#just wandering around in this world puts me at ease but also gives me a feeling of sadness
gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts 2 - Twilight Town
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m4ctavish · 2 years
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soap & ghost — wind down.
pairing (s) : john “soap” mactavish/gn!reader, simon “ghost” riley/gn!reader
desc : some sweet headcanons on what it’s like to get these two to wind down and relax after a long day. also just me rambling about certain things
a/n : reader can be viewed as either a civilian or solider ^^
john “soap” mactavish :
soap is put at ease by your presence alone, but what really helps is having your hand in his or being able to rest against you.
i feel like touch is important to him when it comes to getting him to relax; hold his hand and stroke the back of his hand with your thumb or just trace nonexistent shapes. or, just hold him for a bit when the two of you are alone. let him bury his face in to your neck and hold you tight: let him remind himself that you’re there and you’re real.
after a particularly long day, all he wants to do is lay down with you close to him. he’ll wrap his arms around your waist, pulling your back against his chest and resting his head atop of yours. he takes comfort in the constant that is your heartbeat. alternatively, if the two of you are on the couch or somewhere where you can’t lay down together, he’ll rest his head in your lap and close his eyes. (to be honest, i have a feeling he’s a sucker for when your trace over his features— just stroking his cheek has him folding)
talk to him about your day if the two of you spent time apart— tell him the ups and downs, he really wants to know. plus, he really just likes hearing you talk, even if it’s just rambling about something that you find interesting or something that made you mad a few hours prior.
you’ll probably have to coax him in to getting up and cleaning up. “shower. now, mactavish.” “i dinnae-“ “go.”
he appreciates it when you join him for a shower or bath, particularly when you’re behind him, helping him wash his hair when he doesn’t have the energy to do it himself; his muscles are aching and his bones feel like jelly but he supposes it’s alright when he has you there, running your fingers along his skin and scalp, leaving a trail of suds and washing away the accumulated grime.
after that, it’s back to bed for him (and you) with him pulling you close, arms wrapping around you comfortably. he’ll hold on to you all night if you let him but if not, having you lay next to him will suffice.
simon “ghost” riley :
ghost takes a bit to wind-down and fully relax, likely needing some aid.
take some time to help him remove the grease paint around his eyes with a warm rag and some soap; standing between his legs, one hand tilting his chin up so he can look at you whilst your other hand works to gently drag the rag along his under eyes, cleaning up any stray dark spots. his hands are resting on your hips— it helps keep him grounded, helps keep him in the present and prevents his mind from wandering to endeavors of the day.
when you’re done, he’ll usually mumble a soft “thanks” or a “love ya,” and give you a gentle squeeze.
sometimes you’ll stand there a bit longer, letting him rest his head against your stomach, carding your fingers through his hair. these are his favorite moments— it feels like everything goes still and there’s nothing in the world but the two of you. no wars, no betrayals, just you.
it’s baffling to him that one person could provide him with such a sense of serenity and sometimes he finds himself wondering if he’s even deserving of such a thing. those thoughts go as quickly as they came though when you mumble a quiet but heartfelt, “i love you, simon.”
kinda feel like he purrs like a cat sometimes if he’s relaxed— not like, downright purring but more like a low hum/rumble in his chest. like, you’re just stroking his jaw or rubbing his cheek and there’s just this low “hmm” (does that make sense LOL)
alternatively, ghost needs some time alone to unwind; it’s nothing personal, that’s just how he is. it’s hard to tell where he goes— he’s just out the door and it’s hard to track him after that unless he wants to be found, which isn’t very often.
i imagine that he has a few places he frequents, usually high up where he can comfortably watch everything and everyone from above. it’s usually quiet that high up too, helps him clear his mind when it’s nothing but raging turmoil.
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kittyball23 · 7 months
Effort (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Viva knows what she is about to do is risky, but she just HAS to make the effort, if it means seeing them again…
A/N: Taking place before TBT; Viva did mention that she thought many times about leaving, so this was one of those times (also, incoming Cliva 💚💛)
Night had fallen upon Putt Putt Village.
Per the usual proceedings in the town, nightfall meant the curfew was up and enforced. No Troll, young or old, was allowed to be out and about once the sun set. It was sensible, common knowledge, really. For nightfall was a time in which dangerous creatures would lurk about, hidden by the shadows, watching, waiting, listening intently for any unlucky soul who may sweep along their path and end up falling prey to their malicious whims. And no Troll wanted to take that chance when those dangerous creatures were… Bergens.
Even in thought, the awful word sent a shudder down the Putt Putters' spines, and made a scream just barely hold back within their throats. For good reason, too. Nobody wanted to be caught and eaten, suffering an awful fate having their bones crunched underneath the monsters' teeth, and their hopes flushed away in the similar manner that they would be once they were passed from the hideous creature's stomach. In short, the curfew was critical, and thankfully, every Troll was well aware of it. Especially Viva, Putt Putt Village's Queen herself. It would be impossible for her not to know the rule, given that she herself had been the one to write it. She knew curfew meant getting indoors, locking the windows and doors tight and turning the lights out. She knew it meant no one was to go wandering around the village, and definitely not without a chaperone. She knew it meant letting anything extracurricular be saved for the following day, and that safety was the highest priority. So, she also knew that she was breaking the very rule she made.
The Putt Putt Queen had impressively mastered the art of stealth, tucking herself with her hair to camouflage as one of the golf balls. She was silent but fast, swerving her way through the main square, past her people's varying residences, and farther still from the settlement. It was only when she had reached the town’s borders in which she finally came to a stop, unrolling herself and standing to her full height (made even taller-looking with the great stack of wild, golden hair atop her head). Viva beheld the gate that was there, sturdy and firmly in place. It would be crazy to unlatch the padlock that kept it closed, separating the harsh, cruel dark world that lay beyond from their sanctuary. Viva took a deep breath. Well then… call me crazy! Viva leapt up to the lock, undoing it with ease, and hopped back down to the ground. She let out a breath and smiled to herself. Whew! Easy peasy!
Next, the Queen grabbed the edge of the gate and tugged. It was rusty and old, as Putt Putt Village had not been inhabited by its original Bergen residents for ages, and gave an unpleasant crrreeeaaak as she pried it open. The sound didn't last long though. Viva didn't need to open the gate all that much, since Trolls were not too big. She could easily slide by the crack of space she'd made. Viva gave herself a quiet little high-five. Yes! Nailed it! Now, it was time for the most critical step in her plan.
Viva, feeling optimistic, readied herself to step forward, lifting one warmered leg up high and putting on a face of pure determination. Yes! she thought to herself, feeling giddy. Why, with what awaited her at the end of this, she wouldn't even need to give herself a high-five or a thumbs up. And just thinking about it made her heart soar!
Alrighty, here we go!
Viva chinned up. Here she went, bravely into the outside world, full of unknown threats, full of malice and evil, and wrought with towering creatures who'd caused her to be left in this predicament in the first place. There she went anyway, leaving her people behind, leaving her one home in which nothing bad had happened to her, leaving her sanctuary, her place of protection to go off somewhere where she wouldn’t be protected, where she'd be vulnerable, where she could be captured and eaten alive at any given moment and without warning.
Yes… here I go!
Her foot went down, but she was stunned to find that instead of propelling her forward, she had taken a step backwards. Actually, more like ten steps backwards, on wobbly legs that were trembling violently alongside the rest of her body. She'd hardly noticed, however. Her focus was fixated on the world beyond the gate, and Viva was unable to turn away. It was dark and dank, full of forest and mystery and things that she could in truth care less to know about. A black hole ready to devour her…
Viva shook her head, battling her nerve-wracking thoughts with persistence. She did want to know about that world, if it meant finding them. And the Putt Putt Queen would be darned if she, trained in battle and quick-witted, wouldn't be able to set her worries aside and finish what she'd started.
It's just one night, she assured herself. It won't take me long. I'm sure it's not THAT far. It only seemed far because I was little. But I'm NOT little anymore. I'm a grown woman! And I'm GONNA do this! I have to… She's out there, not in here, where it's safe. She's out THERE where it's… it's…
Despite the words being in her head, she still failed to get them out, as though the physical constricting of her throat was preventing it. A loud sound filled her ears, rhythmic, and it was incredulously difficult for her to tell whether it was the pounding of her own heart, or the horrible, ominous footsteps of a Bergen coming right towards her, licking its chops in anticipation of tasting pink Troll flesh. Or perhaps it already got a taste of pink Troll flesh.
Beads of sweat formed upon the Putt Putt Queen’s forehead. She can't be dead. She CAN'T! Viva refused to believe it. It was NOT so! And she was going to prove it, if it was the last thing she did! She willed her body to relax, her feet to move forward, her knees to bend… but it didn't work.  Her mind was stuck, paralyzed, unable to comply with any of the commands she issued to her body. The sounds grew louder, more pronounced, more frightening. Viva felt her breathing get shallow. Her head began to spin, the dark visions around her a blur.  Her eyes were fixed firmly on the gate. She needed to get out. NOW!
I can do this! I can do this! I can - 
 A voice rang out across the night air, making Viva jerk her whole body. Her eyes snapped wide, a gasp escaping her lips, and a horrid vision of the way the dirt and rock had collapsed in front of her - blocking her off from the father and sister she longed to see again - flashing before her eyes. And she couldn't take anymore.
Her legs buckled under her and her vision went black.
Clay wrung out the cold towelette in his hands, water droplets dripping into the sink with a few silent plinks. Silently he moved through his dwelling, past rooms filled with stacks of pending paperwork and beelining it to the couch. Pity filled him at the golden-curled Troll who was strewn there, limp, nearly looking lifeless.
He prevented himself from shuddering. It was something frightening to see her like this. Putt Putt Village’s Queen had never looked so weakened as she did at that moment. The pink in her skin was pale in its hue, her mouth slightly slack. Carefully he bent down next to her, brushing away some of the strands from her face so that he could properly apply the compress to her forehead, previously warm with sweat.
Viva knows better, Clay thought. So what was she doing out there?
As though it were in reply, his eye suddenly caught sight of something peeking out among Viva's wild hair. He raised an eyebrow and, in curiosity, pulled it out. Turned out it was a scrapbook, only a few pages long. The front of it depicted Viva, notable for her pink skin and golden hair. The other two figurines were another pink Troll who looked quite similar to her, only with dark, magenta hair. The other was an orange Troll with the same dark magenta hair. He flipped through a couple of pages, and suddenly understood once he saw the trio depicted doing all sorts of activities, from bad dances to candy necklaces.
This is her family...
She'd told him once, hurriedly, of the events that took place that Trollstice. The escape that divided her from the rest of the group, from her father and her sister, and had turned Putt Putt Village into what it was today - a town of survivors who lived in seclusion, away from the threats of those dreadful Bergens.
Clay shook his head and shut the book. On one hand, her act was foolish. Why would she, Queen of their town, do such a risky thing and leave them high and dry, putting herself in the path of danger at the same time? On the other hand...
At least she's making an effort.
He couldn’t say the same for himself. 
It’d been years since he’d seen his brothers, and thus far he’d been content in not having them be a part of his daily life. But still, he couldn’t help but wonder…
How big IS Baby Branch? His youngest bro probably wouldn’t even be recognizable at this point.
Did Floyd get his solo career kicking? Even before the band had broken up, he could remember the magenta-haired Troll longing to compose his own music one day.
What’s going on with Spruce? He wished he knew. Spruce wasn’t just a brother, but a close friend, and he only hoped that wherever he was that he was doing well.
And then there’s John Dory… Clay frowned. Did he really care about him? I mean, he can’t STILL be the same old ‘perfect-perfect-perfect’ionist that he was back then… could he? Years had changed Clay from being the Fun Boy of the group.
But before he could reason whether or not his oldest brother had changed, he suddenly heard stirring beside him. Viva twitched, her expression contorting to one of worry, her eyebrows furrowing.
“No… no, no!” she began exclaiming in her unconsciousness, her limbs coming to life and starting to thrash. “Dad, I’m still here! Please don’t leave me!”
Clay winced, alarmed, “Hey now! Easy, Veevs!" he tried calling at her.
But Viva continued to writhe.
"Don't LEAVE ME!"
"Viva, wake up!”
He grabbed her by the shoulders and gave her a rough shake. The Putt Putt Queen's eyes flew open,  and she let out a startled cry.
"Viva!" Clay said loudly, "It's okay! You're alright! There's nothing to be afraid of."
For a moment, she was bewildered, not really looking at him. He could tell she was still lost in whatever she'd seen in her nightmare. But then...
"Oh, Clay!" She burst into tears, shooting her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight against her. Clay froze in his spot for a moment, shocked. Viva wasn't like this at all. This was not the chipper, happy go-lucky girl he'd befriended and saw on a day-to-day basis, the one who lived right up to her vivacious namesake. This was a broken Troll, one who was trying desperately hard to put the pain of the past behind her but couldn't, and was crying hysterically because of it. Clay's heart broke just listening to her sobs.
Gently he returned her embrace, rubbing his hand up and down her back and trying his best to soothe her. "It's all right, girl. Nothing to be afraid of. You're still here. I'm still here. We're good, yeah? Everything's fine, you're safe." His voice wavered at the end, betraying the depth of his emotions.  He didn’t want to show Viva the extent of his feelings towards her. This was not the right moment. 
Still sniffling, her head buried in the crook of his neck, Viva nodded slowly. Slowly, her sobs calmed into hiccupy sniffles, until they finally began to die out. It took a while, but Viva eventually leaned back, wiped her cheeks, the makeup around her eyes slightly smeared, and her breaths ragged. Reddened eyes looked into his ocean blue.
"I'm sorry, Clay," she whispered.
Shaking his head, Clay replied softly. "Nah, no need to apologize. Bad dream, right? We all get 'em."
Viva didn't respond. She was looking down, thinking. "You'll never leave me, right? I-I mean... Putt Putt Village," she amended, hiding a blush, and glancing back up at him hesitantly.
Clay didn't know how much that question would affect him until he really started to consider the answer. That was a big promise. How was he to know what would happen in the future? No, he didn't exactly foresee leaving the village... but at the same time, who knew what curveballs life would bring? He could certainly say that if his teen-self had been told he’d become one of the leaders of a clan of survivalists, he probably wouldn’t have believed it. But for now...
