kawaii-night666 · 7 months
21-Kageyama turns into a kid!
As night came something unexpected happen which is, yes you got it right Tobio turns back to his teenager self.
Tobio snore cutely as his size comes back as the clothes well let just say it was torn a bit as Tobio grew back to his original self but when they wake up let just say, well you will know soon when they be awake....
Morning comes Tobio wakes up as he blinks away his sleep as he looks around as his face appears confuse as he pouts wonder what just happen to him as Tobio saw the banner that says his first name and wonder to himself 'Sorry.... For what though.'
Tobio gets sits up as look around and saw everyone sleeping interesting positions, he looks down and saw that his half naked, he blushes and shouts "WHAT THE FUCK!?"
Everyone who heart the shout shoots up and looks around the source of the shout until their eyes land on Tobio his usual scowl face but instead of that Tobio blushing of his nice physical body no baby fat as their eyes widens and shout "KAGEYAMA/TOBIO-CHAN/TOBIO-KUN/BABY OWL/KITTEN!"
"S-stop staring you perverts." Tobio still blushing as he grabs the blanket to cover his naked body to keep away from the guy's eyes as the guy's blushes and look away to avoid that they didn't just see anything at all. "W-why am I naked?" Tobio stutters as he looks away embarrass.
"Umm you don't want to know" Suga reply as he scratches his cheeks gently.
Kuroo took his spare shirt then give it to Tobio to wear "Here you go kitten." Kuroo has blush on his cheeks as Tobio took his shirt then mumble a quick thanks.
"Umm can you guys turn away." Tobio said.
All the teams turn around but they can't help be jealous want Tobio to wear their shirt as Tobio put on the shirt that Kuroo give as the shirt was too big on him as Tobio reply "You can turn around now." Tobio put shorts on before they could turn around to face him.
So, they did and well it looks cute on him even though Tobio back to his size again until they snap back as Tobio asked them "So what is this all of sudden? What happen?"
"Well, you believe what happen Yamayama you turn into a kid. You were really adorable as a toddler size."
"Huh!" Tobio look at Hinata as he hides behind Tsukishima figure to hide from Tobio glare again.
"Its true king, you sure were a handful as a kid."
Tobio looks away with a bit sadness in his eyes, Tsukishima felt guilty then said "But you weren't a bad kid though." Tobio look at Tsukishima again as he nods.
"Okay, lets play volleyball!" Tobio said as everyone smile as other either grins or shake their heads knowing that their hearts beat fast and want to be with Tobio longer even if he gets heart breaks and others things, they all will be with his side no matter what and maybe asked Tobio sister...I mean future sister-in-law for hand in marriage.
"Sure, lets play!"
Everyone gets change as Tobio has to wear Kuroo shirt and someone shorts who happens to be Akasshi ones who seems to be happy that he wore his clothes but doesn't want to show it, don't want to be like a creep to their crush after all.
As time move forward, cheery blossoms grows as everyone spend their time with Tobio to get to know him again even his past self as well and lets not forget that Miwa was happy for her little brother to be with the people who loves him as she knows that each one falls in love with Tobio, who knows what the future may hold for them but they do know that Tobio is the light to their dark days even if he has a scowl on his face but he sure cares about them all. Tobio such a tsundere but he does care about them all, Tobio smile a little to his Japan team as they are up against Argentina.
"Ready Kageyama/Tobio/Tobio-kun!"
"Let's do it! Our team will win this Olympics."
Everyone on the Japanese team smile at Tobio even Oikawa even though he may be in different team but the love they had for volleyball and Tobio is just memorable for each one of them.
 After all memories can be happy, sad, any emotions as long they keep it to their hearts no matter what journey may lead you!
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: The last and final chapter of Tobio turn into a kid!
It was fun while it lasted 😢
But I bet ur happy Tobio that u turn back
Tobio: Yeah then u wake up with no memories and become naked 😒
Author-san: Aww come on don't be like that at least I didn't make u suffer longer
Tobio: True
Author-san: Well anyways don't worry everyone the other story I will come up with will be mix with Tobio and Tetsuya soon real soon...maybe
When I finish the other stories, so I will focus on that part 😆
Tobio: That be exciting
Author-san: Hehe it will be 😏
Tobio: I don't like that smirk...ur planning something again
Author-san: Maybe...who knows
Now everyone say thanks to the audience/reader
Everyone: Thank you for reading Kageyama turn into a kid!
Hope you read the author other stories!
Author-san: Yep see you in the other dimensions (story) everyone 😜
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lekat1427-blog · 5 years
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This weekend, I finished writing this book, my third. It's always a surreal sensation to know that something you've dedicated years of thought to has become a full-bodied entity, ready to be released in all its flaws and wonders to the world, but here it is. As always, you're free to join me in sharing the story of the people who have been talking in my head. If you hear them even a little, I've done my job. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/romance/98533 https://www.wattpad.com/user/LeKat1427 #amwriting #amwritingromance #amreadingromance #amreading #inkittbooks #inkitt #inkittapp #wattpad #wattpadstories #theend #ontothenext #books #novel https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DbR-Zn8Bi/?igshid=1x7mx3p41vyo6
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
20-kageyama turns into a kid!
As Tobio and Bokuto playing volleyball together everyone have a break from volleyball not until...
Ukai said "Hey where is Kageyama?"
Silence fills the gym until...
"Shut up Shittykawa! You're too loud."
"Ya too Tsumu, shut yer trap."
"But Samu Tobio-kun..."
"You're too loud shrimpy."
Ukai and the other coaches sigh at them but then again, its also their fault for not keeping an eye out for Tobio.
Meanwhile with Bokuto and Tobio playing volleyball together as Tobio giggle at Bokuto silliness as Bokuto grin to see Tobio giggle even he thought his heart would burst at any moment, then he thought 'When he returns to his normal self, I want him to toss for me and also get to know him as well better.' Bokuto nod his head as Tobio tilt his head wondering what's wrong with Bokuto.
Tobio asked "Boku what's wrong?" He pouts at Bokuto as Bokuto eyes widen as he looks into Tobio blue eyes.
"What did you call me?" Bokuto question as he looks at Tobio.
Tobio cheeks turns a bit red as he fiddles with his shirt reply "Boku...you don't like it." Tobio looks down, scared if Bokuto don't like the nickname. Bokuto smiles down at him as he lifts Tobio chin up to look into his memorising blue eyes that reminds him either the sky or the ocean.
"I like it, baby owl." Bokuto reply as Tobio eyes sparkle.
"Hehe glad you like it Boku but baby owl." Tobio tilt his head at the mention of the nickname that comes out of Bokuto.
Bokuto chuckles as he rubs his thumb against Tobio cheeks "Yep my nickname for you baby owl."
