kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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Hey Hey Hey galaxies! 
Hope you like this collage, there be more coming and also comment down below who is your favourite otp it can be anyone really. 
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kawaii-night666 · 4 months
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
21-Kageyama turns into a kid!
As night came something unexpected happen which is, yes you got it right Tobio turns back to his teenager self.
Tobio snore cutely as his size comes back as the clothes well let just say it was torn a bit as Tobio grew back to his original self but when they wake up let just say, well you will know soon when they be awake....
Morning comes Tobio wakes up as he blinks away his sleep as he looks around as his face appears confuse as he pouts wonder what just happen to him as Tobio saw the banner that says his first name and wonder to himself 'Sorry.... For what though.'
Tobio gets sits up as look around and saw everyone sleeping interesting positions, he looks down and saw that his half naked, he blushes and shouts "WHAT THE FUCK!?"
Everyone who heart the shout shoots up and looks around the source of the shout until their eyes land on Tobio his usual scowl face but instead of that Tobio blushing of his nice physical body no baby fat as their eyes widens and shout "KAGEYAMA/TOBIO-CHAN/TOBIO-KUN/BABY OWL/KITTEN!"
"S-stop staring you perverts." Tobio still blushing as he grabs the blanket to cover his naked body to keep away from the guy's eyes as the guy's blushes and look away to avoid that they didn't just see anything at all. "W-why am I naked?" Tobio stutters as he looks away embarrass.
"Umm you don't want to know" Suga reply as he scratches his cheeks gently.
Kuroo took his spare shirt then give it to Tobio to wear "Here you go kitten." Kuroo has blush on his cheeks as Tobio took his shirt then mumble a quick thanks.
"Umm can you guys turn away." Tobio said.
All the teams turn around but they can't help be jealous want Tobio to wear their shirt as Tobio put on the shirt that Kuroo give as the shirt was too big on him as Tobio reply "You can turn around now." Tobio put shorts on before they could turn around to face him.
So, they did and well it looks cute on him even though Tobio back to his size again until they snap back as Tobio asked them "So what is this all of sudden? What happen?"
"Well, you believe what happen Yamayama you turn into a kid. You were really adorable as a toddler size."
"Huh!" Tobio look at Hinata as he hides behind Tsukishima figure to hide from Tobio glare again.
"Its true king, you sure were a handful as a kid."
Tobio looks away with a bit sadness in his eyes, Tsukishima felt guilty then said "But you weren't a bad kid though." Tobio look at Tsukishima again as he nods.
"Okay, lets play volleyball!" Tobio said as everyone smile as other either grins or shake their heads knowing that their hearts beat fast and want to be with Tobio longer even if he gets heart breaks and others things, they all will be with his side no matter what and maybe asked Tobio sister...I mean future sister-in-law for hand in marriage.
"Sure, lets play!"
Everyone gets change as Tobio has to wear Kuroo shirt and someone shorts who happens to be Akasshi ones who seems to be happy that he wore his clothes but doesn't want to show it, don't want to be like a creep to their crush after all.
As time move forward, cheery blossoms grows as everyone spend their time with Tobio to get to know him again even his past self as well and lets not forget that Miwa was happy for her little brother to be with the people who loves him as she knows that each one falls in love with Tobio, who knows what the future may hold for them but they do know that Tobio is the light to their dark days even if he has a scowl on his face but he sure cares about them all. Tobio such a tsundere but he does care about them all, Tobio smile a little to his Japan team as they are up against Argentina.
"Ready Kageyama/Tobio/Tobio-kun!"
"Let's do it! Our team will win this Olympics."
Everyone on the Japanese team smile at Tobio even Oikawa even though he may be in different team but the love they had for volleyball and Tobio is just memorable for each one of them.
 After all memories can be happy, sad, any emotions as long they keep it to their hearts no matter what journey may lead you!
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: The last and final chapter of Tobio turn into a kid!