"Hey, you can't co-run a place without the 'co' part of it now, can you?" he joked. He reached over and tapped his elbow with her, making her giggle.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Realizing she was still clutching him close, Viva blushed and quickly released him, sitting up on the couch and rubbing her arm shyly. She peered around suddenly, with a curious look. Clay watched her, a little confused, until he realized that she had had yet to enter his home. "Oh, wow... so this is where you live?" she asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. Didn’t think anyone else would want the admin building, so kinda claimed it. It’s not so bad for me, but… I’m sure it’s kinda boring for others.”
Viva was still looking around as he was talking, taking everything in. The place was much bigger than it looked from the outside. The stony gray walls, the muted green carpet, the dull color scheme. No pictures. Hardly any furniture aside from the couch, a table, and a desk stacked with bills and other finances. It suddenly hit Clay just how very plain and sparsely decorated it all was.
“Okay, not kinda boring… too boring,” Clay took it upon himself to correct.
“No,” Viva said, putting a hand up. “I like it.” She looked around again as if to be sure, and grinned. “Yeah… I really do! Seems like you got it all down-packed and organized, dont’cha?”
Clay shrugged. “Well, yeah I guess…”
“Not like me, that’s for sure. I have candy stashed all over my home. Half the time I can’t even remember where I hid it!” Viva giggled. But then she stopped. Thinking of her home brought another thought in mind. She hated to feel imposing, but the thought of going back out, even if it was just in their village, was making that pit in her stomach return. “Hey, um, Clay? Would it be, um, okay if I… stayed here? Just for tonight? I just, I…” Her hands began to shake and tears pooled in her eyes. This was a silly thing. Clay had other business to attend to than to be dealing with her and her petty fears. This was ridiculous!
But to Clay, it wasn’t. “Make yourself at home,” he said without hesitation. She needed the sense of safety, and if sleeping over for one night was what it would take to get her back to feeling like herself, then so be it. “You can take my bed if you want… without me in it, of course,” Clay said, fumbling in his words. “O-or you can take the couch, but, I know it’s not the most comfortable, so, um… but it’s whatever you wanna do! Whatever makes ya clever,” he finished, trying to sound cool but feeling embarrassed by his babbling.
To his relief, Viva smiled back at him, charmed by his sweet offer. “Thank you,” she said gratefully, standing up and stretching her legs. 
“Uh, yep, of course,” he agreed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, and trying not to let her gorgeous smile get to him too much.
"Hey," she said, taking out a string from her hair with one hand and some candy beads with the other. "Wanna make some necklaces in the meantime?" She shook them out at him and grinned slyly. "Or do you want me to braid your hair?"
Clay chuckled and took the first option, sidling up next to her. "Candy necklaces will be good.”
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sweetly-glazelilies · 11 months
Seven Minutes With You
Summary: At a party, you participate in playing "Five Minutes In Heaven." You weren't expecting to reach into the hat and pull out HIS item.
Character(s): Wanderer
Tags: Fluff, Friends To Lovers, Seven Minutes in Heaven, accidental confession, not really proofread... (It takes place in teyvat, not a modern world)
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"Everyone, I hope you all brought an item — it's time to play seven minutes in heaven!" The host beams brightly as she looks at all of you hopefully. She urges you all to sit down on the couches and chairs in her living room. You decide to sit on the soft red chair in the corner of the room.
"Alright... Make sure to put your items in the hat!" She hands the hat to Childe. He puts in an item and then passes it to the person next to him, this continues until the hat had been passed fully around the room.
Once the hat was filled with different items, the host puts a small pillow case over the hat so no one could see inside.
As the game starts, many people go into the small closet together — some just sit and talk, while others probably had a more interesting experience.
Sometimes, the two people walking out of the closet would look embarrassed with different shades of blush across their face. While other times, they'd come out of the closet laughing. No matter what happened, everyone seemed to be having a fun time. And finally...after a while it's your turn.
Reaching your hand into the hat, you feel around. There was all sorts of different textures; rough, smooth, sharp... Until finally you settle upon something small and soft. You pull it out of the hat and see a small, cute Finch plushie.
​​"Aw, it's adorable...!" You run your fingers over the Finch's soft head and smile. You admired it for a while, stuck in your own world with the plushie in your hands. 
​​​"Hurry up." An annoyed voice sounds near you. It's Scaramouche — he's standing near the closet. "Let's get this over with." He rolls his eyes as he walks through the door. 
You quickly put the Finch back in the hat (giving it a headpat first) before you follow him into the closet. Once you're both in there, the door shuts behind you. 
​​​​​​"We'll be back to get you in seven minutes! Don't have too much fun." Kaeya teased through the door. 
The closet was really small, so small that you and Scaramouche were almost chest to chest. It was... Awkward. 
You could feel yourself blushing, you had the biggest crush on him. It's not that he was particularly a good guy, or the fact that he was really handsome... Honestly you didn't even know yourself why you liked him so much. It'd been quite a while since you first figured out your feelings. You were so confused... 
​​​​With the closet being small, that also meant there weren't many places to look other than the guy in front of you. You tried glancing down, but that just made it feel more awkward for you. Hoping to ease some of your discomfort, you decide to start a conversation. 
"So...um..." You glance at Scaramouche, he was barely visible due to the darknes. Desperately, you try to wrack your brain for any conversation starters... You'd ask absolutely anything to make this uncomfortable atmosphere fade...even something you already knew. 
​​​​​​"Hm?" Though you couldn't see for yourself, you could feel his eyes on you. 
​​​​​​"That plushie... It was really cute. Where did you get it?" After taking a deep breath, you say the first thing that came to mind. At least you weren't nervous enough to ask a stupid question like "What's your favorite color?"
He sighs, "Nahida gave it to me. I don't know where she got it." 
​​​​​​"Well... It suits you very well, you're basically a Finch Magnet you know? They're always surrounding you...and it's unbelievably cute. I'm almost jealous of it." You glance down at the floor, almost as if trying to hide the blush on your face — even if there was no need to, like a force of habit. 
"Jealous? Tsk, why would you be jealous of that? Those creatures follow me almost everywhere. It gets kind of annoying sometimes." Although you couldn't see it, you could practically hear his eyes roll with that tone of voice. 
​​​​​​"Who said I was jealous of you? Honestly I'd much rather be one of the finches surrounding you. They get to look at you so closely. I want that..." And without thinking, you accidentally spill something you never planned on saying — especially to him! It was embarrassing.
The room went silent once again, this time, somehow even more awkward than at the start. You were a bit curious about this game at the beginning, but now...it was more dreadful. 
Having accidentally said your true feelings, you wait for his response... You guessed it was going to be rejection. But to your surprise... 
"...You like me then?" He asked — his voice seemed a bit strained. 
"Yeah, I do." You shyly respond, "Please don't force yourself to give me an answer, I really wasn't planning on confess-" 
​​​​​​Before you could finish your sentence, you felt something on your lips. It was a warm, tingling sensation. It was Scaramouche, he kissed you.
​​​​​​Once he pulled away from you, you could hear him faintly whisper...
​​​​​​"...I like you too, idiot."
​​​​​A/n: It's been a while since I wrote a fic so its probably not that good but aaaa I love Scara. Hes such an interesting character, its always fun to write him.
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orchid-mantis-petals · 6 months
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/ Why hello again!! Omg a post before 12 am MST shocker!! But here she is in all her glory. Chapter 4. Finally things are taking off!!
/ Couple of prefaces before we begin: I don’t own Stray Kids. I just love them dearly and want you to enjoy them too. All of the work here in this blog belongs to me. Do not copy or steal my work. Lastly I know very little about motorcycles so don’t come at me if things are wrong. I’ll learn and fix them 💜💜
/ I would like to thank @maximumkillshot she has been an absolute angel guiding me this week. She’s helped move the chapters and timeline of this fic in a proper direction. (The motorcycle scene in here is her brilliant idea)
/ Genre: Angst, comfort, fluff
/ Warnings: Panic attack (Han), anxiety, yelling, mentions of sleep (or lack of), crowds, and as always swearing
/ Summary:
“Y/N, I need to protect them,” he motioned to the boys as a defense.
“Sure, in the studio, on the stage, but here in this moment that is my fucking job. Out here I am your shield, I am your protection. I am the reason you will get from a to b safe and sound. Use me for the skills that I have. You put yourself into danger back there Chan!! Don’t ever do that again!! You said you trusted me, fucking prove it yah?? Let me do my goddamn job. Got. It??”
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Your last few months since your arrival in Korea was to build up the team you had been assigned. From the moment you were given the job you were told to build a team you trusted to protect a high volume client. Without hesitation you hand picked the team based on their background and skills. It took you two weeks just to pick out the team. The rest of the time you built them up. You hoped this team was one you could be proud of, if they weren’t you’d scrap them all. It was something you had warned them from the beginning. If they weren’t up to the task you’d cut them from your team. No hesitation. It was easy to see some of the younger men were startled, the ones closer to your age had an air of arrogance you couldn’t wait to knock down a peg. Finally the day came, just as you entered the JYP building for your own daily training you got the call. The clients had arrived back from their overseas schedules. You were to meet the leader and a few of his staff upstairs in conference room 4. You were glad to have packed your uniform in your gym bag. After a quick change you wandered up to the room. Around a large table you saw various sets of faces. Some you had met through your months here, some were new. With a gentle knock you pushed the door open and bowed to greet the room. All faces were turned to you at the door.
“Hello, good morning everyone,” in a moment they all stood, bowed and greeted you formally as you sat down in one of the chairs. Directly across from you on the other end was a man you had vague recognition of, but you couldn’t place where you had recognized him from. His broad shoulders, bare face, and shaggy curls really didn’t give you much inkling.
“Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Christopher Bang Chan. But by all means please call me Chan. Everyone else does. I look forward to working with you,” he was formal, though you weren’t surprised, he was the leader of an apparently world famous idol group. Formalities were necessary in professional environments like this. You enjoyed the refreshing professionalism and charisma that seemed to roll off him in waves.
“Thank you, Chan,” it felt slightly awkward as it slipped off your tongue but he didn’t protest so you continued. “My name is (L/N), (F/N). Please call me by my first name. Since we’re being informal,” you smiled at him, it seemed to ease a slight tension in his shoulders. At his relaxation you also took a deep breath. “Has JYP spoken to you about what is going on??” you wanted to gauge the knowledge he had on the security situation.
“He told me enough, but I would like to hear it from you as well. So that we are both on the same page,”
“JYP has hired the company I work for to become private security for his idols. While you and your band were in America I used that time to hand pick and build a team I have confidence will do their best job to protect you and your band. Here are the files on every member of my team. It includes background, training, and skills. My own file is in there,” he nodded as he took the papers from you. You watched as he slipped them into a bag at his feet.
“Would you like to meet the band?? I heard the rest of your team had today off. But as the leader I would like you to meet them. I think it would ease some of the tension of change if they had a face to see,” change was hard you knew that. If providing them a name and face would help ease whatever stress they had you would be happy to.
“My schedule is clear until we work tomorrow. I am happy to meet them,” with a nod you joined Chan as he stood. The rest of the people in the room idled before they too dispersed to finish whatever tasks they had been assigned for the day. It was a short elevator ride to the practice rooms and a quick walk down the hall.
“Between schedules you’ll likely find us here. I will be sure to get you my phone number so if you need to reach me at any point you can,” you nodded as he slid open the door to the practice room. The flood of noise that filled your ears was shocking. Within the room you could see bodies moving around to music that blared loudly over a set of speakers tucked at the back of the room. Some of the noise filtered from sneakers as they scuffed the floor, instructions that were shouted over the music. Or the occasional holler of one of the men as they enjoyed the energy. It was refreshing to see such a lively attitude from how long you’d been on a strict schedule for your team. “Boys!!” Chan called above the music. You watched as all eyes moved to the two of you at the door. Whoever was closest to the radio moved to pause the music. Once it was Chan moved to stand by the boys. “Line up,” it was easy to see how quick he took command of the room. All of them, eight with Chan lined up in a row as Chan began a countdown “1, 2, 3, Step out, hello we are Stray Kids,” all at once they bowed hands creating a gesture you knew was likely unique to their team. After they greeted you it was your turn.
“Hello,” you bowed, low and formal. “I am (L/N), (F/N), please feel free to call me Y/N. I am the leader of your new security team. Come tomorrow I will begin my job of protecting you,” as you lifted your head your eyes met those of someone familiar. In a moment it all came crashing back. It was no shit the name Chan, and Stray Kids was familiar. Right there, three feet in front of you. There he was, the man with the dreamer eyes. It seemed he recognized you too. His jaw slack as he stared, as though it was unbelievable to have found you here. It wasn’t his face, more so his reaction to recognizing you. In a moment you covered your mouth as a fit of laughs wracked your chest. “I am so sorry,” you apologized as you turned your back to them and laughed harder. It was soon another laugh filled the room as you turned back to look at the group. He too had begun to laugh along. It had left the entire room in a state of confusion. The rest of the boys looked as though the two of you had gone mad.
“Chan, this is the security guard from America,”
“The one who saved you??” the two of you managed to collect yourselves as you both faced Chan.
“The very one, she dove between me and STAY to get me free. She said she had to kick me to do it,”
“She kicked you?!?!” oh maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say, the entire room shifted. The young man who shouted glared daggers at you now. That really wasn’t the first impression you had wanted to go for.
“Guys, guys she had to. She didn’t even kick hard. It was just enough force to get me loose from the crowd. Even came to check on me after the show. Y/N is a life saver,” that seemed to ease the tension of the room. But you could see your welcome was now unwelcome by some.
“It's nice to meet you, I better go,” before you slipped out of the room you made sure to bow, providing them with the utmost respect before you exited the room. Back to your original plan of the day you spent the next few hours down at the gym. Your interaction from earlier was good fuel to your boxing set that was prime overdue. After you logged the four hour set, and reminded yourself you would have to remove a set from a different day to give yourself some reprieve it was time to go home. A quick shower and a fresh set of clothes under your riding gear and you were on your way. Fate wasn’t really on your side today it seemed. Just as you settled your backpack on you heard the now more familiar shouts of Stray Kids as they entered the parking garage. All noise stopped once they had spotted you though. With a sigh you turned, giving the group a polite wave before you returned to set up the navigation on your phone.
