#kate laswell x wife
callsignfate · 7 months
Text conversations with Laswell & Valeria
(I've been busy as hell, and I've only had the chance to make a few of these. I have plans to try to edit and write later.)
(I want to post some x chaotic wife later if I do get the chance)
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pearlofthesirens · 5 days
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just a blurb, enjoyy :)
cw: wlw, wife!reader, she/her pronouns, teeth rotting fluff
Laswell is a simple lady. She wakes up at 4 am, brushes her teeth, covers her sleeping wife with the blanket properly, presses a kiss on her forehead, makes breakfast for both of them, eats hers and puts away her wife's one in the refrigerator and gives her one last kiss on her cheeks before leaving for work every day.
She has her full concentration while working at base, preparing files, debriefing with Task Force 141, reporting back to Shepherd as much as she hates him, but no one can see her during lunch. Because she mostly spends her time locked in her office, her phone speaker on as she take occasional bites out of her chicken and rice with a big smile on her face.
"I always tell you to wake me up early, Kate. You could've had some proper homemade lunch instead of that dry, unseasoned chicken."
"You know I never have the heart to wake my precious angel up so early. Plus, I come home to your delicious dinner everyday."
Her favorite sight at work would definitely be to see her beloved's blushing face over the video call. It was amusing to Kate how she could always reduce her wife to a stuttering, melty pool of happiness with sweet words.
And when she comes back home to the wonderful aroma of a well cooked dinner, her first instinct is to wrap her arms around her wife and give her a loud kiss behind her ear. Kate loves to watch her yelp as her ears turn red.
"Honey! You've got to be careful, I was cooking!"
"Mm, right. But how can I not when the most beautiful wife in this whole world is here making me the best dinner?"
"Oh darling, you and your sweet words..I'm surprised how you never run out of them."
"They never run out for you, my love."
Kate appreciates the silence and the peace that comes with tucking herself and her love to bed, all freshened up for the night. She knows her wife always prefers the blanket stays under her arms, so she can wrap them around Kate's neck and pull her closer. As usual, Kate rests her head on one hand of hers, keeping the other around her wife's waist as her love tucks herself under her chin. A small smack of lips is heard in the silent room, followed by "good night, darling." and "good night, honey." and perhaps a little giggle ends the night for Kate Laswell and her wife, whom she loves the most.
proofread ✓ pearly venus, 01:13 240530
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kessellluvr · 6 months
i wanna ride her face so bad :3 im gonna drop a one shot for her🤞🏻 + im almost done with the campaign mw3
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shyravenns · 4 months
hey, i adore you stuff btw especially the way you draw kate. i’m literally in love with her. i wanted to know if you had an headcaons in what u think her wife looks like/is like, cause i always feel like she has a bit more sweet, gentle and laid back type of women. she definitely needs someone like that with out much of a workaholic she is. hope you are doing well and make sure to drink water<3
Ahh thank you!!! Getting to gush about her wife is my favorite hobby, and this was such a great way to start my morning lmaoo
I absolutely adore Kate, and she's probably one of my favorite characters to draw other than Alex or Gaz haha I am just,,,obsessed with her wife and I love that there isn't really a hard description for her so pretty much anything is fair game.
But YES, compared to Kate, her wife is practically a sweetheart. Not saying that Kate isn't nice,,,but she's more prone to thinking of the worst possible outcome first before anything else lmao I feel like Kate needs someone who is stubborn as *hell*, and refuses to let her sink into herself. She's pretty introverted, but is a bit more social than Kate. She's that mom who sees someone at the grocery store and spends a good 30 minutes talking to them. She's very good friends with Nik, but lowkey dislikes Price and he knows it and knows not to say anything about it.
Her wife always gave me doctor vibes, and I cannot get the image of a young Kate who just joined the CIA looking up and seeing this absolutely angel leaning over her, and giving her the dumbest smile ever while she conveniently forgets about the bullet wound in her side. And the fact that she's currently bleeding all over the place, but that's another conversation for another time <3
A random hc that I have is that Kate is someone who literally cannot sit still for the life of her, and she *needs* to be constantly moving or doing something with her body unless you want to see her go stir crazy. I like to think that she and her wife own a small farm/ranch with a few animals, and everytime she comes home she loves doing all the extra work around the farm.
And yes her wife will be played by Gina Torress in the future Hallmark film featuring their love story. I heard it's coming out in 2025 so be on the look out!
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cod-dump · 2 months
Nik: Am I a wife guy?
Laswell: … what?
Nik: A guy who loves his wife. I love my husband, but he isn’t a wife. Am I still a wife guy or am I called something else? Are YOU a wife guy?? You love your wife but you are a woman. What are you called?
Laswell: I need something stronger than coffee when you’re around
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
hi! how would Valeria and Kate react if their wife’s got hurt because of their work, both of them working highly jobs and it ended up catching up to their s/o. hoe you are doing well and drink plenty of water! thank you!
Hello! Both of them would be absolutely distraught, but would go about it in different ways!
