#karen knight
anxietyfluffy · 2 days
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"Not a Devil, I’m not a Devil, so sayeth the Devil Oh no I’m dead, I’m gone, like don’t we all want to be loved?"
me n @cheesecakeguy88 collabed :D this was so fun honestlyy, i drew karen n they drew ruthie!!
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okikuoki · 8 days
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I love women
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inosukes-boar-mask · 3 days
cc female characters that I find kinda.... Fine. 😳
1. Georgina Upperton. She's so soooooo fine and I honestly wish that she doesn't have that bad attitude of hers though 😩😭 if she was an emphatic woman I would've loved her even more. But oh well at least @/rhiarin has an AU where she's a nice person. 😍❤️
2. Marla de Paradis. I can't forget the fact that she's kinda fine as well 👀👀😳🙏🏻 and besides that she's also very nice too like I think she's the type of person who would just randomly knocks on your door just to give you cookies with a smile on her face. 👀❤️ (And I'd let her step on me as well)
3. Karen Knight. Because I love MILFS ❤️👀😁 that's all.
4. Eleanor Halsted. Oh well.... She may be a bit insane but she's just so attractive for me though 😳🙏🏻
5. Gladys Perrin. I wish she didn't get killed 😭 she's such a cutie patootie and if she was real I would've definitely hug her and tell her that everything's going to be fine.
6. Sue Xiong. Because she's a baddie. That's it. She's just too fine for her age. (I also realized that she's 55 years old by now. Damn she probably still looks the same in this age. 😳)
7. Morgana Blackhawk. I may hate her for masterminding her sister Belinda's death but hey, before all of that bad stuff that she did, I actually had a huge crush on her though. 😳😳👀👀🤭 I like me some goth witch baddie 😳😳❤️❤️
8. Priya Desai. She's just so adorable and I also wish to see some more fanarts of her 😩❤️ she's also one of my favorites in s7 so yeah, I like her very much and she's also soooooo fine. (Zander you lucky mf)
9. Ruth Wu. I hated her for what she'd done to Priya but at the same time.... I also did find her kinda fine though. 😳😳😳😳🙏🏻 I wish she wasn't a cougar 😩😭
10. Veronica Rochester. Again, because I love MILFS. 😳❤️ also, she does look kinda fine you cannot blame me for liking her 😳😳😳😳 I'd let her slap me on my face and I would even ask her to slap me even more /J
11. Fiona Flanagan. Because I like my women a little bit... Insane.
12. Madam Xiang. Like honestly though, I don't care about her at first but when I rewatched some cases in s4... I was like 👀👀😳😳😳 damn she really is a baddie though. 😳😳😳🙏🏻 And she just looks soooooooooooooooo fine in case 22 like I honestly wish she wasn't a killer in that case. 😭😭 I wish she appeared more because I really like her outfits. (and her face too cuz she does look really fine 😳😳) i like my coffee like I like her. Really hot. 🤭 Can't believe I'm tweaking in this woman who only appeared 3 times
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kitty-av · 10 months
So, here are all the requests I got! •^•
Let's start with this man:
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I gave him the most detail, because he has gorgeous flowing locks and beard, and according to the wiki, a new doggo. So he's with the new doggo. •^•
Next up, Elaine Seabrook! On her wiki, it said she likes drinking, so she's enjoying wine here.
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I don't know how her full body looks, it wasn't online for me to reference, but I think she looks good!
And now, Karen:
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She's the first drawing I did, so she may look a little rough. I don't know why I drew her like one of my french girls honestly. Maybe this is the actor AU someone made a while back, and they're wrapping up Pacific Bay filming, who knows? •^•
I don't.
Anyway, it was fun making these, I hope you guys like them!
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ehilikeshoney · 9 months
I know I'm kinda late to the party, but I was away from home during the weekend, so I couldn't draw.
But anyway, happy (late) birthday, @anxietyfluffy. I know you like Karen a lot, so I decided to draw her again (since I wanted to draw other characters anyway).