It was fun while it lasted 😢
But I bet ur happy Tobio that u turn back
Tobio: Yeah then u wake up with no memories and become naked 😒
Author-san: Aww come on don't be like that at least I didn't make u suffer longer
Tobio: True
Author-san: Well anyways don't worry everyone the other story I will come up with will be mix with Tobio and Tetsuya soon real soon...maybe
When I finish the other stories, so I will focus on that part 😆
Tobio: That be exciting
Author-san: Hehe it will be 😏
Tobio: I don't like that smirk...ur planning something again
Author-san: Maybe...who knows
Now everyone say thanks to the audience/reader
Everyone: Thank you for reading Kageyama turn into a kid!
Hope you read the author other stories!
Author-san: Yep see you in the other dimensions (story) everyone 😜
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
20-kageyama turns into a kid!
As Tobio and Bokuto playing volleyball together everyone have a break from volleyball not until...
Ukai said "Hey where is Kageyama?"
Silence fills the gym until...
"Shut up Shittykawa! You're too loud."
"Ya too Tsumu, shut yer trap."
"But Samu Tobio-kun..."
"You're too loud shrimpy."
Ukai and the other coaches sigh at them but then again, its also their fault for not keeping an eye out for Tobio.
Meanwhile with Bokuto and Tobio playing volleyball together as Tobio giggle at Bokuto silliness as Bokuto grin to see Tobio giggle even he thought his heart would burst at any moment, then he thought 'When he returns to his normal self, I want him to toss for me and also get to know him as well better.' Bokuto nod his head as Tobio tilt his head wondering what's wrong with Bokuto.
Tobio asked "Boku what's wrong?" He pouts at Bokuto as Bokuto eyes widen as he looks into Tobio blue eyes.
"What did you call me?" Bokuto question as he looks at Tobio.
Tobio cheeks turns a bit red as he fiddles with his shirt reply "Boku...you don't like it." Tobio looks down, scared if Bokuto don't like the nickname. Bokuto smiles down at him as he lifts Tobio chin up to look into his memorising blue eyes that reminds him either the sky or the ocean.
"I like it, baby owl." Bokuto reply as Tobio eyes sparkle.
"Hehe glad you like it Boku but baby owl." Tobio tilt his head at the mention of the nickname that comes out of Bokuto.
Bokuto chuckles as he rubs his thumb against Tobio cheeks "Yep my nickname for you baby owl."
Until they hear the others screaming as they face the others who seems to look well worry as Suga saw Tobio with Bokuto then rush over to them and shouted "KAGEYAMA! BABY CROW!"
Tobio look at Bokuto then at Suga as he said "Baby crow." Tobio shrugs it off as Suga holds him in his arms while the others heard Suga shout and go and saw Tobio in Suga arms as Bokuto pouts want to carry Tobio but doesn't want to anger the mama crow. 
"I'm sorry Kageyama, that we forgot about you. We won't ever forget about ever again." Suga mumbles into Tobio soft hair.
Tobio remembers when they ignore him but he understands that volleyball is fun but he does wish they let him join at least even the other teams compete or have a break though so Tobio decided he wants to be with Bokuto so he will have to punish them for ignoring him. 
Karma a bitch....
Tobio then turn to face Bokuto to reach out to him as Bokuto eyes lit up as Suga pouts as Bokuto takes Tobio from Suga arms.
Tobio nuzzle against Bokuto chest, Oikawa said "Tobio-chan, we're sorry that we didn't play with you."
"Yeah, his right Kageyama." Kuroo said as he saw that Tobio won't look at them as Kuroo knows even the rest can tell his upset that they forgot about Tobio. All the team felt bad but they are jealous of Bokuto at the same time like it isn't fair (well life isn't fair) Bokuto cuddle Tobio against his chest as he smells Tobio which is vanilla and blueberries as he shakes his head as he knows that Tobio won't talk to them for forgetting Tobio.
"I will take baby owl to play over there." Bokuto said as he points at the gym as they nod while they pout while some other try to hide it.
"Hinata, I don't think he want us to play with him, we all at fault."
Hinata pouts wants to be near Tobio but he understands what Daichi is telling him after all it is their fault so they have to understand but they will show that Tobio is important to them all. 
Bokuto took Tobio to the gym to play volleyball with him, everyone goes to the other gym to discuss to make it up to Tobio and then apologies to him as well.