“Y/N,” the deep trill of a soft voice at your side called your attention. When you looked up you found one of the members now beside you. You had left the room so fast you hadn’t even bothered to learn the names of the men you’d be protecting. Now, stood before you was a blonde man, with the prettiest freckles that fanned over his nose and cheeks.
“What's up Felix??” oh, the way he smiled at you when you called him by his name. It settled a warmth over your soul, lit into a gentle blaze as you looked into his eyes.
“Well, we were just admiring your motorcycle. Changbin over there really likes the color. You see, he kinda has this thing for pink,” you gaze shifted away from the blonde to the group. Changbin, was he your dreamy eyed man?? “He’s the big buff one,” Felix kindly pointed out as you looked at the group. So he was, you took mental note. “Anyway, he’s really shy. But I think he'd like it if you would talk to him,” when Felix smiled at you like that, how were you supposed to say no.
“Sure, I was just thinking I needed to learn everyone's names,” as you stood you moved to put your helmet down, having decided that morning to attach a set of fluffy rabbit ears on it for a fun effect.
“Wait, please bring the helmet,” quizzically you raised a brow to Felix, ‘why’ painted all over your face. “Bin, he likes cute things. I think it will make him blush,” oh, he was trying to tease his friend. “He likes you, hasn’t stopped chatting about the security guard from America since the day you saved him,” so the helmet would come with.
“Okay, let's go,” you smiled at Felix. You giggled as he beamed back, before you could stop him his small hand wrapped around your wrist as he dragged you forward to the group. With your helmet in hand you followed him, wary of the daggers that now bore into your face. The same man from before stared at you with a narrowed gaze, a shiver zipped up your spine. He clearly wasn’t your biggest fan.
“Guys!! Y/N didn’t get to learn our names!!” Felix called as he planted you in front of the group, he was kind enough to stay at your side when he dragged you over.
“Ah, well I know Chan’s from our meeting. And now I know yours Felix,” your gaze moved along the group, a few stood rather defensive but you wanted to try something to break the ice. “Felix said your Changbin??” you tilted your head as you eyed the man, when you had first met him you were in such a hurry you didn’t get much chance to take him in. Now, it seemed you would have all the time in the world. One thing that didn’t change though was the deep pools that were his eyes. What secrets they held, what things they saw. So much the same as the first time you saw them. “It’s really nice to finally have a name to go with that handsome face,” maybe you stroked his ego but damn was it worth it when the effect was so immediate. His cheeks flared in a deep red, you could even see it run over the tips of his ears. Felix doubled over with laughter at your side.
“Oh she’s funny,” the man that stood by the one currently ready for your demise spoke up as he giggled. “I’m Han, behind me is Lee Know,” right Han, and Lee Know.
“The others are Seungmin, Hyunjin, and I.N.,” Chan introduced the others as they seemed distracted in their laughter.
“It is nice to finally meet all of you. I will see you in the morning at the airport,” you bowed once more as you lifted your helmet up from your side and onto your head. All eyes shifted from you to Changbin as one of the fuzzy ears flopped down to the side of your helmet giving a droopy look to one and a half droopy to the other. You swore his cheeks got darker in mere seconds. You made a mental reminder to thank Felix for the icebreaker he provided. As you were on your way you circled the boys on your bike as you gave them one last wave of the night.
When morning arrived the next day Chan wasn’t sure how much sleep he had gotten the night before. After he made sure the others had gotten home safe he locked himself away in his room to work. Sure he could have gone back to the studio but they had a 5 am flight to Japan for a broadcast. If he had stayed at the studio he would have missed the flight. So he stayed home. He made sure the others got sleep, and that he got some. Before it had gotten too late he made sure to send you an email of the next month's schedule. Come morning he had downed two cups of coffee just to get his feet out the door. All bags were packed and settled by the door. With three broadcasts in Japan, and an awards show, they’d be there for a week before they’d come back to Korea for another session of broadcasts.
“Morning,” he looked up to find Changbin in the doorway of the kitchen, his broad frame leaned against the wood.
“Morning,” he greeted back as he looked at his watch, ah it was time to go.
“Cars loaded, staff are waiting for us,” Chan nodded as he settled his cup into the sink. He’d take care of it when they got home next week. As soon as the eight of them stepped into the parking garage you were there with the team you had cultivated. Chan hoped that he wouldn’t have to witness the skills you so cleanly listed in everyone's files. Especially today, 4 am was far too early to have to deal with a crowd of people. Chan especially knew how easy it was for Han to have an anxiety attack when he was tired. The freshly risen boys were an easy target for any possibility, Chan knew that all too well. When you stepped up you nodded short but sweet, then you turned to address the entire group.
“Dispatch has leaked today's flight schedule. Airport staff called the company early this morning. STAY is here, and they are wound up. I asked airport security to give us additional support as we go in. They have also notified me they have barricades set up to keep STAY pushed back. It will be loud, and I will keep a fast pace through here. Staff have already been sent ahead. I need you to trust me here, no matter what happens have faith that my team will handle it,” Chan watched his boys, their faces turned serious as they listened to you, even Lee Know was pulled into your instructions. Though he knew it was more so he knew Han and the rest would be alright. It had been a long time since he had felt so at ease with a set of security. Your attention to detail when it came to their safety was more than just a little refreshing. . When they were ready Chan let you know, he had faith in you. It was easy after you had shown such protective instincts with Changbin in America.
“Y/N, we’re ready,” you nodded as you guided your team into position With the added help of the airport staff Chan watched you work your magic. You had all of them line up single file as the security team surrounded them. Changbin took the front.
“If at any point you need one of us closer grab our shirts. We’ve got you,” you assured as you took your place at the back, Chan right in front of you. With a deep breath he followed the line you created with them. For once he felt like they could make it out of this with minimal damage. Wishful thinking, he knew it wasn’t going to be that easy as soon as they entered the airport lobby. From the second the doors opened he could hear STAY scream out for them. Lights flashed bright against his eyes. He was glad to have brought sunglasses with him. Chan let your team guide them up to the security entrance, beyond that they would be safe from the roaring crowd that surrounded them. Just feet away from the security gate his hopes were dashed. One of the barricades hadn’t been properly latched, in seconds it swiveled open, then toppled over by the overzealous fans eager to get closer to the boys. The loud sound drew the attention of the two men that were at Han and I.N.’s side. It created a gap, a gap that allowed STAY to get close, too close. In seconds Chan moved to protect the two younger members of his team. In the gap he could see two young women reach out to grab them, they snagged at Han’s clothes, aimed for I.N. 's hat. But before he even had the chance to set foot in front of the women. Before he could even use his own body to protect his boys, you were there. Right in front of the two young women. With gentle hands you guided them back to the barricade as the rest of your team tightened up around the boys.
“MOVE IT,” you barked over the noise of the room, and suddenly they were pushed forward to the security gates, each of them guided through the check and beyond the lobby. The silence that fell on them was deafening, Han was tucked into Lee Know’s side noise canceling headphones tucked tight over his ears. I.N. had shakily hidden himself against Hyunjin who also looked unnerved by the situation. So much had happened all at once Chan wasn’t quite sure where to begin. Truly he just wanted his boys to be okay. In seconds he moved to look after Han and I.N.
“Christopher Bang Chan,” all attention shifted to you, even his. After all, you just used his full name. But he couldn’t deal with whatever you had to say. Not when he saw Han’s shoulders hunch forward as Lee Know guided him down into a seat. The young man was clearly on the verge of an anxiety or even panic attack. He needed to make sure he was okay first then he’d face whatever you had to say.
“Hold on,” he added in a calm tone, body turned to Han.
“Sit. The. Fuck. Down,” oh, you weren’t going to take no for an answer. Chan turned to you his brows furrowed, the first thought that crossed his mind was how dare you speak to him like that. But then he saw you, shirt rumpled from what he assumed were fans. Eyebrows' downset eyes held a fiery gaze, one he did not question. Whatever retort he had died on his tongue as he sat in one of the chairs. “What the fuck was that?!?! Huh!! I explicitly remember telling you to trust me. That wasn’t trust Chan,”
“Y/N, I need to protect them,” he motioned to the boys as a defense.
“Sure, in the studio, on the stage, but here in this moment that is my fucking job. Out here I am your shield, I am your protection. I am the reason you will get from a to b safe and sound. Use me for the skills that I have. You put yourself into danger back there Chan!! Don’t ever do that again!! You said you trusted me, fucking prove it yah?? Let me do my goddamn job. Got. It??”
“Yes ma’am,” you were right, he interfered with your job. He put himself in harm's way. While he decided it was okay to do that, he was then quick to realize his decision could have made things so much worse for his members. That it had made things worse for you. He heard snickers from the other security members behind you, he felt whatever shame that settled into the pit of his stomach was deserved. That was until he watched you wheel around onto them.
“What the fuck are you all laughing at!! At least he had the balls to step up and protect his team. I will ask you the same thing I asked him,” Chan had to admit the way you took command of the room from your stance and voice alone was terrifying, having seen this side of you he vowed to never experience it again. “What the fuck was that?!?! I spent the last few months training you fools to be a near perfect team. But I can see now that you may not be up to the task. You left them wide open. You allowed those girls to get close. TOO CLOSE,” he wanted to ask you to not shout, for the sake of his boys but words wouldn’t form on his tongue, in awe as he watched the grown men in front of you, men near double your size cower before you. Not unlike he did when you scolded him. “You do not get another chance, if you want to be part of this team you will prove it to me in Japan. If you don't, the second the wheels touch down in Korea, you’re done. I have people more eager to prove themselves than you. So prove it to me you deserve to be on MY team. Got. it??” Silence fell upon the room, the same questions you asked him had been asked to your team, and they answered much like he did. After it was said and done your shoulders dropped with a deep heavy breath.
You ignored your team, and Chan as you stepped over to Han. You had felt bad for shouting when the young man was in obvious distress. But in order for your point to come across you felt it was necessary. Gently, as to not startle him you knelt in front of Han. Above you, you could practically feel Lee Know growl. You assumed he allowed you to get close under the guise of your job. For that you were grateful
“Han, can you breathe with me,” with Lee Know occupied keeping him upright, you used the space to help guide Han to slower breaths. You rested his hand over your collar bones, it allowed him to feel the full breaths you took. Slowly you guided him back to a gentler rhythm. “Good job,” you coaxed further until his watery eyes met yours. “I saw what happened, did you get hurt,” when he shook his head you released the breath you held. “That’s good. I am so sorry that happened to you Han. I failed you today, will you allow me the chance to prove myself to you,” you smiled when he tried to protest your failure, but his eager nod proved you had at least earned his trust in some capacity. “Thank you,” slowly you settled his hand back into his own lap and stood. “I’ll make sure you get water on the plane,” you nodded to Lee Know who nodded back. Progress, you hoped so. With that in mind you wandered to I.N. the young man was tucked into Hyinjin’s side, head buried in his shoulder. Seungmin was right beside him, hands settled into his hair as he coaxed him to stay calm.
“He’s okay,” the taller of the three remarked as you knelt down.
“I.N. are you hurt??” you asked anyway, you needed to hear it from him yourself. When he nodded you saw the older two become more alert. Calmly you looked at them to settle, the only way he’d say is if the room is calm. “Tell me where please,”
“They grabbed my hair,”
“Okay, may I look??” With permission you rounded the chairs to have a look at the youngests scalp. Nestled in the coarse thick hair you noticed a couple small scratches, and some bruising. “On the airplane I will personally get you an ice pack,” you stated before you moved around to report your findings to the three huddled boys. “Unfortunately I.N. I failed you today. Though small, I did find scratches on your scalp, and small bruises. I am so deeply sorry for my failure today. In my arrogance to have you trust me, you got injured. I promise, if you allow me to continue to I will do better, I will protect you,”
“No!! No!!,” at first you thought he was protesting your protection, part of you didn’t blame him. “Y/N you were amazing back there!! You did exactly what you were supposed to. Han and I came out mostly unscathed because you did an amazing job. And you managed to put our sometimes idiot for a leader in his place. Thank you, please keep protecting us,” you chuckled and nodded to him.
“If there's no objections, I’ll stay by your side. I will prove to you each and every day I am your shield,” when silence fell over the room you moved away your own nerves frayed from the experience. You sat in your own chair a decent space away from everyone.. It didn’t go unnoticed it seemed. Soon the seat beside you was filled. Changbin occupied the space next to you. His hands settled over yours as he lifted them. The slight tremble in your fingers had him frowning.
“I heard you scold my leader, your team, then check on Han, and I.N. But what I didn’t hear was, if you are okay??” you shifted your body to look at him, his hands were so warm against yours. It soothed the last little shake in your fingers.
“I am, thank you Changbin,”
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Tag List: @taeminsung @maximumkillshot @feybin @alex--awesome--22 @liknws @palindrome969 @newbbystay @highlydestiny
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george228732 · 5 months
Fylass Through the Looking Glass - Chapter Fifteen - Dragon’s Elegy
The clouds of Wonderland were darkening, as a newfound sense of discomfort shrouded the group that was going back to the Looking Glass to get to Underland, as if a cold shadow was tagging along - the chills across the land were clearly signaling a bad omen, and maybe it was true, as those same clouds took the shame of bizarre, amorphous creatures, thing that shouldn’t be a problem in and of itself, but there was something about those figures that felt oddly artificial, as if someone was doodling without much care in a piece of paper - it felt foreboding, as everything else; a watching eye that was just so excited to see what was about to happen in the stage, a creature that was old, even older that Wonderland itself, a threat that was looming, always looming, but never got the chance to show up personally… For now at least.
On all the way through to get to the Looking Glass, everyone was eerily quiet, wanting to at least say something to ease the tension, but no words came from anyone’s mouth, even though they just got exposed to a mouthful of information, which it would be good at first glance, but thanks to that, now they have to deal with the fact that there’s a threat much bigger than the Jabberwocky, and even if it sounds redundant, it was the truth. 
Nonetheless, they had to take care of both of them sooner or later, and deep down, they knew that this trip back to Underland would be one they would never forget - the last time the ferocious dragon got to Underland, or specifically, the White Kingdom, grief and despair reigned for a long while, bittering the hearts of everyone, and from there, many forgot the friendship both realms once had, and many forgot that the other realm existed, and even though Cosmounse was surely a threat far more dangerous than it, it didn’t take of the fact that they needed to get rid of that dragon in one way or another - sure, its cycle would surely never cease, but at the very least, peace could be found for a while, or well, they hoped so.