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Didn't rlly know what exactly to draw (since I still don't know anything about her), so I hope this will do :)
So yeah, happy birthday, hope you like it, and I'm sorry for being late.
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xzymy · 5 months
When I saw this Karen.EXE AU, I really wanted to draw her❤️
Now bye, I'm going to disappear and go back to my hole
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for the requests, if you can id love to see you draw karen :)
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send me an ask of a criminal case character and i'll draw'em!
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astra-galaxie · 1 month
hi i know i already asked for one of them before but ★☆✿♡♥☮▼ൠ for karen and frank cus i LOVE ur hcs sm i swearrr <333 thank you :D
No worries! You can ask for whoever you want when I’m doing headcanon prompts, even if I’ve done them before with past ones!🙂
Happy to hear you love my HCs! Hopefully, you’ll love these as much as the last ones!
★ - sad headcanon
After she and Frank divorced, Karen kept her engagement and wedding rings in a special jewelry box. She had considered getting rid of them, but even in the middle of her grief and sadness, she couldn’t bear to part with them. But she also couldn't bring herself to continue wearing them, so she got a small jewelry box for them. And if that jewelry box happened to be turtle-themed because it reminded her of Frank and his love of turtles, well, that’s just a coincidence…
☆ - happy headcanon
When Karen finds out she is pregnant, both times, she tells Frank by getting him a donut with the word “Daddy!” frosted on it. The first time, Frank thought it was Karen trying to be kinky or something, but when he realized what it actually meant, he was overjoyed! The second time, he immediately knew what the donut meant when he saw the word and wasted no time proclaiming his excitement.
Donuts are a little inside joke the couple has. Karen kept teasing Frank that he would be eating a lot of donuts after he graduated from the police academy, and she buys some occasionally for them to share. While Frank doesn’t eat a stereotypical amount of donuts, he enjoys the joke he shares with Karen and later gets to share with their daughters.
♥ - family headcanon
Karen has always wanted to have kids and start a family of her own. But she hated how people expected it from her just because she was a woman. She had boyfriends in the past who expected her to become a stay-at-home mom, but Karen didn’t want to give up her career, at least not permanently. That’s one thing she loves most about Frank; he never once suggested that she quit her job to raise their kids after she found out she was pregnant. He knows how smart she is and the good work she is doing at Meteor Systems. Just because they hadn’t kids didn’t seem like a reason to him for her to give that all up!
Even when Karen decided to put her career on pause for a few years to focus on her family, Frank suggested she consider working from home if she wanted to spend more time with their daughters. Caring for two babies/toddlers while also working was challenging, but Karen and Frank found resources to make her life easier. And Frank always offered to watch the girls when he wasn’t working so that Karen could take a break or catch up on her work.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Karen is a loyal friend who will always have her friends’ backs when they need her. Whether good or bad, Karen will always be there for her friends. She’s helped her friends through failed relationships and hyped them up when they got promoted. She doesn't put her friends down and always tries to keep their confidence high.
And if you hurt one of her friends, you better watch your back! Karen is resourceful and will use her connections to avenge her friend. She once made several fake ads and put a friend’s cheating ex’s phone number on them so that people would constantly be calling them about things for sale, from cookies to cars! The calls got so bad the ex needed to get a new number and never found out that Karen was the one who got them bombarded by people all across Pacific Bay.
▼ - childhood headcanon
As a child, Karen loved fairy tales and dressing up as her favourite princesses. Eventually, she outgrew this obsession, but the stories she read as a child always held a special place in her heart. When her daughters were born, fairytales were the first stories she read to them before bed. Even if she was an adult, that didn’t mean she couldn't play dolls with her daughters or dress up with them to recreate scenes from their books. It was extra fun because Frank liked to play along with them and call Karen his queen while she would tease him, saying he was her knight in shining armour (or a Hawaiian shirt!).
ൠ - random headcanon
She’s run a marathon before. While she wasn’t the winner or even in the top ten, seeing the pride and happiness on Frank’s face as she crossed the finish line made Karen feel like she was on top of the world.
