#kim taeshin
thetaekookcloset · 2 years
re: your latest taeshin response
I think anon might have forgotten, but Tae has posted all the other members on his feed, except Yoongi. He posted Hobi in his film post with the b/w kids photo that he had as a pfp for a bit, and JM, RM and Jin in that pic from a photoshoot, where their back is to the camera.
JK was the one who never posted the others, besides Tae. Tae and JK were also the only ones who didn’t post group pics from Silk Sonic (Jin didn’t attend so he didn’t post either). I don’t think anyone can deny that their feeds were pretty lovestagramy, even armys non-shippers and I think one local commented on it 😂 I don’t think that that necessarily means they’re together, but it’s cute that even though they have different tastes, their personal profiles gave the same vibes.
*Because I want a taeshin song, I’m reading Tae and Hyoshin’s posts as hints at a collab, rather than a relationship 😅, especially with the whole namu+army comment, and Kim Eana commenting that she came up with it.
For those who don’t know Kim Eana is a lyricist and friends with Hyoshin, and recently said she’d been working with Tae on his solo album. ++ namu means tree, and soultree is the name of Hyoshin’s fanbase, so the collab hints are strong 🤞🤞🤞
Thank you for adding some additional context and information!  I don’t really know anything about Hyoshin, so I didn’t know anything from those last couple of paragraphs.  A collab would be so cool though.  I mean, I’m pretty much just excited for any solo work that Taehyung does honestly.  I really, really hope he releases his album and that we don’t have to wait for it too long!
Anyway, yeah, I think that people just got really excited about how boyfriend-y their Instas have been, but to have the expectation that they remain solely that way forever is setting yourself up for disappointment, I think.  People date and still post about their friends.  In general, I post less about my partner specifically because I see them more often, you know?  The reason why their photos felt like such a “boyfriend reveal” kind of thing to me was because of when and how they posted them.  Well, and the photos themselves, which were definitely....vibey.
Fingers crossed for you to get that Taeshin collab, anon!
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dreamofkpop · 4 years
Sleepless Nights
Stray Kids 9th member 
Charlie x Hyunjin
i have no requests left so please send in requests!!
*takes place while stray kids are on tour*
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!)
3:07 AM
Charlie turned over in bed again, an annoyed huff falling from her lips. She’d been tossing and turning for hours now but was ultimately unable to fall asleep.
Angrily ruffling her hair she sat up in bed and looked around the dark hotel room. The curtains were drawn shut but the tiny gap between the fabric and wall allowed a small part of the night sky to slip through.
It was pitch black.
Tearing her eyes from the curtain she looked over at the bed beside her own, a figure laid curled up under the heavy bed covers. Sleeping peacefully.
‘Lucky Hyunjin’ Charlie thought bitterly. Eyeing the sleeping boy’s silhouette.
She reached over to the small table beside her bed, grabbing her phone from it as quietly as she could. The bright light of the screen made her squint, just about making out the time displayed across the top.
“Guess i’m not sleeping tonight...” She muttered, placing the device back down before flopping onto her back. The group were meant to be awake at 6 AM- which was in just under 3 hours.
The sheets ruffled loudly as she rolled onto her stomach, dropping her face into the pillow. Her annoyed sigh being muffled by it. After a few moments of laying there she pushed herself up. 
As quietly as she could, she swung her legs over the bed and stood up. Stumbling over to the corner of the room a gasp caught in her throat when her foot hit the corner of the table. 
“Fuck-” She hissed, pursing a lips into a thin line. “Ouch.”
Eventually finding her bag, she crouched and unzipped it, ruffling through the contents. 
Too lost in her own thoughts she didn’t hear the ruffling of bed covers from behind her or the tired yawn that followed. 
Hyunjin, who’d been woken by a rather loud string of curses coming from Charlie, shifted over in his bed and sat up. The room was almost pitch black so he had to squint to find the source of the noise. 
“Charlie?” He questioned into the dark, his voice rough and laced with sleepiness. 
The girl jumped, spinning around best should could from her crouched position, to face him. She stood and walked back towards her bed, dropping down on the edge. 
“What are you doing awake?” She asked, leaning over to click on the lamp between the beds. As light flooded the room they both took in how exhausted and disheveled they looked. 
Hyunjin’s hair was sticking up in every other direction, eyes half closed and his shirt was ruffled and practically hanging off one shoulder. 
“I could ask you the same question” 
“Can’t sleep. Nothing new”
As the boy rubbed his eyes to clear the sleep from them he finally got a good look at her. Similarly to him her hair was unruly and stuck out every which way, her hoodie hanging loosely off her frame. The only difference being there were dark bags hanging under her eyes. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
She shrugged, toying with the end of her sleeve. “It’s nothing. I just can’t fall asleep” 
Hyunjin shifted over and patted the space beside him, Charlie only looked up at him weirdly. “Come here” He smiled sleepily. 
Once she joined him on the bed Hyunjin wrapped his arms over her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. Charlie immediately relaxed against him.
“You’re a terrible liar by the way, i can tell when something’s up. So go on, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” 
A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and leaned against him. “I don’t think you wanna hear my ridiculous problems” 
“Hey” He tapped her arm. “If i didn’t want to hear them i’d go back to sleep, but am i asleep? no. So tell me”
She cuddled closer to him and sighed again. “Fine. I’m paranoid that Felix hates after what happened, i’ve got a half-finished song that needs to be done by next week but i can’t finish it, there’s a stupid headache that won’t go away and the last time i did fall asleep i had a nightmare again that was way too real” A harsh breath escaped her lips. 
In his still half asleep state Hyunjin stared down at her and frowned, he hated seeing his best friend in such as state. “Nightmares? Again?” 
Charlie opened her eyes, looked up at him, and nodded. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s only been a week- not even that- i thought it would go away again” 
A silence filled the room, only to be interrupted by Hyunjin clearing his throat and sitting up. Charlie shifted over and watched as he stumbled to his feet and held his hand out. 
“Come on” He urged. “Get dressed” 
“Dressed?” Charlie repeated, standing up herself. “Dressed for what?”
Hyunjin’s head disappeared from sight as he pulled on a hoodie, reappearing with his mass of black hair messily flattened over his eyes. “There’s a cafe down the street and if i read the signs right when we passed it then it’s open 24 hours”
Light suddenly flooded the room as he flicked on the light, hopping on one foot to slide on his shoes. 
Charlie walked over to her bag and grabbed the zip up hoodie on top of it, slipping her arms through the sleeves and zipping it up. She grabbed her phone, and headphones from the nightstand before putting her own shoes on. 
“You walk too fast!” 
“No, you just have little legs, shorty” 
Charlie scowled at him as he joined his side, taking a hold of his arm to ensure he couldn’t walk ahead. “That’s rude” 
A satisfied smirk pulled on Hyunjin’s lips as he looked away, the smirk hidden under his mask. 
The streets were almost empty, cars driving down the road occasionally. Every now and then a gust of wind would blow past and make the two shiver. 
“Ah! Finally!” Hyunjin exclaimed when the shop came into view. 
Two rushed out of the cold and into the welcoming shop. There were warm orange lights on the ceiling, brick walls with posters and flyers lined up along them, couches booths and tables covered the expanse of the shop. 
“What do you want?” Asked Hyunjin as they slid into a booth. “It’s on me” 
Charlie snapped her head over at him. She opened her mouth to protest but he stopped her. “But-”
“No arguments, let me get you a something.”
“Fine.” Charlie grumbled. “Just get me a hot chocolate”
“No food?”
She shook her head. “Not hungry” 
Hyunjin stared down at her weirdly and hesitantly nodded before walking over to the counter. 
As he walked away Charlie folded her arms on the table, a yawn escaping her lips as she leaned down and pressed her forehead into her arms. The warmth of the shop accompanied with the hum of the music made her eyes begin to droop. 
She must’ve had her head down for a few minutes because suddenly  something warm hit her hand. Her head shot up and the first thing she saw was a steaming cup before her.
“Thank you” Charlie whispered, straightening up in her chair.
The calm and relaxing atmosphere surrounded the two, comfortable silence filling the air between them.
Charlie raised the to her lips, taking a sip of the hot drink. The warm feeling encased her body, a soft sigh falling from her lips as she pulled the cup away.
“Nice?” Hyunjin asked, only his eyes visible over the rim of his cup.
She nodded and brought the cup back up, the sweet smell of the chocolate filling her senses.
As the hour ticked by and the drink in her cup began to disappear, Charlie found it harder to keep her eyes open. The warmth of the mug, the shop itself and her rather large jumper kept her warm and the lack of sleep finally dawning upon her.
Propping one arm up on the table, she rested her cheek against her hand and continued to sip, her eyes half closed. A sudden amused chuckle made her jump, eyes snapping open.
Hyunjin was was no longer watching his phone, instead he was watching her, a smile stretched across his lips. When Charlie shot him a questioning look he only pursed his lips and shook his head.
Suddenly a yawn erupted from Charlie’s mouth, her hand going up to cover her mouth. Dropping she hand she blinked rapidly and shook her head as if she was shaking off the urge to fall asleep.
“Tired?” Hyunjin asked, leaning closer to the table between them. 4
“Nope. I’m okay”
“Really? You look like you’re about to fall asleep”
“No, I’m not i just-” She was cut off once more by another yawn.
Instead of sitting back up she slumped back against the seat and let her eyes falls shut. The longer she sat like that the closer she was to actually falling asleep.
With a small eye roll, Hyunjin reached over and tapped her arm, biting back a laugh when she jumped and shot upright.
“Come on” He nodded towards the door. “Let’s get back, it’s almost 5″
“Whyyyy?” Charlie whined childishly, slumping forward onto the table. “It’s nice here”
Pushing onto his feet, Hyunjin tucked his phone away and walked around, placing his hand on the top of her head. “Because you can’t fall asleep on a table in the middle of a shop?”
She went to protest, but stopped. “I- point taken.”
“Exactly” He laughed. Holding out a hand, Hyunjin waited for Charlie to take it, pulling the girl to her feet once she did.
As the pair exited the cafe, the sky had changed from and inky black to a pale pink, the clouds covering the expanse of the sky. Charlie looked up at the sky in awe- staring up like it was the first time she’d seen the sky this early.
In a matter of moments the two had fallen into a brisk walk back towards the hotel. Hyunjin had his arm firmly wrapped over the stumbling girl’s shoulder, keeping her from falling flat on her face.
Stopping at a crossing, Charlie winded her arm around the taller boy’s torso and leaned against him. She whispered, partly too tired to speak up. “Hyunie...”
“Thank you”
He looked down at her and smiled. “Why are you thanking me?”
“Because you stayed up” She stated. “You could’ve gone back to sleep but you stayed up with me”
“I’d be a bad best friend if i let you stay up by yourself. plus, i wouldn’t have been able to go back to sleep anyway” He replied nonchalantly, shrugging a little.
They eventually made it back to the hotel and by then Hyunjin was hobbling down the carpeted hallway. Charlie was basically asleep, leaning her whole weight on him.
He reached for the key card in his pocket, managing to get the door open and get inside the room with much struggle.
“Okay sleepy...let’s get you to bed” He whispered, shifting around until he could pick Charlie up. Once the girl was securely tucked into the sheets and sleeping soundly he collapsed onto his own bed.
Swiftly standing up, he pulled off his jacket and kicked off his shoes as he reached for the light switch and flicked it off.
The room was submerged into darkness and Hyunjin happily fell back onto the bed, falling asleep the second his head hit the pillow.
A few hours later the boys had gathered in the hotel restaurant, sat around a round table sleepily munching on breakfast foods. Chan and Hyunjin weren’t eating...instead the younger was trying to convince the leader.
“Just let her sleep for a few more hours!” He’d pleaded, hands flapping about dramatically. “She was up all night”
Chan sighed in annoyance. “She shouldn’t of stayed up then, she knew we all had to get up early”
“It wasn’t exactly her choice though”
With an exasperated groan, Hyunjin pushed his chair back and stood up, silently asking Chan to follow him as he strode over to the other side of the room. The rest of the boys watched curiously as the two left the table, exchanging confused glances.
The older of the two didn’t have time to question Hyunjin before he erupted into an explanation.
“Charlie hasn’t been sleeping right recently. She’s probably gonna kill me for telling you all this but she paranoid and thinks that Felix hates her and her nightmares are coming back. Haven’t you noticed how exhausted she looks? Just let her sleep for a couple more hours ‘cause i’m certain this is the first proper sleep she’d had in while”
“Yeah. Oh.” Hyunjin shook his head.
“Fine, but i’ll take someone breakfast up to her just in case”
“I have a feeling we should let someone else do that” Hyunjin trailed off, looking back towards the boys.
Chan followed his gaze with furrowed eyebrows. “Who?”
Grumbling to himself as he went, clutching a plate in one hand and a key card in the other, Felix trudged out of the lift and turned down the hall. 
He passed his own hotel room and stopped at the room two doors. Fumbling with the slim, plastic key card for a moment before unlocking the door and slowly pushing it open. 
‘Please be asleep, please be asleep’ He mentally pleaded as he quietly pushed the door open, cautiously stepping into the room. 
Rounding the small corner, Felix let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Much to his luck Charlie was still knocked out, curled up under the heavy cover.
He traipsed across the room, narrowly avoiding tripping over the shirt left on the floor, stopped by her bed and placed the plate down with a soft ‘clink’ as it hit the wooden bed side drawer. 
Swiftly turning on his heels Felix did a beeline for the door. The boy had passed by the small table when a rather loud shuffling noise came from behind him.
“Felix?” A groggy voice called from behind him. 
“Hey...” He replied and turned to face the girl. 
She had sat up in bed, clothes and hair messed up, eyes half closed. 
Bringing a hand up to rub the sleep from her eyes, she asked. “What are you doing here?” 
“Oh. Chan asked me to bring you some breakfast.” He pointed towards the plate as he walked over and sat down on the other bed. “Hyunjin guessed you wouldn’t be awake for a while” 
“Thank you...you didn’t have to” 
“No problem” He muttered out, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. 
An incredibly awkward silence filled the room. Charlie was still waking up while Felix sat there staring at the suddenly interesting carpet pattern. 
After a few minutes of antagonizing silence, he cleared his throat and looked up, surprised to find Charlie already looking at him. 
“Uhm...” He hesitated, eyes darting across the room. “When you’ve y’know fully woken up...can we talk? Like...actually talk?”
Charlie nodded. “Okay” 
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fictrailerpjct · 4 years
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Link no drive
Essa é mais uma capa esplêndida feita por uma das nossas staffs
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bcurp-blog · 6 years
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Minatozaki Sana (Twice) as Koyama Seunghee;
Kim Taehyung (BTS) as Nam Haneul;
Kang Daniel (Wanna One) as Baek Jooheon; 
Jennie Kim (BLACKPINK) as Lee Junghwa; 
Kim Jungwoo (NCT) as Seol Yihan;    
Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet) as Moon Jinri;
Lalisa Manoban (BLACKPINK) as Catherine Paenduangnet;
Gong Chansik (B1A4) as Min Taeshin; 
Min Yoongi (BTS) as Lee Hae;
Kim Seolhyun (AOA) as Lee Eunbi;
Park Jihyo (Twice) as Lee Sooyoung;
Kim Taeyeon (SNSD) as Baek Juyeon;
Myoui Mina (Twice) as Miya Hideyoshi;
Park Chaeyoung (BLACKPINK) as Ji Eunji;
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phoenixrpbr · 7 years
ATT SEMANAL ㅡ de 25/09/2017 à 01/10/2017
Checagem de atividade, pontuação dos jogos e tasks + personagens em hiatus e demitidos.
