#just once and see how it goes. maybe next time i die in a video game i will say “uwaa well its the DEVELOPERS fault for making the game too
the-trans-dragon · 8 months
It's hilariously therapeutic to watch Cutthroat Kitchen because a lot of the time, when a man loses, he has the funniest little reaction.
Like even if the judge was very clear and explicit about why he got voted off, he'll be like "I thought my dish was great. I shouldn't have been voted off. I deserved to win, because I'm a good chef no matter what the judge said." (When they've done things like serve uncooked meat or used a plain century egg as garnish)
Like goddamn, people are surviving just fine, without constantly being upset with themselves for small mistakes? They can even ignore huge mistakes and chose to believe they are perfect, and apparently this has been a successful survival technique for them because they're still alive.
So maybe I can forgive myself for small things. Maybe I can be nice to myself about it. Apparently I could even lie to myself about it and pretend it wasnt a big deal or wasnt my fault I'd probably be fine--so it's probably okay if I let some cereal expire, and if I can't fend off the guilt and self-loathing about it, then its a valid option to just say "well its the cereal's fault for expiring" or something silly to escape the pointless unbearable guilt.
Like I don't plan to do that for meaningful mistakes, but why not resort to Overconfident Man Confidence to dodge debilitating shame over throwing away a single paper bag that I've been reusing for months and it's finally beyond use but I feel like I'm wasting resources and should fix it? My guilt and shame aren't playing fair or logical so I am allowed to use sneaky tricks like "borrowing confidence from a man raised to believe he is never wrong" to fight back lol.
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temtoni · 1 month
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Pt.3 of the Doomed!Au
This time around JAY!
Timeline time:
- So the ninja return to Ninjago from the Neverrealm but without Zane
- They once again start grieving the loss of their teammate but since in Ninjago theres always something going on they are still doing missions
- On one of these said missions Jay finds an unfinished video game “Prime Empire” he sees this as something to do and as something that can distract him from everything going on
- For the next weeks ,heck months even he’s working on finishing the game in his room. Shutting everyone out and coming out of his room only every two days or so for the essentials
- The others get incredibly irritated and annoyed by his behavior but don’t really do anything because they think that this is his way of coping
- Nya though is pissed she needs his support right now but no all he does is lock himself up so she goes to “talk” to him
- They have a big argument about what grief is how to deal with it and everything. Nya thinks Jay should be there for her since she is his girlfriend but he’s to busy trying to deal with the loss of two of his brothers
- Nya then purely out of anger tells him that she’s breaking up with him and runs off, Jay tries to follow her but is way to exhausted (I mean he hasn’t been eating what was he expecting)
- So he decides to continue doing the thing that has been distracting him from his emotions
- After a week or so of useless programming he gets fed up and releases a big charge of electricity onto his computer
- Since he’s currently pretty weak and because it was a high voltage, he passes out and causes a blackout in Ninjago
- When he wakes up he’s in an weirdly familiar place he realizes its the game and that he has trapped himself inside its code
- Meanwhile in Ninjago many arcade cabinets and computers or so started glitching after the blackout and one after the other starts up “prime empire” while Jay finishes up the game from inside of it
- He also figures out that he can leave the game but it causes both him and his game to glitch like crazy
- the Ninja find out and try to talk to him but all he does is make a message appear on the screen and ban them from the game
Sooo Jay, Jay in this au is isn’t a hero or a villain he’s just Jay. He doesn’t trap people in his game like unagami but it is kinda hard to leave as you have to get through the main story line first or well die. If you asked him as to why he’s staying in the digital world he would answer sth along the lines of “The people here want me to be here” “They need me to be here” etc. He wants to make sure that the players are having fun and he keeps adding more and more features.
Also while the ninja are banned, Cole isn’t Jay hopes that since Cole shares his love for video games he might come visit one day. (He is 100% sure that Cole isn’t dead, the others called him crazy for it)
Also (since you can’t see it) he still has fangs from when he was almost turned into a serpentine but he hides them with his scarf.
The updates will now slow down because i have to work and stuff but I am planning on designing the main 6 ninjas at least.
Maybe even some side characters like Akita? i’m not sure yet.
There might be some textposts about more detailed versions of what exactly happened etc maybe even some smaller doodles :)
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eskawrites · 2 years
okay so we all know Robin is a ride or die best friend, and so yes she would absolutely feel bad for crushing on Nancy because she’s Steve’s ex! Steve might still have a thing for her! but where are all my stories about Steve, who is also super ride or die, backing off his pursuit of Nancy because he realizes Robin has feelings for her???
like, hear me out
Nancy starts hanging out at Family Video more after breaking up with Jonathan because, well, they all hang out at Family Video these days, it’s just the place to be
nevermind that she really likes being around Steve-and-Robin (you don’t get one without the other), that’s probably not important
except Robin, who has gotten comfortable enough around the kids to be cool and banter with them and only ever rambles now to give passionate speeches about why they should rent x instead of y movie, is suddenly blushing and stammering every time Nancy comes into the store
it’s a miracle Dustin hasn’t picked up on it, but then Dustin--as genius as he is--can be kind of clueless
anyway Steve just smirks at Robin one day as Nancy leaves with all the kids and a couple of movies in tow, and when she turns around to question why the fuck he’s looking at her like that he’s just like “so how long have you been crushing on Nancy?”
cue Robin panicking and Steve assuring her it’s alright, really, and they settle into this funny rhythm of teasing each other for falling for falling for the same girl (”but I mean, come on, it’s Nancy Wheeler, of course we did.” “you’re right. who wouldn’t?” “maybe we should get jackets. do you think Jonathan would join our club?”)
no big deal, except meanwhile Nancy is still wondering why she’s most comfortable around Steve-and-Robin, or Robin-and-Steve, and why she’s suddenly driving to Family Video, or to Steve’s house, or to wherever the two of them are whenever she’s lonely
Nancy Wheeler doesn’t get lonely. she doesn’t need to go to someone for comfort. but she finds herself going to Steve-and-Robin all the time anyway
long story short comphet Nancy my beloved (not my usual headcanon but still my beloved) thinks maybe she is falling for Steve again and even works up the courage to ask him out one day at Family Video
Robin overhears Steve letting her down easy
“dude what the fuck, you spent all of spring break flirting with her!” “so?” “so? she asked you out, and you said no??” “best friend code. i’m not going to be with someone if it hurts you.” “that doesn’t matter dingus--” “yes, it does.”
and the thing is, Robin is more in love with Nancy than Steve thinks he ever was. and in all honesty, now that the world isn’t in danger and he has time to think, asking Nancy to be the mother of his six children is weird at best and downright insulting once you remember that she’s Nancy ‘screw that’ Wheeler
so maybe he doesn’t have feelings for her so much anymore. and maybe the weirdly relieved look on Nancy’s face when he turned her down means something
and maybe, maybe Nancy overhears them talking about it, Robin telling Steve yet again that she just wants him to be happy, she can get over her crush on Nancy if it means they’re both happy
and maybe it clicks that it’s less Steve-and-Robin, or even Robin-and-Steve, and more Robin that keeps Nancy coming into Family Video, or hanging out at Steve’s house, or inviting both of them over for movie nights in the basement
and maybe she goes to Steve, potentially drunk and definitely scared as hell, and tells him in a rush of nerves and courage that she thinks she has feelings for his best friend, not for him, and she’s so very sorry
Steve just grins. the next time he sees Robin he makes the very official announcement that “I don‘t have feelings for Nancy Wheeler and henceforth it shall be known that going out with her will not break the best friend code in any way”
Robin rolls her eyes because okay, sure, whatever, it’s never going to happen anyway
little does she know that Nancy is outside with milkshakes, Robin’s favorite tape (courtesy of Steve) playing in her car, waiting for Steve to push Robin out of Family Video insisting he can cover her shift while she goes on her first date
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theficpusher · 10 months
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Tommo the Tease by YesIsAWorld | E | 1775 Seeing Tommo relaxed and shirtless in person was a whole lot different than seeing him gleaming and shirtless on a camboy video.
Lapful Of Lou by hazzahtomlinson | M | 2055 Harry sighed, snuggling into his pillow. “You’re the best boyfriend.” He said, and then his eyes shot open. “I mean— you would be the best boyfriend.” His eyes flickered to Louis’ face, who was standing beside the bed, with a smirk on his face. “Not— not like my boyfriend. I mean— like. I wouldn’t mind if you were my— no.” He pressed his lips together to stop anymore words from barreling out. His face was flaming. And Louis was standing there, arms crossed over his chest, like he was waiting for Harry to finish. “You done?” He asked with a little bubble of laughter. Harry grimaced, “Just leave me here to die.” Or they are both idiots and it takes a drunk Harry (with no brain to mouth filter) to get things going.
If It All Goes Wrong by sunsetmog | M | 3341 Nick smiles. "Best people," he says. "Best mates." Harry moves so that his elbow's touching Nick's. "Best mates," he echoes. "Best wedding." Or: it's Pixie and George's wedding in Mallorca, and the night's coming to an end.
Baby, I'm Right Here by FallingLikeThis | E | 8186 Seven years. They’ve been best friends for seven years now and Harry’s only recently realized that his feelings for Louis have never actually been all that platonic. He’s never going to say anything because he’s pretty sure that if they ever had a chance for something more, that ship has probably sailed. And it probably doesn’t help that they live an ocean apart either. That ship is long gone, far over the horizon. or Harry and Louis are best friends who live on different continents and may or may not be in love with each other.