A row of voices echoed through the path that bestowed upon the group, putting everyone on edge - it surely wasn’t something to be worried about, and yet, they didn’t want to take any risks whatsoever, so everyone drew their weapons, just in case; it didn’t take much to see that the ones walking next to them on the gloomy pathway were ones that they knew about before, being none others than the residents of the Tarot Town, along with their mayor, and a suspiciously familiar gray jay leading the way.
"Oh dear, I am glad I found-... You." The Mayor, Aeon spoke up, but quickly stopped herself from keeping up with the conversation when she noticed people that she never saw before, as far as her mind could go, but also the Spade and Club Suits were there too, and both Fylass and her seem to be intrigued and interested in each other’s presence, both for completely different reasons, it seemed, for as Aeon seemed to have saw them somewhere in her dreams, Fylass had an expression which indicated that they knew her in a personal level; no one that Fylass knows and holds dear deeply, actually know about who she was in the real world, but nonetheless, that didn’t really matter at the moment. 
Fylass tried to pretend they didn’t know about her when they realized the expression they were giving off, and didn’t say a thing, until someone else in the group did.
"...Oh, miss? …What are you doing here with your people? The weather doesn’t seem to be the appropriate one to wander around, especially if the villagers are going with you." Dero said, half lying.
"Regarding that, I actually wanted to request something from the Queen." Aeon said, with the gray jay besides her flying around, seemingly distressed by something.
"...? What would that be?"
"...It would request shelter at the Card Castle for me and my people. I got another one of those visions early in the day, and while I don’t have much recollection on what I saw, I know the message it was trying to send, and I fear for the safety of the Wonderlanders, so I thought that the Card Castle would be a more well secured place for protection."
Dero felt a shiver of unease when he heard that - it felt too similar to the one day he woke up in Wonderland for the first time, with all those people refuging at the Castle’s doors as the looming threat that started his oath kept on going.He pondered about that request for a bit though, and eventually came to the conclusion that he was not going to commit the same mistakes that led him to lose the one he loved.
"...I accept your request, and I am sure that the Queen will do so as well." He remarked and pointes his swords towards the starting point where the group had started walking. "Follow that path, and you’ll be there in no time, yet I recommend you to hurry, as like you said, your safety could be in danger - When you get there, I’d advise you to stay away from the windows and things along those lines, since it does seem like a huge storm… or something worse could happen." 
With those statements out of the line, Aeon silently nodded and thanked the Jailer as she and the other villagers of the town went to the Castle as fast as it could to still be considered walking, although, the bird that accompanied them seemed keen on actually following the suits and their gang, for reasons that seemed unknown, but it’s not like it could be important that a mere bird were following them, right?
When the rest of the villagers were out of view, the group kept on going towards their destination before it could be too late, time is running out, time is running out, and yet, some had their head lost in their thoughts.
"...I… I feel like I saw her once before… Is she… No, it can’t be." Maforanti thought - apparently, he still had difficulties in remembering some other things that should’ve been in his head when he received that epiphany, but he had to keep his mind busy regarding another event that was sure to follow.
The path leading to the Looking Glass was becoming more narrow, as if someone was contracting the mere fabric of reality, with the skies enclosing, and the trees stretching to make the path feel more claustrophobic, and the path of dirt lengthening to make each step feel more difficult to do; everyone walking along felt a sense of unrest, but the silence was still present, and it couldn’t be more palpable. 
Nonetheless, they got to the place where the Looking Glass is supposed to be, but the shack it was in felt contorted, and even more out of place than the rest of the world, and its inside didn’t help to ease that feeling as Fylass turned the knob to open it; the gray wooden planks of the floor and walls were peeling its layers like tapestry, as its remains were still on the air, never able to touch the floor, the table where that mismatch of a board was below now had a shape that was so far from what it could’ve been once, shape that couldn’t be described, while still having that board on top, and the faint smell of wet clay and vinegar floated across the decaying walls.
The Looking Glass on the other hand, looked just the same as always, but its normalcy compared to the rest of the room was what made it so off putting to even look at.
"...I got a bad feeling about whatever is going to happen on the other side, but at this point, it’s this, or having to bear the possible danger of not doing anything." Fylass said as they got closer to the Looking Glass, confirming that it was still able to be passed through, and such, they handed their hand towards the group that weren’t Suits or Pieces, so they were able to go through as well.
Step by step, everyone left Wonderland to finish off a threat that started ever since the gates of Underland were opened, and they were greeted by the same decrepit shack that greeted them in the other world, but now, the sheer, freezing cold winds welcomed them to the stagnant, possibly dying world, Underland. Buddy and Celeernyx didn’t even take a look at the surroundings outside the shack and they could already tell that something was extremely off, as if someone was taking off the air that the group breathed all of a sudden.
It wasn’t until Fylass opened the door that they realized the situation they were in - everything was far too cold for Underland, and the faint sound of a clock ticking echoed throughout the whole land, but what was the most eerie of everything was the silence that drowned Underland; yet another bad omen. It either meant the Jabberwocky wasn’t here yet, or it already caused everyone’s voices to get muffled by its jaws, like how it happened so long ago.
"I can already feel that this is going to be a great hassle… Let’s bring our weapons now, before we regret that we didn't do it earlier." Unicorn said, and so, the group took their weapons out due to perfectly knowing that this adventure will take a drastic move sooner or later, and were about to leave the shack to finally settle this for good, ot at least they hoped so - They knew the Jabberwocky would just rise again after a while, for its curse would just latch onto someone else, and the cycle would just repeat again, but at the very least, contain it for some time would be enough for the people, and it would be even more than enough that that creature doesn’t cause a disaster in Underland, yet again.
It wasn’t until Fylass stepped out of the door that they heard something that apparently had come with them through the Looking Glass, being that same gray jay the Mayor of Tarot Town was holding with her, one that was odd to look at, since it seemed to have some intelligence that a bird wouldn’t be able to possess, which is ironic, since in Wonderland, not much things make sense.
"...Huh… How did this bird follow us?" Banshee asked rhetorically, wanting to ask how didn’t anyone see that the gray jay was tagging along.
"...It shouldn’t matter, we need to get going before it’s too late to act…" Celeernyx spoke up right after.
The gray jay on the other hand, flew across the room and landed on one of Fylass’ antlers as the Wolpertinger they were now. The club wanted to take them off there, but after a couple of seconds of trying, they figured out it wouldn’t budge, so they left it be, besides, this world is running on a countdown, a house of cards if you will, and there will be no failsafe if they break it by not hurrying up. 
With this new "companion" tagging along with them, everyone got out of the dying walls of the room, hurrying to get to the White Kingdom to see if everything was doing ok with Neptune taking care of the Castle and the people around it from the Jabberwocky’s jaws, or if that creature already did its rampage. Dero and Giselle seemed to know the path to get there, including the King, Queen, and the Bishop, as if even after all those years, they still got to remember Underland before the incident, and years before such, Giselle’s own death… 
Nonetheless, the silence was still in the air, but gladly enough, when they got to the town close to the White Castle, none of the architecture seemed damaged in any significant way, proving that the Jabberwocky - somehow - haven’t gotten here yet, but that raised the question of where were the people, since at the very least, a modicum of noise should come from them; it was so quiet that the group could hear their own heartbeats, but oddly enough, not the sound of the ticking pocket watch in Fylass’ bag…
"...Wait a minute…" Fylass grabbed their bag, and look at its contents - that book, the pocket watch and… The Club Key, which guards their part of the Card Castle, and from there, their diary…
Fylass took out the pocket watch, and indeed, its hands were not moving, which wouldn’t be a problem in and of itself, but what was the most eerie of all was that it didn’t seem to be an external problem, and rather it seemed more as if time itself had stopped - it would be exaggerated to think about such possibility, but by closer inspection on the houses’ windows, none of the clocks that were visible through them seem to work either, which would explain the deafening silence, or at least, part of it.
"...This is getting worse by the day, huh…?" Ades said, trying to process the situation at the moment. Either way, seeing how nothing else was happening at the Town, whether that be literally or figuratively, the rest of the group decided to get to the White Castle to confirm if everything was okay.
Step by step, it was as if the climate was getting colder to the touch, to the point that it became almost unbearable, and the distance was harder and harder to see due to an odd fog that started surrounding the place entirely, like that fog that covered Time’s Clock Tower - things get inexplicable in the span of a few seconds in this world, to the point that it seemed that someone was tampering with the fabric of reality once again, and if that were true, they knew exactly who it was, but they were too busy and dreaded of such assumption that no one would prefer to utter his name.
Nonetheless, even with the world conspiring against them, they got to the doors of the White Castle, and from there, it was much clearer where did the people go - they were taking shelter in the gray, marble walls of the castle, apparently knowing the danger they were under, as well, with many being too silent out of the fear that if the Jabberwocky got here, they would all be doomed for sure. Neptune was close to the King and Queen’s thrones, doing his job as well as he was capable of without the Royal Pieces’ orders.
After a little though, he got to see the group amongst the people that were taking shelter.
"My King! My Queen!" He said as he walked towards them, being careful of not tripping someone out of the blue, and when he got to them, he bowed to them in a respectful manner. "I did as you were told and kept your Kingdom safe."
"...I am grateful for such, however… I must ask, why are all these people here?" Buddy said - in any other context, this would lead to any sort of interrogation or even scorn, but knowing the situation they were in, it was a relieved thank you, disguised as a question.
"My King, the people witnessed the Jabberwocky in the far away distance, and wanted a place to be safe at, so I thought it’d be for the best if I let the townsfolk stay until the situation got better, but knowing the danger that creature means to all of us, I am not so sure…"
That sank dread on everyone’s minds - The Jabberwocky really got here, but it was by a miracle that it hasn’t spotted this place yet, but it wouldn’t take long until it did… Lucid came down with an idea to keep the people safe, though.
"...What if we send your people to Wonderland? The Jabberwocky isn’t there, and if it goes back, we can send your people here again, as we take care of that menace." Deep down, Lucid wanted anything but to see their friends and loved ones hurt, or even dead, but there wasn’t any more choice on what they could do, yet dragging people like Fylass or Chaos to this didn’t sit well with the Porcelain man.
Speaking of Chaos, though, since he realized what he really is, he couldn’t look at Neptune the same way, knowing that at the very least, they could’ve been friends, or even more before he lost his memory, and his silence was nothing like how he would have acted in any other way; The Mad Hatter didn’t seem mad anymore, just… bleak, but probably thoughtful. Neptune on the other hand, looked at him with a sense of faint memories and nostalgia, whether it was before Chaos could have time with him, or after, who’s to tell? Anyways, Neptune still had a job to do, and he thought that what Lucid had said could be a good enough idea to keep everyone safe and sound.
"...The Bishop seems to have a decent plan… Do we go with it, my King?"
Buddy pondered on that - he had been so rude and disrespectful to not only the Wonderlanders but also the same people which he should appreciate since they are part of the same hierarchy he’s part of, and even then, they’re still willing to help out, it maybe wasn’t for him, or maybe it was, but what mattered was that even after all of that trouble, the people that he wronged in this adventure still wanted to help out. It reminded him of simpler times where everything was okay and he didn’t have much to worry about… Those times are gone by the same creature that is terrorizing Underland right now, and the Wonderlanders surely were at fault, but… at this point, did it even matter?
"...Yes, yes. It sounds good enough, please go through with it - One of the Suits should accompany you people for you to go through the Looking Glass, though…" He said. 
"I will do so." A voice spoke up, being Giselle’s, with Dero right beside her - with what happened on the Card Castle when both were on their own, he wasn’t that keen on going with her, knowing that she didn’t want to be at his side, at least for now - he knew something was troubling her, but he also knew that he wasn’t in any position to do something about it, or at least, he believed he wasn’t.
"...Okay. I’d recommend you to hurry, before that thing notices you and things go sour. There’s little to no time left for us to wander around doing nothing." Buddy remarked, as Neptune and Giselle left the scene to try and get the people to get out and take shelter in Wonderland, being one of the few actual options they had to avoid annihilation. Some were immediately on board, some others refused as the offer was on the table, but anyway, all of them ended up complying in one way or another, and as silently as they could, the Castle was quickly emptied, with only the group standing on the now lone walls.
Fylass, although being mostly quiet as things enveloped, seemed extremely troubled - not only because of the Jabberwocky, not only because of Cosmounse, but also for something else, that no one could put a finger on what it was - The gray jay above them seemed also distressed, as whenever the kid took a step that placed them closer to any window or door leading to the outside, the bird would try to make them go back, may be by chirping right next to them or even trying to use its faint strength to make them back away, not that the kid wanted to get out just now, knowing what kind of threat was outside the Castle’s walls.
"You seem quite anxious, dontcha?" A voice spoke to them on the side, being Rooky’s voice which just so happened to get out of the crown willingly, with Buddy taking notice of that, being fitting now, considering that she was extremely quiet due to staying in that crown, and only some people could hear her, for some reason, Fylass included.
Fylass was taken aback for a second, but quickly gained composure.
"Well… Yeah, I am, but it’s for what’s happening right now, and such…"
"...Are you sure? I ain’t gonna get mad if you’re lying!" She snickered.
"It’d proooooobably recommend you to spill the tea before it’s too late for you to do so, I am part of a crown, but even I know that bottling up feelings just so no one can see them is dumb. You’d bet how Buddy would be acting sometimes after a certain incident."
"...You know that?"
"Maybe! Maybe not! I am just waiting for them to notice."
"Why haven’t you told them anything?"
"Because it’d be funnier that way! Besides, do ya reeeeeeally think that they’d trust a word that I say? Being a crown apparently takes away points of credibility!" She spoke up. "But I digress, what I am saying is that at one point they’ll probably discover whatever you’re hiding, but making sure you reveal that to them, or that they figure that on their own depends on ya!"
"..." Fylass stood silent, thinking on what she just said - they wouldn’t want them to know that they could maybe not even exist, being just a figment on someone’s imagination, and yet, that feeling is eating Fylass from the inside, not being able to share this with someone just caused them more pain, but they didn’t want to cause more pain to others.
