#keum seongje
skaiiiryn · 6 months
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wolf dude :o
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blossomcats · 6 months
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the way wolf got two panels bc seopass knows who the favorite child is
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qbleee · 1 month
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weakheroforever · 7 months
I WISH WE GOT THEIR BACK STORY ( Chap 61 & 84 in this order*)
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impotatoechips · 8 months
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im back, its only been like a year, i wont ever get over weak heroahahha
IM idk so bored someone needa make like a long fanfic about gray and wolf being friends for me ill draw u anythin 👹👹🥄🥄
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minluce · 10 months
Weak Hero Analysis and Meta - Wolf Keum Motives and Money
I keep thinking that the reason why Wolf joined the Union must have something to do with money, because when he tries to leave (unsuccessfully, the first time), Donald says "you should've said that before taking all the dirty money", implying that the reason why Wolf initially joined was for the cash.
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This is interesting though, because everything we see from Wolf points to him not actually caring about money on a personal level. He got mad when he was stolen from, but more because of the principle of things; he was angry that someone would dare to try to take what was his, not because he was super attached to the money.
We know with some amount of certainty that he's not attached to money because he's always giving free handouts to his underlings-slash-friends (questionable whether Wolf even knows what friendship is; he blurs the line a lot imo).
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(For reference, this is three separate instances where Wolf threw money at his underlings/companions. One is even from a flashback that takes place before Wolf's fight with Gray, showing that this generosity isn't a recent development.)
The alternate theory is that Wolf joined the Union just as an excuse to pick fights with people, which I personally disagree with, since I don't think Wolf ever needed a half-decent reason to get into fistfights, and its lampshaded multiple times that Wolf was coerced into joining, since he's always looking for a reason to get out.
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Simply put, the puzzle pieces don't seem to add up. My current theory would be that Wolf initially joined the Union for a one-off benefit, much like Jake. He needed a large sum of money (or status?) to do something, but once whatever it was got sorted out, he no longer had any incentive to go along with what Donald asked him to.
Unlike Jake, Wolf has the kind of personality that doesn't agree with getting ordered around, even if the person giving out orders is someone he's indebted to. What is probably also a factor is that Jake cares about his friends-not-underlings a lot more than Wolf cares about his underlings-maybe-friends.
Wolf repeatedly went against Donald's rules, knowing that he'd be dragging Ganghak down with him. He treats everyone under him (sans Hayden) to a "Last Meal", a last taste of their Union benefits, before they get kicked out and probably punished severely.
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ANYWAY. In conclusion I just wanted to ramble about Wolf Keum some more, also highlight that being part of his gang is the best of both worlds. You're constantly in fear of pissing him off and getting the shit beaten out of you, but also Wolf Keum is your sugar daddy, so pros and cons, really.
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cospritenya · 1 year
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barbie meme with hakseong bc they occupy 99% of my brain space
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shoyoackerman · 10 months
just wolf enabling grays murderous (yet acceptable) tendencies. he’s so funny I love their interactions 🤧
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aulupus · 4 months
The funniest part of the Union Thief arc in retrospect is the explanation that the 'Gold bag' is, in fact, Wolf's schoolbag, therefore strongly implying that, since it's being used to carry wads of cash and important files, it's not being used for actual school purposes, therefore contributing to the theory that Wolf does not, in fact, do his schoolwork or go to class at all, really
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weakheroposting · 2 months
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Its too late for me to produce normal drawings
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sweetclatte · 11 months
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At this point, I’m probably going to end up drawing all the characters including the background ones 💀.
This is just a sketch, I’ll probably stop posting my drawings with colors for a bit until I get better at shading and highlighting.
Ngl hwangmo ju was the hardest to draw for me
But anyways, I was originally going to draw Gray only but decided against it-
Y’all can have the rest of them, I only want my hwangmo 😌
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sharlulu · 1 year
𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫..?
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Wolf Keum x gn reader
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"Hey, are you sure we should be doing this?" you nervously ask, sitting behind Wolf on his motorbike, tightly holding onto him from behind. An unconcerned answer followed shortly: "Kinda late to turn back, don't you agree?" …That didn't calm you down the slightest.
The sky was brighter than it was supposed to be; and it frightened you. Though being with Wolf lessened your anxiety, you didn't quite feel at ease—you could see the cityscape steadily disappearing out of the corner of your eye, meaning that you two would soon reach the train depot.
Wolf parked his motorbike behind a tree that looked like it hasn't been watered for ages. "Doesn't look like a safe place to leave a bike," you pointed out, as you strolled around the tree. "Quite easily noticeable from this side." "I doubt anyone's coming here at this hour," scoffed Wolf, rolling his eyes. "Come on, hurry, let's go."
He took your hand and lead you along a narrow path to the trains. They were a bit eerie-looking and seemingly abandoned, even though you knew that some hours ago they were full with people.
Going to the train depot was Wolf's idea. "It will be fun," he said. "Anniversaries should be memorable," he justified when you expressed disapproval. Seeing the sunset among a see of wagons sounded much more interesting than at some cafe, except you oh-so doubted the "legalness" of trespassing private property. "It's me, what did you expect," retorted Wolf; after bickering for a while you gave in—and as a result here you were, going onto the tracks, heart pounding in fear of the security personnel seeing you.
As you came closer you saw the little aluminium ladders near ends of the white wagons. 'So this is how we are going to climb to the roof, huh,' you thought. The ladder was, however, not tall enough for you to clamber up to the top of the train, so you ask Wolf, who was somehow already there, for help. "Grab my hand." The answer came so pat, as if he'd expected your request.
