phosgore · 6 months
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pinakikinggan · 6 months
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humorstraykids · 7 months
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funhomo · 2 years
ok poll in the notes, If you HAD to choose: Gandrey or Kofia?
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risoria · 1 month
i just wanted everyone to know that while e*rovision is taking place in Malmö @ hyllie this week, which really is awful and all the festivities are so nauseating to see, there’s two big protests planned in central Malmö at the same time: on thursday its at 15:00 at stortorget for a protest march and afterwards there’s music and performances until 22:00 (kofia is going to be there it seems :o). on saturday there’s also a protest at 15:00 at stortorget and then on the same stage there will be Falstinvision, which will also be livestreamed apparently, ”the genocide free song contest” - i dont know exactly what it is but it sounds very neat… i hope a lot of people turn up! ;;
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activeonoccasion · 1 month
Boycott Eurovision! Don’t be complicit in pinkwashing genocide!
Here are some pro Palestinian songs for you to play instead of listening to Eurovision, feel free to add to the list!
When we cry - uzzah
Hind’s hall - Macklemore
Freedom - Khxled
We won’t forget - karter Zaher x jae deen x shadi Akhi
Palestine will be - jae deen x karter zaher x deen squad
Intifada - ska-p
Olive branch - elyanna
Wake up - llunr
Taufan al aqsa - dani kurama
Free - narcy feat. Ian kamau
Call it for what it is - samer
World goes blind - samer
Never see us fall - samer
Leve Palestina - kofia
Free Palestine - abe batshon
La tubali ya Gazzah - Khalid al shareef
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heisenpink · 2 months
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Leve Palestina by Kofia (a Swedish-Palestinian band) was removed from Spotify. You can listen to the song here on youtube:
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wathanism · 4 months
arabic cover of leve palestina !!!!! it's so good 💃
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aloevera-o · 2 months
Tw: War, Current events, Death
Propaganda is not necessary good or bad. It uses tactics that make you think a certain way.
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For a school project, my partner and I had to make a piece of propaganda. We chose to make something drawing attention to how Israel is committing genocide on Palestinian people by saying they are part of Humas.
As for our project the woman is wearing a Kofia (Keffiyeh) (Co-fee-Uh) a traditional Palestinian scarf holding a baby. In a destroyed world collapsing around her, with a crushed Palestine flag and a Israel flag on a plane. This shows how Palestine is being destroyed by Israel, and many innocent people are being harmed.
*Humas is a terrorist group that mainly resides in Palestine, but Israel is using it as an excuse to kill many Palestinians who are not part of it.
I personally think the fact many contries and companies support Israel is for lack of a better word idiotic. It is difficult to find unbiased sources for information on the war. Definitely do not use news stations.
If you think I am incorrect on something, feel free to debate with me (WITH EVIDENCE)
Credits to my friend who did most of the art
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nevzatboyraz44 · 6 months
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Sara Netanyahu (Binyamin Netanyahu'nun Eşi)
24 Aralık 2023
Size sadece İsrail başbakanının eşi olarak değil, aynı zamanda bir anne ve bir kadın olarak da yazıyorum.
7 Ekim'de Hamas teröristleri, sebepsiz bir şekilde benzersiz bir zulüm eylemi gerçekleştirdi; bu, Holokost'tan bu yana Yahudi halkına karşı işlenen en kötü vahşettir. Çocukları ebeveynlerinin gözü önünde öldürdüler, bebekleri diri diri yaktılar, erkeklerin kafalarını kestiler, kadınlara tecavüz edip sakat bıraktılar.
Kendi sivillerinin arkasına saklanarak sivillerimizi kasten hedef alan Hamas, çifte savaş suçu işledi. Ama aynı zamanda üçüncü bir suç daha işledi; masum rehineleri kaçırmak. Zulümlerin üzerinden 78 gün geçmesine rağmen Hamas hâlâ 129 erkek, kadın ve çocuğu rehin tutuyor. Birçoğu yaralı ve hasta. Açlık çekiyorlar ve bazılarının hayatta kalmak için ihtiyaç duydukları temel ilaçlardan mahrum kalıyorlar.
25 yaşındaki Noa Argamani'nin hikayesi bu yürek parçalayıcı trajediyi anlatıyor. Noa, Hamas'ın gerçekleştirdiği bir kan gölüne dönüşen barışçıl bir müzik festivalinden kaçırıldı. Kaçırılması sırasında kameraya kaydedilen gözlerindeki dehşet açıkça görülüyor.
Noa'nın Çin'de doğan annesi dördüncü aşama beyin kanseriyle mücadele ediyor. Görüntülü mesajında, "Ne kadar zamanım kaldığını bilmiyorum. Noa'mı evde görme şansına sahip olmak istiyorum. Noa, seni göremezsem sana söylemek istiyorum, lütfen bil" dedi. Bir an önce serbest bırakılman için elimizden geleni yaptık. Bütün dünya seni seviyor."