"...But-" Fylass was about to say something until they noticed something in the distance, or well, someone else noticed that something in the distance; The Clock Tower was seemingly acting strange, with its hands moving back and forth erratically, to the point that its hands spelled out impossible hours, which was odd, since time had stopped. The fog made it hard to see, but it was clear that something was very, very wrong.
"...Er… Apparently, the Jabberwocky isn’t the only thing we have to deal with now." Unicorn said, also noticing the anomalies that were going on in the Tower. 
"Could Majaway be there? That’s the only explanation I could figure out on this…" Celeernyx remarked.
Eventually, it came down to a consensus that they needed to get there, to not deal with two problems at the same time, and might as well try to fix one of them before they went through with the next one. The Gray Jay on Fylass’ head insisted the kid not to keep going, but it had to be done, and as the Wolpertinger left, it had no choice than to begrudgingly tag along to a possible danger that had to be dealt with.
The area was even harder to get to than the White Castle, being something unremarkable for sure… It was freezing cold, with the cold winds so familiar of the area making it hard for one to focus due to the foreboding sound they made, and the fog getting increasingly thicker and harder to look through, until eventually, it all stopped.
The cold of the land disappeared.
The winds stood still in the air.
The fog stopped being a thing.
Now, the Clock Tower was on the view, and an impending sense of doom made itself present amongst the dread and discomfort. It looked… off, ignoring how its hands moved erratically as the sound of gears turning could make someone deaf if they got closer, there was something about it that felt dangerous to even touch, and even Time himself didn’t feel okay by stepping on it, being just as quiet and usual, to the point that not many didn’t even notice he was there.
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"...I fear whatever’s going to happen next." Ades said again, as Fylass got closer to get to the entrance door, being opened by something or someone, long before they got there. It was all too quiet, until all of a sudden…
A growl was heard in the sky.
It was enough to shake the ground and the hearts of the victims that heard it, and by taking a look at the now dark skies, they saw it, the Jabberwocky, and sadly, it saw them too.
"...Oh no." 
The fog, cold and the winds appeared again in the span of a second, and the creature flying across the skies quickly flew across the group, placing everyone into a panic.
"RUN!" The first of the voices yelled across the chaotic grasslands, making it clear for everyone that they needed to flee if they wanted a chance to live - taking advantage of the muffling sound of the winds and the thickness of the fog, everyone ran to a random direction with the hopes that the Jabberwocky wouldn’t be able to see them.
A creature so mighty would place everyone in a panic quickly, but in the case of these people, many only have heard of it, but never got to see this creature fighting in its full glory, and that was terrifying, as for the ones of the White Kingdom, this only brought them the worst memories of loss they could ever think about, and if they didn’t hurry, they’ll be part of those stories as well.
The sound of the grass being flown around thanks to the strong winds was just for the setting, to see a tragedy play out in a random theater, and sadly, there were both spectators and actors in the same play -  a twisted scenario serving for entertainment of a few.
Fylass (with the gray jay still in head) quickly stumbled with Lucid and Buddy in the fog, being relieved that at least they found someone across the chaos, but it quickly shifted into panic as they heard the creature possibly getting closer, and it was time to get the others and run - poor them that didn’t plan this all the way through.
It would’ve probably ended well if the fog hadn’t disappeared out of the blue - like a cruel joke, it wouldn’t have ended well for any one, huh? Repeating a tragedy that both Wonderlanders and Underlanders would have to go through - it was only fair, right? Now they were exposed to the creature hunting them down, and it was pretty convenient that it saw the Wolpertinger and their companions first.
As the Jabberwocky flew towards them, Fylass pondered on what they could do in that short span of seconds… This creature going after them was created by them, after all, for they knew that this place wasn’t what it seemed, they knew the truth, but the others didn’t…
"..." Fylass remembered what Rooky had told to them, and at this point, whether it was for them to know the truth, or for them to finally understand them, and what they go through, Fylass got the cleaver from their bag and threw it towards the King and Bishop with the Club Key still inside, and sprinted towards the creature that would kill them with the hopes that maybe, they could have a bit more time to escape if the fog came back to save them in time.
With a swift move, they seemed to have managed to make at least the faint bits of damage to the Jabberwocky’s face, as they were lifted towards the skies for the final act, with the gray jay doing its best to avoid the same attack and fate.
Lucid yelled for their name as it all went through, not wanting to see another one of his loved ones die by the same methods, but it was all too late. Fylass knew they could come back as long as they fell asleep like some mere dream, but no one else knew, so in their eyes, they could only see how that dragon opened its jaws and all of a sudden, the kid was, sadly, no more, as their body shatters inside the creature.
The deafening silence came to be again, as if everything had stopped in time, with Lucid, Buddy and the others seeing how the kid died in front of their eyes, unable to save them in time, and they could only stay on their knees in hopelessness and shock, as the fog didn’t seem to go back, and the Jabberwocky was going to go after the King and Bishop.
Or well, was.
Dero, not being able to afford being in disbelief in a situation like this, intercepted between the future attack and took his sword out, trying to attack it once more with the hope that his attacks would be enough to scare it away, but surprisingly enough, no attack came.
Everyone had closed their eyes to not see the rampage, but no rampage came - everything went quiet, so so quiet, and when they opened their eyes, yes, the Jabberwocky WAS there, but it wasn’t moving - in fact, it was still and stiff on the air, stuck in time, still with that expression that a wild animal would make before eating its prey.
"..." Dero was only filled with questions and sadness, not only for this, but also because he had, yet again, lost someone that he could’ve maybe protected, and in ire, he started swinging his sword around, hoping that that would be enough to kill it, but no damage he could make seemed to even leave a dent on it, apparently because of the position it was in, not being able to give or receive damage, resembling a taxidermied animal, but those eyes were still full of life…
Lucid cried out for Fylass’ name, knowing that he was gone, and wouldn’t come back, or at least for now.
Buddy was silent at this point, not being able to process what just occurred, but that last statement made him click something on his head.
"...Y-Your Buddy? …Wait… What do you mean by that…? You weren’t there on that… day…"
"...S-Shard?" He spoke up. Shard, that name Lucid had before losing his old buddy and body in Wonderland, that name that no one should be able to remember at this point, besides someone that would be close to him on those days… Was he…"
"...That’s… T-That’s my name…" Lucid said, trying not to drown himself in his sorrows. "...How do you…"
It was clear who they were talking to.
Apparently, they weren’t gone, they never were.
"...Mags…?" He got closer, and all of a sudden, it was clear who he was with the whole time, and without words, the two got themselves in a massive embrace, crying over a loss, and crying over seeing another loss being healed.
The others would try to follow, not knowing what was exactly happening, but it was all too confusing to focus on more than one thing.
Lucid, as he realized the truth of the current situation, grabbed the bag Fylass had thrown to him, as one of his sorrows was eased, another one followed… Although…
This isn’t the end, now is it?
@galakianexplosion (DRAWING AND SUCH :D)
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girlwiththenegantattoo · 11 months
I've been on the writing struggle bus for quite sometime (6 months and counting) and as of a month ago I've experienced a four tire blowout. However, thanks to the lovely @littleredwritingcat (sincerely, you've kept me from giving up) I've been able to put this out into the world. This piece is an attempt to shake off my smutt writing cobwebs so I can finish my JT fic.
This doesn't really have a plot. Jade shows up on Father Paul's porch covered in blood because she just fed for the first time.
TW: porn without plot, mentions of blood, praise and dirty talk, smutt nothing but the smuttest smutt.
The Curious Task of Explaining Hunger
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Paul looked up from his bible to see Jade hesitantly emerge from his bedroom. Dressed in a plain shirt and sweatpants two sizes too big, she was now clean and appeared to be a little less freighted. Giving an assuring smile Paul stood and gestures for her to join him in the middle of his kitchen.
“I know how terrifying this all must be.” Rubbing the back of his knuckles against her cheek Paul tilted his head. “It's so hard to explain it all in words but if you let me I can do it in other ways?”
Jade leaned into his touch as a sigh of relief fell from her lips. The action making her desperate need for comfort more evident. Giving an unsure nod Jade glanced up to find Paul’s brown eyes fixed onto hers but he’d gone completely still. It wasn't until he removed his hand that a wave of panic finally prompted her to speak.
“Yes! Yes, please…help me understand.”
Quickly returning his hand Paul lifted the other and caressed either cheek with a tenderness Jade wasn't used to. “The pain you felt in the beginning was from hunger, but I see you already figured that part out.” His hands drifted down from her face to settle at the top of her hip bone as he continued. “And as I'm sure you're also aware, just like everything, the hunger starts somewhere around here.”
Splaying his fingers Paul's thumbs took their place on Jade’s navel as another expectant look covered the usual soft features of his face. It took standing in silence for a moment before Jade realized just what that look was for.
“What…what happens if I ignore it?” The question earned her a soft smile as Paul received what he needed to confidently move forward.
“That my dear is something you really don't want to find out.” Moving his thumbs, Paul's hands continued their journey upwards and under the borrowed white shirt. After reaching her armpits he made quick work of removing it.
Taking a step back Paul mumbled something Jade couldn't quite hear as she stood awkwardly in a black bra and gray sweatpants she'd rolled at the top. Despite her efforts it did little to keep them from resting loosely, low on her waist. Without another word, Paul picked Jade up with ease, carrying her to the small mahogany table as ardent lips wandered down her neck. Using the tip of his nose he then traced the path of her jugular vein back up.
“This hunger will cause a spike in your heart rate just like it is now but that's what keeps you determined. It lets you know you're still alive.” Sitting Jade down ever so gently it was now time for him to explain the rest.
“Lay back for me, my little dove.”
Stepping into the space between her legs Paul bent over to unhook her bra as he moved to kiss the spot just below her earlobe. Whispering now, Paul spoke against the shell of her ear, “Once you give into the hunger…everything will feel so much better for you.” Straightening back up, Jade watched with rapt attention as Paul got to work on undoing the buttons of his black shirt. His own need now apparent by the erection that strained against the tight confines of his jeans.
Freeing the last button under his clerical collar Paul removed the white tab to reveal a toned physique adorned with tan skin. The sight catching her by complete surprise. Sitting up to feel, she was met with a silent shake of Paul’s head while his palms worked their way up her stomach, finding their place of rest on her ribcage, just below her breast. “Let me take care of you. You've been through so much tonight.
Laying back against the table Jade’s disappointment was made clear by the sullen look she gave.
“There. Where were we now?” Feigning a moment to recollect Paul watched in selfish satisfaction as she began to squirm. “Ah!...After the blood runs down and settles so exquisitely in your stomach you’ll start to feel a tingle like this.”
Sliding his hands upward, Paul cupped each breast, palming the delicate globes and outlining her areolas with his thumbs. An action of which causing Jade to take a sharp intake of breath.
“Yes, yes just like that.”
Removing one hand Paul replaced it with his mouth, taking a pert nipple between his lips. Applying slow swipes and tender nips Paul used his thumb and forefinger to gently roll and tug on the other. She sang so beautifully for Paul then. Each ministration pulling out a higher note. Enraptured by the sounds, Paul pulled away to fervently remove her oversized pants.
Jade must have ditched her underwear with the rest of her blooded clothes because now she laid before him fully bare. Murmured praises fell from Paul's lips like prayers as he swore an angel of beauty was chosen just for him that night. When a sudden look of vulnerability pulled Paul from his trance he realized Jade tried to cover herself with hands spread and arms over any skin she could reach. Running the pads of his fingers up the outside of her thighs he tried for a statement of assurance.
“No need for that. You certainly have nothing to be ashamed of.”
Resetting, Paul placed each of Jade's knees in a firm grip. With his thumbs rested on the inside of her thighs he waited for the tension in Jade's body to gradually ease. Feeling Jade had relaxed enough Paul gave a proud smile.
“There you go,” he cooed. “You're doing so well.”
Rotating his grip, Paul began to run his palms up the inside of Jade's thighs, pushing ever so slightly to widen the space between her legs when he stopped just before her sex. “Look at you. So gorgeous and willing to learn.” Gripping the inside of her left thigh Paul used his right hand to cover Jade’s mound. Glancing up into needy eyes, he swiped his thumb through her wet fold. Whining loudly Jade couldn't help the soft jerk of her hips.
“As time passes those tingles will turn int-”
“Father Paul?” Jade interrupted, now perched on her elbows with a shaking voice. “Can we skip to the part where it feels the best?”
The effort it took Paul to exhibit self control finally became much too atrocious and he was now more than happy to oblige. Jade watched in hazy excitement while his massive hands tugged at the leather around his waist. The jingling of its buckle only added to the wetness between her slit. In one haste movement Paul's jeans and boxer were pulled down just above his knee, freeing his aching cock. Returning his lips to the soft skin of her neck, Paul kissed another tantalizing trail up to Jade’s ear. Speaking in an amorous whisper Paul reached a hand between them to grab his cock, lining himself up with her entrance.
“This part is what makes you forget all of that discomfort the hunger caused.”
Driving his hips forward Paul buried himself between Jade’s tight walls immediately stilling when she let out a shattered breath.Though he gave her a moment to adjust to his size, he himself struggled with the building pressure of having the warmth of a woman wrapped around his length. Needing a distraction Paul kissed Jade's lips for the first time that night. Diverting in their softness she parted hers slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside. Craving more friction Jade tightened her legs around Paul’s waist and began to buck her hips.
“I know, I know my Dove. Just let me stay like this in you for a little bit.”
Paul hoped his huffed words would calm her; however with a catch of breath Jade unintentionally clenched around him proving they clearly had the opposite effect. Bringing his lips to the shell of her ear Paul spoke again, this time in a lower, commanding voice. “Just relax for me dear, we're almost there”. Giving a soft nip to her earlobe in thanks for her cooperation, Paul lowered his lips to the side of Jade’s neck as he drew his hips back. Slower now, he pushed forward deciding it was best to set a steady pace. Seeing that her back started to arch off the table he finally added a little force to his thrust.
“After the tingling subsides you'll feel a sensation like building pressure low in your core.”
Quickening his pace the lewd sounds of slapping wet skin carried a deep moan from the back of Paul's throat. Switching the angle of his hips he pulled Jade down to meet every thrust, watching in transfixion as she wither when after hitting a particular shallow spot Jade let out a loud shout.
“That's it. Give in to it, you don't have to be afraid.