Truth be told, I'm lying by mediaville | E | 10363 They used to have a Thing, now they don't, but they both still kind of want to, and then they do. Inspired by the night in London on the TMH tour when Louis and Harry didn't look at each other once. This fic could be subtitled: Louis Tomlinson's Failed Attempts at Indifference.
if it's me you're looking for by eleadore | M | 14797 Louis has a bad habit of getting drunk before he confesses--or maybe it's the other way around. AU.
'cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by nonsensedarling | nr | 26375 When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
How Fast You Fall by kingsofeverything | E | 49580 Casual hookups are all Louis has time for, and Harry has a plan to stay single and celibate until he graduates. After going from strangers to roommates to friends, they both start to want more. It just takes them a little while to figure it out.
Among Lavender Fields by homosociallyyours | E | 70354 At twenty-one, Louis Tomlinson is more than ready to shed the girl next door image that's been with her since her entry into film in her childhood, but with a mother and father steeped in Hollywood tradition it's felt impossible. Meanwhile, Harry Styles is a young, struggling musician new to London, friendless yet eager for the next phase of her life to begin. When French director Marie Coutard casts the two of them in her film, it's a chance for both to break away from the people they've been. Together, they struggle through an acting process that's new and unfamiliar for both of them, learning more than they could've imagined about themselves along the way. As they spend long days picking lavender and long nights sharing the things they've never been able to tell anyone else, their love blooms. Will the flower fade, or will the love they make among lavender fields be one they carry with them to the end?
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danganronpa96 · 9 months
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Oh, this is a unique one for sure 🤔 I’ll try to answer this one as best as I can lol
Motive 1 - First Blood Perk
As the first motive, I feel like a lot of them would still disagree with using such a thing. Even if there would be no trial, someone would still need to die. Yuri would make that sentiment very clear. Ironically enough, Hiroshi and Walter would both probably find some interest within it, wondering how they could’ve utilised it if they had it themselves.
Motive 2 - Granted Wish for Murder
If anyone were to have used this motive, most others would’ve called them out as being materialistic or selfish. However, Bojack might think about if it would be possible to wish for some sort of redemption in his life. And Walter, once again, might think about how to use an overpowered idea to his advantage.
Motive 3 - Swapped Secrets
Having no idea what secret of yours has been thrown into the pot, and who has even been given it, would put some on edge. I mean, Retsuko would definitely assume it’s her karaoke affiliation, but the others would assure her that it’s not a bad secret at all, and support her through her doubts. I’d like to think Mai decides they should all spill one secret so they all feel less on edge about it, but most get antsy about it (even though you’re all dead already? Jeeze guys what do you have to loose lmao). Kaidou just yells “I’M THE JET BLACK WINGS!” and Mai simply says “We know, sweetie.”
Motive 4 - Swapped Motive Videos
They would find it similar to their letter motive. Although, just seeing that person’s face rather then their words might have pushed a few over the edge. Especially if it got too manipulative like DR1’s motive videos showing the “aftermath” of things. Knowing who your video was swapped it however would change things again. It would be difficult to not want to ask the person to see your video, even if it did lead to very bad things for some (aka Sans/Peter).
Motive 5 - The Gun
Now this one’s definitely going to be a shocker for them. Sure, the Americans like Walter and Bojack are used to it, but the others will be a lot more cautious over the weapon. Hell, I don’t even know if Ena knows what a gun is (please do not give Ena a gun for their and our safety). They are just all glad they are all on the other side of the screen watching from the comfort of the theatre. Yuri gives it a 4/10 because it wasn’t a knife /j
Motive 1 - Letters from a Close Person
This would remind them all of the motive video (well the ones who were actually alive during that motive). Curious, I imagine Fluttershy would ask Sans what he would’ve done differently if Papyrus had instead written to him. Sans guesses it would’ve be nicer to have a personally addressed letter, maybe would’ve given him some better closure rather than Papyrus being forced to film a video against his will. Dedede can only imagine his would be from Escargoon, or else a letter from Kirby would be as intelligible as scrap paper dunked in a fish tank (affectionate).
Motive 2 - No Sleep
Sans proceeds to leave the theatre (/jjj). Teto wonders if 2D could get away with it with his ‘void eyes’. 2D moves a seat away. Ashley would think it’s a weak motive, but as she watches what goes down, she gets a bit quieter. Cue Fluttershy sobbing over what happens next. Peter has probably already fallen asleep halfway through anyway (bozo).
Motive 3 - Handcuffed to a Partner
Some would think it would be a nice way to get along with others (like Fluttershy and Mr. Krabs) while others would just know they would be plotting murder the minute they get paired with someone undesirable (cough cough Peter). In that case, Brian hopes he can take on the responsibility himself. Although, he wonders that if he was paired with Parappa, what the other would’ve done about his nihilistic state much earlier on.
Motive 4 - Hallucinations
“Remember the time I started seeing dead people—” Peter is thrown out of the theatre. Miku, probably sat somewhere near the back, simply smiles, enjoying what’s happening on screen. How their feeble minds can be broken so simply just by seeing someone they’ve lost. Grief is a powerful narrative tool, is it not?
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I saw this tiktok video and it fits the 2012 boys so much
Donnie : "me and Raph have two ither brothers, this one *glances at mikey who's clinging to his arm* needs to be touching me at all times, abd if he's nit touching me at all times it's all hell breaks loose
And i have another brother, over there *glances at leo *...
Who's determined to kill himself—"
🤣 This shouldn’t be true, but it is, and I shouldn’t have laughed-
OMGee, though, I just have this scene in my head that basically goes on instant repeat when I see memes/photos about Leo’s concerning martyr habits that’s just-
“For once in your life, stop being so selfish!”
“Selfish?!” Leo goes from annoyed to deadly in the time it takes to blink. “That’s what you think this is? What about risking my life for the planet, to keep you guys safe- is selfish!?”
”The part where you’re just- just gone because you wouldn’t turtle up and stick around! What are we supposed to do then, huh? You’re always saying you’re the leader, that we couldn’t survive five minutes with you- so stay here and lead us!”
”It’s not like I want to die! Sometimes in the only way!”
“Alright.” Donnie steps forward, and that action alone is enough to draw the attention to him. The passive genius prefers to avoid his older brother’s bickering at all costs, but this time, he meets the leader with a leveled stare. “If it’s the only way, then let me do it. Next time, I’ll be the one to take that risk.”
Leo’s heart leaps to his throat. “What? No!”
“Why not?” Donnie’s stare lacks the heat that Raph’s did. It’s almost as if he’s unconcerned by the topic, as if he’s unbothered discussing planned suicide. “It’s a risk someone has to take. Why not me?”
“Because the team needs you!”
”And what team doesn’t need it’s leader?”
“Then I’ll go,” Mikey raises his hand with a helpful smile, and Leo can’t pull in air as he tries to process their youngest being in that kind of danger. “Team won’t fall apart without me, right? I’m no leader or genius.”
“Neither am I. Can’t have you and Leo hogging all the glory.” Raph slings an arm around Mikey’s shoulders, and the fury shifts into a confident smirk. “Me and Mike can take turns. How ‘bout that?”
Donnie nods solemnly, his expression never changing. Leo can’t believe that he’s watching some kind of suicide squad form amongst his ranks. Much less that any of them could actually believe that this is a good idea! “Are you insane?! No!”
“Why not?” Donnie questions a second time, crossing his arms. “It’s perfectly logical. If it has to be done, if there’s no other option, let them do it.”
“I won’t- can’t let you guys make that kind of sacrifice!” Leo’s terrified that this prospect has now lodged itself in their minds, unable to handle considering that they might follow through, that he might actually lose one of them.
“Do whatever it takes to complete the mission, right?” Donnie hums as he taps his bicep. “I don’t see why that can’t fit into those parameters.”
“Maybe because you could die?!”
“So could you.” Mikey points out. “Kinda the whole deal here.”
“It’s decided then.” Donnie claps his hands together importantly. “Mikey takes next end-of-the-world mission and Raph the one after that. Sound good?”
Leo clenches his shaking hands into fists. “No!”
Donnie’s calm stance never faulters. “And why not?”
“Because I could lose them! Or you! All of you!” Leo bursts in the hope of putting a stop to his worst fears. “I don’t care about the world or the mission or- I don’t care! I can’t do that! I can’t lose you!”
Blood pulses in his brain, his heartbeat echoes around him, and his brothers have become blurs. He swallows hard, trying to regain his previous control.
A hand lands on his shoulders.
“What makes you think we can?”
Holy banana pancakes, I didn’t mean for it to get that intense, but I guess it’s just a naturally intense scene in my head. Also- WE NEEDED A SCENE LIKE THIS IN THE SHOW, JUST SAYING, THANK YOU, GOOD DAY-
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noonaishere · 6 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - seven | above minimum wage. like, *way* above
You sat across from Seonghwa at a table in the café, his mouth set in a firm line as he read your resume. 
“So,” he started. “You’re a streamer?”
“And video editor.”
He put the resume down. “And why do you want to work in a café?”
“Well, your ‘Help Wanted’ said you paid above minimum wage. Like, way above.”
“And I wouldn’t mind having a real reason to get out of my house a few times a week.”
“And… there’s a few video editing clients I have that I really want to drop.”
His eyebrows ticked up. “Can I ask why?”