★ - sad headcanon
When Frank found out Daisy was in a coma due to meningitis, he was beyond devastated. He already lost one daughter, and he couldn't believe he was going to lose his other one before he had the chance to reconnect with her. When Karen brought him to Daisy’s hospital room for the first time, he had to force himself into the room to see her. It was heartbreaking to see his little girl hooked up to the life support machine, and it felt like he was in Laura’s hospital room, watching her die all over again. But this time, it was Daisy who he was losing.
Unable to help his daughter, Frank would visit Daisy and talk to her as she slept. Most of the time, Karen would be with him for support, but when she had to work on her heist plans, it would just be the father and daughter for a while. During these visits, Frank would bring Daisy’s favourite storybook, The Glass Princess, and read it to her. Sometimes, he would pretend that he was reading it to her so that she would fall asleep and that in the morning, Daisy would wake up, and he could tell her how much he loved her. But no matter how many times he read the fairytale, this was a curse Daisy would never wake up from…
☆ - happy headcanon
Frank's turtle, Duke, was a rescue from a case he worked on. The PBPD had arrested an animal poacher in Bayou Blue, and Duke was one of the animals they saved. Frank instantly fell in love with the turtle and adopted him as soon as the Veterinarian gave him the go-ahead. He loves his little buddy and learned everything about turtles to keep Duke safe, happy and healthy. This led to some teasing from his coworkers and an ever-growing collection of turtle-themed gifts from friends and family. Still, Frank secretly enjoys them, even if he’ll roll his eyes and grumble at receiving another turtle-themed Hawaiian shirt.
(His favourite gift was from Harvey Fitchner. It was a set of matching Hawaiian shirts, one for Frank and one for Duke.)
♥ - family headcanon
Frank was nervous about becoming a dad for the first time. He was scared that he would mess things up and his kids would hate him. He read parenting books, asked other fathers for advice, and even attended classes with Karen. But nothing could calm his nerves as he worried about being a horrible father before he was even officially one. Karen tried to help him see that he would be a good father but even her encouragement didn’t do much to reassure him.
But when Laura was born, and he held her for the first time, Frank realized that nothing would truly prepare him for this new chapter of his life. Sure, he could get advice and read books, but those people and authors didn’t know Laura and who she would be. Maybe he would mess up sometimes but what’s life without a little mess? This baby, who was only a few hours old, was already smiling at him like he had hung the stars in the sky, and she didn’t even know him! Frank knows he’ll make mistakes, but as he rocked Laura to sleep for the first time, he vowed to learn from every mistake he made so that he would become the father she (and later Daisy) deserved.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Like Karen, Frank is a loyal friend. However, one of his faults is that he doesn’t have the best memory and tends to forget things like birthdays and anniversaries… But that doesn’t mean he’ll forget when a friend invites him over to watch a game or out for drinks! He always tries to attend important things in his friends' lives, like weddings, birthday pirates (even if he has to scramble for a last-minute gift), or special celebrations. And if he can’t make it, he’ll be sure to message his friend(s) to apologize and let them know he’ll be at the next get-together.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Frank was one of the kids who liked to play rough with others, though he could be gentle when he wanted to be. When playing, he and his friends gave each other countless cuts, bruises, and scratches, but no injury was intentional. But they did tone down the roughhousing when one of them accidentally fell out of a tree and broke their arm. After that, the kids were more mindful of the dangers their games could cause.
ൠ - random headcanon
Once, he tried making whiskey himself. The results were… Bad, to put it nicely. While you could technically consume it, you would immediately spit it out. And if you managed to swallow, you would probably throw up or find yourself on the toilet shortly thereafter!
(Frank was banned from making homemade alcohol of any kind after this attempt.)
Given their nature, I combined a couple of prompts. I hope it's alright that I did a couple at two for the price of one!