Kutsal Dalai Lama, bu konuya kişisel müdahalenizi rica ediyorum. Lütfen tüm rehinelerin gecikmeden koşulsuz serbest bırakılmasını talep etmek için nüfuzunuzu kullanın.
Lütfen ayrıca Kızıl Haç'tan tüm rehinelerin bir kerede ziyaret edilmesini ve onlara hayati önem taşıyan ilaçları ulaştırmasını talep etmesini isteyin. Şu ana kadar Kızıl Haç bu teslimatlar konusunda ısrarcı olmadı. Müdahaleniz dengeyi bozabilir ve değerli hayatları kurtarabilir.
Dua ve şükranla,
Sara Netanyahu
Kaynak @stationnn
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fuchsiaswingsong · 4 months
George Kirmiz - Sajjel Ana Arabi Al-Bara'em - Tha'er Sabreen - On Man Al Fajer - Rubbama Muhiddine Al Bagdadi - Al Fajir Kofia - Leve Palestina, Krossa Sionismen Riad Awwad - Intifada Kofia - Nazaret Mustafa al-Kurd - Kinderlied George Kirmiz - الويل لكم Mustafa al Kurd - Ya Hala Rim Banna - Hala la la lia  El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe - Lover's Hymn Riad Awwad - The End Zeinab Shaath - I Am an Arab
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linalavender · 7 months
[🇸🇪/🇵🇸Political ranting] Im fucking tired.
This is a Political post, Normally I would be very apologetic for expressing my opinions on something but Im not gonna do that. Not anymore. Ill tag it as Political just as I do with spoilers but if this is the stuff you actively want to avoid just ignore it/unfollow me.
I... I think whats happening in Gaza and the absolute indifference or even defense my goverment has to the matter is what makes me actually go into political activism because this shit is fucking insane. Its plain for the world to see whats happening but Swedish Goverments official stance just still seems to be "Israel has the right to defend itself". WHAT FUCKING BULLSHIT IS THAT? THERES A FUCKING GENOCIDE AND AN ETHNIC CLEANISNG HAPPENING RIGHT UNDER YOUR FUCKING NOSE AND YOU ARE CALLING TO STOP OUR FINANCIAL AID FOR PALESTINE?! SUPPORT ISRAEL IN THEIR EFFORTS? The party ive always supported is ofcourse staunchly against this shit, They are always on the side of the Opressed. (They are quite literally the former communist party, duuh)
Public service reporting is doing the Propaganda tier stance of Palestinians "dying" of seemingly unkown causes becuase thye never elaborate further than that ofcourse, while Israelis are brutally murdered in cold blood.
Same with other publications, The only ones ive seen actually call it out for what it actually is fucking far left publications. Its so fucking tiring. The thing that made me so fucking mad recently was finding out a CHARITY FUNDRAISER EVENT in which 4 hosts lock themselves in a glass box for 2 weeks and do a radio/TV show 24/7 has fired one of its hosts for standing up for Palestine. Whats the Fundraiser for? Starving children. The person responsible for this event? Has been very outspoken and supportive of Ukraine, But Palestine is too much apparently. Or Perhaps to brown? Who Knows really. All we can safely say I guess is that children starving in a systematic and slow killing of a ethnic minority doesnt count.
Ive always had strong opinions on things but I never shared them for years, Especially in real life. Thats fucking over. Im done just being fucking silent on things. Fuck your Zionist bullshit you far right piece of shit goverment.
Leve Palestina, Krossa Zionismen. ("Long live Palestine, Crush Zionism" A lyric from the Swedish song Leve Palestina - Kofia that translates to "Long Live Palestine" From the 70's, The Left wing of Sweden has long stood with Palestine but this has changed in the recent decade which is fucking gross. I cant stand for that bullshit.) From River to the Sea.
Sorry for having such a long post its just suffocating not sharing these thoughts over the past few weeks or so.
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knode-garden · 6 months
I think it would be really powerful if people could write solidarity songs for us to sing in protests
Like the Swedish one that I have had stuck in my head for 2 days
we could have just one in each language to learn I think it would be a lot more powerful than the current call and response
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muhummad-amin · 6 months
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هذه فلسطين ياعرب فاحفظوها
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heisenpink · 2 months
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Leve Palestina by Kofia (a Swedish-Palestinian band) was removed from Spotify. You can listen to the song here on youtube:
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lord-of-cactus · 2 years
Can we PLEASE talk about the bar sequence right before the dinner scene that you can only find in the 9 hour extended edition? How Katya sits at the table looking at the man playing the piano in the corner of the room, her eyes looked so distant like she wasn't even there, and how the the music faded into the ticking of the the tiny clock in her hands, but how it cut back to music when Sofia laid her hand on Katya's, HOW HER HAND LINGERED FOR A SECOND BEFORE TURNING THE WATCH FACE-DOWN ON THE TABLE
YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME THAT THEY WEREN'T MADLY IN LOVE (and we would've gotten Kofia endgame if the movie wasn't made in 1973)
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