pennywaltzy · 3 months
I'm About To Hit TWO Fic Milestones On AO3!
So I'm going to put up some polls with some prompts in a bit, but my fic enabler @strangelock221b has been sending me tons and tons of prompts over the years, and I'm going to pick some for the three ships I plan on writing (Khanolly, McMolly and Sherlolly) and have three separate polls to pick four Khanolly prompts, four McMolly prompts and two Sherlolly prompts to hit 1,400 Sherlock fics and 300 Star Trek AOS fics on AO3. So keep an eye out tonight and I'll link them to this post!
LINKS TO POLLS: Khanolly | McMolly | Sherlolly
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strangelock221b · 1 year
Top 5 Faves by afteriwake
Sway (BBC Sherlock/Star Trek Into Darkness, Khanolly)
The Past Is The Present And The Future Is New (BBC Sherlock/Star Trek Into Darkness, Khanolly)
Domesticity (BBC Sherlock, Sebolly)
The Enemy Of My Enemy Is ... Something (BBC Sherlock, Sebolly)
The Cacophony Of Life (BBC Sherlock, Sherlolly)
Honorable Mention: The Tale Of Mop Eyes and The Most Beautiful Man In The World, Who Lives In Her Building And Only Ever Sees Her When She Looks Disgusting (BBC Sherlock, Sherlolly)
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khanolly-mizjoely · 1 year
Hey all, excited to announce that there's a new category on the Khanollylists, thanks to @mousedetective (afteriwake on AO3). Say hello to the Khanolly version of Swap!lock featuring Molly as Kate Noonien Singh, notorious Augment, and her Starfleet counterpart, John Harrison.
Revelations (A Force of Nature series) by afteriwake (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2023
Reconsidering Plans (A Force of Nature series) by afteriwake (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2023
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willsherjohnkhan · 2 years
Chapter 4: Emerging From the Darkness
Has been uploaded to AO3.
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mizjoely · 1 year
Hi there! How are you? When you have the time, could you write another oneshot about Unicorn!Khan and Molly? That fic was really good and left me wanting to know how she lived with him after that. Thanks!
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Sorry, Anon, I never did answer this one. For anyone interested, here is the fic they were asking for a sequel to: Legendary
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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Welcome to round three of art claims for WIPBB! We have 58 fics left for claiming, and you may claim up to four fics this round.
Star Trek AOS #095 Title: Discovered Truths (subject to change) Pairing/Characters Eventual James T Kirk/Spock, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Nyota Uhura, Original Characters Rating: Mature Warnings/Tags: Graphic violence, alternate universe, horror, blood, gore, medical experimentation, forced solitude Summary In an alternate universe where first contact of Vulcans with the humans of Earth resulted in a massacre, Starfleet drafts Federation Citizens to fight in their galactic war. Some people, like James Kirk, have long suspected things are not what they seem when it comes to Starfleet. But it isn’t until he’s sent to Mars and uncovers a secret testing facility that he learns the full truth of what’s been hidden around them all along. [A Starfleet AU where Jim was drafted into Starfleet and years later works helping those affected by the war. Story opens with him and McCoy being put onto a new assignment at a Starfleet Martian base, but there’s a secret facility within it that is performing invasive and horrible tests on captured Vulcans. Spock is one of them. Inspired by Au/Ra’s music video for their song “Panic Room” which was also reworked for the story and serves as the first meeting between Jim and Spock. Eventually, the political climate changes and Jim breaks Spock and the others out of the facility, bringing them to safety.] Star Trek AOS/BBC Sherlock #098 Title: To Fight For The One You Love Pairing/Characters Khan Noonien Singh | John Harrison/Molly Hooper Rating: Mature Warnings/Tags: Potential violence in later chapters Summary Something is peculiar about his flatmate, Molly Hooper. In a new world where nearly everyone has a superhuman ability of some sort, Molly seems...different. And she arrives home early in the morning all beat up to Hell. What is she doing? Khan is determined to find out.
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doctorhelm · 6 months
Alternative Ending to a Khanolly Story
I was doing a bit of tidying up when a few pieces of paper fell out of a notebook. Going through them I realised that they were all to do with a Khanolly Story I'd written a few years ago called Her Dark Angel. Most of the notes were included in the story itself, but there was one that caught my attention. It was a slightly different beginning to the last chapter, and I can only assume I didn't go through with it because I'd misplaced this note.
