kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Star Wars Imagines So Far
Poe Dameron
-resistance turned first order fighter part 1 part 2
-Distracting Poe After Long Day
-Meeting Finn After He Saved Poe
-Poe sending you away with BB8 when he Gets Captured by First Order
-Making Work Fun
-Returning to Poe In Middle of Night
-X-Wing Down
-Mission First Love After
-First Flight
-Making Poe Squirm
-Stupidest Mission and Poe Couldn’t Be More Excited
-Poe’s Out Of Commission, So (YN) Takes Charge of The Mission Part 2  Part 3 Part 4
-Caught by BB-8 on Date Night
-Always Coming Back To You
-Poe Can Be Quite Forgetful
-Poe and BB-8 Taking Care Of You When You’re Sick
-After A Fight
-Let’s Flirt, Let’s Drink, Let’s Kiss
-BB-8′s Been Spending A Bit Too Much Time With You
-Being Taught To Fly Part 2 Part 3
-Poe Will Always Be There For The Kids
-Baby Dameron and X-Wings
-Spark of Hope
-Bringing Poe Back to the Resistance
-Rogue X-Wing
-Rescuing BB-8
-For the Love of a Droid
-A Hero To Us All Part 2
-Never Be Alone
- What Friends Are For
Kylo Ren
-Absolute Conflict
-After a Fight
-You Do Something Stupid, Kylo Gets Protective
Cassian Andor : Rogue One
-Deserving Love
-Right from Wrong
-Family Reunion - Rey/Luke/Reader
What You Love Most About Him
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angelbabycal · 6 years
i was tagged by @kissmekissme-ashton
Thank you!
TAG; 10 people who last reblogged from you
Height: 5′4 Orientation: straight   Relationship status: Single :/ Where I Live: Feasterville, Pennsylvania USA Time: 11:59 pm Followers: 365 Following: 1737 Favourite Season: Fall Favourite Fruit: pineapple and grapes Favourite Flower: lily Favourite Animals: all animals but mainly otters Favourite Instruments: cant play any but i love the bass Favourite Scent: vanilla or anything with a woodsy scent Favorite Colours: purple, black or army green 3 Favorite foods: anything pasta, anything sweet, breakfast foods Favourite Fictional Character: Jack Skellington Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate: coffee 100% Average Hours of Sleep: about 5 to 8 Dogs or Cats: i love both, but i have 2 cats Dream Trips: Europe, Australia #of blankets I sleep with: 1 heavy ass blanket Lipstick or Chapstick: both Song stuck in my head: Babylon by 5sos Last song I listened to: Talk fast by 5sos Last movie I watched: 5sos live in wembley Top 3 TV shows: shameless, 911, anything with criminals Books I’m currently reading: none at the moment  Last thing I googled:  halloween decorations
Im tagging- @lukes-sunglasses, @tequila-clifford, @bbylonxcal, @ifwallscouldmuke, @minneapolisletsfuckingdance, @itshinothey, @lukeyshug, @5secondsofapermanentvacation, @mrsallcrustacean, @casanovacal
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5sosninjas-official · 10 years
My two favorite bloggers are following me. My life is complete.
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Returning to Poe in the Middle of the Night
Word Count : 555
Another little drabble on Poe
Midnight had rolled by and you were finally making your way back to your bed.  A long mission kept you away a month longer than you had planned. You tried to send communications back to base, but you didn’t get any in return. You just wanted to know if Poe was alright, you hadn’t heard from him since before you left, you missed him like crazy.
Missed his brown eyes, his crazy curly hair, his smirk, his skin, his voice, his laugh, his everything. Every night you were away, you thought about him, wanting him, needing him, now you were finally going to get your chance.
You slowly tip toed into the room you shared with him. Poe was not graceful as he slept. The blankets were half way on the bed, half way off, he was sprawled out laying diagonal across the mattress. Your pillow was tucked safely in his arms. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight, it warmed your heart. Taking off your jumpsuit and grabbing one of Poe’s lazy day shirts, you crawled into bed, slightly shoving him back to his side and took your pillow.
When you took the pillow, Poe jumped up like a mad man, arms flying everywhere, nearly hitting you but he stopped himself just as he almost came into contact with your nose. You gave him a look. “Really?”
Realization dawned on him then. “You’re back!” He tackled you onto the bed, placing kisses all along your neck and arms before finally reaching your lips. “You’re back! What happened? Gone nearly two months, darling! So worried, you have no idea.”
“Oh I think I do.” You whisper, trying to return as many of his kisses as you could, he was giving so many it was hard for you to keep up. “Had an ambush, landed on an unknown planet, dealt with the locals there and had to wait as they patched the ships up. Took them a while, they mostly watched as we fixed them ourselves. So, locals of strange planet trying to fix X-Wings, very interesting. You should try it once.”
Poe laughed. “No thanks, I’ll deal with my own crazy happenings.”
For hours, sleep didn’t find you guys. You stayed up talking more about your mission, talking about what Poe did while you were gone, the missions he went on. How you had a long meeting with General Organa, giving her extreme details of what happened. Mostly, you guys talked about what you missed about the other.
His arms were holding you tight to his chest, you hand laid near his, your other in his hair. Oh how you missed his hair.
“You let your hair grow out, top of your head and facial hair. I like it.” You smirk and kiss at his stubble.
He moaned at your touch. “Knew you’d like it, had to do something to help welcome you back.”
You giggled and a yawn took over your body. “Maybe we should get some sleep, it’s nearly daylight and you know the General will want an early morning report.”
Poe nodded. “Yeah, sleep a little now, and then sleep after the meeting. Neither of us have anything else to do tomorrow, might as well make it a lazy day.”
You snuggled closer to him. “Yeah, we can make that work.”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Poe and BB-8 Take Care Of You When You’re Sick
Word Count : 842
Not Requested, saw it on a prompt list however.
Being sick was never a fun time, not just for you, for Poe as well. Whenever he wasn’t up in the sky, he was taking care of you, constantly asking around for what would help you. You tried not to be a bother to him, but, you were too sick to get up and do stuff yourself at the moment, you relied on Poe’s help. He was a busy man, barely taking any time to himself.
“Feeling any better?” He asked coming into the room, a thermos of soup with him. “Got your favorite.” In responses to him, you leaned over the bed and started hacking up another round of coughs. He flinched with every one, each one sounded painful and he was amazed your lungs didn’t come out with the coughs. “My poor baby.” He set the thermos next to your bed and held your head as it seemed you couldn’t do it right now. “I don’t know what you got, but you’ve got it bad. I’ve tried asking around and everyone says that the soup you like should do the trick. Think you can keep it down?”
You tried nodding but could only imagine a slight thumb’s up.
Poe sighed. “I���ll help.”
“Sorry.” You croaked out, your voice so hoarse you didn’t really have a voice, Poe was actually having to read your lips to figure out what you said. “Thanks.” You tried speaking again and Poe shook his head.
“No, don’t speak, save your voice darling. I’m here to take care of you. Poe’s got you.” A beep sounded as BB-8 woke up from his charging station. “And so is BB-8.” Poe sat behind you on the bed, propped you up against him and gave you the thermos, the warmth made you moan slightly, it was the first thing that made your body feel good in days. “Drink.” He instructed and held your hands around it, due to yours shaking as hard as they were.