Until they hear the others screaming as they face the others who seems to look well worry as Suga saw Tobio with Bokuto then rush over to them and shouted "KAGEYAMA! BABY CROW!"
Tobio look at Bokuto then at Suga as he said "Baby crow." Tobio shrugs it off as Suga holds him in his arms while the others heard Suga shout and go and saw Tobio in Suga arms as Bokuto pouts want to carry Tobio but doesn't want to anger the mama crow. 
"I'm sorry Kageyama, that we forgot about you. We won't ever forget about ever again." Suga mumbles into Tobio soft hair.
Tobio remembers when they ignore him but he understands that volleyball is fun but he does wish they let him join at least even the other teams compete or have a break though so Tobio decided he wants to be with Bokuto so he will have to punish them for ignoring him. 
Karma a bitch....
Tobio then turn to face Bokuto to reach out to him as Bokuto eyes lit up as Suga pouts as Bokuto takes Tobio from Suga arms.
Tobio nuzzle against Bokuto chest, Oikawa said "Tobio-chan, we're sorry that we didn't play with you."
"Yeah, his right Kageyama." Kuroo said as he saw that Tobio won't look at them as Kuroo knows even the rest can tell his upset that they forgot about Tobio. All the team felt bad but they are jealous of Bokuto at the same time like it isn't fair (well life isn't fair) Bokuto cuddle Tobio against his chest as he smells Tobio which is vanilla and blueberries as he shakes his head as he knows that Tobio won't talk to them for forgetting Tobio.
"I will take baby owl to play over there." Bokuto said as he points at the gym as they nod while they pout while some other try to hide it.
"Hinata, I don't think he want us to play with him, we all at fault."
Hinata pouts wants to be near Tobio but he understands what Daichi is telling him after all it is their fault so they have to understand but they will show that Tobio is important to them all. 
Bokuto took Tobio to the gym to play volleyball with him, everyone goes to the other gym to discuss to make it up to Tobio and then apologies to him as well.
-time skip-
The other nod as they get blankest, pillows like they did before when they sleep in the gym as they collect snacks and drinks, games to play. They all look at their handy work as they smile or grin at each other wonder what Tobio reaction would be like when he sees this.
As for Bokuto and Tobio they were giggling and laughing as they play volleyball, Tobio heart feels with warmth but it feels like he misses everyone as well, Bokuto can tell as he said "Baby owl, do you want to see what they're doing? They all feel bad for what they did."
Tobio thought back what his nee-san said before with Oji-san then look at Bokuto as he replies "Mm I want to spend time with them as well Boku, I miss them. And I understand that they need to focus on volleyball after all volleyball is so fun, when people go pow, bam."
Bokuto grins at Tobio enthusiasm even with the cute gesture when he said pow and bam it was adorable as he took Tobio hand to take them to the others as they open the door Tobio and Bokuto eyes widen with a woah as they grin and smile at them. 
Inside the gym there was fairy lights and blankets and pillows on the floor to lay or to sit on even the snacks and drinks are there as Tobio smile to bright while the others couldn't help to want to cuddle or squish Tobio cheeks.
Tobio look at the banner that says 'We sorry Tobio!' Tobio look at everyone as they smile at him as Tobio reply "I forgive you."
"Ahh Tobio-chan!"
"Ahhh Tobio-kun!"
Before they get to hug Tobio someone beat them to it who happens to be Tsukishima as he lifts Tobio onto his shoulder.
Tsukishima just smirks at them as Tobio doesn't know what's going on as Tsukishima said "Oh sorry didn't see both there."
"Why ya little!"
"Oi Tsukishima let me hold Yamayama!"
Tsukishima looks at the shrimp and reply "With that height of yours, no chance. King prefers to be with me."
Hinata just pouts at Tsukishima as Yamaguchi just said to Hinata "There there Hinata its okay, I'm sure you will have your chance to be with him."
"Your right Yamaguchi."
The Karasuno third years just sigh at their first years as Suna just takes picture of Tobio cuteness or should I say everything. Everyone plays games and just enjoy with each other as everyone talk, laugh, and the fun. Tobio sure is very content with what have been happening with him and the others, it sure was an adventure.
As time went by tonight, everyone was asleep Tobio was in the pile of everyone as he let out a smile in his sleep until something unexpected happen....
 ➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Chapter 20 is here guys, hope you enjoy this chapter
Tobio logs in
Tobio: Does that mean-
Author-san: Shhh
What Tobio trying to say is that See you in the next chapter guys
Tobio: Yeah what they said 
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
11-kageyama turns into a kid!
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As they finish their meals they walk around in few shops and see other players there as they walk together.
But as all the players weren't paying attention something unexpected happened well someone.
The male then grins at Tobio as he was by the other plushies of milk, cat, and others as the male said to Tobio "Hey kid, where's your guardian?"
Tobio looked at the male then said "They are over there, mister."
The male then thought 'Jeez they should keep an eye on the kid, they not doing a good job.' As the male sighed as Tobio grabs the male shirt to get his attention on him as the male looked at Tobio and smiled and said "Hmm what's wrong?"
"I want this! Isn't it cute!' Tobio blue eye sparkle bright as he hugs the milk plushies but until he pouts and said "but I don't have money..." The male can't help to cooed at Tobio then decided to buy it for him because who can resit Tobio cuteness.
"I buy it for you, kid." The male smiled at Tobio, as Tobio eye lit up.
"But, nee-san said I have to repay someone..." Tobio tilt his head to remember what his sister said to him before.
The male laugh at Tobio then said "Well, your sister probably mean repay someone with kindness."
"Ahh that's what my nee-san said, but I forgot it hehe." Tobio said but giggle at the end.
The male then also said "Okay I will buy you this plushies but you have to be careful if someone kidnapped you alright." Tobio nod his head as the male hold Tobio hand to go pay up the milk plushies as they bought it Tobio wants to go to the toilet.
The male saw this then carry him to the toilet along with the milk plushies.
Meanwhile for the players who are busy deciding what other clothes Tobio could try on, one of them who happens to be Daichi who looks to see Tobio is not there!
"Uhm guys!"
"No Tobio-chan should try and wear this!"
"Umm no way Tobio-kun would look good in this."
"I'm sorry but I think Kageyama would look cute in this one more."
"Hell, no this colour suits him."
"No king would look good in this."
Daichi eye twitch as he shouts "GUYS WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME!"
All the players and everyone who's in the store heard Daichi as Daichi said sorry to the other people then turn to face the others as he breathes in and out as he calmly said "Kageyama is not here."
"Huh what you talking about, Daichi his right..." They all turn but Tobio is not there.
"Not right here..."
"His not there."
"Where is he!?"
"Calm down, we should all split up and find him. If you find him call or text, understood." Shinsuke said to everyone as everyone nod as they all in their own teams to split up to go find Tobio.