Valeria’s and Laswell’s Wife Gets Hurt Because of their Job
Valeria: Whoever hurt you will wind up tortured and eventually, once she thinks they’ve had enough of their miserable life, will wind up dead. Naturally, the first thing she does is check up on you, see if you’re alright and well, that’s her priority. You’re the love of her life, there’s no one else in this world she wants to see do well. You’ll be admitted to the best hospital nearby and will only get the finest treatment. Once you’re stabilized, that’s when the hunt begins. Whoever hurt you won’t get too far since that bastard’s life will be on the line. Regardless of where they might be hiding, Valeria will find them and show them that death is actually a kind of mercy. She has pretty much everything at her disposal, everything money can buy, this sucker won’t know what hit them. If it’s revenge they want, then revenge they’ll get. Valeria promises you that their head will be on a silver plate. She’s not very good with words when it comes to comforting someone, but she will have that person killed in the most cruel ways she can imagine. In fact, she’ll take the pleasure of torturing them upon herself. Once she’s done, she’ll take some days off, which is surprising since she usually can’t afford that at all. You’ll be under her direct care for those days. Anything you want you’ll get. Afterwards there will be a slight shift in her demeanor, Valeria becomes more protective over you. Sometimes she might even assign some trusted people of hers to watch over you since she can’t afford something like that happening again. While she can’t always take some days off, she’ll try to be closer to you anyway. Always texting you, finding excuses to come home for a day maybe. She just really needs to make sure you’re okay, she wouldn’t know what to do with herself if you died.
Laswell: Laswell will try to be a bit more diplomatic about it at first, trying to coax whoever hurt you out of hiding. This person will be held accountable for their crimes against her world. Naturally, she rescues you first, gets you to the nearest hospital and won’t leave your side until you’re stable again. If it takes you a while to wake up again, she’ll leave to find the fucker and make sure they swim with the fishes. She has a pretty large, efficient network and will find out who it was fairly easily. Once she knows who they are, she won’t hesitate to find out all their past crimes as well, if they hurt you then they must have done some other awful things as well. Once that phase is over, she’ll go to their home herself and have them arrested, put in the worst prison imaginable where the inmates are treated especially badly. She won’t kill them, but she wouldn’t be surprised if they wind up dead anyway. Laswell usually isn’t an evil person, but she does hope that person dies during their time. Their sentence will be as long as possible so there’s no chance of them ever seeing the sunlight again either. Once all of this is over, she, too, would take some days off to spend with you. You’re a priority above all else, so Laswell will want to be there for you, no matter the cost. While she usually isn’t, depending on how severely you got hurt she might become a bit overbearing, a bit overprotective. That overprotectiveness will last for a few months, afterwards she’ll try to give you some space again. However, she’ll always be keeping a closer eye on you, always texting or calling you every once in a while to make sure you’re okay. If she needs to, she’ll put you under her protection officially, but the situation needs to be dire for that to happen. Either way, she’ll be keeping you safe.
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lethalchiralium · 10 months
Window to the Abbey | Happiness Series
a/n: it’s been so long! i’m so excited for the next few chapters :) WE GET KÖNIG EVERYBODY IM SO EXCITED
warning: Children, Mellie is sick :(
summary: Winnie and Mellie are cautious of the two new operators in their house, Simon’s calling, and Mellie’s sick. To say you’re handling it with grace would be an understatement.
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By the time you had headed to bed, your kids were sound asleep. All of the people in your house were fed, but only Laswell would be staying up later than you. König and Roach were meant to be arriving past midnight, and as much as you wanted to stay up and greet them, your kids always run you down by the end of the day. You were running off of fumes by the time you had showered and brushed your teeth, the familiar motion of scrubbing them felt like a warming lullaby. As the swish, swish, swish of your toothbrush sounded in the bedroom, you searched Simon’s dresser for an old shirt to sleep in. It was sweet to see that he still kept his band t-shirts from when he was a young adult, even if he confessed to you that he didn’t much care for the music now. You plucked a worn one that you often found yourself sleeping in, the band name had been washed off after years of wear.
You returned to the bathroom, spitting out the toothpaste into the sink as your phone began to ring. You looked over to the tub where your phone was sitting on the ledge, seeing the caller ID. Simon.
“Everything right?”
“Right as rain.”
“Baby’s okay?”
You settled your hands on the sink before putting your toothbrush back into the cabinet. “Simon. The baby is fine. The girls are fine. I’m eating like I should, taking the vit-a-mins-“
“Vit-a-mins,” He mocked you, pitching his voice higher. “Don’t mock me. Laswell there?”
A laugh left your lips. “Yeah, she’s here. The girls warmed up very quickly since she brought at least a thousand dollars worth of presents.”
“I’m not going to ask.”
“How’re my boys?” You grabbed your hair comb, taking a piece of hair in one hand and starting to detangle it.
“Gaz and Soap are doing fine. Being annoying as usual. Cap lost one of his good cigars.”
“I’ll find him a new one. And how’s my husband?” You kept brushing your hair, exhaustion weaving its way through your muscles. It’s just two more weeks, we can do this.
“Tired. I want to be home with you.”
Your heart already felt bruised without him, him saying that felt like another hit. You gazed at yourself in the mirror, internally waving away the feeling that Simon would come through the doorway at that very moment. “I know. I’m so tired, this baby is already takin’ everything out of me.”
“Don’t be scared to ask König or Roach for help. John already drilled them about not saying no to you.”
Your heart swelled, a smile on your face now. What you did to deserve Simon and his team, you’d never know. “He didn’t have to do that, I’m an adult.” You then gave up on completely detangling your hair, just taking the brush through it enough before you put your brush down. There wasn’t anything you needed for the soldiers to do for you, other than keep your daughters safe in the walls of your home. Your fingers gripped onto the porcelain sink, fighting the sinking feeling of abandonment. Simon is coming back, you tell yourself. He would never leave you and your girls alone.