With some help from both Poe and BB-8, you were able to down the thermos, the warm soup filling you up, soothing your throat as it went down, it made you feel the best you’d felt. A dreamlike smile crept onto your face, Poe played with your hair.
“There you go, like seeing you smile. Let’s get you changed into nice freshly laundered pajamas and get you to another nap.” He glanced at BB-8. “Wanna help?” BB-8 beeped his enthusiasm as he helped gather fresh clothes for you. Poe slowly stripped you of your old ones, patting you down with a cool cloth as he did and BB-8 placed new clothes on you.
When you were fully redressed again, Poe slid you under the covers, propping you up against a mountain of pillows. “Alright, beauty, get your rest. I’ve got a quick observation route to go on, and I’ll be back to take care of you again.” He reached his hand out to you and you took it, bringing it to your lips and placing a shaky kiss upon it. “You’re welcome.” He kissed your forehead. “BB-8, stay with her, I’ll borrow a droid for this run, okay?” BB-8 beeped his concern and Poe laughed. “No droid will ever replace you, I just don’t trust any other droid to take care of (YN), only you.”
You wanted to laugh at their interaction, but didn’t have the energy, you just watched as Poe gathered his piloting stuff and left, leaving you with BB-8, who hauled himself onto the bed next to you and snuggled as best he could with him being a droid and you, a human, but he made it work and you were grateful.
BB-8 beeped some of his favorite tunes, you didn’t really hear him though, even though it was soothing. You closed your eyes and drifted off to a sleep finally free of those reckless coughs. That soup was magic, you hoped Poe brought you some more when he came back.
A few hours later, Poe returned, bypassing the General’s command center and going to your room. The lights were still off and BB-8 was still beeping his tunes. Poe grinned at the sight and when BB-8 finally noticed him, he stuck out a metallic arm in a silence motion then nudged at you, Poe nodded. “We’re a good team buddy, thanks for taking care of her. I’ll take over from here.” He made to help BB-8 off of the bed when you grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“Leave him, there’s plenty of room.”
Looking over your body, Poe nodded, there was plenty of room on the bed for the three of you. So there you were, getting over a terrible sickness, a thermos of soup that your husband was so amazing to get for you in case you got hungry again, your husband curled up against your sick body, still loving you and an orange and white droid who was very content letting you wrap your arm around him.
Such a cute little family, two humans and their faithful droid.
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
After a Fight - Poe Dameron
Word Count : 825
Not Requested but send your requests in
Poe drabble, what else could it be
Another fight meant another night sleeping alone. You were in your bunker while Poe was god knows where. The fight wasn’t supposed to get that bad, or even happen. You were just telling him how worried you were when he went out on flights and wished he wouldn’t take so many risks. Apparently that was the wrong thing to say and after an hour, both of your faces red, tears falling, you walked away from Poe and went back to the room you two normally shared together.
The bed was huge and cold without him. Your knees were to your chest, Poe’s pillow the only thing keeping your chin from hitting your knees. The pillow smelled just like him, it made you cry even more, though, you’d been crying so long and hard this night, you didn’t think you could let another tear fall.
The room, normally warm and inviting, was now chilly and depressing. Even BB-8 wasn’t in the room with you, he was most likely with Poe, but whenever you two fought, BB-8 would leave the base until he knew you guys were okay with each other again, he hated conflict worse than you two.
It was dark outside now, the stars out in full bloom. You heard an X-Wing take off, couldn’t tell the color so you didn’t know if that was Poe or not, maybe it was, maybe he needed to leave the base as well, clear his head, be more reckless, risk his life again, you could never tell what he was going to do.
Sighing, you put his pillow back to his side and walked over to the window that overlooked the lake. When you guys had first moved in to this room together, you couldn’t believe the view, many nights you two would spend in front of it, just looking out, telling stories, laughing. Memories of happier times crept back, you wanted to send them away, but when they made you feel happy again, you couldn’t send them away, you needed them now.
Time passed as you stared at the window, so long you didn’t even know or even care. However, when the door opened, startling you, you shrieked but stopped midway when you realized that Poe had entered the room again. His eyes were puffy, he hadn’t been drinking, but he’d been crying, something he hated for people to see. His hair was a mess most likely from him running his hands through it over and over in frustration, sadness, a combination of both, he looked a true mess, you couldn’t help but feel sad as you looked at him.
He sauntered over to the bed, took off his boots and patted the spot next to him, it took you a moment but you finally ambled over to him, sitting down and putting your head on his shoulder, his arm instantly wrapped around you. A kiss to your temple was the first interaction.
“You okay?” The words came out in a whisper.
Poe sighed. “No, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. That fight never should have happened, you’re just looking out for me. I’m just being a nerf herder, (YN), a stupid one at that. Still trying to figure out how that works, you know, other people worrying about you. So used to having to worry about myself, strange to have others do it.”
“Others have been doing it, you just choose to ignore it.”
“I know.” He held you tightly as he moved you two into a laying position on the bed, your leg now intertwined with his, his hand in your hair, you loved it when he did that, it was always the perfect massage. “I’m sorry. I still don’t know why you’d want to be with me, but for some reason you stay and continue to stay and support me and you were right, I go out there acting like an idiot, thinking I’m better than I am.”
“General Leia has said that a couple times.” You say with a little laugh that Poe joins in on.
“Yeah, Finn and Rey, they said it too.”
“Doesn’t surprise me.”
“Never does.”
For the next few moments, the two of you just lied there in silence, letting the sounds of the night trickle into your ears.
“Did I tell you I’m sorry.”
“Like three times, you’re forgiven.”
“Did I tell you I love you?”
“Not today.”
Poe tilted your chin up so that you were looking into his brown eyes, you noticed that his face had relaxed and this was the Poe you’d fallen in love with. “I love you more than you know, so much and…” He trailed off looking around and you sighed, knowing where he was going with this, but smiling all the same because it showed just how much he cared for others, when he wanted to, and you also knew that he did love you. “(YN), where’s my droid?”
Was kissmekissme-clifford
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Caught By BB-8
Word Count : 959
Not requested Poe drabble
Plot:While trying to enjoy date night, Poe wanted to be adventerous, however he forgot about what time it was and also forgot about an orange and white droid
“I’ll never get tired of nights like these.” You say into the night, lying on Poe’s chest, looking at the night sky. “Especially when I can spend them with you.”
Poe chuckled. “Getting a bit cheesy on me, aren’t you? You must be tired.” His fingers were playing with your hair absentmindedly.
Every once in a while, you guys needed a break from the war, even if it was to just go out and watch the stars. At first you thought Poe would hate going on little dates like this, a night looking at the stars, especially with his job. You thought that he’d get sick and tired of them after having looked at them whenever he’s out on a mission, but you were wrong. Poe was just happy to be spending time with you, the way you were fascinated by the stars, made Poe excited about them as well.
“Oh, shut it, I’ve missed these.”
Poe’d been on so many missions lately that you couldn’t get a night out like this, this was a treat.
“You are right though.” He said a few minutes later, “These nights are perfect.” He glanced down at you, his fingers slightly massaging your scalp. “Maybe one of these nights I’ll take you out on the X-Wing and we can go through the stars, really amaze your eyes.” You leaned up on your elbow, looking at him. His brown eyes were in a dreamlike state, dreaming of this perfect date for you. His curly hair fell slightly onto his forehead, you gently tucked the curls to the side, he snapped out of his little haze and grinned at you. “What?”