With a breathy moan Jade threw back her head as she started to flutter around Paul’s length. Snaking his right hand to cradle the back of her head Paul bent back down and placed his forehead lovely against hers. With a guttural moan it only took three more exquisite punches of his hips. Chuckling through his nose Paul reveled in the sight of Jade hooded eyes and the feeling of a gentle hand running through his hair signaling a job well done.
“And that my little dove, makes you want to experience it all over again.”
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bitingyoubitingyoubi · 11 months
Rambling Steddie banter and fluff :) first fanfic blurb I've ever posted djdjsjd.
"Eddie, somehow – !" Steve raises his eyebrows at the other, lowering this weeks copy of the Hawkins Post to rest on his chest. "– you're both incredibly high strung and incredibly mellow. And I can't figure out how those two match up."
Eddie looks up from his spot, squatting on the kitchen counter. "What?"
Steve tosses his paper to the side of the sofa and leans forward, elbows on his knees. "I mean, man. In front of an audience – not even, like, a real audience, just anyone other than us – "
Steve tries to level a bitchy glare at his boyfriend, but the image of him perched on the counter, about to knock the mail on the floor, knocks it loose.
"Shut up. Us like – me. The Party. Hellfire. Corroded."
"Hey!" Eddie shoots up, knocking his head into an ajar cabinet. "Ow. Hey. Full name my band, please."
"Whatever. Okay. Corroded Coffin. Around us you're a . . . I don't know . . . a mouse on caffeine. I mean, how has your heart not gone out from – from the straight stress of always being at such a high speed."
"You think I'm a mouse?"
"I think you're hyper. Please, Jesus, let me finish my thought."
Eddie laughs warmly, mouth relaxing into a smile. Steve can't help but mirror him, but in what world would he resist smiling at his boyfriend? He watches fondly as Eddie lowers himself from his squat, clumsily falling on his ass on the fake-granite countertop before slinging his legs down to dangle.
"Okay. I'll listen. High strung mouse who's also cool, suave, and mysterious. Go on."
Steve laughs. Gets up from the sofa and wanders over to Eddie to stand between his dangling legs. With easy movements, he reaches over his boyfriend's head and eases the cupboard doors over him all the way closed. All the while, Eddie grins up at him – giddy.
"I never said cool, or suave, or mysterious."
"It's true though."
Steve's hands find Eddie's waist, thumb nudging under the hem of his shirt. "It's true," he concedes easily.
And Eddie's smile is so big, so warm, so solar, that Steve has to drop a haphazard kiss onto his face, narrowly missing his mouth.
"You're fast and fidgety and mouthy and witty and sharp. You yell, your reflexes are incredible, you flail through life like – like a propeller."
"A mouse and a propeller."
"Mmhmm." And Steve falls into his boyfriend when Eddie hooks his foot behind Steve's knee. "But you're also so very, unexplainably confident. Cool. Like you know how you're hot shit."
"Mouse, propeller, hot shit."
"I can't figure out how they work together. Because it's not like you're swinging wildly back and forth between the two all the time. Sometimes you do, I guess. But mostly they're just layered on top of each other. And you're scattered and collected and –
"And I really love it."
Eddie coos up at Steve, tilting his head up more, giving better access for Steve to spill kisses across his face some more.
"So you're not curious why this caffeinated mouse was on the counter?"
Steve pauses, nudging their noses together. "You were looking for something? I assume?"
"A couple hours ago Claudia gave me a plate of cookies and I ate half and put the other half on top of the cabinets so I'd forget about them and be excited when I found them later and it'd be a nice gift to future me."
"Oh I saw her right afterwards and she mentioned the cookies to me. I ate the rest of them."
"You what – !"
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
hello! I don't know I you still write for Creepypasta or not but if you do, can you write Tobias Rodgers with an S/O that has a stuttering disorder? Gender neutral or male, whichever you prefer, preferably smut..I just find comfort in characters that have similar problems to me..Thanks!
"I like you. No. I love you."
Tobias Rogers x GN/Reader
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex.
Details: He loves youuuu, awww 🖤
Ever since you arrived to this place you had trouble fitting in, the only person who seems to understand you is, Toby. He's a bit rough around the edges and at first was hard to get along with, but after awhile he began to open up to you.
He's kind to you and you're always there for him whenever he's having one of his melt downs. You don't let it scare you away, not like so many others have.
He appreciates having you in his life, especially since you both share something in common.
You questioned softly as you knocked on his door, you could hear some faint noises from inside. He didn't answer right away like usual, which had you a bit worried.
"Yeah- just uh. Hold on a minute."
He stumbled over his words, tics coming out here and there as he spoke. You waited anxiously as he shuffled around, finally the lock clicking and the door eased open to reveal his- room was clean?
There was two lit candles set on the dresser, your favorite kind putting off a wonderful fragrance. It was weird, Toby almost always had a god awful messy room.
"Do you- do you like it?"
The door slid shut as he stood behind you, hovering close watching for your reaction. Hoping for your approval since it took a lot of effort for him. He wanted to impress you, to truly express his appreciation towards you. How he really felt about you.
Your eyes wandered the room, stumbling over your words. You turned to him to just see his awkward stance, fidgeting with his sleeves.
Brown hair fluffy and tangled, deep brown eyes staring lovingly but also nervously into yours... It wasn't hard to figure out how he felt.
"I love it."
Those three words were like music to his ears, he grabbed you in a tight bear hug, pulling you closer to him. He smelled really good, usually the boy smelled like mud, blood and pine trees... But right now he smelled like he actually took a proper shower AND put on cologne.
He lifted you up with little to no effort, hands fidgeting with the lower half of your shirt.
"I like you. No... I love you."
He finally verbally expressed his feelings, tugging his mouth guard down you kissed him. It was gentle and assuring at first but quickly turned passionate.
His hands gripped your ass tightly as he toted you to the bed, somewhat recklessly plopping you onto it.
He was on top of you within no time, heated kisses between I love you's. Your stuttering and tics here and there, all of which he loved and understood.
You both found someone you could wholly be yourselves with, that special connection everyone longs for. Though the place you found it may be questionable, you found it nonetheless.
His hands were rough and calloused against your skin, wandering every inch of you. Urging your legs to wrap around his waist as everything escalated, he was going to give you his all.
Heart racing you both stripped and discarded your clothing, tossing it onto the floor without a care in the world.
He slid his hand down to your sex, they were rough on you but also in a way felt good. He was a strange mix of tender and harsh, just like his personality.
Bite marks littered your skin as your fingers dug into his back, he proceeded carefully when he entered you. He wasn't outrageously large but still slightly bigger than average, certainly was a tough fit you tightening around him as he went.
Thrusting deep and hard, rhythm was hard to keep and pace kept changing. In spite of this he tried his best to hit your g-spot, milking every little moan or other noise he could from you.
If anyone were outside the door right now they'd know exactly was going on in there, Toby wasn't exactly quiet. Cursing over and over while praising you.
"F-uck! You're so good..."
He hummed into your neck while placing one final hickey, pumping you full of his cum. So full that it spilled out onto the bedding quite a bit.
Though you'd be mistaken if you thought it was over, you still had a few rounds to go. He's been touch starved for a really long time, he craved this more than you could imagine. Surprising you as you were put into a new position, lining up yet again. Hope you have good stamina, it'll be one long night.
Hope I did well, anon! I adore Toby as he's been a huge comfort character for me for a really long time.
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Hashira's favorite Genre of Music
Here's what I think the demon slayer Hashira's would listen to hope y'all enjoy the first headcanons-
Muichiro Tokito: Muichiro is definitely a bit of an airhead (at least before he met Tanjiro). With that said, he gives me a lot of "no thoughts, head empty" kind of vibes. Therefore, I think his favorite genre of music would probably be lo-fi or just a song's instrumental. I think it would just give him something to listen to as he wanders about, staring at the clouds or just spacing out in general. It also serves to calm him down after a long day of training or battling demons.
Mitsuri Kanroji: This sweet girl has been through a lot, but with that said she doesn't let the music she listens to define her mood. I'd imagine Mitsuri likes to listen to a lot of music that she can simply dance around to, without a care in the world of what anyone else thinks of her. Perhaps she listens to Katy Perry, Ariana Grande, or maybe even Avril Lavinge. Now while this may come of as a very girly thing to say, I think it's extremely befitting for her. Mostly because she got tired of chasing a suitable match. And yes while her method behind becoming a demon slayer was to find a husband, I don't think that would stop her from loving herself. So I think she would listen to artists like this to hype herself up for the day and get her in the right mindset each morning.
Obanai Iguro: Given that Obanai is a rather cold person, and he doesn't really like interacting with anyone other than Mitsuri, he would probably take a liking to her favorite style of music. But ultimately, he wouldn't listen to it often because he finds it to be annoying at times. (However I do think he'd take a liking to Katy Perry because of the way she sings). As for his own taste in music, Obanai is definitely a Pierce the Veil fan, maybe even a fan of Sleeping with Sirens or possibly Fallout Boy. Because he has such a hard time interacting with other people, more specifically women (the exception being Mitsuri of course), he would definitely find some comfort in bands like that. Some of his favorite songs might include "Bulls in the Bronx", "Kick Me", and "Thanks for the mmrs" He especially dedicated the song "If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn" to his and Mitsuri's bond.
Sanemi Shinazugawa: Sanemi is definitely a hot headed individual, dare I say he's the Bakugou of the demon slayer universe, but that's not the point. Sanemi has been through a very horrific past, having killed his mother due to her turning into a demon to save his one remaining brother, Genya. Therefore he lashes out quickly and is swift to want to fight people, or more notably demons, at any given chance. With that said though, he's more than likely gonna listen to something heavy, something that can truly weigh into how he feels so that he knows someone can relate. I'd imagine Sanemi would listen to Three Days Grace, Papa Roach, possibly even Breaking Benjamin. He might even throw in a little bit of Shinedown or even Disturbd. The reason being is simply because these bands allude heavily to feelings of guilt, abandonment, frustration, anger, etc. To have Sanemi know that there's something or someone out there that understands how he feels, it helps him put his mind at ease and calm down, if only for a few moments.
Gyomei Himejima: Gyomei is the embodiment of a living teddy bear; hulking in size yet extremely gentle due to his upbringing. He cared for orphans, grew up extremely religious, and is blind. He was constantly bullied throughout his childhood because of said blindness, and was often told he was faking it because he is able to see the transparent world. He's more empathetic towards others and I definitely see him being an older brother towards the other hashiras. With that said, like Muichiro, Gyomei might enjoy calming lo-fi, or maybe even nature ambiances. Given that he's more in tune with nature than some of the other hashiras, he'd probably just enjoy the sound of a rushing waterfall, the birds chirping, and the wind blowing. When he needs to unwind he listens to lo-fi, taking in the rhythms to help calm himself down. Truly a wholesome man indeed.
Giyuu Tomioka: He's a rather unbothered person, at least on the surface. He doesn't really have a deep hatred for demons (hence why he let Nezuko live), also being extremely reserved and frankly, very shy. It's said he has quite the inferiority complex and suffers from survivor's guilt. However, despite his stoic nature he's known to be very caring towards those he truly trusts and cares for, and gets relatively upset and very angry when the ones he cares for are in danger. Hell, this man's haori is made from half of Sabito's (his late best friend) haori, combined with half of his older sister's haori. With all of that said though, I have a feeling this guy would enjoy artists like The Arctic Monkeys, Penelope Scott, Hozier, and Evanescence. He only listens to music for appreciation, knowing that someone worked hard to put such things out into the world. Plus, like the other hashiras, he appreciates the fact that there's music out there that relates to how he feels internally.
Shinobu Kocho: Though she may display a demeanor of being very friendly, caring, giving, and even motherly - all of that is simply a facade. It's only there to disguise her true colors, as she likes to make fun of people to the point of being sadistic (which I would imagine only happens if they truly deserve it). She also uses said facade to cover up a lot of rage within her. Having lost her older sister, her parents, the entirety of her tsuguko under her training, and her apprentice's families to demons, she naturally harbors a lot of hatred towards demons. (Even going as far to try and kill Nezuko, before Giyuu mentioned the Kamado sibling's situation). With that said, she still harbors a motherly side to her for Kanao's sake, given that she is Shinobu's adoptive younger sister. All of that aside though, I think she would like a lot of the same music as Giyuu, given how close they are. (I headcanon they often share headphones together). Aside from liking Giyuu's taste in music, she might take a liking to bands like Halestorm, Seether, Breaking Benjamin, and possibly even Scene Queen. Scene Queen mainly due to her sadistic humor, it gives her something to relate to knowing that someone can be just as unhinged as she can be. As for the others, it goes back to a reason like Sanemi's; those feelings of anger, guilt, frustration, and shame are often portrayed in their songs. She'll often listen to music when she's extremely angry or emotional, crying as she listens to the words she could never say herself.
Kyojuro Rengoku: Firstly let me just say this man is boisterous at best, in a good way of course. Rengoku is a man of character, always having something positive to say and never having a negative outlook on even the most stressful of situations. The majority of his morals and principles of respect being instilled by his mother at a young age. Despite his father being exceptionally cruel and apathetic towards him, Rengoku doesn't seem to let that get him down. I'd say it only serves as more motivation to do better, and he uses this motivation to help his brother Senjuro by believing in him and uplifting him no matter what. But despite his cheerful demeanor, he's actually rather intelligent and tactically skilled on the battlefield. Naturally he despises demons, like any other hashira. However that doesn't stop him from having good faith in Nezuko, accepting her as part of the slayer corps. after he realizes that she's not going to turn malicious. Therefore, I'd imagine that unlike his fellow hashiras, he'd listen to something more uplifting and positive much like Mitsuri. Artists like The Score, Imagine Dragons, and maybe even EDM artists like David Guetta and Steve Aoki. It's more than likely that he'd listen to music while doing solo training. It helps him focus, plus the uplifting lyrics of the songs help him look forward to the day ahead of him and those days afterwards. He'll even share his playlist with his tsuguko if they're having a hard time.