-time skip-
The other nod as they get blankest, pillows like they did before when they sleep in the gym as they collect snacks and drinks, games to play. They all look at their handy work as they smile or grin at each other wonder what Tobio reaction would be like when he sees this.
As for Bokuto and Tobio they were giggling and laughing as they play volleyball, Tobio heart feels with warmth but it feels like he misses everyone as well, Bokuto can tell as he said "Baby owl, do you want to see what they're doing? They all feel bad for what they did."
Tobio thought back what his nee-san said before with Oji-san then look at Bokuto as he replies "Mm I want to spend time with them as well Boku, I miss them. And I understand that they need to focus on volleyball after all volleyball is so fun, when people go pow, bam."
Bokuto grins at Tobio enthusiasm even with the cute gesture when he said pow and bam it was adorable as he took Tobio hand to take them to the others as they open the door Tobio and Bokuto eyes widen with a woah as they grin and smile at them. 
Inside the gym there was fairy lights and blankets and pillows on the floor to lay or to sit on even the snacks and drinks are there as Tobio smile to bright while the others couldn't help to want to cuddle or squish Tobio cheeks.
Tobio look at the banner that says 'We sorry Tobio!' Tobio look at everyone as they smile at him as Tobio reply "I forgive you."
"Ahh Tobio-chan!"
"Ahhh Tobio-kun!"
Before they get to hug Tobio someone beat them to it who happens to be Tsukishima as he lifts Tobio onto his shoulder.
Tsukishima just smirks at them as Tobio doesn't know what's going on as Tsukishima said "Oh sorry didn't see both there."
"Why ya little!"
"Oi Tsukishima let me hold Yamayama!"
Tsukishima looks at the shrimp and reply "With that height of yours, no chance. King prefers to be with me."
Hinata just pouts at Tsukishima as Yamaguchi just said to Hinata "There there Hinata its okay, I'm sure you will have your chance to be with him."
"Your right Yamaguchi."
The Karasuno third years just sigh at their first years as Suna just takes picture of Tobio cuteness or should I say everything. Everyone plays games and just enjoy with each other as everyone talk, laugh, and the fun. Tobio sure is very content with what have been happening with him and the others, it sure was an adventure.
As time went by tonight, everyone was asleep Tobio was in the pile of everyone as he let out a smile in his sleep until something unexpected happen....
 ➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Chapter 20 is here guys, hope you enjoy this chapter
Tobio logs in
Tobio: Does that mean-
Author-san: Shhh
What Tobio trying to say is that See you in the next chapter guys
Tobio: Yeah what they said 
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
16-kageyama turns into a kid!
After what happen in the cafeteria, everyone then has to go back to practice even though they want to spend time with Tobio. As you see Atsumu and Toru who well clingy onto Tobio as in hugging him as Tobio looks well uncomfortable.
Hajime and Osamu saw this they hit them in the head to let go off Tobio as Tobio hides behind Osamu and Hajime who were glaring at Atsumu and Toru as they wail that they want to be with Tobio as Hajime drags Toru to their team while Osamu done the same with Atsumu.
Tachi asked "You alright Kageyama?" he looks down at Tobio as Tobio looks up with frighten look on his face as Tachi pat Tobio head gently to calm him down as Tobio nuzzle his head to Tachi hand as Tachi smile at the sight.
Shigeru said "Come on Kageyama we can go to our own gym!" Tobio eyes sparkle a he runs to Shigeru.
Yuki worries and says "Be careful Kageyama!"
Tobio slows down after he hear Yuki worry voice so he can be careful if he trips so he walks towards Shigeru as he smiles down at Tobio and says "Let's go!"
Tobio nods excitedly as everyone can hear Toru shout "You better look after Tobio-chan, Yahaba-chan!"
Shigeru heard what his captain and senpai says as he rolls his eyes and says "Don't worry senpai! I will."
Yuki and Tachi catch up to Tobio and Shigeru to walk to the other gym where Tadashi, Kiyomi, Akinori, Kenji and Naoyasu who were waiting where there's volleyball cart and the net that been set up for them to try to play but they have to be careful with Tobio.