You shake your head, matching his smirk before leaning down to give him a gentle kiss. “You’re perfect. That date sounds perfect.”
Poe sat up as you said that, nearly knocking you over but his instincts were good, and his arm helped keep you steady. Out of nowhere, he stood, helping you up and started running towards the hangar and his X-Wing.
“Poe? Where are we going? Poe!” you squeal, trying not to laugh loud and get people’s attention. It was late at night and if you got caught, there’d be so much taunting, it was just better to play it safe and stay hidden. “Poe!”
The two of you had reached his X-Wing and he looked up at it and then you, that smirk still on his face, his curls had fallen back onto his forehead and you sighed, they were never going to stay where you put them. “Ready?”
“For?” you countered, and he shook his head, running for a ladder to climb into the X-Wing with.
“The date.” He said it so simply you didn’t know what you could say back.
“Yes, we’re on a date right now and it was going smoothly. We only talked about going out on an X-Wing, haven’t made any official plans yet.”
He started climbing and motioned for you to follow him, glancing around for any signs of disruption you followed him, he wasn’t going to stop bugging you until you climbed up anyways.
Once inside, Poe helped you climb over and onto his lap. It was an incredibly tight amount of space, but you were close to Poe and you were okay with that. “Where are we going, Poe? We can’t leave the hangar now, we’ll be heard and get into trouble. The General’s not exactly happy with you right now as it is, do you really want to press it?”
He gave you a look that told you that he didn’t care. “What’s life without whim, (YN), I’ve worked like crazy, redeemed myself, she can’t be mad at me for having a night out with my wife.”
The one thing you loved about Poe the most was his persistence, all he ever wanted was for a fun and eventful life, he hated boring. Since you came into his life and he decided he wanted to be with you forever, you’d joined him on that as much as you could but you still hated getting in trouble, especially with the General.
Only this time, it wasn’t the General you were going to have to worry about. You looked over the side of the X-Wing as Poe started it up and lightly tapped his shoulder. “What?” You continued to tap and pointed to the floor of the X-Wing.
Beeps welcomed his gaze and Poe couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw BB-8. For a droid, he really made sure to show, well tell you guys, exactly how he felt. His beeps were quick and he didn’t seem to be stopping.
You giggled as Poe turned the X-Wing back off. “You just got told off by a droid.”
Poe shook his head and kissed the top of yours. “Correction, WE, just got told off by a droid. We’re coming BB-8! Maybe another day, (YN), I just want to take you to the stars, quite literally.”
The both of you climbed down from the X-Wing to a very annoyed looking BB-8. He looked quite like a parent waiting for their child to come home after curfew. “Sorry, BB-8, we’ll follow you back and go to bed.”
Poe wrapped his arms around you. “A droid telling us what to do.”
“We did leave him out of this date night and by the way, Poe.”
“You take me to the stars every day of my life. You’re the star in my life.”
He couldn’t help himself, he laughed so loud that not only did BB-8 beep repeatedly telling him to be quiet cause it was late at night, he had you punching his shoulder. “Oh, (YN), you can never not be cheesy on date night can you?”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Let’s Flirt, Let’s Drink, Let’s Kiss - Poe Dameron
Word Count : 1462
Requested : Yes, 
Anonymous said:Can you do a Poe dameron x reader where the reader and Poe constantly flirt and argue but jokingly, until they get drunk and accidentally kiss
Enjoy! Keep sending those requests in!
A typical day repairing X-Wings, almost. There was one X-Wing that came in that you didn’t even know how it got back to base, let alone how the pilot came back in one piece, as soon as you saw it, you knew who it belonged to.
Commander Poe Dameron.
Poe was always reckless out there, he was smart and quick, but could get very cocky and throw himself into situations where he’ll come out the worse for the wear. Whatever he did to make his X-Wing look like this was beyond your wildest imagination.
“Only an idiot would trash his X-Wing like this.” You say to yourself as you step onto a ladder to reach the bottom of the controls, making sure that you would be able to fix them, it didn’t look pretty. “Absolutely stupid!” you snarl and hear laughter, you turn, barely avoiding being hit by a stray wire that kept sending out little sparks.
Poe Dameron stood in his piloting suit, staring up at his X-Wing. “Talking about me are you?”
You take a few steps down from the ladder and look at him, pointing up to the X-Wing. “You know with all the damage that you cause to this poor thing, I’m surprised the General lets you keep it. This is the best ship we have, and for some reason it always comes back looking worse than you.”
“That’s a good thing.”
You went back to your repairs as Poe takes a seat near your tool box. “Depends on who you ask, wouldn’t mind you coming back needing to be patched up and in surgery for hours.”
“Ouch, burn.” He laughed through a mouthful of food, throwing a couple pieces at you while he was at it. “That has happened, before you got here.”
“Damn.” You replaced a wire. “I missed all the good things. I knew I should’ve came on an earlier cruiser.”
“Want to see me in pain that bad, or just see me look like a hero, all bandaged up, all rugged…” He trailed off before his eyes lit up, jumping off the crate and running so that he was face to face with you through the ladder rings. “You want to take care of me? See me all hurt like that, make me look sexier ,huh?”
You flicked his forehead with your hand that wasn’t occupied by wires. “Nice try, Dameron, not going to get me like that.”
“Oh damn.” He laughed and went back to his crate while you finished patching up his X-Wing. “Maybe one of these times I’ll help you fix it.”
“Don’t need help from the one who breaks it, that’d be counterproductive don’t you think?” Wringing your hands clean and dry with a rag, you finished with your repairs. “It’s good as new right now, the wires were the last I had to fix, not sure how, but they were all replaceable and your X-Wing will fly another day.”
Poe clapped his hands then clapped you on the back. “Thank you, what would I do without the savior of the X-Wings?” He kissed your cheek and pulled back, looking up at his X-Wing with pride and joy, you, meanwhile felt the warmth of the kiss on your cheek, it burned your cheeks red. You had to put that aside though, you and Poe may flirt once in a while and playfully bicker, but, a romance with him was the last thing this Resistance needed.
“Don’t know about you, but I’m feeling like I need a drink.” You say and leave the hangar, heading to the bar that was close to your room. You’d felt like you needed a drink before you fixed his X-Wing but after that kiss on the cheek, something he’s never done before, and didn’t even look shocked that he did, it made you feel weird. You couldn’t look at him now without your mind wandering off to some far off galaxy where you loved Poe, you two were together, little kids running around. You shook your head fiercely, stumbling a bit, earning a worried glance from Poe, but kept walking to get a drink.
To Poe, it looked like you already had a drink or two but knew you hadn’t, so he just watched you carefully, lovingly, caringly. Then as if he had not just seen you do it, shook his own head, making his hair fall into his eyes, stumble, regather himself and join you at the bar.
The two of you grabbed a booth, ordered your normal, waited for your drinks to come, all the while, sitting in silence. It was a comfortable silence though. Once the waiter had put down your drinks, Poe cleared his throat, lifting his up high. “To the greatest mechanic on base! Fixing up my X-Wings after I nearly demolish them!”
You laugh and lift yours as well. “And to the greatest pilot in the Resistance, thank you for making sure I still have a job!”
