#just watched his rolling hall concert and i’ve fallen even harder for him
st4rbwrry · 1 year
my man my man my mannn.
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king-finnigan · 4 years
14. Bodyguard, and 63. Everyone mistakes them for a couple, geraskier.
Okay, not gonna lie, this one was a bit harder to write a drabble for (mainly because I was torn between canon compliance and modern AU)
It had all started when one slightly deranged fan had broken into his house. 
Really, no biggie, he had told himself, when the cops had arrived. Sure, it had been a bit scary, but really, all the girl needed was some psychological help. She meant no harm. So, he had decided not to press charges.
Which had gotten him into a lot of trouble with his manager and dad, who had yelled at him that oh my god, are you stupid, Julian? You could’ve gotten hurt! She won’t be the last, mark my words! 
The conversation (if you could call it that) had ended with his dad resolutely telling him he was going to hire his son a live-in bodyguard who would be by his side 24/7. Jaskier had protested, a lot, really, because what the hell is he supposed to do with a stranger in his house? Who even invented live-in bodyguards? What the hell was that all about?
His dad hadn’t taken no for an answer.
Which had led all the way to now. As Jaskier walks off the stage, he is immediately flanked by said bodyguard, Geralt. 
“Good show,” the guy mutters under his breath, one hand softly pushing against the small of Jaskier’s back, the other stretched out to ward off fans that are getting a little too close to be comfortable.
Jaskier scoffs, when they finally reach the private area of the concert hall. “Don’t lie to me, I know you hate my music.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s a bad show.”
“Alright, alright,” he pushes himself away from Geralt, his back burning in the spot where his bodyguard’s hand had been mere seconds earlier, “that’s enough, you don’t need to guide me as if I’m some lady from the 40′s who’s about to faint, Christ, dude.”
Geralt shrugs. “Just doing my job.”
Jaskier sighs, as he pushes open the door to the side alley, where his driver is waiting for him. Of course, he knows it’s Geralt’s job to make sure he gets to where he needs to be safely, but he also can’t stand the way the guy always looms over him with his big hulking form in a way that makes blood rush to his face and other, much lower parts of his body.
He stops dead in his tracks, halfway between the door and the car. Shit. He’s bloody attracted to the guy. 
Great, way to keep it professional, Jaskier - he tells himself, as he shakes his head and sighs, opening the door of the car, sliding onto the back seat. Geralt, as always, sits next to him, the ride home quiet.
He looks out the window, watching as the lights of the city flit by, smiling as people bustle around the never empty streets of London. He spots the park where he and Geralt had once taken a stroll. His bodyguard had been forced to hold his hand as to make sure he stopped straying away from the path to give anyone who recognized him an autograph. He had also accidentally fallen into the fountain that same day, and Geralt had given him his jacket to make sure he didn’t catch a cold, and he had bought Jaskier icecream after to cheer him up.
He smiles at the memory.
Half a mile later, he sees the bar they had once gotten absolutely hammered in - at least Jaskier had. Geralt had just rolled his eyes, and had eventually picked Jaskier up, carrying him outside over his shoulder to make sure he didn’t give himself alcohol poisoning. He remembers how weirdly comfortable it had been, being carried by Geralt, and how he had whined like a puppy when his bodyguard had put him down.
When he sees the bakery they get bread at every morning, he knows they’ll be home soon.
Really, despite his initial resistance, it had been fairly easy getting used to Geralt’s presence in the house. The guy was a great cook, honestly, and though they had avoided each other at first, they had eventually fallen into a comfortable rhythm, eating all their meals together, watching a movie or tv show on the couch every night, chatting, laughing, getting to know each other.
And he would never admit it to his dad, Geralt, or anyone for that matter, but he’s not so sure he wants to live without Geralt anymore. 
Finally the car stops in front of his- their house- no, his house. There is not ‘their’, there is no ‘them’, it would be completely unprofessional, and Geralt is exactly the kind of guy who is anything but unprofessional. And of course, Jaskier is a bit of a wild child, he’s never going to settle down. 
So why does he feel a pang of disappointment shoot through him as he realizes he and Geralt could never be a thing? Since when does he even consider the possibility of them being a thing? Since when does he want that?
Oh god, he realizes, as he gets out of the car, walking to the front door, acutely aware of Geralt’s presence behind him, I’m in love.
He sighs again, opening the door, letting Geralt in before he closes and locks it again for the night. He honestly, more than anything, would love to take a shower to wash the sweat of the performance off, but his eye is caught by a bunch of magazines lying on the table next to the door. 
Huh. His dad must’ve delivered them earlier that day, judging by the folded note on top of the pile of magazines that reads: “Julian.” His dad is the only one who still calls him that.
He folds the note open, frowning at the single sentence that is written inside. “This needs to stop.”
He cocks his head, laying the note on the table again, picking up the first magazine. On the cover is a picture of him and Geralt, that day in the park. They’re holding hands, and Jaskier frowns at the giddy expression on his own face as he looks up at Geralt, who has a small smile on his face. “Pop sensation Jaskier finally settling down?” it reads next to the picture.