ACTIVITY CHECK ㅡ personagens inativos na última semana
Personagens isentos por tempo na comunidade: Jeon Emilia, Lee Jinmyeong, Pang Namgoong, Jeon Hoseok, Kim Naeun, Dae Jinkyeong, Chae Yohan, Kang Joohyun, Moon Daehyun.
Personagens isentos por hiatus: Jung Lee No, Bang Jaehwan, Song Jinwoo, Bang Sohee, Moon Taeshin, Oh Minwoo.
Personagens de aviso prévio: @px-parkjinju​, @px-ethancoen​, @px-jiho​, @px-delilah​, @px-bbae​.
Personagens demitidos: @px-jungmin​, @px-yoora​ (pediu demissão), @px-kaya​ (pediu demissão), @px-dongwoon (pediu demissão).
PONTUAÇÃO ㅡ jogos da semana + tasks
Arcan Corporation ㅡ 96 (acumulado) + 33 (semana/task) = 129 pontos.
@px-dakho​ ㅡ 4 (acumulado) + 2 (task) = 6 pontos.
@px-danny​ ㅡ 12 (acumulado) + 4 (semana) = 16 pontos.
@px-dimitri ㅡ 2 pontos (semana).
@px-jaehyun​ ㅡ 31 (acumulado) + 4 (semana) + 4 (task) = 39 pontos.
@px-mason​ ㅡ 4 (acumulado) + 3 (semana) = 7 pontos.
@px-leo ㅡ 2 pontos (semana).
@px-sunshine ㅡ 3 pontos (task).
@px-yohan ㅡ 6 pontos (semana).
@px-youngmi ㅡ 3 pontos (task).
Hwang&Partners.Co ㅡ 112 (acumulado) + 24 (semana/task) = 136 pontos.
@px-eli ㅡ 3 pontos (semana).
@px-elizabeth ㅡ 40 (acumulado) + 2 (task) = 42 pontos.
@px-hanbin ㅡ 10 (acumulado) + 2 (task) = 12 pontos.
@px-seunjun ㅡ 2 (acumulado) + 2 (semana) + 2 (task) = 6 pontos.
@px-sora ㅡ 6 pontos (semana).
@px-zoe​ ㅡ 4 (acumulado) + 3 (semana) + 2 (task) = 9 pontos.
Foram creditados todos os jogos até a meia noite de domingo.
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dreamofkpop · 4 years
thought we had something
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Felix (and a brief Jisung appearance)
i’m sorry to all the charlix shippers
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December 20th, 2019
The music blared through the speakers, loud enough to block out noises outside of the room, accompanied with the soles of Charlie’s sneakers smacking against the floor. 
After her day out with Jaemin she’d gone straight to the studio, hoping to brush up on some choreography before their next show. It was now the early hours of the morning. 
The digital clock above the mirrors displayed 6:53 AM in flashing red, she’d been there since 11 and was quickly growing tired, but nonetheless she kept on dancing. 
It was only when the door swung open and Jisung tripped his way into the room with his phone clutched in his hand that she stopped, picking herself up off the floor and pausing the music. 
“Did you run here?” She asked as her body slumped against the couch. 
“Yes, but i was only upstairs” Jisung panted, placing his hand over his chest. “You need to see this”
He unlocked his phone and held it out for her, a confused expression taking over Charlie’s features as she took the device from him. 
It was open on Twitter, a specific tweet from Soompi. 
Slapping her hand over her mouth, Charlie bit down on her bottom lip to suppress the scoff that sat in her throat. “Dating rumours? really? that’s rich” 
Taking his phone back once she handed it to him, Jisung stared at her with a bewildered expression. “That’s not how i thought you’d react” 
“The internet thinks i’m dating the boy i grew up with? the one i see as a brother? that’s the funniest thing I've heard all week!”
“You do realise you could get in trouble? i mean, none of us are exactly allowed to date” 
Charlie sighed. “But am i dating him? No! Am i dating anyone? No! So i don’t think i’ll have to worry”
“Right” Jisung coughed. “I’ll head back then shall i?” He turned around and headed in the direction of the door.
“Hang on.” Charlie spoke, stopping Jisung in his tracks, he turned around to face her. “Why were you here at this time anyway?”
“Just working on a track with Chan hyung” He shrugged. “Right, i’m going, don’t fall asleep here” 
She watched as the boy walked out, turning back momentarily to wave. “Bye bye!” 
December 22nd 2019
The rumours had been out for a few days and so far things had been pretty positive. She’d managed to quickly clear things up with the managers and JYP and luckily, the boys had found it pretty hilarious too.
All except for one. That ‘one’ being a certain Lee Felix.
“You’re in the same group, you live together, how have you not seen him?” Yeji’s voice rang through Charlie’s headphones.
“Okay i have seen him but we just haven’t spoke in a few days, i feel like it’s my fault”
"Bitch, grow a pair and talk to him!" Yeji rolled her eyes (Charlie just knew she did). "You guys can't act like this forever." 
"I don't even know what I did!" 
"Then ASK HIM!!" 
"Wow, okay, that's kind of aggressive Yeji."
"Charlie, I swear to God you-"
“Fine! I’ll talk to him!” Charlie exclaimed, earning weird looks from other people on the street, “but don’t be surprised if it goes down in flames. I’m bad at this stuff”
Yeji scoffed. “Knowing you? That’s a given”
“You’re such a great friend, so supportive” 
“I know, it’s my best quality” 
Eventually Charlie arrived back at the dorm, entering the building with a huff. She opted into taking the stairs in order to come up with a plan. 
“Make sure you talk to him.” Yeji suddenly spoke, making Charlie jump. “If you don’t i’ll do it myself” 
“If you weren’t my friend i would’ve hit you by now, evil girl” 
As Charlie entered the dorm she ended the call, leaving her headphones in her ears. Slipping her shoes and coat off she heard a commotion coming from the living room. 
“You cheated!”
“No! You can’t even cheat on this game, you’re just terrible at it!
“Whatever. I wan’t a rematch!” 
“Fine, but don’t cry when i beat you again...for the 6th time” 
‘Typical Hyunjin and Jisung...always arguing’ She thought to herself as she walked into the room, the two boys too focused on their game of Mario Kart to notice her presence. 
“Oh, Charlie, you’re back” Minho’s voice suddenly came from behind her. 
She looked over her shoulder as the older boy walked out of the kitchen and flashed him a smile. Her smile faltered as Yeji’s words rang back in her head. 
Talk to him
“Oppa d’you know where Felix is?” 
He motioned to their left. “In his room, been in there all day”
Thanking him she walked over and gently knocked on the door. On the other side of the door Felix looked up from his phone and replied to the knocks with a low ‘come in’ 
As the door was slowly pushed open and Charlie peeked her head round Felix unintentionally gripped his phone harder. 
“Hey” Charlie’s voice was quiet and soft.  
His reply was curt. “What do you want?” 
“To talk”
“Busy. Maybe later”
He hopped off the bed and brushed past Charlie, headed for the door. Only to be stopped by her hand grabbing a hold of his sleeve to pull him back.
“What did i do?”
Without turning around Felix replied. “What do you mean?”
Charlie groaned, her fingers curling around his sleeve tighter. “You’re ignoring me which means I’ve done something and i wanna know what I’ve done so i can fix it” 
“Like you don’t already know” 
“Well clearly I don’t! So just tell me”
The glare in his eyes as he turned around made Charlie flinch. “You lied to me.” His voice dropped scarily low. 
“What? How? When?” 
Felix rolled his eyes and tired to pull his sleeve from her grip but Charlie instead grabbed a hold of his wrist. “Charlie let go” He warned. 
“No. Talk to me, tell me what i did”
The room fell silent with tension so thick you could slice through it. Charlie stared at the boy before her intently while he glared daggers into the floor. 
“Shut up, okay? Just shut up.” He snapped. “You lied to me, led me on, made me believe there was the tiniest chance that i had a shot! Everything that has happened between us then i find out from the INTERNET that you’re dating someone?! And Jaemin of all people?”
Charlie’s eyes widened, shock and guilt hitting her like a whirlwind. She couldn’t understand why he was so upset about rumours that weren’t even true. 
“Why are you so pressed about this? They’re not even-”
“Because i like you, dammit! So fucking much and for so long and i thought we had something but no! you lied and let me believe you liked me back!” 
As the words fell from his lips Charlie swore she felt her heart snap, her grip on his wrist slacked and she let go, hands falling limp at her sides. She stood there gathering her thoughts while Felix stared at her.
Just as the boy turned to leave she shot her hand out and her fingers just about latched onto the back of his shirt.
“Hear me out before you walk away. I am so incredibly sorry, i didn’t want any of this to happen believe me! Felix those rumours aren’t even true! As much as i love Jaemin he’s like a brother to me and i’d never date him. I am really fucking sorry for anything and everything I’ve that’s lead you on and- can we just talk this out? please?”
Without missing a beat, he replied. “So why did you kiss me back?”
“What? When?”
“You know exactly what and when I’m talking about. If you had no intention of this happening between us then why did you kiss me back?”
“Because i wasn’t thinking!” Charlie exclaimed. “It was the heat of the moment and i wasn’t thinking! Plus I didn’t think it would escalate into something like this- Felix you should’ve told me you liked me...this whole thing could’ve been avoided”
He ignored the last part of her sentence and sighed. “Even so the fact that you were so oblivious shocks me.”
“I’m terrible when it comes to boys”
“Yeah no shit”
The slight aggression in his voice made her wince, he had a point though.
Charlie groaned. “Okay. This whole thing is my fault and you can be upset, mad and angry at me for however long you need but I’m sorting things out now. Whatever was going on between us is over, it’s done. Knowing I unintentionally playing with your feelings and leading you on makes me feel sick. I’m sorry Felix, truly.”
He nodded and flashed a small smile though it was painfully obvious that he was hurt and angry. “Just...give me time to clear my head...and some other things too”
To avoid an awkward silence Charlie walked around him and to the door “This is your room so i’ll leave” she muttered before scurrying out.
When she turned around she met the stares of Hyunjin, Jisung, Minho and now Jeongin. They stared at her with looks of sympathy and regret.
‘Fuck, the walls in this house are paper thin’ She thought.
“What are you guys staring at?” She opted to asked as she pushed herself away from the door and towards the kitchen.
“You okay?” Hyunjin asked carefully, fiddling with the game controller in his hands.
Avoiding their looks, she speed walked towards the kitchen. “Yep, fine, why?”
Minho followed her into the kitchen. “Sounded like one hell of an argument. Wanna talk about it?”
“Not really. You’ve got a better chance asking Felix”  
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dreamofkpop · 4 years
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Stray Kids 
warnings: probably quite inaccurate in terms of healing and stuff, i’m just going off of what I've seen online. feel free to correct me
Requested by @xubaobi // requests are open!! 
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!) 
December 5th 
“D’you think the show will still go on?” Charlie walked up beside Chan and looked up at him. 
The leader hesitated for a moment, eventually nodding. “I think so. I mean all the fans are already here and besides it’s just a little rain.” 
She sighed at his words, watching as the crew members attempted to dry the stage although it was still raining. 
True to Chan’s words the show still went on, the rain slowed down a bit as it went on but not enough leaving the idols slightly drenched as they left they left the stage. 
Charlie stood off to the side, watching the performances and growing concerned each time an idol slipped or fell which in turn made her more nervous. 
The group’s time to perform was drawing nearer so they made their way towards the side of the stage, Charlie trailed at the back of the group with her head down as she went over the choreography in her head. 
“Okay, you guys are up next” A crew member informed them before rushing off to deal with another task they had. 
After lightly stretching some more and doing the regular chant they did the 9 of them walked onto the stage and got ready to perform. Luckily for most of the boys their shoes had good grip so they weren’t as likely to slip. 
The song quickly started and they began performing, giving their best despite the weather. 
As the performance went on it was getting gradually harder to keep two feet on the ground, at one point Jeongin had to grab Charlie’s arm as they crossed over each other to stop her from falling. 
Unfortunately when Charlie went to do one of the moves she found particularly difficult her foot slipped on one of the small puddles on the stage and landed in the wrong position, waves of pain shooting up her leg. She fell and her knees hit the stage with a hard bang.
‘Keep going, keep going...performances almost over..’ She thought to herself, blinking back the tears that pricked in the corners of her eyes and pushed herself back onto her feet. 
She was focused on keeping her voice strong and not show she was in pain as she sung that she the concerned looks she was getting from the boys, who were also sharing looks of equal concern. 
Despite the burning pain in her ankle Charlie kept performing, her left hand balled into a fist that made her nails dig into the skin of her palm. 
Luckily the performance ended not soon after and as the lights went down and the crown began to cheer Charlie’s legs gave out underneath her and she crumpled to the floor, not caring how here clothes became damp as she finally let the tears flow. 
The boys crowded around her while Chan and Changbin crouched to her level, the older gently placing his hand on her back. The two looked up at each other, agreeing what to do without even talking. 
“Charlie, hey, listen to me babe. I know whatever you just did was bad and it must really hurt but you have to try and get up okay?” Chan spoke as softly as he could over the loud audience.
Weakly nodding at his words, Charlie pushed herself up onto her knees then placed her uninjured foot flat on her floor. As she placed her bad foot down, the tiny bit of pressure sent another wave of pain and caused her to buckle.
Before she could fall Changbin reached out and grabbed hold of her, one of his arms slid around her back and the other hooked under her legs so he was carrying her bridal style. 
“Jeez have you gotten lighter?” He mumbled as they group finally got off the stage, rushing backstage. Changbin hurried over to the couch and set her down, unwinding Charlie’s arms from her neck. 
A crew member quickly walked towards the boys and turned to Chan who was talking to their manager. “The medic is on their way” 
Charlie slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position before unlacing her shoe and carefully pulled her shoe off along with her sock, hissing as her ankle bent.
She rolled up her trouser leg and her eyes widened, from behind her a couple of the boys gasped. There was a lump on her ankle, the skin purple and bruised and every time her ankle moved the slightest it caused pain. 
“Your ankle looks broken..” Felix said as he sat on the arm of the couch, raising his hands in defense as Changbin whacked his leg and shot him a glare. “Hey i’m only guessing!” He defended himself. 
“Yeah well right now your guesses aren’t needed” Charlie huffed, her eyes still locked onto her ankle. “And if it’s actually broken, i’m blaming you for jinxing it” She turned her head and glared at the boy. 
The medic arrived quicker then expected and the boys all backed up to give her some room as she crouched next to Charlie and gave her a seemingly comforting smile. 
Chan, who was originally stood beside their manager, had moved and taken Felix’s spot on the armrest and placed his hand on her shoulder. 
The woman gently took Charlie’s ankle into her hand, sending the girl a sympathetic look when she winced. “Okay, tell me if this hurts” She gently pressed on different spots of Charlie’s ankle, a harsh wince coming from her as the woman pressed on the bruise. 