Tengen Uzui: Ah yes, this flashy flamboyant man had to be saved for last lol. However, his life wasn't all that flashy to begin with. Having grown up in a clan of Shinobi ninjas, he was always taught that the mission should be fulfilled above anything else, self preservation comes last. Basically, if you die, you die. After he married his wives, and was pitted against his siblings in masked death matches, which lead him to unknowingly killing two of his siblings. He got into a heated argument with his father over killing his siblings, and ultimately put his sword down and took his wives with him to pursue a life of their own design. And once he did, he vowed to always protect those he loves, and made his wives swear to put their lives first, then those of innocent civilians, and then finally himself. A nice recipe for a flashy life indeed, and for a flashy life and flashy man he obviously listens to the flashiest of playlists. I'd imagine that he'd listen to artists like Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Ke$ha, Rihanna, Beyonce, etc. Truth be told, it would probably be his wives that compiled the playlist. But he'd add on some Meghan Thee Stallion or Cardi B on there, just for some added bass. He just loves being carefree with his music, it didn't need to be anything serious. In his eyes, music is for enjoyment and if you can relate, well that's just an added bonus.
~ Hope you guys enjoyed! Lmk what you wanna see next
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primusfortuna · 8 months
Rouge ⟡ Love Wrapped in Ribbons of Gratitude (Sun 01)
[Normal Route] [XX] [02] [03] [Moon Route]
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“The Singing Bard’s Song of Love”
A few days after Rouge-san and I picked out presents... Love Day arrived before we knew it―
As part of the plan, Rouge-san was scheduled to sing at the town square today.
Emma: Is everything ready?
Rouge: Yeah! I tuned my lyre and my throat feels raring to go. I’m in tip top shape to sing out my love.
Rouge: Of course, we can’t forget... your cheers of love to top it all off!
Emma: Ah, Rouge-san, let me tie your hair back with a ribbon. It’ll be symbolic for Love Day.
Rouge: I see your fondness for brushing me off remains undefeated~
Standing behind Rouge-san while he sits on the sofa, I begin to tie his long hair with a ribbon.
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Rouge: Thanks ♪ Also... could I see your ribbon? I’m pretty sure you had one.
Emma: ? Sure, take it.
When I hand him my own ribbon, he gently ties it around my wrist.
Rouge: As one of us preachers, you’ve got to wear yours, too.
Rouge: ...Okay, all done. Mhm, super cute.
Emma: ...Thank you.
Rouge: Alright, should we get going now?
(Rouge stands up)
Rouge: Your hand, princess.
Emma: Hehe, my pleasure.
Just like before, I wrap my hand around his arm.
I begin to feel the heat of his body from where we touch. The comfortable warmth puts my mind at total ease.
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Middle-Aged Man: Oh! You’re finally here, Rouge!
Old Woman: I’m eager to hear you sing today...!
Emma: (He’s got all these people cheering for him just by showing up... Even I’m getting anxious.)
Rouge: Ladies and gentleman, thank you so very much for your patience. Please, listen to the story of this humble bard, Rouge.
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Rouge: As we spin together ever-changing dreams with song... Allow me to once again transport you to a world far from our own.
Rouge: I’m about to unravel a tale of parting and reunion between the prince and princess of a far-off land.
At times, with heartache... At others, with passion... The delicate notes of his lyre and his crystal-clear voice spin a tale―
―of love between the prince and princess. Once separated, they found each other again through a ribbon.
Emilio: Beautiful. This might sound rude, but... heh. He’s like a completely different person.
Cyrus: Yeah... Words can’t describe how wonderful it sounds.
Rouge: My beloved, bring me to your side. My beloved, may we find our hearts once more entwined.
Emma: (Rouge-san... I wonder what he thinks about when he sings those lyrics.)
Emma: (I don’t know why, but they resonate deeply with me...)
Rouge: It’s for your own good. It’s because I love you. —— Those beautifully dressed words make it hard sometimes. Rouge: As a rule, I try not to give away anything that can last. Rouge: Think of it this way. I’m the wandering bard Rouge-san. Footloose and fancy free, I go wherever the wind blows. Rouge: So I don’t really have much, and I try not to leave anything behind.
Emma: (I have to make sure he knows.)
Emma: (That I’d be... heartbroken if he disappeared.)
Rouge: ―And so, they formed a powerful bond. Our story of love brought about through a ribbon has reached its end.
As soon as Rouge-san bows, thunderous cheers and applause rumble through the square.
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Emma: Good job out there! That was incredible!
Rouge: Thank you ♪
Rouge: I don’t know why, but I feel a lot more―
(A boy runs up and tackles Rouge)
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Rouge: Huh!? Woah!?
Boy: Mister! You were so cool! That had my heart pounding the whole time...!
Rouge: Geez~ that was a mighty tackle! Hehe. You kept your promise of coming.
Emma: It’s you...!
Boy: I’m sorry. But I think I like singing better than trai— Mother: You think singing some silly songs will bring you to knighthood? I’m saying this for your own good. Come with me!
Boy: Guess what? Me and him are friends now! I even brought my mom today, like he said!
Emma: Rouge-san, when did this happen...?
Rouge: Err~... This kid eagerly came to find me back then, and uh, one thing led to another...
Rouge: I did something I wouldn’t usually do.
Emma: ...Don’t say that.
Boy: Hey hey, Mom! Didn’t you think his singing was, like, so cool?
Mother: ......
Rouge: ...Hello.
Rouge: How’d you like my song?
Mother: ...Awful.
Emma: (Huh...?)
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mbti-notes · 2 years
I am an ESTP and I want to know whether it is possible/healthy to eschew certain societal values that don't match my own. For example, I don't value or care to dress up or wear makeup, I like a clean simple look that is low fuss/effort. However, I see others put more effort into their appearance and be rewarded for this, and this makes me want to do so as well, even though deep down I really don't care. I also find I respect myself less for giving in to societal pressures at the expense of myown
How old are you? It is normal for people in adolescence and young adulthood to struggle with issues of personal identity. Specifically, it is not always easy to find the right balance between staying true to oneself and meeting the expectations of others. Some people get trapped in either/or thinking that easily becomes too extreme.
ESTPs who only care about what they want and never think about what larger negative effect they're producing are unhealthy ESTPs, misusing their judging functions in service of a shallow, lazy, or careless Se approach to life. If you truly care about yourself and hope to feel some pride in who you are, you wouldn't want to be a negative version of yourself, and you wouldn't want to present a negative image of yourself to the world.
Ideally, ESTPs should use their powers of reason to establish the right balance between self and others, which is related to proper Ti and Fe development. In order for ESTPs to genuinely "care" about doing something, they have to understand the reasoning behind it and agree with it - this is how one arrives at better Ti-Fe balance. Sometimes, when a situation is complex, you might have to take extra steps to truly understand it. You would have to consider all the different factors and all the different ways of looking at the situation - this requires Ni big-picture visualization powers.
Taking your example of dress: On one hand, as an individual, you ought to be free to choose your own style and wear what is in accordance with your comfort, beliefs, and values. On the other hand, you are a participant in relationships with others and what you do has a larger effect, even when you don't realize it. The way you dress projects an image and that image influences how people evaluate and relate to you. Of course, how people evaluate you matters much more in some situations than others, so it's not just "to care or not to care", as though the complexity of life can be distilled into one rule. Remember: Ti values the process of coming to a rational judgment, which requires deliberation and some nuance. To develop mature use of Ti requires you to use your reasoning skills more carefully to determine the best judgment based on the situation at hand.
Imagine going to an office job interview in a swimsuit. Imagine what society would look and feel like if everyone wandered around in their pajamas all day. There is a social element of dress because the way you present yourself contributes to the overall vibe of a social environment. The vibe is real because it has a very tangible effect on how people think, feel, and behave. People dress professionally at the office because employers want to encourage professional behavior, employees want to maximize their chances of making a good impression, and clients/customers want to be assured of professional conduct. People dress casually at the neighborhood restaurant because they want everyone to feel at ease and enjoy themselves. People dress in dark shades at a funeral in order to express their sadness/grief on a somber occasion. People dress up for their dates to show that they care enough to make an effort for love.
While dress is largely a personal choice, if you understand that there is an element of dress that extends beyond you and impacts others, then a reasonable person would try to find the appropriate middle ground, wouldn't they?
To reconcile self with others isn't about "me vs them" (oversimplistic either/or thinking). It's about choosing the most constructive ways of being yourself (maximizing the benefits).
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ilshailey · 2 years
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hi friendsss i’m super late but it’s ya girl rina revamping an old muse of mine for ilsang! find out a bit more about park hyemi aka hailey under the cut and hit that ♡ button down below if you’d like to plot hehe
rich girl from seoul, basically
has an older brother but was basically raised as the conglomerate heir of her dad’s ent. company since she’d always been known to be a fast learner (read: one of those “good at everything” kids)
doesnt really have a personality outside of being her parents’ perfect golden girl 
kinda grew distant from her brother........then one day he just left home without a word and it made her distraught 
his absence forced her to admit that she’d been turning a blind eye to their parents poor treatment and blamed herself for it all
long story short, she found a brochure in his room to ilsang and jumped on the chance that she just might find him there even if there was no actual evidence that he even went there
not long into her arrival (i mightve put an actual length of time in my bio but who knows kjsfsd) hailey was wandering about town and slipped on one of the oil spills and fell. she got a headache so she returned to her room at the inn early
the next morning she woke up but didnt feel like she had any control over her own body
now she’s behaving the complete opposite from how she normally is. always smiling and happy, curious about the world around her
v touchy. will fb poke war u irl just because. also a hugger. 
hyemi continues to attempt to win back her body (read: is constantly yelling at her alien) and still very much wants to find her brother 
hailey loves and adores all things pretty!! will very much get distracted by anything sparkly
will flirt with you, but in a clumsy way (think early 2000′s rom-coms)
did i mention that hyemi hates “hailey” lol
hailey picked up a job at cha ko latte bc she discovered the wonders of all sweet things and caffeine. catch her on her shift jumping around behind the bar off of 5 cups 
mayhaps a bit of a klepto?? just bc she’s curious about things, she’ll pick them up and take them back to her room to look at. sometimes she actually does put them back (but only if hyemi is yelling about how much of a mess their room is and that she does not need a random jacket from off the street sitting on their floor)
is what some may consider a ✨ditz✨
loves to look at herself and started an ig account against hyemi’s protests so that the whole universe can bask in how pretty she is
honestly if u know me u know i suck at plots but here are some ideas that can maybe spark some better ideas LOL
def her older brother (will probably put in a wc form to the main too!)
alien buddy - hailey is super excited to be hailey and she absolutely needs someone to share her experience with
i need someone who is sus of her and constantly trying to make attempts at exposing her but she somehow avoids them coincidentally bc of how silly she is
a cha ko latte regular who either just really likes her coffee or enjoys watching her act a fool on the clock 
another haedodi house resident. this is just for some housing plots maybe. perhaps they just eat breakfast together in almost silence (hailey constantly providing a commentary for her food) or they just walk home together sometimes
a first love - she’s only ever seen it in movies and dramas (that she’s been binging with ease thanks to hyemi’s netflix account) but she finds it so peculiar that humans would do anything for this situational feeling. she wants to give it a try! it’s not that hard, right? 
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Chapter 2: Lost Memories
Narrated by Aeon.
Lehman: Wow, Aeon, did you design these clothes yourself?
Narrator: A boy stomps into my workplace holding design papers.
Aeon: Don’t step on my lab equipment.
Narrator: The kid looks at the ground to all the gadgets that he can’t understand, and decides to sit on the windowsill.
Choose “Who is he?”
You: Who is this kid?
Narrator: Lehman, a Designer’s Reflection. His Personality Mirror is still in repairs, and is now a temporary playmate for Marina.
Lehman: The day before yesterday was rock-climbing, and yesterday was bungee jumping...
Lehman: We didn’t even go bungee jumping that much, and now we’re going to go diving?
Narrator: I flip through the calendar. Under tomorrow’s activities says “scuba diving.”
Aeon: Taking some time off to ease my mind helps me understand my thoughts from a different perspective.
Aeon: Where’d you get those designs? Stop horsing around too much with Marina.
Lehman: I didn’t find it. Marina gave them to me. I couldn’t tell you liked extreme sports!
Narrator: Lehman tosses the designs onto a stack of my papers, and flips open my calendar book.
Lehman: Wow, you can also compose music?
Narrator: I put down the maintenance records I’m working through.
Aeon: You want to give it a listen?
Narrator: Five minutes later, Lehman stumbles out of my room as if deserting a battlefield.
Choose either “What did you play for him...?” or “I’d like to hear the music, too.”
If “play,” ...
You: What song did you make him listen to...
Narrator: A heavy metal album I made.
If “music,” ...
You: What kind of music is that? Could I listen to it, too?
Narrator: There’ll always be a chance.
Narrator: Lehman scattered the papers all over the table. My thoughts wander back to the repairs, and my heart sinks.
Narrator: The repairs of his Personality Mirror are going nowhere.
Narrator: There are no memories in his mirror, just a white fog that suggests a deep loneliness and sadness.
Narrator: This is the first time I’ve seen a Designer’s Reflection without memories. Memory-less, like me.
Narrator: Marina is fast asleep from playing all day. While I record the star signs on the deck, Lehman sticks his head out of the cabin.
Lehman: About my memories... still no leads?
Aeon: Not yet.
Lehman: Don’t you have a mirror? The one that lets you see what’s happening in any world.
Lehman: Can’t you use that to find me in the real world?
Aeon: I’ve tried that already. But there isn’t a boy named Lehman like you.
Narrator: I turn around to look at that anxious child, and soften my voice.
Aeon: If you could give some more details, like the names of your parents or your hometown.
Lehman: I can’t remember, I just remember I’m called Lehman, Lehman...
Narrator: His voice becomes shaky, his eyes reddening like he is going to burst into tears at any moment.
Aeon: Don’t worry, I’ll fix your memories.
Narrator: I pat his shoulder reassuringly. Lehman bites his lip, nodding his head furiously.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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noctisvoces · 2 years
Free Write - A Wish
The curtain only let in sunlight into the golden-lit hotel suite, which felt significantly larger than he remembered in the previous years. This year had definitely made him feel the vastness of the open space. He grew wary about entering the living room space which would make him feel even more alone in this already empty, borrowed place. He turned to the ornate clock, sitting on the nightstand by the hotel phone, reading a quarter after six. The polished gold-plated lamps stood perfectly spaced to light the room in every corner. Dull, off –white curtains which hadn’t been replaced in decades covered the floor to ceiling windows, separating him from the rest of the world.