Karen and Frank:
✿ - Sex headcanon
Frank and Karen have always had a good sex life. It was built on consent and learning each other's preferences so that both would be pleasured. They can have their kinky moments, but they always ensure the other is comfortable with trying something new. They have safewords for these types of times and always honour the promise to stop when a safeword is spoken. They also had some embarrassing moments when trying out a new position or kink, but like all of their intimate times, it stays between them.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Frank proposed to Karen after recreating their first date. He took her to the restaurant where they had eaten, and they ordered their favourite food plus dessert. He changed it up a little by taking her to Paradise City so they could visit their favourite casino to gamble a little. Frank loves watching Karen clean house at the poker table, and after cashing out their winnings, Frank brings her to watch a fireworks show. As the explosions of light lit up the sky, Frank got down on one knee behind Karen, calling her name as he took out the ring.
Karen was shocked when she saw him on his knee and holding a beautiful ring. Before asking the burning question, Frank poured his love out to Karen, telling her how much she meant to him and how better his life had been since she came into it. He told her of the future he wanted to have with her, from the house they always dreamed of having to the beautiful children they would raise. When he finally asked if she would marry him, Karen said yes through tears of joy. As the couple kissed and Frank slipped the ring on Karen’s finger, the last firework shot into the sky: a bright red heart.
(Frank had a friend who worked on the show who owed him a favour.)
And there are my headcanons for Karen and Frank! Thanks for the request, Fluffy! Enjoy my latest contribution to KarenXFrank!
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ccornersstone · 8 months
Babies, lot’s of babies.
No spoilers really, just tons of hcs (again)
Karen tilted her head over to her son, Duncan, who seemed very intrigued by the bundle that was swaddled in her hands. "Would you like to hold her, Duncan?" The blonde woman offered her son a gentle smile.
Duncan's eyes seem to widen into two big, blue saucers as he nods eagerly and scrambles to position himself. The little boy holds his arms out as Karen carefully places the squirming baby into his arms. As if on cue the boy's eyes widened. “She’s so small,” he commented, leaning closer. “She looks mushy.”
Karen stifled a laugh, her eyes scanning as Duncan leaned back cradling his baby sister close. “We’re keeping her, right?”
Karens’s brow raises. “Why wouldn’t we?”
Duncan shook his head as his lips curled upwards into a small smile.
“Ya wanna give her back?” Frank questions, and Duncan’s head snaps up and he shakes his head holding the baby tighter. “No, she stays here!”
“With you?” Karen’s tired voice asks her lips to pull into a soft smile.
“Yes!” Duncan exclaimed, he scoots closer on the edge of the bed until his back hits the wall and he lets out a surprised sound and Amy gurgles in response.
“Is she real?” Amy’s hushed voice whispers her hands on her old brother’s shoulders as she peeks over his shoulder to the baby in his arms.
Their baby sister, fittingly named Laura due to Frank, their father stating she sounded like his older sister trying to play a lyre and failing miserably. Amy’s head tilted to get a better look at the infant, her two ponytails swinging into her face and around as she moved.
Duncan let out an amused chuckle as he craned his neck to look at Amy and he turned around and her hands pulled back as she slipped onto the bed. “Of course, she’s real.” He responded and Amy blinked looking down at Laura seeming deeply fixated in her thoughts.
“Do you wanna hold her?” Duncan’s arms are still firm around Laura as his arms extend out offering her to Amy and her blue eyes widen into saucers at this.
“Really? I can hold her?” Amy’s lips part and she scoots back onto the bed feeling her stomach churn. “What If I drop her?”
“You won’t, just sit back.” Duncan assured.
“I don’t know -“ Amy mumbled but her lips quickly closed as the weight was placed in her arms. She sits awkwardly until Duncan unfolds her arms and directs her to support the head and Amy stares down.
“She’s heavy,” Amy stated.
Karen chuckles as she listens to the conversation she Leans her head back, sinking into the pillows. “You were heavy as a baby, too, Sweetheart.”
Duncan nodded to Amy’s unamusement as she glared daggers at him. She adjusts the blanket gently and Laura’s tiny hand slipped out from being swaddled in the crisp, white blanket. Her hand bawls up around Amy’s finger.
“Look at you,” Karen’s lips curve upwards into a smile as she peers at Amy and Laura. “You’re gonna be a great older sister.”