Let's hope they find him.
While they in the search for Tobio, Tobio finishes the toilet but something happened as he been carried by a stranger who is not the same male who bought him the milk plushies as his eye look shocked and said "Woahh, I'm being kidnapped."
The kidnapper looks at Tobio shock doesn't know how to respond to that and thought 'What the hell!' as the kidnapper take Tobio to the park far away the shop they sit down.
"Mister, are we playing a game!" Tobio eyes lit up "If we are can, we play volleyball!"
The kidnapper can't help felt bad for kidnapping Tobio but he wants money so he thought it a great idea to kidnap a kid to get money but sadly the kidnapper himself felt guilty what he was doing to young Tobio?
The kidnapper asked "Hey kid you do realize I just kidnapped you...right."
Tobio tilt his head in confusion as his blue eyes lit up excited "Really I never been kidnapped before!"
The kidnapper sweat drop at Tobio response as he sighs then put him down on the bench as the kidnapper start to say to Tobio "Kid, you shouldn't be excited that someone kidnapped you." Tobio pluck his lips to make a pout as the kidnapper continue "Besides that you should -sigh- call someone whose looking after you and just take me to prison."
"But mister, why did you kidnap me though?" Tobio bluntly asked as the kidnapper flinch but ignores it to answer Tobio question.
"I need money, well my old job been bankrupted and I don't have a wife anymore because she decided to be with a rich man and I start living with my mother but she's old. Last time I saw my mother watch something on TV about kidnapping so I thought an idea but then I realise the big mistake I did."
Tobio then said "Well you didn't do anything wrong beside you didn't take me anywhere that's bad, so you're not bad mister. Besides I think you understand what you did wrong, you don't want to upset your mother." Tobio smile at the man who kidnap him. As the kidnap can't believe he got lecture by a kid but still he knows what he did was wrong of his mistakes after all we all make mistakes in life. 
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Hello ppl out there chapter 11 is here
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter
Tobio log in
Tobio: When will you turn me back
Author-san: Hmm who knows 😉
Tobio: Your really evil
Do you know that
Author-san: Whaaa I can't help it
You deserve to be loved
Tobio: You read or watch about me didn't you 🤨
Author-san: Uhh well
Yes I did
Author-san: Did you just sigh over text
Tobio: Yes I did
Besides I'm not suprise about you reading fanfic about me
Author-san: Well do u want me to give you a list
or maybe recommend you to read fanfic about you
Tobio: No
Tobio logs off
Hey come on some aren't bad!
Author-san logs off
Everyone except Tobio and myself:...
Atsumu: What are we a roach
Osamu: It seems the author and Tobio forgot that we are here
Tooru: How meannn
Well I hope there's one of me and Tobio-chan
Hajime: Shut up
Tooru: How mean Iwa-chan
Shoyo: But I wonder what fanfics the author read
Tadashi: we will never know
Kei: I don't care either way
Salts: ^
Satori: And the salts are at it again
Daichi: Everyone log off
And also hope you enjoy this chapter
Yuu: Huh but we just got here
Ryu: Yeah Daichi-san
Koushi: They do have a point
Chikara: I rather we log out so we won't get extra laps
Chikara logs off
Everyone logs off
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
9-kageyama turns into a kid!
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Everyone at inside the gym as Tobio couldn't help and smile at them cutely as Kenma, Akira, Rintarou and Shoyo took a picture and put it on Tobio file (they have a lot of pictures of Tobio as a kid well for Shoyo he has a lot of Tobio but its his eyes only.) While everyone being attacked by Tobio cuteness and the big shirt he has to wear who happens to be Atsumu shirt.
"Hey Suna can ya send that pic for me."
Rintarou just give Atsumu a blank look and says "No."
"Huh whyyy."
"Shut up Tsumu!"
Tobio lift the shirt up as Suga came and say "No baby boy, you can't show these perverts." Suga took him away from the others while the others try to process of what just happen as they yelled "COME BACK!"
"Poor king."
"Tsuki, do you feel bad for Kageyama..."
"Huh no when he gets back to his normal body, I will tease him even more." Kei just grins as he walks off while Tadashi sweat dropped at his childhood friend but he does know that Kei is jealous that it wasn't his shirt.
Tobio in Suga arms as Suga cooed at him as he said "Are you hungry Tobio?"
Tobio taps his chubby cheeks to think as he then said "Yes please."
Suga smiles as he takes Tobio to get something to eat to fill Tobio belly. "So, after this what you want to do Tobio."
"Volleyball!" Tobio excitedly said.
Suga chuckle as he should have known of his answer as he nods at Tobio as he cleans his mouth as he thought of something "Tobio, do you want to go outside with me to buy things because I don't think you can wear those big clothes."
Tobio just nods at Suga wanting to go out to explore.
Tobio couldn't wait to explore outside but off course everyone heard and went to their coach so they can go outside rather than stick in the camp.
And off course Tobio is excited for new adventures to go out with the other volleyball players even his favourite positions- setters.
But, when Tobio and the others are out something unexpected happen to Tobio, let's hope nothing bad happens to the cute Tobio when he show everyone his cuteness...
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Kentaro: Why tf should I say this!?
Tooru: Oh come on mad dog-chan I'm sure the author isn't that mean
Kentaro: 😒
Kenjiro: Oh just read what they sent you
Eita: Shirabu that's not nice
Kenjiro: Oh shut the fuck up
Satori: Baki ni ore nani wo
Oh my
Kei: Oh just read what the text they sent you
Kentaro: They said "Hope you lot enjoy this chapter 9 and off course the story it self hehe, sorry if the stories are either short or long. But either way, hope you guys continue reading this to find out what happen to Tobio." And that's that.
Tooru: Really author they didn't say what happen to Tobio-chan
Hajime: shut up stupidkawa
This is a story for a reason
Everyone except Tobio: ^
Tooru: Meann
I want to spend time with Tobio-chan
Atsumu: Ya 'ave already spend time with Tobio-kun
Tooru: I still don't like how u call him 'Tobio-kun'
Atsumu: Back at ya with 'Tobio-chan'
Osamu: Shut up
Atsumu: Whyyy
Rin: 🤳
Daichi: If u guys don't log out I won't let u see Tobio
Everyone except Daichi logs off
Daichi: And thats how u make them log off
See you guys in the next chapter! 
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kawaii-night666 · 11 months
4-Kageyama turns into a kid!
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Tobio was being hug by Koshi as Koshi rub his cheek against Kageyama until he was snatched by none other Oikawa Tooru that Tobio is now in his arms as Tobio blink as he was now in other stranger arms.