After a few more tests and questions the medic took an elastic bandage from her medical bag and unraveled it along with an ice pack. “I’m going to wrap this around your ankle and you should take it off once the swelling has gone down..” She spoke as she started gently wrapped the material around Charlie’s ankle. “Keep the ice pack on your injury for 15 to 20 minutes and repeat that every three hours while you’re awake” 
Once the medic was done, she packed up her stuff and stood up then turned to their manager. “She needs to rest her ankle and keep it elevated and avoid any activities that’ll potentially damage it further so no performances or dancing until she is able to put pressure on it again. The sprain isn’t too major so it’ll take two or three weeks to heal.” 
As the medic continued to speak Charlie zoned out and leaned back on the couch, blankly staring at the wall. 
Snapping back to reality she watched as Chan sat down on the edge of the couch and placed his hand on her knee, a small smile on his lips. “Why did you keep dancing?” 
Charlie shrugged. “I didn’t want to disrupt the performance and make a scene..” 
“But you continued dancing and look where it’s left you, your ankle wouldn't be as bad if you stopped...” He sighed and lifted his hand, ruffling her hair. “Oh Charlie what am i gonna do with you?” 
When the medic left their manager walked over and crouched by the couch. “One of the boys may have to carry you back to the car and into your dorm, do you still have the crutches the hospital gave you before?” He asked. 
She nodded and pouted. “I don’t wanna use them..” Charlie whined. “They’re annoying and tedious” 
The man shrugged and at her. “Sorry Charlie but it’s what you’ll have to do unless you want to hurt yourself even more” 
Jeongin had collected Charlie’s stuff for her and kept it with him, her bag hanging off one of his shoulders and her coat bundled in his hands.
Once they were able to leave the boys left first, Charlie swung her legs off of the couch and huffed as Changbin walked over. “Are you seriously going to carry me?” 
“Is there a problem with that?” He asked. 
“I’m heavy, carrying me will hurt your back!” 
Changbin raised his eyebrow at her. “You think you’re heavy? Charlie, love, you are the exact opposite of that.” His lips then curled up into a smirk and he flexed his arms. “Plus i’m incredibly strong” 
She rolled her eyes at him and scoffed. “Now that’s self confidence right there. Fine, let’s go, i’m really tired” 
He crouched in front of Charlie and she climbed onto his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. As he stood back up his hands held onto her legs tightly. 
“See? Strong!” He beamed as they walked out of the door and through the building towards the exits. The wind hit them first as they stepped out of the building, the cold made Charlie shiver and hide her face in the crook of Changbin’s neck. 
The boys were already in the cars, two available seats left for Changbin and Charlie. 
“You need to get down you can get into the car” Changbin giggled and tapped Charlie’s leg. She huffed and hopped off of his back, landing on one foot, she hopped into the car and clambered onto the middle seat. 
The car began moving and Charlie felt a tap to her arm, she turned to face Changbin with a questioning look on her face. “Hm?”
He reached over and gently grabbed her legs, pulling them into his lap. “Doctor said to keep your leg elevated” He finally said, flashing her a smile. 
// Once back at the dorms the boys hurriedly shuffled into the building to escape the cold. Charlie was back on Changbin’s back, half asleep with her head tucked into the crook of his neck
The 9 of them piled into the dorm and went off to do their own things, Changbin making a b-line towards Charlie’s room an carefully laid her own onto her bed, unwinding the tired girl’s arms from around his neck. 
“Get some sleep, i’ll get you some painkillers for when you wake up. sound good?” He hummed, gently running his fingers through her hair. 
Charlie mumbled a ‘yeah’ and leaned into his touch making the older boy laugh. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, wishing her a good sleep before standing and walking out of the door. 
December 9th
A couple days later and the bruising around her ankle had become more prominent, the area still swollen. Charlie had practically been on bed rest with the boys offering to do things for her, the crutches she already had propped up by her bed so she could still move about. 
“Why can’t i come to practice? I’ll just site there and watch. Please, it’s so boring being stuck here all day everyday” She complained, hobbling along on said crutches behind Chan as he made his way to the kitchen. 
The leader groaned and turned to face her. “The doctor said you needed rest, so you’re staying here until your ankle is better, okay?” 
She scowled at him, her lips pushing out into a pout. Chan looked down at her and laughed, raising his hand to ruffle her hair and pinch her cheek. “Aww~ Look at you! Cutiee” 
“Shut up” Charlie grumbled, shaking her head to sort out her hair. 
“Go on, go and rest” Chan smiled and pointed in the direction of her bedroom. 
Rolling her eyes, Charlie turned on her heels and headed towards her room, muttering under her breath as she did so. 
“I’ll bring you back some food!” Was the last thing she heard Chan call out before she harshly pushed her door closed with one of the crutches. //
Once the boys had all gone to practice after individually saying bye to Charlie before they left she gathered all the blankets she could haul over her shoulders and hopped into the living room. 
With all the blanket on the couch and a few pillows, one keeping her foot propped up Charlie switched on the TV and put on Netflix, deciding to binge a new series for the rest of the day. The curtains were all closed and the lights were switched off, she had a bag of popcorn in her lap and the hoodie that covered her frame was at least two sizes too big. 
And that was how she stayed until the boys came trudging through the door at 10:30 PM, most off them disappearing off to their respective rooms while Hyunjin crashed on the floor in front of Charlie and Chan sat on the spare seat beside her on the couch. 
“How’s your ankle feeling?” He asked, leaning back on the seat. 
Charlie shrugged. “Getting better, not as swollen or bruised and i can put a little bit of weight on it.” 
A tap to her hand made her look down at Hyunjin who picked up her hand and placed it on the top of his head. Charlie giggled at him and began gently carding her fingers through his slightly sweaty hair. 
Later in the evening it was nearing three in the morning and too Charlie’s knowledge she was the only one left awake in the dorm. She had her legs swung over her bed, staring down at her bandage clad ankle. 
Her eyes drifted to the crutches propped up against her desk on the opposite side of the room and with a short breath she slowly pushed herself to her feet, her hand gripping the edge of her bedside table.
Slowly she limped over to the desk, her ankle burning slightly as she tried to put the smallest amount of pressure on it. 
“That didn’t hurt too bad...maybe it’s getting better quickly..” She spoke out loud, carefully placing her foot flat on the floor. Her hands hesitated to grab the crutches, hovering in thin air. “Forget it, i can walk without them...”
On her way through the house heading towards the kitchen Charlie had her hands pressed into the wall for support, her eyes trained on the floor in front of her. 
Surprisingly, her ankle only hurt if she leaned on it, so the trip wasn’t as painful as she thought it would be although there was still a dull ache. 
Eventually getting to the kitchen, Charlie’s eyes were still trained to the floor so she didn’t notice the dim light coming from the corner of the room and the person sat there. They were slowly pulled away from their work, watching Charlie with a concerned face. 
“What are you doing?” 
The voice made Charlie jump, the glass in her hand hitting the counter with a clink as she spun around. A light suddenly turned on and Changbin’s face came into full view. 
“Couldn’t sleep, i was getting a drink. Why are you still awake?” She spun back around and grabbed the fallen glass, avoiding his eyes as she limped over to the sink. 
Upon noticing the lack of crutches near her, Changbin pushed himself off of the chair and walked over. “You shouldn’t be walking, you’re gonna hurt yourself even more” his voice was laced with concern.
Gulping down the water, Charlie rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, don’t overreact” She placed the glass in the sink and turned around to face him. “It’s not like i’m gonna put full weight on it, i’m not stupid” 
“I know just- Charlie you putting any weight on your ankle is going to make it worse, you need to start looking after yourself and being more careful, seriously” He huffed, running a hand over his face. 
“Yeah yeah i know and i will! I was too lazy to get the crutches and they get on my nerves” 
“Well you have to start using them unless you want to end up with a broken ankle and be stuck here for even longer” Changbin reasoned, making Charlie sigh. 
Tapping her hands on the counter, She cleared her throat and looked back up. “Might as well head back to bed, gotta get some sleep in, you should probably do that too” 
Before she could even think of moving Changbin held his hand out, making Charlie look up at him weirdly. 
“What? You really think i’m gonna let you walk back to bed?” 
Charlie huffed. “Kinda, i don’t see how you’re get-” 
She was cut off, a yelp involuntarily falling from her lips when Changbin stepped over and picked her up bridal style then began to walk out, her arms immediately winding around his neck. 
“I hate you” She whined, turning her head to bury it into the fabric of his shirt. 
Changbin laughed, his grip tightening slightly. “Ha, sure you do princess, if you hated me you wouldn’t be wearing my hoodie” His lips curled up into a smirk as he knocked the door to her room open with his hip.  
He carefully set her down on her bed, the smirk still painting his lips when noticed the pink tinting her cheeks. 
“It was the only hoodie i could find plus it’s big and comfy.” 
“I’m never getting it back am i?” Changbin questioned, sitting down in the edge of her bed, leaning back on his hands. 
Charlie shrugged as she climbed under the covers and propped her foot up on the pillow underneath the cover. “We’ll see”
December 12th 
Charlie sat in the uncomfortable chair as the doctor looked over her ankle and talked on and on. 
“The swelling seems to have gone down completely and there is only a little bit of bruising left, does it still hurt to put any kind of pressure on it or walk normally?” The woman looked up and tilted her head. 
“No not really” Charlie shook her head. “I can walk on it but there a little bit of a like...ache? When i walk but it’s nothing i can’t bare” 
She watched as the doctor and discarded the bandage that had been wrapped around her ankle. “So d’you think i’m okay to go back to practice again? And performing?” 
The doctor chuckled as she sat back down in her chair. “You seem quite eager to get back on stage. Stay off for a few more days and continue to use your crutches when you need them, other then that you can slowly begin to walk again and come off of the crutches once you’re comfortable again. Sound good?”
Charlie nodded as she pulled her sock on and her shoe, shuffling to her feet and taking hold of the crutches. “Yes, thank you ma’am” 
Once she was out of the room and the building the first thing Charlie saw was Chan leaned against the car they’d arrived in, tapping away at his phone. She walked over and lifted the right crutch to tap on his leg. 
“hey, what’s they say?” Chan slipped his phone into his pocket and pulled the door open. 
“I can come off the crutches in a few days and slowly go back into walking, A few more days off from dancing so i’m still stuck in the house” She clambered into the car and slumped into the car.
“At least it’s only a few days and not weeks...you’ll be back at practice in no time” 
The drive back to the dorm was filled with random conversation, Charlie rambling about how happy she was to finally be able to get back on her skakteboard and Chan explaining the new songs he and the rest of 3RACHA had been working on. 
“If i find out any of you have been overworking yourselves again then i will personally march down to the studio and fight you” She commented at some point, making the boy beside her laugh. 
They eventually got back to the dorm building and entered the lift, the silence being broken by Charlie leaning over to Chan and whispering to him.
“So does this mean i can come and watch practice now?”
Over the next two days Charlie slowly got used to walking normally again, walking carefully around the dorm, practice room and studio with the boys keep an eye out for her. Every time she winced or stumble whichever of the member’s were with her at that time would immediately focus on her.
One of the days, she was was walking up and down the practice room out of boredom. What she hadn’t notice was one of the boys’ duffel bags had been moved, her foot caught the handle and tripped her. Luckily enough Jeongin was about 2 steps away and managed to catch the girl before she hit the floor.
“Noona, are you okay?” He’d asked immediately with wide eyes, concern written all over his face.
Charlie nodded. “yeah i’m good! Thanks Innie, i think you just saved me from a whole load of embarrassment” She leaned forward and hugged his waist, Jeongin’s arms circling over her shoulders.
when the others returned with the food they’d gone to get and asked what had happened, Jeongin explained and Hyunjin immediately leaped in and continuously apologised to Charlie for leaving his bag out.
By the beginning of the next morning Charlie was confidently walking without her crutches.
“How ya feeling?” Felix asked as she walked into the living room, a cup of tea clasped between her hands.
Charlie shrugged. “Better now that i don’t have two metal support stuck to me, i can ride my skateboard again!” She sat on the couch beside him, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“So you’re practicing and performing again?”
“I think the doctor told me to be careful, but when do i ever listen?”
Felix smacked his hand onto his forehead with a sigh. “You said that last time with your shoulder, you’re gonna end up permanently breaking something”
“I’ll try to avoid that, i do listen to somethings i get told” 
“Just be careful” Felix said firmly, gently patting her knee with his hand
“I will...i will”
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dreamofkpop · 4 years
Christmas shopping
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Jaemin 
Requested by anon // requests are open!! (I’m so sorry that this took like 50 years to get around to :/) (also sorry for the ending, it’s pretty crap)
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(gif not mine! full credit to owner!)
December 19th
12:05 PM
“Finally ready to go?” Jaemin asked the second Charlie stepped out of the door, earning an immediate eye roll from the girl, 
As she locked the door she replied. “Be quiet, you made me rush to get ready” 
Jaemin gasped and slapped his hand over his chest, feigning offence. “I did no such thing!”
“Yes you did, idiot, now shall we go or stand here until we turn into icicles?” She turned down the hall and began walking, Jaemin jogging to catch up to her. 
They made small talk as they walked down the stairs and out if the building, catching up on what had been going on in each other’s lives in the past week. 
Stepping out onto the pavement a gust of cold wind suddenly blew past making them both shiver and as if his mind was on autopilot, Jaemin reached over and grabbed one of Charlies hands in his own and held it tightly, lacing their fingers together. 
“Have you gotten all your gifts yet?” Jaemin casually asked as he tugged Charlie in the direction of their destination, blocking out the busy streets around them. 
Charlie shook her head, her recently dyed hair flowing freely as she’d not been bothered to tie it up. “Almost! I’ve still got to get presents for Minho and Rose, still have no clue what she wants for Christmas though. Have you?” She looked up at him, her hair obscuring her vision as the wind blew past once again. 
Before Charlie could move her free hand from the warmth of her pocket Jaemins hand has already reached up as he carefully pushed her hair out of her face,  tucking the strands behind her ear. 
“There you go, there’s that beautiful face” He teased, a cheeky smile adorning his lips. 
*click* *click* *click*
Charlie ignored the faint clicks coming from behind them and playfully punched him in the arm, mentally thanking the weather for making her cheeks red already. “Shut up you cheeseball, just answer the question!” 
“Oh, right! Yeah, I’ve got...most things sorted...most” He hesitated, tilting his head to the side. 
“Sure, okay, i’ll take your word for it” She snorted. 
Jaemin huffed and pouted at the lack of trust Charlie had in him, making her laugh. She reached up and gently pinched one of his puffed out cheeks, the coldness of her fingers made him jump and reel back in surprise. 
“Why are your hands so cold?!” He exclaimed. “You need to get a pair of gloves!” 
“I think i’ll be fine” Charlie shrugged, looking away from him and out to the street. “Where are we going anyway?” 
He glanced down at her for a second before looking back up and pointing towards a shop in the distance, the familiar sign barely visible over the sea of people. 
“I know you haven’t eaten anything yet so we’re getting lunch then we’re going shopping- basically just spending the day together” 
Charlie pushed the irrelevant thoughts to the back of her head and smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thank you Jaem” 
“Thanks aren’t necessary, I’m allowed to treat my best friend aren’t it?” He questioned as they came to a crossing, a smile also pulling on his lips. 
