theminecraftbee · 22 days
Looking at the similarities between Cub's current skin and his sculk skin, I can only conclude that he has been possessed by the fireworks. I do not think this is a surprise.
this is just what happens to Americans in the summer, alas. possessed by fireworks :pensive:
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mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
I look at the vote totals. Joe is up by 24 votes out of 16 thousand. Etho and Mumbo are within 5 votes. I close the vote totals and try not to stress for my blorbos.
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artsy-book · 5 months
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an evil xisuma for you my friend ^-^
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vote evil xisuma and i'll draw you something ^-^
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wyvern-of-whimsy · 2 months
IVE BEEN BAPPED!!!!! This will be remembered for ages to come.
(Baps you back)
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antimony-medusa · 2 months
have a good day!
You too! I hope you eat something delicious and your cubitos do something very entertaining.
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daily-hermit-gals · 7 months
trick or...
(come on i can do it)
you have obtained 1x Companion to trick or treat with you (I place them gently into your pocket)
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anachronistic-cat · 4 months
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so a few weeks ago now I realized I had the right colours of fabric to make a joeuppet, and i really really like the Joeuppet :DD! so i made one! look! i can even puppet it! :DD
I actually finished it on monday, but taking the photos (i used my school's photo room for this! :DD) and writing the poem (its called sewing btw) and stuff took a bit of time. also I had to rewrite this post because tumblr deleted the draft instead of posting it.
I really enjoyed working on this. i went into it with very little planning, and it truly felt like i was just making something for the sake of making, and save for a couple moments (puppet shoes are a nightmare) this was pure fun.
anyways, as thanks for clicking read more, have some bonus pictures taken from last week's TCG meetup of the not-quite-finished Joeuppet (its head is held on by a sewing needle—not even a pin, a sewing needle!) with my friend @kannaar's teeny tiny plushy cleo
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(special thanks as well to my fine MCNN friends for being just as excited over the discord joeuppetdates as i was to be sending them, and keeping me from spiraling over sewing hands and shoes)
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skizz shouldn’t be in test chamber 11
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suggested by @kannaar
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skitariiposting · 9 months
Dear Skit,
I'm currently playing AdMech in a Crusade at my FLGS and I wanted to ask some advice.
(Two losses and one win so far, but I'm managing to pull out in time before anything gains a battle scar. Plus I reclaimed some relics[bits] from some Orks!)
Currently my army has three female characters, two male, and two gender-unspecified. Is that a good enough ratio? I'm worried that there's too much gender in my metal.
Also after doing that transkit, I wanna do more pride flag rad-troops - already got bi-skit and rainbow penciled in, assuming I can get the paints to look right, any suggestions for more?
Thank you for hearing me out,
A humble servant of the Machine God
Dearest Kannaar,
I'm sorry about the late reply. I had a busy day yesterday that's carried over into today, so I haven't had a chance to check tumblr until now.
Congrats on the win! Way to bring in a W for the mechanicus! I hope you had a great rest of the night!
To weigh in on your first bit: My headcannon (and a couple others on here I think) is that Admech is inherently a very androgynous/gender lackadaisical faction. Its restrictions on members are likely less gender restrictive than the empire's, and its proclivity for modification of the body, either biologically or mechanically, tends to leave the concepts of gender all over the place.
So, as far as gender distribution ratio goes, yeah, you're certainly on the right track👍So long as there's a nice variety and it doesn't feel too heavily weighted in either direction, I think that fits a nice ratio, at least in my personal opinion.
Second, getting a bi-flag skit would be epic, I would love to see it when you finish it! As far as recommendations go, I'd say getting some Ace and Aero flag ones would be cool as well. I'm sure they'd appreciate some appreciation, too :)
Jerry, representative of the Skitarii Union, and also humble servant of the Machine God
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
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just gonna share this with you, just in case. feel free to ignore.