You two sat there, gazing at the landscape—which was magnificent—in complete silence; the sun was getting low, your surroundings were flooded with a pleasant light. Feeling a bit drowsy, you lay your head on Wolf's shoulder and close your eyes.
The tranquil atmosphere didn't last long as you hear: "You there! What are you doing here? I'm calling the police!"
After that everything went like in a fever dream; you hardly remembered how you got down or what your dear partner-in-crime shouted to you—it was all a blur. You could only recall being surprised with your agility; you never knew you could run like this, jumping between the rails, flying through the bushes, disregarding the scratches left by the leaves on your skin. Nothing could stop you, not even the tall fence in front of you.
Huh? A fence?
You stopped in your tracks. Your legs freeze up, the adrenaline rush no longer helping. "Come on," urged Wolf, "just climb and then jump—I'll catch you!" And so you clambered up and jumped—Wolf caught you as promised.
"Why is there a fence here?" you ask, barely managing to catch your breath. "I don't remember seeing it earlier." "Great question!" Wolf retorted. "I think we are lost," he then added, nearly whispering. It was dark and cold; all you could think about was lying in a cozy bed covered by a warm blanket. "How do we get home," you mumbled. "Why are you asking me?? Ask google." "Right, I still have my phone."
It took you 15 minutes to get to the nearest bus stop. The usually dimly lit signs seemed so bright in the dark. Too bright even. You sit down on the bench and look up at Wolf who had a somewhat strange expression. "I forgot my bike." "What?" "My motorbike, we left it there—. I'm going back; don't wait for me." "But you can get it tomorrow and—" Wolf ran off before you could even finish you sentence. "Do you even know the way…"
You didn't even have time to contemplate whether to chase him or not, because the bus arrived seconds later. Without much thought you step on the bus, leaving Wolf to handle everything on his own (he was strong and experienced after all!)
Few minutes into the ride you switch on your phone and start typing:
╰▸ You: How are you? Home yet?
╰▸ You: Today was fun! Let's try again tomorrow? 🙃
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A/n:  im finally back from the dead
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alexa-fika · 4 months
Beatings And Rides (Wolf keum x child!reader)
A/N: I really am so exited to write for other fandoms and weak hero dosen’t have the biggest array of fanfics out there so im exited to write on if.
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Why the hell did you come here, reader?” Wolf asks his little sibling. The two sat on the rooftop of the school, wolf smoking as usual, glancing at his sibling who had sneaked into school with him
“I wanted to be with big brother!”
Wolf rolled his eyes in annoyance and sighs as he took another puff and blew the smoke out with force
“Well, you're with me now; what do you want?”
They shrug
“I just want to be with big brother,” they said, smiling at him, their smile melting as they glanced around; as all of Wolf’s ‘friends’ stared at the small child, causing them to hide between their brother's legs
Wolf’s face slowly turns from annoyance to surprise when he sees his sibling hiding behind him. He groans as he puts his cigarette out
“What the hell are you guys staring at? Are you looking for a beating?” he growls
His ‘friends’ glance at each other nervously before muttering quietly
“No, we just didn’t expect to see them here.”
“How’d the hell did they even get in?” one whispers at the corner of his mouth
Wolf stares at the poor soul initiating his inner countdown, grinning sadistically as he reaches three; sliding off his glasses, he hands them to his little sibling
“Wait inside.”
They look up at him confused but nod, running their way to the rooftop door and sitting on the stairs leading up to it
Wolf waits a few more minutes to make sure his sibling was safe and out of sight before turning back to the student who had made the comment
“So do you wanna keep staring or actually speak up?” he said, walking towards him with the same dangerous smile on his face
Reader kicked at their feet, ignoring the sound of fists being exchanged, groans and pleas of mercy accompanying each resounding crack as they stared at their brother's glasses, putting them on their face and scrunching their face at the blurry outcome
Wolf continued beating on the poor student for a few more minutes until they had simply dropped to the ground, having no hope of defending themselves, much less winning against Wolf from the start
He simply ignited another cigarette, walking towards the door of the rooftop, and scooping up his sibling as he descended the stairs
“We’re going home,” he mutters
Reader looked up, removing the glasses from their face and placing them back on their rightful owner as they spoke up
“But I thought Big Brother still had class?”
Wolf pauses mid-step as he glances at his sibling with a monotone expression
“I’m skipping” *He grumbles
“Wolfy is gonna get in trouble.”
Wolf just scoffs at this, looking annoyed that his young sibling worried a bit too much
“Who cares.” He shrugs
“Not like the teachers can stop me or do anything.”
Wolf’s eyes narrow
“Do you want me to leave you behind?”
The squeak holding tighter to him
“Then stop bitching about it and stay quiet,”
He says, rolling his eyes as they finally leave the school and step into the streets.
“Are we going on the bike?”
“It’s a motorcycle.”
“Are we going on it?”
Wolf lets out a quiet breath of annoyance before dropping his sibling on the motorcycle, grabbing the helmet, and gingerly placing it on them
“ You remember the rules?” he said, strapping the helmet on, tightening it enough so the too-big of a helmet would stay on
They nod, the helmet bouncing around as they did
“Hold tight, mouth close.”
Wolf nods before getting on, behind them, their sibling holding on to the motorcycle tightly as the engine begins to roar awake
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Soft ish Wolf? What do y’all think? Any weak hero fans up in here? Any of my one piece fans, fans of weak hero?
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blossomcats · 11 months
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this fandom with wolf keum
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weakheroforever · 9 months
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robojeq · 4 months
Pretty sure you would have to cover a pill in peanut butter to get Wolf to take it
Homie would lick the peanut butter off and spit it on the floor tho
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