A clink of your glasses started the first of many rounds for you two. Even the waiter lost track of how many times he’d replaced your drinks. The two of you were laughing so loud at everything, whether it be actually funny, or just looking at each other through your blurry eyes. Either way, it was a time the both of you needed more than you knew.
Through your blurry eyes and slurred speech you saw Poe and oh man did he look good, maybe even the best you’d ever seen him. “You. Are. Cute.” You mumble through hiccups, finishing with a giggle. “You. Cute. You know?”
He laughed at your words. “You. Too. Lips, they’re bootiful.” Yeah Poe couldn’t speak when drunk, his eyes somehow were able to focus on you slightly, looking at your lips, nodding. “Yeah, lips look good.”
You leaned across the table, your stomach lying on it completely, you looked like a bird that was trying to fly and not a graceful one either. “Then do something…” you gulped down whatever was in your mouth, looking at him again. “…About it.”
So he did. You did most of the work, leaning towards him that all Poe had to do was lift his face slightly, pressing his lips gently on yours.
That kiss almost sobered you both up, almost. The kiss lasted a couple minutes, breaths in between along with some hiccups, but it was a true kiss, slow and passionate. When you pulled apart, still fuzzed up, you smirked at him. “My room?”
He nodded and with some help from the other patrons in the bar, you two were able to get to your room in one piece. Once inside, you tried to make it to the bed, but you each took a step, fell onto the floor and passed out for the night.
When the morning came, you were both still on the floor, you were curled into Poe’s side, head in his neck, his arm around you. Your eyes opened slowly, a headache pounding, you saw him. Then moments from the night before came back slightly. “We kissed.” You breathed out, removing yourself from Poe who woke at your movements, blinking life back into reality. “Poe, we kissed last night.”
“We did?” his voice came out hoarse, clearly he had a headache too. He stood up, probably too fast, and fell back down, you put a hand on his chest when he gave up on standing back up.
“Yeah, my lipstick is not only on your lips but it’s on the rim of your shirt, collar and by your pants. What did we do?”
Poe smiled slightly. “Well we’re both still dressed, clearly nothing too stupid. But I don’t regret the kiss, I kind of remember it, but I dreamed about kissing you for so long, last night’s kiss just blended in on my dream kisses.”
Your eyes lit up at that. “You dreamed about kissing me?”
“Everyday, why do you think I come and bug the living hell out of you when you fix my X-Wing. I like spending time with you, I like you, think I love you but probably way too soon to say that and clearly, I am still drunk because I cannot shut up right now.” The world still spun around Poe for a few hours.
You leaned down gently back on the floor and resumed the position you were in when you woke up. “Well, let’s sleep it off for a few more hours, we’ll talk more when we don’t to throw up when we stand.”
“Yeah.” He breathed, already nearly out cold. “Let’s do that.”
And with that, your eyes closed as well. It was time to sleep off that hangover, and dream about a life with Poe.
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Making Poe Squirm When He Needs To Give a Report
Tumblr media
Word Count :660
“Where’s (YN)?” Poe asked getting back and meeting his friend Finn on the landing pad.
“She’s waiting for you somewhere behind me, I won the bet so I got to say welcome back first.” Finn joked.
Poe glanced over Finn’s shoulder with a huge smile on his face as he saw you with your arms crossed, a pouty expression on his face, glaring at Finn. “She doesn’t look happy, I should talk to her. But first.” He punched him softly on the shoulder. “You took care of her, thank you.”
Finn pushed Poe towards you. “That’s what friends do Poe. Great to have you back again.”
Poe reached you and you wrapped your arms tightly around his waist. “Thank heavens your back. Finn’s a nice guy and all but he makes bets all the time and I never win them and, oh just don’t leave again.” You kissed his cheek. “You were also gone longer then you said you would be.”
He took a step back and moved a strand of your hair behind your ear. “First, about the Finn thing, I needed him to look after you, I trust him, and you’re still in one piece so I consider that a success. As for the being gone longer than I said, well we hit a few bumps in the road and got stuck over on Jakku. Communications were out about a week, made contact again as soon as I could.”
You nod and begin the walk back to your shared quarters. “I know, I just missed you. So, how was your mission, besides getting stuck on Jakku? Did you miss me?”
“Besides that, everything ran smoothly and the General will absolutely be thrilled with the information we received about the First Order.” You arrived back at your quarters and he let his stuff down just by the door. “And as for missing you, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, the warmth from his body instantly filling you with an absolute sense of comfort and safety once again. “I missed you more than you know. Thought about you every night, dreamt about holding you in my arms, when I was going to see you again and what I wanted to do with you when I returned.”
You smirked up at him, swaying back and forth on your feet. “What did you want to do with me, Poe, is it something that is going to prevent you from leaving this room and giving your report to the General on time?”
He groaned as he kissed you with the passion you’d been missing for the past few weeks, it felt good to taste him again. He truly was back home with you.
He eyed the door and then looked back down at you. “As soon as I’m done giving her my report, you are going to be busy for the next few hours so get plenty of rest. We’re gonna have a long night.”
You removed his hands and pushed him towards the door. “Aren’t you going to want to get some rest? You’ve been gone for a while, we can always wait until tomorrow night you know.”
His brown eyes darkened to a level which sent tingles along your entire body. “Tonight. That’s a promise. I’ll get my rest when I wish to get it.”
Sitting down on the bed you removed your shirt, revealing a sexy lacy bra, Poe froze once again, his hand on the door handle as he stared you up and down, desire and lust filling his features. You smirked, glad you still had this effect on him. Then you removed your pants and you saw Poe out of the corner of your eye, fidget on his feet, squirming around. His eyes got impossibly darker.
“(YN). He said warningly.
You gave him your best pouty yet sexy eyes. “Better hurry with your report, Commander, I don’t want to wait forever.”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Distracting Poe from Work After A Long Day - Poe Dameron
Short and Sweet Poe drabble
Word Count : 443
If you have any requests, please send them in!
Poe sat on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. It had been an excruciating long day, a failed mission. They got ambushed and had to retreat under Leia’s command, he couldn’t risk disobeying her again. He felt like he’d failed the Resistance.
You hated seeing him like this, it destroyed you. You had to do something to take his mind off of it. You crawled up behind him on the bed and wrapped your arms around his chest, resting your head between his shoulder blades, placing soft kisses.
“What are you doing?” He asked softly and you smirked into the kisses.
“Distracting you, I know today was rough, but you can’t let it eat at you all day. Come on.” You say and get off the bed, reaching for his hands. He gave you a weird look but knowing you, he didn’t dare challenge your decision either. “Let’s go.”
Poe said nothing as you lead him away from the base, towards the lake nearby. It was growing dark outside, perfect weather for the distraction you had in mind.
Reaching the bank of the lake, you checked to make sure it was just you and Poe out there. Once you clarified you two were alone, you began to take off your clothes. Poe watched as you undressed, taking you in, his eyes gleaming with love, passion and lust. Once naked you walked into the water and turned back to see Poe still standing there.
“You coming in?” He took a step and you put a hand up. “Clothes off, Poe. It’s only fair.”
His mouth twitched up into the sexiest grin you’d ever seen him wear. He slowly stripped off his clothes for you, checking your reaction with every article of clothing dropped to the ground. Just as he did with you, you couldn’t help but stare admiringly as he revealed more and more of himself to you. His bronzed skin contrasted with the moonlight and if possible, you felt more in love with him then ever before.