“Yeah, but you’re my wife. My pregnant wife.”
Your heart squeezed in your chest, happiness in your heart as you moved out of the bathroom but not before shutting off the light. You kept your phone close to your ear as you moved towards your bed. “Simon, I’m barely a month and a half along, I’m not a hormonal monster yet.”
“I still want you taken care of the way I want you to be.”
You moved into your bed, sitting up against the headboard. “You’re too good to me.” You pulled the blankets up to your stomach, the hand lingering on your belly before sliding over to Simon’s cold pillow beside yours. Your heart squeezed with a cold sensation that you didn’t dare place.
“I’m doin’ my best.”
“I miss you.”
A beat of silence then the sound of shuffling. “Miss you more. Can’t even sleep without you, jus’ keep tossin’ and turnin’.”
“I don’t even want to think about sleep.”
“You need to sleep regardless, I want you exactly how I left you, but with a bigger belly.”
You laughed a little, settling down onto your back. “I’m not gonna get big that fast, Simon. You’ll only be gone, what, two weeks?”
“Probably. I just… Don’t want to miss you growing my baby again.”
You tugged Simon’s pillow into your chest as you rolled onto your side, settling your cheek on the soft fabric. “You’ll be back in no time, I promise you’re not missing much.”
Goosebumps traveled up and down your spine, knowing he was being serious if he said your name. “Yeah?”
“Be safe for me, okay?”
“Always.” You answered, wanting to feel his heartbeat underneath your fingertips again. “Are you going to sleep?”
“I was gonna try.”
“Can you stay on the line ‘til I fall asleep?”
A deep and lighthearted chuckle sounded from your phone, but you didn’t feel embarrassed that you needed his comfort - you knew he loved you more than anything, he’d do anything for you. “Yeah, love. Jus’ close your eyes. I love you.”
A smile on your lips as you closed your eyes, letting the phone stay on his pillow, only a couple inches from your face.
“I love you too, Simon.”
There was just a small moment of his laughter before he spoke again. “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be home before you know it.”
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“Well, this is new.”
Mellie’s face was buried into your neck, little tears in her eyes as she curled into your chest. You have an apologetic look to König, the tall Austrian only blinked back. “I promise she’s usually friendly, I don’t know what’s gotten into her.” The man looked genuinely distressed, as if he did something wrong. You felt worried as soon as you saw that look in his eye, but you were quick to reassure him. “I’m sure she’ll get over it, she doesn’t quite like the masks. Simon doesn’t wear one around the house so she’s not quite used to it yet.” You looked down to Mellie and placed your hand on her forehead, feeling her skin be warmer than usual - that was probably why she wasn’t acting right.
He cleared his throat. “I-I’m sorry.”
You waved your hand, softly bouncing on your feet as your baby then gripped your hairs at the nape of your neck. “Ow- It’s fine, König. You don’t have to take the mask off if you don’t want, she’ll be fine.” You turned away from him, walking back into the living room from the kitchen. Laswell was standing near the window that displayed the garden, Roach was sat on the floor playing fire trucks with Winnie. Breakfast had come and gone, Mellie had woken up late and had not taken a liking to Roach or König. The little one was still quietly crying into your neck as you moved across the room to Laswell.
She had been on the phone almost all morning, voice low as she kept her eye on all entrances. But now, no phone was held in her hand, only her gaze upon the garden was holding her attention.
She looked over to shoulder and a small frown appeared on her face as she saw the scared girl on your arm. “Aww, what happened?”
You smirked a little, looking down to Mellie. “She’s not a fan of Uncle König or Uncle Roach’s masks.”
Laswell laughed a little and you looked back up to her. “Anyway, what’s up?”
“Are you sure that nothing’s gonna happen?” Your voice lowered, your free hand coming to help wrangle your baby hairs from Mellie’s grip. “Are we safe here?”
The woman’s smile fell before she took a look outside, then back to you. “No. Anything can happen, no matter how secure the place is. König and Roach being here is a precaution, I’d rather be safe than sorry.”
You nodded before looking over your shoulder, seeing Winnie giggling as Roach crashed a toy car into the big building made of toy blocks. You turned back to Laswell. “Well, thank you for staying too. I was gonna ask if I could take Winnie out to the park later, maybe leave Mellie here ‘cause she feels like she’s running a fever.”
The woman pressed her lips together, looking to Roach and Winnie too before she looked back to you. “Roach and I will take her.”
You gave her a smile. “Thank you.” You moved back towards your couch, stepping around Winnie as she demolished Roach’s block house with her toy. Roach made a noise of surprise towards Winnie as you sat down, a small coo from Mellie drew your attention back to her. You looked down at her, hand instantly back on her forehead - she was very warm, that made you worried. Your eyes flickered upwards, seeing König standing in the doorway of the kitchen, eyes watching everyone in the room. “König?”
His back became ramrod straight as he answered, “Yes, ma’am?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s just Y/N. But in the very left top cabinet from the oven is the medicine cabinet, could you get me the baby Tylenol and the syringe beside it?”
The giant nodded, immediately disappearing into the kitchen as Kate softly laughed from the windowsill. You looked to her, she spoke with a laugh, “Your husband has them both terrified of you.”
