#kingpin reloaded
quarterdisorder · 8 months
Kingpin: Reloaded, a remaster of the controversial first-person shooter from the '90s, now has a release date.
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brutalgamer · 6 months
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Out today, Kingpin: Reloaded remasters the classic crime-centric FPS
Head back to the 90s and the glory days of the early FPS genre today, for the grim and gritty remaster that is Kingpin: Reloaded.
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sonsofks · 8 months
Realms Deep 2023: ¡Sorpresas, Anuncios y Más en un Showcase Digital que Deja Huella!
“Un Resumen Cargado de Emoción del Realms Deep 2023: ¡Revelaciones, Fechas de Lanzamiento, y Nuevos Títulos Abundan!” El Realms Deep 2023, el anual showcase digital organizado por 3D Realms y sus orgullosos colaboradores, concluyó su celebración anual el sábado 30 de septiembre de 2023. Fue una presentación repleta de emocionantes revelaciones, esperadas actualizaciones, primeros vistazos…
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hyunbunlix · 10 months
Renegade [hitman!Felix]
Characters: Felix, Jeongin, Hyunjin, older fem!OC, Bang Chan, Lee Know, Seungmin, Han (mentioned), Changbin (mentioned) Rating: A/O for Adults Only Content Warnings/Tags: preexisting polyamory with HyunIn, protective HyunIn, antagonist Felix, enemies to almost-lovers, violence, attempted murder, hostage situation/standoff, banter/verbal sparring, public blowjob, bisexual Felix, panic/anxiety attack Word Count: 10,146 Summary: When the rivalries of Felix versus Hyunjin and Lee Know versus Bang Chan intersect, Blackbox becomes a target. Felix can think of a few things he'd rather do than kill her, but orders are orders. Note: This is part of a larger John Wick AU, which can be found here.
“I need your help with something,” Chris said. Her brow furrowed, tapping her index finger against the phone at her ear in faint agitation. The last time Chris had required her help, she’d ended up prisoner to a rival kingpin.
            “Help with what?” she asked. Jeong In, who was sitting in the dining area putting his primary firearm back together after cleaning it, raised his head to look at the phone in her hand. In the last few months, a life or death experience had brought them back together, and now the infamous Gumiho was stuck to her ass (and various other body parts).
            Now, Jeong In got up and moved to sit next to her on the loveseat, resting his ear against the back of her phone so he could listen, too.
            “There’s a meeting I’m attending, and it has a lot to do with the last thing you helped me with. I’d like your perspective in real-time,” Chris said.
            The last thing you helped me with. So this had to do with Lee Know, or his assassin, the Smiler, or both.
            Jeong In put his hand on her leg and squeezed, making his opinion on it clear. She’d almost died doing Chris a favor last time. Jeong In didn’t want her to sacrifice for him again.
            “What do you need from me?” she asked, noncommittal.
            “All I need is for you to be present with your lived experience. This is more of an advisory role. Like I said, I need your perspective,” Chris said. It sounded innocuous. After all, Chris hadn’t purposely thrown her under the bus last time and had even personally floated Jeong In’s not-insignificant working fee to pull her out.
            “Can I bring I.N?” she asked.
            “As long as he remains unseen, I don’t care who you bring,” Chris said. Jeong In tapped her thigh twice with two fingers, and a small smile came to her lips.
            “Fair enough. I’ll do it,” she said.
            “Great. I’ll have the details dropped later,” he said.
            “Of course,” she answered. “Can never be too careful.”
           She hung up on Chris and promptly started a different call. This one she put on speaker. It rang twice, then picked up.
            “Hwang, are you busy?”
            Two gunshots, followed by the sound of wet meat thumping to the floor.
            “I’m never too busy for you,” Hyun Jin said, his voice going from gruff and annoyed to soft and sweet now that he knew who was calling. “What do you need?”
            “I don’t have all the details yet, but it has something to do with Lee Know. I want you for backup. All you have to do is watch from a distance and make sure I don’t get shot. If things go well, you won’t even need to fire.”
            Three more gunshots, and the sound of a physical altercation. Glass breaking. Hyun Jin’s growls of effort, one more gunshot.
            “Yeah, might be nice to have an easy afternoon for a change,” he said finally.
            “Is this a bad time?” she asked.
            “No! Talking to you is great for morale,” he said. She heard him reload and prime his handgun. “They make wireless earbuds a lot better than they used to.”
            She laughed. Even on their side of the underworld, people were wary about working with Hwang Hyun Jin for his unpredictable behavior. The beginning of their alliance had been similarly unhinged, but now she trusted him with both her life and identity.
            “Happy to help. If you die I’ll kill you,” she said. He huffed a laugh, then unloaded his magazine into someone. “Jesus Christ, Hwang, I think you got him.”
            “Oh, one question,” he asked. “Will I.N be there?”
            “Yes,” she answered. “Is that a problem?”
            “Not at all. I like him. You have good taste in men.”
            Jeong In snorted.
            “Oh my god is he there? Am I on speaker? Hi, Yennie!”
            “Jesus Christ,” Jeong In muttered, but there was a faint smile on his lips. “Hi, Hwang. Don’t die or I’ll dig you up and kill you, too.”
            Hyun Jin laughed.
            “Be safe, I’ll be in touch,” she said.
            “Bye, noona. Bye, I.N,” Hyun Jin said, and they hung up.
            “Well,” Jeong In said. “Backup is nice.”
            She sighed, her mind going back to the job at hand. “Yeah. Especially if it’s a trap.”
            “You think Bang Chan would set you up?” Jeong In asked, sounding doubtful.
            “No. But Lee Know would.”
“Lee Know just arrived,” said Hyun Jin’s voice in her earpiece. “He’s alone and I don’t trust it.”
            “Yeah, that’s . . . peculiar. Usually he’s got at least one guy,” she said, tapping the steering wheel of the parked rental car. She and Jeong In had flown from the States, where she presently felt safest, to Seoul for the meeting with Lee Know, at Chris’s behest. Jeong In shifted in the passenger seat.
            “Maybe he didn’t think he needed one. We’re meeting at the Continental, and neither you nor Chris has ever broken the rules,” Jeong In said. He also had an earpiece.
            “Has Lee Know ever broken them, as far as we know?” she asked. It was possible that he may have and just hadn’t gotten caught. The chances were slim but never zero.
            “Not that I know of, and it’s usually me or Han that goes with him. I think Han would have told me if anything happened. He loves to hear himself talk,” Hyun Jin said.
            “Then we have no choice but to take it at face value for now,” she said. She got out of the car, and Jeong In did the same. Ordinarily, she would have let Continental concierge take care of it, but she’d purposely parked in a garage blocks away so she could walk. She tossed the keys to Jeong In and headed down to the sidewalk. She removed her earpiece, turned it off, and put it away. She didn’t think Chris or Lee Know would have her frisked before the meeting, but she didn’t want to openly disrespect either of them.
            When she arrived at the bar, she saw Chris and Lee Know already there. Chris had just received his drink, and the pair were talking, looking cordial. She went to the bar and greeted both of them politely before ordering.
            “One Blue Hawaiian, please. Oh, and can I get one of those little umbrellas? Thank you.”
            “Baby stuff,” Lee Know said, looking her over. He was still unhappy, understandably, but he’d gotten a good amount of revenge on her by more than halving her contact list via Hwang. Of course, she’d also split Hwang’s loyalty in the deal, so Lee Know couldn’t be too happy about that, either.
            “What can I say?” she answered, shrugging. “I’m still recovering my constitution.”
            “Yeah,” he said, seeming a little absent. “Sorry about all that. Nasty business.”
            His tone conveyed that he was very much not sorry about it. Chris rolled his eyes. The bartender handed her an electric blue drink in a fun glass with a straw and a little yellow umbrella poking out the top. She accepted with a smile.
            “Shall we move this conversation elsewhere?” she asked.
            “Let’s,” Chris said. “I got a meeting room for us, so we won’t be disturbed.”
Felix watched, bored, from the corner of the bar area. He’d flown in the night before from Sydney to Seoul specifically to take Lee Know up on a hit, which meant he was officially off probation. He’d checked into the Seoul Continental the night before, so if anyone was on the lookout for Lee Know’s backup today, they wouldn’t see any.
