#just random stuff actually
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I'm a Charles girlie (if it wasn't already obvious from a quick glance at my profile), but Charles being committed to an immovable center as the GQ editors note frankly in this article [ https://www.gq.com/story/charles-leclerc-carlos-sainz-ferrari ], highlights a peculiar flaw in the 1st driver-2nd driver issue. For a team like RedBull, that system seems to work, but for Ferrari, they've dominated more when they've had constant and equal support for both drivers.
All this solemn and outright sacred treatment of Charles would be bound to make feel his teammate disappointed, forcing him to want to prove himself, in a non-symbiotic way. When you play favorites, you'll create rivals who would not want to help out the other until their position is first solidified. Mexico 23, where Ferrari was P1-2 and we ended up with P3 leading with P5 ramming into P1—Max should've been blocked my guy, what were you doing???
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Sainz's family's saltiness towards Charles is both weird and understandable. As a parent, you'd want your kid to not be treated as a second choice right. I mean I'm in no way saying that the shady tweet likings are is in any way a healthy way to deal with such concerns, but at the end of the day, Charles, even in his losses is lauded, while Carlos's wins are even dismissed [p.s. Ted Kravitz's Ferrari won with the wrong car].
Then again, Charles has proven himself a considerable contender for the world championship, as seen in 2022, so a rudimentary conclusion would be that such partiality towards Charles is deserved. But in the long term, Ferrari switching back and forth between favouring drivers goes against themselves as well as the drivers.
Here is where RedBull wins out. Yes, they would much rather have Max win to continue his winning streak, but don't be fooled—Max wins FOR RedBull, not for himself, at least that's the idea, it would seem, from RedBull's end. He's just another employee, a star employee maybe, but an employee nonetheless. They have to have the P1-2 finishes always, because that'd mean more collective points, thus a bigger earning for the company. Naturally, Checo might have to always help Max (sometimes with no return), but he'll never be "sacrificed." ["I think they're going to sacrifice Leclerc. "— George Russell, most probably Singapore 23] Because guess what RedBull actually wants both of their drivers to do good!
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egophiliac · 24 days
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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saebaragi · 8 months
"literally what would be the platonic explanation for this?" are you sure you're ready for that conversation?
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hrokkall · 7 months
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I'm talking to a machine
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Leo getting hit with a truth curse but instead of forcing him to admit to super sad or worrying things it’s things like “it was me who broke the remote” “I saw Mikey prank Donnie and helped hide it because it’s way funnier if he didn’t know who it was” “I rip my clothes to look more like Raph’s because he’s really cool” “my stripes aren’t even red they’re pink!”
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#plot twist he COULD be admitting angsty stuff but he’s pushing the less oof truths forward instead on purpose#raph: hey leo what do you want for dinner#leo: *about to bare his soul on all his internal torment but pivots* I’m afraid of snakes#(no but fr Leo’s stripes being technically more pink instead of red is cute ngl)#(a very reddish pink to the point that in certain lighting it looks red but at the base they’re p pink)#(i also am very fond of the idea that Leo doesn’t just have questionable taste in fashion he also just loves Raph a lot and looks up to him)#but yeah I think that something like this would be 99% Leo admitting to unimportant things or admitting to how much he values everyone#like they all KNOW Leo loves them and he’s talked them up enough for them to know but it’s different when he’s like#‘I just wanna read my comics with you guys around - it’s my favorite place to be’#or again just random bs that doesn’t REALLY have a lot of weight like#‘I like using my portals to prank random people around the world’#‘I’m worried about being a bad influence on hueso jr’#‘sometimes I kinda wanna see hypno’s plans succeed’#‘it’s been way too long since I found this out and honestly it’s embarrassing but I actually don’t have a di-‘#SORRY COULDNT HELP MYSELF#(<-but did u know that that pink rather than red observation actually ties into this headcanon as well if u know about red eared sliders)
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samijey · 1 month
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you wanna #$@% me so bad it makes u look stupid
that's it. that's the feud
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meamiiikiii · 8 days
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a combo(s pretzel),,, will save him,,, from being K.O.
[the context/idea of this is from a stream i was on with a friend!!]
((link to stream/vods post below, since it was posted separately))
streams over! heres is the link to the stream post from my main. done separately due to being rated mature tho ASFADA
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solargeist · 1 month
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i wanna redesign Watcher Mum chat what do we Think
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kaiserouo · 13 days
traveler powder
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cuubism · 2 years
"A van Dyck," Dream drawled, dragging a light finger along the gilt frame of the painting propped on the top of one of Hob's shelves. Hob really should do something more formal with that. "Interesting thing to have in your living room, Hob."
"I tell people it's a print," Hob said, coming to stand beside him and handing him his tea.
"Oh, but it is not." There was a smirk dancing on Dream's lips, Hob knew without even looking at him directly.
"Makes sense that you'd be able to tell," he sighed.
"Of course. Just how did you come across such a thing?"
"Well, I was still mingling with the aristocracy in the early 17th century. Met some interesting people." He shrugged. "Really should have sold it when I was, well, destitute, but couldn't bear to. Managed to stash it away. One of the few things I have of that time, actually."
"I can only imagine you had more than one valuable thing in your possession over the centuries," Dream mused, sipping his tea. "Why this one?"
Oh, God. He knew, didn't he?
Hob rubbed at the back of his neck. "Reminded me of you."
Hob had never known much about art, particularly back then. He hardly would consider himself a collector and certainly not a connoisseur. But that particular portrait had caught his attention immediately for its similarity to Dream.