Shaking your head, you sat forwards and rested a hand on Winnie’s head, patting it. Your daughter moved her head to look up at you with a smile before looking back at Roach. “He’s just cautious.”
“He is very intimidating.” König spoke from behind the couch, a large hand appeared in your vision with the things you asked for as you leaned back.
You grabbed them, not before saying, “Keep your hand there.” Mellie was still facing you, so you placed the medicine down in your lap before maneuvering her little baby hand to settle on top of König’s outstretched palm. You glanced up to the man before saying, “Simon holds her hand when I give her medicine.”
König made a noise of acknowledgment as you kept Mellie on your arm, moving your hands together so you could quickly draw the dose of Tylenol into the syringe. By the time Mellie raised her hand to look at who she was touching, you had squished her cheeks together so her mouth opened and squirted the medicine into the back of her throat. The little baby squawked and coughed, withdrawing her hand from König and rubbing her eye, softly crying.
You put down the syringe and pet her face, she only murmured at you before slamming her face back into your neck. “I’m sorry, honey, it’s alright.” You looked up to König, who was watching your daughter very curiously. “Thank you.”
He nodded in response.
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Mellie hated baths when she was sick. The sweet little girl was crying, upset as you gently poured the lukewarm water over her back. The rubber duck she had in her hand was curled into her chest, her little throat sounding rough since she had finally stopped screaming. It was at moments like this where you wished Simon was there with you - his gentle hand would settle on Mellie’s back, the baby would immediately begin to calm down. But Mellie didn’t want you to rub her back, touch her head, or even hold her; she was getting too hot, trying to tear off her clothes as she screeched for her Dada. He had been gone for less than two days and you felt like you were already overwhelmed.
Winnie was always easy as a baby and Mellie seemed that way too, at least until Simon had to leave. He was almost never gone since the night he had came home and found you in bed, his two month old daughter on your chest. The longest he would be gone was one night but he had been back in the morning, bright and early. She’s always had him, you understood it will be hard since she’s too little to understand why Simon was gone. You kissed her warm forehead, careful to miss the sweet smelling soap on her head.
Winnie had gone to the park with Roach and Kate only a couple of hours ago, Kate saying that she was going to run Simon’s usual errands. Shopping, some paperwork, pick up dinner. Now, the only ones left in the house was König, you, and Mellie - your daughter wanted nothing to do with the gentle giant. You found him oddly sweet, he was insanely awkward for a grown man but sometimes that’s just how it is. It took you a while to break Simon of that shell.
Your daughter coughed a little, pulling you from your thoughts as you kept cupping water to wash off the sudsy soap from her little body. “Sorry, honey. Mama’s tired today, isn’t she?”
Mellie’s deep brown eyes stared up at you, red with tears as she sniffled a soft, “Dada.”
You cupped the back of her head, gently threading your thumb over her baby curls. “He’ll be home soon, my girl. It’s just me for right now, okay?” Your baby pouted a little, tears welled in her eyes and you were ready for another thirty minutes of screaming - but it didn’t come. Only soft little whimpers from her, you could almost hear your heart shatter into a million pieces.
“Dada.” She murmured, her free hand coming to make a grabby hand towards you. You instantly placed your hand in front of hers, letting her grip onto your fingers.
You gave her a small smile. “We’re done, baby. You feel a little better? We’ll get some medicine on your chest ‘n we’ll take a nap.” Mellie coughed in response, you looked away for just a moment to grab her towel that had printed ducks on it - Winnie had picked it out at the shop specifically for her baby sister months ago. You turned back to Mellie, plucking her from the water and wrapping her up, letting her still very warm forehead to rest on your cheek. You kept her balanced in your grip as you leaned down, pulling out the drain plug before moving to leave the bathroom.
You pulled the door open, feeling a slight breeze through the house that wasn’t there before you took Mellie to the bath.
König must’ve opened a window.
Your daughter had grown quiet with her wet cheek against yours, you kept her wrapped up when you walked across the hallway, the floorboards creaked underneath your bare feet as you opened the door to her nursery. The white curtains in front of her window were softly flowing with the cool breeze, you silently thanked König for opening the windows. The cooler temperature would make Mellie comfortable. You rested your baby on her changing table and was quick to put a new nappy on her, the little one looked up at you drowsily. You were quick to put her ducky towel over her little body to keep her warm as you opened a drawer or two in the table, looking for your little tub of baby vapor rub - something your mother swore by when she came to visit months ago. You weren’t very keen on using it unless either of your babies were incredibly sick, and the way Mellie was acting definitely made you feel like this cold was gonna be a bad one.
You put just a little smidge of the rub on her chest, rubbing it in and keeping an eye on her little face. “Look at Mama, bug.” Her eyes were staring right behind you, something she always did, but she didn’t look back to you. She turned her head the other way, looking at the wall. A sigh left your lips as you kept gently rubbing her chest.
She’s just sick, she’ll be acting fine soon.
You picked her up again, keeping her tucked into your chest. It was no use trying to put new clothes on her, all of the Riley girls strip off their clothes when they’re sick, no matter how old - you included. Mellie murmured against your chest, hands holding onto the shirt of Simon’s you were wearing. “We’re gonna go lay down with Mama this time, okay?”