            Even now, in the bar, nobody noticed him. Lee Know made a point of never glancing his way, lest he tip off his meeting partners.
            This job was personal for both of them, so it had to go right. Their target was the woman. Blackbox. She’d successfully infiltrated Lee Know’s ranks and even managed to compromise Hyun Jin. They hadn’t realized how deep the hooks were until the Gumiho showed up to free her. Hyun Jin had been in charge of the detention level that day, and he’d let the Gumiho walk in, paint the walls red, and walk out with a knowledgeable prisoner.
            If Felix had been on duty that day, it never would have happened. Hell, if he’d still been in the country it wouldn’t have happened. But thanks to her conspiring with Hyun Jin, Felix had instead been overseas undergoing disciplinary action.
            This job was Lee Know’s olive branch. Kill Blackbox. Get our revenge. Water under the bridge.
            Good thing Felix had the forethought to keep Hyun Jin’s tech bugged this entire time. Hyun Jin was great in the field, always had been, but he had a blind spot for trackers. Luckily for him, he was skilled enough to fight his way out of most traps, but this trap wasn’t for him.
            When Lee Know and his “guests” left the bar, Felix started tapping through his phone, checking for the most recent updates on Hyun Jin. The Gumiho—I.N, apparently—was also nearby. Felix might have been intimidated, having a couple of the most well-known hitmen in Korea within shooting distance, but they didn’t know he was here, and until he moved he wouldn’t even be a potential target. With his dark hair and petit stature, he probably wouldn’t be noticed until it was too late.
            Unless, of course, Hyun Jin expected Felix to be here . . .
            Lee Know had willingly bugged himself that morning, so Felix was able to follow the meeting as it progressed. He didn’t really care about the alliance talk. Finding out Bang Chan had set up the infiltration operation with Blackbox gave Felix pause, but it didn’t change his mind, and Lee Know didn’t give any indication that he wanted to switch targets. Besides, if everything Bang Chan said was accurate, then he hadn’t been privy to the shit with Hyun Jin. That left it to rest squarely on Blackbox.
            Felix had been in enough meetings with Lee Know to acquire a feeling for the cadence. As things began to wind down, Felix left the bar and went outside. He wasn’t stupid enough to murder someone on Continental grounds. As he walked, he kept close to groups of people and took routes between close buildings. Hyun Jin had never been much of a sniper, and while Felix was aware the Gumiho could do things that way, it wasn’t his usual M.O. If Felix made himself a tough enough shot, he wouldn’t have anything to worry about.
            He found the rental vehicle in a nearby parking garage, which he’d pinged earlier after triangulating the trio’s communication devices, and unlocked it with his phone. It was actually ridiculous, the number of exploitable backdoors there were in modern vehicles’ computer systems.
            Felix didn’t need to do anything after that except leave. If he was right, I.N would make it back to the car first, and upon finding it unlocked, he would know it had been tampered with. By who, with what, or why he wouldn’t know, but Felix trusted I.N to look it over thoroughly before letting Blackbox anywhere near it. That should waylay him long enough for Felix to finish the job. Of the three, I.N was the quantity most unknown to Felix, so it behooved him to get the Gumiho out of the way first.
            The elevator doors closed just as I.N made it up the stairs. Right on time. Felix adjusted the channel input to his earpiece so he could hear everything on Hyun Jin’s end, including I.N’s communications.
            “Someone’s been here,” the Gumiho said. “Don’t come back.”
            Felix had to move fast. He checked the locations on his phone and found Hyun Jin still set up near the Continental. Felix was counting on Blackbox to go straight to him.
            He left the parking garage and made his way to Hyun Jin’s location. As expected, Blackbox was also on her way, and she was closer to Hyun Jin than Felix was. Felix sped up. He saw her enter the building directly into an access stairwell. Felix jogged across the street and wound his way up the stairs after her.
            When he got close enough, he reached for her leg mid-step and pulled. His window was short; when she didn’t make it to her destination, Hyun Jin would come down looking. Potentially sooner than that if she was still actively bugged.
            She made a startled noise and grabbed the railing to keep from falling. She glanced back at him and immediately clocked him as a threat. She still recognized him. Good.
            Felix moved up the steps to get on her level, but she kicked him, landing a blow to his chest. He stumbled down a step, only to grab the railing and propel himself forward again as she swung an elbow at him, aiming for his face. He narrowly ducked under it and advanced, drawing the handgun off his belt. She grabbed his arm before he could get it into position. He seized her by the hair with one hand, yanking her back and pushing her body painfully against the railing with his, bowing her back, getting the gun up again.
            She twisted just enough to sink her teeth into his arm, hard. He snarled in pain as she broke skin, shaking her head like a rabid dog, heedless of her hair, until he dropped the gun. It clattered to the steps as her left hand came up with a short knife, going right for his neck. She nicked him, warm blood welling, but he’d leaned away just enough to avoid catastrophe. In retaliation, he kneed her in the stomach, buying himself a moment to grab the gun off the floor and hit her in the side of the head with the grip, dazing her enough for him to grab her hair again and fit the muzzle to her temple. His body once again sandwiched hers to the railing; he could feel her chest against his while she panted. They were both bleeding now.
            “Drop it,” he said in Korean. She was multilingual, so it really didn’t matter what language he used. The knife landed on the steps.
            “Long time, no see, Smiler,” she said in English. His features shifted into an annoyed approximation of the smile he was known for.
            “It’s about time we caught up, don’t you think?” he replied in English, too, his Australian accent coming in thick, as though mocking her American one.
            “Personally, I could have gone my entire life without seeing you again,” she said. He scoffed a short laugh.
            “Why? Because you knew it would come down to this? Because you knew I would want revenge for what you did to me?” he said.
            “I didn’t do shit,” she spat. “It’s not my fault what Lee Know considers discipline is actual torture. I would know.”
            “Too true. But you and Hwang set me up,” he said. She made a noncommittal expression.
            “Don’t blame me for someone else’s overreaction,” she said. He growled at her, tightening his fist in her hair. Despite standing on the same steps as her, he still had to tip his chin up a little to look her in the face. Never had he hated more the fact that she was taller than him.
            “You knew what he would do. You know how our world works. It’s a little late to be playing dumb. I know you’re more than a pretty face,” he said. She snorted.
            “You think I’m pretty?” she asked, obviously not caring one way or another.
            “Of course,” he said. “How else am I to assume you collect such deadly men? Can’t be your sparkling personality. Though I must admit, you never struck me as the type,” he went on. She quirked an eyebrow at him.
            “And what type is that?”
            “Femme fatale,” he said, the words feeling strange on his lips. She had the audacity to laugh.
            “That’s what you think?”
            “Are you going to tell me I’m wrong?”
            Her smile was lazy. “No.”
            “I should have figured,” he said, a sour taste in his mouth. “Have you fucked Bang Chan, too?”
            “Not recently,” she said. Felix made a disgruntled sound. “Oh, please. We use what we’ve got, babe. And fortunately for me, I’ve got arguably poor taste.”
            It was then that Felix felt the gun barrel at the back of his head. Where had he come from?
            Felix released Blackbox from his grasp, raising his hands in surrender. He took his finger off the trigger but didn’t drop the gun.
            “I had a feeling I’d have enough time.” The Gumiho, shifting the conversation back to Korean. “That’s why they call you the Smiler, right? Because you let your emotions run away with everything?”
            Free from Felix’s grasp, Blackbox took the stairs up to the landing while Felix slowly turned around to face I.N. He looked beyond pissed, his sharp fox eyes narrowed in a contemptuous glare, his jaw tight. No wonder he went by Gumiho. His earpiece was conspicuously absent, and that little detail let Felix know he’d been duped. I.N had left his electronics in the car, leaving Felix no way to accurately track his position.
            “Something like that,” Felix said. “Do it, then. You know I was fully prepared to kill her.”
            “Kit,” she warned.
            “I know,” I.N said. “You’re not trying to offend Lee Know any more than you already have. You poached Hwang, that’s bad enough. You should leave him something. But I’m not sure I care about that.”