“One of them keeps hitting on me, and the other ones don’t pay enough. Only one of them is really worth it.”
“Well, I’m sorry for the first one, that’s very unprofessional.”
You nodded.
“And for the other ones, that makes sense.”
You nodded again.
“Your resume says you worked in a café a few years ago; do you remember how to make all the basic drinks?”
“Mostly. I could probably use a refresher, but, it’ll come back to me soon enough.”
He nodded and folded his arms.
“And, uh, just between you and me: I was the only reason the café I used to work at was sparkling clean.”
His brows ticked up. “Oh?”
You nodded, self-assuredly.
“Well, I suppose that I have to hire you.”
“I-- really?”
He chuckled.
“Were the people who left that bad at cleaning?”
His eyebrow raised again. “How did you know that someone just left?”
“I-- uhh…”
He smiled.
“I… heard it by accident? I mean, you and uh, the one guy--”
“--yeah. You were kind of having a conversation about it where customers could hear it.”
He nodded.
You nodded. You were in the clear.
“I thought you worked with headphones on?”
You were not.
“I’m not mad. I told him I didn’t want to have that conversation where anyone could hear it and he didn’t listen. It’s a good thing it was only you who heard it and not someone who loves drama.”
You nodded emphatically. “Hate drama. Don’t want it in my life. Try to stay as far away from it as possible.”
Seonghwa chuckled.
“I am sorry though. Once I heard the intrigue, I couldn’t help but listen. Can I… ask what happened?”
“Nothing more than what you heard: two of my employees who were involved romantically appeared to have convinced themselves that I was oppressing them in some way and left. They left a note likening themselves to Romeo and Juliet… driven by their passions, I suppose.”  He shook his head.
“...They know that they both died at the end, right?”
“I’m assuming not.”
You laughed. “Well… hopefully it goes better for them.”
He nodded. “I bear them no ill will, I just wish they would have given me two weeks notice instead.”
You nodded. “Well, maybe they’ll both take poison and die and have learned their lesson.”
He looked at you blankly.
“That was a Romeo and Juliet joke.”
His eyebrow quirked and he chuckled. “Sure.”
“Sorry, I sort of just say things, sometimes. Sometimes it's dark humor.”
“That’s fine, just don’t do it in front of the customers.”
“Not a prob-- wait, you’re hiring me?”
“I don’t see a reason why not. You can work mornings, which was Juliet’s shift time, and you live close enough that if I somehow mysteriously run off with someone, one of the other guys can call you in.”
You laughed.
“When can you start?”
“Whenever’s the earliest.” You smiled. “Oh my god, I’m so happy I can drop that one guy.”
Seonghwa smiled and held out his hand. “Welcome to the team.”
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Star Wars But Better Part 3
here’s the link to the master post so you can get part one: Master post
releasing more because I’m bored
(Time skip recap: luc argues with their uncle over leaving. The next day they discover R2 ran away to find obi wan. Luc and Treepio go off to find the little droid before Owen can find out and are ambushed by sand people. Luc is knocked unconscious.)
Ben: *Great howling moan*
(Okay Time skip)
Ben: Hello there my little friend
(Okay time skip again here’s a recap of what just happened because I know you are very confused: Sand people were looting Luc so Ben came walking in with arms flailing making krayt dragon noises to scare them away. Then he said hi to artoo and told them that he’s obi wan he just changed his name. Then he took them all to his house. Not creepy I promise.)
(Oh yeah I also forgot you had to go find threepio before you went to Obi-wan’s house but that’s not important. Now your talking about your father)
Luc: Yeah no my dad wasn’t a soldier. I’m pretty sure he was a drug dealer or something.
Obi-wan: That’s what your uncle told you
Luc: Why the heck would he tell me my dad was a drug dealer if he wasn’t?
Obi-wan: The mind is a strange thing.
Luc: Ya know my uncle also told me you're a creepy old wizard but I don’t think he was wrong about that.
Obi-wan: (Laughs)
Luc: I wasn’t joking
Obi-wan: (Ignores Luc’s comment) Your father did fight in  the war. In fact we fought together.
Luc: Why do I keep meeting War vets?
C3PO: Pardon, but I am not a war vet
Luc: You fought in space battles right?
C3PO: Correct
Luc: Same difference
(R2 tweets that he’s a war vet of course only 3PO can understand)
Obi-wan: I was once a jedi night the same as your father
Luc: Now you’re a sad old hermit
Obi-wan: You seem suprisingling unfazed by this.
Luc: My dad died before I was born. Whatever he did doesn’t really affect me, does it?
Obi-wan: Ah but it does! (Goes to a chest and takes something out of it. It looks like a CERVEZA CRISTAL… jk jk it looks like a silver cylinder) This was your father's. He wanted you to have it when you got old enough. (Thinks: Well not really but If I hadn’t happened to get it by cutting off his limbs and watching his body burn in lava then he probably would)
Luc: (Looks at it judgingly) What is it
Obi-wan: It’s a lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi!
Luc: (Snatches it quickly) My dad would give weapons to unstable children?! Man we would’ve gotten along!
Obi-wan: (Laughs nervously)
Luc: So how’d he die? I never believed my uncle's story about him falling in the bathtub.
Obi-wan: Ah, that’s how he got a scar down his face.
Luc: By falling in the bathtub? How does that even happen?
Obi-wan: (Shrugs) How he died though was much darker. (He has flashbacks of Anakin’s burnt chicken nugget looking body) He was killed by Darth Vader.
Luc: That’s a lot cooler than falling in the bathtub. How did he kill him?
Obi-wan: Uhhhh….. Maybe that’s a story for another time.
Luc: I bet it’s gory then.
Obi-wan: Unfortunately yes. (Seems like he’s going to cry for a second and then regains composure) It was the force that killed your father, the dark side.
Luc: Force? Like Newton's laws and stuff?
Obi-wan: No no, it’s a mystical thing. It’s in all beings in the galaxy it flows in us and around us. Some people like the Jedi have the ability to control it to some degree. You have that ability.
Luc: And I’m just hearing about this now?!
(R2 Beeps)
Obi-wan: Ah yes, let's see what is going on with your little friend.
Luc: I saw part of the message but apparently I’m not special enough to see the whole thing. (Glares at R2)
(R2 whistles quietly and then plays the video)
Obi-wan: Well it seems he has changed his mind.
Luc: Yes it does (Continues glaring at R2)
Leia: General Kenobi you knew my father or something… my ship is under attack… special plans we got from a confidential information vending machine is inside this droid. My father knows how to find it. So yeah go to Alderan fast. Help me Obi-wan Kenobi! You’re my only hope!
Obi-wan: You must learn the ways of the force if you are to come with me to Alderan.
Luc: (Is shocked) Wait what. That just kinda came out of nowhere.
Obi-wan: Did it? I assumed you’d known you’d be coming with me.
Luc: Why? Why would I even go with you? You're a strange hermit I just met who forced me into your house and gave me a weapon. Also like My Uncle doesn’t trust you and I’m not supposed to leave the planet till after harvest.
Obi-wan: I need your help Luke, she needs your help. I’m getting too old for this kind of thing.
Luc: That’s your problem.
Obi-wan: That’s your uncle talking
Luc: How can I get you to leave me alone?
Obi-Wan: Come with me to Alderan.
Luc: Yeah that’s not gonna happen I got stuff to do. Lots of stuff. I’ll take you as far as Ancorhead if you’ll get off my back and let me go home.
Obi-Wan: If that is how far you will go. Then shall I teach you the ways of the force?
Luc: NO! Sorry old man but I’m not joining whatever cult you're running.
Obi-wan: it’s not a cult it-
Luc: Yeah whatever let’s get to Ancorhead, like I said I have stuff to do.
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youngster-monster · 6 months
Im in finals hell currently but stranger things and steddie have their claws in me once again so have this. fic idea thing for a role reversal au between steve and eddie
Season 1, Will Byers disappears and Eddie may be a freak, but shit, missing kid, so he goes on a few of the search parties with his uncle. And he keeps going, even when Wayne's hours mean he can't go anymore: just grabs the lamp torch and walks through the woods for a few hours when he can’t sleep, often on his own. It’s creepy as hell out there, he keeps feeling like something is watching him, but whenever he tries to sleep he ends up spending hours staring at his ceiling instead so whatever. It’s something to do. He keeps doing it even after they fish out Will’s body from the quarry: Hawkins’ nicer when it’s quiet.
He tried to like, talk to Jonathan a few times at school, freaks should stick together etc, but it didn’t exactly. Work. Still, he finds himself wandering past the Byers’ house and when he sees the lights blinking like crazy and hears the noises coming from inside he decides to investigate.
Steve, meanwhile, saw Nancy’s gun and decided shit was already weird enough, running out of the narrative none the wiser. For now. Eddie bursts into the house just in time to see the Demorgogon: his turn at being a protagonist!
The following seasons would go in the same vein. Eddie gets reverse adopted by Dustin on virtue of being a cool older male figure who’s into DnD and probably spends a lot of time grabbing the kids and running instead of getting his ass beat by the villain of the week: THIS protagonist is a runner, and he gets way fewer concussions about it
(Steve, meanwhile, gets dumped without even knowing what made Nancy change so much. No friends, because his previous ones were assholes, and no girlfriend, because he’s bullshit: he’s a pretty lonely guy.)