They think Jaskier and Geralt are a couple.
He shrugs, putting the magazine down again. What’s the harm of a few people spreading rumours around? Could be worse.
Except the next magazine has a picture fo him, from that night at the bar, hanging over Geralt’s shoulder, giving the camera a dopey grin. Then, right next to it, a picture of him leaning against Geralt’s arm, once again looking up at the man with an expression that could easily be interpreted as adoration. Once again, Geralt is smiling. 
“Night out with new boyfriend?” it says next to the pictures.
Oh, okay, maybe two magazines are spreading rumours, what’s the problem with that?
Except the pile is at least fifteen magazines thick and Jaskier has a growing suspicion that they all have the same sort of front page. 
His suspicions are confirmed when he looks through the pile. Every single cover is adorned with a picture of him and Geralt, walking hand in hand along the Thames at night, at the bakery a few blocks away picking out pastries together, of Jaskier leaning on Geralt’s shoulder, of them smiling and giving each other looks that could barely be interpreted as anything other than loving.
And each and every magazine thinks they are a couple.
Well, shit.
And what’s even worse is that he wants the rumours to be real. 
He looks up when he feels eyes boring into him, and spots Geralt, now only dressed in a shirt and sweatpants, leaning against the door to the living room, arms crossed. “What’s that?”
Jaskier smiles weakly, holding up one of the magazines for a second. “A lot of people seem to think we’re a couple.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed that.”
Jaskier cocks his head, putting the magazine back down on the pile. “Then why didn’t you say something?”
Geralt shrugs. “I thought you knew and didn’t mention it because you didn’t want to make it uncomfortable.”
“Well, you’re right.” Jaskier looks down at the pile, eyes caught on the way he adoringly stares at Geralt in the picture, and the way his bodyguard smiles back, “not about me knowing, but...” he shrugs “I don’t want to make this uncomfortable.”
“Whatever...” he points between the two of them “Whatever it is we have going on.”
Geralt sighs, pushing away from the doorframe, running a hand over his face. “I don’t think I can be your bodyguard anymore.”
Jaskier’s heart cracks in his chest, and he doesn’t even try to fight to keep the hurt from his voice. “What? Why not?”
Geralt walks forward a few steps, stopping a foot or so from Jaskier. He sighs again, avoiding eyecontact, hand scratching at the short stubble on his jaw. “Because I’m in love with you. Which is highly unprofessional. That’s why.”
And, by the gods, Jaskier could kick and kiss this man at the same time. But, he decides his feet aren’t exactly a match against Geralt and he would probably only end up hurting himself if he were to kick the guy, so instead, he moves forward, cradling Geralt’s face in his hands, kissing him.
After a short moment of hesitation, Geralt kisses back.
He pulls back after a few seconds, Geralt’s face still in his hands. “Hmm,” he mutters, “guess I’ll have to find a new live-in bodyguard.”
“Don’t even think about it,” Geralt says, pulling him in for another kiss.
Send me two tropes from this list and I’ll write a short drabble for them!
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
Synonyms for Furious
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Request:  @crossandchange Hey love! I'd like to request a canon scenario where reader, kyungsoo's s/o, is worried about his super busy work schedule and it causes some strain on their relationship. You can even make kyungsoo collapse (please do 😈😈). But uhhh fluffy ending please because my heart can't take sad endings! Congrats on finishing up the wanderers and white out!
A/N: This one was really fun! I hop you like it!
Genre: Angst, fluff
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader
Infuriated. Pissed. Enraged. Indignant. Livid.
You needed a thesaurus to describe the level of angry that you were at the moment as you stormed through the doors of the hospital.
In retrospect, you’d always counted yourself lucky. Dating an idol was not an easy feat. Their schedules were crazy, sometimes they were gone for months at a time due to concert tours, and there were nights where they had to cancel dates due to practice running over. But you and Kyungsoo made it work. He was always more responsible when it came to balancing his health and work. He always made time for you so you never felt ignored or forgotten.
Lately, however, things had gone esque.
For some strange reason, Kyungsoo decided that he should take on a drama while preparing for the group comeback. On top of that, it was an action drama. Kyungsoo had been working hard to get in shape enough to handle the stunts that the role demanded. Add that to the long hours that were spent between the studio and the set and you hardly saw him, which just added to your worry. You were okay with him not being to come over as often as he had in the past as you always tried to be understanding, but the reason for his current absence made you uneasy. In the few times he’d called you, he always sounded exhausted. The last time he’d called, he’d fallen asleep only five minutes into the conversation.  
And now he’d actually collapsed during practice. Jongin had called you to let you know that they were rushing Kyungsoo to the hospital. You immediate dropped what you were doing and got here as fast as you could.
This kind of behavior is something you’d expect from Junmyeon, Jongin or maybe even Sehun; not knowing when to quit or give their body a break. Your boyfriend didn’t do this to himself.