She shook her little head into your chest as you moved out of her nursery and then into your bedroom, very easily holding Mellie with one arm as the other pulled back the blankets. You tugged Simon’s pillow to be in the middle of his side and then slid yourself in between the cold covers. You placed Mellie on her back, the pillow acting like a barrier between her and the end of the bed. Fortunately, Mellie didn’t like to move around when she was sick - she stayed in the same place, so it was easy for you to pull yourself under the covers and over her belly. Her hand gripped the sleeve of your shirt, tears welled in her eyes as she murmured some noises.
Your head settled on your pillow, you gently moved Mellie’s hand so you could move onto your side. Your hand then rested on her forehead, feeling her temperate had gone down a little but she was still warm.
“We’ll talk to Dad when he gets off work, okay?” You murmured, your hand then rested on Mellie’s stomach.
She cooed a little, a whisper escaped her lips, “Dada.”
You smiled at your baby. “Yeah, Dada. Mama’s gonna call and we’ll talk to him.” You reached your arm out and grabbed your phone, noting that the time was almost six. You unlocked your phone and shot Simon a text, hoping he’d respond soon. In the mean time, you put your phone on his pillow before curling up, watching little Mellie was she watched you. “We gotta wait, lovie. Sissy will want to talk to Dad too.”
She shook her head a little, a smile appeared on your face.
“Mmhmm. Dad’s working, he’ll call us in a minute.”
A thunder of footsteps could be heard downstairs as well as the distinct laugh of Winnie, you smiled. Winnie always found you when she came home, which would be perfect timing if Simon called. You turned over to look at your bedroom door, hearing her rushing footsteps as they approached your room before she burst in, her pigtails half undone and a huge grin on her face. “Mama!”
“Hi, baby!” You instantly smiled, putting an arm out to let her grab so you could pull her up - she helped pull herself up onto the bed and instantly fell onto your chest, forcing a loud “Oof!” from your throat. Her little head was shoved into your neck, arms around your chest as best they could as your one arm wrapped tightly around her. “Did you have fun, my love?”
Furious nodding ensued from your eldest daughter. “Uncle Roach fell off the swing set.” A giggle escaped her lips and a chuckle left yours as you looked down to her brunette hair. “And I got an ice lolly.”
“Did you thank your uncle and aunt?”
“Yes, Mama.”
You kissed her hair. “Good girl. I was seeing if Dad wanted to call, do you want to talk to him?”
She nodded into your neck, but gently pet her back as she mumbled, “I miss Dad.”
You sighed a little. “I do too.”
Winnie raised her head from your neck, a little frown on her face. “When is he coming home?”
Your hand was quick to pull the ties from her pigtails, unable to look your daughter in the face as you said, “Soon, baby.”
“Is Melsie sick?” The girl peered over you to look at Mellie, you looked too - the baby was gazing at both of you, a smile appeared on your face. Her little face looked tired, her hands resting on her own chest. “She looks sick, Mama.”
You sighed, your other hand coming to settle on top of your baby’s belly, she whimpered. You fully turned your head to look at Mellie, the little baby looking and feeling sick made you upset. Such a sweet little thing didn’t deserve to be uncomfortable and in pain. “She is sick, Winnie. Can you take my phone from Dad’s pillow?”
The older girl moved over your chest, stretching over her baby sister and then bringing your phone to rest on your chest. As you did, it began to vibrate - you pulled your hand away from Winnie to hold it and answer Simon’s call.
“Hi love.”
A squeal came from Winnie as she chirped, “Daddy!”
“Hi, Duckling. How are you?”
She giggled, taking the phone in her hands and she began to chat with her dad, telling him all about her fun adventures with her Uncle Roach and Auntie Kate. You watched her smile get wider with every second she talked to Simon, your hand went to settle on Mellie’s stomach. She whined a little, you glanced to Mellie but you couldn’t stop watching how happy Winnie was.
It reminded you of when Simon would call every night he could and read Winnie to sleep when she was two. She would be so happy to hear his voice when he had been physically gone for weeks, she would always react to his voice when he called since he had started when she was one. It was sweet, you couldn’t ever get over just how much your husband adored his daughters.
Mellie cooed a little, hearing Simon’s voice and letting out a small, “Dada.”
“Winnie,” Your hand reached out for Winter, who looked to you with a curious glare. “It’s Mellie’s turn.”
And there it was, Winnie’s signature pout. With her bottom lip pushed out and tears at the ready, she murmured, “But she can’t talk, Mama. I wanna talk to Daddy.”
“I know, but it’s been a few minutes.” You raised your chest from the bed, now able to swoop some curls around Winnie’s ear. “Mellie needs to hear from him too, even if she can’t talk back. Come on, now.” Winnie let out a grumble, you heard Simon’s deep chuckling as the phone was placed on your chest. “Thank you.”
You settled the phone near Mellie’s head as Winnie crawled over, curling herself onto Simon’s pillow as the baby cooed, “Dada.”
“Hi, Mellie.”
That spooked Mellie, causing her to take frantic looks around as she kicked out her feet. Her older sister laughed, watching her Melsie look for their dad.
“Dada Dada.” Your baby’s little head moved to look at you, one hand reached out for your face - you intercepted it with your own hand, a smile on your face.
“I bet she’s confused.”
You nodded to yourself before saying a soft, “She misses you, Si.”
There was a moment where you knew exactly how Simon would react to that, knowing he’d be sitting on his bed and clenching his blanket in his grasp, trying to stop the tears that have rarely fell in his home with you.