         He looked down at this wrinkled hands, calloused by years of labor and sustaining a household for his wife. The thought of her did bring a smile to his face. Her gentle caress to his cheek just above his beard. The way she sang his name right before she asked for a favor. Scent of her perfume which he could almost smell, strong enough to smell but not overpowering.
         Sweet but also mature.
         For a moment, he could almost smell her perfume, a smile breaking on his face, aged by the years. Very unmistakable given that it had been years since he had smelled it.  Everything she owned had been placed in a box and thrown into storage, unable to discard or even donate any of it to anyone who would make better use those things. Except at this moment, as the last shred of sunlight pour into the room, signaling the day’s end and the night’s awakening, he could smell her perfume again.
         He heard shuffling in the walk-in closet, terrifying him to the point of paralysis. Nothing seemed to be within arm’s reach from the edge of the king sized bed where he sat in a monogram MC in script on the right breast pocket. Unable to stand up or even move, he just watched the doorway to the closet and waited for his potential predator or murderer. With all of his will, he stood up, rushed around the bed, picked up the clock and drew it back.
         Out walked out a man with a fade and long hair tied in a short ponytail, a pair of two-toned eyes stared up at him as he held up a blazer and pair of slacks. The young man walked towards the bed nonchalantly and set the outfit on the edge of the bed. “Put that down, Mr. Crawford and get ready,” he said plainly and headed towards the bathroom. “I already unpacked your toiletries for you.”
         Who is he again?
         He returned to the room. “You have your reservation in the next” – he pulled out a pocket watch and opened it to check the time – “twenty minutes.” With one last look, he walked out of the room. In a blink of an eye he stood in front of the mirror, bowtie undone and hanging around his collar, stark white hair already brushed.
         “Let me do that,” said the young man and stood in front of him, adjusting the tie and quickly tying it into a proper bow.
         The question he had wanted to ask lodged itself in his throat, only a croaks of syllables. His eyes began to wander until the young man placed a hand on his cheek keeping him from doing so. His hand burned with such a warmth which had eased him.
         “Let’s join the party, Mr. Crawford, they’re all waiting.”
         And with that, the boy in the light blue shirt and darker shade of pants made his way to the door. Another blink and they stood at the top of the grand stairs to the main ballroom. Several people he used to know stood at the foot of the stairs giving him his applause.
         Everything seemed too perfect and pristine. Even the chandelier above them seemed so bright and refracting lights like twinkling lights. At the very foot of the steps stood his wife, beaming with that smile he loved on their first day they met at the high school dance. They danced again in a ballroom similar to this one.
         “Dewy,” she whispered, brown eyes looking left and right, having used a nickname from when he worked at their local library, “they’re all staring at us.”
         “Maybe we should dance again,” she said, slowly guiding him to the middle of the floor, “just like we did.”
         The music came and the two of them danced to the orchestral music with no musicians. Onlookers stood all around them as they waltzed like they did that last time. Each spin as flawless as they had practice, second nature to her, having been a teacher. As they danced, he could see the room getting darker and the audience, all white-faced and featureless, disappearing in the darkness and eating up the light.
         As he dipped his wife, he looked at it closely. A small light golden light shined within the circle of light left. It was the young person from before. In the palm of their hand was a single flame. Gleaming and small, pulsating strangely.
         “Your wish has been granted,” spoke a disembodied voice as the young man brought the flame to his lips, “good night.”
         Instead of watching, he stood straight and looked at his wife, her eyes staring back at him, almost answering the question floating in his mind. He didn’t want to hear it. Just wanted to enjoy this last moment with her. Wanted this to be his last memory with her.  
         The strange man blew the flame.
         And then warmth everlasting.
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
hellooo! this is the first time i request something from a blog :D could i request headcanons of diluc, scara, kazuha and xiao when their s/o tells them they're pregnant and possibly how they'd get used to having a kid? tyy! dont forget to take breaks and relax!
Literally baby-sized trouble.
summary: you're pregnant! how does he react to the news and how do the get used to your child? includes: diluc (26 bullet points), scaramouche (24 bullet points), kazuha (17 bullet points) and xiao (35 bullet points) warnings: fem!reader, pregnancy, children, non-explicit/non described giving birth, mostly fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort and angst. format: headcanons thank you for your request!! this was so fun to write! >< imagining the characters being soft with children is just so cute :") i specially like these four a lot >< when i wrote this i was in a xiao mood if it wasn't obvious that his turned out longer than everyone else's lol, and it's also the first time i write for kazuha so it was shorter than the others, but i think his is the sweetest ><! i hope you enjoy it! ps. the names and meanings- i got them from google, feel free to correct me if there's anything wrong with them ><
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He's going to stop functioning the moment he hears the news from you.
Literally, he's still as a rock and completely taken by surprise.
He... can't say he'd never wanted children. He's pretty traditional and, since he has this beautiful relationship with you, he assumed it might happen sometime in the future.
But oops guess it will have to happen in the close future, since you're already pregnant.
After staring at you with widened eyes for a while, he speaks up: "...is... is it true?" You hold his hands on yours with a smile on your face, nodding. "Yes, Diluc. We're going to be parents." Hearing your words, he starts to tear up as he hugs you, his touch almost hesitant, as if you were so fragile he could break you if he wasn't careful. "...thank you." He'd whisper between silent tears, hiding his face from your sight.
Very supportive and very protective!
You will have the most comfortable of pregnancies. He will make sure you don't need to move a single muscle to get anything you want.
If the two of you aren't married or engaged yet, he's going to propose to you very soon, keep that in mind ><
He starts reading every book he can find on pregnancies and babies so that he knows what to do to help you when you give birth and how to take care of his child once they're born ><
You have to convince him that yes, you can go and eat in the dining room and you don't need to eat everything in your room or stay in bed all day and yes, you can still do most things and no, he doesn't have to worry so much.
But yeah, in later stages of your pregnancy he gets more overprotective because he doesn't want anything to hurt you or your baby :(
He couldn't be calm enough while you gave birth and had to wait outside of the room, which only made him more nervous </3
But when he finally held your little baby on his arms for the first time, he broke down crying.
You two had a boy! He looked a lot like him, too... with the red hair and eyes... so cute...
He's not sure of what to name him, he'd thought of some names before, but they all disappeared when he saw the little bundle of joy in his arms;;
So you two will have to think about a name again!
In the end, you settle for Felix; name meaning "happy" or "lucky"!
Diluc is a very busy man, but he still does his best to be there for you and his son as much as possible!
He's also not very sure as to how he should interact with him...
But he does know he LOVES playing with him as soon as he starts to understand how to play with his toys.
But... there are not so cute parts about having a kid, after all.
At times, he worries whether or not he'll be able to be there enough for him.
He wonders if he can be a good father, given how awkward he is with his emotions.
What if when Felix grows up he starts hating him for being absent? He wouldn't be able to stand it.
You always reassure him as you both put the baby to sleep on his crib.
All Diluc wants is for his son to have a happy childhood and a loving family, but worries he won't be good enough of a father.
However, when Felix's first word is "'iluc!" as he stretches out his tiny arms towards him, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he can do this right.
He thought you were joking, so he laughed.
When you didn't laugh along with him and was met with your blank face, he understood you were serious.
He never even thought he'd be with anyone in a relationship before you came along, let alone have a child with anyone... So he's obviously very shocked and confused as to how to proceed.
After an awkward moment of staring at each other, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms, looking at you with an equally blank face. "So? What do you want me to do about it?" "H-huh?" "In the sense of- what do you want to do? Keep it or not." You huffed, and when he heard your determinated answer, he sighed and gave your head some soft pats. "Alright, alright, whatever you want, I guess."
Okay listen here- it's not like doesn't care but it isn't like he cares so much either...
This man would do anything for you, really, and that's what happens.
He does anything and everything for you, because he's worried about you and not necessarily about the baby you're carrying.
It's not like he hates children- because you can't hate anything you don't perceive as equal or superior to you and a baby ceirtainly isn't either for him-
It's more like he doesn't know what to do with them because he's never been around children enough to understand them.
He's overall very indifferent towards the child ngl.
Then he sees you cradling your baby -a girl- in your arms and his mind just... goes blank. Huh, so that's what a human looks like right after being born.
Your little daughter looks more like him than she looks like you, sorry. But he can clearly see on her face some factions that will look like yours as she grows up.
"Now what?"
He'll help you look after her however he can, since he doesn't want you to be too tired because he never knows when he'll have to leave for weeks or even months without notice.
He's not entirely cold or indifferent towards her, even if sometimes he might resent her a bit for taking away some of your attention.
But like when you were choosing a name for her, he gave a few suggestions and in the end you choose one of the names he thought of!
Her name is Hikari, name meaning "light"!
Due to the nature of his job, he doesn't want to be seen around either of you at the moment in public. It would only put a target on your backs.
And it takes a long, long while for him to warm up to her.
It disheartens you a little, but when you see him looking down at Hikari's sleeping form on the crib, softly poking her cheek with a strangely child-like curiosity on his eyes, you feel at ease.
And he thinks that he can probably handle this parenting thing better than he ever expected. Maybe it's not that bad, after all.
Ceirtainly, he thinks, as he holds her in his arms one day after she spoke her first word to him, this parenting thing is not really that bad.
(Her first word was "papa!")
Be ready, because once he gets attached to your daughter he won't stop spoiling her!
"Are you sure, love?" "Yes, I'm sure. We're having a child!" A smile painted itself on his face as he leaned in to kiss your forehead. "I hope I can be a good father for them."
So the Kaedehara family is getting a new member, huh!
Not that there's much left to his name, especially now that he's a fugitive... but he's excited nonetheless!
Although he's not one to settle down for long, he will make an effort for both you and the child, since it's not good for someone who's pregnant to wander around.
He's very protective, but not in an overbearing way! He simply wants you to take it easy and relax, he can take care of everything else on his own!
That being said, he's not rich like Diluc or Scaramouche, so he's also going to work harder than ever to get everything you or the baby need in advance so that neither of you have to stress out!
He's the one who takes it better out of everyone here, he's not extremely worried or outright indifferent, he's simply worried enough, excited and happy!
He already knew you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so the idea of having a child with you didn't scare him or intimidate him in the slightest!
He's still a bit worried, though.
He is a wanted fugitive in his homeland, after all...
He can only do so much and wish for the situation in Inazuma to change soon, so that he can take both you and his child to see the places he loved to spend his time at when he was a child.
But for now, he's happy enough simply holding his child on his arms, sitting next to you in your small shared home.
You have a girl too! She has Kazuha's hair color and your eye color, she's super adorable ><
He wants you to name her, and you both agree on naming her Izumi, meaning fountain or spring!
"Kaedehara Izumi... it has a nice ring to it." He'd say, smiling down at her.
While Kazuha enjoys travelling more than anything in this world, he's reticent to leave you and your daughter alone or even bring you along with him. So he stays around for as long as you need it.
He will talk a lot to her all the time, so don't be surprised when she picks up very complicated, flowery words from a young age!
He wants her to grow up to be free as the wind and be able to do whatever she wants without fear, so he wants to do his best to be a good father for her!
You can practically see the panic on his face when you tell him the news.
It's the most scared you've ever seen him be, and you've been there to help him through his karmic debt.
So yeah, he takes it the worst out of everyone.
"I'm not mad." He manages to tell you before disappearing to somewhere else in a panicked haze, he needs to sort out his emotions quickly before he can properly talk to you about it. The last thing he saw before he disappeared was your eyes, glinting with sadness. And that only made him feel worse if that was even possible.
It takes him the whole day to come to terms with his feelings on your pregnancy and finally face you again.
He's really, really afraid of hurting you and your child. Not to mention he fears he might've passed some kind of curse from his karma to either of you through the pregnancy :(
Like he said, he isn't mad. He's just scared.
He... he literally never, never thought he would get to be a father.
Family was a foreign concept to him, as were a lot of other things you've slowly helped him understand throughout your time together, so knowing he can have one of his own now... makes him happy, and scared, at the same ime.
He's worse than Diluc when it comes to protecting you and worrying about you.
He won't let you do anything alone, even if he doesn't want to be near you because he doesn't want the karma to harm you or your child in such a vulnerable moment of your lives.
Okay so that aside-
How do people care for babies?
What is he exactly supposed to do?
And- do half-adepti babies need any sort of special treatment in comparison to human babies?
He has no idea on what to do if it doesn't involve a physical fight with a tangible foe, so he goes asking for advice to everyone he knows that could have knowledge on that field.
Verr Goldet and Ganyu are a great help for him. Xiao listens with attention to everything they have to say and asks everything he doesn't understand.
Ganyu tells him about her own experience growing up as half-human so that he can understand what raising a half-human, half-illuminated beast baby might entail.
He also goes to Zhongli for advice and he gets more of the same advice he's already heard, along with many, many reassurances that sound like everything you already tell him every day.
He's very worried, but as the months go by and your child's birth comes closer, he can't help but feel a little excited about it.
Everyone who knows him is happy to see him openly happy for a change on those small moments when he gets excited about his new family with you.
When your child is born, Xiao doesn't want to hold him. It took too much willpower to stay as close as he was right now, standing next to your bed as you held your baby in your arms.
He was so adorable, so small, so fragile, so pure- Xiao was afraid of touching him and breaking or tainting him--
He was already crying, he'd started crying the moment he saw you holding your son for the first time.
He feels so... strange. He's crying, but this isn't a painful, or sad feeling. He feels... happy, but scared, but...
The feeling starts to make some sense to him when he finally convinces himself that it's okay for him to hold the little boy in his arms, when he stares with awe at his face.
The baby looks a lot like the both of you. Arguably, more like him, since he has the same hair and the same bright eyes, but in his face all he can see is you.
And he cries more.
You both named him Liàng, name meaning brilliant!
Xiao does his best to try and get used to parenting, and it gets hard at times.
But he tries, and that's all that matters. He tries to be a good father, and is always there to protect both you and your son from anything trying to harm you.
Even though he was so scared at first, you know he loves the new family you've formed together.
Especially when you catch him trying to hold a conversation with your son, sitting down on the bed next to him as he toys with a soft teddy bear, the two of them surrounded by pillows.
The soft look and smile he wears while he does so tells you that everything is going to be alright.
The three of you are going to be alright, and Xiao wants to make sure of it.
His son will never have to live what he lived or see what he saw. He will make sure of that, no matter what.
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