A majority of the boys had other schedules they were forced to attend so only Jongin was waiting out in the hallway for you when you finally found the right wing.
“What the hell happened?” you demanded as soon as you came to a stop in front of him.
Instead of answering you immediately, Jongin stood up from his seat and pulled you into a hug whispering, “It’s alright. He’ll be okay.”
As much as you loved the dancer’s hugs, right now at this moment it was not what you wanted. Without being too forceful about it so you didn’t hurt his feelings, you pushed him away.
“What. Happened.”
Sighing, Jongin brushed his fingers through his hair. “We were running through the dance routine for the millionth time. I could tell Kyungsoo was getting tired, but he insisted on continuing. He wanted to get as much practice in before he had to leave for the set. Right before his part, he ran over to a trash can and threw up before passing out. The doctors think it’s a mix of dehydration and exhaustion.”
You wanted to scream. You wanted to punch some sense into your boyfriend. Unfortunately, you were in a hospital littered with cameras.
A nurse came out of one of the private rooms and walked up to you and Jongin.
“He’s ready for visitors now,” she informed you before continuing on down the hall, eyes scanning the clipboard in her hands.
Jongin nudged you. “Go on. I’ll come back and see him later.”
Nodding, you patted him on the shoulder before heading for the room.
“Don’t tell him I was the one who called you!” Jongin called out before disappearing around the corner. You rolled your eyes before entering the private room.
Kyungsoo was wide awake, messing with a loose string on the hospital blanket that was draped over his legs. He was sitting up thanks to the bed being lifted to a high angle, with an IV in his arm and a few different wires taped to his chest. When he saw you, he let out a deep breath. “You didn’t have to come all the way here.”
If he was expecting you to fawn over him or cry or start nursing him back to health, he was in for a big surprise.
“You’re right,” you snapped. “I shouldn’t have to come all the way down to the hospital because my boyfriend didn’t know when to stop and take a break.” Grabbing the chair, you put it a good distance from the bed before sitting down. Any closer and you’d be tempted to grab one of those pillows and smack some sense into him. “What is going on with you lately?”
Not answering your question, Kyungsoo held out his hand to you. “(y/n), come here.”
“No.” You fortified yourself down into the chair, crossing your arms. “Tell me where your sense and concern for your own well being went. You always listened to your body when it told you that it needed a break. But now? Kyungsoo, you’ve never collapse like this before!”
He flinched when your voice rose to shouting level. “It’s just part of being an idol.”
You scoffed. “Don’t give me that bullshit. You’ve done just fine for the past several years without it coming to this.”
When he stayed quiet, you gave up.
“Fine.” You stood up from the chair, looking him in the eye. “You don’t want to tell me what’s going on, fine. When you’re ready to talk, come find me. Until then, good luck with your comeback.” Spinning on the balls of your feet, you headed for the door.”
“No, wait!”
The bed squeaked behind you when you didn’t stop. Unable to fight the need to turn around, you glanced over your shoulder to find Kyungsoo trying to get out of the bed.
“Oh, my god, Kyungsoo!” You ran to him and forced him back into the bed. As upset with him as you were, you couldn’t let him hurt himself further. “What do you think you’re doing?”
He huffed, the simple action of trying to get out of bed having taken most of the energy he’d stored up. “You said to come get you when I was ready to talk.”
Rolling your eyes, you sat down on the bed. “Okay. Talk.”
The corner of Kyungsoo’s mouth twitched as he struggled to find the words. The anger inside was starting to die down. You just wanted the answer now. And you hated being mad at his stupid face, anyway. You weren’t good at holding anything resembling a grudge against him.
“I’ve just been watching how hard everyone else was working and it felt like I was being lazy,” he admitted.
Your jaw dropped. “Kyungsoo, how could you ever feel lazy? Last year, you were in two movies on top of a world tour as well as going on variety shows and photo shoots. You are by far not the laziest one of the group. None of you are lazy. You all work hard in your own ways.”
Kyungsoo chuckled. “Except for Chanyeol, who plays video games all day.”
It couldn’t be helped. You punch him in the shoulder, but there was absolutely no power behind it. “Chanyeol does more than play video games all day.”
There is was. The beautiful heart shaped smile that made your heart flutter every time, no matter how many times you’d seen it.
Careful not to tangle you up in the IV tube, Kyungsoo pulled you in close to his chest, kissing the top of your head. “I promise, once the comeback and drama are over, I’ll take a nice long break.”
That made you feel immensely better. You knew when Kyungsoo promised something, he kept his word. Adjusting your position, you scooted in closer to his side as you both leaned back into the bed.
“Do you think we could finally take that vacation we’ve been planning forever?” you suggested.
Intertwining your fingers with his, he nodded. “Absolutely. Let’s go someplace quiet. And with no cellphone reception.”
“That sounds perfect,” you whispered. Looking up at him, you warned, “If you ever pass out again, I’m killing you myself.”
That just made him laugh harder. “And they call me satan.”
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