Nancy won’t let Eddie hang around the kids while dealing, so he picks up a job as Scoops Ahoy instead. Please picture this in your mind. It takes a minute for his, huh. Loud. personality to grow on Robin, but they have that kind of wlw/mlm acerbic friendship, you know the one. When there’s two gays on shift NOTHING gets done. 
Decoding russian cyphers is great fodder for future DnD puzzles and he has a grand ol’ time up until they get kidnapped; he gets a few traumas about it and also a mutual coming out, which is nice because he really thought he’d die the only gay person in Hawkins.
Steve gets a job at some sorts of sports goods store in Starcourt; his parents were NOT happy that he didn’t get into any college. That’s where he meets Chrissy: she needs new shoes for cheer practice, he flirts with her, they actually go on a date, and he’s done enough introspection to realize boy, she is NOT having fun here. He apologizes, SHE apologizes, they’re both cute about it, he drives her home, and somehow they become friends instead. He deserves that.
So in ‘86, when Chrissy needs something to silence the nightmares, she goes to her good pal Steve Harrington at Family Video instead: maybe a movie would help. They chat a bit, he proposes they watch “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” after his shift, and then she starts floating, which isn’t a great moment for anyone involved
In his scramble to climb over the counter to drag her down, Steve walks on the tv remote that controls the display TV, turning the volume up. He had put Grease on when Chrissy walked in: it’s one of her favorite. “Summer Nights” starts blaring, and it’s not her favorite but shit, i’m in charge of the plot here, it works enough that she collapses to the ground, in a bad, bad shape, but alive.
Lucas is pretty much the only one of the kids who’s close-ish to Steve; I figure he reached out to the last best ball boy of hawkins high for tips when he tried out for the basketball team. Don’t ask me how they became actual friends, just know that they are, so the next day he goes looking for Steve to talk about recent My Friends Don’t Like Me Balling teenage angst and finds a crime scene instead. Steve isn’t at the hospital either: he’s at the police station, being questioned because the cops think he’s the one who broke a few of Chrissy’s limbs and put her in a coma (the main theory is that he asked her out, she said no, and he, what, flew in a rage? It’s not like he can tell them the TRUTH. The cameras don’t even work inside the family video.)
Cue the rest of the season. With one long freakout on Steve’s part because his parents are rich enough for him to post bail but jesus christ there isn’t enough money in the world to forget the fact that magic is real and hates you specifically
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gerec · 1 year
More from my Actors verse From Lovers to Friends and Back Again with Logan and Charles finally together and the two of them about to start shooting 'Days of Future Past' with Erik (Charles' ex).
There’s giggling in his living room.
Giggling, and hushed whispers, coming from his agent and his PA; never a good way to start the day, as far as Logan is concerned. He pads down the hallway from his bedroom towards the kitchen, ignoring whatever shenanigans the two are getting up to in the other room. There’s a pot of freshly brewed coffee for which he’s exceedingly grateful, and he pours himself a large mug, grinning as he skims through the texts from Charles that had come through while he was asleep.
He checks the time now; it’s nine am in L.A. which makes it five pm in London, and that means Charles is likely just finishing up a long day of press interviews. It won’t be for a few more hours before he can call Logan from his hotel room to catch up – on how the press tour is going, and maybe have some long overdue video sex. Good thing he’s got nothing scheduled for today but his regular workout, because Charles has been gone for over two weeks now and Logan needs to see him and hear his voice, before he goes crazy and hops on a plane to England to surprise him.
Maybe he’ll do it anyway, and finally ask Charles to officially move in with him after a year of dating.  
(If it’d been up to Logan, they would have moved in together the day Charles finally asked him out on a proper date.)
Still, he understands the impulse on Charles’ end to take things slow, and to enjoy their time together without the specter of ‘what comes next’ hanging over the relationship. Logan however, is pretty much ride or die for Charles Xavier - and has been for most of the eleven years they’ve known each other - and doesn’t have any doubts about his long-term goal. He’s going to put a ring on it as soon as he finds the perfect moment, which is whenever Raven tells him her brother will actually say yes…
(Possibly after they finish the Days of Future Past shoot, assuming they both pass the Lehnsherr test.)
He snaps a picture of Wolverine and sends it to Charles, giving the chocolate lab a good scratch behind his ears as he drinks his coffee.
“I know big guy. I miss him too.”
The dog whines in agreement; he absolutely prefers Charles’ company and attention, even if he’s technically been Logan’s dog for the past five years. The beast is constantly flopping on top of his lover and asking for cuddles, and trails behind him from room to room and level to level. Kitty had joked once that Logan and Wolverine were equally enamored with Charles, and they’d have to learn to share him because Charles didn’t pick favorites.   
Logan didn’t tell her how right she was, and how often Wolverine sleeps with them in their bed.
He dumps the dregs of his coffee down the sink and puts the mug in the dishwasher, and goes to let the dog outside so he can do his business and run around in the yard. When he returns, Raven and Kitty have migrated into the kitchen, whispering and staring at their phones as they indulge their caffeine fix. There’s a funny look on Raven’s face when she turns to greet him, and the fact that she doesn’t sling an insult his way makes Logan freeze in his tracks. “What?”
“Read any headlines yet, boss?” Kitty asks, pouring entirely too much cream and sugar in her coffee. He’s given up on lecturing her about her terrible eating habits, because ‘he’s not her Dad, and he can’t tell her what to do when it’s not about work’.
“No,” he says, and absolutely does not like the look the two of them share over their mugs. “Am I going to see something that’ll piss me off?”
“Maybe,” Raven hedges, then sighs and taps something on her iPad before sliding it over to Logan. “A picture of Charles and Erik together went viral a few hours ago on social media, so the studio sent news out about ‘Days’ to ride the hype. They’re still going to do a proper announcement next week but it’s all over Twitter that a sequel to ‘First Class’ is coming with the original cast.”
Logan reads the headline and curses, dreading how much of a shitshow it’s going to be for all of them, now and in the foreseeable future.
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
So the full story of my dip into Oblivion on Sunday:
I open the game. It informs me that it will detect my hardware and set the graphics accordingly. It fails to detect my hardware and sets the graphics to medium. I play with the character creator a bit, opting to play as an orc woman, whose name I put far too much time into deciding and then promptly forget. It had a G and a D in it, though, so we'll call her Grodnak. Last name pending, since I know there are Conventions to orcish last names in Elder Scrolls but I can't remember what they are.
As soon as I gain control of my character, I begin grabbing every single item that isn't nailed down, as is only correct when playing Bethesda games. Once I have picked up everything that I can, I begin to jump around the cell while the prisoner on the other side goes on his surprisingly lengthy diatribe. I had heard of this, of course, but didn't expect it to be this long. This is when I discovered the first glitch/exploit, completely on accident, roughly 13 seconds into playing the game, which gave me like 4 or 5 levels on my acrobatics skill.
The game continues. During the first encounter with assassins, I immediately jump forward to grab the sword from the first guard to die. I successfully pick up the sword, and it immediately vanishes from my inventory. I spend the entire fight running around desperately trying to find my sword. After the fight is over and the Emperor and his guards depart, the sword magically appears in my inventory again, except I am now carrying two swords. I guess the game decided to apologize for taking it away.
Too little too late, as in the next room I am awarded with a bow, and I simply do not possess the self-control to not use a bow in a video game where it's an option. After that I encounter my third glitch, which, to be fair, I had heard about in advance, namely the two non-hostile rats that you can sneak around to level your sneak skill. Personally I believe that Bethesda intentionally puts sneak leveling exploits into the intros of their games. I only level my sneak skill three or four levels this way before moving on.
Next I discovered another way that Oblivion differentiates itself from Skyrim: when overencumbered in this game, you cannot move at all. I approve of this, personally, as I have more than enough patience to slowly walk to wherever I want in Skyrim and as a result always get way too much gold way too quickly, eliminating challenge from the game. In this moment, however, I am faced with too much challenge, as I cannot figure out how to drop items from my inventory. I eventually have to google it.
(It was also around this point when I found the keybind menu and swapped the interact key, spacebar by default, and the jump key, E by default.)
The rest of the intro goes quite unremarkably. Baurus seems a good sort, if maybe a little bit too trusting of the convicted criminal who he left alone with the Emperor and then came back to find the Emperor dead and said criminal holding the Amulet of Kings. Yeah there was a dead assassin there too but I genuinely, non-sarcastically, do not see what that has to do with my likelihood of being involved. Oh well, it's a video game and the plot must move on.
After getting assaulted by outrageous amounts of DLC, which, unlike in Skyrim, you cannot outrun by running away from the Courier, I make my way out of the sewers and enter the Imperial City, intending to unload some of the garbage I was carrying for a little starter coin. Unfortunately it was the middle of the night and everyone was closed, so I asked the nearest guard about inns. He told me the bloated float was in a bad neighborhood and my roleplaying mind said, "Sounds cheap," so that's where we went, despite the fact that I rather suspect every inn in the game costs the same amount.
I knew there was a questline associated with this inn but I didn't expect it to trigger just by going to bed. I also accidentally started bribing the bouncer for no apparent reason and failed so badly at it that he won't talk to me at all now.
Once I murdered a bunch of brigands and then took another sleep, I made my way back into the Imperial City and finally unloaded all the garbage I was carrying for about ~250 gold. That bookstore owner sure likes me now, even though I sold him *checks notes* a broadsword, a goblin staff, a bunch of loose bones, dishes that I definitely didn't steal from the imperial prison, and a not insignificant amount of rusty weapons and armor, and not a single book. I have no idea what he's going to do with that.