            Felix’s eyes widened in rage. If they let him live, it was going to be out of pity? And not even pity for him—pity for Lee Know.
            “Well, well,” Hyun Jin said as he entered the stairwell from the top and wound his way down. “If it isn’t Lee Yong Bok.”
            Felix snapped his head to glare at him, his teeth bared. In one minute, they’d undermined his pride and revealed his identity.
            “Hwang Hyun Jin,” he snarled back. I.N snorted.
            “Not a secret,” he said. Felix was stunned. Hyun Jin had trusted them with his full name?
            “You’ve really replaced me completely, haven’t you?” Felix asked, willing any hurt or jealousy out of his voice.
            “You didn’t leave me a choice,” Hyun Jin said, taking his sweet time priming his handgun. He’d always been a dramatic bastard.
            Then he pressed the gun to Blackbox’s head. Her eyes went wide, her mouth slack. Felix felt as shocked as she looked.
            I.N moved immediately, twisting the firearm out of Felix’s grasp and yanking the arm behind his back, fitting the muzzle of his gun directly to Felix’s temple.
            “What the fuck, Hwang?” I.N shouted. Felix swung an elbow back into I.N’s torso, and I.N rewarded him by kicking one of Felix’s knees out while digging his fingers into the bloody gash on Felix’s arm. Felix cursed, losing his footing for a moment and causing the twist of his immobilized arm to become even more painful. The gun remained to his head.
           “Like I said,” Hyun Jin went on, trailing his hand along his newly taken prisoner’s neck, “you didn’t leave me a choice.” He then fixed his black gaze on the Gumiho. “Let Yong Bok go and I won’t kill your darling.”
            “Fuck you, Hwang,” I.N said, sounding genuinely gutted about it. What was with these three?
            “Let him go,” Hyun Jin reiterated.
            “Why the hell are you protecting me?” Felix shouted. Even if it was to his benefit, none of it made any sense. “I thought you hated me!”
            “What is it you like to say, Gumiho? ‘Hate is nothing more than rotted love’? Something like that, Lix,” Hyun Jin said.
            “Fuck you,” Felix snarled.
            A moment later, I.N let Felix go, knocking him down a couple of stairs in the process. With one smooth move, I.N snatched Felix’s handgun off the floor, leaving Felix no opportunity to grab it. Hyun Jin likewise let his captive go. She stared at Hyun Jin like she’d never seen him before.
            The instant she was out of arm’s reach, I.N took aim at Hyun Jin instead.
            “Yong Bok, get the fuck out of here before he changes his mind,” Hyun Jin said, hands up in surrender now.
            “Fuck you,” Felix said again. But with one free firearm that I.N could train on him at any moment, Felix cut his losses and left.
When Felix told Lee Know the story later, he omitted the part where he’d missed his chance because he’d been running his mouth. It was a problem he’d had his entire life, and part of the reason he’d come to be known as the Smiler. Like I.N had said, he had a habit of letting his emotions run away with him. And it was a habit, like smoking or drinking, something he hadn’t been able to kick no matter how hard he tried. For normal targets, it didn’t matter. But this was Hwang, the Gumiho, and Blackbox. Two hitmen at the top of their game and an info broker linchpin who always seemed to know everyone’s business. One couldn’t afford anything less than precision when dealing with them.
            “It’s just as well,” Lee Know said, surprising Felix so much he almost dropped his phone.
            “What?” he said, sure he’d heard incorrectly.
            “I was able to strike a truce with Bang. It might have soured a bit if you’d killed his friend,” Lee Know said. Felix’s ears were ringing. He couldn’t come up with a reply that was of any use, so he didn’t make one.
            “I’ll give you the details later. For the time being, do what you can to keep a low profile. Go back to Australia if you have to. When the time comes, I’ll call you back,” Lee Know went on.
            “When the time comes for what?”
            “We’re going after Chang Bin.”
“Lee Know and I have a plan, and you’re not going to like it.”
            Those had been Chris’s exact words ten days ago, and he had been absolutely right. She didn’t like it. Neither did Jeong In or Hyun Jin, and tensions were already brutally high between them since the stunt Hyun Jin pulled with the hostage situation. He insisted he’d been bluffing, but Jeong In made it clear he didn’t believe it and that if Hyun Jin gambled with her life again, it would be the last bet he ever lost.
            As a result, when Lee Know and Chris’s plan called for the three of them to split up, Jeong In was beyond unhappy. But that had been nothing compared to how furious he’d become when Chris explained why.
            Chris needed Jeong In on his side, and he was willing to invoke his annual contractually obligated favor to force his presence. Jeong In made him do it that way, too.
            Lee Know needed Hwang, his Fixer, to secure the ingress and egress, and Hyun Jin had enough attachment for Chang Bin to accept the terms.
            And Chris wanted her, Blackbox, the person who knew everyone’s business, to team up with the man who had a pocket database filled with her blind spots.
            For the duration of the mission, she would be paired with the Smiler. Felix, they’d told her to call him.
            Jeong In and Hyun Jin were already dressed in their field gear, blacked out from head to toe, watching her get ready. While they both technically occupied the same role in the underworld, just looking at them now showed how different their usual modus operandi were. Jeong In, in his dark suit, could be mistaken for a normal person until he drew his weapon. Hyun Jin, on the other hand, looked almost militant in his tactical gear.
            She shimmied her way into a slim black bodycon dress with an open back and cutouts around the hips. She and Felix, with their combined databanks—hers mental and his digital—would be playing lookout aboveground while posing as each other’s dates. If things went well, her role wouldn’t require any combat at all. Even so, she’d made sure to choose a dress stretchy enough for her to move in. She didn’t like the idea of entrusting her safety to a man who had tried to kill her only a couple of weeks earlier.
            “I can’t believe he’s making you do this,” Jeong In seethed. She glanced at his face in the mirror and knew he’d be taking his rage out on everyone who crossed his path that night.
            Hyun Jin, on the other hand, wore a completely blank expression even when he looked at her, which was unusual. He appeared entirely empty, housing no emotion, and it scared her a little. She believed he’d been bluffing that day, just enough edge to make Jeong In believe in the moment, but he was still acting strange.
            Clearly, whatever was between Hyun Jin and Felix wasn’t as far in the past as Hyun Jin had led them to believe.
            “The Smiler tried to kill you,” Jeong In went on, standing and moving toward her. She straightened her dress, then turned to face him. He rested his hands on her exposed hips, staring her in the face. She held his gaze, knowing his ire was not directed at her.
            “You’re sure you’re okay with this?” he asked. She nodded. He didn’t seem satisfied. “You know you can tell Chris to fuck off. You’re not indebted to him like I am. There are no consequences to you if you walk away.”
            “The feud between Chan and Lee Know was started in part because of what happened to Chang Bin,” she said. “Losing him tore them apart. If they’re able to get him back tonight, they’ll be on the way to mending things, which means less work for all of us going forward. If tonight goes wrong, everyone’s guard will be up, and the chance of this going right a second time is slim. I know things, people, that Felix doesn’t, and vice versa. If we have to do this together, then so be it.”
            It wasn’t the answer Jeong In wanted. She could feel it in the way his hands tightened against her skin before he let go. He turned his glare on Hyun Jin instead. Hyun Jin, who ignored him completely, looking only at her. Still, his eyes were startlingly empty.
            “Hyun Jin?” she said softly, unable to keep the tremor out of her voice. As apprehensive as she was about the prospect of working alongside Felix, she was more unsettled seeing Hyun Jin like that.
            He met her eyes, the hesitation in his gaze the only flicker of feeling from him.
            “You know him, Hwang,” Jeong In said, a hard edge to his voice, like he would rather talk to literally anyone else. “Isn’t there fucking anything she can use against him?”
            Hyun Jin stared into space for a moment, then got to his feet. He still didn’t look at Jeong In; his attention was only for her. He crossed the room slowly, like he feared she might spook, until he stood before her, too close to be polite. He hesitated a moment more, his tongue skimming between his teeth. Even now, with all the complications, he was heartbreakingly gorgeous.