“Momma?” Amy tilted her head, squinting down at Laura.
“Yes, Sweetie?”
“Why does she look like that?”
Karen, pauses, taken aback. “Like what?”
“Like a potato.” Amy states as she moves her hand around, Laura's grip not slipping.
Duncan practically snorts at this. “You know what you looked like?”
Amy’s cheeks puff out. “What?” She questions, eyes darting from Duncan to Laura who babbles.
“Mashed potatoes.” Duncan states.
“I did not,” Amy argued.
“You did, too.”
“Okay, mushy.” Duncan responded.
Later that night to Duncan’s amusement, mashed potatoes with steak is what they had for dinner that night. Amy had already practically devoured her steak with only a few pieces left and the mashed potatoes to go.
Duncan turns to his younger sister with a smirk forming on his face. “Amy?” He asks leaning in closer towards Amy’s and his arm wrapped around her shoulders the fabric of her blue and pink jacket.
“Huh?” Amy acknowledges Duncan.
“Do you want some of my mashed potatoes?” Duncan questions, letting it linger in the air.
“No, I still have a l-“ Amy’s interrupted by the repeated jabbing of the spoon into her cheek.
“Sorry, Mushy.”
Karen laid back into the back into the stack of pillows, as she peered at her Husband holding onto their newborn.
Frank smiles down at Daisy and a small hand pulls at the bottom of his shirt. The hand belonged to Laura, her eyes wide as she beamed up at him.
“Can I hold her? Can I? Can I?” She bounced on her heels as she repeated the question repeatedly. “Duncan and Amy already got to hold her!” And all the words rush out as if a massive gush of air. Sometimes Frank wondered how Laura could speak so fast and for so long without stopping to get air.
Children, he guesses.
“First, sit your butt down.” Frank directed and Laura turned around practically leaping into the chair she crawled into and she held her arms out, legs kicking out and back in against the chair in excitement.
Frank gently slips Daisy into Laura’s arms and her grin spreads ear-to-ear almost instantly. She’d been eagerly awaiting the arrival date of her baby sister - she was finally going to be a big sister and she wasn’t the baby of the family anymore despite what Duncan and Amy said she’s still very much a baby - shouldn’t Amy agree with her? She’s still a baby to Duncan too.
“Be careful,” Karen warns gently. “I know you’re excited but let’s not drop her.”
Laura nodded in agreement. “I won’t drop her! Remember, I’m a big girl now?!”
“Oh, we remember alright,” Amy murmured, earning a glare from Laura and Duncan’s muffled laugh.
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trulyatessfan · 1 year
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This is my contest entry for @anxietyfluffy ‘s contest! :D One of the Karen’s design is from @lackadaisiluz ‘s AU so it’s his design!!
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alexlesuagz · 9 months
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Posting this silly lil comic WIP here about my OC Marley and her friendships with Innovation Valley characters (specifically Karen Knight and Bob Levene in this comic)
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anxietyfluffy · 1 month
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this piece took an embarrassing amount of time to finish,,, anyways heres a younger ver of workaholic/karenfrank! love these two so muchhhh,,,
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okikuoki · 4 days
I almost forgot about aurora tbh (karen fanmade sister)
Aurora still alive but no active (i still love you aurora pookie)
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issy5316 · 1 month
criminal case incorrect quote 25
karen: You are pretty annoying.
frank: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m pretty.
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the-septic-maniac · 1 year
Can we all admit that out of all our male partners in criminal case, the one that has the most rizz is Frank? Like I'm sorry that man is 51 and was STILL some how able to get back with his ex-wife and make love with her in the Armory. Not to mention that Karen mentioned they used to do it in his Chevy. YOU CAN'T NOT CONVINCE ME THAT DOESN'T NEED A HUGE AMOUNT OF RIZZ!!!
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andi-the-cool-nerd · 9 months
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Happy New Eurovision season
On this special day, I made this.
This was supposed to be for @anxietyfluffy 's art challenge, but I had exams
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