*click* *click*
They sat across from each other in a booth, the warm restaurant lit up with single lightbulbs dangling from the ceiling. 
Charlie’s eyes scanned over the menu and she had to stop herself from groaning. ‘This all sounds so delicious...but i’m supposed to be on that stupid diet...’ She thought as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and gnawed at it. 
“What’s that look for?” Jaemin suddenly asked. 
As she looked up, something caught her attention in the corner of her eye. Through the slightly fogged up glass it looked like someone had a camera pointed directly at them from across the street, she shook off the sudden uncertainty and looked over at Jaemin.
“Huh? It’s nothing don’t worry” She shook her head and nervously toyed with the corner of the menu. 
Jaemin sighed and cocked his head to the side, leaning closer. “No. I know that look, what’s wrong?” 
‘I hate lying to him...’ She thought, unintentionally gripping the menu tighter. “It’s nothing Jaemin, I’m fine” 
He shook his head again and leaned on his elbows with a huff. “We’ve been friends since we were like 5, i can tell when you’re lying and when something’s wrong with you. Now come on, what’s wrong?” 
With a defeated groan Charlie dropped her head, her forehead smacking against the wooden table beneath her. “I’m so hungry, but i’m meant to be on a stupid diet” 
Tutting, Jaemin placed his hand on her head and gently messed with the curls of her hair. “For what reason? You know you don’t have to diet, i keep telling you this” 
*click* *click* *click*
The faint camera clicks that kept coming back went unnoticed by the two.
“Well not everyone is as sweet as you Nana, the stylists think i could be “better looking physically”” She raised her hand and did quotation marks before dropping them back onto the table. 
“Until what? You’re a skeleton? No way, not on my watch” He gently placed his hands on Charlie’s shoulders and pushed her up until she sat up straight, an upset frown still etched onto her face. 
Jaemin picked up the menu and opened it. “You are going to eat as much as you want, okay? Then we’re gonna go and do something to make you smile again because seeing you frown is the one thing i don’t want to see. Alright?” 
1: 54 PM
“I feel like I’m being paranoid..” Charlie said, looking around the massive shopping center. 
Jaemin tore his eyes from a shop window and looked down at her. “Why?” 
Her grip on his upper arm tightened slightly. “I keep hearing a camera shutter, i don’t whether i’m going crazy or just being idiotic” 
“I’m pretty sure it’s nothing, we’re in the middle of a busy city people area always taking pictures of something, don’t stress yourself out over it” He gently patted her hand that rested on his arm before walking again. 
They continued to walk around, looking in shop windows but not actually going into any. That was, until they passed by store that immediately caught Charlie’s attention. 
A book shop. 
Charlie’s feet stopped before the building causing Jaemin to stop as well. “What is it?” He leaned down and asked, 
“Book shop, i’m going in” 
Without waiting for a reply she dropped her hand from his arm and wandered into the shop, the interior having a stark contrast to the rest of the shopping centre. 
“I have never met a bigger bookworm than you, i swear you would live in a library if you could” Jaemin huffed as he followed her into the shop, his eyes widening at the sheer amount of books. 
Charlie ignored him and walked further into the shop towards the shelves, a chuckle came from the older woman at the counter who watched them. “Hard to get someone’s attention when they’re surrounded by the things they love” 
“Tell me about it...” Jaemin trailed off, glancing at the owner, a small chuckle at the end of his sentence. 
“You two seem like a sweet couple” The woman said, catching Jaemin’s attention. 
He shook his head. “No..we’re not dating, as nice as that would be, she’s practically my sister” 
“That’s a shame, the two of you would be good together” 
Before Jaemin could reply Charlie hopped over with a book in her palm and a smile on her face. “Look at this!” She held the book out to him. 
Taking the book from her, he read over the title. “The Call of the Wild...sounds good” He nodded and handed her the book.
Charlie nodded. “I’m gonna buy it” 
After paying for the novel and earning some sweet remarks from the shop owner the two walked out. As the continued down the floor, Jaemin’s hand immediately met hers and their fingers laced, his lips unconsciously pulling up into a smile when she leaned into his side. 
*click* *click* 
at some point they’d passed and ended up in the arcade, spending way too much money on the games. they both stood in front of different versions of the same game, competing against each other to see who could get a higher score.
“Ah nonono-WHAT” Charlie exclaimed as the balls she threw kept missing the 1000 points section and rolling down into the hundreds. “This game is rigged” 
“Nope, you’re just terrible at throwing!” Jaemin laughed, watching the final points tally once the game had finished.
Charlie’s screen displayed 1,849 points while Jaemin’s had 2,325 points.
He cheered, jumping in a circle as the tickets slowly came out of the machine, pilling at the floor. Charlie huffed and picked hers up, folding them equally before stuffing the into her pocket. 
“I won~ oh yeah oh yeah i won~” Jaemin did a small victory dance as he collected his tickets and stood back up, 
Charlie pouted. “Stop showing off Mr. I’m-perfect-at-everything” 
Jaemin threw his arm around her shoulder as they walked around to another machine, the DDR machine. “I’m not perfect at anything, i’m just good in a lot of things” 
“We’re both dancers, we should be good at this, right?” He questioned as they both stepped onto the machine. 
Charlie scoffed. “Speak for yourself Jaem, i’m about to beat you at this so hard!”
He turned to her with a raised eyebrow. “Oh really? You’re on” 
Charlie had picked a fast song, saying they should ‘challenge their abilities’ but she was quickly regretting that decision. the song was way too difficult. 
Once it was over they collapsed with sighs. “Oh thank god finally! it’s over!” Charlie cheered, watching the points tally up as she leaned back against the pink barrier. 
“HA HA TOLD YA I’D WIN!!!” She cheered as her screen displayed a glorious 3 thousand ish points while Jaemin’s was somewhere on the 2 thousands. 
Jaemin huffed and sat down on the edge of the machine, pulling the plastic bottle of water he’d bought earlier from his pocket. “You’re always dancing, you’ve got better stamina than me” 
Charlie laughed as she sat beside him and put her head on his shoulder. “Dude I’ve just come off a twisted ankle, i shouldn’t even be playing DDR” 
“Are you hungry? Cause i’m getting hungry” Jaemin changed the subject, looking down at Charlie.
She nodded. “Yeah lowkey, i kinda want churros” 
“Let’s go get churros then” 
After obtaining their churros and walking around the store a little more the pair ended up on the top floor in the home section of a store, Jaemin dragging Charlie over to the candles the first chance she had.
“I think you’re addicted...” She said, munching on the chocolate dipped pastry as she watched her bestfriend stick his nose into various different candles and with his nose still pressed into a jar containing a light blue candle Jaemin turned his head and glared at her.
He kept his eyes on the display in front of him and muttered. “At least i’m not a book worm”
“Hey!” She defended and whacked him in the arm. “Being a bookworm isn’t a bad thing! It’s beneficial” 
As he stood to his full height and wrapped his arm around Charlie’s shoulders, Jaemin snickered. “Alright, whatever you say” 
*click* *click* *click*
The sounds that had been following them all day finally caught Jaemin’s attention. Attempting not to make it too obvious, he turned his head slightly towards the source of the sound and glance out of the corner of his eyes. 
Noticing the source of the noise, he swiftly rolled his eyes and looked ahead once more, his arm purposely tightening over Charlie’s shoulders as they continued to walk. 
Charlie suddenly yawned, her head resting against his shoulder. 
“Tired?” Jaemin asked, looking down at her briefly. She nodded. “Wanna go get some coffee?” 
She picked her head up off of his shoulder and shook it. “Later, i’ve still got to find something for Rosé” She lifted her arm that had a plastic bag looped around it containing the gift she’d bought for Minho earlier. 
“Right, so where do you wanna go?” 
Not long after they ended up in a perfume shop. Charlie moved away from Jaemin and over to one of the many glass cabinets, her eyes scanning over the different bottled. 
“You seem to know exactly what you’re looking for” Jaemin chuckled as he joined her side, copying how she was leaning against the counter. 
“Mhm” Charlie hummed. “Last time me and her came in her she had almost bought that-” she pointed at a bottle on one of the top shelves “-but ended up not, so i’m getting it” 
“i thought you were all about personalised gifts?” 
Charlie snorted. “For birthdays maybe, not Christmas” She quickly waved over one of the workers behind the counter, the woman scurrying over. 
“How may i help?” 
“Could i get that please?” She pointed up at the perfume. “Yes, the blue one” 
While Charlie spoke with the woman and went over to the till to pay, Jaemin wandered out of the store, his eyes scanning his surroundings. 
“Thank you” Charlie had said politely as the woman handed her the bag. “Hey Jaem we can-” She turned around, said boy nowhere in sight. “Oh god where’s he got to?” 
She hurried out of the store, pulling her backpack around to carefully stuff the gift inside. Her head snapped both ways, searching for a familiar head of pink hair. 
“This kid is gonna be the death of me” She huffed and dug her phone out from her pocket, immediately finding his contact and hitting call. As it rang she turned left and began walking
ri- “hello?” 
“Na Jaemin, where did you run off to?” 
He chuckled. “Turn around, idiot” Then the call dropped. 
Charlie spun on her heels and he was there, a tray with two coffee cups balanced in his hand and a plastic bag hanging off his arm. “Could’ve told me where you were going, dumbass” 
“hey, d’you want to coffee or not? I’ll go back” He threatened, pulling the tray back. 
“no no no, don’t do that, i was joking” She rushed over to him, Jaemin laughed and handed her one of the cups, throwing the tray in a nearby bin. “thank you nana~” Charlie sang and leaned up, kissing his cheek gently before taking a sip of her coffee.
clicking her phone back on, she looked at the clock at the top of the screen. ‘3:49 PM’ was displayed across the screen.
“It’s not even that late, what should we do?” She asked, looking up at the boy beside her. 
Jaemin thought for a moment, carefully sipping his drink. “Oh how about this, there’s a sweet shop by the entrance that’s closing down meaning everything’s on sale. We should go buy a bunch of snacks then go back to my dorm and watch movies” 
“I think that’s the best thing you’ve said all day, come on” She grabbed his hand and pulled him along. 
“Hey! I take offence to that!”
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x NCT Dream 
requested by anon! // requests are open! (this is pure waffle i am so sorry :/)
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Music blasted through her headphones, blocking out the world as she barreled down the street on her skateboard. The wind nipped at her skin and forced her hands into the sleeves of her hoodie, her beanie kept the majority of her hair from flying about the place. 
As Charlie came to a red light, she pulled out her phone to check if she had any messages. There were a couple of texts. 
Hyunie: if you don’t get back to late, drop by the studio? [12:04 PM]
bbynana: don’t fall off your board on the way here :) [12:18 PM]
She continued down the road, reaching the Dreamies dorm in a mere 10 minutes. As she shut the door behind her and placed her board on the ground, her vision was suddenly obscured by a hand. 
“Guess who?” A familiar voice whispered, making Charlie laugh. 
“Hi Jeno” 
His hand dropped and Charlie turned around, Jeno stood with his arms held out for a hug and a small smile playing on his lips, Charlie smiled as she stepped into the embrace and her arms found their way around his torso. 
Before the boy had the chance say anything, Charlie was suddenly pulled out of his arms. Jisung smiled cheekily at the older boy as he hugged Charlie to his chest. 
“Hello to you too Ji” She giggled, burying her face into the soft fabric of his hoodie. “You okay?” 
Jisung pulled back, nodding. “Mhm, better now that you’re here!” 
Charlie rolled her eyes at him, allowing the younger boy to grab her hand and pull her into the living room. 
“Ah! no no no stop!” Charlie shouted at the TV, her eyes widening as Renjun’s character drove past her, knocking her down into second place. 
It was a very intense game of Mario Kart, the looser overall having to buy everyone bubble tea. 
Charlie was gripping the control hard enough to possibly snap it into two pieces, tapping the buttons vigorously. A loud triumphant cheer came from beside her as Renjun’s character drove past the finish line, he jumped from his chair and high-fived Chenle as Charlie slumped in her chair and pouted. 
“That’s not fair!” She whined, throwing her hands out. “I was winning that!”
Turning his head, Renjun smirked at her triumphantly before switching seats with Haechan. Charlie tossed the controller to Jeno, who was eager to try and best Haechan, before standing up and leaving the room.
She turned down the hall and towards the room at the end, it’s door left ajar giving Charlie a small view of who was inside. Jaemin stood with his back towards the door as he searched for his phone.
An idea popped into Charlie’s head and a smile stretched onto her lips,
She placed her hand on the door and slowly pushed it open, silently cheering when it didn’t creek, as quietly as she could she walked towards Jaemin, once closed enough she jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
Jaemin jumped, snapping his head back to see who it was, he smiled and rolled his eyes when he noticed Charlie.
“What are you doing?” He asked as he turned around, phone now in hand, and wrapped his arms over her shoulders.
“I’m annoyed” She huffed, burying her face into his shoulder.
Jaemin snickered and patted the top of her head. “Who annoyed you this time?”
“What did Injunnie do?”
Charlie looked up at her bestfriend and frowned. “He beat me at Mario Kart”
Gasping dramatically yet sarcastically, Jaemin slapped his hand over his mouth then dropped it. “Did he? Oh no that’s terrible!” He chuckled.
“Jaemmm~ Don’t laugh at me!” She complained and stood up starlight.
Before she could move her arms and walk away, Jaemin gently grabbed her upper arms and pulled her back into his arms, resting his head on top of hers. “Okay alright I’m sorry, you’re too cute i had to”
“I hate you” She huffed, her voice muffled by his shirt.
“Whatever, come on let’s go join the others before they get suspicious”
Later in the evening, the 7 of them had ventured out of the dorm and out into town, ending up in a lock convenience store situated by Han River. 
“I kinda want something sweet...” Charlie mumbled to herself, her right hand hovering by a row of sweets. “Or noodles...”
Huffing, she stood up straight and spun around, heading around the store absentmindedly. As she turned the corner, another person did and she smacked right into them.
“Ouch, did i just run into a bloody brick wall?” She mumbled, rubbing the sore spot on her forehead, finally look up to see who she’d hit. “Oh shit, sorry Jen” 
Jeno smiled and shook his head “Don’t sweat it, neither if us we’re looking”
The two of them decided to search the store together, picking up random snacks as they went around. 
“Ooh! Sour gummy bears!” Charlie exclaimed, grabbing the packet off the shelf and adding it to the basket. 
Someone walked up behind them and placed their hands on Charlie’s shoulder, making her jump and turn around. Jaemin stood behind her, a plastic bag hanging on his arm, this newly dyed pink hair ruffled. 
“Didn’t you tell me yesterday that you were gonna go on a diet?” He asked, a smirk pulling in his lips. 
She shook her head. “Forget it, i love sugar too much, I’ll diet if i get told to” then turned and headed towards the cashier. 
“That water looks really inviting...” Charlie suddenly said, staring at the river a few feet away. 
Haechan lifted his head up and looked at Charlie weirdly. “Are you crazy? It’s probably freezing cold!”
“He has a point, Char” Jaemin, who had his head rested on Charlie’s lap, spoke up. 
She looked down at him, her hand still combing through his hair, and shrugged. “But that’s what makes it fun....plus content” 
The three of them dulled down into silence, watching as Jeno, Jisung, Chenle and Renjun played a game of football. 