Koshi then give Oikawa a glare for snatching Tobio away from him as Tobio then wiggles his way out of the stranger hold but not before Tobio accidently hit Tooru face as Tooru lets go of Tobio as he runs and hides behind Iwazumi Hajime as Hajime glare at Tooru who making Tobio uncomfortable as Tobio holds Hajime at the back of his shirt. "Tobio-channn" Tooru whine as he pouts at him as he rubs where Tobio hit even though it is Tooru fault who making him uncomfortable though.
"Shut up kawa! You made him uncomfortable." Hajime points at Tooru while Tobio felt guilty as he was about to go to apologise, he was lifted off the ground and carried by date tech middle blocker 2nd year and captain- Futakuchi Kenji as he said "Hey my name is Futakuchi Kenji and yours." As he carries him while the others saw this and glares at Kenji as he smirks at them while carrying Tobio inside as Tobio answered "Name Kageyama Tobio." Tobio smile up at him as Kenji melts at the smile.
Kenji took Tobio inside while the others want to hold him or even take pictures off him, Tobio then asked Kenji "What position do you play?" Tobio look at Kenji as he was carrying him as he looks down and told Tobio "I'm a middle blocker and captain."
"Wahh! Really can you teach me." Tobio eyes sparkles as he wants to play volleyball Kenji really want to clench his fist where his heart is as he nods at Tobio can't obey him as Tobio wiggle want to be put down as he takes Kenji hand to play volleyball. Tooru and Koshi pouts want to play with Tobio until everyone have an idea to be with Tobio so each of the team get the chance to be with him and get to know him better even though his old middle school team know some bits but not all of it as they watch Tobio play volleyball with Kenji (poor Tobio got himself into chaos). Kenji said "So, Kageyama do you love volleyball that much?" everyone heard the question and want to know even though they know that Tobio is a volleyball idiot.
"Yes, I love volleyball very much, Ojīchan taught me it." Tobio smiles up at Kenji as Kenji and the rest seem shock well except his middle school team. Until Kuroo came up and asked Tobio "What about your parents Kageyama?"
Tobio look up at Kuroo as he blurts out "Your hair looks like a rooster" Everyone heard couldn't help to snicker at that as Kuroo blinks but then grins down at Tobio while Kenma covers his mouth to hide his laughter along the rest of Nekoma as Tobio then said "Hmm well they at work." Karasuno and Kunimi, Kindaichi, Oikawa and Iwazumi look at Tobio and thought 'His parents at work.' Kuroo then asked Tobio as he was in squat position as he talks to Tobio, "Where are they now?" Tobio shrugs not sure as Kuroo eyebrow furrow in worry for the young setter, as he stands up and pat his head as Tobio leans in as Kuroo and the others eye widen that Tobio looks like a cat.
With the coaches as they watch the scene before them.
"Should we like stop them?"
Takada look at the coaches as they watch it before their eyes over Kageyama and the one who shows other emotions besides that scowl on his face.
"Hmm well they won't stop though. Besides it seems Kageyama enjoying the attention." Ukai nod at Kageyama as all the coaches agree he does like head pats and the attention.
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Chapter 4 guys! hehe hope you guys enjoy this one.
Tooru: Why won't you let me hold Tobio-chan? it ain't fair
Hajime: Who cares Kawa!
Tooru: So meann Iwa-chan
Issei: Kageyama sure is cute kid
Takahiro: I agree
Akira: Senpai you sound like a perv oh wait that is Oikawa-senpai my bad
Tooru: Kunimi-channnn
Tetsuro: Lmao 🤣
Kenji: Glad I can get to hold him
Kanji: senpai share we want to hold Kageyama as well
Author-san: wow hello to you guys too😒
Shoyo: I want some screen time as welll author-sannn
Karasuno: ^
Nekoma except Tetsuro: ^
Aoba Johsai: ^
Shiratorizawa: ^
Date tech except Kenji: ^
Itachiyama: ^
Inarizaki: ^
Fukurodani: ^
Keiji: Bokuto-san your caps is on
Kotaro: caps 🧢
Kenjiro: seriously
Author-san: 😃
Atsumu: Is it me or that emoji is scary...
Rin: 🤳
Shinsuke: Suna no
Rin: Suna yes
Author-san: You lot done 😄
Everyone except Tobio: .....
Author-san: Good anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter
Please check out my other stories as well 🤗
See you in the next chapter!
Author-san logs off
Tooru: they scary like Iwa-chan
Hajime: Want to see me be even more scary dumbkawa
Takahiro: Rip
Issei: I guess we need a captain
Wakatoshi: Oikawa you should've come to-
Tooru: Shush nononono
Satori: Oho
Shinsuke: Everyone log off we have to go back to Tobio
Atsumu: Kita-san! Since when ya call Tobio-kun is first nameeee
Koshi: Damn I want to call him his name
Yu: Suga
Ryu: Suga
Koshi: What you lot want too as well 😗
Kindaichi: seijoh will have him in our room
Akira: I agree
Kei: Yea sure not the people who started calling him king
Tadashi: But Tsuki you call Kageyama that
Kei: Ursai
Kenma: I think we should all go before author comes back
Kenma logs off
Tetsuro: KYANMA you just want to play your games
Morisuke: But he is right the author will come back
Morisuke logs off
Daichi: Everyone log off and Kageyama be in our room after his KARASUNO.
Everyone logs off
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kawaii-night666 · 11 months
2-Kageyama turns into a kid!
Tobio got out the changing room as he walk down the path to go buy things in the fridge to stock up and also to get himself ready for training camp.
He felt excited as his blue eyes shine with life.
As he goes inside the store, he took the basket and go to the things he want to buy as he stop buy the milk section he saw one milk that is different. Tobio then hmm to himself as he shrugs to put it in the basket and the other milk carton just in case.
As he goes to the till, he bought the thing he needs as he goes home inside as he put the food in the cabinet and fridge and put shower stuff and cleaning stuff in the place they go too.
He done that he then goes take a shower while he done with shower in his joggers and white top he then go downstairs to cook food. The food finishes, he get the milk he bought to drink it as he fill his glass with the milk, Tobio drools as he eat the food and finishes the glass of milk.
He clean the dishes as he finishes his meal and then get the stuff he needs for training camp as he brush his teeth. He then falls asleep.
Until the next morning something unexpected happen to Tobio but it be huge surprise with the team and the other players.
Each of the teams be in a huge surprise when they will see Tobio...not as the same teenager but as kid his middleschool self in his first year.
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Kawaii-chan: Hewwo guys!
Kawaii-chan: I said hewwo Guys! How rude...they ignore me 🥲
Tobio logs in
Tobio: What boke
Kawaii-chan: No need to call me that!
Tobio: 🤨 u want me to call you kawaii-san or ur real name ur choice
Kawaii-chan: Uhh well
Kei change Kawaii-chan to author-san
Kei: There much better.