            “He has a bad back,” Hyun Jin said finally. His right hand crept around her body, his touch alighting on her lower spine. He hadn’t put his gloves on yet; she shivered despite herself. Jeong In’s displeased gaze drilled into them. “If he tries to hurt you, hit him right here,” Hyun Jin said, softly tapping his index and middle fingers against one particular vertebra. “He’ll go down.”
            “Thank you,” she said, watching his eyes carefully. He scanned her every feature, then stepped away from her, though he looked like it was the last thing he wanted to do. To steady herself, she reached for Jeong In’s hand. He squeezed it.
            “Let’s go,” she said.
The hole Seo Chang Bin had been buried in was underneath a nightclub large enough to span half a city block. In addition to his usual torment, he also had to deal with the headache of terrible club mixes. The whole thing was a front, of course, and made for a great place no one would ever look for prisoners.
            Unless, of course, someone like Blackbox or the Smiler told you to look there. Once Lee Know and Bang Chan made their goal known, both informants were able to confirm the location. They wouldn’t both lie about something like this.
            But just because their information agreed didn’t mean they had to.
           When she met Felix by the door that night, she was taken aback by how good he looked. He, too, had decided to dress mostly in black: slacks, tie, vest, leather watch band. The only deviation was his button-up shirt, which was charcoal grey. His hair had been dyed blond since the last time she’d seen him, and it was the least put-together part about him, a shaggy halo around his head that he kept running his hand through.
            “You must be really confident nothing will go wrong tonight,” she said as she approached. His eyes locked on her, and she didn’t miss the way they flickered over the cutouts in her dress.
            “How do you figure?” he asked, accent strong.
            “It’s unprofessional to leave your hair in your face like that if you’re expecting a fight,” she said. The corner of his mouth tipped up the faintest bit as his eyes swept over her neck, exposed thanks to a French braid.
            He offered her his arm. “If everything goes according to plan, I won’t be fighting tonight.”
            It was as close to a truce as they were likely to get.
            “We’ll be upstairs, where we can see everything,” he said once they passed the bouncer. “I hear we’re not the only important people up there tonight.”
            “I just love being a diversion,” she said sarcastically. He cocked a brow at her.
            “Is that not what the dress is for?” he asked. She snorted.
            “Bit of a dry spell, Smiler?” she asked. He frowned at her. “I mean, you make it pretty obvious how badly you need to get laid. Are you feeling left out of the Killers Who Fuck Club?”
            He remained silent as they went up the stairs, his expression stormy. Blackbox wasn’t the kind of person who bullied others for no reason, but Felix had given her plenty. She’d needed three stitches in her head where he’d bashed her with his handgun. Thankfully they’d since been removed and she hadn’t lost very much hair because of it. His sleeves were all the way down, so she had no idea what state his arm was in. His neck looked fine, though.
            Not that she was looking at his neck.
            They found a booth with a good view of the lounge above and the dance floor below and ordered drinks. She tended to avoid the stuff that went down too hard while on the job, but even her fruity drink paled in comparison to Felix’s which was basically a blue slushy with vodka at the bottom.
            “What the hell is that?” she asked, mortified as he sucked down a long gulp of it and then shook off a brain freeze.
            “Shark Punch,” he said, fishing a gummy shark out of the drink using his straw and popping it in his mouth. She stared at his tongue, which was rapidly turning blue.
            “What are you, twelve?” she said before taking a sip of her Creamsicle.
            “Shut the fuck up,” he replied. Felix put his straw back to his lips and they surveyed the area below. It was hard to follow much of anything on the dance floor, but on the fringes and by the bar counters it was much easier to pick out individuals. She saw Lee Know for a split second and wondered what his part of the plan was. She and Felix hadn’t been entrusted with everything, given they were the first line of defense and if they were compromised, the less they knew, the better. She spotted a couple other characters of note, and quickly fired off messages to Chris, Jeong In, and Hyun Jin about them.
            “So far so good,” Felix said and leaned back against the booth to check his phone. “All good here, too. Looks like we got the easy job.”
            “Please,” she said, tapping a manicured fingernail on her glass. “If it was going to be easy, they wouldn’t have needed all hands on deck.”
            “Maybe not,” Felix said, “but two weeks ago nobody thought Hwang and I.N would be working together.” He cast her a sidelong look. “Nobody except you, that is.”
            She hummed noncommittally, sipping her drink and letting her eyes rove the other VIPs. She recognized a lot of faces, though it was doubtful many of them recognized her. She’d always been careful about preserving her anonymity, a trait she’d drilled into Jeong In when he’d first entered the underworld under her watch years ago.
            “How’d you get all that to work, anyway?” Felix asked. She turned a withering gaze on him.
            “Are you just really horny or what?” she asked him. He frowned, and she wondered if the slight pout in his lips was intentional. She found it hard to believe she’d actually hurt his feelings.
            “You keep bringing them up. Are you trying to figure out whether I’m actually fucking them both or what?” she asked.
            “I’m genuinely asking,” he said. “I don’t know I.N, but I know Hwang, and he’s not terribly trusting. How did you win him over?”
            “I made a sacrifice to his genius,” she said, half-joking. “He was the one who got really annoying about it after. He wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone. Told me his real name and everything.”
            “Damn,” he said, stirring the straw in the melting remainder of his slushy. “That’s rare information.”
            “Yeah,” she answered, trying not to think about the rare information Hyun Jin had given her about Felix. It was imperative she know it, yet she felt she hadn’t earned it. “Let me taste your drink,” she said to change the subject.
           “Sure,” he said, taking a long sip. She watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “Stick your tongue out.”
            “You can’t be serious,” she said, deadpan.
            “Just do it,” he said, a subtle whine in his voice. “Please?”
            She sighed and stuck her tongue all the way out. Exactly as she predicted, Felix lolled his blue tongue out and licked it thoroughly up the length of hers, the taste ridiculously sweet. He then went right back to sipping like nothing had happened.
            “I hope you didn’t just give me a disease,” she said, an attempt at ignoring the flutter in her lower abdomen. He snorted.
            “Anything you could have gotten from that you could have gotten from my straw,” he said. “Besides, according to you, I don’t fuck enough to have diseases.”
           “Please tell me you don’t actually have anything,” she said, a warning note in her voice.
            “I don’t,” he said. “I practice safe sex, don’t worry.”
            She sighed, her patience rapidly thinning. She took a big gulp of her drink, then went back to scanning the room.
            “Oh, shit,” she hissed, recognizing one of the last people on earth she wanted to see.
            “What?” Felix asked, instantly on alert though his posture remained relaxed. He really was a professional.
            “Red dress, 10 o’clock, at the bar counter,” she said, not wanting to look over there again. “Jessamine de Laire.”
            “You know her?” he asked, glancing.
            “Not personally. I know of her, and I ran into her once, with Hwang,” she said.
            “Do you think she’d recognize you from one meeting?” he asked.
            “Probably,” she ground out. “Hwang didn’t want her talking to him so I took matters into my own hands. It wasn’t a scene one would easily forget.”
            “What the hell did you do?” he asked next, swinging his gaze to look at her. She took another huge swallow from her drink, fighting the urge to cover her eyes with her hand.
            “I almost gave Hwang a public orgasm.”
            Felix gaped at her, blue tongue on display. “You what?”
            “Shut up,” she hissed.
            “Christ Jesus,” he said. “Wait, does she know what he is?”
            “Yep,” she said. “Apparently they were a thing for a while.”
            “Now that you mention it,” Felix said, looking thoughtful, “I’m pretty sure she was the impetus behind his ‘black widow’ phase. But does she know who you are?”
            “I don’t think so. Just that I’m connected to Hwang in some way. And that bitch’s dad is one of the guys benefiting from Seo Chang Bin’s expertise, so I really don’t want her to—”
            At that moment, Jessamine turned away from the bar, and Blackbox ducked under the table to avoid being seen.
            “Felix, I need you to let me suck your dick.”
            “I’m sorry, what?”
            “Listen, if she sees me with another man she’s going to think I’m either an escort or a cheating asshole and therefore nothing special to Hwang. It’s the best option to avoid tipping her off right now, please.”
Felix thought his brain was going to short-circuit. Blackbox collected dangerous men, but he never thought he’d be on that list even temporarily. Regardless, he couldn’t deny the way his imagination had run away with the thought of her and Hyun Jin in public, a thought that had gone straight to his cock.