Sitting up straight, Charlie slowly took her hand away from Jaemin’s hair and carefully lifted his head off of her lap and used her bunched up jacket as a makeshift pillow. 
“I’ll be back in a mo” She informed before standing up and walking towards the river, leaning on the barrier. 
The wind blew softly, blowing Charlie’s hair behind her and tugging on her beanie. She had her arms crossed on the barrier and sighed, staring down at the water beneath her. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” A voice appeared behind her. 
Charlie jumped and looked back, a small smile appearing on her lips when she saw Haechan stood there. “Just thinking” She told him, watching as he walked up and stood beside her. 
“Thinking about?” 
“Wow very specific, thanks Charlie” He rolled his eyes and shook his head, going to speak again but was this time interrupted by a cough.  
She reached over and patted his back, chuckling softly. “You’re welcome Hyuck” 
“Honestly though, you okay?” He asked, wrapping his arm over Charlie’s shoulder and pulling her into a hug. 
Charlie let her arm wrap loosely around Haechan’s waist and leaned into him. “I’m fine, lot of things going on” 
“Well you know me, and the rest of them-” he motioned towards the rest of the boys behind them. “-are here if you need someone to complain to” 
“good to know, i’ve got my support boys” She chuckled, resting her head on Haechan’s shoulder. 
They eventually walked back up to the group and Jisung got Charlie’s attention before she could sit down. 
“Noona! Come play a match with me!” He waved her over. 
“No~ Charlie come here, i was really comfortable” Jaemin whined, holding his hands out for Charlie who only rolled her eyes. 
“What am i? A pillow?” 
“No you’re my bestfriend and or my sister, the comfortable aspect is just a bonus!” 
Charlie shook her head and laughed. “Go lay on Jeno, I’m going to play football” She then walked down to where Jisung was stood, ignoring Jaemin’s childish complaints from behind her.  
“Good luck at the show tomorrow, i know you’ll smash it” Charlie moved around the room, hugging each of the boys. 
When she got to Jisung he hugged her tightly and buried his face into her shoulder. “Are you gonna come to the show tomorrow?” He asked, voice muffled by the fabric of Charlie’s jumper. 
“I’ll try Sungie, if i’m not able to make it to the show i’ll try and drop by after, okay?” She patted the top of his head. 
After saying goodbye to the rest of the boys, she headed out with Jaemin following. 
“You know you don’t have to walk me back right? It’s only...” She pulled her phone out and clicked it on, ignoring all the text notifications. “It’s only quarter to 11″
He shrugged, throwing his arm over Charlie’s shoulder. “You’re my bestfriend, it’s my job to make sure you get home safely”
“Aww~ What a gentlemen!” She cooed, looking up at him with a cheeky smile. 
“Shut up, i will leave you by yourself” 
“Suureee Jaem, Sure” 
He chuckled but then turned his head to look down at her, a serious look on her face. “In all seriousness, we haven’t hung out in a while just me and you so next week, when we’re both free shall we go out for the day?”
Charlie nodded. “Sounds like a plan!”
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Taking care of you
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Hyunjin 
requested by anon! // requests are open!!
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Slowly pushing open the door, the loud creaking sound that accompanied it made Hyunjin wince. He carefully peeked his head into the room before stepping in and closing the door behind him. 
As his eyes landed on Charlie confusion washed over him. She had her bed covers bunched up at the bottom of her bed, from where Hyunjin stood it looked she was sweating but shivering at the same time. 
With a huff he walked over to her bed and sat on the edge, gently placing his hand on her shoulder.
“Charlie? time to get up” 
A tired groan fell from Charlie’s lips as she awoke, shuffling in her bed. She winced as a dull pain shot through her head // and slumped up into a sitting position. 
“You don’t look to good, are you feeling okay?” Hyunjin asked in a hushed tone, he carefully pressed the back of his hand to her forehead and upon feeling how hot it was, drawing his hands back with a wince. “my god you’re burning up!” 
As Charlie went to speak, a violent coughing fit interrupted her, she doubled over with one hand covering her mouth while the other pressed into her mattress, holding her upright. 
Concern and confusion washed over Hyunjin’s face as he patted and rubbed her back. Once she’d stopped coughing he reached around and pushed Charlie’s unruly hair away from her face, finally noticing how flushed her cheeks were and how drained she looked. 
“Okay you’re definitely not well, stay here and let me go get you a drink then i’ll talk to Chan hyung, okay?” 
Pulling himself to his feet, Hyunjin turned for the door, taking a single step before a hand weakly grabbed his wrist. 
“No, i’m-i’m fine” Charlie coughed, letting her arm fall back to her bed. “I’ll just...take some painkillers and i’ll be good” 
Shakily, she pushed her legs over the edge of her bed and slowly pushed herself up, Hyunjin jumped over and hooked his arm around her waist when her legs suddenly gave out. 
“Charlie, you are going back to bed and you’re not leaving. You’re too sick too even hold yourself up! Come on” 
“But...” She started, only to be cut off. 
Hyunjin tutted. “No buts, you’re resting and that’s final” 
Once Charlie was back in her bed, covers still pushed away, Hyunjin left to go and presumably talk to Chan about getting them both out of practice. 
“Stay and look after her, okay?” Chan asked as he and Hyunjin walked towards the front door, the younger of the two nodded and smiled. 
After the leader had gone, Hyunjin wandered around the now empty dorm, he grabbed some medication from the bathroom cabinet and a glass of water from the kitchen before heading back into Charlie’s room. 
Quietly, he placed the glass and box of pills on her desk before walking over to her bed. Charlie laid facing the wall with her back to him, the slow rise and fall of her body told Hyunjin that she was asleep. 
He glanced between her sleeping form and the time on his phone, debating whether or not to wake her up. The screen of his phone lit up again when he tapped it, displaying ‘10:58 AM’ in white. 
‘I’ll let her rest first, she needs it’ He thought, walking back out of the room.
As the time neared half past eleven, Charlie began to stir again. The stuffiness and heat in her bedroom making it uncomfortable and hard to sleep. 
“Ow my head” She whimpered, pressing her left hand to her head, screwing her eyes shut to stop the tears welling up in her eyes. 
Rolling onto her back, Charlie slowly cracked one eyes open, upon doing that she realized the curtains had been closed. With a huff, she brought her hands down and pushed herself up until she sat against the headboard. 
Breathing in deeply, another coughing fit hit her, the harsh coughs made her chest and throat hurt. It must’ve been loud because two seconds later her bedroom door busted open and Hyunjin stumbled in, a towel thrown over his shoulder. 
“You’re awake?” He questioned raising his eyebrow at her, before Charlie could answer he clicked and muttered ‘wait here’ before disappearing again. 
When he returned, the towel was gone and he instead held a cup. “Here, take these and drinks this, it’ll help” 
She slowly took the pills from him and the glass, popping the white tablets in her mouth before taking a large gulp of water to wash them down. The glass landed back on her bedside table with a soft ‘clink’ as she placed it back down. 
Looking up at Hyunjin, Charlie tilted her head to the side. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at practice?” She asked, her voice scratchy and low.
“I said i’d look after you for the day, make sure you don’t accidentally make yourself worse or something” He replied, flashing a warm smile as he slowly brought his hand up and placed it on Charlie’s cheek. 
“But i’m gonna get you sick” 
“Don’t worry about me...you’re hot” 
“I didn’t know you thought about me like that, Thank you” Charlie snickered, the corner of her lips pulling up into a smirk. 
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, dropping his hand. “You’re ridiculous, i meant you’re still burning up” He turned away and stood up, walking over to the curtains. Pulling them back, he clicked open the window to let some air in before closing the curtains again. 
“There, that should help.” He commented, turning back around. His eyes landed back on Charlie and he frowned, “You should take that hoodie off” 
Glacing down at her attire, Charlie lazily tugged at the hoodie she wore before huffing and pulling her arms into the sleeves, leaving them empty.
“This is too much effort” She sniffed, followed with a cough. “help”
Rolling his eyes, Hyunjin walked back over and sat directly in front of her. “You are the biggest baby ever” He chuckled, helping her take off the humongous hoodie. 
Luckily Charlie wore a sports bra under her hoodie, having forgotten about it after coming back from practice pretty late. 
“You lie down and i’ll go make you something to eat, okay?” 
“Okay” She mumble, leaning back against the headboard.
He returned 5 minutes later with a bowl and a steaming cup, placing them both on her bedside table. “Soup and tea, exactly what you need”
Charlie picked up the cup of tea and took a sip, the warm liquid soothed her throat and made her sigh in content. She exchanged it for the bowl of soup and slowly began eating it. 
Hyunjin, who’d walked out without her noticing, came back into the room with a shirt clutched in his hands.
“Here, put this on” He dropped the material into her lap. 
Charlie pulled the spoon away from her lips, dropping it into the slowly emptying bowl. She picked up the shirt and stared at it. “Isn’t this yours?” 
“Mhm, but i know how much you like that shirt, so i don’t mind you wearing it instead of that massive hoodie” Hyunjin smiled as he clambered onto the bed beside her.
She slid the shirt on and tugged her hair out from the back of it before turning her body slightly and resting her head on Hyunjin’s shoulder. “Thank you Hyunie..” She whispered. 
Hyunjin leaned down and kissed the top of her head. ”Don’t thank me, i’m just looking out for you”
They stayed in that position for a while, the silence wasn’t awkward but comforting if anything. After a while Chalrlie yawned and lifted her head off his shoulder, bringing her hands up to rub her eyes. 
“I’m tired” She muttered through a yawn. 
Hyunjin pushed himself off the headboard, laying down flat on his back with his head on the pillow, Charlie stared at him weirdly but he only smiled and opened his arms. 
When Charlie clocked on, she shook her head at him, “No, no cuddling, i#ll get you sick” 
“I don’t care, now come here” He urged.
Charlie sniffed again, trying to clear her blocked nose. With a small ‘fine’ she laid down beside Hyunjin, resting her head on his chest. He turned, wrapping both arms around her waist, resting his head against the top of her own. 
“Try and get some sleep, it’ll help” He whispered, pressing his lips to her forehead momentarily. 
“Okay...thank you Hyunjin...” She mumbled, a drowsy tone in her voice showing she was falling asleep. 
“It’s okay, sleep well darling..”
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Stray Kids
requested by anon // requests are open!!!
This all takes place before Changbin’s birthday 
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“Alright, good job, take a break guys, i’ll be back in a moment” 
As the choreographer walked out of the room, the 10 of them relaxed and spread out around the practice room. 
Charlie dropped her water bottle onto the couch an zipped up her hoodie, pulling the hood over her head. “Guys i’ll be back in a minute” 
“Where’re you going?” Jisung asked as she walked past him. 
“Just to the bathroom, don’t worry i won’t get lost”
The boys laughs and chatter faded out as she shut the door behind her and turned down the hall. She walked towards and into the bathroom with her head down, almost bumping into the girl stood at the sink. She was a trainee who’d only joined a few months ago, Charlie barely knew her. 
The girl hadn’t seen Charlie’s face and continued to talk on her phone, staring at her reflection. 
“Yeah i don’t why she’s in the group!”
Charlie stopped, her hand slipping off the door lock and falling at her side. She leaned closer to try and hear clearer, fear beginning to bubble up. 
“No...no yeah, yeah i doubt it, there’s no way they’d let one girl into a group of nine boys” She spat. 
‘They’re talking about me...’ Charlie thought, her jaw tensing. 
Ignoring the hammering in her chest, Charlie pressed closer to the door and continued to listen, letting the fears prick at her. 
“She’s not even pretty! I bet she’s had so much plastic surgery, how much d’you wanna bet she did something to her eyes? I don’t believe for second that they’re natural!” The girl continued to rant. 
Biting back a scoff, Charlie closed her eyes and leaned her head against the door. 
“Her attitude stinks as well, like her hideous face isn’t enough, she’s a fucking bitch! I don’t how she’s even an idol? Ugly, rude, not even the slightest bit talented! It’s crazy...she doesn’t even deserve to be in Stray Kids” 
Charlie’s hand unintentionally curled into fists, her nails digging into her palms hard enough the make them bleed. She could feel her heart start beating faster and tears prick behind her closed eyes. 
“Oh- I’m late for my class, i’ll call you back” 
As the girls footsteps retreated out of the bathroom Charlie let out a shaking breath she didn’t even know she was holding on. 
Unlocking the door, she stumbled towards the sink and placed her hands flat on the surface. Her chest was heaving as her breathing became more sporadic. 
“Calm down Charlie, calm down, not the time nor place for this...” She whispered to herself. 
Once she’d calmed herself down, she reached up an pulled her hood down. Charlie slowly pulled her hand back and held it out in front of her, staring at it. 
‘I’m shaking...why am i shaking? why do i always seem to be shaking?’
Her eyes diverted fro her hand, zeroing on the mirror in front of her, on her reflection. The girls words ringing in her head like alarms. 
Ugly, Rude, Untalented...
Charlie sighed and stared at her own reflection, tears reappearing on her eyes the longer she stared, mentally pointing every little imperfection. She brought her hand up and ran it through her hair, sighing sadly. 
She doesn’t deserve to be in Stray Kids
“She’s right...” Charlie muttered, bringing her hand down, poking at her face. Her fingers tugged at cheeks, her nails ran over the freckles on her face then the scar on her eyebrow, making her frown. “She’s right, I’m hideous...” 
Before she could continue pointing out imperfections, the silence was cut by a ringtone, more specifically her ringtone. She fished her phone out of her pocket and cleared her throat before answering it. 
“Did you really get lost?” Jisung’s cheery yet sarcastic voice rang through the phone. 
Charlie rolled her eyes, ignoring the pang of sadness in her chest. “Shut up, I’m on my way back” Then hung up, leaving him no time to respond. 
She looked back at her reflection, hurrying to wipe the tears she didn’t even know were falling, before turning and leaving the bathroom, a single thought ringing in her head. 
She doesn’t deserve to be in Stray Kids.
It hadn’t been too long since Charlie’s run in with the trainee, a couple of weeks tops, but things weren’t going too well.
Charlie was slowly becoming distant, more reserved, a lot more closed off. It was subtle at first, the only time she’d genuinely spent time with the boys was when they were in London.
Apart from that she rarely spoke to them unless it was necessary. Whilst they were on tour she’d kept herself locked up in the hotels unless they had to go out.
And the boys had begun to notice.
Felix was undoubtedly the first to notice her change in attitude and the way she acted around them. He realized it when they were in Paris and she rejected his offer for some late night sight seeing, usually she was the one suggesting such adventures.
He eventually bought it up to the rest of the boys, who had each noticed their friend’s strange behavior.
“She looks really upset, like there’s something bothering her” Woojin had commented during one of their discussions after a concert, looking back at Charlie who was asleep on the couch behind them.
“One of us should talk to her” Suggested Hyunjin, earning a very sarcastic comment from Minho in return, to which he just rolled his eyes.
Chan, who looked the most distressed by the situation at hand, had offered to talk to Charlie. He only had to figure out a way to get her to talk to him, or any of them for that matter.
Throughout the rest of the tour, Charlie put on a brave face. She brushed off the boys’ concerning stares and questions, masking it with a simple “I’m just tired”
It wasn’t until they got back from tour that everything fell through. 