Author-san: Well then anyways Hope you guys enjoy this chapter
Shoyo: See you guyss 🤗
Everyone: See you in the next chapter!
Author-san: Ah there u guys are
Everyone except me log off
Author-san: How rude 😃 but anyways Tobio might kill me so here u thirsty guys
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Author-san: Hehe there u guys go 🥰
Tobio logs in
Author-san: Oh shi
Tobio: Explain
Author-san: U look good and hot bestie
Author-san:  What reaction is that! Feel appreciated 😌 dumbass
Tobio: rude 😒 but if I'm hot then ur cute
Author-san: *hug gif* 💞💓💖💕
Shoyo logs in
Shoyo: Author-sannnn ur a simp for Bakayama
Author-san: I thought its obvious 😅
Everyone logs in
Everyon except Tobio: HOW COME U DON'T SIMP FOR USS!
Author-san: 😑😐😑😐😮‍💨 Baka
Author-san logs off
Everyone except Tobio: HEY COME BACK!
Tobio: Well I be with that Boke Hope u lot enjoy this chapter or whatever
Tobio logs off
Everyone except myself and Tobio: WHAT!!!! COME BACK HERE!
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kawaii-night666 · 1 year
Kageyama turn into a kid!
Tobio was at practice with Shoyo and the rest of the volleyball team but at the moment they all having a break. "Bakayama!" Tobio look at the tangerine boy and scowls a bit but then sighs.
"What Boke!"
"Ready for training camp with other teams!" Shoyo jumps up and down and have the excitement in his eyes to play against the other team members.
"Shut up boke!" As the rest of the team sighs at the duo, as practice finishes they all went in the changing room as Tobio was fast enough to finish changing he said to everyone "See you."
As Tobio left the changing room, Noya was thinking about something until Asahi asked "Whats wrong Noya?"
"Hmm I been thinking for awhile."
"Wow you think Noya-san."
"Shut up Tsuki!"
"Don't call me that."
Suga then asked to stop the argument, "But what have been thinking though?" Suga and the rest looks at Noya.
Noya reply "Who do you guys think be the cuties babies in our team?" All the boys except from Tobio because he left to go buy food for his fridge at home.
"Hmm well I think it be Hinata."
"Maybe Yachi."
All the boys answered who be the cuties babies and yes even Kei Tsukishima himself. (Shocking) Until Shoyo said "I wonder what Bakayama is like as a kid?"
Now all the guys looks at Shoyo when he said that as they made they way out of the changing rooms and go down the hill. Tsukishima asked "He probably have that scowl on his face."
Yamaguchi said to Kei, "That's mean Tsuki."
"Urusai Tadashi."
"Gomen Tsuki."
"To be honest, we don't know much about Kageyama." Daichi added
Suga reply "Your right about that, but I bet he is adorable when he is a kid." Suga have that dream look.
Chikra said "Well who knows right."
"Imagine Kageyama turns into a kid." Tanaka said.
"D-don't jinx it guys!" Worried Asahi.
"Haha but I bet Kiyoko-San be adorable as a baby." asked Noya with hearts in his eyes (simp).
Tanaka simping over Kiyoko as a baby while the rest just either give the two simps looks or ignore them. As Shoyo just shake his head at senpais but he wonders what Bakayama is like as a kid before he becomes king of the court.
It sure be a sight to see...
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Kawaii-chan: Welcome to the story of Tobio turn into a kid!
Tobio logs in
Tobio: Why do I have to turn into a kid ��
Kawaii-chan: Why not
Tobio: Boke Why
Kawaii-chan: Bc I want too and I read too many fanfics so yea 😆
Tobio: I'm disappointed but not surprise 😐
Kawaii-chan: 🙄 Wow oki then beastie
Tobio: yeah I'm amazing bestie u have
Kawaii-chan: Yea sure not when u blow off the vp toupee 🤭
Tobio: Boke! Why remember that incident
Kawaii-chan: Why not its funny 😂
Tobio: not when u get kick of the gym
Kawaii-chan: basically it's urs and the Shrimp fault Tobio
Shoyo logs in
Shoyo: Hey! I ain't a shrimp 🤨
Kei logs in
Kei: I beg to differ shortie
Kawaii-chan: Damn oki
Kei: But the author is right after all u both are dumb 😄
Kei logs off
Kawaii-chan: Oof oki
Tobio: U assho-
Koshi logs in
Koshi: Seriously guys u lot should sleep
Kawaii-chan: Then why are u awake Koshi
Koshi: To tell u to sleep
Yu logs in Ryu logs in
Yu : Shoyoooo
Shoyo: Nishinoya-sannnnn
Yu: Shoyooo
Shoyo: Nishinoyaaa-sann
Daichi logs in Asashi logs in Kei logs in Tadashi logs in Chikara logs in Hisashi logs in Kazuhito logs in
Daichi: Go to sleep!
Kawaii-chan: But I'm the author tho
Koshi: But it's good to sleep
Kawaii-chan: Sleep is for the weak
Daichi: Don't make me come over there 😁
Kawaii-chan logs off
Tobio: Hah she scared 😂
Daichi: Kageyama
Tobio logs off
Kei: deserved 👏
Daichi: Tsukishima, everyone sleep NOW!
Everyone except Daichi logs off
Daichi: I'm sorry for them they are chaotic but.... See you guys in the next chapter!
Daichi logs off
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
19-kageyama turn into a kid!
Time move forward, everyone seems to forgot that Tobio was there since you know short and a kid as they were busy doing volleyball and they don't want to hurt Tobio.
But what more hurt that Tobio is lonely, he don't want to be annoying by going up to them, Tobio is determine as he grab one volleyball and go to someone to play with him but he couldn't find anyone who was competing against other team so Tobio decide to go play outside while he pouts as he bounce the ball down the ground.
Tobio mumbles "Nee-san....Oji-san..."
Bokuto was in his emo mode after the last play until he hears a sniffle as he frowns to himself and goes to see who it crying any maybe cheer that person up until he near the sniffle come clear as he saw a similar kid-Kageyama.
Bokuto pouts and thought 'Why is no one looking after him? Oh...wait we forgot about him did we. Great now I felt bad!' Bokuto goes where Tobio is and pat his head gently as Tobio stop his sniffle and tears that falls on his face, as he looks up and saw Bokuto as Bokuto asked "Hey Kageyama, no need to cry." Bokuto smile at him as he wipes his tears away with his thumb gently.
"No one paying attention to me...." Tobio said to Bokuto who can't help felt guilty that no one even himself wasn't paying attention to him he even remembers what Kenji said when Tobio was sleeping.
After Suga lecture them after what they taught Tobio as Tobio looks confuse as he shrugs it off and play volleyball with the shrimp...I mean Hinata.