And I really liked what I was thinking of writing.
So I guess I now have a potential new Khanolly (hopefully a one-shot) fan fic story to consider...
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Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Summer 2021 Round!
So here we are, ready for another round of Molly Hooper Appreciation Week, the second one in 2021! This is the themed round with a week of posting; in February we will have some other type of fication to show out support for Molly Hooper.
This year, the theme is colors! Each day will have a color with a catchy title that's the main focus of your creations *the color, not the title of the day). And instead of a Free For All day, it's going to be any color of the rainbow that you want to use (or all of them...that would be nice too!). It will run from August 22nd, 2021 to August 28th, 2021.
Sunday, August 22nd - Black & White & Shades Of Grey (anything using black, white or grey as the primary colors)
Monday, August 23rd - Summertime Blues (anything using blue as the primary color)
Tuesday, August 24th - Red As A Rose (anything using red as the primary color)
Wednesday, August 25th - Bright Sunny Day (anything using yellow as the primary color)
Thursday, August 26th - The Grass Is Greener (anything using green as the primary color)
Friday, August 27th - Royal Purple (anything using purple as the primary color)
Saturday, August 28th - Free For All/Rainbow Hued (anything using any color of the rainbow or rainbow colors as the primary colors)
- Any kind of fanwork you can think of is acceptable for this week: fanfic, fanart, fanvids, manipulations, gifsets (please make sure they are your gifs, though, and you’re not taking them from others without permission), meta, headcanons…anything you can think of that would celebrate Molly Hooper that would fit in with a theme (or just show love for her in general on Day 7) will be accepted with much pleasure.
- Be kind and respectful to everyone participating. We don’t want any wank because this is a week for sharing our love for a character who loves pretty much everyone we’ve seen her meet.
- If there’s something submitted that you like, please like it (or even better, reblog it so others can see it too)! If there’s a link to it on another website, go to that website and leave them love there as well.
- Any and all romantic ships are allowed. Het, femslash, poly…you ship it, we want to see it! We turn no one away. All ships are valid ships. Likewise, all takes on Molly’s sexuality and gender are valid for this week as well. Not everyone shares the same headcanons but we should all be respectful of others.
- If you post something for the day, please make sure one of your first five tags is “molly appreciation week”. We will not be using secondary tags this round as we don’t want to clog the tags this round.
- If you want your work to be reblogged on @mollyappreciationweek you must @ the blog somewhere in your post. I get alerts on the activity when the blog is mentioned and then I will know to go and save your post to the drafts to reblog when the round is over. I will still check the tag but there is no guarantee I will see your post unless you @ @mollyappreciationweek as well.
There will be a collection, as per usual, which will be opened as soon as I make it for people to post their works. It will remain open for perpetuity as you are always allowed to answer these prompts even after the posting dates are officially over. When it is created you will be able to find it on the parent collection (so this way the link is sort of up now and not lost in reblogs).
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Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Molly got kidnapped by Sherlock's twin brother Sherrinford. I think it's in Historylock, because I remembered they were on a ship, and Sherrinford had been experimented by Microft (his blood kinda different or something). The fic was unfinished, and Molly kinda attracted to Sherrinford (He is Sherlock's twin :D ). Please help :)
Are you sure it’s not this Khanolly fic?
A violent love, A torturing love by KendraPendragon
Cause it sounds an awful lot like that one. Please let me know?
just-post-anything said: Yes, that's the fic.. thank you No wonder i can't find it with Sherrinford as a keyword :))
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elennemigo · 5 years
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Khanolly for @mizjoely​
From your Sherlolly Secret Santa!
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darnedchild · 5 years
Molly Hooper Appreciation Week - Day Seven
Day Seven – Free For All
This is part three of a series of Khanolly fics.  You may want to read the first two parts before this one. (”Descent Into Darkness” and “From Darkness”, both on Ao3)  Or not.  It’s up to you.
Embrace the Darkness
“. . . by the time Kirk and Spock have been debriefed and the Federation has heard all about Admiral Marcus and convened a committee to decide whether or not to pursue you, you’ll be long gone.  If you destroy them now, every armed ship in the area will be sent after you in retaliation within a matter of hours.”