Anyhow, I decided my next move would be to go to Bravil, since the brigands said they had a safehouse there and I thought if Bethesda showed a little more interest in continuity than they did in Skyrim I might loot it for more starter coin. I headed out to the stables to see if I could buy a horse. This launched me into the infamous horse armor DLC, wherein I discovered that the stable owner had eaten all of her horses -- the more she denied it the more clear it became that she had eaten them -- and also didn't want to give me horse armor for some reason. After a very long and awkward conversation, I managed to bully her into giving me a horse for free. Where she got it, considering she had eaten all her horses, I'm not sure, but upon exiting the stable a new horse had materialized out of thin air, including armor. I named it Twilight Sparkle II (Twilight Sparkle I being my first horse in Skyrim, who I accidentally stole from some hunters and then got killed out from under me by a frost troll). I mounted her and rode away quickly, eager to get the poor thing away from any indiscretious stable owners who might eat her.
This was the point at which I opened my settings and manually set all the graphics settings to high, which transformed the game's appearance from "LotRO on the lowest graphics settings" to pretty respectable for a game from 2005, and overall quite enjoyable to look at. As long as you don't look any NPCs in the eyes too long.
Unsure of who I could trust, I decided I needed a place for my horse to live far away from anyone who would try to eat her, so instead of turning towards Bravil, as was my original plan, I shuffled through all the DLC I had previously ignored and set my sights on Frostcrag Spire. The ride there was nerve-wracking. Wolves tried to eat my horse. Imp-things tried to light my horse on fire. Bandits tried to shoot my horse. Why does everyone in Oblivion hate horses? I eventually arrived at Frostcrag Spire and while it did not look hospitable for a horse it had the benefit of being very far away from everyone, and therefore very far away from horse-eating fiends. I then headed in to get my character a well-earned nap, only to discover that Frostcrag Spire does not by default come with a bed. Disgusting. What is the state of the housing market here? Outrageous. They expect me to provide my own bed. Ridiculous.
Anyway that's the point at which I logged off. It was a very fun experience, all things told.
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cerastes · 2 years
Hi Mr. Dreamer! Long time follower, first time asker. I've been trying to get into the Souls games recently (starting on DS1 Remastered), and I was wondering if you had any tips on parrying? Every time I try to do it, it feels like the attacker hesitates just a moment too long or too short and I beef the timing. Thanks!
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Parrying really is more of a knowledge check than a reflex check or something you do naturally on any given enemy. Or, in other words, you want to be familiar with the enemy's attacks before you try to parry.
Back in 2018, I made this tutorial video for a few friends regarding parries. The video is specifically for two handed ripostes more than parrying, but as a visual aid, it helps our purposes here. I want you to specifically notice how 3 of those 4 parries in the video were on the second attack and not the first attack. Why does this matter? When learning to parry, it's easier to parry the non-first hit of any given enemy combo than it is the first, after blocking the first hit. The first hit of an enemy tends to be hard to parry for beginners, and after you fib the first hit, your sense of rhythm goes wack and you end up half-parrying the follow-up moves (AKA when you are a little off and it hits you for reduced damage without stagger, with a blocking sound effect). Instead, to learn, I suggest you block the first hit of an enemy combo, and then go for the parry on the second hit, or whichever hit you feel is easiest to parry.
After you block the first hit, and you have the feedback of this hit, the sound effect, the animation, what have you, you steadily start memorizing the timing to parry the follow-up, and you become consistent with it. Take Silver Knights, for example: Both the Sword and Spear variation have combos where you have to wait a second and a half or so before throwing out the parry to catch their follow-up attack (as you can see in the video). Once you start getting used to this, you start seeing what makes a parry, a parry. The idea is that, as you practice parrying enemies with this easier method, you start understanding when, in general, a parry will work in terms of timing and animation. So from there, you go on to parry pretty much any attack you want to parry, first hit or not, but it's a really good idea to train yourself on parrying second+ hits on enemies so you start internalizing what a parry is in execution and when it will work. At least, that's how I trained to learn how to parry consistently! Lots of Silver Knights, Black Knights, and Painting Guardians.
Another thing is to be as close to the enemy as possible, ideally hugging them. This makes parries much easier and more consistent. The reason to this is due to how parries work mechanically in Soulsborne: Your parry frames need to hit the enemy attack frames. Your shield's parry motion NEED to touch the enemy's weapon during it's hit frames. This might sound obvious, but it needs to be stressed, because what this means is, the farther away you are from the enemy, the more precise your timing needs to be in order for your shield, which you are swinging from right to left, to touch the enemy's weapon during its attack frames. If you are standing point blank next to your foe, your shield's parry frames have a lot more opportunities to touch your enemy's weapon, resulting in easier, more consistent parries and more forgiving timing.
So! Let's put this all together in how to learn to parry, Dreamer style: First of all, find an enemy worth parrying, because, well, why the hell parry random Hollows when you can easily stunlock them, straight stun them with a regular block, or just outright kill them in one, maybe two hits? Silver Knights don't get easily stunlocked (you need a two-handed greatsword R1 minimum to break their poise in one hit), don't die in one hit that isn't a chunky, unwieldy R2 or a high spell, and don't get stunned by blocks, and also they are available in large quantities, so they make the perfect parry dummy (Balder Knights from the Undead Parish also work if you have yet to encounter Silver Knights!). Go to your unwilling training partners, get a good handle of their moveset, get RIGHT UP in their grill as if you intend to french kiss them, and get practicing. Point black second hit parries, get used to the timing, learn what makes a parry successful, the timing, what the animation looks like, where their attack should be when you are parrying or when you should start the parry, absorb all of this information, and soon, you'll internalize all of this. Spear Silver Knights and Straight Sword Balder Knights have an attack which is a singular attack but with a long wind-up (the big, horizontal sweep in the video I shared before in this post!). Try to parry those ones as well, since they come with plenty of wind-up and are practically intended to be easy to parry by the developers.
Remember, parries are not a game of reflex, they are a game of knowledge and experience. Even in PvP, you're rarely reacting to an attack to parry, you expect a certain attack and then parry that because you were anticipating it (the so called "read"). Do it enough times, and you'll learn how and when to parry.
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studentofetherium · 1 year
quarter for your thoughts
if a penny is worth one thought, then 25 thoughts...
just finished watching Shinjuku Boys, and i think it was a really interesting film. i think it's cool to see a film focusing on trans men, when a lot of historic queer films tend to focus on trans women, and i also always love films that focus on a specific niche subculture, in this case, trans men working at a host club
i've been getting back into regularly watching film this year, and it's been so fun. i really, really love film, and particularly over the last few weeks, ive been trying to explore films from countries i don't usually watch films from. Korea and China are the two ive been thinking about, but also Australia, and once i get through all that ive set aside for that, i keep this up, tho i'll decide where next later
purple is a really nice color, y'know?
my music taste last year was the most singular and consistent it's been since 2018, since i was listening to a lot of postrock and emo, particularly The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die, but this year i haven't really been stuck on any one genre or artist all that much, except maybe Owl City
i miss having air conditioning, but having an excuse to spend more time outside (where it's generally cooler than inside) has been nice
i need to read more. I have the Prose Edda and Understanding Media sitting on my desk, plus Ougimonogatari and Ikusamonogatari on my phone, and i wanna finish those before starting anything new
Svefn-g-englar is one of the most gorgeous songs i have ever heard
i keep thinking that i want to get back into keeping up with chika idol music, but there's just so much, and i haven't really followed it for a few years now, and i'm not listening to much current music these days anyway, so i keep putting it off
despite all the posts i'm making about Koyodachi, my takeaway from Ikusamonogatari is that Koyomi and Hitagi are truly perfect for each other. the whole relationship is so sweet, and it's great to see them have come so far together. the "18 years" motif is a little heavy-handed, but i think it's a great throwback to the origin of the series
i'm still not over how surreal it is to see covid brought up directly in a Monogatari novel, considering they all take place in the same general timeframe and ive been following these books since before the pandemic
i should reread Juuni Taisen. it's been a while
i'm coming to realize that i much prefer to write stories for my ocs than to come up with details to include in a planning document. it's just easier for me to create a character when i'm putting words in their mouth and thrusting them into situations, because that way i can get an idea of how i feel about them as a character. i'm also more of a storyteller than a write (meaningless distinction), so i naturally find it easier to tell stories
ive been pushing myself to watch more films this year, but ive also been trying to push myself to read more, and i'm hoping to finish some of the stuff that's been sitting on my bookshelf for years, unread
similarly, and back to movies, there's a lot of stuff ive bought and local video stores that i haven't watched, because i do most of my watching on the computer, and i really should start watching that stuff more
Caligula Effect is a fascinating game and i cannot wait until it's cool enough in my room that i can play more, because it sounds like it only gets better from here
as i keep practicing Japanese, every now and then i think that i should try to read something in Japanese, but it always goes poorly and puts me off from trying it again... but it's been a while and i'm thinking that i should maybe try it again. something simple, but still, something
having self-confidence is so cool. i play up my pride a bit because i think it's funny, but i genuinely think it's really important to take pride in oneself and what one does because that's a really easy step towards a better mental health. thinking of myself not only as a good writer, but a great one has done wonders for me
i keep a sticky note on the wall behind my computer monitor with all the numpad codes for special characters that i use most often. my most used ones are ��, Æ, and á
i haven't stopped thinking about the quote "can you really say a song is your favorite if you've only heard it once". it hasn't even been a year, but that has definitely led me to rethink the way i look at art, and in particular value returning to things i love more highly. my most recent Monogatari rewatch in particular has been an effect of that
having a girlfriend is so cool
i wish TJPW shows weren't all 3-4 hours long, because that makes it a slog to catch up
hey nuriel we don't talk much but you're a cool friend
i really should just commit to learning to draw. actually looking up tutorials, actually practicing with regularity, etc. all my efforts in the past have been half-hearted, but i really should commit myself to it one of these days
i'm so excited to rewatch Adolescence of Utena in a couple days, even more than i'm excited to rewatch the ending of the tv show
i'm still trying to find a new hyperfixation! nothing has really landed, but i was getting into a couple new things (Ruina and Caligula) plus was about to commit to finishing some other stuff, but then the ac broke and that's totally thrown me off any sort of schedule, so i have to wait for that to be fixed before i can really get back into any of it
there we go :) 25 thoughts
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Here it is, the man, the myth, the Floridian
I wrote this all at work so sorry if its all summed up terribly i havent written fiction in a long ass time & i mainly write with bullet points & shitty scripts, i was planning to try and make a comic of him so maybe one day thatll happen, plus i might fuck around & make a comic where he enters the carnival and stuff, who knows- anyway since i wrote this at work and have god awful memory, go easy on me
Ralph is sitting in front of his camcorder (or whatever you used to record videos in 1980), after showing off his guns and acting like he knew how to load them, he quickly ran through his Epic Carter Removal Plan.