After Tobio and everyone ate, Tobio going to sleep with the managers while the three simps were jealous that wanted to be Tobio place or is it the other way round...who knows.
Tobio falls asleep, Kenji and the rest of the team are there playing a game true and dare but Kenji and the other babysitters who seem lost in thought as Tsukishima asked Tadashi "What with you Yamaguchi?"
Tadashi respond back "Well it just that after we got to know Kageyama a bit since his in that state, do you ever think you know that his lonely?"
Everyone was silent until Shigeru answer "His right, he even said that his parents never around only his oji-san and nee-san that's it."
"Not only that, all he wants is to play is volleyball with everyone here even his nee-san and oji-san." Kenji reply back as everyone turn their head to face the second-year date tech captain. As Kenji continue "I don't care what everyone says, I want to protect that smile of his and his innocence as well. Everything about him is different from him as the king of the court."
Everyone even his middle school team as they thought it over and agree they want to protect Tobio from everything after all he is dense but sweet.
-end of flashback-
Bokuto patting his head gently and wiping the tears away that still flowing down "I'm sorry Tobio that everyone is busy with practice, it's our fault."
Tobio look into Bokuto gold eyes with his blue eyes as Bokuto can't help felt mesmerize by how blue it is as he replies "It's okay, at least you apologise. Its not you lot fault that you were busy with volleyball and I understand because you and the others love volleyball soooooo much." Tobio smiles cutely as Bokuto grins at him.
Bokuto then said "Lets play volleyball together!"
Tobio blue eyes sparkle again as Bokuto can't help seeing the soul to the window that know his emotion is. 
 ➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Chapter 19 everyone yayy
And oh 👏 before I forgot from previously if you lot are curious about my WIT account
Its similar to this username
Tobio logs in
Author-san: TOBIO 💞 💓💕
Toru: TOBIO-CHAN 💞 💓💕
Atsumu: TOBIO-KUN💞 💓💕
Tobio: No
Tobio logs off
Author-san: Wow its all your fault
Toru: No its yours
Atsumu: I have to agree with Kawababe
Author-san: Want me to make u disappear in this story and the next
Author-san: Hmph thought so
Suga: Anyways hope you lot enjoy this chapter
Hinata: YEAH!
Daichi: Ignore them
Shinsuke: Hope you look after yourselves!
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
18-Kageyama turns into a kid!
Tobio in the room with Date tech, how his not with his team well...
As it was near the afternoon after all the volleyball, Tobio feel sleepy as his eye drop a bit but tries to stay awake wanted to make more flower crowns for everyone as the people who looking after him saw this and thought 'Since he been to inarizaki and seijoh, its time he will sleep in our room!'
"Okay I will take Kageyama back to Karasuno." Said Tadashi.
"No, he be with us!" reply Yuki
"Yeah, no way, he be with us." Argue Akinori
"No, he be us, Semi-san find him first in that state." Stated Tachi.
"So, Oikawa-senpai would whine if he be with you." Said Shigeru
"I don't think Kageyama want to be with germs like you lot."
Kenji grins as he sneakily takes Tobio to Date tech room as they arguing over who staying in what room as he mumbles "Idiots!"
Kenji made it to Date tech room he lay out futon as he put Tobio down gently as he brush Tobio hair away from his eyes as he examine Tobio look and without realising what his actions he doing Kenji kiss Tobio forehead gently as he eyes widen as he sit up straight but seat by Tobio side as he pat Tobio head as Tobio nuzzle against Kenji hand as Kenji try get rid of the blush of his face from the action he did.
-end flashback-
Tobio sleeping while Kenji cooed at the sight of sleeping Tobio as Tobio nuzzle against Kenji chest that they are cuddling with each other as the others who stop arguing and realise that Kenji and Tobio not here so they have to find them and curse Kenji in their mind while they at it.
Until they find them and saw Tobio snuggling against Kenji chest like it's the comfiest thing ever as Kenji felt deadly aura behind and he knows that the others are there wanting to be his spot. Kenji turn his head to look behind him and said "Jeez no need to glare at me, not my fault you lot argue who Tobio gets to sleep with." Kenji grin at them as their eye twitch.
Shigeru whisper shout so everyone in room can hear only "You little shit!"
Kenji grins again reply "Why thank you, I try."
Tobio heard as he blink sleep away as he said "What is shit?"
Time seem to stop after what Tobio just said As Tadashi said "Kageyama that is a bad word."
Yuki and Tadashi glare at the second years who shiver down their spine as Tobio tilt his head as he wiggles his way out of Kenji hold and walk away to ask someone about it.
Yuki asked "Kageyama where are you going?"
Tobio said "I want to know what shit mean."
Tobio didn't wait for a response since he left the room as the guys in the room felt their soul left their body until they snap back to reality as Kenji stand up fast as everyone rush out and shouted "TOBIO!"
 Tobio little legs take him and saw Suga as he waddle over to him as Suga saw him and smile at him then crouch down to his baby crow as he hold Tobio as Suga asked Tobio "Hey Kageyama, what wrong?"
As the others saw Tobio but don't want to be close range because of Suga who giving a scary deadly vibe for not coming closer. As the guys who in charge looking after Tobio they saw Tobio with Suga as Tadashi pray for his life along with Yuki as the others look confuse. Tobio then said "What is shit?" he tilts his head to the side with his blue doe eyes that held innocence.
Komori saw his cousin who look pale as he and the other know why, Suga let out a scary smile as he asked Daichi "Daichi can you hold Tobio for me while I go and talk with them." Suga gesture to the Tobio babysitters while all Karasuno gulp in fear as Daichi nod his head, Suga walk over to them.
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Hehe chapter 18 is here guys
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Oh I also made an account of WIT
Tobio logs in
Tobio: Yep check it out if you guys wish too
But when will I turn back
Author-san: Well who knows hehe
Tobio: ....😒
Author-san: Oh don't be like that Tobs
Tobio: Fine....just because I love you bestie
Author-san: kbdfigfaoi
Author-san logs off
Tobio logs off
everyone: ...
Toru: WTF
Atsumu: I want to complain but to afraid to do it
Rin: I have good blackmails
Osamu: Off course ya do
Daichi: Everyone log out now!
Suga: But we all got here
Kei: And we always the last to come by
Tadashi: Mhm
Everyone except the managers logs off
Yachi: Well that sure went well
Kiyoko: Well they are simps for Kageyama
Managers: See you in the next chapter!
Managers logs off
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
15-Kageyama turns into a kid!
Tobio watch all of them picking clothes for him to try on for this fashion show he thought 'This is so exciting!' As Tobio blue eyes shine brightly with excitement as Rintarou saw Tobio eyes shine bright as he took a picture of Tobio.
Suga said "Okay Tobio, you can try this one on. Do you need help to change?"