I THINK THIS IS MADE FUNNIER BY. I'M NOT ON CLEO'S STREAM RIGHT NOW I WAS PUTTING OUT WORK FIRES. anyway uh. hi camron. i'm sure i'll have plenty of people telling me what i'm expected to be posting soon enough,
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
(minor life series spoilers)
cleo might actually win this one just by being careful. everyone else's perspective i've watched, they lose so many hearts
okay but. so. you know how last night for some reason I was convinced everyone only had one life, and just the thirty hearts, right? like FULLY convinced of that after watching cleo’s POV. now, in the light of day I have had explained to me that no, I just missed the three lives thing in the explanation of how the series worked because I was dead exhausted. but I was convinced otherwise.
I think that’s because the only POV I’ve watched is cleo.
not even because her explanation is bad or something (she plays grian’s video!). but because cleo is treating every heart as EXCEEDINGLY PRECIOUS. like, if someone reading this hasn’t watched her, I need you to understand she ends the day with all thirty hearts. if tango had actually gifted her the heart he originally said he would she would have thirty-one. and she only got two hearts off her task! which is to say, she lost a grand total of two hearts ever, the entire episode! because she’s treating losing any hearts AT ALL as a thing to be avoided entirely!
so, coming off of limited life, where people treated their very lives as more disposable than usual, on seeing that I went: huh okay I guess they’re just straight-up doing a UHC. respect. I can respect that.
and I was wrong, but like… if you had a headache, five hours of sleep, eight hours of driving, and then a few hours of trying to make sure your dog got along with another dog in a house you were visiting behind you, and were running on fumes, and the explanation segment had gone a bit in one ear and out the other. and then you watched cleo treat EVERY HEART as a thing to be preciously and jealously hoarded.
well. wouldn’t you also assume everyone only had one life?
anyway yeah you’re SO RIGHT cleo is being ABSURDLY cautious and I think that’s so good for her chances.
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
ask game: 🧩
what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
i feel bad for saying this, but... bad formatting. start a new line every time there's a new speaker. don't italicize entire passages, or worse, bold them. if you're posting to ao3 at least, a newline should have a full space between two paragraphs, because most websites don't handle tabs the way books do well and that's the way to visually break up paragraphs online.
sometimes if i know it's good or by someone i like or if i'm desperate i will power through these things anyway! and there can be GOOD WRITING buried under bad formatting, because bad formatting is normally just an indicator someone is new at writing and literally nothing else. but these things just make it physically hard for me to read, which means i often have no choice but to click away because i just... physically can't read it. :(
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
you successfully propagandaed me (a person who has not done modded minecraft... ever) into playing vault hunters and. okay why is bumbo everywhere. my first, level zero vault had bumbo in it. i swear there are even bumbo block textures in this mod. (this is really fun btw thank you for the propaganda but also why)
iskall is really good at being normal about mumbo.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
it feels like at this point every single group in limited life has been allied and enemies with every single other group in limited life at different points in time. in session 5
hilariously the catalyst for like half of this is bdubs. for some reason. but also yeah no one knows who is allied with who other than, weirdly, they’ve generally STUCK to their day-one groups. I say “weirdly” because normally by now those are falling apart or shifting a bit but no, they split into factions day one and STAYED there. everything else is in flux but like, even after scar went red the clockers stick together. it’s interesting how this is both the season of “no one knows who their allies are” and the season of “everyone knows who their ride-or-dies are. and bdubs.”
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
all the witches with their backstories and motivations and exploration: ooooh, pretty stuff
time witch, grinding: i have infinite gems. time is at my beck and call. let's add this vector to the stack so i can blow things up with my mind. no one knows what the deal with me is, not even myself
cleo's out here gaming the system before anyone else even knows what game they're playing. respect. no one will know what's coming.
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theminecraftbee · 1 month
having recently had the experience of identifying something you wrote anonymously; you have a characteristic voice in your tags and author's notes; you are very very good at writing characters; you write grief amazingly well.
oh goodness, thank you! and I will say I WAS laughing when I realized my somewhat distinctive style of speech had given me away in the author’s notes again, lol. I’m glad you like my character writing and grief writing! (and once again, I had so much fun writing that; thank you for the prompt!)
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