He waded into the water and reached you, wrapping his arms around you. “You’re amazing, you know that.”
You kissed his chest. “Yeah, so are you. This isn’t the best distraction but hey, I wanted to try something different, far away from people.”
He kissed the top of your head. “I’m with you, so this is the perfect distraction. Thank you.” He looked up at the moonlight and you followed his gaze. “Two beautiful sights in front of me. This beautiful moon and the most gorgeous girl in all the galaxies.”
You blushed at his comment. “Same to you my sexy pilot.”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Poe’s Out of Commission, so (YN) Takes Charge of the Mission
Word Count : 1211
This is Part 1, there will be more parts to this!
Poe had been out of commission for a couple weeks, for all but the last two days he had been unconscious. When he came to, he looked around for you like crazy. It was all the nurses could do to keep him down to check him out and make sure he was alright. He had gone down in a crash, knocked out instantly. He had a couple broken bones, his leg was broken for sure, had some light bleeding on the inside, a concussion and a few other fractures.
You had been by his side every chance you had. At least until three days ago until General Organa called you into the command center.
“I know it’s hard to be away from him at the moment, (YN), but this is urgent.” Not only did the sound of her voice make you understand the severity of the situation, but the look on her face did as well. This was truly no joke.
“What is it General?” you stood at attention immediately.
“You are second in command with the pilots.” She stated, you nodded. “With Commander Dameron down, this leaves you to take charge of this mission. It must be done with haste. The First Order, we’ve been told has found a new way to target systems and destroy them. Even after we’ve destroyed their weapons, they keep finding ways of building bigger and better. So, as they build bigger and better, we’ve got to get better and quicker at destroying them. You with me?”
You nodded. “Take down their weapon with haste, don’t let them kill any more innocents.” This was a big deal and the General trusted it to you, sure she would rather have Poe out there, but Poe was unable. “I can do this. When do we leave General?”
“Now.” She motioned to the door, signaling your leave. “And (YN).”
You stopped.
“May the force be with you.”
Another nod, this was it. You left as quickly as you could, jumped into Poe’s X-Wing, yours was totally destroyed, Poe’s surprisingly was in good shape with him not being in good shape. Poe had saved you from your crash, you’d ejected and landed on his ship by BB-8 who had given you supportive beeps the entire way back to base, also making sure you stayed awake and alive. He cared for you nearly as much as Poe did, and that was saying something.
That was three days ago. Earlier today, you were high in the sky, taking as many shots at the First Order tie fighters as you could, for some reason they didn’t stop coming. Day or night, they surrounded you. It never ceased.
All you could think about was Poe, was he okay? Was he awake? Did he live? So many questions, and not one way to get an answer, your communications had gone down almost immediately.
However, while you could not hear them, they could hear you.
“Hope she’ll be alright.” One of the women in the room muttered and the General nodded solemnly. She wanted hope, but this was a big fight. The risks were extremely high.
Everyone in the room turned at the sound of your name being screamed out, almost in a panicked tone.
It was Poe.
The General’s face sunk as she saw Poe running into the room, closely followed by a few nurses, scrambling to chase the Commander, who was running around in a hospital gown, his backside showing to everyone, but he didn’t care. He looked directly at the General. “Where’s (YN). I thought she’d be there when I woke up.”
General Leia didn’t know what she could say to Poe that wouldn’t set him off. “(YN), she’s….”
Poe was listening intently, a little impatient at the General’s hesitance as to your location. “Is she alive?”
“General it’s worse than we thought!” your voice came through the communications, making Poe’s head snap up so fast, it should’ve fallen off his shoulders. “This isn’t good, General!”
Poe ran to the communications. Seeing your face appear on the little monitor. “(YN).”
“She can’t hear you Poe, communications went out on her end yesterday. We think she’s trying to repair them as she goes, but…”
“General? Was that Poe?”
“(YN)!” about a dozen people screamed out.
“You can hear us?” General Leia asked.
You let out a hearty laugh. “Yeah, not sure what happened, but was that Poe?”
“It’s me!” Poe yelled. “Where are you? What are you doing” He looked at Leia again. “Where is she? What is she doing? She’s not doing a mission is she?”
Leia glanced down at the plans in front of her, she didn’t want to look Poe in the eye right now, there was too much pain in his eyes. “We had no choice, Commander. Get dressed and we’ll bring you back in and bring you up to date on what you missed.”
Poe said nothing. You stood next to your X-Wing, listening in on what was happening back at base. Poe was going to be very stubborn about this, you knew it. “Poe, do as she says. I promise, I’ll still be here.” That was good enough for him and we left with the nurses to get dressed.
When he was gone, the General sighed. “What’s going on, Captain?”
You looked around the forest you’d landed in to avoid the firs order tie fighters, they really were relentless. “General, they knew we were coming. I don’t think they have another weapon to destroy a planet.”
Poe had ran back in, breathless, his clothes were partially on in his haste to get dressed and back to you. Leia shook her head, it was close enough. “Captain, if they don’t have another weapon to destroy systems, I don’t see how it’s worse than we thought.”
You struggled to catch your breath. Some sounds from behind you took you away from the communications. You aimed your blaster, ready to pounce at the next sound. No one else from your squadron had followed you to this area to avoid, you all went separate directions to try and throw them off.
“(YN), (YN) are you alright?” The communications still played behind you. Everyone in the control room held their breaths. “What happened?” People were taking turns staring someone else down. You seemed at ease when you began talking, then nothing.
Sounds of a blaster filled the room and with each shot, someone cringed. No one could bear the thought that one of those shots possibly hit you. Poe was on his knees next to the holotable displaying the map of your mission.
“Get away!” you grunted. Another shot. The First Order troopers fell to the ground next to your X-Wing. They stood so perfectly trying to hit you, they gave you the perfect shot to kill them both with just one blast. “I’m back General, little disruption. As for how it’s worse than we originally thought.” You paused, gaining your breath and energy back.
The command room was silent, all ears on alert. No one was prepared for the next words that came out of your mouth. “General, they have at least twelve weapons that can destroy systems. We need hope, General, we need your brother. We need Luke Skywalker.”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Absolute Conflict - Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count : 1868
This is a long one, ladies and gents! Enjoy, came from the prompt list but was not requested. Keep requests coming, and sorry it turned to a mix of Kylo/Poe. I just wrote stuff as it came to me.
“I really should have stayed away from you.” You tell Kylo as you walked around Star Killer Base at his side. You swore you saw a hint of a smirk on his face. How dare he.
“If you had, (YN), you would’ve stayed with the Resistance. At this moment, you’d be either following them from afar or right in the mix of it.” You two had paused outside of a window and true to what he said, a fleet of X-Wings were headed your way. “I don’t believe they’re here to attack, but to observe. Or to get you back, one of those options.” You two continued on your walk. “Are you happy here?”
Groaning you looked up at him, grabbing his arm, stopping him from taking another step. “Why are you doing this? Really making me choose sides here? My brother is a part of the Resistance.” At the mention of your brother, Kylo had a full on mix of emotions on his face, anger that he’d gotten away and caused the entire scenario with Rey to come to light. “And then there’s you.” His attention and reverted back to you, his eyes bore into yours. “If I hadn’t come to rescue my brother from you guys, I wouldn’t have met you and fell in love, how I could fall in love with someone evil is beyond me, but somehow you made me do it. Become a traitor to my family whom I love more than anything.”