Molly took another step closer to the Captain’s chair of the Vengeance and tried to reason with the imposing man sitting in it.  “You’ll need time to revive your crew.  This could buy you some of that time.”
“And you, Molly?  What would you have me do with you?” His voice was warm velvet covered in steel.  
She took a deep breath and sealed her fate.  “I—I . . . You wanted my help to wake your people. I’m here.  What do you need?”
He tapped a finger against the arm of the chair.  “Khan to the crew of the Enterprise.  As promised, I have returned your crew—”
The cargo hold was filled with torpedo tubes.  
Molly bit the inside of her cheek as she stepped up to the first one.  If Spock had attempted to trick Khan, had somehow switched Khan’s crew for live torpedoes, and she accidently armed it . . .
She shuddered and wrapped her arms around her middle for comfort.  
Khan knelt next to the tube and compared the serial number etched on the side to the list on his data pad.
“This might be easier if we had help.  Do any of them have medical training?”  She contemplated the vast number of people that would need to be eased out of cryostasis, each one needing to be carefully monored until they were out of danger.  Even if Khan could go without rest for extended periods, she would need to eat and sleep or she’d be utterly useless.  One mistake could mean the life of one of the seventy-two men and women of Khan’s crew.
“We need to find Joachim.  He’ll be the first.”  Khan stood up and moved to the next tube to examine the serial number.
Molly started working her way down the next row with her own data pad.  “Is he a doctor?”
“My second-in-command,” he corrected.  Before Molly could protest, Khan explained his decision, “Someone will need to be on the bridge if we’re going to be otherwise occupied in sickbay.”  
She continued to look uncertain.  Khan bit back whatever he’d been about to say and forced his expression into something softer in an effort to reassure her.  “My security chief has practical experience as a nurse, and her mate is our medical officer.  We can awaken them after Joachim.”
Joachim was pale with dark hair, shorter than Khan but imposing nevertheless.  He was constantly watching, like a predator waiting for his prey to make one fatal mistake. Something about him made Molly uneasy. She especially didn’t like the way he looked at Khan when the other man’s attention was focused elsewhere.
The medical officer was called Watson.  It took Molly a few days to warm to him.  Her initial impression was of a gruff man with the sort of temper that was quick to explode in frustration and equally quick to die down, leaving him contrite.  The second time he’d snapped at her, Molly had snapped right back and banished him from sickbay until he apologized.  Khan had simply shaken his head when Watson looked to him for support, and reminded Watson that Molly was the chief medical officer on board the ship, therefore the sickbay was under her authority.  
“Within reason,” he’d added just loud enough for her to hear.
Rosamund was Watson’s mate, and she answered only to Khan on matters of ship security (bypassing Joachim, which was something that reassured Molly considerably).  Molly liked the blonde woman.  She was no nonsense while she was working, but she often had a smile and a laugh to offer to Molly when she came to visit her mate in sickbay.
Khan identified the most vital members of his crew and he, Molly, and Watson steadily moved through the list over the next two weeks. She insisted they took their time, never more than half a dozen crew members recovering at a time to minimize the risks.  She knew the pace frustrated Khan but he had to concede that the safety of his crew was paramount.
Finally, eighteen days after the confrontation with the Enterprise, and fifteen days since they’d left Federation space, the last of Khan’s crew was released from sickbay and Molly could finally relax.
She’d been sleeping on whatever med bed was open at the time, only leaving sickbay to shower and eat when her body demanded it. She was looking forward to hunting down an empty room in the crew quarters and sleep for the next three days straight.
Once she waved Watson and Rosamund out the door with the promise that she’d join them in the mess for a meal as soon as she’d finished putting the last of the equipment away, Molly curled up on one of the beds and told herself she was only going to rest her eyes for just a moment.
Molly had no idea how long she slept.  The room was completely dark when she opened her eyes and it took her several seconds to realize that wasn’t right.  She sat up in a panic, her mind screaming that even during the night cycle sickbay was gently lit from various scanners and readouts that constantly monitored her patients.  
Pitch black meant a system failure.  
System failure could mean death.
Before she could roll out of the bed a hand grasped her wrist and stilled her.