Tobio replies "No I'm a big boy I can try to dress myself." Tobio take the Suga chose for him to try on for everyone to see. The clothes that Tobio is trying on first is black trouser with white shirt along with hoodie with a crow on the back of it and black shoes.
When Tobio comes out, Suga jaw drop as he thought 'Even when he is like this, he still looks good.' As he said to Tobio "You look absolute adorable."
Tobio blush at the compliment as he fiddles with his finger shyly while Suga cooed at him as Suga then takes Tobio to show the others who was busy arguing what Tobio should try on until Suga clear his throat to caught their attention which they stop and turn and saw Tobio the clothes on that Suga clothes option he wore.
Toru said "No fair Mr. Refreshing-chan!"
Atsumu reply "Noo Tobio-kun would look adorable what I chose for him!"
Tobio look at them and say "I can try the other ones."
Toru and Atsumu eyes sparkle at Tobio words as Rintarou, Akira, Kenma, Keiji and Shoyo took picture of Tobio outfit before Tobio goes back to change again to try on Toru clothes he picks out which is light blue shirt and white shorts and converse and comes back to change again to reveal Atsumu choice clothes he picks out for Tobio which is red trousers and black shirt. And they repeat it, when Kiyomi chose his outfit light blue polo shirt with matching joggers with white line at the sides and white trainers. 
Tobio is having fun with everyone a his heart warms up while the others got a lot of picture of Tobio in different clothes and costumes like butler, dinosaur, cat, owl and others.
Tobio was laying on Kiyomi lap as Kiyomi runs his fingers to Tobio hair which he thought 'So that's how his hair feels like his hair very smooth and soft. Wonder when he returns back to normal will his lips be soft. Wait, why the hell am I thinking about this? Kageyama called me average arghhh this is weird, do I like him?' As Kiyomi thoughts went wild Tobio then gets up from his positions and stretch, and then poke Kiyomi as Kiyomi snap out of it and saw Tobio awake and staring at him with his beautiful blue eyes as he said "Kageyama, what's wrong?"
"I'm hungry" Tobio replies. 
"Ahh..." Kiyomi said as he saw the time then continues what he going to say "Lets go get you food, but before that you have to wash your hands, okay."
Tobio reply "Okay."
Kiyomi take Tobio to the bathroom so Tobio can wash his hands then takes him to the cafeteria where the managers are there waiting for them and the others so they can fill their stomachs and go back to play volleyball even Tobio wants to play with but only the few people who are Kiyomi, Tadashi, Yuki, Shigeru, Kenji, Akinori, Tachi and some other from each team to look after Tobio.
The said people are happy to look after Tobio while the others are jealous want to be the one to look after Tobio.
Tadashi said "Kageyama after you ate, what would like to do?"
Tobio replies as he have some food on his soft chubby cheeks as everyone except coaches and managers thought 'Wonder if those are soft to poke or bite.' "Volleyball!"
Yuki replies "Okay we do that right everyone."
Kiyomi shrugs in response while the others nods.
Akinori said "How much do you love volleyball Kageyama?"
Tobio looks at him as he finish his food so he can reply "I love volleyball this much." He spreads his arm wide to show them how much he loves the sport.
Tachi mumbles "Cute."
Kenji smile at Tobio, he and the others glad to see something besides the shouting and scowl on his face but maybe they all want to know him even when he turns back to normal but they all don't know how event though they all don't want to because maybe his relative worried about him but then Kenji frown a bit when he remembers that Tobio parents at work he also wonders was he always alone.
Tobio look at Kenji then gets out of his seat as he pokes him as Kenji look at Tobio and says "What wrong?"
Tobio reply "You look sad..." Tobio pouts at him while the other watch as Kenji pick Tobio up to put him on his lap.
"Nah, I was just thinking that's all. There's no need to worry about me cutie." Kenji said that as he kiss Tobio forehead as Tobio blush while the others glares at Kenji to kiss Tobio forehead. 
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Chapter 15 is here guys
Hope you enjoy-
Tobio log in
Tobio: So
Author-san: Not yet Tobio
patients is a virtual
Tobio: Thats mean never, at least what chapter I will turn back into
Author-san: hehe no
Tobio: Whyy
Author-san: Don't worry Bestie things just got interesting
Tobio: I don't want to know
Tobio logs off
Author-san: HEY!
Tobio come back
Author-san logs off
Boys logs off
Kiyoko: Well then seems like the boys are speechless or jealous
Yukie: Mhm well like our wifey says hope you enjoy this chapter
Kaori: See you in the next chapter!
Yachi: Umm you think the boys are alright
Kiyoko: Who knows 
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
14- Kageyama turns into a kid!
Tobio was having a nap while everyone woke up as they saw Tobio being cuddle by Akira they all thought 'Damn you Kumini-kun/chan! That should be my spot!'
Akira open his eyes and saw everyone staring at them as he gave them deadpan face and said while covering Tobio ears to block out from the noise that the others would either scream, whine or other things. Akira said "What."
Everyone snaps out of their daze but felt sad they didn't get to cuddle Tobio though Tooru said "Kunimi-chan no fair that you're cuddling Tobio-chan."
Hajime roll his eyes at his childhood friend/ neighbour as he then faces Akira and said "Can you wake up Kageyama so we can all go together to eat food."
Akira nodded even though he doesn't want to wake him up but himself and everyone has to eat so they all can spend time together again and hope not to repeat the same incident at the mall. They all remember when they got back their coach scold them all while Tobio was hugging his milk plushie while been hold by Kiyoko as the managers shake their head at the boys.
As they head to canteen you see Tobio being giggle with the girls while the guys felt themselves pouting or jealous of not sure to be who spot though. Yachi saw the boys who looks gloomy as she then said to Kiyoko "Kiyoko-senpai, the boys look gloomy."
The girls stop talking and saw the boys but they all know that they are jealous so they decide to make fun of them, Yukie grabs onigiri and face Tobio who tilt his head like a lost puppy as it struck arrows to the players and the managers as Yukie said "Here you go Tobio."
"You sure Shiro-san." Tobio asked Yukie as she smile at him then nod at him saying its okay you can have it so it won't worry him further.
Tobio thank Yukie for the onigiri that she gives he then eat it as his cheeks puff up which makes everyone thinks 'Wonder if they are soft and squishy to touch.' It seems very tempting but they try to hold it because the cuteness that Tobio giving going sent everyone to hospital and the one who because it is Tobio himself.
Oikawa said "Say should we do fashion show for Tobio-chan to try the clothes we bought."
Atsumu said "Now we talkin', let's do it!"
Hajime replies "I feel bad for Kageyama now."
Shoyo excitedly said "I bet Kageyama be cute wearing the one I chose."