“Now, ya see, I have this timed bomb- once I press the special button on it then I got ‘round, eh, 15 minutes I think, to jump an’ tackle that sonuva bitch! Then, I’ll just hold him real tight and the bomb’ll go off! I’ll blow that corpse-raisin’ bastard to hell where ‘e belongs and save the damn country- plus, the world!!”
He pauses, then takes in a realization but smiles.
“Course I’ll ‘ave to die too, but itll be known that what i did was good when they get the news from ma’ dad. Ha- he’s gonna be so pumped to know that his son succeeded at somethin’!”
“Now, tomorrow is my big day, so to whoever ends up watchin’ this tape after I go blam, make sure nobody after Carter knocks down any satellites or raises any zombies. Good luck to me.”
He grins and shuts off the recorder.
*The Next Day, Nov 20. 1980: about 12:30 in the afternoon*
A small crowd gathers in Florida, Jimmy Carter is by a podium giving a speech. As he ends and is walking among the crowd (ala George Wallace, what up Bremer), Ralph presses the button on his bomb and begins to weave through the people and towards Carter. Once hes only a few feet away, he looks on with an anime-like sense of determination and sprints the rest of the few feet to Carter- leaping through the air and tackling the president to the concrete- yelling ‘IVE GOT YOU YA SONUVA BITCH!!’- as people yell and scream and two policemen rush to grab Ralph off of him.
As they grab him, his thoughts run theough him in a panic:
“Why’d the bomb not go off?? Why the hell didn’t it go off??!!”
As he is dragged away he yells at the officers- “Goddammit Im rigged to explode! Let me go! Let me the hell go!! Im bout ta blow the fuck up if ya dont let me go dammit!!”
He continues to panic and attempt to get out of the policemens grips, when his bomb timer beeps. With a sharp yell of ‘DAMN YOU ALL-‘ only slightly cut off at the end as the explosive goes off and Ralph & the policemen explode. Blood & bits of gore and miscellaneous bits & pieces rain from the sky and hit those in crowd, several people who were the closest retain a few minor injuries after the incident, but those harmed the most are the two (now dead) pigs, and Ralph, who is almost unrecognizeable as he is now in very many various bloody parts.
His parts are picked up and disposed of after a quick autopsy in a cheap wooden box, not even a coffin. His only relative is his father, who could care less about proper burial. He is only left with a headstone in a Floridian cemetary: ‘Ralph Hewitt Myers
Oct 8. 1949-
Nov. 20. 1980’
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jinsbedroom · 2 years
word count: 3135
jinkook au where jungkook is a serial dater, dating people for a week to a couple months before leaving and finding someone new to date. seokjin is his best friend, since childhood, who’s been in love with him for years.
“oh wow, a third date?” seokjin asks, as jungkook quickly gathers his things and heads for the door. “yeah! i really like him. i’ll see you later seokjinnie!” jungkook grins at seokjin before exiting seokjin’s house. seokjin sighs when the door is shut. he only wishes good things for jungkook, but he knows it won’t last much longer with this new guy. jungkook has a track record of dating people for a short amount of time before leaving. seokjin can say he knows his best friend really well, but he has no idea why jungkook dates like this. he doesn’t know much about him when it comes to romance. whenever he asks, jungkook never goes into details, always giving him short answers. “she’s allergic to dogs. i love dogs. it will never work out!” “i don’t like the way they eat, it’s really messy. makes me lose my appetite.” “he snores when he sleeps. i can’t be with someone i can’t even sleep next to.” seokjin figures he just gets bored easily and has commitment issues, like he’s always had. ever since they were young, jungkook was never able to stick to one hobby. he could never settle for one and would move on to the next. since elementary school, jungkook would make a new group of friends every year and his friendships from the previous year would just die out, naturally. he could never finish the last bite of his food or finish an entire movie because he would just get bored of it. seokjin has been the only constant in jungkook’s life for a long time. they’ve been friends since they were kids. they met in kindergarten, becoming each other’s first best friends. they’ve been inseparable ever since. it’s been 20 years since then. at some point, seokjin found himself in love with jungkook. he doesn’t know when it happened. maybe he’s always loved him. sometimes, he questions if he’s actually in love at all. he’s never experienced it before with anyone else, so how does he know it’s love? seokjin tries to put himself out there, as jungkook does. he goes on a date once or twice a year. he’d go more often but something with jungkook always comes up when he plans dates. jungkook takes top priority in his life. he knows he’s also jungkook’s top priority. at the end of the day, seokjin can’t imagine end game with anyone but jungkook. and maybe that’s why he believes he’s in love. imagining life, growing up and growing old, with someone else was simply unimaginable. a thought he couldn’t even fathom. part of him thinks that someday jungkook will find someone he’ll fall in love with. seokjin will still be in his life, in that case. that’s enough for him. another part of him thinks that maybe jungkook will reciprocate his feelings, but seokjin would never actively seek it. if jungkook wanted to be with seokjin, he would ask seokjin out on dates and not seek out other people. jungkook isn’t exactly shy about asking people on dates, so by now… well, that’s just what seokjin thinks. seokjin checks the time. it’s 7pm, dinner time, but he has no appetite. he’s okay with eating dinner alone, but knowing that jungkook is having dinner with someone else just makes him feel lonely. he decides he’ll take a little nap on the couch and then eat when he wakes up. he’s also exhausted from doing nothing today. jungkook came over to hang out, but they didn’t do much together. they just co-existed—jungkook playing video games on his computer, while he watched movies on his own. he sets an alarm for 1 hour and falls asleep on the couch.
seokjin wakes up in his bedroom. how did he get here? it's 11pm. what happened to his alarm? the first thing he sees when he walks out of his room is a bag of takeout boxes. in the kitchen, on the dish rack, he sees a dish and a pair of chopsticks that have been washed. on the couch, jungkook is sleeping. the tv is on, but nothing is playing, just a “are you still watching?” screen. he must’ve fallen asleep watching something. it seems that jungkook brought dinner for the two of them, but ended up eating by himself because seokjin was sleeping. he guesses jungkook must have carried him to his room and then ate by himself. how did he sleep through all of that? seokjin heats up the food and eats by himself, not paying much attention to the sleeping jungkook, but his heart felt full just knowing jungkook was near him. while seokjin is washing his dish, he hears jungkook stretch and walk over to the kitchen for a glass of water. “finally awake?” seokjin asks, as he dries his hands and goes to sit on the couch, still warm from jungkook’s body heat. “barely.” jungkook replies, taking big gulps of water, before following seokjin to the couch. “were you comfy?” “yeah, but it’s not as comfy as you and your bed. i didn’t want to wake you though.” jungkook smiles. it was so easy to imagine them being in a relationship, having a life together. they existed seamlessly together in the same space. it was all so comfortable and natural. but reality is different. seokjin looks over at jungkook to see hickeys on his neck. he only lets himself feel hurt for a second before smiling back at jungkook. “so how was your date?” seokjin questions. “it was barely a date. he just brought me to his house and then… well his bedroom was so messy, i had to leave. we didn’t eat so i bought some dinner for us to eat together, but you were asleep so… yeah.” seokjin chuckles. “you let a messy room get in the way of-” “i don’t sleep—have sex—with people, seokjin.” jungkook cuts in, sounding irritated. seokjin has never received this type of reaction from jungkook before. it throws him off a little. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to assume. i’ve just always thought you-” seokjin tries to apologize, but is cut off again. “i get it! you see me covered in marks and just assume i sleep around. i date a lot too. and i never fixed you when you just assumed—and i never talk about my dating issues with you—just know i don’t though. i never let it get that far.” “okay, i got it… is everything okay?” seokjin is worried. he doesn’t understand why he’s acting this way. jungkook takes a deep breath. then he moves seokjin’s arm so that he can lay his head in seokjin’s lap and make himself comfortable, placing seokjin’s hand in his hair, something jungkook does when he feels stressed and needs comfort from seokjin. naturally, seokjin starts combing through his hair. they stay like this in silence for a while. “i think i want to stop dating.” jungkook finally says. “why?”