“You miss them? Even the pilot?”
“My brother, yes, even him. When you get taken from your family unwillingly you still miss and love them, wish to be brought back even though you’re happy with where you are now. It’s a conflict, we both have it, for opposite reasons. You wish to rule the First Order, I still wish to help the Resistance.”
“Complicated.” He said in a voice barely above a whisper, you’d barely heard it. He dropped your arm and continued walking, leaving you in the middle of the hall.
You walked back over to the window and saw the Resistance pilots doubling back towards their base, however one stayed facing you. A lone black X-Wing.
Your brother, Poe.
The two of you looked at each other, his was a sense of loathing, he didn’t understand why you were staying there on your own free will when you weren’t on a mission, you weren’t there to help the Resistance defeat the First Order. You’d fallen in love with Kylo Ren, the new Supreme Leader of the First Order.
The look on your face was one of pleading, you wanted your brother to know you still cared about him, your family and the Resistance, but you’d also fallen in love. You cared about Kylo Ren too. Even though Kylo killed his father, a hero of yours, Han Solo, you still loved him. You couldn’t explain it even if you tried.
Was the First Order messing with your head, maybe, most likely, but if they were, you weren’t fighting it. You weren’t trying to clear your head, it was already clear, you were just in a conflict. The Resistance wouldn’t dare attack the First Order as long as you were there, an innocent, they believed you were being controlled, hoped you could, would, change something whether it be Kylo Ren or the entire First Order itself.
“Poe.” You whisper and just like every other pair of twins in the galaxy, the two of you shared a connection. When you said his name, his face twisted even more so in anger and he sharply angled his X-Wing back the other way, back to the Resistance, back to your family.
“Forget him, (YN). You’re here now.” Kylo had reappeared, he clearly didn’t hear anything you said earlier, or he did and was choosing to ignore you. “Let’s go. As the new Supreme Leader, I have some decisions to make.”
The two of you walked back to the main command center, Kylo stood front and center next to General Hux, leaving you by the door.
“General, find the Resistance. We’re going to end the conflict in (YN) now.”
Your eyes widened in shock. Clearly he did not say what he just said. “What? Kylo, no!” you ran to him, grabbing his arm but he flung you off, making you fall on to the ground. He didn’t try to help you up. “Kylo!”
His face remained stoic and stern, his eyes locked on the prize, the Resistance base. General Hux smirked, you wanted nothing more than to wipe it off, maybe wipe his existence while you were at it. Anger flooded through you, didn’t Kylo care how you felt? Didn’t he know your family was there? Obviously he did, you’d told him everyday about how the conflict was making you feel.
Clearly, he grew tired of your talking about it, deciding to end it. “This ends, (YN). Grow up, you chose to stay here, you said you loved me. If that’s true, be my guest and push the button.” He held out a control panel to you, a large red button glowed. He saw your glance at the control and nodded. “It does what you think it does, now come, destroy the Resistance, finally pick your side. It’s an easy choice.”
Only, it wasn’t an easy choice. It wasn’t at all. You had one hope left in you as you eyed the button, quickly taking it from Kylo, not letting him near it to press it. You took a few steps back before closing your eyes and sending out the message you hoped would be heard and you could be saved and in turn save them.
“Poe? Tell General Leia the First Order has taken aim for the Resistance base. Take out Star Killer base now.”
You opened your eyes and saw Kylo and Hux both intently staring at you, waiting for you to press the button, eagerness in their eyes, thirst for pain. You shook your head, let out a breath and closed your eyes.
“Please, my brother, help.”
Poe was about to land his X-Wing when he heard you. “(YN).” He looked around and saw that none of the pilots had landed yet. “Pilots, with me!” He abruptly turned and while confused, everyone else turned their X-Wings as well.
“Commander, where are you going?” General Leia had commed into Poe’s ear. “Commander, I order you to tell me where you’re going? Why didn’t you land? Why didn’t the squadron land, you were on an observation mission, no fighting.”
Poe’s gaze was intent on Star Killer base, waiting for it to finally come into view. “General, it’s (YN). That connection you share with Luke, i’ve got with her. She says the First Order has taken aim for our base. She told us to end it.”
Leia looked down at the control board. “You won’t be able to rescue her and end it, Commander.” Sadness edged at her voice.
Poe gulped but understood. “I know. So does she. General, Kylo Ren…” Poe didn’t finish, Leia’s voice was more stern and General-like when she spoke next.
“Do it, Commander. May the Force be with her.”
The pilots all took aim at Star Killer base.
“Supreme Leader.” Hux spoke, Kylo grudgingly took his gaze off of you and followed where Hux was pointing. “The Resistance has come back, they look to be in attack mode.”
Kylo’s eyes went just as wide as yours had been a moment ago. “What did you do?”
Tears prickled at your eyes as you stared at him. “I do love you, Kylo, I do. But I can’t make this choice! I’ll never be able to make this choice.”
“What did you do?” His voice boomed around the room, his lightsaber came out and he strutted over and looked down on you. “Did you send them? How?” Then it hit him. “The connection, you’re twins with the pilot.” The worst realization had dawned on him. “You’ve been talking to him, you want us destroyed! You don’t love me.”
“I do!” you sob and fall to your knees. “I do, but, you were able to make a choice on your conflict, Kylo, I can’t. I can’t choose, I won’t choose. This has to end, and if it means I’m no longer in this Galaxy, fine by me.”
The lightsaber crackled as it got closer to your neck, beads of sweat dribbled down, your eyes closed, tears still leaking down your face, the button had fallen to the side. Kylo watched as you prepared yourself to die, the sacrifice you were making. You were going to die with him, but save your family. In the end, you didn’t really choose the Resistance or the First Order. The connection between siblings chose.
Family really meant a lot, Kylo could tell now, it didn’t mean a lot to him, all he had was his mother and she was his enemy. He stared at the tears cascading down your face, his lightsaber close to slicing your neck off. He turned the lightsaber off and looked out the windows on both sides of the ship. Hux hadn’t yelled for anyone to fire, he turned to see why.
Hux was dead, the crew was dead.
This wasn’t how he planned for things to go.
You opened your eyes, and through the fuzziness, you saw Kylo’s form above you, his lightsaber now off, but a look of anguish in his features.
“Fire!” Poe had screamed and every pilot shot at the base. All of the canons were blasted and bit by bit the ship lit up like fireworks. Only when it had fully gone in flames did the pain hit him.
A light had left his chest, pain filled in for it.
You were gone, his only sister, his twin, his best friend since birth, you were gone.
At least you didn’t have to choose anymore.
“You’re free, (YN). Thank you.”
Because of you, the First Order was gone, just like that.
The Resistance had finally won.
“How did they not shoot us down, how did they not notice us coming?” Poe asked the General, quietly in his grief he sat in the command center, refusing to be left out of the meeting. Everyone else was celebrating the victory, but this meeting couldn’t wait, not for Poe.
Leia sat down across from him, her hand on his knee in a show of comfort. “Your sister, Poe, whether she knew what she was doing for them or not, she distracted them. They weren’t going to shoot unless commanded, she had both of the leaders attention on her. Because of her, we won.”