Tobio smiles as he rushes inside while the others blink but shake their head at Tobio enthusiastic to volleyball but their hearts can't help to beat for that smile like they want to protect it no matter the cost.
As they play with Tobio, Naoyasu said "Hey kid! I bet your hungry by now."
Tobio stomach grumble as he looks down in embarrassment as Naoyasu smile a bit at the cute sight but then turn back to his resting bitch face I mean deadpan.
One of the managers from Fukurodani, Kaori said "I got you guys snacks and drinks, just in case you guys hungry."
Tobio then said "Thank you!" he grabs the onigiri and water bottle while he sits down while the other who look after Tobio joins him until Tobio shyly said "Umm thank you for playing volleyball with me. You and the others kind enough to look after me and play volleyball."
Everyone stop when they heard what Tobio said as Akinori said with a smile "There's no need to thank us Kageyama, we be glad to play volleyball with you." Tobio shoots his head up as he stares at Akinori with his blue eyes while the others listen in.
Tobio mumbles "R-really do you mean that..."
Akinori and the others look at each other then look at Tobio as Naoyasu said "Off course we mean it! Why?" Tobio then looks at Kuguri then looks down at the onigiri.
As Tobio whispers "I thought you be scared of my face and don't want to play with me...."
Silence fills the air.
Tadashi look at Tobio with understanding look in his eyes while the others can't believe what they heard but when Tobio whisper broke their hearts, and it feels like they all want to kill...I mean have a talk with those people.
Yuki said "Whoever said that to you Kageyama, don't listen to them!"
Tobio was about to say something until Yuki cut him off "You're not scary and your fun to play with, whoever those people to say things to you or play with you they are stupid."
Akinori said "His right!"
Kenji said "Yeah, I beat those who said those to you Kageyama."
Kiyomi reply "Don't listen to those germs who says something unnecessary to you."
Tadashi says "Kageyama you're amazing and bright kid, don't let those bring you down."
Tobio can't help to smile as he looks up at them and says "Thank you!" Tobio slap his soft chubby cheeks together while other jump at the action as Tobio finishes his snack and drink as he stands up and says "Lets play more!" his blue eyes sparkle again with life as they smile or grin as they play volleyball again with Tobio.
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Yayy chapter 16 here guys
Hope you enjoy this cha-
Everyone except Tobio: See you in the next chapter!
Why do I even bother with you lot 😒
Toru: Because we are amazing
Atsumu: Fabulous
Shoyo: Chaotic
Yuu: Fun
Ryu: Cool
Kei: idiots
Author-san: Does that include yourself Kei
Kei: Don't put me in the same category as some idiots here
Idiots: OI!
Kei: At least they know
Author-san: Mhm okay
Anyways as I was saying-
Kenjiro: No
Author-san: But I didn't-
Kenjiro: N O
Author-san: You salty fringe hair
Kenjiro: What you call me
Author-san: You heard me
Salty fringe
Eita: Anyways before things go south
Wakatoshi: We hope to see you in the next chapter
Satori: Go miracle boy 🤩
Tachi: Like our captain said
Author-san: You salts I swear you guys gonna be the end of me
Kenjiro: Good to know
Kei: Then we can just end things quicker
Rin: 🤳 good for blackmail
Author-san: Ig you lot don't want to spend time with Tobio
Salts: ....
Author-san: 😏🤭
Suguru: Wow
Tetsuro: Who invite you
Suguru: I was here the whole time you cat
Tetsuro: Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium
Suguru: No one cares about your science
You done 😀
Kenma: Your on your own
Kenma logs out
Everyone except Suguru and Tetsuro logs out
Tetsuro: ....
Author-san: Well continue
Tetsuro: Sorry...
Author-san: Thought so 😤
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
11-kageyama turns into a kid!
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As they finish their meals they walk around in few shops and see other players there as they walk together.
But as all the players weren't paying attention something unexpected happened well someone.
The male then grins at Tobio as he was by the other plushies of milk, cat, and others as the male said to Tobio "Hey kid, where's your guardian?"
Tobio looked at the male then said "They are over there, mister."