            Now, as she looked up at him, her hands on his thighs, waiting for permission, his dick twitched up against his pants.
            “Yeah, fine,” he said. “I’m not the only bastard to ever get head in here.”
            Without another word, she unzipped his pants, and as she pulled his half-hard cock out and teased the tip with her tongue, she slid one of the table napkins across his lap to protect his modesty a little bit. Her multitasking was impressive; how many public sex acts had she performed?
            He groaned, his back hitting the booth as a throb went down his length. She was licking the underside of it now, coaxing him to full hardness, which didn’t take more than twenty seconds. She had been right—he was incredibly horny. He met eyes with Jessamine de Laire for an instant, who quickly noticed the situation under the table and smirked before looking away.
            Well, that was one way to do it.
            “I think she got the message,” Felix said.
            “Want me to stop?” she asked, pumping his shaft slowly while letting his tip dab against her tongue. He made the mistake of looking down at the display and groaned.
            “No,” he said, and then she took his cock all the way in her mouth. Felix let out a shaky breath, loving the way she continued to rub him with her tongue even with him so deep in her mouth she should have gagged. Then again, if she was used to Hyun Jin’s length . . .
            She went on like that, giving equal attention to his cock and balls, until finally, Felix couldn’t take it anymore. With the intention of avoiding a mess, he grabbed the back of her head and forced his cock all the way into her mouth as he climaxed with a deep moan, hot spurts of cum directly down her throat. As he came, her tongue stroked along the length of him, ensuring she didn’t leave any behind, though from his side it only served to make the high feel even higher. When he’d finished completely, she pulled off him, locking eyes with him while she swallowed.
            “Oh my god,” he groaned. She smirked at him, then tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped him back up. She climbed back onto the booth, leaning over to kiss his neck and nibble his ear. He shuddered.
            “If I find out you were lying about diseases, I’ll have you fucking killed,” she said in his ear, her voice disturbingly gleeful. “I like to fuck Hwang and the Gumiho raw, and if you ruin that for me you’ll wish you’d never been born.”
            “I swear to fucking god I wasn’t lying,” he said. It was going to take him forever to get the visual she’d planted out of his brain. She licked the soft spot just beneath his ear, and he swallowed another groan.
            “Then I guess you have nothing to worry about,” she said.
            “Yeah,” he said, draining the remainder of his drink and setting the glass back down a little too hard. “Guess not.”
“Do you want a refill?” she asked, washing the taste of Felix’s semen down with the remainder of her Creamsicle. “I want a refill.”
            “Yeah, sure,” he said, still looking dazed. She smiled sweetly and grabbed both glasses, heading up to the bar, very purposely ending up beside Jessamine de Laire. She took a seat on the stool, telling the bartender what had been in each glass and sitting primly to wait.
            Jessamine, predictably, put her current conversation on hold to turn in her direction. “Do I know you?” Jessamine asked.
            “I don’t think so,” she responded, drumming her nails on the countertop. “You look kind of familiar, though . . .”
            “Seoul Continental,” Jessamine reminded, tapping the side of her head with a stiletto nail. Blackbox hummed in thought, as though she had to sift through a lot of places and a lot of people.
            “Oh!” she said finally. “The pool! Hwang told me about you. You’re a de Laire, right?”
            “Not just a de Laire,” Jessamine snorted. “The de Laire. My father recently passed, may he rest in peace.”
            Her tone said that she really didn’t care whether he was at peace or not. Blackbox put on a polite show of sympathy. In reality, her mind was racing. She’d had no idea the de Laire patriarch was dead. Since when? It must have just happened for neither she nor Felix to have heard about it. Had it been natural, or was he killed? Was Jessamine responsible for it? Did she have any stake in Seo Chang Bin or any of the other captives, or was it just a rollover from old management that hadn’t been addressed yet?
            “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she said. “That must be really difficult for you. I know he was involved in a lot . . . Transportation sector, right?”
            Jessamine nodded, sighing. “Right. A lot of it is pretty boring, actually . . . But whatever. Who’s the twink?”
            “Who’s the—” Blackbox glanced where Jessamine had gestured, only to find she was talking about Felix. “Oh!” she said, nearly slapping her hand over her mouth in surprise. “One of my clients. I didn’t really think of him that way, but now that you mention it, I wonder if he asked me here tonight as a beard.”
            Jessamine elegantly shrugged one shoulder. “Just the vibe I got. A blowjob is a blowjob, though, I guess, regardless of the gender of the mouth,” she said. Then, running a finger along the rim of her glass, she asked, “Is Hwang still your client, too?”
            Blackbox shook her head. “No, that was a temporary arrangement. I think he was lonely or something,” she said. Jessamine frowned.
            “Hmm . . . I see,” she said, sounding almost hurt. Blackbox couldn’t say for sure, but she got the feeling Jessamine wanted Hyun Jin back. Like that would ever happen. Her best-case scenario would mean never seeing him again, assuming she wanted to live.
            Just then, the bartender brought the drinks over, and Blackbox grinned. “Thank you so much,” she said as she paid. “It was nice to meet you, Miss de Laire.”
            “Yeah, you, too,” Jessamine said, either not realizing or not caring that she hadn’t gotten the other woman’s name. That suited Blackbox just fine. She would have gotten a fake one, anyway.
            Blackbox slid back into the booth and placed Felix’s drink in front of him. “Here you go, you fucking twink,” she said.
            “Excuse me?” he asked, incredulous. She laughed way too hard about it, dropping her head back against the booth. How much vodka were they putting in these Creamsicles?
            “Matriarch de Laire seems to think you’re gay,” she said.
            “I’m bisexual thank you very fucking much,” Felix spat. Then she watched the wheels in his brain turn in real-time. “Did you just say matriarch?”
            “Mmhmm. Her dad’s dead. That’s why tonight feels so easy. She’s riding the coattails of his reputation. I doubt she has any idea how to run his holdings properly, and after tonight she’ll have lost a sizable chunk of it. I get the feeling the de Laires are about to get kicked out of a majority of their alliances,” she said. “Maybe I’ll tell Hwang and he can dome her on the way out. Really make the empire collapse.”
            “Jesus fuck,” Felix said, probably picturing the carnage. “You’re right, though. He’d probably feel better if he did.”
Felix got two messages very close together. The first was from Hyun Jin, a death toll (he liked keeping track of his personal bests and bragging about them) plus a tip on where not to exit from. The second was from Lee Know.
            CB is clear. Proceed with KO.
            “They’ve got him,” Blackbox said, checking her own phone before stashing it in her clutch again. “We can leave.”
            “We can’t make it suspicious, though,” he said.
            “It won’t be,” she said. And then she was kissing him, hard and deep, her tongue grazing his lips, which he automatically opened. He clamped a hand to the back of her neck, pulling her closer, making her kiss him harder. She had one hand on his thigh, the other in his hair, tugging him closer, too, and he shoved his tongue into her mouth, lecherous despite knowing it was all an act, an excuse for them to get a room and then leave.
            For one soft, unguarded instant, he wished it could be real.
            “Let me return the favor from earlier,” he panted when they finally broke apart.
            “Sure,” she said, and he dragged her away to one of the private rooms. All they had to do was kill between twenty minutes and an hour, and then they could walk out with no suspicion on them.
            Well. Felix could walk out, anyway.
            He kissed her again, pushing her back to the wall, trailing his mouth down her neck and collarbone, his hands on her bared hips. “What do you want?” he said against her skin. “My mouth? Fingers? Cock?”
            “Oh, please,” she taunted as he moved back up to nip her neck. “There’s no way you can get it up again that fast.”
            He growled under his breath, straddling her thigh and rubbing his growing erection against her.
            “Jesus Christ, Felix,” she said. “You really do need to get laid.”
            “I really do,” he agreed.
            As they moved to the bed, Felix took stock of what he had to work with. Standard fare for a temporary love suite—blankets, pillows, a couple lamps. He tipped her onto the bed, climbing over her, rutting against her thigh while she undid the buttons on his vest and then his shirt. He tried and failed to trap a moan behind his teeth when her hands met his skin.