“You lost your son.”
“He’s been gone from me much longer than just an hour ago, Poe. It hurts, but, just as you said about (YN), he’s free and isn’t in conflict anymore. They’re both free. Now, go celebrate, (YN), would’ve wanted it.”
Poe stood from the chair as the General left the room. You would’ve wanted him to celebrate, have fun. He walked out of the room, meeting up with some of his fellow pilots, most offered condolences and congratulations all at once. “For you, (YN).”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Meeting Finn after he Saved Poe
Word count : 935
Original writing, not requested
Keep sending in requests, i greatly appreciate them all
You sat in the bunker waiting to hear anything about Poe, he’d been gone for weeks and reports had just come in saying his squadron had been involved in a highly volatile situation. Didn’t look good for anyone. You still held hope though, you were one of the few that did.
General Leia wanted to desperately, but she had other missions to focus on which left mainly you wishing for the safe return of your favorite pilot.
Everytime you closed your eyes, you saw his beautiful chocolate brown eyes staring back at you, that cocky grin on his face. Him telling you that he’d made it back in one piece, and you didn’t have to worry too much, he’d never leave you alone.
Even now as you walked around the room, you heard voices. Some sounded like they could belong to Poe and his squadron, but you couldn’t tell if they were real or just in your head. You decided to take a walk and investigate, maybe Poe did come back.
And he did.
He stood with BB-8 in the middle of the hangar, surrounded by everyone in command and the leaders. All of them congratulating him on coming back alive and saving as many people as he did. You heard many call him a hero as you walked closer.
It took him a moment to notice you, but when he did, he made a path through his admirers and ran to you, picking you up and spinning you around. He put his hands in your hair and kissed your neck before pulling back to look into your eyes and kissing you.
“You’re back.” You softly say as he lets you go to get another good look at you, you did the same, noticing how he had a few scratches here and there, a little blood, nothing he hadn’t had before. “We heard your squadron went down, most likely no survivors. I held out hope, and I’m so glad I did, you’re back!”
He smirked that smile you knew too well, the one you saw when you closed your eyes. “Told you I’d come back. You’ll never be alone, how many times do I have to tell you that?”
You smiled sheepishly, this happened after every mission he went on, even the ones he was only gone an hour or two for. “I worry.”
“I know. I need you to meet someone.”
“Who?” you ask as he leads you back towards his X-Wing. BB-8 decided to finally tell you hello, after letting you and Poe have the moment you’d been wishing for. “Hey BB-8, thanks for bringing him back to me.”
“He helped, but he wasn’t the main one.” Poe said over his shoulder getting a disappointing sound from his beloved droid. “Sorry, buddy, but you know who the true thanks for saving my life is. Where is he?” It took a couple minutes but finally Poe was able to track down his savior and brought you to him. “(YN), this is Finn.” A tall, good looking, strong man stood in front of you. He was wearing Poe’s jacket which you noticed immediately and so did Poe, who grinned. “Told him he could keep it. He did save my life after all”
Finn reached out his hand and you took it eagerly before pulling him into a full out hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Thank you! You brought him back to me, saved his life! How can I ever thank you?”
Finn smiled as you leaned back, going back to Poe’s waiting arms. “You can thank me by letting me keep this jacket.” He joked and you grinned. “It’s yours.”
“We’ll see you later Finn, going back to get cleaned up and spend time with (YN).”
Finn nodded and waved him off. “Later buddy.”
Poe had his arm around you and lead you guys back to your bunker, BB-8 following along beeping excitedly as he did so.
“How did he save your life, Poe?”
Poe sighed as you guys reached your room, he slid in the room key and let you in, sitting you on the edge of the bed before kneeling in front of you. “First order got me, he wanted, no he needed a wait out of the first order. He was a stormtrooper.” He explained which had you tensed up immediately. “It’s okay, he’s on our side for good. He got me out of there, then when we went back to attack at Takodana,”
“Thought that part went well!” you nearly screamed and Poe nodded, his hands resting on your thighs.
“It did, but he saved me from the first order, then at Takodana, I saved him. We saved each other. If he hadn’t gotten me away from the First Order, I don’t know how I would’ve gotten out of there.”
“I would’ve came and got you!” you say defiantly, “You know I’d be able to trick Kylo Ren.”
Poe acknowledged that. “I know you could, but I wouldn’t let you risk your life like that, I’m not worth it.”
“You’re worth everything to me, Poe, you know that.”
“Yeah, but enough about the mission, okay, I’m home. I’m safe, I’m with you. Let’s forget about it for tonight, okay?”
You really didn’t want to let it go, but nodded anyways. Poe was right, he was finally back home with you, there was no point talking about what almost kept him away from you forever. The two of you laid back in bed, still fully clothed but cuddled quite close.
“What were you up to while I was away?”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
What You Love Most About Him
Poe - His hair. Running your fingers through his hair and feeling how soft it was always felt amazing and it was a nice massage for him. He’d always have his eyes closed and more times than not would fall asleep as you played with his hair, he just had so much, and you continuously asked him not to cut it. As long as you had hair to play with, you were happy.
Kylo- His passion. Good side or bad side, he was passionate about what he did. You honestly didn’t want to pick a side, but you did pick him. Just as he was passionate about helping the First Order keep control over the galaxy and destroy the Resistance, he was passionate about you. Always wanting to keep you safe and loved and away from danger, he even took your advice a time or two.
Finn- His heart. From starting as a storm trooper in the First Order to being a resistance fighter, he knew where he had to be. He knew the First Order was wrong and the Resistance was right. He always had his heart in the right place, especially when he met you. You were just a help but with his heart and soul, he saw how amazing of a girl you were and everyday he makes you feel more loved than you know.
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
The Stupidest Mission and Poe Couldn’t Be More Excited
Word count : 1379
Requested from list of prompts
Continue to send in your requests! I appreciate them all
“This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in!” Poe was telling the General who shook her head as her best pilot accepted what everyone had to agree was the single stupidest plan that had even come up, all the while having the devilish grin on his face, excitement filled his body. You could tell that he couldn’t wait to see this mission through, knew that he knew that danger of it, and that thrilled him.
You couldn’t accept this though, his excitement over it, the fact that the General came up with it and allowed it to go through, this wasn’t right.
Poe noticed and followed you away from the planning room. “(YN).” He jogged to reach you and when he did, he put a hand on your arm which you shrugged off, he knew then something was wrong. “What’s wrong?”
Tears filled your eyes to the brim. “Poe, you said it yourself, this is the stupidest plan anyone’s ever heard of.”
“It’ll work though.” He countered, that pleading excitement look on his face.
You shook your head. “I don’t care if it’ll work, Poe, it’s stupid. It’s suicide for the entire fleet. The chances of you coming back from this in one piece is so slim I can’t even see it. And you just accepted it like a birthday gift.”
Understanding filled him and he looked down. “You’re scared for me.”
“Always!” you practically screamed at him and he sighed loudly.
“(YN), we need to defeat the first order, they have to be stopped. This is the only way. It’s not suicide, it’s extremely risky. But,” he brought you close to him, his forehead pressed against yours, a pleading tone now apparent in his voice. “I will come back for you, I’ll never let you down. You’ll see me again, you don’t have to worry.”