The male then thought 'Jeez they should keep an eye on the kid, they not doing a good job.' As the male sighed as Tobio grabs the male shirt to get his attention on him as the male looked at Tobio and smiled and said "Hmm what's wrong?"
"I want this! Isn't it cute!' Tobio blue eye sparkle bright as he hugs the milk plushies but until he pouts and said "but I don't have money..." The male can't help to cooed at Tobio then decided to buy it for him because who can resit Tobio cuteness.
"I buy it for you, kid." The male smiled at Tobio, as Tobio eye lit up.
"But, nee-san said I have to repay someone..." Tobio tilt his head to remember what his sister said to him before.
The male laugh at Tobio then said "Well, your sister probably mean repay someone with kindness."
"Ahh that's what my nee-san said, but I forgot it hehe." Tobio said but giggle at the end.
The male then also said "Okay I will buy you this plushies but you have to be careful if someone kidnapped you alright." Tobio nod his head as the male hold Tobio hand to go pay up the milk plushies as they bought it Tobio wants to go to the toilet.
The male saw this then carry him to the toilet along with the milk plushies.
Meanwhile for the players who are busy deciding what other clothes Tobio could try on, one of them who happens to be Daichi who looks to see Tobio is not there!
"Uhm guys!"
"No Tobio-chan should try and wear this!"
"Umm no way Tobio-kun would look good in this."
"I'm sorry but I think Kageyama would look cute in this one more."
"Hell, no this colour suits him."
"No king would look good in this."
Daichi eye twitch as he shouts "GUYS WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME!"
All the players and everyone who's in the store heard Daichi as Daichi said sorry to the other people then turn to face the others as he breathes in and out as he calmly said "Kageyama is not here."
"Huh what you talking about, Daichi his right..." They all turn but Tobio is not there.
"Not right here..."
"His not there."
"Where is he!?"
"Calm down, we should all split up and find him. If you find him call or text, understood." Shinsuke said to everyone as everyone nod as they all in their own teams to split up to go find Tobio.
Let's hope they find him.
While they in the search for Tobio, Tobio finishes the toilet but something happened as he been carried by a stranger who is not the same male who bought him the milk plushies as his eye look shocked and said "Woahh, I'm being kidnapped."
The kidnapper looks at Tobio shock doesn't know how to respond to that and thought 'What the hell!' as the kidnapper take Tobio to the park far away the shop they sit down.
"Mister, are we playing a game!" Tobio eyes lit up "If we are can, we play volleyball!"
The kidnapper can't help felt bad for kidnapping Tobio but he wants money so he thought it a great idea to kidnap a kid to get money but sadly the kidnapper himself felt guilty what he was doing to young Tobio?
The kidnapper asked "Hey kid you do realize I just kidnapped you...right."
Tobio tilt his head in confusion as his blue eyes lit up excited "Really I never been kidnapped before!"
The kidnapper sweat drop at Tobio response as he sighs then put him down on the bench as the kidnapper start to say to Tobio "Kid, you shouldn't be excited that someone kidnapped you." Tobio pluck his lips to make a pout as the kidnapper continue "Besides that you should -sigh- call someone whose looking after you and just take me to prison."
"But mister, why did you kidnap me though?" Tobio bluntly asked as the kidnapper flinch but ignores it to answer Tobio question.
"I need money, well my old job been bankrupted and I don't have a wife anymore because she decided to be with a rich man and I start living with my mother but she's old. Last time I saw my mother watch something on TV about kidnapping so I thought an idea but then I realise the big mistake I did."
Tobio then said "Well you didn't do anything wrong beside you didn't take me anywhere that's bad, so you're not bad mister. Besides I think you understand what you did wrong, you don't want to upset your mother." Tobio smile at the man who kidnap him. As the kidnap can't believe he got lecture by a kid but still he knows what he did was wrong of his mistakes after all we all make mistakes in life. 
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Author-san: Hello ppl out there chapter 11 is here
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter
Tobio log in
Tobio: When will you turn me back
Author-san: Hmm who knows 😉
Tobio: Your really evil
Do you know that
Author-san: Whaaa I can't help it
You deserve to be loved
Tobio: You read or watch about me didn't you 🤨
Author-san: Uhh well
Yes I did
Author-san: Did you just sigh over text
Tobio: Yes I did
Besides I'm not suprise about you reading fanfic about me
Author-san: Well do u want me to give you a list
or maybe recommend you to read fanfic about you
Tobio: No
Tobio logs off
Hey come on some aren't bad!