Kei rise his eyebrow at the shrimp -cough- I mean Shoyo as he said "No stupid he will wear what I chose him."
Kenma then said "I think he be cute trying on cat one." Tetsuro look at his childhood best friend in shock but didn't say anything because he also wants to see Tobio in a cat ears and tails.
Koutaro said "No he be dressing as an owl."
Suga claims "But Kageyama is a crow so he belongs to us and we get to chose what he will wear first? Any objections."
Silence that no one wants to see a mad Suga but they do want to argue though while Rintarou get ready his phone to take a lot of pictures of Tobio in different clothes to try on. As the managers give the boys deadpan face and thought 'Weirdos.... Poor Kageyama...'
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Chapter 14 is here minna yayyy
Poor Tobio have to deal with them
Tobio logs in
Tobio: Pleaseeee turn me back to normal
I beg youuu 🙇
Author-san: Not yet bestie
The next chapter will be interesting hehe
Tobio: I doubt that 😒
Author-san: How meannn
Don't doubt meee
U love me really 😜
Tobio: .....
Author-san: Say it back Tobs
Tobio: Love u too boke
Author-san: kasdksfk
Author-san logs off
Tobio: Don't tell me they faint
Tobio logs off
Rin: 🤳 This is great tea
But I'm jealous I want Tobio to say love to me
Atsumu: HUH NO
Tooru: Tobio-chan loves me more than author and anyone
Atsumu: No Tobio-kun loves me
Author-san logs in
Author-san: Ur right
Atusmu: See
Tooru: No
Author-san: Bc we all know that Tobio loves me
Author-san logs off
Tooru: U bi
Atsumu: That sneaky
Osamu: Shut up Tsumu
Haijme: Shut up ShittyKawa
Atsumu: Meann Samu
Tooru: Meann Iwa-chan
Kiyoko: See you in the next chapter
Tanaka: Kiyoko-sannn ❣️💘💟💓
Yuu: Kiyoko-sannn 💓💞💖❤️‍🔥
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kawaii-night666 · 7 months
Read this story!
Tumblr media
Available on wattpad, Inkitt and Quotev!
Enjoy my stories on there everyone
0 notes
kawaii-night666 · 7 months
10-kageyama turns into a kid!
Tobio and other players decided to go out to go shopping to get clothes for Tobio to wear even though some are reluctant because they want to see Tobio wear their t-shirts, as they made it to a big mall Tobio blue eyes sparkles in fascinating to see a mall this big while the group saw this couldn't help to cooed at his reaction (like who wouldn't!).
As they all go inside to look around and size for Tobio and to let him see if the clothes fit him or not. The first outfit that Tobio tried on is trouser and a blue shirt that match his eye colour and black shoes.
The second outfit he tried on next black shorts and white top with sunglasses on top of his head, but as everyone make Tobio tried on everything they bought the clothes as they all head out of the clothes shop, they all decided to split up but a few be with Tobio.
"So, Tobio-kun what do ya want to do next?" Atsumu asked as he hold Tobio soft small hands as Tobio look up and reply excitedly "Hmm I'm hungry." Tobio pat his belly as Atsumu, Kiyoomi, Motoya, Osamu and Rintarou.
"Yeah, we should fill our bellies." Osamu said
"Your always hungry, Osamu." Replies Rintarou
"Oh, come on guys let Kageyama chose where we should eat." Asked Motoya
"Too many germs..." mumbles Kiyoomi.
Tobio heard what Kiyoomi said as he asked "You don't like germs" Tobio tilt his head to the side as he looks at Kiyoomi with is innocent blue eyes as Kiyoomi couldn't help and stare at Tobio eyes as he clears his throat to answer "No but its alright if it makes you happy." Tobio make an 'o' mouth as he then closes it and then smiles up at him.
"So, Tobio what do you want to eat?" Asked Rintarou as he pick up Tobio as he ignores Atsumu screech for taking Tobio away from him as Rintarou and Tobio ignores as Tobio looks around the food court as he then saw onigiri and other foods.
"Hmm I don't know; I don't mind unless I'm with you guys." Tobio said to them while strangers couldn't help to stare at the kid and felt even the guys who blush at Tobio smile. (Damn Tobio and his pure smile, that could make everyone bend to his will, muhaha!).
As they find a place to eat Rintarou saw some people stare at Tobio as he glares at them while the strangers who was staring flinch at Rintarou stare even Kiyoomi, Atsumu and Osamu give out murderous aura to make those stranger stops looking at Tobio.
Tobio didn't react as he was talking to Motoya about volleyball, curry, anything without knowing the deadly aura that was given as Motoya kick a bit to his cousin as Kiyoomi glares at his cousin but he knows he has to calm down but he can't help to feel disgusted about those germs whose staring at Tobio like he was a meal or something.
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Hehe chapter 10 is here guys! Hope you lot enjoy and don't worry the others are busy
Tobio logs in
Tobio: When will I turn back
Author-san: Hmm well who knows 😝
Tobio: This is bullying
I have to keep my mystery, cool, tough guy here
Author-san: Mhm sure whatever u say bestie
Tobio: Why do I get the feeling u are going to make me a girl 🤨
Author-san: Pfft me make u a girl
Nah never nope
Author-san: Oh come on it would be interesting
Tobio: Maybe for u and ur readers but not meee 😒
Author-san: I'm sure it be okie
Being a girl not that bad
Tobio: Keyword 'That'
Author-san: Oh please Tobio its for ur fans 🥺
Tobio: 🙄Fine give me milk, cuddles and curry egg on top
Then we have a deal
Author-san: Ok ok I will
Wait I do that for u anyway 🤨
Tobio: Deal or no deal
Author-san: Yes deal
Now see you guys in the next chapter
Tobio: Yeah see me suffer 😐
Author-san: Oof anyways see ya minna ✌️
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kawaii-night666 · 9 months
Random announcement
Hey hey galaxies
For those who wish to follow me, you can do so if you wish too because I might put my stories, art, photography in there in my patron account. But don't worry I can keep you guys updated so it be fine.
So yes that be the announcement even though it is boring.
Chatie account (since Wit going to closed down) : Kawaiinight
Patron: Kawaiinight
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lekat1427-blog · 5 years
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I recently crossed the 300 page mark in the story I'm focusing on writing, "Between Your Soul and Mine." Guess I can start calling it a book from here on 😊 This is one of the stories I'm currently posting on my new Wattpad account. You can also find it on Inkitt. Both are under the username LeKat. Pics are of what 300 pages looks like in the computer, printed, and in notebooks. #amwriting #amreadingromance #amwritingromance #amreadingromance #inkitt #inkittbooks #inkittapp #wattpad #wattpadstories #writers #writerslife https://www.instagram.com/p/BzodPZ1DN33/?igshid=11pxlfyxqn923
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