They all sat in the JYP cafe, conversing happily and munching on whatever they’d ordered. Charlie sat in between Jisung and Hyunjin, staring blankly at the table, unconsciously scratching the back of her hand with her nails. 
Unbeknownst to her, the 9 boys surrounding her kept glancing at her, sending worried glances to each other as subtly as they could. 
Apart from them and the actual workers, the only other people in the room happened to be the two causes of the whole situation. Not far from where Stray Kids sat, was the trainee and her friend, and they were right in Charlie’s eye line. 
If she looked up and slightly over Woojin’s shoulder, Charlie would have a direct view of them, which only meant that they could see her too and were probably already gossiping. 
Someone reached over and grabbed her wrist, making her snap her head up. Woojin gently pulled her hand away, placing it on the table. “If you keep doing that you’re going to end up hurting yourself” 
“like i haven’t been doing that already..” She muttered under her breath, low enough that they didn’t hear her as she grabbed the sleeves of her hoodie and pulled them down to her knuckles.
Charlie straightened up in her chair and her eyes drifted over to the two girls. The first girl, the one who started all this, was already staring over at the, a sickly looking smirk on her face. When she caught Charlie’s eyes, she raised her hand and waved. 
Looking away, Charlie took a deep breath in to calm herself and pulled out her phone, opening her messages. Her best friend, Kiko, was the only one who knew what was going on. 
Charlie: I feel like i’m about to pass out and idk y. This crap is gettin’ too much [12:05 PM]
She put her phone away and brought her attention back down to the table, subtly listening in on the conversation the boy’s were having. They were recalling something funny that’d happened in Berlin.  
The sounds of chairs scraping against the floors caught Charlie’s attention, she looked up as the two girls walked past their table, smirking at Charlie as they passed. 
Once the girls were out of room Charlie let her shoulders slump and her hands uncurl, she ignored the buzzing of her phone and closed her eyes. 
Another chair scraped and her eyes snapped open, this time it was Jisung who’d stood up, saying something along the lines of going somewhere before walking out. 
“Did you see the way she looked at me? It looked like she wanted to rip my throat out”
“She did, as if a girl like her could even lay a hand on you” 
“And that sweater!! It matched with her face, ugly as hell!” 
“How can the nine of them stand to be around her, she must reek of something” 
“I know right! I was getting depressed just looking at her” 
The two voices made Jisung stop as he was about to the corner, he carefully peeked around the corner and his eyes widened when he saw the two girls. A bad feeling began to prick in his chest as he listened in on their talk, though he knew he shouldn’t be. 
They continued to yap on and on, making snide and crude remarks about Charlie, Jisung’s hands were curled into tight fists at his side. On the one side he wanted to walk up to them and give them a piece of his mind but the other side of him wanted to march back up to cafe. 
‘This must be what’s made Charlie so distant, something they’ve said is messing with her’ He thought and then with a heavy sigh turned back down the hall towards the cafe. 
Charlie was still absentmindedly picking at her sleeves when two hands landed on her shoulders, making her jump and spin around. Jisung stood behind her with an upset look on his face. 
“Come with me for minute” He held his hand out to her.
Reluctantly, she grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull her from her chair and into the hall. Once they were out he turned around and placed his hands back on her shoulders. 
“What did those girls say to you?” 
In the back of her mind she began panicking, every curse under the sun running through her head as she tried to ramble up an excuse. “Wh..what..what girls?” 
“Don’t be like this, not right now, You know which girls i’m talking about, the ones that were in the cafe with us. What did they say to you?” 
‘God damn it’ Charlie thought, ‘There’s no way i can lie to him...’
She looked down at her feet, screwing her eyes shut to stop the tears welling in her eyes, messily fumbling with the ends of her sleeves.
“Charlie, hey, look at me. Tell me what they said, please” Jisung practically pleaded. He moved one of his hands to the side of her face, a sad smile appearing on his lips when Charlie leaned into his touch. 
She shook her head, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. What sounded to Jisung like a sob came from under her hand, immediately making him more worried. 
“Charlie, baby, please tell me what they said. You know none of us can help you if you don’t tell us.” He pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arm around her securely. 
After bottling it up for so long, Charlie finally broke. Her arms wrapped around Jisung’s torso tightly as she started sobbing, everything from the past couple of weeks finally flowing free. 
Holding her to him tightly, Jisung rocked side to side gently, he brought one hand up to the back of her head and propped his chin up on the top of her head. 
He didn’t say anything, letting her cry as much as she needed to, ignoring the tears slowly forming a puddle on his shirt. 
Once Charlie had calmed down she pulled back, her hands still gripping the back of his shirt. Jisung took his hand off of the back of her head, using his sleeve to wipe the tears off her cheeks.
She sniffed and shook her head, her hair falling past her eyes. “It’s stupid...i should..i shouldn’t have let it...let it get me”
Jisung frowned. “What did they say?”
Her breath hitched as she breathed in, closing her eyes for a moment. “Just...just stupid comments a-about..about my looks and attitude but...but-”
“Oh Charlie....” Jisung sighed, pulling her back into a hug.
“But she said...that i..that i didn’t deserve to be in Stray Kids” Charlie whispered, her words muffled by the fabric of Jisung’s shirt.
“What?!” He exclaimed, pulling back to look down at Charlie, his jaw dropped. “And you believed them?”
Before Charlie could even think of anything to say in reply Jisung cut her off, his tone defensive and slightly angry.
“Listen to me, whatever they said about you, it’s not true. You are one of the kindest people I’ve ever met and you’re really really beautiful, like extremely beautiful. I know you’d always try and deny it but you’re incredibly talented and amazing, you can ask anyone you know and they’d agree. Don’t listen to those girls, okay? You deserve to be in the group as much as the rest of us and nothing’s every going to change that”
Tears pricked in the corners of Charlie’s eyes, flowing freely down her cheeks when she blinked. Panic flashed over Jisung’s face when he saw them, bringing his hands up to cup her face.
“Hey what’s wrong?”
Looking up at him through tears, she gave him a smile. “I don’t deserve friends like you...”
As a sob ripped through her words again, Jisung pulled her back into his arms. They stayed like that until Charlie had stopped crying, her eyes red and puffy as she pulled away.
Jisung smiled at her. “Is that why you were so distant? ‘Cause you thought what they were saying was right?” Charlie hesitantly nodded and he sighed. “I’m going to talk to Chan hyung about this, those girls shouldn’t get away with speaking about you like that!”
“Don’t be to drastic, i know what you’re like” Charlie pointed, raising her eyebrow at him.
“Fine fine” He raised his hands in defence. “But you need to talk to the rest of them, explain what’s happened because we’ve all been so worried...especially Chan hyung and Changbin hyung”
Charlie nodded and tugged on her hoodie. “Fine, i will”
Footsteps sounded behind them, stopping a bit behind them. Charlie and Jisung turned and saw Woojin standing there, a kind smile on his face.
“You two okay? You’ve been out here a while” He asked, walking up to them.
Following a small nod, Charlie walked up to Woojin and wrapped her arms around him. The older boy was shocked at the sudden action, but he was quick to hug her back.
She smiled at him. “Everything’s good, everything’s finally good”
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Stray Kids 
requests are open!!
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!) couldn’t find an appropriate gif so here’s a cute Felix
11:07 AM
“Charlie, time to get up” 
As Woojin went to knock again, the door swung open. He stumbled backwards as Charlie wandered out of her bedroom, her nose buried into a book. 
She kept her head down and focused on the pages, mumbling a small ‘good morning’ to the older boy as she walked past him. The noise grew louder as she neared the living room, bumping into the edge of the couch. 
“Look who’s finally decided to wake up!” Minho chuckled, leaning against the kitchen door. 
Humming in response, she kept her attention on the book, not paying any attention to the boy or anyone around her. Charlie could hear the boys messing around and tried to block them out. 
In the kitchen, a few of the boys were watching her, eyeing the blue and black book cover they could catch a glimpse of. 
“That book looks interesting, what is it?” Hyunjin questioned, leaning on his arms crossed on the kitchen table. 
Turning around in his chair, Changbin glanced over at Charlie and shrugged. “Not sure, i’ll ask” He pushed himself up and walked over to where Charlie sat, dropping down on the couch beside her. 
As he sat down, Charlie automatically leaned into his side, eyes still glued to her book. 
“Hey...” He nudged her side gently, attempting to catch her attention. 
She hummed, turning her head slightly but not moving her eyes, carefully turning over the page. Changbin huffed and called her name, nudging her again. 
“Charlie, I’m trying to talk to you, you could at least look at me” He huffed, leaning back on the couch. 
Shaking her head, she pulled the book closer. “Wait let me finish this ch-hey!” She cut herself off and jumped. 
Changbin grabbed a hold of the book and yanked it from her grip, jumping to his feet and walking into the centre of the living room, Charlie quickly following. 
“Give me back my book!” She exclaimed, reaching for it. 
He shook his head, walking backwards fast, a smirk playing on his lips. “No~ You’re giving all your attention to this book!” 
Charlie huffed and stepped forward, reaching for it again, instead this time she caught his wrist. “Gimme my book, i wanna finish it!” She pleaded, looking up at him with puppy eyes. 
“Oh don’t look at me like that, fine here” He groaned and handed her the book. 
A smile spread across her lips as she took it back into her hands. She leaned over and kissed his cheek then dropped back onto the couch, opening the book and continuing to read. 
The boys sat at the kitchen started laughing as Changbin walked back towards them, his cheeks burning red. He collapsed into the chair and rested his forehead on the table, giggling from embarrassment. 
Felix, who had been looking at his phone the entire time, finally look up. He glance at the embarrassed boy then over at Charlie, managing to catch the front cover of her book. 
Printed across the front in big silver letters; ‘The Death Cure’ 
“She’s had her nose buried in that book all day! We were meant to go to the studio and work on something!” Jisung complained in a childish tone, slumping against Minho. 
The nine of them looked over at the girl, she was curled up on the edge of the couch, the book still in her grasp. She had no idea they were all staring at her. 
“You do realize she won’t put that book down until she finishes it, right?” Seungmin commented with a laugh. 
Hyunjin sighed. “I say we get the book away from here, bring her back to reality” 
“Why?” Woojin asked, picking up his coffee mug. “Let her live in her fantasy worlds in peace” 
“He has a point” Chan agreed, making the younger boys sigh. “But i do need to talk to her about something, and it doesn’t look like that is happening any time soon...”
“Can you lot stop screaming over there, i’m trying to read!” 
They froze and a few of them slowly turned around to face her. “Sorry Char~” Hyunjin sang sweetly, smiling at her. 
She chuckled and shook her head, looking down back down. 
Charlie’s loud scream made them jump, snapping their heads towards the hallway. She came stomping into the room looking angry beyond belief and stopped before the boys, glaring at them. 
“If looks could kill...” Felix whispered to Chan, biting back a laugh. 
“Where is it?” Charlie demanded. 
Jeongin looked up at her and smiled innocently, shutting off his phone. “Noona? What are you talking about?” 
She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes moving from the youngest over to Changbin. “My book. Where is it?”
“Hey don’t look at me like that! i haven’t touched it!” He exclaimed, raising his hands defensively.
“Well it wasn’t where i left it, so obviously, one of you idiots must’ve taken it!” 
Chan walked into the room and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Maybe you just misplaced it?” He asked hesitantly. 
“How? i left it on my bed and when i came back it was gone so one of these lot have taken it!” She complained, turning around to face the leader. 
Hyunjin straightened up in his seat, a smirk pulling at his lips. “Sure? You never know, you coulda put it elsewhere” 
She spun back around to face him, wanting to punch the smirk right off his face. “I-oh d’you know what, i don’t care, keep the fucking book” Charlie spat and stomped off back to her room. 
When her bedroom door slammed shut with a loud bang, they all turned to look at Hyunjin, who just looked out in confusion. 
“Wha-OW! What was that for?” He yelped when Changbin hit his shoulder. 
“Go give her back her book, now.” The older boy ordered, pointing in the direction of Charlie’s room. 
Hyunjin sighed, still holding his shoulder as he stood up, muttering as he walked away. “I was a joke, who gets that angry over a book?” 
“Well Charlie does, obviously!” 
Charlie fell face first into her bed, an angry sigh leaving her lips as her came into contact with the soft pillows. 
briiinnggg briiinnggg briiinnggg
Her phone cut through the silence, she shot her hand out and blindly reached for the device, bringing the device into eye-line when she found it. The contact name brought a smile to her face. 
bbynana calling...
She swiped the call and raised her phone to her ear. “Yello?” 
“I called you five times, i could be dying for all you know, learn to answer the phone!” 
Charlie sighed. “Quit being over dramatic Jaemin, i may be your best friend but i don’t think you’d call me first of you were dying”
“You sound angry, who do i need to kill?” He asked and the sound of shuffling could be heard through the phone. 
“No one, not yet anyway, i’m fine.” She chuckled, pushing herself up onto her elbows. 
From the other end of the phone, Jaemin scoffed. “Liar, I've known you for more than 12 years i can tell when something’s up, so tell me, what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing Nana, i promise, just a silly little argument with the boys but it’s fine”
“What was the argument over?”
Charlie sighed again, hesitating. “It was stupid...i got angry cause one of them took the book i was reading”
“Really Char? A book? Come on, you got mad over a book you’ve probably already read?” Jaemin laughed. “You are something else...” 
“Thanks...” She trailed off, a creaking sound catching her attention. Turning her head to look back, she saw the door to her room slowly cracking open and a familiar head of hair peeking round the door. “Jaem, i’ll call you back...”
She dropped the call and put her phone down as the door opened fully and Hyunjin came into her view, leaning against the door frame. He had a sullen look on his face and his hands behind his back. 
“Hey...” He whispered, pushing himself off the door frame. 
Charlie shuffled to the side on her bed, pushing her phone onto her pillow. “Hey. Why’d you look so upset?” 
Hyunjin walked over to her and stood a few centimeters away from the edge of her bed. He moved his hands out from behind his back and held out his right hand, in his grasp was her book. 
“Here, i-i was...i was the one that took it, i didn’t think you’d get so angry it was only a joke. I’m...I’m sorry” He stuttered. 
Sitting up and crossing her legs, Charlie gently took the book from his hand and set it down beside her, before Hyunjin could pull his hand back she grabbed a hold of it. 
“You don’t need to apologize, i should be the one apologizing for snapping at you guys over a bloody book.” She laughed, letting go of Hyunjin’s hand then patting the space beside her. 
Hyunjin happily complied, jumping onto her as a smile took over his features, bouncing on the large mattress like a toddler. 
She picked up her phone and switched it on, skimming over the texts on the screen. 
bbynana: are you busy tomorrow? [12:45 PM]
bbynana: cause it’s been a while since we’ve hung out AND Renjun won’t stop asking about you [12:45 PM]
bbynana: if your free, let’s hang out tomorrow, i miss my best friend [12:47 PM]
bbynana: and apparently the rest of the dreamies miss you too [12:50 PM]
Sending him a quick reply, Charlie locked her phone and set it back down. 
“Charlie~” Hyunjin sang, leaning his head on her back. 
She turned around to face him, looking at him with a questioning look. “Hm? What’s up?”