            He didn’t want to kill her tonight. He was growing rapidly uncertain whether he wanted to kill her ever. Was that why he’d botched the first attempt? Had he wanted Hyun Jin and I.N to stop him?
            Felix wanted to be with her so badly, but the prospect of fucking her and killing her immediately after felt like a special kind of disgusting that not even he could manage. If he was going to do this, he had to find his resolve and do it now.
            In one smooth motion, he trapped her thighs with his legs, pinned her dominant right hand to the bed, and pressed a pillow over her face, hard. She thrashed under him, trying to buck him off, but to her credit she didn’t scream, knowing better than to waste her air.
            “I’m sorry,” Felix said, not cognizant of the words until they were already out.
            Felix hated smothering people. It could take anywhere from three to seven minutes for her to die, and he just had to hold her there and feel the fight drain out of her along with her life. They’d come in unarmed tonight and the only other thing he could possibly use was his belt, but he was too much of a coward to look her in the face as she died.
            He’d only barely hardened his determination to do this, to hold her here until it was over, when she brought her left fist down on his lower back. It honest to god felt like his spine had been struck by lightning. He made a strangled sound, his grip on her right wrist slipping. With her dominant right hand free, she struck him again, harder, right in the same spot, the chunky ring on her index finger angled just right to jam directly into his vertebra.
            Once, twice.
            Everything went black.
The pressure on the pillow went away, replaced by the whole of Felix’s dead weight over her body. She flung the pillow aside, gasping for air, then shoved Felix off her. He flopped like a rag doll onto the bed, unmoving.
            “Christ,” she hissed. It wasn’t as though she’d never killed people before, but this? “Fuck.”
            She checked his pulse. Alive. He had a bad back, and she’d hit him in the spine as hard as she could with a ring sporting two protruding silver horns. The sound he’d made hadn’t just been pain, but agony. Did he have nerve damage? Would he be paralyzed after this? What would Lee Know do when he found out it was her, that she’d compromised both Hwang and the Smiler in one way or another?
            She tugged her phone out, choosing a contact with shaking fingers. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d panicked this hard during an operation.
            “Hyun Jin,” she gasped when he answered. She never used his real name over the phone, but she wasn’t exactly thinking clearly.
            “What happened?” he asked, instantly on alert. She heard Lee Know’s voice in the background, and Hyun Jin telling him to fuck off.
            “I fucked up Felix,” she said, barely able to get the words out. Her mind was racing. She felt like she was going to throw up.
            “He attacked you?” Hyun Jin asked. Then, him yelling at Lee Know, “Did you do this?”
            “Hyun Jin please just leave it and help me,” she pleaded.
            “Yeah, sorry, I’m sorry. Where are you?”
            She gave him the room number.
            “I’ll be right there.”
            When Hyun Jin arrived, Felix hadn’t done anything other than breathe, and she was barely keeping her own breathing under control. She’d managed to get her hands to cooperate long enough to button his clothes back up, all the while unsure why it mattered to her.
            “I did what you said,” she cried when Hyun Jin entered the room. “I did what you said and he just folded.”
            “Yeah,” Hyun Jin said, pulling the glove off his right hand and moving in to take Felix’s pulse as she had. “That was the point.”
            “I thought it would stun him and buy me time to get away, not—” She waved her hand wildly at Felix’s immobile body. “How extensive was his fucking injury? Does he have nerve damage?”
            “Yeah,” Hyun Jin answered shortly. He tapped through his phone, found a contact, and typed a quick message. “He was shot in the spine a couple years ago. It’s a miracle he recovered.”
            “You should have warned me!” she said.
            “I couldn’t,” Hyun Jin said, straightening up as he put his phone away and his glove back on.
            “Why not?” she demanded.
            “If I had told you how bad it was going to be, you wouldn’t have hit him hard enough. You wouldn’t have done what you needed to do because you would have tried to avoid this,” Hyun Jin said.
            “And that’s a bad thing?” she asked, growing hysterical now.
            “No,” Hyun Jin said, stepping forward to take her face in his hands, the most affection she’d received from him since before the standoff in the stairwell. “No, it isn’t. But you’re not like me, and you’re not like Felix. You’re not even like Jeong In. You only kill when you have to. Not when you think you might have to, or when it would make things easier, or for fucking fun. You’re not like us. But mercy isn’t something you can afford when dealing with the Smiler.”
            “So you made me do things your way? That’s not fair, Hyun Jin,” she said, gripping his wrists. She didn’t know if she meant to throw him off or ensure he couldn’t let go of her.
            “I know it isn’t,” Hyun Jin said. “But Jeong In said that after the shit I pulled I had to choose, you or Felix, and if I chose wrong he’d never let me near you again. I’m ready to let go of Felix if it means you’ll be safe. And right now, you are. So please, just let it go.”
            She swallowed hard. Hyun Jin watched her closely, every heave of her chest, every flicker of her eyelashes. She only now registered the blood on his face, his neck, sticky where his gloves touched her skin.
            “What comes next, then?” she asked, slightly calmer. Somehow, Hyun Jin in his brutal element grounded her rather than scared her.
            “Someone’s on the way to get him. Someone familiar with his condition. Now let me get you out of here before Lee Know comes to finish the job himself,” Hyun Jin said, letting go of her. She likewise relinquished him.
            She spared one more glance for Felix’s still form.
            “Okay,” she said finally. Hyun Jin gestured for the door, then turned to go. Before following him, she slipped the ring off her left index finger and onto Felix’s right ring finger. She didn’t know why she did it. A fucked up calling card, she supposed. Then she hurried after Hyun Jin, her phone in her hand to call Jeong In for a rendezvous. She wouldn’t feel completely safe until she had him at her side.
When Felix awoke, his back and brain felt like they had been dunked in acid. Mercifully, he was lying on his front, which reduced the pain points. He groaned, bunching his hands into fists. With a grunt of effort, he bent first his right leg and then his left. He still had function. Good.
            “What the hell were you thinking?”
            “Hey, Seung Min,” Felix muttered. “Where am I?”
            “Seoul Continental. You’re lucky. It could have been a lot worse.”
            “Who called you?” Felix asked.
            “Hwang,” Seung Min answered. Felix frowned.
            “And who called him?”
            “How the hell should I know?” Seung Min said. “I wasn’t there.”
            Felix finally released his fists, flexing his hands until they almost hurt.
            “Can I move without damaging anything?” he asked.
            “You should be able to. Take it easy, though. It’s gonna hurt like hell.”
            He wasn’t kidding. Felix sat up and dangled his legs over the side of the table, shifting his head side to side to try to defog his thoughts. He noticed a pile of his things on a nearby table.
            “We had to cut you out of most of your clothes, unfortunately,” Seung Min said. “We didn’t want to risk moving and hurting you more until we knew how extensive it was. You’re lucky it was just blunt trauma. If you had been shot or stabbed there, you wouldn’t have come out of it nearly as well.”
            Felix gave a long, slow exhale. “What kind of recovery am I looking at?” he asked.
            “I would avoid working for at least a month, more if you can manage it,” Seung Min asked. “You remember how the original injury went. If you test it too much too soon you’ll only set yourself back. Be on the lookout for migraines, vertigo, and numbness. I can’t give you anything more than ibuprofen for the pain.”
            Felix clenched his jaw. Lee Know wasn’t going to be happy he’d failed the same hit twice.
            “Thanks,” he managed. He got up, a little unsteady on his feet, and went to gather his things, including replacement clothes. He hit the power button on his phone only to find it was nearly dead. “Can I charge this?” he asked.
            “Yeah, I’ll be right back,” Seung Min said. Instead of Seung Min returning with the charger, though, Hyun Jin stepped through the door and tossed it in Felix’s direction. Felix’s arm tingled as he caught it.
            “What the hell are you doing here?” Felix asked, plugging his phone in. “Shouldn’t you be stuck to Blackbox’s ass?”
            “The Gumiho has it covered. Be happy she had the forethought to call me first instead of him. He would have killed you for what you did,” Hyun Jin said. A muscle in his jaw feathered. “Even I thought about it. I’m still thinking about it, frankly.”
            “Why are you here?” Felix repeated.