“I miss my girls.”
“We miss you too.” You looked to your phone, a part of you wishing that it was physically him instead. Hair tousled, eyes soft and smile wide - he’d be holding Mellie while she cried, gently talking to her to calm her down. He would be home soon, I felt it in my heart. I kissed Mellie before I reached for Winnie, kissing her forehead. “Just wanted to let the girls hear your voice, baby. We love you.”
“I love you too. I’ll be home soon.”
Simon stared at his phone, mask in hand as he sat in his curtain darkened office. The only illumination was his phone and his computer in front of him - he felt he deserved to sit in darkness until he finally came home to his girls, his daylight.
He flicked the small printed photo of his family in his free hand, it was the one he kept in his wallet.
“I know it’s early, but I’m gonna try and get them to sleep. Mel’s starting some sort of cold.”
Simon’s heart ached. He wished to be home that very second so he could scoop his little girl into his arms and love on her. “I’m sorry I’m not there to help.”
“You’re being a superhero, Daddy!” Winnie chirped, he could hear her smile. It hurt his heart that he couldn’t hold her either.
“Good night, my girls.” He spoke softly. “I love you.”
You whispered your good night and your love for him, all while Winnie pressed her face to the phone with giggles. The call ended, and Simon was left in a cold dark room, hours from home on a base that he’s only been twice before.
His eyes glanced over to his desktop, rereading the information on the target.
Last seen in London, UK three days ago.
Blond, green eyed, bulk build. Associated with Russian Mafia.
The photo box was empty. Every man who had eyes on him couldn’t get an image fast enough, weren’t skilled enough to see that he had slipped onto a train to Manchester to find his son. Simon could never know that his entire life hung in the balance of one man. And it wasn’t even himself.
He shut off his computer, sliding a hand down his face. He stretched back in his chair before he stood, still flipping the picture in his fingers as he made his way to his small cot. If he closed his eyes for a moment, even in the darkness of this already solitary office, he could imagine himself getting back into his bed. Under the soft sheets, arms curled around you and leg tucked in between yours.
He sat on his dark green canvas cot, toed off his already unlaced boots, and let his back hit the wall.
There were going to be many sleepless nights ahead of him, and it wasn’t even because he had to be awake and vigilant. It was because he yearned for you.
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taglist (ignore that tagging hates me): @sigynxlokiwifelover @lumpypoll @multitargaryen @chloeforde @blueoorchid @vir-tual @lolis-pikt @theverycelestialgemini @simpingforleoandnico @prodyng @royalty-purple @projectdreamwalker @tiredweeb7
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Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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milkydough · 1 year
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Happy Pride with the task force 141!!
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bonesinthemarsh · 7 months
Thinking about Laswell using Price as a surrogate
for her and her wife hehehe („ಡωಡ„)
18+ minors DNI
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• They’re at a pub after a mission well done and he can tell something’s on her mind. She tells him about her wife wanting a baby but Kate is extremely picky and the agency is running out of surrogate options.
• After a couple of drinks, she makes her proposition. She wants John to be the father. He’s a good man, He’s met her wife a few times before, and she trusts him. She offers to pay him but he refuses. They’re friends after all.
• When Kate brings him home that night, you’re a bit surprised to see him. She usually lets you know before guests stop by. You greet your wife with a peck on the lips and give John a small wave
• You expect her to pull out her playing cards and a couple of beers but instead, she sits down on the couch and pulls you onto her lap, a strong hand kneading your thigh. She fills you in on the plan as John sits on the couch opposite you two, legs spread and leaning back into the soft cushion. Your thighs involuntarily clench and Kate smiles.
“What a whore. Should’ve asked the whole squad to come up here if I knew you’d be so willing to open your legs”
• She drawls, hand sliding up to cop a feel of your breast. You glance over at John who’s stroking himself over his pants
• Eventually, you all end up in the bedroom, nightstand adorned with various knick-knacks and wedding photos. By this point, you’re naked and laid back against the plush pillows on yours and Kate’s bed
• Kate lazily rubbed your clit, eliciting soft moans from you. She dips her fingers between your lips and spreads them causing John to inhale sharply. There’s a long sticky string of arousal coating her fingers before she sucks it off
“Make her cum first,”
• Soft moans fill the room as John circles his tongue around your clit, a thick finger prodding at your entrance. He sucks your clit as he squeezes another finger in, scissoring them deep inside you to prepare you for him. Kate grabs your chin, forcing you to look at her while her coworker eats your pussy. She places her mouth on yours and your heart skips a beat.
• Kate makes out with you while your legs shake, her kisses muffling your moans as John eats you out like a man starved. He grinds on the bedsheets, his dick aching for any sort of relief as your noises spur him on. He wants you to cum so he can finally be inside you. So he can finally pump you full of his cum. His facial hair is SOAKED and you’re whimpering and your legs are shaking but he won’t stop licking and slurping your pussy until your back arches and your thighs squeeze his head. Your eyes flutter closed as you experience your first orgasm of the night. Kate takes her free hand and starts massaging your breast
“Can’t wait until these are all big and full of milk. You’re gonna be such a good mommy”
• You whimper when he finally pushes against your entrance, hand gripping Kate a bit harder. You can’t stop the moan that tears itself from your throat when he finally squeezes inside.