“Computer, half-lights,” the deep voice of Khan rolled out of the darkness.  It was huskier than she was used to, as if she’d pulled him out of his sleep with her movements.
A warm, soft glow came from recessed lighting around the room, illuminating the unfamiliar surroundings and the man laying at her side on the bed that most definitely was not the one she’d fallen asleep on in sickbay.
Khan continued to hold her wrist, although his hold was gentle and she knew she’d be able to pull free if she wanted to.  
“Where am I?” Molly asked.
“You are in the Captain’s Quarter’s,” the Computer answered.  
Khan’s lips curled upward in amusement.  “Computer, that will be all.  I can take it from here.”
“Acknowledged, Captain.”
Molly let her gaze take in the room, it was nearly as large as the flat she’d called home for the last several years.  Admiral Marcus had clearly spared no expense when he’d chosen the furnishings for what would have been his quarters if he’d maintained command of the ship.
“Nice.”  She gestured with her free hand to indicate the room at large.
“It serves its purpose,” Khan acknowledged.
She might have continued to shyly dance around the important question if her stomach hadn’t chosen that moment to remind her that she’d probably missed dinner.  Frankly, she was hungry and a Hungry Molly was an Impatient, Blunt Molly.  “So how did I end up in it?”
He laughed.  “Rosamund became concerned when you didn’t meet them as promised.  You were so exhausted you barely stirred when I tried to wake you and I thought it best to let you continue to sleep.”
“That doesn’t explain how I ended up in this bed.”  She left the ‘with you’ unspoken.
“Surely you didn’t expect me to leave you in sickbay?” His hand drifted from her wrist up her arm to her shoulder, then he applied the barest hint of pressure to urge her to lie down once more.  “The Computer informed me that you haven’t been assigned quarters of your own.  This seemed like the logical choice.  Wouldn’t you agree?”
“I-I . . .  Yes?” It definitely came out as more of a question than she would have liked.  
He slid his arm around her waist as he leaned over her, his body hot along her side.  They were both fully clothed, but Molly felt her heart race in excitement as if they were fully naked and pressed against each other.  
“You’re welcome to stay here until you’re fully recovered.”  He moved impossibly closer, dipping his head until his lips brushed against her ear.  “In fact, you can stay as long as you like, Molly. My Molly.”  
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pennywaltzy · 3 months
PROMPT POLL: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper (Khanolly - Star Trek: AOS/Sherlock)
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strangelock221b · 1 year
Fic Writer ASk Game - 🎥, 🎤(for Sway and the Fireworks duology…yes, I may be considering making a fanmix for Sway), 💀 for the Molliarty Little Mermaid fic, 👀 and 😨!
🎥If you could make a movie/tv show for one of your fics which one would you chose?
The Heart of the Hand would get its own TV series, mainly because by the time I'm done with it, it'll be way too long and detailed for a movie.
🎤what songs remind you of [insert fic]?
For Fireworks, definitely "Accidentally In Love" from Shrek 2. For your fic Sway, "Ever Fallen In Love" also from Shrek 2 and "War of Hearts" by Ruelle (I'll come up with more as I re-read it, I'm sure).
💀if you had to write an alternate ending to [insert fic] how would you end it?
For The Petite Mermaid? I'd have Irene not interfere, so Molly and Jim would marry. While their marriage would have a very rough start, the fic would end with them being happy together.
👀what's a fic written by someone else that you REALLY wish you wrote yourself?
Sway, definitely. My re-read is only on chapter 3 but it's such a gorgeous fic that yeah, I wish I was even half that good at writing Khanolly.
😨 describe in FULL detail the first fic you wrote (yes I'm talking the wattpad shit we all did it).
Oh God. If I remember correctly, it was rpf about me and my friends when I was in elementary school, somewhere around 4th or 5th grade. No, I don't still have it, nor do I remember the details but I'm sure the plot was a rambling mess.
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khanolly-mizjoely · 2 years
miz-joelyskhanollyblog is now khanolly-mizjoely
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willsherjohnkhan · 1 year
Chapter 11: Friend or Foe
Has been uploaded to AO3
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mizjoely · 2 years
Just a quick note, I've renamed miz-joelyskhanollyblog to khanolly-mizjoely. Less clunky, still associated with moi. :)
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