“Poe.” This time his name came from the lips of the General. “We need you to leave as soon as possible.”
Poe looked between you and the general for a moment before letting his eyes rest on you, but he spoke to the General. “Of course, General.” She walked away and the tears started to fall and Poe wiped them away with little kisses. “I will come back for you! I will! I promise!” And then he ran towards his X-Wing, leaving you alone in the hall. You slid against the wall, resting on the floor, your head in your knees, loud sobs filled the hall.
Weeks had passed since Poe left on the mission. No word in over two weeks. Last you heard, Poe said that everything was going good, better than they had originally thought, but that did nothing to ease your mind. They weren’t to the dangerous portion of the mission yet.
When you walked the halls, people steered away from you, you weren’t someone to talk to right now. Poe leaving the way he did, for what he did, you were mad. Always mad, you hadn’t cracked one smile since then.
The General stopped you after a few weeks of this. “(YN), I know you’re angry with him and you’re probably very angry with me as well., but understand this one thing I beg of you. It’s for the greater good that this happens, a very stupid plan I know, I didn’t want to allow it to go this far, but it’s the best we have. And if it’s successful, the First Order will be one step closer to being done for good. (YN), please know how necessary this is, for all of us. I know you care for Poe, you two are to be married soon if I’m not mistaken, but Poe is my best pilot. Never had a failed mission from him. It’s supposed to be an impossible mission, but knowing Poe is out there doing it, it’ll become possible. Trust him and me, please.” She finished her speech and turned but gave you one last glance before departing. “(YN), the force is with him, as it is with you.”
She walked away, leaving you with your thoughts. Everything she had said was right, but that didn’t make it any easier on you. You loved Poe and wished for nothing but the best for him when it came to work, you knew he loved the thrill of the job, it still hurt when those missions came with risks, especially when the risk was almost absolute death.
Two months Poe had been gone, going on three. Still no communication since the second week after they left. Your heart was breaking. You wanted him home with you, you couldn’t sleep at night. You missed his warmth, his stories he’d tell to lull you into dreamland.
“I miss him.” You whimpered in bed one night, after having dreamt of him again. Your hand traced over his side of the bed, you couldn’t bare to lay on it since he left, it was still perfectly made from that morning. “Come back to me, Poe.” You cried into his pillow, and fell asleep, holding that pillow, inhaling his scent. It was the closest to him you’d been in a long time.
The next morning came, there was a different aura casting a glow upon you. Everything felt different, better, lighter, something you’d wanted. You carefully got out of bed, got dressed and headed to your normal post in the command center. But you didn’t make it to the command center, there was a major commotion in the direction of the hangar.
Following the crowd, you saw multiple X-Wings fly in and land. Pilots got out and greeted their fellow people, taking all the congratulations that they could.
The mission had been a success. The General was front and center, personally congratulating all of the pilots.
However, there was one X-Wing that hadn’t landed yet.
The worst fears you’d held in for nearly three months hit you like a sack of bricks. Poe wasn’t here. He was gone. How did the rest of the pilots come back, but not him? You didn’t understand. Apparently neither did the General, her eyes were looking the same as you.
Minutes had passed, still no sign of him. All of the X-Wings that had landed were all void of their pilots who were on their way to get cleaned up and a proper meal.
“Poe.” You whimpered again to yourself, closing your eyes, feeling the pain of him gone well up inside of you. It was the worst pain imaginable.
Only the sound of an incoming ship made you open your eyes, a small glint of hope inside. It was an X-Wing.
His X-Wing.
Poe. Poe was home.
Poe’s X-Wing had finally landed, he didn’t even wait for someone to come and grab his helmet, found you immediately, you were the furthest back from the crowd, he jumped out, not even needing the ladder, pushed past the newly reformed welcome party and ran towards you. You stood, waiting, tears starting to flood. Poe stood in front of you, he didn’t really know what to say, after ignoring you and going ahead with the mission, knowing how mad you were, silence ensued. It took only a moment before you couldn’t take it any longer.
You grabbed Poe’s face in your hands and pulled him as close to you as you could. “I love you, you asshole.”
He grinned as he placed his hands on yours, his forehead pressed against yours, his spare hand wiped the tears from your eyes. “I’m sorry, I should’ve listened!”
The both of you smiled through your tears and you leaned into his hand. “No, you were right to listen to the General. Mission was a success, I really need to be more supportive of these kinds of things.”
Poe shook his head. “No, you did everything right, (YN). I didn’t mean to put you through that. You worry about me, I know you do. These missions scare you, and while I know they give me a thrill, I know they don’t do that for you. But, the important thing is, I’m home. I’m home and I’m holding you and I’m looking into your gorgeous eyes again. Your beautiful face, I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
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kissmekissme-calum · 6 years
Poe sends you with BB-8 as he gets captured by the First Order
Word Count : 530
Maybe a part 2 will be needed? Only if you want it
“You go with BB-8, I’ll stop them.” Poe was telling you and you shook your head, tears starting to well up. This was not a good situation, Poe was about to risk his life with the First Order. “Don’t worry, I’ll find my way back to you.”
“How?” you ask as BB-8 rolled into over and over, you shoved him away and glanced back at Poe. “This is a suicide mission, I don’t to lose you.”
Poe shook his head. “Listen, (YN), BB-8 will take care of you, wont’ you buddy?” BB-8 beeped in response and Poe grinned. “See, he’ll keep an eye on you. You’ll be okay.” He was trying everything to distract you from what he was going to do. He placed his hands on either side of your face and tenderly kissed your lips. The kiss lasted longer than it probably should but who knew when you would be able to kiss your husband again. “I promise I’ll get back to you.”
You kissed him again and ran your fingers through his hair. “Don’t lie to me, come back.”
He nodded and pushed you towards BB-8 and watched as the two of you ran the opposite direction and turned his gaze back onto the First Order and noticed Kylo Ren disembarking from his ship and standing in front of the old man. He couldn’t hear what was being said but soon he saw the bright red of Kylo Ren’s lightsaber light the area. He lifted it to strike the man when Poe instinctly grabbed his blaster and set a shot towards Kylo.
Kylo blocked it easily and froze Poe all in the same motion. Poe wanted to turn to make sure you got away, but he was one hundred percent paralyzed.
You and BB-8 stopped a short distance away and looked back at the scene you’d left behind. Poe was being attacked by storm troopers and being led to a tall man in black robes and a mask. Kylo Ren.
“BB-8 we have to save him.” You tried to run for him but BB-8 rolled in front of you, causing you to trip and fall on your face. You glared at the robot. “Why’d you do that? We have to save him, Kylo Ren will kill him! BB-8!”
BB-8 beeped rapidly, telling you that he was just following Poe’s orders to keep you safe. That your safety was all that mattered, Poe would find his way back to you guys, he’d promised. You looked back at the scene and saw them lead Poe into the ship, kneeling defenseless in the sand you let the tears fall freely as you saw the ship take off with your husband inside. Who knew what they’d do to him in there.
You looked at BB-8 through your tear stained eyes. “Come on BB-8, let’s get you back to the resistance so I can save Poe.”
He beeped again and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, you can come and help me save him too, I couldn’t go anywhere without you, BB-8. Let’s just hope that General Leia will allow us too, I know she hates it when we disobey her orders.”
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