“Oh, you can take it. You’ve been fucked by straps thicker than this”
• John huffs but he continues to slowly stretch you open. When he finally bottoms out he tries to keep a steady pace. Doesn’t want to seem too eager. He isn’t desperate.
• Ok, maybe he's a little desperate.
• He angles himself to hit that spot inside you that makes you see stars. You’re whimpering against Kate’s mouth as John fucks a baby into you. She’s still fully clothed, nestled against your side, and holding your hand as your pussy forms a thick creamy ring around John’s dick. You try to tuck your head into her neck out of embarrassment at the sheer lewdity of the situation but she forces you to look. Your pussy convulses around him as you cum again, hypnotized as he picks up the pace.
• Kate whispers filthy degrading things in your ear as John spears you on his dick. Your face is red at how wet you are. The room is filled with John’s groans, your moaning, and the filthy wet noises that your abused pussy is making
• John’s proud of himself for not blowing his load as soon as he started fucking you but now he can feel that telltale tingle in his balls knowing he’s about to bust soon. He suddenly yanks you down on his dick, flipping your legs over his shoulders as he reaches even deeper now. You’re incoherent as he grinds against your cervix, Kate giving you a smug smile as your legs start to shake.
“That’s it, take it all.”
• She mumbles against your neck as John lets out a throaty moan and paints your insides white. You’re still whining from the overstimulation as he continues to fuck you. You can feel his cum drip out of you and onto your satin bedsheets, Kate taking a moment away from rubbing the spot on your stomach where your womb is to gather up some of the cum dripping down to your puckered hole and scooping it up with her finger before swirling it on your tongue.
• John groans at the sight, kissing you. He sucks his cum off of your tongue as he slows his movement to an excruciating grinding motion that makes your pussy flutter around his again.
• When Kate decides he’s kissed you long enough she plucks his head and he gets the hint. He smiles and pulls away, a string of saliva and semen connecting you both before he wipes his mouth.
• A few weeks later John tries to suppress a smile when he reads a text from Kate
“Test was negative. Come over tonight.”
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callsignfate · 7 months
Laswell x Sarcastic Wife.
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I have more to edit and post, I planned to post it yesterday, but guess who had to go to the emergency dentist and get a molar removed? Me! I was in a ton of pain, and it's still sore today, but I'm going to try to write and edit.
Tw: Sexual innuendo and slight bickering. She/her pronouns.
As you sat on the small couch in Kate's office, you observed her working diligently. The constant ticking of the office clock and the rustling of papers had become a familiar backdrop to your days, as your week together for your anniversary had been continually interrupted by work-related matters.
Kate was an epitome of efficiency. She managed her work with dedication, allocating some moments for you while maintaining her productivity. You often found solace in the peace and silence, appreciating the rare moments of quietude even though you wished for more interaction with Kate.
You contemplated offering to fetch her another cup of coffee, noticing her almost empty mug, when an unwelcome guest entered the room. This individual, seemingly of a higher rank, exuded an air of arrogance and indifference. His abrupt and disruptive entrance disturbed the tranquil atmosphere.
His attention turned towards Kate as he inquired about her progress, but something was off. She, who was known for her sharp and often sarcastic responses, appeared uncharacteristically compliant in her conversation with this man. Her uncharacteristic change piqued your curiosity.
Although you kept out of it, flitting between apps on your phone and a book you were reading until you heard his harsh words catch your attention.
"You need to work harder - maybe get rid of your... distraction," he muttered, emphasizing the last word with venom.
"Oh please, what's more distracting is that disco ball glare coming off that shiny ass head of yours," you muttered, keeping your eyes trained on the book as you took a dig at his obviously balding head.
"Excuse me?" He snapped, his feet taking a large step towards you in an attempt to intimidate you.
"The intimidation tactics won't work here, buddy. I'm lesbian, married, and have a very intimidating wife. You have absolutely no chance for your tactics to work. And while you may be taller, I can easily hit you in the nuts," you scoffed casually, finally looking up to see his face bright red and Kate's face in her hands with her head shaking in disapproval.
"Laswell, who is this sitting in your office? I want to speak to her higher-up. Now," he spat out as you began to laugh. He had no idea.
"That's my wife, and she doesn't technically have a higher-up. She doesn't work here anymore," Kate said calmly as she glanced over at you with a look of slight shock.
"Your wife has a mouth," the man said immediately after hearing he had no ground to try to punish you.
"And I use it every night," you said as you winked at Kate and went back to looking at your book. The small noise of shock he made before offering one parting word almost made you laugh.
"Just get it done," he shot out quickly before leaving the office immediately after.
"Interesting man, don't think he likes me," you said before Kate could get a word out. She shook her head and laughed, making you glance up at her from your book.
"Yeah, I don't think he likes you either," Kate said in between laughs.
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
[Laswell showing R/n how to make her party punch.]
R/n: Alright, I mixed the bowl what else do we need?
Laswell: Okay, now that we got our Jelly ice shapes, berries and juice mixed we’re going to need two shots of Vodka.
{Laswell takes a vodka bottle out from the fridge and pours half the bottle in, R/n shoots a look of disbelief at Price and Laswell’s wife they just nod.]
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dasybequackin · 3 months
Rando thoughts (Cod Ships)
I got some ships I love and shit to say cuz I can (and also talk about the fandom as well):-
NikPrice (Nikolai x Captain Price)
Honestly one of my most fav ship, just very less art I seen of them. It's saddening. (Those who made art of them, I love y'all so much ( ˘ ³˘)♥)
Nik literally give Price his fav gun like that wasn't the sweetest thing??💞
Powerhusbands and no one can convince me otherwise.