Author-san logs off
Everyone except Tobio and myself:...
Atsumu: What are we a roach
Osamu: It seems the author and Tobio forgot that we are here
Tooru: How meannn
Well I hope there's one of me and Tobio-chan
Hajime: Shut up
Tooru: How mean Iwa-chan
Shoyo: But I wonder what fanfics the author read
Tadashi: we will never know
Kei: I don't care either way
Salts: ^
Satori: And the salts are at it again
Daichi: Everyone log off
And also hope you enjoy this chapter
Yuu: Huh but we just got here
Ryu: Yeah Daichi-san
Koushi: They do have a point
Chikara: I rather we log out so we won't get extra laps
Chikara logs off
Everyone logs off
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
8-kageyama turns into a kid!
It was nice morning, in Inarizaki room Kita was awake but don't want to wake Tobio because his adorable sleeping face is hard to resist.
Suna woke up and saw Kita holding into someone as he got his phone out and took a picture of Tobio and put it in his file of file of Tobio, yes, he has picture of him when he was eating, and playing volleyball.
Everyone in Inarizaki woke up as Atsumu then shout "Huh why Tobio-kun cuddle with Kita-san..."
"Shut yer trap Tsumu."
"Shh be quite."
The twins shut up of hearing Kita voice as Tobio snuggles deep into Kita. As everyone cooed at this and felt jealous wanting to be in Kita place.
Kita carry Tobio to the bathroom to let help him brush his teeth and to shower him to clean as they came back but with Tobio wrap up as a burrito, Rintarou took a picture at this moment.
Kita asked his teammates "Minna do ya have spare clothes that is small."
"Here ya go Kita-san."
Kita look at Atsumu as he saw that the shirt is too big for him as he spoke "That's too big for him."
Atsumu didn't care only want Tobio to wear his shirt after all it is clothes.
Kita sighs as he looks at the others as they shrug at him wanting to see what he will look like? Kita wonders is he the only one sane. But Kita looks down at Tobio who was in a burrito towel around him as he said "Hehe I'm a burrito."
Kita smile a bit at Tobio as he sighs then take Atsumu shirt and put shirt on Tobio and buttons up the shirt for Tobio as Tobio look down at him and the shirt his wearing. While Atsumu have blood running down his nose as Osamu hit his twin head before Tobio could see.
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Author-san: Hewwo everyone chapter 8 is here!
Yayyy (>‿◠)✌
Tobio logs in
Author-san: Tobio be grateful I didn't make a story as u as a girl
Tobio: Don't u dare Boke!🙂
Author-san: I might do that tbh ٩(˘◡˘)۶
Tobio: Boke no
Author-san: Boke yes
Everyone logs in
Atsumu: Heh Tobio-kun as a girl
That would be interesting 😉
Author-san: See Tobio even the idiot agrees
Tooru: Tobio-chan as a girl
Shoyo: That would be interesting
Ryu: I agree
Yuu: Tobio be cute girl tho
everyone except Tobio: ^
Author-san: Oof it seems like they want u as a girl
Tobio: Why me
Author-san: Why not
Tobio: Am I here just to suffer
Kei: Heh king as a girl that would be a sight to see
Tobio: Shut up u dinoshima
Tetsuro: 🤣
Author-san: Yes bestie show that salt who taught u
Tobio: U didn't taught me
Akira: Author I will pay u if u write a story of Tobio as a girl
Yutaro:....N-not like I want to see that or a-anything
All of the salt: Did u just stutter in texts
Author-san: Well ig I will make a story of Tobio as a female
Tetsuki hacks in
Tetsuki:@Author-san u didn't complete the story of phantom of the underworld and The baseball that kuroko manages
Author-san: Wtf Tetsuki did u just hack into here
Tetsuki: Yes anyways I wish u luck Kageyama-kun
Tetsuki gets sent into her story
Tobio: So I'm still suffering either way..