He sat up as Charlie shifted around then leaned down and rested his head on her lap, looking up at her with puppy eyes. “Can you read to me? Your book looked really interesting” 
“It won’t make any sense, I’m halfway through the book” 
“I don’t care, it’s fine” He shrugged. 
Charlie sighed. “Alright, fine, i’ll read” She picked up the book and opened it up to the page she was on before. 
As she began reading, Hyunjin nuzzled his face into the fabric of her sweats, letting his eyes fall closed. 
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Birthday boy
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Changbin 
requests are open!!
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!)
11th August 2019 - 2:47 AM
The strip lights attached to the ceiling gave her bedroom a colourful glow, changing every now and then when Changbin, who was fiddling with the control for them, pressed a different button. 
Charlie had pulled him into her bedroom around half an hour ago, claiming she wanted to talk to him, that talk had long been forgotten as they now lounged around her room. 
While she was slumped in her desk chair Changbin laid on his back on her bed, rolling around aimlessly. 
“Are you gonna open that? Or let it sit there collecting dust?” Charlie motioned towards the parcel on the corner of her desk. It was medium sized and wrapped in black wrapping paper, Charlie’s birthday present to him. 
Changbin lifted his head and eyed the gift, his hand then lifted off his stomach and hung off the edge of the bed. “Pass it” 
“My god you’re lazy” 
“Hey! It’s my birthday” 
Rolling her eyes, Charlie picked up the gift and stood up, placing it in his hands then hopping onto the comfy bed beside him. She sat up against the headboard and pulled her legs up to her chest. 
Carefully, Changbin sat up and started to unwrap it, letting the wrapping paper crumple to the floor beside him. As the present underneath came into view, the first he noticed was a picture, a group picture. 
“Is this what i think it is?” He asked, tearing off the last of the paper to reveal the gift underneath. 
Charlie shrugged. “Depends what you think it is” 
It was a brown book, though it looked the tiniest bit worn out, and stuck on the front was a photo of the whole group from their debut concert. Underneath it in English and almost perfect cursive was ‘Stray Kids’
Changbin glanced at Charlie out of the corner of his eye, brushing off the fact that she was staring at him. He carefully opened the book and a wide smile appeared on his lips as he carefully flicked through a few of the pages. 
“I knew it, it’s a scrapbook”
Charlie nodded and shifted around till they sat shoulder to shoulder. “I’m all about personalized gifts when i can” 
“You bought Hyunjin a necklace for his birthday, how is that personalize?” He scoffed lightly, still focused on the scrapbook. 
“It was engraved” 
The conversation was dropped and a comfortable silence filled the room for a few minutes, until Changbin gasped. “You kept that?!” 
Leaning over, her head resting against his shoulder, Charlie looked down at the page. “Of course i did” She exclaimed, “I keep all these kind of things” 
Stuck to the page was a cinema ticket, it was the first time the two of them had hung out genuinely by themselves back in 2015, they’d skipped practice that day and gone to see Avengers Age Of Ultron. 
“I remember that like it was yesterday” He chuckled. 
Charlie scoffed. “So do i, ‘cause i almost died” 
“You’re the one who almost walked into oncoming traffic, i saved you”
“My knight in shining armor~” Charlie said and wrapped her hands around Changbin’s arm. 
The two of them stayed like that as Changbin continued his way through the book, different memories resurfacing along the way, the majority of them bringing a smile to his face. 
“Where did that remote go? I wanna change the colour of the lights” Charlie suddenly asked, letting go of the boys arm as she looked around said remote.
Taking his hand off the book, Changbin stuffed his hand into the pocket of his sweats and pulled out the remote, handing it to Charlie with a small smile. The lights began to change colour, stopping on a low red. 
“That’s better” She grinned.  
As it got closer to the end of the book, a specific page caught his eye. The picture in the corner was taken during the holidays two years ago, Charlie hadn’t been able to go home that year so she’d spent the holidays with Changbin and his family. 
There was a Polaroid picture attached to opposite page that sparked a memory, he could vividly remember his older sister’s teasing remarks as she took the picture, saying that they looked like a couple. 
Once he got the end of the book, Changbin closed it and carefully set it aside. He silently turned to face Charlie and pulled her into a hug. 
“Woah! okay that was pretty fast...” She chuckled, her words muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
Charlie rested her head on his shoulder, her arms finding their way around his torso. They stayed in that position for longer than normal, enjoying the very slightly intimate moment.
“Thank you...” Changbin whispered into her hair, the curly locks tickling his skin. “I really like it” 
“I’m glad. Happy birthday Binnie” 
He pulled back first sat back against the wall, a tired smile painted on his lips. “A whole handmade scrapbook puts what i got you for your birthday to shame” 
She shook her head and reached into the neckline of her shirt, pulling out the necklace hung around her neck. It was a golden chain with a ring looped onto it. 
“I swear it, this is the only necklace i’ve worn for more than a few days and not got annoyed with. I love it” 
Charlie missed the look that flashed over his face as she stood up and tucked the necklace back into her shirt. She held her hands out for Changbin and pulled him to his feet. 
“Two choices now birthday boy” 
“Which are?” He asked, tugging his hood over his head. 
“You can either be a normal person and y’know go to sleep and rest or....stay up with me and join me on a late night excursion?” 
“If you buy me food, i’ll come with you” Changbin reasoned. 
“It’s your birthday, i’ll buy you anything you want” 
He raised his eyebrow. “Anything?” 
“Within reason, Changbin, i’m not as rich as you” Charlie laughed and patted his shoulder. 
Changbin grabbed her hand and smiled. “Late night excursion it is”
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x 3RACHA
requests are open!!
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!)
“Charlie texted me, she said she might stop by!” Jisung informed, he typed a quick reply to Charlie then slid his phone back into his pocket. 
The three boys continued to mess about, hyping themselves up over their old songs. A good 10 minutes later, the boys were playfully bickering over what song to play next, when the door to the studio clicked open. 
Simultaneously they all turned their heads towards the door, Jisung having to turn his whole body around to see who was there. The door slowly swung open and a familiar face came into view. 
“Oi oi, Charlie!” Chan cheered as said girl walked into the room, pulling one headphone out of her ear as she did so. Walking up behind Jisung, she took off her bag and set it down. 
“Hello boys~” She sang, sitting down on top of the backrest of Jisung’s chair. The seconds she sat down, Jisung leaned back and rested his head against her side, looking up at Charlie with a smile. 
From the other side of Chan, Changbin spoke up. “Weren’t you meant to be practicing for that thing?”
Charlie gave him a weird look, her right hand unconsciously beginning to thread through Jisung’s hair, making him relax and slump against the chair. “What...oh! yeah that thing, i’ll do it tomorrow” She shook her head, waving her left hand. 
“Later in the day though cause I've been needing to take my motorbike out to a garage...” She trailed off, her eyes flicking over to the screen in front of them, the v-live comments running wild. 
Leaning back in his chair, Chan tilted his head over to Charlie and asked, “What’s wrong with it?” She shrugged in response. 
Shifting around on the seat Charlie pulled her hand away from Jisung’s hair, earning a small whine of protest from him. She pulled her legs up and set them down on the seat beside Jisung’s legs. He rested his head against her thigh and Charlie started playing with his hair again. 
“Charlie, since your here, pick a song any song!” Chan exclaimed, motioning in front of him. 
“Hmm...Let’s see...” She mumbled, looking up at the monitor before her. On the screen was a whole mass of 3RACHA songs. Her eyes scanned over the list of songs. 
Finding one she liked, she made an ‘ooh’ sound and looked back at Chan. “Broken compass, my favorite 3racha song to every exist...except for Wow but that’s another story” 
“I can’t believe that’s your favorite song” Changbin muttered, looking over at her and shaking his head, though a smile pushed onto his lips. 
Charlie shrugged, also smiling, beginning to hum along as the start of Broken Compass began to play through the speakers. Quietly singing along, she looked down at Jisung, who’s eyes were barely opened behind his glasses. 
Biting back a laugh, Charlie slowly took her hand out from his hair, she reached down and gently pulled on the red headband he wore and snapped it back against his head.
“Ouch! Charlie, That hurt!” He cried, shooting up in the chair. 
“Oh you big crybaby, it’s a headband! How can that hurt?” //// Chan asked with a laugh, reaching over and placing his hand flat on Jisung’s back. 
Jisung pouted, leaning back against the chair, then looking up at Charlie. She clicked her tongue and reached down, pulling his headband again. Instead of snapping it back, she gently pulled it off him and pressed her lips to his forehead. 
He started giggling, not really minding as Charlie pulled the red fabric off his hands completely and started messing with it. Before any of them could speak, Chan started clicking about on his computer, a new song began blasting through the speakers. 
It wasn’t long before the boys were hyper again, jumping around in their chairs. Charlie shook her head at their hyper attitudes and focused her eyes on the monitor, she leaned down a little and rested her elbows on her knees, attempting to read the comments 
Did Charlie do that or am i seeing things?????
Minsung who? i only know Charsung lol
loool Chan looked so awkward for about 2 minutes
She was so focused on the screen but she could feel someones eyes on her, making her shuffle awkwardly. Upon noticing her shuffling, Jisung slid over in the chair and patted the empty space, looking up at her with a smile. 
“You look uncomfortable up there, c’mere” 
Charlie happily slid down beside him, resting her head against his shoulder. Jisung passed his arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer, pressing his cheek into the top of her head. 
Huffing a sigh, Jisung rolled his head back. “I’m starting to get hungry” 
 “I’ll cook something later” Informed Chan, who was preoccupied reading through the comments. 
Charlie swung her legs back around and and stood up, the three boys followed her with confused eyes as she walked over to her bag and crouched down. She unzipped her bag, ruffling around in it. 
“Aha! Found you!” Sh exclaimed, pulling a bag of sweets from her bag. She quickly stood back up and walked back over, dropping the plastic bag into Jisung’s hands. “Here, enjoy” 
With a mouthful of sour gummy bears, Jisung muffled out. “Thank you, Noona, Love you~” 
She patted the top of his head. “No problem” 
As the live shut off, the four of them relaxed and slumped in the chairs. The room quickly grew silent. 
After a couple of minutes, Charlie jumped to her feet and stretched, emitting a sigh. She walked around the chair and grabbed her bag, zipping it up and throwing it onto her shoulder. 
“I’m going to head home, anyone joining me?” She asked, tugging her hoodie around and zipping it up. 
Changbin and Jisung nodded and stood up whereas Chan shook his head and stayed seated. 
He spun the seat around, leaning against it. “Got some things left to finish, you guys head go without me, i’ll come home later”
“Oppa...are you sure? you seem knackered” Charlie frowned. 
“Yeah, don’t worry about me, you need rest more than i do” He reassured her with a small, tired smile. 
Nodding wearily, Charlie walked over and pulled the leader into a hug. “Don’t stay here for too long, or i’ll come and get you myself” She muttered. 
“Ha, okay Charlie, whatever you say” He laughed as Charlie pulled back and stood up straight. She raised her eyebrow at him. 
“Don’t test me, you know i will” 
Her, Changbin and Jisung hesitantly parted ways with the leader, heading out into the humid night. It wasn’t cold but at the same time it was, making Charlie wrap her arms around herself as they started down the road. 
Before they’d even gotten half way down the street, Changbin noticed Charlie practically shaking. He sighed to himself and tugged his jacket off, leaning over to drape the fabric over Charlie’s shoulders
Said girl jumped and the jacket landed on her, her eyes flicking rapidly between the jacket and Changbin, who was already putting his backpack on. 
“You were shaking, Char, you need it more than me” He chuckled, not even looking at her. 
Changbin gave her a look, shaking his head. “No arguments, put the jacket on or i’ll do it for you myself.”
She sighed. “But you’ll get cold!” 
“I’ll be fine”
“Charlie you know he won’t stop insisting, just put the jacket on” Jisung suddenly said, looking up from his phone. 
Sighing in defeat, Charlie pulled the fabric off her shoulders along with her bag, and slipped her arms into the jacket. A laugh fell from her lips and she watched the sleeves fall past her finger tips.
“I knew you were a small person, but i didn’t think you were that small” Changbin snorted, wrapping his arm over Charlie’s shoulders and pulling her into his side as they rounded a street corner.
She hit him with the sleeve, pouting. “Shut up, it’s not my fault!”
“Don’t hit me! It’s cute...” He trailed off with a laugh, looking over at her. 
Though they were roughly the same height, the massive jacket hanging off Charlie’s frame made her fell especially tiny. She dropped her head, chuckling out of embarrassment, trying to hid the blush finding it’s way onto her face. 
“I feel like i’m third wheeling here! I should’ve stayed with Chan hyung if i knew you two were gonna flirt the whole time” Jisung complained, shaking his head. 
Charlie giggled and ducked away from Changbin’s arm, hopping over to Jisung and throwing her arms around his. “Quit complaining, Jiji, you know you’re my favourite~” 
The rest of the way home was filled with jokes and very, very subtle flirting from all three parties. By the time they were back at the dorm they were worn out from laughing too much.
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Did that just happen?
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Felix
Requested by anon!! // requests are open!! 
Yes....this happened....i know...wow. Let me know what you guys think!!!
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!)
31st May 2019 - 2:05 AM
“Bugger off, I’m busy” Charlie sighed, nudging Felix with her shoulder. 
Said boy rolled his eyes and leaned back against the couch, he glanced at the reflection of the mirror before looking back at Charlie. “You’re watching Doctor Who, i wouldn't count that as busy” He stated.
Tapping the screen, she hit the pause button and turned her head to Felix. “Well i would, what do you want?” 
“I wanna dance~” He complained, higher his voice in an attempt to sound cute.
Charlie rolled her eyes at that, looking down at her now black phone screen. “Go on then, no one is stopping you” She mumbled as she unlocked her phone. As the episode on her phone continued to play her right hand reached down and grabbed a handful of the small bag of chocolates beside her. 
Shaking his head, Felix then dropped his head onto her shoulder. “But i wanna dance with youuu~” 
“Too bad, I’m not dancing.” She deadpanned.
Felix sighed and leaned his full weight on Charlie, he let his gaze drop to Charlie’s phone and he started to watch what was on her screen out of boredom. 
He stood up and walked into the centre of the room, spinning in slow circles, trying to think of something to do. “I’m bored” He huffed and walked back over to Charlie, instead of sitting beside her he dropped down in front of her and rested his head on her legs. 
“Charlie~” He sung, trying to get her attention. She spared him a glance but looked back at her phone. 
Growing annoyed with the lack of attention, Felix stood up and snatched Charlie’s phone out of her hands. He jumped to his feet and backed up into the middle of the room. 
“Oi, give that back!” Charlie shouted, also standing up and following him. She reached out to grab the phone but Felix stepped back and hid the phone behind his back.
He kept walking backwards, Charlie walking closer with every step, until his back hit the mirror. 
Charlie smirked. “Nowhere to run now Aussie, give me my phone” She held her palm out. 
“No chance.” Felix muttered and grabbed her wrist, yanking her towards him. A small yelp left Charlie’s lips as she was pulled towards him.
‘What is this boy doing?’ Charlie thought, looking up at him. 