AleRudy (Alejandro Vargas x Rodolfo Parra)
Do I seriously need to explain it?
Their tensions, their conversation, everything. THEY ARE BOYFRIENDS UR HONOR-
Also I think their relationship is like very much sweet (pls not the twt toxic shit I don't like those)
Körangi (König X Horangi)
Tbh it's cute, not going to lie the tiktok of them is funny.
Funny how they barely interact yet our delusional ass managed to make scenario of them
And that's what the power of shipping I guess╮(^▽^)╭
Kate Laswell x her wife (duh it's canon I love it)
I don't explain this one either because it's basically canon.
Also I want more ART OF THEM
Not a lot of ppl talk about them it's equally saddening
But I wish I became like them too (have a wife (*゚ー゚*)
Ghoap (Ghost x Soap) (pls not the bad one pls)
Now I got second thoughts abt this, well it's adorable when I saw ppl fanart (not going to lie I giggled my feet everytime)
But I draw the line at some weird dead dove shit (I accidentally saw it on twt and safe to say, I wish to bleach my eyes)
Why the hell y'all can't ship gay men like normal?? (To those who used them in a wrong way)
Other than that, I think the ship is overall adorable and sweet. (Tbh wish I got that relationship frfr)
Yeah I guess that's all? I don't ship much but if I had more I'll add it ig.
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cod-dump · 7 months
Soap is everyone's partner best friend and it drives people and because he's super clingy about it. There's no place for Price to sleep in his own bed because Soap took his place between Nik and Phil and they let him because "he was tired and sad". Gaz came back from a mission and thought he will spend time with Roach but he can' t because Soap's already laying head on his lap, talking about whatever bullshit they're at now and Roach seems content enough about it. Laswell threatened to take every single phone in a base to her office because she can't ever call her wife because Soap's always on a phone with her with new rumors. Alejandro has to actually wait for his turns to dance with Rudy whenever Soap's around because he Rudy lets Soap steal him with a smile.
Price was starting to wish Soap and Graves never made up considering how the sergeant was always with him or Nik when Price had free time. He just wanted to relax with his boyfriend and husband but Soap was already wedged between them, a movie playing. Price had to wait for the movie to end just so he could cuddle his partners since Soap refused to leave without finishing the movie.
Gaz didn't think Soap hanging out with Roach was a problem until he came back to base after a long mission. He just finished debriefing everything that happened, showered and ate, and he just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend... Which he didn't get to do because Soap and Roach were reading some comics together. Gaz went to bed annoyed and frankly upset he didn't get to spend time with Roach after missing him for months.
Laswell originally had no issues with any of her boys having Annie's phone number. She was 'Homey Mom', which countered Laswell's 'Stern Mom'. But she started having a problem when never seemed to be able to talk to her wife while away from home because Soap was always on the damn phone with her. Laswell had so many messages from Annie telling her she was already on the phone with Johnny and couldn't talk at the moment.
Alejandro was already pretty touchy and generally jealous over Rudy. That was his amazing husband, his soulmate, the light of his existence, and fucking Soap was stealing all his attention! Alejandro was fuming when he saw them dancing at the bar, Rudy laughing as Soap twirled him around. Took a few Los Vaqueros to keep him from doing anything that he would've regretted.
It annoyed them all, bothered a couple. It was Alejandro who found a solution to it, being beyond angry with Soap for stealing all his husband’s attention. Soap had held Rudy’s hand for the last time because Alejandro went on the offensive.
As Soap leaned against Rudy, too close for Alejandro’s comfort, he would notice Ghost walk into the room. He sat up straight and went to call out to him, but then Alejandro swooped in from behind and wrapped his arms Ghost’s waist, resting his head on the man’s shoulder and grinning broadly. Soap just stared as Ghost and Alejandro talked. Everyone noticed Soap’s reaction, so, they naturally followed Alejandro’s lead.
And now Soap get almost no time with Ghost.
“Sorry, Johnny, Captain wants to go out drinking. No, you can’t tag along, it’s a high end club and he didn’t call ahead with a third wheel in mind.”
“Busy, Johnny. Kyle and I are going on a hike. You and Roach were suppose to go to that movie, why are you asking?"
“Laswell needs me for a few hours. Oh, you’ve been talking on the phone all day, you won’t even miss me.”
“No, I can’t. Alejandro is taking me out to eat. Some, what did he call it, five star restaurant? Supposedly good food but it’s expensive. I’m not missing out on that!”
Soap was finally getting a taste of his own medicine. And, unfortunately for him, Ghost was all too happy to go along with everyone’s plans. While he wasn’t bothered by Soap’s closeness with the others, he would prefer his boyfriend’s attention on him.
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sparky-draws · 9 months
tired as fuck w terrible back pain (coding in shrimp mode as god intended 🫡) but they're done!
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Price is leader, Ghost is deputy, laswell's wife & jewel are the med cats, and laswell is the mediator 👍
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faralex don't quite look the way I want but it's the closest I can get
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milf-murdock · 7 months
Me watching Laswell be a total Boss Babe and keep all these men in check and lead this shit:
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milkydough · 1 year
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New faces? part 3
Chris/Price comic part 6
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