in Crossroads of Destiny where Aang and Katara hug after being reunited, and Aang glares at Zuko over Katara's shoulder. They legitimately claim that Aang's glare is one of jealousy, when it stems from protectiveness. Katara was left alone with the same person who's spent the majority of their journey trying to capture or kill him and his team. To say nothing of the fact that he's already kidnapped Katara before. Aang's expression is "You better not have touched a single hair on my waterbender's head or I'll blast you through a wall before you can even blink."
Aang: *has a vision of Katara being captured by the Dai Li, goes to rescue her, and discovers she's been kept in the same 'cell' as a guy that is supporting the war and genocide and that has been chasing them around the world for months*
Aang: *glares at this dude while hugging Katara*
Zutarians: God, such a jealous, possessive, misogynistic boy! If he's that bad at just 12-years-old, imagine what he'll be like as an adult! Zuko would never act like that, even though he canonically accused Mai of liking someone else right after she said was indifferent to the guy he was paranoid about.
Aang: *offers to take Katara to the North Pole so she can learn waterbending, cheers her on when she's fighting an actual misogynist, calls her sifu to show his respect, says she gives him hope, helps her blow up a factory and says she's a hero for wanting to save a village*
Zutarians: I pretend I do not see.
Zuko: I'll help murder someone in the hopes that you make you not hate me anymore after I got your best friend killed and sent an assassin after your group. Also I'll sometimes serve tea to the group because we're all friends now and I'm trying to be less of a dick.
Aang: *admits he is upset enough that he'd probably be in the Avatar state by that point if he hadn't blocked his chakra and talks about it with Katara in an attempt to process his emotions and so they are on the same page on their friendship/potential romance/relationship*
Zutarians: Immature, possessive crybaby that results to violence whenever he's upset! Disgraceful! Have you never heard of healthy communication?!
Zuko: *throws a guy over a table for making moves on his girlfriend, constantly lashes out at people whenever he's upset, will fist-fight anyone if given the chance, literally went up a mountain to scream at God to fucking murder him, and blasts fire at his friends when unhappy with how chill they are despite the war going on because he grew up with an abuser that completely fucked up his understanding of how and when he can or cannot express himself*
Zutarians: Awkward turtleduck, would never hurt a fly, can totally be soothed by a hug from the right person if he's upset. Totally won't snap at said right person if they try it before he breaks something - even if that something is his own bones.
Aang: *completely misreads the moment, kisses Katara, realizes he fucked up, feels bad for it and leaves her alone*
Also Zutarians: Anyways, I started shipping this pairing when Zuko tied Katara to a tree because it inspired lots of fanfics of him forcing himself on her.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 3, Poll 2
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Chu Sangwoo-Semantic Error
hey this is just a little more info on Chu Sangwoo (obvs you don't have to include him if you don't want to but I'd figure I'd send some more stuff in) (I also don't think I submitted him? but I know who he is) So there's a manhwa (Korean webcomic) and a tv series (I'm personally more familiar with the tv series). Basically, he's very strongly coded as autistic, though it's never explicitly stated (though in the manhwa I believe they mention that he has some unspecified disorder).So here's a list of some of the things he does in the series that are why people say he's autistic-coded:
meticulously organized and adheres to a strict schedule he set for himself
struggles when things happen that he didn't predict beforehand/throws a wrench into his plans
is very blunt, gets labeled as antisocial/being like a machine, and struggles with understanding other's social cues
practices saying things so that he won't come off as insincere
creates his own systems to accomplish tasks and struggles to work in unfamiliar environments/environments with lots of distractions
views life very logically and doesn't like it when things happen that break his rules of logic
wishes he could format his brain so he wouldn't have to deal with confusing and unnecessary feelings
There's others but that's a few of the main ones.Anyways here's a little clip from the series that hopefully helps add more context? https://youtu.be/Mai2WvTpIv8 And anyways if you still decide to not include him, that's fine, but I'd figure that I'd send y'all some more info just in case! Excited for th bracket regardless!!!
Chu Sangwoo is canonically gay, the series is a gay romance & he falls for Jaeyoung, who's the complete opposite of him personality wise. Hence the title- semantic 'error' since attraction wasn't expected. It's a really good series and Chu Sangwoo is realistic and well-written (speaking as a fellow queer autistic).
Elim Garak-Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
He has PTSD due to child abuse, as well as a painkiller addiction due to a brain implant. He is also extremely gay. Like literally everybody who watches DS9 immediately understands this about him. He was explicitly played by his actor, Andy Robinson, as attracted to Julian Bashir, and his only heterosexual romance is truly painful to witness. Andrew Robinson has also said that he has had a one-night stand with Dukat, one of the main villains of DS9 and noted lizard nazi. Do with that what you will. His closest relationship onscreen by far is with Julian.
This man. There is a reason so many people are obsessed with him. Former spy, current tailor, forever an incurable bitch. Guilty of many war crimes, including onscreen attempted genocide. Once intentionally blew up his own tailor shop (with him in it) because he didn't want to ask for help with something. In his very first scene on the show, he wears an shirt that strongly resembles a watermelon, propositions Julian Bashir, and leaves while canonically high on painkillers. He has PTSD due to child abuse at the hands of the head of the space lizard KGB, who is also his dad, and a painkiller addiction due to a brain implant he has to help him withstand torture. He tortures a main character in one episode, and then a few episodes later they start having regular breakfasts together. Once got high on Space Weed and started systematically murdering people while making ominous announcements about chess over the PA system. The Most Character Ever.
Anything Else?:
He once told Julian to eat his rod. It was about a futuristic USB stick (datarod) but he still very much said it.
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
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34saveme34 · 3 days
okay but genuinely thinking about it now cuz like
it's so stupid that smg4 fans call crack ships and non canon ships like, bad or stupid or whatever
they literally made the whole Sonic and Swag thing and like, isn't that the epitome of crackshipping?
so like, these people will say yes I like this show that has crackshipping in it but I think people who crackship suck and are stupid and I really don't get why they would do that
like you sound SO stupid dude </3
anyways I wish marware became real in some way, it could be the source of so many awesome jokes
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
Kinda hypocrite that Klaus constantly complains about Mikael treating him different than his other children because he is not his blood and yet, he treats Marcel, his adopted kid and the one he actually chose, a ten times worse than the way he treats his precious biological daughter
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