They were stood chest to chest...almost, considering Felix was taller than Charlie by a little bit. (She was basically the same height as Changbin, maybe smaller)
She glanced down, eyeing his arm, the one that was tucked behind his back to hide her phone. While her eyes were elsewhere, she didn’t see Felix, his own gaze dancing between her eyes and lips.
When she finally looked back up, a tiny smile appeared on her lips. Charlie tugged her wrist that Felix was gripping towards her, as his attention diverted to that she took the opportunity to slide her arm around him and reach for her phone. 
Felix felt her hand brush against his wrist and tutted, he maneuvered around carefully and spun Charlie around before pushing her against the wall. 
“Oh how the tables have turned” He chuckled, leaning forward to trap her between his body and the wall. 
With her phone stuffed in his back pocket, Felix dropped one of her wrists but kept the other held tightly. Charlie looked up at him and they stayed there, just casually staring at each other. 
“All of this over a phone” He mumbled, looking down at her lips again. This time, Charlie noticed and held back a giggle, unconsciously pulling her bottom lip between her teeth to stop her from laughing. 
‘Ugh she’s doing that on purpose’ Felix thought, internally groaning. 
“Well...” Charlie started, bringing her free hand up to pat his chest. “That was fun and all but I’m tired, so I’m gonna head home” She pushed him back a little and tried to step around him to head for the door. 
She got about two steps away when Felix pulled her back, trapping her against the wall yet again. Charlie groaned and rolled her head back, a small laugh leaving her lips before she looked back at Felix. 
“You’re evil...” He muttered.
Charlie chuckled, licking her lips then raising her eyebrow at him. “Am i now? I thought you already knew tha-”
Her sentence was cut off by Felix dipping his head down and pressing his lips to hers, a gasp got caught in her throat and her eyes widened slightly. ///
Slowly, Charlie’s body relaxed and she kissed him back, her eyes fluttering to a close as she did so. Their lips moved together rhythmically, fitting like two pieces of a puzzle. 
 As Charlie’s hand traveled up from the back of his neck, threading her fingers into his messy hair, Felix let go of her wrist and placed his hands on her waist, his hands curled around the fabric of Charlie’s hoodie and tugged her towards him. 
Before anything could progress Charlie pulled back, breathing heavily. They stared at each other, both refusing to say a word like it would make the situation real. 
Felix’s lips were pink and slightly swollen, a small blush painted across his cheeks, he was breathing heavily as well and the weird glint in his eyes gave away that he was a lot more affected by what had just happened. 
Charlie blinked, her hands dropping down and resting against his shoulders, she leaned back against the wall and chuckled. 
“That was...that was....” Felix finally spoke, a breathless laugh leaving his lips. “That was something else....”
“Yeah....something else...” She agreed. Her lips suddenly pulled up into a cheeky smile. “I liked it though...”
“Shut up, don’t smile at me like that!” Felix whined and dropped his head to avoid Charlie’s eyes. 
She started to laugh. “Haha! Don’t get shy now, you were the one that kissed me!”
“But you didn’t have to kiss me back, that was your choice” Felix defended, raising his eyebrow at her. Charlie shrugged her shoulders, her fingers tapping against his shirt. 
Placing her hands flat on his shoulders, Charlie leaned forward until their noses were almost touching. “Well i did and i don’t regret it because you, my friend, are actually a good kisser” 
Felix bit back a laugh, his lips curling up into a smirk, he leaned down so that their foreheads were touching. “Thank you darlin’, i couldn’t really tell if you were, wanna try again?”
“Calm down Lix, i think one kiss is all you deserve” Charlie smirked, sliding her hands down to his chest and pushing him away. 
His jaw dropped, hands dropping from Charlie’s waist. She laughed at his expression and stepped around him, walking up to the couch she grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulders. she picked up Felix’s coat and chucked it at him. 
Felix snapped back into the real world, catching his coat before it hit him in the face. 
“Come on Fe, let’s go home, I wanna get some sleep in before practice!” Charlie called out over her shoulder as she headed towards the door. Felix hastily pulled on his coat and followed after her with quick footsteps.
They headed for the lift and went down to the bottom floor, pausing at the entrance of the building and looking out into the street. It was pouring down with rain. 
“Aw crap, my hoodie is gonna get soaked, and it ain’t even mine!” Charlie complained, throwing her hands over her head. 
“Not if we run!” Felix suggested, grabbing her hand and running out into the streets.Charlie yelped as the rain started pelting down harder, their footsteps smacking against the slippery concrete. 
They continued to run, hands still locked, narrowly missing passerby on the street. Every now and again they’d stop at a crossing and share a look, smiling and laughing brightly. 
A mere 10 minutes later they’d arrived back at the dorm with soaked clothes and heavy breathing. The rest of the members looked at them skeptically as they came into the front room. 
Minho was the first to ask. “Why are you two drenched?” 
“We ran back, and it’s raining cats and dogs out there!” Felix exclaimed before turning around and disappearing into his bedroom. 
Charlie sighed and collapsed beside Chan, who raised his eyebrow at her. “What?” She asked innocently.
 “You two seemed kinda...close” He whispered, nudging her with his shoulder. 
Clearing her throat, Charlie attempted to push back the blush climbing up her neck, hiding behind a sarcastic comment. “Well done Chan, you’ve got eyes and can see basic things!” 
He laughed and shook his head. “Whatever, you know what I mean”
“Yes, i know what you mean but, in reality, your knowledge of the situation is limited” She shrugged. Chan looked down at her, raising her eyebrow again. 
“Well enlighten me then, what did happen?” 
Charlie leaned up, whispering something in his ear. As she did, Chan’s expression morphed from normal to shocked. Charlie sat back down and grinned at him, while he sat there looking dumbfounded. 
“But shhh, don’t tell anyone” She whispered and then stood up. 
Stretching her arms above her head, Charlie groaned and stumbled when her head began to spin, she situated herself and turned to the boys. “Good night, Losers, see you in the morning!” 
Getting to her bedroom, she shut the door and pressed her back against it. A tired sigh fell from her lips and she closed her eyes. 
knock knock knock
Charlie jumped away from the door and spun around as it slowly pushed open, Felix poked his head in the doorway and smiled. He stepped into her room and Charlie collapsed onto the edge of her bed. 
“What’s up?” She asked casually. 
He held out a device and her eyes widened. “My phone! I’d forgotten about that!” She exclaimed and grabbed the device off him. 
As Charlie reached for the hoodie tossed haphazardly on the end of her bed, Felix sat down in her desk and slowly turned it around to face her. “Chan hyung was looking at me weirdly when i went into the living room, did you tell him?” 
“I told him something, not that we kissed, just...something else” Charlie shrugged.
Tilting his head to the side, Felix asked. “what was it?” 
Charlie clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Secrets are secrets for a reason Fe, that will remain between me and Chan” Before he could reply she stood up and walked over to him, “Now, i need to get changed, so get out” 
“But I’m tired~” He whined, slumping against the chair. In a split second his expression changed and he smirked. “And I’ve seen you without a shirt on before...nothing i haven’t seen before”
“Yes but that’s during practice, i wear zip up hoodies on top, so technically not completely topless. And i could slap you for saying that but i don’t wanna ruin your pretty face, so just get out” She stated, then pointed towards the before standing back up. 
Felix sighed and stood up. “You’re so flirty, are you okay?” 
She sighed and faced him again. “We’ll considering we almost made out less than half an hour ago, i think flirting is acceptable. Go”
He held his hands up in defense, backing up towards the door. “Okay okay I’m going I’m going, and yeah i guess your right” He ended his sentence with a wink before leaving. 
“Oi! Felix Lee, you cheeky little bugger!” She shouted after him, laughing.  
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Changbin
requests are open! 
On a whim, Charlie decides to get another tattoo, bringing one of the boys with her.
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!)
They sat across from each other in the local cafe, sipping on drinks, as Charlie scrolled through images on her phone trying to pick one, every now and then sliding her phone ever to Changbin to get his opinion. 
“Okay, what about this one?” She asked, sliding her phone across table. 
Setting down his own phone, Changbin picked up Charlie’s and tapped the screen as it started to dark. “Ooh that’s nice! Actually really nice!” He commented with a firm nod. 
Charlie leaned back in her chair, rolling her head back and groaning. “Why did i draw so many?!? Now i can’t choose!” She complained, sinking further into chair. 
“Wait you drew these? All of them?” Changbin gasped, scrolling back through the folder of artworks. 
She shook her head, “Almost all of them, the really really good ones were Chan’s ideas”
Changbin went to slide the phone back but Charlie stopped him. “I trust your judgement, you pick one,” She sighed and sat up, pulling her beanie down over her eyes. 
As he began flicking back through the file of pictures, a comfortable silence fell between them. Charlie slowly pulled her hat away from her eyes and her gaze fell onto the boy sat in front of her almost immediately.
He looks fucking good toda- what the hell am i thinking?
Charlie’s thoughts caught her off guard, shaking her head to clear them away, which ultimately did not help her case at the moment.
Of all days to wear a muscle top he has to pick today??
Her eyes unconsciously look him over, trailing up the veins on his arms and all the way up to the top of his head which, unfortunately, covered by a cap.
Quit staring, it’s so obvious. What’s wrong with me today? Why am i even staring at him in the first-
“Done staring, princess?” Changbin snickered, his lips curled into a teasing smirk. Charlie jumped and quickly adverted her eyes, looking at her legs as she attempted to hold back the blush creeping up the back of her neck.
The sound of her phone being pushed across the table made her look up, she reached out to grab it and then quickly pull it back but the seconds her hand came into contact with the device Changbin placed his hand on top of hers and pressed down to stop her moving.
“Are you okay? Your cheeks are all read” He laughed, drumming his fingers against her hands.
Charlie nodded and cleared her throat. “ye-yeah yeah i’m fine, it’s just hot in here. Did you pick one yet?” She struggled but managed to slip her hand and phone from under his hand and immediately locked her eyes onto the phone.
On the screen was her favorite picture, not one of her drawing but one of Chan’s, it was a small detailed sketch of a wolf. Nothing to simple yet nothing to extravagant.
“Well then, guess I’m getting a wolf tattoo”
The tattoo parlor, which happened to be owned by someone Charlie knew, was practically empty when they got there. Just as the door closed behind them a girl walked through the swing door that separated the shop.
“Charlie! You actually turned up on tine for once, that’s new!” The red head exclaimed with a laugh.
Rolling her eyes, Charlie walked over and allowed herself to be pulled into a hug. “Alright, no need to make a big deal about it”
When the girl looked over Charlie’s shoulder and saw changbin, who was in his own little universe, she gasped and hit Charlie’s shoulder lightly.
“Ow! What was that for?” Charlie yelped, hitting her friend’s tattooed arm in retaliation.
She motioned towards Changbin, who had seemed to come back to reality after hearing Charlie yelp. “When we’re you gonna introduce me, huh? I am appalled!” She shouted dramatically, placing her hand over her chest.
“I was going to eventually but since you’re so persistent” Charlie reached for the older boy’s hand and pulled him over. “Heather this is Changbin, one of my groupmates. Binnie this is Heather, she’s a close friend of mine”
Changbin gasped, looking down at her. “You have friends?!”
She gaped up at him, her jaw dropped. “Then what are you, and the rest of the boys?”
“They are family, i am your favorite person on earth” He winked, holding back laughter.
Heather’s loud laughter rang through the room, the red head doubling over in a fit of giggled. “Ooh that was good, i like this guy already!”
Charlie rolled her eyes, tugging on the strap of her backpack. “I hate the both of you” She mumbled, looking away from them and over at the window.
“No you don’t” Heather smiled, throwing her arms around Charlie’s neck. “Now let’s get this tattoo done!”
Half an hour in and the tattoo on Charlie’s arm was starting to take shape, though barely a quarter of the way done. A few minutes ago Changbin had wondered out of the shop and into the small cafe down the street for some food, leaving Charlie and Heather alone.
“So...” The red head started, momentarily looking up at the blonde.
Charlie raised her eyebrow at Heather, “So.?”
She chuckled. “What’s going on between you and Mr Spear B over there, aye?”
“What makes you think there is something going on between us?” Charlie asked slowly and wearily, genuinely curious.
Heather snorted and sat up straight, stopping machine for a moment. “I saw the way he was looking at you, like a teenage boy staring at his crush” Her lips, coated in a dark red lipstick, curled up into a smirk.
“Bro what would you know about love, huh?”
“Shut up, at least I’ve been in a successful relationship”
“I have as well!” Charlie defended herself.
Heather shook her head, narrowing her focus back onto Charlie’s arm. “Alright whatever, what i’m saying is that it’s very clearly obvious there’s something else going on between the two of you”
Before Charlie could reply to that, the bell above the parlor door rang as it was opened, followed by the rustling of plastic and Changbin’s voice. ”I’m back!”
He walked through the swing doors and over to the two girls, chucking a bag of gummy bears at Charlie which, luckily, landed on her lap. With great difficulty, she managed to get the packet open and scooped up and handful of them before dropping them in her mouth and munching.
“You know you could’ve just passed them to me instead of yeeting them across the room” Charlie commented as he walked over and sat down, her voice muffled by the sweets.
Changbin looked at her weirdly. “Did you really just say ‘yeeting’? You’ve been spending too much time with Felix” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“As i was sayin-”
“Heather let’s not finish this here, alright?” Charlie cut her off, her tone accompanied by a small glare.
As the red head continued to work, the three engaged in small talk, the conversation changing every two minutes. Time seemed to fly by because half way through her small speech on something about time travel, Charlie was cut off by Heather.
“Done! Finally!” She cheered, shutting off the machine and standing up.
Charlie looked down at the final result, a gasp falling from her lips. “Oh my god...this is amazing Heather you’re the best” She jumped up from the small bed and wrapped her other arm around the girl.
“No problem, Char” She smiled. “Now let’s get this wrapped up!” Heather wrapped Charlie’s new ink up in plastic wrap and the three of them headed out to the front desk.
“How much?” Charlie asked, Heather named her price and she started fumbling around with her bag to get her wallet out of it.
Before she could even open up her wallet, Changbin’s hand reached over and handed Heather the correct amount of cash. Charlie gasped and spun around to face the boy. “You didn’t need to pay for that you know?”
“Hey, think of it was a thank you gift for the other day” He shrugged, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
Charlie sighed. “I brought you those headphones because you needed them, i don’t necessarily need this tattoo i just want it”
They bid goodbye to Heather, leaving the tattoo parlor and walking out into the busy streets of Seoul. Changbin pulled on hand out of his pocket and passed his arm over her shoulder, hugging her into his side.
“If it’ll make you feel better, buy me a coffee and we’ll call it even?”
“Chan hyung will really like that tattoo you know” Changbin randomly stated, running his finger over the plastic that covered the ink.
Sipping her drink, Charlie shrugged. “If he does then I’m glad, it’s just a case of the rest of the world finding out i got it”
Changbin pulled his eyes off the art and looked up at Charlie, she was staring skeptically down at the tattoo with her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. He sighed and brought his hand up, placing it gently on the side of Charlie’s head.
“If you like it then that’s all that matters, okay? If others don’t like it then that is their own problem. You decided what you put on your body, the rest of the world doesn’t have a say in it, alright?”
She sighed and nodded. “Yeah...thanks Binnie”
“No problem, love”
“And since when did you become so logical?”
“Aaaand the moments gone, well done”
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