Author-san: Wtf Tobio I ain't a bad author u know ( ˘︹˘ )
Tobio: I beg to differ...
Author-san:...How rude (╥︣﹏᷅╥)
Tobio: 😐
Koushi: So umm u still planning to make that story
Tobio: Suga-senpai!
Koushi: Whaa I think u be cute as a girl😗
Author-san: Pff
Tobio logs off
Author-san: Oof well then hope you lot enjoy this chapter
And wait Tobio why r u here
Author-san logs off
Everyone except Tobio:...
Yachi: Rip author-san
Kiyoko: Hitoka-chan!
Tsutomu: Umm See you guys in the next chapter!
Everyone logs off
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
7-kageyama turns into a kid!
Tobio was in room with Aoba Johsai, you probably how he got there in the first place well...
Here it all started where all teams are there and arguing over who will get Tobio to stay in their team rooms.
"No Kageyama want to be with Kenma, so he will be staying with Nekoma."
"Shut up ya rooster! Tobio-kun will be staying with Inarizaki room."
"In your dreams, piss hair he be staying with Date tech."
"Hah we are his teammates so we have the privileges for Kageyama to stay with Karasuno."
"No way you crow Semi find him first in that state so Shiratorizawa will look after him."
"No, it's us Kageyama likes Aggashi and respect him more!"
"No, you lot are filthy germs so he be staying with Itachiyama."
"Hell no!"
Tobio look at everyone with confuse face as they are arguing not until he got carried by Akira Kunimi as Akira look down at Tobio as Akira put his finger on his lips as Tobio nod his head as Akira takes him in the room, he be staying in.
"Did you get Tobio-chan, Kunimi-chan?"
Akira stills hold as he nods at Oikawa as he has a grin as Tobio then blurts out "You look weird with that face."
Oikawa drops his grins as he looks at Tobio that said that as he has tears coming down as Hajime and the rest snickers as Hajime then goes to Akira and takes Tobio from his arms as Akira pouts a bit wanting to hold Tobio longer. But didn't want Oikawa to hold Tobio but rather have Hajime instead.
"Do you think they still arguing?"
Everyone in the Aoba Johsai got themselves ready even Tobio as he was taking by onion head, I mean Yūtarō Kindaichi to help him brush his teeth, when they finish, they head back without getting caught by the other teams and Karasuno who want to take Tobio in their rooms.
They both came back they both see everyone in a circle and a bottle and the idea well you guess it, its Tooru himself.
 And the bottle lands on...
Hajime Iwazumi!
Tooru whines at Iwa-chan saying "I want to cuddle with Tobio-chan."
"You sound like a perv." Tobio blurt out, Tooru couldn't help to choke his saliva. While the other laugh at Tooru face as Hajime said "Kageyama come on its time for bed."
"Hai" Tobio walks to Hajime as they all get inside futon as Tooru turns off the lights as Tobio close his eyes to sleep.
Tobio couldn't sleep as he open his eyes as he sits up as he gets up slowly without waking everyone as he goes to the door and opens it slowly as he gets out the room as he walks and goes through the hall as he saw the door and opens it and saw the Date tech as he saw their positions as he shakes his head as he gently close the door and goes to the next one as he saw other team Itachiyama he saw it be perfect but then want to explore others as he saw other teams but the last one which happens to be Inarizaki. He opens the door and goes inside as he goes inside the futon who happens to be Kita.
Tobio snuggles against Kita as Kita felt another presence beside him as he opens his eyes and looks down and saw Tobio as he smiles at the sight as he wraps his arms around Tobio and rubs his head gently as himself was falling asleep himself.
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Hello guyss
Author-san:... wow okay then
How rude
Kenma logs in
Kenma: What is it Kitten
Author-san: Yayy finally someone answered unlike some of u
everyone log in
Kenji: No offense ur speech sucks
Author-san: Oh so u don't want to spend time with Tobio fine by me
Kei: Pff
Akira: Deserved
Rin: 🤳
Author-san: Anyways hope you lot enjoy this chapter
Everyone except Tobio: See you in the next chapter!
Author-san: Rood 😒
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