The likeness was, indeed, striking. His hair was longer than it had been when they'd met in 1589, sweeping over his shoulders, and his features were half-draped in shadow, but his eyes. Hob would know that haughty, intense gaze anywhere.
He'd never quite discounted the idea that it was a portrait of his stranger, except that he couldn't imagine him having the patience or cause to sit for it, or the desire to be immortalized in that way.
"It is me," said Dream.
"What? Seriously?" Hob turned to stare at him and found Dream already looking back, ethereal and lovely. There was only one lamp on in the living room, night falling around them, and it cast his face in a similar light to the portrait, soft gleaming skin and plunging darkness as backdrop, limitless shadow in his eyes. "You, allowing a portrait? You're not having me on?"
"I do not joke." Dream took a step closer to him, setting his tea aside on a table. "I suppose I must have been in good humor that day."
Hob raised both eyebrows. "Oh, uh-huh, you in good humor?"
Dream's lips ticked up in a half-smile. "It happens occasionally."
Hob leaned against the shelf, careful not to jostle the painting. "For someone who so disdains the waking world, you sure are very aware of the art scene."
Dream leaned beside him, tilting his head. "You might consider me a patron of the arts."
Hob chuckled. "A patron? Or an inspiration?" He reached out and dragged his thumb along Dream's lower lip. "Dream?"
"A lover of artists, perhaps."
"I'm sure." Hob swept a hand along his cheek, breaking up the light like he was dragging a wet brush through paint. "You look like you could have stepped right out of that painting right now. You could have stepped out of any painting."
Dream looked at him from under his lashes. "Are you calling me a work of art, Hob Gadling?"
Then Hob kissed him, hands framing his beautiful face. Dream was like an artwork, constant in essence but changing interpretation in every new light. Hob could imagine how many people over the centuries had had a fleeting encounter with him and come away changed, just as he had.
Dream hovered near him when they parted. Hob looked over to the painting again. No mere depiction could capture Dream in all of his colors, but it really was a rather good try. Van Dyck had gotten the depth of his eyes just right.
"The Baroque period suits you," Hob told him.
"Now who knows something about art?"
"I've picked up a few things over the years. I'm in love with the world's greatest artist, after all."
Dream moved in as if to kiss him, but paused to speak against Hob's mouth. "There are other works of me out in the world, if you care to seek them out."
"Don't open that challenge because I will do it," Hob informed him, quite seriously.
"I hope so." There was a sharp gleam in Dream's eyes. Hob could only imagine what kinds of paintings might inspire that look. "I look forward to seeing what you find."
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oreolesbian · 5 months
the annie awards giving nimona NINE (the most out of all the nominees) awards and wish absolutely nothing is so fucking beautiful. no notes. 11/10. eat shit disney. breathtaking work.
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watchthekittycatcher · 2 months
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see a Minecraft server whose spawn is actually nice. Where the houses and roads are well-designed and well-lit, and there aren't creeper holes left right and center. It's cool to see this game being played by a group of people who actually care about how the things around them look and who actually maintain their surroundings.
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egophiliac · 5 months
I love your unhinged energy of your comics it's just *chef's kiss"
I wanna ask how you rig your chibi characters if you use a program or an app ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
thanks! 💚💜💚
I use Spine (professional version)! I'm pretty sure it's the same program the Twst devs use for the chibis; I decided to try reverse-engineering 'em basically because my license was just sitting around gathering dust, and I thought it'd be fun practice (this was before I tried to rig Meleanor's cape). it is an industry-standard program and, unfortunately, is priced accordingly, so it's a bit expensive if you're not planning on using it professionally -- there is a free trial, though I think you can't save/export anything in it? BUT it is truly excellent and can do a ton of super cool stuff, plus is genuinely just fun to mess around in, so I 10000% recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting into 2D rigging!
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behold...the BONES...Najma and her billion discrete tassels...don't pay attention to all the extra bones from my desperate attempts to control Meleanor's meshes
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yellowjacketsource · 3 months
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Jackie & Shauna (Yellowjackets, S01E10) "End of Beginning" by Djo
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little-pondhead · 1 year
warning: long idea that came from u so u deserve to hear about it
was ranting to my sister about ur sketches cuz i fell in love with them and they are hitting at like 3 obsessions at once so points for u-
anyway I talked about the fenton creep stick (the joker panel) and my sister (who never watched dp) asked what it was, and after a confusing explanation we decided that a fenton creep stick can be any kind of object that is 1) long and swingable (like a crowbar or even a pipe) and 2) sturdy and not easily breakable
after being in the phandom I saw a lot of headcannons that after the ghosts appeared, the fentons started doing speeches at Casper, and they gave out fenton creep sticks "to be safe" or that the fentons sell those to Amity Parkers (THEY'RE NOT GUNS so they can do it) so pretty much everyone has one
adding those ideas to the fact that my sister thought at first that the stick had something to do with CREEPS (like pedos or stalkers cuz of the name) I now imagine the most famous design of fenton creep stick to be one of those stun sticks (that can not only be used on ghosts, but actual creeps!!!)
enjoy this idea cuz it sure gave me joy
asdfghjkl anon your brain wrinkles are amazing that idea is so funny to me. The anti-creep sticks are advertised all over town and it’s treated the same as a McDonald’s ad. No one really gives a shit but they still take note when there’s something new out.
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And if you wanted to throw in the supervillain AU, I imagine it would go like this:
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fagidarity · 10 months
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birthday boy irl mariana (or yk.. osvaldo) special woo !! 🎉
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