            “Because she won’t talk to me anymore, so I figured I’d go to the source. What did you do, Yong Bok?” he demanded.
            “I tried to smother her,” he said. “I thought that was pretty obvious.”
            “Only?” Hyun Jin asked. His dark brown eyes might as well have been black.
           “Yes,” Felix said, intimidated by the ferocity. Hyun Jin’s gaze didn’t let up even a little.
            “If I find out you’re lying to me,” Hyun Jin snarled, “if I find out you tried to force yourself on her, I’ll kill you with my bare hands.”
            “I didn’t,” Felix said. “That part was consensual. I mean, it would have been. It didn’t get that far. I couldn’t. What’s left of my conscience wouldn’t let me.”
            Hyun Jin watched him carefully. His gaze went from deadly to wounded in the span of a few heartbeats. They had been close, once. Felix tried to push the memories away.
            “I don’t know what to do,” Hyun Jin said. Felix gave him a questioning look.
            “About what?” he asked.
            “You. Her. After your first attempt, I.N wouldn’t let me be alone with her. He doesn’t trust me anymore. Now, after what happened . . . They know I spared you. That I called in Seung Min. Nobody knows for sure who I’m loyal to anymore. They left Korea and I don’t know where they went and neither of them will fucking tell me.”
            Felix held his silence.
            “And then there’s you,” Hyun Jin said, his voice sharpening. “You’ve failed the same hit twice. The Smiler doesn’t fail, Yong Bok. What will Lee Know do with you when he finds out you can’t cut it anymore?”
            “I don’t know,” Felix said honestly.
            “How long are you benched for?”
            “At least a month.”
            “He’s not going to like that,” Hyun Jin observed.
            “You’re right,” Felix said. “He won’t.”
            “So what are we going to do?”
            “Who’s ‘we’?”
            “You and me,” Hyun Jin said. “I’m adrift because of what you did, and you’re adrift because of what I did. So what do we do?”
            Felix let those words sit for a moment, and then it all made sense. His migraine felt ten times worse.
            “You told her where to hit me,” Felix breathed. Hyun Jin nodded.
            “I had to,” he said, his voice quiet, sharp, remorseless. “You proved that.”
            Felix had no rebuttal.
            “I love her,” Hyun Jin continued. “I love her enough to share her with I.N. I love her enough to end you and scrub you from my memory if that’s what it takes. I need to be on her good side again. I need to be with her. So what are we going to do?”
            Felix swallowed hard.
            “We,” he said slowly, “aren’t going to do anything.”
            Hyun Jin's eyes narrowed.
            “I,” Felix went on, “am going to surrender.”
Hyun Jin left him to get dressed. Felix belted on his watch, then moved to sweep his rings into his pocket.
            Until he realized one of them wasn’t his. He picked it out of the pile, examining it closely. A thin rose gold band with a heart-shaped opal set beside three smaller diamonds.
            He put the rest of the rings into his pocket and shakily slid the borrowed one onto his finger.
33 notes · View notes
st-just · 2 years
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Kingpin Reloaded by Aaron Griffin
62 notes · View notes
masterspider5 · 9 months
2 notes · View notes
pm-memeteam · 3 months
Today marked a significant milestone for our project as we convened for our largest team meeting yet, conducted in person. With meticulous attention to detail, we methodically reviewed each shot, meticulously dissecting and discussing our work. Through collaborative efforts, we compiled a comprehensive list of feedback, addressing areas for improvement and refining our approach for the final push.
Moreover, we finalized the asset list, ensuring that all necessary elements are accounted for as we enter the concluding stages of the project. This collective effort underscores our commitment to excellence and sets the stage for a successful culmination of our endeavours.
We brainstormed some enhancements to enrich our project further. Firstly, we unanimously agreed to introduce drones into several shots. Our team member Nidhi had already prepared a model, which we eagerly integrated into our scenes. These drones will dynamically examine and fly past our duo, adding a dynamic and futuristic element to our visuals.
In addition, we explored ways to emphasize the theme of betrayal more effectively. In one of our shots (sh01), we envisioned incorporating a holographic screen featuring the Witch. As she extends an invitation into the mainframe, her voice glitches out, subtly hinting at her deceit and betrayal towards the duo. This clever narrative twist adds depth and suspense to the storyline, engaging our audience on a deeper level.
Our full notes were as follows:
Gameplay 1 (Hammad/Sai)
Character pushes button instead of taking gun out
FPS hud + FPS weapon from camera view
Environment Modelling/Texturing
Lift starting to move down
Lighting/Volumetrics. If possible, spinning maintenance light
Character Anim
Starting position inside structure
Can add buildings to the city, so we maybe see the top of one. If possible, blinking red light on top of it
Drone from nidhi, animating up and examining them
Holographic screen with witch + glitch effect
Pyramid. Decreased size. + Texturing
Buildings added.
Beam, electric effect from Nidhi
Sh02 same
smoke/volumetrics if needed. But hopefully everything from sh02 will work for sh03 automatically
drone flying past
Sh03 (Mainframe)
Sh04 Same
Witch modelling finish.
Witch texturing. (LED's? to make it look more like a life support machine)
Environment Modelling (More details).
Environment Texturing
Lighting/Volumetrics. Could have light coming from bellow, for dramatic/evil effect.
Changed to split view (top/bottom). Top = closeup of reload. Bottom = closeup of witch
Beam effect from previous shot added
same changes from sh02
smoke if necessary
camera change from perspective of dron
a few drones flying around
Gameplay end
Platform coming down while turrets power up, shine spotlights at them, getting ready to fire
As firing starts, characters run into cover. As they are running, cut's to gameplay
pillars could open up to reveal turrets (spiderman kingpin ref)
Intro gameplay room Model/Texture
Elevator model with cover
Screen (plane with witch texture)
Drone model (from Nidhi)
Beam effect (from Nidhi)
Pyramid texturing (lower priority)
Pyramid face texturing (lower priority)
Witch Model/Texture
Mainframe room Model/Texture
Character Pushing Button
sh01, characters subtle look at each other (reacting to the witch), take out weapons
Reloading animation (close up)
sh06 idle animation (lower priority)
Take cover anim/crouch
Music 1 (slow/tense/synth)
Music 2 (combat music)
Witch speaking
Turret 1 firing
Turret 2 firing
Reloading sounds (SMG + pistol)
Drone sound
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bilaldemirkr · 4 months
Batman severler için yeterli haber! Önümüzdeki ay piyasaya sürülecek yeni oyunlar muhakkak oldu
New Post has been published on https://bilaldemirkr.com.tr/batman-severler-icin-yeterli-haber-onumuzdeki-ay-piyasaya-surulecek-yeni-oyunlar-muhakkak-oldu/
Batman severler için yeterli haber! Önümüzdeki ay piyasaya sürülecek yeni oyunlar muhakkak oldu
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Oyun dünyası her ay yeni üretimlerle dolup taşıyor ve dev oyun şirketleri daha fazla kazanmak için büyük oyunlarla karşımıza çıkıyor. Bu da oyuncular için daima olarak artan bir seçenek sunuyor. Pekala Aralık 2023’te piyasaya sürülecek yeni oyunlar neler? İşte liste…
Yeni Oyunlar (Aralık 2023)
Önümüzdeki ay piyasaya sürülecek oyunlar listesine baktığımızda Batman: Arkham Trilogy‘nin Switch platformu için 1 Aralık‘ta çıkış yapacağını görüyoruz. Bununla birlikte Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader oyunu da PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S platformları için 7 Aralık tarihinde piyasaya sürülecek.