“it just never feels right. other people just… don’t feel right on my skin. people just want me for something i don’t want to give them. it’s exhausting. do people think i’m easy? i just don’t want to do it anymore. i don’t want to deal with dating anymore."
“that’s okay jungkook. it’s your decision. you… you’re amazing. i’m sorry that other people don’t see that.” seokjin doesn’t really know what the right thing to say is, but he says it anyway, hoping it would make jungkook feel better. jungkook reaches above his head to hold seokjin’s hand, stopping him from combing through his hair. he sits up completely and looks at seokjin. “can i sleep here tonight?” jungkook asks. “of course you can, you always can.” seokjin smiles. with that, jungkook pulls seokjin off the couch and together, they go into seokjin’s room.
seokjin thinks maybe his view on best-friendships is a little skewed from being best friends with jungkook. they cuddle often. they hold each other closer than he’s seen friends hold each other. he thinks that’s just their unique friendship. everyone’s a little different, right? except not everyone is in love with their best friend. seokjin always feels a little guilty when jungkook holds him close like this. he feels a little guilty when they sleep together like this. he feels a little like he’s taking advantage of jungkook’s friendship. he feels bad that he enjoys being held like this because it means something different for him, but he would never say anything to jungkook. “can’t sleep?” he hears jungkook mumble from above him. seokjin is lying in jungkook’s arms, head on his chest. he can feel the rise and fall of jungkook’s chest as he takes a deep breath. jungkook moves, gently pushing seokjin off his body so that he can sit up to turn on the bedside lamp to a dim setting. then he lays down, making himself comfortable again, throwing an arm and a leg over seokjin’s body, looking at seokjin at eye level. seokjin blinks a few times to adjust to the light. “how did you know i wasn’t asleep?”
“you just didn’t breathe like you were asleep, i guess? we laid here for an hour and it just didn’t sound or feel like you were sleeping.” jungkook explains. “you know what i feel like when i sleep? weirdo. doesn’t that mean you weren’t sleeping either?” seokjin smiles. “i always fall asleep after you. you sleeping helps me sleep. is there something on your mind?” “not really. i was just enjoying being held by you.” seokjin admits. he presses his mouth shut so that he wouldn’t accidentally say more. he can feel himself warming up with blush. “you’re doing that thing with your lips when you silence yourself. tell me!” jungkook laughs. seokjin pushes jungkook’s leg off of himself and turns around. immediately, jungkook moves closer to throw his leg over seokjin again, holding him close from behind. “just tell me!”
“it’s really nothing. like i said, i was just enjoying being held by you. that’s it.” jungkook hugs seokjin tightly and gives him a kiss on the back of his head. “good thing I enjoy holding you then, hm? get some sleep. i’m not going anywhere.”
jungkook sleeps over more often now. they hang out more often too. it’s been 3 months since he decided he would stop dating.
instead of spending time and energy meeting new people and going out with them, jungkook has spent all that extra time with seokjin. they go out to eat, go out for walks, hikes, bike rides. they go indoor rock climbing, play tennis, take boxing lessons together… on lazy days, they cuddle on the couch, watch shows, play video games, order take out… discovering new things to do and places to go together, but also enjoying what they’ve always enjoyed.
this is what dating should be like, right? jungkook wonders if this is what being in a relationship is supposed to feel like. he started to see the difference between his dates and seokjin. he just loves seokjin so much. he’s spent a lot of time with seokjin before, he was always over at seokjin’s place. but now, he was pretty much living with seokjin. he barely went back to his own apartment.
everything was so much easier and more comfortable with seokjin. he didn’t have to play himself up or worry about what seokjin might think of him, because he already knew.
since he stopped seeing other people, he started to realize seokjin was the person he wanted to be with, maybe some part of him always knew. he can’t help but feel like seokjin wants to be with him too.
he notices the ways in which seokjin adjusts himself to fill his needs. it’s something seokjin has always done, but he's really seeing it, now that his focus is entirely on seokjin. he notices that when he struggles to choose something from the menu, seokjin would just order it all, and they would share and take the leftovers home. he loves when seokjin feeds him. he notices that there are some days when seokjin wants to watch a movie, but will watch a short cartoon instead with him. he loves that he can stay awake for the whole show without falling asleep halfway. and when he does fall asleep, seokjin cuddles with him on the couch. he notices that seokjin always tries his hardest to beat him when they play sports or games. and when he’s not good at something, he’ll practice a lot to get better. he loves that seokjin knows he loves the challenge. he notices that seokjin is always neat and always cleans up right away. this probably isn’t something he does for jungkook, but he appreciates it so much. he hates mess and so does seokjin. in fact, he probably hates mess because he’s grown up with such a tidy seokjin. isn’t this what love is? isn’t this how seokjin shows him that he loves him?
tonight, those thoughts hit him like a ton of bricks as he lays in seokjin’s bed, arms and legs tangled with each other, while seokjin’s telling some story about work.
it all hits him. “-and he kept messing up because he was laughing so hard!” seokjin laughs as he’s telling the story.
seokjin gathers himself to stop laughing, but still smiling. “yeah?”
“how did you feel when i was dating all those other people?” “i mean it wasn’t great, but whatever makes you happy jungkookie, i’ll support you.” “… i hated whenever you had dates.” jungkook admits. seokjin laughs, not really understanding where this is going. “yeah, i could tell! remember when you called me right before i had to leave for my date last year. and for what? to help you organize your closet?” “i just didn’t want you to go.” jungkook admits. “you could just tell me that next time.” “if i told you not to go, you wouldn’t?” “of course!” “okay… then,” jungkook untangles himself from seokjin and sits up, leaning on the headboard of the bed, “don’t go on dates with other people anymore.” seokjin follows, sitting up, leaning over to look at jungkook’s face with a worried expression on his. “okay, i wont. what’s this about?” “i don’t want you to be with anyone else. it’s selfish, but i want to occupy all your free time. i just want to… i love you, seokjin.”
“i love you too. are you scared i won’t love you anymore if i go on a date or something?”
“no seokjin. i love you. i want to be with you. i want this. us. all the time, like we have been for the past 3 months. and honestly, before that too, probably. i don’t want to date and i don’t want you to date either, unless it’s us.” jungkook looks down at his hands. he’s scared to look at seokjin’s face. scared of being rejected. but he feels so confident that his feelings are reciprocated that he just said it all. for just a moment, there’s silence. then seokjin reaches over to hold jungkook’s hand. “how long have you felt this way?” seokjin asks. “i don’t know. forever? but i’m feeling it more right now.” “forever? but you dated all those people.”
“but none of them lasted and none of them felt right. they weren’t you. i think i always knew it was you, but i only realized it recently. i didn’t know that you wanted to be with me before either. but recently… it just feels like you do, or at least i’m only noticing it now…” jungkook lifts his head to look at seokjin. “you do right?” seokjin moves closer to jungkook, tightening his grip on jungkook’s hands. “of course i do! i’ve loved you for years jungkook. are you telling me we could have been together this whole time?” jungkook pulls his hand out of seokjin’s and with both hands, he rubs his face. “oh god we’re so stupid. we’re so dumb. friend don’t do what we do and yet… somehow neither of us knew?” “what do we do?”
“seokjin, every night, i hold you like you’re the love of my life—you are, by the way. and every night, i have to stop myself from…” jungkook grunts, shaking his thoughts away, then continues, “best friends aren’t like that.”
“i’m the love of your life?” seokjin starts to cry. he’s been in love with jungkook, feeling guilty about it for so long, and to learn that his feelings are reciprocated was overwhelming. “baby, don’t cry.” jungkook hushing seokjin, pulling him into his lap. “baby?” seokjin cries a bit harder than before, scooting himself closer on jungkook’s lap. “why are you crying?” jungkook uses his sleeve to wipe away tears falling down seokjin’s face. “you love me. i’ve been… nevermind. i’m just happy.” seokjin laughs while crying." jungkook pulls seokjin into a hug, rubbing his back to comfort him. “you feel right on my skin.” seokjin sniffles, still crying. “oh my god. you’re so weird. who says that?” “but you love me.” “yeah, and you love me.” jungkook pushes seokjin off his lap so they can lay down again, so he can hold seokjin in his arms, as he does almost every night. “stop crying, your snot is getting all over my shirt.” jungkook chuckles. “s-“ seokjin sniffles, “sorry.” then he fully wipes his face on jungkook’s shirt. “seokjin! ugh, that’s so gross!” “are you going to leave me?” “… no. but that’s still gross.” seokjin laughs, getting up. “i’ll go wash my face.” when seokjin gets back, jungkook isn’t wearing a shirt anymore. he was probably too lazy to get up and get a different shirt. seokjin climbs back into bed, back into jungkook’s arms. he loves feeling jungkook’s bare skin. “so we’re boyfriends now right?” jungkook asks. “if you want to be.” “so… i can kiss you?” “yes. you kissed me before, but you’re asking now?” “you know what i mean…” seokjin turns his body over so he’s facing jungkook and pecks his lips, then goes back to his former position before jungkook can see any blush forming on his face. “goodnight!” seokjin says. jungkook holds him a little tighter after that. seokjin can feel his heart beating faster through his chest. seokjin falls asleep like this, loved and happy.
it turns out the transition from “best friends” to “boyfriends” wasn’t much of a change for the pair. they’re still the same as they always were: inseparable. except they kiss a lot now.