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İnşa etme üretimlerini sevenlerin kesinlikle göz atması gereken House Flipper 2 ise PC platformu için 14 Aralık tarihinde çıkış yapacak. Öte taraftan listede The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Anthology, Arizona Sunshine 2 ve The Day Before üzere üretimler da var. Listenin geri kalanına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Aralık 2023’te piyasaya sürülecek yeni oyunlar şu halde sıralandı;
Oyun Platformlar Tarih Batman: Arkham Trilogy Switch 1 Aralık Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Switch 1 Aralık SteamWorld Build PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, PC 1 Aralık The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Anthology PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC 1 Aralık Arms Race 2 PC 1 Aralık Disney Dreamlight Valley PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, PC 5 Aralık Kingpin Reloaded PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, PC 5 Aralık Arizona Sunshine 2 PSVR 2, PC VR, Quest 5 Aralık Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC 7 Aralık The Day Before PC 7 Aralık Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S 7 Aralık House Flipper 2 PC 14 Aralık Railbreak PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC 22 Aralık
Peki siz bu mevzu hakkında neler düşünüyorsunuz? Görüşlerinizi aşağıdaki Yorumlar kısmından bizimle paylaşmayı unutmayın.
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kostenlose-pc-spiele · 5 months
GRAVEN kostenloser download
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GRAVEN ist ein Action-Adventure aus der Ego-Perspektive. Die Produktion wurde als geistiger Nachfolger von Witches II konzipiert. Entwickelt wurde der Titel vom Studio Slipgate Ironworks, das unter anderem für Kingpin: Reloaded und Rad Rodgers bekannt ist.
Handlung des Spiels
Die Handlung spielt in einem düsteren Fantasy-Land. Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle eines Priesters, der zu Verbannung und Tod verurteilt wird, weil er einen Menschen getötet hat, obwohl er dies zur Verteidigung eines Unschuldigen getan hat. Doch während der Vollstreckung seiner Strafe geschieht etwas noch nie Dagewesenes. Anstatt zu sterben, erwacht der Protagonist in einem Boot, das durch einen geheimnisvollen Sumpf fährt. Der alte Mann, der das Boot steuert, übergibt ihm einen magischen Stab und ein Buch mit Zaubersprüchen, und im Kopf des Priesters ertönt die Stimme eines Gottes, der ihm befiehlt, die Seuche, die das umliegende Land verwüstet, zu neutralisieren und die verantwortlichen Kultisten zu töten.
GRAVEN wurde als geistiger Nachfolger von Hexen II konzipiert, aber die Autoren haben sich nicht darauf beschränkt, die Lösungen dieses Klassikers zu kopieren. Vielmehr wurden auch Lösungen und technische Verbesserungen aus späteren Shootern und immersiven Simulationsspielen übernommen. In GRAVEN wird das Geschehen aus der Perspektive des Protagonisten beobachtet. Der Spieler erkundet Levels, die teilweise offen gestaltet sind und viele alternative Wege und versteckte Geheimnisse bieten. Während des Spiels werden Gegner mit weißen Waffen bekämpft, Quests erfüllt, Gegenstände gesammelt und Rätsel gelöst.
Das Zaubersystem spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Spiel und ermöglicht es, eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Effekten zu aktivieren. Viele Zaubersprüche interagieren mit Objekten in der Umgebung und ermöglichen es uns, nicht nur Gegner zu besiegen, sondern auch Orte zu beeinflussen. Im Laufe des Spiels können wir mit dem Gold, das wir bei unseren Abenteuern finden, auch Rüstungs- und Waffenverbesserungen kaufen. Oft stoßen wir bei der Erkundung auf unzugängliche Orte, die wir später durch das Freischalten neuer Fähigkeiten oder Ausrüstungsgegenstände erreichen können.
GRAVEN bietet einen Einzelspielermodus und einen kooperativen Modus für zwei oder vier Spieler, sowohl über das Internet als auch über LAN.
Technische Aspekte
Das Spiel bietet eine ansprechende dreidimensionale Grafik im Retro-Stil. Als Vorbild dienten den Autoren Produktionen aus der zweiten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre, was unter anderem zu Texturen mit deutlich sichtbaren Pixeln führte. Gleichzeitig gehen der Maßstab der Karten, ihr Detailreichtum und die visuellen Effekte weit über das hinaus, was Ende des 20. GRAVEN kostenlos. Read the full article
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jeuxgratuits · 5 months
GRAVEN télécharger gratuitement
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GRAVEN est un jeu d'action et d'aventure à la première personne. La production a été conçue comme un successeur spirituel de Hexen II. Le titre a été développé par le studio Slipgate Ironworks, connu pour Kingpin : Reloaded et Rad Rodgers, entre autres.
L'intrigue du jeu
L'action se déroule dans une sombre contrée fantastique. Nous incarnons un prêtre condamné à l'exil et à la mort pour avoir ôté la vie à quelqu'un d'autre, bien qu'il l'ait fait pour défendre un innocent. Au cours de l'exécution de sa peine, un événement sans précédent se produit. Au lieu de mourir, le protagoniste se réveille dans un bateau qui navigue dans un mystérieux marécage. Le vieil homme qui le conduit lui remet un bâton magique et un livre de sorts, et dans la tête du prêtre retentit la voix d'un dieu qui lui ordonne de neutraliser la peste qui ravage les terres environnantes et d'éliminer les sectaires responsables.
Mécanismes du jeu
GRAVEN a été conçu comme un héritier spirituel de Hexen II, mais les auteurs ne se sont pas contentés de recréer les solutions de ce classique. Au contraire, ils ont également cherché des solutions et des améliorations technologiques dans les jeux de tir et les jeux de simulation immersifs ultérieurs. Dans GRAVEN, les événements sont observés du point de vue du protagoniste. Le joueur explore des niveaux dont la structure est partiellement ouverte, offrant de nombreux chemins alternatifs et des secrets cachés. Au cours du jeu, nous combattons des ennemis avec des armes blanches, accomplissons des quêtes, collectons des objets et résolvons des énigmes.
Développement du personnage
Le système de sorts joue un rôle important dans le jeu, vous permettant d'activer une riche sélection d'effets différents. De nombreux sorts interagissent avec les objets de l'environnement, ce qui nous permet non seulement de vaincre les ennemis, mais aussi d'influencer les lieux. Au fur et à mesure que nous progressons dans le jeu, nous achetons des améliorations d'armures et d'armes avec l'or que nous trouvons au cours de nos aventures. Au cours de l'exploration, nous tombons souvent sur des endroits inaccessibles, que nous pouvons atteindre plus tard en débloquant de nouvelles capacités ou de nouveaux équipements.
Modes de jeu
GRAVEN propose un mode solo et un mode coopératif pour deux ou quatre joueurs, sur Internet ou en réseau local.
Aspects techniques
Le jeu présente des graphismes tridimensionnels attrayants, développés dans un style rétro. Les auteurs se sont inspirés des productions de la seconde moitié des années 1990, ce qui se traduit notamment par des textures aux pixels bien visibles. En même temps, l'échelle des cartes, leur détail et les effets visuels dépassent largement ce qui était possible à la fin du 20e siècle. GRAVEN gratuit. Read the full article
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8bitdigi · 5 months
Review | Kingpin: Reloaded (PC)
Kingpin: Reloaded is less of a remaster and more of an insult to the legacy of a game that was ahead of its time.
Back on the Streets If you’re familiar with my reviews, you’re well aware of my passion for classic shooters. Growing up, games like Doom II and Quake filled my gaming hours. Due to limited funds and limited access to information, I missed out on experiencing some of the cult classics. One such title that eluded me was Kingpin: Life of Crime until the launch of Reloaded.  Kingpin: Life of…
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brutalgamer · 7 months
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The gritty world of Kingpin Reloaded is almost ready for crime-time
Quite a while in the works, Slipgate Ironworks’ remaster of 90s classic Kingpin is almost here, dropping on the PC next week.
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gamenewsnet · 6 months
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ICYMI: Game-News.co.uk Kingpin: Reloaded #KingpinReloaded #3DRealms #gamereview http://dlvr.it/T0CsQD
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entertainmehub · 6 months
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Kingpin: Reloaded #KingpinReloaded #3DRealms #gamereview http://dlvr.it/T04Pjs
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crazygamecommunity · 9 months
Kingpin: Reloaded in uscita su PC il 5 Dicembre
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Il remake migliorato dello sparatutto in prima persona Kingpin: Reloaded verrà lanciato su PC (Steam) il 5 Dicembre, hanno annunciato 3D Realms e Interplay Entertainment e lo sviluppatore Slipgate Ironworks. Read the full article
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worthplaying · 9 months
'Kingpin: Reloaded' Gets PC Release Date - Trailer
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