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
Scotty, don’t beam me up yet, I’m taking a sh–: Transporter accidents in Star Trek
by Ames
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[image from Jake and Ames’s visit to the Star Trek Original Series Set Tour, Ticonderoga, NY]
Cheeky blogpost title aside, the transporter in Star Trek is a horrifying invention and has proven to be dangerous countless times throughout the franchise. Well, maybe not countless, as we here at A Star to Steer her By are going to count the times right now! We talked about how great they are in our future tech article, and now we’re going to look at all the numerous downsides.
We’re not about to have the “do you die every time you go through the transporter?” debate because that’s a little too philosophical for this listicle (and who can beat this CGP Grey video?), so let’s see what McCoy finds so scary about beaming up. There’s a lot to choose from: getting split in two, ending up in another dimension or back in time, or just never getting reassembled correctly again. Check them all out below, listen to our discussion on the podcast episode (discussion starts at 1:02:09), and energize!
[images © CBS/Paramount]
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“The Enemy Within”
Our first bungle in the jungle happened very early actually. The fifth aired episode of all of Trek was the well-known Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde allegory that we disliked so much way back in the day. And as transporter accidents go, it was enough to make any audience member wonder if these danged contraptions are worth using in the first place. For some it’s an intriguing look at what facets make up a person, but for others it’s clearly not something to mess with lest you get split into two people who cannot survive on their own.
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“Mirror, Mirror”
It was due to some transporter wonkiness and ion storms and other technobabble that we first shimmered into the mirror universe. And it was a pretty interesting outing once you ignore all the illogical coincidences which we can mostly forgive for the sake of a story that depicts other ways Trek society could have gone if not for all the idealism and general not being fascist. A little less forgivable is how subsequent series would overuse the mirror universe so much, but who can really blame “Mirror Mirror” for that?
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The Motion Picture
It isn’t until we hit the big screen that the transporter starts to get legitimately scary. In a mentally scarring scene, we witness what happens when the transporter goes really really wrong. Kudos to the sound effects team for making the unfathomable deaths of two crewmembers something so gross and frightening. We may not understand what is truly happening, but it’s clear that it’s Galaxy Quest’s “turned inside out and exploded” kind of terrible. And each new cut of the movie makes the scene progressively more stomach-turning. Check out the latest director's cut if you haven’t seen it yet, if you dare.
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“The Next Phase”
It took The Next Generation much longer to get clutzy with the transporter – all the way to near the end of the fifth season! – but once they did, they were all butterfingers. One of the better uses we recall of the trope is when La Forge and Ro end up phased after failing to transport off a damaged Romulan vessel. Like earlier instances from TOS, it becomes more of a character study, this one focusing on how people cope with loss, as well as a bit of a survival adventure. 10/10 would go to that funeral.
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“Realm of Fear”
The sixth season of TNG has basically a transporter accident every other week. They really should have shut these things down after a point because it was actually a little silly. We start off exploring Barclay’s well-deserved fear of transporters in the episode that introduces us to transporter psychosis. The whole thing is trippy and confusing, and there are shapes in the interspace between beamings that are both people and also quasi-energy microbes? I dunno if I fully understood this episode, or if anyone did, but I’m with Barclay on this one: I’ll just be taking the shuttle after this.
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Literally two episodes later, a new problem comes out of the transporter! This one’s a good problem to have though, as it’s an old familiar face in Montgomery Scott. We also explore the possibility in this episode of storing a person’s signature in the pattern buffer basically indefinitely. Now in this instance, it only worked for one out of two test subjects, which are abysmal odds if you ask me. Redacting spoilers: We see the buffer used to store a person with much less fatal results in Strange New Worlds, so that’s nice to see. And maybe a little in Star Trek (2009), but I’ve blocked most of that movie…
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One of the worst things the transporter ever gave us was the episode “Rascals,” about which I’ve certainly shared my opinions before. As if de-aging back into children isn’t obnoxious enough, the physics behind the transporter contradict themselves scene by scene depending on what was needed to make the story progress. Luckily, what the transporter breaks it usually also fixes so we don’t have to deal with this mess of bad child actors, absolutely nonsensical science, and kiddie show gags for very long.
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“Second Chances”
Prepare to have an identity crisis with this one. We’ve already seen in “The Enemy Within” that the transporter can split you in half, but in this case the two valid, self-sustaining copies are virtually identical, not some personality grab bag. Both Rikers have the same legitimacy to the name and life of our favorite trombonist, so what does it mean for a person to have two lives that fork so significantly? The question haunts me to me very souls.
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“Past Tense”
One of these days we’ll cover all the time travel episodes (subscribe to the page if you haven’t yet!), but the two-parter that brings our Deep Space Nine heroes to the Bell Riots is the only time that transporter shenanigans are the cause. As if getting thrown back in time to a perilous era isn’t enough, we also see O’Brien and Kira collecting chronitons so they can replicate the accident and go back to various points in time, mostly for the effect of the sight gags we get. Peace and love!
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“Our Man Bashir”
Somehow we got a combination of a transporter accident and a holodeck malfunction wadded together into an episode that is simultaneously both and neither. In the end, it’s all a happy excuse to let most of the cast chew the hell out of the scenery in a genuinely fun, over-the-top espionage thriller parody thing! We’ve got to credit Eddington and Rom for quick thinking when the transporter just isn’t cutting it when they find a rare excuse in Deep Space Nine to do a holodeck episode, another topic we’re sure to revisit (like and subscribe!).
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“The Darkness and the Light”
The last time we had a really gruesome death in the transporter was way back in The Motion Picture, and frankly, we’ve gotten too comfortable with the thing. So when Kira's resistance friend Fala gets horribly murdered in a transporter that’s been sabotaged, it’s a bit of a wakeup call that when these things go wrong, they go very very wrong. What’s your take? Is the TMP death more gruesome than “The Darkness and the Light”? Thanks, I’ll just take the stairs.
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“Treachery, Faith, and the Great River” 
Okay, I’m just including this episode because it’s when we learn of the report on how Weyoun 5 died: in a transporter accident and definitely not because of anything that Damar was up to. Not even a little bit. Why would you even think that? Damar 2024.
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Update 1/28/24: Holy Robert Oppenheimer, I forgot one! Whatever the hell Jetrel was trying to do and failing utterly at definitely deserves mention on this list because it was downright horrifying in the same way as some of these other instances are horrifying. The Talaxians have already been through enough, dying traumatically in the Metreon Cascade, but when Jetrel attempts to put someone’s loose particles back together and it just looks like a being getting tortured, that’s another step into nightmare land.
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You’ll remember we were big fans of the episode “Tuvix” when we wrapped season 2 of Voyager because the ethical debate it presents us with is so fascinating. Like an episode that splits you in two, it presents you with a crisis of identity so profound it leaves minds reeling, but this time a little bit the opposite. Having two people merged into one to create a whole new person with their own sense of self is just interesting to watch and also heartbreaking in its obvious conclusion. Never trust orchids.
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This week’s podcast episode covers this one more in depth, so I’ll be brief here. Transporting someone with Borg nanobots and someone with a mobile emitter from the future yields an even more magical mobile emitter capable of spawning new life if it gets a bite of tasty tasty human flesh. Which of course it does. What we’re left with is One, who is a darling little freak of nature who gives more evidence that individuality is a right, regardless of what certain Borg Collectives have to say.
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“Strange New World”
If all of the transporter accidents we’ve seen so far have been reckless, dangerous, and downright horrifying, then obviously the device was only going to be more unsafe when it was brand spanking new. When we see early uses in Enterprise, the characters are basically flipping a coin every time they use the thing, as is shown in the season 1 episode “Strange New World,” in which a crewmember is transported during a windstorm and the debris and sticks and stuff from his surroundings freakin’ merge with his flesh! How did this thing make it past testing?!
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In season 4 of Enterprise, we meet the inventor of the transporter, Emory Erickson, who just proves to us how dangerous the device is. Erickson has been working tirelessly to rescue his son Quinn, whose pattern got lost during an experiment, leaving his form in kind of a limbo space between existence and the buffer, a ghost that haunts space as much as his predicament haunts his father.
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“Much Ado About Boimler”
Y’all knew that Lower Decks would repeat a couple of the tropes we’ve seen before, but with their own twists. The first transporter accident we see in the cartoon is basically “The Next Phase” again, but with only half the characters and only half phased. What we’re left with is a partially phased Boimler and a good bunch of jokes about how Starfleet treats crewmembers with disabilities.
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“Kayshon, His Eyes Open”
That’s not the last time Boimler will have a rough time with the transporter since Lower Decks tends to drag his character a little bit (read: a lot). After foreshadowing it for quite a while with jokes about Will and Tom Riker from “Second Chances,” the episode pays off with a decent punchline of having a similar transporter accident create two Boimlers who are also the both same and yet also kinda hilariously different.
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the other side! Thank you for beaming with us today; please exit the transporter pad in an orderly fashion. Keep watching this space for more great Trek topics, keep up with our watch-through of Voyager over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts, friend us on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t forget to tip your transporter chief.
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